Minutes 1987-04-07 <~ - MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1987 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Howard Mankins presidin9. Present were Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter. FLlIG SALUTE ---Mayor Mankins led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. PUBLIC APPEARANCES ---JOH'NE-:-lfHONE of 280 Ta 11y Ho Road asked to be on the Council Agenda for the meeting of April 21, 1987, to discuss a retaining wall at 282 Tally Ho Road and work done there by the City. The Council agreed to his request. CONSENT I\GENDA -----C()lI;~.ll--Member Johnson referred to the Minutes of March 17, 1987, and asked:why the Right of Way Encroachment for 225 Tally Ho Road was not on this agenda. City Manager Robert Mack said the City is waiting for the final agreement to be drawn up. Moved by Johnson/Millis (5-0-0) to approve Consent Agenda Items C-l through C-l1 with the recommended course of action. C.l. Proclamation, Public Schools Month, April, 1987. Proclaimed. C./'. Proclamation, Organ Donor Awareness Week, April 26-May 2, 1987. Proclaimed. C.3. Proclamation Commending Catherine Porhammer, Manager, Data Processing Joint Powers Authority. Proclaimed. C.4. City Council Minutes of March 17 and 24, 1987. Information. C.5. Reorganization Ad Hoc ComnJittee Minutes of March 20, 27, 1987. I nfoflnat i on. C.6. Quarterly Sales Tax Report. Information. C.7. Monthly Investment Report. Information. C.8. Community Center Maintenance Contract Award. Awarded to Low Bidder. C.9. Sports Complex Fencing Award. Awarded to Low Bidder. C.l0. Pol ice Department Paper Shredder Bid Award. Awarded to Low Bidder. C.l1. Progress Payment No.1, Oak Park Median. Approved. 241 JAMES WAY PARCEL MAP APPROVALS (85-307, CAFARCHIA) C.C.File 6-12-23 Public Works Director Paul Karp referred to his memo of March 31, 1987, and recommended that the Council find that AG 85-307 conforms with the conditionally approved tentative map found by the Planning Comnlission to con- form with the General Plan and City Zoning; find that the required improvements and dedications are necessary prerequisites to the orderly development of the cOllnnunity; accept on beha If of the publ ic the offers of dedication for street and street tree easements, and approve Parcel Map AG 85-307. Moved by Millis/Johnson (5-0-0) to approve Mr. Karp's recommendation. 251 J~MES WAY PARCEL MAP APPROVALS (85-305, WEITKAMP) C.C. File 6-12-24 Mr. Karp referred to his memo of March 31, 1987, and recommended that the Council find that Parcel Map AG 85-305 conforms with the ~onditionally approved tentative map found by the Planning Commission to conform with the General Plan and City Zonin9; find that the required improvements and dedications are necessary prerequisit.es to the orderly development of the cOf1l11unity; accept on behalf of the puulic t.he offers of dedication for street and street tree easement, and approve Parcel Map AG 85-305. Moved by Johnson/Mi 11 i s (5-0-0) to approve Mr. Karp's recommend at i on. . - CITY COUNCIL APRIL 7, 1987 IIIUWYO GRANDE, CAll FDRN IA PAGE TWO LOPEZ SURPLUS WATER PURCHASE ----~Karp referred-fiJhls memo of Apri 1 1, 1987, and recommended that the Council take action to purchase surplus water for water year 1986-87 ending on March 31, 1987, and that the amount of water ordered be equal to the amount of water actually used by the CitYI and that the City agree to pay the County Engineer's estimated cost of $50.65 per acre foot of water used. Moved by Porter/Moots (5-0-0) to approve Mr. Karp's reco~nendation. STfV\WBERRY FESTIVAL APPROVALS, MAY 23-24, 1987 ---.