Minutes 1985-08-27 . #..", ~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 27, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in Regular Session with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Matt Gallagher, Dorace Johnson, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter were present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Council Member Gallagher led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. The Rev. Dennis Bjorgan of First Assembly of God Church delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Porter, and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Meeting of August 13, 1985, were approved. APPROVAL OF CHECKS On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, Demand Checks No. POOl through P012 for $197,808.19, and 26323 through 26429 for $188,704.93, and Payroll Checks No. 31324 through 31436 for $100,992.69 were approved for payment as submitted by Finance Director David Bacon. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES OF APPRECIATION Mayor Smith presented plaques of appreciation to three people who have served the city on Commissions. They were Alice Rouse, Downtown Parking Advisory Board, 1970 to 1985; Timothy B. 5torton, Parking and Traffic Commission, 1982 to 1985, and Rodney Gibson, Parking and Traffic Commission, 1982 to 1985. Virginia Culp, who served as Deputy City Clerk from 1983 to 1985, also was honored, but was unable to attend the meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS MARIE CATTOIR, 195 Orchid Lane, said the City spends too much money on unnecessary studies. She also asked to what extent the South County Economic Development Association will be working with the city. Mr. Mack said the Omnl-Means Report was only a preliminary report and and there Is much more extensive design work to complete. He said the Branch Street Sidewalks study still is under consideration, and that by law an appraiser must be hired for the Pace property right of way. He said the negotiations on ~he latter project will be very time consuming. Mayor Smith said no one from SCEDA had approached the city as yet. CONSENT AGENOA Council Member Porter withdrew Items 9, 14 and 16, Council Member Johnson withdrew Items 10 and 18, and Council Member Moots withdrew Item 24 from the Consent Agenda for discussion. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to approve Consent Agenda Items 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23. 8. Proclamation Proclaiming Hot Dot Week, September 29-0ctober 4, 1985, (Recommend Mayor So Proclaim). 11. San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District 2nd Quarter, 1985 Report (Recommend Review and File). 12. Sonic Cable Television's Announcement of New Microwave Link Construction (Information Only). 13. Reservoir No.1 Roof Acceptance (Recommend Acceptance and Notice of Completion). 15. Pismo Beach Resolution Opposing Oak Park Boulevard Project Delays, Etc. (Information Only) 17. Wells Property Escrow Closure Announcement (Information Only). 19. Purchase of Typewriter (Recommend Award of Bid). 20. Purchase of One Ton Service Truck for Parks Dept. (Recommend Award of Bid). ~_... ~--~- ------ -" -, CITY COUNC I L AUGUST 27, 1985 ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO CONSENT AGENDA Continued 21. Purchase of Breathing Apparatus (Recommend Award of Bid). 22. Purchase of Resuscitator (Recommend Award of Bid). 23. Purchase of Compressed Air System (Recommend Award of Bid). 9. Planning Commission Answered Agenda of August 20, 1985 Council Member Porter asked Planning Director Eisner to give him a copy of Architectural Review Case No. 85-240, office building at 1166 and 1190 Grand Avenue. Mr. Eisner said he would do so. 10. Parking and Traffic Commission Answered Agenda of August 19, 1985. Council Member Johnson expressed concern about a Parking and Traffic Commission denial of Vie Pace's request for no-parking zones in front of his agency on Traffic Way. She said there is not enough room for cars to park next to traffic lanes there. Mayor Smith said off-street parking is needed. The Council directed Public Works Director Karp to bring a Resolution on this subject to the September 10, 1985, Council meeting. 14. Septic Tank Approval for 560 Easy Street. Council Member Porter said he was concerned that this project could be a problem, that the soil was very shallow, the land was very steep, but that the nearest sewer line was 1,000 feet away. Mr. Karp said this would not be a conventional septic tank, but a private waste-water disposal system designed to meet the requirements of the land.. He said the Council could make its approval on the basis of that. Mr. Mack said that years ago it was decided not to put water lines into the Printz Road area, because that would induce more development. 16. League of California Cities: Legislative Bulletins Nos. 29-30, 1985. Council Member Porter asked if Senate Bill 75 was still viable. Mr. Mack said that he believed it was and that some type of legislation on this "deep pocket" bi II should pass this year. 18. Traffic Way Improvements Public Hearings Announcement and Omni Means Report Council Member Johnson said it is time to solve the Post Office parking problem, and the matter should be taken up at the Parking and Traffic Commission Public Hearing. Mr. Mack was directed to invite the Postmaster to the hearing. Council Member Gallagher said the Council should have a study session on the Traffic Way project, and the Council decided to hold it after the Public Hearings. 24. Purchase of Two Used Vehicles for Police Department. Council Member Moots asked if this plan for purchase of the vehicles would save the City money. Mr. Mack said these would be unmarked detective automobiles, and the Police Chief wants to be able to buy used cars on the spot in Los Angeles in order to obtain more savings in the purchase. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, Items 9, 10, 14, 16, 18 and 24 on the Consent Agenda were approved. ..'-"._--_. "'-"--.-- ..- -_._..~--... - -~--_._.._---.------ ~ ---~-_.. PUBLIC HEARING: APPEAL OF.PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT TO PERMIT RELOCATION OF SANTA MANUELA SCHOOL AT.STANLEY.AVENUE AND'BRAN CH STREET On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to continue this appeal of a Planning Commission decision to the November 12, 1985, meeting. ------.-- - ---. CITY COUNC IL AUGUST 27, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE PUBlI C HEAR I NG: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO COMBINE MEDIUM HIGH AND HIGH RESIDENTIAL DENSITIES INTO A SINGLE MEDIUM.HIGH.DENSITY.PERMITTING A MAXIMUM OF.14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE Mr. Eisner said that the General Plan Amendment would have the effect of combining the City's present General Plan categories of Medium High Density with an effective density rate of 17 units per acre and the High Density Residential with an effective density rate of 20 units per acre into one category entitled Medium High Density Residential with a density not to exceed 14 units to the acre. He pointed to said areas on the General Plan Map. He explained that the Text would be amended to describe goals, objectives, pol icies and programs of the City. He referred to the proposed Resolution amending the General Plan Text and Map. Mayor Smith explained that the Resolution contains three parts, a. a section referring to the Grieb property approved at the August 13, 1985, meeting, b. a Commercial section approved at the August 13, 1985, meeting, and c. the single Medium High Density section being discussed by Mr. Eisner at this meeting. Mayor Smith corrected the last line of section I.e. to read "and modifying the 'Medium Low Density Residential' text;" ' ---- --- .__.-. Mayor Smi th sa i d the Not i ce of Pub lie Hear I n9 had been du I y pub Ii shed and all requirements met for this public hearing and invited the public to address the Council. No one came forward to speak, and she declared the hearing closed. After council discussion, Mr. Mack read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 1871 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN TEXT AND MAP On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots . ' and on the followl~g roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: Mayor Smith ABSENT: None 1~~5~oregoing Resolution was passed and adopted as corrected on the 27th day of August, RESOLUTIONS DESIGNATING LANDMARK TREES WITHIN PASEO STREET DEVELOPMENT Mr. Eisner said the resolutions were prepared for the review of the Planning Commission following their review by the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission following a Public Hearing. The Planning Commission approved all the resolutions unanimously and has sent them on the Council with the recom- mendation to approve. Mr. Karp said that the Council members had reviewed and identified the pictures of said Landmark Trees as the Ordinance No. 333 C.5. requires. Mr. Karp read the title of the first Landmark Tree Resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 18?2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESiGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 85-1 On motion of Council Members Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: .---------------- _.---- ------ '" CITY COUNC I L AUGUST 27. 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR RESOLUTIONS DESIGNATING LANDMARK TREES WITHIN PASEO STREET DEVELOPMENT Continued AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985. Mr. Karp read the title to the second landmark Tree Resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1873 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 85-2 On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985. Mr. Karp read the title of the third Landmark Tree Resolution. On mo t ion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1874 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A lANDMARK TREE 85-3 On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985. Mr. Karp read the title of thefaunth Landmark Tree Resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1875 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T.HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 85-4 On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots. and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985, -------- -"-- - ---'" CITY COUNCil AUGUST 27, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE RESOLUTIONS DESIGNATING LANDMARK TREES WITHIN PA5ED STREET DEVELOPMENT Continued Mr. Karp read the title of the fifth landmark Tree Resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1876 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A lANDMARK TREE 85-5 On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985. Mr. Karp read the title of the sixth landmark Tree Resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1877 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 85-6 On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985. Mr. Karp read 'the title of the seventh Landmark Tree Resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1878 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A lANDMARK TREE 85-7 On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985. Mr. Karp read the title of the eighth landmark Tree Resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. , RESOLUTION NO. 1879 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A lANDMARK TREE 85-8 On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None ---_.-._.....~ --------..- ---- - -~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 27, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIX RESOLUTIONS DESIGNATING LANDMARK TREES WITHIN PASEO STREET DEVELOPMENT Continued the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985. Mayor Smith said that that may seem redundant to the audience but that it is just an affirmation of how serious this Council is to preserve as many trees as possible within the City. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SEPTEMBER 6, 1985, AS EFFECTIVE DATE FOR NOTIFYING PROPERTY OWNERS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 4, TRAFFIC WAY, ESTABLISHMENT Mr. Mack said that Resolution No. 1862, adopted by the City Council on July 9, 1985, created the Traffic Way Underground Utility District. He said it required notices be sent to all district property owners within ten days of July 9th. He said notices were not sent to the property owners, and the proposed resolution provides ten additional days after the August 27th Council meeting for notices to be mailed. Mr. Mack read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1880 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING UNDERGROUND RESOLUTION NO. 1862 TO ESTABLISH AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR NOTICE (TRAFFIC WAY NO.4) On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Johnson, Gallagher, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985. MARIE CATTOIR, 192 Orchid Lane, said she would hope that the Traffic Way Undergrounding Project study session be held at a time when the business people could attend. She mentioned the name of Gordon Bennett who had not received the Omni Means Report. Mr. Mack said the County Assessment Rolls were used for mailing_ list. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING OFFSTREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS ON GRAND AVENUE Mr. Karp said that at the request of the City Council the staff has per- formed certain traffic studies necessary to prepare the proposed resolution. He said the direction was to prepare a resolution similar to that previously adopted by the City Council for elimination of on-street parking on Grand Avenue between Halcyon Road and U.S. 101. He said the staff has taken two different approaches in proposed traffic improvements on Grand Avenue, eas- terly and westerly of Halcyon Road. The currently proposed Resolution calls for a deadline to eliminate all on-street parking by September I, 1990, and an accelerated rate for eliminating parking, he said. After discussing the issue, Council directed Mr. Karp to inform the business community on Grand Avenue on how to establish an assessment district for parking and let them know what tools are at hand. Mr. Mack said the City would work on that program. Mr. Karp read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried to dis- pense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1881 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING REQUIREMENTS FOR OFF-STREET PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE .__....~.- ~~- --- ,----, - -~ ~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 27, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SEVEN RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING OFF5TREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS ON GRAND AVENUE-Continued On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots and on the following roll call vote, to wit: ' AYES: Council Members Johnson, Gallagher, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985. RESOLUTION PROPOSING LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES INITIATE A STATEWIDE BALLOT INITIATIVE REGARDING JOINT AND.SEVERAL LIABILITY Mr. .Mack said a communications had come from Mayor Fred F. Nagel, Jr., of the City of La Mesa suggesting a Resolution which would alter the liability laws of California and in effect get rid of the "deep pockets." He said the resolution would be sent to affected public agencies. Mr. Mack read the Resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. ' RESOLUTION NO. 1882 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROPOSING THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES INITIATE A STATEWIDE BALLOT INITIATIVE REGARDING JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY. On motion of.Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the followIng roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Johnson, Gallagher, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12116, PAULDING HOUSE, AMENDMENT REPORT Mr. Eisner said that the Planning Commission had reviewed a request for modification to the Paulding House and property. He said that the applicants had requested deletion of a parking lot originally included on the tract map and associated with a proposed "History House" museum. He said that the Planning Commission, following a public hearing, approved the Tentative Tract amendment deleting the parking, but did not follow the staff recommendation for a cul-de-sac street and the deletion of an emergency access way from the center of the property to Crown Hill street. Council Members discussed the matter. Council Members Gallagher, Johnson and Porter said that they approved the plan for the property as it was originally drawn up and is alreacily ia.effect. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Johnson, Council Members decided to appeal the Planning Commission's decision to modify Tentative Tract Map 1246, on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Council Member Moots and Mayor Smith FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 1216, CREEKSIDE PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, APPROVAL Mr, Karp said that the tract is a commercial condominium with 12 salable units located adjacent to the south side of Arroyo Grande Creek on the east side of Bridge Street. The area is zoned CBD and classed as Central Business Oistrict in the Land Use Element of the General Plan. He recommended that the City Council acce~ the dedications listed on Tract Map 1216; find that the tract map conforms with the tentative map conditionally approved by the Planning Commission and found by that body to be consistent with the General Plan and City zoning; find that the re- quired improvements are necessary prerequisites to the orderly development of the community; accept the public improvements constructed with the sub- division, and approve Tract 1216, subject to minor work in the area of the water meters. ------~.. ---'""------ ---..-- - ------ - . -" CITY COUNC I L AUGUST 27, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE EIGHT FINAL TRACT MAP NO 1216, CREEKSIDE PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, APPROVAL Continued Council Members discussed boundary lines. They expressed concerns about the layout of parking spaces and the difficulties in getting fire equipment into the property. The Council directed Mr. Eisner to work with the Planning Commission in reviewing all of the City's parking standards. COKER ELLSWORTH, co-owner of the property, said that in order to solve the problem of people driving in and out of the parking lot at the first of each month he was working with the Sonic Cable TV owners to set up a curbside mail slot. Mr. Mack said the City would be working with property owners in the neigh- borhood to see if there were any opportunities for the cooperative use of parking spaces. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, the Council approved the final Tract Map 1216, according to the recommendations of the City Staff. COUNCIL RECESSED FROM 9:05 to 9:15 P.M. WILDWOOD RANCH GATE DESIGN APPROVAL Mr. Eisner said this is an application under the provisions of the "P-D" Zone for Architectural Approval of a Mechanical security gate at the entrance of Wildwood Ranch. He said the matter was heard by the Planning Commission and was recommended for approval with the conditions included in the staff report. He said a design for the Platino Lane access was continued at the Planning Commission meeting so that additional information could be acquired from the applicant. He said the conditions, which came from the Fire Chief, were I. ability to open the gates manually, 2. ability to hit the gates and knock them down to enter under accute conditions, and 3. ability to cut portions of the gate mechanism with cutters if necessary. Council Member Moots asked if a child could get caught in the closing gate. CHUCK TEMPUS, 847 Wildwood Ranch, co-owner, said that the gate is like an elevator and will not close if something or someone is there. Council Member Johnson asked how guests will be admitted to the property. CHUCK TEMPUS said that there will be a micro-process telephone. Council Member Porter asked if 24 inch case hardened gate cutters were necessary, and Fire Chief Doug Hamp said that his final recommendations were for either a "sheer point" being given or for case-hardened steel bolt cutters. MR. TEMPUS said it would be all right with the owners of Wildwood if, in the case of a power failure, the Fire Department or Police Department crash the gate, but they would provide a lock box and keys for use when there was no power failure. Chief Hamp said that lock boxes were pretty good except the system requires having keys available. Council Member Porter asked Chief Hamp if he is going to have case hardened bolt cutters on all the cars and trucks. Chief Hamp said the City does not have that equipment, and needs to address the problem of security gates in the future. Mayor Smith asked about calling the Emergency No. 911 from homes in the ranch, and Mr. Tempus said that when the energency is called in the person calling wi 11 tell the special number for entering the gate. RUDI LOKKHART, a volunteer with the Arroyo Grande Fire Department, said that he has responded twice to fire calls in Sunrise Terrace Mobile Home Park where there is a gate and has had to break through the gate. Mr. Tempus said the system is available and it just is necessary for the police and fire to be added to the system. ---~- - .- CITY COUNC I L AUGUST 27, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE NINE WILDWOOD RANCH GATE DESIGN APPROVAL Continued Mr. Mack said there was a related issue involved with this matter. He said that the Council, by virtue of approving the gate, would place the City in a position of possibly being named in a suit. He recommended that upon approval of the gate, that the Wildwood Ranch Homeowners Association name'the City as an additional added insured party on its $1 million liability policy. On ~tion of Co~ncll Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to approve Architectural Review Case No. 58-388, Corbett Canyon Road Entrance Gate (Bonita Homes/Wildwood Ranch) with the four condi tions. After discussion of a back "crash gate" (fencing) to WOld d R h C 0 Me bOd h 0 f h' . I woo anc, ounc r I m ers sal t at I t e Planning Commission.approves the back gate th . can go ahead without coming back to the Council. e project ORDINANCE PROPOSING FIRE SPRINKLERS IN ALL NEW CONSTRUCTIDN "Frre CIi'i ef Ham!> -recommended-Tliat the Ci ty Counci I approve an-ord i nance causing the installation of fire sprinklers in all new construction and existing structures where the floor area is increased by 25 percent or the modification to the structure exceeds 10 percent of the assessed property value. He said automatic fire sprinkler systems will allow the City to continue to enjoy the level of fire protection service that it has today, and that the systems protect lives and property, and reduce fi re insurance ra tes. He said that 96 percent of all fires in sprinklered buildings are extinguished or at least contained by automatic fire sprinklers. After Council discussion Mayor Smith set a Public Hearing date for September 10, 1985, AGRICULTURE SOILS AND CURRENT ZONING REPORT Mr. Eisner said the Planning Department has received the 1984 edition of the Soil Survey of San Luis Obispo County (Coastal part) from the U.S. Department of Agricultural Soils Conservation Department. He said that the staff has reviewed all of the soil classifications in the City to determine which land falls into the category of Class I, Class II and Class III Prime Agricultural Soi Is. He said that there are areas that are vacant that are prime agricultural soils but would'permit some level of development. He said all of these are in the General Plan category of .2 to 2.5 density, and in some categories, if water is available, are considered Class I and II, and if no water, Class III. He said the Council has the alternatives of 1. Amending General Plan and Zoning to bring parcels into conformance with present General Plan Policy, 2. AddresSing modification of General Plan policy so as to leave the subject parcels in present General Plan and Zoning categories, and 3. No action - further study. Council Members discussed Alternative No.1, and a Resolution of Intention to the Planning Commission to pursue it as a Public Hearing. Mr. Eisner read the title of the Resolution of Intention. On mot ion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution of Intention. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 188, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDICATING INTENTION TO MODIFY THE GENERAL PLAN BY AMENDING BOTH THE MAP AND THE TEXT TO ADJUST THE "AGRICULTURAL" LAND USE CATEGORY -~..--.._.-. ----- ~ ~ CITY COUNC I L AUGUST 27, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TEN AGRICULTURE SOILS AND CURRENT ZONING REPORT Continued On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution of Intention was passed and adopted on the 27th day of August, 1985. SOUTH BANK SITE ACQUISITION DECISION Mr. Mack said that the question on this matter is shall the City purchase properties with the intention, at some later date, of development by the City. He showed an aerial photograph of said property bounded by Mason, Nelson and Short Streets. He described the numbered lots on the photograph as 1. a lot owned by the City of Arroyo Grande, 2. a lot owned by the Carpentiers, 3. a lot owned by the Mallory Trust, 4. a lot owned by Zimmerman, 5. a lot owned by Lockhart, and 6. a lot owned by the Mallory Trust. He said there are 79,400 square feet of basically flat property to build on, and referring to his report entitled "South Bank Acquisition~' said the City has option agreements for the Zimmerman property for $85,000 and for the Lockhart property for $92,000. These options are in effect until October 18, 1985, he said. He requested the Council to authorize him to offer to purchase the Mallory properties for an amount not to exceed $360,000, the Carpentier property for an amount not to exceed $87,000, the Zimmerman property for an amount not to exceed $85,000, and the Lockhart property for an amount not to exceed $92,000. Council Members discussed the issue, and Council Member Porter expressed concern about the City incurring large expenses involved with relocating renters living in the houses on said properties. City Attorney Art Shaw said that where the City is not in a hurry, the City is not going to be hurt much by relocation costs. MARIE CATTOIR, 195 Orchid Lane, asked why there was a variation in the various land values. Mr. Mack answered that there are different improvements on the properties. . DICK FRANKS, 879 Fair Oaks Avenue, said that purchasing the property would be a good investment even if the City doesn't build the Civic Center there. However, he said, the new Civic Center should be on that property. On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, to Authorize the City Manager to approach the property owners to purchase their properties, and in the case of the Mallory Trust the amount should not exceed $360,000, in the case of the Carpentier property the amount should not exceed $87,000, and to exercise the options on the Zimmerman and Lockhart properties for a future City complex, on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher and Moots and Mayor Smith NOES: Council Members Johnson and Porter ABSENT: None EAST BRANCH STREET CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS After Council discussion, on motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, Council Members voted to authorize the design of Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks for East Branch Street on the downhill side between Garden Street and Stanley Avenue for the amount of not more than $5,200.00. CALIFORNIA MEN'S COLONY AGREEMENT Mr. Karp said that other agencies in the County have entered into agreements with the Men's Colony to receive manpower at a extremely low rate for projects found to be extremely labor intensive. He said unskilled labor could be provided to the City under the agreement at a rate of $1.50 per day per crew inmate, and $2.00 per day for an inmate leadman. Mr. Gallagher expressed concern about the use of prison labor, and said the jobs should be given to law-abiding citizens. : ---' . -- ---------" -~_..,. - - CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 27, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE ELEVEN CALIFORNIA MEN'S COLONY AGREEMENT Continued On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Johnson, City Council Members voted to authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the agreement between the California Men's Colony and the City of Arroyo Grande. POPULATION PROJECTIONS Mr. Mack referred to the appearance of Mrs. Ella Honeycutt on August 13, 1985, before the City Council discussing City population projections. He referred to the Blue Ribbon Committee's Report and its range of growth rates used for planning purposes. He said Arroyo Grande had an average 3.4 percent growth rate from 1980 to 1985. Since the County is preparing a County Water Master Plan, he asked the Council if it wishes to adjust Master Plan projections. The plan draft will be distributed in the fall, he said. He added that the Council could adjust Civic Center Space Studies data. Council members discussed growth in the City, and directed Mr. Shaw to bring to the next meeting the growth rate ordinances from San Luis Obispo and Pi smo Beach. APPOINTMENT TO DOWNTOWN ADVISORY BOARD On motion of Council Member Ga.11agher, se_conded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, Belinda Vidal was appointed to replace Alice Rouse on the Downtown Parking Advisory Board, with her term ending June 30, 1988. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Notification was received of a meeting of the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities meeting September 13, 1985, in Oxnard. A letter was received from Jack W. Kean, Grover City Mayor, clarifying Grover City's position with regard to a proposed multi-use harbor, being considered for development in this area. Mr. Mack referred to a claim filed by Carol J. and James G. Flegg and recommended denial. On Motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to reject the claim. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Moots brought up a discussion of possible repairs to Pacific Coast Rail Road Place between Allen Street and East Cherry. Counc i I Members directed Mr. Karp to make an oral presentation on the subject at the next Council meeting. Council Member Johnson said she had received calls complaining about the laying of water pipes on the newly paved Brisco Road, and Mr. Karp said the citizens would be getting fire flow in exchange'for the inconvenience. Council Member Gallagher said work should begin to improve the newly purchased Wells drainage property before the rains begin and now that the City has liability. Mr. Mack said that the subject will be on the September agenda. Council Member Gallagher discussed the problem of pollution and the City's liability in that area. He asked. if Arroyo Grande has any vehicles passing through the City with toxic chemicals. Mr. Mack said yes, every day. He said that if the City accept's waste to begin with, it has some potential I iabi I i ty. Mr. Gallagher said five automobiles are still standing unmoved and in the same location on East Branch Street. Mr. Eisner said two rounds of photographs have been taken, and a 30-day removal notice has been sent to the resident. He said it is necessary to have a complete record to give to the City Attorney. ____n' ---'-- ----.--.- -- ~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 27, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWELVE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Continued CLARK MOORE of 1180 Ash Street spoke to the Council on water conservation. He said that the City should begin a conservation program, and that a11 new housing should have plumbing that conserves. water. He suggested that the Council listen to a talk by Clint Milne of the County Engineering Department on 20 alternate solutions to the water problem. PAUL HADDOX of 587 Valley Road spoke about the coming shortage of water, and said water will be more and more expensive as we go farther away to get it. MARIE CATTOIR said she supports the idea of growth limitation. Mr. Karp commented that State law says that lower volumn toilets must be installed in new homes. He said he will be bringing an Arroyo Grande Water Master Plan to the Council. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to adjourn until Tuesday, September 10, 1985, at 7:30 P.M. for the Regular Session of the City Council. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. .131~~ MAYOR ~a.~ CITY CLERK . '. ".