Minutes 1987-03-03 ~ -"' MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1987 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Present were Council Members Do race Johnson, Mark M. Millis, Gene Moots and D.G. Porter. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Mankins led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. PUBLIC APPEARANCES Associate Planner Nancy Iversen introduced to the Council two graduate interns, Elizabeth McAuliffe and Michael Tunnell, students at California State Polytechnic University. Ms. McAuliffe and Mr. Tunnell are taking a Land Use Inventory of all the parcels in Arroyo Grande. The information will be on a computer and be available to any City department which may find it useful. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Moots/Johnson (5-0-0) to approve Consent Agenda Item C.1. as recommended. C.1. Heating Unit Replacement - Community Building-Award to Low Bidder PUBLIC REQUESTS JOHN RHONE of 280 Tally Ho Road spoke to the Council about improvements he wishes the City to make on his property. He presented the Council with a letter listing improvements the City has made in his neighborhood. He asked the Council to grade his property, to raise and locate his fence at the property line at grade, to make a concrete driveway equal to City standards of 20 percent and build a retaining wall on the north side, and to raise a post lamp to grade. Public Works Director said he would like to clarify the relationship between this property and the ones on land through the "S" turn on Tally Ho Road. He said that the City was negotiating rights of way on those properties and any improvements made were part of the negotiations and purchase price paid by the City. He also said that it is his understanding that an error has been made in the construction of the curbs and gutters on Mr. Rhone's property by his contractor. Mr. Karp said that City had staked the land correctly, but the curbs and gutters did not get built to those stakes. Council discussion included concerns that the City would be setting a precedent by doing this work for Mr. Rhone. Council Member Millis said several of Mr. Rhone's requests would involve a very minor amount of work by the City. Mayor Mankins said that he hoped in the future the City will get contracts with property owners before any work begins. Moved by Johnson/Moots (5-1-0, Millis voting no ) to uphold the decision of the previous Council with the modification that the concrete driveway be brought to City standards, and that this be subject to Mr. Rhone's removal of the fence so the City will have access to the driveway area. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR-RESOLUTION 2124 ESTABLISHING "NO PARKING" AT 411 EL CAMINO REAL Mr. Karp referred to a sketch that went to the Parking and Traffic Commission and shows more clearly the blind spot from the driveway at 407 El Camino Read that results from parking against the curb and gutter in the curve on El Camino Real as it transitions into Barnett Street. He said the Commission's recommendation was to eliminate the parking between the 18 foot driveway at 411 El Camino Real and the access driveway into the motel which is the property at 407 El Camino Real. Council Member Millis said he did not believe there was a line of vision problem, and Council Member Moots said long trailers park there and block drivers' vision. Moved by Moots/Johnson (5-1-0, Council f>'e1bers floats, Johnson, Porter and Mayor Mankins voting aye, Council Member Millis voting no) to adopt Resolution No. 2124 Establishing a "No Parking" Zone on a Portion of El Camino Real (411 E1 Camino Real) (Municipal Code 4-3.05) -- ~- --. CITY COUNCIL MARCH 3, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO CITY MANAGER-RANCHO GRANDE COMMERCIAL'DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING STUDY PROGRESS REPORT-CC File Clty Manager Robert Mack referred to his memo of February 26, 1987, 6-14-66 Rancho Grande Commerical Consulting Study, and said the cost for such a study would be $10,000. He said the study would have to be done in 30 days and would have to be very general in nature. He said it could cover the types of com- mercial centers that would be feasible in our retail environment, what amount of sales the various types of centers would have, the sales tax returns, and what types of traffic demand would be created by each type of center. He said the study would tell the city what types of centers would be best here. Council discussion included the suggestion that the City ask the consultants to tell it what to look for rather than the reverse; the concern that a deve- lopment could kill the good viable business base already in the City, and whether or not the City would get its money's worth from such a study. Interim Planning Director Ned Rogogway said that the essence of the study should deal with the performance of the property and how it affects the infrastructure, looking at long-term stability for the economic base. After more discussion the Council directed Mr. Mack and Mr. Rogoway to work together. to develop a Request for Proposal letter to send out to con- sultants who might do the study, and to present it at the next Council meeting. City Attorney Art Shaw, in answer to a question from Mayor Mankins, said the City should try to reach agreement with the developer before the project begins. He said the City could establish the basic concepts, that it has total control over the standards. Council Member Moots asked that the Terranomics Brochure be given to the mayor. MODIFICATION OF COUNCIL AGENDA FORMAT Mr. Mack referred to his memo of February 27, 1987, Agenda Format. He said that question has been placed as to whether Written and Oral Communications shall remain as part of the Council agenda format. Council Members discussed the purpose of Oral Communication and its relationship to new regulations which preclude action on items not on the agenda, and the desire by some Council Members to have time to study agenda items in advance of the meeting. Council Member Millis objected to deleting Oral Communications saying that this is a place where special events can be announced, and it has been on the agenda since at least 1972. He said it is Council courtesy, a place where Council Members can ask questions and make requests. Moved by Porter/Johnson (5-1-0, Porter, Johnson, Moots and Mankins voting' aye, Millis voting no) to delete Oral and Written Communications from the Council Agenda and to add a category titled "Emergencies." REQUEST FOR A PUBLIC HEARING FOR ALLEGED 201 BRISCO ROAD NUISANCE-RESOLUTION NO. 2125 Mr. Mack referred to a letter from Steven Cool, attorney for Richard Ray of 201 Brisco Road. He said it had just been delivered to the City Hall. Mayor Mankins said it would be discussed in Closed Session. COUNCIL MEMBERS ADJOURNED TO A CLOSED SESSION ON LITIGATION AT 5:10 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS RECONVENED TO THE REGULAR SESSION AT 5:47 P.M. RE UEST FOR A PUBLIC HEARING FOR ALLEGED 201 BRISCO ROAD NUISANCE-Continued Moved by Johnson/Porter 5-0-0, Johnson, Porter, Moots, Mil is and Mankins all voting aye) to adopt Resolution No. 2125 That a Public Nuisance May Exist at 201 Brisco Road, and setting the Public Hearing for 7:30 P.M. April 14, 1987. FINAL ADJOURNMENT AT 5:50 P.M. MAYOR ATTEST: