Agenda Packet 2009-12-08 CITY OF s • ' � • • � • ' • i ouncl en a _ ��� Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair Steven Adams, City Manager Joe Costello, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Timothy Carmel, City Attorney Jim Guthrie,Council/Board Member ��' Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk �c;;� CALIFORNIA �, Ed Arnold, Council/Board Member h: �° �911 Chuck Fellows, Council/Board Member � AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2009 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL COUNCIL/RDA 3. FLAG SALUTE: ARROYO GRANDE VALLEY KIWANIS 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR ROBERT BANKER OPEN DOOR CHURCH 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. 6. AG E N DA REVI EW: 6a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read by title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period November 16, 2009 through November 30, 2009. 8.b. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of November 24, 2009, as submitted. 8.c. Consideration of Acceptance of the Redevelopment Aqency's (RDA) Annual Financial Reports (KRAETSCH) [CC/RDA] Recommended Action: Receive and file the respective Redevelopment Agency's Annual Financial Reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd): 8.d. Consideration of Resolution Acceptinq the Status Report on Development Impact Fees (AB-1600) (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution accepting the status report on the receipt and use of Development Impact Fees (AB-1600) during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 8.e. Consideration of Annual Financial Report — Fiscal Year 2008-09 Receipt and Use of Water and Sewer Capacity and Connection Fees/Charqes (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the annual report of the receipt and use of water and sewer capacity and connection fees and charges, in compliance with Government Code Section 66013. 8.f. Consideration of a Resolution Establishinq Several Updated and New Job Descriptions and Two New Job Titles (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution establishing several updated and new job descriptions and adding two new job titles to the part-time salary schedule. 8.g. Consideration of a One-Year Time Extension for Conditional Use Permit 06-005; 231 South Halcyon Road (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving a one-year time extension for Conditional Use Permit 06-005. 8.h. Consideration to Approve Construction Plans and Specifications and Environmental Exemption for the West Branch Street Resurfacinq Project, PW 2008-08 (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the construction plans and specifications for the West Branch Street Resurfacing Project, PW 2008-08; 2) Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids upon receipt of Authorization to Proceed with Construction from Caltrans; 3) Find that the West Branch Street Resurfacing Project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301(c); and 4) Direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption. 8.i. Consideration of Acceptance of Public Improvements and Easements for Tract 2310 — Phase II and the Quitclaim of a Storm Drain Easement (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt a Resolution accepting easements and improvements for Tract 2310 — Phase II; and 2) Adopt a Resolution accepting a sewer main and storm drain and approving the Quitclaim of a storm drain easement in Tract 2310 — P h ase I I. 8.j. Consideration to Re�ect All Bids for the Car Corral Upqrade Pro�ect, PW 2009-09 (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: Reject all bids for the Car Corral Upgrade Project, PW 2009- 09 and delay the project. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 4 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd): 8.k. Consideration of Transfer of Funds for LAFCO Application — Sphere of Influence Amendment on the Pearwood Property (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: Authorize expenditure of $5,000 for application to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to amend the City's Sphere of Influence in the vicinity of Pearwood Avenue. 8.1. Consideration of Adoption of an Ordinance Addinq Chapter 9.28 Entitled "Graffiti Abatement" to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (ANNIBALI) Recommended Action: Adopt an Ordinance adding Chapter 9.28 entitled "Graffiti Abatement" to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. 8.m. Consideration of Adoption of an Ordinance Repealinq and Replacinq Chapter 5.56 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code in its Entirety Reqardinq Massaqe Establishments (ANNIBALI) Recommended Action: Adopt an Ordinance repealing and replacing Chapter 5.56 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code in its entirety regarding massage establishments. 8.n. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizinq the City Manaqer to Enter into Rotational Police Tow Service Aqreements (AN N I BALI) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into rotational police tow service agreements. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Continued Public Hearinq - Consideration of Centennial Plaza Pro�ect and a Purchase and Sale and Improvement Aqreement for Acquisition of Property at 300 East Branch Street and Sale and Development of City Property at 200 and 208 East Branch Street and the Ad�acent Parkinq Area (ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1) Approve a Resolution adopting a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures; 2) Approve the Centennial Plaza preliminary design concept; 3) Approve a contract with RRM Architects for final design of the Centennial Plaza project for a not to exceed amount of $44,000; 4) Approve a Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement with NKT Commercial for acquisition of property at 300 East Branch Street, sale of City property at 200 East Branch Street, 208 East Branch Street and the parking area in between, development of a 5,700 square foot commercial building at Short Street and East Branch Street, and adaptive reuse of the 208 East Branch Street building; 5) Select Alternative #3 as the preferred alternative for the NKT Commercial proposed project; 6) Authorize the City Manager to execute documents to obtain debt financing of up to $1.2 million for costs associated with acquisition of the 300 East Branch Street property through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Community Facilities low-interest loan program; and 7) Reject all bids for construction of a fire sprinkler system in the 300 East Branch Street building and direct staff to solicit new bids. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 5 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS (cont'd): 9.b. Continued Public Hearinq - Consideration of Appeal of Planninq Commission's Approval of Vestinq Tentative Parcel Map Case No. 05-001 and Minor Exception Case No. 05-006 to Subdivide a 1.28 Acre Parcel into Three (3) Residential Lots and Construct Two (2) Residences; Applicant — DeBlauw Builders, Inc.; Location — 605 Eman Court (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution denying the appeal and upholding the Planning Commission's decision to approve Tentative Parcel Map No. 05-001 and Minor Exception No. 05-006 9.c. Continued Public Hearinq - Consideration of a Resolution Amendinq Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 2792 for Property Located Near Fair Oaks Avenue (East of Arroyo Grande Community Hospital), Applied for by Innovative Housinq Solutions, Inc. (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt a Resolution amending conditions of approval for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2792 to accept in-lieu fees instead of the provision of deed restricted units to meet affordable housing requirements and to allow the developer to make payment of their proportionate share of South Alpine Water Main Upgrade; and 2) Appropriate $80,000 from the Water Facility Fund for improvements to the South Alpine Water Main. 9.d. Consideration of Interim Urqency Ordinance Establishinq an Additional Four Month and Fifteen Day Moratorium on the Approval of Development Pro�ects (ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt an Ordinance extending the moratorium on the development projects for an additional four months and fifteen days for a total period of six months; and 2) Approve and issue the Moratorium Status Report. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Selection of Council Member Guthrie as Mayor Pro Tem (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Appoint Council Member Guthrie as the Mayor Pro Tem for the next one-year period. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 6 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be ta ke n. None. 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT ************************ All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours at City Hall, 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805-473- 5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************** This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arro oqrande.orq ********************* City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-span.orq. � ������ � �� � I�I��F�PQpAT�p ��. � � � � � �v��r �o, �e�� � � � II�E II��R��l l]l�II� �������� ��: ��Tl� ��llIV��L FF�C3l�I: 1�IVCEL�1 I�CRAET���i� �IF�E�T�Ft �� ��3�I�VI�T�ATIIIE ��F�11��� ��� ������� �■ ����� ��il�������� ������I�� �������■ ������������ �� ���� �I���������� �� ����� ����• �������� �� ���� ��������������• It �� r����mr�r�r�d�d ��� �i�� ���r��il r����y �I�� �tt��l��� I��tir�� �� �a�� �r�b�r��r��r��� f�r �I�� ��r��� I���r�rr���r '�� t�rou��f� IV��r�rr���r��, ����. 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Page 15 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.a. Page 16 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2009 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Ferrara called the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council/RDA: Council/Board Member Chuck Fellows, Council/Board Member Jim Guthrie, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Joe Costello and Mayor/Chair Tony Ferrara were present. Council/Board Member Ed Arnold was absent. City Staff Present: City Manager Steven Adams, City Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Legislative and Information Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services Angela Kraetsch, Chief of Police Steve Annibali, Fire Chief Michael Hubert, Community Development Director Teresa McClish, and Planning Manager Jim Bergman. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ferrara led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Randy Ouimette, Saint John's Lutheran Church, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Honorary Proclamation Proclaiming November 2009 as "Alzheimer's Awareness Month". Mayor Ferrara presented an Honorary Proclamation declaring November 2009 as "Alzheimer's Awareness Month". Sara Bartlett, Area Director for the Central Coast Alzheimer's Association, accepted the Proclamation. 6. AG E N DA REVI EW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Mayor Pro Tem Costello moved, Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read by title only and all further readings be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS Buddy Jaquith, Myrtle Street, referred to the recently approved Cherry Creek project which includes a regional drainage solution and expressed concerns about the project being delayed due to the development moratorium. He requested the Council to do everything it could to move the project forward as the regional drainage solution is a major priority for the City. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 1 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 2 Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited members of the public who wished to comment on any Consent Agenda Item to do so at this time. No public comments were received. Council Member Fellows requested Item 8.g. be pulled for questions. Action: Council Member Guthrie moved, and Mayor Pro Tem Costello seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.f., with the recommended courses of action. The motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Costello, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period November 1, 2009 through November 15, 2009. 8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report listing the current investment deposits for the period of October 31, 2009. 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of November 10, 2009 and the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of November 10, 2009, as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of Cancellation of December 22, 2009 City Council Meeting. Action: Canceled the regularly scheduled Council meeting of December 22, 2009 due to the holiday. 8.e. Consideration of Permission for Absences from City Council Meetings by Council Member Arnold. Action: Approved absences by Council Member Arnold from City Council meetings from October through December 2009. 8.f. Consideration of a Resolution Adopting an Amendment to the Full Flex Cafeteria Plan Section 125. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4231 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FULL FLEX CAFETER/A PLAN SECTION 125 TO UPDA TE THE CAFETER/A PLAN RA TES FOR 2010". ITEMS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA 8.g. Consideration of Temporary Use Permit Case No. 09-024 Authorizing the Closure of City Streets for the 7t" Annual Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association Christmas Parade, November 29, 2009. Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit 09-024 for the 7t" Annual Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association Christmas Parade. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 2 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 3 Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Council Member Fellows referred to the proposed water filled barricades, expressed concern with the disposal of the water following the event, and asked how many gallons of water the barricades hold, how many would be used, and how the water would be drained. Chief Annibali explained the benefits of using this type of barricade as an effective public safety measure; stated there would be 31 barricades used along the parade route; that each barricade holds 138 gallons of water; and that when the water is drained the majority of the water would flow to the bioswale. He stated if the barricades were not used, the alternative would be to utilize additional police officers on an overtime basis. City Manager Adams acknowledged that the City is sensitive to the concerns expressed; however, he believed that this was a valuable use of the water in this case. Action: Council Member Fellows moved to adopt Resolution No. 4232 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROV/NG TEMPORARY USE PERMI T NO. 09-024 AND A UTHOR/Z/NG THE CLOSURE OF CI TY STREETS FOR THE 7TH ANNUAL ARROYO GRANDE VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION CHRISTMAS PARADE, NOVEMBER 29, 2009". Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Fellows, Guthrie, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a Resolution Amending a Condition of Approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 2792 (VTTM 05-003 and PUD 05-007) for Property Located near Fair Oaks Avenue (East of Arroyo Grande Community Hospital), Applied for by Innovative Housing Solutions, Inc. City Manager Adams recommended the Council continue this item to the next regular City Council meeting of December 8, 2009 to allow staff and the applicant additional time to agree on the appropriate reimbursement for their proportional share of the South Alpine Water Main project. Action: Mayor Pro Tem Costello moved to continue the public hearing to the next regular City Council meeting of December 8, 2009. Council Member Fellows seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Fellows, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold 9.b. Consideration of Preliminary Approval of Community Development Block Grant Projects for Year 2010. Planning Manager Bergman presented the staff report and recommended the Council provide preliminary approval of proposed projects to be funded with the City's allocation of CDBG funds for the Year 2010. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 3 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 4 Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. The following members of the public addressed the Council, thanking them for their past support, considering this year's funding request, and speaking briefly about their respective organizations: Pearl Munak, representing Transitional Food and Shelter, Inc. Della Wa_qner, representing the Maxine Lewis Memorial Shelter Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council comments included support for the proposed public service grants to be funded with the City's 2010 allocation of CDBG funds; acknowledgement that it is always difficult to fully accommodate all of the requests for grants; some continuing concern that the City's Fa�ade Grant program is not requiring matching funds; thanks to staff for applying the criteria fairly; and thanks to the non-profit representatives for attending the meeting. Action: Council Member Fellows moved to provide preliminary approval of proposed projects to be funded with the City's allocation of CDBG funds for the Year 2010. Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Fellows, Guthrie, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold 9.c. Consideration of Redevelopment Agency Five-Year Implementation Plan. [CC/RDA] City Manager/Executive Director Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving the proposed new Redevelopment Agency Five-Year Implementation Plan. Mayor/Chair Ferrara opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public hearing. Council/Board comments included support for the proposed Five-Year Implementation Plan; that the Redevelopment Agency is a useful tool for the gradual elimination of substandard properties and for improving housing opportunities in the City; that preparation and approval of the Plan will comply with State law requirements; that the Plan identifies proposed projects within the redevelopment project area boundaries and includes most of the projects the City is currently working on; and acknowledgement of City Manager/Executive Director Adams for his extensive efforts and good work to make the Redevelopment Agency more viable. In response to a question regarding the map of the redevelopment area contained in the proposed plan, City Manager/Executive Director Adams explained that the map will be updated to reflect the current boundaries. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 4 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 5 Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Action: Council/Board Member Guthrie moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING THE 2009-10 THRO UGH 2O13-14 FI VE YEAR IMPLEMENA TION PLAN FOR THE A RRO YO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA". Council/Board Member Fellows seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Fellows, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2009-10 First Quarter Budget Status Report. [CC/RDA] Director of Administrative Services Kraetsch presented the staff report and recommended the Council approve Carryover Appropriations as shown on Schedule A and approve budget adjustments and recommendations as listed in the Quarterly Financial Report and shown on Schedule A. In response to a question by Council/Board Member Fellows regarding credit card fees, Director Kraetsch explained that the City accepts credit card payments for utility bill payments and that the credit card fees imposed on the City by the credit card companies cannot be passed on to the customer. She stated, however, that she would verify this information as it relates to current law. In response to a question by Council/Board Member Guthrie regarding the variances in the City Manager's budget, Director Kraetsch explained that a correction had been made to the budget so that the appropriate employee payroll expenditures are now being charged to the Legislative and Information Services budget, and that the correction would be reflected in the second quarter budget. Additionally, in response to a question about property tax savings, Director Kraetsch clarified that there was a significant savings in the City's property insurance and that a portion of those funds were transferred to the Police Department for the increase in the Animal Services contract. Mayor/Chair Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public comment period. Council/Board comments ensued in support of the First Quarter Budget Status Report; support for the proposed budget adjustments; acknowledgement for staff's efforts in controlling costs during difficult economic times; and that there are still many unknowns concerning the State budget. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 5 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 6 Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Action: Council/Board Member Guthrie moved to approve Carryover Appropriations as shown on Schedule A and approve budget adjustments and recommendations as listed in the Quarterly Financial Report and shown on Schedule A. Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Costello, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold 11.b. Consideration of a Proposed Ordinance Adding Chapter 9.28 Entitled "Graffiti Abatement" to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. Chief of Police Annibali presented the staff report and recommended the Council introduce an Ordinance adding Chapter 9.28 entitled "Graffiti Abatement" to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. Council and staff comments and questions ensued concerning the graffiti removal program; that City staff is working with the County Sherriff's office to implement a graffiti removal truck which will be available for use by the City; clarification on how various graffiti implements are defined; required timeframes for removal of graffiti; and whether property owners can be reimbursed for graffiti removal in the event of vandalism. City Attorney Carmel referred to Section 9.28.140 of the proposed ordinance which includes provisions for reimbursing owners cost of graffiti abatement when funds are collected from the person creating the graffiti. Mayor Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public comment period. Council comment ensued in support of the proposed ordinance to establish a graffiti abatement program; acknowledgement of coordination with neighboring cities to have similar programs; that the proposed ordinance will allow the City better control of cost recovery to abate graffiti; and acknowledgement of staff's quick response to past graffiti complaints. Action: Council Member Fellows moved to introduce an Ordinance as follows: "AN ORD/NANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADD/NG CHAPTER 9.28 ENTI TLED "GRAFFI TI ABA TEMENT" TO THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE". Mayor Pro Tem Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Fellows, Costello, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold 11.c. Consideration of a Proposed Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Chapter 5.56 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code in its Entirety Regarding Massage Establishments. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 6 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 7 Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Chief of Police Annibali presented the staff report and recommended the Council: 1) Introduce an ordinance repealing and replacing Chapter 5.56 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code in its entirety regarding massage establishments; and 2) Repeal fees for the massage establishment permit and the massage technician permit from the City's Master Fee Schedule upon the effective date of the ordinance. Chief Annibali referred to supplemental information distributed to Council prior to the meeting which included a modification to Section 5.56.080(F) of the proposed ordinance. Council and staff comments and questions ensued concerning inspections and associated fees; that there would be a designated City contact person coordinating efforts with the California Massage Therapy Council; that a State database would be available for tracking licensed massage therapists and establishments; and that the proposed ordinance does not preclude the Police Department from following up on potential crime in the City related to massage therapy practices. Mayor Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public comment period. Council comments included support for the proposed ordinance; acknowledgment that State law now fully regulates massage therapy technicians and establishments; and that there would be no duplicative efforts. Action: Mayor Pro Tem Costello moved to introduce an Ordinance, as follows: "AN ORD/NANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REPEALING AND REPLACING CHAPTER 5.56 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE IN ITS ENTIRETY REGARD/NG MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS", as modified to include the revision to Section 5.56.080(F). Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Guthrie, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold Action: Mayor Pro Tem Costello moved to repeal fees for the massage establishment permit and the massage technician permit from the City's Master Fee Schedule upon the effective date of the Ordinance. Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Guthrie, Fellows, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Arnold 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a. MAYOR TONY FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). SLOCOG meets next week; unable to attend the SLORTA meeting due to a League of California cities function. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 7 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 8 Tuesday, November 24, 2009 (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Held special meeting to address a number of administrative items; announced that the District's co-generation facility will be dedicated formally on December 16t" between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. (3) Brisco/Halcyon/Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee. Still waiting for feedback from the consultant. (4) Recreation Center Subcommittee. The subcommittee is currently dark. (5) Other. None. b. MAYOR PRO TEM JOE COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. 1) Discussed the State's water request and how it fits into the strategies for identifying additional water supply sources and needs of the County and Cities; a letter is being prepared for Mayors to sign. 2) Received information on the process for receiving approval of the Habitat Conservation Plan. 3) Received Quagga mussel update; no positive identifications have been made at Lopez Lake to date. (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). Has not met since the last report; however, there was an informational meeting for the APCD members in the South County on the technical results of the study that was done on particulate matter. There will be two public workshops held in South County in the near future on the matter. (3) Fire Oversight Committee. Has not met since the last report. (4) Other. None. c. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM GUTHRIE: (1) South County Area Transit(SCAT). Has not met since the last report. (2) Community Action Partnership. Received review of their Energy Conservation Department which weatherized over 4,000 homes using Federal stimulus funds; reported that the Health Center on E. Grand Avenue is just short of breaking even for the first time in ten years and should break even next year. (3) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA). No report. (4) Homeless Services Coordinating Council (HSOC). Discussed funding of the Executive Director position and will be moving forward with the funds that were directed for that purpose and cannot be used on other efforts. Mayor Ferrara mentioned he received a call from Assembly Member Blakeslee's staff in Sacramento regarding use of redevelopment funds for the homeless facility in San Luis Obispo County. City Manager Adams commented that there are efforts to draft legislation to allow the use of redevelopment funds outside of the City's borders. (5) Tourism Committee. Has not met since the last report. (6) Other. None. d. COUNCIL MEMBER ED ARNOLD: (ABSENT) (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). (3) Other. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 8 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 9 Tuesday, November 24, 2009 e. MAYOR PRO TEM CHUCK FELLOWS: (1) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). Reported that 686 boats have entered into Lopez Lake and no Quagga mussels have been identified; and the lake is at 48.9% capacity. (2) Other. Attended the IWMA meeting as the Alternate; reported that the landfill has a 67% diversion rate and the IWMA Manager believes up to 90% can be achieved if trash is burned for energy. Santa Barbara City Council and the County have recently voted to enter into a cost sharing agreement in order to select a vendor to convert some of their trash into energy at the landfill. Also reviewed program objectives status as of October 2009. 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Mayor Ferrara reminded the public about the Christmas Parade in the Village on Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: None. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: None. 18. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Mtg ) Agenda Item 8.b. Page 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.b. 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AlVJ���f�1� �F I��1.1��: ���i��r� r�� i���� �hr�� �if��r��� ��p�� �� ��ir�i�ns �� t�� ��r��lu�si�t� �� �r� ���i�, �r� ■ � + + � � * ! + * U� �al�f���r �����ffe�, or �dverse ���r�i�r�. A� Ur�q��lif��d ���nio� ���u��s tl�� au��t � . . . r�a���r tl��� #�r� i�f��r�n�ti�� �r���r���� f�iri� r��r���nt� �h� fir��r��f�l �������r� �� t�� ��t�. � �u�fi�i�� � �ni�� �t�r��� �h�� t�� i���rrr���i�r� i� ���rl� �r���r�#�� ��c���� ��r � p�r#���la�� � . . �����. �rr �d����� ��ir�i�� ir�d���t�s ���� t1�� ���r��}� h�� ����r ����un��r�� a��d��r in��rn�� ��r�tr�� is����. Tf�� ��ty i� ���ud t� r���rt �1��� ��r #h� F����� ���� �r�d�� ���� ��, ����, ��� �i ��Ar�r��� ��r�r�d�'s F��d�v�l��r�r��rrt Ag�rr�� r���i�r�� �n l�r����Eifi�� ���n���, � Agenda Item 8.c. 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Page 4 ���� ��� � �������� ��� � I ��������� �V���� ����tJIV��IV�� ��xrrv��s s�a�sfi n�+�►r� �or�����.�vrr,c�x s�ra�r����.������ TEL: 80�.���.��7@ �RA#C�#�iART��i�1Nl,�PH J■� ��y[ yy� y7 y/ ��LJL�1 �■LVfy�■� �i""��t V��.fJ��.�■�{ �F������.�./�1�y ������������������� �D�-r�4f��reC�DrS 1����v���pr��nt�4��r��y��ti���it���'1�r�����rar��� �irr����ra���,�a�lzfi��rnia � ��l�a��a�di��d�he accompa����fi��r�c�ai s�teme�ts of#,he go�rer�ne�ta�a�c��rrit���s a�d�����a,�ar�u��o#'t�,e Red�v�lopr�en� �ge�c�r�f`�he�i�y of Arro�o G�a�de{Agen�Y�, � comp�ner�t u�it o���e�ity o�A.�ro�+o��rar�d�,Ca�i�or�ia��i�r�,�s of�nd for the fi�������r�nd�.d.�rxn���,����,as li�t���r����f�r����x��ta��������t�nt�. T�����in���fa��������rncn�s�r�t��r����t����i�ity�ft�� �g��n�}�+s r��n���rr���t,�r�r r�sp�n�i�i�ity is��e���-��s��in��r���n���s��i�nan�l�l�tat����ts bas�����ur a�d�t. 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'�V�������r� t�at �ur�rx�i��r������ �r�as������#��ss�s �`�r��r op�n�o�s. �n�ur��ini�r�,t.���i�ar��i��s�a��r�e��s r��er�r�d t��b�r���re���t��i���,�n���rr��teri��re�����,s,t��r���������finan�i�l���i���n�#`the g���rnm�nt�� a����ri�i�s �ar���a����rna�,j��-�d��t��A��n��, as ��,������, �����tl��r�s����i�r���a���� �x��� �inan��a� po�it��n �h�r��f��r��th�i�����t�ry��t���r������r�h��ow�����c��rate��e�ia���.���n�t��ur�t��`�r the�is��l�re.�r th���n���in��r�f��ity �w�t�a��.c�rxn�ing�ri��i���s g�n�ral��r a�����t�c�irt����r�it����a����f A��ri��. 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In accorda��e wit�����r-rzrr�er���4udi�ir�g S't�rr�dards,vve have�lso issued a�r�por��at�d�av��er��,2���,o�ou�cor�sid�r���or�o�` th�A��r��y's int�rnat�on�-o�ov�r fi��cia��epart�xg ar�d ou�t�sts of its co�plia�c�v�ith���-ta�n prov�sions of�aws,r�gulatior�s, cor��racts�g�ar�t a�ee��ts,and���r�a�tex�. '��pu�-pos�o�t�a��re�or�is t�d�����he s�op�of our��st�g of ir���r�a�can�ro� ��r�r�ir�an�i�l r�po��a����rnpl���e a�d tl��re�u��s ��t��t���tin��and r��t t�p�`��ri�� �n��in��n ��th� �t��a1 ���tr�� �v�r #�r�an�ia�r���ti���r���or�pli�an��. "��t r�p��-t i�a�in��g,t-a������an�������r��rrn�t�i�����rt������vit�C�v�rr���rr���r�ftir�g ��ar�dard�and shoulc�i�cor�sid�r�d ��ss�s�ir�g t��r�s��t�s o#'our a�d�t. ��5�,L��Y 8�H��T��E�M L�.�' + � � � * � � � # �laveml����5,���9 � ���i���:s������r�r��s i��r���n����� ���4���11�'�I�f�►����7�1 S.I����1.+,�.Il.r�7�VI1�I��R�i�V V1#f�1 i���kJ���I�I1L��I�!'4�LJ�Ll�������7��ALIF�F�[�!A�43��C��4TI01��F��H��L B1.��1f�EaS��FI�IAL� Agenda Item 8.c. 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T�� t�vo go�ernn�er��-v�v�d� sta�ter�r�ents �e�orr� ��e Ager���''s n�t as�e�s �d �ov� ���y h�rre ch�ng�d. I��� �ss��s a�e t�e d��Fere��� b��w�e� �1�� Ag����'s ass�ts a�d ����i��t�es a�� �re o�e of��e w�ys �o rn�asur+� ���Aw��n�y's fn�ncza� }��a��� o�pos�t�on. � �v��r �irr��, ���rea��� ��r �e�r���� ir� ��� �g�r��}r'� r��t ass�ts �r� ar� ir�t�i��t�r ��' wh����� �ts f�nan��a� h�a���h �� ���r�vir�g����t�rrt��a���,r���e����r���. �'�e�o�r�rr�rr�e�t-�v�r��� �nar��i�� s�a�e��r�t��f��xe���r��y are d��r��e� �r�to t�vo�ategories: � ����r�rn�r�t�.l a�tivY�i�s �r������� ��'t�� A��r��� ���� �r� prir����a��� �rx���rt�� l�� �x�s �r�� i�t�rgov��-nrn�ntal r�ver���s. • ��s���s�-t�'�� activ��ie�-�f���t������`��� �.ger��y�hat a�� ��te���c��o r�cover a�� or a�sig�n��can� por�ion a�`i�s�o�t��ro�� �s�r���s �n�c�a�-ges. �"�r����r���c��� S�ate���s A. ��� i� � �r��}��n� ��r��at�c� a����r��� ���� is �s�d �� rr��it��a���x ��rntr�� ��r�r �����r��� ��at �a�r� ���� s��r�g���� ���-�����fi� a��irriti�� �r�b��������, �� �g�rt��, ��k� �t�t�r st��� �.�d ���a�l ��v�r��n��t�, �s�s fu�� ar���r��i�� �� ���u�r� ar�� d���r�stra��� ��rr��l�ar��� �ucr��� �n���������t�� ��g�l r����r�rn���s. ��� �f �1���x��s a���e�4�er�cy are ir����d�� �r�th��o����e��a��r��s cat�gor�. �ovcr�,ern��ta���d�. T�� Age����� �a�si� ��rv�c� ar� r�p���d i� gov�er����ta� �und�, v��i�� foc�s o� 1��r�v�����f���v� ���� �������'���s�fu�c����c��������n��� ����t €���a1 �r��rr-�r�d�a�����rai�a������r �p��di�g. �'hese �xr�ds are ��oxte� �s��g ar� ���ou��ti�g ��t�oc� ca���ed �nod���d ��cr�a� a�corxr����g, w���1� ���s�res ��sh and ��� ot�er �i����a1 a�set� �h�� ca�n r�����y �e �o�v�rt�d to �as�. T�� ��v�rnrr����� �����rx����s �r�v��� a ���a���� ��t�rt-t�rrn �rt�r� �� �h� �g���}+'� g���ra� g��r�rr���r�� , operatxo�s �r�d the bas�c se�-vi�es �t ��ovi�es. �����rner���� �r�ds ir��'ormation ����� yo� �eter�r��n� w����r t�e�-e ar� ��re �r few�r �na�c�a� r�so�r�es ���t car� i�e �p�nt �� ��� nea� futur� t� fina�c� ��� Ag�ncy°s progra�s. "�'h� ba��� goverr��nner��al fr��ds �i�a��i�l s�a�e�en�,s ��� �� �or��� or� page� 9 � 13 0�` th��r���rt. 2 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 6 ������������������������������ �'��A�����'���t�4�s��s ��r�i��a���ars 2���-�9���������� �r�; ��s��l���r�n��d F�s��l Year �nde� Ir�cr�a�e �u�����t ���� .l�r����, ���� � ����r�as.,��,� A�S��S i ��rr��t and�������set� � �,�BD,��� � �,��'�,��� � �9�,��� B�nd ��st�a����o��� �J�,��� �C��,��4� �'��,���� �a�pi����ss��s �,�4�,��� '�f8��F��� - ��ta�a�et� R� �,��1���4� � �,������� � 1��,'1�� l��a�������: ��rr�r�t�.�a��l�ie� ���,��� 1��,��� {������ ��h�r��ab���#i�� 7,�1���9�� � 'f��,�� �,��� '��#�������lit�es 7,���t�2� �,���+��� 1,��� Net assets: T����r�et a������ � ���,�1� � ����,��� � 'I��,'��� �"a�a� asset�s for �h� R�de�r��op�n�nt Ager���r a� �w���e �r����as�� �e�r�er� f�s��I ���rs er�drr�g 2��9 ��d ���5 b� �]�8,��8. �i�s i���eas� com�� fror� �he ��ar��� i� ��t as��ts �s r�co�rd�� �r� �e ��at�r��r�� o� A����it���, �ra�a� �������� �� �r��t���, g���ral���re�t����}r�a����r s�rx�-��, ������ �ndl�r�I�������}r �f r��e���� �v�� ����r�s�s be��r� ����i-i�rxt���� �� ��rma���� �nd �ri����al� ����ial, a�d ��c�ra��rt�ir�ar� it��s,a�d��t�l�sets ar��resente� ir�����t��e�e�t o�'Acti�rit��s. Cha.���s ir��h���deve�opr����Ag�ncy of t�e �i�y a�`Arroyo�ir�nc�e'���t Asse�s: F������ea��r�r���d �����11�ea�r End�� �������� ,�u�e 3�, 2��� ,����3�, ���� �e�r�ase Reve��esw ��r�e���revenues: � �'rop�r�y ta�ce� � �,��9���? � �,��1,�D� � 2��,2�7 �r�ue�trr�ent�r��orr�� �����9 1?'l,�9� {8�,��'�� �t��r �0� ��x7'�9 ���}�2�� �r�r�s����o�i�y ���,�2� ���x��� ��8,2��� ���.,,.,..�.,, Tot����r��t��s �,���,��� �����,0�� �7,47� ������i ��r��r�l���r��r�en� ���,��� ���+��� '���,�!�� 1 nt�r��� ���,�01 ���#��� 7`,���i �otal ex�e�nses ���,��7 8�3,��� �4,��� �r�r�a���D�CTe�����1 I�et���#� ���t'#�� ���t��� ���,���� �l�t asse�s- b��in�in� ���is��l y�ar 32�,4�� ��,846 25�,634 IV�t���e��-��d ��f�sca��re�r � ���,��� � ���,��� � ���x��� .,, � .� Co�er�������ti�v��e�: �overnm�r��a� acti��ties incre�.sed tk�e Ag�ncy's ��t as��t� 1�� ��8�,�38. �� ke�e�e�n�r�t oft��s �r��r�ase is a� fol�ows: * �r���rty t������� in�r�a,s���u�t���� ir��r�a�� �� a�s�s���v��r���, � A enda Item 8.c. g Page 7 �������������������������������������� �s r��t���arl��r,���R����r�l�����x��g���������r�d ����u����r��������r� ar����x��r�s�r��� �������nc� v�r��h fi�a�r����r��a���d ����� r�y����r���t�, �or��r�r���'�d�, Th� fo��s of�h� A��n�y's goverr�rr��r��al,f'urrds i� to�arorr��� ir�forr�a��o�n or� �e�t- t�rrn ira�l��v�, ��x�#l��r�, a�� ���a���s ����a�r�a�c��r�'� r���ur��s, ���h inf�r�r��►���� i� ����� i� ass�ss��g t�� A.�����'s f�na�n�ing r��r��r�����s. I� ���t���lar, �cr�r����rv�d f�rrc���r�crr��� arr���r ��r�v� as � r���ful ��asur� ��`a��v�rn��r�t'������s��tr���a��i�al�����r s���ndir���t t���r�� ���#��f���������. As o#`�h��n�o�`t��curr{er��f�s�a� y�a�r,th� Ag�r��y's �ov�rr�mer�ta� f�r��s�repo��d ca�n��r��� �rtdir��fund ba�ar�����f��,�'73,���, 1���ar��cirn�t��}� �� ��r���� ��`tl��� a���r�� ��1,���,���� ����ti�x��� r�rr����gr��x��c�,�'��zc�I�cr�crr���, �rhi�l� is a�r�i�������r spenciir�g at�1�� ����rn����'�����r�����, Th�r��a�r���r��`t���ux�t��a���� ��a����grrc���c�t� �����ate��at�t is�r���r �v����b�e�o��o�r an��ode�a����nco�ne�o�sing�ro���t����c����s���c�pay��r��s. B����t�tx�I�ig��ig�ts A��a� re�e��es fo����Low�nd�I�iodera�e �����a� R��en�e��r�d w��-���ss����t��b�t�g�t����5?,842. �i� i� ����� b�xc���t�������,��� #'�r��� ��� �f`l�r�c�. ��r au�iti�g}��rp���� t����1� ���a�r�� �va� x���t�� aga��st��e p�rchas� o�`�ax�t� s��c��t wa� bot��ht��d so�d d�r��g��e sarne �s�a� �ea�-. `I��e��t ar�ou�t �s $��� ar���ot the$�55,��b�dg�ted. ���ar.� �xp��di�r�s w�r��o���r�a�t�e b�t�get�y�],�7�,�'��. ��►��tal A�set������t A��m�€��at�t�o� ��p��al Asse�s �s of fis�a�l �re�--er��� t�� A,ge�cy h�� �1,8��,�4�, in�r�ste� i� a range o� �a���a� as�ets, ��t o#' ���r����ti�n,�s r������� in t��f�����w��g������1�: �a����5������s�:al l��a�r�Er�� �V���f�]epr����ior�� �o�►�rr�mer��! A����r�tie� ���9 2008 �a r�d � � 'I 8�9 3�� � �,8��,3�5 �f�t����I A��ts � � �I,���,34� � 1,��9,��� 4 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 8 ����������� At �h� e�tc� of��� c�rx-�n� f�s�a] year� t�� ����cy ��� �o�g-�ernn �ebt o��s#arn��ng o�'�7��83�9�G. T��s �r��u��� �-�������t� ]�r��-t�rrr� ����� ���rab�� �n�l ���� T'ax �11����i�r� 1�����. �� �� T�x �i�����i�r� �o�ds wer� �sed to�ay o�ex�s�ing d��t a�nt� a��rer�a�r�ing�u�d�w��� be�sec� ��r f�t�r� proje��s. 'I"��se bo��s are�a���Ced����e��dev��op�e�t A�����r a�r�d aa�e t�be r�paid�vit�pro��ta�pro�e�ds� L���-T�� De�t at Fis��l Ye��s �r�d �ov�rr�rxren��� J���vi#��s �O� ���� ��var�c.�s paya��� � ���,��� � 8�4,�5� �"��c All����i��n l��r��is �,���,��� �,2��,��� ��t�r���,�-��� ���� � �,���,��� � �#���,��� ��������������v���v� �"�� �t�t��f�a��i��r���'s bu�����risi����a���� ����rta���.y in th� g���r���r��s��t�r. �'��s i������i���� tru� ��r��c��v�����m���ag��t�i��, v��x��� a��b�in� l���C�� ����as���t �n t�� �ir�����fi���. 7��x�� r�r����-ta��t� �as ���r�tak�r� ��t���������r�����ar����ir�g���A.��n��r'��r����t��r���a►l�r�ar����-�9. � ���"�4�.�'�'��'�`�������'��A�T��11�IA�,A����'�' �'��� ��nar��i�1 ����rt �s �e��gn�� �� �r��v��� �u� ���i�e��, t��a�r�rs, ��st���rs, ��v�s��r�, ��� �T��Ii��r� v�ri�l� � �en�r�1 ���rv���v �f't�� ���������n��n� �A��r��� ���1�� �it,y ��`�rr��� Cr�t�d�'� fix�an��s ��rl �� �����st�a����� ���r���'�����u��a����t� �`�r���re��r��� ����������, ��`y�r� �a�r��r�� �r���ti�r�� ���u��hi� re��rt �r ���� ac�di�i�r�a� �r������ i�x��rrr���i�n, ���t��t A.����� �r���s��, �ire���r �f ��r�xni��r��i�� ���i���a�� ��� �����can�� ��r��,�rr�}���"xrand�,�A �3���,��n�r�� ���-47������. � A enda Item 8.c. g Page 9 This pa�e�r�te�r��on��ly�e��l�nk. . Agenda Item 8.c. Page 10 ����������������� Agenda Item 8.c. Page 11 ������������������������������ �7��1����! ����i ������7 ��e�4��.��9 �a��rnrne�ta� A�ti�ri���s A�S�T� �urr�r��assets: C�s���ir����e°r�t� � $ 4,749,�l 7 �e�civabl�s: I�t��st ��,�? T'ax�s 3 2,238 �ote r�ce�v���e �S,S�� �]epos�� � �,�0� I��rent��r-�anc�h��cl f�r res��� �2�,�29 �on�ur�r�n�as�ets: ��nd����r���co�t�,x��t��'a���m�l�����m�r�a�a���r� 2��,��� �a�a��a��ssets: - 3�d�x���r��i��1�: � �ant� �,849,345 Tot�I�ss�ts � ?,82�,�4� �A����: �u�re�t lia��lit��s: �4cc�un�s�aya����an���rued 1i�ilit��� �,��� �t�st����t��� ���,��� �Ja��r�r�`�t�i�t�ili�i��: - D�x�vv�i�i.�or��ycar ��,��� ��e�r��rnore�.har�a year ?,�?�,�36 Tat���ia��liti�s 7,��8,�25 �'�'.�.�5�'i'� ��str�c��d for: �,ow�d r��c�erate h��sin� 2,89b,��3 �a�ait����-o,��ct� �,���,�3� �ebt s�c� 429,7��5 �J�r�s�r��t� � {5,�43,344� T�ta������s�et� � �l�,C��� �`k�e accorn�ar�y�g nates a�re an integra�pa�t of this stater�ner��. � Agenda Item 8.c. Page 12 ������������������������������ { ������������������ �O�'�h�F�SC��Y��`�nde.�J�n������}�9 �rogr�rr��e�ven�x�s I��t�x}��sc} � ^�, ^ � � � � ��^�� �, � , ���rat�g ��pita� �"ota� �e�rer��� Charg�s�'or �ra�ts and �rar�ts a�r�� �ro�am �nd Chang�s F�nct�onsJP�-o ar�s Exp��s�� Servi�s Co��ibu��ons �ar�tr'r�r��io�s ��v�ues �x�I��t Assets - ,�. �rener��go�r�rn.��nt $ 9��,�9� � - � - � �- � - $ {9�$,397� �'otal gov��e�ta� ���i�r����� � ���,��� � �- � } � - � - ����,39�� Gene�ra�r�v��es: �`ope��y t��ces �,4b�,��7 In�estm���arx��gs $�,35� ��r �D1 Tr�sfers t��i�y�fAr�-o���rax��� {4��,�2�} �`��a��en�-a��v�n�����tr����r� 1,1��,��� `�����i�r�n��ass�t.� 1��,��� l��t�ss�ts,��gi�ir�g�f fi��a1��a�- ���,��� I��t a����s,����f`f���al�r�ar � �1�,��� T�e a�c.��npar��ing r�a��s ar�an�nteg�r����r�t o#'t�s staternent. S Agenda Item 8.c. Page 13 �������������������������������� ��� ������� �!ti.�..�������� June�0,�0�0� �a'or F�r��s Low at�d �ad�r�t� �A �pe�ie� ��pi�a� ��b� �'��a� l��v�r��� �r����ts ��rvi�,e C`r��afnrrr�n�sl �und �ur�� �und �unds AS��T� �ash ar�d ir���strn��t� � 2,���,��� � �,�?�,��� � ���,��� � �,7�9,�1� �r�i�+s���s: �r�t�r��t E,��� �,219 1�,�6� �'�x�� b,4�8 25,79� �2,��8 ���n r���i��b�e ��,�00 ��,��� Dcposit 5,�00 �,�� �nv�nt��y-�.,�n�h��d�or r�sa�� 82�,1�9 ���,l�� Tota�asset� � �,895,��0 � �,��4,85� � 547,3�3 � �,�8{�,8�1 ��� ������A�.���`[T���A�A1�G'�S x,fi���t#�s; A��o�xr�ts�a�+a���ar�c!�ccru���ia�ilitie� � �*��'7 � �,'��� � - � �,2�� � �'�#al li��ilat��s �,�f� ��?�� �;��� ���a��ces: . ��sar�c�: Invcnt�ry-�.,ar�d��Id f�r r���l� ���,12� ���,12� Note r�cc��a�b�c 55,��0 ��,5�� �.Jnr�sorvoc�: Desi gn��cd �,$40,��3 �4?,�l� 3,387,�2� �Jn��si�na�cd 1,���,��� �,���,��� �'atal#`e��d bal�t�r.�� �,���,1�� �,���,�33 ��7,�I� �,���,��� T��al �i�bi��ti�s and�ur�d �a�lan��� � �,���,��� � �,�3�,��E � ���,3�3 � �,���,��� �� � ,.���., --�_..��.� ...,,�.,. �'��a�corn��n�ring r��t��ar�a��nta���1 part�#`tl��s s�at��n�r�t, Agenda Item 8.C. � � Page 14 ��������i���������� �1��1' ����� � � ���i������������� 1�� �]'���������� ���� ������� ►3���� i��il� ��������� ����������� ,�u��3�, 2�09 �"���1 F�d�a�a���s��ov��n�ta1�u�r�ds � �,�7�,��� �r�����s r�p�rte�f�r g��r�rnrr��€�t�� a���i�iti�s irr�h����te��r�t������ss����r�t�i�`�-���e�au���: �a��i�a� as��ts��ed ir� ���r�rn�n�r�ta�� ��ti�iti��ar���t�x�rr��nt�inar���al r����r���. Th�r�f�r�, t�ey we°re na�r��orte��� t1���overn��n��l�u�nd��a�ar���S�eet. �a�ita� �ssets at��stor�cal cost $ �,849,�4� ����xr��l��ec�cl�p�r��i����n - ],���,��� ��gov�rx�rn�ta��nd�,z�te�r�s�t��lo�g-ter�n d�bt is�ot re.�ogr�i��ur��i�tl�e��r�od i�v�rhi���t rx��tu►��s��d��paic�. I� ��vernrn�nt-w��e stat�rrYer�t��`a�t�vi�i��, ��is�`�c�gr����d����� g�r�o��hat it���r���r�-�d. ����,��?'� ��g��r��-nxr���a�a��'u��s,d�bt i�������ts a��r����i���a����cp�r�e�i�u�res�n t����ri�d t��y ar�ir��ux�-ed. ��th�gov�m��-wsd��a�erner��s,d�l�t i�s�e�osts are an�ox`�i�e�o�er�he �if��f��i�d��t. ��1,��� �,�r��-t�rm ��abil���es ar�n���u���,d�����1�������rxrr����rio�. �`��r���r�,t��y w�r���t ��p��t���t��C����`nrn�tal F��d����ancc�����.. �'��1���-te�n 1�a����t��s v�rer� - a����1��v�: �"��������ti�n��nc�� � �,�.��,��� ���rar�c�s fr�� t����ty af�rro�r��rand� 9��,9�� T�t�l ��,���,9��� T�t��I��t�s�e��-�r��rerr�r�en�ai�4�tivit�es � ���,{�� , �'h�a�corn�a�r�}�in���t�s�r�ar� ir�t�gr�l �ar��f��is s�a��rn���. ]� Agenda Item 8.c. Page 15 ���������������������������� �T����'4����..��� �1�����������Jy�����1 4J��,���������������.,.�����3 � F��t��F`is�al'��ar�n�e�,��r����,���9 �e'�r Fu��s L,o�v and 1V�o��rat� �DA � � S�i�E �apita� ��bt T�#�1 �t�v�r��� P��j��ts ��r�ricc ��v�rnrr��r�tal F�t�d F�xnd �'txr�� �r�r�d� �tc�►e����: Tax�� � � Z��,��� � I,�7�,��1 � - � �,�f 3,��� �ses of r�oney and praper�y �3,�4I ��,��� 4,7�5 85,�5� �#�cr � I�� �OI T��ai ��v�nu�s ��7',I�� 1����,1�� �,��� 1,��5,��� ��pc���tar�s: Cr�rrent: ��n�ral ���r��n��n# ��7,7�� �9�,��� �,��� ��4�,�3G �cbt s�rvi�: I�t�r�st 1�,��� ���,91 fi 3��,�3� Fri r��i p�� 1{�,�E� ��,��� �'���1 ��p�r�t�ittxr�s ��,��� ���,��� ���,�1� 9��,��}� ��cccs��f'r���r�u�s�v�r�und�r������dit�r�� ���,��� C91,�t3� ����,l�1� � ���,��� �t���"ina�cing So�r����]��s� Tr�n�#`�rs in ���*���4 ���',��� Trarts��rs�ut ����,1�1� ����,��3� ����,���� �rar���`er����ifiy�f�rr�}r��r�►nd� ���,���� ����,�f�9� ����,���� �ro���ds�'r�rr�d�b�iss��r�ce ��,��� ��,��� To��[�thor fina���n�s�u�ces�u��s� �1��,�5�� ����,7��� ���,��� ����,1��� R���r���s ar��o�h�r financing sou��cs ov�r�urid�r���p�ndi�ur�s a�� o�h�r fr��r�cxng uses ]�S,S2� 7�,2�� �17,�17� �4�T,12� Fu���al�r���s}b��i�tni�g��'fi�ca��r�ar �,���',��� �,1��,91� ��,�3� �,���,��� �u�d�alar�c.�s,�n��ff s�al��ar � �,���,�1� � �,���,��� � ���,��� � �,��T�,��3 - �- .�� ^,.�� ��� Th������npar�yi n�n����ar��n i r����ra� part�f#h i����t�rr����. A g e n d a I te m 8.c. �� Page 16 ����������������������������� ���� ������������� �� 1�� �T������������ �1������1 ������������������� �►�� ��1���T�� �I�fi����1���I���� �"�'�'�� ��`������'� �� A�'I'��`�`�`��S �or t�e��s�a��ea.r�r�d�d J�� ��, ���3 ����ha�g�in�'und Ba�ance�-Covern�rn�tal�"�r�ds � � ��1,�23 �rr��u�nt�r�p�r���f�����ernn��nta� a�tiviti��ix�th�st�t�r��t��'a��irr��i�s ar��i�`f�r�nt��ca��xs�; �� ���ve��e�tal��s,r��a����ts o�'�o�g���d��t�re re��rte� �s ex��nd�t�r�s. In th� ��v�rn��t;wi��st�t�m��s�repa}r�n�n����l�x���t��n����a�r��-�°p�����s redr���i��s�f�i��i�iti�s, ��,��� �� g����n�nt�l fx�nc�s,int��st����n�,tcr�d�b�is rc�o�ni�c�d ir�#����od t�at�t�o���t���. ��t�� g�vcrnrn�r�t��uv�id�s�����t�f a�t��#i�s, it��r��o�n��ed��t��period that i�Y�in��rr�. �Jnm��re� ��t�r�st awi�g�t t��e���f't����`�oc�,les�rn���r�d�nt�r�s�p��d�urin������c�ri�g f���t���r���r p�riod v�r�s: I,��� �� �o�r�rr�m�n�al��nds,�r�c�eds fror�d�b�at�r�ogni�ec���ot�er�in�n��n�sourc�e�s. �n t�� ���r�nr�e���vv�d���at�rr�e�at�,��-a�e��l��'��r�a d��t�r�r�p�rt�d.a�in.�r��se�t��ia�ii��t��s. A�xi�u�r�ts r�cogni�e.�in�ov�xa�er�ta��x�ad�a����o�e�s fr�x�c���t,�et��'i�s��p�ern�i�nn o�r�isr.�r.��t,w�r�: ���,���� '�h�iss�a�nc��f l�n��-�er�n�����r�vi�����rr�n��inar��ia�r�s�urces t�t�i�g�v�n�rn��al��s. �4�so, ���ernr�en�a�fu���r�p�r�t,���f�`�ct�f��'e�ni���,dis�����,����ir�i�ar i���v�r�en�l�bt�s f�rst�s���� v+rl��r�as,t����arn��t����e���r`�d and���i�c�ir�t��s���er�e�t��'��tiviti�s. �'�is a�er��ur�t�s r�et �f��s�di�`�-�xc���r�th�tr�atr,r�e�t�f 1c�r��-ter�n d�l�t���r��a�t��t�rn�. ���,���} �����i���t��s���-�r�ve�nrn��t�11���ivi���� � ���,1�� �`��a�corr�par��ring r�o��s ar��r� in�egral p�rt of��zs���t�mex�t. �� Agenda Item 8.c. Page 17 ����r��������������� �3�����������e ������������ ������������� �������1�� �� ������������������� ��� ������� ������������ ����� ��������� �'or����s��� ��ar �r�d�d J�n�3�� 2��9 �ari�n���it� ,,_,,,.,.,�,.,.,,..,,,.,,. Budge�ec�A,mou�ts �'��al�dget �os�tive --- �i�ix��►� ��r�a� ��tt���A�rx�t�n�s �����iv�� l��v�����: � . ��..�.,,,.�..., . .�.,� Taxes � 30�4,�0 � 3��,��� $. 29�,9]� $ �f,�8�} �r�vestrr��nt�arr��r�gs ��,0�� ��,��� ��,��1 ��,��1 ���er�e�en�e 255,�0� �4� �28�,89�� �`ot��r��rer���s ���,0�0 ��5,��� �47,��$ �257,�4�� ��p�n��a: Cr�r���t: ��t'1�I'�� ��V�l`�]'Yl�� ���,��� �,���,��� ��,��� �,���,��� �'��al�x��ndi��r�s ��9k3�� �,�1�,��� ��,��� 1,9��,��� ��tc����f�even�����r�r�u��er�e�p��itu�r�� 1��,��� ��,�41������ ���,��� ],�1�,�3� �t���r�a�c�g�art�rc�a�����: �"�ans�'er��ut {12�,��1} ��2�,I��� �`r�r�s�`�r t���ty�f`�rr����'rrand� �3�,���� �2�,��0� {��,���} �� Tatal�t��r fi��n��n���r�r�s����� ���,���� ���,���� ����,���� �1��,��4} ��vez�u�s a�.�d at�e�r�'�na�rc�r�g sour�es ov�r�und�-�c�tpe��itt�r�s ar�d ���r fi�ar��in����s �0�,��� ��,���,1��4� ���,�2� �,���,��� F�r��E�a�ar���,begir�ni����`#is�a1 y��r �,?��,��� 2�,���,�5�� �,���,��� �`ur�d���ar���,�d��'#���al y��r � �,�5�,��� � �,���,��� � �,���,��� � �,���,�7� T��a�co�m����n�n���s ar���i���grai�ax��f`this st�temeyn�. � 13 Agenda Item 8.c. � Page 18 ���+������l �������������������� � 1���� ��������������� �������1�3 ,���e 3�,2��9 ��'�1 -�U1V�11+�ARY��'�IG�'I�A�'�'�ACC� ����I�S Th�basi���an�ia��ta��m��ts�f#������������ent A��n�}r�1������r���'����it�of`Arr�y��ra��d�,��ii��rn��,����y��av�b��n �r�p�r�� �����af�r�ryiiy v�r�t�a���rxntix�g pr���i���s g���ra���r�����t�d i��}���r��t�d ��a��s��'Arn��i�a��ap�l�����g�v�r�rr����a� a.����i�s. �h� ��v��rn�r�t�1 A����r��i�g �t�n��r�� ���r�s �CA�B� �� t�� �����ted ���r�d��-� �it;�� b�t�� f�r �sta�lis�in� ��vern�n�r�ta��������ir�g�nd fr�a��i���-ep�r��n�p�trp�s�s. �����~�s��nifi���t��'t�e���t���'�������ntir��p��i���s are d�s�ri��d below. A. I����rt�n �€�tt�r T?�� ��d��r���}��n�r������c����h� �i�y���r�o�r���r�r���{�h�.�g�n��r��� a s��ara��� g�r+�rr�rr�er����tity�s�a�i��l��d �r� ��p�e�nb�r��, 1�9X,wx�h�he pro��c�a�ea b��g�orme�ort A.��st 27, �39�,��rst��t�o t����at�ofCa����rr���►��alth and �����y��d�,5����r������er���t���"Com�r�u���i���d�v����rrY�nt�.av�". ����r�r�s�s��s���re�ar�a��nd�a,�ry��t�lar����r i��ar��r�����,reha�i���a��o�,�C�I`�(��������1"1�I������1�7���RI`�S�V1�111��Gl���,fY�������G�����3'F���CT��1C��. �� ��ate�'�alt�ar�c��afet��ode pr��r��es t�a�,�x�an�ppro�ral of�r�t��ve�opx���t���n,����tur��n��e��ta���c�r�ases tn the t�c b�s�wifi�i����d�sig�a�ed�ro,���t�r�a���I���a����t���4��n��t�nti�����x����t�t�r��ss���rx�r�d���r�ayn�e t��pra,���t �as���pai�. �� ���y�f Arr����r��c����t�r��s�s��r��rsygh�r��g���ibility��r�r����g�n��. �"h��in����l�������ti�r��f it���v�t-rw�ng ��tl��r��r, t�� c��s��a�i�r� �� �t� r��r�a����r�t, �h� �y�r's a�i�i�y t� �r�flt��r��� th� Ag�n�}�'s o��rat���s, �in�n��a� i�t��d���r�d���}�,�n�t������ut�t�bil�ty��r t���g;����'s f�����rn��t�rs. �as�d�n�h�s�versi�ht��ri�ert�,th����n��r is� ��rnp�r��n�ur�it��`t����ty��A►r���r����de. A���rdir����,��A�ency'���er�t��r�s ar�ais���i�d�d in�h��i�y'�l��s�� f�a��i�►��t����n�nts. �. ����rip�i����`�'u�r�ds Th�a���u��s��`t}��A���x����r��rg�ni��t��n t��l�a��s�#`�'ur�t��,ea�����`v�rh���is�or���d�r�d a s��ar���a����r��i�g��t�t�. T�� ���rat�o�s �f���}� fur�� ar� ����ur�t�� f�r r�v�th � s����`��� s�� ��'��1�l�al���it�� a���t�n�s t�at ��rr�pri�� its as��tsx �i�b�l�t���,��c��qu�ty,r����tt��s,�r�d��cp��c�itur��. ��������r'���s�x�r��s a�r�a��l��at�d�c���d������te�i f�r�n�divi���i �'un�s�a�e�r�p�r�tl�����p�s�f�r w�i��t���r ar���b��pen��r��th��n�a��b}�wh��h����c��r��a�tivi�i��ar���r�tr��l�c�. Th� r�i�irr�u�n nu�h�r�f�xn�s��r��i�tain�d��n�xs��nt�vt����al a��d rnana���ia�r���tir�rx��r�t�. �. ��v��-r�n�t�-wi����a���a����a��ae��s 7'������c�r��g����n�-r�r���f�a���2��tatexn�r��s ir��lu�l�a��a�er��t�f���������and a��terr€�nt��Activi�es. T��s� s�ate�en�s pres�� ��ar�����'���ernm�n�a����i�rxt��� ��r�� A�e��y, �'h�,������r���s����a��ar��br�s�n�s��typ� ��ti�r�ties,�h�re�`�r�����r g�v��enta�a��iv�ti�s�re�-���rt��. "�'}���� i��s�� #it��t����l �ta�t�rn�n#s a�r� pr���nt�� �n �n "���r���i�r����xr���"�e.�sur��r,�n�#`��t�� ��d t�e a��a�l basis �f ������ti��. �����-dirtg��r,��� �#'th� Ag�n�y}s ass�t��nd �����li�t��, �r��l���ng�a�ita� ass�t��nd ��n��t�r� �i��il�t���, �►r� i����d�d�r����c�orr�p�nyit�g�t��e�ent o#`��t�ss��s. T����at�r�r�er�#o�A�ti�r�t��s prese��c�ar�ges�r�rr�t ass�ts. �r�d�� t����crr�al l���ts����;c�r�ting,����n���ar�r���g����d i�t��p�rio��n w�i��th��i��i�i�y�s�n��anr��, ��rtain typ���f`�-�nsa�#i�n�are r�p�rt�d a��r��`ar�r��v��t�es f��-�}���4�sn�}r i�t�-���at���ri�s:{����ar�����r��rvt���, �2�����-a�i��grar��s a�d��ntri�u�i���,and�������t���ts ar�����t�rii���i��s. �'h���i��al�r��r��s r�����gr�nn�-e���x��s. �. Fu�d��x�����aI�tate���ts '��n� �i�ar����l sta���r�ts ���l�d� � �a��r��� ����t an� a �ta��rr��n� �f����t�t���, ��p����ture�, an� �hang�s i� �t�r�t� �a�an���f�r��i�rr�ar,���r��rr�r������1 f�n��. A�r�����rn��r��ir������d����s�r���n��d t�r�����iI�ar�d�xp�a�n t���if��ret���� �n f����a�����as�r���r����ir��h�s��t�����x�ts t��h�r���as����pr�s��t�c�ix�t����r+�xnrn�nt-wid��'i�at��ial s��t�m�nts.�� A��n�y��.s preser�t�c���1 f�n�s a�rr���or. �41����r��n�n�nt��fx�r�ds�-�a����nt��f�r c�n��p�nc�ir�g����rr��t�i��,�ial r�s�ur���rr��asr�rerr��n�f��u�a�d t��n�o�ifi�� a���ru���asi��f a��o�r�t�ng. ����r�i�t���r,�rtl����r��t���t��nc����r�r������iliti�s�r�i���uc��d or��1���al�����h���. T�� �ta���n��� ��`]��r��r�u�s� ��p�r��itur�s, and ���n��s �� ���t� �a�ar���� pr����t i��r�as�� ��rr����s ax�� �t��r �inan�sn� �o�r����ar��d��r�as�s���cp����tu�res�r��������nar��ir�g������r������rre���ss��s. �1���r tl�e n��di��d���rual�asi��� a����nt�r�g,rev�r�►����r�re���n���i�t��a����n������ri�d ir�w���h�h�y�ec.a�m���th r�n�asura���a���vai��bl����in�r��e e�cp���it���s of t�e��r��r��p��-�od. 1� Agenda Item 8.c. Page 19 �����������7'���I �i' ����1���,+������ � ����������� ����������������� ��r�e 3�,���3 l�fi��I= Y�����NIl�'��A�'�'A��� �����1�(�o��x��d� �. �'�x�d�in���a] �t�t����ts�,�����r����� ��v�����ar�r���r���v�r��n r����rr�t�i��a��,��r����t�at r��r�r�u�����j��t�a��rvai���n�r��1�r���a�+��t��r fis�.al�r�ar- �r��� ar�recog�i�ed w��n d��. �'�e��mary revex�u� so�rc�s� v�rh}ch h�ve b��� �r�a�ed as s�s�ept�b�� to a�crt��� b�r thc 1����1��,8�"�����`�]'T1�1����`��?���17�,i1"����'��1��1'33ri7��'lfi.���'���i'1L1�.S,�#��1�1'��7+C�S��3'�����5��'����31.���,t��1���`���i'�t���,�T1Cl��C����'i ��arg�s�'�r���v�c�s. �x��nt�i�ur���r�r�c��d�d i�t���c������r��p�ri��i in wh��l�th��������f�r�d ��a�ility t��r��r�rr�d. �3e�erred r��ven�es ar�se w��r�pa�er���al re�e�ues a�a r�ot m��t bot�th�"m���ra�1e"a��;`ava�i�����"cri�er�a for r�cog�it�o� in����r�-er����r��d, ��f�rre�r��r����s�T���-i��w��n t���;��r�r�tm������irr��r�s���s��f�r����as a j�g���la��rr�t� ���rn, as v�r���n gran��n�nie� ar�r����rr�� �ri�r�� in�urrin� �r��f�i'ying ���er��itur�s. I� s�����t���t p�ri�d�, ►�}��r� b�th reve�u��re���ni�i�����r���r�����r�r��x�������r�x-t�r��r�t�a�����al�la�rn t���r��������,th�d�#`��`ed re�et��►�fr�rin t�� b��anc.�s�r�e�ar��r�ve�t���s r��o�n��ed. Th��te��n�i�ra�io�s v�th���n�Fi.�a��i���ta��rr��nts t�th�C�v�rn������ride�ir��n�����ta�����ts��pr��+l�ed����c�lai� th�c��ff`�rex�����reat�d��r��in���a�ed appr�a�h���A���tatc��r��N�. 34. �. [�s�o��st�a�� ���r��ar��i�r��f�i�n�����sta#����t�ir�����ormity v�r��h������tx�g�ri������,ss��n�r�i�}�a���e�t��ix����r�ite.��������f �rr���-i����c�t���-e� ma�nag��n�t t�r���C� ��ti�nat�s a�d as�u�tx���i�� t�2�t �f�e�t th� r��o�rt�� arn�r��ts ��'�s�et�, liabi�����s� re��r���s,�n���cp�t�i�xre�ar��cp�r���s,�s������riat�. �►�tual�e�r�]ts�o����i�=F�r f�otr�tl�os���ti7n�t�s. F. Pro � �`�c��ven�z�� �n�r��r��a�pro��rt�r�ax rerr��r��s r��res�t proper�y��s ir�e�c�pro,���a�rsa ari��n��-om�ncr��sed a�ses��d�+al�a��or�s �ver�a.s��Zu�t�ons�sta��i���d��t�e �nceptivt� o�'th�p�ro�j��t�rea. �cr�r���ta��P��y��s from s�ch �roject ar�a ��n��t�th��������r���l al�l���i���ies and��rnrr�itrr��n��of�h�pr����t ar�a�h��r�1����rep��������udin��u�n�lati�r��r��� pr����l�c��r���i�k�d b�►�h��g�r���r�.Af�er�ll s��h i�c�����d��ss}�as b�en r��a��,����r���rt�r���#'r�rn th��r�j��#���� r��r�rt���k��t��rrari���tax��g a����rit���. �. �..ow_�r�d��d��at�In����i��u�sin� - .,...., ,_,_,._.,..�. ���al�#'�rn����a�th ar�d�af��y��������i�r��������pr�j���a�r�a���c����sit 2����of���c.a��d i��r�rr��nta1�r���rty�a� rev�n�����r����o��r�����nd pr����t���lus 2�°�0 o�'��r�rr��x����r�v��nu��ix���cce����`t��1�t�ervi����yr����s�r�������� �n�o a�,ow ar�d Ma��rat��n�o�ne�ou�in��"u��. �his rno�e�r�s r�str�ct���`or t��p�rpos��f�ncreasi�g a�d im�rovis�g t�e ��r��r�ity's�u�p�l������a�ci����r���in��rne h�us��, �`he�4��n��r a����r�ts��r�h�s�r�ven�e����p��ia�r���nu� fund. I�. �eferr�d�ever�x�e �����-re�i r�v�r��� �ri��s �+��n �s��ts ar� ����iv�d b����� r�v�r��� ���gni�i��n ��i��r�� �a�r� b��n s�t�sfi��. C�ts �r�� ��t�t���n�nts r���i�red��f�r���i��b���t�r�quir�m�nt�ar�������r��ard��as��f�rr�d r��r����. �r�t�e��v��-ntx��nt2��fu�nc�� �ix�ar����l s�at�r��n�,r���irr����s as���i�t��w�t.�n�r�-��c���x���i�r�r�s���i�r�s�a�������t b�������t���v�t}�i��t�av�il���l�ty p��iod�a�r����a b�e�r�cvrc��d�s deferred r���n�e. �. �I�t 1�ss�ts �ove�m��t-wi���'i��n�#�l��atem��1� �n��s���in�� ita�As��ts ��t��������d����-7�hi��ateg��y gr�up�����a���a�as��ts,��t���tl��g infrast�ru��ur�,�nt��n� �or�p�n�n� �f n�t �sss�ts. ���utr�u��t�d c�epre���ti�n ar�d ��� �r���t��d�r�� ��l���s of d��t th�� �r� �th-�bt���b�� �� �h� a�c�rxi�i�i�n,��ns��tio�,�r�rn����r���nt of t��s��s��t�r������h�ba��n���r���i��at���ry. , ��stri���d I��t A��ets—����r�a1�r�d�t�r�,gr����rs���r�t�bu��rs,an���v�rs�r re��lat���ns�f�����-��v�rnrr��r�t�,r�str����hi� arno�nt. [�nr�st�rri�te��I��A�����--����ar�o���is a����t as�e���hat c��rt���n��t�]�����in�t��r��f"�nv�st���r���pit.�l as��t.�, ����� i'������d���"O�"����`lCt�d ri�t�SS�t,S�'. �� Agenda Item 8.c. Page 20 �������������������������������� ����� 1���������������1���r�1� �u�e ��,2009 l��'�� �� Y OF���'i�A�'F A�C� G����C�S����t�ued� �. �1�t A���ts���n�ir�t��c�� �nd�in�r���a��t�te�ent� ��nd�a�an��s�Rese�at�ons af�r�d b��a���s of��r��rnm�nta�fx�n��a�re created to����ers���s#`y��ga��or���ar�ts,��cludin� ��at��aws,t���r�qt�ire���rti�r���'th��������n���b��egr�g�t�c���-ide�nti�y t�����rt�����f���n���ity n�t a�rai�a►1��� f��-��-������c���ur��. .�. ��r�A���o�nt�ng Prono�ncemex�� ��r���r��r��������r��t�n��t�r�d�rds��a���ta��rr��r��i��,�� �or t.�e f�s�a� y�a��nde� .��r,� 30, 2��9, t�� ���n�y��p��rr���t�� �o�ern�entai A��o�nti�g�tar�d�rds Board ���5�� ����e�er�t�o.�9,"A�ca�ntrtn�ar�d�'�nar�c�a]R�portin�for P���u�ion��media�ian O���gati�ns�'. �he�t�at�e�ner��i�ef�'e�t��re f�r�er��ds�egi�i�g a���-��c�r�b�r I�,2��7. '�`he Sta�et�ent a�ddresses���o��nting��d�n���ial r�p�r�ir�g s����a�d�for ��l�ut��r� ����x��in� ��r�tar�iu�a►���n� r��edia��i�n ��������o��, r�r�i�h �r� �b�i��t���s to ad�r��s �� ��r�nt o���t�x�ti�l ��trirr��r�t���tFe��s��`��ci�ti��p�I�u�i�n�y paxt��������i���1�����x�r�rx��c�i��ion a���i�i���s��x���.s sit��ss���m«�ts ar������n �xp�. ����op��ftl�����u�ne�nt�x���t��p���u�i�n����e�ti���r��r�t��l�b�i�a�t���s vcri�r���e�t����rr�x���p�rat��ns,�d �tu,r���l�t�ti�n re�n�c�iati�n��tiv���s th��ar�r����upor�r�tire�ner���f��s��,�u��as lar���i������r�an������]���r� car�a�d������r p�wer��ar�t����rr�r�is�i�nin�. I����m��ta�i�x������r�����at��er���1�.4�,��c���t ha��e a�t�rr��a��t�� th��gency's fin��c���s�t�r����s�`or���i���1 year�ndec�J�ne 3�,20�9. �rave�rr��nta�A�co�xn�ing��ar�d�r�s�oard��a�e�ent�10,�� �or t�e �is���r�ar end�d��� 3�, 20��, t1�e�g���y imp�ernent�d Cov�r�e��x Accot��t���ta�td�rds�oa�d{GAS�} �ta���r�e��I�I�.��,"L.an�a�c����r�ea��s�a���I�}�l as In��st�n�nts by����wrns�t�". 7�he�t����m�n�i��#�'�c�i��f�r peri�ds �����nir�g����Jun�1�,����. '����tat���x���s���is����onsist���st�tdar�ls�'�r t��r��or��n�o�lar�d�r�����r r��l�sta►t� ���� �� inv����ents t�}� �s�e��i��]}r ��rnx��r e���ti�s. ��� r���ires �nd�w�r�rt�n�� �� rep�rt th�ir ia�d �r�� ���r r�a� ��t�t� ir���s���t����ir�a�u�. ��v�rr��n�nts als�ar�r�qr�i�-e�t�r�}��rt th�������s i.��`�ir�a�l��a���rr��tr�er��in��rx��ar�c�to � d���l���t��rx������1��nd s��ni#��a���s�ur��ti��ns��p���r�d������nnir����ir�r����,an�l�t���-in�o�m�ti�n�ha������ar�-�r�tl�r �r�����f�r����r inrr��t��r��s r���rt�r�a�f�ir va�u�. �tnpl�rt��nt�ti���#`�h� C���S�at���nt��.��,�i�r��t h����n irr��a��t a� th��g��cy'��n�ncia�st��er�en�s for���iscal�rear�nded J�ne 3�,2�09. �or���ex��a��c�cou�nt�g Stax�da�ds�oa�d�tatern�nt�a.55 F�r th� fisca�yeax en�e�i JuNx��30, �0�9, �e Age�cy ir�p�e���t�d��v�r�x�e�ta.� A��o�.n�ir�g Sta�da�-�s�aard{�xA��} �ta���n��t�J�, ���"'�"h��i�rar���r���rs��r���y���pte�A���ut��ix�g�r������s���r�#��������a� C�v�rnm�t�t,s". T'�� �tat�����is�f�'��ti�� as �f A.�r�� 2� ����. Th� ��,je�tiv���this �#.�����n� is t� in��rp�r�t�th��ti��-ar��}r of`��n�r���y Ac��pt�d A�c�����ng�'ri���pl�s���A�� fo�st�te an� loca� govern.r�e��,s ir�to t��C�ov�rn.mental Ac�o��tin��tan�a�'ds ���rd'� a��t���`i����+� �i��r���-�. �'h� #`�x��� �i��-�r�h�r" ��nsi�t,s �#`t}�� s��r��� ��a����xr����� p��n�ipl�� us�d in �h� �r�p�r�ti�n t����ar��i���t����nents��'sta����c�1����g�v�rn.r���tal��t�������a�a�-�pr���r�����n��n��rrnity r�+it��AA�,ar�� ��fi�rr����rlc f�r s�����ing�h����rin�i�]��. Y�n�l���r��ati�n�ftl����4���tat��n�n�I��.���c���n�t�a��r���irnpa������� A���n��'��ir����i���tat���n�f�r t������1�+�ar erlde�,�t�r����,���9. ��v�n�m��ta�������i���#,ar�d�rc����ard�t����n�r���I�. �� F�r t�� fi���l�r��-end�d,�un���, ����,t���g���y irn�1���nt�������r�m��ta�� A���r��i�ng �tand��r�s ��ard��A�B� �ta�eer��nt��.��,;`����f i��t��������o�n�ir��ax�d�i�an���1 R���r�����i��n����n��i.�r��d ir�t�i�����A��a��rr��n��t� ��di�i����ar���r�s". ��sta��rt��r��is�f����iu�a��f���1 1�,2���. ���1�����rtv���th���ta���rr��r�t����tr�����rate��nt� t��C��v�rn�m�nt��A���u�tin���ax�da�-������-d's��A��}ar��h��tati�r���t�rat�r���rtai�a���t�nt�ng�r�c��nan����rep��i�� g�idar��� pr���nt�d �� ��� �4���i�an �r��t�tut� ����rti���i ��1���� A����tr��ar�t�� �t���rrt��� �x� �4�ditir�� ��at�darc��. T`hrt� �����r�,�r��a�c�r�s���t�r��i��ues r��t in��ud�d �r����at���i�ri�y'� Itt��r�tt�r���t��estab�is�n�d �x����r��ir���rir���pl��—r�l�t�� �ar�y �ransa��ior�s, go�ng ��ncerr: �or�s�dera�ions, �r�� s�bseq���t e��nts. �e ���s�r��a�a� o�'prir�c��l�s used i� tF�� pre��r-�a���n�ffi����i���#a����nts��x��r��p�sr��r��t�l}r�n��►����in a���untir�g a���an����r�p�r�in�sta���rc�s ra��r th�� �n t��a�c�i�irt�l�t�r�tur�. �rn�l����rt�n��`����4����a�eyrr��n���..�6,d��not����ar��rx�p����r��h��4����y'�#ir��n�i�l ���t�r���a��f�r th�f������r���-�r�d��,�un���,���9. �� Agenda Item 8.c. Page 21 ������������������������������ � ���'���`��A��������I�►� �T����I�'�'� �u��3�, ���9 N��E�-C�►��I Al�����'���'�'� Cas�ar���r��res�e�ts a�t J�����,�009,co�s�st�d o�t���o1�ov�+ir��: Cas�a�n�in�estmen�pool�d wx�h�h�Ci�y � 4,���,$�4 i�estr�cted cas��nt�ir�ves#�rt�nts w��h f��ca1�gent R 5�4733�3 T���l��sh���ir����trr����s � �.��� 1�� ��Ag�n��r�as�o�l�d it��as�a.���r,�r�s�m�ts�tr�i�t����ty ir��r��r��a�Y����r���i�her�-�t�r��r��x�v�str��nt. ��rta�n r��tr����d fi.��ds, w��ch a�re h��d ax�� �nves�ed by �����c�ent ae�t��d� �x�s���ia�s �hrox�� �a�ta�a��� agr�et��nts, are not �oo�ed. '�ese r�st�-ict�d fi�x�ds incl�d�cas�w�th �isca�l age�ts. ����h��it�'s���n�r���n�i�r�Ann�a��i��x���aI�t����t f�r d���l�s�r�s r�l�►t����������d i��+��trn�r�ts�����c�wit������ty and th� r�la������t�dya���sk��t���r��t��r�. �r��r�str�n��ts��t��ri�d��_��b��4gr���n��ts �r�v�stme��o#`�ot�proceec�s heYd b�r no�e trus�e�s ar�go���ed�y t��provis�or�s o�'t�e de�t ag��erner�ts,ratl�er t1�ar��e g��er�� �r�visi�r�s��'�h��a�i�'�r�ia C�r��r�n��������r�e�g�n��r's inv�st����������. ���a1���b���w,ic��r�t�#��s���v�s��n�ty��� t����r�a�ut��ri�e���r investrn�nts��I���fis��������s. 'F��ta���als�id�ntif����e�tai��r��+is�c����#`#��s�d�bt��-eem�tt�t��t addx�ss i�t�res��-a��ri��,���dit ri��C,anc��c�n��������f��r�di��isl�. ��x��n��n �a�c�m�� �u�ho��d iViaxir�u� P�r����ag� �r�v�st��n� �n��s�m��t'�"� �aturi ��1�vrred ���r����su�r _ �on�y r��rk�t 2��co�n#s N�A �ane �1��e �is����ur��1�����ir� ������s�l�at��i�k �r�t�r��t��t�����i�t��r���C t����hange��m�r�C��int�����r���s v�+il�a�r��rs�I�a�`��t t#�����r va�����a�inv��tEn���. ��r�e�-a���,th� 1�n��r t��r���.rtty af�r�i���s�m��,t.��gr�a��r�h�s�t�s�fii�ri�y��i#s fai��r�lu�t��han���in xn��-l��t��t�r��t ra���. �r���f`the r�v��r� t�at�he A�e��y r�r�an�ges�ts expo��re to�t�te�s����risk�s��p�rc��s�ng a cofixtbinat�o�ofs�or�er�rm�nd�or�g�r tertr�i�v��trn�nts �nd b}►tirn�ng ca��f]��vs f�-�rr�rna�uri���s s�t��t a��rti�r��f`th���rtf��i�is m��ri���r��r�tr���1���t�r�a�urity����l�r���r tirr���s r�����sax�t�pr�vi��t���ash���ar���ia�r�����y r��e���f�r��a�ra���ns, �r�f�rrn�ti�r��b�t�t�h�s�x���tivi�jr������►ir val�����t��������r'�in�r��t��r��s t�rn�I����r�t�r�st r���tl��t�at��r�s�s�r��i��d b}�t�� fo��o�vin��ab�e that show�t��dist��b�tio�o�`tlx�A��cy's inves�nent,s�y matt�rity; -- - �t��n�ini�����r�r�t,y������tl�s� , �ar�ryin� 1��c���� 1���� ��5-�� ��r�t��n �����tme��T � Am�ur�t �Les� A�or�ths I1�����s b�1VYo�t�s He�d b�r�i���I�gent: �ri�n����r���fut��� � ���x�� � ���.��� - - � ��'7.�13 � ��'�.�1� �,.� � - $ - �� Agenda Item 8.c. + Page 22 ������������i'������ 1�1.i'����������� � ���� 1����������������������� ������, ���9 �V'�'I'��-CASi�A.��Y�S'�'1V���'�'S(�v��im��d) �is�����re�1������n t� o�r��i�����C ��r���al��,�r��i�ri��i�th�r���th���n�ss��r��`a�inv��t��r�t v�r���n�t�t�fi1�iis����gat���t�tl��h�ld�r�f�h��n��s��r�t. 7`�is i� rr��a�s�r�c�b}r t��a�si�r,�n��t��r~a�������r�ati�r�����r r���gr���ed�ta�i����al r��ir�g��g�r�i�ati�n. �r��ent��b�I��v t��h�7ni��rt�t��rat�.ng r��uir�c�b}�th��a�i#`��i��r�v�rnnner�t��d�,�t�����a�t��]rati���s�f�s��]���r�r��f�r���� i�v�stm�n���. . 1V��ni.murr� L�xe�n�� �arryin� �,ega� Fr�� —-- - ���i��as�#`�i��a�����x�nd...,.---, � ^� In��st�n�nt T�e Am��n� ��tix�g ��s��o��re �1AA �a N�t Rated ���d��r fi��a1�g�x��: �oney�a��C�t fi,�nd� ��?3�� NIA � -� � � $ - � 5�7;3�3 - � �---- - � �u����c�ta��redY��i��C �� �rx���t���� �r�dit ris� fo�-r'r�v�trrr�r���r is ���ris�#�a�, ir�the ������f t�� ��i�ur���t�e ��r�te�a�Y��.g., br�l��r-d���e�� �� � �t`at�sa�t���,������nrr�����vil�n����������e��v��-��va1������s ir�rr�slx��n�����1����r��s�r��t���t���a�-e i�t�����s�s��n of ar���h�r�a.r�y. �e�al���rn�a����rr��r�t��d�ar�c�t��Ag�n��'�i��e�t�nent�����y���n����r�ta�n������r��l�cy requi�e�n�n�s th�t ���1��i�i�t����c���u��t�����odi���r���t rislc��r i�n�r�s�a�r�ts. �Vit}�respe�t��rtr��r�st����,�u����i�i cr�dY�ri���en�ra�ly��pli�s �n��to dir������r�strx��n�s�n rr�ar���at�l�s��u�i�ies. �us��t�i���redt�ris�C��es r��t a��l}r��lo�ca�g�v�rntm�t��'s��n��re�ct i�v���m�n�ir� secu�r�t��s�hro�g��e�se o#`rr�a���r m�ket fu�ds or�ves�ent wrt�1�����'. I�v�s�m��t�r������r�v��trn�r�t���1. T'}���g�r���r is�v�l�n��ry�at-�����t�t��h�I���a��g��cy Tnv�s��nt��n�{�,�IF����t i�r�g�lat��b��h����f�rni��r�v��r�m�r�t ���������tJ���rr�rsig�����h��'r��sui-er�ft�����t��f��lif�rn�a. ���'�ir�������the 1�g�n�}r's��tr����rnen�i�n t���pao��s r�par��d ���h�a���x���}+in���si�fina���al������ts at t}���r��un�s����d�p�n�h�A�en�y'��ra-ra�a s�are�����f2�ir�r�l��pr�vided b� ��#I��ar�h��r���re�,��portfo�io(�re�ati�r��o the amor���ed�ost�fth�p��o��o�. ���a�an��avai���le far w�t�drawal�s��se� on��e���o�r�ting r�cor�s m��an�ained by�,A��,w�a��h are re�orde����n a�or�i����os�basis. ���3—���T'Y'��t� T�������y p��-��as�c�l�n�ir�t�i�a��t�nt������,��9 dr��r�g tl��Z���l�����s��l��a�r. T��Ag�ncy is�urre����h�l�in�th�lar���`�r r�sal�. �r��r�r�t�ry i�va�l�e.������t v������p�r�xi�at�s fair valu�. �Y���---�1I�I'',�����YA►�I� Th���ty's I��d�v���pr���t A��x�c�t{l�A�h�s��t�r��������rxr��as�a�ar��rt��nt��t.�t�����.sin�A�t��ri�r��d���i�y�#`�a��,�i� ����p�. Th��t����r�has��r���rty�t�����n��,�v�r ar�d 1����rat���t�������ds, Th��r���rt�wa��e�����t�t������in� �►u�h��ity#`��r����,�������s}��lu�s���,����s a�r����r���rtrra���. ��s n����s t����-��a�y�w���at����th��r���rty is����. ��'��-��A�I"�',A�����'� Ca���a�As�ets A�,����o�s���et�rem��t� � �4�1�a�ptta�as��ts ar�r��1�e����is��ri�a���s��r�st�r��t���i�t�ri�a1�����f`���a�l�����ri�a�������r��t a�ra�l��l�. ��nt�b�t�d������1 ����t�ar�val��d�t t��ir e��i.ma���fa�r�+a�lu���t���a�e��r��ri�u���. ��A���t�}r'����icy�s���a��ta�i�e a�l�}�i�a�l a�����w�t����t,s �����d�r����rt�ix�rt�ir�i�u�n�hre��t��d�,��,���,u�i�h t����c����i�r���'�n�-��tru�txtr��t���,�����d v�►�t��s��rx�l�v����c�����n�t�v� ��ars. �� Agenda Item 8.c. Page 23 ��1'��������1 �������������������� 1'� ����� 1���������������1����1�7 ,��.I�l���,���� �'�������'�'Ai�,��5�'�'S���ntinn�d� '����t�� ir������r���ti�r��#'C�4�� �t����n�r�t�1�.��,�}�����r���r�tas����rd�t���] �t�pub�i�t��m�in���fr�strt��tur�����i�al a���ts, whi��in���de r��ds,br�d�es,���r����d g�tt�r�,���ts ar������v�allcs,drairra��s��t��ns,�nd �i�l��i�g s��terr��. �"h��rxrp�se.�f de��-��xat�on is���pr�a�tl����st��`�a���t��ass�ts e�ui��b]}�a�n�r������x��r��u��-�h�li�`��f��s�ass�t�. �'}��am��nt ��a���d �� de}�r��ia���r� ��c��r��� ��c� fi�c�l y��r r����sen�s ����fi��al ���`'s���r�t� ��ar��f�1�� ��s��f����t�[ ass�ts. ���� �ta���n�r����.��r�q�ires ti��t�����p�tal a�sets�xri�h�i�i����s�ful�i�+��l�����r�i���d��r�rth�ir���ir��►t�c�u���11�v�s. �pr��i�ti�n i��r�vid�d��ing���tr�i���in��m�t���w���}�tn���s�h���s����h�������di�i���b�r i�s�xp��t�d���#�u}�if���}��s���t��r�sul� �s��arg��������������h #i����y�ar�n#ii���a�s��X�fiY���r���r��i����, "���ge�n��has a���g��d t1���sef�x� �iv���isted I��1��t� ��pit��ass�ts. �tru��t,�res�nd�rr��ror��m�r��s �0 y�ar� �c�u��prnent ���5 y��r� ���r�str��t��-� �S-5� �e�rs ���it�l�s������t���ty�`�r th��s���}r�ar��t��d��r����,2���,was a�f��l�v�r�: ����r�c� �a�ar��e Jul�r �, .iu����, ��DS Ad��t���s Del�tiar�s 2��9 .... — - �o��x����t�l A�t���s , Ado�c�eprecia�l��a���l �sse.�� La�nd � ��3��� .� - .� � ^....�.,.,-.�,.._„�.�._. � ,,,..�,�$����4� �`�ta1���c��pre��a��l� r��ital�s���s _ ^1,������� --- ,�,,���,��� ��t�����aI a�s��� � ^1����,��� - � � ���.,��34^5 �'O���L�N�����B'�' 'I'�x A�lac��o���x��� ���a�r �,���7,t��A��n�y is�u�d��,���,���������t.a�c����r,�������nc�s t�����r�c��f�r��s��r i�pr�v�rn�nt a��iviri�s, ��bond� ar�se��re�by�}��ec�g��f�h�Age��y's t�x ir��r�m�r,t r�rr�txes exc]uded�o b��aic��o oth�r taxi�g a�tho�iti�s,pursuant�o pa�s- �h r��g��gr���n�r��s,b�ar��n�nt�res�ra�����'�.���4��0�r�r���rr�r�b�x�d�€'$1,���,���,���urix�g�n��pte��er�,��19�a���an i���r�s� rat��f�.���°���or a t�rm��r�c�������{}�,���,t�nat�i�-����ptemb�r�,���'7. �s�f J�n���,����,���prxr��i�al���a�n���u�s#a�r,�in� r�vas$�,�7�,0�0. � �'!���f�I77�ri11"�L��'x"!]7��11"���'E����1��#1�� �����'1��7��'3���38]�5������1.1ri���,���9#ar��s f�����r�: F���a�l ��ar�r�di�� �r�v�r�rx��n�a�A��i�ri���s .��nc�0 Prir�cipa� Int�r�s� T`o�al �, �.��,,.� ���� � �V��V� � �����V� � ������� ���� ������� ������� ������� �Fr��� ������V �TJyLI�� ���y��� ���� �1��V�� ��.Jy��V ���*��� ��1� I��,��� ���,��� ���,��� ���5-��I 9 �75,��� 1,SS5,775 �,�60,�75 ��2�-2��4 �7�,�0� �,3��,�4� �,��9,9�� ��f+��#r��� �#����Vkf� �*����f R7� #��{r�.{r3fr�V ����;���� ��������� ���y��� ��������� � ����-���� �,���,��� 1����� 1,���,��� � �,275,��� $ �,f�?,?�9 � ��,�4�,7�9 1� Agenda Item 8.c. Page 24 ���������1 �����.��� i��i����,���I�� �` ���� ����ti3��+ �������������i��� .�L�ri���, ���� N���—���»�1����fi��o���� At�����e��'rom����ty���rr��►��r�n�� �h� �it�r �f�4rr��►��r���� �as ar� a�-e���t�t��t� t�� A.g�����r��ridir���`��-�h� ��van�� �f f�r��s t� f�r�ar�r.� irr��r���xr��r�ts�r�� ��era�i�n�r�la�t��r������1 wi�hin th��r�j��t�r�a. T��it�t�r���r�����ar���b�r tl���it�t��h����t������°�o. ��,�r�n���,���9,c�� ����n��r�a��utstar�din�advan����a�r��l����h��it�r�f�rr��r��r�t�����'����,93f. �I��ay�r����is d��wi�l�f��n���ar. �l�a�ge�i�Long-'�`ermk�bt�b��at�a�� T��f�l����rin���a s�r�rY�ry�f]��g^���t�e����l�gati�r�s d�ng th�������9���a��r�ar. �a�at�ce Bala��e Dr��'�V�th�n ,�t�]}���2���---- A�t��t��r�� ���eti�r�s J�n�3�,���� �r����ar _�, � ��v�i-r�m��n��a�ti���i�s: 7'�x all��a�i�n��r��� � �,���,��� � - � ]����� � �,2��,��� � ��,��� Advan��s�rom�ity of A�-�-o�ro��ar�d� �94#5�� 1�,��0 9�$,9�� � �,1?�����. � __�_�,���„_ � ��,��� � '7,1��,��f � ������ ���7��N'I�� TRA�'�A�'�"I��� �r��erfur�c�tr�nsa�ti���ar�r���rt�d as eit��r��ans���rvi����r���c���,r�i�nb��-se���t��,�r tra�s��rs. ��an��r�r��orted a�in��rf�nd r����va�����c�pay����s, �s a��rapr��t�,an�ar���b,����t���i��r�a���n���n ��n���i�a��i�r�. ��rv�����ro�+���c�, ����ed t� ��at r��r�c���r r��ar�na�r����ra���,ar�tr�����as r��v��u���a�d����t��i�ur�sl��pen���. '#�e�r���r��rn�r�ts����r wl������f��d in��rs��c���, �har���t.��a��r��ri�����n�f�tir�g f��t�,an�re�u�����s r�lat����s��s a r�����rs�rr���nt. ��1��he�i�t��fwn��-ansa�t����a��treat�d as �ra�t��'�r�. �"ra�sf�rs a�������v���nt���'und��r����t�d as p�rt��`��r������1ia�i�n���r�g��+�rrYm�n�ww���finan�����t���t���ts. Ir�t�rfx�n��'rans�`�r� in��rfx�r�c� trar��f�r� ��t���s� �����r�►t�r�� tra����-s �-�� f�unc�s x����iv�r�� r�v�r��� �o �r�ds t�r��x� �v�i�h t�� �-�sour��s �r� �� b� ex��nd�c�. �nt�rf��d trar�s#'�r�f�r th�����-���9#i�ca�}r�a�,ar�as f����ws: �'�� �'_r����rs�n �'ran�f�rs��t A�a�ar�r��nds: L,�v�r ar�d�1�i���r�������Yal���r�x�u��und � � � ���,��l �]�A4 Ca�it�] Proj�c��und ��2,4�3 ��t��S�rvi���t�r�c� . ��7,��� �'�t�.l� �--------��'7.��� � ��'7.��� �� Agenda Item 8.c. Page 25 �II����� ��� � ��I�T����� L.^�� ��������� �U�7���r��r�����I"1���7 ������ ��������� ���Jdl���l���, .�r��1 ���1�k��l,�.+�1��� �I�AfC A H�f�T�l�l�Il41,�1��4 �EL: 80�_9��,��79 H�#DLEY 1��fU�,�P� FA�C: 805.52�.�14� wu�+w.rr�l�cpas.com ��D�'�'����P�I�'�'�I��V` +�'A����R����1��N'A��� R��l�'��Al���1���1V��IA����1TD�����4+�A'�"�'EI�S�A�����Al�` A��'�'���TA�'C��"I'A'�1V���'��"���� A����DA1���E���� �'�U��T�I�G��"���� �o�rd�f��r��tor� �ted�v���p�x,�nt Ager��y of t.�e�i�y of Arro�o G�n�� Arr��+���and�,��1���1-r�i� �N�har��audi�ed���i����i��s�a���rr��n�s�#`t��g���rnm����l a����rx�i���nd�a������r f�r���f t.���.�d�v�l��rn����ge��y�f�h���ty �f Arroyo G����t��Age�cy�,a�atr�p���n�ur��t o�the�t�y of Ar�roya�rra�d�,as of�nt��`or t�e#is�a�y�ar��t��d J�x��3�,��09, �r�i�� ��11�ct3v���r���}�ris�t�� Ag����'�l�asi�#"�n���ial sta�rr��r�t�as �is��c� tn th��a��� ����n��r�ts# a������ issue� �ur r���rt �h�r����ia�e�l I+J���r�l��r��,����. 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Moss,Lery and HaAZheim � Member��� i � � �� Last � . Kraetsch_ . __ _ _ _ ! Levy � � . _...-- J .. ...�'�i �� ' Mi dle.lnifial Ilpngela � IROn..__ !' I Member � -.-----_ ' Member I I � --- - -- —�, ( I '� ' -_ � -------- — Mem6er �_ � _� ._Ji ! Street �14 E. Branch �� � '�,, 802 East Main _ ._', i Member .-_. . _ . - -- ----- -� — � a � '�_ __� 1�..._�� Ciry Arroyo Grande � Santa Maria , __ � � �ne�ung:aa�tress stete LcA---,� cn � j zip coae ssazo- ; ssasa- I iStreet 7 P.O. Box 550 .— _---_-.----J Phone LOS)47�-543�� (805)925-2147 � � �� SVeet 2 21q East Branch Street ___,__� City Arroyo Grande_j State CA , Zip 93421-0550 Phone �(805)473-5432____ _� �� Is Address Changed? � � n n Generei Intormatian Page 1 12/1/2009 = � m z � N � �k��i��.'������`�� �,�. "' � � � 2��, ° �a�����`���* �����'`��r � ;a F �.`C � .��'�.!u�7 � . � � � � 3'` n.: Y' ,� . i �� � � ��, xf . a s � i Yfi '�+Y � '�t- t e s� � 3 � ' �.�}�`�� �,� �p�� ��a�� � �aa �y`�" � c-3s �s�� �d r e � : "'��.3����'.,"���'��....__�,..�.'��F..�,�... ... . �tv ,:;,� e ..,.:, ..5�..: �"� . �.:.n t _ r o.., _. ..2.._�s.,���a�a�"�.��Y,�,�. �,I.�,..".�,,,.�� � Audit Information m �x -----— ---_ ____.__ - - - - ------- - - - - Fiscal Year 2009 Was the Report Prepared from Audited Financial pata, I Yes�� If compliance opinion includes exceptions, and Did You Submit a Copy oi the Audit? `——�--�---- state the areas of noncompliance,and describe the agency's eHoris to conect. Indicate Financial AudR Opinion Unqual d _ _...___ , If Financial Audit is not yet Compleled,What is the L —� ' Expected Completion Date? -----�-� � �I If the Audit Opinion was Other than Unqualified,State �, � . BrieBy the Reason Given �� Was a Compliance Audit Performed in Accordance with � � � Yes� ; Health and Safery Code Section 33080.1 and the State `� - �-�� ---���-- J I Coniroller's Guidelines for Compliance Audits, and Did � You Submit a Copy of the Audit? I Indicate Compliance Audi�Opinion �nqualified � �� I�� If Compliance Audit is not yet Completed,What is the Ir- � -� � � Expected Completion Date? — Audk Information Page 1 12/1/2009 ' � = ���r�� � v . rs`'v��.. •.ti E .. .. v.: : . � " � .. ..4_ .?� .. . . �., . �:..� . : � .... _.. . ..... . , u. :!. � M1�{7.�... .. ;.�6. ..:.. a .�' t .. � .. � �:: .. . n.0 �tiu . r��' ��i�v : . �� ��� , � 9�r3 �'��"��+2vE �� -�� � � s ! � ',� - � y����`�� 6.+�,}�'�`����.. �r�`�-�' �t . i r.�,s.� .,_5-�r�-s�.�'�a�����ti"�5.. .. ��,.�� ,�:.. �i ik*, ����+'�':^°�$. '� "' �m=�`z : .�#,-rfi#�e., �� .t °"�.°f'�"�y _.,.., . , ... .,,e_ ..._._. k�.��_...._., . , ,.x.�... ,.,,,ryu! ..e _....dw� —z-m..a�i r.. Project Area Report Fiscal Year 2009 ProJec!Area Name Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project i _-__ ------ -_— —- --- � Please Provide a Brief Description of the ActivRies for this Project Area Forwarded trom Prior Year? During the Reporting Year. Enter Code for Type oi Project Area Report 'p _ � .ActivitY Repod .�- P=Standard Project Area Report A=Administrative Fund � � L=Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund M=Mortgage Revenue Bond Program . 0=Other Miscellaneous Funds or Programs S=Proposed(Survey)Project Area � Does the Plan Include Tax Increment Provisions? � Ye Js Date Project Area was Established (MM-DD-YY) I 6/10/1997'� Most Recent Date Project Area was Amended �. .� Did this Amendment Add New Territory? �_ _.___� Most Recent Date Project Area was Merged � � �, Will this Project Area be Carried Forward to NeM YeaR '� � Yes'� Established Time Limit: Repayment of Indebtedness (YearOnly) ' 2042 Effectiveness of Plan (YearOnly) �Zpp7] Newlndebtedness (YearOnly) � - �- 2p�7 � Size of Project Area in Acres � � 7qg!. Percentage of Land Vacant at the Inception ot the Projed Area i � 10.0'I Hea/th and Safety Code Section 33320.1 (xx.x%) Percentage of Land Developed at the Inception of the Project Area � _._ . . 90.0 Health and Sakty Code Section 33320.1 (xx.x%) Objeclives of the Project Area as Set Forth in the Project Area Plan �, -�RICP I (Enter the Appropriate Code(s)in Sequence as Shown) `-- - -- R=Residential I=Industrial C=Commercial P=Public 0=Other Prqect Area RepoA Page 1 12/1/2009 ; a . , , m . .. ,... , . ..:�w �.�,,; ,_�4 . _.���;H ���� ���� �_.�:.. �� - .,° .,,;, : � � r w��^' w �. .,g�x. w v, ': : iw -��3� : � .: � a � ��' i��, 2 �. t ' �,�a,, :,yr� v�.,� t ? s ,� � �? ��.,�� � ��,6`�f'k�'��'��� -� s �' ; 1. _ . '�_#;r;- . . .,_�s5�.�.-�'� __.,.���5"`!3'�!*_.x.,:,,.�.:.., ,t,;���t' .: .,.�. . �?_ia �'.; ao �,-�,�n ,�3��_�E.��f_,.. �+;�:?... .s:, �_ ,,, ...�,. Assessed Valuation DaW Fiscal Year 2009 __ _ _ _ Project Area Name Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project ''�, Frozen Base Assessed Valuation '.____ 123,359,666 IncrementAssessed Valuation 136,891,609 � TotalASSessedValuation I� 260,251,275 Assessed Valualion Data Page 1 12/1/2009 :�� �. 3W +w- ���,:�tt.;�.� � _ �. :._ �..�.., .. .,, . .,. -..:::�� , . :...�v r' �a.am1� - �u.� � � � � � ' � , �,� n�� � � .. .�� ;t� -" `�- � �' �a����.��"'fl .� � � `' e is.�- , . ani .:� �..'9 44�kH�.9�, �r'�z� �k . � G+� � � •. . �� ; � �u 2 � '�`i°�� .. . . ' ' .. o-miw '°'�Auo v ._..aa t''f'DiE..Z.;�rc: � { . e .. .__.._._ .. .. .. . .. . . . . _ . .... Pass-Througfi/Schaal District Aasistance Fiscal Year 2009 _J' Project Area Name Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project �-- --_—� Tax Increment Pass Through Detail Other Payments Amounts Paid To Taxing H 8 S Code H&S Code H&S Code Total H 8 S Code H&S Code Agencies Pursuant To: Section 33401 Section 33676 Section 33607 Section 33445 Section 33445.5 County � _.._. ', 81,287 $81,287 Cities C____ _ _� 57,466 $57,466 School Districts I 45,630 �22,320 $167,950 – – CommunityCollegeDistrict i� � �� � 19,458 � $79,458 � �� � �i _ _ , _ . .. _____ ____ - ,�; Special Districls I� I 13,272 $13,272 ni: a ,�.v�':x�:� �����'� 3=i;+�= 7ofal Paid to Taxing $0 $45,630 $293,803 $339,433 $0 $0 Agencies .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. NM Amount to Agency $1,130,164 Gross Tax Increment - 1,469,597��, Generated � Pass-Through I School Distric[Assistance Page 1 12/1I2009 ,_.,, :- a ,�, ._ r rz � ... ;,.. ; � � ,a� ... 5.. �. ' r+'SYij� g�'a S p: '.-n e �.. . � �7�I5? _e. 0. ': . � . . . . � ..., ?S.,L re eYPe"m.:-a.. ,y..[�-.s.� n.. �i .i} . ��d ��... . "" . nr . . u rti .� e ..�..4't i', k� :�.d°G: " .0 YtI ��=e `-!'�. .M1�+�°� ;.� ��. .�: ''.�' s.x.�" t.§ '�'�?...__ .. .. Q ���.,r�� �Fgi�@ , s.. =.a. �*m:a�.�k .. .���..av'�k_>a a�,"- ..,�'�-.-e�+zSR�,§al.H.,�� ' Summary of the Statement of Indebtednesa-ProJeci Area -------___ --__.. _.._ . _._. ... . ._ _..--... ._.----- ._._._- Fiscal Year 2009 Project Area Name °-sv���l,,: _� � ,�.m��:� �r,:���.�.`:i�� TaxAllocation Bond Debt ._ 12,667,167 Revenue Bonds � � �� � Other Long Tertn Debt �i Ciry/Counry Debt I � Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund � 10,116,915 �I Other ' 17,911,221 '. Toql $40,695,303 Available Revenues � ' Net Tax Increment Requirements $40,695,303 J Summary of the Statement of indebtedness-Project Area Page 1 12/1/2009 .+'t � . d � . ... �' �� �� ..: ;. . ��, � a, -tn i,,. Y.. . .:m�.. _ _. .. . r,._e �+ � �,�„ ��,- . .�.... . ., , �: . .. �m.::: . . , ,.,..,. . . . : . . .;, .. .�..»F.i _m _v�:.�G. . �...... ���:. ��� �.� - �€, ,7,,g -_ ��:mv y=� --'`� p.},p,_a� �`�� �„ �"�'��9 dk,��,�F Y� �t"`�i..��_ . �a�����!!. ��.. . ..��.�P�?.�:. , .TF�����.��'n.:r.. t FP'��C° : ! .��: m ' . , Ageocy Long-Term Debt .^._ .f �... srzsu.� P.,'..'.. . . . FiscalYear �2009_ ____] _ ___ — __ . _ -- -- _ Pro�ect Area Name Arrovo Grande Redevelopment Proiect � Foiward from Prior Year "�€;:a Bond Type Ciry/County Debt ---- - . _ .., � _ I Vear of Authorization 19 Principal Amount Authorized 3,938,219 '� Principal Amount Issued �' 3,938,219 I, Puryose of Issue iCity Advances �, Maturiry Date Beginning Year '�_ 2006 Maturity Date Ending Year �,; 2008 Principal Amount Unmatured Beginning of Fiswl Year $894,556 Adjustment Made During Year '�i� � ---- _ . � Adjustment Explanation � '_-__—___. . . _ Interest Added to Principal 0, Principal Amount Issued During Fiscal Year �� . � � Principal Amount Matured During Fiscal Year �� Principal Amount Defeased During Fiscal Year I � Principal Amount Unmatured End of Fiswl Year $908,936 Principal Amount In Default . ' Interest In Defautt � �-----___.I Bond 7ypes Allowed: '—°°___.__.__._.__w._..._...___� __.�_---_ Tax Allocalion Bonds; Revenue Bonds;Certificates of PaAicipalion;Tax Allocation Notes; Financing Authority Bonds;City/Counry Debt;US;State; j Loans;Lease Obligations;Notes; Deferred Pass-Throughs; Deferred Compensation;Other ! i . �_.._._ ._._ �_.J Agency Long-Term Debt Page 1 12/1/2009 � � � � n ��� �� :a; _,....�� � „ . ,.. , : ,,. F.. ,` , 'Fmro. ... , s�:,�.��` i�,,,5.�`��_.�•_ .. �����„�„�_49�� .�._.4.��....:�� x -rz �. �._ ..._ ...��. �. . .'� �+ 4 d. -�„*��°�...� �.,. � Agency Long-Term Debt Fiscal Year 2009 _ I - - — —-- -- — Project Area Name Arroyo G_rande_RedevelOpment Proiect __ . _ � Forward from Prior Year Bond Type Tax Allocalion Bonds ._� ..__._.— .__._ .._ _ ._ Year of Authorization � 20, Principal Amount Authorized 6,285,000 'i �--- Principal Amount Issued 6,285,000 '� Purpose of Issue To Repay Debt and Fund New Projects b 9� � 9 �-'-� __.___._--_.. Maturi Dafe Be mnm Year . 20071 Maturiry Date Ending Year '� � 2037 Principal Amount Unmatured Beginning of Fiscal Year $6,285,000 � Adjustmenl Made During Year ' I Adjustment Explanation ' Interest Added to Principal ��� Principal Amount Issued During Fiscal Year �� I Principal Amount Matured During Fiscal Year 'i 0� Principal Amount Defeased During Fiscal Year j �, Principal Amount Unmatured End of Fiswl Year $6,275,000 r---_._-------- ��� Principal Amount In OefauH ��� Interest In Detault � Bond Types Allowed: —� ----- --'—`�_.w_.�.. __..___w.._._..._.__�.�--- Tax Allocation Bonds; Revenue Bonds;Certificates of Participation;Tax Allocation Notes;Financing Authority Bonds;City/County Debt;US;State; � � Loans;Lease Obligations; Notes;Deferred Pass-Throughs;Deferred Compensation;Other �! :. __�.._._..�._.�_..- ----___.__�..___�__..._.___..�...______.�..�_______.__,_._..__.,..._._._.___._»_...._.---'-----1 Agency Long-Term Debt Page 2 1211/2009 -: ,tGwt .� �.�. r � rm. ::�. .�.: 1 a � ' ' . T � � �., e. . = 2`�''" �s0' T ' C� F �'y4: i�a�'Sf:.c;:.-u�.'�. .m. e��, ,..-H �,a._.� �R��.�`�T`_#u. .. _.:.m..., w_.. ,a�. . � _ .,�6-.a::�. .. ,rtQ� !.t �S'�u,�,v�` .:..:i F�� �.. �� . . ;.. . ._ �. «. " � ���.` YJ � ���� 4 . �..�.�a. ___ '�5�.:. `��.,�.,+ �,`w'° ..�a,e`I-�„ :a� ... �w. S�`.r" s-, z.�,51,i;n�.-,e . .;� �:ul4 .. � � 4, nv"`�:. a' Statement of income and Expenditures-Revenues Fiscal Year ;2009 _ __ _ --- -- -- __ _ -- Proiect Area Name jArroyo Grande Redevelopment Project I LowlModerete Special Capital Project Debt Service Income Housing Revenue/Other Funds Funds Funds Funds Total Tax Increment Gross j� � 1,175,681 '. 293,916 . :..;:� .. .._,.._. $1.469,597 (Include All Apportionments) � Special Supplemental Subvention � �� �� ! $0 � PropertyAssessments ' '� $0 �� - __..__ �. --- Sales and Use Tax � ' ; $0 . .___ - __. ---- -- -- - - Transient Occupancy Tan _._, , � � . � $0 Interestlncome 27,423 � �� �4,795 �, 53,141I �$85,359 __._ _ _= ___ -- .- _—__ _�— . _ _._._ T- - . . . Rental Income I, $0 , — _ -:-_.:,�:-_ lease Income �'� � I '� $0 __ - — ____. _. _—_ __ . .- _ _ _ . ____ Sale of Real Estate '� _ _ �,___ $0 � Gain on Land Held for Resale '� � � � ��! �I $0 Federal Granis � I '� $0 GrantsfromOtherAgencies I � _ _� __ ' $0 BondAdminislrativeFees � �r '� ' $0 --i_._..____ ----- OtherRevenues ii� � ; 101 : $101 ToWI Revenues $1,203,104 $4,795 $347,�56 $0 $1,555,057 Statement of Income and Expendkures-Revenues Page 1 12fl/2009 ;R 4 , t �: �i .. a:,; �, � : �� . P ��bh�'t+ ��a� ��ay�.�- { �"`� . �N��.�a�+� r�,.a5, � � �� �sr, t�.� P r.. �. _ ��i " ��: a, .9s°��z f � F t�s-'�-��r`�i"�����X�#':: -i . : ¢'� -R���'� '� '`�" '�"i . � ' �*�4��`� �.��i�'�`y'ia`�3: =m .`.�.,�a:1,..._�i!.:.v.., . s��..� _i. _.�,rth , ti�v,....�..�lvv . R....,. .u_�a_.,...,I- � _..:5:'.r___ �t......,:a.. ,.c�: ... " cA:_'':?2*,r �3,c '�FnT,k.,.: Statement of income and Expendttures-Expenditures FiscalYear �009_ _� --- - -- _ _ --- ------� Project Area Name Arro o Grande Redevelopment Pr�ect__. � CapitalProject DebtService LowlModera[e Special Funds Funds Income Housing RevenuelOther ToGI Administration Costs 22,933�� � � 28,626� � L.__ I -- —_ $51�559 ...— --.__ .__. . � ... Professional Services � � 98,537 I ._ L - 1g,154�, $117,691 . — . _ Planning,Survey,and Design i�� � I ���.. - $0 _ _ _- _ _. —_ ...__._ Real Estate Purchases � $p — -- � . .._ . .. __-._-- . -- �— Acquisition Expense ��, $p __--._. . .. _. _ . � ..`—__ .. . __ Operation of Acquired Propedy �� � � � '� ' $p __�_ . .�__ - - -- —— -- RelocationCosts '. ..__ ',, ' $0 . _____.._. . _ _..-- Relocation Payments i ' '�� - �-- $0 i '�--.. L. . �. �--- -- _ _ ____ Site Clearance Costs �, �— � �� $0 1 P .. _ ' --—-------_.. Pro'ect Im ravement/Constmction Costs � . i, i__ ._,______� $0 �_-_-._.T , Disposal Costs �� I � $0 Loss on Disposition of�and Held for '�� -�— �� _ �—$p Resale � Sfatement of Income and Expenditures-Expenditures Page 1 12/1/200g 5�, � .;d-r 3 n v.ms a,E, �,:.a«.� . :o� ... � �� ����� .._ . ...� �� -� �s �`1 �- ���"." k. .,w. ` �Ee ..a � .�u . ,il�. . _ _ _ s.. � ����5�'oi .� 1�°� ��'� -°��.. .. L, _ . .,. . � ._ :. ;, y, �4 � _ � . �6-�`�"�{+`�'� . . .. . , , ��r� r f�Me', rviC....uai's.�sA:.n�..... n:.. . . � . ..,t'. .. .A n. .: .. ... .... . .�M..i.'i�R p�M1 ^m.�J- � m .u.;. _�.. . �M . _...._....' i�......:a3i� Statement of Income and Expenditures-Expenditures Fiscal Year 2009 ___� Pro'ect Area Name Arro o Grande � � Redevelopment Prolect __ ___ , CapiWl Project Debt Service LowlModerete Special Punds Funds Income Housing RevenuelOther Tofal Decline in Value of Land Held for Resale � T- �—. �—_ �— _ �_ $o --- — -- Rehabilitation Costs �� �- �— '� _ _.. �� $0 --_ Rehabilitation Granis � � � �— $0 —� - � ---.. . - ___ Interest Expense � 14,3807 ._ 357,916�' _ ' � $372,296 Fixed Asset Acquisitions I�_. � ���. � � '�., _._ $0 �_ . _ _ — Subsidies to Low and Moderate Income �� 'T-� � � �� � �I � �� � �� $0 �-_ . �_ . __ __.. _. Hausing --. __ _ - -- ---� Debt Issuance Costs I_ _ 1.. $0 -- -- �---�- -._ -- Other 6cpenditures Including Pass- �_ ._ 376,2461 2,000 , �- � $378,246 Through Payment(s) Debt Principal Payments: _ Tax Allceation Bonds and Notes � � 10,000'��. $10,000 ._- __ �—T- Revenue Bonds,Certificates of � _ .� � '�, � $0 Participation, FinancingAuthority I �- ��- Bonds �- --- -- _...__. City/County Advances and Loans �__ _ ��._ . _ �. , . _ . _ $0 All Other Long-Term Debt L_ _ _ _ � _ �� _�— I _ . ._ $0 Total Expenditures $512,096 $369,916 $47,760 $0 $929,792 Excess(Deflciency)Revenues over $691,008 � ($365,121) $299,378 $0 $625,265 (under)Expenditures Statement of Income and Expenditures-Expenditures Page 2 12/1/2009 r a� �w �m� � a � t# � ; E s-� xs;� � � ;" r�� ' �� _�� �"� � � � � � ..,..,,�. "�'�` t .,. �. ��, ._.`�.� '" - , . .. !,s..�. � ..._, �., �. ,. ._ „ v:�.w ... ��... a�:: �,, ,. ... ._.... �, i.. .�a�.. .a. .a� . ... m.x. dY�, .. ... ..._ , ..i f 3 .�h:�&�tFS�S .. �" :'i i � ; � k . -�� Fm<dd��1� u,..u��ni�h,',��-.,,�.P. o .a:�. , ._.._! �.. e a ...._.. . . na. � .ev. .._... . . . ox '�9��'._n ..u. .. >r .� ���P�e_� SWtement of Income and Expe�ditures-Other Financing Sources Fiscal Year !2009 __ _ _____� Project Area Name AROyO Gran_de Redevelopment Proiect _ __ � Capital Project Debt Service LowlModerete Special Funds Funds Income Housing RevenuelOther Tofal Proceeds of Long-Term Debt � �� � j � � _ _ ._ . $0 -_ ._.-T--- ---- Proceeds of Refunding Bonds � I �_____ $0 �-. _-- - - - --- Payment to Refunded Bond Escrow Agent � __ ����� �� __ . $�.. - -- Advances from City/County �_ _ . _ j —�_ � � ___� $� .. - - -- ----� - Sale of Fixed Assets i _�___._ I j . . . . ..$� MiscellaneousFinancin Sources Uses 398,389 � -25,753 'i �� � _ -�,-_ _ - 9 � ) __.__. _.. i__ _ ($424.142) ... ___- I __ _ ._ . —__ _._.— _ __- . ____ Operating Transfers In . 347,504�'. _�� $347,504 Tax Increment Transfers In � '�. � $0 __ . . ___ - --__ . . -- Operating Transfers Out �'�� � 22 0 ', 125,101 � $347,504 ---....-- ----i -. .__- Tau Increment Transfers Out '� � �_,J . $� _ (To the Low and Moderale Income Housing Fund) Total Other Financing Sources(Uses) ($620,792) $347,504 ($150,854) $0 ($424,142) Statement ot Income and Expenditures-Other Financing Sources Page 1 12/1/2009 ::� � ^rr��� ' .�`�' r.�w-�.� a. � ,. .:v 'x-�... � Y.� : v � � sa.,�,I��{ �t�¢.i'"'f:: ;$ ?'��n... a ,x � B'�m..,v_.u�� ,2, cn�F.S:�. ... ... . .. ..... , vvm n �.�s . .. ...._..�_.......... .. a . .£—a ._�n . _�:ie'—� .: . ..._.a.n- .n'e'.!cci� ..i ,. � : 'm:. ���r� ,m k'sd,�" ... ,.. � . � ,.. . ., .. ,a;,.�� 5y��. x� � �' � ��'�.... �._ �'t ��s��° h '��+. �r ° ��"��a.::: r � '� � � �,a � � �i ���.. '�__Y t.�.,�'"i �A�__..�+� ... . ... ..... _.=R _ .._ ,�,� ._:�:.:�: . � �:..�_.i._ - - r _ . _� s t. .'��"Y.`��{„��: Statement of lacome and Expenditures-Other Financiag Soorces Fiscal Year i2009 _] — _ - - -_ Project Area Name Arroyo Grande_Redevelopment Proiect _ _ _i CapitalProject DebtService low/Mode2te Special Funds Funds Income Housing Revenuel0[her Total Excess(D�ciency)of Revenues and $70,216 ($17,617) $148,524 $0 $201,123 Other Financing 5ources over Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Equity, Beginning of Period $2.159,917 � $564,930 $2,747,589 $0 $5,472,436 -- Prior Period Adjustments �j �: � � $0 Residual Equity Transfers i !', .____j� � . $� Equity,End of Period $2,230,133 $547,313 $2,896,113 $0 $5,673,559 Statement of Income and Expenditures-Other Financing Sources Page 2 12/1/2009 . LS :tiN�£3��y,.p� : r"v},i r" ti���� 'M��au ... : 5 �..:t i' y i: Y � � 4 L �3�✓!( � � ���c� , ���'-" �y�'s�.�4�t � �y d . ���7�, �"54 �.� . � �`° , � � �' � � j8' � �� �s � 4T�,v a�+ h F ,. � �P�� �'� '�" a� �- ��' �, 4 ;°�y m��c !„��'��1�3'` �a,�° s,"���"k�"�t�k �'� ' ������ �, � d '€ e'� L � cu 'fi�._..-1���:p .. . � .....:mrsfl�t a.. �.S_..n �e C. . « .,.l.eknre..r� �...e ..._..... ..... amse��..._ .... _.....a.. .. � �.�t.e�E .. u � .. . .�..�._ s�ex°"Ii..n ..fi..arv iS�_ . . ._.< . .. � 3 ._ Balance Sheet-Assets and Other Debits Low/Maderate Special Fiswl Year 2009 CapiWl Projects Debt Service Income Housing Revenue/Other General Long- General Fixed Funds Funds Funds Funds 7erm Debt Assets Total Assets and Other Debits Cash and Imprest Cash i 1,378,720 � ''i �2,823,084' $4,201,804 �. c. ,_. _-_ ._. . .. . - _ ..._ _.._ Cash wRh Fiscal AgeN ,,_..... ..�..--547,373 .._ ...,__ . ' . °'-' ,�'.. . .: $547,313 � ._ . ._--__-.�—._ ».,.,..� Tax Incremenis Receivable �� 25,79��_'L . 6,446 I _ �, �*� �r� �'-�����`sm,. � _� --- Acwunts Receivable - ' �-`� ' • � �. .n'. �.�,: $0 Accrued Interest Receivable �� 5,219 ''�.�- -- - . -- �� ----� g�gqg i .... .._.���� ....� ��_._�� y:rs $13,867 _. _.. -- - �--T LoansReceivable � j. � 55,500� _'��';���,� �;-,� , �;,�_ "- M '��� $55,500 ContractsReceivable �. �� � � � � . : ,__ . _ L __ '� ._ r�'°i� m.�.�n .e,_`,. �X'"� . $0 � _ _.- _ ... ..��.. _ -_' _ . __ __..___T-__ _. LeasePaymentsReceivable � � _ I _ '�-,�`' �°�� $p � � __..�_--- � __ . .__ ..-- ---- ---- - - — Unearned Finance Charge I , "" """`"`��"` "`` L._ . � -- —_..._ _. _ __ ___ . � v . - $0 Due from Capital Projects Fund I '�. - � '� � ��� ��"- $p a . ' .�.11 :., .-._.;�u::st�v� a ._ . _- —_ _. __ . � _ .' -- Due from Debt Service Fund _�__ _�_ _ ��. __.__I_. ' . � �`�°''' ' . $p Duefromlow/Moderate �i - . � ..,.� �_ ;� . .^ _�,a�ni= ° '.:: . $0 _-�._ ._�. - _ . Income Housing Fund r�- T � .�,.� . .. DuefromSpecial � � �i �E �'°fl�#'�:,�.�'.�a#i�`' �-`t�`���4=: ����� $0 - .._ ___-- - _ _ - --- :. .:';. Revenue/OtherFunds Balance Sheet-Assels and Other Debits Page 1 12/t/2009 :;,� � : �i�.v'� q� r. � .. ..: _ _ ...i 5 �d a� .: 'it' : a �ry � :°'��` �,`5,,,,'� �, . �'„'����4�'�.5�.� �., � d� 5' �,� a� E, � 1 �y�t: �''�... _... fi� 3 a � � h� `i�� � `§`�°� . �' a. �' . �,.3, ,� '�'t,; � t�u 4��' � ' 'HI �b '� '� �,��' �� ���F T�3 � � ..._. A ' m t ��� � !F '^f .�m ` _ �.v'y5... ..._.., st. vs .e.a.� .c �_. s . , e . . �a.,mmm ....,' ..._.s..dt'�ri'i r 4.u...R.. .. . . ..... . ....0� a I..., '�{.. . _ m. Balance Sfieet-Assets and Other Debits Low/Moderate Special Fiscal Year 2009 Capital Projects Debt Service Ineome Housing RevenuelOther General Long- General Fixed Funds Funds Funds Funds Term Debt Assets Total __T- . Investmeats � � �i�"°' ��� _ $0 I-- --- - - -.._._ ` _ --�-- - OtherAssets ������. .._ _� 5,000 �I . $5,000 - Investments: Land Held for �__ 825,129 ;�;.,;. .� � � � :.. $825,129 Resale Allowance for Decline In � � "' ` �_ _ �a` —� so Value of Land Held for Resale FizedAssets:Land, ;�x' +- �':,, �'� . _ ....,��� .;'���w . ' ,� 1,649,345 $1,849,345 ._ _.. .. a,�w. ..� �-_ R�.._�. ,.�s, . ._,... Structures,and Improvements -��-� Equipment .::Q�avs�N= �,-�`�'-�* F ,�... * ��� ��at+�..wE� 'r�.�'��' ��i r �w :,»�_.. _- _.$0 __....__ -.. _. __ — _ Amount Available In Debt � -��E " °'_"�� " "- �� �:' ""'`' `' � ' "'� ' '-��"`' $0 ��_. Service Fund . . .�� � - - ...... . � —.-. - . Amount to be Provided for _ - �� � ' 7,183,936 $7,183,936 Payment of Long-Term Debl � �� �---- Total Assets and Ot7�er $2,234,858 $547,313 $2,898,680 $0 $7,183,936 $1,849,345 $14,714,132 Debits . . .. ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . ...... . (Must Equal Total Liabilities, Other Credits,and Equities) Balance Sheet-Assets and Other Debits Page 2 12/1/2009 ; '; °. , �ta�a�;� ,. ,.� c���a�a�E �+ ; :: .. . � �� �a�i ; � � .�: � �����..; � � '` ��W�.r� ��. . :�A�e�,�... .^, . : .;. x y . .� . .:?,. . x�...�x � ,: _.. :. . :. . _ ���_�,.:�:_.._�.� . s�,.0 ,...,.: > . .- :. •: Balance Sheet•Liabilities and Other Credits LowlModerate Special Fiscal Year 2009 Capital Projeets Debt Service Income Housing RevenuelOther General Long- Generel Fixed Funds Funds Funds Funds Term Debt Assets ToGI Liabilities and Other Credits Accounts Payable , -..-- 4,725� ._.�� 2,567 -.... m x,�; .. . . �'x a;r`'. $7,292 �_ .._ _... . __ . . ---._. --- ' InterestPayable j._ ... __—. _�_ _ j_ .__� . ��'A'�'..: $0 _ -- ._. ._ _ � $0 Tax Anticipation Notes Payable I _ �� __ ��. �'-`°��-��"' �-_� Loans Payable '� � -�_ ��- � �� �''�'��' ' $0 - �- - �--- --- �. . _ � Olher Liabilities �'� � ' $� L.-- -- - .. ._-�__ - --- -- __. _�...� ;;i:m= $0 Due to Capital Projeds Fund , , �� I. ��= "� i .-: ... __. . -. -. ._ .._- -- - .. . Due to Debf Service Fund , .� _ � �_ � �'`'� $0 - s�' ;. v DuetoLow/MOderate � _�� _ __ � T � _ ��-�"�"'... �' $� Income Housing Fund �� - �� � DuetoSpecial �. _. __-- ._ ... � __-- �.- -- '�;: , r:,,. ,:� q�� x i�. ..,- $0 . . _ -- - - —�` � ._. Revenue/OtherFunds TaxAllocation Bonds Pa able i ` �'� � "�'- "�„ � 6,275,000 ,_=-m �'N1i� '� �$6,275,000 � y ;, —� � �� .��_��� _ _ __>.._ Lease Revenue,Certificates �� " �'��, �� � �-�.,�� - ` ;'-,- ;, � � � ' � ., -x:u $0 of Padicipation Payable, � -���� Financing Authorily Bonds - AIIOtherLong-Term Debt m�°'� �'�"�;:� � 908,936 $908,936 Tofal Liabilities and Other $4,725 $0 $2,567 $0 $7,183,936 :_� $7,191,228 Credits Balance Sheet-Liabilities and Ofher Credits Page 1 12/1/2009 r �� m i ,.� ; �k.a�-�' o- . '. � '�,�'���v�'yw,-� � ,� _ � a� ff_- ,�_ . , �. a,,,. :� , : ." ..s.,.,ad.�.�, -.:... �... . .:.. . .......�,,: y��,,�..�.:�� ., y � � + 5 � .t, � ��J�� t F��t�t tt����n't FlZR�l �'��Yitlt±��... �.:' `'��, F � � � � �� . __,.�a ..�°��,��z_ �'_,�rs�_§P�.��A°'�w �� i � �' ���" ��' s� �"� . c. �..,.u_�2; ? ._.,�� .,: .... a. . �. .,�s.,,:�a�,��� Balance Sheet-Uabilitles and OtMer Credks Low/Moderate Speeial Fiscal Year 2009 CapiWl Projects Debt Service Income Housing RevenuelOther General Long- General Fixed Funds Funds Funds Funds Tertn Debt Assets ToWI Equities Investment In General Fixed ' �` �� � ,,.' 7 ��.}�.�,'�;�,�,_�3 A,e , �,... : '- � .1,849,345 $1,849,345 Assets - - - .. Fund Balance Reserved � 825,129 , '� 55,500 i � � � " ' $880,629 : Fund Balance �� 547,313 �2,840,613�I , � $3,387,926 ��. 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Branch Street Arroyo Grende CA 93420 rojeetArea ARROYOGRANDE --- - - - - - - — - - - _ _ _ _ — _- - - Type: Insfde Project Area Status: Active � � � � � � Plan Adoption: 1997 Plan Expiration Year: 2043 Gross Tax Calculated Amount Amount Amount Total % Cumulative Increment Deaosit Allocated Exemoted Deferred Deposited Def. 51,469,597 5293,919 5293,916 $0 SO E293,916 20.00% SO Repayment 50 Cateaorv Interestlncome 553,141 OtherRevenue 5701 Total Additional Revenue 553,242 � Total Housing Fund Deposits for Project Area $347,158 Agency Totals For All Project Areas: Gross Tax Caiculated Amount Amount Amount Total o�, Cumulative Increment Deposit Allocated Exemqted Deferred Deposited Def. 51,469,597 5293,979.4 b293,916 SO EO $293,976 20°/a SO Total Additional Revenue from ProJect Areas: 553,242 Total Deferral Repayments: SO Total Deposit to Housing Fund from Project Areas: 5347,758 Page 1 of 1 12/01/08 California Redevelopment Agencies-Fiscal Year 2008I2009 Project Area Contributions to Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds Sch A Project Area Summary Report ARROYO GRANDE Taxlncr. Percenl ToWI Projett Area 100Ye of Tau 20°/.Set Aside Tax Increment Amount Defertal Deposited to of Tax Repayment Other DeposHed to Increment Requirement Allocated Exempted Repayment Hsng Fund Incr Dep Defemals Income Housing ARROYO GRANDE s1�469�597 $293�919 $293�916 $0 ,SO f293�916 20.00% $0 $53�242 $347�158 Agency ToWls: $7,469,597 5293,919 5293,916 $0 50 5293,916 20.00% $0 $53,242 $347,158 Note: Print this report in Landscape Orientation(Use the Print Icon just above,then Properties then Landscape) Page 1 of 1 12101/09 California Redevelopment Agencies-Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Status of Low and Moderete Income Housing Funds Sch C Agency Financial Summary ARROYO GRANDE Adjusted Project Agency Net Other Total 'Unen- Unen- Unen- Beginning Area Other Total Resources Housing Housing Encum- cumbered cumbered cumbered Balance Receipts Revenue Expenses Available Fund Assets Fund Assets brences Balance Designated Not Dsgntd 52,747,589 $347,158 EO 5198,634 52.896,173 $0 32,696,713 $0 E2,696,713 $0 $2,896,713 Expenses Pianning and Transfers Out of Total Administration Agency Costs 2008/2009 547,760 E150,854 5198,634 •The Unencumbered Balance is equal to Net Resources Availabie minus Encumbrances Note: Print this report in Landscape Orientation (Use the Print Icon just above,then Properties then Landscape) Page 1 of 7 12I01/09 California Redevelopment Agencies- Fiscal Year 2008I2009 Status of Low and Moderete Income Housfng Funds Sch C Agency Financial and Progrem Detail ARROYO GRANDE Beginning Balance E2,747,589 Adjustment to Beginning Balance SO Adjusted Beginning Balance 52,747,589 Total Tax Increment From PA(s) 5293,916 Total Recefpts from PA(s) 5347,158 Other Revenues not reported on Schedule A 50 Sum of Beginning Balance and Revenues 33,094,747 Expenditure Item Subitem Amount Remark Planning and Administration Costs Administration Costs $28,626 Professional Services $19,154 Subtotal of Pianning and Administration Costs 547,780 Transfers Out of Agency Other $150,854 Tax allocation bond payment and cost allocation transfer Subtotal of Transfers Out of Agency $150,854 TotalExpenditures $188,634 Net Resources Avai�able 32,896,113 Indebtedness For Setasides Deferred 50 Other Housing Fund Assets Cateaorv Amount . Remark Total Other Housing Fund Assets Total Fund Equity $2,896,113 2004/2005 594985 2005/2006 5211372 $um of 4 Prevfous Years' Prior Vear Ending Excess Surplus for 2006/2007 E244236 Tax Increment for 2008/2009 Unencumbered Balance 2008/2009 2007/2006 §251778 5802251 a2,747,589 E1,747,589 Page 7 of 2 12/01/09 California Redevelopment Agencies• Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Status of Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds Sch C Agency Pinancial and Progrem Detail ARROYO GRANDE Sum of Current and 3 Previous Years'Tax Increments E7,007,782 Adjusted Balance 5z,896,113 Excess Surplusfor nextyear 51,894,937 ' Net Resources Available $2,896,173 Unencumbered Designated SO Unencumbered Undesignated E2,896,173 Total Encumbrances EO Unencumbered Balance E2,896,113 Unencumbered Balance Adjusted for Debt Proceeds SO Unencumbered Balance AdJusted for Land Sales EO Excess Surplus Expenditure Plan No Excess Surplus Plan Adoption Date ISite Improvement Activities Benefiting Households Income Level Low Verv Low Moderate Total Land Held for Future Development Site Name Num Of Zonina Purchase Estimated I Acres Date Start Date Remark Use of the Housing Fund to Assist Mortgagors Income Adjustment Factors Requfrements Completed Home 5 Hope S Non Housing Redevelopment Funds Usage Resource Needs LMIHF Deposits/Withdrewls - Document Document Custodian Custodian COpV Name Date Name Phone Source Achievements Description Page 2 of 2 12/01/09 � ������ � �� � #�+I��RP��A�E�? �� � �' ° iV���IA�RAI���l� � ��,�� ,�, ���, ,� ��� �� ����� T�� ��TY ��IJIV��L FF��iIA� A������# l�C�A���`��H, ��F����T�F� �� �#�11AIN��TF�AT111� ���V��� �1.��,JE�T: ���V����F�A�'I�IV �� ����LIJ���� J�I��E�TII�� TF�� �T���� R���RT �N D�VEL�PMEh�T Ii�I��A�T FE�� �AB-'����� �]�ITE: �]E�EIIIMC3�F� �, ���� I����IVIAAEI���T���V: �t i� r���r�rr���d�� �h� �ity ���r��il ���p� a� F����I�ti�� ����p�ir�� ��� �t�t�� r���rt �r� �I�� r����� �r�� ��� �f ���r�l�pr��r�t I�p��� ���� {��-'I���� �urir�� ��� fis��� ���� �r���r�� �u�� ��, ����. FI�VJ�IV�IA� ��III���T: T��r� �� r�� fi���� irr��a��# �r�rr� �I��� ��ti�n. ��#��C����iV�: ���r�r�rr��r�t ���� ���t���� ����� �� ���. ��r������ �i� ��-'����� �-���ir�� I��� ���n�E�� �� �r�r���� an �����ntin� �� irr�p��� ���� irr������1 �n d��r�l����n� �r�j��t�. T�r��� ���� ��Y�i�a�ll� t�t1�d A� 'I��� f���� �r� �r���nd�� �� �rt'r���� ��rt��n �o�� i�n�a���� �����r���p��-r-���� �r����� �n ��i�#ir�g ���y�a�iliti�s ��d ir��ra�str��tur�. ��� ���i� �����rrtir�� �r�d r�p��#ir�g r��p�r�si��l�ti�� r���ir� tf�� �i�� �� p���rid� � �������d r���rtir�� �� ��� ��� �� ���r�l����r�t ir����t ���� ��r�ry �i�r� ���r� ����in��r�� �itl� �l� 1���i�8}. 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Agenda Item 8.d. Page 5 � � � � Agenda Item 8.d. 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Staff recommends the Council adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING THE STATUS REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES (AB-1600) WHEREAS, Government Code Section 66001 (d) requires the City to make findings once every five fiscal years with respect to any portion of a development impact fee remaining unexpended in its account five or more years after deposit of the fee, and to identify the purpose to which the fee is to be put, and to demonstrate a reasonable relationship between the fee and the purpose for which it was charged; and WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed the development impact fees collected between July 1, 1999 and June 30, 2009 to determine if any such development impact fees remain unexpended; and WHEREAS, the Council finds that expenditures made on public improvements funded from project development impact fees consistent with the requirements of Government Code Section 66006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby accepts and files this Status Report on development impact fees. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2009. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONYFERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY � ������ � �� � ���o��o��,��� �� �VIE��I��#�VL�UM � � � � � JI��Y i�* 1$11 � ��� ��� ���� ��. �i�� �����i�� ����■ ������ ��������� �����l��� �� �����������I�� ����I�i�� �������■ �i������������ �� ������ ������il�� ������ �"` ������ ���� ������� ���./�I�� ��� ��� �� ����� ��� ����� �l����i�� ��� �l������I�� ������������ ����r �������� �� ���� �����������I��• I� �s r������r���� tl�� �ity ���r��il r���i�r� �r�d fil� th� a�r�n��f r�p�r� ���F�� r����� �r�� us� �� v����� �r�d ���nr�� ��p���ty �r�d ��n������t� f��� �n� ���r���, ir� ��r��lia��� �i�h ���r�rnr�n��� ��d� ����i�r� �����. 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Tl�i� �I��r�� �nr�� �r������ ��r����� t� tl�� ����r��i�r� �� ����i�r� ����� �� ��� ���r�rr�rr��r�t ��d�� �r�d ���ti�� ��.��.��� �f tl�� �it� N1ur�i�i��l ����. �u� �� �h� s�����r�ti�l r�d��t��r� ir� d��r�l�prn�r�� ��tivit�, n�v�r r��r�r��� ��r tl���� �ur�d� I��s d��r����d, T#�i� h�� �����r�� �d���trr��r��� �� pr�j���i��� ��� ���ur� ��pit�f ir������rr��r�# �r����t�. �t�f� is a�l�� irrv��t'r���ir�g t�r� �bil��� �� ����i�� � ��rt��n �� t�� L���� �a��i�ity F�r��l ��la�r��� f�r g���ra�l �nr���r�y���r� ��pital �r�j����, AL���.�AT�1���* '1"h� ��I���rri�� a��t�r���i��� �r� �r��r�d�d �'�r �it�r ���r��il ��r��id�r�t��r�: - ����'��r� ���� r���r�r��r��a��i�n �r�d ����p��f�� r�p�rt; � �o not ���ept �taff reco�rr��ndatior�; - N�odi�y st��f r���mr�ner�d�t�on ar�d a��pro�r�t - �'r��r�d� �ir���i�r� �� �#�f�. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 2 ��� ������� IN�4T�� AI�� �EV11�� I]�11EL����h�� ����-�4�V�l��L Ft����T ������EI� �� ���3 PA�E � ����������■ �� ��ceptin� ��� 11V���r a�d ���v�r D���I��rn�nt F����r�r���� F��p�r�, �h� �ity �nrili �� ��r�np���r�� �nri�� ���r�r��n�r�t ���� ���t��� ���1� �t ���. �nrl�i�� r��ui�-�� �h�� uv���ir� �r�� �ur��r�d ��� �ig�#�r ���� �� ��� �I��� �� �a���r ���a�! �r��r, � fina�r��i�E ������#ing �� �h� �r�r�����i��� ���lin� v�ri�l� �nr���r ��d s�v►r�r �����i��r ar�d ��nn�����r� f��s �r�� ���r��� {���r����rr���t irr�p��# ����� �I�al� b� ���� ��rail��l� t� t�� ��bE��. �I�A�C�IIAIV�A���: ���r� �r� r�� �I i����r�r�����s tr� r�la��i�t� t� tl�� r���r�rr���d�� a��ti��. H��nr��r�r, �� n�� a����ptir�� �h��l��t�r a�r�� ��v��r D��r�r��r�n��� F����Ar�r�u�al ����r��F�� �i#y v���,f� r��� �� �n �orr�pl�an�� �nrith the �o�r��r�r���rt ��de. �I�111F��IV�III��V�'�� F��1�I�IN: I�� �n�r�r�r�rn�r�ta�i r��ri�urr i� r���ir�d f�r thi� i��rn. P�.l�LI� N�TIFI��#T`��I� �IV� ��II�IIIIr��1T�� �T`�r� A����� �v�� ��st�� i� �r�r�t �� �ity H�II �r� T�urs�a��r ����rx�b�r �, ����. �`�� A��rr�a ar�d re�ort w�r� po��e� or� th� ��ty'� v�r�bs�te �r� �rid�y� �e��r���r 4t ����. No pu�lic corn�ne�t� �nrere r���i�r�d. J��t���rr��r��: �. �ta�t�r�n�r�� �f ��r�d ��lar���� ��r V1fa#�� �n�l ���rv�r ���r�l��r��r�� ���� �r�d ��arg�s Agenda Item 8.e. Page 3 ��������� � ��� �������� � � 111f���r �n� ��v�r�r D��r�l�pr��r�t ���� a�nd ��a���s �#���r��nt�����r�r����, ��c���d���r�� �r�� ���n��� ir� F�r�� ��I�n�e� � �i���l l��a�r �nd�� �l�rr� ��, ���� �e�v�r IIVa�t�r V11���r ���ility F��ility A�rail�bility ���r�����: I nt�r�st !r���r�� � 1�,'I�� � ��,3�� � ��,��� ��wer�aci��ty ���rg�� 5,�34 Vll�t��r Ill�a i� �I��r��s Dist�ribut��n �harges ��t�5� VIJa�t�r��ail�l�ility�I��r��s ��,2�� �����Tra�i� IN��f [Il�i��c���i�� ��� �`otal �e�enues 1�,��� ��,�38 ��+8�7 E�c�er�d�t��-e� ���r�tir�� E�p�r���� .� _ _ E�c�es� of�pera�ing R��r�n�es ��re� ���r�tir�g ��c��r�d�t���� ��,1�� ��,��� ��#��7 �#I��r�ir�ar�cir�g lJ��s Pri�r��r��d A��u��r�r�r��� ���it�� Tr�r�s���r� ��t �,��� ��,��� 1�,��� �,'I�� �8,��� ��,��� �xc��� o#�e�renues ��r�r {l��der� �x�e�nditu��� �r�d ��I��r Fi��n�ir�� �..J��� 'f����� ������'�� ��,��� Fu�� �a�la�n��, �eg�nnir�g �f�e�r ���,��� ���,9�� 1+������� F�nd ��I�r���, E�d ��l���r � ���,��� � �2�,3�� � �:���,��� Agenda Item 8.e. Page 4 �����i����� � ����������� ������ IIVa��r �r�d ��v��r ����l�prr��rr� ���� an� �l��r��s ���n►�r F��ility Tra�n�f�r� �is�al Y�������-�� ��rr�pl���d IIV�rlc T�r�r���er� �lo �f�'r����� °lo ��rr����t� F��r��1�s Av�n�� ��w�r U�gra�e � �,�3� �°l� �°Io ����� ��pita�l T'r�n���r� � ��1�� Fi���� Y�������-�� �u�`r�r�� Pr����ts All���t��r� °lo �f�r����� Fa�r�a�cs Av��u� �ev�rer l�pgra�d� � ���,��� 7?°I� �o�a� ��r�dir�� far�urr�r�� Proj�cts $ �4��,�8� �.�� ��'A����� ��A�.�� V�la�er �r�� �e�nr�r ��ve�op��r�t �e�� �r�d �1�ar�e� V11�t�r �a��i�ity Tr�nsf�r� F����� Y��r������9 ��r�pl���� Vll�r�C Tran���r� °�� ��P��j��t °lo ��r�n�l�t� �ro �o��t���tatio� $ �,�8� 1°l0 1�°Io Press�r��or�� �a�nne��io� 7t�3� '���°I� ���°lo D����i���i�r� ���d� �,��� ��°�0 1��°�� 11V���r VIJ�I� �1�. �� ��,��� ��°lo �°lo T�ta�l ��p���� �r�r�sf�rs � ��,��� Fi���� ���r���9--1� �urr�r�� Pr�j��t� Tr��sf�rs �l� ��P��j��t �„�,�_, , �,,,.,, �..�.�_---- �r� ������r�t����� 'I'��,��� ��°l� V11���r Vlf�l� ��. 1� ���,$�� ��°�o V11���r�i�� lJp�r���-���� �t 8� F��h A�r� ��,��� 9°�a F�����'v��r N�. � ��#��� �°lo T�tal Fur���n� ��r��rr�r�t �r����t� � �4��,��� Agenda Item 8.e. 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Page 1 �ITY ��I�IV�I� ���1�I��RIQIT���V �F A �E��L�lTl�I� E����LI��I�V� ��11E�1L� �J��J���� AI�� NE1�V��� DE��F��P�I��V� ��V� TVI�� IV�VII ,J�� T��L�� D��EAAB�R �, ���3 �AC E � �lurn�� F�e�o�r�es Ma�r�a���� Inf�rr�na��i�r� T��I�r������ I�I�r�a���r P��i�� ��i�f ��li�� ��rr�r�n��d�r P��i�� �f�i�r P�lic� ��r���r�� ��r�i�r P��i�� ��ficer �����rt ���vi��� ��p�rvi��r ������t ��rvi�� T��hni�i�r� T�� ��Il�v�rin� i� � li�� �f n�v�r ��r#-�ir����� d���r��ti���: ��r�r�ur�ity ��l��i�n� ����ni�i�n �����in� ���r� P�rkir�g Er�forc�rr�e�t Te�hn��i�n P�I�ce ����t T��r�r�in� T���n��i�r� ��� ���it���� �f ���n�nur�ity F��I��i�r�� T��hn����r� �r�� 7'ra�ir�ir�� T��hr�i�f�n I���� ���n �d��d t� ��� p��#-�inn� �a�l�r�r ����d�l�. �`���� ����ti�r�s �r� ��fl����� �t tl�� �a�rx�� r��� �� ��� ��r�i�r P�I��� F����rv� ��fi��r p��i���n. AL�'�RN�#��V��: T�� ��Il�v�rir�� �I��rn�t��r�� a��� pr������ f�r th� ��ur���l'� ����id�r��t�r�; - A��r�v� �ta�ff� ����r�rn�r��a�ti�r� ��r a�d��#�r�g �I�� r�s�l��i�r�; - �� ��� ���r�v� ����f'� r����n��nd�ti�n�; -� IVI����y �s ����-��ri��� �n� ��pr��r� ��a��'� ����r�rn�r����i�n; �r - -- �r��id� ��r���i�n t� ���ff. A�VA�V�fA�E�: T�� ������� �n� ���nr j�l� d������t��r�� �nri�� ���ur�#�I�r r�fl��t �I�� ��ti�� p�rf�rr��d �� �h� ��pl����� i� �I�� li�t�� ���i�i�n�. ���A�VA�V��#���� Th�r� ��-� r�� �i�a��v������� �� u��d��ir�� arrd �r�a�tir�� r��v�r j�� ����ri�t��r�� �n� u��d��ir�� �h� ��rt-tir�� �a���y s�����1�. �1VII����1�IAE�1��L F��II��VI�: I�� �rr�rir��r��nta�� r����v�r is r���ir�� f�r�hi� it�r�n. . Agenda Item 8.f. Page 2 �IT1� ���,![��I� ��N� II�ERA�`��h� �F � ����L.I�Tl�N ��TA�L���I�IV� ��11ERAL ll���T�� AN� IVEVI� .��8 ����F�IF'T��I�� J�IVD TV'V� iV�VI���� TITL�E� �����IA��� 8, ���� PA�E � Pl.���l� N��IFI�A�I�N ��1� ���III��h1T�: �`�� ����d� v�r�� ���t�� �r� �r�nt �f ���� �a�ll �� �h�r����, ����r���r �, ����. T�� A����� �rnd r���r��v�r� �����d �rr ��� �ity'� �v���i�� �r� Fri���, ����rr�b�r�, ����, N� p�bli� ��r�rr��r��� �nr�r� r���i�r��. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 3 ���������� ��r � F�E��LI�T��IV �F TH� �ITI� ��LJ1��1L �F T�IE �lTY �F AF��i�l�� ���11V�� E�T���I�H�IV� ��11EF�A� 1J��1�T�D �#fil� �1�1�V J�� D���F��F����N� AND �1D�iN� �� NE1N �l�B TI�L�� 11VHEF���#a, t�� �i�y ��un�il �� ��� �ity �� �rr��� �r���� �##��ty"� ���rr�� it ir� �i�� b��# ir�t�r��� �f tl�� �i�y �� �p��t� ��d��r �r��t� ���r�raf j�� ����ri�ti�r�s, ���i�� ���I�i�� �r� �rtt��l��� h�r�t� a�� ��chi��� "�„ tl������ ��hib�# `#�Cr= i��lus�v�, �r�� in��rp�r���� ��r�in b}� th i� r��erer���; ��d IIV�EF�EA�, �h� �ity ���r��il �� th� �i#� �� �r��y� �r��d� ���r�� �t in �I�� ���� in��r��� ����� ��ty t� �p�at� th� p�r-�-tirn� ��I�ry s��r�d�,f� t� a�d� ��� n��rv ��� tit��� �# "Tr�rir��n� T��hni�i�r�" ��� "���nrn�r�ity F��I�ti�n� T����i�i��", � ����r �f �nrl�i�h i� �t�a��l��� ��r��� a�� ��chibit "1�„ �r�� ir���r������d h�r�in �� t�ri� ����r�r���. �V�VI�, TF�E��F�F�E �E �T F����Lll�� �� �I�� �ity ���r��il �# t�r� �ity �� Ar���� �ra��d� t��t: '�. T�� ��I��v�r�n� fu�l-�ir��j�b d���ri�ti�n� h��r� ���� u������� �� �r��urat�l�r ��f���t r��� j�b ti�l�� �n���r r����r��ibiliti��: �����nti�� �u���rvi��r ���c�i��� ���::� A����t�r�� �ity En��r���r ���chib�t "�„� ��t#��i�r� �I���f ���f�i�it ;;�,t� ���I�ir�� �ffi��arl {��c�ib�t "�„} �ir��t�r �f��r�ir����r�ti�� ��rvi�e� ����i�i� {`E"} �ir����r �����nr�nur��ty ���r�l�pr��nt ���c�i�i� LL�:,� �ir����r �� ���i�l����� �nd Ir�f�rrr�a��i�n ��rvi��� �E�c�i�f� ii�„� �i������ �� ���r���i�r► �n� �11�ir���r��r��� ��rvi��� {��ch�bi� `t�r:� E�c��uti�r� �����ta�ry ���c�i��� ii��,� Fir� �h��f ���cl�ibi� ���1"} �lur�a�n Re�o�,r�e� M�n���r �E�hibi� "I�'�� Inf�r�n�t��� T��I���I��� Il��na���r �E�h�bit "l�}}} P�I��� �I�i�f �"��chibi� "�II„} P�li�� ��rnrr��r���r {"E�c�i�i� "IV�,� P�I��� �ff�cer �"E�k��bit "�„� ���I�� ��1�����1� �����C�11�1� "�aa� ��E'11�� ���I�� ��C��' ����11�1� ������ ������t ��rvi��� ����rvi��r ���cl�ibi# "�„� ��pp��t ��rvi��� T��f�n��ia�n ���h�bit "�"} Agenda Item 8.f. Page 4 F�E��LI�TI��V �l�. �A�� � �n� n�v�r j�t� �����i�t���� I��v� ���n �r����� f�r th� f�l���rv��� p�rt-#ir�� p��i�i�n�; ���r�nunity F��I�ti��� T���r�i�i�r� ���l�i�i� ;;�'„� �r���i�� ���r� �E�chi�i� "l�„� ��r�cin� �r������rr��nt T��hr�i�ia�n ����i��t "1!"� ��li�� ����� �E��i�it `��„� Tr�ir�in� T��h�i�i�r� �E�F�i��t "�"} t� ���f�rrr� t�� ���i�� an� r������ibi�i�i�� ��� f�rt�r in ��� ��b d���ri��i�n� �� �tt��h�� a�� ��c�i�i�� ii�t, �I�r�u�� ;��„ ���lusi�r�, r�����t�v�l�. �. ��r� u�����d pa�rt�-��nn� �a�la��y ��h��ul� i� ����n� �h� n��v ��rt-ti�n� j�� ti�l�� �� ���Tr�i�nir�� T���r���i��" a�r�� "��r�rr��nity F����ti�t�� �`����i�i�r�" i� �#t��l��� �� E�I�ib�� "1�„ �k��� F����iuti�n ���II ����rr�� ��f�����r� �s �f �������r �, ����, �n rr��tio� of �o�nc�l M��nb�r , se�on��d by �o�n��l M�rr�b�r , �r�� �r� ��� ��Il��v�n� ��II ��II v�t�, �� �vit: A1���: IV�E�: A���I�T: ��� ��r���ir�� I����I��i�r� u�r�� p�r���� �nd �d����� �hi� d�� �� , ���9. w Agenda Item 8.f. Page 5 ���������� ��■ ���� � T�iVY ��1�F�A1�1�� II�AY�Ft AT�E�T: �t�L�Y 1�11�T�A���, ��TY ���l��C , �PPF��11�[� A� T� ���VTEI�T: � ��`�11�N ADA�I�I�� ��TY II��NA�E� �������� �� �� ����■ TIII��TI-�1( �!. �AF��II�L, �ITIf �TT�F�N�Y Agenda Item 8.f. Page 6 ��������i/��� r� � ���������������� �������������������� Class �p�e�r'�ica�io�as ar� ir���r�ded �o pr��er�� a des�rip�iv� ��s� o� �he rarrge a� dc��fes p�rform�d by err�p�oyees in �f�� �1ass. Spec��a�ions�r�e rr�t ir��ended�o re�e��all d���es perform�d wr'�h�rr�he job. D�Flf�l?'I��V �� �up��vis�, ��si�n, �r�� r��iev�r th� w�rlc �# ��afif r��p�nsible f�r p�rf�rrr���� a���ur�ti�� f�n�ti�n� in���d�n� p��r�l�, �as� �-��e����, a����u�t� �a��b��t ���ine�s li��n�in�, �til�ty billing a��� �ust�r-�r��r��rvi��t t� ��r��s�� �nd p�rt��ip�t� i� �II w�rk ��ti�ri�i�st �nd t� p�r#�rrn � �r�ri�t� �f t��hni�al t���C� r�l��i�re �� ���igne� ar�a ��r�sp�r��i�il'rty. ���EF�111�t�IV F�E��111�D �#�VD E�CEF������ ������r��dir��ti�n fr�rr�t�� Dir��t�r�f Adr-r���i�tr�ti�r� ��rvi���. E��r�i����ir���s�p�rvi�i�r� ��r�r�I�ri�a�� a���ur��ir�� �t�ff. E����1T�AL FIJIV����N ��ATElIAEIVT� — ����r����! ��rc� ���er�rr���rtar��re���r��i�r'I��ie� �r�a� c�cr���� rr���r �r�cl�de, �bu�are na��im���d�o, �I�e fo1l�w�r�g.� ���en�i�� Fur���i�r��: '�, Pl�nr pri�ri����: ��sign, s��ervi��, r�vi�w�n� p�rti�i���� in th�v�r�rk��s��ff re���n�ibl�f�r��r�pl��c �����nting �un�ti�ns in�l��ing p��r�ll, �a�� r����pt�, a����ur�ts p���bl�, bu�in��s I���n�ingr u�il�ty billin� �r�d �ust�t��r s�rvi�e; r��ri��v�nd ������l�ir�r��, ��r�p�t�r��ner�t�d r���r���rrd ��her r�l�t�d d���rr��r�tati�n ��r���ura��. 2. ��tabli�l� ��h�dul���n� r��tl��ds��r pr��rid�r�� �����ntin� s�rvi��s; i��r�tify r���ur�� n����; r�vi�v►r ���ds with appr�pri��� rr�2�n�g�rn�nt�t��f; �Il���t� r����r��� ����rdin�l�. �. P�rti�i��t� in th� ��I��ti�n �f ����ur�tir�� ���f�; �r��ride �r ���r�ir��t� �taff tr�inin�; w�r� �nr��h �r�-�pl�y���t���rr��t d�fi�ier��i��; ir�pl�rr��nt d���i�li�� pr���d�r��. �. F��r#i����t� in th� pr�p��-�ti�� �f tl�� �ity'� �ud���; ���r�in�t� bu���� p�-�p�ra�i�n v�ri�l� tl�� D����t�r�� Adr�ini�tr�ti�re ��r�ri���. �, ��rf�rr�r� int�rna��u�it������ign�d ����unt��r�� b���n���: re��n�il� difif�r�n���. �. ��rers�� �tility billing ��t��riti��� �r�n# ��t�r��i�ns f�r pa��n�r�t �� �ppr�pri�t�x assi�t th� g�r��r�l p��li�v�rith u�i�ity billing �u��t��ns�n� �r�vid���pr�pri�t� inf�r�-r�at��n. �. ��I�n�� 2�nd re�eip� ���ig��� d�p�rtr�n��t �a�h tr�n�€�itt�ls �nd pr��ar� b�n�c d�p��i��� �di� ��h r���ipts�n� p��par� �t�rti�� �a�sh. �. ���ist th� �ir��t�r �� Adr-�n�ni�tr�t��r� ��rvi��s �i�h fir�an�i�l r���rt� a�nd r����r�� p�-����t� �� �ssigr��d. �. �per�����r�put��'�r�d s�pp�rtin�w�rd pr�����ing �r�� �pr��d�h�e��pp�i�a�ti�n�; p�rf�r� �orr�pu��r d��� �ntry� r�n�int�i� ���'n�ut�ri��� r���rds a��d fil��, ��. Pr�p�r� a� �rar��ty �� �r��l�ti�al a�r�� ��2��ist��a� r�p�rt�, spr�adsh���� �nd c����rr���t� �n ����untin� ���r��i�r���r�d a��i�iti��. Rev�sed 1�1�9 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 7 ����������� ����� �4���unting �u�p�rvfs�r���r��irrr��al� P��e � E���r����l F�n��i�n�: ���n�ir�u�cl� 11. F�����n� a�r�d ��rf�rr-�r� a�����ned duti�� ir� th� �v�nt�f��i�����I�r�� em�r�����r. �2. F�����r�� �r�� pr�p�r� �a��ry ir���rmati�n ��r ��I�r� �r��ifi��ti�n �r�r7r� I��r� ��rr�p�n���; ��s��r�t� �n� p��pare��lary s�rv�y��or o�tsid�a��r��i�s as n��d��. 1�. ��rf�rm rela�t�� �uti�s 2�n� r��p�n��b��i�i��a� r�quir�d. �L�ALIFI���I�„�� �now���c�e of: �p�ra�t���s� ��nri��s �nd a��ti�riti�s�f� rr�uni�ipa�l a�����nting p�-��ra�rn. ��r��ra�l a��c�ou�n�in� �nd auditi�� �ri��i�l��, rr��th�d�a�nd pr����ur��. Pr�n�i�l���f su��rvi���r�, tr��n��g a�nd p�rf�rm������r�lu��i�n. Pr-�n�i�l�s�r�d pr����ur���f fin�n�i�l r���rd I��epin� a�r�� r�p��tin�. B��i� r�na���rn�ti��� �rin����es. M���rr� ��fi�� �r���dur��, rr��th�ds�nd �q�ipr�r��r�t i��l�din� ��mput�r�. Ap�li��bl���r�pu��r��ftw�r��ppli��ti�n�. ��1 L���11�������It ���L� ��� ��LrGI k.+��i��� ��1�T���� ���L.����1�1��. Abi�� ��: ��rer��� tl�� a����un�ir�� �u���i�ns f�r ����unts p��rabl�, u�ili�� bi�lingr pa�r�ll, a�����n�� r�����ra��l�, b��in��� li��nsin� �nd �u�t�rn�r s�rvi��. �ele��, �u��rvi��: train and �valu�t�st�ff. �r��ni�e�r�d r��i��v�he v�r�rk�f I�v►r�r le�r�� �t��, N1�intain ��r-�r�p���t����r�l �r�d �����d��ry a����n�i�g r���rds. Pr�par��I��r�nd ����is� r�p�rt��r�� ��r�a��h��t�, in�lu�in� ��r�r�pu��r��nerat���in���i�l r�p�rts. �p�r�t� �ff��e ��uip�n�nt in��u�ir�g ��rr������s �nd �upp�rt�n� v�r�rd pr�����in� a�r�d �pr����h��t �ppli��ti�r��. F��sp�nd t� r�a�u���s�nd inquiri��fr�rn th� ��r��r�� pu�li�. Int�rpr��, ��cpl�in �nd ����r�� �it�r��li�i�� �nd pr���dur�s �ppli��b�������i�n�d �r�� �f r��p�nsibil�ty. Illf�i�ta��� ��nfi���ti�lit� ir� a��l w�rk�r��s. UV�r�c ind���n����l� in th�����n���f s�per�ri�i�r�. ��r�nr�uni�a�t����arl� �n� ��n��s�l�r, b��h �rall�a�nd �n �r�i�ing. E�ta��lis� �nd r�a�ir�#�i� �fif��ti�r��r�r�cir�g re��ti�nship��r��h ��������ta��t�d in th���ur�����v�ric. Il�l��r�t�in �ffe�ti�r� 2�udi���ri���l �i��rir�in��i�n a�r�� p�r��p�i�n n��d�d ��r rr���Cin� �bs�rv�ti�n�x ��rrk�rr��n����in� r�r'rtl� ����r�r r�a�di�g, �ritin� a�nd ������ing �ssig��� �quip��nt. �I�I�intain p�r�r�i��l ��n�i�i�n �p�r��ri2�te t��h� p�rf�rr��r��������igr��d duties��� r��p�nsibilit�e�. ���Ei�IEN�E Ai��TF�AI�IN� �l.�I�ELIIVE� ,4ny cornbr'rra��or� of e�p�rier�ce ar�d�rair�ing �I��t wauld Ii�r��y pro�ric�e �he rec�u�r�d�rr��wl�dge ar�d ab�1r'�ies �s qu�li�yir��. A �ypical w�y�o ob�arr� �he kr�owlec��� arr�f ab�l��ies wou�d#�,. E�c e�ie��e: F�ur ��ar� �f hi��l�r r����ns��le ��cp�r��n�e in �����nting: �n�lt�din� �n� ���r �� �up�rvi��ry �r I��d r��p�n�ibilit�. �rainin�: E�uiva���r�t �� th� ��r�pl�ti�r� �� th� tw�l�tfi� gr��� ��p�l��n�nt�� �� ��Il�g� ���r�l ���rs� w��k �t� a����un�in�, ���I��C�epin�, fin�,n�� ��� r�lat�d fie�d. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 8 ����������� ����� A���urr�ir�g ��p�rvi���r���rr�irrc���� Pa�e � L��en�e�r�ertifi�a��: I���s��si�n �f, ���bility t� �bta���, a�� a�ppr��ri�t�, �r�lid �r���r'� �M��rt��. 1�V���C1�� ���1D1�1��� �r�v����r�n�r�t�l ��rtdit���s: ��fi�� �r��rir�r�r��r�t; ��cp��u�� t� ��r�r�put�r ��r����; ��ct���i�r� ���ta��t v�ri�h �h� g�n�ral publi� in a �us����r s�rvi�� �n�rir�nrr�ent. Ph��i��l ���cii�i�rrs_. ��senti�l and r��r�ina� fur��t��n� ��� requir� rn�ir�t2�ir�ir�� �h�����1 ��nditi�n n��e���ry ��r �nr�lk���, ��ar��ing �r ��tti�� f�r pr�l�n��d p�r��d� �� tir�r��� ligl�t liftin� �r ���ryi�g; ��ct�nsi�r� u�� �� ��r�p�t�r �c��r��ard; r��a���i�ua�� a���ity�� r��ri��v fir��n�i�l r�p�r��. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 9 ���i�i������ �i�r o� ���oro ��.�ar�a� I���I�TAIVT�I�1� EIVC��dEE� ����� �pe�r'fi�a#��r�� �re �r���r�c�ea� �� �r���r�� a c�e��ri��f►re #��# �f t1�e r�rr�e �f c��r�r'�� perf�rm�r1 by err�����ree� r'rr #J�e ���s�. �pecr�ca�r'or�s ans r�o�irr��n�e�#o r�f#ec�a!!a�u��es per�`ormed w�#hfrr th�jo�. DE�INI���N T� dir��#, rr������, s��e�ri�� �r�d ���rd���t� ���i�n�d pr��r��� �r�d ��ti�riti�� w�tl�in tl�e �n�in��rin� Divi���r� ����� ��rr�rn�r�ity D��r�l�prr�e�t D�p�rtrr���t ���lu�ing ��p�t2�l pr�j��t� �nd I�nd d��r����r��r�t; t� ���rdin�te as��gr��d ��ti�riti�s v�rith ��I��r divi�i�n� �r�d ��t�ide ���r����s; �n� t� pr��ri�� higk�l� r����nsib���r�d ��r�r��le�c a��r�ir�i��r�ti���u���rt��t�� l�ir����r�f��r�nr�ur�ity ���r�l�prr��r�t. ��PER1ll�l�� F�����IIED�4�VD E��F��I�ED F������r�s�dr�r�i�i��r�ti�r� dir��tf�n fr�r�r� tl�� �ir��t�r�f��rr�r�n�n�ty D���I�prr��r�t. �x�r�i��� dir��t superv��i�r� �v��I�v�r�r I��rel �taf�. E��EIV1`��#L Fl�hl�Tl�hl �T���AAE�VT�--����r����! �rra� ��f���irr���r��r�� r����r��r'b�Ji�ie� �r�c� c���ie� rr��y irr�Ir�de� �u��re no�Iirr�i��d�o, �i�e �ollow�r�g: E���r��i�l Fu�n�t��n�: 1. �4��ur�� rr��r����r�r��nt r��p�nsib�lit� ��r �����r►�� ��ti�ri�i�� �f tl�� �n�in��rir�� Div�si�r� �f t#�� ��r�r�nunity D��r�i�pr�ent ��p�rt�n�n� r�l���d t� ��pit�l pr����t���� �a��d d��r�l��r�n�nt. �. Illl�ni��r �nd ��a�lua�t� the �ff'r�i�n�� a�n� eff���iv�n��� �� s�rvi�e ��li�r�ry r��th�ds �n� �r����u�-��� r���rr�r��r�d, v�rit�in d�pa�rtr��n��l ��li��r, a�ppr�pr��t� s�rvi�� a�nd �ta�ffing ���r�l�. �. Plant �ir��t, ���rdina�e �r�d �����v�r �h� v�r�r�C pl�r� f�r ��gin��ring Di�ri���r� st�ff; a���i�n v��rl� a��i�riti�s, pr�j���� �nd pr�gr��s; r��r��w a�nd �v2�lu��� ��r�C pr�du���x rr���th�ds �nd p������r��; r����v�ri�h �ta�ff t� �d�r�tify �nd r�s���r� p��bl�rr��. �. �r�int r�n�ti��t� �n� ��r����t� Er��in�erin� ���ri�i�r� p�rs�nne�; �r��rid� �r ����din�t� s��ff tra�r�i��; v�r�r�c�nr�t� �rn�l�����t���rr��t d��i�i���i��; �r�r��r�r��nt di���p��n� �r�d t�rr�ina�i�n pr�����r��. �, ���rdin��� t1�� d��ign �nd ��p�rvi�� �I�� ��r��tru�ti�n �f pub��� w�rl�s p�������t r��ri�w �nd �ppr��r� pr�gr��s ���rrr��nt�t���r�tr��t�rs�n �ity pr�j��ts. �. �u��rv��� th� �repar�ti�n �f tf�� En�in�ering C}ivi�i�r�'� ��ndi�i�n� �f�ppr��r�l ��r pr���s�d tra�t �n� ��r��l �n�p�, ��������y �nd ��r��iti�n�l ��rr�nits �n� �tl����r�j���s. 7. ����rvi�� th� v�r�rl� �� I�w�� I��r�l En�in��ri�g �i�ri�i�n staff in th� upd�ting �nd fil��� �f �ity rr��p� and pl�r��; �u�p�rvis��he pr�p�r�ti�n ����c�ib�t rnap� �n� pl�r�s t�s�d��r�i�� m��ti���. 8. ���rdir�at� p�ar� �h���tin�; �lan �h���C tr��� �nd ��r�el r�nap� �n� tl��ir r��p��t��r� pu�li� rnr�r�cs irr�pr�v��n�r�t plan�t��it� �t�nda�rd��n� ����it��ns�f��pr��r�l. �. i���p�r�d �� requ��ts �nd inqu�ri�� �r�r� the pu�li� ��r���he t�l�pl��n� �nd at f��nt ��ur��er �-��ardi�g pu�l���r�r�c�; d�t�r�n���f�����r p�r��l ��p��nd �I�n�. 'I�. P�rt�rr�fielc� inv���iga�ti�r� �r� pr�p�s�d pu�li�w�r�c� p��j��t�. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"`��� ����� Page 10 ����������� ������ 5 ����������I� ���I��������������� P��e 2 �s��n�i�l Fun�ti�n�: ���rrtir�u�d} 11. P�rti������ in t�e d�v�l�p��nt �n� ad�nir�i�tr�ti�n �f th� ����rtr�n�n#'� �nr�u�l budget; pa�rt��ip�t� in th� f�r����t �f f�nd� n��d�d ��r �ta�fing, �quipr��nt, r�a���rial� �nd suppli��; r��nit�r �r�d appr��r� ��cp���itur�s; ir�npl�rn�nt��j��tr�ner�t�. 12, ��rv� �� th� ��a���r� f�r t�e En�in��rir�g �3i�i�i�n v�rith �tl��r �i��r ��p�rtr���t�, c�i�ri����� ��� ��t�id� a�g�n�i�s; n���t���� a�r�d r�s�l�r� sen�iti�r�a�n� ��n�r��r�r�ia�l i��u�s. 13. ��nr� a���ta��f�n a �r�r��t���b���ds, ��r�rr�i��i�n��nd ��r�rnit���s; �repar� a�n� pr�s�r�t staff r�p�rts �n� ��h�r n����sa�y��rr��p�nden�e in��u�in� Tr�#fi���rr�rr�i��i��. 1�. Pr��ri�� r��p�r��ibl� ��afif ���i������ �� t�� Dir��t�r �� ��rr�r-�unity D��r�l�p�n�n�} r�-���r ���urr�� r��p�ns��i�i����r�n�n���r�'��n��f th�dep�rtr�n��t in �l���b��r��� �f t�� Dir��t��. 