Minutes 1985-06-25 - -~ - C!TY COUNC I L JUNE 25, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in Regular Session with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Upon roll call Council Members Matt Gallagher, Dorace Johnson, Gene Moots and D.G. Porter were present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE City Manager Bob Mack led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. The Rev. Michael O'Sullivan of St. Patrick's Catholic Church delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, I and unanimously carried, the Minutes of Meetings of June 11 and 12, 1985. were approved as corrected. APPROVAL OF CHECKS On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unamimously carried, Demand Checks No. 25584 through 25719, in the total amount of $223.226.59; and Payroll Checks No. )0838 through 30935, in the total amount of $75.903.61, were approved for payment as submitted by Finance Director David Bacon. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS MARIE CATTOrR, 195 Orchid Lane, commented on the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce Economic Profile. saying that it is an invitation for development and maximum growth. She said she believed the City should void its $10,500.00 appropriation for 1985-86 to the Chamber. BEVERLY H~INES. 1012 Grand Avenue, criticized the Chamber's Economic Report. She asked who would derive benefit from the document and questioned Sewer Charges mentioned inthe report. She said water Is the big problem here. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Johnson withdrew Items 12,and 13 from the Consent Agenda for discussion; Council Member Moots withdrew Items 14 and 15, and Council member Porter withdrew Items 7 and 19. Items 8,9,10, 11. 16, 17 and 18 of the Concent Agenda were approved as recommended on motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried. 8. Requests to Hold July 4, 1985 Block Parties: [Recommend Approvals, Subject to Proper Safety ConditionsJ. Victoria Way, from Garfield to Rogers Court. Garden Street, between Ide and Myrtle. Leanna Avenue, between 520 and 526 Leanna. [No Written Request). 9. Planning Commission Answered Agenda and/or Minutes for June 18, 1985 [Recommend Review and FileJ. 10. Runabout's Monthly Report for May, 1985 [Recommend Review and FileJ. 11. SCAT Performance Report for May, 1985 [Recommend Review and File). 16. South County Human Relations Commission Funds Transfer and Account Closure [Recommend Review and File]. 17. Weed Abatement Bid Award [Recommend Award to Sole BidderJ. 16. League of California Cities': Legislative Bulletin No. 21-1985 [Recommend Review and FileJ. Legislative Bulletin No. 22-1985 (Recommend Review and File). - -- CITY COUNCil JUNE 25, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO 7. Chamber Community Economic Profile for City of Arroyo Grande. Council Member Porter criticized the Economic Profile as not being accurate and asked that it be re-written to describe Just what Is In the City of Arroyo ' Grande. He said it is not the Job of the Chamber of Commerce to promote big development. Council Member Gallagher said the Economic Profile appeared to be done in haste and with very little preparation. Council Member Johnson asked what the purpose of the Profile was and who is to receive it. City Manager Mack replied that it was written as a requirement of the City/Chamber agreement of 1984-1985, and the intent of the Profile is that it wi 11 be made available to the public. Council Member Johnson said it should be accurate. Mayor Smith asked that the City of Arroyo Grande not be included as one of the preparers of the Profile. On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Porter and Mayor Smith voting aye and Council Member Moots abstaining, not to approve the recommendation for acceptance. Mayor Smith suggested the Counci I meet with the Chamber Director and President to correct .the Profi Ie. ... 12. Chamber of Commerce Funding Agreement Item F.was. amended to read "Provide current economic data to anyone considering opening new businesses in our City." Council Members asked that Item G be rewritten to separate "Arroyo Grande" from "vicinity" and specify which is which. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Porter and Mayor Smith voting aye and Council Member Moots abstaining, to approve the recommendation for acceptance as corrected. 13. Chamber of Commerce lease Agreement. On motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Porter and Mayor Smith voting aye and Council Members Moots abstaining, to approve the agreement as recommended. 14. Finance Director's Investment Deposits' Report On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried,to approve the recommendatioa. 15. Sales Tax Revenue Report Council Members asked Finance Director Bacon to clarify the Report and bring it back to the next council meeting. 19. letter from City of Palm Desert Requesting Support to Senate Bill 75. (Foran) for Relief from Unconscionable Liability Judgments On motion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to approve the recommendation. PUBLI C /lEAR I NG: VACAT I ON ANO ABANDONMENT OF DES I GNATEO PORT I ON OF HARDEN ST~EEi On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to continue this item to the July 9, 1985, meeting. , --...-- . -~, CITY COUNCIL JUNE 25, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED AMENDMENTDF:ZDNINGORDINANCE, COMMERCIAL SECTIONS Planning Director Eisner said that the Planning Commission recommends the renaming of the Neighborhood Commercial Zone from C-N to C-l with minor additional modifications; the inclusion of a C-2 General Commercial Zone ' , which is now not. a part of the Zoning Ordinance; and the renaming of the existing H-S Highway Service Zone to C-3, with minor modifications. The existing C-B-D zone will remain the same by title and development standards. He said it was his and City Manager Mack's recommendation that the proposed Ordinance be reviewed by the Council, any comments or changes that the Council has be submitted to Staff for inclusion and modification, and that the Ordinance be held until such time as a proposed General Plan Amendment and the following Zoning Map modification can be brought before the Council so they can be adopted all at the same time. That way the General Plan the Zoning map and d- " the Or Jnance standards and procedures would be consistant with one another, he said. Mayor Smith said the Notice of Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met and declared the hearing open. : I MARIE CATTOIR, 195 Orchid Lane, said she was concerned that the Amended Zoning Ordinance be written in such a way that a lot of record would be permitted to develop. Mr. Eisner said any lot of record at the time of the adoption of the Ordinance would be permitted to develop. Mayor Smith called for others to speak; when no one came forward, the public hearing was closed. City Attorney Art Shaw recommended to the Council that the first reading of the proposed Ordinance not be held at this meeting. He said that it is better to hold first and second readings in some sort of logical sequence. Counci J discussion of the proposed Zoning Ordinance changes was continued to July 17, 1985, at 1 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAS INSTALLATION ORDINANCE BILL CHRISTIAN, 1115 Grand Avenue, asked the Council to amend the Ordinance, which had its second reading at the meeting of June 11, 1985. Mr. Christian referred to his letter to the Council of June 20, 1985. lie said the Ordinance would be in direct conflict with the National communications policy and the First Amendment; that the Ordinance goes beyond val id and consistent restrictions in regards to aesthetics; limits his ability to compete with other transmission media, and requ i res the c it i zens of Arroyo Grande to go through variance procedures for almost every system to be installed in the city. City Attorney Shaw said the Zoning Ordinance Variance Procedure would take care of a large percentage of Mr. Christian's customers. He suggested that Mr. Christian's attorney contact him if he has any further questions. TALLY HO CURB AIID BLACK TOP AREA FACING 175 TALLY HO, APPROXIMATELY 100 FEET . Counci I Member Gallagher said that the property at 175 Tally Ho Road is a developed piece of property, and recommended that the City curb an area of approximately 100 feet, that the poles be re~ved, and th~t the ~treet affected be blacktopped. Council Member Gallagher said that the City Engineer had estimated that the project would cost about $14,000. A motion by Council Member Gallagher to install curbing and blacktop at 175 Tally Ho Road, seconded by Council Member Porter, failed. On motion by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to contact and bargain with the property owner at 175 Tally Ho Road; make an investigation of the required right of way, and bring the matter back to the Council at a later time. EAST BRANCH STREET, CURB AND SIDEWALK INSTALLATION Council Members decided to hold this item until the meeting of July 9, 1985, when Council Member Gallagher will show slides of the area. COUNCIL RECESSED FROM 9:00 P.M. to 9:08 P.M. '--'~-'~~'-~_._"-'---- "-,' - ~._m - . " C!TY COUNC I L JUNE 25, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR TRAFFIC WAY WATER MAINS ACCEPTANCE On ~ot i on of Co~nc i I Member Moots, seconded by Counc i I Member Johnson, and unanimously carried, to accept the project and file a Notice of Complet' as recommended. by Public Wo~ks Director Paul Karp. Staff was authorized to Ion release retention and a remittance for certain unbilled extra work 35 d after recordation of the Notice of Completion. ays TRACT 553, UNIT II I, PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTANCE On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots and unanimously carried, to accept the Public Improvements as recommended by , Publ ic \~orks Director Karp. . FAIR OAKS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION AGREEMENTS Counci I discussed the alley adjacent to the property concerned; the use of the sidewalks which will be Installed, and the fact that the budget will have to be amended to include approximately $10,000.00 construction and right of way costs. . On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots and unanimously carried, to accept the agreements and Grant Deeds as recommen~ed \ by Public Works Director Karp. \ TRACT 1297, 182 BRISCO. ROAD; .COASTAL.CANYON.DEVELOPMENT This item was removed from the agenda. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF TWO POLICE VEHICLES FROM THE STATE Mr. Mack read the title of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dis- pense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1859 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE TWO AUTOMOBILES FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 25th day of June, 1985. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY Mr. Karp read the title of the resolution. On ~otion of Co~ncll Mem?er Gallagher seconded by Council Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dis- pense with further reading of the Resolution. RESDLUTI ON NO. 1860 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING CITY REPRESENTATIVES TO ACQUIRE FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit; AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 25th day of June, 1985. ---.- " . - " CITY COUNCIL JUNE 25, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE SECOUQ READING OF ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM Coun~~ Members changed Section 10-3.07 (d) ,the last sentence in the paragraph,to read, "Each conditioned tree, other than Landmark trees, killed or removed, intentionallY or accidently, as a result of development activity shall result in a misdemeanor and 0 ~eparate administrative penalty of five thousand ($5,000)." Mr. Mack read the title of the Ordinance. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, to dispense with further reading of the Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 33~C..S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTAB- LISHING A COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM AND REPEALING SECTIONS 10-3.01 THROUGH 10-3.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots. Porter and Mayor Sm~th NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted on the 25th day of June, 198). SECOND READING OF OROINANCE INCREASING COUNCIL SALARIES Mr. Karp read the title of the Ordinance. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci I Member Moots, and unanimously carried, to dis!l",mse with further reading of the Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING COMPENSATIOH FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE lAW . On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council MeWber John~, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher and Johnson NOES: Council Member Moots and Mayor Smith ABSTAIN: Council Member Porter ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance failed approval and was declared invalid on the 25th day of June, 1985. RESOLUTION TERMINATING CITY PARTICIPATION IN HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION JPA Mr. Mack read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Council Membc. Moots, seconded by Counci I Member Gal {agher, to dispense wi th further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1861 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TERMINATING CITY PARTICIPATION IN JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE SOUTH COUNTY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Hoots, and unanimously carried, and on the following roll call vote, to wi t: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 25th day of June, 1985. ~- -- ."-~-_."'-. h._.__ ..- n._ ___ ~..". . -.- '-- \ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 25, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIX WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS On motion, of Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded :"y Counci 1 Member Johnsor:'l, and unanimously carried, to accept the resignatior. of Sharon L. Fischer from the City Planning Commission effective August 15, 1985. Council Members accepted an Opinion Poll containing 897 signatures which stated, "We, the undersigned, wish the City Hall to remain in the Village.1I Mayor Smith asked the City Manager to contact the County of San Luis Obispo with reg~rd to the Regional Center site for the proposed city hall. She also asked the City Manager to prepare a report to be released publicly outlining the pros and cons of the Regional Center and Village sites. so that citizens will be informed before the July 9, 1985, Council meeting when the subject will be discussed. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Telegram-Tribune Reporter Carol Roberts questioned the Council about the Council Salary Ordinance. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION AT 9:35 P.M. RECONVENEMENT AT 9:52 P.M. Council Members questioned Mr. Karp about the cut on property at 296 Mi Iler \Jay. Hr. Karp said he would take a measurement of the fill dirt and foHow closely the work being done there. He said the work substantially conforms with the minimums required to complete construction of the dwelling with associated driveway, utility connections, and drainage control. I ADJOURNMENT AT 9:55 P.M. ( ) i I I .. ~