Minutes 1987-06-04 SP - MINUTES BUDGET MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JUNE 4,1987 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The Qty Council met in a budget session, with Mayor Howard Mankins ope~ the mee~ at 3:40 P.M. At roll call, all menbers were detennined to be present. Menbers present were Mayor Manl<im and Council Menbers Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter Jolm Keisler, Parks and Recreation Director, reviewed the Proposed 1987/88 Parks and Recreation Budget with Qty Council. Mr. Keisler reviewed the Parks section of the General Fund, as contained on Pages 68 through 72 of the Proposed Budget. The City Council directed staff to develop criteria for a City policy on how and when to rlispns<> of excess perk and 1andscape property, as well as criteria for the Qty on when it slxIuld, or slxIuld not, accept offers of park property dedications in the future. Council aJso directed that the study contain an inventory of exist~ property and a resolution of when drainage property shouJd not be used for park purposes. Council directed that $lO,OOO, contained within the Proposed Bu~et for slope bank stabilization and pIan~, and safety barriers on the parking lot at the Cam1.Inity Center, be tramferred to the CapitalliIp'ovement Fund. Council stated it would review the need for Coomunity Center parking lot and slope bank irrpovements at a later date. Mr. Keisler reviewed Pages 73 through 75 of the Proposed Bu~et, the Recreation . expenditures of the General Fund. Mayor Mankins stated that he wished to have a study on the fees and charges that the City iJqJoses. Mr. Mack stated that he had just sent out the re<Jlest of all departments to undertake such a study, and that he would be receiving the infonnation beck on AugtBt 1st. Mayor Manl<im stated that he would like to see as ltIIIIy services as paiSible seIf~, or as close to self suppor~ as ['OS8ihl~. The Recreation Program, as contained on Pages 90 through 93 of the Proposed Budget, was reviewed by the City Council and Mr. Keisler. Council directed that the $10,000 proposed appropriation for La Barranca Park deve1o(ment be tramferred to a reserve item, to be created within the same fund. Council discUiSed a proposed fence, divi~ private and public property at Tierra de 000 Park. Mr. Moots, Mayor Manl<im and Mr. Porter indicated their favor for the Qty not participa~ in the fence. Council directed the $3,000 appropriation for the fence be transferred to the Reserve Account, to be established in the same fund. Council aJso directed that Tierra de 000 funds for Year Two be put into the same Reserve Account. Mr. Mack advised the City Council that bank stabilization funds, under the ~ Bridge, had been budgeted within the Park Develqxnent Fund, and he indicated that Council may wish to w~et the same appropriation in the General Fund. Council elected to keep the funds within the Park Deve1o(xnent Fund. Council Menber Jolmson inquired as to what the $6,600 for playgrounds was for, as contained on Page 97 of the Proposed Budget. Mr. Keisler was directed to report beck to the Council on that proposed expenditure. The Council established .1Jne 11, 1987, at 3:30 P.M., as the next Budget Mee~. The mee~ is to continue to 6:30 P.M. Council aJso detennined that on.b1e 16, 1987, the Council would have an all day session, start~ at 10 A.M., at which time they would consider the Ad Hoc Reorganization Coomittee Report and, thereafter, the Budget. The Qty Council adjourned its mee~ at 5 P.M., upon IOOtion by Mr. Moots, seconded by Mr. Porter, with unanimous approval. MAYOR ATI'FSl': CITY CLERK -- __n_.......__