-'Mr:-Mack~kedl[he Council to consider this item so that the Village Association could move ahead with plans for the Feslival. Moved by Porter/Millis (5-0-0) to add this item to the agenda. Mr. Mack said that specific Council authorizations are required by motion fat" 1) Use of City parking lots and lawns for festival activities, including lJdttle of the Bands, 2) Outside sidewalk sales, 3) Closure of Bridge Str"eel Ir'om Branch Street to Nelson Street, and 4) Blanket business 1 icense for all "for profit" and "non-profit" sales. He recommended that the Council appt"ove requests subject to Association: 1) Providing to City Attorney proof of $1 million liability policy, naming City as added, additional insured fur 01\.' activities, 2) Providing four additional cOIJullercial sanitary restrooms, J) C I<'Mling up all debris after events, 4) Providing two persons for' Sw in!]ing I!r'idgl' securi ty and crowd control from 10:00 A.M. (Jnt i I the populdt ion in Hie Vi Ilage area returns to nOl"lllal on both days, 5) Install ing dnd removing all traffic control devices, and 6) Notifying all local health care providers of l~vent I. imes and elates. After Mrs. J. O. Pence of the Village Association, who was in the audience, ~aid that the group agreed to Mr. Mack's recommendations, it was moved by Puder/Moots (5-0-0) to adopt Mr. Mack recommendations. After discussion of restricted parking during the festival, it was moved by Porter/Moots (5-0-0, Council Members Porter, Moots, Johnson, Millis and Mayor Mankins voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2128 requesting authorization 1.0 restrict parking on Branch Street. Cl.M STREET DRAINAGE FACIlITY, USE BY UNINCORPORATED DEVELOPMENT ---Jfr;nf(GflliSofS-an Luis Engineering, project coordinator, referreel to his Mal"ch 25, 1987, letter to the City requesting permission to put drainage water directly into the City's drainage pond on South Elm Street. Mr. Mack referred to Mr. Karp's memo of March 31, 1987, wher'e he recommended that fhe Council conceptually approve, subject to engineering evaluation, use of the City's drainage facilities on South Elm Street to accept drainage from the street within Tract 1468. After Counci I discussion, it was moved by Porter/Johnson (5-0-0) to approve the recommendation of Mr. Karp. ROYAL OAKS ESTATES Continued from March 24, 1987 WIllIAM lACKEY, developer; DAN llOVo-or-tnglneering Design Associates, Ilired by the developer, and JWB STRONG, who is acting as Planning Director for the City on the Royal Oaks project, were present at the meet ing and gave input throughout the discussions. Following the I~oyal Oaks Checklist prepared by Mr. Mack, the Council took the following actions: 1. Page 2, "E" Street-changed to "hold for further action." 2. Page 3, "School Site"-changed to "hold and refer to staff." 3. Page 7, "James Way" d) and c)-changed to "hold for rewording." ---------------- CITY COUNCIL APRIL 7 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA Pt\GE'THREE ROYAL OAKS Continued From Page Two 4. Page 8, "Community Center"-Yes, City should provide West 13ranch Street right of way without fee, and No, developer should not replace lost parking. 5. Page 8, "West Branch Street"-Yes, developer should acquire Cal Trans right of way and improve street through West Branch Street/Vernon Street intersectlon. Developer will construct asphalt berm, City will be responsible for sewer and water line problems, and the developer will be responsible for other utility problems. 6. Pages 8 and 9, "Access Rights" and "No Parking Areas"-The Developer agreed to all the Staff Recommended Conditions. 7. Page 9, "Sidewalks"-Yes, sidewalks shall be required adjoining school site, and Yes, sidewalks shall be required to and fran school. The Staff Reconmended Condition was changed to read: "Sidewalks shall be required in the proposed development on both sides of James Way, Halcyon Road, A, B, E, F Streets, and Sidewalks will be required on only one side of D Street, and will not be required on C Street." U. Poge 10, "Sidewalks"-No, sidewalks shall not be required off-site on ,liirnps WdY or [ Street, and Yes, widening shall be required on the West side 01 Halcyon ROJd, and curb, gutter and sidewalks shall be inslillled. 9. Pages "10 and 11, "Miscellaneous Provisions Recommended by Staff,"- The Developer agreed to all the Staff Recommended Provisions. 10. Pagc 11, "Lot Grading,"-Yes, the grading plan for Lots 127-134 is acceptable; Yes, the grading plan for Lots 187-192 and 205 is acceptable, and Yes, the grading plan for Lots 227-232 and 183 is acceptable. Mayor Mankins said the Council would continue the discussion of Royal Oaks Estates at the next Council meeting, April 14, 1987. I\D,JOURNMENT ---fliCliiayor adjourned the meeting at 5:40 P.M. MAYOR I\TTEST: CITY CLERK