Minutes 1986-01-21 SP ---~- ,~- - . .~ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 21, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1:00 P.M. The City Council met in an adjourned study session with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Matt Gallagher, Dorace Johnson, Gene Moots and D.G. Porter were present. Planning Director Stanley Eisner said the purpose of the meeting was to provide an opportunity for the Council to make comments and ask questions about the Circulation Element of the General Plan prior to the Public Hearing. He said the element has four parts, the first of which being the text of the Circulation Element itself which addresses the guide- lines set forth by the California State Planning Law. He said the second part of the material is a series of maps which addresses itself to statements, goals, and objectives in the text itself. He said the third part is a technical appendix, materials that should be part of the element in terms of its inclusion, but should not be mixed in with the general policy text, the goals and objectives. He said the last part is a single page which is probably the most important part of the material, a sheet entitled "Project Implementation." He referred to a memorandum from the Parking and Traffic Commission which addresses some specific concerns that the commission has. He said that he and Nancy Iversen, Associate Planner working on this project, had met with the commission on two occasions and generally agreed with the commission's recommendations, and most of these would be included in the revised Circulation Element. Council Members asked many questions and made suggestions. One main concern they expressed was the West Branch Extension, and they repeatedly stressed the need to outline an alternative route through the City that would relieve traffic problems on East Branch Street. Mayor Smith urged that the map show that a connection is envisioned. Council Member Johnson said that future development will make the location even harder to determine if a connection is not indicated on the map. Public Works Director Paul Karp said that the City staff looked at an alignment that would connect West Branch Street where it ends at the Regional Center to where it begins again near the Community Center. He said that the plan involved encroaching on Caltrans property, and that Caltrans had suggested a modified plan that the City Staff rejected because the proposal would have involved condemning two homes in the area. Mayor Smith said she was willing to make a commitment to those residents of Larchmont,Drive that the proposed connection would not be made with Larchmont. The Planning Staff agreed to show the West Branch tentative connection by a dotted line on the Circulation Element Map, Fig. 7-1. Council Member Gallagher said that streets in the City should be identified by name and whether or not they meet the standards set up by the City so that developments would not be approved where the streets do not meet City standards. Mr. Gallagher expressed concern that the element map, Fig. 7.1, shows Valley Road to be completed in the future to Bell Street. Public Works Director Paul Karp said that if future Councils do not provide the funds to finish the road, it will never be completed, but it should be shown on the map for planning purposes. He suggested text be included to indicate that proposed alignments have not been shown to encourage development to encroach on agriculture, but only to indicate future needs. The Council decided to keep the proposed extension of Valley Road on the map. Concerns were expressed about roads not being designated as emergency and evacuation routes, and Associate Planner Iversen said she is working on the City Emergency Route Map. Mayor Smith said she would like to see bike lanes and routes shown in the element. She said the element was generally well-written and approved of gg per cent of it. She said the quality of life in Arroyo Grande was reflected in it. ----.---..--.---- .- ,'- CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 21, 1986 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO Mayor Smith left the meeting at 2:00 P.M. and Mayor Pro Tern Gallagher took over as presiding officer. Council Members said they would like the element to contain references to a proposed traffic signal at Station Way in addition to others shown. Council Members asked that the element "encourage the continued improve- ment of the school bus system," including adequate school bus parking. Council Member Johnson asked that stronger wording be used in papagraph three under "C. Truck Routes." She said too many trucks are parking for 10n9 periods of time on City streets. Scenic routes in the City were discussed and Council members said the "gateways" (entries to the City) should be given extra consideration. Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler said future "gateways" will be at Oak Park Boulevard, Traffic Way, West Branch Street and El Camino Real. Mr. Keisler discussed the City's Memorial Tree Program and Mr. Eisner said the City's 75th Anniversary may encourage private donations to the program. The Council suggested eliminating specific references to "Scenic Streets," but asked staff to generalize the section to apply subjectively throughout the community. Council Member Johnson was absent from the meeting from 2:30 to 2:50 P.M. MARIE CATTOIR of 195 Orchid Lane asked about Schematic Plans 7.9 Major Work Proposed by Caltrans and 7.10 Proposed in the Regional Transporta- tion Plan. She referred to the El Campo Interchange, the Highway 227 impac- tions and the interchange at Traffic Way and Highway 101, and said she wished the public could have input on this planning. Mr. Karp said these studies are just beginning and when Caltrans sends its plans to the City, recommendations can be made at that time. Council Member Johnson said she would like to see bike lanes marked on the streets. Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher suggested that the City ask the County to work toward better development of Noyes Road to take some of the traffic off Oak Park Road. Mr. Eisner said he would pursue this with the County. Council Member Moots spoke in favor of the completion of Traffic Way, LePoint to Larchmont, and West Branch to East Branch. Mr. Eisner thanked Associate Planner Iversen, Mr. Karp and the Parking and Traffic Commission, Special Projects Engineer Dwayne Chisam and Associate Planner Peter Rosen for their work on the Circulation Element. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to adjourn the meeting at 3:30 P.M. to the regular Council Meeting of Monday, January 27, 1986, at 7:30 P.M. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK ~._~----_._-- .-