Minutes 1987-06-16 ~, MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESOAY, JUNE 16, 1987 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session at 10:00 A.M. with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Present were Council Members Dorace Johnson; Mark M. Millis, who arrived at 10:30 A.M.; Gene Moots I and D. G. Porter. Mayor Mankins announced that Agenda Item G.l. "Presentation by Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce" would be moved to the beginning of the meeting. HEATHER JENSEN, executive manager of the Chamber of Commerce, said the Council had been supplied with detailed descriptions of the Chamber budget. She spoke about proposed Chamber budget cuts by the City, and described the three major areas where the Chamber serves the City. They were business and professional services, civic honors and pride, and as a service bureau for residents and tourists. She discussed ways to increase Chamber funding and said those ideas are being pursued. She asked the Council to restore full funding requested by the Chamber. She asked for a fair amount of time to relocate the Chamber office, which has been suggested by a Council Ad Hoc Committee. Also speaking in favor of full Chamber funding were Chamber members REUBEN KVIDT of 116 Vista Drive and LARA BATTLES of 210 Mason Street. PUBLIC APPEARANCES DREW BRANDY of 444 Toyon said he lives adjacent to Terra de Oro Park, and asked the City to share in the cost of a fence between the two properties. CONSENT AGENDA Moved by Porter/Johnson (5-0-1, Millis absent) to approve Consent Agenda Items C.1., C.2. and C.3. with the recommended courses of action. C.l. Council Minutes of June 2 and 4, 1987. Approved. C.2. Long Range Planning Ad Hoc COlTlTlittee Minutes of June 3, 1987. Information. C.3. Monthly Investment Report. Information. COUNCIL MEMBER MILLIS ARRIVED AT THE MEETING ROYAL OAKS DEVELOPMENT- C.C.FILE 6-14-105 Public Works Director Paul Karp outlined for the Council contingencies which may delay the start of rough grading for the subdivision. He listed 1) the Erosion Control Plan, 2) off-site drainage easements, 3) retarding basins plans, 4) field review of the geological study of the basins, 5) agreement requiring a five-year bond guaranteeing improvement of "E" Street, 6)a similiar grading agreement, and 7) tree preservation program and plan. DAN LLOYD of Engineering Development Associates, representing the developer, gave an overview of how the development is proceeding, covering the points Mr. Karp listed. He asked the Council to conceptually approve the grading permit subject to Staff approval of the completed items listed by Mr. Karp. Mr. Karp said prior to the beginning of the grading he would prepare a written report for the Council. City Manager Robert Mack said he would be sending to the Council an amendment to the Royal Oaks Ordinance No. 355 C.S. concerning the designation of the La Barranca Drainage Area as a drainage pond only, and not a recreational use area. DAVID FOOTE of EDA showed design plans of the Oak Tree Preserves in the development, and the Oak Tree Inventory and Guidelines. He discussed how trees will be evaluated and replaced, if necessary, subject to review by Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler. Mr. Foote also discussed landscaping, irrigation and erosion control. ..~. ...-., -. CITY COUNCIL JUNE 16, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO ROYAL OAKS Continued from Page 1 Mr. Keisler said he is working with Mr. Foote on the Landmark Tree program and the two oak groves are being accepted as Landmark Groves. He said lots which are a part of the Oak preserve should have grading, tree removal, and pruning restrictions on each individual deed approved by the City of Arroyo Grande. Mr. Karp said the Oak Tree Preservation Easements will be on the final map of each lot before recording. After further discussion by the Council, the Mayor said the Council is in agreement with the general overview given by the developers, and as long as Staff approves, grading can begin after June 19, 1987. RESOLUTION NO. 2138, ARROYO GRANDE CREEK BANK STABILIZATION AT SWINGING BRIDGE AREA-C.C.FILE 9-11-16 Mr. Keisler referred to his memo of June 12, 1987, and introduced from the audience Art Pearson, engineer, and Boyd Desonia of the Soils Conservation Service. Moved by Johnson/Porter (5-0-1, Council Members Johnson, Porter, Millis and Mayor Mankins voting aye, Council Member Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2138 authorizing execution of an agreement, for stabilization of a section of bank along the Arroyo Grande Creek, between the City of Arroyo Grande and the Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District, San Luis Obispo County. Mayor Mankins signed the project agreement at the meeting. AD HOC REORGANIZATION COMMITTEE REPORT Council Member Johnson gave a summary of the Ad Hoc Committee's Report of May 11, 1987, covering the Parks and Recreation Department, the Building Department, the Large