Minutes 1985-03-20 -, CITY COUNCIL MARCH 20, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1:00 P.M. Thc meeting was opened by Mayor Smith. Upon roll call, all Members of the Council were determined to be present. Mayor Smith requests City Manager Mack to review Item 1. of his Menx>randum regarding Residential Yard Storage. Mr. Mack outlined the mininmllegal yard set-backs for front, side and rear yards in Arroyo Grande, and reviewed the Code which provides that if there is inadcquate access to the rear yard through the side yard, the Code permits boat and traUer parking/storage In the front yard and front yard driveways. Council discussed whether it wished to prohibit the parking of trailers and. boats in the front yards, lIS currcnUy permitted in the Ordinnncc. Council elected not to make any changes to the Municipal Code. City Manager Mack reviewed current Code requirements for vehicles which are disabled, under repair or dismantled, and which are curranUy permitted, under Code, In the rear yard. CoUllcil directed Mr. Mack to prepare an Ordinance amending the currant Code to pennit no /JX)re than one inoperable, disabled or dismantled vehicle. In the rear yard. Mr. Mack then outlined other Code requirements regarding storage of materiaJs in rear Yar<B, operable vehicles In driveways, operable vebicles In the side and rear yards, and parking in driveways and aprons. Council Member Gallagher stated that he ~UkI provide the Council with photographs which he has taken to iIluitrate p'ObIellB within the C'onmJnity. Mr. Mack reviewed the current Code requirements for the miniITA.un legal driveway widths, and Council directed Mr. Mack to provide an amendment to the current Ordinance which gives the (X'operty owner the option to build a driveway to the width of the garage or to the glll'age door width. Mayor Smith requested Mr. Mack to read "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande Oppa3ing the Proposed Rate Increase of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company To Recover All Costs of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant." Mr. Mack read the Resolution in total. Council Member Porter requested specific revuding of a portion of the last b\O paragraphs of the Resolution which was done and aPP'Oved. On IOOtion of Council Member J:>hnson, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, in a roll call vote, Council unanilrously adopted Resolution No. l837. Mayor Smith 1IM0unced that a letter had been received from Cal .Trans on the morning of March 20, 1985, In which Cal Trllffi in1'omB the City that they are budgeting funds in the fiscal year 1985/86 for the state'sshare of designing and constructing traffic algna6 at the U.S. 101/Grand Avenue Intersection, and west Branch/Mason Street Intersection. Mayor Smith stated that the letter p'ovided Jor a $66,000 City share on the Mason and Branch streets traffic signal installation, and no City share on the U.s. 101 and Grand Avenue installation. On IOOtion of Council Member Porter, seconded by Council Member Moots, City Council unanirroLtily adopted a IOOtion accepting the Cal Trars offer as contained In the aforementioned letter. Mayor Smith distributed copies of the letter to all Members of the Council and press p'esent. Upon IOOtion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member J:>hnson, and unanirroLti vote, Council adjourned at 2:18 P.M. Mayor Smith caDs upon Mr. Mack, asking v.bat actions were necessary by the Council regarding closure of the Whiteley property. Mr. Mack stated that the item had been placed on the agcnda on the assUll'()tion that the City Attorney may have some actions that he \\OukI request of the City Council. Since no actions have been presented for Council action, the matter may be relOOved from the agenda for Council consideration at this meeting. ------------.- - MAYOR ATmST:______________.___ DEPUTY Cl'IY CLERK .."'...../,oor.t.",..................__...............;w.-I...." ,'-.,....-'-.....~..".., ,-_..'. '..-~. -~~. -. - ----<-.~._---