Minutes 1985-05-01 -, I , MAY 1, 1985 CITY COUNCil ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA 1 :00 P.M. t ; CONTINUED MEETING , Council met in Continued Session with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. , Upon roll ; call Council Members Matt Gallagher,and Gene Moots were present, Dorace Johnson J and D. G. Porter: were absent. Council Member Porter arrived at 1:03 P.M. and the meeting proceeded. ; ; CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and , unanimously carried, to approve Consent Agenda Items H2 through #7 as submitted. ,\ \ 2. Proclamation - Nationill Public Works Weelc, May 19 - 25, 1985 (Recommend Mayor So \ Proclaim). I 3. Proclamation - Older Americans Month - May, 1985 (Recommend Mayor So Proclaim). 4. 1984-85 Grand Jury's Recommendation, Re.'Narcotics Task Force (Recommend Coor- I dination and Cooperation with Other San Luis Obispo County Agencies). \ .. . 5. R.S.V.P. (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) - Request for Funds (Consider ilt City Council Revenue Sharing Budget Hearing). . I 6. SLO County.Department of Animal Regulation Service Billing and Statistical Report for I Third Quarter; 84-85 (Recommend Review and File). ....... 7. League of California Cities: I -Legislative Bulletin No. 14-1985 (Take Position on Issues Circled Within as Recommended by League of California Cities). . .... I ARROYO GRANOE CREEK GREENBELT I Mayor Smith said there is a "Greebelt" area through the City that will be a budgeted item for study this year, and in considering the building being done along I the Arroyo Grande Creek, some considerations of standards to govern the building I should be discussed. 'She sa i d some. concerns to be addressed were the closeness of structures to the Creek Bank, erosion, fire or disaster access, and asthetics. (i .e., landscaping). . Council determined the'Greenbelt should be preserved and discussed how to determine the top or the bank. the City's liabilities, and .the criteria for resid- ential, commercial and park area'developers. Mr. Mack recapped the' standards defining the Greenbelt as contained in the,General Plan. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Porter, to continue the item until the next Council meeting, the motion carried on 3-1 vote, with Counc i 1 man Moots vot i ng "no".. McllNTOCK'S RESTAURANT CREEK BANK AGREEMENT Hr. Mack said the owner of the property was requested to pr.esent,:to the Ci ty plans of intent for the easement area, but nothing has yet been received. Mr. Mack said he had talked with the contractor on the property about plans for a path to be put on the ten foot easement, but Mr. Coker Ellsworth said those plans had been changed to gravel and landscaping for the very small piece of property. Mr. Karp illustrated the configuration of the property in relation to the Creek Bank, property lines, structures, easement area and land held by Mr. Brisco. JIM McGilLIS, San Luis EngineerIng, then drew on the board an illustration showing the bui Iding, the creek bank, and where the caissons were installed according to the Uni form Bui Iding Code, and the area where the sprinklers and landscaping are to be located. Council expressed concern about getting emergency vehicles in and out; and about public safety should someone come out of the restaurant and stumble over the bank. Mayor Smith said she would want to discourage anyone walking along the creekbank and no walkways should go in there. -.... ,'"- -- CITY COUNCIL MAY 1, 1985 ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO. A motion was made by Councilman Moots, seconded by Councilman Porter, to Quitclaim the small half-moon shaped portion back to Mr. Coker Ellsworth, with the authorization for the Mayor to sign the Quitclaim; and stipulate that the develop- ment of the Greenbelt be put into shrubbery and deterrent type plantings, and elim- inate any attraction for the public to get near the Creek bank. COUNCIL RECESSED FROM 2:45 P.M. TO 2:53 P.M. BRISCO ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Councilman Gallagher said there should be a continuation of sidewalks from Grand to EI Camino'Real to allow safe access for the two schools and the Library. He said he would like the City Attorney to determine if the 1911 Act could be used to have a sidewalk from North Halcyon Road to Brisco Road on the cemetery side. Council discussion followed regarding Brisco Road sidewalks, drainage flows, and potential plans by the cemetery, and continuous sidewalks from Grand on Brisco Road. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Porter for dis- cussion to authorize Staff to obtain right of way to complete the sidewalks on North side of Brisco Road to EI Camino Real; and using the 1911 Act obtain the rights of way for sidewalks running North to El Camino Real from Halcyon to Brisco on the cemetery side. Following discussion the motion was clarified to have City acquire Rights of Way to complete the sidewalks, curbs and gutters on Brisco Lumber frontage on Brisco Road, and. get permission to stripe a walkway on the asphalt driveways. Mayor Smith called for a vote on the motion to authorize getting the necessary rights of way and the motion carried unanimously. TALLY HO ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Councilman Gallagher said he thought the Tally Ho Road Improvements on the North side should be brought to Mason Street. Mr. Karp said it would have to be temporary because when LePoint comes in that will be an intersection, or does Council want to leave a gap. Councilman Gallagher made a motion to have curb and sidewalks installed from Mason on Lepolnt to the cut for the continuation of LePoint across the creek (that section to be asphalt)'and on to Tally Ho Road. Councilman Moots seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. AUTHORIZATIONS TO OBTAIN APPRAISALS ON CITY PROPERTIES Mr. Mack said he was seeking authorization to obtain appraisals on various City properties, which would be helpful in making decisions for the design of a new Civic Center. Council discussion followed and on motion of Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Moots, and unanimously carried, to authorize City Manager Mack to obtain appraisals on Co unci I Chamber, City Hal1, South Bank of Arroyo Grande Creek, Brush Poppers, Police Department and 803 Cornwall Avenue properties. PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED 1985/86 BUDGET Mr. Mack recommended a schedule of meeting dates to review the Budget. Counc i 1 determined that the only date change necessary would be from May 22 to Monday, May 20, 1985 from 1 to 5 P.M. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Councilman Porter referred to the letter received from Mr. Lowrey regarding debris being dumped on a property across from the Lowrey property. Mr. Karp said he had been directed by City Manager Mack to take care of the problem. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Counci Iman Porter said he had done a study on the Rancho Grande development and wished he had not voted "no" regarding the Assessment District 1981-1. He said he would I ikc to go on record and show that he now approves. ...~.____ ___n..___ -,.- -- ! - ~ ~ ." . . ... .." ... .' - . - .~. ,,~ . ".. < -.... f I , \ CITY COUNCIL MAY 1, 1985 i ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE. \ I ~ I I' ADJOURNMENT Mayor Smith adjourned the City Council to Closed Session at 3:53 P.M. . I RECONVENEMENT AND ADJOURNMENT I Council reconvened from Closed Session and on motion of Councilman Gallagher, ~ seconded by Councilman Moots, and unanimously carried, to adjourn at 4:23 P.M. , ~ , f . . . . t ~ , t I MAYOR ATTEST: DEPUTY CITY CLERK I I ,