1�. ��r��u�t � v�ri���r �� �r���i��ti���l �n� ���r�ti�r�2�1 �t�die� �nd in�r�s����ti�ns: re��mr��nd r���i�i�at��r��t� p�sbli��r�r�r�c� �r��r�rrr�, ��I��i�� a��� pr���dur�s�s appr�pri�t�. ��. �tt�nd �nd ��r#i�i�a�t� in pr�f�ssi�n�l �r�up r���tir���; s���r �br���# �f r��u�r tr�n�s a��d inn�v�ti�ns in th��e�d af publ�c warks. ��. F��sp�nd t��n� r���l�r� dif��ult a�d �en��t��r��iti��� inqu��-i�s �nd ��r-r��l�int�. ��. Pr�p�re �nd r�v��v�r�t�ff r�p�rt�t��it���un�il, Tr�ffi���rnrr�i�si�n a�nd Pl�r�nir�� ��rr�r�nissi�n. 19. Ft�sp�r�d 2�nd p�rf�rm ���ign�� duti�s in �����r�nt�f� �it�r���I�r�� �r�n�r�en��r. 2�, P�r��rm r�l�t�d duti�s�nd re�p�n�i�ili�i�� �s r�qui��d. IJALIFI��►�T���V� F�r�owled�e of* �p�ra�i�nal �h��a��t�ri�ti��, s�nri��� �nd ��ti�ri�i�s �f� �ubli��v�rk� �r�gr�r� in�l�dir�g �tr��t�, vwr���r��d s��v�r�ervi���fun�ti�t��. Ad�r�r���d prin�iples�r�d pr��ti������i�ril ���in��r���. �ng��e�rin� rr��tl��rr���i�s, the�ri��, prin�ip��s �n� f�rr�nul�� ���d in �he d��i�n �r►d �����ru�tian �f p�bl�� works proje�ts. fVl�th�d��nd equipr�r��r�� u��d in �ngin��rin� ��r�str��ti�n an� in�p��ti�r�. �rin�ipl�s a��d �r���i����f�r�g�a�r� de�re���rr���t�nd a�dm��i��r��i�r�. Prin�i�l��a�d pra��ti��s�f�n�n��ipal b�d��t p��p�ra�i�n �r�d a�dr�ini�trati�n. �rir��ipl���f s�p�rvi�i�n, tra�inin� �n� ���f�rr��n�� ��ra���a��i�n. 11�I�d�nn �ffi�� pr���dur��, rn��h����r�d �q�iprn�n� in����i�� ��r��ut�r�. ��rtir���t �e��r�l, �t�t��nd I���� lar��, ��d���r�d r��ul��i�n�. �4�ili t�; ��r�r��� �nd ��rti�ipat� in t�� r��r����r��r�� �f t�� En�����r�n� l�i�ri�i�n's s�rvi�e� a�nd ��ti�rit���. �f���tiv�l�r���urx�� r��n���rm�n��f the depart�n�r�t ir� tl�� �bs�n�e�f th� Dir����r. ��rer���, dir����nd ���rt�ir�at�th�v�r�rl��f I�v�rer I��r�l �t�ff. �up��vi��, �rain ��d ��ral�����ta�ff. P�r��rm fi�ld in��st�gati�n �����stru��t#�n p��j��t�. P��ti�i���� �n th�����I�prn�nt ar�� �drr��r�istra�ti�n ��d���rtrr���t���I�, ��je�ti�r�� ��� pr���dur��. As�#s�in t�� �r�p�r�ti�n a�nd �drr�ini��ra�ti�n ��I�r�� �nc� ��r�ple�c t�u�g�ts. Pr��a������r a��nd ��r��i�� sta�fif r�p�r��. Pr����-��I��r�r�d ����is� a�drr�in��t�-ati�r� an��ina�n�ial ��p�r`t�. ������� ����� A g e n d a I te m 8.f. Page 11 .�iTY�F��tl���� �RAIV�E 14�sfstant��ty En��n��r���r���r���al� P�ge 3 �4b�li ��: ���ntir�ued� �n�l�r�e �r�bl�r��, i��n#ifiy �It�rn��i�� s�lu�i�n�, �r�j��t ��n��qu�r��es o� pr����ec� ���i�n� �nd ir��l�rnent r����nr���d��i�ns i� �upp�rt�f��al�. F�����r�h, �n���r�e�nd ��r����t� n�v�r��r�ri��d��i�r��-y r-r-��th����nd t��h�iqu��. �nt�rpr�#a�� �pply ��d�ra�l, �t�t�an� I��a�l p�li�i��, la�r�a�nd r��ula�i�n�. ��r�r��ni�t��I��rl�a�r�d ��n�isel�t b�tl� �ra����r �n� in �nrrit�n�, Est�blish �r�d r�r��intain �ff��ti��v�r�rl�in� r�l�ti��sh���vvi�h th�s���nta���� in th� ca�rs��f�rv�rl�. Illl�in��in pl���i�al ��ndi�i�n ��pr�pr�a�t�t��h� p�rf�rr�a�n�� �f���i�n�d duti�s�n� r�sp��sibili�i�s. 1111a�int�i� �#f��t��r� �u�di���risu�l �i��rirr�ir�a�ti�� �r�d ��r��p�i�n t� �h� a��gr�� r�����s�ry f�r tl�� �u���s�fui p�rf�rm�n���f a�s�ign�d �ut���. ��CPEI�I�IV��AIVD TRAI�I�V� �I.�ID�L��IE� _ .�.., �4r��r��rr�bir���r�r� ������r��r��e �r���r-�r'r��rrg���r���nr�r�I�f l���#�r�r��vial� ��� r'eq�t�r'r��lrr��wlec��e �r���+bil���e� i����1�fyrrrg�. �4 ��r������+�r�}�����b���rr �1���Cr��v�le�fg�e �rraf��br'!r'�i��w�c���f�e: E]Cp�����e� .�— Fi�re y��r� �f ir��r���ing r����r��ik�l� �ubii� w�r�C����gir��erin� ��cp�ri�r��� in�ludin� tw� ���r� �f 2�drr�in�str�ti�r� �r�d s���r-vi��ry r��p���ibilit�. ��'dlFlf� ; Eq�i�r�l�n� t� � ���h�l�rs d��r�� �r��-r� an a����di��d ��11��� �r uni�rer�it� wi�l� r�r��j�r ���rs� v�r�r�C in �ivil �n�in��r���- Li��ns� �r�ert�fi���e: ��ss�ssi�n �f, �r a��ility t� ��t���, �r� a�ppr�pri�t�, �r�li� �ri�rer'� li�����. �������i�n �f r��i��r�ti�� �� � p�'�f���i�r��l �n�����r in t�r� �t�t��f��lif�rr�i�. 1�V�I�I�IIV� ��lVDI�I�h1� E�vir�nrr��r�t�� ��ndi���r��: �f�i�� �nd fi��d en�rir�nr�r��r�tr tr��r�l fr�r�r� �it� �� �it�; ��cp��ur� t� ���put�r ��r��r��, n�i��r ��st �n� ���I�rr��n#v�r���h�r��r�dit��ns; w�rl��r�ur�d h���r�r��n�tru�ti�n �q�i�r��nt� ���r�t�v�l���l��. ���rs���� �ond���o��: Es���ti2�� �nd ����r irr�p�rt�nt r�����sibili�i�� ��d ���i�� r�n�� r�quir� r���n��ining ph�r�i�l ��nd�ti�n ���e�s�ry f�r �itting� �t���ingr �r�d v�r�ll�ing ��r pr���r���d p�ri��� �f tir�n�; �lir�bing �tair� �nd I�dd�r�; �per�ting r�n���ri��d �qt�i�m�nt�r�d �r��i��e�; lig�t t� r�n�d�r��e ��ftir��. ����������� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 12 E�HIB�T"�'� �1TY���#F�I��1�� �F�AIVDE ��#TTALI�I� �HIEF �1ass specf�ic�#�orrs ar� rr�te��ed �o pr�ser�� a �es�rrp�fve l�s� of �he r�rrge o� dc���es p�rforrr�ed by err�ployees irr tf�e �1ass. ��e�i��#i�r�s�r+�rr���rrt�errd�����+e�e�����d��f����rforme�!�rr$��rirr�fr�j�b, DE�IhIITI�N �r��ri��� I�i���}� ��rt�ple�c ���p�rt t� �h� Fir� ��i�f v�ritl� �dr�inistr�ti�r� pl�nnin�, �r���i�ing, ��d d����ti�g �� ��th �rr�����n�� a�nd r��n-�rr��rg�n�� a���i�ri�i��r in�l�din� r�na��a���r��n� �f��� ���a�rtr��nt �r�gra�r�� in a�� eff�����r� �a�nr��r. ��r�r�� a�� ��� departrr��nt's Tr�inir�g a�nd �a�f���r �ffi��r. F��s��n�� t� a�r�d �ir���� ern�r��n��r���n� �p�r�ti�r�� a�nd ��afif. F���p�nsibl� f��a� ��gr�i�i�an� p�rti�r� �f t��d�p�r�rr���t'�fna�n�i�l r����r��s. ���rdi��t�� �s�i�r��d ��tx�riti�� �nrith ��h�r �ir� di�ri�i�n�r �ut�id� �g�r��i��, �nd th� ��ner�l • publi�. P��-f�rm� �th�r d��ies as r���ir�d��s�ig��d. T�is p��i�i�n ��rv�� th� ��rr�rnur�it��� �f Arr��r� �r�n��r �r��r�r��a���, a�nd ����n�. �I.�PEF�11l�I�N �t��E�VE��4h��] E�[�I��I�ED: F����i�����n�r�l dire��i�n fr�r�t�� F����hi��. E��r�i��� ��p�rvi�i�n ���r�ir��igl��ir�g �t2�f#, E����VT1�4�. FI�N�TI�I� �T1�TE1�#�NT�:--�s��r��r'�J re���r�s�brl���es �r�� c�c►��e� rr��y �r��#crcf�r bcr� �r�e r��� �imr'�e��o� �he �o��owir��: ���er��ial Fun�ti�n �t��ertr�ents: �. �erve th� �orr�m�nit�e� of Arroyo Grand�, �ro�rer B�ach, �nd ��ean� a� th� depark�-n�n�'s ir���r��ti�re trair�in� ��i��r����r�#in�t�r, ���u�ing ��r�t�n���� �nd qu�lit� t���r���� sta�r���rd� �f th� d�p�r`tr��r�t�r� r"�r'�a����ir���. �. ����dinat�j�i�nt tr�inir�� ��c�r����s v�ri�h n���l�b��ir����ri�di�t��r��, �. �Ill�n���rr��nt �f da��r�t�-���r d�pa�rt�n�nt �p�r�ti�n�, ir��l�din� d���rr���ing rr��th�ds a�nd ���t�rr�� t� �rr��t pr��r�rr� ���I�. �. A��i�r�l�r rr���it�r ��� ����I�r� shi�t i��u�� r�ga�rdir�� st�ffin�, p�r��nn�� t��u�s, and �r�� I��r�i �u��r�is�r perf�rrnan��. �. Dir��t�t�ti�n r�n�int�n�r���, ��p���tu� r7r����t�r��r���, �r�d �quip�-r��nt u��C��p. �. �erv� a� in�i��r�t ��rr�rr��nder �n �igr�ifi��nt ir��id�r�ts �'�qu�r�r�g �he ���r�ir��ti�n �� r�u�ltip�� reso�r�es. �. �dent�fy, r���ar�h, d�v�l�p a��d pr���nt ��r�npl��c p�li�i��, pr�gra�r�-�s, s�rs��r�-��, r�p�rt� a��d in��r��partrn�nta�l �t�di��d��i�n�� �� irn�r��r� �per�ti�n�. �. ���r�l��, �r���n�: 2�nd rn�nit�r�p��-ati�ns s��t��� ���g�#, 3. ��rv��� ��tir�g Fir� �hi�f�� his�her ab��n��, 1�, ���r�l�p�n� ���rdina�t� ���t�ing �i�ywid� di��st�r p����re�ne�s and trai�i�g pr�gra��n�. 'I'f. �e1e�t, tr�ir�, r7r���iv�t� a�n� �valuate fire �uppr��si�rr p�r��n��l; �r��rid� �r ���rc#ina�te s��ff�r���in�; �nr�rl�wi�h �rnpl��r���t���rr��t d��i�i���i��; ir�pl�r��nt pers�nn�� a�ti�n�. Re�i�ed 12I09 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 13 ����������� �.7���� ��tta I��� ��r i��{��rr�ir��r�a�� P��� 2 ��s�t��ia�� �urr��i�ns: ���n�ir�u�d� . 'I�. Att�n� �nd p�rki��p��e i� p��f�ssi�n�� gr�up �rr��tin��; �t��r 2�br���� �f n�v�r�r�nds and inn��r�t��n� ��tl��fi�ld �f f�-�s�p�r���i�r� �nd �r�v�r��i�n. �3. Ft�sp�r�� and ��rf�rrr� �s���n�d d�ti�s in�h��v�nt�f��i�� de�lar�� �rr��rgen��r. ��. ���r�in�t� a��d sta��p��ia�l ��r�n�s as r�qu����d. �i�. ��rf�rrr� rela��d �u���s�nd re�p�r��ibil�ti�s�� r�quir�d. 1.11e1LlFI�ATI�N�: .�,�.— Kr�av�rled e of; �A���rn �r��ni���i�n�l rr��nag�r��r�t pr��ti�es. �C��v�rl�dg� �f�urr�nt, w���l� ����pt�d �rr���g�n��r r�s��n�� �rir►�ipl�� �n� �r��id�r�t���rr��r�d s�ster�s ir� the ar�����r��di��l, firer h�z�r���� rn�t�r�al�, ar�d t��hni��l r�s�u��. P�rtir���t���eral, �t���, �nd I���� lar�r�, fir���f�ty��d��, ar�d r'��ul�ti�ns. �perat�or��l�I��r��t��i��i�s�f�ir��uppr�s�i�n and �r�r��r��n�� rned��a� �pp�r�tu� �nd �q�iprx��nt. Prin�ip������m�ni�ip�l b�dg�� pr�p�r�ti�n ar��1 ��ntr��. Prin�ipl����su���vi�i�r�, p�rs�nnel���r�l�p�n���, a�nd tr�inin�. Per��nn�l rr��r�a���rnen��nd pr���dur��. Ba�si��1`fi�e p����dur�� a�nd �n�th�d� in����in� ��r�put�r�q�iprr��nt�n� �u�p�rting �r�rd �r���s�in� a�nd ��r�a�d�h��t�p�l���t��n�. �#bili t�: ��r�r�uni��te����rl� �n�i ��n����l�, b�tl� �r�ll��r�d in �rritirr�. L��d, �ir���, �r�d r��t���#� �th�rs. Vll�rk ir�de��r�d�ntl�r. Est��li�� ��d r�n�ir�t�ir� �ff��tiv�v�r�rking r�l�ti�n��ip�, ��a���� �r����rr�s a��d �ppl���un��udgrn�n� in d��r���pir�� a��t�rn��i�res. A�pr��ia�t� par�i����t�ry�p�l'rti�a�l ��n��rn� �f th��w� ��r�nnu�iti�s. Ir�t��pr�tr ��cpla�in� �r�d a�pl�r p�li�i�s �n� pr���dur�s ir� r�-��r�a�in� a� �a�r��ty �f ���r�r�� �r�d ��rr�p���c situation�. ��ndl���r��id�ntia�l���r�t��n a�d �r�pl��r�� �����rr��t��rr. �lan���a��r�r��ty��div�r��a�nd ��rr�pl��c fun�ti�n�. L��d �p�rati�n��t�ff�n d�li�rer�n� �r�n����n����rvi���. ��f1C�lJ����I'V�]l���1C� ���.JC�I����C�����'�'1��1���'�If11r'1� �'1����. �I�I�I(�U� ��1�����1C�1����S. ���r�ir��t� tr�inin� r���r�s; s�� up s�r���r�r� �nd r��ri�w �pd�t�r�� �f �ndividual ar�d ��r�p�ny t�a��ni�� r���r��. ���r�in�t� int�rview�, r�f�r�n���, �h�rs���is, ar�� �th�r��r��r�n�l ��I��ti�n �n�th�ds f�r r����rr�t��, ��rv���� lia�is�r� �rith the ��n Lui� �bisp� ���nt�Tra�init�� ��fi��r's A����ia�ti�n. ���rdin�te a�d pr��rid� tra�r�i�g f�r�it�r st�fif a�nd �rn�r�����r r��p�nd��-s �� �h� ��r�iixa�r��a�ti�n, ���rati�n� a�r�d ir�npl�r�r�en�ati�n �f t�� �it�r'� �i�����r Pla�r�s�r�d Err�����r���r�p�r��i�ns ���t�r. �v a I u at� a�s i g n e� �taff. F��sp�nd#� req�e��and ir�quiri��fr�rn �h���r►���I p��li�. �p�ra�t��f�i���q�i�r��r�t. F���rrsed 1�l�9 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 14 �+�TY��J�F�F�����7F��1DE ��tt��i��n ��i����orr��r��red} Pa�e � E�CPE�I�I����►IV��RAII`�l��l� ��.11DELIIV��: �4r�y corrrb�r�a��or� af �du���iorr ar�d exp�ri�rrce �f�a� wor�lcf Ii�cely �rovicf� �he r�eq�ired kr�owledg� �nc� abr'fr"�r'�s�s qual�fy�rr�. A �ypr'ca�way�o o��air� ���kr�owled�� arrd a�ilr'���s w�uld be,. �du�ati��: ��u��r�l�nt t� gra�u�ti�n fr�rr� �n a��r�di��d f�ur-�r��r��Il�ge�univ��sit� �n fir� ��i�n�� �r 2� r�����d fi���i �� highly d��ir�ble. �raduati�n fr�r� � I�at���a�l �ir�A��dern� ��c��u�i�r� Fir� �f�i����r���rred. ��c �r�en�e: Eqt�iv�l�n#t� �i� ��2�rs pr�f���i�n�� I�v�l ��c��ri�n��, ir��l�din� � �r��r� �� � Fire ���t�in i� ��n��i��l fir� pr�t���i�n in�r�l�rin� p�rt��i���i�n r�q�irin� a��r��ni�tra�t��r� sk���s, �ra��ir�g ��cp�ri�n�� ��d �r��r��n�� r�spo�s�. E�c��ri�r���a�� �tr�lc�T�a�rr� Lea��r�n rr�a�j�r in�i��nt�. I�i�er��e��r��rtif��a�e�: �������i�r� �f�n ap�r�priat��nd �r��id dri�r�r'� �i��n��. ��ss��si�n �f��I�f�rnia� �ta��� �ire III1�r�l�a�l ��rt�f'r�����, r���ru�t�r �A a��d '�B. 1l�lid ��li���n�a �t�t� Fir� �Jl�rs��� Fir� �fifi��r � ���tifi��ti�n d��ir��. I�V�I�I�C�IV� ����I�I��V�: �nvir�r�r�r��ntal ��r�di�i�r��: �ffi� a�n� �i��� �n�rir�nnn�ntx tr��e! fr�rx� ��t� t� s�t�; ��cp��ur� t� err��rg�r��� fi���gh�in� �nvir�nrx��nt; �i������� 4� �����L�� �������� ��LLI����� Y���VI�� G�� ��4�1������ 11�1��� �4.��74r ���+���.r� �����w7� �7�V��� #ur�e�# g����, �h�r�nic�l�x �r�d �xtr�rr�e ��at �r��I�; �lip��ry �r �r���r�n �v���Cing ��rf����; v�r�r�C a# ��igF��� �n I�d��rs� w�r�C v�ri���v�t�r. �I���i��l ��ndi�i�n�: ����nti�l �n� r-�r�argir��l ��n�ti�ns ma� r�q�ir� r��knt�ir�ing pl���i�al ���di�i�n r�������ry f�r w�ll�in�, stan�ing �r ��tt��� ��r �r�l�n���i ��ri�ds �f t�r�n�� ����r�r, rr���erat� �� I�gl�t I�fti�g; �lir�r�bin� v�rith b��fi� I�g� �t�d �rm�� �r�u�l�ing� �r��nr�ing, �r Itn���ir�� ��r v��i��� p�r�����f��me; ��� ��r�spir���r; �ri�i�n ��ffi�i�n��� �ss�s��m�rg�n��r �itu�ti�n� �n� r���r�nrnen� �i`����i�r����r�e��f��t��n, F�erris�d ��1�9 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 15 ��������i�7# �I��������V����� Bl�lLDIN� �FFI�I�L �1�ss ��v��f�'ica��or�� are ir���rr�e� �� �r�ss�r�� � �fe��r��v�irre �is# �� �Ite ra�g�e �� d����s �erformec� ��r �rarr�I��re�s fr� ��te �1���. �p��i�i'�a#i�r���r�e r���ir���rrd�r��o r�fJ����#!���i���erForm�cl wi#�rrrr#�re j�f�. D�FINITI�I� T� �u���ri��, ��si�n, r��ri�v�r �nd ��rt��ipat� ir� ��� v�r�rk �� sta�ff r��p�nsi�le f�r p���ri�ir�g �uil��n� pla� �I���I�ing �nd in�p��ti�n s�rv����� t� �nf�r�� bt�il�in�, plurr�bir��, ����tr���l a�nd rr���h�r�i��1 ��des� an� t� pr�vi��higt��� r��p�n�ibl��drr�i�i�tr2�t���s��p�rt��th� C�ir��t�r�f��rrt�nur�ity ����I��r�n�n�. ��JPEF�111���IV F�E�EIIIED AIV� ��C�F��I��� I���ei�r����n�ra�� dir��ti�n fr�� �h� Dir����r�f��r�r��r�it� D�►r�l��rr��nt. E��r�i��s dir��t�up�rvi�F�n ��r�r 1�v�r�r���r�� ���hni��� �n� �I��i��l st�ff. E��EIVTlAL �IJIV�TI�hI �TATEIIA�IVT� — ���er����1 �rraf ���er'�rrr��rt�rr�r��s��r��i�ili�r'e� �rr�} c��r��e� rrray �r���ud�r bu�ar�e rro�Ir'mr'�e��o, �he followir��: ����n�i�l �un��i�n�: 1. �up�rvis�, �s�ig�, r��ri�w ��d p�rti�ip�t� ir� th� �nr�rk �f �t��f r��p�n�ibl� f�r ��� in�p���i�n �f ��t�r bui�di��s�r�� �tr���u���s. �. ��r�rs�� a�nd p�rti��pa�t� in th� enf�r���n��t �� I��r�r ��d�� �nd �rdina����� d�alir�g witl� �uildir�g ��nstru�ti�n ���ndar��f����rr��-n�r�i�l, in���tri�i a�nd r��i��nti�l s�r��tur��. �. Dir��t ar�d �s��s� in �lan ��t���cin� f�r �r��i�u� ��p�� �f �u�id��� ��nstru�ti�r�; i��ue appr�pri��� ���'fYll��; �������t ��1I1�1N ��1C� ���J�'�11� �3�1�rY11� C����,If'Yl��l���l��l ��f ��fl"I��I��1�� 1N1��1 ��3�3�1����� ��gu�I�tl�nS. �. I�Il�r����� Q�Li ����I�111 ����� L�i�r��ILr�I �����r.7 ��I�411 I� LV ��Li��ll��r ���I��1�� ��� ����rLl l�l Lr����a i��u��nr�rl��rd�r�t�����v�r�rk�nrl���r������ri��a�ti�n� ���f��nd. �. P�r���i��ll� r�vi�r�r building ��d� r�q�ir�rn�r�t�, ir�it��t� �t-r��ndr��nt� t� buildrn� ��f��� �nrit�in th� ���mr�nu�i�y; �r��ur��it� ��ilding����nply v�r'rth r�quir�rr��r�ts��td �rrr��ndr�r��r���. �. Inv�stig�t� �n� r���l�� ��rnpl��r�t�, ��r�d��t f��l��nr-up in�p���i�n�; r�f�r unr���l�red �ri�l����n� f�r �ppr�pri����r�f�r�err��nt���i�r��. �. Pr��ri�� inf�r�ati�r� t� tl�� ���li�r ��n�r����r�, ���in��r�, �r��►it���� �nd desi�n�r� r����-din� �uildin� p�rr�r�it�p�lir�ati�ns�nd ���� r�q�ir�rx��nt�. �. ��t�b���h ��ildin� and �ir� ���i�i�n �I�n r��rr�v�r, ��r��tr���i�n in�p��ti�r� �r�� �r����t appr�v�l p�li���s�n� p����dur�� r�l��iv�t� ��ildin� ���� ��r�pl��n��. 9. ��I�ul��� f��� f�r �errr�it ���u���� ir� I�r�� �r����r ��mpl��c �r�j��t�; r��r�nr���� f�� s��edu�� r�vi�i�ns. 'I�. ����rvi�����i ���rdinat�th� r���n��na�n�� �n�l r����r�f��1 �it���nrn�d and��r�p�r���d stru�tu��s. - Revis�d 12l09 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 16 ���rr�����o�ro ��a��� ��ilci�n� ��fi��al {��rr�ir��r�al� Pa�e 2 ���en�'r�l F�n��i�n�: {��r�tinue�� 'I 1, ��r�du�t b�sin�s� li����� insp��t��n; pr��ri�� ��p�t �n bu�in��� li��r��� �ppli�����n� and pla�nnir�� 'r�su�s, �2. A��i��in ti�� d��r�l��r�r���t�nd r-r��nit�ring �f t��d�p�rtr���t'��nr�u�l bu�g��. ��. Ill��ir�#�ir� ����r�t� re��rds �f��il}� ��ti�riti�sr in�p��t1�n�, pr��l�r�� �r�d r�����s. ��. �tt��� �nd p�rti�ip�t� in pr�f���i�r��l gr��� r�r���tin�sr s�min�r� �r�� ��nf�r�r����; sta�� abr�ast �� tr�r�ds and ir�n��r�ti�n� in �h�field �f b�ildin� ir��p���i��. '��. Pr�p�r�2��r�ri�ty��r�p�r#s regardin� in����tr�r�� ��rf�r��d a�nd r��ult� �f in�p���i�n�. ��. ���p�n� �r�d ��rf�rr-Y-� as���n�d �u�i�� ir� th� ��r�nt�f� �it�d��l�r�� �r�n�rg�n��- �i�. P�rf�rr� r�l���d du�i��a�n� r��p�r��ibil�ti�s�� r���ir�d. C�LIALIFI��4T1��� __ �r�owl�d��o�: �p�r�ti����r�� ��t��iti�s�f a��r�pr�h�n���� b�ilding insp��ti�n pr�gr�r�. Pr���i�l���f��il�ir�g ��n�tru�t��n, �r��ir���ring �nd d��i��, Pr�r��i�l���nd pra�ti��s �f bui�d��g ��d��nf�r��r�r��nt. 1111�#h�d�, r�at�r�al��r�� t��hr�i�u�� in�r�l�r�� fit� b�ildin� ��r���ru�ti�n: r�p�ir�nd de�ig�. Prin�i�l��a�nd �r���d�re��f�I�n �����cin�. Illl�th�d��nd ���hni�u���������r�f�r��r��nt�n� i��p��ti�n. ��r�in� �r�d h��lt� r��u��ti�n� a�nd li�n�in� ru���a�nd ���u���i���. ����ty �t�n�ard�f�r b�il�ing ��n�tru��ti�n, r�p�ir a�n� d��i�n. ��th�d���d t��l�r��q��s �f r���i�in�: e�ralu�ti�g ��������cin� �uild�n� ���ns. B�i��ing 2�r�d fir���d� r�q�i�-e�-r��nt���d r�g�la�t��n�. ��de�, �rdina�r�����nd r��u��ti�n� relat�d t� ��n�tru�ti�r�, ����r�t��r�, d�r�n�liti�� a�nd r��n��r�l �f bui�dir��� an� stru�tu res. Pr���i�l�s�f tr�ining, �u��rvi�i�n and p�r`f�rr�nar������lu�ti�n. Ill����rn ��fi�e pr���dur�s, rx��th�d� a�nd �quip��n� ir��luding ��rx��ut��� 2�nd supp�rt��►� vrr�rd pr�����iny ���I��ati���. �rin�i�l�s�r�� �r���dur����r���rd k��ping �n� r�p�r`t �r��ara�t��r�. ���upa�ti�n�l h���r���r�d �t�ndard �a�f�t�r pra�ti���. ��rtin�nt F���ra�l, ���t�a�r�d I���I ��d��� ia��vs�n� r�a�u��ti�n�t Abili t�: F�I�nt a���ign, dir��tt re�ri�w�n� ��r�lu�t�th�w���C�f I�v�r�r I��r�l ���ff. Tra�in �t�ff ir�v�r�ric pr�����r�s�nd pr�vi��f�r����r pr�����i�n�l de�r�l�prr��r�t. F���r�ev�r pl����r�d d�t�rr�in���r�p�i�n��with a�d�pt�d b�il�in� ��d��. ��n���t�nd dire�t b�ildir�� �nd ��nstru�ti�n ir�����ti�n�, �n� �12�n r��ri�w�. F�����r�h ����r�i��l in��r�m�ti�n r�l�t��r�t���ner�l bui�dirr� ��d� regu�ati�r��. Ana�����} in��rpr��a�nd ��cplain ��rr�pl���rdinan����n� ��de�t� �ta��f�nd g�n�ral �u�li�, ��pl�r a�nd �nf�r����d�� ��d re�u�a�ti�r�s v�ri�h f�ir����, ��j����vity a�nd firrr�ne��. F�r���r�����r ar�d ��r��i�� r�p�rt�. Anal�r�� pr��l�r��, i��r�ti�y �It�rn�tiv� ��lu�i�ns, d�t�rr�in� ��n�equ�r���� �f pr������ ��ti�r�� a�nd r���C� r���r�r�er�d�ti��� rel�tiv�t���d���r�npli�n��, ��d� �ri�l�ti�n��r�d ��t� p�li�i���n�i pr���dur�s. �p�r�t��ffi� equi�r�n�n� in�l�din� ��rr��uter� a�nd �upp��tin��nr��d p������ir�� �p�li�a�ti�n�. �����nd t� �nd res�l�r� di�f�ult�nd s�n�i�i�r� i�quir���r�� ��rr��la�nt�with ��ur#����r�d t��t, F���ri��d 1�1�� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 17 ���lf�F Al�i��l���RA�1�E B�i���n� ��fi���l ���r��ir��re�� Page 3 A�i1� ��: ���nt�nuecl� ��r�nrr��ni�ate�I��rl��n� ����isel�r, b�tl� �r�����nd in writ���, E�t��li�h �n� rr�aintain ���p�r��i�re v�r�r�Cin� ��i�ti���hips�nrith th��� ��nt����d in th����r���f�nr�r#c. �Illair�t�ir� ��f��t��� �udi���ri�u�l �is��rirnin�ti�n a�d p�r��pti�� t� th� d��r�� n������ry f�r #h� �u�������1 p�r�arm�n� of as�ig��d duti�s. Ill�aint��� p��si��l ��n��ti�n �ppr�pri�t�t�the p�rf�rr��rr�n�� �f�ssi�n�d duti��2�nd r������i�il�ti��. E�CPEFtIE��E AN�TRAIIVIIVC ��JI�ELIIVE� Any �ombir�a�ion o�e�rperier�ce �r�d �rair�ir�� v�ro�Id Iike�y�rovr'd� �h� r��q�ir�d kr�awl�dg�e ar�d ab������s r's c��al�fy�rr�. A �y�r'ca��ray�o ob�arr� �I�e krrov�rl�dge arrd a�br'I��r'es would be: E�c�e�ie���: � ��ur �r��rs �� �ig#�I�r r��p�r��it�l� ��p�rien�� in building in�p���i�n, ��d� �r�f�r��r��r�� �nd �I�n �h��king, in�l�d�n� at I���t tw����r� �f��p�ri�n�� in � I��� �r�u�ervi��ry�ap��it�. T�'�1r1l�1�1: E�ui�r�l�nt t� �h� ���npl��i�n �f th� tw�l�th gr�d� ��ppl�r��nt�d f��tw� �r�ar� �f��Il�g� I���I ��urs�vwr��k in �i�r�l �r�tru�tur�l �n�in��rin�, a�r��it���ur��r� r�l�t��#i�ld. Li��r�se�r��rtifi��t�: 1. P�����si�n ��, �r�b��ity���bta��n, an �p�r�p�ia�t�, �r�li� dri�r�r'� ii��n�e. 2. P����ssi�r� ��, �r��i�ity t� ��t��r�, an appr�pri�t�, va�id ��rt�����i�n �s ��rn�in��i�n I��pe�t�r, Pl�n� ��c�r�ir��r�nd Buildin� �#fi�ial. �. P����ss'r�r� �f���r�� in Ar�h�t��tur� �� En�����rin� d�����bl�. �. F�������-�ti�� �� Er�gin����r�r�hite�t d��ir��l�. 1�11�����V� ���DI�I�[V� ���rironment�l Cond�t�or��: �Tfi�e and fi�l� �r��rir�nr�n�nt; tr�vel ���r�n �it� �� �it�; ��cp��ur� �� ��r�nput�r ��r��r��, n�i��, d��� and in�l�m�r�t�rv��ther��n�liti�r��; �nr�r�C �t I��i�h�s �n ��aff�l�ir�� �r I�dd�r�k �nr�r�C �r�u�d h��u� ����tru�ti�n equiprr��nt; ��er����r�l�i�l��. Ph �i��l ����i�i�n�: Es��nti�l ar�d �t��r �rn���tar�t r��p�ns�bili#i�� �n� ���i�� rr��� r��ui�� �n�int�inir�� ph��i��� ��r��it��r� r�e�����ry f�r�it#ir�g, �tan�ir�g, �nralking, b���ir��, st��pir�g, �cn��lir�g �r�d �rav�rlir�g for pr�l�n��d ��r���� �f �ir��� �lirr�bir�� �t�irs�n� I�dd���; �p�r�ting rn�t�r���d ��ui�r�n�nt a�d �r�ht�l��; �ight�� rr��d�r��� liftin�- f�ev�s�d '�2I0� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 18 �����������! ��������V i� ����� �i���T�����an��r�r��r��i�r� �������� �I�ss spe�c������r�s �re ir��err�ed �� �r�s�rr� a af���rip�i�r� �i�t �� #he �rr��� �f �l�r�ie� �er'form�� #y err��l�yee� rr� �l�e �Jas.�. ��e�r'�r��r�r'�r�s srr�e r���irr�err�le���refJe���##������perFormec�wi�hir�##�e job. DEFINITI�N T� pla��, d�r��t, rr��n�ge �n� ��r�r��� tl�� a��tivi�i�s �nd �p�r�ti�n� �f��� �in�r��� a�� Hur�a�n F����ur�� �i�i�i�n� in�l�ding d���l�pin� a�� ��nplerr�e�t�r�g �ffi�i�r�t a�n� ��f��ti�r� �in�r��i�l p�li�ie�, pla�ns a�nd r���rk�n� s��t�rn� t� �n�c�r� th� ��t�r'� I�ng���rrr� ���a�l ��aith; t� ��r�r��� a�ll ��rs�n��l issu��; t� u�e t�� �i��t� ir���rr�r��ti�r� t��hn�l��� �-����r�es t� rrr�pr��r� ���t�r��r ��rv��� �nd pr�du�t��rit�r; t� ���r�in�t� ���r�ned ��tivit��� v�ith �tl��r d�p�rtrr���t� �nd �u�s��� ���r��i�s; �nd t� pr���d� q�ality ��rv��� �� �II ir�t�rn�l ��� �xt�rn�#�����r�r���-s. ��JP�111���N f�E�El11��J�I�I� E]CEF����E� �e��i�r����n�ral ��rr�ir�is�r2�tN�r��ire�ti�n fr�rn �h� �it�r III1�r��g�r. E��r�i���di���t�up�rvisi�r� ��r�r rr��n���rr��r�t, pr�f�s�N�r�a�l� t��hni�al an� �I�ri��l�ta�ff. ���E�1T1�� �I�IV�TI�hI� �T�AT��IEN�� —����r��r��r����rr�i�il���e� �rra�c���ies rr���r r"r��fcrc�e b�r��re r��� Ir'rrrr'��d�o�h� f�Ilo�rvirrg: ��������I �����I���i 1. �ssurr��f�ll r�n�nag�r�r�r�t r����nsibi��t���r a�l� ��p�rtr�ent s�rvi��� ��� 2��ti�ri�i�� in���din� budg�� pre��r�ti�n# ��p�r��si�n �f �����n�ing pr���dur�� �nd the d�sig�n ar�d trr��lern�ntati�r� �� �ut���t���n�n�i�l �����nting s��t�r�n�� r���r-r�rr��nd ar�� ��nnini���r p����i�� a�n� pr���d�rres. 2. iVlanage tl�� dev�lopm�nt and imp��rn�ntation of depa�t�nent�� �o�ls, ab����i�r�s, policies and pr��r�ti�s f�r���h a�s�i�n�d ��rvi������. �. Es��b�i�h, v►rithin �it� p�li��t �ppr�pr���� s�rvi��� ��� �t�ffing I��r���; r��nit�r �nd ��r��u�te tt�� �ffi�i���� 2�nd �ff��ti�r�ne�� �f ��rvi�� ��li��ry rr��th�ds ��� ������u���; ��I���t� r���ur��� a����di�gl�. �. Pla�n, dir���t �nd ���rdin�te, tl�r�u�h �ub�rdin��� lev�l �t�ffr �h� Adr�r�inistr��iv� ��rvi��� D��art�n�nt'� v�r�r�C pl�n; as�igr� pr�j��t� �r�d pr��ra��-r�rr�at�� �r��s �f ��sp�nsibility; r��ri�v�r a�nd ��r�lu�t�u�r�rk r�n��h�ds �n� p����dur�s; r7r����►nrith �c���t�ff t� id�ntify�nd r���l�r� pr��l�rn�. �. ����ss �r�d rr��nit�r r��rk I��dr �dnr�in�s�ra�iv� 2�n� s�pp�rt �yst�r-�r��, �nd int�rn�l r�p�rtin� r�la�ti��ship�; id�ntify�p��rtu�niti��f�r irr�p���r�r�r���t; d�r����nd ir�pl�m�nt�I�a��g��. �. Ad�ri��t�� �ity ��un��l �n� ��ty Illla�n���r�r�f���al �nd p�rs�nn�� r���t�rs, in���din� th� r��ri��r�� ���n�il �g�n�a� ��p�rk��r�d ��her p��f��r d���rr��rrt�f�r�i���l �ff���s. �, ��v���� pur����in� ��li�i��, s���dard� �n� pr���dur�s; �n�nit�� pur�l�asin� ��� ��r-�r�p�i���� v�r�t� ��ta�bli�l��d ����i�lir���. �. ���u� in��rim r�p�rt��n t���it�'��i���l �nd b������ry st�tu�. �. ����-dina�t��nnua� a�r�� ����ia�l �udi#s; pr�p�r� a�nnu�l f��an�ial r���r-ts. Reviseci 12I0� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 19 L���������� ����� D�re���r�f Adr�inistr���i�re���►i�e� ���r��ir���c�� Pa�e 2 E��er�t��l F���t��n�: ���n#i�u�d� ��. ��r�r���th� �r����s�ng �f�it� �a�r�ll �r�� �r�r�d�r p��r�n�n��. 11. �dr�ninist�r tl�� �i�y's real ��d p�rs�na�� pr���rt� rr�an���r���t s��t�r�n�, 12. Il�l�n��e tl�� �i��'s inv���r�r��r�t ��r-kf�li� i��l��ir�� d�i�� �r�v�s�rr��nt� �� �v�ll �� I��g-r�n�e ���r��tr��nt p�li�i�s; r�n�r��g��nd rr��nit�r tk�� �it�r'� ��r�pi��c debt�tru��ur�. ��. Ill��intain �ru������un�ir�g �nd r���rtin� f�r ir��r��r�rn�nt�s��ssr��r���an� ����th�r���n�i�� �n� ��r�p�r�i�s. ��. A�rr�ini�t�r th� �it�'� utr�it� b��lingx b��in��� ���c ��I����i�n, a���unt� r���i�r�b�� �nd ���hi�r��ubli� ��unter��ti�it��s. 1�. F'r��rid��r���rd����e Adrr�ini��r��i�r� �ervi��� D���rtrr��n�#r�inin� ��t��ri�i��. 'I�. �v�r��� �r�d �arti��p�t� in �I�e �r�p�ra�t��r�, d��r�l�prn�nt �r�� �drr�ini�trati�n �f ��p�rtrr��nt �udg�t�� �ppr��� the f�r����� �f ft�nd� n����� ��� st�ff�r�g, equ��r�n�r►t, rr����ri�l� and �upp�i�s; �p�r�ve ��c��n�itur�� �nd i�-r�plerr��nt�����t�ry a�djustrir��nt��s��pr��riat� �r�� ������ary. 1�. F���r����� th� ��rnini�tr��i�� ��rvi��s I��p�rtr��nt t� �th�r ����rtr��n�s, ������d �ffi�i�l� �r��f �ut�id� �g�r��i�s; ����din��� �ssi���� a�tiviti�� �v�th th��� �f �t��r d�p2�r�rr�ent� �n� �ut�Nd� ���r��ie��r�d �r��r�i��ti�n�. ��. Att�n� �nd �arti�ip�t� ir� �r�f���i�n�l g���p� ����ir���; �t��r �br���t �f n�v�r tr�nd� �nd inn�v�t���� ir� ���f��ld �f r�nuni�ip�� fin�n��. 'I�. F�����r�� t� ��d res�lv��iffi�u�t and ��n�i���r��iti��� in�u�ri�� �n� ��rr�p�a�int�. ��. I��s��nd �r�d �erf�rr� �ssi�n�� �uti�� in th� ���r�t�f��it�de�l�r�� �rr��rg�n��. 2'I. ��rf�rr� r�lat�� �ut��s�n� r��p�n�ibilit����s r�q�ir�d. C��lJ�LIFI��TI�,IV� �n�v�rl�d�e��: ■ . . �p�r��i�ns, ��rvi����nd a��ti�ri�i�� �f a��r��r���n��v�fin�n��al r��r����rn�nt a�r�� �����ntin� �r�a�r�rn. Prin����l��nd pra�ti�����inf�rr��ti�r� te�hn�l���r. Prin�ip����nd pra�ti����f b�td��t�n�. Prin�ipl���n� pr��ti��� �f p��gr�rr� d��r�l�pr�ent a��d �d�inistra#i�r�. Ill���h�ds and t��hr�i���s�f fir►2�n���l planr�ir��. ���r��i�n�l �h�ra�t�r'r�ti�s �f�ut�r�r��t�d fin�n�i�l ��r�t�rr�s. �r�n�i�l�s ar�d �ra���i��s �f rr�uni��pa�l �u��et �r�pa�r�t��� �n� ��rr�ini�tra�ti�n. Prin�iples and t�chni�ues of rn�nagi�g i�v�stm��ts. Prin�ipl���f s�p�rvi�i�nr tr�inin� ��d ��rf�rrn�n����r�lua��i�n. ��n�ra�ll�r A���pted ����untin� Pr�r��i�l�� ��AAP�. ���r�rr��ental����untin� �t�r��ar�� ���rd ���1���. P�rs�nn�l r�l�� �r�� �irin� pr��t����. ��1 1����1��.����It �1���. C��� I��rRI IC��.�� �i���r�7 ��� ��r����l����. I�h��lt1►��: 1111�n���and dir��t� ��r-r�pr�h�n�i�r�fin�n�iai �-nar����rr��nt pr�gra�rr�. Revis��121�9 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 20 ���r o����o�����r��� �ir����r�f I�drir��r�i��r��i�►� �ervi�e� ���r��ir��rec�� ���e 3 Abi�itY t�: ���n�in��d D��r�l����d �dr�ir�i�t�r d��ar�rr��nt�l��a�ls: ��j��t�v��a��d pr���d�r��. An�r��� �r�d �ss��� pr��r�rr��r p�li�i��, ��nd ���r�ti�n�� r���ds an� r�r��k��p�r�p�i�t�2�dju��tr�-�en��. id�r�tify�r�d r����n� t�����i��ve���nr�r�unity�nd �r��r�i��ti�nal i��u��, �����rn� ��� r���d�. P�an, o���ni�e, �ir��tr and coordinat��he work of low�r lev�l staff. �ele�at�author�ty�nd re�po�sibi��ty. �up�rvi��, t��in, �n� ��r�lu�t�staf�. Anal��� pr��l�tx��, id�nt�fy �I�err�ati�r� s�l����nsr pr�j��� ��ns�qu�n��� �� pr�����d ���i�ns a�nd ir��l�r�n�r�t r���rr��r��nd�ti�ns �n �upp�rt����al�. F�����r��, �na�����r�� ��r��uat� r��v�r��r-vi� ��li�r�ry �n�t��ds an�t��hr�iq��s. ��r���ate fin�n�i2�l d�t��nd r���r�rn��d irr�p���r���r�ts. De�r�l���t�d ir�pl�r�r�ent�u��rr��t�d �inan���l ���t�rr��. Illl�n���tl�� ��ty'� inv��tr�n�r�t p�rt#�li� in�ludir�� d�il� ir��r���rr��r�ts�nd ��ng-r�n�� ir►��strn�nts. Prep�r� �I�a�r a�nd ��n�i�� a�d�n��is�r��i�r��r�d fina�n�i�� r�p�rt�. Pr�p�r� a�r�d ��rnin�ster I�r��a�nd ��rn�l��c bu�g�t�. �r���rpr��and ap�l��pp�i��bl� F�de��l, �t�t��n� I���I p�l�����, I��nr� �nd r�gu���i�n�. ��rnr-�r�ur�i��t� �I��rl�r �nd ��n�i��l�, b�th �r�ll�and in �+�rri�ing. �sta�b���h �nd rr�a���t�in �ff��ti�r�w�rl�ing r�l�ti�r���ip�rnri�� �h�����r�t��t�� in th���u�-���f w�rk. �laint�in ph�r�ic:al ��nditi�n �p�r�priat�t�th� ��r��rr�a������r�ssi�n�d �ut����r�� r��p�n�ibilit���. �111�int�in �f€��t'r�re �u�i�-�r��u�l di���-ir-Y-�ina���n �n� ��r��pti�n n����� f�r r���cin� �k���rv��i�r��, ��rr�rnuni�atin� �rith �tl��r�, r��din� r �nrritin� , �n� �p�r��ing ���i�n�� �quipr��nt. ���EI�IEIV��AI��]TRAI�V�IVC C�JI��LIN�� �Irry�ornbr'r�a�{or� of experien�e ar�d�rairr�n�r �h�� wouJd�i�cely�rovide �I�� requr'r�d krrow�edge ar�d�br'1��ies �s qc��fifyir�g�, A �ypi��l w�y�o ob�ar'n �he knawl�d�� ar�cl���li���s �vo��d be.� E�p�ri�n�e: Fi�r� ���r� �f in�r�a��n�ly r����n�ibl� �inan�ia�# rr����g�r���t �r g��r�rrrr�n�n��l ����ur�tin� ��cp�r��r��� in�lud�n��hr�� �rea�rs�f rn�n���rr��n�a�nc� adr��r�i�trat��r� r��p�n�i�ilit�. Tr�ininc�: � � ��u��r�l�nt t�a Ba��h�l������r��fr�rn �n a���r�dit�d ��II��� �r�ni�rers�ty v�rith rr��j�r���r���r��l� in b��ine����r�nini�tr�t��r�, �����n�ingr �inar������ r�i�t���i�ld. ��P�4 d��igr�a�ti�n i� �i�hl����irabl�. Li���s� �r��rtifi����: �������i�n �f, �r��ili�y t� �k�t���, �� �ppr�pri�te, �ra�l�d dr�v�r'� li��ns�. 1N�RI�IIV� ��IVDITI�I'�l� En�►ir�nr�ner��� ���diti�n�: F��si�i�n r��uir�� �r�l�n��d �i�t�n�, �t�nd�n�, v�r���cing, ��f�� �r�d fi�l� �r��ir�nrx��r�t; tr�u�l fr�rr� �it��� �it�; �xten�i�r� �ubli���nt��t, P���i��l ��nc�i�i�n�: Ess��ti�� f�n�ti�ns rr�a� r�quir� rr����ta�ir�ing ph�r�f��l ��ndi�i�n �������ry ��r v�r�lk�r��, st�ndin� �� �itti�g ��r�r�l�nged p�ri�d� �f tir7r��; �e�e��t�v� rn�v�r�n�rrt�n�l �in� ���rc�ina�ti�n u�in� � ��r�p�t�r I���rk���r�, Ij�ht liitin� and �r�yirrg up t�tw�nt� ��ur�d�; �pea�Cing �r�d h�a�rin� t� �����n�� inf�rrr��ti�n, n�ar�ri�ual a��uit�r �� prepa�r�and ��vi�rnr��r��sp�nd�n�� ��� a��ar��ty �f�th�r���ur�ents. F���rised ��1�9 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 21 ���I����i�!! ��� �������� ����� DfFtE�T�F��� ��lVII�I�hfITY��V�L�PI�I�IVT �I��� ��e�ificatio�s �r� int�n�#�d t� pr���nt � d���r�p�ive list �f the r�nge �f duti�� p�rformed b}r er�p���ree� in #h� �k�ss. ���i��ati��s ar�na#intend�d t�re#���:t al�duti��p��f�rr��d�nr�#hin the j�b. �EFI�VITI�N �� ���n, dir��t r���a�� �n� ��rers�� th� ��ti�r�ti�� �r�� �p�rati�t�� �f th� ��rr�r�unity D���I��rnent ��p�r#r�ent in�luding �I�nr�ing} ��r�r��nur►ity d�v���prr��nt, ���ir���ring, buildi�g 2�nd ���r��rn�� ��v�l�pr�r��r�t; t� ���rdi���� ��sign�d ��ti�i�i�� �nrtt� ��h�r �i�y �e�a��t��nt� �nd �ut�i�� �g�r��i��; �r�� t� �r�vid� highly r��p�n�ible ar�d ��r�pl��c�drr�ir�i��r�ti�� ��p��rt t�th���ty [Vl�n�g�r. �I�PE�1���I�N F�E�E�11��A�V� E�EF�����C� F���eiv��a��r��r�l �drnir�i�tr�tiv� dir��ti�r�#r�rr� �h� ��t�r IUI�r��ger. E�c�r�i��s dire�t�u����►ri�i�n ��r�r pr�f��si�nal ��� ���r���l st�ff. ���EIV���#L FIJN��l�h1 �`1`�#TENIE�T�--���er��i�I r�e���rr�ibi���}e� �r�c� c���r'e� rr���r rr��#�rc��r ��r� �r� r��� J�mi�ed�o, ��re�ollov�r�r�g�: ��s���ia1 Fur�������: 1. A��ur�� full rn�n�g�rr��r�� r��p�n�ibi��t� f�r ��I ��rr�rr�unit� D��re��prr��nt D�p��tr��n� ��rv���� �nd ���i�ri�i�� in�ludin� p�ar�ning �r�d ��r��u�ity d��r�l��r���t f�n�ti�n�; r���r�r��nd and adrr�ini�t�r ��li�i�s ��d pr��ed�re�. �. Il���t��g� th� ����I�p�n�nt �nd i�mpler�ent�ti�n �f ��rr�rn�n�ty ���r�l��r�n�n� D�p�r`tr��nt g��i�+ �bj��ti�r��, ��li����, 2�n� �rt�rit��� f�r ���� �ssi�n�d pr�gr�rr��; r���r-Y-�r�n�r�� ��� �dr�ninist�r p�li�i�� and pro�ed�re�. 3. Illl�nit�r a�n� �u�l���� �h� �ffi���r��� �r�d �ff��ti�r�n�s� �f���vi�� d�li�r�ry ���h�ds and pr���dur�sr r��orr��-n�nd, ��rr��hin �i��r p�l���, �p�r��r��t�s�rvi�� �r�� s��ff�t�� lev�ls. �. Plan, dir��tx ���rd�n�t� �r�d r��ri��r ��� w�rlc pl�n #�r ��r-�r�rrn�n�ty ��v�l�prnent �t�ff: ���ign v�r�rl� a�ti�riti�s� pr�je�t� a�n� �r�gr�rr�s; r��ri�v�r �r�� ���I��te v�r�rlc �n�tl��ds �nd �r���t�ur��; r��nit�r �r�j���s�l��d����a�� �r��r��s� �n��t�r�th �taf�t� i��n�i�y�n� r���lv� pr��l�r��. �. ���rdinat� pla�nn�r��, d�sign, r�r-�a�na���r�r��r�t �r�d f��d�r�� a��ti�riti�� �������ted �r�ri�h a��r�ir�i���ri�g �h� t�e �it�'��2���t�l Ir��r�v�rr��r�t Pr��r�rr�. �. As���� �n� r�r���i��r �r�r�C I��d, �dr�n�r►istr�t��r� ��� ��p��rt ��r�t�rr��; id�n�ify ��p�rtur���fi�s f�r irr�pr���r�r��r��; dir��t and i�np��r�n�n��h�ng��. 7. Pl�n, ����r�i�� an� dir��� �I�� ���r�l�p�n�r�t ���rr�itting �r�d �p�r��ral p������, �r��l��ing ��ning, �r��in��ri�� �nd buildir�g. �. �u�p�rt���i�rit��� i��r�l�r�d i� enf�r��r��nt�f D�v�l�pr�n��t��d� �nd Bu�lding ��d� r���al�ti�n�. 9. ��r�r�e����n�r-�r�i�c���r����r�n�r�t, busir�e�s�����tar��� �r�d bt�sine�� r�t�nti�n ��sp�nsibili�i��. 1�. �v�r��� hi�t�ri�: a�ri�ultur�a��� �n�rir�nr�r���t�l pr�s�rvati�r� �r�g�a�t�r��. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 22 ����������� ����� �ire�#��r of�orr�r�r�unity�ev�lapm��t���ntinued} Pag� � �s�er�tia� Fur��ti�n�: ����►tin�ed} �'I. �up��ri�� and r-�r��n�g�tra�n����tati�n p�annin� ��t��ritN���nd f�rn�t��n�, ��. ��r�r��� t�� �dr�ir�i��r�ti�r� �f I��� u�� p��nnin� r�q���t�; ��r��u�t� �nd �nsur� r�q�,���� �r� in ���n�li�n���ith �n�rir�nrnental I�nd ��e reg�la�ti�r�s. 1�. ��r�rs�� �h� r����r��, d�►r���pr-r��n� �nd pr�p�r�ti�n �f �r�in�n���, r���lu�i�n�r ��r�tr���s ��d r�la�t�d p�a��ning r�p�rts �nd �ss��i�t�d �u�nr-n�ry dat�; �r�s�nt �� ��ty ��u��i�, B��rds, ��rnr�nissi�ns�nd ��r�nr-r-�i�t���. '��. ��r�f�r v�rith ��-�hi���ts, �n�in��r�, ��n�r����rs, �i�ri� �r��r�i��t��n� �nd �h� ��n�r�� �u#�I�� in ��� �I�nni�� and c�e�r���p�n�nt�f pr�j��t�. ��. ���rdir��#� urith p�bli� a��n�i�s �nd n�n-p��fit �r�up� t� pr��ri�� aff�rd�bl� I��u�ir��; ���r����t� �nd pr�p�r� gran�s r�lat�� t� k��u�ir�� �r�� ���n�rr�i�d��r���pr��r��i��u��s- . '!�. �el��t, tr�in, r�r�����r��� �r�d ��r�lu�t� ��rr�rr�unit� ����I�prr��nt D��a��#r��nt p�rs�nr��l; pr�vid� �r ���rdin��� st�ff tr�in�n�; v�r��k with �rn�l�y��� �� ��rr��� d���i�n�i��; ir�npN�r��r�t dis�iplin� �nd , t�rrr�ina�ti�n pr����ur��. ��. �v�rs�� �nd ��r�i�i��t� ir� �h� d��r���pr�r��n� �r�d ���ini�t��ti�n �f t�� ���rr���i�� ��v�l�prr���t D�p�rtm�nt budget; m�r��ge �ost r��overy �nd tirn� a��ount�n� efforts� a��prove t�e for�c��t of #unds n�eded f�r stal`fin�, �quip�n�nt, rrr���ri�l�, �n� �u��p�i��; 2��pr��� ��cp�nditur�sr irr�p�err��nt �udg���ry�dju��r��nt��s��pr�pr�a�te a�nd �������ry, ��. E�cpl��n and in��rpr�t ���r��n�ty �e��l��rr���t ��partrr��nt pr�gr�rr��x p�li�i��, ��� ���i�ri�i��; �e�oti�t� ��d resol�re���srtiv��n� �ontrov�rsi�l r�sues. '!�. Pr�vi�� �ta�ff���istan�� t� th� �i��r 1111�n���r; p�r`ti��p�t� �n � �r�ri���r �f b�ard�, ��r�nr�r�i��i��� a�r�d ��r�rr�itt���; pr�pa��-�a�nd pr���n�s�aff r�p�rt� �nd ��h�r���e����y��rr��p�nd�n��. ��. I�r��rid� �t���u�p�rt t���signed b��rds�nd ��rr�r�is���n�. �1. Att�n� a�n� pa�rt��ipat� in �r�������na�l gr�u�p rr���tin��; �ta� a�br�a��t �� r���r�r��ds ��d ir�n�va�ti�n� in tl��fi�lds��pl�nnin� a�r�d ��r�r�nunit� ���rel�pm���. �2. A����th�Adr�ini�tr��i�r� ��f'��er��th� F����v�l��rr��nt A��n��. ��. F�����n� t� a��d r�s�l�re �iffi�ul� a�nd ��r��iti�r� ��ti��n, a�ppl��a�nt ��d bu�iness �n� �r�p�rt�r ��nrr��r in��iri�s�r�� ���n�la��n��. ��. �erf�rr�n r�la�t�d dut����n� r����n���ili�i���� r�q�ir�d. �1.�1�1��Fl�ATI�IV� I�Cn�v�rl�d���f: �p�r�ti�ns, se�vi��� �n� ��ti�r�ti�������r�p�-�h�nsiv� urb2�n p�ar�n�r��, ��rr�r�ur�ity d�v�l�prr��nt�nd ��I�� w�ste pro�rarn. Prin�ip���and pra��t���s��urba�n �I�nnin� �n� ������pr�ent. F�ul�� �nd r�gu�a��i�ns g��r�rr�ir�g I�nd u���r�d ������d d��r�l�p�n�n���n�n� i�����. Pr���i�les �nd pra��ti��s �f��ntr��t�d�nini�tr�ti�n. i�rin�i}�I���nd pr��ti��� �f pr��r�rr� d��rel�pr��nt�r�� a�drr�ini�t��ti�n. �rin�iple�a�d �r���i�es �f r�r�uni��p�fi bu���� pr�pa�ratf�n ��d �dr�nin�stra��i�n. �rin��pl�����u��r�isi�r�, tr�inin� ar�d ��rf�r�-r�a�n�� ��r�l�a�ti�n. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 23 ���rr�����o�o ���r��� �����t�r����r�rr�unrty �e�re���r�nen����n�inu��d� �a�e 3 �Cn��vled�� �ff �����inu��1} P�rtir���t ����ral, �t�te, ar�� I��al law�, ��des��� r�gul��i��s. A�b��i t�: Ill�ana�e and direct a cor�prehen�ive ur�an p�annir�g an� �or7n�n�anity���re�oprner�t�ro�r�m. �eie�t, sup�rvis�, train an� e�ral�at� st�ff. D�I�g��e���I��ri�y�r�� r��p�n�i�ili#y. r��n�ify�n� r��p��� �� ��r�rr�u�ity��r���r���n� n��d� r�l���� ����p�rt�nent�l rn�t#�r�. �V�I���� �f'1� ��V����I'1'���� ��C� ��'��3��'��I��'1 �� ��'C�11������, �'�S��I.��I��'1�, ��f'1��'����, ���I'lr'lll'1� �`���I'�S �r'1C� data. D��r�l���nd ��r-r�in�st�r, d���rtr-��nt�l��alsr �bj�����re�, �nd pr���d�r��. Pr���r� �I�ar�n� ��r������drr�ir�i�tr�t��r���d fina�r����l r�p�rt�. Pr���r� �n� �d��r�ist�r I��-���n� ��r�p���c b�d��t�. Pl�n# �rgani��, dire�t ar�d ���rdina�t�th�w��l��f I�v�r�r I�v�l sta��. Anal��e pr�k�l�r-�-w�, id�nti�y a�#t�rna�t��r� ��lut��n�r �r�j��t ��ns�qu�n�e� �� pr�p�s�d a��ti�ns and �r�pl�r���t r���r�r��n���i�n� �n ���p�rt�#g��l�. F�esear��, ana����� a�n� e�al��t� n�v�r s�nri������v�r� rn�t��d� and t��hn�c�ues. In��rpr�t a�r�� a�pp��r F�d�ra�l, �ta��a�r�� I��al p�I��F��, I�w��n� r��ula��i�ns. ��r�rr��ni�t��I��r�� ��d ��n�i��l�, b�t� �r�ll��nd in wr���n�- F��sp�nd t��tf�ll�, �I��rl�: ��n����l�} �nd �p�r�priat�l�r �� inquirie� fr�m th� p�����, �r�ss, �r ��h�r a����ies�n ����it'r�re i�su�� in �r�a�f���p�n�ib�lit�r. E�tab�ish �n� r-Y-�a��tain �ff���i�r�w�rl�ir�� r�l�ti�r���ip�v�ritl� tl�������t��t�d i�tl����ur����v�r�r�C. Illl�int�in ph�si�al ��nditi�n �p�r�pri�t�t�tl�� ���f�rr���������sign��# d�ti�� �r�� r��p�r��ibili#i��. �II1�int�in �fF�c�tiv����i���i�u�l �is�rir�rn��i�n �nd ��r���t��n ���h�d��r�� n��e��ary f�r th� �u��essf�l p�rforrnance of assi�n�d d�ti�s. Ex���ie�ce and �`rain�n� C���felir�es .. Any corr�bir���r'or� o��x�er�er��e and�ra�rrrr�g ����wo��d l�kely�rov�c�� �h� r�q�r�rec�kr�owl�c�g�e ar�cf a�r'li���s i�q��1��jr�r�g�. �1 ���r'��!�r��r�������r� ��re�rr��v���fg�� �r�al��i1��r'e�w�crlc�be: E�p�ri�r���: �i�� �r��rs �� in�re�sir��l� r��p�n�ib�� ��c��ri�n�� in urb�� pl�nn�n� �r�� d���l�p�n�nt ���lud�n� �I�r�� �r��rs�f r�t������-n�nt�r�� ��#r�r�ir���tr��i�r� r��p�n�ibilit�r. T�a���n in : �qui��l�n� t� a B��I��I�r� degr�e fr��n �r� ���r��i��d ��1���� �r �ni��r�i��r vwrit� rr�aj�r ��ur�� �nr�rk i� urba�r� pl�r�r�ing� bu�ir�es� ��ir7r�in����-�ti�nr publi� ���nini���-a�ti�n �r � r������ fi�ld. A IIl�ast�r'� I��g��� i� d�sir�ble, but n�t r�qu��-��. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 24 E�CHI��T`��'� �I�Y�F AI�F��1f� �RA IV[3 E DI�������F LECI�LA�IVE�4h1� I1VF�#�I�IAT��N �EF�IIi�E� �I�ss specif�ca#�arrs are�r�ter�d�d#o��sen#a descr���i�re�ist af#�e rar�ge of�fu�r'e�p�rforrr�ed by err�p�oyee��r��J�e�1ass. �pe�f�ca�rarrs are rro#ir�#+er�ded t�re�e��a���fu#r'es p�r�fo�med w��f�ir���ie job. DEFIhII�I�N T� �ir��t, rr�a�r�a�g�, ����rvis�, �nd ���rdin�t� t�� ���gr�r�� �r�d ��ti�r�ti�� �f #f�� L�g'r�la��i�� a�nd In��rm�ti�n �enri��� D�p�rtr�r��n�, �r��ludi�g ��ti�it��� �ss��i�t�d wi�h �i�� �I�r�C �nd In��rr���i�� T���n�l��� Di�risi�n; t� ���f�rr� sta��t�ry ��� ����titu�i�n�� ��ti��; t� pla�n, �r��n���x a�nd ���rd�n�t� ��� rn�ir�t��a�n�� ��d �-���rd�n� �� �ffi�i�l ��ty ���ur��n��; t� ��rv� �� �I���c �f t�� ��t� ��un�il: �� s�rv� �� �hi�f E�ec�i�n �fFicer ta th� �ity; a�d to p�rform a v�rie�y of o�her �ut�es �e�at�d to a�signed are� of r����n�ibili��- �IJPEF�111����V F�E�E�11ED AIV� ��C�F��I�E� F����i�r��adrr�ini�trat��re�1ir��ti�n f��rr� t�r��it�r�Ill���g�r. ��c�r�i�����n�r�l ����rvi�i�r� ��r�r�he Inf�r�n�tf�n ���h��l�g� �Ill�na���r. E�t�r�i���dir��t�up�rvisi�n ��r�r�h� ��c���ti�r�A��i�t�r�tlD�p�t� �it�r �I�rl��r�d �ss�gne� �le�i�al sta�fif. E��EfVTIAI� F���TI�IV ��A�E�VIE�VT�:--��s�rr�i�I r����r��r'bil���e� �r�r1 �f��i�� rr�ay ir��l�rc��, �b�r� �r�� r��� l�rr�i�ed�o �he followrng: E�se��i�l ��n�ti�r�s: 1. A��urne m�n�g���r�t r��p�n�ibilfity f�r �I� ��rv���s �nd ��ti�rit��� �� t�� L.e�islativ� �n� Inf�rr�r���i�n ��rvi��� D�pa�t�n�nt, ���I��ing ��ti�ri���� �����i�t�d v�rith th� �ity �I�r�t �nd Inf�rm�t��n T���n�l�g�� d��r�l�p an� irr��l�r��n� �-���r�� r�a�n�g�rr��r�k p�����ur�� ��� ��ty �g�n�i�� �nd �uth�ri�ie�. �. 1111�r��g� �nd p�rti�ip�t� in th� d��r���pr��n���d �r-r-�p�er�n��t�ti�r� �f��ais, �b���ti��s, p��i�i�s, �nd . pr��r�ti����r�s�ign�� �r��r�r-�sr r���rr�nr����a�r�� a��rx�ini�t��p�li����ar�� p����d�r��. �. IIII��►i��r �r�� ��r�1��t� ��� �f�i�i����r �nd �ff��t���n��� �f ��rv��� d�li�r�ry ��th�d� �n� p�-��edur��� r���rr�r-�r���d, �nr�thin �it�r p�����r, �Ppr�priat���rvi�� staif I��r�l�. �. Il���n��e t�� ���is��ti�r� �i�t�ry �f �h� �ity; r�sp�n� t� r�q���t� f�r Enf�rrnati�n �n� r���a�r�h I�gi�lati�r�d�t�f�r th� �u�bl��, st�ff, �n�di�, an� tl���i����un�il. �. D��rel�p �nd �drr�ini�t�r t�� �ud��t ��r th� L���sl�t��r� 2�r►d Inf�rr��ti�n �erv���� ����rtr�r���t; dir��t th� ��r����t �f fu�nd� n����d ��r �t�#fi�rgr e�uip�n�nt, rr�a�t�ri�l�, ��d �uppli��; �n�nit�� ��d ��p���r� ��cp�r�d�tur�sr inr�pl�r��nt adju�tr'�r'��nts. rll�2�r���� a�n� ���r��� �I�� d��r���pr��n� �nd �dr�ini�tr�ti�r� �f th� Irtf�rrr���i�n ���hn�l���r Di�ri�i�n �u�g��. �. Dir��� ��e pr�p���t��n �n� d�stribu�i�r� �f ���r�d� p��k��s f�r �ity ���n�rl �n� F��d��r�l��rr��r�t Ag���� rn�eting�; pr�par� �n� ���-��� �h� ��i�i2�� �ut�li��t��r� �nd p��ti�� �� I��a�l n��i��� �nc� a���r��ti���-n�nt�r �r��ur���r�npf�a�r���v�rith ���n r���ting I��nr� �F��I�h II�I. Br�wn A�t}. �. Atter�d �it� ���n��l a�r��i F��d��r�l�pr-r�ent Ag�n�� rr����ing�; r���rd a��ti�ns ���C��; �Jir��t t�e p�-�p�r�ti�n a�r�d di��er7r�ina�ti�r� �f inf�rrr�a�ti�n r�lat��� �� �it� ��ur��i� ��ti�n t� �I�e appr�pr�at� p�rti��. F�evis�d �2�0� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 25 ���Y�F AF��t�Y� �RAI��� Dire���r��L��i�la�i�r�ar��l In��rrx���i�n �ervf��s {��r��ir�creal� Page 2 ��sen�i�i �un��i�r��: ���r��inue�l} �. ���v� �� �I�� �ili�� �f#i��r �r�� ��fi�i�� f�r I���I ��r�-�p�i�n �tat�r��nt� �n� �t�t�r�-���t� �����r��r�r�i� ��t�r��t f�r ���i�n�t�d ���iti�n� ur�d�r tl�� ����ti��l F��f�rrr� A�t; rr���n���r� �nd upd��� th� ��nf���t �f Ir�t�r��t�����f�r tl�� �it� �nd F��d���������t Ag�n��. �. Adrn�ni�t�r ��ths �� p�b��� �ffi��: r�n�in�a�ir� �u�t�d� �f �fifi���l r����d� �n� �r�h�►��s �� ��� �i�� �n�l���n� �r�in�n���, r�s�l�ti�nst ��t��r��ts, ��r��rn�nts, d����, in�uran�� d���trx��nt� �nd �ninut��; �Ngr�# ��2�1, r��t�ri��, ��rti�y, r���r�r �nd tr�nsr�ni��ffi�ia�� ��t� d��ur�n�n��. 'I�. ��d�fy �nd c�i��rib��� �pc��t���f th� Illluni�ip�l ��d�. 'I�. F����iv� �nd �r����� �etit��n�, �l�ir7r���r�� ���nr�ui�� �g�ir��t th� �it�, �r�d r�qu��t�f�r�ity r���rd� ���r�r�d ur���r t�� ���if��n�a ��hli� F����rd���t. �2. ���� �s th� �h��f Ele�ti�n �f�i��r f�r t�� �it�r; �n�ur� ��r�����n�� �i�h ���t� ���nrs rel���d t� �nuni��pa�l �I��ti�ns; in��ru���n�i��t�� ��r���rnir�� ���pa�ign fina���ing r�quirer-Y-��r�t�; r����nd t� r��u�st�fr�rr� th� r-r�ed�a�an� �����a�� pu�li�. '��. ��r�r���2�nd rr��r������� �it�r'� r���r�� rr�ana���rr��r�� pr�gr��r�n; pl�r�, �r���i����c� ���r�in�t���� r�n��r���n����, di�p��i#i�r�, �r►d r���rdin� ���ffi���l ��t�����r��nt�. ��. ��rv� �� I��i��n ��r t�� L��isl�ti�� �nd Ir���rrn��i�n ��rvi��� ��p��tr��nt with ��h�r �it� d�p�rtrr��nt�r ���ri�i�n�r �r�d �ut�id� �����i��; pr��rid� ��id�n�e an� d�r��ti�� t� �t��r d��a�rtr��nts in tl�� d��r����r�en� �f ��p�rt�, r���iuti�r��, �rdin�r����, a�nd ��h�r rr�a��ri��� f�r �u�r�i�#a�l #�t�� �it�r ���n�il. 1�. ��rv���tl�� �'�bli� Inf�rrr���i�n ��#i��r�� d����r�� �rr��rg�n���it�ati�n�. ��. �111�n�g�� rr��int�in �n� u�c��t� ��nt�r�t �n th� �i��r"� v�r�b�i�� a�nd g�v�rnrr��r�t ������ �f��r�n�N; ���rdin2��� p�bli���i�n a�n� ���t�i�u�i�r� �f th� �ity-v�ri�� n�w�l��t�r. 'I�. ��n�u�t � �r�ri�ty �f �r�a��i��t����� st�di��, in�r��ti��ti���, �n� ���ra�ti�nal �tu�i��; r���rnrr���d rr��di���i�n� #� the L��i�l��i�r� 2�nd Inf�rrr��t��� ��E`vi��� D�pa�rtrx�r�nt pr�gr�rr��, p�li�i��, �nd �r���dur�� a�� �ppr�pri�t�. 1�. F�������t�a��� r���l��diffi�u�t�r�� ��nsiti�r��iti��� inq���i�� a�n� ��r�pl�int�. ��. ���p�r�� arr� p�rf�rrr� �ss��n�d ��ti�s i�tk����r�nt�f��i�� d��l�r�d �r�er��r���r. ��. ��rf�rrr� r�l�t�d duti���nd r��p�r►�ibil�t�es a��r����r�d. �1�1L�F1��4TI�h�� �Cn�wl�� ����e o�= �ta�t��r�� I�c;.al la�w� pr���r�bin� �ut����f� ��t����rk. �p�r�t��n�� ��������ri�ti�s: ��rvi���: ��d ��ti�it��� �f th� L.egi�l�ti�� �nd �r���rrr��ti�n ���vi��� D�p�rtr��r�t. Pr���i�l�s �n� pr��t���� �f pr��rarr� d��r�l�pr��nt a�nd ��rr�in�str�ti��. �r�r��i�l�� �nd pra��ti��s �f r�nur►i����� t�u���t �r�p���ti�r� �nd ��rr��r�i�tra�����. ��in�i�les�f�up�rvisi�r�, tr�inin�, �nd p�rf�rr�r��n�����I�,��i�r�. �I���i�n I�r�r�and pr���dure�. �rin�i�l���nd pra��i��s �f r���rd� rr���a���r-r���t ir��lud��g re��rd� r�t�r�ti�n la��rv�. P�rti��r�# F�d����, �tat�, �r�d ����I I�w�, ����s, �n� r���l��i�ns. Revised 121D9 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 26 �r��r�������r� ���r��� �ire���r�f l�e��sl��i�r�ar�c� �r�f�r��#i�� ��rv���� ���rr��r��r�al� Pa�e� ��owled�e of: {�ontinu�d� M�d�rn �ffi�� pr����u�r�s, r��t���s, �n� ��r�p���r��uipr��nt. �ri��i�l�s �nd pr��ti��s �f r�sl� ��n�ge�n�n��u�i�s a�d r��p�r����il�t���. Direc��r�g �nd p�rt��i�a��ir�� in th� �p��-a�ti�n�x ���vi���, a�r�� ��#i�ri�i�s �f tk�� �.��i�l�t��� �r�d Ir�f��rna�t��n ��r�ri��� C����rtr��r�t. ��v�l��i�� �n� �drr�in��t�rNng �n �fFN�i�n�rr��nN�ipa�l r���rd� r�an���r�n��t���t�r�n. 1�b�lit�►t�: ����I����d �d��nist���r��r�rr� ���Isr �b���ti��s, �r�d p����dur��. Pr���r� �nd �d���i�#��-I�rg��nd ��rr�pl�� �ud���s. Pr����-� �I��r�nd ����is��drninis��ati�r� a�nd finan��a�l r�p�rt�. �na�l��� pr�bl�r�r��� �d�n�ify �I��rn�ti�r� s�luti�n�r pr�j��� ��n���u�n��s �f pr�p��e� ��ti�n�, �r�d ��npl�rr���t r���r�r��nd�ti�r�s �r� �upp�rt�����Is. F�����r��, �n�����, a�� ��r�lua�t� n�w��rvi��d�li�r�r� r��tl��ds�nd t��hr�i��,��. In��rp�et�n� apply ��d�r�lr �t���r �n� ���a�l p�li�i��, 1��r�x �n� r��ula�ti�t��. ��r-r�r�r�uni�t��I��r�y ��� ��n�i��l�, ��t� �ra�ll�a�n� ir�wr�t��g. E�t�bli�h� �n� rr��ir����r� �ff��ti���r�r���Cir�� r�l2��i�nship�v�ri�h �h�����r�t��t�d in th�����r����w�r#c. Illl�in��in ph��i��l ��n�iti�n ���r�pri�t�t�th� ���f�r��n�������igne� d�ti�s and r�s��n���i�iti��. �Ill�ir�t�ir� �ff���iv� �u�i���ri���! �i��rirr�i��#i�n �nd p��`����i�n t� t�� d����� n���ssa��y f�r th� su�����f�l ��rt�rrn�n���f a����gned duti��. ��P�f���N�E�#IVD T�AINI[�� ��JI�ELIiVE� �4rry carrrb�r�a��or� o�e�cperr'err�� ar�d�r�r"r��r�g� ����wo�rld li�ely provr'de �h� r�qur're�kr�awle�gr� ar��a�ili�i�s r'�q�c��1r'i�rr'r��. �4 �y����J�r�y������irr ��e�rr���lec��e�r�a��bil���e��r��lcf��. �x��ri�n�e: F��quir�s fi�r� y��r� �f ir��r��sin�l� re�p�nsib�� r�a��a��ri�l, �up��vi��ry, �r ��rr�ini�tr�ti�r� ��c��ri�r��� ir� �he f�elds �f r���rc�� r�n�n���rr��n�, �ffi�� rr��n�g�rx��nt, ri�� r�anag�r�n�ntx �r� r�l�t���i�l�t pr�f�r�bl�r in � �i��r�I�rl�'s �f#i��. Tr��n�n�: � �`r���in� �q�i�ra�l�nt t� � B��h�l�r����r��f�-�r-� �n ����-�dit�� ��II��� �r�ni�r���i��with r�a�j�r���r���r�r�c �r� �u�li�a�dr�ini��r��i�nr ��a� r�l�t�� fi���. Li��nse�r��rtifi���e: P�����si�n �f, �r ����it� t� ����ir� � �Ill�ni�ip�� �I�r�C ��r���i���i�nx i��u�d �� th� �nt��n�ti�n�l In�tit�t� �f 1111 un i�ipal �I�rk�. ��s���s��n �fx �r�billty#� �bt�in �rwri�h�n �i�c ��� r��ntl�s fr�r� ��t��f hir�, � fV���ry P�t�li���rr�r�ni��i�r�. P�s����i�r� �f, ��-a�bility�� �b��i�, �r� ���r�priat�, ��lid �rl�rer'� l����s�. V11�F��C1�1� ��IVDITI�h�� �nvir�nment�l �ond1ti�n�; ��siti�� r�q�ir�s p����nged sittin�, �ta��din�, �rwr�l�Cir��t �ffi�� ��nd fi��� �n�rir�nr��n�; tra��r�l #r�r-n �it�t� s�t�; �xt�n���r� p�bli���nta�t. Revised 12l0� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 27 �r�r�������r� ��r��� Dir��t�r�f Le�i�f��ive a�nc� Inf�rrr��ti�n �enri�e� ���r���r��r�c�} �ag�� Ph�►�i��l ��r�c�i�i�r��: ����n�i�l fun�ti�n� r���r ��quir� r�r�a����ir�ir�g ph��i��i ��r��iti�n n��e���ry f�r w��lcing, �t�r��lir�g �r �i�t�n� ��r pr�l�ng�d p�ri�ds �f tir�n�; r�p�t�t��r� �-r���r�r-r��nt�n� f�r�� ���r��n�ti�r� u�i�g � ��rr�p�t�r It�������, �i�ht ��ftir�g �n� �a�rry�n� �p t�tw�r���r p�ur��s; sp�a��c��g �r�d h�a��in� t����l��r�g� inf�r�na�t��n, n�a���ri�ua�l a��uit�r t� p��pa�r�a�nd r��ri�w��rr�s��nd�r���a�nd � �ra�r��t�r ���t��r����,�-n�nt�, �evfsed ��1�� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 28 ��CH I�1T`�H'� �ITI����11�F��Y� CFtAI��� ��R�����t ���REA�`I�N AN� I'V�Af�VT`ENAI��E �E�VI��S �l��� �p�rf���i�rrs �r� rr�t�rrd�d �a �re�er�# a d�s�ri��ive #r�� �� ��e rar��e o� cf�rtr�� perfom�rsd by �rr�p��ye�� �rr t#�e �l�r��. ��e�ific���or���r�r�ot�rr�er�a�ed#�r�f#����1�a��r#ie��erf�rmec��i��r�rr��r����. �E�IIV�T��IV T� pl�nr dire�t, rr�����e, �u�e�ri�� �n� ��r����� tl�� a��ti�ri���� a�nd �p�r�ti�n� �f th� F���r�a�ti�r� a�nd Illl�ir�t���n�� ��nri��� ��p�rtr��r►� ir��lud�n� tl�� �I�nn�ng, ����I�pr�nen�, ��� �r�d rn�in�en�n�� �f �it�r p�rk�, f��ili�i�� �nd I�nd�����d a�rea�; rnainten�n�� ����t� b�ildin��, �tr��#�, v�r�#�r��� ���r�r��r�t�r��, �n� fl��t; ��r�rs�� an� ���nini�t�r� full �p��tru��m ��r��r���i�n �r��r�rr��; ��rr�in����r�h� ��rnrr�u�i�� Tre� Pr�grarr-�� ��rdir�a�� �s�i�n�d a�ti�r�ti�� v�r�t� �th��r d�p�rtr�n�n�� �r�� ��t�i�� �����i��� �r�d �� pr��rid� h��h��r r����r��i�l� ��d ��r�r�p���c��r�ini�tr�tiv��upp�r`�t t�tl���it� 1111��2���r. ��JP�i�111�I�N �E�E�11E��4ND E�CEI�����D F����i�r�s��n�r�l adrr�ini��r�ti�r��ir��ti�n fr�r� t�� �it� N��r����r, ��c�r�i��� dir��t�u�p�rvfi�i�r� ��r�r sup�rvis�ry, �r��e�si�na�l, �n� �I��i�a�� �ta�ff. E��ENTIAL FLlIV�TI�N ���7`�AIiEIVT�--���er��r'�! re���r��r��li��e� �r�c� c��r���� rrr�y rr���c�c�e, �r�� �re r��� #�►r�i�����, �f�e�����v�rr'r��r: Esse�t�i�l Fun�tior�s: �. As��rr�� �ulf rr��r��g�r���t r��p�nsib�lit�r f�r ���i�n�� ���vi�e� a��d a�ti�rit��� �� th� F���re�t��n and Il�iair�t���n�� ��rvi��� d��art��r�� in�l�dir�g r��r��ti�n pr��r�rr�r�ir�g, planni�� ��� p�r�c ��+��1������� C�1'� ���11���������QII �l4� �A��w7} �7L�.�i�Lw�� �����11��x7r �I�i�41 ��� �+IL�I����w7. L. ���1C�C�� L�1� {��rII����fl"l�fl� C�I'1C� �I�Y1����1'��f1�C��k�f1 Q� ��e���t ����Ci�IV�S, ��r�C'+��5 Gifl� �3f I��l�I��S ���' �ssi�n�c� pr�grar�r��� r���rr�rr�en� and a�r�ini�t����li���s a�n� �r�����r�s. �. E�t�b�i�l�, v�rithin �ity p�li��, ��pr�p�i�t� ��r�i�� �n� �t�ffir�� ���r�ls: r�n�nit�� �r�� ��r�lu�t� tfn� �f��i�n��r �n� �ff��ti�ren��� �f s��vi�e ��I��r�ry nr��th�d� and p����c��r��; a����a��� r���ur��s ����rdin�l�. �, Il�l�nit�r an� ���lu�t� the �fifi���r��� ��d �fif���rv�n�ss �� ��nri�� d�l�►r�ry rir��t��d� �nd pr���c�ur��; r��;ornrr��nd, r�it�ir� d�pa�rtr��nta�l ��li��r, appr�pria���servi�� and ��a�ffing �ev�l�. �. Pla�n, �ir��tr ���rdir���� �r�d r��ri�w �h� v�r�rk �la�n f�r r�a�int�r�a��� �nd r��r��ti�r� �ta�##; a�ssi�n r��r�c ���i�ri�i��, �r�j���s a��d pr��r�rn�; r��ri�u�r ��d ��ra�lu�t� �r�rl� pr�du�t�, r��th��� a�nd pr��e�ur��x r����wi�h �t�#f t� id�nt�fy a�� r�s�l�r� pr��l�rr�s. �. ������ ��1C� �1'1�f11��1' V1f��'�C ���C�� �C�I'lll�lk�����lll� �I�C� �1.1�3��1'� S]����fYl�, ��'1C� I�l���'F1�N �'����kl�l� r�l�ti�n�hips; i��ntify�p��rt�niti�s f�r inr��r�v�r���t; �ire�t and i�npl�rr�ent�h�n���. �. Pr�p�r� r��nt�l������trn�nt�l r�p�r#s; r�p�rt�� �ity ��un�il �s r�qu��t�d. �. A�t��� 2�nd �dr�nini�t�r��nthl� rx���tin���rwri�l� �h� ��rl�s�r�d F���r��t��r� ���nrr�i��i��. �. ��rers�� �nc� �dr�-�ini�ter � �r�ri��y �f s���i�l pr�gr�rr�� in�fu�ing th� ��r�rnunity Tre� Pr�g��r� �nc� �h� p�-���rv��i�n �f hi���ri�al landrr�a�r�C tr��s. ��►����a ����� A g e n d a I te m 8.f. Page 29 �IfiY���#�F��1�� ��AIV�� �ire���r Fte�rea���� ar�d IVlai�ter�an�e�ervi�es {��r��ir��r�al� Page 2 ���entf�l �un�ti�n�: ���n���u��� 1�. ��I��i� ��r�r�-rur�ity p�rti��p�ti�n thr��g� ���vi�� �r�.rbs, �r��ni���f��� �nd �r�l�n���rs �� ���p�rt d�p�rtrr���t pr��r�r���r�� pr�����s. ��, ��I��t, �ra�in, rr��ti�ra�t� a�r�d ��ra�lua�t� a�s�i���d p�r��nn�l; pr��i�� �r ���r�iina��� �t�ff tra�ir�ir��; w�rk �rvi�h er�r�pl��e�s����rr���d�f�i�n�i�st irn�l���n��i��i�li���nd ��rrr�in�ti�n �r���d�r��. 12. ��r�r��� �r�d p��ti�i��t� in th� ��v�l�prr���t �r�d ��r�r�ini�tr�t��r� �� tl�� �i�ri���r�'� ��►nu�� b�����; p�r�i�ipa�t� in t�� f�r��a��t �� f�nd� r���d�d f�r �t��ing, �q�ipr��n�, ��t�ria�l� �nd �uppli�s; rn�nit��- a�nd a�ppr�v��xp�n�i�ur��; ir�pl�r���t�dj�s���nt�. ��. ��rv� �s th� li�is�n f�r th� F���r��ti�r� �n� 11JIa�int�nan�e �er�ri�es de�artr�n�nt v�ri�h �t��r �iv�si���, d�p�r`�rrr�r�t�, �nd ����i�� �g�n�i��; n���ti�#� ��� r���l�r�s�n��ti�r���d ��r�tr���r�i�l is����. 