Central Room in City Hall, the Police Department, the Finance Department and the Print Shop. She said space is limited everywhere. Council Members discussed the report. The use of modular buildings, and City buildings now occupied by outside organizations were considered. KAREN PHILLIPS of 1331 Sierra Drive and BOBBIE PORTER of 1400 Sierra Drive said they were concerned that the pre-school, sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department, would be preserved uninterrupted in the present location. TEMPORARY ADJOURNMENT The Council adjourned for lunch at 12:07 P.M. RECONVENEMENT The Council reconvened at 12:47 P.M. and continued discussion of the Ad Hoc Committee's report. Council Members considered using monies in the Civic Center Fund. Mr. Mack said that must be used for matters created by growth in the Community. The Council agreed to spending $50,000 for short-term civic center improvements in 1987/88 fiscal year. Mayor Mankins said a study session on the Space Needs and Reor9anization would be set later in this meeting. BUDGET SESS ION Council Members changed the Animal Control Budget Contractural Services to $15,750 in 1987/88 and to $17,500 in 1988/89. Under Streets and Bridges, Mr. Karp said the Bridge Street Bridge needs to be replaced, that is has only a three-ton limit, and that the City will get 80 percent funding from the Federal Government. In discussing unbudgeted items in this category, the Mayor said the City needs to be putting aside in the budget monies to replace equipment. Next item discussed was Building and Maintenance. Mayor Mankins said the City should look into the possibility of designating a Property Manager for the City, and using a Central Purchasing system. He asked the City Manager to explore these possibilities. He said he would bring the matter up at the Space and Reorganization Study Session. ..-- -- - CITY COUNCIL JUNE 16, 1987 ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE BUDGET Continued from Page Two Mr. Karp said that a fire inspection has shown that City hall re-wiring is necessary. The Council budgeted $5,000 to replace wiring and add circuits. There was a discussion of Corporate Yard remodeling, and Mr. Mack said a plan should be developed for the site when there is Staff time. The Street Cleaning and Lighting budget was considered, and it was agreed that the current contractural service was satisfactory. After considerable discussion of the Auto Maintenance budget, including the use of motor pool vehicles, the Mayor suggested a review of the motor pool policy. Mr. Bacon said there was nothing scheduled to be spent in the Capital Outlay Fund. Mr. Karp reviewed the staffing in the Building Inspector's department. Contracting for plan checkers and inspectors was explained by John Richardson, Chief Building Inspector. Mr. Richardson stressed the need for a secretary/ receptionist with knowledge of the Building Department procedures in his office in addition to the person at the switchboard. Council Member Johnson said the Ad Hoc Committee recommended relocating the telephone system. Concerning the Building De~artment, Mayor Mankins recommended the Council follow the procedure of 1) allocating the requested position, 2) reviewing building fees, 3) discussing changes in placement of office components, and 4) evaluating the telephone system. During the Engineering budget discussion, the Mayor directed Mr. Mack to look into a 1988/89 central computer for all offices and include a training component. Mr. Mack said, with the present City system, a systems specialist would be needed to work with each department. In discussing the Lopez item in the budget, Mr. Karp said the hydro- electric plant, which is part of the Lopez Treatment Plant and Project, is losing money. He also asked the Council to consider a study which is being proposed for a takeover of the Lopez project. THE COUNCIL RECESSED FROM 2:56 to 3:12 P.M. JIM MCGILLIS, president of the Chamber of Commerce, asked the City to reconsider cutting funds to the Chamber. He asked for six months to relocate the Chamber Office. The Council discussed the Water Facility Fund. Mr. Karp said a joint treatment plant upstream, paid for by connection charges, may be in the future. Council considered increasing water fees. Mr. Karp said he had applied for a grant to address water quality problems in the City. Sewers and Sanitary Services were discussed, and Mr. Mack pointed out that under Capital Projects, a Wastewater Reclamation Study is listed to evaluate the concept. Council approved a request by Police Chief James Clark for an additional $2,183.49 to be included with funds previously budgeted to purchase 18 new guns and holsters. Mayor Mankins directed Staff to make the revisions to the budget, and return with direction for the Council. The Council set the Ad Hoc Reorganization Committee Study Session for 1:00 P.M. Wednesday, June 24, 1987. AOJOURNMENT The Council adjourned at 3:49 P.M. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK --