Minutes 1986-12-23 CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 23, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in re9ular session with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Dorace Johnson, Mark M. Millis, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Mankins led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and immediately thereafter the Rev. Michael O'Sullivan of St. Patrick's Catholic Church delivered the invocation. YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT VISITORS Council Member Millis explained that January 13, 1987, will be "Youth in Government Day" in Arroyo Grande, and seniors from the American Government Classes at Arroyo Grande High School would be meeting with the various City officials and conducting a mock City Council Meeting. He said the students are elected to the various City positions. He introduced the students and asked them to stand. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Johnson asked that'Items 4, 27, 29 and 30 be withdrawn for further discussion. Council Member Porter asked that 14,15,16 and 28 be withdrawn. Council Member Millis asked for further discussion of Items 29 and 30 also. On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Porter, Moots, Johnson and Millis and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None Consent Agenda Items 1 through 3, 5 through 13, 17 through 26 and 31 were approved as recommended. 1. Council Minutes of December 9, 1986 (Reconmend Approval) 2. Cosh Disburselrent Ratification (Recoamend Approval) 3. Statement of Investment Deposits (InfOn1lition) 4. aty Facilities Tour and Study Session Schedule (Informafun) 5. Novenber 12, 1986 Parks &: Recreation ~n Meeting Minutes . . (Information) 6. December lO, 1986 Parks lI. Recreation Coamission Meeting Notes (Information) 7. Noveaber, 1986 Qoime Prevention Activities Report (Information) 8. DeceoDer 2, 1986 Planning ('I,umI...non Minutes (Information) 9. December 16, 1986 Planning Coamisslon Answered Agenda (Information) 10. DeceoDer 3, 1986 South San Luis ObispQ County (Information) .. Sanitation District Minutes 11. Quoystal Mitchell Liability aaim (Recoammd Denial) 12. 1987 South County Seniors' Yearbook (Information) 13. July 1 - SepteJIber 39, 1986 .Anin6l Regulafun Report (Iriformation) 14. Council AppeaJs on Planning COOnission Decisions MeIOOrandum (Information) 15. Public VehlcIe Use MeIOOrandum (Information) 16. Avenida. De Diamente Paving Report (Information) CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 23, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO CONSENT AGENDA Continued 17. Loomis Seils Cleanup Report (Inform.tbn) 18. Clean Water Act Report (Information) 19. Nclw Schor)l Fees Report (Information) 20. Landmark Tree Annual Report (Information) 21. Hazaroous Wa.<;tes Management Plan Report (Informatbn) 22. Open Space EJernent Draft (Infonnation) 23. Sports Complex Basin. No. 2 Progress Payrrent No. 1 (Authorize Payment) 24. Sports Complex Membrane Progress Payment No. 1 (Authorize Payment) 25. Oak PB.k/Jafl1es Way Traffic Signal Progress Payment No. 2 (Authorize Payment) 26. Traffic 'Way Sewer I'I:ogress Payment' No. 3 (Authorize Payment) 27. Authorization for Winter Grading Permit ApPioval Process (Recol!IOelld Approval) 23. Authorization for 1'110 l'1i1nnIDg Department Student Interns (Recorrmend Approval) 29. Resolution Recognizing Matthew P. Gallagher (Reconroond Approval) 30. . R<i:SOlution Recognizing B'Ann Smith (Recon(l~nd Approval) aI. 620 and 62l Corrw Place Parcel Map No. AG AL 86-l65 Approval (Re(.'Olrrnend Approval) ITEM NO.4-City Facilities Tour and Study Session Schedule Council Member Johnson said she would not be available for the City Facilities Tour and Study Session on January 19, 1987, and asked for the date to be changed, and for some City facilities not on the list to be added. After discussion, Mayor Mankins said the Staff should go ahead with tour plans, but drop the study session. He suggested that the Staff work on a more intensified tour. Council Member Johnson said she would try to rearrange her plans so she could attend. ITEM NO. 14-Council Appeals on Planning Commission Decisions Memorandum Council Member Porter asked if this item "Council Appeals on Planning Commission Decisions Memorandum'would require a new ordinance. City Attorney Art Shaw said that it would require an amendment to the City ordinance which now permits an appeal. He said no action would be taken tonight unless the Council directs the Staff to do so. Mayor Mankins said he intends to bring the matter up at a later date. ITEM NO. 15-Public Vehicle Use Memorandum Counc il Member Porter asked if "Pub 1 i c Vehi c 1 e Use" wi 11 be brought up at a future date, and Mayor Mankins answered in the affirmative. ITEM NO. l6-Avenida De Diamente Paving Report Council Member Porter asked Public Works Director Paul Karp if the Avenida De Diamente Paving project would be rejected, and Mr. Karp said that the City had already done so. ITEM NO. 27-Authorization for Winter Grading Permit Approval Process Council Member Johnson asked for further information on this matter. City Manager Robert Mack said that the "Authorization for Winter Grading Permit Approval Process" was intended as information that at this time the City is not issuing any grading permits during the storm season. However, he said, the last tract of Oak Parks Acres will be finished shortly and five CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 23, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE CONSENT AGENDA Continued or six lot owners are indicating that they wish to get grading permits during the storm season. He said he wants the Council to know that each lot will be looked at separately and only if complete assurance tha4 in each situation the proper mitigation measures have been taken so that there will be no jeopardy to any surrounding propert~ would a grading permit be issued. He said he wants the Council to know that there may be some appeals to such denials. Mayor Mankins and Council Member Johnson said they were concerned that everyone will be treated alike. Council Member Johnson said she thought that the Council had decided to oppose any grading during the storm season. Council Member Porter said that he thought that the Municipal Code states that no permits should be issued during the storm season, and that the City should hold to that. Mr. Mack said that the staff has latitude under the Code to issue Grading Permits if the proper mitigation plans are submitted. Mayor Mankins asked Mr. Karp if he has the staff to make sure that proper mitigation measures are followed when the grading permit has been granted. Mr. Karp answered in the affirmative. Council Member Johnson said the staff should not be put in the position of judging whether a grading permit should be issued or not. Council Member Millis said the staff needs some flexibility, and he believes that is what it is asking for. Mr. Karp said there are some lots which should not be graded, that are sitting on sugar-type sand and that the City does not want scraped. Mayor Mankins said he believes that staff is assurring the Council that it does have control of the grading permit process. He said this is a dry year, and the Council has to rely on the professional staff to make the decision. He said if someone has the money to take care of any possible erosion and maintenance, to mitigate any problems, he should be allowed to go ahead. PROPOSED LOT SPLIT AT 747 PRINTZ ROAD Planning Director Stan Eisner referred to his Transmittal of Planning Commission Action on the Lot Split request by Eugene and Jean Nooker. He said the matter had been reviewed by the Planning Commission and approved subject to the conditions set forth in the Planning Director's staff report of December 2, 1986. He said the matter is before the City Council for approval under the provisions of Optional Design Standards of the Zoning Ordinance. After discussion by the Council, on motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Porter, Johnson, Moots and Millis, and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None to find that the Lot Split at 747 Printz Road is consistent with the General P~an and the provisions of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinanc~s and t? ~pprove the proJect under Optional Design Standards with the seven followlng condltlons recommended by the Staff Advisory Committee: 1. The sight distance for all drive.access points onto Printz Road shall be approved by the City Engineer, prior to construction of the driveways. 2. Each lot shall have individual septic systems which are engineered by a registered civil engineer prior to building permit. 3. The common portion of the driveway shall be a minimum 16 ft. wide paved surface and individual accesses to new buildings shall be paved to a minimum of 12 ft. in width. 4. Underground utilities shall be provided to new buildings on Lots A and C. 5. Individual drainage and grading plans shall be submitted and approved by the City Engineer with each building permit. 6. The oak tree just south of the north driveway shall be preserved and protected by retaining walls if necessary. 7. The owner shall plant 9 trees of 15 gallon size or larger, to replace the 9 trees to be removed. The location and specie shall be determined by the owner and the Director of Parks and Recreation. CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 23, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR PUBLIC HEARING-PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO SIGN ORDINANCE Referring to his Staff Report of December 9, 1986, Mr. Eisner said that at the request of the Planning Commission the Planning Department staff has been working on revisions to the City's comprehensive sign ordinance. He said that on September 26, 1986, the Planning Commission held a study session for the purpose of reviewing the draft ordinance, and on November 18, 1986, a Planning Commission public hearing was held. He said that the draft ordinance recom- mended for adoption by the Council includes: 1. Simplify definitions and standards. 2. Allowable sign area - Replace formula of 15Vslte trontage with 1-1/2 square feet of sign area/linear feet of frontage, for the first 100 feet of, then 1/2 square foot of sign area for each linear foot thereafter. 3. Application procedures - Two separate permit procedures including Standard sign applications and Planned sign program. 4. Multi-tenant developments - Separate guidelines fully outline permitted sign types. Ground signs are allowed only for identification of the shopping center or complex and must be in landscaped areas. Signs for individual businesses may be wall or projecting signs and shall be consistent in sign type or style. 5. Noncornforming signs - Amoritization strengthened to include conformance when there is a change in property ownership or a request for a building permit. After questions of staff by the Council, Mayor Mankins declared the hearing open and all persons for or against the proposed amendments would now be heard. When no one appeared to speak, he closed the public portion of the hearing. On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, to adopt the proposed ordinance. Council Member Millis asked Mr. Eisner how much additional time he would estimate it will take his department to enforce the amended ordinance, that is, did he anticipate any major problems of enforcement. Mr. Eisner said at the present time virtually all but the smallest signs require permit review by the commission, and in terms of violations, signs put up without a permit are enforced as they are found. He said by simplifying the process enforcement will be easier. Mr. Mack read the title of the proposed ordinance. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Porter, and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of the bulk of the ordinance. On the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Moots, Johnson, Porter and Millis, and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the Council approved the first reading of the ordinance, with final approval to take place at the meeting of January 13, 1987. PUBLIC HEARING-PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO oFFSTREET PARKING STANDARDS Mr. Eisner said that at the request of the Planning Commissio~ Staff has prepared a comprehensive review of the City's off-street parking requirements. The review was originally generated by the Planning Commission over some rather specific concerns expressed by the Council as well. The most important addition that we are recommending for your review, he said, is the addition in our multiple residential zones of an additional one parking space for every four units to be used exclusively for guest parking. He said Staff has recommended some other changes for the ordinances, most of which combine categories of uses that were separate before and will simplify the indexing of the ordinance. He recommended that a number of sections be added to the ordinance dealing CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 23, 1987 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE PUBLIC HEARING-PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO OFFSTREET PARKING STANDARDS Continued with landscaping, maintenance, design, clearance, lighting, off-street parking and building structures, and with screening from the streets. He said this is language that is not now in the ordinance. He said that at the last meeting Council discussed off-street parking and reductions in the Village. He said that the draft before the Council did not address that issue, and recommended that the Public Hearing be opened, that public testimony be taken, and that the matter be continued until the second meeting in January, 1987. He said that would give the staff time to prepare some recommendations concerning the Village area and to carry those back to the Planning Commission in a manner consistent with California State Planning Law. There were questions of the Staff by the Council, and a discussion of the December 16, 1986, memo from Mr. Mack, recommending that the Council 1. Open and conduct the public hearing as advertised, 2. Continue the public hearing to January 27, 1987, for further public comment and receipt of a staff report on Downtown District amendments, and 3. Not adopt the proposed ordinance on first reading at the December 23, 1986, meeting. Mayor Mankins declared the hearing open and all persons for or against the proposed amendments would now be heard. When on one came forward to speak, he closed the public portion of the hearing. On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to adopt the Staff recommendation as contained in Item 2 of Mr. Mack's recommendation. PUBLIC HEARING-TAXI CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Mr. Mack referred to his memo of December 9, 1986. He said Mr. Willard Gieseke's application appears to be complete and meets applications requirements under Municipal Code Section 5-10.02 (a). He suggested questions for the Council to ask of the applicant, and recommended that if the Council decided to issue the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, it should do so by adoption of a resolution. Mayor Mankins declared the Public Hearing open and invited all interested persons for or a9ainst the matter to speak. When no one came forward, he closed the public portion of the hearing. City Attorney Art Shaw recommended that the Council invite Mr. Gieseke to speak. In answer to Council questions, MR. GIESEKE of 850 Sheridan Road said that liability insurance is available and by the time he is in operation he will be covered. He said that concerning his financial responsibility and experience he has been general manager of Mr. Limo for two years, that the organization is well-capitalized, and that he would furnish other financial information to the staff. He asked the Council to set the effective date of the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for January 1, 1987. Mr. Mack read the title of the resolution granting the certificate. On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. .-2-et&,;?OO '1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO WILLARD C. GIESEKE FOR THE OPERATION OF A TAXICAB BUSINESS AND SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Porter, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Johnson, Porter, Moots and Millis, and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of Decembe\, 1986. Mayor Mankins said that the effective date of January 1, 1987, would be lnserted into the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 23, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIX CONSENT AGENDA Continued ITEM NO. 28-Authorization for two Planning Department student interns. In answer to questions from Council Member Porter about the number of interns requested, and from Mayor Mankins about the type of work which will be done, Mr. Eisner said his plan is to use two Cal Poly interns for a sub- stantially less amount of money than was being paid the associate planner who left. He said he needs field work data analysis, and the planned work program would include doing complete land use inventory of the City of Arroyo Grande on a lot by lot and use by use basis. He said two interns can do the job twice as quickly and can do statistical analysis necessary for a starting point for the Planning Commission and Council to begin the planning process. On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to approve the recommendation of Staff. ITEM NO. 27-Authorization for winter grading permit approval process. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Porter, and unanimously carried, to approve the authorization as recommended by Staff. ITEMS 29 and 30-Resolutions recognizing Matthew P. Gallagher and B'Ann Smith Council Member Johnson recommended that a paragraph commending former Council Member Gallagher on his dedication to his family be added to his Resolution. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded bv Council Member Moots, to approve the recommendations of Staff concernin9 the Resolutions with the suggestion of Council Member Johnson added. The City Clerk noted two errors which she said would be corrected on the final drafts of the Resolutions. RESOLUTION NO. .2OO/r,;1.010 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HONORING MATTHEW P. GALLAGHER, JR. FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESOLUTION NO. -2GOO d..D fI A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HONORING B'ANN SMITH FOR HER OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE The roll call vote consisted of the following: AYES: Council Members Millis, Moots, Johnson and Porter and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None and the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of December, 1986. COUNCIL STUDY SESSION REQUEST FOR PASEO STREET DEVELOPMENT HAP BRENIZER of 458 N. 10th Street, Grover City, said he would like the Council to hold a Study Session to solve the problems he is having in developing all 14 lots on his property on Paseo Street. He said he may sell the property or develop it himself. He said developing nine lots is not economically feasible. He said he had been working on this project for two years, and has designed the project five times. He said when the Council designated the Landmark Trees on the property it forced him to redesign the project. Mayor Mankins asked Mr. Shaw if the Council is following the appropriate procedure, and Mr. Shaw said at this point in time the applicant is saying he doesn't have a plan and doesn't want to go through the City's planning pl'oces s. He said he didn't see how Mr. Brenizer can short circuit the process. Council Member Johnson said the problems connected with this development include hillside grades, existing neighborhood, right of way through a creek, flood plain, and a stand of Oak trees. She said the Council has spent many hours on this project, and did not see what could be accomplished by another . CITY COUNC I L DECEMBER 23, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SEVEN STUDY SESSION REQUEST FOR PASEO STREET DEVELOPMENT Continued study session. Mr. Mack explained more history of the project including the last appli- cation for a lot line adjustment because of difficulty of access. He said the Council rejected the plan. He said Mr. Brenizer wished the Council to design the accessrellated to those lots, and did not think the Counci1 should place itself in this position. He said the applicant should make the design. After further discussion about what could be accomplished by another study session, on motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to deny the request for a study session. Council Member Moots said if Mr. Breni zer fi nds another so I ut i on to the development of his property he should process it through the Planning Commission and if it was approved, the Council would consider it. ZONING COMPLAINT GLENN PETERS of 1587 El Camino Real referred to his December 23, 1986, letter to the Mayor and City Council and said that rezoning his property from Highway Service to "C-2" has devalued his property. He said also that he objected to this happening without having received written notice from the City. He said newspaper notification was not sufficient and a whole class of citizens were rezoned and were not aware of it. He asked the City to renounce this type of notification because it causes mistrust of City government. He said the manner of notification is basic good government. Mayor Mankins asked Mr. Eisner if the correct notification had been made when the rezoning was being discussed, and Mr. Eisner said that the City had followed what is prescribed in California state law when hundreds of properties are involved. He said the issue was one of the need to revamp commercial zones to be consistent with the City's General Plan. He said there