R 172-Ai- R~OLUTION N0. 172-A ' R~OLUTIObT OF TiiE CIT'r COT?~CTL~TOLUIS OBI5P0, 1 OF ARROYO GR?.PIDE, COt?iTTY 0. S= ,~.,,_„v 2 RT,+It,ATTVE ^iC THE SALE OF CERTAI?'" REAL PR~r rx.TY 3 ~;; g E ?~ E A S, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California has hereto or 4 5 published notice of its intention to sell certain hereina ter 6 to said described real property located in said City 3rn1 belonging 7 ne longer necessary for the public City, the said property being' 8 use or welfare, and 9 ~;; g r R E A S, on the ],gbh day of rTovember , 1947 at the 10 (hour of ~_ o~clocY. P.n?. in the chambers of the said City Council 11 ~in the City Fiall o~ the said City Arroyo Grande the written bids 12 having been opened, and thereafter certain oral bids having been 13 received, and the highest and best bid which was then obtainable 14 being the sum of $ 7, 0.00 , which said bid vaas made by 15 Hnmma'I , and 16 ' ?^: H '~ R E A S, it appears to be in the best interests of the 17 , public and of the said City of Arroyo Grande that said bid be 18 accepted. 19 2?0'1J TH.~E~ORE, BE IT PLESOLUN33 by the City Council that the 20 bid of ~.0 Hi~mme7 in the amount of 21 $ ~K~_00 for the hereinafter-described real property be 22 accepted, and the same is herewith accepted. 23 IT IS FRUTii~~., ORDERED that the n4~yor of the City of Arroyo Gr ~$ 24 ~. be authorized to execute a deed for the hereinafter described real ;a 25 ~£~, property to the aforesaid .T upon the Anmmal n 26 _ _ «_~ _ ~~ payment to the City Clerk of the sum of $~O.OQ_• ~c, 27 ~'• I :The property intended to be sold is described as that real ~~J 28 ~•~ property located in the City of A~*royo Grande, County of San Luis #: 29 ;~ ~ 30 Obisppo, State of Calif ornia, more particularly described as follow , . Lot 6, in BlockB, of subdivisions of property belonging to ?"LDT.Sho r,~;f~, T.J.; t~¢ason, and '•iJ. "IHitely, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County o ~,~,~„ 31 San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to coati filed for `~.}'" record October x,1887 in the Office of the County Rem rder of said ~r; 32 County 4 ,. FI F. HARR19 ATT•. NtT Qlll9`O AT LTW °Or CALIF. R eso, 11~0..~7~?-A 1 On l~Rotion of CounciIDman Rountree - and seconded by 2 Councilmmaan ~g~v ____ and o$ the folloe:ing roll-call vote 3 'AYES: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~D2enny~Lierly & Rountree. 4 ~rp„;~: None. 5 1 BS?sNT :None 6 the foregoing resolution vras adopted this .19th day of November ~ 7 194. $ thereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of g Resolution No. ]'72 - A ~ which was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting 10 held Dovember 191948. p n 11 I ~ Cad., a 12 ~ City Clerk 13 14 ~ 15 ~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ' 26 27 28 29