Minutes 1985-05-20 SP - .. - C!TY COUNC I L MAY 20, 1985 ARROYO GRAN~E, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in Budget Study Session with Mayor Pro Tem Matt Gallagher presiding. Upon ro 11 ca 11 Council Members Johnson, Moots and Porter were present. Mayor B'Ann Smith was absent. Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher called upon City Manager Mack to make a presentation upon the Wells property offer to the City. Manager Mack recognized Mr. Lonnie B. Wells, proposed seller, as present in the audience; and stated that the City had received an offer to sell the 7 plus acres for $268,500.00, and presented the Council with a written proposed Agreement signed by Mr. Wells. Mr. Mack recommended that the City Council accept the Agreement and authorize the Mayor to enter into same as the Agreement would terminate litigation between the City of Arroyo Grande and Mr. and Mrs. Wells. After discussion, Council Member Johnson moved to accept the Agreement on. behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande and to authorize the Mayor to enter into the Agreement on behalf of the City. The motion was seconded by Council Member Iloots and on roll call vote the motion was passed 4-0. Manager Mack advised City Council that the City Staff would proceed at the June 11th City Council meeting with the Agenda item whereby the City would meet the CEQA requirements for the proposed drainage project on the seven acres. Mr. Wells asked if that action would affect the sale. Mr. Mack stated, "No"; Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher requested City Manager Mack to make a presentation regarding the proposed sale of 200 acre feet of 1984/85 City of Arroyo Grande surplus water to Zone 3. Mr. Mack advised the City Council that on May 16, 1985, Zone 3 voted to permit Arroyo Grande and others to carryover and store unused surplus 1984/85 water. He went on to state that the Countyiwas short approximately 200 acre feet from Lopez in order to deliver the required agricultural allotment for 84/85 and that the Zone 3 Board had rejected the concept of the idea of borrowing from next year's allocation in order to deliver the 200 acre feet this year. Mr. Hack stated that the only other identified alternative for the County was to delivery the required 200 acre feet this year by purchase of Arroyo Grande surplus. Mr. Mack recommended the authorization of sale of 200 surplus acre feet from Arroyo Grande at $42.51 per acre foot to the County for agricultural delivery between now and June 30th. Council Memb<:r Porter stated that he was in favor of the proposal. Upon motion of Council Member Moots, and seconded by Council Member Porter, the Counc i 1 unanimously voted 4-0 on the motion authorizing the sale of 200 acre feet for agricultural purposes to the County. Council Member Porter requested Council reconsideration of $3,000.00 appropriation for video equipment as approved by the City Council at their last budget meeting for the Fire Oepartment. After discussion, City Manager Mack recommended that Council delay consideration of this item until such time as the Manager had opportunity to recommend what cuts should be made in the budget in order to balance it, as several additional projects (namely, the Oak Park divider, and Oak Park/James Way signalization project) would likely have to be inserted into the proposed budget by the City Council at a later date. Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher called upon review of the Revenue Sharing Fund. After deliberation, City Council approved $5200.00 in expen.es for Social Service organiza- tions subject to taking testimony at Public Hearing on June II, 1985, as required by federal law. Ouring discussion of the Revenue Sharing Fund, City Manager Mack advised the Counc i 1 that $10,000.00 recommended in 1985/86 budget would be spend in 1984/85 und that the 1985/86 columns should be adjusted to zero. After further discussion, the Council elected to delete the $12,140.00 for Civic Center development in the proposed budget. Other items discussed and funds deleted from the proposed budget "/ere 53,000 for hi storica1 monuments, $3,000 for Diamond Jubi lee monument and $2,000 for the Olympic monument. IIr. Gdllagher stated that proposals for specific projects could be presented to the Council at a later date for consideration. Counci I a I so adjusted the Village Creek improvement budget from $35,000.00 proposed, to 560,000.00 with deletion of the Kiwanis Park improvement project of $20,000.00 and Village Creek handicupped access for $5,000.00. The Counci I IS intent was to consoli date funds into one uccount.. Council Member Johnson recommended that the Council budget 52,500.00 for temporary Counci I Chamber improvements, notably painting and u false cei 1 ing. Coune i I directed the City Manager to enter the $2,500.00 into the Revenue Sharing Fund. Ci ty Mananer lIack stated that he "/QuId make a recommendation at a later date as to how to balance the Revenue Sharing Fund. --.-.. -_._---~. - -. ......... ~ CITY COUNCIL MAY 20, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO. Mayor Pro Tern Gattagher requested that a tetter be sent to the Lucky/Payless Shopping Center owners suggesting that the City wilt pay 50% of traffic signalization at Grand and Courtland, if the Shopping Center owners would pay 50%. Council directed City Manager Mack to add $30,000.00 in the budget in the Gas Tax Fund for the Grand/Courtland signalization project. Public Works Director Karp advised that signals at U.S. 101/Grand would cost the City $50,000.00, and $30,000.00 additional for the City's share of the signal installation at California 227 and Mason Street. The Council directed those columns be adjusted in the proposed budget. City Manager Mack advised City Council that he would make a recommendation for balancing the Gas Tax Fund at a tater date. Council then reviewed and approved the proposed budgets for the Traffic Safety Fund, TransportatioQ Fund, Construction Fund, Drainage Facility Fund and Water Facility Fund as proposed. On motion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson, and unani~ mously carried, the Meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M. ./} -I!J'~~ ,/ ! MAYOR '=1/~ ATTEST: "1",,- ~rfllt~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK I, Robert Mack, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Minutes of the City Council Meeting, held on May 20, 1985, are a true, full and correct copy. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 29th say of May 1985.' '. "i6 \", "'1/,//, ,\:,' .,~;.- -' , r, \ ' ) ., ',' DEPUTY CITY CLERK I \r I I ,'. . \