Minutes 1985-05-15 SP , -- , CITY COUNCIL MAY 15, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1:00 P.M. BUDGET SESSION - MINU'IES Upon roll call, the follov.ing Irembers of the City Cbuncil \\ere found to be present at I: 00 P.M.: Mayor Smith; CbuncH MeIJbers Gallagher, Moots, oblmson and Porter. Mayor &ruth called upon City Manager Mack for presentation of the proposed budget. Mr. Mack presented the budget message and stated that the aty's financial condition \'4IS sound and reflective of a strong 10cal economy, and predicted that such \\\:>uld continue through the next fiscal year. City Cbuncil reviewed general fund revenues. Upon Mr. Mack's reeomnendation, City Cbuncil reduced the estirr.ated secured property tax estimate of $830,000 in thelX'Oposed budget to $790,000. The CbuncH then lX'Oceeded to review the (roposed expenditure budgets in the general fund. Activity 4100, aty Cbuncil account, Y.tIS discussed. A request by Mr. Reuben Kvidt, O1amber of Coomerce President, in letter form proposing to increase the City's contribUtion to the Q1amber of Cbmrerce by $4,500 was denied. City Cbuncil requested Manager Mack to develop a rental agreEment for the coming year with the Qlanber of Cbmnerce to permit them to have continued use of the O1amber office facilities owned by the aty. CbuncH then reviewed the Central Services, Finance, aty Oerk/'fi'easurer, and City Attorney accounts v.ithout making any reVisions. . New position for a contract person was discussed in the Planning Department. Cbuncil elected to fund an additional position for the coming year. 'The printing/duplicating, insurance/bonds and retirement/fringe benefits accounts of the general fund \\ere aJso discussed and reviewed by City Cbuncil without reVision. Police QUef Clark reviewed the Police Department's lX'Oposed budget for the coming year. Discussions ensued on the desirability of initiating a K-9 program. Cbuneil majority elected to go with such program funding. Cbuncil aJ50 authorized the addition of personnel in the department. Manager Mack presented the Fire Department budget stating that Fire QUef Hmq> had not been retained during the period ill v.ruch the Fire Department budget had been prepared. Cbuncil reviewed the Fire Department budget with Mr. Mack. Mr. Mack lX'Oposed the addition of one full-time position in the Fire Department, currently titled Administrative Assistant, and the deletion of a half-time departmental secretary. Cbuncilap(rOved the inclusion of the position in the budget, and the deletion of $l,OOO from the proposed budget for a typewriter. QUef Hamp requested the addition of $3,000 in proposed budget for video equiprent for the de(J<U'tIrent for the next year, v.ruch \\\:>uld be shared with other de(J<U'br.ents. Cbuncil approved the addition of the $3,000 in funds. 'The Building and Safety, Animal Cbntrol, Administrative/Engineering, Streets/Bridge Maintenance, Govern- rrent Buildings, &reet Cleaning and Lighting and Off-Street Parking budgets were reviewed v.ith Mr. Mack and Mr. Karp, Pliblic Works Director. New auton:otive shop budget \'4IS aJso reviewed with Mr. Karp, with no alterations. , Mr. Mack advised aty CbuncH that Mr. Keisler had been called to jury duty and was unable to attend that afternoon's budget session. Mr. Mack informed the Cbuncil that Parks and Recreation Cbrrmission favored the transfer of $5,000 in the proposed budget from the Nev.port median comtruction account to Thrra De Oro Park. Mr. Mack stated that he favored such a proposal, and the Cbuncil authorized tr'IImfer of funds in the proposed budget. In the al:sence of Mr. Keisler, the Cbuncil elected to de! er further comideration of the Parks' and the Recreatiom' budgets of the general fund until MI'. Keis er is available. Manager Mack discussed the capital lX'Ojects budget of the general fund. The Cbuncil deduc $40,000 from the Civic Center develDrment account in order to baJance or offset the $40,000 . Ul pro~d revenues deleted earlier in the rreeting. Mr. Mack advised the City Cbuncil that there may be additional expenses for the general fund \\hich \\Uuld have to be considered at a !ateI' date; narrely, the Oak Park landscape divider in Arroyo Grande's share of the Oak Park/James Way signalization project in the event that Pisrro Beach \\Uu1d nove on the signals during the coming year. Upon rrotion of Mr. Gallagher and seconded by Mr. Moots, the Cbuncil unanimously voted to adjourn to the joint City Cbuncil/Parks and Recreation Conmission rreeting on May l5, 1985, 6:30 P.M. MAYOR ATrEST: CITY CLERK - ,,~ .. ---.---.---- -------...--