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Agenda Packet 2008-04-22
. . CITY OF i ouncl , . . • - � en a . � _ ��� Tony Ferrara, Mayor ' �� Steven Adams,City Manager Chuck Fellows, Mayor ProTem Timothy J.Carmel,City Attorney Joe Costello, Council Member �� Kelly Wetmore,City Clerk �:;� CALIFORNIA �, Jim Guthrie,Council Member Y Ed Arnold Council Member �� �9�1 , � AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 2008 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: CENTRAL COAST MASONIC LODGE #237 4. INVOCATION: DR. PAUL E. JONES 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Honorary Proclamation Recoqnizinq "Arbor Day" April 25, 2008 5.b. Honorary Proclamation Recognizing May 2008 as "Bike Month" 6. AG E N DA REVI EW: 6a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY—APRIL 22, 2008 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period April 1, 2008 through April 15, 2008. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of March 31, 2008. 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of April 8, 2008; and the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of April 8, 2008, as submitted. 8.d. Consideration to Approve Final Parcel Map AG 05-0138; Subdividinq .21 Acres i nto Two (2) Pa rce Is, Located at 137 J u n i pe r Street (S PAG N O LO) Recommended Action: Approve Final Parcel Map AG 05-0138, subdividing .21 acres i nto two (2) pa rce Is, located at 137 J u n i pe r Street. AGENDA SUMMARY—APRIL 22, 2008 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd): 8.e. Consideration of Acceptance of the James Way Oak Habitat Nature Trail Fence Replacement Project, PW 2007-13 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the project improvements as constructed by Fence Factory, I nc. in accordance with the plans and specifications for the James Way Oak Habitat Nature Trail Fence Replacement Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorize release of the retention, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.f. Consideration of Acceptance of the Farroll Avenue Rehabilitation Pro�ect, PW 2007-04 (S PAG N O LO) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the project improvements as constructed by Union Asphalt, Inc. in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Farroll Avenue Rehabilitation Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorize release of the retention, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.g. Consideration of Acceptance of the East Grand Avenue Resurfacinq Pro�ect, PW 2007-09 (S PAG N O LO) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the project improvements as constructed by Bond Blacktop, Inc. in accordance with the plans and specifications for the East Grand Avenue Resurfacing Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorize release of the retention, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.h. Consideration of Revised Memorandum of Understandinq Between the City of Arroyo Grande, Lucia Mar Unified School District, J.H. Land Partnership and John Taylor, Trustee Reqardinq Land Acquisition and Extension of Castillo Del Mar to Valley Road (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the revised Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Arroyo Grande, Lucia Mar Unified School District, J.H. Land Partnership and John Taylor, Trustee. 8.i. Consideration of Amendments to Leases with South County Historical Society to Waive a Portion of Water and Sewer Charqes (ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the first amendment to the lease with the South County Historical Society (Historical Society) for the Ruby's House property; 2) Approve the second amendment to the lease with the Historical Society for the Heritage House property; 3) Approve the third amendment to the lease with the Historical Society for the Santa Manuela School property; and 4) Approve the Historical Society not be charged water fees and sewer fees for these properties, exclusive of Lopez water charges and South County Sanitation District sewer charges. 8.j. Consideration of Revised Entry Siqns at East Grand Avenue/101 and Traffic Way/101 Locations (STRONG) Recommended Action: Consider revised design details for City Entry Signs at East Grand Avenue/101 and Traffic Way/101 to replace the existing obsolete pole signs. AGENDA SUMMARY—APRIL 22, 2008 PAGE 4 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of an Appeal for the Extension of a "No Parkinq" Zone on Hillcrest Drive (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution denying the appeal of Leonard Berry and Valerie Bennett and approving the extension of the existing "No Parking" zone between 1575 and 1545 Hillcrest Drive. 9.b. Consideration of an Ordinance Amendinq Chapters 16.04 and 16.16 of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Reqardinq the Historic Resource Desiqnation Process (STRONG) Recommended Action: Introduce an Ordinance amending Chapters 16.04 and 16.16 of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code related to the historic resource desig nation process. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Actions Taken by the County of San Luis Obispo and Proposed Letter with Comments to the Board of Supervisors Reqardinq Prevention of Quaqqa Mussels at Lake Lopez (ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1) Receive comments from the Cou nty of San Lu is Obispo Parks Department representative; 2) Provide input; and 3) Approve the proposed letter to the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR TONY FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA) (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Brisco/Halcyon/Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee (4) Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM CHUCK FELLOWS: (1) South County Youth Coalition (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (3) Other AGENDA SUMMARY—APRIL 22, 2008 PAGE 5 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (cont'd): (c) COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Fire Oversight Committee (4) Fire Consolidation Oversight Committee (5) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM GUTHRIE: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (3) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER ED ARNOLD: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (3) Other 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action ca n be ta ke n. a) Consideration of request to staff to prepare ordinance clarifying City's prohibition of inedical marijuana dispensaries (FERRARA) b) Request to discuss procedure and/or guidelines for determining proposed City Council travel budget (FERRARA) 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be ta ke n. None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. AGENDA SUMMARY—APRIL 22, 2008 PAGE 6 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 18. ADJOURNMENT ************************* All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************* This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arro oqrande.orq ************************** City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-span.orq. � � � � � � � � . � -�..-------- -- - ---..- -- . -_--- _-_--.-..__..._..-- -.-.__-.- --. -- - ��� .� � �. �, , � R � 1 �► � ` � � � � � � �� � � � � � �.; . � t��� ����� . . P��� � � �� �����r � o� � . � r� � 1�VHEF�EAS, i� 1��� .�. 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Page 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 5.a. 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I��VII,TFiEI����f��,B��T�tE��L11ED,th��I,'��n���r�'ar�f Nl���r�f�h���y�f�4rr����r��d�,�n beha�f of tl�� ��ty ���n���, d� hereb�r �rocl�irt� 11�1�� ��� a� "Bik� A�i�n�h" in t�� �ity �f�►rro�� �r�r�d�,anc�,I�I���I��o I�a���,��08 a��"�i�C���Yl��rk ar�d��t�ool 1N�ek." I�I V�lT�V�SS WH�F����, I �atr� h�reun���et m� hand a�d�����d �h� ���I��tl�� �ity�f�4rro�� Cr�nd��o be af#ix�t�this��"�d���f April����. �������� T�n�F�rr�r�, M���r � � � �wco��o�nr�� � � t� _.. rrr �r ,�u��r rtv.isy� ,} C����F����� genda Item 5.b. Page 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 5.b. 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F'ri�r �� p��rrr��r��, ��r����� ���a�rtr�n�r�t �ta�ff r��i��v� �II di��u���r��r�t ���ur�e�t� �� en��r� #��t t��� r���t �h� ���r�v�l r���ir�r��nt� �d��t�� ir� �h� N1��i����l ���e �r�� t�� �i��'� ��r��a��rr� F�alic�es ��� �rocedur�s �ar�ua� of F�br��ry ����. �IV�1��f��� �� I��l���: T�� �tt���red �i���r�� �e�r������ �I�� �a�l� disb�r����n�� ����ir�� �f ��rr7r��l �nd u���a�� ���r�����r� ��rir�g �i�� pe���. TI�� �i��u�r�err��n�� �r� ����r�t�� ��r ir� th� Fl���������� �����t. �1LTEF�IV�1��11E�: ��� ��El�vrri�g �I��rr��ti�r�� �r� �ro����� ��rt�� ��ur��i#'� ��rr�i�er�ti�n: • ���rove �t�f�'s r�co�men�atior�; • �3� �ot �ppro�r� ���ff s re��r��me�dat�or�; � �1����� i+��!Y����� �� ����■ Agenda Item 8.a. 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F��L� ��l�L �i�� ���r��i�lF���; M���r��f��ir ��n�r F��r�r�, �ll��r�r Pr� T�l-r�Illi�� ����r �h���C ��Il��nr�# ��u�n�il���ar� Ill��r���r� .J�e �����II�, .Jirr� �u�#hri�, a��� Ed A�r���� v�r�r� pr���r��. �i�� ��a��F Pr�s���: �it� N1ar�a��r �t��r�n A�ar�n�# �i��r�t��r��}r Tirr� �a�r�mel� ��r��t�r �� Fin�n�ia�l ��rvi��s An��l� �Cr��t���, A��ir�� ��r�c:t�r �f ��l�li� 11V�r�t� Milc� �ir�r�, �ir��t�r �� ��rk�, ���r�a�ti�n �nd �a��iliti�� D�u� P�rrin, �r�d A����i��� Er�gin���11'r�#�r D��r�ns. �; F�AC ��4�lJTE I��rr�b�r� �f ��� ����t� �f��m�ri�a Tr��p �� r�d t�� �f�� �a���t�. �. I�Vlf���T��1V �2x����`������ �..r��'3�'3��� ����� �LJ���I���"1 �f"II.J��f"1� C��I111���C� ��'1� 11�11����1��'1. �. �PE�I�L �I�E��NT�TI�h�� �.�. H���r�ry �r������t��rt F�e���r���ir�� �4pri� ���8 �� "I��nth �f ��e ��il��' �r�� "�h��c� �4bu��e �r��ren#i�n I��n��r�'. IVI��r�r F��r�r� ���tr���l�d�ed ��r�l ���� �� "i111�r��� �� t�� ���Id" �r�� `{�hild Abu�� Pr�v�nti�n Il�ll�rrt�", �. A�E�l�A f�El��EIIII �.�. �r�l�n�n��� F���d tn Ti�l� �r�l�. ���r��i�����r� M��m��r ��st�l�� rr���r�d� ��u���l���a�rd I��r�rr��r Arn�l� ��������, �nd �h� r�n��i�n �����d ��n�n�r��t,��l� �h�t �11 �r�ir��r���� ����ent��l �# tl�� r���tin� sh�lf b� r��d in �i�l� �r�l� �n� ��I furt��r r�ad�ng be v�ra�v�d. �. �I�IZE�V�' IIVP�T# ��II�IIAENT�, AN� ��.1C�E�TI�h�� Illl��d� C����lir��, r��r�s�nting Arr�}r� �r�nd� lJr�it�� IIJI�t1��di�t �hi�dr�n�� ��nt�r, �p��C� i� ��pp�r# ����I''1�f'1 ����"1� ��'1��C�; ��"1��1�C�C� ���f�l' ����'��'�����"1f� �1.�#�3���"� �f'!C� ��������"1�� I�'1 ��I��C�I�'1� ��'1� �f'11�����'1 ���'1���'� F'1�VI1 ���]����i.�C'1C�; ��� ����l.,J�'1��� ��'I� ���1��'.�'� ���1f'1� �11�1'1� �� �� �'1��C� �1'1 �L1f'1C��]I# 1�1�T1� �����f��"1'1 ��:���� �:3� �.I'1'1. �. ��hI�EIVT A���V��4 Ill����r��h�ir F�r��r� i�v'rt�� r�n��n��rs �f t#�� p��li� v�r�� v�rish�c! t� ��r�rr��n# �n �n� ������nt A��nd� ���rr� �� �� s� ��thi� �inn�. Th��-�v�er� r�� �ubl�� ��r�r��r��� ����i�r�d. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 3 �I�l�r�c���.�. ��ty�'..��rr��r�11�4��e�rel�,prr��rr��4�err�y�1���ir�y ���e� Tue��fa y, A pri18, 2��5 A�����: ��u�r��il�B��r� �111�rmb�r ��s�ell� r�1��r�da �r�d ���n��I�B��rd flll�rr���r ����ri� �����n�l�� tl�� r�����n �� ���r��� ��rrser�� ��e��1� It�r�s �.�. t�r���h �.h., �nrit� t�� �r���r�n��n�l��l ���rs�� �f ���i�r�. T�� rx���M�r� p�ss��! �r� t��f��l�v�r'rn� r��l-��I! v���: �11�E�: ���t�ll�, ����ri�, A�n��d, ��ll�r�r�, F�rra�ra� h����; N�r�� AB�EhfT: �l�r�� �.a. �a�F� �i�t�u��e�n�r�� F��t�fi�����n. �#����r�: F�a��ifie� t�� �i�tir�� �� �a�s� �i�b�r��r�n�nt� f�r �h� p�ri�� N1�r�� 1�, ���� t�r�u�F� Il�ll�r�h �1, ����. �.b. ��r���c�er�ti�r� ���#p�r�v�l ��1�lir�u�es. A��i��t: Appr��r�d �h� r�i�u��� ��tl�� F����I�r �i�� ���n�i��F��de�r�l�pr���t A��r��� Ill���t'rng ��Il�l�r�h ��, ����# �s �ub�mitt�d. �.�. ��r��id�r�t��r� �f F����I��i�n �e�ri�ing �he ����et�t�r�� �f t�� �J�ility �iliir�� �4djustr�er�ts ��r��nitte�. 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J�����n: A�J����� F����lut��n IV�. ���� �� ��Il�v��: "�1 �4E��L#.lT1��V �� T►�� �lTl� ���I�If�1L �F T�f� �1T]� �F ARR�Y� �RAl1�D� A���PT�N� ��4��A►1�1VT� �IND lIV�PR�VEI�I�NT� F�I� ��ND1'T1�1Vi4L U�E P�R�IIf�T �A�� N�t ��-�4�� F1�1� �ITI�� ���V T�I�, ���i4 T�� �4 T 1�1�. �l��41V�!*f �T'F����` �1111� R�41V�1�� �i41��C�IVi4�f� �����R[����� B��Pl-1�i4�1NY��TI��NT�, LLC�i �.�. ��n�icier����r� �f an Awarcl �f ��r��r��t t� P����h ��r��tru��i�n, In�, ��r ��r���r��t��r� ���f�e J�r�e�V'V�� F�eh2�b�li��ti�r� Pr�j���, �1�V����-��. A����n: 'I� A�nr�r��d a� ��n�tr���i�t� ��r��r�� ��r tl�� .J�r�r�e� V11��r F��ha�bi�ita�ti�n P�-�j���, �1N ���7-�� �� P�pi�h ��n�tr��ti��, Ir��. ir� �h� �rr���n� �� ����,���; �� Aut��r���d a� tr�ns��r �f Agenda Item 8.c. Page 4 14�inu�es: �ity�our���IlRe�fe�relopmerr��4�er��y�U#e���r�� P�g�� Tuesd�y,Apri�8� ���� ���,��� ir� pr�j��t�d ���rir��s f��r� ��� ��rr�ll A�r�n�� F�����i�i��ti�n Pr�j��t �r��l $��t��� �r�rr� �h� E��t ���r�d Av�n�� F���urf���r�� Pr�j�ct; �� ��th�ri��d a� �r�r�sf�r �f ���,��� fr�rr� tl�� ����i� Vll�rks �p�rati�n� �u�d��t; �� Aut��ri��� � tr�r����r �f ���,��� fr�rr� �h� �a�l�s Ta�� �����r� f�r tw� rr��in��n�n�� �v�rl��r ����#'r�r�� th�t I��v� y�t t� �� fi���d� �} A��h�ri��� � ��r�ns��r ir� t�� a��m�urnt �� ���a��� �r�rr� �����sitr�n �� f�r�d� �u�-r�r�t�� a�ll��a���� t� ��� �I ��rr��r�� F���I F�����ilit��i�r� ��pit�l ������ti �r�� �} Aut��rr��d ��� �it� [Ill�n����- t� appr��� ��a�n�� �r��rs r��t t� ��c���d ��°lo �f���,���f�r ur��n�i�ip���d ���ts ��ri�n� tl�� ����#ru�c�t��n phase af th� proj�c�. �. PU�LI� H�ARIN�� I�or�e. 'I�. ��I�T��V lJ�� �lJ�l IV��� IT�III�� f�or��. 1'I. �V�Vlf �ll�I IV��� IT�IV�� �I'�.�. ��n�ic�er��i�n �f�1p��in�m�nt �f�i�y ���n��l A�dit��r�r�i�ht�u���r�rr�it#��. Fir��r����l ���ri��� Dir��t�r IrCr��t��h �r���r���� t�� st��f �����t a�nd r���rnr��nd�d �h� ��un��l: 1� �►��r��r� th� f�rrn�t��r� �f � �it� ���n�il A�dit ��r�r�i�l�t �ub��r�nrr��#t��; �r�� �� ����in� �r�� ��'�w� ��ur��i� �Il��r�r����� t� ��� �u���rr�r�itt��. 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Page 5 �4f�r�u���: �ity�our��illl�edevelopm�n��4g�rr�y M�e�ir�g Page� T�r�sda�r, Apri18, Z��� 'I'I.b. ��n�id�r�#��� t��4�pr�v� a�nc! Pri�r��i�� �it�w�d� �id�v�r�l�C �'r���e�ts. A����i�t� En�ir���r ���r�ns pre�en#ed ��� �ta�f� r�p�rt �r�d r���rnrn�nd�� �h� ��un�il: 1� Appr��re tl�� r���rr�r���n��� pri�rit'r�����n a��� li�t �f �id�v�r�lic �r���ct� f�r ir��l��i��n i� tl�� �it�'� �ap��a�l Ir��r��r�rn��t �r��ra�# �r�� �} A��r��r� r�a��hi�g ��r��s in th� �r���r�t �f ���,��� f�r th� Pa���dir�� M���I� ������ Proje�t. ��ur��i1 ��e����r�� �nsu��� ��r���rr�in� �h�����Il�r�g�� �f tl�� �r�v�r� �--lill �id�v�r�lk �r�j�� d�e �� �I�� �l��ir�� dri�r�v�ra��; �rh�t��r par�c�nr��� ��►r�u�� b� �n�lu��� in ���n� �f t�� �id��rv�l�c �r���ct�; ���r��n�tir�g si��rr�r�l� pr�J��t� �rit� ��r��t r���rr���ir�� �r�j�c;ts; �r�nt �c�r��ir�g i����s; i�fil� �r�j��ts; rigl�t �� v�r�� is�u�s; v�r�et#��� th� �r�����d rist i����d�d �II si�J��rv��k p��j��t� it� tl�� �i��; �r�� id�ntif}r'rng �tl��r �r��� ��I�igh�r �ri�rit�r b�f��-��ri��ni�n� t�� ��c���in� ���le�rv�l�t �rr E, �r��� Av�r�u�. I�Ila��r�r F�r�a�ra� �r��rit�� ��r�nr�n��n#� �r��n #I���e ir� �f�� ��di���� v�r�� v�i�l��d �� b� I���r� �n �h� rn�t���, �n�f ���n ���r�r�� n� ��k�l�� ��r�m�r�t�, I�� ���s�� �h� ���li� ���mr��r�� ��r��d. ����n�i� ��r�r�rr�e�nts ir��lt���� ��kr���r�rl���err��r�t ��t�� ���� F��u�t�� t� �����! �r�r�t �ur�ci'rn� �h� �it� r���«r�d �nd tl�� u�� �� th� fur�ds f�r t�� ���v�rr� �--I�II �id�v�r�l�C pr�����; ��pr��i�ti�t� f�r th� �m����d �r�� �r����ria� f�r �ri�r�#i��r�� sid�v�ra�lk �r�j��#s in th� ��#�; �r���u�a���rr»r�t f�r �h� ��� �f pa�r�c�ra�� �r�rithir� si�I��r�r�Ek ���rr���t�� ��kn�v�r��dgrr��r�# tl��t infr��tr�ct�r� f�rnds �r� k�����rnin� s��r�e �r�d tl��t ��� �ri�ri��r �i�t �nar� �a��r� t� �� rev�sit�� ir� t�� fu�turr� a�� ��n�ing b���r��� ��r�il�r�l�t �r�� �upp�rt f�r �I� tl�� �ri�r'r�����1 �id�v�r�llc �r�����s �� pr�p����. �1��i�r�: fUl���r F�r� T�rr� F�I���nr� rn��r�� t� �ppr��� t�� r���rr��m�r��e� ��i��iti�����r� �r��l list �� �id��val�C pr����t� f�r ir���usi�n i� tC�� �it�r's ��pita�l lrnpr�v�r��nt Pr�gr��m; an� t� a���r��� nna�t�h�r�� �c�r��s �r� th� �r����n� �� ���,��� f�r tl�� P����i�n� Illli��l� ��h��l �r�j��. ��un�il Il�l�r�b�r ���hr�� ����r�d�d, a�nd t�� rr���i�r� p��s�d �� th�f�rl��rvin� �-��I-��II �r���: AV��: F��I�vrr�� �u�tF�ri�, ��st��l�, Arn���, F�rr�r� I����: None �4B�ENT: f���� 'I�. �fiTY ���h��IL I�I���E� IT�A�I� I�one. 'I�. �I� �IIAIVA��F� �TEI�Il� �V��e. 'I�. ��lJ�V��L ��AlllIIl l!IV��J�T��IV� ���I��` ������� ������� �r'1 �'1f� ���1'1��1��� �� ��'1� ����1�� �� ���I����11� �#�I�� ��.J��f� ������1 �����1�1 ��I'�'ll'1'll��� r'1'1����1"��. ��l.�Jf'1�1� ���'1'1��1" �������� ������C� ���� �f'1� �lll' ���fl.�J���f'1 ��r'1��'�� �I���'�� ��1���� IS ����lfl� I�� L��r�rr��v�r�� E��h�n�� P���r�rr� �nd �n��ur����tl�� ��b�i�t� ��nt��t AP�� f�r rn��-� inf�r�m��i�n, ��u��il �Il��nb�r ��Il��rs r���rr�d t� ��rr����nd�r��� �i��ri��t�� t� t�e ���n�i� ��-i�r t� �h� r����ir�� ��r� fi�� ir� t�� Aci�nin�str�tiv� ��rvi��� D���rtrrrent� ��n��rni�� t�� i���� �f C�u��ga� IVl�ss�fs Agenda Item 8.c. Page 6 A��r��r���: �i�y��crrr�illF���ferrel��rr��r��A��r��y N���#irr� ���e S Tu��day, �I���l�, �D�B ����h�n� ��lif��rni� I�I�e� �n�l riv�r�. 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A��o �o . * . , .# � � � �������ed s�o�ve��o�stx��x�b�em c��g�ence�a�ru���. ���a t�e��1 � � �'��m��xs���.�s�s�e�d�a�e�y r�a��r��o��n�dur����e��e - �o�����. , . ���►-��������r t�s a�a�i��aclda�i�n t��ity�x��p�e�cy t�.a���ar�exs�� . ��ope�rty. �e��o�to 1��e a city t�at l�as�i �a�i �. �o ee�an���ect�d�e�de�. _ �� �Y � � . ���ly, � . �. �'�x� �I�er�t���i��� - � � � , , ���—�i���c��� - . . � . � � . . � �. � . � . - � �. . � . . � . �a ce � ,�� —���rY � � . � , . � � � . � � . - � �h� �ran���'��u�r - � � . . � ,� . , � . . . � � - � # ' ���a�t��������e��� � - � . . , �: ��eve�A►c�am��i�� � e�r � � � � � �- Agenda Item 8.e. . �� Page 4 � ������ � �� � +�CO��o��TE� �� � - � ���������� t� � i� ,�u��r �o, ��r� ,� �"�L ��P I��� T�: �ITY ��l���IL FF���111: ��I� ��A�I����� DIF�E�T�F� �F PL1�L1� 11V���C� � �rTY �I��I�VEEF� ��: �V��i �A����1� ���I�T�#I�T ��V�I�V��F� ����l��T: ��N�IDEF�ATI��I �F �����T�►IV�E �� TH� F�4F���L� All��l�lE F��H���LIT�4TI�N �F��,JE��, P1N ����-�� �ATE: AP��L ��, ���� F����IIIIIUIEN�ATI�N: It i� r���r�r��r���� th� �Et�r ���n���: �. ����pt th� �r����t ir�r��r��r�r��r��� �� ��r���r��t�d �y lJr���n ����a���, �r��, irr ����r��n�� �vith t�� �I�r�� �r-�� ��e�i�i���'r�r�� ��� �h� F�rr�ll 1��r�nu� F��#��bili�a�ti�n Proj���; �. ��r��� ����f t� ��e � IV��i�e �f ��rr�p��ti�r�; �r�d . �. ��tl��ri�� r�l���e �f the r�t�r����r�, tl�i�t�-fi�r� ���} ���� ��#��-t�� I��ti�e �f ��rr�pi�ti�r� I��� ���n �r�������, if r�� IEen� h��r� b��n �il�d. �II�AI��I�L ��IIPA�T': �T`I�� F� ������� ����#�I Irn�r��r�r��r�� �r��r�r�n i��l���� �������� f�r t�� ����I ���t �� �h� �r�����, �ur���d �� f�ll�v�r�; �J��IA Fund �1��,��� V'V�t�r F�n� ����,��� IJ11�t�r F��i�iti�� Fur�d ����,��� ��l�� `���c ���r��u�� ����,��� F�1���rvir�� ��e r���i�� �� t�� ��n�tru��ti�rr bi�s, �k�� t�t�l ���t �� t�� �r����t {���i�r�, ���n�tr��ti�r�, ����ir��, �r�� �drn�r�i��r�t��n� �nr�s r��r���� �� ����,���. Th� �i�f�r�r��� b�t�nr��n tF�� bu���e�e� �r���r�� ��� ��r� r��ris�d �rr���r�� �nr�s ���,���, lJ��rr �v�r�r� �f ���rtr���, tl�� ���� ��c�r��il ���h��i��� th� f�ll��nr�rrg ad�iti�r��l f�rrd tra�r����r�; 11V�t�r �u r�d ���,��� 11V�t�r F`��i���i�� Fu n� ���,��� ��I�� T�� ���r�r-��� ���,��� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 1 �I�� ��IJIV�IL ���V�I�EF�ATr�N �� �#���PT��1�� �F TH� FA���LL A11EI�1�� F�E�IA�ILITATI��V PF���E�T, P111��0��-�0� APRIL ��, ���� PA�E � Th� ���i���r��� ��i�s �a��c I���r��n�� �rr�� ��rti�l�� fur�d�� fr��m ���in�� r��l���d �r�r7r� tw� �r�j����: ���,'I�� fr�rr� �f�� Bris�� F���� F��l���ili��t��rr a�nd ��I�,��� fr��m tl�� ���t �r��d A�r�r�ue F�e�urf��in� �r����t. Th� rer��inir�� ��3,��� �nr�� �r�r�s��rr�� �r�r�n th� I�i��ell��e�u� �t��p���, �r����nr��k�, �i�ev�r�l�c� �r�d F�I�n�i��� ��r�p pr����t. T�� �����I ��n�tru��i�r� ��s�s �vere ����,��� �����,��� b��� ��n�r��t �1�� ���,�1� ir� ��r�tr��t ���r�����. T�e a�����1 t���l ���t ��th� pr�j��t ����i��, ��r��tr��ti�r�, t��tin�, and a��nni�i�tr�tic�n� ��►ra�� ����,���� r����l�ir�� �rr � ���ir��� �� ���,��� {����,��� - ����,�1��. BA�F��I��I�I�D: �r� N��r�r���r ��� ���� ��ur��il ��rv����� � ��r��tru���i�� ��rr�r��� f�r�#�� ��r�r��l A�r�r�u� F��I���ili�a�ti��n Pr����� �� lJr�i�� ���h�l�, I��, i�n ��� �r��unt �f ����#���.��, T'h� pr�j��� ����� �� �v�rl� ir��l���� t�� r��l���r�ent �� a� �r�t�r rr��ir�, n�v�r AI�� ��n�r�t� r�rnp ir�pr��r�r��n��, �la�����r�� �� � ���nr a�s��a�lt ��r��r�t� ��r�rl�}�, ir��t�ll����r� �� ��n�r�t� �urb ��� �u��r �r�� �i���rv���c v►r��r� �I��� ��� r��t ��ci�t �r�� ���r����� ��r��r���i�� �� �n�rud� bi�C� I�n�s �r�rn Elrx� �tr���t� tl�� �nr��t�rr� �ity lir�ni� �� ��ic P���c ���,l��r�rd. A�VALY��� �� I��L�E�: Th� ��r�tra��t�r h�s ��r�npl���d �h� v�r�ric in ����r��r��� v�rEth tF�� ���r�v�� �iar�� �r�� s���ifi��ti�n�, ���r� �r� n� ����t�r��in� i����� t� �������. �LTE�h�AT111E�: TI�� ��I��v�r�r�� �l�err��t��r�� �re �r��i��� f�r�I�� ��un�il'� ��r��i��r��i�r�; - A��ro�� �t�fPs rec�mr��r�da�ions; - I�� r��t �����t tl�� �r�j��t# - A�����the �r�����, ��t d� r��t �ut��ri�� rele��e �� r���n���n; �r - Pr��i�� ��r��ti�� �� �t�ff. ��11�11�`Y'A���: T�� �r����t �r��id�� � n��rv r����nr��r ������ �� F�r�-�ll A��r�r��, ADA r�nn��, �����r�r�lk� �n� �i�c� la�n��. A���ptir�� th� �r�n�r��rer����� �CI��� �t�f� �� �I��� �C�� ���j��t �r�� r����igr���� r�rn�inir�� fur��� t� ��r� �J�r��� 1JV��r F��h��ili#a����� Pr�j��t. �����11��V T����: ��� �i����r�t�t��e �f �����tin� �I�� innpr���rr��r��� �v�ul� �� if ��������nt �������r����� �r� tl�� �r�r�r�c �r� i��r�ti�i�d. ��VVIF��I�IVI��VTAL F��111�1N: T�e �r�j��t is ��te��ri��ll�r e�cerx����r�r� �EC�A ��rsu�r�t�� ���ti�r� '����1{d}. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 2 �i�r �o�r��i� �o��i������� �� �������►ru�� �� �r�� ������� ��r�ru�� �����i�������n� ���,����, ��rv ����-�� ����� ��, �o�� ��►�� � � ���L�� I���l�I��TI�N �I�D ��I�INI�NT�: T�� Ag�nd� v�r�� ���t�� �r� f��r�� �� �it� �-I�II �n T'�ur����, ��r�� '��, ����. �`�e �►�en�� �r�� re��rt �nrer� ������ �� �1�� �i�}r'� �nr��sit� �n Fr����, A�ril ��, ����. �V� �u�lx� ��rr�r����s �r�rere re�ei�r�d. Att���r�nent: �. Noti�e of�orr��l����r� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 3 ��������������� 1�����i��1����3J��1�! 1�. ����l����� � ��1�L.��� ���������V����� �rt�i������ ���1�������������� ������ �� ���������� �������#��3J��1 ��������r 1. T���c��rsign��is�wn�r�r����������r�f'th�i�t�r�s��r�st����r th��r���riy��r�ix�#`t��r c��s�ri��d as�tat�cl��1��v. �. Th�FULI�1����f't1����NE�is: ?'h��i � �4r�r�� ��rur�a�� 3. T���'U�I.�A,D�RE��of th����1�is: 2���a��Brcan����r�et �rro o �rande �a��or�n�a �34�� �. �'h�I�AT�L�R��F��INT�R��T�r��T`AT��f�h�tu���r�ign��i�:,�ir�f�� _ �. TH��ULI��A�ri�an�1 F[�LI�AD�R�����A�i������I��,��a�}�,�vl��h�1�����inter��t�r�s�a��wit�t��ur���rsign�c�a�s J��'� �'����'��r as T��AI�TS�N��1VI��I�ar�: NANiE� A.DD����� �an� b. THE F`�L�,NANiE�and��JLI��]�R�����o�'the P�E��CES��1�'��i�t�r�s��f the u�de�rsigned if th���a�erty was tr�r�sferred s�bseqr���t t�th�carn�e�ce�en�of t�ie wor�of�rov�m�nts herein��f�rr�d to: NANi�S ADDR����� �or�� �. �1�w�rk���xr�r���rn����n the�r�p�rty�i�r�ir�at��r��s��i��ci v������ViP��T`�I� Apri1 1 f,���� �. T��I�A.IVi���'T���RIC�A���I�T1�A�T"��.,i�auy,f�r�t���v��r�C��irn�r�v�rn�nt is: Uraion�4s hc�dt �r��. �. T`h��tr���a►c�c�r�ss��sa�ci�rop�r�y i�:�'acr�r����4��r��� 1�. T'��pr���rty��{whi���aic���r�C��'�pr�v�m��t wa���rrrpl�t��i�in th��ity��Ar�r���Cra���,��u�.t�ty��"�a�L,ui���i���#�ta�t��f �alifornia,and is des�rib�d�s follows: �'arr�������r������c�I�i���c���r��r������. ������-�� V�rificati�n of N�I�-�I�IDUA.L ow�er:I,t�e u�de�s�g��d,dec�are un�e����a�ty��`p�rjury unde�the laws of�he�t�at�of��lifarn�a t�t�am th�P��li���r�s I�ir��t�r�f t��a��r���i�iu����s��r�sta��i�th���'���r�y��s�rii��c�in th����v�n�ti��;t�at i ha��r�a�t��sai���ti��,t.h��I k�.��v a�c��n��rs�an�t�i����t��ts th�r��f,an�th��a��s stat��t��r�in�r�tr��a�n����r���, D�n���gt��l�,PE,�i���t����"P�b�i��V�rk�f�ity En�i���r A.p�i�22,2��5,Arroya�rande,Ca1i�'ornia __EN���D��UIVI�NT__ Agenda Item 8.f. Page 4 � ������ � �� � ++��oRP���TEO �� � � p ��������� t� � �C .�u�rr �a. ,��� ,� C'.q� ���, ���� ��i ��� ������� FF��lIII: ��IV ����IV���, D�F���T�F� �� �IJ�L�� 1N���C� � �I�lf �I��II��� �1�: E11�4h1 �A����V, ���I�T�41V� ��VCIIV��F� ��J�JE�T: ��IV�I��I�T`E��1 �F �4��E�T��V�� �F TH� �A�T ���41�� �#11E�VlJE �E�llR���ll�� PF��,�E�T, P11V ���7�09 ��T�: �4F�i��l. ��, ���� f����i�l N�E IV�]�TI�IV: It i� r���r�r�r�r��n��� ��� �it� ���r��i�: �. ����p� ��e �r�j��t ir��r�v�rn�r��� �� cor��tr����d ��r ��r�� �I���c��p, lr��. �r� ����rd�n�� vrr�t}� �he pl�n� ��� ����i�i�����r�� ���- tl�� ���� �r�n� �v�r��� E���urf��i�g Pr�j��t; �. d�r��� ���ff�� f��� a I���i�� �f ��rr�pl��i�n; �r�d �. �����ri�� r�l���� ��tk�� r�e��rrti��n, t��rt�r-f�ue {��� ���� a�ft��- ��re I��ti�� �� ��r��le���r� ��� ���n r���r�e�, �f�� �i�rr� �a�r� ���r� fil�d. F1 hiA�V�I�►L I II�I���T The F1� ���71�� �a�i�a� �mprove�ner�t Pro�rarn ir��ruded ����,��� of �a��� T��c rev�n�e f�r�1�� t���l ���� ��tl�� �r��e��, F�Il��ving ��e r���i�� �� t�►� ��n�tr��ti�r� �id�, ��� ��r���ru��ti�r� ���� �f t�� pr�j��t v��� r��r���� t� �'�'I�,��� ���,���4 �a��� ��n�r��� + ��,��� b�� �It�rr�a�i�r� + 'I�,��� ��r ��ntin��r���}, T�e �c�u��l ����tru�t��r� �r�j��t ���t� v�rer� ���,���, r��uE�ir�g i� � sa��rir��� a���9,��� �����}��� �-86,���� SA�k��I���ND �� ������r ��, ���7 ���r��il ��va�r��d � ��r��tr�cti�r� ��r�tr��� f�r t�� ���t �r�rrd �v�r�u� F�������ing �r��e�� t� ��r�� �I��kt�p, Ir��. i� ��� ��nn�ur�� �� ���,���.��. �h� �r�j�c� ���p� �� v�r�r�c in��ude� rni�r����f���n� E��� �ran� Ave�u�, betv�r��r� F-lal��r�n F��a� �n� tl�e ��� �ree�r�r��, �r�d ��r� �ir� ���ti�n �ar�cir�� I��. ��t� ���n�il �u�h�r���� staff t� ��r��� � �l�a�r��e �r�er r��� �� ��c�e�� ���,��� #�� th� r���r��urfa��in� �� �ri�l���r� A����e fr�rr� I���th Elrr� ���e�� �� f��rtl� ��u��tl��d ��r��t. in �ieu �� u�sir�g F�����r���� E�nu��i�r� A��r��at� �lu�rry, r�i�r��u�f��ir�� re�u�l�e� �rr � �n�r� ���t e�f��ti�r� re��rf��ir�� �r��trr��r�t. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 1 �I�� ������� ��IV����RATI�IV �� �����T�#I��E �F �`�� E�4�T C�IV� �11EI�lJ� F���IJ��A�IN� PF�����T, �I�V ����-�� �4PF�IL ��, ���� PACE � �I��#���I� �F ����J��: T�e ���tr��t�r I��� ��r�n�E�t�� tl�� ��r�c ir� ����r��r��� �ri�� t�� ���r��r�� ���r�� a�r�d ��e�ifi��ti�rr�. ���r� �r� n� �u�t���r��ing i��u�� t� a���r���. �L.T�RI�A��VE�: ��e f��l��r�r�� �I��r�a�tiv�s �r� �r��ri��d ��r#�r� ��u�r��il's ��r�si��r�ti�n; - ���r��r� ���ff� re��r�r�er�d��i�r��; - l�� r��� a�������r� �r�j��t; - A����t ti�� pr����t, bu�t �� n�t a�u�h�ri�� r���a��� �� r���n���n; �r - Pr��i�� dir���i�r� �� s#�ff. �#I]11�1���#�E�: T�� ��-�j��� �r��ri��� � n��r r����r�y ��rf���, ��r�t�r t�rn i�r��� �nd �i�� I�r�e�. A����tir�g t�� ir�npr��r�rr��nt� �Il��r� �t��f�� �I��� ��� p������ �n� r��e�i�r��te r�r��ir�ing ��n�� t� ��h�r �r�j����. D��A�11AlV TA���; Th� �i�����r����� �f����ptir�� #�� i�nn�r��r�r�n�r�t� �nr��rld �� i��u������rrt ������rr���s ir� t�� v�r�rk �r� i��ntifi��. EIV111F��I�II��I���L �EVIEIN: Th� �r����t i� ������ri��ll� ��c�r�n�t�r�rr� ����► p�r�u�r�t �� ����i�n �I���'�{�}. ��J�LI� IV���FI���I�IV AI�D ��I�lIIIIEI�T�: T�e ���r��� v�r�� ������ ir� �r�n� �� ��t� H�II �� Tl�ur����r, A�r�l 1�, ���8. T#�� A��r��� �nd r���rt v�r�r� p��t�� �r� th� �it�'s �rv������ �n Frid��r# April 'I�, ����. N� publ�� ���nrr��r�t� v�r�r� r��eive�. Attach�nne�t: �. I���i�� �f��r��l�t��r� Agenda Item 8.g. Page 2 �����V�'���1���� AI�TD�EI�1�C�RD�D R�TLT�N T`�: AT�A�HM�Nfi'� �ITY�L�� CIT��F ARRC�����DE P.�.B���50 ARR����RAN�E,�A 93421 ������ �� ���������� N�T`IC�I�H�RE���I��N'�'�3AT: 1. T'�e un�ersig��d�s ov�m�r or agent of ov�rner of t�e�n�erest or�s�ate or t�e property h�reir�a�er�e�c�bed as stated b�1aw. 2. 'T��F��,I�A�Vi��f'th���N�1�i�: �'���i�v�#'�����'���� --- _ 3. �"h�FLTL�.ADI�1����f the��I�T�1�is: ����as��r�a������r���,�4rr����r-c�r�r����c��i�r�iu �,���� �. 'I'h�I��'T�[.l�E�F'�i'i����'�R���I'����'TA'T���th����rs�gn��i�.• ir� �� 5. TH�FLTLL NAIV��and F'[JL�AD�RE��of AI�L PE��N�,�f any,who hald su�h��erest or e�tat�w��i t�e u�d��sig��d as.���T T`���I�TS or as�'ENANT�IN��1V��N are: NAIVi�S ADDR����� �Vor�e �. TH���C]�,I�NA�ViE�a�d F�TLI�A��RE��ES of the�R�I���E���R'�i�inte��st of#�e ur�c�ersigx�ec�i�'tl�e p�op�rty wa�trausf�rred subsec�ue�t to tl�e coxrmnencernent of the work of in�prove�ner�t�he�re��e�'�rr�d to: I�AM�� A.DD�E���� �one 7. A�1 w�rl���irnp�r���rn�n��r�th������rty h���inaft�r c����ri��d was��1VI����'�I] �i�ril 9.���� -- �. Th�I�AII����'�I���RI�'`rII�AL��NT`RA�T'��t,i�'any,��r su�h w��r1���irnpr���r�►�r��is; Bor�d B�cack�ap��nc. �. '�he str�et address of said�ro�erty�s:�c�s��rar�d�ver��� 1�. T'�e�rop�riy on whi�h s�i�wor�of ir�p�rov�r��nt v�as co�pleted i�ir�the�ity of Axrayo Ci�rax�d�,�ou�nty of�an I��is�bisp�, S�ate of �ali.�or�xia,and�.s described a�follows: �a,s��r�ur�d���r�r�����t� �t�irt�P`r������.�N�����-�� V�ri���ti����I��IV-Il�I�ID�JAL�vc�n�r:I,th�u���rsigt��d,���1ar�u�c��r���alty�f per�t�r�r un��r tl����ws�ft����at�of�a�if�rr�i�t1��I arn tk��Publ���ork�Direc�or o�'�e a�`vre�aid inter�st or���a�e in�.h��ro�erty described in t��a�ove�oti�e;�.hat�have r�ad t�e said�ati��,�hat� 1ar�o�a�rtd understand t�e contents th�r�of,a�ad the fa�ts stated t�e��ix�are tru�and�o�re�t. �o��pag�xo�o,��,�3i���tor of��b1i��o��CSl�ity�ngin��r Apri1 Z2,2���,Arr���C�ran��,��1i��rn�� __�N���`1���i31Vi�N'�'__ Agenda Item 8.g. Page 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.g. Page 4 � ������ � �� � IH�O#iP`��MA�E �.� . � � #.� �! �` ,x'�� 'o. ��" ,* M�II���A�11�3 U!IA ��� ��� ���� T�: �ITI� ���.lIV��L FF��II�I: �T�1���1 A�A�UI�, �I��f II�IA�V�#�EF� �1.��,�E��: ��I�����RATI�I� �F �E11i�ED IIII��III��tAIV�l�ll�l �� + l�N��I��T�#�1�l�V� ��111�IJ� �ETV�I��N �`H� �1 TY �� �#�F��l�� ��A���, L�.l��A All�� 1J�1��1�C� ��H��L. �]I�TF�I�T, �l.k�. L�AIV� ��4F��IVEF���#I� ��VD ��HI� ��YL�I�, TFiIJ�T�E ���AF��I�VC LA1VD ��C�IJ���T���l AND E�CTElV���IV �F �A�TILL� ��� IUI�F� �`� 11�L��ll ��AD ��#T�: �PFtI� ��, ���� I�E��MM�NDA�`��N: 1# i� r���r�nr��r���d ��� �i�� ��un�il a���r��r� �n� �u���ri�� �k�e N1���� t� ��c��u�� tt�e �ev��e� �Il�rr����r���rn �f l�nd�r���r���r�g �M�U� �et�nr��r� t�e ��ty of Arroy� �rar�d�, �.u�i� I���- l�nifi�� �����I �i�tri�� �����r����, J.H. ��r�� �a�r-tr��r�k��� ��d ��k�r� �`��rl�r, T ru�te e. FI NA�V���L. I IV����T: Tl�e ���t �f r��d �r�d �r�ir�a��� i��r��r�rr�ent� ��� b��r� ���irr�a�t�� t� b� ����,���. �r� ���i���r-�, ��� ����r es��bli�h�� � ���� �� ����,��� f�� r�niti��ti�rr �f I��� �� ��ri��lt�r�l l���, l�r���� tl�� ������r�� Illl�l.�, �.F�. L�r�� Pa�r-��n�rs��� �v���� �r��ri�� a� r�i����ti�n + ���r��r�� t� ��� �i�� �� ����,���. T�re �ity �ud�e��� ��� r�r���r��n� ����,��� ��r r��d �r�� �r������ �rr��r���rr��r�t� �� th� �1� ����-�� Ar�r�u��l �u���� �r�r� I���� ��le� ���c �����. `�`�� �r����e� ��v���d M�IJ ir��r����� t�� ���r��r�t ��r r��d �r�d �ra�ir���� irx��r�v�rx����� b� � rr���cir�u�� ���ur�� �f ���� �� ����r p���r�ti�l �o�t i��r����� ��� t� �I�� d�l�� �r� ��� �r�j��t. �A���F��IJI��: �I� Il���r ����, t�� ��t� �r��er�� �nt� �r� �J1�1� �nrith �he Di��r��t, �l.F-�. L��� I��r���r��i� �r�� �J��rr ���rl��, Tru��e� �� �r��bl� th� �i��r t� ���r�n�l��h tl�� ���r��i�r� �� ��s���l�. ��l Il��r t� 1l�����r F����. Th� N1�L� v�r�� I�t�� ���nd�� �� �l�nu�ry �, ���� a��ir� ��n Ap��� ��, ����. T�� �C�����r�� in�lu���� #�� f�ll��ri�n�: ■ ,�.H. ���� P�rtr��r��ip v�r�ll ����ir� ���r��cir��t���r �r�� ��r� �f ��ri�u�����f ���d ���r� �l�l�n T��I��, T�u���e, v�r�i�� t����nrill de�� �� �C�� ��t� �t �� ����; ■ �1.�--I. �a�r�� Pa�tr��r���p v�r�l� ���r t� ��t�r ����,��� f�r th� ���t ��r�a�� ir�n�r��r�r�r�r�t� �nci r�itiga���r� �f I��� �f��r��u��tu�r�� I�r��; Agenda Item 8.h. Page 1 + ����r ��u�v��� * �A�TI�L� �EL IVI�F� ��CT��l�l�h� II��IJ �►PF��L ��, ���� PAC� � � ■ Tl�e ���tri���ril1 r�lin�ui�� ��� �riv�t� r��� �� t�e �it� �t r�� ���� ��n�'r���r��� u��n �p�r��r�l �� �i��r �� � ��n�r�l ���r� ��m���rr��r�� �r�d r���ning #� �i1��i�e r��i����i�i �f �� ����� ��vr��� b�r t�� �i�tri�t �r� �[�� ���th �id� �f��� r����nr��; ■ �l�� ����tin� a����s� e��err��nt �nd ����s� ��r��r�l ����t�� �� ��� ��u#� �r�� �� ����ill� D�I Ill��r �r�rill �e ���r�d �� th� s��th�rr� ������ ��in� �� t�� ���r�l��r�err� �r������ ��r �,�--I. L�n� ��rtrr�r�l�i�� �n� ■ ���m��r�ir�� ��r�� ������ t� #�� �ity �� J.I--�. l.a�n� �'�rtn�rship r��t u�e� ��r r��� c�r���r���i�� �nrill �� ����ed t��h� I�is�ri��. T�� �it�r I��� ������u��r��l�r ���r���� th� ���n��-�I �I�� �rn���r�n�n# �r�� re��r���� f�r t#�� 1� a��r�s ��rrr��d ����e �i��ri��. A1V�LY�1� �F I���.lE�: Yh� ��c��tir�� N1�� r��u�r�� �.H. L�n� P�rtr��r�hi� t� ���uire tk�� ��nd a�n� r�n�l�� �I�� ���r��n�s v�rit�i� �� ���r� �� ��r�t��i�re �r��� r�n�p �p��-�v�1 b� �k�� ���r�t� �r ��r N1�r�f� 'I, ���8, �nrh���ever i� ���rli�r. I--���r�r��rer� tl�e �r�j��t �r�p���d �� �.F�, L�r�� �'��tn�r�hi� h�� + ��en �el���� d�� �� ���ue� �nri�l� r�����t �� �����d�ry ����s�. A� � r���lt, tl��}r t���r� r��u�e���� ��� ������r�� ��r ���rr�n�r�� �n� ir�n���r��r���ti�r� �f #�� ��rrr�� �� �h� �JI�� �� ��cter����. � ����r �f�heir r����st �� �r����a��d �� A�t��hr�n�nt �. TI�� �-r��r�t� ���a�� r��rill li�C�l� r��u�� ir� � 1�-r�n��nt� d���� �r� ��n��r���i�rr �f t�� ����vrra�� du� t� ��1�����i�� ��su�� irr��l��� ir� ���rdir�����r� �ri#� �rr��� �r�r��� I-�i��r ��h��l �n� .1�hr� T��r��r. T��r�f�re, ��� �rir���-y ����err� i��r��i�E�� ��r �ta�fF �� �i�� ����n�i�l �s��l�t��n �f ����s ��� t� #�� �e���r. �� ���r�s� #�i� i����, �n ir��r�a��� ir� t�re ���nr��nt �r�rn ,J.I�I. L�nd P�r�r��r�h�� �� �� � r���ir�n�r� �f �°�� f�� �r��d �nd �ra�ir���e �r��r���r��nt� t� ��� ��r �r�� ir��r���e� co�� �� t�� �r����t �r�� �r���s�� �r�d �r���r��r�t�� ir� t�re �������� ��v�r N1�lJ, ��n ��#�r����n �� the p��r�n�n� r���ir�r��n�� �� t�e ��rli�r �� ��t�ber �, ����, �r �vitl�ir� ���ct� ��y� �f ��r�t�ti�re �r��t r��� ���r��r��, i� �I�� ir��lu�e�. �in�� ��fl����� �f ��r��tru��i�r� ���t� is �urr�r��l� I��r# �#��f ��li��r�� �I�� �°l� fa����r is �r� �p�r�pri�t� �r�r��unt. ALTE��VAT111��: Th� ��Il�urr��� �I��r��ti�r�� �re p���ri��� ��r t�� ��u�r��il'� ��r��i��r�t��n: - ���r��r� �n� ��t�r�ri�� tl�� Il���r�r�� ��ce���� t�� pr�p��ed N1�1�; . - �Ill�di�y t�� t�rr�� �� ���r��ri�#� �n� �u�l���i�� �h� ����r t� ��c��ute t�� II��l.1# - C�� n�� ���r��re ��� N1�lJ �r�� �ir��� ���f� t� ���rr��r����te �� �.�--I. L�n� ��rtn����ip tl��� �h� ���rrr���t �rr� a��q�isit��n �f I�n� rxru��t �� �r��rid�d �rr�r�e���t�l�; � �v �ot app�o�e ��� M�U �r�d dir�ct stafF to prep�re �n �ter� ����ssary �o re�ane t�e �i�t��ct'� pr���rty ���k t� Pc�b�ic Fa�il�ty� - �r��r��� ��r���i�r� �� s#�if. Agenda Item 8.h. Page 2 ��� �����i� �A�TILL� ��� NNAF� ��TEhl�I�IV Illl�l� ��R�L ��, ���� * P�#�� � ADVAI�TA���; �ppr��r�l �f�F�� �II1�lJ �v�l! ����I� th� ���j��t�� pr�����, �r�r���h �nri�l r���l� �n ����ir�ir�g th� ����s��ry f�r��ir�g �r�� r�gl�ti�f-�v��r t� e�ct��� ����ill� ��� �Ill�r fr��n �r�l�a�r� ��r��� t� II��E�� F����. TF�� ��r���� �f��e ��a�� e��r�s��r� �s �� ���u�e tr�ffi� �r� �r�F���d �t��e�, . �s �rv�ll �� t�e ir�t�r�e��i�n ���r�l��r� �tr�et �nd F�ir ���c� A�r�nu��. ` �I�����������i Tl�e �r�����d ���i�� d����r� t�e ir�n�r���r��n#�, �rl�i�� v�r�l� re�u��t �r� ����r�ti�l ���� ir��r�����, ��I��� in ��dressi�� �r��fi����i�i�n�i�s, ��nd �nrill li�C�l� �r��r�r�� ��n�tr���t�n �� tl�� �r�ir���� i��r�v�r�ne�ts ur��il �ft�r �r��t��r r�in� s�����. �l��v��r��, �� i� ��li�c�l�r ���� �i.l--�. �.�r�� Pa�rtn�r�l�i� �nri�C ��r�� #� pr��ri�e �I�� I�r�d �r�� ��n�in� un��l ti�e�r #���r� �b�a�in�� �����r�� f�r �h��r pr�j���, Th�r���r�, �I�� f���i�ility �� ��t��n� �� rn�i���in �I�� ��i�ir��l ��#����I� �f tl�� r��� a�r�d dr��na�� ir�n�r��r�rr��r�t� i� I��v. EI�1�1���1�I��VT�#� �E111�1�11* I�� �r��ir�nr�n�nt�� r�viev�r i� re�uired ��r ���r���l �� #h� IIII�IJ. �r��rir��r��r���l r��i�v�r ��� b��r� �r�d��r v�rill �� �r�pa�re� ir� �����ia�t��r� �ri�� ���� ��� �r������ �r��r��ve� ir� �I�� t�r�n s �f�h� III��lJ. �l.��Ll� �1�T�����1TI�IV AIV� ��IIII�III�IVT�: �I�� ����d� ��� ���t�� in �r��# �� �i��r Ha��l �r� �I�u�����f A�ril 'I�, ���� �n� �r� tl�� ��t�'� �nre��it� �r� Frid��r, A�ri� ��, ����. I�� �arr�r��rrt� �nrer� r���i�r��. + �tt��#�rr��nt: �. �r������ Il��r��r�n��� �f C�r�d�rst�nding �r�ri�l� t�� Lu�i� 11��r lJr�ifi�� ������ �istr���, �1.1--�. �a�nd �'a�rtn�r��i� �r�d J��r� T��I�r, Tru�t�� �. Lett��r r���i��� F��r�r�ry �'I, ���� fr�rr� ,Ji� L�L���i�, JF�I L.��d ��rt��r��ri� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 3 ��TA�H I�I�I�T �I �1�I�1V��RAI�D�J�VI�F �J1Y���'T�.�T�II�� . A���� I���IA�A�U����D ��H��� ���'�'I�I�'I', ��T���',�i�R��� ��A1��E, �,H. ��.�TD PAR������II�, L,P. A�D.��I�� '�A�L�1�,, T��J�'��� ��AR�I11T���'�'��1T�I�11T�F�A�TILI�� D�� 1V�AR�.�A��A� �. ��� L]� �F�JI�T����'�A1�T��� . �"�s�emo�a�c�u�o�'L��d�r�ta�d�r���`��VI�L�"}l�et��er�the ��x��a��r U�ifi�c� �choo� ��stt�i�t� �t��"�I�T�I�T"�, the �i��of Arro�o �rand��th� "�I�'�"�, �.�I. ����a�r����hi� and�ahr� '�a�1or, T�stee ��o1�e�t�vel�r t��"��ties"� const��utes a�o����t�a� ag����mer�t �ra���or� for ����arti�s�� �v������p�r��i��l�r�d�� furt��r���rc�ir�at�a������1������r�����d�x���s��r� of th� ��tisti���I�'��oad�v�.y��ometirr���h�r�i�af�er��i�"roadu�ay e�ten�ior�'����� a� �as��1�a ���IVIar, �rom its pr�ser�t terrr�ir�us, to ��1����toad�o s�r��th�e�i�tir�g�ista��11VIa� c����l��rn�r��1������v�ri���r�t�� �I�'�' �irr���� a�d t��J,H. I�a,r�d��rtn�r�l�i��������c� d��v�l������������d v����i�r�����������p�����c� ar�a�f�ar����� ��i��� ���t�r. �'���r�p���� roa��ay�xt�nsiar��i11 trav�rse�l�e DI�TRI�T�s ��is�ir��Arroya �r�c�� H�� ���oo� �"A���"��ro�e�-ty. �. '�����A��A���TE����1�T�I��.���T �x�ibi�„A", at�a���c���r�t� ar�d ir��orpor�t��h�reir�, �l�ustrates, in�or�ce��ua� forr�, � �r�t�r�d�d g�r�erallo�at�o� for th�road�va�r e�te�s1�n firom�t��r���r��t�rt�r�ir�us�t�a�gk�a ��rti���f`t�����-I� �r�p�rt�anc� ���rti�r��f��������r's�ar�el 1��, ���-���-��� ���� �r�� ����p�rt���i�r�f�r�r���c� ����r��x���t��"'T��l���r�p�rt����� �� ��11��r F��a�. '�'h���������ig� a.r�������i�r��f����r���s�c�r���i���r���������v��1��� e�ta�blis��d����g� �����ra��i�r� a��l a�reem�n� o�t�e�'a����. All Parti��r��ogr�i�e th�n�e�t�pro�ic�e �a�`����ess t���i� ��istir�g # ar�c��rapo�����r��ls ar��th��m��r��n�� of t��s�ro�ose�roadv�a�e���sion�� ��n�ro�ri�g ��istir�g�ir��l��i�r�����i����� anc� a� ���f�, �ria�1�trar�s���-ta�t�i�r���rric��r ir�����I�'Y'� 1��g_ � t�x��r�f`fi� a�������1�.�i�r��1�. 3, ���L A�R��1VI��'T T��par�ies agre��iat ar�y righ�s ���ated h�reur����or�or�te��lat��to�e �rea�ed�i����d�r�r� su�ord�na��ta that��rta,i�"�VI������T���T�� �AT�R�I���.A.��1VI�1�T �1�T� �VI�I�T�I�A���1��R.��1VI�I��'A1�TD �I�HT` ��'�'���'REF�T�A��'�R��A�E" ��e11 A�eerr��n�"r��o�d� as �o�ume�t l��rn��r���4��14�8 ir�th�off�c�a�r��ords of�ar�Lu�s ��is�� ��un��, ��1i���ia, ��J�r�� 11, ����. �I�'I'��� ax�c� �I'T� �g���t� �����r���t�� v�ra�t�r s�x������ �h��'a�rl���r���rt��urir�����str���i���f th����d�a���t�r��i�r� ar�ci ���r��#��r ir�a���r�v�i����a� ��11 Agr��rr��r���nd�� �a�C��� ��t��r��r���r��g��i�r���`�����I� �gr�����t. ��hr�'���i��, '�ru����, ��i��it��anc�th�����ri�� �g���t� ���rc�i������r�str�����r� activ�t���l��ed to t�e v�����su�ply�o ���T'a��or�ro�e�t�r so as to ava�d disru���or�of'�a�lo�r�s fa�min���tiv�t�. A��r�l��,���8 1 ��� Agenda Item 8.h. . Page 4 � �• ������������ �'�����s��f`t�ii���LT i��� �����ss��i��a���s' ��r���tua1 a�g���rr��r�� f��th�r��d�v��r �xt���i�r� a��r�1at�����u��. ��a��i�i�����, ����arti�s ax� �r����������1 �gr��r��r������� ���i�v��r��; ��� T�� �I'T�, ar�c��I�'T���'T, v�il1�laon f�r, c���ig�n, a������1�� �1��a����1i� ���el�v���� im�r�v� ��rc�����o�ar�c��r�hance p�b1�� saf�ty ar�d ta��ovide��h��r�1a�,bi�y���, a�d ���e�tri�����ss fro�th��re�ent term�nus af t�ie ��sti��o �e1�Ia�road�v�y, t�rou�h the A�H� Propert�a,r�d Ta�lar�rop���, t� �all�y�oad. The�'a�-ties �vi11 v�o�� �aoperati��ly�a e�sur�t��raa� lo�a��or���ca���st��t��t�t�e r�ee�� of the DI�TR���" ar�d t1�e �IT�. I�i� th� int��tior�of th�P�rt��s that th� fi�al ro�d�vay d�si� ar�d �o��tior� �e est����s1�ed a� saon a� f�asibl�. �b� ���j�ct t� ful��lr��r�t of th��rovisions ofthi� 1V�OU, t�e����'I���'�vi11�rav��e lar�� �ons�ste�t v�rit�the te�s h�reir�d���ribed, �hr��gh th� A�H� ��rop��ty, to se�-�re as�art� of th�1o��t�o��or the roa�v�ra���tension projec�. '�'ie�I�TRI�T v��11 �eec�or d�c�ica�� �h��e��ss�ry lar�d to �IT��o��ur�r�r�tly�i��, �r�po�, ���a� ap�rova��y�IT�, u�or� t�rr�� a�nd conc�i�i�r�� a���p���1��o�I�T�I�'�, af���T`���''� �����al �l� Am�r��rr��r��1�����1��a���i�a��i�r����`�rr�d t���l�v�r, ��� T�� ��"��v��ll��sig�n �c���r�st���t���r������r��.c����r��t�si�r�� �r����c�ir���1� s�r�ey��g, engir��eri��, ut���t�co��truc�ior�or relo�ation, g�ra�ir��, �nd d�a��ag� i�prove��nt costs, a�� s��1i��rr���y�ith a�ll r�qu�i��d�iti�atio�rn�as�r�s for t�� ���j��t� at r�� ��st�t� ����'��'�, J,H, ����art�i����ii� �r J�hr�T��1��, '�ru�t��. T��r�aft��, th�road�a�e�t�r�s�on sha11�e r��in#�ir�ed b��ITY�t r�a �ost to ���TRI��', �,�I. �.,a�c��art��r��i�, c��J��ur�'���1�r, �'��t�e. ��� T�ie Parti�s v�il��rov�c�� �a���oth�r n���ssary ir�fortx��tio�a�d a���star����egar�i�g th� dev�lo�m��t of th�pro�ose��oad�ra�����r��i�n, �r��ludin�v�it�ot�� li�n�tatiar�, e�e��t�r�g, ��l�r�o�vl�dg�ng, arYd d�1����i�g�l1�ocumer�ts�r�a�ona�ly r�qu�st�d by or�e of t�e Pa.rti�s ar�e���rec�by��g�v��nmer�t�1 aut�orit�. ��� '������'��I��' ��t��c�s�� ������ a separ��� 1�-��re��a���I�r�th� s��tl� �i���f��� p����s����a��v�a�����r�si�r��"���TF�.I�T'��T��r�ar��1"� f�r�r������11�v�r���se a�� + �oter�t�a� ��ur� d�velop�ner�t, ����'RI�T`v�i1�pro�ess a p�blic ��d�a�r�e1 map ���li�a���r��� se��ra�����i�r���r�a���1 �r�rr�t��i���I�� s����l ar�� gr���ds, ��} '���I�T��"�'�i11 a����f��a�r�c��IT��vi�� ��p��iit��t�s1�r������� a C����ra1 P1a� Am�r�c�rr��r�tl����ni��a��ali�a�i�r�t� ��si�a�����r��t������'RI��T'��T�vc� �ar��� ��� "l��sic��r��ia��ii11��c��"���s, Ap�i122,���8 �°�� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 5 �g) �f�IT���pro�es�he�I�TR.I�T'� C��ner�l P�ar� A��ndm�ntl r��or�ir�g a���i�at�or� ��o��e�m� �n��o�d�t�ar��a���ptabl�ta����'���', ther����'���T s�a11 s��s�quer�tl�a�pl�fo�ar�d �I'�Y sha�l ��pec�itio�sl�pro��ss a ter��at����ra�t ma� app�ication to subdi�i���h��3��T`�I�T`'s 1����a�r�el �or�sis�e�t�v�th it� �e�v�ar�i�g des�gr�atior�, �������to �orn�l�ar���v��t� all la�s. Th�I�I�T���''� pro�ose�ter�tative �����r�a�� ���I����i�x�rr��y ir��l�c�� a r����s� �`�����r�v�����'cl�r����������'# urxi�� ��r� ���es�of��e r�umb�r of ur�its oth�r�is�perr�it��c�b�t���IT�'� "R�sider���a�Hillsi��" ��nir���, i�a���r�an��v��th t�� �ITY�� ��nsit�r����� ar��af��rdal����i�����g��r��� in��nti�r�� anc���r�s��t�r�t�v���i �ta���a�—�� 1�l� ar�� �� ���. # ��i� �it�i�s�������� c�a�s �f a���u�aj���t�t�� ������a1 �f t�i�'��r��������'���t 1V�a���t�� ������f��I��is �b��p� �f t,l��J,H. I�ar�c�'Tra��t, ��hn'I`a�����,'T�s��� ag����t� ��1� t� J,I�. I�a�c��axtr��rsl�i� a,rYd J.H. �a,r�c�Partr��rs�ii� agr��������r�'r�����ir� �`a�r���, T�st�e ap�ro�imately a��a�r�of la�d at t�ie north��de of'the�ay�or�r�per��for� t�ta� ��m��'�ig�it�u.r�d.��������a����11ar� �����,����. �.�. �a�d�a�-tr��r�h�� s1��11 ob��i�t�e ri�h��o �c��s� ���d�o�c�e��er��i�r� �ubj��t�o ���u�a��o����T� . ����oac�nen��erm�t. ��� J.H. I�anc��artr��r��i� ��r����� �l��c���t�� �IT� ��r�� ������ �IT'���� ������pr�p�r�� o�`a�proxima���y a�e acre a��quir�d �ro�n John�'aylar, �'�st�� f�r t�e�urpo��of er�ablir�g�h��o���tio�o�`t�e�oadvc��y e�t�r�s�o�tv�all�y�oad as part�al mi�igatior� for�raf�� impa�ts asso��ated��th a�cess thrau�h �ity from�list��e11VIa�ar�d�he ci��r���prn�r���ar���s����r�,H, ��n�P�n����ii� ��h� "�.�. �a��'Tr���"�. �j� '�he �I'�� a�r���ta d��d to���]���fi1�I�T`t��r�ma�nd�r portior�o#��h��"��1or Prop�rt��r��te��y the�e�r road�va��th� "R.��a��der Par�e��'� a�d re-desi�at��nd r�������i���r�rY�inc��r�a���1 �r��Agri��ltur��� ��l�li�F'acili�i�s. �I'I'� s�a���rx�i������ a�l irr��a.��� f��xr� sai������ig�nat��r� a�c�r���r��r����������nair���r�ar�el, ��� �ITY �d DI�T�I�T�will joi�tl�d���rmi�e t�e a11o��d us�s of�h�R�m�.i�d��r�a��e�, # �v�i��� g�n�r�11�r v��l��� ��r��i���v��t�A��I� �a��ili���s ��g���r���, ar�c�v�i11�� �est�i�#�c�to ag�i�u���� �d ag�i�ult�u�a��ducatior�relat��l use�. l�o �ate�, ����r, �rair�������������l�ti�s r�1���ti�r��r�rr������rr��r�ts ar��r���s�� f���� ��rr�a����r P�rcel as p�rt o#`t�ii� Ni�U. ��� ��thi�si���r������y� �f T��tati���Tr���1VI�� �p�r��al��������f�a�.�t��� ������ ��t��J.H, Lar�el�`���t, ��1��r��t���r 1, ����, s��j���t��ri�r a��r��a�l ������.I-�. ��n� 'T���a����� '������VI����r t����u�t�r�f�arY ���� ��i�p�,v�r�������r i� �ar�i�r, J.�, i..ar�� ��rt��rs�iip agrees to p�y�I�'�o�e�iundr�d tho�sar�d�iolla�s ��1��,���} �`or m��iga��o� of 1os�of prir�� a�ricul�ur�1 prop�rty ar��t�e a�tua� cost�o �or���r��t�h�ro�dv�vay� ��t�r�s�o�a a�c���.i��g��mp�ov�m�r�t� up to si�hu�dred�i�ty-t�a t�ia�sar�� �ive ��r��r���i�11�rs �����,����. �m� A p�rtion of t�� fux�c�s c��s�rib�c�ir��ara�aph � �l), above, shall b� s�bj��t to r�im�urs�mer�t b�r the ov�r��r�"R�im�urs�r�g Par�t�„�of�e D��TRI�T's 1�����rc�l. I���I�1�}L1����1�I7� ��'1������]�1C��]���1I77�3L1I'�1I7����T�� .�.�, I�a.n��'art����s�i�v�rit�i� Ap�i12�,���8 � ���� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 6 } f�r��r-f��� ���� ���s ��r���r�a��i�r�����r��1 r��� f i�rt�i�r�ul���v��i��th�����'�I�T'� ` �T��r�ar��l. l��irr�l��rs�m��� �k��11���q�al�� t�� a���xr�� ���a�yrrY�r�� �r��J.H. I��c� P�rtr���hi�to ��"� for�ans�i�tio�o�'road�va���t�nsio�ar�d dral�ag�����rov�m�r��s ir�ex�ess o�`�ive�u�r�c�ec�t�io�san�dol�a�s ��5��,�����p to �ma����o#`or�e��dred ax�c�fif�����u�a�����1ars ��1��,����, �n� �I�'�R.I�T ag���s to rna�n��.in�e�a,ir�c�er Pa.r��1 fa�ag�icu�tu�al��r�pos�s b��se of� ��ri�ult�ral c�r�serva�ior�ea�serr�er��as approved�y t�� ���'�. ��� ���j�����p������� t�� �IT`���.�.I�. L,a�n��'artr������� ��t��f�.r��s c�����i�������1� ���v�, �IT� a.rY�J.H. I��n��art��r���� ����t������������ ���sti�� a���ss �a��rn�r�� a�d�c�s� cor��ro� �a�at�d at th� so�th end of�a�t�11v ��1�ar to t�� �out�����c�ss ��ir������� J.H, ���Tra���. �p� T�i� �IT�v�i11�aiv�th��I�'TRI�'�'s �p�lica�ion �d pro����ir�� f�es for t�e��r��ral �la.�Am�r�drn�r�tlr���r�ing�a��1i�a�ti�r�s, �q} T�e P�rtie�v�����or���o�erati�ely to caus�the}��o�ose�r�adway ext��sian c��si�m ar�d al�gnm�r�t ta b�mod��i�d t�rou�h th�p1a�r���g pro��ss f�r the proj e�t to me��t�a� �e�ds of th�DI�TR.I�'� 2�d t�� �I�"�. } �r� �1�� �I�'��vil�r�imb�r��t�����T��.I��' �or an��ast����'��I�T`i�c��s �`o�r pla�r��ng� se�v��es for the pr�p�r�tior�a�d adm�ni�tratiar�of t��s�VI�� for th��oa��ay exter�s�a� �r�j��� �n�r�1���d����ra� ��an Ar�i�r�c�n�r�t�����r�� �� l�ng a�s �I�T���` ��r��1i�� �it���r�� s�� f�rt�i�t���II�I�LJ, I�is ����i�i�ally�c��rs���d t�at t�i� �I�'��ill r����� res���sib1� �or�osts i�conx�ectia�v�ith t�i��Iar�r����, e�g�r�e�rir��, ��1or other �r�f�ssi�r�al s�rvi���r�la��.�c����r���ssir��t�������r�g��x����iv�tr���rr�a� a��li�ati�r� ��r th����tr�ct's l��v��ar��l. �s� Th� ��T� anc�����"�I��T�o�r�tly��11�r�ar� a sch�d�le for a��orn�ali��ir�g each of t�ae t�s�s s�t fa�th�r�this IVI�U, includir�g a��hec�ule fo�r t�e roadv�ra�e�t�ns�ar� �o�str��tior�. �t} The P�ies ���o�i�ar��o�th� curr�r�t ���al constraints �a��r�g�h��I���I�'�, �h� ��ed ta �re�t�v�1�r arr�el�orate��e�or��omitar�t i���ct� t� �he�3I�T�I�T'� s��d�r�ts a�d t��r�l����r����t��ir�i�i�����TRI��'���1��� a�s��������i�h t�����LT. ��� '�he��ie� ag�e�tha�v�it��r�fo�.�t�en�14} c�a�s fa�lo�ring appro�a� of the Ter�tat�ve Tr���1Vi��, �.H. I.�anci��xtr��r�1��� ar��J�hr�'T��l��r, �I'�-u�t��v�il1�r���r ir��� �r��gr���n��t o���r�h�se ar�d �a�� �d escrov�i�st�-u�tior�s or�t��terr�s ar�d�ar�di��or�� set #`ort� * ��r�ir�. ,�11 ����s ass������ci�����u��th v�ri11 l����r����.T,H. I�ar�d��rtr����h1�. 'T�i� ���r�v�v�i11�� a�� a� li���������r�v���rr��ar��i� �a�r�L��� ���s�� ���r���. �v� �it�ir��ine��r���} days of��e�u�ior�o�this 1V��LT b�3ahr��Tay1o�, T�ustee, ���'��vi�l r�imb�rs�Jo�n�'ay�or, �'r�st��th�surr�of�'7,5�� for�i� e���r�s�s i��u�-r�d �� �a�e�t�on v�it�the raadv�ay�xt�ns�or�, Ap�i��2,2��8 ���� A enda Item 8.h. g Page 7 � # �v�r� It is�����i�ir���r�� �#`�I'��, �I�TI�I�'T�r J.�I, I�a�d�artt����i��i� ir���v����� Ii�ni��r 1I7�11�31����"lIl�&�1��`, Tru�t��'� al�i�i���� ��r��in���� f�rx�th�r���r�c������i� 1a.r�� � �i� cux-r�r�t��da�s� ar�d�o�hi��i�thi��VI�L��h��l b� �ox�sider�d i� a.ny�va�a 1��itatior�vr �r�.�.������r��r��is ��i1it��� farm. 5. ��1�E1�A��R�'�I���1�� '��i� f�l��v�ir�� �r� g��a���.1��-��is��r�� ��`��i� 11���L�; �a� �ll�oard�r�atior�, ass�star��e a�c� s�r�i��s r����r�c� as�a�ty to the deve�a����t of ��asor�abi� ar�d f�as�bl� sol�ti�ns�a i�pro�e cu�re�t ar�d �tu�e t�a#'�ie sa�et�r ar�d �ir��la��i�r�r���c�� f�r th�r�a�c�v�ra�y����r��i���r�c��r thi� IV��LJ v�r�ll l�e �a�rri�c���t ir� ���'l��1�'!���1��] ��1� ��3�]����V�� �7C�I"�����l�1��11�1�� ���7���1��, �T���11�]�1�l��115 IV��� ��a��be�n cor��li�t��th the�res�o�s�bil�ti��o�a�y�arti�i�at�r�g�ar��r�s c�e��ed i� �����al, ��a��, �r 1���� la��, s��t��, r�gula��i�r�, �r��rrti��p��ir����i��' p����i�� �� pro�e��r��. y �b� �'�� �art��s v�rill ����an��i�n�`����i�r� �������1t��t� �a������r�����r� irr��l��n�r��ir�g �����r�vi�i�r�s��r���th��rr���r af`#`���t�� a1��1i�}��f a������r����� ��rf�rm���r tl�i� ���+ ��� �'h���T���11 acidre�s ���i�or�m��ta1 issue�r�lated t� t�e dev��o�xr�e�� of t�e pro�osed ro�dv�ray��t��sior�pro�j ect, ir��ludir�g a�cti��as th� "L�ac�Ager���" �o���e�roj���u��er the ���ifo��a�n�i�or�n�r��a� �ualit�A�t, �. ��L�� �TI�1���'�1��I�ILITI�� Th�P�rties s1��11 ea��d��ig�at�ir��ri�ir��a���gl��o�r�t of cor�ta�t t� �r�s�r���ei��es�e�tiv� r�s�or�slbil�ti�� ar� satis#�ed. A�1 �utur��orr�spondenc�r��arding t�is 1V1�LT ��all b� �ir��t�t�to �h�ci��igx�at�� si��1������s �f��r�ta��, 7. ��FE�'�I���A�T� T�R�Il�ATI�1�A�.� ���TF��ATI�I�T '��is 11�I��v�i�1�a��o�ne effe�tiv� v�her�exe����d by�11 Pa.rties. �'�1s �VI�U v�ill termina�e��o� �ixr�p���� ����e r�����i����r� a�m�r�g�����-ti��, ����t���n�t�a�1 ��r�s����'����a�-ti�s, Tl��s IVI�U�n�.�r�� am����c���r vvritt�r��r�s��u.rn��t������t����a1�t����ti�s, 'I`�is�VI��J + su�erc���s �1��r��iou�off���, ag�eerne�ts, r���o���tion�, �r�de�star�dir��s, ar�d rr��morar�d�ms af un�i�r��a�dir����t���r�����a.rti��, v��i��������1���v�it���. S. 1VI�JT�L�AI���IV�1�T�I�ATI�1� Each of th��'ar�ies s�a11, to th� fu�lest ��t��t���n��t�d by���, �r�d�rr�r�i�`�a�nd hold �ach of the oth�r pa�t�e�ha�-r�.�ess a���ns� a��ar��a�1�osts, ��p�r�s�s, losses, cl�im�, �uits, �la�r�ages, ar�d 1����1��i�� ��r��l�dir�g r�as��al��� a����rn��'� f��s� ��r���s���n�is���r�� a�r����g ��t��'�r�r� ���1'1���1�1'1�V�����1�����+ A�ri1�2,���� ���� Agenda Item 8.h. 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Re: �I�I��Tl�as�l�o �e��I�I�r�oac��vay �ea�NIr.A�s: � �� 1��t�r i�������i�� ��x��t�t�i� �urrer���tat� ��th����j��a.n��dvi�����as��t�i� �a.sor�s�vhy th�proje�t�s b��r�d���yec��d v��i��h�t�r�e �or pa�me�t t�nder�e 11r�emo���. �� �Jr���ta��d�ng ��tv���� the �ity, �'��r���r� ����� �rlar �����1 I���t�i��, �d JI�� �a�eds �� �� ��tend�d. As �o� may k�a�� t�e �ro���� ha� a ��r�� histo�y �vhi��, most ���en�y, �ias ir��l�c�e� i�s�e� �v�.t�i re�pe�� t� �rirr�� ar�� se���daxy a�e�� t,�roug� �alcor� l�ic��e �states. T�e IVI�� b�tv�e�� t�� ��t�, ���r�or, I��cia �VI� ���oo� ��s��t, �c� JH� v�a� �����e� �r�tt� �n ��c�e�r to �dr��s�h���rnar�a�����i����, lea��.�������r1��������e�r�c�ary a�����is����rit�i����� l�id�e. � �� h�d v�or��d ��t a�l�iss��s �r� �o�cept �nd v�r�re �ra���c�r�� �� l�ear�n� befo�� �ae � ���.�at���ard������rvi��rs �r�����rn��r 1�, ���� ���v���i�v� inte�.c��� �� asl� ��r a v�r��ri�f �or�t�u.a��e i� orc�er to final�� t�e �a�co� �idg�agr�er���t. �x���at�l�, ��1 'Frax�s, b� ��t�� �el��vere�t� t�� �a�n�y �a�� a�e�no�r� �he day �efore t�ie s�h�du�ed ���ri.��, �ai��d, �a�r t�� �irs� #�e, ��me�at� iss��s �eg�di�a� se�o�dary �ccess. �'r�mari�y, ��1 �'r�n� v�r� �,is�at���ed v�it� t���or�d.it��ns�ac�����d at t�e�u��t���� �ir�,�ith r�s����to�e re��ct��n of t�ra�e� a�er�� s�cand�y �ucce�s ro�x��. I� s�iort, �al �'r�,ns e��r�ss�c� a �or��r� t��t, ��s �te a ate, �� , � � � �pave��o�d seg�e�nt,ar�c�a�r�e�m�n�w�t1�F�.1�n R�c�g�tha�a�ny r�a���merge��y�s�a��h���t� �0�1� b� a t���ass, �c v��u.1d r�o� �e suf�'ici�r��1y deter�r�ci �r�� �sir�� the seca�dax�y ac���� t�er���ir��r�asi���i�l��rc��r���t�i�I����r�� 1�� int�r��a���. � I�a ��c�rr���r, a�1 �a�-�ie�, ��c��t �� ��r�, ��� a� t�i� ��u�t� �� d����s� a� r�s�l�ti�r�. �� �va� ����.r��t a� that r��etir�g t,�at a reso���ian v�rou�d b� �ea�����.hro�x�h a �eet�� bet���n �� ���e a���� �'ran�. ����s� of v�c�tior� s��iec���s �i�iir��i� �r�a���tiox�s, i�to��q�i�e �bi�o� ��e �� a��e s��� � �.�tin�. ��� t�� �ae��i.�� c�id ����r, th� �� a������� �v�r� a�1� t� � �g�� ��a����t���� �����tic�r�. ������rn� �a��� ar�cl f�rt� ����x� �11 ���a��r��c�, �h� ci�t�i�s �� t�ie�o�dition��re`�i�ali���, ��re��r �i�g t�� ��r�d�ti�r�, �a���v�r, c���s ��� ��r��1��i� th� ���t��. �a�ed ��o��� � �e� �a�dxt�or�, v�� �a�e had to rer�e�ot��te ou.r ag�eer��r�t vv�it� t�e F��or� �tidg� ��x�rs ��so��at�o�. ��rren��y, v�� ��a�t �o��r��s or� au� �o�t r��er�� r� o�. �i�� I d� �ot � � ������at� ��r�i�g �����n����, ��v� ���rr��� �� 1�a.�� r��� f�r�i� ��������d. �h���� c�� � ��m�a���e �����iat���s v�th t�� �s���i�ti�r�, t�� �`ir�a� �l��un��x�� ��1 �� ��r���t��r��cl �r� ���rov� � . ����A�������i�n's rr��n���r��i�. A�l��s�,�a��is a�� c����r�����. . �.� . � �� �: �,,��. ��x� �` . . �.�-���- � Agenda Item 8.h. Page 12 �� ��1i��� ��t ����nc��n� t�� ti�n� �'�r�a���� u�t��r t�� �VI�L� t� tl�� �arli�r�f�� d��� a.fter �i��l ��r�ta��v� r��� ���r��ra1 �� t�� ���,ty �� �ar� I��i� ���s�� �� �����r���r ��, ���� sho�ld�ive us�r�o���t�rne�� co����te�v�ry�������ess�, � A`.11 ��h�r��rrr�� �.c� ����iti�ns ���i� �I�I�r���ar�c�u.� ���r������dir�g �11 r�rr�a�r�ir� fu�l fa�ce a�d�����t. ���rn�k��� a� soa�. �s �o�si��� �f�his is �����tab�� �d �v� v�i1��r��a�re �n a�m���mer�t �� ����VI�LJ. ����s� f��1 fr������r�ta�����rit��y�x����i�r�s. �ery t���ou.r�, .T�� LA��3�A��T�R�, I.��� . � � ' _ � ����� IA Agenda Item 8.h. . � . Page 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.h. Page 14 ��������� T�: �1TY ��IJ��I� FF��IVI: �TE1��IV �4��11��, �ITY �Ah1J��� �I��JE�T: ���1����I�AT1�1� �F ��IEI���IAE�1T� T� LE�#��� IN1TH ��L�T�I ���lNTY MI�T�F����4L ���IETY T� VII�#�IIE � ��1��1��1 �� 1NAT�F� AN� ��VI��R �HA���� D�#��: ��F�IL ��, ���� �E��lll��I��V�A�`��I�: I� i� r���r�r�r�n�r���d t�r� �ity �����il: '�� a�ppr��r� t�� fir�t �r��r�dr��n� �� th� ����� �vitf� ��� ���th ���r�ty Hi�t�ri��l ���i�ty ��list�ri�a�l ���i�ty� f�r ��r� ��b}rr� �--I�u�� �r�p��t�; �� ���r��r� th� ����r�d �r��r��r��n� t� ��� I��s� �nr�tl� ��� F�i�t��i��� ���i�ty #�r �1�� H�ri����� H��r�� pr���r�Y; �} ��pr��r� t#�� third �r��t�drn�r�t t� ��� I���� �nri�h �h� H����ri��l ���i�t� f�r th� ��r�t� �II����I� ��h��l pr�p�r�y; �n� �� �ppr��r� th� F-ii���ri��l ���'r��y n�� �� �h��g�� �►���r ���s a�r�� ���r�r�r f��� ��r t���� �r���r#i�s, ��c�l��i�� �f L�����v�t�r ��a�r��s a�n� ��ut� ���n�y ���������n �i���ri�� s��r�r���rg��. FIIVAIV�l�L �lIA��#��: �� �r�ra�i�rit�� �ity �v�t�r an� ���r�� ���r��� f�r �f���� �r���r�'r��, i� �v���� r���« in a�n a�r�r��a�l ���t irr��a�t �� ���r��cirr�a�t�l� ���� t� �h� �ity's Vll���r F�r�� �r�� a�pp���rrr�a�t��� ���� �� t�� ��t�rr� ���v�� Ft�r��. BA�I������VD� ��r�n� ��n��d�r�ti�n ��t�� F1� �������� Fl� ����-�� ��-�nnu�� ������� h����r �'r� �`�r� F�li��nr� r�����t�d ��n�id�ra����� �f �dditi�r��l f�r�di�� �����t�r��� f�r ��� Hi�t�rN��l �����ty. A� � ����I�, �� �h� �����r���r �'f, ���� r�n����n�, tl�� �ity ���r��il ��ns���r�d a�r�� a��pr��r�� a� ��Id �Il�rr���rsf��� v�ritl� th� Wis��ri�a�l �����ty a�t a� ��st ����,���. T�� rr�a��rity �f ��� ��ty ���rr�il �Is� ��c������d a ���ir� t� f�r���r ir������� fir������1 ���'r�t�r��e �i�r�r� t�� ����i�����t ��rr�ri��ti�r�� �� ��� I�is#�ri��� ������y �� ��� ��rr���r�ity �r�d ��� ir���r����� �f �h�'rr �ff�rt�. I--fi��rrr��r�r, ��� �ppr���l vrr�� iir�i��d t� t�� ��Id M�rr���r�hr� r��h�r �I��� � ��,��� �I��it��rr�n III1��n��r�h�� d�� �� �r�j��t�� f�r��ing ��r�����ir�#� �r� �t�� F1� ����-�9 A�r���l B��l���. In �]���rr�b�r ����, �h� �it� 2��s� r���iv�� � r��u��t f��r� th� �lis��ri��� ������� �� ������ ��a�r��� �n #��ir �r�r�t�r �i�l� s� �h�t t��� �v�ul� pa�� �nl� ��� L���� �1��r�� ra�tl��r Agenda Item 8.i. � Page 1 ��TY ���JI��1L ��h1�I��F��4TI��V �� A�IEIVDI�IEIV�`� T� L�J�1��� 1Nl�H ���l�H ���l�VTY H��T�F���A� ���I�� �`� EL111AEiVA�� 1�1 P�F��I�h� �F V11�4T�� �1�� ��1I11�� ���T� �I��IL ��, ���� PA�� � ���r� ��� ��r ���� �r���rty. Th� t���� �r���rti�� tha�t �r� t�� �u����� ��t�i� r��u��# �r� �ur�r��� ���I�� �ft� �n� 1����d, �p�r�t�� ar�� r�n�int�in�d �}� �k�� Hi���ri�a�l ���i�ty. �IIV�►�1��1� �F i���JE�: Tk�� Hi�t�ri��l ���i�t� ��� b��n i�nstr���r�tal in #�rv�r�rdi�g g�a��� �f t�� ���� r�la�t�d t� pr���rv�ti�� ���h� hi����y, �h�r����r �n� h�r�t��� �f th� ���rr�unity. T���� ��-f�r�� ���h 1��1� �d����� ��t� r���d� t�r���h �r���nt��r I���r, �h�� r�d��in� �f�� ���t�: �� v�r�ll a�� �t�r��,��t� th� ��tyt� ���r��r�� t�r�ugh v��it�r ���ring �t#�-��ti�ns �r�� ���i�riti��. I� ����I� b� ��t�� �I�a�t �h� I--�i���ri��E �����ty, �t �u����n�i�l ����, ��cp�n�� ar�d t�r��gh ���� �r���r�t��r�nr�r�C: ir��r���� �a��� I�as�� �i�� �r-�d r����r�� t�� �i���ri�al ��r��tur�� ����t�d o� tha�� ��a��rti��. . I� r����n�� �� �f�� �-li���r���� �����ty'� ���u���, �t��f r����r�h�d �h� �ity'� ��Ili�� pr���d�r�. A���r��ng t� ����bli���� �ity ��li��� �h� L�p�� ���rg� i� ��i� f�r �a��h �nr�t�r r����r, I�v�r��l� �� ���I� �iffi���# �� ��dify th� �i�l�n� s�st�r� �� ����rnr������ ���� a� ���r�g� �r�� �nr��l� �r�a��� a�n in��ui��b�� pr��ed�r�t. H��r��r��, ����� �r� �ity ���n�il'� ���ir� t� pr��ri�� a�d�i�i�r��l fi��r����� ���i���n�� �� t�� Hi���ri�a�l ���i�t�, ���ff r����r�h�� ��I��r �It�rr�a�ti�r��. �rr �p��r#�rri�y ��E�t� ��r �h� �ity �� �-����� t�� I-��s������1 ���i���'� ��i�ity ���ts thr�u�h ��� I�a�� ��r��r��n�� vrr�t���� ir������ng �h� ��t�'� ��r��r�l ��r�d, I� �1�� v�r��l� n�t ��� �n unf�ir pr���d�r���rvi�l� r�g�r� �o other w�t�� �nd s��v�r �u�torr�ers �in�e tl�� v�r�t�r a�� �ev�rer �o�#� are not ������� f���tl��r �ity-�u�rn�� ��r���rti��. �t i� r����rr��r���� tha�� ��� L���� v�ra��r �f��r��� �nd ����h ���r�ty ���it��i�n �i���-i�t �I�a�rg�� �� r�ra�ir��a�����. Th��� �h�rg�� �r� �p��ifi��lfy pa�i� �� tf�� �ity t� �th�r ���r���es. ALT�RNA�IV��� T�� ���I�v�ring �r��rn�tiv�� a�r� �r�vfd�� f�r�h� ���n�i��� ����id���ti�n: - Ap�r�rr� �r�n�n�t��r��� t� I����� �r�ritl� th� His��r��a�l ���i��y �nd �ppr��r� � v�r���r�r �� �ity v�r���� �n� ���rv�r����g��; - Il��di�y �nd ������r� �r��r�d��nt� t� ���s�� vrr��� ��� I--�����r���l ���i�ty �n� �ppr�v� a� �rv��v�r �� ��ty �r���r �r�d ���r�r �ha�rg��, �r��l��in� �.���� �rr���r �har���t v�r�i��r v�r��ld r���1t ir� �r� �dd�ti���� ���� �f���r��cir��t��� ����� - �� r��� ������r� �r��r��rr��n�� �� I����� �� � �v����r �f v�r���r �r���v�r ���rg��; - �ir��t �t�fft� �urs�� �th�r �p���t�r�i�i�� ��r�ir�a�r����l �������r��e; - ����rid� ���ff dir��ti�r�. A�11�NTA�E�: A�����ra�l �f �ta��f'� r���r�n��n��t��n� v�r�l� pr���d� fir��n�i�l ���ista��� t� th� I--lis��r��a� ���'r��y �� �id �r� �i#�rt� �r�p�r#��� �� �f�� ��rr�rr��r�ity �it���t ��np����r�� tt�� ��r��r�� F�r�d �r�s���lisl�i�g �� un��ir pr�����r���rrritl� r�g�rd �� �t��r vrra��r �r�d ��v�r�r ���t�r����, Agenda Item 8.i. Page 2 ��� �����i� ���1�I�EF��#�I�IV �� �lV�E�V�11���VT� �� LEA��� 1NlTH ��l]T�# ��I�IV�Y - �II���F�I�J�1L ���IETY T� ELIII�II�IAT� A ���T1�1� �F 1II�A�EF� AN� ��1�V�� ���T� J�PF�IL. ��, ���� �A�E � DI��1�11�hf�TA�E�� 11V��1� �h� r���r��n��d��i�ns �nri�l n�� fin�r��i�l�� �rr����� �h� �ity}s ��r��r�rl �ur�dt i� v�il� r�s�lt in a� r�ni��r ir�p��t �� th� V11���r ��d ���r�r�r F�,���, �rh��f� ��rr����� �r� a�ls� fi����l� ��n��r�ir���. �1� � r���l�, t�r� �r������ a���ndrn�r�t� �� �I�� I�a��� ��r��r��r��� ����r�� sp��ify t��� �I�� ���i�i�r� �� ��irr�ir��t� �ity v�r���r �nd ���v�r ���rg�� ��n �� r���ir�d�� �� a�r��tirr�� b���� �it� �����i� du� �� ��d��t �� �t��r ��r�s���ra�t��r��. �h�VI��I���I�T1�L F��111�V1�: I�� �r��rir�nrr��n��l r��ri�v�r is r�q�ir�d f�r���� it��n. P��LI� �V�T1�1��►T��N AhfQ ���II�IIIIEI�T�: Th� A���d� �nra�� ������ �n fr�r�t �� �it� I--I��I �r� �I�ur����, A�r�l �7, ���� a�rrd �r� t�� �i�y's v�r�b�it� �n Fr���y, A�rrl '��, ����, IV� ���r��r��� �v�r� r���i�r�d. Att��hr���#s: 1. I--�i���ri��l ���i�� L���� f�r I��b�'� I,-I���� F'r�p�r�� �. I--�'r���ri��l ���i�#� L���� f�r H�ri���� #��u�� P�-���rty �. I--fi����ri��l ���i�t� �..�a�� f�r ��r�t� 1VI��u�l� ��h��� Pr���r�y �, ����r������, ���� ��rr��p����nc� fr�r�r� Wist�ri��� ���i�ty Agenda Item 8.i. Page 3 �IF��T ��III��VDIIIIENT `�� L.�A�� A�F�E��III�NT [F�IJ�Y�� H���E] �HI� �II��T Al1�EIV���IV� T� LE��� A��EEfVI�I�T i� m��l� �r��i �r�t�r�� i�t� thi� � d��r �� t ����, �y �r�� ��tv►r��r� �he �ITY �F AF�F��Y� C�A1V�� ��`�I�`lf"�, � rx�uni�i�a�� ��r��r�ti�r� duly �r��n���� �nd ��c���ir�� ��r�u�r�t t� ti�� ��r��t��u�ti�r� ��nd 1��v� �� �I�� ����� �f ��lif�rr���, �r�d ��I�TH ����Tl� H��T�F�I��►� ���I�TY �H1�`��F�I��L ���IETY"�: � ���i��rn�� ��npr�fit ��r��r�ti�r�# �r�ritl� r�f�r�r��� t� th� f�ll�vrrin� f���� �n� i�nt�r��i�r��: VI�HE��A�$ the p��tie� enter�d inta � ���s� A��e�r��n� dat�d �e�t�r�be� ��, '���9, �t�e��ir��fk�r r��e�-re� �� a� t�r� iiL.���� Agr�erne�t"}� �nd VII�--I�F����, ��� �a��ti�� d� h��r���r d�sir� �� ��n�rr� ��� L���� ����e�m�r��. IV�VI�, THEF�EF��E, �rr ��r��i��r�ti�r� �� #�� pr�r����� �r�r��r� ��r���ir���, �nd f�r �th�r ��I�a�b�� ��ns�d�r�t��r�, th� r���i�t a�r�d �u�fi�ier��� �� �vhi�f� i� i��r�b�r ���cr���vl�d��d: �� i� ��r��� �� �r�d ��t�v��r� tl�� ��r���� ��f�ll��r�: �, ���ti�r� �.� �f�k�� ����� A�r��rn�nt �� ��r���r ��I�t�d ir� it� �r���r��� �r�� rep���ed as f�flov�r�: ����i�� �,� ���i#i�na�l F��r�t. I n ���iti�r� t� �h� b��� r�r�t, I--�i�t�ri��� � ���i�t}r �I���I ���r �n �dditi�na�l r�r�t ����ri��� �f ti�� pa��rn�n� �f a��� u��ili#��� �A�ti�l� �� �r�l��� �v�i��� ir� ��-i�in� �� ��t�r, p��rrn�rrt �f a������r��n� �nd ��������ry i�t�r��� t���� {Arti�l� ��, �rrd ��r� p��rn�r�� �� ir��ur�n�� ��r����� �}. �, ���ti�r� �.'I ��th� L�a��� ��r��r��r�t i� h�r���r ��I�t�d ir� its �nt�r�t�r �r�� r��l���� �� f�ll�v�r�: ���ti�rr �.� f���rn�r�t �f k�tilit�r ��r�r���� �� �d�i�i�rr�� ��nt. .� ���. �--li�t�r���l ���i�t}r sl���l ir��ti�t�, ��r��r��� f�r, �nd ��t��r�, �n i�� n�rr��, �II �til�#� ��rvi��� r��uir�� f�r ��� �'r�rr�����# in�l�dir�� ���: �����ri�it�r# t����h�r��, �r�r�t�r, ���i��ri�l, tr��#� r��rr���ra��, ��v��r: ��� a�n�r ��I��r �tili��r u���d �r oor���r�r�� ir� �h� Pr�rx�i��s �uri�� ti�� L���� ���r�m, F�i�t�r���l �����t}r ���fl ���, a�n� i��ld �it� ��d t�� �r���rt}� �� �i�� fr�� �r�� h�rr�l�s� �r�r�n, a�ll �#���-��� ��r utili�� ��rvi��� �� t#��y ����r�� ��� �� ��rt �f tf�� r�r�t�l �f��� F�r�r�����. All �u�h ���r��� �In�ll b� p�id b� �--Ii���rF�a�� ���ie�� �ire�tl� t� t�� �r��ri��r �f ��r� ��rvi�� a�n� �h��l h� p�id �� th��r ����r�� �u� �n� p���b�� ��t i� �n� �v�nt b���r� ���it����r��y. �E��, �t it� ��I� �i��r�ti��, r�r��� �v�iv� �I��r��� f�r �i�� �v�t�r ��r�ri���, e�c�lu��i�r� �� ����� �l��rg��, �r��i ��r �it�r ���nr�r �er�ri���, ���lu��i�� �f ��utl� ����t}r �a�r�ita����n D��tri�t �I��r���. Th� ���i�i�� t� �r�i�r� �I������ ����I b� r�2�d� in ��� ��1� �r�� �b��lu�t� c����r�t��r� ��, �nd i� �u����t t� th� �ri�r �rr�tt��n ���ro�r�l �f �I�� �i#}r ���n�ii. Th� d��i�i�n t� �v�i�r� ���t� ��r�r��� r�n�}r �� r����n��� �t �ny tirrr� �rr ��� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 4 ��I� �r�d ����I�t� di��r����n �f �k�� �it� ���r��il. �it�r r���r ����t t� t�rr�ir��t� t�i� L����� i� �I�s��r���� �����t� f�i�� �r ��fu��� �� p�� th� ��ra�r��� f�r �t��i�� ��rvi��� a� ����sse� or �r�c��r�d. �. ��c���� �� �m��i�i�d ��r�ir�, t�r� L�a��� A����r�ne�t �r�� ���I� �rr� ��r�ry t�rr� �nd ��rr�i���n t�����f �h�l� r�t��i�r in f�l� f�r�� �r�d �f�e��. ���JTI-rl ��llIV�Y HI�T�FtI���. ���IETY: ��: �V���: �`i�le: �T���T: �ITY �F AI���Y� �F��N D�: �}r: T�N1� ��f��A�A, II�IIAI��F� ATTE�T; I�ELLI� VIIETNI�F�E, ��T1� �LEF�� �F��f��ll�� A� �� ��F�II�I: �`III��`�H1� ,�. ��F�11��1�, �ITI� A�T�F�IVE1� 2 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 5 ����N� �►I�lEN��II�I�T �� ����E ���E��IENT [�I��ITA�E H���E] T�II� ����1V� ��E1V�NI�NT T� �.���� ��F�EEII��IVT �s �m�d� �n� �r���r�� into �h�s � d�y of , ���8, by an� ���rr��r� the ��Tl� �F AF�F��1�� �F��C�� �����TY"�, � rnu����i��i ��rp�r��r�r� ��I�r �r��r����d �n� ��ci�tin� ��r���r�t t� ��r� ��r����tu��i�r� a�r�d ���nr� �� tl�� �t��� �f ��I�f�rr�i�, ��� ��1��"F� ���JEVTI� F�I�T�F�I��� ����ETY �HI�T�F����L �����Tl�'��, � ������r�ni� r���p����t ��rp�r�ti�n, v�ritl� r���r�r��� #� t�� f�ll��r�ri�g f���� �r�� int�r-��i�r-��: 1l11�--I�F�E��, �I�� p�r�i�� �r���r�� int� � L.r���� A�r��rn�nt �a�t�� J�n� �, '����# {�er�ir��ft�� �e���re� t� �� tl�� "I����� ��r��r�r-����"}; ��nd 1l11�-IEI��A�, tl�� p��ti�� �r���r�d �r�t� � Fir�t �r��rr�rn�nt t� th� L���� A�r��rn�r�t on Jun� ��, ����: ��� VII�IEF�EA�# th� p�rti�� d� h�r�b}� d��ir� t� ���t�er ���rrd th� L���� �►g r��rr��r�t. N�lf1l, T�EF�EF�F�E, ir� ���n�i��r��i�r� �� t�� �rerr�f�e� ��r�i� ���t�ir��d, ��d f�r �#��r �r�l����� ��r��i��r����r�, t�� r���ipt �nd s�ffi�i�r���r �f vrr�i�h �� �r�r��� a���r���nrl�d�e�, ft i� ��r��d �� a�nd b�fi�v��n th� p�rti�� ��f�ll��r�: 'I. ���ti�r� �.� ���I�� L���� A����rr��r�t i� ��r���r d���t�� in i�� �r�tir�t� �r�� r��l���� �s ��I���v�: ����f�r� �.� ��d i�i���� F��n�. I n a�dd i�i�n t� #h� ���� r�n�, I--I i�t��r���l �����t�r ���II ���r �n �d�iti�na�l r�r�t ��r�pri��� �f tf�� ���r�n�r�t �� ��� u���iti�� ��►rti�l� �} ur�l��� �r�r��v�� i� �vri�ir�� b�r ����, ���r�r��r�t �� ����ss�nn�r�t �nd p��s�s��t�y in��r�st���c�� {�►rti�l� �}, �r�� ��� ���rr��r�� �f in�ur�r-��� ��r#i�l� �'��. �. ���ti�n �.� �f�k�� L,���� �gr��rr��nt �s ��r���r ��I���d irr it� ��ntir��t}r ��� r��l���� �� f�il�v�r�: ����i�n �.� P��rrr��n� �f lJ�ilit� ��rvi��� �� .Addi�i���l F��r�t. Hi�t�ri��l ���i��y �I��II �r�i�i���, ��r�tr��t ���r, �nd �l���ir�, ir� �t� n�r��, �II ��il�t� ���vi��� r���ir�� f�r ��� Pr�rr�is��, ir���u�in� g��, �����r�����, t����h�n�, �v���r, j�nit�ri��, tra��� r����r�l, ��v��r: �r�� �r��r �tf��r �tilit� u��d �r ��r��ur�r��� in th� Pr�r�i��� du�rir�� #h� L���� t�r�n. w-li�t�ri��l ���i�t�r ����I ���, �nd h��� ��t�r �n� ��� �r���rt�r �� ��t�fr�� �r�d ��rr�l��� �r�rr�, ��I �h�r��� f�r �,tilit� ��rvi��� �� �h�� ����r-r�� d�� a�� ��rt ��tl�� r�r�t�l �f�h� Pr�rni���. �II �u�h �f��r��� �h�ll �� ��i� b�r I������-���I ���i�t�r �ir���l� t� th� �r��r�d�r �f �h� �ervi�� ��d �h�ll �� ��i� �� ���y b���r�� c�u� �nc� ����bl� t�u� in �n�r ���r�� b�f��� �i�lir�qu��n��r, �i��r, �t it� ���� d���r�ti�r�, r�a��r �nr�iv� �ha�r��� f�r ��t�r �v���r ��rvi���f ���I����� �f ��p�� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 6 �f��r���# ��d f�r �i�� ���r�r ��rvi���: ��c�lu�i�r� �f ���t1� ���r�t�r ��r�i#�ti�r� �i�t�i�t ���r���, ��e �e���i�n �� v�r�i�r� �h�r��� �f��il �� r��d� �� tl�� ��I� �r�� ����lu�t� di��r�ti�r� �f, �r�d �� �u�j��t t� �h� �ri��- v�rr�tt�n ���r��r�l �� #I�� �it� ��u�rr�il. T�� d��i�i�n t� v�r�i�� �u�#� ���r��� rn��r.b� r���ir���� �t �r�y tir�r� ir� t�r� ��I� �rr� �bs�lu�� di��r�ti�r� �� �h� �it}r ���,r��il. ��t}r rr��� ����� t� t�rr�ir���� �I��� ��a��� i� I--l��������I ���i�t}r f�il� �r r���s�� t� ��� tf�� �h����s ��r u��ili�� ��rv���� �� �������� �r �n�urr��. �, E�c���t �� �m�difi�d h�r�ir�, tF�� L���e Agre�rr��n�, �� �r�n�n���, �n� ���#� �rrd �v�ry t�rrr� �n� ��r���ti�r� �h�re�f���I� r�r��in in fu�li f�r�� �r�d �ff��t. ��llTH ��L�N�Y WI�T�F�I�A�. ���I�TY: ��: �l�r��: Titl�: ATTE��: Tit��: �ITY �F AF�f��Y� �RA�1�E: B�: T��V1� ��I�I�AF�A, II�A��F� ATTE�T: �E�L1� IfVETM�l�E, �IT� ��.�F�I� AF'�R�11�D A� �"� F�RM: �I��TH1� �1. ����11��, �ITI� �TT��NE1� � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 7 �'HIF�[] ��I���N�ENT �� ����� A���EEM�IUT ��A�1T�► �UTANLJEL.� �����L] T�i�� T�iIF�� �►ME�V�II�EfVT �� LEA�E A�F���N1�IV�` i� rx��d� a�r�d �n��r�� irr�� #�i� ���r �f t ����, b� �r�� b��v�r��� ��r� �ITIf �� AF�F��Y� �F��►IV�� ������lf"�, � �n��ri�ip�� ��rp�r����r� du��r �rg�r�i��� �nd ��ci����� ��r���r�� t� t�e ��r��tit�ti�n �r�d I�v�rs �f tl�� ���t� �f ��I���rr���, �n�i �����I ���lIVTY �I��T�F���AL ���IE�`� �HI���F�I��� �����T�"�, � ���if�r�n�� n�r��r�fit ��rp�r�#��r�, �vith �-�f�r�n�� t� �h� ��Il��nrir�� f��#� �nd �r�t�nti�r��: 11V1--I�F����, �h� p�r�ti�� �r�t�r�� ir��� � �,���� �gr��r�n�r�t ����� IV��r�r�rb�r ��, ����, ���r�ir���t�r r���rr�d t� �s tf�� "L���� A�r��r��r�t"�; �r�� 1J�F-�EF�EA�, th� p�rki�� �r�t��-�� ir�t� � �ir�t �rn�ndr�n�nt �� th� L�a��� ��re�men# or� Jur�� ��, ����; and II111--�EF����, t�� ��rti�� �r����r�� ir�t� � ����n� Ar��ndr��r�t t� #�� ����� A�r�er�er�� on A��r�� ��, ����; �nd 1fVHEF�E��, t�� p�rt��� �� I��r���r d��ir� t� furth�� �rr��r�� ��� L����� A�r����r��, �V�1111, THEF�EF�F��, �n ��n�id�ra�ti�n �f th� pre�i�e� ��r�i� ��r���ir���t �r�� f�r �t��r v�l��bl� ��n�id�r�ti�r�, �I�� r���i�� �r�� ��f�����rr�}r �f v�r�i�� i� ��r��� ��k���r.l����d, �t i� ��r��� �� �rr� b�t�nr��r� ��� ��rt��� ��f�ll��nr�: 'I. ����i�r� �.� ����� L�a��� ��r��r-r-��r�t i� I��r�b� ��I���� �r� it� �r��ir��}� �n� r��l���� a��f�l���nr�: ���ti�r� �.� �d��t��r��� F��r�#. I� a���i�i�r� t� th� b��� �r�rrt, Hi�t������ ���i��}� �h�ll ��� �� ��d��i��a�� r�nt ��rn�ri��� �� ��� ���rn�r�� �f ��I �#��iti�� ���-ti�l� �� �r�l��� �nr�i�r�d i�n �riti�� ��r �it�r, p�}�r�n�rr� �� a������r�r��nt �r�� ��������ry ir�t�r��t t���� {Arti��� �}, �rr� tl�� p��r��r�t �f in�ur�n�� �A�ti�l� ��. �. ���ti�n �.'I �f t�� L���� ��r��r�r��r�t i� h�r�b� ��l���� �n it� �r�t�r�t�r �n� �r�pla���d �� f��l��v�: . ����i�rr �,�I �� r��r�# �f l��ili� ��rvi��� �� A�di���n�l ��nt. Hi�t�ri��l ���i�t}r �h�ll irri�i���t ��r�tr��t f�r� �nd �b�a�i�, �n i�� r��r�r��, �I� util�t� ��r�r'r��� ����i��� f�r ��� �r�rr�i���, i���u�ir�� �a��, �I��tr���t�, t�l����n�, �nr�t�r, j��i#�r��l, tr��� r�r��u��, ���r�r, �r�d ���r �t��r �tilit� u��d �r ��n�u�r��� ir� #�� ��r�rr����� ��rir�� ��� L���� t�rrr�. I�i�t�ri��� ���i���r �h�l� ���, ��d h�l� ��t� �r�� th� p����r�� �f �i#}r fr�� �r�� I��r�n���� fr�rn# ��I �ha�r��� ��r ��ili�}r ��rvi��� �� tl��� C����r�n� c�u� a�� ��rt ��th� r�nt�l �f�h� �r�rr�i���, �II �u��k� �h�r��� ���II b� p�id b}� F-�i�t�ri��� ������y dir��#I}r t� #h� �r��r��l�r �f t�� s��vi�� �r�d �h��l �� ��i�i �� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 8 �fi��� b���r�� du�� a�nd p��ra�bl� ��� ir� �r�y ��r�r�t ��f�re d��i�qu�n�y. �it�r, �� i�� ���� �i��r�ti�n, �n��r �ra��r� �h�r��� f�r ��t�r ����r ��rvi���, ��c�l��iv� �� L���� �F��r���# �nd ���- �i�� ���r�r�r ��rvi���� ���E��i�� �f ���th ����t�r ��r�i��ti�r� D��tr��t ���rg��. Th� ���i���n �� �v���r� �h�r��� ��r�ll b� rr���� ir� t�� ��I� �r�� �b���u�� �i��r�ti�n ��, �n� i� ��,bj��t t� ��� �ri��r �r�rr�tt�n �p�r��r�l �f ��r� ��ty ��u��n�il, ��� d��i�i�r� t� ��i�� �u�#� ���r��� rx��}r �� r����n��d a�t �r�}� �ir�� i�n ��� ��I� �nd �b����t� �i��r��i�n �f �h� ��t�r ��u���il. �it}r r��� e���t �� t�rrr�i�a��� thi� ����� if H�����-���I ���i�t�r f�il� �r r�fu��� t� p�y th� �h�r��� ��r utilr��r ��rvi��� �� �������� �r �r���rr��. �, ��c���� �� �m��i�i�d h�r�ir�, #�e ����� A�r��r��nt, a�� a�r�er��e�# �n� ���k� �n� ��r�ry t�rr� �r�� ��r��i#i�r�� ���r��f, �h��l r�rr��in �r� ���I f�r�� �n� �f����. ��IJ��I ��I�IVTY HI��"�F����4L ���I��lf: ��r: I�i�rr��: Tit��: �►T���T: T�tl�: �fTY �F AF�F��Y� �F��#�VD�: ��: ���il� F��RA�, MAY�R �TT��T; I��L�1�1IV�TNI�F�E, �11�� ��EF�� �PPF��11E� A� T� ��F�II�: �lM�TF�1� J. �AF�IVIEL, �IT� �TT�F�f�EY � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 9 • � � r • * + � � _ • � } � ���1.��1.:1 ��J���1.:�� TH�� I��A�� AC�����I�T �'�I��as�ff} is mad� ar�d �r�ter�d into t�i� �8�' �a� o� ,���te�nb�� , 1�9�, in t�e �it� af Arraya �r�r�de, �a�nty of�ar� Luis �����o, �a��i�o�nia, b� �nd �e��veen th� �IT� �F A�R�Y� ��A1�D� �"���y"�, � n�ur�����al ��rpo�atior� �u1� �rga��i..�ed ���i exi��ir�g �urs��r�t to t�e �on��ituti�� a�d �a�vs of �he �tat� of �a.��forn�a, an� ���1'�� ��LT��� H��T�I�i�A� ����ET� �+,�ist�r��a� �oci�t�'f�, � �al�fornia��or�-�ro�i� �or�ora��o�� v�i�� r���r�r��� �� th� ��I1�v��r�� �a��� �r�� ��t�����r�s: ��ITAL� �, ��ty i� t,�� �v���r ��a t�t�ildi.��� �d �r��� �r��erty ��cat�� �� l�� ���t� 11'�Ias�r� ����� �r� �h� �ity ��Ar���� �ra���, ��a�� ���ali���r��� ���h���ir�a��t�� r�f��rr�� �� �� ��i� "�re�ni���"�, �. ����r i� �1s� t�i� �v�vr��r ���w� �t�i�r ��r���� ��r��1 �r������ v�r1�i��i ar� ���r��r��I}r b��r�� 1�a�s�� �� ��� Hi������a� ���ie��r, ar�� �v1���1� a►r� 1��a��c� a�d�a������� th� �������s. �, 'Th� �i���ri��� ���i�ty �r������ t� ����� th� ����m���� fr�rr� ���y ��r t�i� ������ �� offic� �n� �torage spa�� fo�r th� �I���a�i�al �oci�t�'� �se ar�d r�1�►te� f�r�ction�. . �. A1th��g� ������b��, ���pr��r����� a�r� ir� n��� ��r����� ar�� r�f�rbi�h��n�, �, 'Th� �Iis������1 ������� �I�� �r������ t� ������� �c� r��at��lita��� t�i� �������s, �or�so�idat�de�����rr�er�t of t��h���t��e ��d�n� on tlie�rem�s�s� a.�d use t�� P�rer�is�s in a ma�r�er �v1�i��i �ro�rnot�s th� ��s�ory �nd 1oca� heri�age of��t�. �. ���y h���� � �r�i��� �1��� �n t�� �iis���r�r ��' ��I���rr�i� a�� t�� �i�� �� a�r� ���rl� �h�rr���� ���i�n ��1���� �►�� �� p��� �f�► �r��� IVI��i��n �ar���i�, �, 'T�a� �ar�i�s fin� ��a� i� v���ld �� �� �h��r ��t�a1 a►�������� a�c� ��b��� ����fi� �`�r �i�� �� ����� t�� �r�rr����� �� Hi����i��� ������}� �� ����r���� h�r�i�, 1���� ��.ER��'�R�� I'T I� A�R��� �� ��1���v�: A�.'I'��LE 1. ��F�I�T�TI�1��. Th� �o��a��r�g t�rrr�� sha��, for a�1 �u�pose� of��s I��as�, 1��v� ��e follov���g r��ar��ng as ��� ��rth b���v�r. � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 10 i ti + �,1 ��, ��t�r ��� th� rn�ar�ing ���igr��� ���r�t� �r� �I�� �r�a.��l� 1��r���. 1,� �I�������a1 ���i�tv. Hi���ri�a�1 �����ty �a� th� ��ar�ir�� a����r��� ��i�r��� ir� ��i� prea�nble he��to, � � 1.3 Ir�����������. �`�� ��rm "im�r��r�m���s" �� "�pr���rr����'� ir��l���s, ��� �s r��� -- y�Y9ilir �irr��tec� to, �restora�io�s# a�ter�tior�s, ��b�x��dir�g, adc�itio��, ��iar�ge�, repairs, u�pgra�es, r��lace����s, r�mo�el�ng, r�cor�ditior�ir��, or �n�di�`��a�ia�s of any ar�c� a�� �ort��ns of the . �rern�.�ses. 1.4 I���vs ��� ����r�. �'�� t�rrr� "l�v�� ��� �r��rs" ir������� a��l 1�v��, ��atut��, ord�r��►r��e�, �tar�d���, r�1��, r���irern��ts, ��gul�tions, d�ere�s� ju��ments, or ord�rs ��� in ��r�� ��r �i�r��ft�r �r��►����, �r�����a��c�, �r i����c� ��r �11 f���ral, ��a��, ���r�t�, �it�, �r �t��r g��r�r���r�ta�i a����i��� ��urts, c��p�rtm�r��s, ���mi��i�ns, ��ar��, a��c� ��fi��r�. T�� ��rrn al�� i��1�c1�� ��v�r�rr��r�t ��as�r�� r�������r�� �r �r���r�ir�g ���1�� ����ss, �����a��i�r�a��, ��a�1t�i, fi��, �a����qc��l��, �� ����t�r �ta�r���r�� ��� �������r�� �m�1�����, 1�►n�i�rcl�, �� ��r�a�r���, 1.5 �.eas� �o��r�ce�rn�r�t �a�e. �'he ��as� cor�m�n��m��t �ate is �h� d��� o�Lease . ��� ���t� �n Aw����1� 1, s�����n 1.�, �.6 �.�eas� '�erm. Thi� L�ase s�i�l� �e ��f�cti�e a� �f the da� ar�d y��r �`�r�t a�ov�v�ritter� a�d s�a�l ����i� i� �ff��t �o� �� ir�it��� t�rn� o�tw�nty �2�� �rea�s th�r�f�o�; �r�vid�, �ov�ev�r} t�at begir�r�g v�i� t�� �irst da�r a�`Jar�uary of t�e ��a� ���vhi�h ��� I�eas� �vi11 hav� a.r��r�����red �er�m of r���e�e�n �19� yea�rs, �r�d ea�h firs� day o� .�a►n�ar� t.�er��ft�r, a year ��aI1 be ��d�d ��t�r�������1� t� ��� r�rr������� �� ��� ir������ ��rrr� �nl��� a r������ �� r��nr����ra�1 i� �i�r�� a� ���vid�� �ereir�. �f��t��r �a�t}� �e��res �o� t� r��e�v t�i�s L�as�, t�iat �ar�� ��al� ����� ��r�t��r� ��t��� �� r��n��r��v�a1 �� �I�i� ��a��� �� ��� ����r ��r�� �� 1���� r�ir��t� �9�� �l��r� �r�i�r �� ��� �����a�ti� ��a�� r���v�a�l �a��� �f�hi� I���►�� �����fi�� a���v�, �.� �'r������. 'Th� �r������ r���rs �� ��� ��i���n� ar�� �r��1 �r����t�r ���a���� at ��� �����i 11�a���� ��r��� ir� t�� ���� �� w���� i� ��� ���j��� �f��a�� L,�a���, A�TI��� �. I��A�E� ��1�I'�"'I�1�, Al� ��ER��'�'I��T ��' �tI��IT�. . �,� I��a��� �� �r�rr�i���. I� ��r��i�i�r�►�i�n �� ��i� r�r���, ��v�n�n��, a�r��l a�����rn��t� �or�tain�d ir� ��i� �.ease, ���r ���eby ��ase� to Hi�tor���l �o�i�t�y, ��nd H�st�r��a1 �a�ie�y �e�eby ��ases frar� �ity th� Pr�rr��ses. �.2 �Ta�e o�La��dlorc� and�'er�a�t. '��i� lar�dlar� is t�e ��t�r of Ar�oyo �ra�nd� ar�d t�i� t�n�r�� �� ��� ��u�� ��t�n��r �I����r��a1 ���i�t�. �,� �r�s�r�t ��r�c�iti�r� ����ild�� an� �'r��i���. �����ri��� �����t�r r��r�����t� �a� i� �as �onduct�d a� ��pe�ti�� �� exarnina�io� of�h� Pr��nises �a� �r� th� s�b�e�t of this L�a�� and 2 � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 11 � a�kno�v�ed��s �at �h� b�ildi�g ���t�ir�s irr�pr�ver�n��ts to �al�e th� �u�1d��� fit �or t�s� a�� ���r�t��n ��r Hi����r���� �����t�. �i�t�����1 ������y �����ts �1�� �r����� i�th���r���nt �����t��r� and ��re�s t� r��a�ilit�te �he P�ern�s�s s� that t��y a�r� ir� s�itab�� sl�pe �nd �ond��ior� for ���u�a�n�y �� ����r����� l��r Hi���ri��►1 ������}r, � �.�.� A.���s �ond�tion. ��stor���1 �o�i�ty a�c���s ��� �r�mis�s as-is, in t�e�r � �re��nt co�dit��n or ��ate as of t�� �a�e of Lea��, ir�c�u���g ar�y ar�� a1� �a��nt �r �at�nt d�fe�ts, �vithou�t ar�� �r�pr�s�nta�io�. ar v�a�r�ar�t�, �xp��ss ox �m�1��c� �n fa�t or�� 1av�, �y �ity ar�d �vit�out r�����r�� �� ���� �s �� ��e r�atur�, ���d�ti�n, �r u��bi�i�� ���� �'r�rr�����, �,� 1����r�a��i��,,,��i�. ��ry �r���r��� a11 rig��s in t1�� ���r��rr�i� va�1�� ��` ��� l�a������, a�� all rig�it� ����rv�� t� ��� ����r �� ���ra��i�� ��1��v. A��'I��� �. R�1�'�' A�D ADDIT��I�T� �1�'�'. �,� �a�� F�e�t. �����r��al ���i�ty ���11 p�� �� �i�}r �n �� la���r� t�� �a�t �u�in��� �a}r �f t.�� fir�t �o�� of�a�� ��as� ye�� a bas� rer�t �� the s�m of�n� �ol�ar ���.�} p�r y��r for �a�� �r�a�� ��th� ����� ��r�n, � �.� �d�iti�r��1 ����. I� ac��i�i�n �� ��� �a��� ����, �I��t��i��� �������r ��a��� ��� an ad�itio��� r�r�t �om���sed of t�e pay���,t o��11 �ti�iti�s {Ar����� 5}, pay�en� o�ass�ssm��t� a�d po�se�sor� �nt�r�st t�x�� �Arti��� 6�, anc� �he paym�r�� of���ur���� �Arti�le 7�. A�'I*���� �. �J�� ��' ��11�����. �.1 �err��tt�c� �]se ar�d �Via�in�en�r��� o��r��i�es. ��r�ng t�� I��a��� ��rn�, �Ii�tor���� �o��ety s�a�� �se the �'rerr�is�� so��l� �o� �I�stari�al �ociety aff��e ar�d st�rag� �����, �d far s�c� oth�r u�e� ger�er�1�� appurtena�t to the ��s���ss �f t�a� ��s�o���a� �a��et�. �i��or���� �oc�et� r�a� u�se t�e �rerr�i�e� for s�e�ia1 o��nin�� ar�d e�rer�ts relat�r�g t� �i�tor���I ar��i ���r�n�nity ��er�ts. ���tori�a�1 Soc�ety �vi�� �ands�ap� ar�� rr�ain�ain�e gro�r��s ou�tside t�� �uildin� in a nr�anr��r sirr�i��.r ta �ha� �'or ��ie rr��seurn on t�i� �dja��nt 10� ar�d ���ar�arat� ���s� ��rour�d� i��o �he �ast��r gar�e� ��a� ��r ��� rnu����. � �� a�m�r���ci r��s��r� �a���n�lan ��rr�t�inin� ��� �►c�j���r�� �r��r��� ��a11 �� st�����ted to th� ���y's ��re�tor �� Parl�s an� R��r���ion fo� �vritt�r� ���ro�a� �rior t� . ir��leme�ta��ar� of t�� p1ar�. Hi�tori��� �o���t�r ��a�� �vt use o��er�it �he �r��i��� to �� u�� �or ar�y ot�i�r �urpose ��t��ut �it�'� �r�o�r v�ritten �or�ser�t, w�.�c� m�y be g�rant��l o� v�ithl�e�d ir� �it}�'s ���� c�i��r����r�. ��xri�g �h� �ea�s�'i'�r�m, I�is��r�c�1 �ocr�ty, a� �ts �v�rr� �����c� �������a�cl �� �� ���� ��� ����ns� �� ��t}r, ��a�� ��n�inr���s1�r ar�� �it���t ��������n r��ai�r, rr�air��a�ir�, an� ma.�ce i�-npro��rr��r�ts to a�1 portior� o��� �r�m���s to �n�r�r� th��al� portio�� ��er�of are �n a goa� or��r, c�r�d�tior�� ar�d re�air i� �ompli�r��� wit�i a111a�vs �r�d �rders. �.� �i '� �i��t ��A�����,�� a�� i��� ���'���m����. ���y a�r�� i�s a�g�r��� ��ia��l ha��r� ��� r�g�� at al� �rea�or�a��� �irr��s to �r�ter t�� ����ises t� perf�rrr� fu�r��ti�ns, in��udi.�g, but �ot Yim�t�d �� th� ������ri��; in����� ��� 1'r�rr�i���; ���v� t�� �r�rr����� �� ���s���ti�� ��r�����r� �r � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 12 + mor�gag��s� serv�, pos�� a�� 1�ee� �o�t�d r�oti��� r�quired by la� ar �iat �ity cor�sid�rs �e�e��ary �o� th� prote�ti�r� o��i��r or ��� Prem�s��; �n���ct t�� Pr�rnises �o� any ���pose �on�ec�ed v�ith ��e �a.r� ar�� rr�ana���ner�� o�the Prem�ses; �e�for� �er�r��es r�q�ired �f�it�; �a�e �o�se�s��n ��e �� �n� �r�a��� �f t1��� �����; ��r��rm ar�� ���r�n���� ��I�i����i�������i�t�r ���� �����ri��� ���i��y fai�� to p�rfo�r�, or ��� ��r �t�er ��rpose reasar�a�l�r �o�e��ed �ith ����'s ��tere�t �r� t�ie Pre��ses. ��t� e��re�s1� �eser��s th� right �o er��e� upo� ar�d ma�e ar�y �mprov�rnen�� to �.he ���m�s�s �� �r���rt of th� �ity'� a�da�t� ��ee�Pat�a�ro�ect �o� �� so�t�i s�de ���f��of�rroyo �r�nde �re��, ��I�d�n�p1a��n�en�o�p��es������I� ar�d �en�h�s� as ��ty �na� ��ioose at its so�e �iis�r����r�. �.r�� s��l� �r�rl��ri�1 �� d�r�� in �► r����r�a�l� a.�� ��p����i�u� rna��� s� �� �� �a�s� t�� ��ast p�a�tic�l int�rfer�n�� �v�t� �Iistor��al �ac��ty'� u�e o�t�� Pr�rnis�s, ���y ��so res�rv�s t�� �i��i� �� ��� ��i� �r�u���� ������� ��� �u�1d�r�� and �n��r ��� ��� ��i1��ng i������v����u�� ��a�rg� ��r ��c�ia�s� a�ti�iti��, o� me�tings of t�� ���}� o� m�tua�ly ag��ed upo� �a�es ar�d ti�r��� by ��c�����ir�g �1�� �a�n� �r�rr� �i���ri�a�1 ���i��}r, v�r���� ��r���r�� t� su��� ��� b� �it� sha��� n�t �� u�r�asanab��r v�ith�ield. �����/�� �i ��������■ �,1 �a� rr���� ���J��1�t� �������� �� Ad�i���r��1 ��r��,. �����ri�� ���i���r ���1� ���tia���� �or�tract fo�, ar�� abtain, ir� i�� �ame, �1� �trlit�r s��r����s re�ui��d �or t.�� �rer��es, in��u��ng �as, e���tr�cit�, ������io��, wat�r, jar�itorial, �ra�h r��o�a�, sew��, ar�� an� ot�er ��i�ity use� �r ����r�m�� �r� t.�� ��r������ ��ri�g �h� I����� ��rm. I�i���r���I ���i�ty ��ia�1��a�r, �� h�1� �it�r anc� ��� �ra���ty o��it� �re� an� harmless fi��� a�� �h�r�e� �`or��i�i�� serv��es a� t��� be�om�du� a� �art of t�� rer�tal o�r�ae P�������. A�� s��� ��a���� �h�ll b� �ard �� ��s�ori��l �oci�t��ix����y tv ��e �r����er a��1�� ��rvic� ar�� s�a1� �� �aid �s �h�y b�con�e d�e a�� pa��bl� bu� i� �ny e�r�r�t ��f��� ��lir��u�r���. �it�r rr�a�r ����� �� ��r�nin��� thi� ����� �f I�i���r���1 ������}� �a�i1� �� ��f���� � to �ay �he c�ar�es for �t�lit� s�r����� as ����ss�d or i��u��ed. A�'�'���� �. '�A��� Al� A�������VI�I�T�. �.� �� rr���� ���'a��c�� an� A�����rr����� as ����ti�r�a�i ��r��. '��� ������i�r� �f�hi� 1�a�s� rr��� �r��t� a� ta�at�l� �������y �r������t ��r tIR�� �Ii�������� ���i�ty, �� ���� �v�nt Hi���r���� ������y ��ia1� ��}r ���� ���������� i������� ����s v�r�i�r� �u�� ar�� ���� t�� �i�� �a�r�1��� t��r�f�r, In t�� ��r��� ��a�t � ����i�1 a������m�r�� �s im�����1 �r��h� �r�rr��s�� t�i�t ���a���� �� ��s������� ���i��y'� u�� �f t�� �r�rr��s��# �� �a�r���� ��r�� �� rr���� a�r�� ����u�� � �a��i������r�r �m�a�r�� �� ���ring ��� ass�ssr���t. ��'�'I��� �7. ���LTI�PATI��, ��D��I�i�IF��A�I�1�T� �� I�� ��. �7.1 ��fi���i����� I�����r����������t� ��r�i�� ar���xt,y_, ��rt���. 'T�i� ���x '��I��t��i�a� �����t� ��r�i��'� �`����`� �1�]��,1���`�� �Il� ��������V��� �� �1����'1��� ���1��� �11� I`�1����'���� ���1���'� off��er�, m�mb�rs, agents, ��nplo��es, and ind��e���nt contra��ars as v��l� a� to a11 pers��s an� �������s �lai�i�ng �h���gl� ar�}� �� t���� ��r��r�� �� ���i�i��. T�� ��rrx� +�����r �ar����" r��`�r� � - Agenda Item 8.i. Page 13 � si��ul��1y �nd �o��ec��v��y �o ��ry ar�d t�e res��c��v� o��cers, ���r���n�ti�es, a���t�� ���var���, ��n�1oy���, �r�d i�d���n��r�t �o�tra�tor� o�t��se p�rs�ns ar �n�it�es. 7.� ����1�atio�. �'o �h� �ul1�s� e�t��� ����i���d �� 1a�, �-Iisto�i�al �o�i�ty� on i�s ��hal� a�d o� b���1f o� �1� ��s�����al �o�i�r� �ar���s, v�aiv�s ��� �1ai�s, in Iav�r, e���ty, o� ��.h�rv��s�, a�a��st ��ty ���t��� �d�no�v�ng�� ar�d vo�c��t�ar��y a.�su�mes t�� ris� of, a�d ag�ees tha� �i�y �ar���s ��a�� ��� �� ��ala�� �� I�I����ri�a�l ���i�t� ��r���s, ��r an� ���� ��11��in�: i���r�r �� �� �e�th of any ��r�on; or 1as� of, �njury or d��g� to, �r ��st��t�o�.of�y �a�gi�le or ��ta���b1� p�rop����, ����u�i�g t�� r�su�ti�� las� of use, ��anorr��� 1oss�s, a.�d �a�seq�er�tial �r r�st��tin� d�a�� ���►r�y kind from any ca�s�. ��t� part��s �hal� r�o�be ��ab�� under thi� ��a�se ��gard��ss af v�h�t�ier the ��a�i1��y re��lts �ro� a�y a��ive or �a�►ssi�r� a���, �rror, o�mi�s�ox�, �� ��g�igenc� o�' an� �� ���� parti�s; or is �ased on cla�rr�s ir� �h��h 1���ili�y wi�haut fau�� or stric� l�a�����ty rs �.rn����d �r �����t �� �� ir�����d �n ar��r ����t� �art���, ���� ����1���i�n �la�x�� �1��1� r��t ����� �o ���irr�s �gai�s�Ci�y ��t��s t� �� �xte�t t�i�t a� �nal ju�dgrner�t af��ourt af co�rnpe�e�t���r��d�ct�o� � �sta��ish�s t�at t�.e �����y, �o�s, dama��, or d�str��t��r� v�ras �r�xi�r�r�ate�� �a�s�d by �ity parties� �raud, �r����u� �r�jur� to per�o� or pro��rt�r, sa1� act�ve �����gen��� or �r��l�t�o� of law. �u�h ����1�a����n �1���1 �u���i�� th� ��c�ir��i�� ��r �ar���r ��r�i���i�n ����i� �.�a�� �r�ti1 a��� �Iairn� �ithir� ��� ��op� of ���� ex��l�ation claus� �r� �11y, finall�, a�d a�so�u�ely b�rr�d �� t�e ap��i�a��� ��a�u��� ��'�i�.itat���s, �Ii�������1 �����t�,� ���n�v�l�dg�s th��thi� �ec���� ��s n����i���d �vit� �i�y, t�ia� �.h� ��r�s�de��tior� ��r i� i� �a�ir ar�d ad�c�uat�, ��d �a�� �i�tor��al �oc�et� �ad a fa�r oppo�t�ni�y t� r�������t�, a������, r�����, rr���ify, �r a���� i�, ��th r�����t �� t�� ����������r� ���vi��d �r� ��i� Artiele, ���tori��1 �o���ty v�ai��s �e��n�f�ts �f�e����n 1�42 �f�h� �i�ril �ade, th��pro�r�d�s that '�c���rt�ra� r��ease do�s� r�o� ex�end�o c�air�� �vhich �h� �redi�or a�o��s r�ot kr�o�v or suspe���o exis� r'rt his�`avo� a� �h� t�rr�e af exe�uting ��e r��ease, �vhich a�'1�nowrt b,y �irr� rr�us� �Zav� rr�t�r�r'���� c�f,�'����c���� ������rr��r�� �vi�l� ��� c�����r.t� 7.� �ns�ra���, ��t���� ��rn�t�r�� I�i���ri�a� ���i�ty'� ���mr�i�i�a��i�r� ����ty, H����ri�a�� �o����y s�a�� p�ro�ur� a�r�d main�a�in, for t�� d��a�ion o�t�e L�as�# ins��ar��e aga�ir�st c�ai�n� for inju�ri�s to p�rson� or �a�ag�s to �raper�y v�r�i�h r�a}r a�r��e from or in �onr�e��io� ur��� H��t�rical �oc�e��'s a��rat��r� a�� use a� th� Pr�mi�e�. 'T�� cost v� �u�� �nsu�rance �ha1� �� bo��� �y �Ii����i�a�1 ���i���. �.�.I �ir�irr�r�rr� ��� � �������a�n��. �����rag� ��ia�l� b� �� 1���� a� �r�a� a��: . a. �n��rar��� ��r�r���� ��fi�� ��n�rn���i�� ��n���l L.i��i��t�r ��v�ra��� �'�o����r�r��e�� �o�� �� ��l}; ?",�.� ��n��n��n �.i�n��� ��Ir���r�r���. IIis��r��a� ���i��� �1���1 rr��i����r� �ir�ni�� n� I�ss t�a�: �. �en���� i�iabil�ty; �1,�0��� p�r occ�rrer�c� �or bo��1y ir�j�ry, ������a�� �r��ury ar�� pr����t� c�arn���, I���r�rn�r�ia�� ��r��ra�� I�ia����it� �n���r���� �r ����r ���m 5 � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 14 # �v�� a g�n�ral aggr�ga�� �ir�.� is us�d, eith�r t�e ge�nera� a�g�r��a��e �i��t sl�a�l ����y s�para�el� to t�i� proj�c���o�a�i�n o� �h� g���ra1 a��re��t� �imit ��a�� �e �u��ce t1�e ��c�uir�c� occ�rr�n�� l�rn�t; - �.�,� �3��r���ib��� �r�� ��1��Ir���r�d �e��r�ti�n�. Ar��r d����ti�1�� �r ��1�i��ur�� �e���tions �u�� b� d��lared to ar�d �►p��ov�d b� ��t�, A� t�e optior� o�`�it�, e�t�ae�: ��� in�u��r ��a�1� ������ �r ����ir�a�� ���� ������il�l�s ��r ��1�i��ur�� r��������s �� ��s����s �ity, i�� �f�fi��r�, ��fi�ia�l�, �rr��1����� a�� ��I�n����s; �r �i���ri��1 ���i�t� ��a�1 �r����� � ��r�� ��ra�n���ir�g �}��I�l��]� �������5 �I�� �`�����C� 1I�����1���1�I]�, ��a�im a��i�i����r��i�r� �n� ����r��� ��c������, �,3.� ����r I���r�r��� �r�vi�i�n�. T`�� ��r��r�l �i��il��� ��li�� is �� ��r��a�in, �r �� �r��l�r��� �� ����a��, ��� ��11��ir�g �r��r����r�s; �►. �it�, i�s o��i��r�, �ffi��al�, em�����e� ar�d volun���rs a��� to �e c��ered a� i�s�red� as r����ct�: �i�����ty ar�sing out of pre�mises o���d, o�c��i�c� o� �sed �y ������i��1 ���i��}�. "�'�� ����ra�� s�all ��r�ta�r� r�� s����a�� ��it�ti�n� �r� ��� ����� ���r�����i�r� a�forded �o �it�r, its offi�ers, officials, em�loye�� o� volunteers; �, His���i�a�l �������r'� ��n��ra��� ����rag� ���►1l �� p���na�}� �����r���� as r�sp���s ���y� ��s of����rs, off���al�, e�p1o}���s a�d �o1un��er�. ��y insura��� or ��1f-ins��anc� rn�i�tai�ned by ����# �t� o��i����, of��ia�s, ��ploy�es or vo1����e�s s��11 �� excess �f�istor��al ���i�t�r's i�s�rar��� and �h�I� r�ot �o��r�b�te wit� it; �. �1r��r ��i���� �� ����1}r ���� r���r�i�g �r ����� �r�vi�i�r�s ��` ��i� p�li�i�s i�������g br���l��� �f�va�rra�r��i�s ��a��l ��� ��f��� ���r�r�g� �r������ �� �i��, i�s ��fi��r�, o�fic�a�s� employee� or vol��tee�s; d. �o�r�r��� shall �ta�� that ����or���I �o�iety�s i�s��ar�c� shail a��I� �epar��el}� �o e��� ���u�ed a�air��t �v�o� a� �laim is �ade or ��it is �ror�g�.�, �x���� v��t� r�s�e�� �� ��� ��i�� ��'t�� in��r�r+� ��at�ili�}r; �. �a��i 1r����ra��� ��1��� r�q�ir�� �� t��� ������ s�a��1 �� ����r��� �� ��a�� t�i�� ����ra�� ���1� r��� �� �u��������, �r�i���, �an��1��, ���u��c� ir� ���r�r��� �r �� �imit� ������ aft�� tl�irty ���� ����� ��r��� ������� �n��i�� ��r ��rtif��� ��i�, r�turr� r���i�� ��c�u��t�d, �a� I���� ��v�r� �� ���y. ; �,�.� �����t���1�t� ���r��ur�rs. Ir����a�r��� i� �� b� pla���d �vi�� �r�����r� v�i�� � ��rr�r�� �,�, ���t�� ra�i�� ��r�� 1��� t1�a�n A:�, �7.�,� ��rifi�a�i�n �� ��v��� �. �i���rr�a�1 �����ty �h�►11 f���i�� ����r wi�� original �r�c�ors�men�s effe��i�g ���rerage requ���d �y t�is c�ause p��or t� �omr�n����r�g ar�y �ro�r� or� or o���py�r�� t�i� �remises. '�'he �ndor���nnen�s are to �e �ig��� �y a�ersor� aut�orized �� t��►t i�����r t� �ir�� ��v�ra��� �r� i�� ��Y����. ��l �r���r��rr��r��s ar� t� b� r���i��� ar�� a��r�ved ��r �it� ����r� �I�����rx��1 ������� t�1c�� p������i�r� �� t�� ���rni��� ar�� �r�� ��rl� ����r����, �s �r� . � . Agenda Item 8.i. Page 15 a�lt��n�t�v� �o �ity�s f�r��, I-�is�ori�a� �v���t�'s ir�su�er rr�ay �rov�d� co�nplete, �er�ifi�d co��es of a�� ��c�uir�cl ���uran�� ��l��i��, in����ir�g �r������rr��r��� �f������� ��� ����ra�� r�c��ir�� �}� ���� �pec�f��a�ions. ���,7 � r� a��� �,��i�����a�n��t ���r��a �, If ��}r �� t�� r�c��ir�� �x�s�ran�� ����r���'s ���ta�r� a�����a�� Ii�ni��, �r �►���� �� �t,h�r ���ra����� �r ��r�an�� ��`�I����ri��� ���i�ty ����i�� ���� ��as�, �ii�t�r��a� ������y ���11 �iv� ���� ���rr���, �vri���r� n�ti�� �� ar�� ����c����, o����r��r���, ��air�, se��ler��n� �r j�dg�e�t ag�ir�s� su��i i�s�ra��e v��i�h in �istori��� �a�ie��r�� t�������grr��n��vil� �iixx�ir�i��i���r�t��ti�� ���� ir����ar��� ��'f�r�� ��t�, ��rt�i�r# Hi�t�r��►l���i�t}r sha11 irnr�r��dia��l� �a�e a�1 steps �o res�or� s�c�i agg�e�at� �i�its or ��a11 pr�v�d� ot�er in�uran�� . �rotec��or� for s��� aggr�ga�� 1ir��ts. �,�,� �Vi���fi�a�i�r� �����r�r„���, �i�}� ����r��s �h� rig�t�� �n}� tim� �urir�� th� � �ern� of thi� Lea�� �� ��ar�ge ��� �ou�ts �n� �y�es af ir�suran�e rec��i�eci l�ere�r�c�e� �y ��ving ���tori�al �o�i�ty nir�ety �9�� days a��va�c� v�rri�t�n n�t��e of�u��i ��a��e. , �7.�.� F�i��r� t� �r��t��r� I���r�r���. V�it�iir���� ��r���ing ��n�tr�int�, I�i���ri��l ���i�t}r'� ������� t� �r��u�r� �r rna►ir��a��n �������� i���x��r��� �r � ��1�i��u�ra�r��� �r��ra�r� shal� co�st�tut� � r�a���ia� ������ af�ar��ra�� und�r �vhich �i�� �aay immed�a��ly �e��r�a�� �i�� L�ase or, a� �ts ��s�r�t�o�a, �ra��re or �re�e� �u�� ins�r��e �o �ro�e�� ���y'� ��t��rest� ar�c� �a� ar�y ar�d a�� �rem�u��rns �� �onr���tion �h���v�ith, �nd r��ov�r a�l r�non�es s� �aid �ra�n ��sto��c�� �o����y. �.�.1� �Jr���r1 r�� �n��ra����. �is��ri�a� ���i�t� s��1� �� �r��p�r������ ���r���i��� i�c��mr�i��'��a����a ar�c� �s�ran�� f��m ��� �rn�l�y��� r���ivin� rr�i��a��� �����van��, ��r��u��tan��, a��er�ts � a�d sub�ontr��t�rs, if any, i� t�e �a�me arr�ou�� �n� ����u�i�g �he �a�,� t�r�� as ���c�fie��ere�, ��������t �Ii�t�r��a� ������'s a�� ��t�'� in��r����, ar�c� ��r �ns�ring th�� �r���p�r���s ������ �vit.� any app�i�a�le �r�s��ar�ce statut�s. �7,�.1� ��r��r�a�� �r���r�� �� �i����i��� �������. �ity ma�� ��r��i��� �� �r��i�� �ro��rty i�s�ran�� fo�r the �'r�mi���. �aid ��op�rt,� i�sura��� s�al� �o� ���v�d� �ov��age for �����ri��� ���i�ty's ��r��r��� p����rt�, k���t�r���� �������r �v�iv�� ��n�r ���i.�n a������ t�� ���y�� i�sur�n�e f�r �r r�la��r�� to da.�ag� t� its p�r�or�a� ��o��rt�. . �.� . Ir���mr��fi�����r�, I�����ri��� �������, i�� ��a�r� �� ��r������, a�r��i �h� �ir��t�r� ���i�iduaily, sha���, �� �Iist�ri�a� �o��e�}��� �ol� ex�er�se, a�d w���i co��se� �reaso�a��y a��epta��� to ��ty, ir�demn��r,�d�fe�d, ar�d hol� harml�s� the �i�y �r�d �it�r p�rtie� frorr� a�t� ag�ir�st any a�d a�l �lai��s �rorn a�y ca�s�, t�a��r�se out of, r��u1� �rom, or rela�te t� t�is �.eas�, th� ter�a�c��r�at�c� u�d�r t�is �,eas�, or t�e Premis�s, ���u��� t�e �se or o�c��ar���r, or�nar�r�er���se ar o�c��a���, of t�ae �r��n�s�s �}� I���torie�� �o��e� ��r�i��; �ay r�e����en� ���of�I�sto�r��al �o���t� pa�ties �r �f ��y invi�e�, ��e�t, �r 1��ense� �f�istoric�l �o�i�ty, or ar�y other p�rsor� ��tho�i�ed �� ��sto�rica�l �o�xe�y to �s�tl�� Prernis�s or �ny port�or�tl�e��o�; ��s�or��a� �o�iety's c�r�du�ti�g �f its bu�in�ss; a��r i�nnp�r�v������, ����v��i��, w�r�# �r ����� ����, ��itt��, ��rmi����, ai��v�r��i, �� �r����r�� by �i�t�ri��l ���i�ty �a������ �r�, ��� ��r ���t�� t�� �r��i��s, �r���u�ir�� t�� �r���a���n �� �r �`�i��r� �� 7 Agenda Item 8.i. • Page 16 ► " + �ompl�r� �vith any ap��icabl� �av�rs a�d ard�rs in ��is�e��e or� t�e �a�� of ��as� or e���t�d, �ro�ul�a��d, or iss�ed after t�� d�te of L�as�; an� any brea�la or d�f�ul� �n���f��rm�n�e �f any ob���ation o���star�c�l �o���t�y's ��t�a �e perfor�n�d �nd�r �iis i�e�s�, �vh��.h�r �efor�ar��rin� ��� �,�as� ��r�m��r a►ft�r its ���ir����r��r�arli�r t�rn�in�����. �"�� ir�t�nti�� ��t�� �arti����in� t��� �vit� res�e�t to �or��liar�ce w���i ���r� and ord�r� tha� I-���tor�cal �o�iet}�, dur��g t�e L��s� term, ���11 c�����i�r�� a�n� ��r���m ��l t�� ���������r�� �f�i��, �� ���� �� ��� �� ���1��1�1�I1� ���l���Il��� �ocie��r, r��ate� ta t�� Prem��e�, a�d i�d�n�ni�y ��t� t����from, sa t�at at a�1 tirne� t�� r��ta1 0� ��e Pr�r�ises sha�I� be r�et to �it� �vi�hout deduct�or� o� ��p�n��� �� a�cour�� of a��r such���rs and �rd�r�, �.� ���"i���i��n �� ��a�i�nn�, ��r ��rp�s�s �� t1�i� �,�a���, �,�la��t� ��a��� ar��r ar�cl �ll ��a�ns, lo�ses, �os��, d��rnag�, ��pe�es, liabil���es, i�e�s, action�, �au�� of a��ion ���i��ier in�o� � or co��ra��, 1a� or ����t�r, or o�h��v��s��, �h��r��s, a�s��sm�nt�, fi��s, a�nd p�r�a�ties o��ny �ir�d �i����d�� �o�s��tant and e�pert �xp��ses, caurt co��s, ar�� at�or��� �e�� a� d��"�r�ed ir� t��s �ease}. �.� „���e o�'�� or Los� Defi�ed. �'�is i�d�rnnifi�at�or� ext�r�ds to a�� ����ud�s ���im� ��� ir�j�r� �� ar�� ��r���� �i����x�i�� ����� �� �r�� �irr�� r���It�ng fr��n t��� i����}r�; 1��� ��, inju�y �� darr�ag��o, or d�s�ru��io� ��pro���rty ��c�ud��g a�� lass of u�� �r�s�lti�g �rorx���t �o��, in��ry, daxr�a�e, �r �estr��tio��; an� a�� ��ono�ni� losses �r�d �o���que���al or r�s��ting darr�ag� ����� 1���c�, �.�7 ��`f��t ��I�1��l���r��e, ��r��� L,ia�b�litv, ���i1�fu� �Irir���n�u��. ���� ir���mr�ifica�i�r� � �ha�Il ���1}� r�gar�1��� ��t�� a��i�� �r�a��iv� r��g�ig�r������it� ��ti�� and r�garc�l��� ��v�r�i�t�i�� 1ia��il�t� �v���i��� #'���� �� ��r��� ���bili�� i� irn����rl �r ���x��i� �� t�� irr�����d �r� ���y �a�rt���. �'�� ��d�mr�ification sh��� r�ot ap��y ta the ��te�t t�at a fi�a1 ju�gm��t of a� ca��t �f com�etent �u���diction estab�i��i�s �hat a cla� aga��s� o�.� ��ty �a�y v�ra� �rox��mate�y �a�se� �y the sole act�v� n�g�ige��� or v�rillful rr�i��or����� of th�t ��t�r �ar��. In t.�at �vent, hov���e�, �i�� i�d�rr�nifi�ation �h��� ��m��r� va�id far al� othe� �it�r partie�. �.� ��r�ival �f In���rx��fi�a��i��. 'T�� �la���� ���hi� �rti��� ����1 ���r�i�� t����c��ra��i�r� �� ��r�i�r ��rrr�ir�a�t��� �f ��i� I��a��� �r��i� a�l� �l�im� a�a�in�� �i�� �ar���s i���lvi�a� ��� �� ��� �der�ifi�d matt�rs are f�l��, fina�l�, a��ab���c��el�r barred t��r th� a����ca�l� s�at��e�f�ir�.�t�ations. * A�TI��� S. A��I��1VI�I�T. 8.I � rava� af As�i �.rr���t, H�storical �oc�ety �h�l� �ot� v�it�o�t �he �it�'s �ar�or �vritte�a �o�se�t, ��r�at assig�e�� of any �f its �r�ghts� d����at�o� o�ax�y o�it� duti��, assign���t ����� �� ar�}� ir���r��� i� ��i� i.�a��, �� ���ra�i�n��`���r �r ����rv����; ���1�� a�1 �r �n�r �ar� ��th� �'r�m��es or a�y ri��� or �r��i��g� app�rter�an� ta t�� Prem�s��; �or ��ff�r ar�y o�e� pers�r�, ot��r ���� ����r� ag�r��� a�r�c� ��r�a���� t� ���up}r �r u�� �1l �r a►�� ��r� ����� �r�mi���. �� ���}�'� ��1� a��d a�solut� dis��et���, ��ty �ay v�ri�l�o�d it� �or�s�r�t ta a��y a���g���t, sub�ea�e, o���pation, �r �s�. ����r ��i�ll r��t l�� t���r�� �� ��y ��a�r�c�a►rd ��r�a����a���n��� ir� ���r�i�in� �h�� �����eti�r�, A�y �ssi�r�xr�e�t, s�bl�tt�r�g, occ��at�o�, or us� �� anot��r p���or� or enti�y v�it�ou� City�� p��o�r 8 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 17 � �vri�t�r�����r�� �1�� ��v��� a�� s�i�I�, ���ity'� �����n, ��r�ina�� �ai� L�as�. I������r���� ���i�t�r r�c�u�s�� �ity to �o�s��at ta a ��ropos�� �s��gnment, s�b�etti�g, o����a��o�, ar �s� �y any �ther ��r��r� �r �r��i�y, Hi���ri��l ���i�t�r �1n��� ���r �� ��t�, �v��rh�r �� ��� �����r�� i� �1�im���l�r gi�v�r�, �i�y's a�t��l �t�orney fe�s ar�d costs, a� def��ed i� ��is ���s�, incu�rred i� �a�n�ction ��t� �ac� s���i r������, �ity`s ���r�.s�n� �� �r�� a����m���, ���1��ir��, �����a���r�, �r��� �}r an� ����r�a��rs�r� �� �n���y ��ia11 r����a� ���rn�� �� �a� a� ��ns�r��t� ar.r�� ��t���c���r�t a��i��m�r��, �����tt��, ���u���i�r�, ar use b�r �other�erson or �nt��y. As �s�� i�t�is �r���s�an, "assig���t'� ar�c� �rdel�ga��ar�" s�a11 ���r� a��r �a��, gift, pled�e� ��rpo���eati��, e����nbran��, or a��er �rar�s��r of ali �r an}� por��on of ��i� ri�hts, ob�igations, or liabilities �n or ar��ing �o� ��i�s Le�s� to any p�r�or� �r �ntity, ��ie�h�r �y o���ratior� �f lav�r or o��.er�v���, a�r�d re�ar��ess�of th� legal forrr� of th� �ransa���o� ir� v��ii��i th� atterr��t�d tra�sf��r a�cu�s. �,� ��������r� a�r�� ���i�. �u�j��� �� ������n �.�, �hi� I��as� ��a�ll ���in�i�g �r� ar�� s�i��� in�r� �� t1�� ��r���`�t ����e �ar�i�s a�r�� ���ir r������i�r� 1�g�1 r��r����tat�v��, ��������r�, �r�� . ��s�gns, A�TI�I�� 9. 'I`����1A'���� �F ����� ����� ���'IR�'�'I��1 �F ���A�E T�R1V�. �,1 �r��r�c�� f�r 'T�rrr��r�����n. � �.1.1 ��r�a�� ��I�����, �i���r �ar� �� ��� ��a��� rr�a� t��nin��� ��.�� L.�a��� �f��i� o��e� part� �ia�s co�tted � br�ac� of t�e ��as� as de�'i��d ir� Art���e 11. �T'he�re i� r�o r�o�etar� penalty for su�� t�r�inatio� e�c�p� for any co�t� ar�d f��s ex�r�s��� pro��d�d for ir� Art���e� 9, ��, 1� a�� 1�, �.� '��rrr���a��i�n �r����ur�. 'T�� �a�rt� ��c�r�i�ir�g ��� rig�t �� ��rrnrr�a��� ���I1 �r��r��� v�rr��t�� r�ot�ce o��h� in�ent to te��at� to the o��r �ar�y.� �f t�a� tern�a��or� is pursua�nt to se���on �,1,1, ��� �a��� s�i�11 �i�� a� �ri�� �rr����r� r���i�� ���� ��a��t �ir��t�r ���� ����nc�a�r ��y� �ri�� �� t�� d��� ����� ����r���� ��rrr�ir���i��, `�'�� ������ ���►1� �tat� ��� r��a��r� f�� t�i� ��r�n��a�ti�r�. �,� �i� �s P�.�r��a�� �� Irr� r���rx��n�� [J �� �'�r�����i��. �J��n ��rr�ir���i�� �� t�� ��a��� �� �i��r, a�� s�� �'�r� �r� ���r������r� 9,�,�, �i��r ��ia1� r��irr����r�� Hi���ri�a�1 ���i��� ��� th� ���ual a�xt of �o���� eos� a� t�� p�rmar���� i.��ro�em���s th�� �I�sto���al �oc�ety �nad� �o �h� Pr�m�ses. �or p��po�es of �h�� Artr��e, ���errr�an�r�t �-npr��em��ts" s��l� �nean �hos� irn�ro�re��nts �ha� a�e af��c�d �r a�tac�ed to t�� �r�m���s and r�o� �r�rr�o��b�� �ithou�t rr�ateria� ir�jt��}r �� t�� �r�rr�����, � 9.� l�i �t� ar�� ��li a���r�� ���s�. All r����� an� ��1���ti�r�� ��t���ar�i�� ��ia�l ��a��� �n t�n�.i�a►���r� ����� ��a�� u�.1��� �t�i�r�vi�� �r�v���� �� ��� ��rrr�� �f��i� i��a���, �1����i�r �a�rt� s�a1l �� 1���1� �� ��i� �t��r f�r �a�r�.���s �� �n�r ��r��� ��a�1��ing �ri��i��t ���r�a����r� �r�����r�ta� �r �or�seq�entia� darna�gesy r�su�t�ng �rom ar�y t�r��r�a��o�n af th�s Lease, ex�ept �� specif���l�y �r������ f�r ��r�in, 9 . Agenda Item 8.i. � Page 18 �����r�i:� ��r � ��� �#' �������• 1�.1 ���rx����l ��i�i���ri��1 ���i�t�r ����r�v. �r� ��� �x�ir�ti�� �r ���I��� ��rmi���i�n of�e Leas� t�r�m, �Iisto���a� �o�i��y ��a�� q�i� t.�� �'re��e� and s�rr�nder �oss�ss�ar� to ���y. �� ���ira�i��a �� ��rrx�ir�a�i�r� �is��ri�a�l �������r ��a1i r�rr��v� �r �a►��� t� �� r������ fir�rr� ��� Prer��s�� �1I d��ri� ar�d r�ubb�s�, ar�y �t�ir�s of perso�al �ropert� ov�rn�d by H�s�o�i�a1 ���i�t�, ar�� �n�r �t��r i�n��r�v��n���� th��I�i���ri�a�1 ���i�ty �la���� ��t�� �'r����s, �r�I��� ���y ���r�v�� ��i� re�ain�ng o� t�� �r�mi�es �n ��ic� �ase ��vr��rship of a�� s�ch �rr�pro�re�m�r�t� a�ro�ati�al�� ��s��� �� �ity. �����ri�al ���i�t� ���1� r��ai� a�l ��ma►�� �r ir�,�r.�ry t�a►�r��}r ����r �� th� �r��.i��� ������ �� I�is������� ���i�t�'� r�rr���ral �� ����� i��r�� �r�� �1���� r����r� t�� ����ni��� t� th�ir ��nr�i�i�r� ���� ��c�st�� v�r�i�r� ��� �L�a�� ��m��r����, � A�.��'I��� 1�.. ����L�LT. 11,1 A��� �� ��fau���. �n� �� ��i� f�ll��v�r�� ��r���s �� �����r�n��� ��ali ��r����tu�� � �nater����brea�h o�t�� ��a�� ��r �ist�ri�a� �oc��t� a�nd, aft�r t�e e�p�ra�ion o�any a�p�rcab�e gra�e ���i��, ����1 ��r���itu�� �n �v�r�� �#'���aul�, �a���i ���n� a� ����r��� ����� �����'a��i�: ��.1.� �a�i�ur� t� ���r ����� �r ��a�r���, '�'�� �a�i��r� b� Hi����i�a�� ������� �� �a►}r any a�rno�r�t ir� f��� �he� i� �s d�e u�nder th� ���se. �1.1,� �ail�r� �� ��r��rrn�i�1� a►� tio�. T�� �����xr���r ��������a� ���i�t� ����r�`�r� �r�� ��1���ti�r� u�n��r th� I�����, �v���� t�� it� r���u�� �Ii���r���� ���i��� �i�� r�� �a���it}r �� ��r�. �1.1,� �ail��r� �� ��r��r� �ft�r ���ifi�����r�, "��� �����r� �� I�i����i�a�l ���i��y t� ��rforr� ar�� oth�r ob�rgati�r���nd�r this �ease, i�t�� �a���r� has �a���ued fo� a��r�od a�'t�� �1�} days a�t�r ��ty ���.�x��� �r� �v�i�i�� ��a� H�s�oric�I ����ety �ure th� fai����, ��, �o�v�v�r, by �ts natur� t�e �a�1u�� �a�ot be �u�r�d �it��r� �e� �1�} day�, �i�tori�a� �ociet}� r�a� �av� a� longer periad �s r�a�a�a��y ��e��d to cur� t�� �`ai�u�re, but �his �s condit�or��d �po� �-Ii�t�ri�a� �ociety ���rr���l}� ��rnrr��r��i�� �� ���� v����i���� t�r� �1�� da� ��ri�� a�� ����a�ft�r d�li��n��� ������t�r�� �h� ����. H����r��a�� ���i�t� ��ia��� in��rr�i�y ar�� ����r�� �it�r a��ir�s� ar��r lia�i��t�, ��a�i�n, �arrr����, I���, �r ������y t��� rr��� �� t�r��t�r��� �r rna�� ir� fa�t �ri�� fir�� ��a�t �a����r� ��r�n� th� ��r��� t�� . �a�lu�r� �s ur���red. 11.1.� A��� nm�n�. ��}r ����i� �������n�: A ��n��a� a��ig�a��� b}r �����r��a�l �������r ��r� t�� ������ �� �i�t�ri�a�� ���i���'� ����i����; �r�� ����r���►r�r �'i��r�g, ��ti�i�r�, �r app�i�a�i�� �y �i�starica� �oc�e�y ur�der a�y ��w r�lating �o ir�solver��y or ��n�upt�y� r�v��t�er for a ����aratio� of bar�-u�tcy, � r��rganizatio�, �n arrar����er��, or other�ise; t�� ��andor�rr��r�t, va��tior�, or surr�nd�� o�`t�e �r�rr��ses by ��s��r���� �o�iety v�ri��out Cit��� �rior wr�tte� �ons�r�t; o� t�e ���po�s�s�ion o�Hi�tari�a� ���i��y �ro�th� �rerr�is�s �o���r t��.r��y ��tY� ��r �ro��s� o�`�a� or ot���r�is�; �� Agenda Item 8.i. - Page 19 + � � 11,1,� � �i�t�m�r�� �f �`������ �r ����iv�r, 'T�� ����ir��rr���� �f a t��t�� �� ����iv�r t� �a.�c� ��s����i�x� �f al� �r �t���t��i�1�y a�1� �� �i���ri�al ���i���'� ������; �r ��� ���a�h�rr���t, �����t��� �r ����r���i���� ����r� ��a�11 �r ����t�r��i��l�r �11 �� �Ii���ri��l ���i��y�s as�et� l��a��� a� th� Pr�mi�es ar of �I���ari�al ���iet��s in���est �r� t�i� ��as�, unless ��e appo�t�ent or atta�hr��r�t, e����tior�, o� ���ur� is di�charg�d �ithin th��t�r �3�� �ays; or th� in�volux��ary f��ing agair�s� H�stori�a� �oc�ety, or �ny g����a� p���n�r o� �i��ori��1 ���i�ty �f �Iis�or�c�l �o�i�ty �s a ��rtn�rship, of: � - �. A p��i���r� �� ha�r� I�i����i�a�1 ������, �r �r�� ��r�r��r ��Hi�t�ri�a�� ������� i��i���r���1 ���i��� i� a��a��r�������, ���l�r�c� ba�nl�ru��, �r t�, � �����i�� ��� x���rga►r�i�a��i�r� �� a�rrar������� ��Hi���r��a� �������r ��d�r an� �av�r �relatix�g to �r�solv�n�y or ���kru�tc�, u�n�es�, � ��i� case of in�olu��ar�r f�lir�g, it is dis�mi���c� v�ith�n si�tty �C�� day�; 11.1,� ��a�r���r�rr��r��. �'�� ��a���r�m��t �f tl�� �r�rr�i��� �}r Hi�t�r���l ������}r. � 11.�.7 �ai��r. �ai��r �}r ��ty of ar�� ��fau�lt in. per��r�ma��ce �y �i��orrcal ��cie�� of a�y o� t�� ��rms, �rorn�s�s, ar ��r��i��or�� �anta�r�ed �.e�ein shal� �at b� d��m�d a ��r�t�nu�i�g ura�iv�r �� ���� s�rr�� �r a�r��r �u������r�� �������. Ir� ��� �v�n� ar�}r �����r, a���n� �r� �rr��l���� �� �ity ���I1 ��r���r�� �� �r� ��� �� �a�ilur� �� a�� �r� �i�la�ti�r� ���r�� �r�vi�i�r�� ��t�i�� I.����, ���� a��t �� �����r� �� ��� ����1 �� i�rn�c�i�����r ��rr����� ���� � r������ �r�rn �i��r �r� . . v�rr��t���, 11.� ��rr��c���� �� �v��t �� ���'a��xl�. If a� �v�r�� �����a�1t ����r�, ��� r��r���fa�u���r�g �a�r�y ��al� �ave ��e �ig�� to terrr�ir�ate the �.eas� �nd �o p�rsue ar�� re�nedy now ar lat�r a�ai����e to t�� �or�d�f����i�� part�r a� �a�v or i� e�uity. � AI��'I��� �2. ��P��AT��IY ��' T�� �EA�� �'��. ��.� ��vn�rsh�p of�r�p�rove�me��s ��y. �]�o� t�e expi�atior� or �ermina�iar� of th� �eas�, any ar�d a�� �mpro�r�rr��nts mad� to t�� Premis�s ar�� ���t the�re b�r H�stor��al �ac���y s�all �utor�atica�ly, v�r�t�o�t�o�p�nsat��n�o �d w��out ar�y �c�of�Iis���i�al �o��e�y �r an� th�rd�a.�ty ���orn� t�� �ity'� �ro�e���. � ,�iRT���� 13. A�i'��tA'i'I��. 13,1 �is�u�t�� �u����t to,��r���rati�r�, Ar��r ������v�r�y �r� c�����►�� ���v�r��n ��� ����i�s to thi� �.eas� �'nay �e su�rr�itted to ar� a�bitrat�on pa��e�, a�d su�h �rbitrati�x� s�a1� �omp�y v��t��nd �� ��v�rn��l ��r t�� �r��i�i��s �� th� �������r�i�► Ar�i�r��i�n ���# ������n� ���� �� ���, �� t�� �a�l���rr��� ���� �f ���ri� �r�����r�, �� t�� �����t ���t �u�� �r�visi��n� ���r� ��t b��� rn�c�if��� �1 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 20 ��r���r�� �� ��ii� ��a���; �`�� I��ir�g ��r�y �1��I1 ���r a�� ����� ar�� ��t�r��y f��s, �� ��fin�� �r� ��i� �.eas�. 1�,� 1��1�� �����ni�� Ar�i�ra��i�r�, _ � �3.�.1 L������ �i����r�r�. 1�1� r�n�r� t�i�� tl�i��� ���� �a���r��a�r� c�a}r� ����r� �� ar����a��o�� a par�y rna� ��r�� a doc��m�nt r�q�x��t c�Iling far ar�y ����men� ��at v�ou�� �� �i���v��r���� ir� ���i1 �i���a�i��. �`�� �a���r ��r��c� �it� �hi� r��u��� ����1 c���i��� tl�� r�������c� c��������� ar�� a��r ��������r�� v�r����r� f��� ��� ���ir���� �a�}r�, �'�.� ar�����a����� ��ia11 r���1v� ��� �i����� ��r�r ��� ��c������ �f����rn�r�t� �� ����r v�r��1� �� �����v�� ir� �ivilli�ig�ti�r�, `Fh�r��►f��r� each�a�rty ��y �a.�e no more t,�a.n t.�r�� {�� ���o����or��, ea�h of v���� s�a�l la�t �o ����t�a.� �`o�r �4} �ou�� ���h. �`�e �r�i�rator� �ha1� resolv� a�y ���put� o�r�r ��� d��osi��ons �►� t��y �v�u1d �� r�����r�� �r� �iv�� I������i��n. I�,�.�-��b i�����r�' ����r�, ��i� ar�i�ra��r� ����1 ��v� �h� �arr�� ��v�r�r� a�� �h��� ����u�cig� ����� ����r��r ���rt ����a� �ta��� ���a�i���r�i�, ��d ��i�11 r��d�r� c�����i�r� �� ���1� � j���� a�a s��aer�o�r �o��rt of��e �tat� of�al�forr��a ir� acc�rdan�� �rith t�e l�v�r ar�d ��� fac��. 1�.�,� �ri����n �������r�. ������ f�ft��r� ���� �a��� a��t�r ��rr�p���i�� �f��� - �r�i��r��i��, t�i� �r�i�r�ti����r��� ��i��1 ��br�r�it � ��r����i�r� ���i���� �r� �r�r��ir��, i����r�� ��ding� �f ��►�� �r�� ����ifyin� ��� �����r�ir�� ��r ��� �����i�� a�� �r��r ��1�t�I��i�r�� n������r�r �� ��c�1�ir� ��� a�v�ra��. �a�� ��rt�r ���1I �a��� fift��r� �1�� �a�� �n u��i���� ����i��rritt�� ��mrr��nt� ��th� ��r�ta�i�� �����i�r�. �i��in��r� �1�� ���r� ��t��r ��� ����1i�� ��r v�ritt�r���r�m�r���, ����r����������a��I ��ia��1 �ai� a �r�tte� d�c��ior� of t�� f��a� av���-� �o ���h par�y. ��.�,� �os��. �a��� �a►��y �� th� a�rl�i��a���� s�ia��� p��r a► �r� ra�a ��a�� �� ��i� a�r�����►t���' ��p�ns�� �n� ����. 'T�� a�r�i�ra��r� ���1� �wax� ��� �r������r�� p���� ��� �������� ��� fees �� a��itrati��� i��ludir�� r�asor�ab�� at�orr�ey fees, a� ���`ined �n this Lea��. �f it be�om�� ne�e�sary to �r�forc� �� a�ard rr�ade by ��� ar��trators or �j�xd�rr��r�t ba�ed o� su��i avvard, t�� �r��a���ir�g �a��r�y ��a��1 �� ������e� t� �t��rr���s' ���s, a� ci�f���� �� t�i� ��a���. 1�,�,� ��c�i���1 ���ri��r ���v�r���. '��� p�rt��� ��all t�� �������� ��j����i�1 ��v���v of an ar�aitrator'� �rror �r mi�tak� of fa�� ar 1aw, and to�u�i�ial r��r��w af��r ��s�e tha►t �va��d , �ave �e�r� en�itl�� �o judicial �evie� �f suc� issue �ad ���r� �d�resse� ��r ����d�d ��r a ��p��rior ���r� ����i� ��a�t� ���ali�`�r�i�, - A.��'I��� ��. �i'��'�����' �'���. ��,]. A���rr���r�� ����. ����s� ar�� ����r���s. Ir� a��� �iti���i��, �rt��tr��i��, �r ����r ��r�����ir�g ir� 1a�� �r �q�i��r t��r �v���� �r�� �a��r�� �� �a� �.���� ���1�� �� �n��r�� ��� ��r���r��� �r�g��s �r���r th� �,�a���, �� r���lv� �n a�11�g�� �i��r���, ���a��� ci���u��, �r rr�isr�pr���nta���� �n��nn������ v�rith �r�� o�'t�� �rov�����s of t�is Leas�, �o se�� a d��laratior� of a�� �ig�t� o� a��igations ur���r ��is �.ea��, or ro ��te�p�r�� t�� provision� of this I���►s�, �h� pre�a����g �a�-ty s���� be �r�tit�ed �o �� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 21 r��ove� �rom �h� 1os��� part� actual attar��ys' f�es in�urred to r�sa��e ���d��p�te a�d ta �r�for�� �h� fir���jud�me�t, a�ar�, �e��s�o�, or ord�r ar.�d ���� �e�s, ��st�; or ��p���e� s1�a�1 b� ir� add�tior� to a�y oth�r �r������a v�hi�h t�� �revail�ng ����r rr�a� �� �r��it�ed, '��i� ��vard of a��orn�ys' fe�s ��i�I1 �� ���rn�d�� �ia�� ���ru�d ���r� t�� ���m�n��rr���.� ��t�� a����� a�r�� ��a�ll b� �a�icl v�r��t���r a� n�t s��h a��iar� is �rose�ut�d ta ju�gr��nt, a�ra,r�, de���ion, a�r ord��. �'P�o��e��g" s�ia�� �nean ar�� �ct�o�, �uit, ��a�, �r���ra�ia�� a���rn��i�� d���ut� r�so����on rr����a���n� i��es�ig�►�ion, �d�nni�i��r�t�ve �e�r�r�g, �r ar�� o���r ��o�ee�ing, i��Iud�� but ��t �imit�d to �ivil, ��i�ina�, a���in.i�t��ti��, ����I���r�, �r in�������ti�r�, fi�� �►tt�rr���r�' ���� ���� a�v�rar��cl t���r��a�i�in���Y �ay �e d��err��e� by �he �o�r� o�r o�i�� dec�sio�ma�er i� t.�� s�me ac��or� or�ro��edir�g �r �� a se�ara�t� actior��rough� �`or �at purpos�. Ar��r j�d���r�t, av�ard, de�ision, or ord�� �r����re� ����� act�or� �� ��ro�e�dir�g sha�� �o���ir� a speci�� provis�on pro�id��� far t�� r�co�ery of actua� atto�r�eys� �ees ����rred i� enfo��ir�� su�h��d�mer��, av�ard, d�c�s�o�, or ord�r. �'�� av�a�d of �tt��r����' f��s s�al1 ����� ��rr������ �n a����r�a��� �it� a�� ���r� ������1�, ��� ��ia�l��� rr���� �� �� �� fu1ly r�i�r�b���� th� ���v�ilir�g �a�rt}r ��� �ll a���r����' ����, p�r�����������, ar�� ����r���� a�tual�y in�urr�� �� �oo� f��th� reg�r�l�s� �f�e �i�� a����j�dg����, a�a�d, c��i��o�a� or orde�, �t b�i�g the �t�ntion a�t�� parti�s ta �u�l� �omper�sa��t�ie ���va�1�� ��r�y �or �1� a�t�a.� ��torneys' f���� ��r�l�g�l ���s, a�c���sts an� �x��n��� �ai� �r i��u��r�c� i� g��� ��ith. T��� �r������n a���1r�s �o �he en�ir� �ea�e. ��'�'I��� 1�. ��1�T��11�I1�T�T��I�. ��.1 ��r���r�a���r� ��rr��. In ��i� ���r�t th����� P�r�mi��� ��i�ll �� ta�1��r�, in v��i�1� ��r-ir� ar�, thro���i tl����e�r�i�� of any pav�e� af�����doma�n��ercis�d�y ar�y feder��, �t�a��, �r lo�a1 � . . ��r���� a�l�t}� 1a�vir�� ��� ��v�r�� �h�r���, ��� �,��s� t�r� ��a�1� t�rr���a�� �r�� ��c���� ��a �� ���� �f �; ; . . . . �u�h ta�l���g a�� �n�r sumsi �a�� �y such c��der�n�ng �►u�.ha���y ��a�� �� �a�� �o t�e ���y. '��e His��ri�al �o�i�t�y s�iall b� r�ir�bursed for �ct�a1 out���0�1��� cas�of t�ie �ernr�ar�er�� �praveme��s rx�ad� �o t�� pr�rr��s�s. A��'i�I�� ��. 11�����L�A����. 1�.1 I�1�ti���, 'T� �� �ff���iv�, al� r���i��s, req����s, ��r��n��, ar�� ����r���r�m�r�ir,��i��s req��r�d or permitt�d ur�c��r t�i� �,eas� s�all be �� w���ing a�d sha�l be d�li��r�� �it�er ir� ����on or �y ���tified rnail, ���tag� �repa�d, re�rn ��ee��� r�q��sted. 1�T�t��� �s deem�d ��f�ct�ve on deliv�r ����r�ed p�rsor�a�ly on th� �arty �o v��iom r�otice �s �o be �iver� �d d�liv�r� i� ��r�f�rr�ned Y �}� � rec�rpt. I�Iotice �� d�err�e� e��e�t�ve �n t�e �e��nd day a�ft�r �nai�ir�g Y�r��i��d to t�e �ar�y t� who� noti�� �� to be gi��n, by fi�r�t ����s ���1, �egister�d or ��r�if ied, ret�u�r� r�ce��t ��c�u����d, �os���e ����aai�, ��n� �r�p�r�y a��r�ss�� a� s�t for�� be�aw. Ar�y �orr�ctl� a��d��ssed r���ice t�at �s r��'u���, ���la���m�d� �r �����iv�ra��� �����x�� ��`a�r� a��� �r �����i�n �f��� �a�r�� �� �� ��t�fi�� s�al� �� de��n�d ��fec�i�e �s of t�a� firs�d��� tl��t said r�ot�c� v�ras r��us�d, u�nc�aimed, o�r ���me� �r���liv�ra�l� �y ��� p����1 �u�����ti��, �T�� acl������� f�r ��r����� �� ���ri�� r��t��� �r� a�� ��t fo�t� be�av� b�t �ac�a �ar��r ma� ��ang� �t� ac�dre�s �y v�r��t�� not��� ir� a��ardan�� w�tl� t�is ��ra�gr���, �3 - Agenda Item 8.i. Page 22 . HI�T`�RICA� �����'T`�: �o��� ��u��r �Iistori�al �o�i�ty �.�. Bo� �3� �rr��r� �ra���, �A 9����-��3� ���'�; �it�r ��Aw����� �r�n�l� Att�: C�ty IV�an�ger P.�. Bo� �5� Arroy� Cra�de# �� 93��1-�5�� 1�.� �i��rimir�a��i�r� �'r��r�����, �� p�r��r� s�a��l, �r� ��i� gr�r�n�� �� r���, r�1i����, �o�o�, n�tiona� �r�g��, ar �e�, be ex�l�ded �rorn part�ci�a��ar� ��, �e ��ni�d t1�e bene�'�t o#'� or �� ���je�t�d ta dis��ir�ir�ation�r�d�r thi� �.����. ��.� �or�disc�i�r�.ir�t��� � �� �m 1� rn�nt�ra�tice� �nd �f��rrnat��r� ��tion�'ro rarr�. �Iisto���al �oci�ty s�ia�� com�ly �v�t� t�e �ond�scrir�i�at�an la�vs of t1�e L�r�it�d ��at�s a�Arneri�a, th� ��a�� �� �a►li��rnia�, a�nc� �it� �r� ���f�rrr�i�g tl��� I��a���, �I��t�ri�a�l ������y �1�a�1� r��� d�s�ri�rni�a��� in i�s e�mployr���at pra����e� a��a�r�st a�� em�lo�e�, or a���iear�� �or �m���yr��nt ������� �f���h��r��n'� ra���� r����i�n, r���i�r�a�� �ri�in, a�n����r�r� ���, a�g�, �� �1���i��� �an���a��. 1�,� I�T� ��r� � i� �������lci. Ili�t��i�al ������}r ��a�1 �i�►v� n� r���i� t� ���j��� �� �������1� ��t�t� �r �1�� ����n���� t� ��� ��r�ga��, ���� ���ru�� �r �����r ���u�rit� ��t�r���. 1�.� 'T�rr�� ����s�r���, 'Ti.�n� is ��t�� ������� ir� ��i� �����. ��,� ������i��r��s�, 'I'�i� ����� ����1 �� �����ti�r� ��.I�r v�r��� �i�r��d ��r t��t� �a�rt��� �� ��� I.���� ar�� ���r���� �� ��rrr��� ���i�� ����� �i��r ��ur��il ���i��r, 1�,� �������� ���������r Ir���r�rr��r���. 'I'�� p�r�i�� ��a�11 a�� ��ir ��r����� an�����r�s� exe�ute a�y ar�d a�� ot��� do��rr�e��� �nd instr�rnents ar�d sha�1 �ak� ar�� and a�1 a�t�on� as �nay b� reaso�ab�y re�u�r�d, r��cessary� o� a�prapri�t� �o �v���nc� or c�rr� aut ��e �ter�� and pu�pos�s of t�i� �����. � . 1C,� C��� ��it1�. �a�� ��rt�r �� ��i� ��a�� s�i�ll ��� ir� ���� ��itl�� �� ��r����n�n� ����r . ��s�e��i�� �b1i�a�io�s set f�r�� i� t�i� L�ase. 16,9 ���v�r. '��i� �r�i��� ���ny �r�a���x ��a�� ��r��i�i�r�, ��v��t, ��r�, �r���vi�i�r� ����i� I��a��� �� an�r �a��� t� t�is L����� ��aII r��t 1�� ����n�� t� �� a► v�ra�i��r ��a���r �r������g �� �ubs�c����t ������ ur�der t�� L�as�, r�or s�a�l a►r�y waiv�r cor��tit�t� a �o�tin��r�� �vaiv�r. �Ta v�r�►����r ���11 b� ����ir�� t�n���� �����x��d i� �ri���� �y ��� �a�r�� rr�a�l�in� ��� �v�i��r. - �.�.1� �ut��ri�a��i���. ��1 �ffi��r� an� in�iv��ua�s ��c��r��i��,t�is a�� �th�r d�����n�� �� � ��h��#'of th� ���p���iv� pa�rt��s do ��re�y certif� a�d warra.�t t��t ��y h�►ve �he ���a�i�y ar�d �ave � b�en du�y auth�ri�ed �o �o ��ec��e sa�id da���m�r�t� o� ���al� �� th� e���t}r so ��d���t�d. Eac� 1� ' Agenda Item 8.i. Page 23 . signa�tory s�a1� a��o ���mr�ify th� ot��r��rt� to t�is �ea.se, and�o�d t.�er���rnr�l�ss, fr�� a�y ax�� ��� �a��g��, ���t�, ��t�rn�y�� ����, ��d ����r ����r����, i���� �i��a����y �� n�� �� a�����r���, 1�.1� ��a�ir��s and �a�t�s,. '�he ��ption� and �ea�in�s ��t,��s �,e�s� are i�nsert�d far �a�nv��i��c� o�1y a�d �ha�l� not b�d�e�med a part of t�is L��s� �n� ��a�1 ���be used in i���rpreti�g . t.��� I.�a��� ��r �n ����rr�inir�g �n� ��t�� ri��ts �r �l�li�a��i�r�� ����� �a�r���� �� ��i� �.�a��. �.�.�� V���� [J�a�,, �Jr�l��s t�� ��r���x�����r1� ����ir�� �th�rv�ri��, t�� �l�ra�1 a�n� �i��ulax �v�rd� s�a��l ����i be �eerne� to i�c1�d� �� ot�er; �,sh��,�� '��v�ll�'� or �'agrees rr ar� rr�ar�dato�y# �r�� �!I�l���� 1� ��1�11��1�1� ��' �1��T��1�17���� !����� l� I��� �X����1��� ��1� ����L��111�� ��II]1�I1�� �Il� Il�I���I g�n���� �ha��� �a��� �� ���rn�d �� ir��1��� ��� �t1��r�; a��� '����lude��� �r�� ���r��l�cling�f ar� r��� � 1imi���. ��.1� ����r�bilit�r. ����y ��rrr�� �r��i�i��� ��v�r���, �� ��r���ti�r����i� I����� ��a�l l�� �r�e�ome il���a1, ir�valid, r�u�l, va��, �r�enfor�eable, or agai�.st p�bli��po1i��, i��v��l�a�r ir�part# �� �h��l �� �i��c� �� a�n� ����� �f ���p����� ���i��i��i�r� �� �� i�l�gal, ���r�licl, n���, ��r �r�i�, �� a��►in�� ��b1i� ���i�}r, ��i� ��rm, �r�������, ��v�r����, �� ��r�di�i�� ����� �� ���m�d ��v�r��l�, a�� t�� r���ir�ir�g ��r�vi�i�n� �f t��� ����� ��al� r�rna►ir� ir� f��� ��r�� ar�� ������ �r�� ��a11 ��� �� a�f���t�c�, ir���i��c�, �r ir��al��a���. 7'�� ���r�m, �r��ri�i��, �����a�r��, �� ��r��i�i�r� �h�t i� �� i�valida���, vaided, ar �e�� to be�ne�far�ea�le s�a�l� b� mo�i�`��d or ��ar�g�d t�� t�e parti�s ta t�e ����r�� ���s���� �� �arr� ��� ��i� ir���n�i��� �r�d c�ir��tiv�� s�t ��rt�i �� t�i� �����, . 1�,1� ��ur��� a�r� �����ti�r�. �'�i� ��a�� rr��y l�� �x��u��� ir� a�r�� r�u�rr���� �� �o��t�rparts, �a�� of�vhi�� s�a11 �� a� o����a�l, but a�� o��h���a to��th�r s�i��� �ons�it�t� ane a�d ��� �ar�� ir����r�rn�r��. 1�.�� �r��ir� A�rr����, �T��� L���� ��n���t���� th� fi���, ��rr����t�� �r�c� ������i�� �����rn��� ��th.�t�rm� �f't�� � r��rr��r��t���w��n th� ar�i�� ��tai�ir�� �� t�� �e��� a�� ����r��c��� � � P ��1 pri�r a�r�� ���t�rr��ra����� �g���rr��r���, �r�mi���, r��r���r��a�i��s, �var��r�����, �r���r�tandir��s, o�r under�a����s by �i�h�r of��� parties, e�th�r oral ar v�rrit��n, �f ar�y ��aracter or nat�re. �10 �a�rt�y has beer� ir�d���d to er�ter �to t,��s �,e��� b�, r�or �s an� part�r r�lyir�g o�, �r�� �e�reser��atro� or w�rrant�r out�ide �.hose ���r��sly s�t fa�r�� in ��iis �ease. . ��,1� Ar�r��r�dm��ts.� '�his �e�s� �ay �� al���ed, am��d�d, mod�f���, or ��pp�e��nt�� �r��r �� �� �r�s�rurn�r�� �r� �rri�i�g, �������� b� ��� ����i�� �� t�i� ����� �nd �� r�� �t��r rr��ar��, �o al���a�ior�, �mendnr�.e�nt, m�dif��atior�, or �����enner�t of t�is Lea�� sha�l b� b�n���g unless �� i� in v�rri�ing �►�� s��r��d �y both p���i��. Eac� pa�ty v�rai�r�s �he�r fut�r� ri��t to c�a�, cor�t�st, ar ��s�rt �a� th�s �e��e v�as n��d�f�ed, �ar�e�l��, ��per��d�d, or �har�ged b}� ar�� o�al ��r�er�e�t, ���r�� ������u��, �v�i�r�r� �� ��t����1. 1�,1� ��g�iti��. ���� ���t�r a�r�� it� ��u���.s�1 �i�v� �ar���ipa��c� fu�l� i� ��� r��r��v�r ar�d r������n ���1�i� �.�a��. A�y ru�1� �f��r���ru��i�r� �� ��� �����t t�i�� �r��i�u�iti�s �r� �� �� r���lv�� a�a��.s� ��� c�r��ti�� ��r�� ��a�I1 n�� a���� �r� �n�er�r���r�� ��i� �����, 15 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 24 . � I1�T V�I�'N��� �I����1�, �it� 1��� ��c����e� th� I.�a��� �vi�h ��� a������I �� i�s ����r ���n�i1, �r�d ca�s�c� �t� �f�ici�� s�a1 ta �e af�i�ed a�d l�iistor�cal �ac�e��r �as �xe�ute� the �eas� �n ac�ordar��e �i�h t�� �ut�or��a��or� of�ts �oard of I����ctor� a�d h�s �au��d �ts o�fi���►� s�a1 �o b� a��f����, ���JT� ���'I'� HI�T�RI��I� ���I�TY �y ����� ���� ��� ���� �������� ��r�r���r: ���� ���r� �� ��o�o ���� ��,. .. . ���x�� �. ��, ���� ������r: � ` � � ��� � r���. �v �o�� D�r�ctor of Ad�ir�i�trati�e �er�i�esl � ���ut�r ��ty ��er� ��P����I� A� '�'� F�R�VI: �- �� � �y:' - ���� �. ��� �� ��ty At orney �:1Arroyo�rar�delAgr�ernent�lHi�T-���. �99#3lease.��4ma��or� �� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 25 . * . THI� �,���� �"�e"� is m�d�ar�� entered ir�to t�is ��� day ��Jun�, ��37, in �� �ity of Array� ��a,n��� �aun��r of �a� L��s ��i�po, ���f�rni�, by �nd �etvveen the �I'I'� �� A�tI��Y� � � �"�i�y"�, a rr�ur�i�i�I �o�por�tion ���y or�ani� �� e�is�in� ��rs�an� to ��� �or��tit�rion ar�d 1��� o� t�� �t�t� of ��orni�, �� ���J� �� ��T���A� ����'� �"�Ii�tori�l ��c�ety"�, a ��ifo�� �or�-profi� �orpor�a�on, v�i�h �efer�n� �o t�� fo���v�r��g��a�t� ar�d inten�ions: �. �ity i� t���v�m����a►b�il�in� �nd r�ai� ����d at ��� ���� 1V��son �tx-�e� in �e ��ty of�rroyo ��-ar��le, �tate of��iforr�ia. �. ���� holds � ���q�e ���c�e �n �e ��s�� o� ��Iifo�n�� �s the s��� of a� �arl �Y Y ��umash Ir�diar� �il�ag� �d �s part of�gr�t 11ri��ci� �c�o. �. 'The buiiding �� �2C��uth Ivl�son ��t ha�s not ��en us� or ac�u���d �y �he �ity �'or e�eves� �11� mor�ths. �. A►�t�ough �tr��t�r�l�y so�nd� r�e ���Idir�� is in a� co�met��ally �o�or �ondit�or�. �. . �i�stor�ca� �o�i�t�y pro�os�s to �estor� and reha�ilit�t� said b����ir�g, d�v��ap ��ri�ag� g�r���s or� �e p�err���es, �d �se th� �u���in� �n� pr�m�s�s �or � ��sto�y ��nter and 11��s�um of 1o�a1 ��r�t�ge v�r�ic� sh�1� b� ope� to th� pu��i�. . F. T�e I�ist�ry ��r���� �nc� �useur� wi�1 �x�ii�it � l�rg� �o��ctio� �� hi�tori�al �fa�cts, photog�p�s, �d p�pers �h��a� av�rn�d �y t�h� ��storic�l �o�ci�ty, ir�cl�dir�g ���ti�r�a� m�t�ri�ls fo� �l��I��n, �xh�bits t�v �tt��t to�ris�s t� �ity� ���ro�riat� histori� rr�a�ri�Is f�r s�ecia� o�n�ngs �n� e��r�ts �� �or�j ur�c�iar� v�v��h �� �ity �d t�� ��sin�ss Imp�ov�r�er�t A�so�iat�an �vithin �it�r. T�h�s f�c��ity v�rill �n�lude at� affic�ar�� h�sto�i�l �ook shop. �. '�e �ar��� fir�d th�t �� �vo�l� � to th�i� �m�t��l a�v�tag�an�p��1�� b�r�e�i� for �it� to �e.�s� �he b���c���� ar�d property �a H�stor�ca� �o�i�t�y �o ��e �s a �ist�ry �er�ter and h�iuse�r�n. . �. �'�e ���y has �ns��cte� t�is b����i�g ar�d ��p�ro�� ��s �tr�e�s �or o�cup�n��r. I�T�Vi�, T�F���'���, IT I� ����� �s fo�I�v�r�: 1 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 26 . , . k ������ �� � ���� 'The fol�ov�r�n� t�e�m� ����, �`or �l� pc��os�s o#`t�i� L�e, h�ve t�� fal�ov�r�g me�n.ing �s �et for� ��1o�r, . �.1 �. ���y h�s t�� me�ni�g �ssigned t,here�o �.n t�e p�ea����e ��r�to. 1.� �,�i�al ��%. �Iistori�al �o�iet�y h�s th� m�n��g a�s�igr��d t�e�-et� in t.�ie pr�am��e ��reto. �.� . '�'�� �errn ��rx��rove�er�ts" or �irr�prov�rne�t" i�clude�� �ut is r�o� l�mite� to� r�stor�tior��, a�t��at�ons, r���i�d�.r�g, ad�it�or�s, ��a�g�s� �e�ai�r�, �p�r���s, r�pla�ements, re�nod��i��, re�ar�dit�ar�ir�g, �� m�di�icatio�ts of an� �nd al� po�ior�s of th� F��r��s�s, �.4 i��v�rs �n� �r�e��. T�e �r� "l�v�vs a.�d or�ers" i�n���d�s aII Iaws, stat�t��� ord���ne�, �t�nd�►rds� n�1es, �e��irerr���ts, r�gul�tios��, d�ree�, ��dgr��r�t,�, or or�ers now in f��C� �r ��re�te� �r���t�� ���r�U�g�t�d, �r iSS�� �y a�.� f��ra�, ��at�, ���ty, ��ty, �� �th�r go�rerr��nenta� �g�nc�e�� courts� departm�r��s, camrr�i��io�ns, b��rds, �.�n� of���s. 'T�e #�r�n a1s�o in���c��� ��v�rnrr��n� �e�as�res ��g��ati�g o� �n#`�r�cing ����i� a��ess, o�c���#�onal, he�l�h� �ire, �arth�uak�, or s�fety stand�r�� �or�rnployer�, �m�loy�es, land�or�s, or t�nan�. 1.� . '�e Le��e�arr�r��n�rr��nt ��t�e is �he�at�o�'��e ��t forth �r� Ax�t.i��e �. �.� ' ` . '�'�i� 1�� ���r ��`�h� rr��nt� ir� w���� t�� ��t� a�niv�r�ry o�t�e L,�a�� �omr��r�c�rx�ent d�t� occ��s, or subsequent ann���rsa��s �f�� �err� of t��I.�e�s� �s ren�w�d o�r �xter���d. I.7 L��T�r�m. T����m ��'thi� �e ��a�,l�orr�rr��n�e on �he��te o�I�se or L�s� co�m��c�ment dat� a�d s�a1� �or��ir��xe ir� f�1� for��and �ff�t �ntil De�mb�� 31, 2�7, �n��s� terrnir��t� soon�� i� ��ordar��� �rit� th� t�rms ���his �a�s�, �c� ���l���s ar�� �riod ir� �hi�� �he t�rm o�th� �ea� �s r�r��w�d or�x�er�d� ir� ac�ordar�c� wi�h th� terr�ns o#`t�is �.�. 1.$ . Th� �r� "I�e�s� y�r" me�ns �c� ca��ut�v� tv�ve��e�rr�or�� ���� ��r��d ���i�n� t�� i�a.s� �er� p�ovid� tl�at �� fir�t L�eas� ��ar �omrr�er��� ar� t�e �ase �amr�er�c�ement d�t�, v�r�i�� is �h� d�t� o��ayse, �n� �n�s on the l�,st�ay o�t�� e���r�nth �11 t�� �er��ar rr�on�h t� r� t��s�ar�d and �ac� s��d�� Leas� y��or�r�en�es or� th� �ir�t c�y o�t�e n��ct �alenda.t n�o�th; �� t�� ��st L�a�e �re�r�r�ds o� th� �s�e�cpi�a�i�r� �ate o� e�rl��r c��te o�`te�xr�i��tion. 1.9 ' . ��per��io�" r�fer� to �istori�al �o�ciety�s o�l�g��on �o �or�ple�e th� ���xs�e r�stor�tion� s��h t�at �Ii�t�ri�l �oci�ty �s i� a�tu� ��e and opera�io� of th� �r���ses � � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 27 . a I�istory ��t��e� an� ll�iuseum t��t is op�r� � th��u��i� w���ir� a �pecifie.� �i�me ��rio�i afte� t�e L�ase �arr�m�r��e��r�t �a�e. �,�� ' , T1�� Pr�r�n�s�s refer� to th� ��i�d�ng �d r�ea� pro�er�y locat� at 1�f �ou�� 1VI�s�r� �t,r�et in #.�i� ���y and w��ch is th� s��j�ct �f th�s Le�se �s mor� sp�c�f�all� des��i��d �e���. - �.1� . �����r�ce, ��� ��rpa��� �� th�� �se, r����r� #.+� �����ric�l �o�c��t�r�� o�ligatiat� to e�ploy r�s�r��b�� mear�� or me�ho�s �o �st�blish its �x��tenc� �t �h� �r�rn�ses to sho� t��t t�� P�rn�ses a�e �o �or�g�r �r�o�c�p��d �d �r�u�. 1.�� ' . Pr�-us� r�stor�tior�s n�ea�� �hos� �ni�i� impro���mer�t� �ha�t ar��ui�r�d t+o b� rn�d� to �he�rerr�ises it� ord�r f�r t�� �rerx��ses t� be r�st�r�d �nd r��a��1�t�ted ir� �rd�r to permit th� ��tu�l use an� oper�t�or� o�t�� Pr�en��ses as � ���tory �er��e� �d �riu���n that i� open t� the pu��l�c. �iRT�����. �A� PR���.RTY, �����, A1�T� ��t���. �.1 � �f L�s�. �� I�ea�e �ha�1 co�me�ce o� .�ur�� 1, 1�9�. �.� 1�T�rne of�n��ord and �er�ant. 'I�h�Ia�r�d�or+d �s t�� �it�r o�A.rroyo �r�n�e a�d �� t�r�ant �s t�� �outh �ou�t�y H����rie� �o����y. �.� ' ` ' . '�'i�� �����i�� �� t�� �er�� �r�� s��ry ��ilc�i.��� �o��ed �t I�� �outh �aso� �tre�t �n t�� �ity of Ar�ayo �ran�e� �ount� of �a� �.�is ���spa, ��ate of ��1i�ar�, tog�th�r with th��n�s or� wl�ic� ���ui�dir�� st�ands� �e�c���d �� �xh��it �A" at�a�h� ��reto �nd ���r�po�at�d her��n by t��s r�fer�r��e, �.� n� ����i�io�,of��i��i��� Premi��, �Ii�tori��I �o��et�y r�re�nts th�t it �as �r�du�ted�n ir�s��i�n an� e�cami.na�o� of t�e Prer�ise� �hat �re t�� s��,��c� of th�s L�ease a�.�d ac�now��dg�s th�� t�� �ui�d�r�g r�q�ires �mprovem�nt� t� rr�a�� t�e �ui�c��ng �t f�� �se �d o��~ati�n ��th��u�il�ir�� �.s � �i���ry ��r��� and II�I�s��rr� t��� i� �per� ta t��������. Hi���rica� �oc�ety a�cc��ts �he Pr+em�s�s ir� th�ir pr�s�n� �or��itior� �nd ��r�s to r��a��Ii�a�� t�i� �r�mis�s s�a t�i�t th�y ar�e� s�.i��e s��p�a�d c�nditian f�r o���pa�cy ar�� op�rat�on by �i�tori� ��c��t� as ��if��d ����in, �.�.1 ��-�� ��ndi���. ���toric� �oc���� ������ t�� �r�rrr�s�� as-i�, �r� th�i� pr�sent �on�ition o� s�t� �s of�e ��t� of�ea,s�, in�l�d��� a�y and �1� pater�� o� 1ate�t def��s� v�rit������r�pres�r�ta��r� �r ty, �x�re�� �r i��l�e� i� �'����� �}� 1�v�+� �� �ity art� v�r�th��tt r�cour�e ta �ity as �o th� r�atur�, c�nd�tio�, or �s������y o�the �r�mis�s. _ �.� ' . Ir� ��r�����r�t��r� �� ��� ��r�ts, ���r�r�t�, an� ����rr��r�ts �ontaine���n t��� Lea� ar�d �o �� o�se��d �n� �e�-form� by �I�stori�al �o�i�ty, �ity lease� t� . � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 28 Historica� �o�i��y a�c� Hi�t�ori�a1 �a�i�ty raer�ts f�om ���y t�e�r�r�i��s 1oc���d at 1�� �aut� �I�Iasor� �treet ir� tl�� �ity of Ar�ra�ro Cr�nd�, �a�ifor�n��, � �.� ' . �is L�as� �m�►y b� �rer�e�ve.d or �xten��d for s��c�e���� t�en�n�of� �1�� yeaurs �a�h, by t�� �rritt�r� agr�r�n�nt af��p�r�i�� e��ut�d �t le�st th��ty ��0} � raler��r c�a�y� �efore ��pi.rati�n ��'t�� �rer�ty ���� ye�r �e�se ���. l�oth�ng i� t��� ��ase s��.l �e �nter�r�ted �s r�q�i�ir�g ��t��r party to �er��� or extend �h�s L,�a�e. �.� B��a��r�,�f_��, �i��r �����v�� �I �ri���s �r� ��� e����rr�i� ���� �� t�� 1e�ho�c�� a�d a1� ri��its �e��r�re.� to t�� �ity �y �p�r�atio� o��av�r, A�'��I���. R�1TT AI�I� A�D��"���1TA��t�.�TT. ��1 . ��stari�al �o�iety �ha.�1 pay to �ity o� or befor� t�e l�t bu��r�ess da� o�th� #�r�t ��r��h of�a�h I.�e�s� y�ar � �a�s� �ent ir� ��i� ��rr� of��e �o�1�r ��1.�� p�r yea.� �or ea�� �rear o�t�� L�a�� t�rrn. �.� Add��iona� er��. In ��d�tior� to �he b� r�r�t, �i�torical �o�iet�r �h� ��y � a�diti�r�a� �rer�t ��mprise.� of�h�p�yrr���� o��11 �tilit��s �Ar�i��e S�� �ay�nent of�ss�s�r�er�t a�nd p���ss�or�r i�t�e�st t�x�s �Art���� �}, �� t�e �ayrx�er�t ��'�r���r�nc� �Ar�i��� �I . � A�'�'I��� �. U��. �.� �ermitted...�.�. ��r�n� �� �.�eas� t�rrr�� �i���r��a1 �o���ty s��1 �se ��� �r�rr�is�� s�����r ��r t����-pos�e����r�t�� a�i�tory ��te�an� ��se�rr� ���r� �� t�����1i�, a.r�� ��r s��� ot�e��s�es g�n�r�y a�purt�n�nt to the b��ines� of�p�b��� m�seurn ar�� �ax�d�r�s. In �d�i�on to r�g���r o�er�a�i�g �our� of �� �iistory �er�t�r ar�c� �use��n, His��ri� �o�i�ty may �s� �� �remi�+es �o� �i�1�p�r��r�g� ar�d ���r�ts re�atir�g to ���toric�l ar�d �omr��r�it�r ��r�nts. �i�to�i� ���i�ty s�a�l p�ro���� ���y w�t� a �r�arl�r �er���r �f e�r�r�ts. �Iistor�c�I �oci�ty ���1 no� �s� or p�rmit t���mis�s t�v be�s�d for an�r ot�er p�rpos� �it�iout ��ty'� prior v�r�i�ter� �ans���, �r�ich rr��y �e ��-ar�te� or wi�hhe�d �r� �i��r'� so�� dis�r��or�. A�'���� �. �ITY'� A���� A�� �J�� ��' � �. �.� ����,�., # �������s,t� ��-e�i���. �it}r ar�� i�s ���r��� �h�1� ���r� ��� r�g�� �� ai1 rea�o�a�l� �irne�t� ent�er�h��r�emi�s �o p�er�o�rr� fur��tion�, ir����d�n�, b�t nat ��mi�e�d to: insp�ct �h�Pr�rn�s�es; s��w th� Prer�r���es to pras�t��re p�r����ers, mort�ag�es, or t�r�a�ts; s�rve, �ost, � an� k�pos#�ed r�oti�r�qui��y �a�v or�t�ity �on�i�i��� �n�cess�ry fo� t,he pr���t�or� of��ty or t�� �r�mi�es; i.���t t�e �r��n�ses #'or �ny p�rpose �or�n��d r�vi�h t�� �are �d �anagement of �he �r�mi��s; pe�for� ��rvices re���re� o� �i�y; �k� poss�ssion ��� to ar�y �r�ac� �f t��s �as�; p�erfor�n �y�a��r�ar��s��I�.istori�al �o�iety t��t I�ist�r�cal �o��ety f�l� t� p�rf��m, or fo� a�ny ot����urp�se �e�sor����y ��nn�ct�� wit� ��ty's ir�ter��t �r� th� �re�is�s. 4 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 29 i i . \ �.� ' r ' , �ity �na� us� �h� garden� �'�r f�n�t�ons� activit�es or � m�etin�s o� th� �ity or� m��u�1�y ��r�e�d �pan d�t�s ar�� t���s �y r�q��stin �� sa.�� frorn . . . � . ��s��r�� �o����y, w�os� ���er�t to �u��i use by �i�y ��al� r��t �e �r�r�sor���� with�e�d. Y A�'�'I����. ���I1T�. 6.1 ��. ��1 p��ar�er�� s��n� a�� gr�phi�� of��r�ry l�r�� �ris��le ��or� �bl�� �ri��v , . # , . . � . , � * � co�-ndor�, o��he�xt�r��� of t�� �rern���� �v�ll be ���j�t to c�ty s �r�or �rr��t�r� a �v� �nd �v� � r �� �e s��,�ec�to �y ������bl� ���r��rr��r�fi� 1�v��, ����r����, an� ��g�1�t��r��. �i�����ai �oc�� . . , , � , � �ust re�o�� �.l ��gns �d g�p��cs pr�o�- to t�� t�erm�a�.o� of th�s �,ease. Inst���t�or�� at�d r�rr�a�a�s r,�ust �� �a�e �r� � r�nar���r so as to a�o�d ��j�ry ar d��`a�emen� of t�� Premi�es. �I��tori� �oc��� mus� r��air ar�y i�t,�ury or def��e�n�r�t� �n����ir� , v�ri�ho�t li�ita�or� - . . . , � � ��s�ol�ra�ior� �au� by �r�st�la�or� �r r�n�o�al �t �t� s�Ie �ost ar�d ex��e. �isto�ical �ocie . . � �Y s�gns s��l� no��e �or�s�der�d a p�rr�an�n� �m�r��rem�nt �ar�u�as� ��Ar�i��e 1�. � A�t'i'I��� �. PR���� ��I'��A����. �r� �c�dit��n to �e i�p�o�rerner�ts ��t for�h i� Arti��e ��� �Iisto�� �oc�ety s��� per�o�m �e fo1��w�r�� pre--us� re.��ora�tior�s: ?.� ' . �I�stor�cal �o�ie �h�l� ma�� r�-use �s�o�ratior� �Y � s �o �e P�rr�ises, �vhi��are pre�er��1y r�ot ac�up��d, p�vr t� �t�a� us� �d op��a�iot� o�t�e Pr�rx��ses a� ��is�o�y ��t�r a�d 1Vlu�eurn. �� pa�t.i�s a�kr�ov�r��dg� t�at Historic� �o�iety rn� not�� ��1� Y to �omrr��r��e worl� o� �� p�re-u�e r�s��r�t�on� or� t�e L��s� �ornmencern�nt d�t�, a�d t��refore� the� r�n�y �e�delay ��er� the�t�e a��se an� ���d�te af ap��ratior�. Ir� �r��r t� dis�o�r� � • . � . . . , , � ��l�ga�1 entr�es an� var�dal�sm, �I�st�r�ca� �����y s�a�1 est�b��sh � ��nrn�diate ��ser�� of t�� . , . � Pr+e��es or� t��d�t� of L�eas�, b�t �n r�o �ve�� mor� t�an th�rty ���� �a1�n��r�ays f�rom �h� dat� of L�se. �•� # � � � � �i�tori�l ���et� ���Cn��vl�d �s t�a� th� • . . . . � Pr�r���e� �o �ot gr��ntl� s�t�sfy �u�r�r�t b������� �od��. ��stor��l �o�ie�y s��, at i�s so�e �x�r�s�e, �au� li�ens�d p�rs�o�s �o i��p�ct for termit�s, per�orm �11 ot��r ��s ir�s tior�s , . � � of t�e��rr�xses, �n� rn�k��r��r���m�r�ts to�ny �nd �� def�ts, ir���u�in�, �ut r�ot 1�rr�.�ted t�, the roo��c� ��r���v�rs �f t�� �r�rr������ �� �s��r� th�� th� �r�rr�is�� ar� �� goo� ����r. �.� . ��storir� ��ciet�y shal�, at it� so�� �x n�e �ev��� a�d � � � im��e��r�t� �ster p1�n fo� h�rit��� g�d��s t�ia� r��y �nc���� rr��r�r�tor�� �r�e�� bu�h�s, b�n���s, � tab��s� ��a�e�o, and o�h�r g�ur�er� a�orr�ments or �and�apir�� tha� i� suita�Ie for us� f�r a u�I�� P mus�r�rr�, T�� �t�r�r�d� p�a� s� �rst�e ap�r����y �h��ity � writi�g, �� suc� �►p �o��l . i , , * ; � by �he ��ty sha� not�u�re�sor�a��� w��h��d. �Iistor�c� ���e�y s�a�, at �ts sole �xp�ns�, ir��� � ���n �� t�� f�-or�t ��v�m ��t���rernis�s to id���fy t�� �i����y ��r���� �� 1Vluse�rr� �n a���o�dan� wit� Arti��e 6. �istor��l ��ei�t� s�al�, �t �ts �01� �x�r�s�, �n�i�t�i� t�e ext�r�o��or�ons of t�� � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 30 P�+err�is�s, in��ud�g t�e�eritage g�r��r�s �nd �pp�rt����e�. '�'h� C��y ���1� �or�t���e to m�i�t�i,� ��� ����tir�� 1�vvr� �n� irri�a�t��r� s�rs���. - '7.� ���it�11��I�ure.�: �1r������n� ��dali�rr� ����. �.i�tori� �o���ty s�al� in��ll� �t �ts sol� �x�ns�, e��i�m�n� �o �rovid� d�t�ction �o� fir�, th�ft, ar�d vandali�m of the Pr�r�nis�s, in��u�i�g� �u� �ot li�nited to, �h� insta���tiar� �� smok� d�te�t�r�, � s��r�ty �1�, ou�door s�ensor ���hts� and r�pla�er�e�t ��', if r����s,au-y, �o��s o� doors and wir�d��vs. ?.� �t�1��v �au��r��nt, �ity �o�� no� �uar�x�t�e �.he �or�d�tior� �� ���c��r��y o� eq�ipm�r�t u��d for �Il u�i�i�i�s, �n�����r�g� ��t r��t �i���ed �o t�� �c�iler�, furna�s, �ot �v��r he���rs, e�e�tr�� v�viri��, e�e��.ric� �ni�s, ��e��rical ��rc�it �oxes, wa�e� rn��rs, p1�r�r�b��g ar�� �i�, o�a�y other�uipme.���s� f�r �til�ty s�r����s� a�� mal��� n� r�r�ser�ta��n �r �varr�x�ty, �x�res� or �mpli�d i� fac�or�� �av�r �s to t,1�� �at�r�, �ar�c��tior�, or �sa�ili�y of s�c� �uipr��nt. I�i�tori�l �oci��y sh�l �aus� the in�p�ctior� o�a�1 �q�ipr�er�t ��ed fo�r t�t��ti�� t� �et��mir�e t�e �s�bi�i� of tl�e�quiprr�er��anci �h�n�t��e ar�d ex�,er�t o�`im�rov�me�ts th��e��. ��storical ��c��t�y is ������r ���po����l� ��� th� ��r��as�, �1�nir��, �n� �rr����v�rr��r�� �� a�l ���� ec�����n�r�� �� � instr�rn�nt,s r�e�d�d �o ������ t�� �s��f utilities ir� goo� wor�n� �r�e�. 7.C - . ��stor�c�al ��c��ty s�a�� p�om�t�y c�ean �� t�� �r�rnis�s to pla� t�e �rernis�s ir� a�or��i�or� s�uit���for �xs�as�pt���ic m��e�r�r�. �uc� �l�an �p a��iv�t��s �clu�e� b�t ar� �ot limit�d to, r�moving �i��ris �n� pa�n�n� wa��� i� n� of p�in�. 7.7 . Histor�c�l �oc��ty s�1 first o�t�ir� t�� �vritte� ap�rova� o��ity ��for� �ar�rr���i�� innpr��rem�nts to tl�e Prerr�is�e�, �nd ��ch ap�roval �y �i�y s�� not be ����son���� � �����ld. '�'he �i�y�s a��rova�l �s r�quir�d for al� o� the p��� �� sp���i��ior�� for a11 �mpro�r�n��nt,�. . '7.� �,���� ' ' . I�i���ri��l �o���ty ��a�Il �au�� �v��1� �� t�� �r���s� r�estora�an� ta b�dili��r�t�� �omr��r�c.�d and �ursu�d wit�o�t u�r�n�c��sa�y �nr�rru�t�or�, �n� ��a�I �us� th� comp�etior� o����� ��-��e restor�tior�s of�e Hi�t��r �ent�r and ��s�e�m s� t�at it �� r�y �or operat�or� on or b�for���� ��� y�ars fro�n the�at�e�f L�s�, �� b��r�� �e i�nt�r�tior� of the ��rti�s that His�or�c� �oc�ety m�y ha�� a r�a�o�ab�� period af �ime a�t�� obt�ir�ir�g ful� ar�d �omplete po�s�ssior� of t�e Prerr��ses v�vit�ir� w�i�h to com�l�te pr�-us� r���oratiar�s of th� ����i���. ��rr����ti�n r�e�n� �i�� r�v�r1�- �� t�� �r����� re���r�ti�ns ��a1� 1�� s���t�.r�t�a�� �orr�pl�ted in a�rdar�ce�vith t�e ���roved ���s an� sp�c�f�ation�, except for �r��orr�plete wor� �d ��f�ts th�t �o not ��r�aso�a��y i�t�rf�re wit� ��tori�3 �o�i�ty's us� o��� �r�mise� � a . mus�um o� �o t����b�i�. A��ne-�s�res�ora�ons sl�ail��rform�d i� ac�ordar��e �vi� Ar�i��e 1�. �iist�ori� �o��ety �h�] �ur3ni�h ��ty wit� rec���ts �or�1� m�ter�a�� use.� a�� wor��erforme� o� th�P�-�em�s�. Histor��a1��ei�ty�� �ai���� t� comply wit�h ��es� �or����tiar� r�q�ir�rn�r�ts s��I� i�r�e.���t��y terrnina� t1�i� �ea.s�. � � Agenda Item 8.i. , Page 31 , ������ �• �� • 8.� �avmer�� of[�t���� ��r����� �� Add����� ��r�t. �Ii�tori�l �o���ty �hall i��t�at�� �ar�t�ct �`or, ar�d obt�ai.�, ir� it� r�a,me, al� uti1�� s�r�ri� rec�ui�e� f�r t�e Pr���s�s, in���di�� ga�� �l�t��ity, t��e��o��, �v�t�r, jax�itorial, tra�� r��or��, sev�rer� and �n�r ot�er �t��it�y u� or �on�um�d ir� t���r�xise.� d�.rir�� th��t�errn. ��storic�l �o�iety ���.1 pay, �d �ol� ���y and �� p�rop�r�ty of�ity fr� �d h�rml��s f�o�, al� �h�r�e�s for ��i�ty se�vi�s a� they �e�o�e ��� �s�rt o�tt�e r�e�t�l o�tl�e�err�s�s. A�1 s��h �ha�rge� �ha�� b� �ai� by ��storic� �o�iety d��re�ct�y t� th��r�v���r�f�� s�rv�� �� ��al� �� �ai� a.� th�� be���� ��� a�d �a�ra�1�t��t i.n ar�� �v��r�t befor� deli�q��r�cy. �ity may e��ct to t�rr�r�i��#,� t�.�s �e�.� if�i�ta�ic�l �ociet� f�.i�� or��fus�s t� p�y t�e ���r�es for ��lity se�v�ces a�s as��� or ir���rred. �RTI�i��9. '�'��E� A� A��E�� . �3.� ��m�n��f'�'�x�� a�� Assess�e�ts as A�dit�or�a� �e�t. �r� �he ever�� ��t� tax �r �ss��ssm�n� is�m�ose� on �h��rar�ise� t�at r���es to I�����rical �ac��t�'s us� of�h� �r�m�is�s, t�e �ar�ie� �gr�e to me�t�nd d�scuss a� �ati�f��tory ran�ar�� of��ying t�� tax ar�..�s�ssm�nt. �4►�TI�I�� ��. �F�� �. 1�.1 ������n� ��i��er��n��. ���tori�a] ��c�ety �as �x�rr�i�e�d �nd �nsp�cte� �h� r �rerr�is�s, �d� by �ts�ntry c��th�Pr�mises �nd�r t���, Hi��orica� �o���t�r a�lcr�ow��ges t,h�t t�e Pr�emis�s are �ot in �ood �r���a,r�d r��air. �ur�r�� the ��e �rm, �i��o�ic�l �a�i��y� �t �ts o�n �s��d exp�r�s�ar�d �t no �o�t�d��c�er�s+��o ��ty, sh�11 �n�uously �nd w�t�ou� ���ptior� �pa�ir, �aint�n, �� m��i.rn�ro�ement� to a��ort�o�s of t���e�nis+�s t�er�sur� t�at �1 po�or�s o�th�P�r�rr�is�s ��n ��a�d order, ror�dit��r�, an� re��r �r� ���n�l�ar�c� wit� a11 ��ws ar�d �rders. 1�.� . i�is�ori�al �o�i�ty ��al� �n��u�� v���,h t.�i� L�s� � �x�ib�t o� �1ar�n� pr���s���p�irs of th� ���I�i�g fo� a�pro�a� by th� �ity's ���1��n� �iv�sian. 1�.� ` . �i����i� �oc��ty ��a�� rr�a�c� ��i�� ��irr��r�r����r�t� in �or���rrr�,nce v►�trt� �ity�� cor������r� ���s a.rx�l r�����t����. ��l v�r��� �e��►t�n� �� �n� r��air �r improve��nt s��l be �or�e in � gvod ar�� r�r�rl��n�i�� rnann�r, u�i�� mater��� �ui���r�t i� �}��1ity �� ���s� ��ed i� ��� ��r��t��t��r� ��th� ir�it�al ������r���r��� �� th� ���r,n�se�. A11 v��r� sha�1 �� di�����t�y �ros�c�ted to co�g�et�an. 1�.4 �����ar�� A��in�t �ien�. �I��tori� �ociety s��l� ��bm�t �o �h� ��t�r every si�c �C} r��n��� ���rx� t�� anr�i��rs��-�r ���e �� ���� L�ea,s� � �is� �� �1ar�ne� ���air�� �e��v�ti�r��, a�� re�t�a��or�s �v�t� ����b�ts, as de�m�d ��ce�s�ry� ar�d �n r�o ca�s� s�al� �ha�g�s ir� �� �r�rr�i�s �� m�de w�tho�t th�I�i���ri�al �o�iety�r�ov�di.n� no��e t� ��ty. T'�e �it�r'� D���s��n of��il���� ar�d I�if� ���ty �ill er��e�vor �o �ro�r��e o�j�ctior�s� con�erns or ����ov�l withir� � �wenty�r�e ��1� day p�rio�, Histor��� �o�i�ty s��ll r�ot as��me ir���bt�d�es� for mo� t��n t�ir� ���� d�ys �or �� mat�ri��, �abor �r�or��act. � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 32 . . , ��.� As���to� I�Tot���at, or�. Hist�or�ca� �o�i�ty a��o�v�e��es t�at �ity h� a�c�v�sed H�s�or�cal �o�i��y �hat t�e �ui��ir�g co�t�i�s, or, �e�us� of i� a�e, m�y �ont�in �sb�stos� co�t�nir�� rr���eri�� ���11����. �3i���ri�1 �oci�ty �h�l.� �r�d�rt�� �� ��p�ir� �n� irr��r�v�rr���ts in � rn�nn�r �hat��roi�s distur�i�� �ny A��Vis �reser�t i� t�e bt��ldir�g. If A��I� �r� li�C�1� t�o �� d�sturl�e� i� t�e�ou�rse �f s��h wor�C, �i�tori� �o�iety s�a�l �n�psu�at� or r�mo�� t�e AC�� ir� a���rdanc� �it� �n appr��r� �s�es��s-r��no�al ��an �d ot��r�vis� in �c�or�i�n�� with �i� a��l�c.�b1� �r���ro��ertt� 1av�r�, ir��lu��ng �I�th a�d �a�ety �ode ��t�or�s �5915���9�9.�'. ��.� V�a�v��,���r t��e��r�rr�i��'�r�ar�ta���. I�����ric�l �o�i�ty h�reb� ��c��r����}� w�ves t��pr+o�s.ior�� af�ir�ri� �o���e��ior�� 13�i a�� �9�� a�r�� any �ther st�at�te or law re.q��ring �it� t�a p���r main�ain t�� leas�d P��r�nis�s in a ca�ditior� �it �or human ����a��y �d to rep�i.� al� s�b�u�t d�I�apid�or� �f�� �r�mi�es t��t��n�er th�rrx �nter��t�bl�a�r�d gran�ing I�stori� ��ci�.y t��right to of�`se�aga�st �� rent�u� ur�de� t�ie L,ea�� e�p��ditur�s by ��stori�al �oc�ety for r�p�irs o� ir��ro����r�ts. 1�.7 ��rir�or�mer�t�1 Cam�lianc�. �stori�l �o�iety s�a�ll �omply w�th, �nd ���ll �aus� it� ag�nts, ��n�I�y�es� re�r�sent�tiv�s, �on��t�r�� �u��enan�, r��res�nt��ive�, �d �nv�te�� �o �orr��ly ���, a�� er�v��onr���t�l ��ws r��atir�� to �h� Prerr�is�s. ��o��d a v�a��tian ��dis�o�r��r�d �uring �r �ft�r th� L,��s� �rm, �i�s�o�-ic�al ��c���y agr�s to no�ify tl�� City v�ri�n �hre� ��} ��r��r ��ys of such �i��o�rery o��y an� �l ir�farma�ior� o��r���� �i����ri�a1 �aci��y ��cor�e� a�vane t�a��vo�Id ind��te�h��oter��ex�st�er��of any a�dvers� �nviror�m�r�t� co�dit���, �is�ap, or irn���t on P�ernises or �oncorr�p��a��� �vith �y en�ri�or�me�t�l I�w�, prom��y unde�ke �1 s�ps ne�s�r��r ap�r�pri�te to �ring t�e P���n�ses into corr�pli�n�� v�ritl� �I� envi�onrn�r�t� l��s �t �� s�ole�ost a�d e�c�r��e o�`�istori�l �o���ty, a�� in���nnnify �nd ho�d �it�y �ar��ss ag�i.nst �Tl� �C� �� �I��1�1�I�$ �I'1�1I�� �1��'�����I]. '�� �erm "���i��r�r�n�r�ta� Ia�w�" ��� i������ a�� ��w�, stat�t��, ����l�tio�s, ordir�a�ces# rules, ��re�s, ord�r�, }�o�i�ies o� otl�er �eq��remer��s of�ny f�deral� st�t�, or 1o�I ��v�r�rn�n�a�ut�orit�r wit��uri�di�tion v�h.�c� �e�a�s t� �h� qua��t�y o�v�r�ter, ��d, �oils, �ir� fis�� w�l��i��, ar�d oth�r r��t�� �so�rc��. ��.8 . �e ju��rr�e�� o�`any �ourt o��o�p���nt,��ris�ic�ion, ar t�� ��mi��ion of �istor�c�I �ociety �r� ar�y j�d��ia� ar �,�rni�s�rativ� a��an or pro���r�� that �-I��t�ri� �oc��ty �a� vi����� an}r 1a�v�r� an� �r���� �h�11 b� c�r��lu�i��, ���we�r� �i�r �� ������-i� �oci�ty, �f���� ����� �r�������r n�� �i�� i� � ��rty �� t��� ����r�.�����c�e�d���. AR'I'I��� 1�. ����TL�ATI�1�, � �����I, A�T� �� ��. ��.� ��fir�����_�f_Hi����i�� ��c���v �ar�i��..a�� ��tv ��t���. Th� t�rm �����r��� ���i�ty �a�-t���" r���r� �ir��u��r1�r �n� ��l��ti����+ to �Ii���ri� �������r a�� �Iis���-ical �oci�t��� o��e�s, rnem�ers, a�er���� �mp�oy�e�, a�n� in��p�n�er�t �antra��or� as �ve1� a�s �o a�� p�rsor�� �n� entit��s �lair��ng t�rou���i �y �f the�� �rs�n� �r ��t��i�s. '�� t�r�rn "��ty �ar�.i�s" re�ers si����a�rly �n� �al��ctive��r �o �i�r an� �� r�s��ctiv� af���rs, �preser�tat�v��� ag�r�ts, s�r�rants, ernploy�s, an� �r��ep�nd�nt �ar�tra�tors of���s��rsans or �n�i�l�s. $ Agenda Item 8.i. Page 33 . �1.� ' . '�'o �� f�Il�st extent �ermit�ed �y l�w, H��to�� �o�i�ty, or� �t� ���alf �nd on b��a�1� of a�� �Ii�t�r�c�l �aci�ty ���ti�s, v�ai�r�s �1 ��a�ms, ir� 1a�r, e�v�t�y, o� �ot,h��wis�, �gai�st�ity paxt��s�� Ianovv�r�g�y�d v���r�t�ar��}� as�urr��s t�� r�.s� of, �nd �gr�es ��t �it� ��rt�ie� ��a11 r��t �� ������ �� �.i�tori�� �o�i��}� �a�rti��, ��r a,n� �f�h� f����v�rir��: i����y t� or���h of ar�y p�ers�or�; o�r�oss o�� ir���ry or d�rnag��o, or d�s�ructios� of�y t�ang�ble ����t�ar������ ��op�rty, in�Iuding #.�e r�s�lting ��s� o� u�, �c�norn�c �o�s��, ar�d c�nseq��ntia� or re��ltin� dar�a��of a�y �cind fror�n ar�y ca��. ��t}��a�r�ie� ��ai� not be �ia��e �r�d�r t��� ��a�s����a�-���ss o�r�v�ether t�� l�ab�liry resu��s �ror� a�ny ���i�� ��pass�ve a�t, �r���, ornis�ior�� or ����ig�r�c� o� �y of �ity �ar�i��; o� �s b��ed or� c�a�r�ns i� wh��� li�bi�ifi� �ith��t fau�� �r st,ri�t ��bi�ity �� irr��os�d or s��g�t �o� i�p�se� or� ar�y o��i�y par�ies. '�'�is e��ul�atio� �l�us� sY�� r�ot a��l� �o ���i�ns ag�inst �ity �ar��e� to t�� �xt�nt t�at a �ina1 jud�m��t o� � �ourt o� �a�n�et�r�t j�ris�ii��i�n es�lish�s �hat t�e ir��ur�r, 1oss, d�a�ge� or d��tr�ctio� �v�s �ra�irr�at��y �a�se� by ��t�r �art�es' fr�a�d, wi�ful �.njury t� persar� or �roperty� so�� ��t�v� n�g��ger��, �r v�iol�t�or� of ��v�r. �u�1� ex���patiar� sha�l su�ri�� th� ��pira�tior� �r �r�ier �errrt���t�on �f t�i� �e�se �r�til aI1 �l�i�s v�it�ir� the scope af t��s �x�����tion cl��s� �re f�1�y, fir��lly� a�� absa�ut�ly ��r�red �y t�ie �P�1ic�b�e statutes o�limitations. �ist�ric�1�o�iety �l�riowled��� ��a� this ��c�ior� v�� n�go�i�t�d w�it� �i�, th�t t���ons�d�r�tior� for it is fa��r�� a��ua�e, ar�d th�t I�is���c�al �oc�ety had a �a�r op�or�unity t� n����ate, ac�ep�� �eje�t, modify, or �It�r �t. 1�it� r�sp�t t� t�e ex�u��atior� pro����d i� th�s A�ti���, �isto�-i� �a���ty �r�ives �h�b�r�ef��s of��cti�n �5�� of th� �i�i1 �ode, t��t��vi��� ���� '�� ��r��r�l r���a.�� ��es r��� ��c���� �� �1�irn� v��i��i �h��re����� �oe.s r��� 1��v� �r ����t���ci�� �n hi� ���r�r a�� �h� t�rn� ����c��t�r�� th� r�l�a��� w���� i��n�v�rn ��r �i�n rr�u�� �a�e m�t�ria�l� a�fe�t� h�s set�I�m��t wit.� th� d��tor." 11.� . �itho��l�miti�r�g Historic�l �oc��ty�s in�emni��or� o��i�y� �st��i�al �o����y s�a�1 p�acur� and rr�a�ntain, for th� �u��io� of t�� L�.�s�� ins��c� �►ga�r�st c��rr�s for injurie� �o�rsor�� o�dama,g�s to p�o�r�y v�r�i�� r��y �rise �rorn o� i� �onn�etion �vit� I�.�st�ri� �ociety�s op�r��an �d �s� of �e Pr�mis�s. 'I�� �ost af such �ns�ran�e sha�� �� �orne ��r I���to��a1 �oc�ety, �. 11����i�n�rr� ��o�e.��.�1�.�,.� �ave�~age sha�� �e a� �east �s �ro�d �s: �1� �r���r��� ��rvi��� ����� ��r,��n�r�ia� ��r��ral �,i���1i�y ���r�ra�� �"o��u�rer���" for�m �� �I�; �. 11�Iinim��n �i�its of Insu�n�� I�Ii�t�r�� ���i���r �1��� rr�ai�ta�r� 1ir�i�s r�� ���� tha�n: �1� ��r���~al ��a�i��ty: �1,��,� p�r o�currer�ce �'or �o�i�� �njury� � p�rso��1 inj�ry �d pro��rty c��►rn��e. ��' �ornm�rc�a� �en�ra� �ia�il�ty Ir�s��n�e or a�Y��r far�n �it� � g�r�er�l ����e��t� �i��� �� 9 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 34 , �sed, either the g�n�ra�agg��a�e�i�nit s��l �p�ly sep�t�ly �o this pro�e�tl�o�a�ion ar t�� g�neral a���egate �ir�nit sha�l b� �vvic� th� ��L11�� �CCL�I`i`��iCE �l�l.l�; C. ���U��1�]��S �Il� ����-�l�i������ * Ar�y d��c��1�s or�el�-ir�s�r�d�t�r�tions mu�t�e��cl�-�d to ar�� appr��� �y �i�r. At t�e a�t�ar� o���ty, �i��r: �h� �n��r�r sha�I� re�u�e�r�limi��t�e �u�� �e��cti��es or �elf-�r�sur�d r�t�r��ion� as res�ect� �ity, its �f���r�, o�����1�� �rr��1�������1ur��rs� �r Hi���r�� �oci�ty ��a�� p�ocure � ���� ���rant�ee��g paym�r�t of �a���� ar�d re�at�d �nv�stig�ti�r�s, ��a�rx� adrnini�t�rati�� and d�fer�s� �xp�r��es. �. Ot��r Ir���ra������ovisio�s �'h� ger��r�I lia�ili�y poli�y �� �o �or��n, o� �e ��dorse� to �on��in� t�� fa�I���ng �ro�r�sio��: � � ��� �i��r, it� offi��r�, of�icia�s, �m�loye�s �d �r��ur�te�rs are t� �e ��er� as ir�sure�s a� re�p�cts: �ia�ility �ri�ing out ��p��m�ses own�d, �c�u�i�d or us�ed by �istor��al �o�ie�y. '�'he c�ov�ra�ge ��al� cor�tair� �o sp�i� �imita�ions �n ��� s���� �� �r���cti�r� af��r�e� to �i��r, �ts �����r�� ��fi��a��, �rr�pl��r� �r ���t������ ��� �i���rir�I �o�i�ty'� in����� ���r�rag� �t�a� �� �rir�n�y in��r�nc� as re.�p�ts �ity, ��s offi�e��, o�f�ci��, �mp�oy�e� �d vo���t�ers. �.ny ix���ran�� �r se��ins�r���air�fi�r�e�by �i�y, it�o�"i�er�, of��i��, em�l�y�es �r volr�nte�r� s�all be �x�es� o�Hi�tor�� �oci�ty�� ins�ran�� ar�c� s�a�i r�o� co�tr��ute w��h �t� ��� Any f�i�ure �o �om�l�r v��th rep�r�.in� or ��h�r prov�isi�ns o� t�� �a�i�i�s i���u��� br�a�hes �f t��s s��.I r�ot a�f�t�over�ag� �rov��e� to �ity, its o�f�er�, o�fi�ia��� �rx�ploye�s or �ol�n�e.�rs; �4� �o�erag� ���1 state t�ar �ii�tori�l �o���t�r�� ��su�ar�c.� �ha�� a�p�� s�p��e�y �o �ac� insured a�a��st w��� a�I�rn �� made or su�� i� bro��h�� exc�p� wi� respe�t �� t�e lim��s o�`�e ir�s�r�r's �i�.bi��ty; ��� �,�h ir����nc� p��ic�r r�q�i��d by t��s ���us�e sha�1 �� er��v�s�d �o s�at�e t�at�v�ver��� sh�� not�e susp�r�de�, �����d, car�celed, re�uc� � �o�er�a�� �r �r� Iimit� ex�e�� �ft�r ��i�ty �3�� c�ay�� p�or r�rritt�n �o�ce by �ertif��d r�rxail, return r��pt re.�ue�t�, ha� ��en ���rer� t� �it�y. 1� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 35 . \r. ���r������L� ��.��1���, I�sur�n������e pl��ed w�t� in���s�vi� �►�u�r�nt�A.�. ��tf s r�ting of n� 1�ss tha� �:�. �. �rificatiot� v�Co�r�r�� �i�s�or�c�1 ��ci�ty shal� �urr�is� �i�y �vi�h ori����1 �n���s�mer�t� ��'fe�tir�g ���r�ag� req�ire� �y �h�� c�at�se p�ior �o �omm��ci�g a�y v�oric on �r�e�uF�r�� �.h� ��emise�. '�'h,� er�d��ser�er�t� �� to b� signe� b� a persar� ���hori�� by that i���r�r to �i�� c�v�rag� or� its b��a�f. �� �r��o�rs�rr��r��s ar� to be or� forms �rov��ed by �i�y. A�1 end�rs�m�r��s a�re to be re�iv�d an� ap��o��d by �i�y b�fore �vor�C �omm�r���s. �s � �1t�ernati�� t�v �i�y�s forr�s, �3ist��i�I �ociety#� ins��e� m�y �rov��e �o�p���e, �r�i�ied �opi�s of�1� ��u�r�d in�ur�nc��o�i�i�s� i���u�in� en�orsemen�.s eff�ctir�g th� �o��r�g� �q��� �y thes� s�ificatior�s. g. ��g�������slB���Cov�r��� �f �ny of t�e re�uired �nsr�ran� �o��r�g��s cantai� a�g�eg�te li�i�s� or a�p1y �� oth�r operations �r t�r�a�cy �f H�st��i�l �o���ty outs�c�� t�is L�a�, Histori� �o�iety s��� give �ity ��om�t, v�r�tte� r��ti�e of a�y �r��i���t, occ��r�r�c�, ����n, �ettle�nne�� o� jt��gr��r�t 2���ins� �u�h ins�r�n� w�ic� in �I����ri� �o����}+�� ���� �r���rx��r�� r�ri�� �irr�i�i�� �h� �r�t�t��r� ���1� ir�s�r�c� af�ords �i�y. F�rth�r, Hi��ar��l �oc�e�y s� ��rr��diat�l� �a�ce a11 st�ps to r�sto�� �u�� aggr�egat�e Ii��s or sha�� �rovi��atI�er in���an�e prote.�ti�n �or su�h aggr�gate 1irr��t�. h. �Viodlf�t�or� ��Cov�r�a�� �it�r r+es��rves t�e right �t�y tim� �ur��g t�e terrn of th�s L�a.s� �o �hang� th��no�r��.s an� types o���ur��r���r�d here�r�der by giv�r�� H�s�o�ica� �o�c��ty r�ir�ety �9�� �ay� ad�ar��� wri���r� r�at�c� of s��h cl�ar�g�. i. Fa�lur� to �ro�ur� ir���ran�� 1�Vithir� t�� for+e�o�r�g �ort�t�r�ints, Hist���a1 �o�i�ty�s f�i��r� t� pro��r� or m�ix�t�i.r� reqc��.�ed in���ance o� a s��f�i��ur�n�� �r�gr� ��a�� �an�ti�t�a mat��ial br�ac� o�con#r�ct �n��r w��cl� ��t�y rr��y irnr�nediate�y terr�i�.��te t��� ��or, at i�s �is�r�et�o�, ��o�u�� or ���e� ���1� �����an�e to �r���t ��ty'� �n�r��ts �n� ��y ar�y ar�d al.� prem�urr�s in �nr��tiot� t�'ier�wit�, �d reco�r��� rnoni�� � ��i� fr�� �istori�l �o�i�t�y. �� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 36 . . �# '� # � �1"!S!l�"d�l�� �istorica� �o���ty s�a�l b� resp�ns��1� ��r re����in� ind�rr�r����tio� �d ins��n� f�o� its e���o�r�s r�i�n� m�I�g�a�lo��c�, �or�su�tar�t�, ��r��s a�n� s�b�ar�tr��to��, �� �y, i� �h� s�rne �maur�ts and ��cl�di�� �Yi� �m� term� as s�eci�ie.� �er�ir�, �� prote�t �istor�� ���ety's ar�d ���y'� ix��r�sts, �� fo� �r�surin� tl�at �u�h pe�so�� �o��ly �v�� any ����ic���� ��s�r�n�e st�r�t��. � ' ` ' . ���� shal� �ont�r��� �a prov��e pro�rty in�u��ar��e fo� the �r�r�nise�. �a�d property� in��ra�c� ��a11 � �r��i�e �o��r��e for Histor��a1 �o�i�t�r's �ersor�al ro . �I�sto�i�al �oci�ty �a�ves �y cl�im ag�r�st t�� ��ty �ar �r r��at.i�g �o � �� ��rn��e to its �erson� pra�erty. 1�.� �n�err� i , ' . H�st��i�l �oci�t�r, i�s �o�r� �f Direct�rs, �d th� dire�tar� ir�div�dual�y s�iall� �t,��sto�c�l �ociet�'s so�e �xp��s� �� �v�t� ���ns�e� �ea.�on��1y a�c�p#���� t�o ��ty, �nc��rr��i�y, de���d, ar�d �ol� 1��m1�ss ti�e �it�r �nd �it�r �a��s #'r�m �d a��ir�st�y �nd �1 �1�irns f�orn ar�y ��s�� th�t a�ise o�t of, �resu�t frorr�� ar r���t� to ��s �a.s�, the t�enat��y �r�ated �r�d�r t�i� Leas�, or t�e Premis�s, �n�lu�ir�g th� �s�or o�c�pan�y, or ��nr�er ��us� or oc��pa��y, of th� �r�mis�� by ��s���i�al �o��e�y p�rtie�; an�r r��glig�nt act o��ist�ori�al �oci�ty �rtie� or o�any i.nv�#�, gu�st, or �i�ens� of�ist�ri� �o�c�e�y, or ar�y other�rson a��t�or��d by Historic�l �ociety to �s� ���rer��ses or a�ny �o�on t�ere�f; Hi���ri� �o��ety!� �o��uct��g of its�u�ine�; any ��p�o�e�nen�s, ��ti�riti��, wor�C� or th�n�s �o�e, omitt�d� pennifited� a�Iov�r�d, o� ���fer� by �����i�l �o��ety ��rt�es ir�, at, or �bout t�� Prerr��s�s, inc���i�� t�e�rio��tion of or fa��r� t� �omp�y w�t� �ny ��p���a�l� �av�� and ord�rs in ex�st�r��e �r� t�e ��t� o� �e or �na�t�d, �r��nu�gat�, or i�su�d a#'t�r the d�te of�.�ase; ar�d �n� �r�a�� o�defa�l� i�n p�r�orman�e o��� a��i�a�t��n o��i���ric�1 �a�i�ty�� �rt �o �� per�orm�d ur��er this L,�a��� vr�hethe��e�or� ar dur�ng t��L,�a��e�err� or�ter its e�c�ir��or� or�ar�er �erm�na�on. ���nt�ntion ���e�a��s ��i�g th�t �ith r�s�et to ��mp�ia�ce w�� 1a�ws and or�er� tha�t �isto�c� �oc��ty, ��ri�g t�� L�.� �er�x�, sh�l�isc�arge ar�d �erfo��n al� th� o�Ii��t��ns of��ty, �s v�r��l as a�� th� o�liga�ions o�I�storic� �ociet�r� �risin� �s �t,�te� �r� ��i�l� ��, �� ind�mr�ify �ity the��f�om, so tl�at at a�.1 �me� the re�t�l of t�� �r�rr����s �h�� �e n�� t�o �ity w�t�o�t�edu�t�on o��x�er��s on �c�ou�� af ar�� s��� 1av�� �nd ord�rs. 11.� �ef�n�ti�n �� ` . For �u�ses af �is L�a�se, '��la�ir�s" r�e�s any �nd � �l.�irr�s, �oss�, �o�ts, d�ma��, ex�r��es, �iabil���s� ���ns, ac��r��� �a�s� o�ac�ion �v�vhet��r i� to�t ������C�, ��� 0� �[1���� �� ����1�1�V1S��� ���I'��5, �SS�SS�1��t�, �i1�5, �I]� �Ii���� 0��� �1�1� �ir�c��dix�� �onsultan��d �x��t�xpe�ses� co�rt�os�s, and a�t�rn�y �'�� a�de�n� �r� t�is L�e�e�. 11.� '�'v� of In�u�v or �,oss �e�r���. '�'his �nd�mr��f�catao� e�cter��s to and i���u�� claims �'or i�nj�ry�o �ny p�rsons ��r�c1���r�g �eath at �ny tir�ne re�ultir�� #'rorr� �hat ir�j�ry�; �os� �f, ir���ry or damag�t�v, or�estruction of prop�r�y ��r�c��d��� �� �os� o�use �r�s��tin� f�rom that ��s�, �� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 37 in��r�, dam��e, or d�str�.��t�or�}; a�d a�� �ot��rni� I�s��s ar�d �or���qu�r�ti�1 or r���lting d�rn��� of�ny �d. ��.'7 ���c���g���� �tr��t�.i��i����_�r_�i1�f�� IViisco�d��t. ���1� ir���rnr��fi�a��n s�11 apply �urd��ss o�the a���r�or pas�ive n�,gl�gen� �f�ity�ar�i� aund re�a�r�less ��wh�the�r - l��bility v�ritho�t ���It or st�i�t 1��b��ity is �rr�pos�d or so�gh� t� �� i�npas�d or� �ity g��s, '�he �r���rnnifica�io� sha1l nat ���ly t� �e ��ct��t th�� � f�r�� j�d�m�r�� o� a �o�r� �� �arnp�tent jur�sdi�t�an �s�ablishes �a�� � cl�irr� a��i�st o�� ��ty ��rty was p�a�imat�ly c����d b� �h� so�e act�v� �e��igen�e or �v�1lf�� mis�and�ct o� that ��ty Paxty. �.n that ��r�nt, how��er, this �r���rn�if c�t�on s�i�i.l r�em�,in v��d �or �1 o��r ��ty �aur�i�s, ��.� �ur��� o��n�e�tr���c�t���. '�i����s�,� o�t�is A.r�i�l�s�all sur�r��� the���iratior� �r e.�r�i�r �e�rr�.ir�at�or� �f t�i� ��ease c�r��i� � c�aims a��in�t C��y par�ie� �n�o�v�� any of t'he �r���r,nnif�ed m�tt�rs �re f���y� fir�a�ly, ar�d �bso�u���y ��x�d �y �h� �pp���bl� �t�tute of lirr��t��ior��. A�TI�I�� l�. A���� . I�.� A��r�v�1�����i���. �����r���l ����ty ���I r��t� �vi����� t�� �i��r�s ��i�r �rit�r� c�ns�r��, p�rmit�s�i�r��ner��of��r of its r�����, dele�a�ior� o��y �f its �uties, a�s�ignm�r�t af� o��y ir�t�t� th�� I�e�.�e� b}� op�r��io� of�a� o� oti���ri�e� su��e� �1� or�ny p�rt of�e Pr�mise�or a�y rig�t or priv���g� app�rt�r��t �o th� �r�rr�ises; or�uff��-�y o�er p�r�r�, a�her t�an �it�y�s a�er�ts ar�c� �erva�ts, to �c�t�py �r �s� al� or �y ��,rt a��� �remi�s. I� �it�y�s so�� ar�d a�sal�t�e d��r��o�� ��ty �a�y v�rithho�d it� consent to �ny �s��gnm�r��� s��lease, o�cupati�n, o� �se. ��ty sh�� �ot �� bou�c� �y �ny ���u�-d ��r�sor���eness � ex�r�i�ing t�is dis��e�or�. �r��r �ss��r�r�e�t, suble�,ir��, o�cu�at�or�, �� �s� by �oth�r pers�n �r �ntity r�vit�o�t �ity's pr�or v�ritt�� c�r�s�r�t �hal� b� �o�� ar�� s��1, at ��ty's op�ior�, terr�ir�at� t�i� �s�e. �.f Hist�ari�al �a�i�ty �q�est��i�� t� �ans��t to ��ropas�d �s�gnr��n�, ��b��tt��� �ccupa�ia�, or �s� by ar�y ot��r per��r� or ent��y, ���to�i�l ��ciety s�a1� �ay t� �it�, w�ether ar n�t�ons�nt i� ����nat��� gi��n, �ity�s�t�al �t�orn�y f�� a�d costs, �s def n� in this ��eas�, ���urr�d ir� co���c�ior� wit�h � e�ch ���h r+eq�e�t, �ity's cor�ser�t �o on����gr�m�r�t, �ubl�tt�r��� o���p�tio�, or us� by�ny �th�r ���rsor� o� er�tit�y sha�1 �ot �e ��r,�ed to �� � �or��en� ta ar�y ���se�uer�� a�sign�er�t, �����t�i��� o��u�atio�� or u� �y �other �r��r� o� er�t�ty. �� used in thi� ��r��is�on� '��ssi�nrt�ent'� arY� "d�l�ga��r�" s�a11 rr��ar� a�y sa1�, �if�, ��e���, �ypot�e�at�or�,-encum��n��� or �tl��r �s��r of �� �� �y port��r� of t�e righ�s, obl�gat�o�s, or ��a��ili�e� in or a.r�s�ng f�or� thi� Lea�s� to ar�y pe�rso� or er�t��y, wh�th�� �� ap�r�t�or� o�lav�r or o�erv�ise, a�� �e��,r��es� of the �ega� form ��' th� t�sa�t�or� �n ����h ���tt�r�pt�d tr�nsfe�occ�r�. 1�,� �����s��r� �.r�� ����g�. '��� �.e�s� s�a�� �� bir��i.r�g �r� an� ��all �r�ur� �� t�� ben�f�t o�t��part��s �d t��ir ��spe��i�� I�ga� �epr�s�r�t�►t��r�s, �uccessors� �� �ssigr�s. l� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 38 � ����� ��r ���� ���i.:��1�� ��1'�� ������� �#' ����� • ��.� �I`�LII'1�S �O��'�T�l'11,��.��,�I�• 1�,�.I . �i�h�r�arty to th�� �as� m�y ter�inate duri.ng t��s t�r�e �e�io� if the ot�e� p�ty h� br��1��d a t�rm, �ot�diti�n� ar cor��na�t of t��s �ase, �ot�vithstandir�� th�t t��L�.��oes or do�s �at e�c�ressly prov�d� that ��rmina�ic�n �s a r�rn�dy f�r ��r�h of�par�i�u��r terrn, �or�di��o�, �r cavena�t. There �s no p�n�ty �or su�� t�rmination. ��.� "�err��nati�n �ro��. 'i��paxty ex�r����ng th� o�ti�r� to ter�n��a�te �ha�1 p�rovi�e writt�er� noti�e r�r�t� r�on of the ir�t�er�t to #�erm�r��te �o t�e �t��r party at 1�ast n�nety �9�� c.a���d� ��y� �r�ar �a t�e da�te of th� in��nc��d ter�ni�a�ia�. ��.� ,��t��s D�ti�r�� a�t _'�'�������i��. �T��n ��rrr�i�a�ti�n �� t�� Le�se �}� �ity� �� �x�lu�in� te ' '�n ��r Hi�tori�l �oci�ty����-�a�� �f t��I��s �� ��rtt� i.r� �����ti�� ��.1.�, t�� r�atu�r�1 e�cpir�ti�n o�t���,�ease terr�n or fa�i��r� to �rer��w or ��ct�n�, �i�y ���1 �it��r��r���se t�e ��n��o���er�ts r�ud�by Hi��ori�l �o�iety� set for� in subse.�ti�� 1�.�.� or, with t�e wri�t�� �r�emen�of�stor��1 �ociet�r, sel� ���c�i��ir�g to �isto�i� �o�i�t�r a�d �a�� �ist�ric� �o�i��y relo�a�+e �.h� b�ildir�g to an�t�er �ite o�� v�ritt� �e �rr�tten a�r�rr��nt ����star��� �o�i�ty� ��rs�� �n}� �th�r �e�sor��t�1� �n���o� ���i�p��it��r� ����� ir�n�r��r�rx��r��� rx���� �}r Hi���ri�a� �o�i���. 1�.�.� ��t�'��ur�����������r��s �J�on 'T�rm�n�ti��. �3pon termir��t��r� �� th� �s� by �ity, �d exc�udin� t�rrninat�or� by His�ori� �oc��t�y's �r�ch o�the �e�s� as s�t ��rt� �n �u�s��o� 1�.1,1., t�� r��tura� �xpir�atior� o� t�� �as� term� �ity s�� re�rr���rse I�i�t�ori� �oci�ty�o��e a�tua� out o�po�k�t cost of t�� perr�a�n�r�t impro��rr�ertts t��t Hi�torica� ��ie�y ma�de t�o th�Pr�er�is�es. F�r pu�-�os�s�f t�� A�icl�, "�errna�en�im�rov�m�r�ts� ��a�l r�e�n t�o�� 1�n�rovern�r��s t1��t a�� affi��d or a�t�a�h�d to t�� Pr�rn���� ar�d n�t ���ovabl� w��ho�� r�n�ter�� injur� �o t�� P�rerr����s. ���#�f� ■ ■ s � # # • � �'�� tex��nat�or� o�t�e L�e by ��ty, an� ex�l����� ter��n�ta�n �y I�ist���al �o�ie�y'� b�each of t�i� L�ase a� s�et farth ir� s���e��ior���3.�.�., t�� r�atural �x���rat�or� of t.�� I�ea.s� �erm or f�l�r� t� rer���v or����c�, �n t��ev�n��h�t�ity d�ix�� ���uildi�g to �� re�n�v�d fro�n the r� p�ope�ty� �ity rn�y ��or�v Histo�i�al ��ciety ta �ur�has� th� �u�I�ir�� �� an a�re�d ��or� pri�e �nd t�er� ��n��v� ��� ��i��ir��� a�� �i���ri�al �o�i�ty'� ��1� ��per���, �a ar��tl��� �i��. ��.� � �� ; _�. A�1 r��h�� �d ��li����r�� ����� �arti�� ��al� ��ase ar� t+errr��rra�or� o��is L�� �nl�ss otherwis�e providec� �y �ie t�rms of this �e. I�T��t�e���r�y �hal� �� lia�1� to t�e oth�r f�� damages o�any kind, inc�udi�� witho�� I�m�tatiar� �r�c����t�l or �ar�se���nt�al damag��� r��u�tir�� fra�n t�e ��rrnin�ti�n a�thi� �a��. �4 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 39 ����i�� ��. � �.�� � �• 1�.1 �,�r�o� �f�I�sto�-ica� �o����v �r���rtv,. �� the�xpi��io� ��e�l�er #�r�n�r�at��n of t.�e L�e�,s� term, H���ori�.al �o��ety sh�l� �uit th� �x�rr�is�s �n� surr��der �o�ses��or� �o �i�y. �n ��pir��ion or�errr�inati�n, ��ty �ha�I1 �av� t�e a�tion to �quire Histori�l �ociety t�o, �it�o�t e�per�s��,io ��ty, r�rn��r� ar �a�se to �� r�m��r�d frorn t.�� Premi�es: �Il c�e�ris �n� r�b�is1�� �y iterr�� ��p����n� �r���rty ��v��d �}� �i����ic�I �ac��ty; an�, an�r i�n���v�rr��r�� th�t Hi���rie�l �oc;iety is r�quir� to r��no��. �st�a�c���ci�ty sha�l, �t Hist�v�i� �o�iety's �ol� �xp�r�se, repair a.�1 dam�g� or ir��ury that rr�ay �cc�r to �h� Prer�nises �au�� �y �is�oric� �ociety'� r�r�nov�1 af t�o�e it�ms �d s�a�� r�sto�� t�e �'r��n�s�s to a gaod �or�dit��n. AR'�'I��� ��. ���A�T. 15.1 A�t� �f ��fa�1t. Any of the fol��wir�� �v�r��s or o�cur�r�n�es sha1� �o�statute a rr�at�ri� �r�a�� of t�i� �s� �y Hi�t�r�cal �oc�ety and� a�fter th� �xpir�tion of ar�� ap�li�ab�� gra�e peri�d, s�a�I� �or�stitut� ar� ��r�r�t of d���u�t �each � ��rent of d���ult�: 1�.1.� i . �'�� f�i�u��by �I�stori�l �ociety to ��y any arno��� �r� �u�1 v��er� it is �u� �r�d�� t�e L�ase. ��.l.� F�i��r�e t�P�rform �����ation. 1�e fa�t�r�b�r �i�t�ri�l �oc��ty t� ��orm ar�y o�1ig��ior� �nd��r t�is �a's�, �v�ic� by i�s n��ur� �Iistori�al �o�ie�y has r�o ca�acity �o �ure. 15,1.3 ' . �� L�rfarrn After �ot��i t��. '�"h� �a�lur�e �y ���tari�1 ��iet� t� p�rfanr� any o��r o�l��a�tio� �nc��r this �.�e, if t�e #'ailu�� �as ��r�tin�ed for � p�ri� of ter� �10� d�ys ��r �ity dernan�s �n wr�tir�� ��at ���tor�ca� �o�i��y ��r� th� fa.il�re. If, �o���r�r� by its n����� ��� fa���r� �a�r��� �� ��r�d withir� ��r� ���� ��}��, I�i����i� �o�i��y rn��r ���� �► l�r���� per�od �s is r� ta�ure the�`ailur�e, b�t th�� �s �andi�or��d �pan �Ii��ori��l �o���� �ro��t�y �o�m�n�i�� to ��re vv�thin t�e ten �1�� day p�rio� and t��r�aft��dili�en�y �a�npl�ting #�� ��re. ���Dl`�C� ��C��� ���� �fl��i7'lI1I�� �� (����Il� �1�� ���I��� �Il� ����31�I�, ��ai�, ��rn���, ����, �r p�e��ty �h�t ma�r�e thre.�t�ne� or may ir� fa�t�rise frar� t�at f�ilure�uri�� �h� �r�o�d t�� �a�i��re is �n��r�d. 1�.I.4 ' . A�y af t�� fo�Iov��r��: �i gen�r� �ss�gr�men� by ��stor��al. �o�ci�ty for th� b�neft of �i�tor�cal �oci��y's �re.�itars; ar�y v�lur�tary �i�ir�g, p��it�or�, o� �p��at��r� by �isto����iety �r��er any ��w r��atir�� to �nsa�ver�cy ar bankr�pt�y, whet.��r far � ��l�tion af���u�t�y, � re�rgar���►��on� ar� ar�an��rr,�n�, �r �t��r�ris�; t�� abandonm�nt, �a�i�n, �� �u�rrer�c�����t�� �r��ni� �� �i�t�r�� �oc��t� �ri�h��� ��ty'� �����ritt�r� ��r��en�; or th�d�s�os��ior� of�I��tori� �oc�ety firom t�� Pr�rr�i� �a�h�r t�� by �ity� �Y�r��s o��aw or ot��rv�is�; ��.�.� ` ' . '�'�� ����in�rr��n� �� � #��t� �r �����v�r �� t�c� ��s������r� �f �� �� ����t�t��I}� a�I �� �Ii�t�rica� �o�i���r's ��s�ts; �r �h� �5 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 40 . , 4 �t�a�hrr��r�t� e��c�tiar� or o#.�er ju�i�ia� s�i�ur� af�� or �ub��nti�ll� �lI ���Iis�o�ic.a1 ��i�ty's �s��s lo�at�d �� �e Pr�mis�s or of H�st��� �ociet�r's �r��ere�t i� ��is ��, u�1�s� t�� �ppoir�trn�nt �r at��hment, e�ce���or�, or seix�re is ��sc�a�r�e� v�vithi� �hirty ���} day�; or �h� i�v�lunt�ary f��ir�g �g�i�st Histori��l �oc�ety� or a�y g�r���I p�rtn�r �f H�s��ric� �ociet�y if Histo�ica� �ociety �s a �a�tr��rs��p, of: a. A petitior� �o �ave His�ori�al �o��ety, ar ar�y ���r of�-Iistor��l �oci�t�r if�Iistar��al �o�iety is � p�xtnership� d�c�a�� bar�krupt, or �. A p�tit�or� �o� r�o�g�i�tio� or ar�ge�n��t o�`���to�i�1 �o����y ur�d�r any 1a� �e�ti�g �o in�ol�r�r��� �r bankruptc�, ur�I���, �n t�e r�s� o�i��ro����ry �1in�, �t is �i�rn��se� v�i�l�in si�c�y ��� ����; 1�.�.f A���dor�men�. T�e �b�donrr��nt of t�� Prern��e� by H�stor�cal �oci�ty. 15.1.7 ' . V��ver�y �i�y o��y d�fau�t in p�erforn�r���y Hi��ori�a�I ��ci��y of ar�y of �.h� terms, prom���, or �and�tion� contain� h�reir� shal� no� �� d�me� a co����n� v�vaiver of t�� s�a��or a�y �u�s�q��r��d�f�u�t. Ir� t�ie�v�r��a�y o��icer, a��nt or�m��oy�e of�it� sha�l �o�s�nt �o �n �ct or �a�i�ure to �ct �n �ria�a�on of�n�r prov�s�o�s o��his I.�se, such act o�r �a��u�re to a�� s�a�� be ir��nediate��r �or��ct�d ��o� a re���st �rorn �it� �r� �r�t���. 1�.� ��rr������,�n �v�r�t��f�.�f��. ��a� ��v�r�t ��'�����1� occ�r�, th� r��n�i��a����in� pe�r�ty s��1 �a�re���i�ht to #.��mi��►te t�e �se �� to purs�� ar�y r�rne�y �ov�r or��ter �v�il��le t� �he r�onde�a���i�� �ar�y at la�v �r i� ��ity. AI���L� 1�. ��PI�A'�'��1� ��fi�� I��A�� . ��.� ��� ��ro��mer�ts �����t�r,. �J�or� t�� ��pir�at�o� of th� Leas� �rm, ar�y �n� �l ir��r�v��e�ts ma�� t�a t��Pr��nisres �hal�, w�it�out�a��r�s�a�ion t�v I�ist�ri�l �a�iety, then autornati��ly �d v�r�tY��ut a�y a�t of H���ori�al �o��ety or �y �h�r� �ar�y b�come t1�e �i�f s �ro�er�y. �iist��i�I ��i�ty �ha�1 �ur�r�r��er s��� �r��r��r�rr��r��s t� ��ty fr� an� c�e�o��ny �d a�l 1���� �� �r���rn��-�n�e�. �����ri�a� �o���ty ��r�� t� ��c�c���, ��l�n�r�vle���, �� ���iv�r �� ��t� �ny i��trur�n�n� ���st�d by ���a� ne�ess�r�r ir� �i�y�� o���i�r� to pe�f�t ��t�y r s �ig�i�, tat1�, a�c� ��t�r�st to th� ��er�r��s�s, ir�cl�d��� im�rov�m�nt�, � A��'I��E 1�. A�B���I�1�. 17.i ,����tes �����t t� Ar��t�a��or�. ��y �or�tr���r�y o� ��spute �etv�re�n th� �a�e� �a �hi� I� m�y �e �u��nitt�d �o ar� ar�it�a�ion �ar��l� a�� s��� a���tr�tion sl�a�� co�ply �it� �nd be �ove�n�d by t�� pro��si��s of t�i� �ali�orn�a Arb�trat�on �ct, ��ctior�� ���� et s�q. o� �� ���ifar�r��� �o�� of ���i� �ro�e.d�r�, to the �xt�r�t ��t �uc� p�o��s�on� �a��re no� b�en mo�if��d �urs�ant �o t��s �ase. �'he �osin� ��r�y sl�all p�y �I1 cos�s and �t��r��y ��es, �s c���in�d i� this �.�as�. 1� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 41 . �7,� 1��Ie� ����,�in� Ar��tr�t�or�. . 17.�.I �ir�ited �i�co��r�t. I�� mor�e �har� thirty �3�� ��r��ar days be�o�re t�� �rbitr�tion, � pa�ty may serve a �o��ment r���st ���r�g f�r a�y doc���r�� that v�rou�d b� d�����er��i� ir� �irri� �tigatio�. �'h� par�y s�rve� �vit� this request �h�.l de�ver t�e re�uest�d do�ur�r�er�t� ar�� �y ob�e�ti�r�s wit�in fi�re ��� t�usir��s� d��s. '�'h� atr�i�ratar� �h�Il r�s�lve �ny di�p��o��r the��c�har�g� af documents a� they �auld be re�o�v�d in �i�i� �iti�a�i�r�. 'I'�er�'t�er, e�+ch part� r��y talce r�o mo�t��n thr� ��� d��osi�ons, e�� �f w�i�h shal� �as� no rno� th�n fo�r �4� �o�� e���. '�'�� �rbit�ata�s s�al� re�ol�r� �ny �is�ut� ���r th� ��p�o�it��r�s �s #��y r�vauld �� re�ol�red �r� �ivi� lit��at�or�. 1?,�.� Ar�it�at�rs' P���r�. T�e�r�i�ra�o�s shall ���� th� same powers a� t�os� of��ud�e of the s��r�o�����t of�h� St��� of��lifor�ia�, a�nd shal� r�r�d�r � �e�isiar� a�s �roul� � �t�c��� ��� ��p��i�r�o��t ����� ��at� ����Iif���a� ir� a����r��n��v�i#� �h� 1�w an� �� f��ts. 1�.�.� ll��i tt�r� ��ci�i�n. �����r� ����er� �1�� ���r� a�`��r ��rn�l�ti�r� �� �� �r�itra�io�� �h� arb�tra�i�� �a.�el s�all subrr��t a �nt�ti�� �e�isian ir� �ri�ing, i�suir�� �r�d�r��� of ��ct �nd spe��fying th� ��asonin� fo� ��� �e.�is��r� and any ca�c��atior�s n��essa�ry �o �x��a�n t.�� a�v�ra�r�. �a�� par�y ���1 h�ve �fteen ��S} d�ys �n w��c� t� s��mi� writ�er� �onn�n�r�t� t� �� t�nt�ati����c��ior�. �V�t�i� ten ���� �ay� after t�� ��a�Iir�� fo� wri�ten �om�n�r��s, ��a�bi�taon . par�el ���1 ��i� � writt�n ��cisior� of��� f�n� award to �c� pa�rty. l'�.�.4 ��. �ach p�rty to t.�� aurb���at��n ��a�� pay a �ra �ta ��a� af the � a�-�it�ra��r�� ��cper�se� ar�� �e�s. 'I"�� ar�itr����-� ��a�l a�v�ra�� t�� �r��r���r�� ��tY ��� ��p�ns�s �� �`e�s of ar�it�ti�r�� ir�cludi�� r�a�ar�a��� �t�o��y ���, a� �ef�r��d ir� th�� �,�as�. �f it b�cor��s n���s��ry to er�f�r� � ���d r�na�e �� the a�r�itrators or ���dg��r�t �a.sed �n su�� awarc�, t�� �r��ai.1i�� �arty �ha�1 be�r�t�t�� to ���orn�}��' f�s� a� ���'�ed in ��s �ea,s�. ��.�.5 ���i�i�������r ��Av�r�r�. �e pa�t��s s�a�� be er��t��d to j�di�ial r�er�i�v�r ��ar� arbit.r����#s �rr��-�r nni�t�� �f f��t �r ��v�� an� t�������a1 re�ri�v�r ���� ���r�e t��►�v�r���� h��� t�e�n enti��d to j�dicial re�riew �f s��h is��� ��►� �een ad�r�ss�d �r �e�ide� by a ���erior court of t1�e ��ate af�a�ifarr��a. A�'�'I�L� 18. A'�'T��Y�' F��. �8.� A t�o�evs' �ees�.�. a r�s�s. Ir� any 1�ti�at�on� �i�ratior�, �� ot��r pro�e�di�� �� �aw o��quity �y v��i�� a�� p�rty to t�i� �s� see�s to e�fo� its �antra�ct rig�� u�d�r �his I��, t� �eso��e a� a�e��d c��sp�t�e, �r�c�, �e�'���t, ar m�srep�esent��or� i.r� �ann�t�an �vith ar�y of the ��ovisio�s af th�� L�as�, to s�� a d��ara�i�r� of ar�y ri�ht� or ob�igatior�s un�er �h�s ��, or t� �r���r�ret t�e p�ov�s�ons o� th�s �se, t�� prev���n� P� s�a�1 �� er�ti�led to �ov�r from th�1�s�r�g p��ty a�ctual attor�ney�� ��es ir�curr� to reso��� th���s��t� a�d �� �r���r�e t�� fx�a�,ju��r��r��, a�wa�� ��i�i�n� �r�r���and ���h �'�s, co�t��.�r ���ense� ���.�1 �� ir� �����i�n to ar�y oth�r r��i�f to v�r��ch �e �r�va�l�r�� �arty may b� er�ti��ed. {I'�e av�ar� of a��o�neys' f�s � 1� . � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 42 . . . i s��1 t�e d�em�d to ���e��e� ��o� t�� �omm�r��ment of t��a�ti�r� �n� s�a�.1 �e�a�� v►rhe��r or n�t s��� �ct�or� is pr�se�ut�d to ju�g�er�t, aw�rd, �ec���a�, or o�r��r. "P�o�e��r�g'� sh�Il m�n �n�r ���ion, ���t, cl�i�, ar��tra�tior�, �t�rr�ativ� dis�ute r�s�Iutior� �ne���nis�n, �r�ve�tiga�ior�, . a�c��,nir�i�tY-�a�v� h��rir��, �r �y �t�i�r �ro�ee�dir��� �n���c�ir�� ��� r��� �irr�.�ted ta �i��l, �ri���a�, a+drr��nist�tiv�, �eg�a�or�r, or����i��tiv�. �'h�attorn�ys' f� to �� ��v�r�ex� t1�e �r�vai�ir�g �a�ty may �� �e��rmin�d �y t�e caurt or ��h�r ��cisi�n m�c�r ir� t�e s�ar�e a�tion or pro�e�di.n� �r� � �ep�ra�e a��io� �r�ugh� f�r t�at���ose. Ar�y j�dgm�r��, av�rard� �i��sion, o�r�r��r�r��r� in su�� ���ior� or �ro�eedir�� s�a�1 �ont�ir� a s����� �ro��sior� p�������g far t�� r�ov�ry a�a�tx�a� at�orr�eys' f��s incurred �r� enf�r�ing su�h ju��r���t, ��v�-d, ��c�s�o�� ar ord�r. The a�v�rd of atto�neys' fe�s �ha�1 r�a�b� cornp�t�d ir� a�corda�rY� w�t� a�� �our� s�he�dul�, b�t �ha�1 be mad� so as to f���y r�ir,��urs� t1�e�re�ail�r�g p�rty f�r �1� a�torr���rs' ��e�, p�ra1���1 fe��, ar�� exp�r�ses a�,��al�y �n�urr�d i��o� fa�i�h, r��ar�Iess of th� si.�e of t��j ud�men�, av�r�urd, d�is�o�, or o�der, i�t�eing �h�inten�on of t�e p�ti�s to f�lly aorn�er�s�at�the�re�a�lir�g�arty for al� actual a�ttorne�s� ��e,s, p�i��1 �e�s, a�r�� c�osts a�� ��p�r�se�pa�� �r �.r���rred ir� �ood �a���. '�'hi� ���r�isi�r� ����i�� to th� entire L�a.�. A�TI�I�� 1�. ��1�T���A►TI�1�T. l9.� ��r��emr���on �ums. In th�e�en��hat th�le�s�e� �rerr�is�e� sh� �� ta��r�� �n w�ol� or i� p�r�� t��gh the ex��cis� af ar�y �o�er af erni��r��do�ain �x�rcis�d �y �ny fe�der�1, s�t�, ��r 10� ��r�c���lity ���ir�� ��� ��v�r�r t��r��, th��,ease �rm ���11 t�r�n�n��� an� ��c�ir� �r� �� c��t� of s�ch t�ai�ng �c� �ny ��rns �a�d ��r su�h �or�d�mr��r�g �ut�ori� s��� �� p�id t�o t1�� ��ty. 'T�� i��s�o�ical �o���ty ���1 �� �e�m��xs� �or the a��a� o�t �f�ck�t �ost o� t�� p�rm�ner�t irnp�o��rx��r�t� �ade to t�� �r�mi��s. AR'�`��L�2�. ������.I���T�. ��.�. ' . '�'o be e��ct��r�, �1.1 no�ic�, �-�q�etist�, �emar��s, ��l ot�e�r c�rr�m�r���ati�n� r��ir�d or perm�tte� �r�der t�is I�ea�� shal� �� �n �vr�t�ng a.r�d s��l �� d�l�v���d �i���r i� �erson or t�y ��r�ifi� �na�l, ���a�� �r��aid, r�tu� r�e�pt req�e�te�. �Tot��e is de�m�d ��f�cti�e o� de��r�ry ��se��d�ers�na�ly ar� tl�e p�r�y to w�om r�o�i�� �s ta �e giv�� �nd �e�ivery �� �anfir�m�d . by � r�e�p�..1�T��e is��err��d �ff�cti�re o� th� s���c� d�y a��er m�iiin� if m�i�ed to ��� �art� t� w�orn n�ti�� �s to �e �i�ren, �}� ��rst ���� mail, r��i�t�r�d ar�r���d, �e�urr� rec�ip� req�es�ed� post�g� p�epai�, �� pro��r�y a��r�s��d a� �et �ort� be�ow. Ar��r �or�re�t�y addr�s�d noti� t�a� �s �fus�d� �r����im�d, or u�delivera��e �ec��se of�n a�t or o���sior� o�t�e p�rty to �e notifi� s�31�e d�eme� ef��cti�re as of th� f�r�t �a�� �at sa�� r�oti�� w� r+ef�s�d, ur���aim�d, �r d�em�d �ndeliv�r�bl� �� t�� po�tal �uthor�t�e�. T�e ad�r�ss�s ��r purpase� o�g��ir�g �o�i�e a� �s �et fo�th �e1o�v b�t �a�� ��rt�y ��y ���ng� its a�dr��� �y v�vr�tten r�o��� ir� a��or�a�c� wit� this ���r�p�. �I�T�R��A� ���I�T�: ��ut� ���r��y H�st��i� �aciety �.�. �ox �3� � Arroy� �r�d�� �A 9����-���3 �8 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 43 a r a �IT�: ��ty of���y� ��d� Attr�: �i�y 1Vla�ag�r P.�. �o� ��� � �r�oya �rar���, �A 9�4��-��5� ��.� . . . . • � . 1�1�persor� s�a� �r� �h���-o�r��� ��r�ce, ��1��i�r�� col��, ���ona� �rigin, o� s�x� b�e ex��u��d �-om par�i�i�t�o� in, b�der�ie� t1�� ber���it of, �r�� s����t.�d � �isc�i���at��� ���e�r �i� pr�gramJpro,�ect. �or purpos�s o�`th�s ��tior� �7�.�1�� de�in�s ' c dis�rimi�at�ary actions���c� a�� proh����e� ar�d �o�re�cti�e��tio� w��h �1�a11 be t��n in s�t�a�or� as cief ned t��r�i�. ��.3 . . . . . . . . �ii�tori� �ac��ty ��all�ar�ply r�th t�� r��r�d�s��n�ir�a�on l��vs of�he �Jn���d ��at�s of Am�ri�a, t�� ��at�e o�'�for�ia, and ��ty ir�perfo�in� t�i� Le�se, Hi�t�ori�al �o��ety s��I� r�ot disc�ir�ir��t� ir� ��s err�plo�rm�r�t �r�ti�es �g�ir��t �n}� em��oye�, �r a���i�ar�t for �m��oymer�� be�us� of��c� p�rson's r��e, relig�o�, na�ion�l ori�in, an��stry, sex, a��, or p��si� ��di��. ��.� ` ' . ��s�or�� ���ety a�kr���le�g�s th�t it i� oc�u�ying pro��rty o� a �u�l�c ���r��y a� a terr��orary b��s. �T�or� ter�n�r��t��n o� �hi� L�eas�, �p�r� �ts �x��r�atia� or ot�er�r�s�� �Ii�to��� �o��et� s�� not �� er��it�e� �o r�c���� �y �or�np���at�or� o� nel�ca�a� �s�ista��or�er���t�w���i� rnay ���r�vid�d by th� �r�iforr� ���o��on A��s ��other 1a�s o� �h� �1�i�ed �t�t.e.� or of �h� �t��� of ���c��nia. A�1 ir�provernent� con�tr��tre� �n �e Fr�mis�s sha�l, upo� ��cpi�t�o� or �oor�er te��in��ion of th�s L��e, be�om� t�e so�� pr��e�ty o#' ��ty. . ��.� ` . �ii�to�.ca1 �o���ty s��ll ���r� no ��h� t� su�je�t t�� ���se�old �s�ate or the Prernises �o ar�}� mo�-t�age, �e.e� of tr�us� or o�he� se�uri�y ir�ter��t, ��,� ' . �'�r�n� �s of the e�s�n�� ir� this I��, ��.7 ' . T��� �as� sl�ali �e eff�tive on�� w�er� sig�� by b�t� �ar��s �o th� i�ease �d ��pr�v� �y �orma� ��tior� of th� �i�y �o�nc�� a��ity. ��.� ��ce��rv A�t.�l�tf������t�urr��n�, '�"1��pa�r#ie� ���1 �� th��r�v�rr� �c��� �� ��cp�r�s� e��ut+e�y�nd a�oth�r do�cum�nts ar�d inst�m�r�ts �nd s��� tak� ar�y �� �11 ���ions a� ��y �� re�or�b1}� �q�ired, r� , �r a��pra�ria��� �� ��i��r��e �r �arry ��t t�� ir�t�r��a�� ������ �� t.�is �e. ��.� ��od �a��h, �a�� ��rty to this �.5� ��a�I a�� in good �`a�t� ir� �rf�rming t�ie�r re�p�t��� a��i��tion� �t �ort� in tl�i� �,�ease. ��.1� ' . Th�w�ver of ar�y�r�ach o�ar�y co��it�ar�� �ov��ant, �rrr�, or pro�rision o�thi� L,�as� ��r ar�� �a�y to th�s I�se s�a1l �o� �� deer�n�d �o �� � wa���r of any pr�ce�ing �r �9 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 44 f y subs�qu�nt �r��h ��der the I.�e�se, r�ar s��I a�ny �vaiv�r cor�s�i�ut� � �ontinuir�� v�ra���r. I�� v����� ���I1 ����r��ir�g �r����� ���cu��d i� v�rrit�n� ��r th� ��rty rr�ai�ir�g t��v��i�r��. ��.11 �ut��ri�ati��s. Al�offi��s and i�n�ivid�� �xe��tin� t�i� �n� ot��� do�curr��nts on b��a�1f of t�e�es�ct���par��s �o h�r�by�er�ify and v�ra�rar�t that �h�y ha�� �� �a�a��t�r �nd �a�� ��er� d�ly ��t�iori.��d ta so ��c�cut� s�i� �o�urner�� o� b���1f o� �he enti� �o in�icate.�. �a�� sig��tary sha� a�so in�emn�fy th�ot�er�y t�v tf�is�a.�+e, a�n� ho1� th�n� ha�rrn���s� �`ram �ny a�d aI� c�a�ma��s, cost�, atto���s� ��s� ar�d ot��r�x�e�s��� if t�e s�gnat�ry is not �o �u�t�ori��d. 2�.�� H��s,��,C,�,�i��. �'h� c:aa�t��r�s ar�� h�c�ir��� ��t��� �as� � ins�rt�d ��r �or���i�n�e��y and �ha�1 n�t�e de�r�� a part o�t�i�L�a.�ar�d s��ll �ot�� u��d i� �n�er�ret��g t�i� Lea�� �r �r� ����rrni�i�� ��r ��th� r�g�ts �� ��1����i�n� ���h� �arti�� �� �i� I�s�. ��.1� ��r� �Ts���. Ur�Ies�th��or�t��t���ar�y r�quire� oth�rvv�is�, th����ra1 �n� sir�g��ar w���s s�ai� �ch�d��e� ta ��lu�e t�� ot��r; "s�a�l," "v�i�1," or "a���es'� ar� mar��at�ry, and "m�y" is p�r�ni�s��� or d�scret�ar�ary� "o�" is not ex�l�siv�; t�e m�.s�ul��, f�rr�ir�ir�e, and ne�t�r g�r�d�rs sha�� ea�� �e �e�m�d to �r��1��� �he ��h�r�� an� "i��Iud�s" �n� "i�c�����g" �r� r�o� 1im�ting, ��.1� ' ` . If a��r�er�n, pro���ior�, c��r�r�an�, �r �o�d��i�n af�hi� L,�.as� s�a�1 b� �r b��o�e i11��a�1, in�rali�� nu�, �o��, �ner�forc�ble, or a��i��t pu�l�c �o�i�y, ir� w�o�� or i� pa�t, or s1��1I �� h�Id b�r �n�r ca�r� of�omp�ter��j�risdi�t�ar� to b� ��le�al, �r��ra��d� nul�, or �roid, o� a�ai�s�publi�p��i�y, ��t��r�n, p�����i�n� �over��nt, o� �or�dit�on s��� b���m�d ��v�ra���� �nd th� ��rr�air�ir�� �r�visi�n� �� t��� �e �I��I� r�r�nair� �n ��1� ��r�� ar��i �f��c� a�� ���1� n�t �� � a�f�ct�d, ir���red, or �r����c��t�d. 'The �errn, ��o�ision, c�o�rer��t, or �r�di�ion t��t i� �o i�r��i�a�, voide�, ar�e�d t�v �ur��r�f�r�e�b�e��a�.l�e m�di#ied or ���un��d �y t����.ies t� t�� ext�r�� poss��1� to carr�r o�� ��� i�ten�or�s ar�d dire��ive� s�� fo�th �r� t�i� I�ea��. 2�.15 ��nt�rn�rt �x�u��o�. 'I'��� L�ea�e m�y be exe��t� irx any n��nb�r of caur�t+�rpaxts, �c� of�v�ich �h�II be ar� o�g�na�, ��t a�� of wh��� to�e�h�r sh�l �or�st�tute one a�� th� �a�� ir��trument. 2�0.�� ��a�ce �f�.a�. �is L�e�se �hal� b� �o�ver�e.� �y arY� �a�s�� ar�d �nforc�d in a,c�orc�nc�v�rit� t�e��� of�e��at�of�a�I�forn��, �v�t� v�r�u� for al� pu�poses �o �e pr�g�er on�y �r� t�� �o�r�ty of��n ���s ����pa, ��a�e o�����arn�a. ��.17 ' . 'F��s L,e�se �vr�st���t�s the �na�, corn�l�t�� �d �x���s�v� st�t��m�r�t of the t�errns of t�e a�re�m�nt be�vve�n �e pa�i� �r�in�ng to t���� �n� s�p�rsed�s a�l prior ar�� �or��em�ora,s��o����ement�, pr�rr�ises, re�r��en�ati�r�s, warranti�s� underst��ir��s, or �nd�r�akir�g� �y either of t�� p��rti�s, ei�h�r o� or �vritt��, �f�y ��ara�ter o� �at��. 1�Io party �ia���r� induc�d �o���er ir�to t�s L�e �y, nor i� a�y part�r r��y�ng or�, auny re���se���or� �r v�r�rrar��y ��tsi�� �f��s� ��c������}� ��� ��rth �n �}�is I,�e��. �� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 45 . ��.�� � . T'�i� �.e.�se may �e alt�r�d, a�rnen��d, rr�od�f�, or supple�n�r�tred or�ly �y ar� instr�m�r�t in �vri�in�, e�ce��t�d �y �Y�� p�rties �� this I� �nd by n� o�er meat�s. �To a��er�t�or�, a.�r��r�dmer�t, r�odi���a�i�r�, or �u��lernent of t�his I�se sha�1 b� �i.nding u�t�e�s it is i� writi�g �nc� ��g��d �y both p,�r��s. �.ac� party v�ra�v�s �heir ��tur� r�gl�t to cl�rr�, �ont�est, �r �ss�rt that t�is L�eas� �vas m�di�e�, �as��e1�� s�pers��� �r chang�d by �ny or�l agre�rner�t, . �aurs�e o��and��t, w�i�r��, or esto�p��. � ��.�9 Amb���%t��s. ��h party ar�d its �ouns�� ha�� �a�r�.i���at�d fully �r� t�e ��ie� ar�d �e�ision a�t��� �a,se. A�y r�l� of cor�s�r�u�t�on ta th� �ff�ct �,h�t �n�biguit��s ar� to i� �e�olv�d � �ga���t th� d�r�ng part� sh�1l r��t ���ly �r� �r�t�rpretir�g this I�s�. I� ��"��� V�IER��F, �ity ��s ���cut�e�d tt�is �s� with �he ���roval of it� �ity �o���i1, and �aus�d �ts ���i�ial �e� to �e �ffi�ce� �n� �istor�� �ociety �� ex�cut�d �h�� I� ir� ���o�d��e v�r�t� th� a���ori�tion of its �oa�r� a�Di�e�to�rs ax�d �a� �a�se� its of�i��a� s� to t�e ���xed. ���'TI� {[.T�'T��Hi�'��RI�A�, ����'�'� By: �Ta�e� . � �'�'itle� �'• . � ��A �E�R�'�'A��' � . �I�'� � A AI�D� ,��. . i • ������ �������� �i��� ����■ � i I�AI��� � ��, �1�}r �����C AP�R���� AS T� ���IVi: �Y��I � �A�IViEi. � ��. . `� � . �rrto�y . � �� 4 ��ty Attorr���r �1 Agenda Item 8.i. � � Page 46 � FII��� �11JIE��i'I�EIVT T� L���� A�I�EEN��IV� [HEF�IT�►�� F����E� ��I�� FI�t��` AM�[�C��Il1�NT `�� L�A�� A�l���iVl�NT is �ade and ��nt�r�d �r�t� ��i� ��} �i�� �� ��� , 1 ���� b�r �r�d b�t�r�r��r� ��r� �17'1� �F A F�F��lf� �F��#I��� �"��`�1�'f}, � r�n�r�i�ip�l ��rp�ra����r� dul�r �rga�r�i��d �r�� e�ci��in� �u�r�u��r�t t� ��� ��r���rtu�i�r� a�n� ��v�r� �� tl�� ��a�� �f ��I�f�rni�, �r��! ��1�3�-�I ���JIIlTY ���T��I��� ���I�Tif {'������F�«AL. ���IETYf�}, � ��Ir��rr��a r���n����i� ��r��ra�i�rr, �r�r��� r�f�r�r��� �� �he ��ll�v�r�r�� f��t� �r�d rr���n�i���: 1111F�EREA�, th� p�r���s er�t�r�d ir��o � �ea�e A�r��ment da�ed ,��ne 1 , ���7, �I�ereir�����r r�#�rr�� t� as ��� "L�a�� Agr�e�en�'��; �r�� VIIF��F��A�, the partie� �i�si�e to arr��r�d �he �ease A�re�r�er�t. N�V'V, TFI�F�EF���, in ��n�id�r�t��� �� t�� ���r-�-�i��� ��r��� ��rr�air���i, a�r�d f�r �th�r �r�lu�abl� ��r��j�er�#'r�r�, �h� r���i�t ar�d ��������r���r �f �r�r�i�l� i� �r�r�b� ���Cr���r�r��ci���, i� �� ��r��d by ar�� b��v�r��r� the �arti�� �� ��Il�v�r�: � . ���t��rr � .� �� ��►� ����� ��r��r�r�r�� i� ��r�b� d�l���d in i�� ���ir��� �nd r��la��c� �� ��Il�v�r�: ���ti�r� 1 .7' L. � T�rr�r�. `�I`�i� L���� �I��II �� �f���t��r� a�� �� �t�� � ciay �r�� ��a�r f�r�� ab�v� v�rri���r� �r�� �h�r� r�r�a�in �n ��f��t f�r a�� inft��l �errrr �f ���nt� {��} ��a�r� �I��r��r�r7ra; �r��rici��i, F���rv��r�r, tt�a�� b�gir�r�in� �rvi�i� �hr� �rrst d��r �f ��r��ar� �� ��� ���r i� �r�r�i�� ��� Lea��e �rvir� �a��� a�r� �r���c�ir�� t�rr�n �f r�in����r� �� �� �r�ar�, �r�d �a�h f ir�� ci�� �� ,�a�rurar� #F��r����er, a ��a�r �h��l �� a�alci�cf ��r���nn��i�����r �� tl�� rerr��ind�r �f t�r� ir�iti�l #�rrr� urrle�� � r���'r�� �f n�nr�r���rv�i i� �i�r�� a�s pr�vi�l�d l��r��r�. ff �i���r �a�r�� �i��ir�� n�� �� r�r���r�r �I�i� Lea��, ��ra�� �a�rt�r ���ll ��r�� �r����rr t��ti�� �f r��nr�nev�r�l �� �l�`r� ��a��� �rr �h� �th�� ��r�� a�t ��a�� n�r�e�y {��� cia��� prr�r �� ��� ����r�a#i� �r�nu�al r�r��v�ra� d�t� �f �his L���� �pe�i�ie�1 ����r�. �. ���ti�n � .� �� ��� I���s� Agreer����, �r�t��l�d '�L���e E�pira����rt D���," �n� ������n �.� �� ��� L�a�� ��r���nner��, ����tl�d '�E�ct�n�i�r� �� ����� T�rrr�,�� �r� F����by ���e�e� �n ���'rr �r���r�t�r. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 47 �.� . �. ��c�e�� �� r-r�����i�al ��reir�, a�li t�rr-�r�� a�nd ��ndi�i�r�� �� �I�� L�a��� �►�r��rn��t �f�a�l r�r�a�ir� �rt f�,l� ��r�� ar��i e�f��t. � ���JTH ���1N�1( F����`��i���L� ���IET� ��. . I�ar�e� . � . {Ti�l�� AT���T: �AF�� R TAR� �f�l� �F AR��If� �RA�f�E ��. � . IVII��f��L �. L�4 f �IIAY�F� ��fT��T: � � t- . i +'f ..�� ,� � � . ���� ���: ��LLY � �F�� �ir����r �� Adr�n�r�i���a����� ��r�i���� D���t� �ity Clerk ��PF��II�� �� T� ����111: l�l��l� & �AF�IIA�� � � B�: ` - � r����� �J. �rr��l i��r A�t�rr�� , �:1�4�tR���1���r��t�e��tage tea��.arna Agenda Item 8.i. Page 48 .�.� r `�`�-ll� L���� ���L�����'� �� rr���ie �r�� �r���r�� ir��� �1��� �� d�� �� ���r �r. '���8 ir� tk�� ��� of Arroyo �r����� �o�r��y of ��� Lu�s �bi�po, �ali�orn�a, b�r �r�� � � � � � ■ • * b�tv�r�en ��� �I�1� �F �RR�Y� ��tAN�E � ��ty }, � m���c���� corpor��N�� ��ly �� �r�i��d �n� ��c����r�� p���u�r�� �� tl�� �����i���i�r� ��� l��v� �� �I�� ���t� �� � �� . . � xt ��I�f�rr�i�, �r�� ���J�`H ���JIV�`l� �I�T��I��L ������� � F�����r���l ���»t�r �� � ���ifo��ni� r�o�- r�f�t ��rpor�tion� v�ri�h r�#�r���e to th�� foll�uv��g fa��s a�d in��n�i�r��: � �4. ��t �� t�� �v�r��r �� �ert��� r��l �r�p�r��r ������� �r� t�� ����� �I��f �� Y . . �I�e Ar�o � Grar�c�e �r���C ��t�rveen �111asan, N�C�o� �r�d ��or� �t�e�t� �r� th� ��ty c�f Y Ar���� �r�rr��, �t��� �f ��li��rr�i�. �, �i�}� �r� ���� I�a���c� a� ��rt��n �� �k��� pr���r�� �� ��� �i���r���� ���i���r f�r it �o rr��rr� � �nd m��nt��� th� Her�t��� I�ou�s� ��seurn for �h� ������� o� tt�� . � ��rnrr�u n��y. �. �--�i���ri��l ���i���r i� ��� �v�rr��r �� ��� ��nt� Elll�r���l� �����I ��ild�r�g �nr�:�� ��� irr� �r��rrt �i�t�ri��� ��I�� #�r �h� ��r��rn�rri��r. F�r rr��r��r ���r� ��� ������ P . * , i . �rv�� I��a���� �� ��� L���� �.��� r��r�������1 �r��, �ut 1�� ��nd����n h�d ��t��������d. Ir� � ��� t�� C�i���ri��� ���i��� rn�v�d �l�� ������ �r�� r����r�� it �� � l����i�r� �r� ����ley Aven�� v�rh�re i� ��s ��en o��r� fo� t�e pub�i� �o tour a��d er�joy. D. �i�y �nd F�i�tori�al �ociety v�ris�r t� rr��v� �he s�hool �o ��� �ity's ro ert �n �he �r��k �luff a�ja���t to t�e l��r�tage �lo��� rx���eurr� v�rl��r� both � � Y ��ildir��� ��r� �o���n��r�t�y be �ri�it�d �y �l�e �orr�r�n�rr�ity. E. T� ����r�n�li�� t��� rn��r�, �#�� ��r���� �gr�� �I��t t�� Hi���r���l ���i��y ���u��l I���e t�� n������ry p����rty fr�rr� t�� ���y. � f1��1N* T�lE�E���E� �� I� �4��EE� �� �����v�r�: �����J�� �• �����������Si T�� ���l��rvi� ��rr�� ���1�, ��� �!I �ur����� �� �hi� �����, I���r� tl�� f�ll�v�rir�g � r�e�ni�g �s s�� �o�tl� ��lovu. � .1 �. �it�r h�� t�� r���n��� �����r��� ���r�t� in �h� ����rn��� l��r���. � .� �I����I��� ���,����1. �����#'1��� ���1���1 �1�� ��1� �''�"l��fll�l� ���I���� ��i����� Ifl ��� �]�'��f�'1��� �"I�����. � Agenda Item 8.i. � Page 49 1 .� I��r��r�r���t�. Th�e �errr� "irr��r���rr��r���" �r �'ir�n�r��r�r��n�" i��l�d��, �c�� �� n�� �irx����d ��, r����r��i�rr�, ����r��i�r��, r�bu�l��r��, �d��ti�r��, �l��r����, re���r�, u��agr�d��, r������r�����, ��r'rr����i�n�, r�����i�i�r�i��, �r ����f����i�r�� �� �r�� �r�� �II por��o�� of th� �rem�ses. 1 .� ���rv� ��� �r��r�. ��� ��rr� "I�v�r� �r�d �r���s�' in�l�d�� ��I I�v�r�� st���t�s, �rdin�n�e�� ���nd�rd�, ����s, r���ir�rr�er�t�, r��u�atio��, ���r��s, �u�fgrrr�nt�, or or���s nov�r �n #or�� �r k�e����t�r e�����d, pror�u�g�t��, or issued by ��� f���ral, ���LG� V1.��1���� ����� �� ����� ��Y������1�� ������G�7� �+��J�L�� ���������L�7f ��r�r�r�r����i�ns, b��rd�, �n� ��#i��r�. T1�� ��rrx� �I�� �r��l���� g��e�r��ne�� r-r�����res r���i�ti�g or �n�or�i�ng p�biic ������� o�����tior�al, �r�a��h, �ir�� earthq�a��, or s�f�ty ��������#�. ��� \I��������# �/��I��\/\./�� I��V��/�M�f �� �1./�����i 1 .� ��� ��r-r�r�r��n��rx��nt ��t�. T1�� L�������r-r�rx��r������� ���� �� �h�� d��� th� ���s� �errr� b���n� as s�t forth in Ar�i��� �, s���ior� �.�. � •� * • �1�� ������V� ������ �� ��� ���� �����1�� I�l����+� �� � �� ����� ������ #L� �1 1� �1�� ����1� �� �1 1� �V����� �J� ��Ila7 �G��� �� ���� ��V��iL��F�� ����1 fN�./�� ��1 ��cl�ibi� A, ��t��l��� �ere�� �n� ir���r��r���� �����r� b� �t��� re��ren��. �l����LE �. P��IVII���, T�Fi1Vl, �11�� ��TE��x�l��. �.� �r��-r�i���. Ir� ��r�����r�t��n �f �I�� r�r���, ������r�t�, �r�d a�gr��rr��n�� ��r���ir���! ir� ���� �����, �i�y h�re�� I����� �� H����r���l ���i��y ��� �i���r'r��l ������� I����� �r��'rr'� ��#y �h� Pr�r�ni���. �.� ��. This L�ase �ha�� �� e�fe�t�v� �� o� t�e d�y �nd y�ar firs� ��o�e �r��ten �nd ��r�l� r�rn��n �rr �#���t �or �n i���i�� terrr� o� tv�enty ���} y��r� t�����rorr�; pr��ri��d� I��v�r�v�r, ��r�� ��gi���r�� v�ri�l� ��� ��r�� ��� �� .��rr��r� �� ��� �e�r ir� v�r�r���r th� ����e v�r��� �a�re �n u�e�c�ir�d t�rm of �r�rre�e�r� {'1�} ye�rs, �r�� ���h fi�st �ay of Jar�uary t�erea�t�r, � y��r �h�i� �� ��de� au��rrnati����y �� th� rerr���r��f�r o� t�e ��n�t��l t�rr-�r� �r�i��� � r���i�� �� r��nr�r��v►r�l �� �i�r�� �� �r�vi��� I�erei�r. . �.� IV�#i�� ,�� IV�r�r����rv�r. �f �i���r p��� ���ir�� r��� �� r�n�� #I�i� L���� �� ��s�r��ed ir� ��c�ior� �.�, t��t �arty s��l� s�rve uvri�t�n nati�� of �o�r�r���rva� of �i�is ��as� or� t�e otl�er ��rty �t �east nir�ety {��} ��y� pr�or �� tl�� a��orrr���� ��n�al r�r��v�r�� ���� �� �I�i� ����� ����if��� �b��e. ART��LE �. ��N�' A�VD A�D�T���IIA� R��VT. �.1 B�s�.��. �-Ii���ri��I ���i�t� �t��ll ��y �� ���� ��� ��rr� �� �r�� ��I��r ��� .��� p�r ye�r as rer��, t�� �irst p�yme�t �u� on or �efor� �he Le��e � �omrr�er��err��r�t �at� �r�d �u�s���,�r�t ��y�n�r�t� ��e o�n t�� anniv�rsary o� ��a� ��t� ��� ���I� y�a�r �� �k�� L���� ��rrx�. � Agenda Item 8.i. � Page 50 �.� ���it`r�n��,#3�r��. I� �����i�rr �� �h� ���� r�rr�, I--li���ri��f ������y ���I� ���,r a�r� �ci�������f re�� ��r�n�ri��� �f �I�� ���r���� �� ��I �tii��i�� ��r�i�l� ��, p��r�ent �� �s��ssm�nts anc� posse��ary �nter��t t��c�� {Arti��� ��, a�d t�� ��y��nt o� �n�ur�r��� {Ar�i��� 7�. �F�T��L� �. ��� �� �F�EN�I���. 4�.�I P�rtr�it��� lJ�� ��d ��int�q����__�# Pre�ni���. ��rir�� th� ����� �err-��r� 1�-I����r���l ���'ret� ���I� ��� ��� �r��i��� ��I�ly #�r �p�r�ti�� a��� r-r��ir�t�ir�i�g �I�� ��r��a 11�a�u�la �ch�o� b��ldir�g �� a sit� of �ri��ori�a� ir�t�r�st, and �or s��� ot��r ���s g���ra��l� �p��rte��n� �� ��� ���fn��� �f � ������ rrr����rx� �r�d �������. T�� ��l���l b�i�dir�g ����I t�� ���r� �� t�e ������ d�r�r�� r����r��k��e ��ur� �r�d d��r� �� �h� v�ree�C ir� ����rd�r��e v�r��� � �����i��� �t��� ��� ���r� ��p��u�� �n v�r�itir�� �� t�� �i�}��� �i�����r �# P�r�� �r�� Fi��r���i�r�. �1� �t��r�� �� �h� ���li� f�r ��tr� ���I� �� �n��� �����r�t ��� �ri�r v�rr'rtt�� �����r�� �f �h� �it}�. �r� �d�i���r� t� r���,l�r ���r�tir�g ��ur� �� �I�� ��h��l ��i��i��, F-�����ri��l ���i��� r��� ��� ��� �r�r�i��� f�r �p��i�� ���ni��� �n�i ���n�� r�l��ir�� �� �i���ri��l �nd ���rr��r�i��r �u����. �-�I����ri��l ���i��� v�ril� l������p� �n� rr�������r� t�� c�r��rr�� ����id� ��� ��1���! ��il��r�� ir� � rn��r��r ���il�r �� ���� f�r tt�� mu�se�m on ��e �dj���r�� �ot �nd incorp�r��e tl��s� �raur�d� ir�to �h� rr����er gard�n p��r� �or �h� rr��r��c�r�. The a�nnend�d mast�r g�rden ���r� �om�ir�ir�g th� �v�ro groun�s ���II k�� ��,��i�t�d �� �h� ���y�� �ir����r �� P��I�� ��� F�������i�r� f�r v�r������ �p�r��r�� �ri�r �� �r�r����rx������i�� �� ��� �la�n. I-�����ri�a�� �������r ��r��� �r��rid� �i��r �rvi�l� � �r��r��r ��l��nc��r �� ���r�t� �t ��� ����. �l��t�r���� ���i���r ���f� �r�� ��� �r ��rr-��� ��r� Pr�r�i��� to be �s�d �or �r�y otl��r �u��os� �rv�t���t �i�y�s ��ior �rvr��t�r� �or�s�r�t, vul�i�h m�y �� �r����� �r v�►��f���l� ir� �it�rt� ���� di��r�t��r�. ��rir�� �#�� ��a��� ����n, �x����i��� ���i���r, �t i�� �v�r� ���� �r�d ��cp�r��� �rr� �� �� ���� ��d ��c��r-��� �� ����r� �h��i ��r��in����ly ��d �v������ ������i�r� r��a�ir� r��ir�t���, �r�� r�n��C� Fr��r�u�rn�r��� t� �rl ��rti�n� �� ��� �'r�rr�i��� �r�� �h�� ��l���l b�i��ir�� �� �r���,r� ���t a�lJ ��rti�r�� �h�r��� ��� ir� � g��c� �r��r, ��r��i���n, ��� r����r i� ��rrrpli�n�� �rv�t� �II I�v�r� �r�d �rd�r�. 4.� ' . . . ��s�ori��� �o�i�ty ��pr�s��ts t�at pri�r �� �r���rin� ir��� �h� L���� i� 1��� ��������� �r� i��������� �r�d ��c�r�nir��ti�r� �� t�� Pr�rx����� �r-�� ���Cr��v�rl����� ���� ����r �r� �a�i������r� �� it f�� �t�� r������i�r� �f t#�� s�h�ol ��i�di�r� ar�d th� ne���s�ry a�p�r�er��r�t ���n�f�tior� st���tur� required an� th�t ��id Pr��r-�i��� �r� fi� ��r u��� �n� ���r��i�r� �� � �����r���� ���� t��t i� ���n �� �h� ��#�li�. �-�li�t�ri��i ���i�t� ����p�� ��� Pr�r�rr��i��� ir� �i��ir pr���r�� ��r�d�ti�r� '#�� i��� ��clud�r�� ��y ��t��� or p��e�t de�ec�s ar�� ��r��� it v���l rr�ake any modifi����or�� �t ���r�n� n������r�r �n pr���r��'r�r� �� r���i�r��� th� ��l���l �u�l��r��. ��r �r��r ���� ���� pr���r�t��r� u�r�r�, #�i���ri��l ���i��� ��r��� t� ��rx��i�r �nri�� �I1 ���li����� ����r ��d ����� 1�v�r�. �r'r�r t� rr���ing t�� t��iEc�ir�� �r� �� ��� P�r��-r-�i���, 1--I����ri��� �����ty v�rill �b���r� th� �nrri����n ���r��r�l �� �1�� ��t�r'� �ir����r �� ��rl�� �r�� F���r���i�r� �� � �i�� �I�r-� �t-����►rir�� tl�� I��a��i�� �� ��� �����ir►� �r�� �ny ��h�r ��r�.,���.,r�� �r�� ir-�pr�rr�r����� far t�e P��rnises. ��ty ��cpre��ly dis���irns ��d rr��ic�s r�o v�rarr�r���e�� ex�ress �r irr�p�i�d, �s to �t�e su���bil��y or �r��b�lity �f t�e �rerr�ises �or ��� ��o�re p�rpo���. � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 51 # �■L� ����,���I�� �� ������ ���I�����..[• �l�������1 ������� ������ I� �I�� ��� �..r� �i�i��ntl� to ��k� ��� r���es��ry steps �� rela��te the ��l�oo� �ui�dir�g �o th� Prem�ses �� ���r� �� r����n�b��r p���ib�� �ft�r ��� ����� ��rr�r��n��rr��n� d���, �h� r�r����i�n �#���� �� �����rn�li���d �vi���r� 1� ��r��l�� fr�r�r� t�� L���� ���r�er���r��r�t �f��e �r�� tl�e nn����r ���d�n �I�r� �r�rili ���� be irx�p��r�rr��r���� �r�� ��� ��1���� b��l�fir�g ��rr���n�� it� r��rrn�l l���r� �� b��r�� ���� �� �t�� ��k�l�� ��r �#�� �r�� �� �hi� 1� r��r��l� ��ri��. 4.4 it�r'��ht �� A�c,��s to ar�c� l�se o� Prer�n�ses. �i�y a�d �ts �g�nts s�al[ ���� ��� rigl�t a�t �I� �����r����� t��r�r�r�� �� ��r��r tl�� P���i�e� �� p�rf�rr� f�r���i�r��, �ncludin�, ��t not limi��� to: ��s�e�t t�� Pr���ses� sl�ov�r the �r�r���e� �o pro�p��t��� �ur�����r� �r r�n�r�g�����; ��r�re, ����, �r��l �C��p ������I rr��i��� r��uir�� �y ��v�r �r th�t �i�y �or�s�d�r� r������a�y �or t�e �ro����i�n o# �ity ar t�� Pr��i���� i�����t the �r������ ��r �r�� ������� ���r���t�d �i�l� ��� ��r� �r�� r�r��r�������t �f ��� Pr�rx������ ��r��rr�n ��r�i��� r�q�ir�d �f ����r� ��1�� �������i�r� c�u�e �� �n� br���� �� t�i� L����� �����rr� �n�r ��v�r��r��� �� �li���ri��l ������� t��� �--li���ri��l ���i���r ��il� t� ��rf�r�n, �r f�r ���r ��f��r ���p��� r����n��l� ��r�r������ v�ri�#� �i�yR� i�n��r��� �� �I�� ���rn'r���. ���� ��c�r���l� ����r�r�� ��� r��h� �� �r�t�r ���n ��� rn��C� �r��r �rnpr���r�n�r��� t� ��� Pre�i��� tl��t �r� p�rt o� ��e �i�y�� �dopted �r��i� P�th pro���t for �h� so+�t� s�d� ����f� �� �rr��r� �r�r�de �r��l�, �r���u�i�� p������n� �� p�����ri�� �ra�i�� �nd ��r��l���, �� �it�r r��y ������ a�t �t� ��I� �i��r��i�r�. �r�� ���� ��rk v�ri�l �� ���r� �r-� a� rea���r���le �rrc� ��c�a�c������� m�r�n�r �� �� �� �a���� ��� I���t �����i��l ����rf�r�r��� u�rit� �ii���ri��l ������y'� ��� �� t�� P��r�i���. �i�y �I�� ����r��� ��� ri��t �� t��� �I�� g��u��� ����id� ��� ��f���f b�ir�ir�g �r�� rr��� u�� �1�� �����r b�����r�g it��l� v�r����u� �I��r�� ��r ��rr�����r��, ���i�r'r����, �r rx����ir��� �� t�� ����r �� r�r�����i�� ��r��c� u��n d���� a��� tir�r��� �y re��re��ir�� th� ��me frorr� I�i�tor���� �o�iety, v�rl�a�� ������� ta su�� us� by ��#y sh��� r�o� �� �,r�re��on�b�y ��t�h��d. 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T��� ��c��lpa��i�� �I���� ��a��l n�t �����r t� �l�i�� ��air��� �i��r �a�rt��� t� ��� ��c��n� �ha�t a� �i��� j�dgr���t �� � ���rt �� ���n���err� juri��i��i�� ��������1��� �h�# �h� ir�j�r�� ���s, d�rr���e, �r d���r���i�r� v�r�� �r��cir�n�t��� ���r��� �� ��ty p���i��' ���u�, �rvil���r i��u��r t� p�r��n �� �r���rt�, ��I� �����r� rr��li��r���� �r vi�1��i��n �f r�v�r. �u�� ��c���p�t��r� ����I ��r�r��r� ��� ��c��r��i�n �r ��r�i�r ��rr�n�r�a���r� �� �hi� ����� u�r�t�l �II �1a���� �it�ir� �h� ����� �� �F�i� ��c�u�p����r� ������ ��� ��lr�r, fi�n�ll�, �r�� �t���l���l� ���r�'e� by t�� �ppl���t�l� �������� �� lir�ni#�t��r��, �--I��t�ri��l ���i��� ���r��u�rl����� ���� t�i� ������rr uv�� r�e��ti�t�� v�i�#� ����r, th�t ��� ��r����era����r� ��r �� 'r� ��ir �r�d ��������, ��d ���� H�stor���l �o��ety �ad � f�ir op�o�tur���y to ��goti�te, ���ep�� re���t� nnv���y, or �1�er it. 1�Vi�l� r��p��� t� �I�� ��c������i�n �r��rr��� �r� �I�i� �4rti�l�, I--li���r���� ���i�t�r �v�i��� ��� b�r��#it� �� ������r� 1 ��� �f t#�� �i�ril ��d�, th�t pr��i��� �I��� "� ��r����� ������� �oe� rro� ��r�e�d to �lairrrs ►nr�ici� ��re �r�a�itor does no��cr�ov�r or �����c� �o e�is� ir� �i� �avor a� �1�� �irr�� of e�c�cu�ir�g ��� r�le�s�, v�r�i�i� if kr�ov�rrr �y l�irr� r�rus� hav� ma��ri�lly �ff���ec! his s���lerrr�rr� vrrr"�� �1�� ��b��r.�� �.� �.r���rar���. Vlli�h��t lirr���i�� �ii�t�ri��� �������r'� �r����n�i�i���i�n �# �i��, Hist�r���� ����e�y sf��ll pro�ur� �r�d �si�t�ir�, for �he du�r��ior� o# tF�e �����, �r�sur�r��� ���ir��t �I��rr�� ��� ir���ri�� t� p�r���� �r ��rx����� �� �r�p�r�� �I�i�� ��y �ri�� �r�rn � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 53 �r ir� ���������n �nr��� �i���ri��l �������'� ���r�ti�r� �r�d u�� �� �I�� ���r�r�i���. T�� ���� �� ���� �r��u�r�n�� ��r�lf �� ��rr�� t��r Ir-I����ri��� �������. �.�.1 �Il�inirr��rr� ����� �� Ir��ur�r���, ����r�g� �I���I b� �� ����� �� �r��� �s: �. �r���ra�r��� ��r�r���� ������ ��rr�rr��r�i�l ��n�r�l Li�b��it� �o�rer��� �,roc�urr�r���'� #ornn �� ���1 }: 7.�.� M�nir�nu�n �i�nit� �� Ir���r�r���. �li���r���l ������� �I��I� ���nt��� lir�i�� �� ���� �I��r�: �. ��r��r�l Li���li��r: ��,������� ��r ����rr�r��� ��r ���i�� ir�jury, ��r��n�! ir�jury �nd �ro���ty c��rr�ag�. �f �o�rr�er��a� C��n�r�l �.ia�ili�y Insur�r��� or �t��r forrr� �rvit� a g��eral ag�r��at� I�rx�it is �s�d, e��k��r �he g�r����� �g��e�at� I�m�t �h��l ��p��r ��p�r����y t� th�� p��j����1������r� �r �#�� ��r����� a���r���t� �'rr�ni� ���II �� �v�ri�� t�r� r����r�� o�curr�rrce lir�nrt; �.�.� ��d������r�d����-���u��d f��#� �i�n�. ��y d��u��i�l�� �r ��If- f���r�� ��t�r��i�n� r���� b� a���l�r�� �� �r�d �p����r�d �� ����. �� �F�� ��ti�� �� ����r� ��t��r: ��� ir���r�r ����I r����� �r ��i►�'rr���e �u��h c��c����i�l�� �r ����-����r�� r���r����r�� �� r��p���� �it�r, 'r�� ��#i��r�, �ffi�i���, �r�rpl����� ��d �r���r����r�; �r �����ri��i ���i���r ���I� pr���r� � ��r�d ���r��t��ir�� p��r��r�� �f ������ �r►� r������ ���r���i���i���, �r��r� ��m�n���ra���� a�� �ef�r�s� ex�ens�s. �.�.� ����r In��r�n�� �r��ri�r�r��. �1�� ��r��r�� ����i��ty ���i��r i� �� ��r�t�ir�, �r b� ����r��� �� �����i�, ��� f����v�r�n� �r�vi���n�: �. �ity, it� �f����r�� �f�i�i�i�, �rr�������� �r�� �r�l�r����r� �r� �� b� ���r�r�� �� in�t�r��� �� r��p��t�: li����ity �r��in� ��r� �� �r�r�i��� �v�r���i� �����i�� �r �s�� by �i�tari��i �aci��y. Tl�e �ove���e s���l �on�air� r�a sp����� I�m�t�tior�s ar� th� ����� �f �r�������n ����r��� �� �it�, ��� ��fi��r�, �����i���� �r�r�pl��r��� �r �r���r����r�; � �. l�i���ri��r ������y'� ir���ra�rr�� ���r����� ����I be �r�r��ry ir���r�n�� �� r������� �i��r, i�� �f����r�, ��f��i�l�, �r�r�l����� �r�� r��iu�t��r�. �r�y i���r���e or ����-ir���rr�r��� �n�ir�t�ir�ed by �i�y, �t� o�f���rs, ����c��ls� �rr��l�y��� or �r�i�r�t���� ���II b� ��c���� �� �i�t�ri��l ���i�ty'� i���rr�n�� �r�� �h�ll rr�� ��r��rib��� �►vit� �t; �. �ny ��i��r� �� ��rrn�r� �rvi�l� ����r�i�� �r ����r �r��i�i�r�� �� �h� �����i�� ���I��ir�� �r���h�� �f v�ra�rr�r����� ��ra�#I rr�� ��f��� ���r�r��� �r��ri��� �� ���y, ��� o�fi��r�, ���i�ia��, ��np�oyees o� �roi�,r�t��rs� 6 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 54 �. �������� �F�ra��� ����� �I��� I--�����ri��i ���i���'� �n��r�r��� �h�11 ��p�y se��ra�e�y to �a�� ir��ured ��a�r�st v�rhorn � ���ir�r is �n�d� �r s�it is b�ought, e�c���� ►r�ri��r ������� t� ��� �ir���� �� tt�� �r��ur���� ������it�r� �. ���� ����ra���� ��li�y r���ir�d ��r t#�i� ���u�� ��r�ll b� �r�dors�c� to ���t� �h�t co��r��� sl���l not �� ��s�er�d��, void��� car�����d, r�����d in co��r��� or ir� ���its ��c��p� �ft�r t��rty {��} d�y�' prior �nrr�t��r� r�o��c� by ���ti�i�d rr�a�i�, retu�r� r�cei�� r�qu�����, h�� ���r� �iver�,to ��ty. 7.�.� ' ' . Ir���r�r��� �� �� #�� ������ v�ri�l� ir-���r�r� �rvitF� � �u�r�r�� �.N1, B���'� ��tir�� �� �� I��� �h�r� �:11. . �■�■� ■ ■ ■ i �I����I��� ���1LI�� ����� ������� �II� ���� orrg�n�� �r�do��ements �ffe�t�r�� ca�er�g� r�q�ir�� �y ��is �l�us� prio� �o ��r�r�n���ir�� a�n� v��r� �r� �r ����p���� �1�� Pr�rn����. T�e �r���r��rr��r�t� �r� �� �� ��gn�� b� � p�r�or� ��thori�ed by t��t �r��urer to b�r�d �o�rer�ge on its b�l��lf. A�� ��dar�e��r�ts ��� �� b� r���i�r�� ��� ���r��r�� b� �i��r ����r� I--I��t�ri��� ������� ��1��� ���������r� �f ��� Pr��mi��� �r�d �r�y v�r���C ��r�rr�rr��r����. �4� �r� �����r���i�r� t� ��t�r'� ��rrr��, Hi���ri��l ���i���'� �r�����r r��y �r��ri�� ��r�npl�t�, ����ifi�� ���i�� �� ��I r���i��d in����r��� ��I��i��, ir���u��r�� ��n��r������� ��f��tir�g �F�� ����r��� r�q�i��� b� t���� �p��i��c�tior�s. 7.�.7 A,����� imitslB� �,�v����. If a�y of t�� req��r�� �r���r�r��� ���r�r��e�� ��r���i� �g�r����� 1irr�i��, �r ��pl� �� ��1��r �p�r�t��n� �r ��n�r��y , �� I�-ii���ri��� ������}� �u���d� �#�i� L����� i--�����ri��l �����ty �l��Il �i�r� �it� p��rr���� v�vritt�r� n��i�� �� �r�� in�id��t, �����r�r���, �I�irr�, ����I�rn��t �� j�d�rr��r�� ���i��� ���h �r�s�r�n�� �nrh��h �r� Histori��� �aci�ty's �est �u���n�r�t �rv�l� �iminis� t�� pr���ct�on ���t� ir���r�n�� ��f�rd� �i��. �ur�l��r, 1--�i���r���l ���i�t� �h��� i�r�n��i���l� ��1c� ��I ����� �� �����r� ���� ���r���t� �ir�ni�� �r �I��I� �r��ri�� ���r�r ����r�r��� pr�t���i�r� ��r ���I� ���r�g��� J�����. �.�.� . . , . �i�� �'����v�� th� �i�h� �� ��� �i�� �u�rir�� �I�� ��rr� �� ��i� L�a��e �� ���r�g� ��� ��n�u�r�ts ��d �y��� �f ir���r�r��� ����ir�� ����ur-x��r �� �iv�r�g �'r���ri��� �������r �'rr-���� ���� �1��� �d��n�� �r����r� n��i�� �� such ���r��e. �.�.� ' . I�V��I�ir� t�� ��r���ir�g ��n��r�ir���� �--���������I ���'r����s f�il�r� �� �r���r� �r r�n�ir�t�ir� r����r�d ir�����rr�� �r � ��C�-�n����r��e pr��r��m �I��I� ��r���it��� � rr��t��i�l br���� �� ����r��� �nd�r v�r���l� �i�� rr��� �r�r7r��di���l� t�rrx����t� ��ri� ����� ��� �� 'r�� �i�����i�r�, �r���r� �r r�r��u�r ���h ir���r�r��� t� pr����� �i��'� ����r���� �r�� p��r ��� �r�d ��1 �r�rr�i�r�� in ��r�rr�����r► ���r�►nri��, �r�� ������r ��� rn�r�i�� �� ��id ���r� I�-�i���r���� ���i���. ? Agenda Item 8.i. Page 55 7'.�.1� �_���rly���.�r����. �--I��t�r���! �������r �I���� b� r��p�r-��rb�� ��r r���,�r�r�g ir���rx�r�i�i���i�r� ��� �r���r�r��� ���rn i�� err�������� r�����r�ng rni�e��e �11�v�v�r���� ��r���r��r���, ���r�t� �n� s����rr�r����r�, i� �r��, �n ��r� ���� ����r�t� �r�� ����u�dir�� �I�e ��r�n� ��rrr�� �� ����i�i�� h�r��n, �� pr����� �-#��������r ���'s����� �n� �it��� ����r����, �r�� ��r �r���rin� �h�� �u�l� p�r��r�� ���npl� v�ri�l� �rr�r ��pli����� �n��rr�r��� . ��������. �.�.� 1 ' ' ' . �it�r ��� ���tir��� �� �r��i�� pr�p�r��r in��rr���� ��r ��� Pr��'r���. ���� �r�p����r �r��ur�r��� �I��II r��� �r��rrd� ���r����� ��r �i�t�ri��l �����ty�� ��r��r��i pr���r��i �r �I�� �����I b�i�dir�g. �--1 i���ri��! ���i�t}�-��i��� �r��r �I��r�n ���in�� �I�� �i���� ����r�r��� ��r �r ����tir�g t� da��g� to �ts p�rs�r��i property or ��i��o� b�i���r��. �.� �r�d���i�i���i�n. �i����rF��� ���i��y, i�� B��rd �� ��r����r�, �r�d �I�� ��r����r� �r�di�ri��a����, �I���I� �� I--�I��t�ri��l ���i���r'� ���� ��c��r���, �r�d �nr��h ��ur���l r����r���l�r ����p����� t� ����, in��r�n�fy� ��f�n�� ��c� ����f l��rrr����� t�� ��t� �r�� ���y p��ti�� �r�r�rr� �r�� ����r��� �r�� �r�d �II �l�irr�� �r�rx� �n� ��u�e, ���� ��i�� ��� ��, r���rlt ����f �� ������ �� ���a� ��Qa��`i� ��[`i ������� ���.r���� LJ���� �1�1� ����.i�� �J� L��i ����1���� ir��l�dir�� ��� ��� �r ������n�y� �r n��r���r �� ��� �� ������r���� �� �h� �r�rni��� by �is�ar���l �o�i��y ��r�ies; �ny r�e�i����� ��� of ���tori��l �o���ty p�r�i�� or of �r�y �r��r�t��, �u���t� �r li��r���� �� I�i�t�ri��l ���i���r, �r �r��r ��k��r ��r��� ���h�r����l ��r �i���ri��l ���i��� �� ��� �h� �r�r�n���� �r �r�}� ��r���r� �������; �li���ri��l ���i��y�� �ondu�t�r�g o# its b�s�n�s�; �ny f�pro�rerr��r�t�� a�ti��ti�s, v�r�r�, or t�i�gs �or��, �r�i�t��, p�rnr�itt��� ��r��rv��, �r �����r�� �y �li���r���� ���i��� p�r�i�� in, ��+ �r ���ut ��� �r�r�����, in�l�c��rr� �I�� �r��l�ti�rr �� �� ���f�r� �� ��rr���� �rvit� �r��r �p��i����� I�vv� �r�� ��d�r� �r� ��ci���n�� �r� ��� ���� �� �.���� �r �r������, �r��n��g���d� �� ��s��d �f��r ��e d��e �f L����� a�rr� a�r�� �r�a��� �r �����I� i� p����rrr���n�� �� �r�y ������t��r� �f Hi�tori��� �oc��ty�� ��rt to �e per�orr�ed �n��r tl��s L��se, v�rhet�e� ���or� or d��ir�g �I�� ����� ��rr�n �r �#��r i�� ��cpir��i�r� �� ��rl��r ���rr��n����n. T�� ��������� �� �l�� ��r�i�� t��i�� ���� �rvith r������ t� ���p�i���� �rv��l� 1��rv� �r��f �r��r� ���� Hi���r���l ���i�t�, �u�r�ng tk�� �.���� ���rr�, ���il di����r�� ��� ��rf�rr� ��I ��� ��ii���i�r�� �� ��ty. as v�re�� �� �I� tl�e ������tior�s of His�or���� �oc�ety, relat�c� to �i�� Prernises, �r�c� ir�de�nrrify ���� �herefrom, so th�t �� ��I �im�� ��� rer�t�� of ��e �rem��es s�r�li �� �n�t to ��ty ►rv�t���t �e���tion or ��pe���s or� ���aur�t of �r�y ���h ���rv� �n� �rders. �.� ��fin�t��r� �� ����rn�,. ��r �������� �� �hi� L����, „�r�irr��'� rAr��a�r�� �r��r ��d �I� �I�i��� ������, �����, �f�r�r����� ��cp�r����, �i��iii�i��� li�r��, ���i�n�, ����� �� ���i�r� {v�rl�����r �� ��r� �r ��r��ra���� 1��r�r �r ��ui��r, �r �tl��r�r�ri��}, �I��r���, ass�ss�n�r�ts+ f�n��, �nd per�a��`r�� o� any k�r�al ���cl��ir�� �ons�l�a�t a�d e�cper� ��cp�r����, ��+�r� ������ �r�c� ��t�rr��� f��� �� d�#in�� ir� t��� ������. �.� ' ` . Tl�i� �r���r�rr�i����ti�� ��c��n�� �� �r�c� i��l�,��s ���ir�� ��� ir���ry �� �r�� ��r���� �i����,�ir�� ���th a�t �n}� �irr�� r���l��r�� fr�rr� ���� ir�j+�ry}� I��� ��, ir�j�ry �r �a�r�na�g� ��, �r ����r�����r� �� �����r�� ��n�l���r�� �ii I��� $ Agenda Item 8.i. Page 56 o� us� res���ir�� �rorr� �hat �o��, �r���r�, d�rr����. or d�str�ction�; ar�d �II ec��omi� ������ �r�� ��n�������i�i �r r���i��n� ��rr���� �f �r�� �Cir��. �•� ` � • r r • s . �t�C� in��r�nr�i�i�����r� ��r��� ��ply r�g�rdle�� �# �I�� �����r� �r ������� �n��li���n�� �� �i��r ��rt��� �r�� r���r�l��� �� �I�����r I��t�i�i��r �rv����r�� f��l� �r ��r��� ���b�li�� i� irr����e� �r ����C�t t� �� ir������ �r� ��t� ��r����. Th� �r���rr�r�if������r� �h�l� r��� �p�ly �� ��� ��c��r�� �I��� � ��r��l j�dgr�r��r�t �� � ���,r� �� ��r-�r�p���r�� �ur������i�r� ������i�#�e� �ha�� � ����rr� �g�ir�st or�e �i�y ���ty v�r�s p�o�cim�t�ly ��us�d �y the sole ��t��e rre�li�e��e o� v�iil�u� �i����d��� �� ���� �i�� p�r��. �r� th�� ��r�r��, h�v�r��r�rf �hi� �r���rr�r���i��ti�r� s��11 r�rnai� �raf�� �or ��� other �i�y p��ties. �.� ��r�r�v�� o�..�..�.��������1. T�� �I����� �f �I�i� �r���l� ���J� ��.rrvi�r� �h� ��c�ir��i�r� �r ��r�i�r t�rrn�r�a�ti�r� �� t�i� L���� �r���l �I� �I���n� a����n�t �i��r p�rti�� �r��r�l�r�r�� ���r �� �#�� ir���rr�r�i�i�d rr���t�r� �r� �ull�, ��r��ll�, �r�d ����I�.,���� b��r�� �� ��� ���li��t�r� ������� �� lirr�i���i���. AF�TI�L� �. �#����11��111���. �.1 A���r��r�l �f �s����m�r�t. �-li���ri��� ���i�ty �I�a�i� ���, �v��h��� ��� ���y'� p�ior v�rr�t��� �or���nt, �e�rnit ���i�r�rr��r�� �� �r�y o� it� �ig��s, d��e�a�ion of ��y of i�� d��i��, �����r�rn�n� �� ��I �r �r��r ir�t�r��� �r� ���� L����� t��r ���r����r� �f ��� �r ��I��rv�r���; �����t �If �r �n}� ��rt �� ��e �r��ni��� �r ��� ri�l�� �r �ri�ri���� �p��r��r���t to the Pr�rr�is��; ot� suf�er ar��r ot�er p�rsan� ot�e� t�ar� �ity's ag�n�� a�d s�r�r�nt�, t� ���u��� �r ��� �II �r a�r�� ��r� �� �h�� �'��rx�i���. Irr ��t��� ���� �r�d ����I��� di��r�t��n, �ity m�y v�►ithhald ��� �ons�r�t to any ����gr��n�nt, �����as�, �c�up�t#or�, �� ���. �i�y ����� r��� �� ���nd �� �r�� ��a�r���r� �f r����r�����r���� i� ��c�r����r�� t�i� �i��r��i�n. 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J� �h� ��rrr�ir��ti�n i� ��r����� �� ����i�r� �.� .1, �h� ��r�� ����I �i�� � �ri�r �rvri���r� r��ti�� �� �t ��a��� �in��� ���� ����r�d�� ���� �ri�r �� �I�� d��� �� �1�� ir�t�nd�d ��r�nir���r�r�. �I�� ���i�� �h��� s��t� �h� re�sor� f�r t�� t�rmir��tio�. °�•� + ' ; ' ` ' . 1.1��n #�rrr�i��ti�n �f #�� Le��e k�y �ity p�rs�ant �a sec�ior� 9.1 .1 d�� to a ���a�h b� ��sto�ical �o��ety, �ity �I��I� ��I�►rv �i���r���� ������� �� r�r���r� ��� ������ ���Idir�� �rv��l�ir� ��� �ir���y ���} -��}� �r��� ��ri�d �n� ��� �dd�ti�n�� ���i�� r����n��r� �����d ��� �h�� �urp���. �.� � ' 4 � . f . . . . �..���r� ��c�ir�ti�� �� #h� ��rr�n �� ��� L����, �r ��rr�i���i�r� �f ��� L���� ��r �i��r �������t t� ����I�J� �. 1 . 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IV�i���r pa�r�� �h�ll �� �ia��l� �� ��� ��F��� f�r ��rx���e� �� �+��r kir��, i��l��ir�� �vi�h��� �ir�i������ in�id����l �r ��r��������i�� ��r�����, r��u����� �r��n ��y ���r��r�����r� �f ��i� L����, ��c��pt �� ����i#���I�� �r��i��� ��r �����r�. . �� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 58 r ���C��� ��M ��������� �� ����I���i 1�,� ��_rr���r�� �f Hi�t�r��,���i��y���er �r. �r� ��� ��c�ir�ti�r� �r ��rJi�r ��rmir�atior� �f t�e l.e��e �e�rr�, I��st�r���l �o����y shall ��it th� �r�rnis�� �rr� su�rend�r p��������r� �� �i��r in ����rd�r��� v�ri�� ��e ti�� ��ri��� ����ifi�d ir� �r�i�l� �. �� ��cpir�ti�� �r ��rr�n�n��i�n ���#�ri��� ���i��� ����I r�r�r���� �r ��u�� t� �� r�rn��r�� fr�rx� L�� ������7�i�7 ��� �����.7 ��� ���tJ��7�f �11� ����.7 �� ���.3�11�1 �������� ����� �� Histori��� �o���ty, tl�� s��oo� b�i�dir�g �n� ��ny o���r ��prov�me�ts t#�at �lis��r��al ���i��� pl���d �r� t�� Pr�rr�i���� �,r�l��� �i�� ��pr��r�� �h��r r�r�a�irrir�� �n ��� P���i��� ir� v�rhi�� ���� �v�rr��r�hi� �� �n� ���� ir��r�v�rr��t�t� a��r��rn��i��lly ������ �� ��t�, �-ii�t�ri��l ���i��y� �h��l r�pa��r a�l� ��rn��� �r ir�j�r� tl��� rn��r ����r t� �F�� Pr�rx�i��� ���r��d �� I�--�I����r���l �����tyt� r�rr����! �� �h��� �t�r�� ��� �l���l r��t�r� �h� Pr�rx����� �� tl���r ��r�di�i��r ���t ��ci�t�d v�rh�r� tl�� ����� ��r�r������# ���`���� 7 '�. �EFA�lL�. 1 � .1 ���� �� �����I�. A�r�r �� �h� f�ll��rv��� �v�r��� �r ����rr�n��� �h��� ��r�������� � �na���r��l br���h �� �F�� L���� ��r I--li���ri��l ���i��y �r��, a�ft�r the ��C�]II'��I�f1 �� ��l�l ����I����� �f��� ��f���, ��1��� ���l��l�l.J�� �fl ��1��� �� C�����.i��� ����1 ���f�� � ���3��'�t� �V��'1� �# d����i��: 1 � .� .1 ��ll�re to P�v �osts �r ��ar��. ��� fail��� �y F-iistori��l ���i���r �� pa��r a�r�� a�r�n�ur�t �r� f�.,�l v�r�r��r i� i� �u� ����r �h� �����. � 1 .1 .� .���=1_� �� Per��rrr� �bi��at�on. �`�� �a���r� �y F-��sto�i�al ���i��y �� ��r��rnr� �r�� �������i�r� �n��r �C�� L����, v�r���l� b�r i�� r����r� �I��t��i��l �o��e�y h�s no c�pa�city to ����. 1 � ,� .� ����ur� t� P�r��rr� Aft�� ���#���,�ti�,.�, ��� f�i��r� b� F�i�t�r���� ���i��}� �� ��rf�rrr� �r�� �tt��r ��li���i�r� �r�d�r ��i� �����, i� �h� �����r� ��� ��r���r�u�c� ��r � ������ �� ��r� �1�� ���� ����r �i�� der�rr��r��� in �vritir�g tl�a�� Hi����-i��l ���i��� ��r� ��� �����r�. 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V1I����r by �ity of a�►y d�fa�l� ir� �erf�rrr��n�e �y �I����ri��� ���i��y �� ���r �f ��� ���rr��, �r��i���, �r ��r�d��i�r�� ��r���ir��� ��r�i� �h�ll r��t [�� �e�r��d a co�ttr��ir�� �a���r �� ��r� ���� or �rry ��b�eq��r�t de�a�lt. �r� t�� �►��r�� ��y ���i��r, �g�nt �r �nn�l��r�� �� �it�r �h�l� �����r�� �� �� ��� �r ��il�r� �� ��� ir� �r���a�ti�r� �f �r�� �r��ri����� �f �I�i� �����, ���� ��� �r f�i���� �� a��t ��a��� �� ir�nrr���i���f� ��rr��t�� ���� � r������ fr�rrr �i��r+�r� v�rrit�r��. � � .� ��rn����� or�, ����nt,��f� �����#. �# �rr ��r�r�� �# �����I# ����rr�, ��� r��r�r�����l�ir�g p�r��r ��r�ll h��re tF�e ri��� �� #�rrx�in��� tl�� Lea��� �n� �� ��r��� �r��r r�rr��dy r�ov�r or I��er a�r�i����e to tl�e nor�de���ltir�� party �t �av�r �r xn �quity. ��T��LE 1�. E�C�IF��#T��f� �� �H� �E�4�E T�RIIII. 1�,1 �v���r��f ��_�rv�r����� b��. l���r� tt�� ��c��r�ti�� �r t�rr�r�ir���i�� �� �#�� L����, ��� �n� �fr i�m�r��r�r�n�r��� r���� �� t�� Pr��i��� ��r� I�f� t#���� b�r Hi����i��� ���i��� ����I, v�it��u�t ��r�p�n�����n �� Hi���ri��l ���i�t�r, t��r� �2 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 60 ��rt�r��ti��lEy �r�� v�ri����,� �rr� ��� �f Fli�t�r���l ���i��� �� �n�r t��rd ��r��r ����r�� ��� . � �ity'� prape�ty. ������� ��• �����������• ' 1�.1 ����ut�� �u�j��� t� �4�b��r��i�r�. ���r ��r��r�����y �� �i����� b�t�rv��� t1�� ��r�i�� �� ���� ����e ��y b� �ut�r'r'�i���� �� �r� �rk�'r������r� ��r���, �r�d ���I� �rb��r��r�r� �I��II ��r�p�y v�ri�l� �r�� b� ����rr�e� b� ��� �r��ri�i�n� �f �i�� ��li��rr��� Ar�i�r�ti�r� ��#, ����i�r�� � ��� �� s�q. �� ��� ����f��r��� ���� �f ���ril �r����ur�, t� �h� �xt�r�� ���t ���I� pr��ri���rr� ���r� n�� b��r� rx���ifi�� ��r���n� �� ��ri� Le����. �T`�� ���i�� ��r��r ���I� ��y �li �os�s ar�d �t��r��y #ee�, �� ��fi�ned in �hi� Le�s�. 1�.� F��____ul.,e���,�o�r��ni�� �4r�itr��i�r�. 1�.�.1 ��i��d Di��o�r�r�.. 1V� r��r� tl��r� tl�ir��r ���} �����da�r d�y� befor� th� arb�trat�on, a pa�rty r�n�y �erv� a �o���e�� r��u��t �al��r�g for any d���rr��r�� �h�� ���I� �� di���ve����� �r� �i�r'rl �i�����'r��. T�� p�r�� ��r�r�� �vit� ��i� ��q�r��� ��a��l ���i�r�r ��� r�c������� ���u����� �r�� �r�y ������i�n� v�rit�ir� f��r� ��} bc.,������ ����. �I�e �rt�i�r���r� ���i� r���i�r� ��n�r �i����� ��r�� ��� ��c���r��� �f ���c���nt� �� �i�e� v�r���� �� r���l�r�d �n ���rii i������i�r�. T���������+ ���k� ��r�� ��y ��1�� �� r�n�r� �t��r� ����� ��� �����iti���, ���h �� �rvhi�l� �F��il I��� n� r�n�r� �I��r� f�ur ��� ���r� ���I�, �k�� �rbi�r���r� ���II r���lv� �r�� di�pu�� ���r ��� �t������i�n� �� t��� �rv�u�d �� ����I��d in �i�ril li�i���i�r�, � �.�.� �rbjtr�t�r�' ���rv���. T�� �rbitr���r� ����I ��v� t�� ���� p�v�r�r� �� �h��e �� a� jr���� ��� tl�� ��p��i�r ���r� �� t�� ���t� �fi �a��i��rr�i�� �nd ���#I rer���r a� c���i�i�n a�� �rv��ld � ��r�g� �� � �u��r��r ����� �f �I�� �ta��� �� ������rni� irr ����r��r��� �r�r��� tl�� I�v�r �r��i ��� �����. 1 �.�.� V'Vri���r�_���i��. IIVi��ir� �if���r� �1�} d�y� �ft�r ��rn�l�t��r� �� �1�� �r�i�r��i�n, �h� �r�i�r��i�r� p�r��l �h��� ��r�rni� � ��n���i�r� d��i���r� ir� �rvr�tir��, iss�in� �ind�r��� o# fact ��� s�����yir�g �h� rea�san�ng �ar �h� �ecisior� ��d ar�y �����l��i�r�� r�������r� t� ��c���ir� ��e a�v�a�rd. E��#� ��r�� ��a�li l���r� ��#���r� ���} ���� . ir� v�rhi�l� �� ��t�r��� �rvri���� ��r�nr�n��n�� t� ��� ��n���`r�r� ���i�i�r�. V11i��ir� t�� ���} �1��� ����r ��� ����ilir�� ��r v�rr����� ��r�nrne�n��� �h� �r�����ti�r� ��n�� ����� r�n��� � v�rrit��r� ���i�i�r� �� t�� ��r��! �v�r��d t� ���t� p�r��r. � �.�.4 . Eac�r p���y to ��e �rbitr�t�or� sl���l p�y a �ro r�t� ���r� �� �I�� �rbi�r���r�' ��c��n��� �r�� ����. ��� �r���r���r� ���I� �v�r��d t�� pr�v�i�irr� p��t�r ��� ��c���n��� �n� ���� �f ��bitr��i�r�, i��lu�i�g r����r-���I� ����r���r ����, �� ���ir��d ir� �h�i� L����. �� �� b���rr��� r�������r�r t� �nf�r�� �r� �v�rard �n�de �y �l�� �rk�itr����r� �r � �u�c��r�n�r�� �����i �r-� ���� ��v�r�, ��� �r���if'rr�� ��rt�r �h��1 �� ���itr�d �� ��t�rr��y�t f���, �� ��frn�� �r� ���� L����. 1� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 61 1�.�.� .J�di�i�� F��vi�v�r �� Av�r�r�. 1"h� p���i�� ����I �� �r����1��1 t� j�r�`r���l r�v��v�r �� �� �r�itr�t�r�'� �r��r �r r�����k� �� ���� �r l��r�r, �r�� t� j�di���� �e�r�ev�r �� ��r� i���� �i��� ����� I���r� t�een �r��'r��ed �� �����i�l r�v�ev�r �� ���h i���� ��� b��rr ��i�r����al �r d������ �� � �u��ri�r ���rt �# ��� ����� �� ��li��rr���. A�Ti��� 14. AT����1�1��' F���. ��.1 � . Ir� �r�� ���ig��i�n� �r��tr��i�r�� �r o�l�er pr���ed'+�� �r� �auv or �a��ity by ��ic� or�e party �o �h� L��s� s�eks to �r�for�e it� �or�tr��t ri�hts �r�d�r t�e L���e, to ���olv� �r� ���eg�d d�s�ut�, ���ac�, ����ult, or m��r�pre�entat��r���r� �o�r���ti�n v�rit� ar�y o# �he �ro�risio�� o� �his Le�se� t� seek a �����r��i�n �� �r�}� ri���� �r ���i���i�r�� ����r �i�i� L����, �r �� ir���rpr�� tl�� pr��r��i�r�� �# �hi� �����, #h� pr��r�ilir-�g ��r�� ���1� b� ��n�i�l�� �� r����rer fr�rr� ��� 1���r�� ��r�� ��t��l �#t�rr��y�� �f��� �n��r��� t� r���i�r� t�r� �i�p��� �r�� �� �n��r�� �h� ����i jc�c��r�ner-��, �u�r�r�, �e�����n� �r �r��r ��� ���� ����, �����, �r ��c��r���� �I��II �� ir� ���ii�i�n �� �r�� ��k��r r��li�� �� vv���h ��� �r�v��lir�� ��rty r���r t�� �����I�d. T�e �v�r�r� of ��torn�y�' fe�� ����I �� deerr��� to �ave a���u�d �p�n th� �a�r��ncer�n��� o# the ��ti�r� �r�� �h�r� b� ��i� v�rh����r �r r��� ���I� ��t��� i� pr�������� �� j���rn�r�t, �v�r�r�� ���1����f �� ����L r If����.r������� ����� ���� ��� ������� .7�1�� �#���� G#����������f ���������V� �1����� ���������� �����111�7111� ��YG��#�Q����� ������������V� �����1��� �� ��� . ��h�r pr����dir��� ir��l�dir�� but ��� �irn��e� �� �i�r�l, �rin�ir��l, �����ni��r��i�r�, r�����t�r�, �� ������I������■ ��� ���������� ���� �� �� ������� ��� ��������1 L� ����7 �L�� �� �� � { f ����rr-r�i��rf ��r �I�� ����� �r ��I��r �����i�r� rn�ic�r i� �I�� ��r�� ���i�r� �� �r�����ir�� �r �� � ��p�r��� ���i�n br��gl�� f�r #�a�t pur����. �4��r ����rx��n�, ��rv�r�, ���isi�n, �r �r��r �r���r�d irr ��t��r �����r� �r �r�����ir�� ����� ��n��ir� � �p����i� pr��ri�i�rr pr����fir�� ��� �I�� r����r�ry �f a���r�l �tt�rr��y�� ���� ir���rr�d in �n��r�ir�g ���� �t���rrr�r�t, �u�r�r�, d���s��r�, or order. T�� �v�r��d o� ��orr�eys' fees s�a�� �o� �� �om�p��ed i� ���or��r��� ��#� �r�y ���r� �����ul�, �u� ����I �� �n��� �� �� �� ��Ily r�i��ur�� ��r� �r�ua�il�r�g ��r�y ��r ��I ����rr����' f���� ��r�i���l ������ �rr�i �x������ �������}� �r���rr�� in ���� f�i��, r�g�r�l��� �f t�e ���e �� �I�� �u����r��, �v�►�r�, d����i�r�, �r �r��r, i� b�i�� the i���r��i�r� �� t�e ��rti�� �� ���I� ��rr��er��a�t� �I�� ����ra�ilir�g p�r�y ��r �li �����I ��t�rr����' ����, ������g�l ����� �r�d ����� �n� ��cp����� ��i�l �r ����rr�d �r� g��� ��i�l�. `�`F�i� p���ri���r� ���li�� �� ��� �r���r� L����. � AI�T���E ��. ���VC��1VI[��Tl��lf. 1 �.� ��n�i�r�n ti�n ���. Ir� ��� ���n� ���� ��� ����ed �r�rr�i��� �h��l b� ta�ic�n, i� vvl��l� �r i� ��r�, ��r�u�k� ��e ��c�r�i�� �� �r�� p�uv�r �� �rnir��r�� ��r�n��r� e�c�r��sed by any ��d��ai, s�at�, �r lo��l rr�c�r���ipa�ity �a�r�r�� th� po�nr�� �h�r�o�, the L��s� �errr� ���li t�rr�in�t� �nd e�cpi�e ��n ��e ���e �f ���1� ��I�ing a�d ar�y sums ��i� ��r �u�t� ��r�d�r��nir�� �����ri�� �I��II �� ���d �� ��� ���y. T�� �����ri��� ���i��� ���II �� r��rr�bur��d f�r ��� �r�l�� �f �F�� �����I t��`r���r�� ���r7r� �r��r ���I���bl� ��nd�nnn��i�r� pro��e�s ����i�r�� s���i�$����y the��f��, ��I�s� th� bui��ir�� is r��n��ed by �h� Hi�t�r���i ���i�ty. l� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 62 5 ������� ��� �������������* � �,� ' . T� �e ������i��, �I� �������, r��c.���t�, d�r��r�d�� �r�� �t��r ��r���r�i��#��n� ���uir��i ��r p�r�m�tt��i t���i�� ���� L���� ���II �� ir� v�r�i�ir�� �r�� ���[I �e delivered e�t��r ir� p���on or by ce�tifi�� ma���� po�t�g� pr���id, r���,rn r��ei�t r�c����tec�. �1��i�� �� ������i ��������re �r� ciel��r�r� i� ��r��d ��r��n�i1�r �r� �t�e ��rty �� v�r��r� r���i�� i� �� �� �i�r�� ��� ��li�r��r� i� ���nf�rrr��� �y � r������. �1����� i� d��r�r-��� ��f�����r� �r� ��� ����r��! d�� �f���- rr���lir�� �� r��il�� �� t�� ��r�� t� v�rl���-r-� r���i�e i� �� �e g��r�r�� b� f�r�� ����� rr��il, r����tere� �r ����i#���, re��rn r���i�� r�q������, ���t�ge �r���i�� �r�d �r����l� �d�r����� �� ��� ��r�l� �����v. ��n�r ��rr���l�r ���ir����c� rr�ti�� ��I��� �� r��c��e�, u�r�����rx���, �� �r����i�r���t�l� ������� �� �n ��t �r or�ni���on o� th� �arty �o b� r�otifi�� s�a�l b� �e�m�d �ff��tive �s of ��e fir�t ��t� �k�at ��i� r��ti�� v�r�� r��u���d, ���I�i���, �r ���r�n�� �������r�r�bl� k�� t�� ������ �����ri�i��. TI�� ��������� ��r ��rp���� �� �i�r�n� ��t��� a�r� a�� ��t ��r�� ��I�v�r bu�� ���1� ��rt� m�y �h��g� it� �ddr�s� �y v�rri��en �otice i� �c�ordar��e v�vith thi� p�ragr�p�. I�I�T�F����L ���1ET1�: ���t�r ���rrty ������i��� ���x��� P.�f Bo�c ��� Arroyo �r�r�de, CA 9�4��-���� �I�'1�: �it�r �f �rr��� �ra�r��� A��r�: �i��r ��r��g�r �,�. ���c ��� Arroy� �r����� �A 9�4�1-��5� 1 �.� �i��r�rr�ir���`r�� Pr��i�i�d. �� ��r��r� �#���1� �� ��� gr�ur�d� �� ra���, r��ig��n, ����r� r��t����l �rf�in, �r ���c, b� ��c���rd�� �r�r� ��r�i��p��i�n i�, �� ��r�i�� ��� ��J 1���� ��f �� �� ��������� �� ���7��������#V� ����� ��#w7 ���������������a ��� �������� �� ��i� ���ti�n, ����i�� �7�,��1 ��� �1�fir��� �p��N�i� �i��r�rr�ir����ry ���i�r�� v�rhi�#� �r� �r�k�i�i��� �nd ��rr���i�r� ���i�� �rvk�i�� �h�l! b� ��k�� ir� ������i�� �� d��i��d t��reir�. � �■� � ` � + ' f * ;� i ■ � . �--�i�������1 ���i���1 �I���� ��r�n��� v�ri�l�, t�� r��r�����rirr�i���i�r� I��rrr� c�� �h� lJr�i��d ���t�� �f �rn�ri�a�, tl�� �t��� �f ��lif�rr���, ��� ���� ir� ���f�rr�n#r�� �hi� L����, I--�i�t�r���i ������� ���II ��� �i��rirr������ ir� it� �rx�p���rr�r��r�� �r���i��� ���i��� �r�� �r�������� �r ���f���r�� f�� ��pl��r�ner�� b������ �f ���� p�r���'� ����+ r�ligi�n, ��L����F LJ�����f ����I�7���� V�+�# ���� �� ����7��U� �������i�r � �■� �.� �������l��1 _��e.#�_s�.��3�i�i ���7���14�GJ� �.�.����r�� a����� 1 I���i �LJ ����� �� subj�ct �he i�a���o�� �s�ate o� th� Pr��i��s to any rr��rtg�g�� ���d of �r�st or ��I�er s��u��ty �r�ter�s�. 1�.� �`i���� ����r���. T'r�� i� �f ��� ����r��� �� �I��� L����� 15 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 63 '� �.�r �f���ti������. ��i� ��a��� ��r�lf b� ef����i�r� ��I� v�rl��n ���r��� b� ���� i th� �e��� a�r�d � r�v�� � ��r��� a��ti�r� �� ��� ��t� �����i� �� �i��. pa r� es to p� Y '1 �.� f� ������� A�t���th � In�t��rr���#�. �I�� ��r�ie� ��ra��� �� tt��ir �vvrr ���� nd e�c �n�� ��c���te ar� �r�� ��� ot�er �acu��nts �r�d �nstr��re�rts �n� ��a�l t�k� ar�y � I� � . . a��n� �II ���i�r�� �� rr��� b� r����n����r r���ir��i, r������ar�, �r �p����r���� �� �����r��� or ��rry ��t th� i�nter�t ar�d purp��es of this Le�se. '1�.� ���d F���, ���� ��rt� �� t�i� L���� ���li ��� �r� ���� ����I� in p�rf����r�� tl���r r���e��i�r� ��li���i�r�� ��� f�r�l� �n t��� �����. � 1 �.� ' . ��� v�ra�ve� �f ar�y br�ach �f ��y cor�d���or�, cov���nt, t�rrr�, �r pr�v����r� �� t��� L���� t�� �r�� ��r`t� t� tl�i� Le��� ���I� r��� k�e ���r��d �� b� � ��i��r of any prece�iin� or ��������r�t bre�ch ��der t�� L�as�, nor sh��� ��y v�r���r�r ��r���i�ut� a� ��n����ir�� �rv���r�r. IV� v�ra���r�r �1��1� b� b�r���r�� ur�l��� ��c��ut�d ir� �vri�ir�g b�r �I�� ��r�� r���tir�g th� v�r����r. ` � �■�� + r ■ �*� �����V�� ��� ��L�������� V������1,� ���� ��� ��h�r ����rner�t� �n ���r�l# �� �I�� r��p���i�r� ��rti�� �� I��reb�r �����f� �r�d ��rr�r�� t��t t��� h��r� tF�� �������� ��� ��v� ���s� �ul� ���������d �� �� ��t����� ��id d���rr����� �n b���l� �� th� �rr�i�� �� ir-�������d. E��I� �i�r��t�r�r ���I� �I�� i����r�i�y �I�� �tl��r ��r��r t� �I�i� ��a���� �r�� ���d ���r� k��rrr�����, #r�r�n �rr� �nd �I� d��n�g��� �����, ����r�n���' ����, ��� �ti��r ��c��r����, i� �h� �i�r����r�r i� n�� �� ��rtl��ri��a1. '��.� 'I ��irr�� �r�d �a��ti�r��, ��� ��pt��r�� �r�� I���dir�g� �f ��i� L���� �r� ir��er�ed for co�r�r�nier�c� o�ly ar�d s�a�l� nat b� de�m�� � par� o� t�is Lease ar�d ����I ��� �� ���� ir� �r���r���#ir�g �#��� L���� �r ir� ��t���ir��r�� a�r�� �f ��� r�g��� �r o��ig�t�ons �� t�e parti�s to thr� �e���. 1�,7� . l.�r����� t�� ��n���c� ����rl� ����ir�� ��h��v�r���, ��� �r�r�[ ��n� �ir��c�l�r �rv�rd� �h�il ���� l�� �#��rr��� �� in�lt��� tl�� �����; „�l��l�,�� �,�nri�l,�� ar "�gr���" �r� m��n�fatory, �nd '�rr���„ i� p�r�niss�ve or �iscr�t��r��ry; �'o�'� i� not ���lu����r�� �I�� rr������ir�e� ��rr�ir�ir��, �r��f r�����r, ��n���� �I���� ���#� �� ���r�r��� �� ir��l�d� �he ot��rs; ar�d "�r�c�ud�s�' �nd "ir��ludir��" �re �ot ��rr���in�. ��.�� ���r�r�b`riitv. !� �r�� ��rr�, �r��i���r�, ���r�r-��n�� �r ��nd��i�rr �f t��� L���� �I��I� i�� �r ����r�� il����l� in�r�li�, n�ll� ��i�� t�r��r�#�r����l�, �r ���i��� ��bi�� po�i�y, in �rha�� or �� �ar�, �r sh�ll b� ���� �y �r�y �ou�-� of ��rr����en� ��ri�d�c��o� t� �� �ll���l, ���r�l��f� r���l, �r �r���l, �r ���i��� p��l�� p�l��y, tl�� ��rr�, pr��ri�i�n, ���r�r��n�� �r ������i�n ��r�ll �� ���rr���i ��v�r�b��, �nd ��� r���i�in� pr��ri���r�� �# t�i� L���� �I��II r�r�n�ir� ir� f��l ����� ��� �ff��t a��n� ���i� r��� b� �ff����d, ir�n��i���� �r �r�v������e�. T'�e ��rrr-�, �r��r��i��, ������r��, �r ��r��i�i�� ���# �� �� ir��r��i����c�, v�i�i�d, �r h��� �� �� ���r���r����l� ���II �� r�r���ifie� �r �t�a����� by �1�� �a�rti�� �� ��� ��t�n� ����i�l� �� ��rr}� ��� t�� ir�����i�n� �r�� �i���t�v�� ��� ��r�� �r� t�ri� L����. 1� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 64 Y ��■�� • ■ ���� �A../��V ��� �� V�X/V L�V� ■� ��� n����r �f ���r���r��rt�� ���h �f �rv���l� ���il b� ��r �r��in��, ��� ��I �f �v�ri�l� t��e�h�r ���il ��r��t`r���� �r�e �r�� ��� ���n� �r��t�u�rr����. 1�f� � ' . T�is �.��se ��r�stit�r��� �t�e fi�al, �orr�p�et�, �r�d ��c��u�iv� st�tern�r�t o# t�e terr�rr� a� tt�� ��re��n�n� �etv�re�n �h� ��r�i�s pertai�ni�� to � �F�� ����� ��� ����r����� �I� �ri�r �r�� ��r���rn��r�r�e��� �����r-r�����, �r�r�n����, r��r���n���i�r��, �v�rr�rrti��, �r-���r�t�r��in��, �r �r-�d�rt��cir�g� ��r �i�t��r �� �f�� ��r�i��, ����er ora�l or v�rri���, of �ny ��ar�cter or r��tur�. No ��rty ha�� b�e� ind�rc�d �o err��� ir��� �I�i� Le��� �y, n�� is �r�� ��rty ��lying �r�, �r�y re�r�s�r����i�r� �r �nra�r��n�� ����i�� t�os� e�cpr��s�y s�t f�r�h ir� thi� �e�se. � �.1 � Arr��r�dr�r����. TF��� L���� rr���r �� ��t�r��, �r��r���d, r�n�������, �r ���pl��n��rte� �nl� �� �n i���r���r�� ir� �rr���r�g� ��c������ �� ��� p�r�i�� �� ���� ����e �r�� �y rro o�her rn��r�s. N� �I�era�ion� �mendrr���t, �o��fi��t�or�, or �upp�e�nent �� ��i� ����� ���ll �� ���n�iir�g t�r�l��� �� i� in �r�rr���r�� ���i �igr��� �� b��� ��rti��. ���I� p�rty �rv��v�s t��ir �utur� rigf�t to cla�m, �or�t��t, o� �ssert �1��� th�� L���� v�r�s rr����#i�d� ��rr�����, ����r����c�, �r ���r���c� ��r �r�y �r�l �����rx����� ���r�� �� ���du�t, v�r�iv��� or �st��p�l. 1 �,� � rr� i ' ' . ���I� p�rt� �r�d i�� ��r�r���l ���� ��r��������r� ��lly in �h�. r��ri��nr �r�� ���ri���� �� t�i� L����. �r�� r��� �� ��������t��r� t� tl�� �f���� ���t �rr�t������i�� �r� �� �� r���l�r�d a���irr�� �I�� ���ftirr� p�rt� ����I r��t ���I�r �� ir�t���r��irr� tl�is L�as�. �I� 1111�T�V��� V11��F�E�F� �i�� ��� ��c��t���� �i�� L���� v�rit� �1�� ����r��r�l �� it� �i�� ���r��il� �t�d �����d ��� ��fi�i�� ���I t� �� ��f��c�d ��� F�i���r���l ���i�t� t��� � ��C���.J��C� ��"1� ����� 1�1 ��������1�� IN���I �fl� ��3�fl��l���1�i'� �� ��� ����'C� �� �1�'������ �f�C� h�s �a�u��d it� o�#i�ial s��l �o be a#fi�c��. ���TH ��1.l11�fTY HI��'�Fi���L ������`Y � � ; ��r: � �-�- ��� � ; �T��le� AT�T'��T: ��AF�� ���RET�RY I� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 65 � . ���� �� ���� � ������ ��i � A.�C. "����" D� AL�, AY�R ATTE��`: . , I�AN�� C] I�, ��ty �ler�C ��.�� 9� �������� �� �� ����i ���� � ������ ���� � � � �rr��� ..�. �r � �ity A��orn . 1S Agenda Item 8.i. Page 66 T 1 � � ���� ��rt��r� r��l �r�p�r��r in �k�e ���� �� �rr�y� �r����� ������ �� ���n L�i� ������, ����� �f ��li��rni�, �����i��� �� ���l��v�: A�s�ssor ��rc�� �l�rr�be� ��7-4��-�i�, Lo� 1 0� B�oc�C � o� th� �h�r�, �ll���n �n� V'V����i�� ���d�ui���n �1�7 ���r� ��r����� �� tl�� �i#�r �� � Arr�y� Cr�r�d�, ��u�nty �f ��r� �.�i� ��i���� ����� �f ��lif��ni�� �� p�r map �i��d in Book A, Pa�� �� of �Ila�� �r� t�� ������ �f th� �o�r��y I����rd�� �f ��i�i �����y. � Z:IARROYOIA�MT�I��HO�LL�.O�� � � Agenda Item 8.i. 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I � c: City Attorney I' City Clerk � Director of Public Works � I I I 1 \�1XR ' t�il�� �-'� . � t�n� ta�u, � 1�-�� —C� � 1� o�Z � � ; �c 1�P.�v�o-rc�..—C ' , , � � J i , ' I ; ;; O�FARROYO Gf2ANDE jvl . i � APR 18 P� 2� 54 c3 � � i ��� i —p ����-�----_`�_ — ; �-����y� i � � ; �, ,� o_ - - � . oro� o� �tnti s r � O�' �S 12 b5� `�'n G � � � � � • I t"�,� � ' a ---+� h �.°P°' '�' �' �h� 2��s. � �o��n -- � \�,w��,` —2g— ivo �Z - _ _ Cs� yi O��C, '�"�' � o}�ih�—, — _ r j�ol ��- — -- �LS> � 22� W�11�±e ^2�_I--�_ Ull' � Y — — __ �� ti 2y�`�� � �� �,p� I �� � , I � — �� �� — --��� C'N _ � �'�� �� / 1"L�iWUJp�;lt'Ct7 Le���,� _� 1— i — � -, ��O �� O , iZ�,t�r-�k . � �°a:-� °—� - — � — �` °� � � _ `%���SA n�--� t,.�-" - ------- - - , - -- -- - � ---- ------ --- �11�K_ �V-k 1�z1-V�, ------------- I -, -- - - _._ - -- - -- - - � ' pRRO y0 OF C,p hINCOqPORATED 9Z u � ,°e � JULY 10. IB11 * I °9t�FORN�P' MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ CITY CLERK ,/, � �.�_�,r� SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTALINFORMATION AP.RIL 22, 2008 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, ITEM 9.a. DATE: APRIL 22, 2008 Attached are copies of six letters which were received at 4:54 p.m. today from Valerie Bennett and Leonard Berry, the appellants, and from residents on Hilicrest and Sierra Drive who oppose the extension of the No Parking zone on Hillcrest Drive. i c: City Manager , City Attorney I City Clerk Director of Public Works I I i I I I ►� .� � � . � � , � \ � � �. k ' � " � • � � � . '. � � � _ \ `� '� � � �l � � i \ � � � � � � � � � �� � \ � '� � � � �. 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C�-- — ------ -- -- � RECElVEO Dhyana Coburn ,I�Y OF C,RROYD GRANOF 1311 SierraDrive 08 �PR 2� PM 4� 54 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 805-473-9164 21 Apri12008 } - , " Arroyo Grande City Council 215 E. Branch St. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: UNFAIR PARKING SITUATION ON HILLCREST Deaz City Council, I live on Sierra Drive,the cross street adjacent to Hillcrest. From what I understand,the reason for the no pazking signs on Hillcrest is because the street is narrow. That]ogic is extreme, given the fact that all of Sierra Drive is narrow,too. It does not seem fair,nor reasonable to;take away all of the pazking on both sides of the street. Present city standards were designed to keep the streets clear for traffic, however,these streets were formed long before the current standards, and should not be held up to existing policy. A more reasonable solution would be to ban parking on one side of the street. That would be an equitable compromise, allowing a flow of traffic AND additional pazking for the residents. I think bazuiiug pazking on both sides of Hillcrest is LTNFAIR and excessive. Thank you. Sincerely, r � - Dhy Coburn Arroyo Grande Resident RECEIVED Apnl21, 2008 i�1 ;}' p; r,RR0Y0 uf2r1NDE , Q8 APF 2 I P�� 4� 04 City of Arroyo Grande Council Members , �Mayor Tony Ferrara Chuck Fellows, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair I Joe Costello, Council Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council Boazd Member � Ed,Arnold, Council /Board Member � Honorable Mayor and Council Board Members, � We submit tliis perition to you in regard to the Appeal of the no parking zone extension � on Htllcrest Dnve. We fully support the observation, analysis and acrion of the City of Anoyo Grande , Traffic Commission and the Public Works Director to extend this no parking zone � wrthout any compromise as voted on during both meetmgs(Nov and Feb.). This peUtion �, is just a small sampling of how this corner has become a very serious concem to our neighborhood It has considerable safety issues, and we want to go on record that we have observed these near miss accidents long enough. It seems logical to not allow � parking on a curved road that is too narrow by modern standards. This is a serious safety factor to both veh�cular and pedestrian traffic and must be considered due to the fact that there is not enough reachon trme for velvcles either going up or down the liill on this curve where they must share a narrow space to oncoming traffic when cars are parked along the proposed no pazkmg area. We look forwazd to voicing our opinions and position on this agenda item on April 22nd and trust that you will make the correct dec�sion to reject the appeal and remove the bags from the e3cisting no parking signs. Thank you for your review of this petinon against the approval of the subject appeal. Sincerely, Concemed Neighbors of Hillcrest Drive Petirion to City of Arroyo Grande C'. G �� ���-� ��s ������Jb�;� 7� y�. pc'(c�'i�nl P� �egu�i�� �� ��� �f �a°�°��� ��°���I� Petition summary and No Parking designation is needed on the entire corner of Hillcrest Drive, from 1585 and further up the hill. The City's background Tre�c Comm�ssion has voted to change this twice and it has been stopped by the 1585 property on both acasions. - (recently appealed) This comer has proven to be unsafe to both traffic and pedestnans mainly due to vehicles from the ` "� _- ''—-" " `ss i 1585 property parking in the proposed no parking area on a daily basis. - Action petitioned for � We, the undersigned,are concemed citizens who urge City Council to follow through with the City of Arroyo Grande's �- Treffic Commission to post no parking on both sides of the road all the way up the hill and around the corner on Hillcrest Drive. The signs are already in place, but covered up. Please overturn this Appeal. Printed Name Signature ' Address Comment Date � 3 � 3 �' �r ,n � c,, r��ft �'� ��, i , �, -�{�dB � -"- —t�e. e,�cf�-.^� �crv�.� s s .�T � � s� ;� �.sr Q�, 6e, �� eQ.k; �lo -Ib yeu�. y-Il�of� � o . -rl�e -crufF�� co�r�T'�� SSi�Y� � � hGa :ied -rw.ce Yo ha,yel�a IZ'Qg cc+h �'e�+er� � t5go N� It � �r� J ��.n �" � _ ecc� �ner i�er rs �e .�ka � ,n /5 �t�,..�.��"�s�.�y���e,� � �.�� T�3. �aeFs _ria�5 � -r -e e s �s nery.to Th�s K� vE Tw�," 1 � c�,�Q«S �F,� � �s ,�� � � � o , _. i531 i���,rt�sfi- i� �.�a � s.��o,,.{ �-�b -csg <� J A ,�/ �j� sp �o�PoT/� p �i17/T� �l� /aai/ ���Sj/�1ft �v�in��� '7�'�/o-o�f- �s S 1�W�- a-o �v �n c � � hJ� l � 0 � c�,�Ut�� • � �-1�b p � � � J�`vr w �c.o Sz i. �' `' ��G � s � �v . Sb:�r :� a •n�r�� - !t, � c, c ��� �U �i � CJ�S� �v. o.r v�� c �1'�L- P"�- !� 3 + J7a.�. -K r.��: vc z 1 � l 3 �t�NO'c5C 1�' �G S4.�ct h ¢ a. 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Th� �tr��t s����n� �f Hi�l�r��� ��iv� �n �u��ti�r� i� �n � ��di�� ��rv� r���su�fn� a���r��c�r�n���l� 1�� ���tr �ri�r�t�� �r� � d��r�rn���l �r���, v�r�#� n� �����nr�r�C� �r� �i�l��r s�d� ���h� r����rr�}r. �n h����r���r 1�t ���� ���� �tt��t�r��n� �1�. '��, t�� Tr��fi� ���nrn���i�� r�v��v�r�d a� �i����r� r��u��t �� r�rn�u� ��r�Cir�� �n b�tfi� si��� �� �h� r����r�y. TI�� ������� ��rr�� b���� �n ��r���rr�s �ha�# ##�� str��t i� ��� n�rr��rv t� a�l�� r��rth���r�d �nd s��t�b��r�� �r�fi�� �� pa�s �t #I�� ��rr�� tir�� v�r��r� �r�hi�l�� �r� ��r�c�� ir� ��� �r���n�ty, tl�� ���d�r��� �f tl�� ��n �� �b����� t�� �ri�i�� ���ri�r�r� ��t� 'rr� �F�� �ft�r���n a�n� p�����ri�n ����ty, 1�1�� ��r�r�r�si�n ��rt���qu�r�tl� r���rr�r��r�d�d �� �h� P�b�i�1111�rk� �ir��t�r��i�y �r��fn��r#�� ins�a��l����r� �f "I�� ��r�c�r��rr �igr�� �n ���f� si��� �f th� r�a�v�ra}� b��vv��r� 'I��� a�nd '���1 �--l�I��r�s� �r«r�. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 1 �r�r �����r� �������F�A�I��1 �� A�V �PP��4L F�F� �`F,IE E�CT��1�I�N �F A "h�� P�4F��CI�V�#' ���lE �I� F�I���F���T �F�I11� ��F�IL ��, ���� P�#C� - � - �� �V���r�nb�r '��, ���� {��� Att��h���t �V�. �}, th� Tr�ffi� ���rr�i����n r�����nr�� �n�th�r �iti��r� r��u��t t� ��ct�nd �h� `{IV� Par�Cir�g" ��n� ���r� 'I��� t� 1��� �--lil������ �ri�r�, prir��ril� f�r t�� ��rn� r����ns �i�r�n ��rir�� �F�� fV��r�r���r ��� '���8 r��u��t. T�� r��u��� v�ra� ba���d �� �r�hi�l�� ���k�d �rr ��� ���si�� �r��i�� �f ��� r�a��r�ra�� a��ja���n� t� ��� �r���r�� ��� �� 'I��1� I��II�r��� Dri�r�. �n �r�pa�r�ti�t� ��r th�� r����in�, ��bli� r��ti�i��#i�� f���r� �v�r� alistribut�d �r� N��r�r�b�r �, ���� t� t�r� h�r��s �ir���l� ��j���r�� t� tF�� �r�p���� p�r�C�r�� ��ct�r����n. �`f�� ��r�nrx�i�si�n ���ri��r�d tl�� ir���rrna�ti�� �r�� �p�n�� �h� r�����n� �� ����i� ��r�r��r�t. ��� ��bl�� ��r�nr��r�� �r�� ���r��r��u� �r� ���ir supp�r� �� �h� �i����r� ��q���t. TI�� ��rr�r�i����n ��������n�l� �����t�d ���fF'� r����nr�n�r����i�� that th� �fr��or of Publ�� V1�or�CS �i��ctorl��ty �ngi��er ����d tf�e "I�o Par�Cin�„ zon� �r� F�i I I�r��� �rN�r� �� r�����t�d. �r� N��r�r�nb�r �1, ����1, L��r�a�rd ���ry �� 'I��� Frl�ll�r��t �riv� ��n�����d ��� P�,�ii� 11V�rf�� D�p�r�rr��n� ���tir�g �h�� �� ��d ���n ��t �f t��r� �nrl��r� th� n�ti��s r��r�r� ��I��r�r�d, ��rr�� ��a�l� t� ��t�nd tl�� r����in�� �r�� �nr�s �pp���d �� �h� ��ct�r��i�r� �f t�� "IV� �a���c�n�}} ��r��. Mr. ��r�y �t���d t�� �r�h��l�� �ar�C�� �n t�� �tr��t ����n��d �� h��, b�� d�d r��� ��s� a� �r�bl�rr� �� th� �ra��r�Ei�g ��bli�. He r����n�� t��t�h�r� ��� ���n n� ���'r��n�� i� ��� ���� �r�� t��t v����l�� #r��r�li�� �nr��� �nr�ll a��nra�r� ��tf�� I�r�n'r�a�ti�n� �f�#�� r���v�r�� arrd �����t�d t��ir �rivir�� ��bi�s ����rdin�ly. �r� ��c�er-r���r 1�, ����, L����rd ��rry �n� 1la�l��i� ��r���� �f 'l��� Hi�l�r�s� �ri�r� �p�k� a�t t1�� ����i� ��rr��n��� ��rtf�n �f �h� T'r��fi� ��r�nrr�i��i�r� r���tir��. ��t� ��brnitt�d I�#��rs d���r��r��ir�� t��ir p�siti��. TI�� ��r�nrr�r��i�r� inf�rr��d th� ������r��� t��t �in�� t�� i��u� ��d n�t ���n ������ �r� �I�� rn��tir�g ���r��a�, n� ����t� ���Id b� �a��C�r� a�t �h� r���tir��. Th� ��rr�rr��ssi�r� a���r���� ���ff t� f�rt��� r����r�h th� i��u� �nd ����� ���� 7�A���� ��� ������� ����1��7■ r �� �� �r� F�br��ry ��, ���� ���� A#�a��hrr��nt N�. ��, ��a�� �r���n��d the i���� ���ir� �� #�� Tr�f�i� ��r�r�ni��i�r�, ��t�fyir�g t�� r���d�nts a�dj��r�� t� �h� r��dv�r�� ���r��r�� �r� �����i��. ���f� �re��n��d t�� ��r�� i���r�a�t��n �s i� th� �r��r���� rne��'rn��, �ut �I�� �u���st�d an a�lt�rna����r� ��r ��r�si��r����n b�r t�� ��r�r���s���, Tr��i� ���nr�nis�i�r� �'�I��� 1�1�. T� ����.�'I. TI�� ��li�� �������e� th�t `�c�r-�i�� �i�� b� ar����v�c� cr���r� ��� o��side edge o,f ��r� ��rng��t �o���s' o�f'�oac�wcx�y�s �ith c��ves ��e� c�deq�a�� �e��cu�c�� s���t� � c�i�tcr��� r'�s a�vc�r�c����, �c��s�c� ����a ��� �s���c� ��f`��� ��crd�vc�,y". T�l�I� ��1.'I �f t�� ��r��'�r�s I--lig��v��r ���i�rr Illla�nua�� �nr�� us�� �� � b��i� f�r t�� r���r�nr��r���ti�r�, �vh��h ���i�n���� '��� ���t �� si�ht di��a�r��� ��r a� ��si�n ����� �� �� rr�il�� ��� h��r, �t��f ������ �h�t �h� ���li���i�r� ����� �������d p�l��� v�►�uld �r��ri�� �p�r��cinn���l� �� �'rn��l ���� �� ��rkir��, �vhi�h i� �n�u�� f�r tw� �����I�� �r� t�� �utsi�� ��v����rr�� ���� �� �h� r���v�r�� ��t�v��r� '���� �r�� '���� �'rl��r��� �ri�r�. F�Il�v�rir�g r�vi�v�r �� th� ir���rn�ati�n, p���i� ��r�r�r��nt� ���r����� b�r Il�r. ��rry, Il�s. ��r�r��t�# �r�� �h� ��h�r r��igF�b�r���d re����r�t�, th� ��r�nr����i�r� ���ri��� ���in�t t�� �r��ti�n �� �I�� pr�p���d �r�f�'r� p�li�� �rnd r���fir�n�d th��r I���r�r�n��r 1�, ���� r���r�n��n�f�ti�n t� th� ��bli� V11�rk� ��r��t�r �1�� ��ct�n�r�r� �f t�� "N� ��r�cir�g" ��r�� �n �rl��r�st �r���. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 2 �r����n��r�.. � ��IV����F��Tl�I� �� A�1 A��E�L F�� �H� E�TE�����I �F � �`�� �AF��[Ih1C�' ��iV� �iV F�ILL�F�E�T �F�111E �#�F�I�. ��� ���� ���� i � � �r� F��rua��y ��r ����t P�r��i�1lV�r�CS ��e�v� ��ct�nd�d t�� ;;�V� P�rki��}, ��r��. ���� �1��jr ir��t�����'r�n �r� F��r��ry ��, ���8, L��r��r� ��r�y ��n�a�t�� ��� �i�y vrr�#h � r��u�st #� ������ t�� d��i�i�r� �f��� P�b�i�V1l�rlcs L��r��t�r���ty �r���r���r. �t�if I��� r��ri�v�r�� tl�� �r���rr�a�t��n �r���r�t�d �rr th� IVl�r�t� ��, ���8 I�t#�r, �hi�l� �r��l�d�d a� p�ti�i�� ��rp���tir�� �p��siti�� �� ��� ��ct�n�i�n �� �l�� H�II�r��� ����r� "�V� �ar�C�r��„ ��r�� sfg��� �� �� r���d�r���. 11Vi�h tl�� ��c������n �f Il�lr, ���� a�r�d ll����-i� B�nn�ft, �I� ��� r�����n��� �nr�r� v�rithir� th� ��n�r�l r��i�I����F����, b�t I��r�d �u���d� �h� s��r���� �� Hill�r��t �ri�r� ur���r ��n�fd�r��'r�� ���th� "I�� P�rkir�g„ ��r��, Based or� �he �n��rr��tion p�����t�d, �t��F r��omr�e�d� the �ity �ourr�il �dopt a r�s�l��i�n d����n� th� ��p��l �� ����n��� ���ry �n� 1lal�ri� �3�n��tt ��� ���r��rir�g t�r� ��c#��si�n ���h� ��c���i�� `�N� P�rkin�" ���� b��i�v��r� '���� �r�� 'I��� Hi�r�r��t �ri�r�. AIV�1L1��1� �F ���1���: Th� ���rr��n� �f F��II����t �ri�r� ��tv�r��r� 'I��� a�r�� ���� �� n�rr�v�r, th�r� �r� n� s���v�ra�l�c� �n� �t�� r���v�r��r �� ��� ��r���r�,ct�d t� ��rr�r�t r����va�� ���nd�r��. �h� rr��r�i�u�rr r���r�rn��d�d v�ri�#� �� �r�hi�l� �r��r�l I�r�es �r� r��i��nti�� �tr��t� is '�� ���t. T�� r�ni�ir-�n�r� r���r�rr��n��d �vid�� f�r ��r�cir�� lar��� is � ���t, ���s, t�� rr�ir���nu�n vrr���� f�r t�nr� ��II tr��r�� I�r��� �r�d � ��rki�� I�r�� i� �� f��t. i--�fl����s� �ri�r� ra�n��s �r�r�n �� t� �� f��t �n vrri���, �vhi�h ������ ����ir�� v�hi���� int� t�� ��p��it� lar�� ���ra�u�l v�r��� �a�r� a�r� ��r�c�� a�d ja���n#t� �h� r��dv���r. �� r���r�r���d�d �}� t�� Tr�fFi� ��rr�r�i�si�r�t �h� ��r� �f�i�� �risit�� �h� sit� �� Fri���, Illl�r�� �, ���� t� r��'r�v�r th� r��r����r�r��'rlity �� fir� #r���C� thr�ugh th� r��dv�ra�y ���r��r��. T�� Fir� ��i�f a����d t�r�t t�� p�r�C�� �r��i�i�s ���Id ���� ��i�i��l�i�� �� ��� fir� tr�r�k� �r�r�� th� lirni��� r���v�r�� v�ri��h, ���vr���ll �r�d� a�n� r����r�ra�� ra��iu�. IVIr, ��rry a�r�d IVI�, ��r�n�tt h��r� �rg�r�� �i��� �II #h� �tr���� i� ��� �nt�r� n�i��b�r���� �n��������d �� Er ��r�i�� F���I t� t�� r��rthr Hi�l�r��� Dri�r� t� tl�� ���t �n� ���tht �nd ��k P�r�c ���I���rd t� th� �r�r���, ��'� �'121�'�'�VI� �I�C� ��2�� ��1� �I� I� �1�� ��I��f���l�� 11� ��1��� �r���r��rr��nt. TI��� b�li�v� t�� �����i�� b� tf�� �ir��#�� �f F���I�� 1111�r�c����ty �r�g'rrr��r �� ���r�ir�a�t� �a�r�cing �n H�II�r��t Dri�r� �nr���� a�l�� I�a��� t� ����� t� ��r�ry ��r��� �r� ��� r�������r���d, �vh��h �a�� �� �n ���i�n f�r ��r��id�r��i�r�, I--I�v�r�v��, r��id�r�t� a���r�g tl�e�e raadv�r�ys l�a�re n�t e��r�sse� comp�air�t� to �h� ���ff or t�e �arnr�i��ion �nd �#�ff h�� ��t�rrn�n�� �h� �ig�t �i��� �I�r�� tf���� ��r���� a�r� ������t� t� s�� �n-��rr�ing tr�fi�'r�. �1LT��IVATIIIE�: TI�� f��l�v�rir�� a�lt�rr�a�t��r�s a�r� �r�v���� f�r�h� ���n�ilr� ��r��id�r����n: � �d��t � r�s��u�ti�n d�n��n� th� a�pp��r �� L��n�rd ��rry and ll�l�ri� ���r��tt �f '���� Hi�l�r�s� �ri�r� �n� �p�r��r�n� t�� ��ct�r��i�n �� tl�� �����ing "N� ��rl��n�" ��n� ���w��r� 'I�7� �nd 'i��� H�Il�r�st �ri��; � Appr��r� tl�� �p��al ar�� dir��� ��af�t� r�r�n��� th� "N� F��rking� �ign�; Agenda Item 9.a. Page 3 �r�r ���n���� ���V�I�EI�#TI�I� �F I�I�V APPE�L. 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Page 23 �o��*�� t��s��:� �'�� a�����e��s��iis: �e d.�-��-�����������v���� �e�r���e�e�t�is � . ����]R�� ��.���_��.����. �� �riv����'�����e��r�����i�r�t��. ��..�ri�e 1�--�� � � .. �P� �����r��. �4���o ��e ��l dri������r��'?�.���a�s���re����ov� �����r�a� �� r�a�rro�� . ���� h����y �� ��� ���x�rp����. ������'��e����rr�r���x� ��� ne�g��or�ovc��o r����i � �s ��������a�������i�� �r��i����t��r��h.�r���. ������ ������������.�1���. ������ ����r .- ����r����r�'��a�c����������� ��� �.� �1���� �� t�i� ����r��.�v����l, ��� ��� � �n����r��r�1���������a��i��� ,.. ��� ����rc���� ������t��� �� �����m.���t�����x��� � t� ����c� �����,.. ��t���r�I��v�r�����u��sc� ��i������a��� t���a�-��� ��-�� �r��� �i���, ���z���a���r�rni1� a������ �t�a�� �t����� �r���a��. ���'�� ��i�r����� ����1� t����o� �� �1�a���s�e the fa��s����e������i�x�e��co�����a�, ��u�ay�at kr��v� t�e��es of�o�r r�����bc��������ro�1���������tl�e��fa��� a�� ����e������ �o� se� � ��v�al�i�ag�ii�roac�, r�o���stu�yi�g a�r�a��#`it, ��at��a s�ar�ge u�a��a1� ��e������e ��������r���������r�� �.a���t� ��ct���������'�x������ ��i�r���r v�a����r�. ���ars�r�r���t a��o��d���e��.r��d a���e s�r�et, tra�� w�u�c��ove ����r���f t�a#�ic r���r�� �aster,��t�i�r�e�a�iv�s �f�lir�d�e�, a�rr��t���� and �i�� �Io���������� arr� e��ss �`x�rr� ����s e��, ���e�1��ex�r����c� �h�����o��d r�o ����t�� a������t� a.nc��x�������ri��r�,�����, ����r���� � �r�����rg�����r����������.s �����-b��s. ��� s��� �a�1��d��r�� ��a���v��ac�� ��a��� �o�x�o'� YFo� ����do�v�! �c� c�ut�o�s��go a��u�� i����t�� ��o��r��.��of t���a�r��c� ca�as ��ea�s ��`s��v�ir�g c�o�rn�raf�c ����a�c���b��t. �'�,e ta���a���i��t���a�ir�g�o ir�s�all a�d rr���t��r��e s��e�����. 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For rr�ax�y�re�rs v�r�i�yoc��r�t�e� �i���rest, fro� E� �a�rr��r�� �e�al,y�u drov�� a • # ; � � � v�o�de�x s�g�on�e�o�er o���11�r�s�a�d ����rra�r�ve t�a���st�d th�Ia�t�arr�e�o�eac1� o�#h�prop��ov�e�s��t��r����o�r�ood. �t���d�o u�, the�rs�time�e s��v�t, �ik� ar�ir�a��o�t of a Ro��w��l p�.ir���x��. T�iat si�had c�ete�o�a�ec�o���t�e��ar�ar�d was ��aved ����v�ear� ��o. �o�lec�ivel�r the���,re ap��o�i�nate�����or�es ar�th� _ . �o�ti�uo�s 1o�p ofl����c�est D�i�e ar�d ��erra�ri�re fi�aa��onst��ite�t�e r�� �o��oo�� � � i � � ���Iy���es �r�. � shou��a�d�ha�sorr��o��he p�p�e�r1�a��ve on �i�rra l�r�v�also�a,rk o���I��re.�t�r���. ���ci����r�t�.�r��dex��s of��9�, I��9 �d �5�� ��e�ra l���e. �i���res�i�a�����tl��n a��a��r���rr�a��1���f�. w�c��a���������. �i��r acc.���#��ir ��,rk�d ca���p��s a�c��l�vated�i�k, v�ral�cv�a�ys t�at��ter�d�o th��t��e����,t�e�a�1� � ����ir�i��es. � . Ass��ta,���it��gir��r, ll�i��I��rr�, ��l�s r���a��ur������r����c�v�ra� � or�gi�a�1�ur�der�ou�t���is�����or� ar�d t�at t�e i�iti���ar�r�i�g a�d c��ve�o�rne�t w�� �a�dlec�by the�o�nt��a�er,th�� s�re��s��e ha�d�d�v�ar as a r��� bor�oo�to��ci� � � ��A�-�-o�� ��.��. T�e�e�ig�b�o��ood�s�so�at�d a.r����ov�., �rom so�e�egr�e�ror�th��a�o�der . - c�mnr���it�r. ��v��eo��e e�r��na.r��r 1�n������e�i�le���, ar��war���it. ��'s�ard t��i�d. �raf�����a���i�t�a�;�os�of�e tr����s��nerate�1�y t��r��i�,�orhood� �� . , . , ; # * # �1� _ v�r1�� a�� �a�r��I��r v�r�tt���s�arr�u�,v�n���o�d�i�1et��v�t����err�t��1 ���rse�. I���es : seldo�ca��u�for sa.�e. I��h�rt,t����o��e driv��i�t���ei�hborhood are��va�e, : se�s�r�ed dri��c�ui��far�il�ar v�it�.�h��h�ra������h�r��. . �VI��C��y�,a�si�t���ity en.�eer�����ax�c���������r r��i���rs � . - �a����.i.��a���t rr��r��rki���r�tl����tr��t a� tlaat tirr������1�����1a��i���s���y � �ri��a�.d sorn�of t�e fa�o�s�h��i���o��id�r�v��e�eva�r��ti���r��d ar indi����s �om�or 1�e�a�ior f�r s�tfety. ��on�i��d#�a�t ir��orma�o�a�d����ar��ti��o�the s�#'� f��ors as �pre���ed��d�ir�g o�r��rb�►1 p�es�ta�ior�at�e�en�b�' r���ing.� Armec�v�rit��is c�~i��ri�a�ad cor��e��� �se�ou��or a v�a�k i�r�y r�e�gh�a�-hooc�. I , �e�d�d�1�����oo�t�i�a c���erm�r�e�f I��v�in a r�eigh�ar�o�od�at�vas s��e#�dr�ve � ��v����C��. ��r�th���t�res��r����r���r�ty c���n n��� ��r�' r� ert �ha��c;rea��d . Y � � � � � or��ss��d sa���r? V��r�t��e b��aviors or��ny p�or�ny��igl�bo�' �ar�#.�a�ir��s�d ��d��as� sa���y?�����r#r��s�h����m I��r���il��� � a�n��rr��� m ��� hb��� va�id? � � � : � � Agenda Item 9.a. ; � Page 41 f 1 � � � r i � } # ���-�i�w�at�a�served. ���� sav��omrr��r�t or�rr�y i�nm�diat�r�ei �orl�oo� � . � � �� app�oa�irnate��7�or��s, �o�r t�ae er�c�. I�ave r�a r�o�pla�r��a�o�t r�n �i�a�or��1��r�st . � .i x���g����-s. I�� �av���i�st�ry���or��.err�s�r�1�v�i�� �x�a�ne��a��������r�st r��i . . �' g1�b�ars : v��� ����C�������r������a�r '�'7. ��, �����rnit��d t��� �c����c�c�r�ss�f . . , , � horn�s o� _ ���r�I�r��r��nd�����r�s��r�v���or�g vv�th thel�r�e a�i��sa�`�� fa��ars ��t _ �, , ; � ; � � �v�rba���r ; p �ser�t�t�a��r�farr�at�a�at�e�er�r��e�rs ���t��g. �ov�reve� �ha�re�o�e.�rr� arr�at � y e�r : obse�atior�s �n saf�y�'a�to���r��irr�r�edi�t�r��� �i�ors. � . � .. �98 �I����r�est; �orr�e���'I�i���-�st a�nd���rr���iv��as�dr��ewa s. �e�we � � � . �lir�� ���-ve� ar��a�ru�#r�es��#'��.�rv���r�th��-�ac� �,1�� wi��r��� . , . . . � � v�����l��y be��,� � �����k�d�������a��a���t�c�r���v�ays, �i�'��orn ����� �ra� -s���ti , � � � ���r������a�l�� o�t of t�e d�v�v�a�. ��ir�m�d���e r�eig��o�s at 1���� �58�, I��6 ar�� ��4� ���I�r�st Dr�ve a�l� l�ave - ax�d s�iare si�ila�r��ga�ve sa�et��a�tors. �li�c�d�-i�ev�ra �acl�-o���e es � . � g�' s v�r�t� ��s�biiit�r o�f onco��g t�a#���,�p�����b�ack�d� s�c�c��r� a�ut�curve ' � . � , a.r�d�II ���oa�l�a�nd h��r�at�a� �o�o�a���s�o��at th�s�re�t-�v�r�i��fu�e�blir�ds #�e�ir ' ���w . �o���ic�at�d�y 8 �o I�fe�et�a�I parnpas�ra+ss�v��ch a��o bla�ks v�iev�of t�-af�i� . . * # * a�nd �e���-ia�.s �so��ca.ses��a�ect�r�g�vel��nta�ie�#���. �r�s�� ��er���e ba� . . � � �C o��of �ei�drl�rev�r�ys t�ie�r��v�almo�t��ro�s�bi�� a�Hi1lc�e��e��v�s�d��i� ' �Y �as r����1�. ��t a r�ess; �6���of the a��roximate����r��s ��t�e�ei �ar�.aod hac��� . � l�s�o�a�ne�at�v��afe�y factar; mar�y�ar�e���d�r�.�1�i ���� �ti��fa��tors. �h I� � �t� : s�►�'� r�i ht��r��� ��� ���vas�'�t��air�i11�d v�it�t��s��c�����ra�ir� ���ee���n �� � �ax� �o�l���x��ir��a ea�h�t��r a.r����d�str�a.�s? �y�a��'��he ro�d�a�too�v�it1���id . mar�s �d pov�de�ed w�it��ro�en�vir�ds�i���c�g�ass;��er�v�r���t�e t��v�,i��CS�a��ir� . �v�ra ��la ��d c��st�o �d � � � � � � cars. V�ere wer����o��c�����r��au�ac�cider�t r����a�nci � ��'�m���s�r���e�a��-of-��f�to��tr�ica�e di�e� f�a�n �a��� ���s�ed car�? I s � av�r no�� o���s. I��tead, ����v��a�����uall�friex�dly, smi�in �0 1� r�e� �a�rs ev �v �� � � � e� �e�-e. � : sa��v t�i�p�o���t�o�usy v�ra�king�o ��at u�it�t�e olc�e�r I�a�iar��va�n���o s er�c�s m o��e�r� ' � �st a�������ard-v�r��r1c. ��, t�e�a��oc�C�o����e 1V���i��'�a���r ar�d�a.��Lea�d�r�val�n a�a �orr� � Y �is ma.��bo�,p�usi��i��i�x���d�e o�'#�i� I 7 foo�vv�ic�e r�ar�rov�r roa��aik�� to t,he '� � � . � � �r who � �as�ally s�ap��d h��c�r. �'v�o older r�n�,wal�c�n s�c��-b �s�de ��a�ti�x wit� , � ; � � � �� y ��a�I do���ea�s�e��o t1��1r 1�ar�d�; �e�r vv�ve�� or 4��rid�s l��h��d ta�.kxn ���i� . . , �, � �, ; �rr������ ... �����#1���l�r���ra����r��ith����c���� e���yir� �i��a�1 �:or��t��xt��r�a� � s�ni�' - � � �g�nd g�-e�t�ng ev�o�e����s�... �ya����om��Ic�ir� t�e�i�d o���r�it�� * • • . . . � bo�v�ho s v���g��g 11�����alls�s t�ey wal1��the��s�de o��.�ro�d a�s t�� � approa�� a�dden,�t�,�li�c��u�v�... �e e�de�r1���d�ir�a�o�e�r�d I�aus��oa�v�t�.a . �o�ve1�pp�a�-o�nc��ier�i�a��r}xo �th��aic�o�a�v��� �air�fx�i� v��1�s in �"st�~ic��s � i � � ; � �w�r� a��n���1�����r������ve�y a�#�ern��r������1�u��1��r�n��;��r�va���r ro`��i� � � 1 � � or� �e�t out���t��r�arrow �7 faot vv�ide�aad. I sa�"�el�a'��bu��I�e does�'t l����. T���our�g,j�gg�morn v�ri#�h�r�r���x��r�,a�ic�c1�, s��n s� �� b�b st�rol�er�r�ix� � � � � � �i��ux��s��p t�e hi�I�n�r�r��o�r�y�o�se. T���var�a.�w�t�i fih��-o�� �rder���h�r _ # , * * * � . front�ard,��r�e�s�est�g�r�a gar��rr�at���e sh� a���t1 tr�r�����os�s�� � Y ���s � ����de�d��. out�t�a r�arrov� 1?f�v�rY�e��re��a�#��to� of a biir�d�i�� w�a�re a� or��om�r��driv�r�vou,���o��e���r�s���ap�ro�c�ie�. _ ����ix��i��hi�: �.�����r�Il����r��ig�i��r���c���u s����rn�t��r�g��i�� ir�ca��e�t: ��a�at�i�t a���a�s�o�e���tr�.e��c�y�i��y, r��rr��, da� �ro�s�aa� � F i � Agenda Item .a. � Page 42 �, . s s .� i � �����C v�r�t���g�ti�� ��f�t��'��t��s��1i��i� �� au�c� � ��� ���, �� �����d� � �� � � � � �� �� � � �orr�����������ivi��� �� �#� in��r�r��d������r�g t��ta���#'����h��r��oc� ��f��r�� � � �omp��t�Iy re�a�e�l,��-d�fer�s�ve�n�r�e�r. : ��v���i���'? �'h�ar�su��r i�#�i�: ����i�r�rea�� s���1 t I..�����r ���t�i� . � � � = �����1� I��A�..I������I��. �V�c�ri��c�������v���a.r�c��a�i���.,1�, ��c�riv� 1���� ; �P� s�o�vly. �y do�re a��dr�v�sl���y�? ��c�a�se v�e��lar�o�v th�roa�is�arrow, : �x�rv�, ��1��r ar�� f�ull ����rpri���. ���c��r�'���a�1 ��-i���hr�u��ais ��i ��rh��ci��n�r���i Y � _ as ��ic���a1�a�ar����r v����i an���������r�th�.� it. �������������boc��r E�g1i��. ��� �e�a : yo��u��er�od�fo�-�var�l a�d z��st yo�r a.r�s a�d�1b��vs or�t���te�� �he��. �o� see � - ax��t�e��a�slov�ri�ap�roa�1����... yo� slowc�o�o�r spe�d��� t.�ie�r�a�C���r�ar�ro�tur� a�e�d����u�... ��t1���r���v�r�r��e�d��s����x�a���s����arl�ed�ar�������ri�t. �o��xs�a�ly smi�e a�d�av�a��ac�other�s�a��a.ss. �o�'re c��v�ix��so s�ov�r����a��you } - �ar� �1�arl�r����h��a��s ��t1����ea���ir�t���r��orr�ir���ar. Y���a��r r������v t�i��am� � of�o�r neig�bors,b�� �o�1�,ow t�e��,�t��r fac�s �c� ex�r����ons�a�se�by�vall�ir�� t�is road, n�t�y s�ud��g a rnap of it,that i���t�ar�ge way a11�he negat��re�a��ors�vork tog�th�r to ma�c���ar� �xtr�el���f�ro�d��c�ri�e a�r�v�lk on. � . If��rs�verer�'t a��ow�d to����.r�C�d o�.t�e s�re�t, t�af�r�v�o�1d move - . ��s��r a.�c�i�tra�f�i����r�d �'��r�if t��r��gat��es ���1�r��c�����r����i�I�s a��vi�� ������d ing��s�and ���ss frr����r�es ���. v�r�r� fi�1������es��d t�����v�u�r������x�t�� � ���ic�e�ts �n��r�ed���rian ir�j�r�ies. _ ���arare�y, I�au�d�rg����a�1���a� a�t�s�p��ed-b��s, �ou see a � p�.r�Ced�o�a a r�a�~ro�ra�d, v��a�c�a yo�c�o?��u s1o�v c�ow�� �d�au�i�u�l�r go a�o�d � � i��c��h�eco�a�rr�ic���t����rk�d�ar as ��n�ar.r�s ������rir�����traf��ax��ar�t����. � T'h��x--pa���is�ot�a�in��o�r�s#��� �.n�ma�r�t�ir� the s�a�ed��m�. T'h�p�op��t�at c�rive � ar�c��ark�e�r cars ir��e n���h�arhood�e ofF�ri�g��s se�o�ada�y��e�it to th��r - ��ig�i�a�s ar�d t�-pa�� �t t���r e��er�se.�ot a�ad d�a� for t�e�u�1i�i�th�se : �ha1��r�g����is� #��m�s t���sma1l-��w�s fa�e. �i�.na�l�r� I'n�r�o�s�s�re sp�d b�mps a��va.ys wor�. I m�xst ac�xni�I b�al��#��1av�r fi�ie ot�a�r��g1�t �ar�du�t�r�����d��st on t�� �p��b�m�s o�l�ev�rpo�t���;��st��tsic�e of��r�e�g��orho�d. � ���re�a��o� rax� eas�ly�xc��d�e ��a�l��it�d c�i���5 rn��e���r _ ; �aur ove�s����u.�ps doi�g��o c��,mag��o �ra�.r�ar. I�,ic�t�is dr�vi�.r�g a I�9��`oyota � �ar�ry�-�#'a�m�1�r�ur. I����ra��v�����ed t����d 1irr���,ar�c�vv�ith a��i.r1����1�ri�� : �r�n����r�t��� s��d��r��s t�aa��os�t��t,a�-pa��rs �f Ar�o�r� �a�c��s�r������� , : mo�e�. ��u�a����le��ad�d�ov��i�e�a�i�rn�r��i��orhood,tr�r�i���o�0 4� �n�h��,a na�rr�v��oac�v�vitl���a�r��d�r��x���r wa�r, ��ver��f���'r�a�e������ror�� . ��a�g�d te�r�a��r�a1�c�iv�r��a���i��rf�rma.�c��� a 1i�I��wi����t�����f��ur �rai�th����als�vit1� s�1f-�r�s�rva�or��i1� �1icl�on ax��s�����u t�ov��c�c��ar�d�i�� �o�c�u�io�sl�r�a�i�a�e a.�o����par�� car. � �y�ei��or�oo�v�t�car�p�rl��d ir��ar�io�s�oncen�t�or�o�th�str�t t.�rou�hout it is �t s�f�n�ig��ar�o�c� fo�r�ri�er��d��d�striar�s. ��a�e 1��es a� 1585 � �i���rest�3riv�for I 8 y�ars anc� I�ave p�r�C�d car��r��ror��t of��ho�s��or �S ye��nd � t1��x��a�no���en one a���d�t�n�rar�t o�rny�ose or ir� �ront ofr��r�earfi�� a�d � �onc.�e�d imrne�i���r��gl��or's�or�e�s d��r���hat�ir��. ��re�a�s b��o ir�j�ry�a c�-i�ers��r�vde�t�iar� �c�tha�����ca�s�v��a11�ri��x���1�r�1�v�1��s�s�ic��ar��er,t�is is _ a�iid�e�,r����d neig�bo��io�od. �Tir�xal�y� a��of its t�f���s��er�t�d by t�e ����c��irr�a��������rn��w�ers. 'F��r�i���ry l�tt1�t����������c�����]�i�r��s��iail�r ir� : � � Agenda Item 9.a. ; Page 43 + Y a � � � ��ir���dia�e ne�g�borhood; r.�o����it is ir��e�itter��. A���rr�� �v�i�e do�r� ar�wor� * ` r � �� � � I'v�r�ot�� ���o�r or�o���a�r pass v�t�out a�ar�ass�r� b . �t's a�sa��e�� b�r�oad � . . � � � � �or dr�ver� �d�����a�s�ec�a�s��v�a�l dr�v�v�ry���v�r� a�r�c��aur��au�� . �� ardi� � Y � g � : s�re�t ar��o#'f s�r��p��C��g ir��e r�e�g�ba�rh�o�: t���o�r��af o�`f-�t��t a,r�� ��t�e � � � ��ig�a��r�oo�ap��ars�o b�di��ate�by topa�ra����r; �l��r�t�a�Ia��is f�a�a�d�vorka�le � you ��c�mo�e o�#'sfi��e���rkir�g v�rh�r�t���opog�a��y x�h��1 , a��xte ar a�ru � or�f�r�d � 3� � � � : Ie�s��=��r��t�a�l�i��. �����ra�, th��a�t�rr�������gra�a�a�r�� ��r��u��at�ax���m ���h� ; r��igh��r���ci. ����eq��r��l�, s� i�t���a�tt�����f��tr�e� ar�ir� ��rai�a�ili� . I��n � � � Y Y � a��te�r saf��r�s�es�mer�t of�he ne���ar�iaoc�, �o�se�ve��ost�io�s�s h�ve o�'stre�t : �aa��ix�� ���r��� ��a�-s. .��a�c�f�� ����s�c����� �o��c��r�� ac�or��oc�a����-� c�r� a.n� Y : ap��r��i�a����r ��—�������s��c�����r��rl�i�g 1�t ��ail���1i �b��t� a��C � �� 1���rs � � � . of#'t�e s�re��. Ir���r��1, o�f s�r���a�I���g availa�i�it�r i�r�dorr� �� tt�� ��t o��o � � � . �a�re���s�ers�f t�e l�ave�ar�c��a��-�ot�. I��m�ir����a��n�� bo�ooc�. I ar� a��ve � r�ot sr��~ror��d�d��r��s���r�o��av�s: 1 S�H �i��crest�a.r�eas���r�a��C 1� car���these� o� str��ar�a�; I�90�pa.r� 8 or mo�e; 15 S��ar��a,rk 8-��� 15 f���s� �o� �d�a , pa.r�C S-1��ars, �54� car�pa,r1�at��a�st S �a,rs ar�� ���7�-th� a�t ��a�m�de#he cor� 1a��t . , � , � Y � : to �he pa�k��x�corr�m�ss�o��ot��c�e�s�l�r par1�8 �ars a.��ha�e�r�ou �oo� 1e��o Ia�ac�� . . . , � � h�l��o���, 1��'���t���ar�r�g����. I a�rr� a"��ve-r��t'�s�rro��e�b t����v���h�i . . � ; �' � = �o r r��s t o o#���r e e t�a r k�r������ s a�1 a r�s��t o�t��r�a t�v�t��o g�a �i . I r�a ra��rr�a�e� � � �� y �S� f e�t o f r o a c��r�m�i���a t��a�i�b���o�d� a m �a��r�1 o r��t�a t a,r 1��o r� t h�s t�t. � � VVh� �r���a�s t���ir�������e��hl������cl, �r���av�a���as�.��� ��e�r� �i�l a.�c� � . dov� �ii�I������rk�d�ar.��r�n���ry s��v���as v���1�cia. � �rl��d��,r i��isi��� �� . �d �s�r to ��e. �o�v��re��se ir��e���������d c�o ou�ha��su���a����re�e��e�� � � a� ' t�e pa�-k����a�e a�d��v�-no#�.�To���re e1��c�o�o��i�ve�s�re�tcl�a�ro�c��th.s��e�vv + �ars par�Ce�d o�it, Thrar��o�t t�e rest of��r��i��or�iaod v��er�the��is a more . �alan��d��e�r�c����arlcir���ia�e�ar���a�r�--r��ts ��a1v�r� s�� a���.�s� � � Y� � ��ark��a�s�r� � �i��#���. ��her, tv�� ��thr�e t����, ar�c� �'�r����r�t���t1��t t�ier�is��1�is�� i� �Y ��r�er� af�a���air�ts or���o��es pa��ir��be�a�rio�r. ��is�at� ��av�a�.h�a : '�'l�e � � Y � �a�re to ge�alar�g. T�ie�eig�a�ors 1�����o���o��r�����c]����r be�au�e m�n o#'� � � � �ar�o�th��tre�t�ror�t�rr�e�o t�me. �n r��r c�se, �'rn t��or�1 ��v��ot su�ro��de�b � . � ��e � ���es fi.��.t d��'t��e��o �oo��ate a� fi�e�1��v�li�t��r�ee���se�ves�a a.rk or���st� . � �et. ; Yc��r d��is�o��o e��i�ate�omp�etel��y street�a�� d� i�e l 8 �ars of�afel . � � � y � �a�l��r��v�r�t�o�t a�i��t�r in���o p�es�ia�s�ia�s hu e u�1it of 1if�ar�d fi�nanc�al � � � �ar�sec��e��es�o n�y fa�r����r. ���ia�����'���t to��v�a�a�b�u�or a��di�m���� . , bixt�c��y�art�fo���r�'a�he�r ir�-�a�� a�an���ple,v�ho v�����S� i��ar�� v�t�a�t a�F � : �tre�t p�rk�r��w�at�o I��? Do I�st��t��p��to��,r�in t�e i�-�a�t ark�r� Iot a�c�� � � _ �h��ttl�t��m up to t���ous�v����o�h�r��ig1�b��ix�rny r�ei bo�ho�c���s th��r�st�-ict�or� . . . , � � o�th��r�o�a1 be�a�or. . �i�a�.�i�I��r�the�xn�a��o�m�s�reet�a,r1�i���e�����av�a has a . . ; � st�gge���fi�a�rY���on�ec�u��e t��y f�m�1�. �f i���to�c�d s��c�e to� �io��e � �r��������o��n as an��ar�a���, �'���a���to���r s��i�c�r��1�rr��r����t���� � s�v�.�e�t�an r�y�e�gh�o� a�s thex�wo�'t be a� �ate a�,�r��n �ar�vor�c�rs ar�� � � � � �a��erial ��1��rerie�. 1V���'I'�11�I��I��'�I�'�'��������i��t� ��11�n�r������ a1�o��I��a��a Ii�e�.��o�a very very Ion�tirr�e,w��hor�t ac��q������r�t p�rl���g� �vi�l i�e g�e�tly ha�xdica���d �om��ed�o��r nei�libo��r�io a��o��i �av�rnax�y r����ti�re sa�'e�y fa�to�, 3���t of���iome�, a,ren'� fo�c��o�ar�y t�� � � � � � � Agenda Item 9.a. { Page 44 : � • , . � , � � sam���d�. '�h.i�i��vra��� T`his is very w�or��ar�d ir���itab��. As a�a���ay�r, �'lI �e taxed�i���a��y�a r�y r���g��o�,bc��� v�or�'t�r�joy�similar c�ua�ity ofl�fe an� I'�������r�d�� �r���r��a��r�ar��ia���rd��h��r��r��t �a�y. � '��I� I� VL����� � '�'��� �� L]I���E��A��. � ����I�N�: : ��a�I'����e to s���ia en �� �r������f t��s ����o : . �� g � �t �east r�am���a11 s��s ar�o�r s��e of t��stre��a�d�o r�ot��ac�mor��s� �irst � � ��gg�stio�, �wa����i�e�� f�et of��e�r�y s��nec�o� s�ree��a�king as rn�as��e.� �rom t�e . r��a�i1����c�a��y���m�r c�v��v��r. �a�k�r��as it��r��������r��r������d�s a r��u���fm Y r�eig����s' �f�o�t�� l.9�S to Ii��t a�d r�efir������.r�i�g. �ri�r�o t�e�r effvrt �v�r�s a��� � ���ar�C ir�f��������r 1�����v���r�th�r����s�ri��s��c��i�i���it��� �a��s�. `�.�ir . . � .. �orx��la����r� �9�� �at������"r���ar�x������g�����r����a�ed����t���d������st�e�� � res��ted �n rn�r or�s#r�e�pa�k�ng or�r����de o�`H����r�st�eir���us�i�d� �� art art�a�I � � �� � ir� fr�r�t�����nt��v�l�p�d �������d��r. "���a�ti�r�if�en, w��I� 'v�u�s�a#`�anr� � � �d��x��e or��tr��pa�c��g. � I#'th���ea�ing r�su�ts i�our��v�ir�g r�a ar�-�t��et par�Cir����r�ce th��.�ire x�eig�bo��ood�I����s�I���e�i�rr��riv��oo�--�� s�b��ar�c�ard�d th�ma'or� o� . ,� � �iou��s hav�a���east or��r���at�v�ro�d saf�#y�ac�o�, ��rar��tl��er�ti�e r��i �o���od . . . � : co�����ed v�th��������w�ers ��t��ed an�i����v�d�vit� a ux�i�'�rm�ae� �����od � . . . � � : �����r�r� f�r c��v��sa��, rn�t��l1�c����a�d i�p�e��r�ta�����g�r�ed��b a11 t�� - ������r�, � Y ; . F��a���,�hank�o� �or�au�r����er��ar�d I���e�i� to r� �hou ts. ��1u�tar�ti � � Y . � �� ; rr��s��r������r����r�poi����r�r��r�or��ic�e�a��i�r�. � �'h�r��s a h��tor�y of��g�bo��.00d c���1i�t�m�r�r�med��.�e r�e� b�r�ood t�a� � { ���s�a��C to 13$7 w�er��e�u��aas�d���o�we now�i��o�. : ��eci�c.����r: 1�87 a,�t�o�gl��e p���r� c� �e�t r�orr�n�er�d�d a �ova�o�o�.r , � � �� ��a�s ; ��h����u�r���s�as����v�i�����g�.ed. 1���'���������nis�i��r�fu��� r�r�� , � �� .� �asec��r��:o���ts�x�����������. ����co�nr���,�s�v�r� � ��c��a��. ��v��s a , : ty�i�a1 comrn�t������t�h�r�w������his � ... �-o� a��i ��r����a�d���ce . . � � a� v����rom�a�r���se, ���st�t�d: "��t�� b���d�he�r�ouse �v�o�'�h���ar�o�v�i�v� �ra�n r� rna��bo�a�t t��stree�." ���a�so didr�'���v�ar�oceax�viev� f�o��e�r r��il�ax. . ��ne t��les�,�y�eir���b�e to bu���o�r��r�e�nd�e�t���r�m�t�ao��-��o��is�o� �r . . � �ac��os�����g�.�cantl�r rn���rn�n��as l��.ilc�ir���os�r�s��ra�r�a�t�ca11���rir���i� ��la . . � • • . - . . . . � _ � . ��e��e o���b�e to�e�.a b���d���per����y a�pea�l�ng#.����a��x���o�.a�i�s�on ; c��ci�io��a t����t��o�.r��i�.At��.at�i�ne w�re�u�tarYtl�o��r�d to��i�d��.at roo�or�a � � �ara�g��� a��s�. '�'���v�ras�ai����r a��ty��r�.���l�man�ati��. "�la�r��#`s 1�'��T�l�s� �i�e�ad�on���u��v�r���ti�a�e�y t�reated fairl�* 1989 '��A��'R���AT�L� 1�9�: �ome��i�bo�s o��������st w�.o or�gi�a11�s�ppo��d our b�i�dir���ate���ov��d�isfa�vor _ : wit�us�tati��: "I�o��it yo�v�r�goir��to�a�e�fla�roof o�.yo�r ga��g�. �do�'��il�e - - �1�at yo�'v�d�ne. �'�so��o�v�rere ab1�to����d. �th�r��i �o�s comrn���d�uri� � � ..� t�is�eri�c�,"�����ver s�i��Ic����r���ab1�����i�cl ... �T����c� ��t��r�u.r 1���� a��v�r�1�to�he b���.�' ��s��u�r�g �983--�o a�pro�irnat���r 1992: . � i � .i � i F � � Agenda Item 9.a. . ; Page 45 � f + � - �e o�v��of��9���l�cre�t,�ir�etl�r abo�r��s, �vas o��o�`����ax�c�r�r�tir�g th� ��������. '���r�r�t�rs�ar��ar��r 1��c��art��s a�c�t�ei�r t�e�a��s�r�� �re���r�����hr�w ���s at o�r ho�s� a�r�d ca.rs. VV'e�on�a�ted t�he�a1i��o��. '��ov�ers' da�g���a.�nd so� ; ir� ���v�i�e��r� �i�rr���i����th�t��.�. ���o�ta��e�d t��rr� anc�����ain�d th��a�r�b��. : T��ir r�por���: "���1 I�u�s� ���'��s�r�r�r�r����i�t���r h������vv... �ao��c�t,��'�� : o���r rr�ov�l�a��C in- ��a��ra�irnate�y ��9� -�993 t��r����re fire���r�t r�e�at�ve , �o�r�er��s�r�rr� ���n ����r�a�ir�g a��1�t���il����r������n��a���n��car in����t��et. : A��ro��r�ate�y 19�8: �e�gh�o�at 1��7�-Ii��cres�, ��x��ir�a I�rar��z-�v�r�o�r��t�ated�his � �orr�p�air�t, corr�p�a�ir�e�tc�rr��t�at�y pa.r�Cin��c�ir�t�����t mad��t�.ard for her�vi� �����ttir����x� �r��er���t� �.�iv������tr��, I agr�e��t���r�nd t��c���r i���t�ers r�.� as w�l� �ha�'��h�r i c��iv�a�rour��l I�i11�r��t�nc���erra ar�c��orr���r�vv�itl��i�����rr�� �a��1�. ��u�������d����k�����a�rY�rox���as r��.����g���a�ar�c�sa�i�: �`��'l� �e,������ _ t�a�."����f����r�a��r���r� rr���#�i����ak���r���ar���lir���arer�.�and��tu�ed t� ��c����arl�ir�� ��gn� �����i ��c���f#��str���. ��v�r�r��������ed�ro�ta.lcir��car��`rn� ��� rn��h�r. ���i���p����at��r�th��a#���orr���s�i�r�1�����a.r��������d � rel��tan���r t�e��a�ge,�vhicl�resu�t�d ir��ur par�C���ir� �r�r�t a�t���e����e o����� : �����e�� �ver�fi�o�g��he���rked�ars on t�ieir�s��ait apror��a�blo���d t�e viev�r t��y �a�c��������Ce.�. ����r����ti�r�� ror���r�r����t�ii��a�. V���i�v�a1�ra���iaci ���1������r�� • i ; � + ; � * vv���our ad�a�er�t�e��b�rs or� ��erra��ve belo�r. �`or,� �c��ess�e�tox�e at I��1 ��e�ra� ar�d��.n�c� Lo�t�a�c�r�ex�doo�to t�e� w�o��t�d us�s�w�lir�e��e�er�t w��� _ ������t a��au�e. �e�, as v�e�� �s at�i�rs w�il� �p�ak on��x b��a1�. �e j�.s�c�idr�'t�o#��r ? �h�rr� v�rith t��� c�u.r��r��th�h��l�c�a��. � x � � ' A enda Item �.a. . J � Page 46 � � � . � '�'o: '���ffi��o�mi�s�or� ; � ��per�y�ur�eq�es�t ort 1�I�7I�7 � i i fi � ' I'r� ���ari���r�r�.��t. �����d��� ���� �i1��r����]r�v�� �r�� � ��a�c�� ��1if�r�ia. ; � � : 7'har����u f����x��rir�g a����r����������s��r�u�t��v���.a��t�i���a.r���#��� � � ������t�iis l��ir�g���s�or�� tirr���1�a���r�x��a�v�r�� �r�c�ec��� Il��irs. I�ra��'� ' , � �ar�cerns w�t� r�� �r��a�x��r�x� u�. ��d1�r, �� v�r�r���������r��a�r�r�� ��r a����r��a�i���b�t��i�es. '��s t�rr���he�r��a� �e� a��ral. LJr�f��ately v��l�a�n�d o�tl�e�i�st a�tior��-t��rath�r s�ver��os� of pa��C�ng w�ien t�e si�s���e�ei�g�Ia�ed. T�o� ���'e�t sir� 1�d ou�t ar�d � � � . l��c��1a�ec�ta ap�eal ��t sigr�pla�rn��t, �r�stea�d v�e rr�ad�sorr��a�'�st�ents t�at have , , . ,� �r�canv��er���d aur�g1�g�aarer��s, a����nds ar���s. �'�, s�re o�r�os�of ark�� h�.s � � also dec�~ease�o�r pro�e�ty va���. ��have��to ha�e�u�r���visitors a�r1�� t��l�i�� � � _.: ir� i'r�r���f���va��1�t����r�1�r��a�t�a�i�����i��"���A�II��"�r�t�i�s � �r���x���tr�t�h ���-I���cre�t. `����f�r�,��r��c�j��t��r����1� 1i1��� r���w��l�v�rh�r�t�����ar�� � � �at i�o�c�p�ec�. ��c�r�se t��sigr�s w�e �or�f���r�g to th�poli�e v�re 1�ave�a�e��m�ro�s �r�'r�s �� ��A��� ���a���a��i�����C���r��rers�c�. ����i��et�1������er�r����. � ��#'i�er��1er�, I�eli��e i�o�r�or��a�t pe�sor�ar�d�ias��n eat t��vor��it�. I s�s ��� �' p t��t we�a����he����r o�� i�this e�ti�-e��r���neig��or��o��a���ve ha�to�ia��a �or�ta�t�f��e�r�r��h�A�F�, a v�raste o�h�s����a�c�o���. = ��, ��rl�����ii�re�isitir��o�a �r�e�v�d��abler�r� i�.�appartu�it . ��s ��v�nt � � ; to ���ie�re����t�s��p���t��ar�o��eratiar���ou�r�ei borhaoc� d�� �t�t�� . , , � � � � �ou�t��ss�a�te�n�o�a�t�o�� o�o��r�r��rn�dia��H��l�r�st�e�gh.�o�s. �rxt i�ste�c��f�I , � h�rass� a�nti c�e�rive�d o�'�� sam�c�ua�ity o f Ii��a�`ford�d a��of�u�r at�er�ei ���. ��rs. � � � ; �r�����I�� ���tha�t s�i������ �r�ig�.�er��d. �.������������n �a��"�-���"t���t����� �� • ■ � �� �a�r�sr��j�ct��e,�as�d or���r o� ex��rier��s r�a��r t�ar�o�'ect�v�m�as�ra�Ie � r�ali��. {I�h����i i�i�re�����h��r���wa�ll a�� 1��� I���1��res��a�����ii�� t����a� Y �ar�C�y�e�at�r ta�k; a.r�c�it���r�a��a�a��pa��i�g has been sev�r�l li�it�d a�rea� or��sir��v�r���i1t. � Y - ��ur�ery�if�`i�I���b �����e�icl���'ec����� a�� � u�i�a�l v��at i���a1 a.r�c� ; t������r�v��.a��i� �ai�. I�e�.l c���er����� �r��r�r�����ir��anc��ur�c�s��� i� ��s�t i� � - , � ou�- ' �m���a��y. I kno�r�h�s���r��ver I cross �ra�d Aver��e in�ra�t of�he Fai�rno��T��atr�. } Ir� �act a11 of�'r�ra�d��r�. is t�I�r dangerous a� ev�d�c�� s�o�� a���d�t rt�. . . � � � � ��o�I��.av�d�e��r��ross�a��s o�a�rar�d�a�s1�g Crov�r�o�i t��ir c�r�sswa�lcs—a bi � � ; � ������t�at v�l� s�v��ive�. ; �.�h� 18 �r�a,�s�a�v�re�av��ivec��e�e��or�'t�no�v of o��a�cid�t o� . �� � �ar�s��e��e. �VIi�Ce I�ix�fror� �ub���v�o��s agrevd�o p��v�ic��t�xose s�a�ist���t thi� � + m.��ti��. ��a����e�a��1�is�v�r�C�r��idir�g t����e���ar��t� '�l��a��t er�ai�i.�� � �� �t�����t�y� ' ��r rr���i�rat��n�`�r���ti�n. . � � �ire�tx-ucks dr���t�ro�� th��eigh�ax��iood�v��y s�rix� ���l�i�, for�v� , . . . � � rem���I. I�t�i�� �� �da.���-o��r���g���r���c�v���r�I�ca�t� s1 �r�t��rn�c�c����f�� ... � • •� . . _ _. �tree�. 1�����car���t����a��9���es.��r��rnax������CS�r��l����rr���s a�c������s - v��1�r�gu�a�l�:� V�i�r�e#���r r��t#`e.ar�1:� ������em t����es �n���1��i�r��l �� � ��� -. t�a�v�re�n����n�t�g o��ur�ra���ar����s�t�r�����h �n th�s�r�et�r��ont o�o�l�o�s�. I�o c�os��aiis� ��?�e�u�e we a����ia�re�o c�rive slo���ar�d�o�rt�aus��r�i�r�, wi�c��r� � i�ar�d o��of�ar��d cax�s. �����s�ou�r�r�t�re r�e�g��o��oad i���,rrovc��c�h���y ar�d not��, : cornp��ar��e�vit���rre�nt cit�r�o�de r�e�omr��nc�a��ar��. � � A enda Item 9�a. g ; Page 47 � , t�� f � i - + . �ro��cally�a�r s#r�tc�of Hil��rest is t��v�i��st a�t o�t�i���reet. Ar�d �v��.r� � . � � � . belie��t1�e�r��y�o��e t�at�v�s bu��t af�e��e��t � �ir�d��s r�ei � cq g��o�hooc� �rr� #�� : �o��ty. �e v�ent t�o����er�g���r a,rd�ou�ap�ra���r���ss to b��1d. �et�a��ar� � : �ras r�q�i�-�ir�������arl�i�g. � � �e, ��r�sure li�e�ast of o�r r�ei��ors�v��c�ra� �� ��s�eav���r tx��d�ura1 � �'�e�i�ag r��i�borho�c����n�v��o�g�t�ere. V�e li�e t��s�o� a��af`t�ie r�a�row v�ir�di� P � ��a��om�. �I��f�s bau����r� ��oulevard. ��a�l se�r� to rea�i�e��t t�e �1� s�de�f � au�r rig�ts to v�ra�k ir�o�r r����ba�hoo�, a�r�d�ath��r ir�o�r hornes �s s��-ed res or�sibi�it .� . t� �iv�s�—�ar�c������ , , . - � V�i�i� �t t1�a�r��1�v������i�hl��r1���� �������l�C�r���-i�r�a�� ��`�i��c�r��� a.r�� a�1�����rra?V����e t���varr�at��f������ra��i�rxs��f v��dc��� �, s���ver�, a�c��a�i�ns � � � ������r���s r�r��� as th������rt�f 1��r�d�������in���1r���s.a.nd��s�. � ���� �1����a� _. �r��r�1���d��I�v�i�,su�r.�a���ra�n�� ��r����l���l�vv�l���.r���ac���i��� �a ���l�a���h�ir � � �. ,��ys ar�d sorrov�s a�d��I��st�ree�s v�r�t�a �a�s. �e���,�igh��rs���ar� res ��o�� � � �no�e�'s des���s a�d r��eds �o ��the�. Rat��r thar����avir�g in�f�ar�� �or�ter�tio�� . �anr��t���a���ar���ha�r�in a�liv��c� ���liv�s��rit�f c����ra����; A � iri��f��� . . . . . . . � � � r��h�s a.��r�s�o�����11�i�s ���a11 a s��r��t���rr�ak�����xr�unit��.c�����a��� �ac��� �iv�. � ����r�ry��rd to�e or�e of t��s��o�d coope�rative x��igh�ars �c� �1�r�ow t�� ; ���'s ar��th� ���r�es�vl�����r���rt�a���� ��rs���ur.r����a��c���inta.����. V�i� i�a� ���p�d�r�t�i�fa�e by our r��ighbors' c�og, I bled ar�d no�v i�a��a p�ar�e�t��ar.D�d I �a���po�Ar��al�ar��o�to i�te�e���or rn�r�a��t�?��; ��c����� �i�re�a��e a.r�d dor�'� �va�t to r��s���sery�or rr��r�eig�bor�v�o �ave�1a��dog.Ar�. I�ot�or����d abo�t�e _ �a��t���'�t��r�v�1��rs:��es �arr�. �� �l��k a��t��i��ide�t fx�� t�� ers ��tiv����11 . , � � ���olv�d. It v��s a� ac�der��th�t sho���d��t��he o�e��n�i�e��robabl �v�the c�o . � � � T�is c�o�is �1wa���a���as�,�r�st r� ou��f�e�a�ag�fi�.�s ti�e; �� a a�n th�#�i �i�� � � ; �I�v�.s�art�y�es�a�sib�e���s�h�v�as ����ted arYC��ber��c�ou�to �t�.irr�. ���o� le • � �.� f���t�a�s. ��er wa1�C�rs t�11 rr���h���ar��f�ar€�� ����v�r���i� ��r� ���a.s��� #�i���r�s�t�i��t�ree�. I��r���f�� ��� i��e����rn��n�. ��, �v��s�� a.�cl ac�'�s�rr� �el�a ' - �� .� Y v����������I������t�a��v�r�a������1��������e�. I�v�r�v��.r���� ��i��a�c��� ���uc�o�'a r�spe�t��r��ig��orhooc�v��dor�'�c��tl�e�o�e�nrn�t i�t�a ��r��� e� ��'s � � � � �re�do� and�a�p����ss i�t��ir�.orrres. ��ha�e a1�wor��d�arc� for ou.��mo�t v�1�a��e . ���s�s���r�. �r����s���lt����u��1�c�e��r������`ro� ����'s�or� ���a���n� a ��c�t� � sl�ar . . . � � � ����f����a.�c�f��d� �r��������f�v���i��se. ����w�s��sa�m��. ts as�u�� � . . � � ; n�gh�ors. �����vr��o�� ll�i�r�ome is not a��g gat��rir�g p�a�e,����t r�t�� ��c����� � �y 87��a�o�d�ad ���a s�ot�r� ca.r�c��ne. �-Ie ca.���t��xt af�is ow�n�o��a�� s1�x�r�i�.�world a�c�relax ar�d �o��c�. A���ur��a�d a da� ��r I�o�v�his�s c�t��to . , � � : ��s��s�of w��1����. I 1c�ov�i�o�at�o�v�vi�� 1i�����a�e h�ta b��n�re se�f i�vol�e� � an� ��ar�'ul. �����rr��r�a����a��as a�����s������� e� I�'s ��a��-s, ��ax��s� ��.rn�ti� . � � g . �����'�vi�a�I��.y, I��a���s���'s��r��t��r�s ar�.c��1���j�c����. ���1-t�i�l ���c�t�va�� 3� �� �c�d to ar��o��'���ars,�ot e�r��th.o��fa�1�s�r�o� a�t�e�t,��v�r�o r� ard fo�� �i ts . . . . , � � � - �xc��t v�r��s�a��rn�������.�s��w��k�r���� �����rn�far��r�����yr�er����1i��. �� I�ti�� �: � �.� s�n��e a�r���va�e a�d rn�r�i�sb�d st�11 �e� s�rir�k�er��or th����ei�i�a�s. �e k�ow t.�at - t1��y, like�s, st��g��w�th sor�av��t�at�ar���d�bi���at�ng a�d u.r�derst�dab� �or�tri���e � �� a se���o�f�ar��r�es�. : �Jr�fo�r��t���r, �ro�r a���or�s canr�ot�r�ave t�x�se��ar� �h�t a�e�oot�d�r�a� � � �nd�v�du�a��Ii�`��xp�e��es, a�ti����,r� ��, at�irn�s�e�,th��r�sul�o��a���c�er�ts. �ax� . � 4 � 1 � ' 1 � Agenda Item .a. � ` Page 48 � � � � Y Q truly sy�n���h�tic to �yo��v�ho h�.s s��f�r�d a�d�e�orr�� ��f����t�ca.r��t re�ov��at � f�a�r��.r��r���t1������r��. � . �r�st�ad� �ro�r���or��a�t�or�,��st as you��irst o�e in �99� �i��or�ly serve to d�� � _ �ii� ����r����i���res�th�s�rn��-i��s as t��r�st of o�������or�oo�ax�d ��as�v��� ���s �� • . � � . � �. �� �o��v�l�r�ot�r���r�ave��o��e�ho ��1 f�g�t�n�d b���.so peo ����o � � ���1 �ar�sse�. ��� v�i�l #'�ec�tl�.�cor��er�ti��sr�es�r���,�r t��n f����r�� �ra���r�. �v��r�c�� ���v , . � ��at��1� �r�cr�as����r sa#����r. . �a�i�g v�o�����reless�y as a�i�il ser��nt�ny�e��', �'��a.��vay���ci �stron s�r�se � ��r�s��r�sibi����r ta �����c����x�������treatrn��. I a�n ��r��c��n�t��t�n�s� ��I����rva��� � � a���C����}r��va���f�i�r�ar����������ai��c� �q�ita���. ��kn�v�v������'���i��ar�c� � . ab�e to a�our��fo�a��d��i��o�� a.��actiar�s v�r�t�i f��t�. �e#'a�t is t���er�t��e r���ghbarh�o�is o�t of cor�,�lia�ce. �a���o�'t t����for� .- ��x���rt t����r�g�ir���u����.x���cie�����������r������str���—r�ot�� '�� a.r��x���r��v�, P�rc�tior�ofd���r, t�o����d is r�o�e��s�fo�r�ro�obje��i�e a��t�or��. �#'��is ou�-er�t�r� r��ig���r���c��r��� ����. �'� ��r�v�r�v�r��xl�a�� � ��—��a i�:�r�����-�J�e� �' �' •��� , , �' ,� , ort t fix�� �spec��l�y��"�ie ��c"a�a��y�ec��c��saf�t�ra��r than �r��ar�c�r� ��. l�a��ed car�c�a�s� . � - �v��-s t�p��r a�t��t��r�a.r����d�c������t��-��r�tl���s �d�r.�.� �. �'�is��� s � � � � �ount�r the b1i�c��r�g�-�s�a����ess f�orn dri�r�v�ra�s. �'h�s also ir�e�reases�e sa�'et a� v�a��er�, - � . I�resp��fi�l��r�q�es�t�at�11 si�ns�r�o�r s�c�e of��e�t�-eet��re�aved a�d no : r��v�r si�ns�Ia��to��s�o���arity t�ir��g�or�t o�r Iove��safe�� bar�iood• at��st�t�l . . . � � � ���nd�cat���a�dar��er��i�ts. � I�����r�u���a,�����rt�r����t�d.�iv����gl�thi��r��ir��ir���as���s d�ffi�x�lt�� � ; vie�v tapo�ra�1���d c�riv�v�ay�e�a�tiv�s o�, a r�a�. A,lso� end�r��o��rr��of �ar�.e # ■ i � � - sur� ����ro�r e�r�s�n t�e A�.11r�or� �i�rr��,n��he�'IVI o�Hill�re�t j�st���e o��I� 1��. . ��rt��at�1�r��ca�a���c�th�s���s�I�a���r����r r������r� anc������t��r��i ��r���c� . � � . a�ord�r�g��. ; T�iar����x f�r�r��r���ert, ��j��iv�a�c�t���g��f�� �or�s�c�er�ti�r� as v�r�1�as ��r : �aluabl�tin�e. � � : � Agenda Item .a. � a Page 49 � � } ' . � e �at�: I��r���r��, ���7 � �urr�rr�ar�r of`I�e}��ai��s ���cx#s�.���c����a��rr��r���#f�r�a���ui�s. '�'�: A�-ro�r� �rar���'�`ra#�i���rr�r�.i��i�� : ��l��i�����s I�e��, �►'�'�': 1VIi1���,i���sst. ��g�r�e�r ��: ����ar�a�e�r,A�-�royo �rar�de ����: L�onard Berr�an��a��ie B���t - I���I�il��r���I�r. Arro�o �r�de, �� � �LT�J���': ��r r�por�s�t�}�o�� 111I�1�7 c�e�i�ior�to e�te��t�ie na a��ir� zo�e at 1���b�o��C � � of�i�I�rest Dr., ����rr�ir��i~�r��a11 st�e�p�urking}. : • �e�.r�d��i�it��y ap�ose�d to t��s. _ � ��re�q�e��t�h����sig�.s�1�c�d�r� I��� ����r�����f't��str���b�r����ar�c� t.�ia��o r��w sig�s b��lacec�. . � �.cci���r�orts��l��j�et�v��eas�a���fa�ct� c��r��t�� ��t�, �rar�tz�s �a��rns. �� • �`raf�i����rnost e�c��s�v�I�i�t�a�—�r�m�l�tl�as���o re�i��her�. : � T��s���� f�e�����e�t ar�t���ic��s� �.�t����st�r���r�th - . ; � �����r���erra�r, _ ���l�re�t Dr. ��o�. � � � ��vi�i���i�r a�ar�c�t��wi�t�����tter�e�{e�a��r��1�f����r, v������her�ar � � - r���`I�T��a�i�►g"����, � : � �i�����-e��g����'���d is�����cor�.�liar�ce v�th��arrer����� ���et Y ; st�c�arc�s��odes and ye�i�v�or1��, ��ple wal1�ba�������e� ev da �e�e. � �`Y � � • '�'���eig��rs�� �ie�ra��-i�r�res �ct on�a�o���'s�r� t to . � �h gat�e�a.��a,re � e��p�ary��n�ei�����v�o�ax�c�to�e�rarYCe of�r�e���e�c�es �te��vix� �o we�ave � � �r� �c������c�rs�1��-ir�����er�.g�m�s. � , � ��c�e��v��q�ita����r�a���ar���h��g�t������r—��ur���i������c� d�stray t�is a�il�t�far�s. � ����t���ar�c�th��right�t�t��re���n��b�li�y���v���t�tiv�� �����wl . Y � - • ��r�Ce�c,�r�ac�a���add�o s���t � for�� ��er�t�o�to d.r�v` ' ` * 3� Y � ��g�.d d��ng ve�ry s�owi�r�-of�en coas#�n��o��. '�h�s v�rorl�s b�tt�r t�a�n sp���u�n s t�at�om� d�iv�rs s�i1�f��r o��r. � � • �f��t�r�et�a�ir�g��re�s det�rm�r��by#opo�ra���r. Y : A enda Item�9.a. g � Page 50 � � i i ; � A1���sicie�����t���������e������l���t, ��. ��urs at ���� 1������rn��� � � � t�e rnost o�s��et��.r�ir��ir�t��r�ei�h�o��.00d�nd�-ar��y 1�av�gat�a�rir� s—au�d � �h�refor�nc�t�i���o �ose. T�e��sa�n�resit����s��v�d�-i�ev�a�i�gre�s an� � eg��s�ro���ms as d� 3�oft�i���homes i�,t�i�r��i�a�orhood. ��slov�ir��d�vv� of c�s d�ivir�g,ir�cre�s�s t��i�r safety of�arni�g a.�c�����g�rarr��l��d�ri�e�rays. - • T�i�i� ��s��a�d t�m��-�per�o�r ow�r ort stat�r� s� �v��re �a��d . � � � � : restx��t�r��o�r p�rl�r���r� 1�9$—v�r����IVI�. �ar��t��as req��s��d ���ion�y�ro� ��t��nies�s t�e sa�n��ight to�at��� t.��r�s�of��ne�i�hb���aood.�is seve�re��r�s�rict�th�c�r�ali�y of oux��iv�s a�d�ecr�eas�our�rop�rt�r�ra���. The �ar�ter�t�ous��s is pa��a�le a�x�d rn�ax� s�ir�te�. V�T��re�a�sic�e�at�, qu�i�t��afe r��ig��o�� v�th ve�ry�e��sito� ax�d r��1ar��gather�r�gs.�e�i�ve��stori�all� ��r�����1�d�����1�a�r��rxr r�g���r��t�i.���d���ve���w��m�n�cli�����ighb��. ���ave�a��e���a��re�atio�s�i���vit� ���o�'ou�ot�he��a�ig�bors i��l�t� t�os��� � sh�r��r���rt�r����s v�ith�r��ie�ra�—�t1���ces���h����r�e�.� • '�'h�re�s o��y o�e ot���s�ot�n�his e����oop �vit��`I�o �'�r�i���'�ig�s_or� � � I���l�res��or��pr���ma�te�y 75 t�. ���r�v���bil�t�r is good ar�c���i��r��1�a�v�r� �e . � . . ��g��ar��er�. �i���Cet�v����h��e�i�m� v�re�����c�.., �.�e�g1���r t1�er�replie� that t���r�si�ent�ad p�r��d�o���i�l��ar�#.�e str�. - • V�T����aav���g�t��r�����t�r fa�ors, �e�we�va����driv�s�f����d�T � ����� � � • If tl�es��i�s are�Ia�ed a�r v��i�or�wi,11��v��o ark r� �s�e h��� o��I���c� . � � � � ; o�r dovv�����11 ox� �ierr�, ��g�tiv���r impa��in�th�availab��stree�p�l�ir�g of ; t����r�ei�i��r�. , • ��adjust�n���s v�r��av��ia�to m��si�a�e�� ��rest�-i�t�d a�r�cir� di.��ctl i.� � 1� � Y � �ror��of o��io�se�i�� r��t wo�k v���th�v���t 1ot�e�we�IV1rs. �a,r�t�'s ar�d ; �s is b���t or�. ��r�q�xest our p�king b�r�storec�, ag�ir�r�a�c�dents to sr� o� �� : th�s r�st�i�ti��. � • �T�a�e r�ques�ir�g e�u�t���e obj�c�tiv�d�cisiox�s ar�c�a��o�s o��b �`ae�ts. �� � . • ��r�ques��r�vo�v�m�at of o�r e�t�r�n�i�h�or�ioo�ir�th�s de��s�on i��h�y v�ri�l� �o�om��nt. ���ou�� a�� lea�a�e�er�se o��o�rn�n�fiy��i.rit from o�r�a�`e � a.�d�rien���r���rr��rive�����rs. � Agenda Item .a. � Page 51 w-�� � r , S f '�'`�: �i��r o�Arroy��rand�'�'raf�xc�ornrr�is�sior� � ��: �i�y�I�Iar�age� �� �: �ro�ose�"�o�ar����"����o� 1 S��se�t��r�o�����crest�ri�re. � � Leo��rc� ��ar�c��T�1ari�B�r�r���t a� ��$� I-ii����re�t I��. hav�ir�form�d�ne�hat�hey�ay���e�II or� st�ee�p�ki�g a�their�d of Hi�lcre�t�]�. . �d� �o�f�e� t�a�t th�re�s �dax��er�ha��d f�or� �� �.rk�d o�t����r s�d�o�`�he��r�et. � �Te d�i��s�ow1�a�d��tious����o��r��ig�ba�hooc� and�e a���s�o�rned to v�a����ng�'or par�Ced �,a�s, v�a�l�er��ar������. �'���� �a����rs rr�����t�a���r�u�.��i�r�1��C�s����a���d����i��e�r - �o���var�s, �-�q�i�.g drivers ta �r�v�s�o��y ar���tter�t�ve��r, . � IVian���� �ee�d������ �~i�c�� an��r�l�tive��a�c ir�t�i�������s����a���r vc�h��v����v����t- - . ta��ther. �a�r��: �;.� �, A�dress: I L � � ' �r . ��g���re: �� ��. ���� '� -��-� �� � �ar�.�: : �d�r�ss: � . �. . �i�na��: �at� � _ _ ��r�ne: �. � Adc�����: . �ig�at�r�: �a� � -- *�- � � � : 1���: � Address: � � - � �: ��g�.atu�re: �a���.��� �� ��rne: ,- = Addre.��: �`� ` � _ * ���atur�: - ��t� ���� �- . � l�Ia�e: : Addre�s: � � = ��g�atur�: - �]at� -� -� � � � ���: * � � . : . �.[�[��SS; � . �1�I3���: � ���� `�� ' � . *. � ��Il'��: � ��—� � {-�_ �2. . ����`���: �# _ . :,. �� �1�I1���: � �����--' � � �� - ��'�'i�: �� # � . . �C��`�SS: % D� �i��Y�, . ��a � �,�t.�t �� �1 ���� , �1�,���'�: ���� � `� -�� , . Y Agenda Item 9.a. Page 52 � .:t • : ��: ����of Ar���o �r����'raffi��ornmi�s�an � � � ��: ��t�IV�ar�a���r r �: �ropos��`I�Io Par�ir�g"���s or� 1 S�� �e��io�of�i��c��st ���r�. : F ���r�����er��a�� '�al�ri����et�a� I��� ����������r. ���r�ir�f�rm�d�n� ���t th� r�r�� 1��� a�l i ; # � � .� or� �tr�et parl��r���t t�i���er�d�f i�����res���r. i �c�� ��� ���1 t�a� �i��r��s�c�an��rl�a�arc� f�r�� �ar�p�r�C��n�1��ir�i����t�� �tr���. . ; ��c�riv�����1�a�c� ����i��sl�ir���r��i�l����-���c� ��ar������t���t� t� r�vat��i�r�� f�� �����i � ; ca�r�, �r�Ik��rs, ar��p�t�. �'�es��ac�o�rs r�nay�ct�a��y fur�cti����ke s�eed�ur��s�o or�b�gg�r ���1e�rar�s, ��c��irir���riv�rs�� �r�v�������r a�nc� �t�er��i�r�1�, �I�I�n�o��s r��e� ta �a�e fiiri�d� a�.d re��t�v�s�ar1� �r�the str�et es�e��a���r�v1�e�v�e ha�e a�et- : �o�eth��r. � �T�.me: � � A��r���: � - �i��tur�; � �a�� �� � � �a�n�: ���i���i��.�� ��� ��c�r��s: �� �1�,� � - �i��at���: � # ��tt� � �� �� �I�me: � � �.dd�-�s�: . . ��r�a��u��: - �at� � � . : �a��: . ,� ` � . � ��� � Ad�r�s: �i �' .: ��g�a���xre: � �3ate �. � ._ ��f�� � � ��~ � � I�a�n�: . �rs- � , � � � �� � � �� �c�c�r���: �`�� � �C�=��- � : . - �������■ ���� + i ����. �; �� . : �������: � � � ' �1�I1��1T�: � * ���� (� � ��I11�: '�, T ` �C�{�I`���: r ; �l�Il����`�: ��� � . ����■ � �+�L Add�r�ss: �3�� ���r�,�� �- � : �i�a�u�r�; � � �a�� �� �� ; �a.��: � � Add.�e�s: i , . . ����t�re; �� ��t� � � � Agenda Item 9.a. ' Page 53 �� 'r,- 4 Y � '��: ��t�r of A�ro�o ��a�d�{I'r�f���c�n�rr��ssio� < ��: �ity�ar�a �r � � . � RE: �ro��s�d"I�Io Paar���g" s��s o� 1��� ��ct��r�of Hill�res��rive. � : : �.�or�a�d Berry a�d�a�ar���er�r�ett a� 1�SS �-I���cr�st I�r. h�v���fo���n��a�t��y rn�y lose a�� � ox� s�r��t�ar��r�g�t t��i���,�o�`���1����t�Dr. � �c�a r��t f��� t�at ther�is �r�ar�gerl�a��rd �o� ca.�s��.r�C�d o�n t�eir sid�of th�stre��. : �T�dri�r�s�ov�rl�r a�ct�aut�a�s�y ir�ou�r�eig�bo��aod ar�� �re ac�u�s�orned to�va�ching fo�r parl�� � : ��r�� �a��ers, a.�d pe�s. T1�es� fa�tors �rnay�act����r �ur����or� ���Ce s��e�bu��ps do a��i��er � �o�lev�r�s, r�q�irir�g c�r�v�rs to c�ri�e s�owi�a�d atter�ti�ely. : �Vi�x�r�#`��r��ed ��h��� ��r�c�� ar�c�r��a�i�r���ar�C i��h���r��t �s����a11��1���w�ha���� e�- � � t�g�����. . � � I�a�r��: � � F �������. � � �1�l��UT�: ► ���� �. � � : , : ��.1'i'l�: f /� - ���r���; � ' � .; : . � ��gr�at�r�: �a�� �— �� _ I�am�: � � ,Ac�ci�-�ss: ' - � . ��r�at�r�: �ate � I�ame: �dc��r�ss: ��� ' - . �i�natur�: ' - . � ��. �]��� � �� � . �• , �am�: � • . A.c�c�r���: ���r�a�u�r�: � . ; �Ia�e: F .� A��ress: � �����x�r�: ��te � . � ��1�T��: �dd�e�s: . �gr���ure: I�at� ���; A�ldr�ss: ; �����t���: , _ _ ��t� . �arr��: � . ? �c�dress: + ���ature: �a�e � ; ; � Agenda Item 9.a. k Page 54 � ������ � �� � �r��������7�� �Z � � i� ,�ut�r ��, ���� ,� �'��, ��� MEI�I�RAN[�UI�A ��� ��: �ITY ��1.lIV�IL �F��IIII: I��B ��`F��IV�, ��II�II�fIIJIVITY �E11�L��I�EN� �IF�����F� �1f* .�1� ��F�C�I�I�, ���I�T�AIVT PLAIVh�EF� �lJ����T: ����ID�I���I��1 �F �IV �F�DII��N�� �� �HE �I�Y ��IJIV�IL �F �HE ���lf �F ��F��Y� �F�A�VDE Al�I��V�IIVC ��APTE�� 'I���� ACV� '��.'I� �� TIT'l�� 'I� �� TH� �F�F��I�� ���I��E �VI�NI�lP�I.� �C]�E F���AF���hf C �HE 1�E���F�1� l�E��tJF��� �����C��4TI�N �Ft����� ���11EL�PIVIEN� ���� ����V�II�EiVT ��-���� �ATE: A�F�IL. ��, ���� �E��lI��IIII�IV�ATI�IV: * Tk�� �#��t�ri� F����urc�s ��r�r��tt��, Ar�l�it��t�r�l F���i��nr ��r��it#�� �r�d ���n��n� ��r�rr������r� r���r�nrr��r�d t�r� �it��r ���r��il ir�tr�du�� �r� �rdir����� a�rr��n���g �k���t�r� 'I�.�� a�nd 'I�.'�� �f Ti��� 1� �f �h� Ar�r��� �ra�rrd� �111uni�ip�l ���� r�l���� t� �f�e hi�t�ri� re���rc� des��r�atior� pro�e�s. �I�I�II��IAL �����T: No fi���l �����t. �A��{�R�l!IV�: . �r� ���u�t ��, ����, �h� �ity �����il ����t�d �r�fn�n�� ��1, �rv���� �r��t�d t�r� I--li�t�ri� F�����,r��� ��r�rnitt�� �I--IF��� ��d ��t��lish�� a� �i�t�ri� d��ig�a����n �r�����, �Cey �om�onent� �f the �IF�� rn��sio� �r� �o: � F�r�r�n��� �h� ���i�nati�r�, �r���rv�ti�n, r��t��r�ti�n, ��f�ty �r�� ��� �fi hi���ri� �tr����r�� t� �r�ri�h �h� li�r�� �� �utur� ��r��r�ti�r��: �r��idirr� ��p��tu�Eti�� �� �nj�� and I��rr� ����,� �h� ��r�nr�ur�ity�� I�i�t�ry; � Ir��r��r� #I�� I��a�l ���r��r�� �� �ttr��t�n� t��r��r� �r�d �th�r �u��in��� #� �F�� ��r�rn u r�i��; � ���t�� � ��r��e ����r�nr�nun�t� id��ti��r �r�d �ri��; � �t��ili�� ��d irn�r��r� tl�� ���r��r�i� �r��u� �f �i����r�� �r���rti�� �r�d �e��hborhoods; � Er�l��n�� ��� ��r�rn��ity'� ���#I���i�� �n� uniq�� hi���ri� ���r�����r � En���ra�� and pr���d� in��nti�r�s t� �r���rt�r ��nrr��r� t� �r���rv� �r�d r�s���� hist�ri� p�����ti�s} �r��l �� ��n�i�i�r�l� r��a�bili#��� t��rx� f��r �d���i�r� r�-��� ���r� n��e��a�ry. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 1 ��� �����i� ���V�I��R�#TI�N �� �IV �F��I�V�11��� �� TH� ��TY ���11��1�. �� ��#� �I�lf �F �lF�l��l�� �RAIV�E AI�IEh���N� �F�Aw�TE�� 'I�.��4 �IV� 1�.'��. �� TITL� '1� �� ��I� AF�F��1�� �F�Ah��� ���VI��PA�L ��DE �ELA��[3 T� THE I�I�T��I� ����lJ��� �E�ICI��TI��V �F������ A��IL �2� ���8 �A�� � �� � ��n�� �#� ��rr������, th� His��ri� F��s�ur�e� ��r�n�mi��� ha�� b��� �r� ��t� �r���s� �f �r��ti�� � I���� re�i���r �� �i�t�ri� r����ar��s. ��rir�� �hi� pr�����, ��� �I�� ��� r��ri�v�r�d ��� ��rr��� N1ur�i�i��l ���� �r�t�ri� f�r t�e de�ig�a�ti�r� �� hi�t�r'r� r����r��� �r�d ��F���- r���t�� �Ilur�i�i��l ���� �r��ri�����. �n �lul� 1�, ����, in �r� ��f���� �I�ri�� �nd ���ir�� �p��if�� ref�r�r���s, t�re �--IF�� �p�r��r�d � rr��ti�n r���rnrn�r�di�� th�� th� �i�� ��u�r��il �rr���d ��e ev�����i�� �ri�eria ��r �h� d�si�r��ti�r� �# h����r�� r����r��� �n� �����fi� N1u�r���i��� ��d� ��f�ni�i�r��. �r� A��u�� �1�� ����, tk�� �I�r�r�ir�� ��r�rx����i�r� r��riev�re� �r���s�� �h�n��� �n� �d��#�� a� �e��l��i�r� r���rnr����in� th� ��t�r ���,r���� ��pr��� t�� N1�rr�i�i��l ���� Arr��n�rr���t. A# n��rl� the ��rr�� tirr��, tl�� Hist�r�� F�����r��s ���nr�nitte� r���r�r��n�r�d�d �t�f� ���tr��t �ri�l� � �i����r�� �-���ur��� �����Ita�nt �� re��ev�r th� ��cis��r�� �rr� �r�����d �#��r���� t� th� Il���i��p�i ����. l�u� t� �I�i� a�r��l��i�� �I�� �ri�in�l Pl�nr��r�� ��r�nrnissi�n r���r�r��r������� �nr�� r��t f�rw�r��d t� ��� �i�y ��u n�il. �r� �Il�r�� 1�, ����, �ft�� di��us�i�rr �rrd r�n��ifyir�� ��-��ri�us��r re��rnr�en��� I�r��u���e� ����� ����n r�vi��nr �nd i���� fr�rn � �����ri� r�s�u���e �or��ul��n#, th� I�i�t���� F�����r��s ��r�rr��tt�� �-e��r�r�r�e���� ��� �ity ��u�r��i1 �r�n�n� t�� Il��ni�i��f ���� �r�la�t�� t� ���lu���i�r� �ri��ri� ��r th� desi�r���i�� �� I�i�t�ri� r�s����es, ����ifi� �Il�ni�i��� ��d� �efini�i�n�� �� v�r�l� �� ����r rreed�� �I�����s. �r� April '�, ����, �h� �I�nr���� ��r�nr�i��i�r� I��I� � ���li� I����ir�� ��� ����t�� � ����lu�i�r� r�co�n�end�n� th� ��t� ��u��il ������� ���r����r�n�n# ��de �r����r��r�t ��s� �V�, �7-��� ��� �rr��n� �h� Il��r�i�tp�� ��d� r�l���� �� His��ri� F�����r���. Th� �I�r��ir�g ���nr�i����r� r���r��e��e� ���n��� �r�rl���h �r� �n�lu��� ir� ��ch���t A �� tl�� �tt����� �r�ir��r���. �r� ��ri� �� ����, t�r� �r�hit��t�r�� F���ri��v ��r�nrn�#tee r��ri�v�r�� tl�� �r���s�� �i��r��e� ��d �n��e � ���orr�rx��r���ti�r� �f�up��rt��r th� pr������ ���r����, �I��ll���� �F I��I.�E�: Th� �I�� I�a�� ���n v�r�r�c�ng t�v��rd �����I��I�ir�� a� ����� h��t�ri� re�i���r �n� i��r��if�ir�� �r�����e� �n� pr����ur�� �����i�#�� �ri�h �I�� d��i�r��ti�n �� l�is��ri� �r��e�t�e�. T���c� ��r�np1���� t� ���e ir��lud� t�� �r������ �I������ �� �h� IVlur�i����l ���e �����i�t�� �vit� #hi� i��rr�, a�� v�r�ll �s ��� ��v�l��rner�� �� � �i�t�r�� �����,r�e ��r�fu�a�#��n ��rrrr �rr� � N1in�r lJs� F'e���� ���li�ati�r�. 1�1�� HF�� ir�t�n�s �� s��rt ir�itia�l v�r�r�c it� ��rv��rir�� ��r�r�n�r�ia�l �r�p��ti�� �r� �r���� �tr��� �ur�n� i�� N1�� r�ra������ v�r�th th� u���r�n��� ���I ��e�t��li�l���� � ���nrr-���v�rr-� ��r� I--�i�#�ri� ����ri��, T�is di��ri��, if �����li����, �rrr�u�d �ff�r �d�i�i�rra�l ��'�����i�l"1 ���' ������1���C� �11����1� �J����I'�I��, �� UII��� �� �'����.�II"��� ��1�� ���1�1�1���� �� ��"1� h����r�� �I��r����r �f #1�� a�r�� ���v� a�r�d �e��r�� tl�� ��c��tin� �-�.� ��si�n ���rl��r �i�tr���. T�� i�-I�� a��� int��ds #� �r���se e�cp�r�si�n ��t�� f�#ur� I�����ri� ��s�r��t �r tl�� �st��l��fi�r�er�� �f ����r ���tri�t� �rithir� tl�� 1li����� a��-�� �s ��r�n� �r�� re��ur��� ��rrr��t. T�� ����� �� tl�� �u�r�-�r�t �r��r�r� �r�vi��� � ���h �� �t���� v�r�r�c t��nr�r� hi�t�ri� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 2 �1�Y ���IV��L. ���V�I��RAT��N �F �I� �F��IIV�IV�� �F T�IE ��TY ��l.�l���l� �F ��� ��TY �F �4F�F��Y� �R�h��� �#1�I��V�I�VC �WA���F�� 'I�.�� �IV� '1�.��. �F TI�L� 'I� �F THE �#i�i���f� �RAI��E �I�I�I��P�L� ���� R.�I�A�`E� T� ��E F�I���I�I� F�E��lJF��� ���I��V�►Ti��l �F������ ��i�l� ��, ���� PAC E � �F � �e��u��� �n� �i�����t ���i�r�a�ti�n, but �I�� I��ve� tl�� �IF�� re���r t� a�d�i�� tl�� AF��, ���mr��r�i�� ���r����r�n�r�� ��r��t�r, Pl�r��i�� ���nr�iss��n ��� ���� ���r���� r�l�t�� �� ���u�r� dev�l��r�r��r�� �r��e��� �����i���d �vi�#� ��#��tia�ll� ��i�i��e hi���ri� r����r���, T�� �r�p���� ���n��� t� ��� IVlu�rri�i��l ���� d��re����� �� th� �ll�� �I} ��� ���in����n� ir�����ir�� "ir���gr;t�f„ "�i�r�ifi��n��,,, a�r�� "���tribu�t���„ �nd "t��n-��n��-�butin� �r�perti��" �r�� r�nn��r� sp����� �efir�itr�r��f �} rr��r� �I��rl� ��fir�� �r�#eri� ���� t� r��rnin�te �i�t�ri� r�s�u��e�, �} ��� f�ir���n�� ���������� v�ri�l� t�� �e�i�r��t��� �r���s� ar�� �} ���pt ?"�re �e�re�ary o� �he !►��erior's ��ar�c�arc�s for ��re Trea�m�r�� o� �fi��oric Pro�er�ie� vrri�� ��ri�e��r��� ��►-�r��e►vir�g�, ��l���i�i���ir��� �e���r�ir�� � F����rr��r-�r��ir�� I�i���ri� ��r�lc�ir�g��, 9�.��.���.�. - �e�rri�i�r�� �h�n�e� �� th� ��fi�ni���n �e�ti�r� �n�l�,�� th� f��l��vir��; "��r�#rib�tin�„ �r�d i�IV�n-��ntr�b�����" ���p�rties � T���� ��fi�iti�n� v�rill �e ut��i��� �c��r�� t�� �r����� �� ���r�l�� �p��ifi� F�ist�ri� �'r�tr��t�. IIVi#hin th� k�����r�� ���tr���, �r�pert��� ��n �e �����n���d a�� � �ri���r�� r����r��, � ��ntri�u�t�r�g �r���rt�r �r�d � n��- ��ntri����r�� �r����t�. �p�r��r��#� �r��tr�r��r�� �� � �����fi� pr�p�rt� �� �e��r���nt �n i�� �e�igr���i��. � ��r�tributi�� pr�pert}r i� i`� b�����n�, �tru�tur�� site, ���#�r� �r�b�����r�rit�in �r� �i�#�r�� �i�tri�� t��� ernb��i�� th� �i�r��fi�a��t �������I ���r��t�r��ti�� a��� fe�tu��-e�, �r ���s �� �I�� I�����ri��� �����i�ti�ns, hi����i� �r�l�������r�l ���li���s �r �r�����l��i��l �ra��ue� ���r�ti��� f�r ��� I�ist��-i� distri�t, ��� v�r�� �r����nt ��rirr� ��e ��ri�� �f ��gr�i�i��r���, r�la�t�� t� t�e ���ur�ner�t�� �ig�i�i��r��� �� #�e �r��er-ty, �r�� ���s�s��� h����ri� i����r�t�r �� i� ������� �� �i���i�� irr�p�r�a�r�t inf���a��i�r� ������h� ��r��d." A �V��- �on#ri�utin� pr��e�#� i� �ir�n�l�r � "��r��#�r�, s�t�, �rn�r��rer�ner�t �r ��tur�� ���tt��r� I��a�t�� �nr�tl�ir� �I�� ��un���-i�s �f � ���igr�a�ted �r��t�r�� �i�tri�t tha�t i� r��� i��n�ifi�d a�� � ��ntr�bu����g pr���rt�r v�ri��i� ��� �i�tri�t,,' "I--�i�t�ri� �tr����r�" �-T�e ��rr� l--li���ri� �tr����r� i� r�rn�v�d ��r t�� �r����r��fir�i�i�n �f I--li�t�ri� F����ur��, v��r��� ���I� �����np��s ��j�cts �t��r ���r� �tru���re� ���h �s si��s, fe�tur��� ���e�, �I���� a�n� �th�r irr�pr��r�rr��r�t�. "H����ri� F��s��r��" — Tf�� ��fini���n �a�� b��n �h�r���� fr�� �i�t�r�� �tr��#�r� #� r�s�ur�� in �r� e�f�r� �� ��r���� ���� � ��i���ri� r������� ��r� �� ���nn�thi�� �th�r �h�� � �tr��#�r�. A��� in�lud�� i� �p���fi� la�n�u�a��� tl�a�t r�����i��s t�r� �it�'� ���ist�r �f �--lis��ri� F����ur�e� durin� ��C�� �-��ie�r, "�n#���-�t�„ ,,.. In�l��i�n �f #�i� ���fr��ti�r� i� �r� �r���r-t�r�� ��nr���n�r�t �� ��r�lu�ti�g ��� ��p��pri�t�r��s� �� i���udir�� � r���ur�e �r� the ����I r��i�t�r. int��rit� �� d�fir��� �s "��r� �b��it�r �� � st�,�t�,r�, �i�ef irr��r�v���r�t �r r��#ura�l f����r� t� ��r��re}r �ts si�r�ifi�ar��e t�rr�u�� t�� survi�r�� �f I���r �I�r�r��r��� �f i#� �ri��n�f ���I�, s��l�, rr����ri�l� �r�� ��t�i�i�g," . Agenda Item 9.b. Page 3 �ITY ���JIV�IL ���V�I���ATI��V �F �41� �F�l�IIVAIV�� �� THE ��T�f ����V�IL �� �I�� ��TY �� �4�F��1(� �F��►IV�� �#I�I�h���IV� �H�#P���� 'I�.�� �11VC� 'I�.'��. �� TIT�� 'I� �� T�I� AF�F��1�� �F�AIVDE II��l�11���A� ���E FiEI.A��� T� T�� �1����F��� i����lJf��� D��I�I��#TE�I� PR����� AP1�#� �2, ���� 1�A�� � �F � ii����t���ir�� F-�1����-���I F�����r��" — T�i� ��ci�t��g ��fir�iti�n �� �r���s�d �� �� r�rr���r�d �� e�ir�r�in��� t�� ti�r�d tre��r��nt �f hi�t�r�� r����r���, "�igr�ifi��r���'� — 1"hi� ���initi�rr �� �dd�d ir� �r� �tter�n�� t� �I�rif}r t��t �h� �i�ni������� �f � r�s��r�� �� d�t�rr�r�in�d t�r�ugl� ti�� I�I�ir��r �1s� �err�n�t pr����� ���e� u��� �����ri� ir� �11��i�i��C ���e ���ti�r� 1�.�1�.���,� �r�� t�r��g� ��i��r��� �u�r�r�i�#�� �r� ��� ��rr���n���ra���v� r���r�. �i�r�i�i��n�� �� ��fi�n�d �� ii� r���ur�e t��� h�� �e�r� ����rr�ir��d t� �� k�i���ri��ll� ir�np����t �� th� ��r�nr��nit� �� r�e�tin� th� ���#e�-�� in �I��i�i�a�1 ���� �e��i�n 1�.�1�,'���.�. ����d u��r� ���nsi��r�ti�r� �� �r�f�rr�����n ���r�itt�� ir� �h� r���r� d�rin� �I�e �-li�t�ri� F�e��ur�� ��si�n�t��r� �r����s �� ���I�r��� ir� N1u�i�i��! ���� ������r� ��.'I�.�I�� �Illin�r u�� ��rr�nit�---�li�t���� r���u�r�� �r���tri�t d�si�n�#i��.,r ��.�6,���.�. �1�r���ri��r� �ri��r�i� ��r�e�i�rrr��i�g� I�-li���ri� 14e���r��e� Th� �ri��r�� f�r ���i�n�#in� � f�i���ri� r�s�ur�e �r� �r������ �� he ��c��n��d fr��n t#�r�� ��� ��cis��n� �rit�ri� �� nin� {�}. The ��� �f r�ir�e ��� �rit�ria� r��r� fuEl� �r�i�ul���� th� ���ct�-urr� �f re��ur��� #F��t ��cer�r��li�y fr�np�rta�r�t �����t� �� tl�� �it�'� ���t r�l���� �� ��r�r�ts, ����I�, �r�hi���tu�re ���r1�� ��-��i���tur�l e��rn�l��, ����d �r�l��te�#�, u�i�u�e I���I �I��r��teri�ti��, �r���rv�ti�r� �f hi���ri��E ir�t���it�r ��d ����ti�r�. Th� pr������ ��r�t�ri� ��� �� �������■ �i ■� �� �f r� �F�� #./�RA �i��111���� I��I� �/i/����' ���.+R�� �� �����/��� �I��#.f��� #../����• �. It �s �tr�n�ly id�nti�ie� �ri#h � ��r��� v�r��, �r �� �rg�ni��ti�n, v�r�i�� �i�r�i��a��ntl}r �ontr��u��� to t�e �u�#ur�, �i�tory �r deve�op�ner�t �f t�e cor�r�ur�it}� of Arroya �ra�r���, t�e ��u��� �� ��r� ��i� ��i���, ��� �t�#� �f ���if���i� �r th� l�r�r�e� �t�te�. �. It i� � p�rti�ul�rl� ���� ��c�r�npl� �f � p�ri�d �f �i�t�ry �r �r��i#����r�l ��y�� �n� � stru���r� �� ���r�i���r�� �l��r�ct�r, ir�ter�s� �r v�lu� �� ��rt �f tl�� ��u�l���n�t�t, l�erit��e �r��It�r�� �I�a�ra����ri�ti�s �f t�r� �ft�r� ���nt�, �t�t� �� r�a�ti�rr. �. It �� ��� �f th� �e�� �r f�v�r r���ir�ir�� ��c�r�r��le� ir� �i�e ���� �������ir�� di�ti��ui�h�b�� �I�������r��t��s ���r� ����ite�t�,r�l t�p� �r �p��ir�en. �. It i� � ��t�bl� �rv�r�C ���r� �r�l��t��t ��- r�����r �uil��r v�rh��� �r��i�ri���l �v�r�c� �ra��re si�r�ifi��r����r ir�fluer���d ��� ���r����r�n��t �f�I�� �i�y, ����ty, �t�t� �r n��i�n. �. It �r�r�b���es el�r�n��t� �f �r�hit��#�r�� d�si�r�, ��tail, r��t�r��l� �r �ra�ft�rr��r���rip th�� re�����r�t � ���r�ifi��r�� �r�h�t��t�r�l inn��ra�ti�n, �. 1# �a�s � �r���u� I���t��n �r �'rr���l�r p�y�i��l ������t�ri�#i� r�pr�s�ntir�� �r� . e���bli�l�e� ��� f�r�r��li�r ������ ���t�r� �f � �i��r��t, ��rr�r�r�ur�ity� ����nt�r, �t��� �r r��ti�r�. �. It r�t�in� ��e �nt�g��t� �f th� d�si�r�, I��� rr�t b��� in���r���-E�#�I}� ����r��, relo��ted, ad�e� to or �emodele� �. �h� �tr�ctur� �r �����i�n is ������� �r� � ge�gr�p�i����}r �e��n�bl� are� p�ss���ir�� � ��r��er��r�t��r� �f hi�t�r�� r���ur��s th�t �r��u�lly ��r�tri�ute t� �a��� �tl��r �rr� a��-� ur���i�d ae�t��ti�ally. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 4 �I�Y ��L��I��L ���V�I�EF�AT��I� �� �h� ��t��NAIV�E �F TH� ��Tl� ��I�IV�IL �F ��� �ITY �F ������ �F��4h��E �#���V�]�IVC ���#�TEF�� '��.�� Ahl� '��.'��. �F TI�LE 'I� �F THE A���Y� C�AN�� 11111�NI�IP�IL. ���E F�EL�ITE� T� T�� HI������ F�E��C�F��� ���f��V�#�`i�lU P���E�� AP�II� ��� ���� PA�� � �� � �6.��.��5.�. �4ppli�a�ili��r- �ri��ria for 1-�'����ri� Resour�e F�ef��en�es �� `��ut���r��i�g I--ii����i��� ����ur���" �n� "ir�n�r��r�rr��r�ts" h��re ���r� rer�r���r�� ��r�u�l�����I�is s��ti�� #� r��t�l� pr������ d�fi��ti�n� �f�`His��r�� F�������es,,' � r�evrr s�b���ti�r� ��, ��rr�i��s� ��s ��e� �d�ed t� ir��l�d� fir��i��� t��t rr���t �� rr�a��� ���i�� ��� �--li�t�ri� F�����r�� ���ig�n��i�n pr�����. Tl�i� sub���t��n s�����: �in�ir��� - ��e ���rn��i�y ��vel��r�er�� �ire���r �r t�� �I�r�nir�g ��r�nr�i��i�n ��� d�sign�#� tl�� I��tin� �f � pr�pe�t� �� � �i�t�ri� r���u�r�e ��I� �f ��I �� �I�� f��l��i�� fir��ir�g� �f f��t ��n �� r�a�d� in �n �fif�rr���i�r� r�n�nn�r: 1. �a���� ���n ��n����r�ti�n �� ir���rr��ti�n s��r�itt�d in th� r���r� durir�� �h� I--���t�r�� F��s�ur�� ��s��n�ti�n pr���s� #�� �r���rt� rn��t� �ne �f �I�� �r���ri� �is��d ir� 'i�i.'I�,'I��.�. �. T�� r����r�� �r���ir�s th� int��rit� �� �h� �����r�, h�s r��t ���r� ir����r�pri�t�l�r �I�er�d: rel��ated, �d��� t� �r rer�n��eled, ���tEOr� �.�. ��opt� �h� Tf�� ���r���ry �f��re lr���rior�� ��ar�darc�� for �h� Tr�a�merr� of �1i��ori� Pro��rti�� wi�f� �uid�lir��� �or Pr�s�rvi�rg� F��l���i�i����r��, Res�arirr� � �ecor���ru��ir�� His��ri� Br�il�irrg� ���l�� �� � �uid�ng do��rnent fo�r ��� tr��#��r�t o� hi�t�ri� r���ur���. Th� ���� �d�r�ss�s ��ur tr�a�#rr���#s f�r h��t�ri� res�ur���: pr���rva��i�r�f r��a�bili���i�r�, r����r�t��n �n� r�����tr�r��i�n. Al���ug� ��e ��I� �re utiliz�� ��r ��d�r�l r�h�b��it����n �r��e�ts, #��� ��rve �� �r� �����t�� ��ur�� �f g�r��r�� �u���n�� f�r �v�r�C �r� �r�� �i�t��i� ��il�i��. � ���� ���h� d��urx��rrt ��r� �� r��ri��nr�� �t F�tt�:� .r���,c����h��t�rv�h��������t����rd���n�e�.�t�n �4LTE F�I�A��11��� �1�� ���I�v�rtr�� �It�rr���i�e� �re pr��ri�ed f�r��e ��ur��il's ��n�id�r��i��; - Ir�tr����� t�e at���hed �rdina�n��; - flJl����y �� ���r�pri�te �r�� ir��r��du�� t�� �t�����d �rdi��r��� - �� n�� intr����� th� �tt����� �rd�r��n��; - Prov��e dire�tiorr t� st�ff. A�11A�1�A�E�: Ad�r��t���� ��s����t�� �nr��h th� �r������ �I��r���� ir����,�� 1� �I�rifi��t��r� �� ��i�t�r�� 111i�,ni�i��l ���� I�r����g� �rrd ��rr��t� ��de re�er�r��� �ri����c�s; �� b�ft�r ��i��n�� t� pr���rt�r ��rr��r�� ��t��ti�l pr����t� bu}r�r�� �it� �t��f, �r�� �i�� b����� ��E�t�d t� �ri#�ri� �������t�� v�ritl� hi�t�ri� r����r���f �� th� ����d lar�gu��e ir� tl�e �efir��ti�r� ���t��r� v�r�ll �s��s� �r� ��� �r��ti�r� �f h����ri� ���t�i��� ���e� ���n �i�t�ri� r����r��� �r�� �h��r��t�r �n� �er��e of pf���; �nd 4� �he ��an��s ar� �orrsi�te�# �nr�t� Fe�e��l ��d �ta�e r��ul������. Agenda Item 9.b. � Page 5 ��� �����i� ��hl�l���ATI�N C�F ��1 �F�D1I�AIV�� �� TI�� �I�'1� ���JI����. �� THE �I�Y �F AF�F��1�� �F�A�V�E �111IIEI�D11�� �HA�TEF�� 'I�.�� Ahl� �I f.1�. �F T�TL� 1� �� T�I� �1RI��Y� �I�AN�E II��.lh������#L ���� F����"F'�� �� ��I� HI���I�I� �E��IJ��E D����I�AT���V I�F������ �l��I L ��, ���� PA�� � �F � �I�aA�]ll�#i'�1�'�#C E�: 1.���il ���li�� t� ����ifi� �r���rt��� ��r���� t�� Il�fn�r lJ�� P�rr�it p����s� �r ��� �e��l���rr�r�� r�vi��r pr����s, ��� �r�p�s�� ��-it�ria� r�i��t �� ��r��iv�d �� ��r�rl}� �r���, �NVI#��NII��IV�A�. F��V��VI�: �n ��r�n�l��r��� �nri�f� �I�� ��I���rni� Er��r�r�n��nt�l C�u�l�t� ��� ��EC�A�, #�� ��r�rr��r�it� ���r����r��nt �e��rtr��nt ��� ��t�rrr�ir��� th�t t#�i� �r�j��t i� ���r�n�t ��r ���#��� ����� ���{�} �f t�� �EC�� �ui��lir��s. �� ��� ��ur��il d��s n�� ���I ���t tl��� d���rrni���i�n i� ��pr��r��t�, �r��e�� ���r��ra�l ����I r��� �e ��r���d�r�d, ���Ll� �V�TIFI��►TI�IV AI�� ��IIIIII�Eh1T�: ��e �e�u��re� ���l�� �ea�rir�� r���i�� v�ra� ���li�l��� in T�r� Tri�c�r�e �r� A��il 1�, ����, Agenda Item 9.b. - Page 6 ��������� ��. �� ���I����i� �� ��� �i�� �/����.II� �� ��� �il� �� ������ ����� �����I�� �������� ����� ��� '1�.'1��F���"�E �f���THE��F��Y�C�AI�D� II�IJIV��IPI�� ��D� ����A��IN� THE �II��T�F�I� F�E��IJ��E �E�f��IA�TI�I� ����E�� 1N�E�E�1�, th��it}r'����� ��n�r�� Pl�r� ��j��ti�r���nd p����i���r�r��t������si�n��i��, �r���rv�ti�r�, r����r�ti�n, ��f�t�r# ��nd ������ist�ri� ���u�t�r��t� �nr��l� tl�� I«r�� ��f�tur� ��n�ra�ti�r�� ��r �r��ridir�� �p���uni���� t� �r���� ��nd le�rn �b���t#�� ��r�nr���r�t�r'� �E�#�ry; �nd INH�F����, �n ����s���# ����, t�� ��#}r��u���il ������� �rdi�r�r��� ���, ��i�#� �r��t�d �k�� Hi�t�ri� I��s�u�r�����rnrr�i�t���HF��}�nd ��t�bli�h�d � f�F�#�ri��l��������i�n ��-�����.# a�d iI11�f�F�E��, I��� ��r�n����rr�� ��t�� �F�� rr�i��i�r� ��� #�; � Pr�r�n�t� �t�� d��i�n�ti�r�, �r���rva�ti��n� r��t�r�ti�n, ��f�t� �nd u��� �� hi���rr� s�r��tur�� t� �n����r tl�� li�r�� �f�u��r���r��r�t����, �r��r�din� �p���tu��iti��t� �r���� ��n� I��r� �����t�� ��r�r��r�i��r'� �i�t�ry; • I�n�r�v� th� ����I ���r��rr��r ��r �ttr��tir�� t�uri�rn �r�� ��h�r bu�ir���s �� ��� ��!�1"1�'1'�1.r1�1 f��; � F����r � ����� ����rrr�nunit}� ���r��it}� ��d p�id�; � ����il���and i�mpr���th� �����r�i��r�lu���hr�t�ri��r����i���r�� ��i����rh��d�# � �nha�n�� �i�� ��r�r�r7r��r�'rty'� ���t���i��, int�r���, �n� �tniq�� hi�t��i� ��a����t�r# � Er���u���e �n� �r�vid� in��r�#i�re� t� pr����t� �vrr��r� t� �r���rv� �n� r��tc�r� F�i�t�ri� pr�p��ti�s, ��d t� ����'r���r�l}r r�l���il��a�t� tl��r� f�r �d�pt��� r�-u�� �r��r� ne�e���ry; ��d IIV����A�� �n f��r�� ��, ����, in �rr �f��rt t� �I�ri��r �r�d r��ir�� ����ifi� ����������, t�� �F�� �e��r�r�r���d�� ��a�# ��� �it�r ��un�il �rr��r�d the �Ilu�r�i�i��l ��d� b}� 1� ���i�� n�vrr ���r�iti�n�; �} r�r��r� �I��r�� ��f�r�� �rit�r�� ���d �� r��rni��t� �r��t�ri� r����,r���, �} a�d� ��n�i��� ���������� �nr�th �h� ���i�r���i�n pr����� ��n� �� ����� �h� �������r�r �� ��e 1►���rior�s��ar�dar�s far�f�� Tr�a�rr�er��o��Ii��o�i���apertr'�s v�rith �ui�felirre�forPres�rvir�g� Rel���ili�a�ir��� l��s�arrrr� � f�e�or���ru��irrg I�is�oric �r�r'1dir���; �n� 11VHEF���#�, �n �p��� �, ����#tl�� �I���in� ��rr�r�issi�n I��I� � �uhii� h�a�rir�� �r�� �d�pt�d � F�e��l����r� r���r�trr��r��ir�� tl�� �it}r ���n��� a�ppr��r� ����I�pr-r���t ��d� A�r��drr���nt ���� �1�. ��-��� �nd a�r��rr� th� �Iluni����l ���� r�l���� t� Hi�t�ri� I����ur���# �rrd 111��E�E��, �n ��ril �, ����, tl��Ar�hit��tur�� F���r���r�r��rr�r-r�itt�� r��ri�v�r�d t�e �r���s�� �ha��g�� �r�d rr�a��� � r���r�n��nda#i��r �h� �it� ���n�il �� �ppr��r� ���r�l�prn��� ��d� �r���cirr�er�t ���� I��. ��-��� �r�d �r�n�n�i �h� Illlu�n��i��l ��d� r�l�te� �� Hi�t��r�� F���o�r�es; and Agenda Item 9.b. Page 7 ���iru�ru�� r��. ���� � �IVF�IEF����, t�� �it�r ���,r��il fir�d�, a�ft�r �t�d�, d�li��r�ti�n a�� puhli� I���rin��, ��� ��Il��r�rin� �ir��r��t�r���� ��ci�t: � A. Th� pr�p�s�d ��m���rn��nt���T��I� ���f th� �ur���i��������r�c�o��i�t�r�t v�ri#�r��� ���I�, �bj��ti���, p��i�i�� ��d �r�gr�rn� �� t�� ��n�r�� Pl�r�, �����i�l1�r ����� �v#�i�h �r���ura���� th� �����rv�#i�n �f �i�t�r�� �nd ��,Itura� ����ur���, �, TI�� �r�p���� a�r��r��rr��r�#� t� Ti�l� �� �f �h� h�lu�r�i��p�l ��d� �rrri�� r��� �dv�r��l�r �f���t t�� publ��l���l��, ����#y# a�r���nr�l��r� �r r�����ir� �r� ill��i��� I��� u�� ��tt�rr�, ����� #�� �r���s�d �h�n��� �nr��l �Il�v��h� r���mi�n�ti�r� �� ��I�v�n� r���ur��� t� t�r� I���� r�gi�t���� hi�t��i� r���ur���. �. Th� �r������ �rr��r��r���nts���`��I� ���f tl�� fVl�r���ip�������r��or��i���r��v�rit��h� ��r��s� ��nd in��n# �� fiitl� �� in�l�dir�� Illl��i�i��� ���� ���i�����,'i�,���, �rhi�� ����r���� ��r th� ���nti�i��ti��, pr�te�ti�rr, �n�r�rr��r��r��, �r�� ���-p�t���i�� �� #�� �it}r'� hi�t��-���I �r�d a�r���t��tu�ra�� h�r�t���. �. �h� �it}� h�� ��n�u�t�d �n�r�r�nr��r�t�l r����v�r ��� ��i�p�i�r� �f �n �r�iin�n�� �r�n�r��ing Titl� '1� �f t�� ��r�i����l ����, �r�d ��� f�un� ���t �# ��� b� ���r� �nr�tl� ��rt�int�r t��t ���r� i� r�� p���i��l�t�r t��t t�� �r�p���d �rr��r�dr��r�t� �nrill ���r� �r� ��f��t�r���r��r�v�r�nr��nt�n��h�r�f�r�th'rs p��j��t i����r�p��r�r�th��r��ri���n��� �EC�A, ��r�u�r�t t� ���A ��i���in�s ����i�r� 'I���'I������; ��� � h��V'V� �`H�I��F�F��� �� I������IV�� b}r th� �it�����n��l ����� �i#}��f Arr�}r� �ra�nd�, �� f�ll��nr�: �E�T��IV 'I: Th� �b��r� r�����i� �nd �indin�� �r� tru� �nd ��rr��� �E�T���V �; A�r��r��r�r�d���,ni��p�l �����k��pt�r��r�d ���ti�r�����f�rth h�r�irr ��I�v�r�r� i���-�����nn�r���d ���h��v� ir� ��c�i�it "A„��t����d h�r�t��r�� i�n�or��r���� h�thi� r���r�n��. �. 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