CC 2017-11-28_09g Monthly Water Supply and Demand Update_Oct 2017 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: SHANE TAYLOR, UTILITIES MANAGER SUBJECT: MONTHLY WATER SUPPLY AND DEMAND UPDATE DATE: NOVEMBER 28, 2017 SUMMARY OF ACTION: This update reports the water supply and demand for October 2017. Current Lopez Reservoir level and projected levels are provided in the attachments. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: Approximately two (2) hours of staff time is required to prepare the monthly report. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive and file the monthly Water Supply and Demand Report. BACKGROUND: On April 25, 2017, the City Council, by resolution, rescinded the Stage 1 Water Shortage Emergency and related water conservation measures and restrictions. During the public hearing the City Council requested staff to continue preparing the monthly water supply and demand updates. The Council also urged citizens to remain cognizant of how they use water, and reminded them that the previously adopted water saving measures are still in effect. In October, the City’s water use was 15% below October 2013. The State’s previously mandated water use reduction was based on the 2013 water usage. There is currently no required reduction imposed by the State Water Resources Control Board. The City however, is still required to report monthly statistics to the State. As a comparison for a single month, water usage statistics were 28% higher in October 2017 than October 2016. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Drought Monitor, as of November 7, 2017 shows San Luis Obispo County in a moderate drought. Rain fall to date (July 1, 2017 to October 31, 2017) is 0.25 inches at the Corporation Yard gauge. Lopez Lake, as of November 14, 2017 is at 53.5% capacity (26,439 acre-feet of storage). Item 9.g. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL MONTHLY WATER SUPPLY AND DEMAND UPDATE NOVEMBER 28, 2017 PAGE 2 At the County of San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors meeting on May 23, 2017, the Board rescinded the drought emergency proclamation. However, as recommended by Zone 3 Advisory Board, the Board of Supervisors kept the Low Reservoir Response Plan in place. This will allow carryover water to be available until March 30, 2018 to all contractors. The new water year began on April 1, 2017 and the current total available supply from Lopez is 2,290 acre-feet, our normal entitlement, plus 1,249 acre-feet of carryover. In addition we have 1,323 acre-feet of ground water entitlement from the Santa Maria Basin and 200 acre-feet from the Pismo Formation. Based on the projected water use of 2,500 acre-feet, we will meet the demand in water year 2017/18, using only 50% of current supply. ADVANTAGES: No advantages noted at this time. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages noted at this time. ALTERNATIVES: Not applicable at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachment: 1. Lopez Reservoir Storage Projections 2. Zone 3 – Lopez Project – Monthly Operations Report Item 9.g. - Page 2 4.160.582.591.813.6214.439.061.691.570.24#N/A1.482.112.762.982.910.,0009,00014,00019,00024,00029,00034,00039,00044,00049,0003/14/20164/14/20165/14/20166/14/20167/14/20168/14/20169/14/201610/14/201611/14/201612/14/20161/14/20172/14/20173/14/20174/14/20175/14/20176/14/20177/14/20178/14/20179/14/201710/14/201711/14/201712/14/20171/14/20182/14/20183/14/2018Monthly Precipitation (in)Storage(AF)Notes:• For "Dry Months" (April ‐ October), projected increases and/or decreases in storage estimated to mimic conditions from 2015.• For "Wet Months" (November ‐ March), projected storage declines assume LRRP annual downstream release of 3,800 AFY and deLopez Reservoir Storage Projections(precipitation scenario source: www.LongRangeWeather.com)Actual PrecipitationProjected PrecipitationActual StorageProjected StorageStorage Without Carryover20,000 AFATTACHMENT 1Item 9.g. - Page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ednesday, November 8, 2017Page 1 of 1Report printed by:AdminData entered by: D. SPIEGELATTACHMENT 2Item 9.g. - Page 4