Minutes 1988-03-22 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1988 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Also present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis and Gene Moots. Council Member D. G. Porter was absent. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Mankins led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Everett Taylor of First United Methodist Church delivered the invocation. PUBLIC APPEARANCES JIM SCRIVANI of 201 Whiteley asked Council Members to have more deliberation and study on matters that come before them at Council meetings. PETE MILLER, attorney for Rancho Grande development, asked to speak a t item H. 1 . CONSENT AGENDA Moved by Johnson/Millis (4-0-1, Porter absent) to approve Consent Agenda Items C.1. through C.8., with the recommended courses of action. C.1. Proclamation, "California Earthquake Preparedness Month," April, 1988. Proclaimed. C.2. Proclamation, "Arbor Day," April 7, 1988. Proclaimed. C.3. February 23, 1988, City Council Minutes. Approved. C.4. March 1, 1988, City Council Minutes. Approved. C.5. Annual Joint City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, April 13, 1988. Approved. C.6. Award of Bid, Hose Fittings (Budgeted Item). Awarded to Low Bidder. C.7. Award of Bid, Photocopier. Awarded to Low Bidder. C.8. Progress Payment, So to Sports Complex Storm Water Reclamation Project. Approved. C.C.FILE 9-11-18 Pub li c Heari ng APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO REQUIRE A FOCUSED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTl LOT 5 OF TRACT 604, OAK PARK ACRES, FILED BY RUSSELL SHEPPEL/KEVIN KENNEDY ~.~.~ Ll b-3-BB Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck referred to her memo of March 17, 1988, and said the Planning Commission had asked that a focused Environmental Impact Report should be prepared on traffic. Mayor Mankins opened the hearing to the public. JON ECKLUND, project planner, and REUBEN KVIDT, developer of Oak Park Acres, spoke against the Planning Commission recommendation on the basis that two EIRs were already prepared for the original Oak Park Acres Planned Development and they included traffic impacts. MARK LOVEJOY, a teacher at Valley View School, and JIM SILVA, 1360 Brighton Avenue, spoke against the focused EIR and said it is not fair to hold up the project any further. RUSS SHEPPEL, applicant, gave a history of efforts to get the project underway, and said the focused EIR was not necessary. STEVE COOL, 1577 El Camino Real, spoke in favor of the focused EIR and said every new project makes the traffic problem worse. -....--.-..---.,- C!TY COUNC I L MARCH 22, 1988 ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO APPEAL OF FOCUSED EIR Continued from Page 1 Mayor Mankins closed the discussion to the floor. There were Council questions of Staff. Council Member Millis said suggestions for mitigating traffic problems could be derived from the focused EIR. Other Council Members thought it would. be unfair to hold up the project until all traffic problems were solved at the Oak Park Interchange. Moved by Johnson/Moots (3-1-1, Porter absent and Millis voting no) to not require a focused Environmental Impact Report, finding that this one project does not appear to have a significant effect on traffic in the area. REQUEST BY THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY INC. EMSA FOR FINANCIAL SUPP RT ROBERT GRAYS N EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR . Interlm lty Manager rlS hrlstlansen referre to his memo of March 17, '988, and recommended that the Council deny the request. BOB GRAYSON, Executive Director of EMSA, referred to his letter. of to the Council of March 3, '988, and asked the City for a $.10 per resident commitment to the program. After discussion, it was moved by Moots/Johnson (4-0-1, Porter absent) to follow the Staff recommendation and deny the request. REPORT REGARDING LINDA DRIVE Moved by Johnson/Millis (4-0-1, Porter absent) to accept into the record letters from Joan Ingalls and Jean Dupont Miller of 1111 Linda Drive; Carrol Pruett, Mid-State Bank president; Roy Burke, Burke and Pace Lumber, and Dick Blankenburg, Blankenburg Brothers and Times-PressRecorder, and a Traffic Count and Flow study on Linda Drive done by David and Julie Delfino. Public Works Director Paul Karp referred to his memo of March 17, 1988, and said he was transmitting to the Council Special Project Director Dwayne Chisam's analysis of the four alternatives discussed for Linda Drive. Council Members began a discussion of the various measures to regulate traffic on the street including rumble strips, further signing, double lines, red curbing, speed bumps, reducing speed limit, medians and no-left turns. Residents giving input were DEBBIE KROVIOUS AND DAVID DELFINO. Police Chief Clark recommended against lowering the speed limit below 25 miles per hour because of difficulties in enforcement and citing. After more discussion, it was moved by Johnson/Millis (4-0-1, Porter absent) to adopt Plan II, as prepared by the residents of Linda Drive, which included a one-way street, and (1) the "no-left turns" deleted, (2) the speed bumps deleted, (3) a median constructed according to street and safety standards, and (4) red curbing at Mid-State Bank and Times-Press-Recorder driveways for site distance. INSTALLATION OF A RADIO TOWER PAGING TRANSMITTER Mr. Christiansen referred to his memo of March 17, '988, and recommended that the Council authorize Pacific Communications March 11, 1988, request to lease space in the City's existing building radio tower at Reservoir Two, subject to a private negotiation by the lessee for vehicular access to the landlocked site from one of the adjacent property owners, and contact with Sonic Cable Television to make sure the frequency used will not disturb television reception in the City. Mayor Mankins said he is the owner of the property for which there will be a request for vehicular access and he would not take part in the discussion or vote on the matter. .._._.--..~-_.-- ___...o_n____ ~'_'____'____ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 1988 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE RADIO TOWER TRANSMITTER Continued from Page Two ALEX WIDENER of Pacific Communications and representing Pacific Telepage, explained that the request is to install an antenna two feet tall on top of an existing structure on top of Reservoir Two. He said it would be only 25 watts of power, and maintenance would be only once a year. There was Council concern about the private property owner being disturbed and television interference in the City. Mr. Widener said he didn't believe there would be any problems. Moved by Moots/Millis (3-1-1, Porter .absent and Johnson voting no) to follow the' Staff recommendation. City Attorney Art'Shaw said the Council could, at any time, hold public hearings on the quality of service provided by the Cable Television company in the City. Mayor Mankins directed Ms. Liberto-Blanck to put this on the Area Forums agendas. PLANNING COMMISSION DETERMINATION ON A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE LIMITING RESIDENlIAL BUILDING HEIGHT TO FIFTEEN FEET, 681 LANCASTER DRIVE, VARIANCE CASE NO. 88-116, MARY LIMA C.C.FILE 6-15-93 Ms. Liberto-Blanck referred to her memo of March 15, 1988, and recommended filing the Planning Commission's Resolution to approve the Variance. Moved by Moots/Johnson (4-0-1, Moots, Johnson, Millis and Mankins voting aye, Porter absent) to approve the recommendation and Variance. DISCUSSION ON UPDATING GENERAL PLAN ELEMENTS AND ZONING ORDINANCE Ms. Liberto-Blanck referred to her memo of March 16, 1988, and said one of the objectives for fiscal year 1988/89, as outlined in the approved Two-Year Financial Plan, is to contract for the update to the City's land use element, zoning ordinance and other elements. She said Staff is now in the process of preparing the Request for Proposal and would like to get the City Council's input on several items. She said as part of the consultant's proposal, the Planning Department will request an individual cost breakdown for the update of each element and zoning ordinance. She also suggested a growth management plan as part of the land use element. There was Council discussion, and Mayor Mankins suggested calling it Resource Management instead of Growth Management. Moved by Moots/Millis (4-0-1, Porter absent) to adopt the following four items as guidance for the Planning Department: 1. The Request for Proposals should be written flexibly (allowing the consultant to suggest the organization of the pr09ram). 2. The City Council would like to be involved in the selection of a consultant to update the general plan and zoning ordinance, and the Council should be kept abreast of proceedings. 3. The general plan update should be structured so that it is monitored by Staff and then taken to the Planning Commission and City Council. 4. The City Council would like to include a Resource Management Plan as part of the land use element/zoning ordinance update, and it should be given a high priority. OAK PARK INTERCHANGE REPORT AND AGREEMENT Mr. Christiansen referred to his memo of March 16, 1988, and recommended that the Council adopt an addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement regarding Oak Park Boulevard Freeway Interchange, prepared by this City. He said that another addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement prepared by the City of Pismo Beach was being offered to the Council at this meeting. He said that it did not meet the strong dictates of the City Council to the Staff and that it negates Camino Mercado hook ramps. He said he did not recommend signing the Pismo Beach addendum. He said that absent Council Member Porter CITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 1988 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR OAK PARK INTERCHANGE REPORT AND AGREEMENT Continued from Page Three recommended that Item No.4 in the Arroyo Grande addendum specifically point out that hook ramps will be at Camino Mercado and the off ramp at Oak Park Boulevard will be closed. Mayor Mankins said Arroyo Grande agreed to moving the pond at Oak Park Road and the freeway and realignment of West Branch Street, and now is being told by Pismo Beach that it cannot have hook ramps at Camino Mercado. DAVE WATSON, Interim City Manager in Pismo Beach, gave the chronology of discussions between the three cities on improving Oak Park Interchange. He said ramps at Camino Mercado and Oak Park Boulevard could not co-exist, according to Caltrans. He said he would like to sit down and work out the ramp problem with Arroyo Grande. Mayor Mankins said Arroyo Grande must have access to its own commercial development. There was further Council discussion. PETER MILLER, attorney for Rancho Grande development. said the Council should not sign the addendum at this time and leave an important decision to another entity. He recommended that Arroyo Grande hire an attorney to look at the issue from this City's point of view. Council Members said the Arroyo Grande's rights need to be protected. Mayor Mankins said that because of comments made at this meeting and the fact that the Pismo Beach addendum was not on this agenda, the item would be continued and referred to Staff. Mr. Christiansen said the Clty wou 10 COntlnue to ta'IK to f'lSmo ~eacn. Mayor Mankins said he hoped Caltrans would still move ahead with its part of the project. He said the matter should be put on a meeting agenda when possible. LETTER OF INTENT REGARDING JOINT POLICE/SHERIFF FACILITY Mr. Christiansen referred to his memo of March 16, 1988, and said the City had discussed the possibility of a joint facility with the County. He said City Building Inspection had looked at the present Pollee facility and reported that to improve it, including parking, handicapped access, meeting seismic standards, electrical, heating, room and general upgrading of the building, it would cost from $160,000 to $225,000. He said this would not include a second story on the building. Mayor Mankins said the County had adopted a Letter of Intent on the jOint facility, and he would like this Council to do so also. He said the present facility is not adequate. He said that if the City wants to move ahead on a possible joint facility, details like cost, size and services could be worked out after the Letter of Intent. Council Member Millis expressed concerns about cost, where the money would come from, and equal joint ownership of the building. He said a second story would give more space and there could be more parking provided on City property across the street. Chief Clark said the Police facility has been modified to the point where there is no more space. After further discussion by the Council, it was moved by Moots/Johnson (4-0-1, Porter absent) to approve a Letter to Intention regarding joint Police and Sheriff facility with the County of San Luis Obispo. Council Member Millis said the issues raised at this meeting should be in the letter. NUMBERING MACHINE Mr. Christiansen referred to his memo of March 17, 1988, and recommended that the Council approve the purchase of a numbering machine as an addition to City printing capabilities in order to. follow Council directive. He cost would not exceed $600.00. Moved by JOhnson/Moots (4-0-1, Porter absent) to approve the recommendation. - ~ <, . CITY COUNC I L MARCH 22, 1988 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE REAR INGRESS/EGRESS TO COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMPLEX Mr. Christiansen referred to his memo of March 17, 1988, and said the Council may wish to approve the installation of a door in the rear of the Conference Room so that if need arises for a member of the Council to gain access to the Conference Room and facilities there, he or she may do so through a Council Chambers rear door. He said estimated cost would be $1,000.00. Mayor Mankins said he would support this idea. Council Members Millis and Moots said the door is not needed in this tight budget year. JIM SCRIVANI OF 201 Whiteley and HEATHER JENSEN of 569 May Street said this would be a waste of money and the funds could be spent on other City projects. No Council action was taken. PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT USE OF BICYCLES AND WHEELED.TOYS ON SIDEWALKS IN THE DOWNTOWN VILLAGE AREA (CONTINUED FROM COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 8, 1988 ) . Mr. Christiansen referred to his memo of March 3, 1988, and recommended that the Council conduct the first reading of the ordinance. Moved by Moots/Johnson (4-0-1, Moots, Johnson, Millis and Mankins voting aye, Porter absent) to have the first reading of an Ordinance Amending Municipal Code Sections 4-7.15 and 4-13.02 to Prohibit the Use of Bicycles and Wheeled Toys on Sidewalks Along Branch Street in the Downtown Village Area. LONG RANGE PLANNING REPORT Council Member Moots said there are several more steps to complete and he hopes to present the report to the Council in May. He complimented City Staff members on their work on the Long Range Committee and Report. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION The Council adjourned at 10:15 P.M. to a Closed Session on personnel and litigation. RECONVENEMENT AND FINAL ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 11:00 P.M. The Mayor set a Budget Study Session for 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, March 29, 1988. The meetin~ immediately adjourned on motion of Johnson/Millis (4-0-1, Porter absent. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK