Minutes 1987-02-10 -. ...., MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1987 COUNCIL CHAMBERS.. 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in re9ular session with Mayor Pro Tem Dorace Johnson presidin9. Present were Council Members Mark M. Millis, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter. Absent was Mayor Howard Mankins. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Council Member Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance to our F~ag, and the Rev. Dennis Bjorgan, Arroyo Grande Fire Department Chaplain, elivered the invocation. PUBLIC APPEARANCES MARIE CATTOIR of 195 Orchid Lane said she was concerned about the lack of prompt notification to the Arroyo Grande Police Department of incidents affectin9 the public at the Pacific Gas and Electric Nuclear Power Plant in San Lui s Obi spo. She also said there is a need to upgrade the reporting and public notification system by the Public Works Department of the City's water quality and any problems thereof. CONSENT AGENDA Moved by Porter/Millis (4-0-1, Mankins absent) to approve Consent Agenda I Items 1 throu9h 5, 7 and 8 as recommended. C.1. Council Minutes of January 27 and February 3, 1987. Approved as Corrected. C.2. Statement of Investment Deposits. Information. C.3. State Water Project Coastal Aqueduct "Scope of Study" Report. Information. C.4. Natural Gas Franchise Fees Report. Information. C.5. Parcel Map AG 86-147, Blankenburg, Approvals. Approved. C.C.Fi le 6-15-78 C.7. Police Vehicle Replacement. Approved award to low bidder. C.8. Payment, Dixson Memorial Walkway Project. Approved. C.C.File 11-5-27 C.6. Parcel Map AG 86-229 And Lot Split 86-437, Lovall/Janowicz. C.C.File 6-12-22 Council Member Porter said he had had a request for a clarification of an assessment ~n connection with this matter. Public Works Director Paul Karp said that each of the back lots will require its own individual lateral line, and is subject to a front footaQe charge and a $2,000 charge for the back lot. Moved by Portel'/Millis (4-0-1, Mankins absent) to approve Consent Agenda Item 6. PUBLI C HEAR I NGS PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF CITY'S GENERAL PLAN, SPECIFIC TO LE POINT STREET'S PROPOSED EXTENSION AND BRIDGE C.C.File 8-1-4a Planning Director Stanley Eisner referred to his memo of February 4, 1987, and said the Planning Commission recommends that the Circulation Element be amended to eliminate the proposed extension between LePoint and Wesley Streets, and the bridge connection across Tally Ho Creek. After questions about increasing traffic from Council Member Porter, Mayor Pro Tem Johnson declared the Public Hearing open. Speaking at the meeting in support of the Planning Commission recommendation were HENRY HORWEGE of 243 Larchmont Drive, MICHAEL BONDELLO of 207 McKinley, PETE NOSS of 246 Miller Circle, and ROB STRONG, consultant to Loomis/Scolari developers. After further discussion by the Council, it was moved by Moots/Porter (4-0-1, Mankins absent) to continue this agenda item to the meeting of February 24, 1987. City Manager Robert Mack said that Mayor Mankins would be advised that if he ~lishe s to vote on the matter at that time that he would have to 1 isten to the tapes of this meeting. ~. -:,.. CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 10, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 221 C.S. AND 317 C.S. AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO.1390 ROYAL OAKS ESTATES PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, SPECIFIC TO ENVIRONMENTAL H~PACT REEPORT Mr. Mack presented a wri t ten request from developer Bi 11 Lackey for a continuance of this agenda item to February 24, 1987. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson declared the Public Hearin9 open for any testimony which could not be given at the next meeting. Speaking in opposition to any proposals for extending Miller Way and making it a through street in Royal Oaks were PETE ~,and SIMON DE VOS of 360 Miller Way. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson closed the public hearing and said it would be reopened at the February 24, 1987, meeting. Moved by Moots/Porter (4-0-1, Mankins absent) to continue the item to February 24, 1987. AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT - ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS City Attorney Art Shaw said that there had been a first reading on an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance with regard to agriculture districts. He said that there had been several postponments of the second reading due to litigation. He asked that the item be taken off the calendar since the litigation still is not complete. Moved by Porter/Moots (4-0-1, Mankins absent) to table this item. OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Mr. Mack referred to his Downtown Parking District Report for this meeting, and recommended that the Council either continue this public hearing for three or four months, table the matter and start the process all over, or remove Sections 9-4.2605, 9-4.2606 and 9-4.2615 from the proposed parking ordinance relating to the downtown area. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson declared the Public Hearing open. Speaking in favor of deferring the agenda item for 2 or 3 months for more study were BILL KAPP of 617 Woodland Drive and MRS. CATTOIR. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. Mr. Mack discussed Agenda Item E.1. DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT REPORT referring to his January 23, 1987, memo on Proposed Parking Ordinance Revisions. He recommended that the matter be sent back to the Parking Advisory Board for its recommendations and involvement in determining whether the 40 percent reduction in parking waiver clause should be removed from the ordinance, in determining square footages, and in developing goals for the downtown parking area. Moved by Council Member Porter/Moots (4-0-1, Mankins absent) to remove Sections 9-4.2605-Central Business District Parking, 9-4.2606-Waivers, and 9-4.2615-Village Parking, from the proposed Off-Street Parking Requirements Ordinance, Exhibit A. Moved by Moots/Porter (4-0-1, Council Members Moots, Porter and Millis and Mayor Pro Tem Johnson voting aye, and Mayor Mankins absent) to consider this the first reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 4, Article 26 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, "Off-Street Parking Requirements." RECRUITMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR Mr. Mack referred to his memo of February 2, 1987, and requested autho- rization to publish a notice inviting applications for the position of Planning Director for the City. There was Council discussion, and it was decided that under "Selection" on the application the number of most highly qualified candidates invited for additional discussions with the City Manager and representatives from the City Council, Planning Commission and City Management team would be changed from --. . . ..... CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 10, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE RECRUITMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR Continued From Page Two three to five. Moved by Council Member Porter/Moots (4-0~1, Mankins absent) to autho- rize the City Manager to publish a notice inviting applications for the position of Planning Director for the City. COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS FUNDING Mr. Mack referred to his memo of February 4, 1987, and requested that the Council give an indication of the amount of money it wishes to budget for Community organizations, now that Revenue Sharing Funds will no longer be available to the City. Council discussed funding for the Chamber of Commerce and Harvest Festival. Mr. Mack and Council Member Moots said that a Conflict of Interest exists for them as members of the Chamber Board of Directors. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson said a Conflict of Interest exists for her as a member of the Harvest Festival Board of Directors. Speaking in support of funding the Harvest Festival in the amount of $3,000.00 was KATCHO ACHADJIAN, 222 Grand Avenue. Speaking in support of funding the Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $15,000.00 were JIM MCGILLIS, chamber president, and HEATHER JENSEN, Chamber manager. ELLA HONEYCUTT of 560 Oak Hill Road spoke. in favor of agriculture being a part of the Harvest Festival theme in this 50th anniversary year. Council Members directed the City Manager to use his best judgement in arriving at a figure for Community Organizations Funding in the 1987-88 budget. FINAL APPROVAL OF TRACT 1149 OAK PARK ACRES, KVIDT C.C.File 6-14-98 Mr. Karp referred to his memo of February 5, 1987, and asked the Council to approve and accept his first three recommendations listed thereon concerning Tract 1149 Oak Park Acres improvements. He said that his fourth recommendation would be to approve and accept public improvements for maintenance subject to the Mayor's execution of the maintenance agreement bond for tract paving and subject to the execution and recordation of the quit claim deeds included in Recommendation No.3. Moved by Moots/Porter (4-0-1, Mankins absent) to approve Mr. Karp's recommendation. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 353 C.S. TO AMEND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE RELATING TO LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS c.c.~, Ie 6-l~-11 Mr. Shaw referred to a letter dated February 4, 1987, from Jim McGillis indicating some concern with the wording of the proposed ordinance. Mr. Shaw said that the Public Works Director has complied entirely with the State statute. He said the proposed ordinance is very appropriate and necessary for the protection of the City, and he would recommend approval. Moved by Porter/Moots (4-0-1, Council Members Porter, Moots and Millis and Mayor Pro Tem Johnson voting aye, and Mayor Mankins absent) to adopt Ordinance 353 C.S. Amending Subdivision Ordinance Relating to Lot Line Ad- justments (Government Code Sec. 66412(d). ADJOURNMENT Moved by Moots/Porter (4-0-1, Mankins absent) to adjourn the meeting at 9:34 P.M. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK .-