Minutes 1987-05-14 - - - MINUTES CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION AND MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1987 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA Upon roll call, Mayor Mankins, MIs. Johnson, Mr. Moots and Mr. Porter were present. Mr. Mi11is was abient. The meeting opened at 3135 P.M., with a request by Mayor Mankins for Mr. Mack to comnence review of the Proposed 1987/1988 City Bl4et. Mr. Mack comnenced his review with the Gas Tax, located on Pages 100-107 in the Proposed Bl4et doclll1ent. He reviewed with the Council significant expenditure and staff~ changes, the major objectives of the fund for 1988/89 and a major ~ted departmental re<:pest. ~ the projects discussed were the design of the Bridge Street Bridge. Mayor Mankins indicated that staff should be aware of the Council's desire that relocation of the current Iridge structure to another creek location was highly desireable, and that the Q>lmcil wished those ideas to be pursued. Mr. Mack reviewed the proposed West Branch Street Extension project from Vernon to, and including elements of, Traffic Way. He displayed a diagram of the proposed project and itemized the costs in a 1TIeIOO, dated May 4, 1987. Mr. Mack also recarrnended that the City create a curb and gutter esse, lIent district in 1987/88 for Tally Ho Road. Upon its canpletion in 1988/89, he proposed overlaying Tally Ho Road. Other projects recomnencled in the Gas Tax Fund were fencing three sides of 1'earwood drainage and removal of soil by private parties, as soil is required locally. Soil will be sold. Mayor Mankins asked about the FAU defennent fW1ding for the Oak Park Interchange. Mr. Mack explained that the state desired to use Arroyo Grande F AU fW\d!i in lieu of the City's cash share on Ca. 227 traffic signal installations, thereby alleviating the City of cash expenditures of $80,000, until such time as Oak Park Interchange is constnJcted. Expenditures for overlaying Bennett and Alpine were discussed. Mr. Mack explained that the City staff is prepared to go to bid with an estimated $400,000 Traffic Way underground drain8ge system and a $110,000 Traffic Way water line replaOOlOOnts. He . stated that the City is surveying property owners along the project route, in order to detennine private party preferences for construction t~ dur~ the year. He indicated that it appeared the majority desired the City to undertake constnJction during the rainy season, which W8.' not desireable. Mr. Mack stated that he had reinvestigated the estimated costs for the surface irqIrovements of Traffic Way project and fOW\Ci them to be in the vicinity of $1.5 million dollars, an aIIOunt, he felt, was in excess of the City's capacit}' to fund dur~ a given year period. He stated that one altemative would be to undertake the estimated $120,000 specific design for the surface project and construct the SW'face project in phases, over a nLIlti-year period. He stated he believed it prermture for Council to be asked to make a decision at this time, and that he would be submittilf; further information, under cover 1TIeIOO, at a later date, which would contain trore ~hensive information on which Council could base a decision. Mr. Mack stated that as an altemative to ~ with surface inp'ovements in the aforementioned method, staff was investigating the altemative of diverting the propaied 1987/88 $120,000 design budget to rebuilding the current street in Its current configuration. The City Council requested that the $400,000 for the sanitary sewer line, and the $120,000 for the surface design, be transferred to FW\d 50, the Capital Int>rovements Fund, and remain unexpended until Council makes its detenninatlons. Concluding the Tax Gas Fund, City Manager Mack explained the function of the Ptblic Safety Fund, which collects vehicle code fines from the courts and transfers those fW\d!i to the General Fund to subiidize traffic enforcement engine~ and improvements. The Council reviewed the Traffic Signalization Fund and made no suggestions for alterations. ~._- ----,. - CITY COUNC I L MAY 14, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO The proposed Revenue Shm'ing Fund, as contained on Pages 116-121, were reviewed by Council. Mr. Mack explained the revenue sharing had tenninated, and the last General Revenue Sharing funds would be expended on the new fire truck, which was estimated to arrive about June 1, 1987. Mayor Mankins asked the Co\mcil if a pollcy should be developed as to how organizatiom which had received revenue sharing funcJs, or other operational funding fran the aty in the past, should be addressed in this year's budget and the future. The Council reviewed Oty funding, past and currently received, by the O1anDer of Omnerce, as wen as the Harvest Festival organization requests by the visitor's convention bureau, and others. Council detennined that these private and semi-private organizations should be advised that, coomencing with the 1987-88 buq;et, their 1986-87 appropriatiom fran the City would be reduced by one-third,with further one-third annual reductions fran the 1986-87 ap(rOpriation, \mtll aty funding to the organizations is tenninated. Mr. Mack was requested to advise the organizatiom of this pollcy, and advise the Oty Council of amenQnents neCE!$S8I'Y to an~nd the proposed budget. The tiJre being 5:10 P.M., Mr. Moots IOOved, and Mr. Porter seconded, IOOtion to adjourn. ATTEST: ~a.~ C ITV ERK Minutes prepared by Robert Mack, City Manager