Minutes 1988-05-10 SP . MINUTES COUNCIL BUDGET STUDY SESSION TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1988 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The Council met at 3:30 P.M. with Mayor Howard Mankins presidin9. Also present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter. The Council began to discuss the various line items in the budget sections, beginning with Organizational Contracts under Activity 4100 City Council. Mayor Mankins referred to his letter of May 9, 19B8 regarding a City Promotional Fund to promote business, increase sales and strengthen the sales tax base for the City. He said the fund would be administered by the Council and organizations could compete for the money. Council Members Moots, Johnson and Porter approved of the Mayor's plan if enough monies could be allocated to the fund. Council Member Millis said he had no objection to the fund, but that the amount the City gives to the Chamber of Commerce should be increased. LENNY JONES, 312 Walnut Street, Chamber of Commerce president, said the Chamber approves of the concept of the promotional fund but would still be asking for separate funding. There was further discussion of Chamber of Commerce independence from the City. KATCHO ACHADJIAN of 222 Grand Avenue said the fund idea was a good one and offered suggestions for the scope of the plan. After further discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Porter to set up a City Promotional Fund for the Chamber of Commerce to use for promoting City sales tax revenue. The motion died for lack of a second. It was moved by Moots/Johnson to establish a City Promotional Fund. Its initial balance would be determined by amounts gleaned from the 1988-89 budget proposal. Staff was directed to develope criteria for use of the fund. Before a vote could be completed, Council Member Millis asked if the Council should take official action during a budget study session such as this one. There was Council discussion. CAROL ROBERTS, Telegram-Tribune reporter, said in the past the Mayor usually asked for Council consensus and then a vote was taken on the entire budget when all the sessions were completed. The Mayor asked for Council consensus on the Promotional Fund and there were no objections. MR. ACHADJIAN spoke for the Harvest Festival Committee and explained the group's donation of trees to Soto Park last year. He said the Committee needs $4,000.00 to start the Harvest Festival. Mr. Christiansen said (with reference to the Council taking official action at a budget study session) that the City Attorney had just advised via the telephone that if it is an item of substance it would not be proper. Mayor Mankins said the next budget session should be set up as a regular meeting. JIM MC GILLIS spoke for the Chamber of Commerce and asked for a $15,000.00 allocation from the City. The Council discussed Activity 4101 Central Services, 4110 Finance, 4111 City Clerk/Treasurer, 4120 City Attorney, 4130 Planning, 4140 Printing/Duplicating and 4141 Insurance/Bonds. As the Council progressed through the budget, Mayor Mankins got Council consensus on the various changes, and gleaned amounts from some budgets to put into the new Promotional Fund. . ----- """ CITY COUNC I L MAY 10, 1988 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO The Council considered Activity 4200 Police budget. Police Chief James Clark said an additional officer is needed by his department. There was extensive Council discussion, but no agreement could be reached. It was the consensus of the Council that the Police Budget issue be kept open. Adjournment was at 5:40 P.M. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK