Minutes 1950-10-04 ~ ~sray~ Gxa~de, ~alif. October 4,. 1950 The ~ity Council met in regular session, with Mayox ~Paiters pr~~idir~g. Upon Ro11 ~all Cauncilmen Dixson, Dammann, and Canrad report~d present. Councilman Clark arrived a little late. The m~.nutes of~ the previou~ regular me~ting were ree.d and approved as read. Communication~ w~re read and filed. - Rev. Caxl Wahlqu3.st was present to discuss the o~'fex made for ~ sit~ far a swimmin~ pao 1 and Councilman Conrad ~hough~ he could get same fi~ures on the co~t of Con~truction o~' the swimming p~o~. being built for Templeton. Civil~.an Defense was discua~ea and Mayor waiters asked ~ouncil- man Dammann to make a report at the next meeting. It was decided to have Mr. Barnes drill a test well an the Southern dead end of Alpine Street. The Fire Department ~rganization was discussed and Councilman Dammann and Harry Har~, were to get together on a reoacganization of the D~partment. Counc~.lman Dixson ais~ed a~~ut sutharization for ~xtrss on the xemodelir~, st the City Hall. No specific changes were msde but Mayor waiters said it had been necessary to chs~gethe plaster on the building. Street lights were di~ouseec~ and it was reported thEy w~re being installed snd a change hsd been neeessary to ge~ them where they would da the mos~ ~ood. Mayor Waiters suggested the Jeep be tu~ned ovex to tt~e Fire Deptartment and be fitted up ~or an e~tra peice of eguipment and trade the 1938 Chevxolet in on a 1941 Chevrolet sedan and ~he Fire Department ta pay the ~400.00 diff'erence on the sedan in retuxn ~'ar the Jeep. The sedan to be used ~or the Tnspection Department. Councilman Dammann made a motion, seco nded by Councilman Conrad to make th~ changes an the equipment. The annexation of pro~serty Noxt'h E~st of tawn was,di~cussed and there wa~ a discussion on the number of peacson~ xesiding in the area. to be d3.scus~ed and Mr. Harris agreed to check and see hov~ many persans wer~ aJ.lowed with~ut calling for snother hearing. ~ ~a~'~ Mr .~dc Coy w~s asked t~ prepa.xe s plot, Por Mr . Fiarris on ~the property South o~ Brancta Street betwEen Bridge and Sqort; Street for a right of way for a new pipe line. Bills aga~.nst theGeneral Fund for ,~„Q,485.4~4 ,~he Water Fund ~2,579.21, and the Y[ater D~pasit Fund for 24.00 wexe audit~d,4:. appraved and ar~lered paid. The Cl~rk was a~ked ~o wrf.te Guadalupe for a Copy of their Ordinance on Civ~lian Defense an~ the League of Calif ornia Cities Por m copy of a model Ordinance on the Civiliaa Def ense. No further business appearir~ and upon mati~n the meet~.rlg was ad journed. , ATTEI~ : L'~"^.'"~ City C1~~k Mayor _ . p ~ Arraya Grande~ Ca1if. october 18, ~.g~o The City Counc~l m~t in regular session with Mayor V~ai~,ers pre~idin~. Upon ro11 call Councilmen Dammann and Conrad reported present. Councilman C~ark ~rrived later and Councilman Dixsan was absen~. The ma~nu~es of the previous regular m~etin~ wer~ read and approved as read. Lids on ~he rrand Avenue ~ctension were opened as followss A. J. Diani . . . . . . , . . . . ~4 ~ ~28 . ~0 Valley Paving & Construction Co. 3,926.20 L. A. Rra:sco . . . . . . . . . . 2,991•5~ After checkin~ extensa.ons and discussion the bid vf L. A. 3risco be~n~ declared the lowest a mation was made by Council- man Conrad, secanded by Councilman Dammann to accep~ the bid of L. A. Br~.sco for $2 ~~91.50. Councilmen c"anrad~ Da.mmann and r~4ayor ~fVaiters voted "Aye'~, Councilman Clark di.d not vote and Gouncilman Dixson was absent. A motion was made by Councilman Conrad~ seconded by Counca.l- man Dammann to increase the insuranc~ on the new Ca.ty ~Ia11 ~ ~5, 500,00 ~'or the present. C7v~rtime parking was discussed and Councilman Dammann was . asked to instruct the Po1~.ce D~~t. about enforca.ng the ~rdinance.