Agenda Packet 2009-07-28 Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ß¹»²¼¿ Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair Steven Adams, City Manager Joe Costello, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Timothy J. Carmel , City Attorney Jim Guthrie, Council/Board Member Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Ed Arnold, Council/Board Member Chuck Fellows, Council/Board Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 28, 2009 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1.CALL TO ORDER:7:00 P.M. 2.ROLL CALL COUNCIL/RDA BOARD 3.FLAG SALUTE: GENERATION JOSHUA 4.INVOCATION:PASTOR ROBERT BANKER OPEN DOOR CHURCH 5.SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. 6.AGENDA REVIEW: 6a.Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY – JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 2 7.COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8.CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. Cash Disbursement Ratification 8.a. (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period June 16, 2009 through July 15, 2009. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits 8.b. (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of June 30, 2009. Consideration of Approval of Minutes 8.c. (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of June 9, 2009, and the Regular City Council Meeting of June 23, 2009, as submitted. Consideration of Amendment to Standards for West Branch Street Special Event 8.d. Banners (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution which will approve an amendment to the City’s standards for West Branch Street Special Event Banners. Consideration of Resolution Consenting to the Charter Communications, Inc. 8.e. Reorganization (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution consenting to the Charter Communications, Inc. Reorganization. AGENDA SUMMARY – JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 3 8.CONSENT AGENDA (cont’d): Consideration of Request from Planning Commissioner Keen for Consecutive 8.f. Absences from Planning Commission Meetings (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Consent to three consecutive absences by Planning Commissioner Keen. Consideration of a Resolution Finding the Necessity of Planning and 8.g. Administrative Expenses Charged to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds for Production, Improvement or Preservation of Low and Moderate Income Housing (ADAMS) [COUNCIL/RDA] Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution finding that the planning and administrative expenses charged to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund are necessary for the production, improvement, or preservation of low and moderate income housing. Consideration of a Resolution Establishing a Safety Shoe Allowance for 8.h. Designated Part-Time Positions (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution establishing a safety shoe allowance for designated part-time positions. Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Accepting a Public Road Easement 8.i. (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution accepting a public road easement from Rector, Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Barnabas’ Parish. Consideration to Reduce the Bond Amount Posted to Guarantee Improvements for 8.j. Conditional Use Permit No. 06-001 – Hampton Inn at Camino Mercado and West Branch Street (STRONG) Recommended Action: Reduce the bond amount guaranteeing the improvements required by Conditional Use Permit No. 06-001 to $18,036.80 for Faithful Performance. Consideration of an Award of Contract to Frank Calistro, Inc. for the Corporation 8.k. Yard Exterior Structural Steel Repair Project, PW 2009-05 (STRONG) Recommended Action: 1) Award a contract for the Corporation Yard Exterior Structural Steel Repair Project to Frank Calistro, Inc. in the amount of $21,178; and 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $2,118, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. Consideration of an Award of Contract to Graham Contractors, Inc. for 8.l. Construction of the 2009 Slurry Seal Project, PW 2009-04 (STRONG) Recommended Action: 1) Award a contract for the 2009 Slurry Seal Project to Graham Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $130,205.17; and 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $13,020.00, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. Consideration for approval of a Resolution Recognizing the Service Retirement of 8.m. Arroyo Grande Police Department Police Service Dog “Zak” and Providing for the Transfer of Ownership of “Zak” to Senior Police Officer Kimberely Martin (ANNIBALI) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution recognizing the service retirement of police service dog “Zak” and providing for the transfer of ownership of “Zak” to Senior Police Officer Kimberely Martin. AGENDA SUMMARY – JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 4 8.CONSENT AGENDA (cont’d): Consideration of First Amendment to Contract for Animal Services 8.n. (ANNIBALI) Recommended Action: Approve the First Amendment to the Contract for Animal Services with the County of San Luis Obispo not to exceed the amount of $34,157 and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. Considerationof Acceptance of the Village Green Improvement Project, PW 2007- 8.o. 05 (STRONG) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the project improvements as constructed by California Coastal Development in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Village Green Improvement Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorize release of the retention, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. on of Acceptance of the Traffic Way Streetscape Project, PW 2007-10 Considerati 8.p. (STRONG) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the project improvements as constructed by California Coastal Development in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Traffic Way Streetscape Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; 3) Authorize release of the retention, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed; and 4) Transfer $30,000 for the project from the East Branch Streetscape Project. 9.PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. 10.CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11.NEW BUSINESS: Discussion of Temporary Banners 11.a. (STRONG) Recommended Action: 1) Review information and alternatives related to temporary banners; and 2) Direct staff to draft Municipal Code changes that would better clarify rules related to temporary banners and require prior City approval before they are mounted. Discussion of the Historic Resource Designation Process 11.b. (STRONG) Recommended Action: Direct staff to draft an Ordinance for consideration that will modify the process for designating historical resources by limiting the role of the ARC to review of building modification or construction and eliminate the Community Development Director determination step. AGENDA SUMMARY – JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 5 11.NEW BUSINESS (cont’d): Consideration of Appointment of Voting Delegate and Alternate for the League of 11.c. California Cities Annual Conference (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Appoint one Council Member as the voting delegate and one Council Member as the alternate delegate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference. 12.CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) OMAYR TONY FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA) (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Brisco/Halcyon/Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee (4) Recreation Center Subcommittee (5) Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM JOE COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) ersight Committee Fire Ov (4) Other (c) NCCOUIL MEMBER JIM GUTHRIE: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Community Action Partnership (3) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (4) SLO County 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness Leadership Council (5) Tourism Committee (6) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER ED ARNOLD: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (3) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER FELLOWS: (1) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (2) Other AGENDA SUMMARY – JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 6 13.CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. None. 14.CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None. 15.COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 16.STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 17.COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 18.ADJOURNMENT ************************* All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk’s office, 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************* This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City’s website at www.arroyogrande.org ************************** City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande’s Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-span.org. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE & INFORMATION SERVICES/CITY CLERK , ,(~, _~ SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION DATE: JULY 28, 2009 Council Member Fellows requested the attached newspaper excerpt from The Tribune be distributed to the City Council. c: City Manager City Attorney ~. _... MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE & INFORMATION SERVICES/CITY CLERK r A/, _ ~ SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION DATE: JULY 28, 2009 The attached letter was received today from Historic Resources Committee member Shirley Gibson. c: City Manager City Attorney 07128/2009 17:03 8057811228 RIFF CIVIL PAGE 01 July 28, 2009 Arroyo Grande City Council Honorable Mayor, Mayor 1'roTem, and Members, One of the important tasks of the Historical Resources Committee is opening peoples eyes to the history in their midst. Our small town history is not something that we will read about in American History class. And George Washington never slept in any of our buildings. The history of Arroyo Grande is not the big event or the famous person. It is the accumulation of individuals and families, business endeavors, large and small, places of worship, local governnnent, schools, etc. Over a period time, that collection of events, peoplo, and buildings create our cultural, social, and physical landscape and heritage. Our history is unique and special to us. In preserving out history, we are taking responsibility for our own futute. Every advisory body has an area of expertise. As a member of the HRC,1 would request that any recommendations made by our group for historic designation would be reviewed by the City Council. with re~spe~ct,~ Shirley Giu-b W Member IiRC 1546 Helena St. Flalcyon, Ca ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» í ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ë ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ê ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» é ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» è ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ç ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ïð ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ïï ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ïî ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ïí ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ïì ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ïë ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ïê ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ïé ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ïè ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» ïç ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» îð ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» îï ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» îî ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» îí ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» îì ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» îë ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» îê ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» îé ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» îè ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» îç ׬»³ èò¿ò п¹» íð ׬»³ èò¾ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò¾ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò¾ò п¹» í THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ׬»³ èò¾ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» í ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ë ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ê ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» é ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» è ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ç ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ïð ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ïï ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ïî ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ïí ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ïì ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ïë ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ïê ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ïé ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ïè ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» ïç ׬»³ èò½ò п¹» îð ׬»³ èò¼ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò¼ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò¼ò п¹» í ׬»³ èò¼ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò¼ò п¹» ë ׬»³ èò¼ò п¹» ê ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» í ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ë ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ê ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» é ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» è ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ç ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ïð ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ïï ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ïî ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ïí ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ïì ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ïë ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ïê ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ïé ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ïè ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ïç ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» îð ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» îï ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» îî ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» îí ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» îì ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» îë ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» îê ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» îé ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» îè ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» îç ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» íð ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» íï ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» íî ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» íí ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» íì ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» íë ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» íê ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» íé ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» íè ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» íç ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ìð ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ìï ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ìî ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ìí ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ìì ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ìë ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ìê ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ìé ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ìè ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ìç ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ëð ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ëï ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ëî ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ëí ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ëì ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ëë THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ׬»³ èò»ò п¹» ëê ׬»³ èòºò п¹» ï ׬»³ èòºò п¹» î ׬»³ èò¹ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò¹ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò¹ò п¹» í ׬»³ èò¹ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò¸ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò¸ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò¸ò п¹» í ׬»³ èò¸ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» í ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» ë ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» ê ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» é ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» è ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» ç ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» ïð ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» ïï ׬»³ èò·ò п¹» ïî ׬»³ èò¶ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò¶ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò¶ò п¹» í THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ׬»³ èò¶ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èòµò п¹» ï ׬»³ èòµò п¹» î ׬»³ èò´ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò´ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò´ò п¹» í THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ׬»³ èò´ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò³ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò³ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò³ò п¹» í ׬»³ èò³ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò³ò п¹» ë THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ׬»³ èò³ò п¹» ê ׬»³ èò²ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò²ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò²ò п¹» í ׬»³ èò²ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò±ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò±ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò±ò п¹» í ׬»³ èò±ò п¹» ì ׬»³ èò°ò п¹» ï ׬»³ èò°ò п¹» î ׬»³ èò°ò п¹» í THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ׬»³ èò°ò п¹» ì ׬»³ ïïò¿ò׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» ï п¹» ï ׬»³ ïïò¿ò׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» î п¹» î ׬»³ ïïò¿ò׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» í п¹» í ׬»³ ïïò¿ò׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» ì п¹» ì ׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» ë ׬»³ ïïò¿ò׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» ê п¹» ê ׬»³ ïïò¿ò׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» é п¹» é ׬»³ ïïò¿ò׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» è п¹» è ׬»³ ïïò¿ò׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» ç п¹» ç ׬»³ ïïò¿ò׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» ïð п¹» ïð ׬»³ ïïò¿ò׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» ïï п¹» ïï THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ׬»³ ïïò¿ò׬»³ ïïò¿ò п¹» ïî п¹» ïî ׬»³ ïïò¾ò п¹» ï ׬»³ ïïò¾ò п¹» î ׬»³ ïïò¾ò п¹» í ׬»³ ïïò¾ò п¹» ì ׬»³ ïïò½ò п¹» ï ׬»³ ïïò½ò п¹» î ׬»³ ïïò½ò п¹» í ׬»³ ïïò½ò п¹» ì ׬»³ ïïò½ò п¹» ë ׬»³ ïïò½ò п¹» ê