were numerous study sessions, public hearings, newspaper public notices and stories about the rezoning. Mayor Mankins said the Council needs to know the difference between the two zonings, and needs to decide whether it is right or wrong to use newspaper notification on these matters of rezoning affecting a large number of people. Mr. Eisner said he did not feel "C-2" is more restrictive than Highway Service. He said it was an attempt to create a general retail commercial zone and move away from the pre-1g60 era when the main highway was Grand Avenue. Council Member Millis agreed with Mr. Peters that written notification on rezoning matters should take place. He said previous Planning Directors had been instructed to send out written notices. He made the motion that the Council instruct the Planning Director that on any rezoning notices be ma i1 ed out. Council Member Johnson seconded the motion. Mr. Shaw said that if this passes it will be a directive to Staff to be an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. He said Staff should bring it back to the Council as an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Mayor Mankins said there may be budetary constraints in notifying every property owner in the City. Mr. Shaw said that the amendment could include a statement saying the Council could direct otherwise, if necessary. Mayor Mankins taIled for the vote, and the Council approved the motion. Council Member Millis asked that instruction to the Staff to draft the ordinance amendment be included in his motion, and there was Council agreement. There was further discussion of how Mr. Peters could change his present zoning, and Mr. Eisner suggested that a full review of the Land Use Element of the General Plan will be taking place soon and there will be an opportunity to review the commercial zones at that time. COUNCIL RECESS FROM 9:38 P.M. TO 9:48 P.M. CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 23, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE EIGHT PISMO LAKE AGREEMENT Council Member Porter referred to a proposed agreement between the Cali- fornia Department of Fish and Game and the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City a~d ~ismo Beach. He said no action has been taken on the agreement, that 1t 1S to the advantage of all to take action to prevent siltation of Pismo La~e, and it is.usual for Arroyo G~ande to take the initial action. Mr. Karp sa1d that the Clty already has ord1nances to cover grading and erosion control. He said the agreement might be somewhat redundant. . Mr. Mack referred to his memo of December 19, 1986 on the matter, and recommended that an agreement be developed in conjunction with Caltrans when the Oak Park Interchange project is developed. Council Member Porter then asked that letters be written to the California Resources and Development Department and to Mr. Bruce Elliott of the California Department of Fish and Game stating the facts listed by Mr. Karp so that the departments will know the City of Arroyo Grande is interested in Pismo Lake problems. He said he is afraid if the City does not take some action, the matter will not be addressed until a problem arises. He said the departments should know the City is interested and working on the matter. Mayor Mankins directed the staff to write the letters. CRIME PREVENTION REPORT Police Chief James Clark introduced Patti Hazouri, a full-time dispatcher for the Police Department. He said Miss Hazouri had completed the Police Reserve Academy, had obtained her Class B teaching credential, and had attended a two-week training course in crime prevention and community relations at the Department of Justice in Sacramento. He'said since July after being' assigned to the reserve force she had been assigned to crime prevention programs. He said he had asked her to come to the Council meeting to give an update on what has occurred and also to give an update on' a community-wide event planned for February. Miss Hazouri said the Crime Prevention Program had three goals, 1. The School Program for Arroyo Grande,.. covering safety, drug awareness, and "how to say no"; 2. An active Neighborhood Watch Program, and 3. The Senior Citizens Program, including crime prevention and secure homes. She said films had been donated by service clubs, Letters of Citizen Recognition had been written, Halloween and bicycle safety programs put on, and a Citizen Emergency Handbook for the Neighborhood Watch Program published. She said other activities included distribution of 200 gift packages to community rest homes, and a Community Awareness Day in February. The Mayor and Council thanked her for the report to the Council, and praised her work with crime prevention. OAK PARK INTERCHANGE DRAINAGE REPORT Mr. Mack said he had met with Supervisor-elect Jim Johnson and informed him of the City's position and desires are in connection with the Oak Park Interchange drainage relocation work. He said he discussed with him the agreement with Grover City, Pismo Beach and the County regarding that drainage relocation project. He said Supervisor Johnson was taking the information under advisement and will be talking with the County staff. HIGHWAY 101 OFFRAMPS/GRAND AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROGRESS REPORT Mr. Karp said the plans specifications and environmental documents have been completed for the traffic signalization, and the City's share of the cost is $47,000. He said the project goes to bid in February, 1987, and the City's share will be funded for cash flow through the Federal Aid Urban System. He said the City had pledge these funds to the inter- change, and reminded the Council not to forget the project in the budget process. CITY COUNCIL OECEMBER 23, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE NINE MASON/BRANCH STREETS' TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROGRESS REPORT Mr. Karp said that construction started today (12/23/86), and Caltrans had immediately received calls from Village merchants aSking for work to stop until after Christmas. He said Caltrans will begin construction again on January 5, 1987. GRAND AVENUE/COURTLAND TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROGRESS REPORT Mr. Karp said bids had been received, and letters sent out to each of the property owners from whom the City had asked voluntary contributions for sign installation. He said the City Staff had allowed itself 45 days to see if funds would come from those parties. He said so far only 1 out of 5 has voluntarily provided previous funding. He said he would report back to the Council in January, 1987. WATER QUALITY PROGRESS REPORT Mr. Karp said he had discussed with Doug Jones of the Lopez Water Treatment Plant the quality of the water in the City. He said that the Montgomery Engineering Firm, which is working to correct the water quality problem, would like to meet again with the County Staff to discuss the taste and odor problem. He said the County staff believes that it has isolated the bacteria that may be causing the problem. He said the dirty water caused by iron and manganese has been cleared by the County by taking water into the Plant fran a different Lake elevation. TRAFFIC WAY CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT Mr. Karp said that cleanup will be completed by December 24, 1986, and all construction equipment will be gone for the Christmas holidays. He said work will resume with one trench across Traffic Way. He said the Telephone Company contractor will run one s i dewa I k and one pav i ng crew. He said estimated completion date is January 5, 1987. weather permitting. COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE AMENDMENTS Mayor Mankins led the discussion of changes in the Rules of Procedure that he, Council Member Millis and City Attorney Shaw had suggested. Mayor Mankins suggestion of a 4/5ths vote being needed to amend the Rules of Procedure was discussed, as was the idea of meeting times being part of the Rules of Procedure. Mayor Mankins put forth the idea that the Rules be changed so that the Council meets four times a month, twice in the daytime and twice at night. Council Members discussed the deadl ire for SUbnitti7-j itans for the ?nda and in l'.I1at fonn those itans should be presented. Council Member Mi lis suggeste that Council Members, citizens, or Staff members should have the right to put items on the agenda, but that only the person who puts the item on the agenda would have the right to withdraw that particular item. Council Members were made aware of Mr. Shaw's additions to Rules of Procedure H, I and J drawn up to put them in compliance with the Muni- cipal Code of the City. Council Member Millis requested that the Rules of Procedure with the changes be typed for the next meeting. On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Porter, and unanimously carried, to direct Staff to submit the changed Rules of Procedure in typewritten form and bring them back to the next Council Meeting, January 13, 1987. Mr. Mack said Mr. Shaw would do that and prepare any resolution which may be needed. BILL MC CANN, 575 Crown Hill Avenue,said he would like to see a copy of all the changes made by the Council in the Rules of Procedure. He objected to meetings being held in the daytime, when he could not attend. He said citizens with 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. jobs would not be able to attend those meetings. He said it has been a tradition in our Country going back to the old Town Hall meetings that they be held when citizens could attend. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE PERMITTING ALCOHOL AT COMMUNITY CENTER Mr. Mack read the title of the proposed ordinance, and on motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 351 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 15 TO TITLE 5, RELATING TO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SERVICE AND CONSUMPTION ON PUBLIC PROPERTY CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 23, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TEN SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE PERMITTING ALCOHOL AT COMMUNITY CENTER Continued On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Moots, Johnson, Porter and Millis, and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted on this 23rd day of December, 1987. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION ON PERSONNEL , The meeting was adjourned to a Closed Session on Personnel at 10:40 P.M. RECONVENEMENTFROM CLOSED SESSION The meeting was reconvened at 11:07 P.M. from the Closed Session. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Porter, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Johnson, Porter Millis and Moots, and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the Council voted to renew the City Manager's contract with the City through the year 1987. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:08 P.M. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK