Minutes 1950-06-08 ~ ~o further busines~ ap~e~~ing and upon mQtion the meeting was adjourned to ~~ursday evening vune 8~ 1~~4 at 8~~a ~ J P ! ` j 1~TTE~PT~ ' t ' City lerk ayar ~ Arroyo Grande ~ ~aliforria June 8~ Ig 50 - 8:00 P.~• `~'he City ~ounc~l met in an adjourned meeting with &~ayor ~aiters presiding. iJpon roll eall ~ouncilu~:n ~ixson, Llark~ ~ammann and C~nrad reported present. `I''he apFlication of ~r. ~'rancis ~orr was discussed and after diseussion~ a motivn was made by Couneilman ~lark~ se~onded. by Councilman Dixson, to appoint ~~r. Corr as C3fficer in Charge f'or a 3~ day trial at ~275'.00 per month. ~ On motion oF'CounciTman ~ammann, seaancled by ~ouneilman ~i ; eanrad to inerease L. G. ~Ylliams pa~ ~10.00 per monthm retroaetive to une 1 ~ i95o . ~ The b~dget was dis~ussed for some ~erigth~ but ft was ' ; deeided to meet later an and ~rork on it. , ~ No further business aprearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. , ~ ~l ~ - ~ TT~T : . G6C.~....a . ' Lfi~(,~ l ' ' City lerk Mayor i ; I