'I�. Pr��ri�fe sta�ff a�s'rstan�� t� t�� �it�r Illla�����r; ��rti�ip�t� �r� � �r�r��t� �f b��r��, ��r�nr�ni��r�n� �nd com�n�tte��r prepare and p�eser�t staf�reparts ar�d other n��ess�ry�or�respor�der��e. 1�. Pr�vi�e �taff su�p�rt t�a��i�n�d b��rd� �r�� ��r�rr�ni�s��r��. 1�. ��n���# � �r�ri�ty �� �rg�ni��ti�r��l stu�di��, in�r�s�ig�ti��� �nd ���r�ti�+��l st�d�e�} re��rnr�r-��nd rr��difi��ti�ns t� �a�l�s�n� r��re��i�n� pr����rn�, p�li�i���n� pr�����r���� �ppr�pri�t�. ��. Att�r�d �r�d p��ti�i��t� �� �r�����i�n�� gr��p r-���tin��; s���r abreast�f n�w trends an� inr���r�ti�n� in �I��fi�ld ��p�rl�s �nd r��r��ti�r� �r��r�rn d��r���prr���t. ��. F��sp�nd t� �nd r�s�lv� d�ffi�uit�nd s�n�iti�r��iti��r� ir��uiri���n� ��r�pl�int�. �9. ���p�n� �r�d p�rf�rm ���ign�d duti�� ��t����r�t�t����it�r���I�r�d �r��r��r���- 2�. P�rf�rrr� rel���d duti���n� r����n�i�iliti�s �� r�q�ir�d. C�LI�ILIFI�AT1��� F�nowfed��o�: ���r�ti���t ��rvi�s and a�ti�r�ti���f���rr�pr�hen�iv� r��r��ti�n pr��r�r�. ���rati�n��r�� ��r�ic�es �f a���rr�p��h�n�i�r� rx��int�n���� pr��r�r�. III��#I�����n� t��hr�ic�u�s��r p���ridi�g ��r�C�r str��t�, ���r�r�r, r�r���r �na�fle�� r�ain��r�an�� ��rvi���. Pr���i�l�� a�nd pr��ti��� �f p��grar-Y-� d���l�prr��n�a�nd ad�-r�ini�t���i�n. �rir��ipl�s �nd pra�ti��� ��r�uni�i�al budg�t pr�p�r�ti�n �nd �dr-nini�tr��i�r�. Pr���ipl�� �f�up�rvi�i�r�, tr�in�n� �n� p�rf�rr�n�r�����ralu��i�r�. Illl�th��� �nd ���h�i�u������I��iting ��r�nr-nun�ty�u���rt f���ar���n� r��r���i�r� pr�gr��n� �n� pr�j����, �r�ir��ipl���f p�r��r�n�l r�a�r�a���rnent an� �rr�pl���� ����I��r-�r��nt. ��,rr�n���d Fe��ra�l �r�r�t pr�gr�r-Y-��. P�rti��n� ��d�ral, �t�t��nd I���! �a�v�r�, ����s�r�d r��u�ati�r��. �4bili ��: Illl�nag�a�n� dir���� ��rr�pr�h�r��iv� re�reati�n pr��r�rr�. �Ill�n�g� �nd dir��t � ��r�npre��n���r� rr�2�inter�an�� ����r�rr� �� ���I�d� p�r�C�, ��r��ts, s�w�r, v�r�#�r a�nc� �leet. D��r�l�p�nd �dr�ini�t�r�����trr��ntal ���I�: ��j��t��r���nd p����d�r��. Pl�n, ��-�ani���ir���a�nc� ���rdin���th�w�r��f I�w�r I��r�� stafif. ��le�t, su��rvr��, �r�in �nc� ���lu��� sta�fif. ��I��a�t� autfi��r�ty 2�n� resp�n�i�ili��- ������ ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 30 �ir�r o����o�����[��� Dir����r#�e�re�t��r� �n�l IIA�ir�t�r��r�����r�ri��� {��r��ir��ec�� Pa�� 3 At�ili ��: ���n�ir�ue�� Illl�ti�r�t� v�lu€����r� �r�d ��r-�rnur�i#�r �r��nr�a�i�ns t� ���p�rt ��rks �nd r��r��ti�� pr�gr�r�� �n� pr�j��t ��v�l��r�n�nt. ��I��i���rnr�nunity �upp�rt�n �h�d�v�l��rr��nt������r�r� �n� p��j��t���ivi�i��. Pr��r#d� ��n�tru�t��r� I�ad�rship. 111�eet �nri�h ��h�r �i�i�s: �h� ��h��l �i��r��� �nd ��h�r ��fi�i��� t� �lir�ir��t� th� dup�i�a�t��n �� s�rvi��� an� p��r7r��t����p���t��n b�tw��� ag�n�i��. �d��ti�y �r�d r�sp��� t���r�rr�u�ity�nd �it�r��un�il is����x ��n��r��and n��ds. ���d blue prin���nd rr���c� r���r-nrr��nd�ti�ns�r� I�nds��p� pl�n�. ��ep�r� �r�d ��r-r�inist�r I�r�� pr��r��n b�d���s. P��p�r� �I�a�r a�nd ��r������d�n�r�i�#r�t'rv�a��d fina�r��ia�l r���rt�. �n�l��� pr�bi�rr��# id�nti#y a�lt�rr�a�ti�� ��i�ti�n�, pr�j��t ��n��q��n��� �� pr�p���d a�ti�n� and ir�pl��nen� recor��nendations in s�,ppo�t of goal�. F�����r�hr ���I�r�� �n� �ua�l��t� n��r s�rvi��d�li�r�ry rr��t���� �n�t��hniqu��. I�t�rpr���n� �ppl� F�d�r�l, �t����n� I���� p�li�i��, I��v�a�nd r�gulat��n�. ��r�rnuni�t��I��rl��nd ����is�l�r, ���h �r�����nd in writin�- E�t�bli�h �nd rr��int�in ��f��t��r��rwr�r�C��� r�l�t��rr�hip�u�rit� �h�s���n�a�t�d in th���ur���#w�rlc. 1111�ir���ir� ph�r�i��l ��r�dit��n appr��raat� t� th� ��rf�rr�ar��� �f a��i�n�d duti�s a�nd r�s��r��ibilitie�. �Ill�int�in ����ti�r� aucfi�-�r�sual di���-ir�ninati�n ar�d p�r�epti�n nee��c� f�r rr�ak�ng �bserv��N�r�s, ��rr�rn�ni��ting v�r��h ����r�s r��di�g, �ritin� �n� ���r�ti�� ���ign�� �qu�prr��n�, ��C�'EFtI��V���4ND T�AINI�V� ��IDEL��IE� Ar�y corrrb�rra��on of��c��r�er�ce �►�d�r���rr#r�g ��a�wo�ld I�k�ly pro���e �he re���red krro�l�dge ar�d a�r'1i�res is�ual�fy�rrg. A �yp��a!way�o o�a�airr �he kr�o�r�ed�e ar��f abilr���s v�oulcf bei E��eri�n�e: �i�c �r��r� �f in�r����n�l� r�sp�nsi�l� ��r�c �I�nni�g, r���-�����n �r�gr��rr�in� �nd rr��int�n�n�� �u�erv�si�� �x��ri�n�e, i��lud�n� tf�r���r�ars��rr��n���rr��r�t�r�d adrn��i��r�ti�r� r��p�n�Nb��it�. �'r�inin�: �q��v�l�n� t� a B��h���r� ��gr�� �r�r� �n a���r���t�� ��II��� �r �r�i�r�r�it� v�rith �n�j�r ���,r�� �r�rk �n r����2�t��n �d�ni�istr�ti�n, pu�l���d�nir�i��r�ti�n, b��ir������r�ini�tr�ti�n �r� r�l�t�d f��l�. Li��nse����rtif����e: P�sse��i�n �f, �r�b�li�y t�����in, �n ��p��priat�x �ral�d driv��� li��ns�. 11V�F�KIhI� ��NDITI�IV� En�r�r�nr�r�en�al ��nt�it��r�s: �111�� �11� ����� ��1f��V����L� 4���F�I �ILJ111 ��4� L� ��L�� �!\������ k� L�+�ll�l�ul�� �7Lr��r�11�� ���x7�r �4.�•7�� G11� ��������4 Y1F�R4����+����4�L��7� ����G�� Y�11��I��. ���ISI��� ���1C�1�1��1�: Es��ntia�l and �th�r irr�p�rt�nt r��p�r��i�il�t��� �nd duti�� ��� r�q�ire rr�a�n�ain�r�� ph�si��� ��nditi�� n����s�ry f�r �i�ting, �t�r�d��g, �r v�r�l��n� ��r pr�l��g�� �eri�d� �f t�r�r►�; �p�r��ir�g r��t�ri��� �qui�rx��nt and v�h��l�s; li�ht to mod�rat� liftin�. ��,�;��� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 31 E�CH��IT "I" ��T1���AF�R�Y� �RANDE E�CE��T�11� ����E�AF�II �I�ss specrf��sr�r'�r�s �r�e ir���rr�fe�f �� �r�e��r�� � c��s�rr"��i�re 1��� �f�#ae r�r��� ���lcr�r"�� p�rl`arme� b� �rx��l��r��� ir� �h� �l�ss. �{���i�ic�#i�r�s are rr��r'rr�er��Ieaf#��ef1��#�#!cf��ie�perf�rmecf wi�J�ir��1�e j�b. �EFII�I�I��f To support poli�� ar�d fir� ser��ces by �erformin� a varrety of �omplex responsible �nd �an�d�ntial ���r���ri�l, ��r-Y-�ini��r�ti�r� �nd #��I�ni��l duti�� f�r th� ��li�� �hi�f �r th� Fir� �I�i�� a�nd their �dr�nini�tr�ti�r� �t�ffs�s ���i�n�d; �� ����� li�is�r� �r�d �r�vid� ap�r��ri�t� ir�f�rr��ti�n t� P�li�� ��d ��r� ����rt��r�t �t�ff, ��h�r �ubli� �nd �ri��t� �g�n�a��, and ������n� ����rd�r�� P�li�� ��d Fir� ��p�rtr��nt p�li�i��, pr���dur��, ar�d ��ti�rit��s; �r�� t� p�rforr�r� � ��ri�ty �# ��n�r�� �ust�r��r s�r-�i�� �nd �dr�ir�i�t��ti�r�t���c� r�l�tiv�t�th����ign�d �r���f��sp�r�sib�fit�. �l���F�111���N F����IIIED A�1� E�C�IR�I�E� F����i�r����n�r�l �up�rvi�i�n fr�rr� t�� P�Ir���I���f�r ��r� �hi�f�nd ���ir�drr�ir�istr�t��r��t�ff�. ���r�i��� �ir��t, r�as�r��bl�r �nd �pp��pri�t� ��p�rvi���n ��rer f�n�ti�n�l �nd t���►r�i��l r�sp���i�ilit��� �f s�b�rdin�t����f�ir���udin� v�lu�t�ers. ���E�TIAL �1����f�N �TA��IVI�IVT�--���er��i�! �r�c� ���r�r r'rrr��r��rr� �e���r��i�bilr'���� �r��I ���i�� ►rr�}r �r�cl�rcfe, ���are r�o�l�mi�ed�o, �he ��JJow�n�r: ����ntia� Fun��i�r��: fi, P�r��r�n � v�r��ty �f r����r��ibi�, ��rr�ple�c �nd ��nfid�nti�l ���r���ri�l, ��r�ini�tr�tiv� and t��F�ni��l ��p��rt �uti�� ��� th� P��i�� �k�i�� �r F�r� �I�i�f �n� �I��ir �dr7r�ir���tra�ti�r� �taff� �n�luding b�� ��t li�it��i ��: ir�����nd�n�l� ��r�n���ir�g, ��r�pi��n�, pr��fr�adin� and �d�ting t�r��g� v�r�r� �r����sin� �r typ�ng � �rvi�� �r�ri�t�r �f��r�pr�h�n�iv� and ��n�Ndenti�l ���-r�s��n��n��: ���ff r�p�rt�t ���r����t r�r�in�t�� �f r�r���tin�s, I�tt�rs, r�r��rn�ran��r �t�tis�i��! r�p�rts �r�d r�l���� d��ur�r��nt� �� a��ig��d; tYpfr�g fr�rr� r�ugh d��ft� �r�r�r��l in�tru��i�n; ��r7r�pl�tir�g ��r��r�� ���r��a! �nd filing �nr�rlc; serving �s r���r��r�t�r�ri��� r�r���ti�g�; �n�t�l��n� �nd tr�r�s�rib�n� r��t����d di�t��i�n. �. Pr��rid� r����n�i�l� st�� ���istan�� a�nd ��pp�rt �� �h� P�li�� ��i�f �r Fir� �h��� a��d tl��ir ad�nir�is�rative staf�s in a v�ride variety of �e�artm�nt ap�ratior�s including but not �ir�ited to the Er��r��n���p�r�ti�n� ��n��r; ��r��� �p��i�l pr�j��t��nd 2�ssig�r���ts �s r�q���t��. �. P�r��rm � v�r���� �� �u�t�r�n�F ��rv��� ��t���t��� f�r �n��v���2�1�, pu���� �nd pr��r�L� gr�ups: ���ani�at��r��, and �ther �i��r d�p�rt�n�n�� in�lu�i�� h�t r��t lir�it�� t�; r���pt���i�t duti��; ��r��r�in� ��� r�utir�� t�l�pl��n� ��II�; �r��tin� ir�di�i��,�l� in th� �dr�in�str�ti�r� �r��; �-��p�nding t� inq�ir��� 2�nd r�q����� ��r inf�rm�t��n; �-�f�rrin� �nquir��� a� a�pr�pria�t�; a�nd �r��riding inf�rrir��t��n �ri�h�� tl�� ����if��area���a�s�g�rr���t a��ppr�pri2�t�wi�l��� I���I 2�r�� P�li�� �n� �ir� ��p�rtrr��n��t�nd�r��. �. ����i�r�, ��rt, �nd di�tri�ut� in��r�in� rr��il ��nt t� t�� P�li�� �nd Fir� D��a�trn�nt�� a�� �� N�t�ry �ubli��s r�quir�d. �. fl���ir�tair� � ��I����r �f����►ri�i�s, m��t�r�g�r and v�ri�u� ��r�nt� ��r th� P�li�� �i�i�f�nd Fir� �hi�f �nd th�ir �dr-r�ir�i��r�tiv� ���ffs; �rr���� rr���t��g� �n� rr��k� �pp�intr-r��nt� #�r �h� P��i�� �I�i�� ���I �ire �hief�nd t��ir�drnin��trativ� st�ffs� com�l��e ar�ss�st w�t� the prep���t��� of staff r�ports an� �p��i�l pr�j��t�� ���rdinat� pr�j��t� anc� e�r�nt� w�th �h� �ub��� �nd ��t�id� ag�n�i��; f�ll�v�r-�p �n ��sign�d pro�e�ts�o meet de�c�li��s. Agenda Item 8.f. ���+���� ���� Page 32 ����������� ����� Exe�ut��re �e�re�a�y{Corr�rrr�,�d� P��� � E���r��i�l F����i�r►�: ���ntir�ue�l� �. ���'rst in th� pr�par��i�n, r�r��int�nan��, �n� upd�tir�� �� �rga�ni��ti�n�l rnanual� f�r ��� pers�nn�l; ���r�l�p, �r��t�r �nd up��#�f�rr��, ��r�r�phl���, p��i���, pr������-��, �r�d rep�rt�. 7. ��rv�a�� �u���di�n, rn�int�ir� and ��dit� r�i����r��t�r �f r���r��, f�l��a�nd I��s �-�#a���� t� P�I���a�r�� Fir� ��p��trn�n� �p�r�ti�n� ��d ��tivi�i�s, in�lu��n� ���fid�r�ti��, a�dr�nini�tr�t��r� in��rn�� r��i�w�i��rest�g�ti�r� �nd ���-���r��l fil�s; rr��int�in �n� ��dit ��r�fiden�Nal p�r��nn�l �nd �drr�ir�i�tr�t��r� r����vrr��r��r��ti��ti�n fil�s ir� ����rda�n�� �ritl� I���I an� P��i�� �nd Fir� D�p�rtrr��nt �t�r�d�ra�s; ��r�d��� p�ri��i� r��i�v�r�p�tr�in� �f fil�s �� ��r�n�lian�� �nritl� ���a� �nd P�li�� a�r�d �ir� D����tr��r�t�t�n��rd�. �. �n�ur��hat�rr�p������v�l�rati�ns �r� �u�r7r�itt�d ir� � tir��l�r r7r��nn�r; rn���t�ir���ra�lu�ti�n fil��; v�rif� ��r��r�r��l���l��y inf�rrr��t��n �� req���t�d ��r th� P�li�� �hi��� �ir� �hi�f, �r �I��ir �drr�ir�i��r��iv� staffs. � 9. A�si�� ir� t#�� prep�r�ti�n �r��1 ���rdin��i�� �f r��ruitrr��n� rr��t�ri�l� ��� t�� �-��ru�itrx���t pr���ss f�r �t�ff; p�rf�rm p�r��nn�l fur���i�����d �ssist�� �ir����d in th� ir�t�rvi���nd hiring pr�������r st�ff. 1�. �r��id� ���n�� �t�m� �nd �t�ff r�p��t� ��r �'rt�r ���n�il r���tings; p�-���r� �r� tr�n��rib� r�ninu#�s ��d r�p�rt�f�r��I��t�� rr���tings; di����in��� in��rrr�ati�n �� P�li�� ��d Fir� D���rtrr��n���a�ff�. 11. �p�r��� �r�ri�u�� �ffi�� equi�r��nt in�lud�n� ��rr��u��� �r�d �upp�rtin� �nr�r� pr�����in� a�nd ��r���i�h��t a�pii�ati�r��, �h�����pi�rt p�sta�� rr��t�r} �2��c rr����in�, and shr����r. ��. 1\�Y1�■�� ����G1�1.��� Q�� �4.�����#4�i Gi 1FGi���i� �� �1�7�I� x7��L4#w7���G1 C;11� ���IIIIw7L�Gl41Y� ������G4L��� ���r1�L1��1� ��� �������il�l 1 LI� ����L�� ���LII L�t r l�Yi�.7��4����7� �r�!������Ll�.rl ILi�� 1 1��1 1��JI�1 I�GIa ��� ������ p�rf�rr-r� ��r-Y-�put�r�nd h�n� ���� �r�try; r�-��ir���in �nd r�tri���d����r�r��rar����fil�s. 1�. A����� in bu�g�# �r�p�r�ti�n, rn�ni��ring, ���I��ti�n, �r�d ��ntr�l; r��nit�r ��p�ndit�r�� �n� �ur�h��ing ���i�r�ti��� pr�p�r� pur�h��� �rc��r�; r���iv��nd ����r�f in�r������n� ����; ���rdin��e�r�d nn�int��n ���t r��o��ry pr-��ra�r��a�� r�q�ir�d. 1�. A�si�� in gr�r�t �r�p�r�ti�n �nd �ppli���i�r�r r7r��r��t��in� �f�und� and subrr�issi�r� �f�p�l���bl� r�p�rt� t�g��r�t i��uin� �g�n�ies; �r�pare a�d rr��nit�r�p�li��bl� r��rr�b�r��rr��nt�fr�rr� �t��� r���ur���. ��. F���i�v�r �nd pr�p�r� p��r�ll f�r pr�����ing; rr��r�it�r ��r�rtir�� ���g�; r�ta��n �nd r-�r���i��r ���rr�ll r���rd�; ��b��t a�ppr�p�ia�t� ����rr��nt�ti�n t� ir��tia�t� a�pli���l� pa�r�ll a�� �alary �h�nge� ��r p�rs�nn�N. '��. I���� a�r�d tr��� p�rrr�it�f�r���rrts a�r�d irr�i�i�u�ls �� ��pr��r�d b� th� F��li�� a�n� F��� I���a��tr��n��; ��i�i�t��nc� rn�ni��r ��rr�ni� r�r��v�r���. '��. �r�ani�e a�n� ���rdinat� ���-r�rr�unity pr��r�r-r�� a� d�r��t�d; d�li�r�r pr���nta�ti�n� �� dir��t�d t� ���ri� �nd ��r�r��rni�y gr�u�s ��d in�i�r��ual� in ��p��rt �f P�I��� a�nc� Fir� D�pa�rkrx��nt pr�granr�� ar�d ��ti�riti�s. 1�. N1�i�t��n �����r��i�r� �-e��ti�nshi�� with �taff, r��r�r�b�r� �f priv�t� �nd ��h�r pu�li� �g���i��, �n� �ner�r-�b�rs�#t�� �ubli�. �9. Pa�rt��ip�t� �r� tr�inir�g ��c��-�i��� and �I����s a��dir��t�d. 2�. P�rf�rrr� r���t�d du�i�s �nd r��p�n��biliti�� �� r�quir�� �}� th� P�li�� �I�ie� ��d Fir� �hi�� a��d th��r �drr�inistr�t��r�st�ff��� �-n��t��� r���d��f th� P�I��� �r�cl �ir� D���rtr���t� �nd th���rnr�nunit�r. Agenda Item 8.f. ������� ����� Page 33 ����������� ����� ���������r ��r�i���� �Lr����1��L�� Pa�ge � E��en#i�l �un��i�n�: ���r�tir�u�c�} �'�. ��rry �ut d�ti�s and r��p�r�sibiliti�� �� ��r�r�p���n�� �nri�� �ppr�pri��� ��d�ral, sta�t�r ���nt}�, �it� I���rr� ��d �r�ir�����s ��d �it�r p�r��r�n�l ��I����th��� bi��, f��r�r�ti�rr�, �r�r�j�di��. 2�. F���p���i�l�f�r���f-�r�n�li�n��wit� r�g�l�t��n�} p�l������r�d pr���dur�s. ��. A����� r��p�n�ibi�ity ��d ���r�i�� r����nab�� �pp��pri�t� �i��r�ti�n in r-r���t�r� n�� �p��if���l�� ��fir��� ��- d���rib�d in th� P�li�e �nd Fir� D���rtrr���t r�gula��i�n�r p�fi�i�s, �r���dur��, �nd j�b des�ription. 2�. ��r�sis��r�tl�r d�rx��nstrat����rn�l�ry���r��s�r, ini��a�ti�r�, �ilig�n��, �r��hfuln���, a�tt�n#i�n t� du��r, �n� �����ra����f pr���r pers�n�� di��ipli�� �� a��ordan�e v�ri�h P������nd Fir� D�partrr���t st�nd�r�s. C��1�1L�FI��TI�IV� l�C�ow�ed�� of: 1. �it� �nd d�pa�rtrr��nt a��ti�r�ti��, pr�gr�ms, ��fi�i�s �r�d pr���d�r�� �� r�a��n��ly r�quir�� b� th� �p��ifi�a���ig�rr����. �. B��i� v�r��l �n� wr�tt�n �n�li�� lan�u�g� �nd gr�rr�rr��r t� b� �bl� t� r����nabl�r ���mrr���i��t� in��rrn�ti�n v�ri�h th� p�bli� �n���r ��r�n�l�t� r�l��r�n� writt�r� d��u�r��nt�ti�n r�quir�d b�r j�b ����viti�s. �. ���i�r��s�r���l�r n�����a��y�up�nris�ry prin��p��� ��d pr���i���. . �, ��si� ���r��i�r��, s�r�ri��� 2�nd ��ti�riti�� �f � ��rnpr�h�ns��re �nd ��nt�r�np�r�r`�r P�I��� or Fir� D��a�rtr��n��� r����nabl�r requir�d ��r�h�����f���a���ig�rr��nt. �. Ill��th��i�� t��hn�q��� �r�� �ti�u�tt� �f effe��'r�r� ���t�r��r��rvi�� �n ��I�pi��r��� �nd in ��r��n. �. illl�th���a�r�� t���n�q��� �f�fif���i�r���nf�i�t r���luti�n. �. �111�d�rn �ffi�� pr����1ur��, r�r��th�d� �r�d �qu�p�n�nt in�luding ���n��t�r� a�r�� �upp�rtir�� w�r� �r��e�sir�g �nd �pr��d�he�t�p�li��t��n�, E�r-r-����, v���� r����, �t�d Int�rr��t, �. T���niq����f�u�ine�s le�t��'r�rri�ing �nd b�si� r�p�rt�rrit��� �r��ti���. 3. Prin�i�l���nd �r���d�re�������rd �c���ing, f��in� �r�d ���� r��ri��r�l. 'I�. B��i� �n�th�rn�ti�l �rin�ipl�� re���n�bl�r n����s�ry �� ��rf�rr� b�d����ry fun�ti�n� �n� pr�ctic�s. 'I�. ��I���r�t I�v�r�, r�l�� �nd r�guiati�ns ����rr�in� t�e ��nfi�entiality, r�t�r�ti�n a�nd r��eas� �f inf�rr���i�� ���t�in�d in ��li����d f��� re��r�s a�nd per��nr�el d��urr��nt�. 1�. F��I��r�r������r�l, ������n� I���I I��v�, ��d�s �nd �-�gul�ti�ns. J4bi��t�t�: �. P�rf�rrn r�sp�n�ible �nd d�fifi�ult ���fi��rrt��l ���r�t�ri�l �r �drr�ir�is�r�ti�� t�sk� in�r��ving �h� ���r�i���f r����n�b���n� a�pr��ri��� i���p�rrd��t�ud��n�n��r�d p�r����l initia���r�. �. lJn�i��s��nd th� �r���i���i�nal and �p�r�ti���l �tru��ur� �f �h� �s�igr��d ��p�rtrr�ent, �t��r �it�r d�p�r#rr���ts an� �utsid� pr�v��� ��� pu��i� �g���i�� �s re�s�n�bl�r ������a�r� �� p�rf�r� th� �s���n�c� r��p�r��ibil�ti��. �. A��1��11111��1 ��1����-u��r� �rner��n���p�r�ti��� ��t�t�r{���� ir� �h� ��rent�f a m���r in��d�r�t. �. r�t�r�ret�n� app��r��r�ir���tr��iv��nc� d�pa�rtrn�r�tal ��li�i���nd �r�����r��. �. �up�r�ri����b�rdir�2,t��t�ff�nd v�lunt��r�. �, I�����r�d�ntl� pr�p�r� a�ppr�pr�a�t����r�s��nd�n��a�r�d rn��n�r�n�a�. �. Enter d�t� i� � ��r�p�t�r �nd��r typ�v�r�it�� �t � r����n��le ����d n������ry ��r �u���ssft�l j�� p�rf�rr�����. �. i��rn�in ��Ir�n ur�d�r p�t�r�t��ll�r�tre�sfu� ��rtditi���. 9, ln��r��� �ff��ti�r���r �it�r � v�rid� �ra�r��t�r �� ��r��r�� ��der ��t�nti��l� ��r��sf�l, h�stiM�, �nd ��t�g�n��ti���nditi�n�. 1�. �et�rrni�� inf�rr�ati�n t� b� r�lea���cf t�th� publi��� �ppr�priat��nrithir� I�ga�� a�nd ��li�� �r�d �ir� Depar�rner�t�t�n��rds. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"'��� '���� Page 34 �:���� �1����� �'.7�1��� ��[e���iv����ret��'y ���rr�irr��al� P���4 ��il�tY��: ���r�tinu�d� �..�� 1'!. �111�ir��ir� ���ur�t� re���-d�, I�g��r�� ��I��. 1�. ���r�#� ��fi�� �quipr��nt in�l�din� ��rr�p�t�r� an� �u�p�r�ing v�r�rd �r����sin� and spr��d�l���t ��pli�ti���� ���c r-r�a�h�nes, �rir�t�r� �n� ph�t���pi�rs. 1�. ���p�nd #��tf�ll�r �le�rl� �nd ��r��i��l� #� r�qu�st� �nd �nquiri�� �r�rr� th� p�bli�, ���r� r�n�c#ia ��d �t�er ���n�i�s �� ��n�itiv� i��ue� �r� th� ���i�n�t�d ar�� �� r�s���sibi�ity �nritl� ���r��t a�nd �ppr��r��#e �nf�rrr���'r�n. ��. �ff���i�rel�r h�ndl� �nd pri�riti�� rr�ultip��t���s �ir-r-xult����us�� �nd nr���t�ri�i��l d��dlin��. ��. 1N�r� i�d�p�r���nt�� �n th��b��r����f dir��t�up�rvi�i�n. ��, ��rr�r�uni��t� �I��rl�r �nd ��r��i��l�, b�tl� �ral��r�n�1 in�rr���r��- ��, E�t�bli�� �nd r�n�int�i� �ff��ti►����rlt��g r�l�ti�n��ips�vith �h�s���r�t����d i�t�� ��ur�e�f�nr�rl�. 1�. Il�l�ir�t��� �ff��ti�r� �udi�-�ris��l dis�rirni��ti�r� ��� p�r��pti�n ne�ded #�r rr��ltir�g �h��rv�ti�nsr �orr�rr�ur�ic�t�n� �rwritl� ��I��r�, ���dir�g: �rvriting a�nd ���r�tir�g ���igr��� ���ipr�n�r�t. 13. �I�I�int�in ph��i�al ��nd��i�n ��pr�pri�t� �� t�e p�rf�rrn�n�� �� ���i�r��c# duti�� �nd r����nsibili�ie�. E�CP����IV�E A�VD TI�#I�VIIV� �l�I��LIIV�� Any corr�bir�a�#on of exp�r�err�e ar�d �ra�r�irr� �ha� wa�Id �rovide ��r� r�c�ur'red k►�ow�ed�re arrd ab�I��r'�� �s ��r�lr'fyirr�. � �y�r��l�r�y����b��rrr �i�e krr�v����ig� �rrc���b�li�i�s��r���f�be: Ex��rien��� �i�r� {�} ���r� �f�r��re��ingl�r r��p�n�ib�� �drr���i�t��tiv� �n���r���r�t�ri�� ��cp�ri�n�� ir��r�l�rin� frequ�nt ��r�li���n�����r�� tw� {�� ���r���cp�ri�n�� in th��i��d �f pub�i�safety. Tr��nir��: Equi�r�f��t �� t�� ��r7r�pl��i�r► �f th� tw�lfth {��t#�} �ra��, �.g. � hi�h s�h��� �i�l�rna �r a� �ED. �upp��rr�e�t�l ����i�li��d �r�ining �n �e�r�t�r�al a�nd �d�ninist��tiv� �#cill�} �ffi�� rr������rr��n� �n� ���put�r t��hr��l��� i� hi�hl����ir�b��. Li��n�e�r��rtifi�a�te: ��s����i�n ��, �r�bil�ty t� �bt�in ��d rr��i�t�in �v�lid �a�l�f�rni�dri�r�r's I��ense. ��rt����t�� �r� In�id�nt��mr�and ���t�rr� {����, �t����r�i��d Err���g�n�� N1�n����n�nt ��rs��rn {�EN1��, IV�ti�n�l In�id�n�11�1�n�g�r��n������rr� �hlIN1��, in��udin� erx�er��n��r r-r�a�na���r��nt a�r�d di�a��t�r�I�nning. 1N�I�K1�1� ��h1�]11`I�fi�� En►rir��r�nen��l ��r�t�iti�n�: �����r�d P�li� �r�ir� C��p�rtr��r���n�rir�nr��nt; rr�������rel fr��n a�����������n��; �xt�r��i�r� ��p���r� ����r�-�p��er s�r��n�� ��cp��ur�t� I�u�d n�is�s; ��c#�nsi�r� ��nt��t v�r��h �I�� g�n�r�l p��li��nc� �ubli��a����r a���n�i��. IIJ1u�� �� ��I� t� w�r�C �tt�r n�r�-n�l b��ir���� �►��r�, �nr���C�nds a�nd h�l�da��r� �nrh�r� r����r���l� n������ry; le�rn �e�v duti�� �r�d ���C� r��v�r���igr�r��nts with r�a���r��bl��r2�inin�; �n� �d�pt t� r�as�nabl� �h�r��� ir� t�►��rwr�rl��n�r��-��r�n�nt. �I��si��l ���di�i�ns; .��b d�tie� �nd r��p�r��ib�li�i�s r��,y r�quire rr�ai�ta�r�ir�� �hy�i��l ��r�diti�n n�������y f�r v��i�Cin�, stand��� �r �itt�r�g f�r pr�l�ng�d p�ri�d� �f tir�r��t li�ht li�t�n� an� �arry�r�g; ��ct�n�iv� use �� ��r�p���r �r ty��►��r�-i#�r �cey�a�rd. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"'��� ����� Page 35 ���I���ii�#! ����������� ����� �I�� ��I�� C�ass spec�f�cations ar� �rr��rr�ed #o pr��err� a descrip�ive �fs# of �h� rarr�e a� du�ies performed by empJoyees in �#re �1�ss. ��e�rfr��#i�rrs�r+e r��t irrterr�ecf��r+��Je��all�#��r'����rf�rmeal wr"��rirr��r�job. �����rrfi��� �� ���n, �i����, �rn�n��� anc� ���r��� th� ��ti►riti�� �n� �p�r�t��r�� �f th� �ir� D�p�rtr���t in���dir�g fir� pr��r�nt��n, fir� ��pp����i��, �r��r��r���r r-�-w�di��l f�n�ti�ns �n� fir� a�r�� lif� ������r a�tN�riti��; t� ���rdina#� �s��gn�d a���i�ri���s �nr�tl� �tt��r di�ri�i�r��, d�partr��n�s �nc� �ut�ic�� �g�n����� �n� �� pr��ri�� h���l� r������ibl� a�d �orr�pl��c adrr�ini�tr����r� �upp�rt t� �i�� �ity Ill�a��a�g�r. �#�i� p�siti�r� ���v�s th� corn�uni�ies o�Arroyo �r�nd�, �ro�rer �e��hx and �ce�no. �C��E�VI�I�IV RE��111E� AN� ��C���I��� ����i�r����r��r�l adr�nini�tr�t��r�dir��ti�� fr�� t�� �it�r 11�1�r��g�r. E�c�r�i����ir����u�p�rvi���n ��r�r sup�rv���ry, pr�f�s�i�n�f, t��hni�al� �I�ri�al ���f re��rv��t�f�. ���EI��I�L ��JI��TI�h� �TAT�I�I�NT�--���er��r�! r����r��ibr���ies �r�c� c������ ►r���r rr���crc��, �b�� �re rr�� Irrnr�e�f��� �1�� ��l��wirr�= E�s��tia� Fu��t���s: '�. ����rr�� fu�� �n�nager�n�r�� r����n���ility f�� �II �it}r Fir� �nd L�f� �afety �ur���i�n� r��ludin� fir� �r��r�n�x�t� �nd in�p���i�nr ��� ���pr��s��r�, �rr��r��n�� r-r��di�a� ��rv����� �ir� �nc� lif� ��f�ty, �r►d ��r�nin��tr�ti�re servi���; ��� r���rr��n�r�d �nd ��r�ini�t�r p�ri�i�s �nc� pr�����r�� f�r th� ��r�nr�unit��s��Arr����r�r�d�, �r��r�r �����, �nd ���an�. �. Ill��r���� th� d��r�l��r�n�nt �nd ir�p��rr��nt�ti�n �� ��partr�n�nt g��l�, �bj�����r�s, p��i�i�� �nd pr`r�r�ti��. �. E�t�bli�h, �ithin �#�p�rtrr���t�l p�����, �P�r��riat� s�rvi�� and sta�ffing �e��l�; rr��n���r �n� ��r���a��� �h� �ffi���n��r ��d �ff���i�r�r���� �f ��rvi�� d��i��ry r�n�th�ds �nd �r����ur�sr �Il���t� ����ur��� �����di��ly. �. �l��, dir��� �r�� ���r�in�t� tl�� ��p�rtr�n�r�t'� v�ror�C pla��; ���i�n pr�je�t� a�nc� pr�gr�r�rr���i� ����� �f r�sp�n����li��r; r�vie��r�d ������t� ►�r�r� rn��h�ds �r�d �r���d�r�s: ���t r�r�th I��� �t�if t� id�r�t�fy ��� r�sol�r� probl�r��. �. ������ a�r�d r��nit�r v�r�r�c I�a�d a�r�� �d�nini�tr��i�r� �nd �upp�rt s�r�t�r�rs� i��ntify �pp�rt�niti�� f�r ir�pr��r��n�ntr �ir��t a�n� ir�pl�r��nt�I�a�r����. �. ���r�l�p sp��i�i� pr�p�s�l� f����ti�n �n ��rr�nt a�n� ��t�r� �ity n��d�; r���c� fi��� ir�t��p��t��i��� �� �i��fire�r�ir�an���, ����� an� a�pli��bl� f�r�r�t��n��r���rn�li�n�e ��d ��nsi���n��r ��appl��a�i��, 7. F�����r�d t� ���r����i��; ��t��lis� ��rr��-r��nd ��d ��r�tr�l �f�rr��r�����r�i�u�ti�n�. �. �����iLt LrC���� �����C�L� C��� ��4����1� ��:�t�����1 ���������� ���i������ ������ �14��r ������� �� ���rdin�t� st�ff tr�ining; w�r�C v�riti� �rr�pl��r��� �� ��rr��t d�fi���n����; �rx��l�r�n�nt di����li�� �nd ��r�nir��ti�n pr��e�ur��. ��"'�����'�� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 36 ����������� ����� ���� ����r���I��i��■��r� ��g� � E��ent�al Fun��i�n�: {��nt�t�u��d� �. ��r�r��� �nd parti������ in th� c����l����r�� �nd ��r�nini�t��ti�n �f th� �epa�rtrr��n� b�c�g�t; ���r��r� �I�� f�r��a�t �� �ur�ds n��ded f�r s���fiin�, ���i�rr��r�t, r7r��t�r��l� a��d �uppli��; ap�r��r� ��c��ndit�r�� a�nd �rn�l�rnent budg���ry ��ju�t��n�� �� a�ppr�pria�t� a�nd n����sa�ry. 1�. F���r����n� �h� Fir� ��p�rtrr��nt t� �th�r ��pa�rtrn�r���, �i�ri�i�n�, �I����� �f�i�i�l� �n� �ut�id� ���r��i�s; ���rdin�t� ���ig��� ��t��it��� w��h th��� �f �t��r d��a�r�rr���ts, �ivi�i�ns �nd ����id� �g�n�i�� �r�d �rg��i���i�n�. '�1. F�r��id� �t�ff ���i���r��� t� th� �ity �Il�na��r� parti����t� �� � ��ri�t� �f b��r��, ���nr�r�i��i�n� �n� ��rnrr�i�t���; �r�pa�r�a��� �r���r�t�ta�ff r���rts �n� ����r n���s��ry��rr�s���d�r���. 1�. Pr��rid����fF st�p��rt�� ���i�r��d ���r����d ��r�r�i��i�n�. 1�. At�en� and parti��p��� in pr���s���n�l gr�up rr���tir���; �t��r�br���t�f n�v�r tr�n�1� and inn��ra�ti�ns in �h����� of fire sa��ety. 'I�, F���p�nd t�an� r�����re�i�fi��l��n� s���iti�����i��n ir�q�iri�s�r�� ��r7r�p��ir�t�, 'I�. F��s���d a�nd p�rf�rrr� a�����n�� ��ti�s in th���r�nt�f a��i��r d��l��-�d ��n�r�����r- 1�. P�rf�r�-n r�l�t�d d�ti���r�� �������i�iliti�� �� r�q�ir�d. L�L�ALIFI�ATI�I�� #��ow�ed�� of: .�.�..�,_.��.,�, �p�r�t��n�, ��rvi����r�d ��ti�riti�� ��a��rn�r���n�i�r�fir�a�n� ��n�r��n�� r�n�di�al��rvi��� p���rar-r-w. Prin�ip����nd �r��ti����f fir��drr�inNS�r��i�n. Prin��pl��a�d pra�ti������r�g���n d��r���pr7r���t�nd a�dr�r�ir�i�#r�ti�n. I�JI�������nd t��hniqu�� �f fir��upp������n, p���r�r�ti��, ir��p��t��r� a�r�� ��r�na�g� ��nt���, P�in��pl��a��d pr��ti����f�rr��r��n�� ��di�l ��rvi���. �p�r�ti�n�, ��rvi��s �r�� ��ti�iti�� �� � ��rrrpr�h�nsi�r� �ir� �nd lif� saf�ty �r�gra�r�. Prin�ip��� and p���ti��� �f fir�a�r�d ��f�s�f�t�a�dr-r�in�str��i��. P�ir���pl����d pr��ti����f�u�g�t pr��ara��i�n and a�dr�r���i�tr�ti�r�. P�in���l�s�f s�pervi�i�n, tr�ir�ir�� �n� p�r��rrr��n�����I���i�n. l..�nif�r�n buil�in� �r�� fir���d��nf�r��r�ent�r�d �r��nd��nt �r���dur��. ��rti��n� F�d����, �t2�t�, �n� i���l 12,v�rs, ��d��and r�gulati�ns. �►���� t�: Pl�n, �rga�ni��, adr�ini�t�r �nd ���rd�r��t� �h� �i��'� �ir� a�n� ������r �r�� �nn�r����� rr��d���l ���vi��� pro�r�m. ���n, �rg�r�i��, �ir��t�nd ���rdin�t�t��v�r�r�c�f I�w�r I��r�l �t�ff. ��I��r4f �7�������t 4�Gi�� C��� �Y��4i����7��11. ������L� ��4�������� �������71����4�. F���ru�t� r�r���i�r2�t�2�nd r���ir� r���nr��n� f�ll-t��� �t��f. Ana�l���an� a����� pr�gr���: ��li�ies a�nd ����ati�n�� n��d��r�d makc�a�ppr�priat� �dju�trx��nts. Id�ntify a�n� r�s��n� ����n�it��r���rx�r-r-�u�it��nd �r��ni�a�ti�n�l i��u��, ��n��rrr� �r�d n�ed�. De�r�l�p�nd �dr7r�ir�i�t�r����rtrr��r�t���I�t �b����iv�� �nd pr���dur��. Pr����-���e�r�nd ����i�� ��rr�infis�ra�ti�r� a�n�i�ir��n���l r���r#�. Pr�p�r� �nd �drr��r�i����lar�� ��►� ��r��l�� bud��t�, �r��l��� pr��l�r�r��, identify �lt�r�����r� ��luti�n�, �r�j��� ��n��q��n��� �� pr�����ci ��ti�n� a�n� ir�npl�r�n�n� r���rnm�nc�ativn� �n �up��rt��g�al�. F�����r�h, ���I��� a�nd ��r�lu�t� n��rwr servi�� d�liv��y rr���h�d�a�r�d t���r��qu�s. ��"���� ����� A g e n d a I te m 8.f. Page 37 ����� ������ ����� ����r �I�1������������� ���� � ������L�■ �����i����� I�t�r�r�t�nd a�pl� F�d�ral, �t�te�nd I���I p�li�i��, la�nrs�nd r�gulati�n�. ��r�rnun��a���I���I��r�� ��n�i��l�, b�th ��-a���r a�nd in v�rri��n�. E���bli�l� �r�� ��in��in effe�ti�re v�r�r�Cin� r�l�t����h�p�v�ri�h th�����nta���� ir� �h��ur���f�rwr�rfc. Ill��in�a�n �ff���i�r� ���i�-�ri�u�i di��rir�nina�i�n �nd ��r��pti�n n��ded ��� rr�a��cin� ����rv�ti�ns, ��rr���ni�tin� �rith �th�rs, r�adin�, v�r�iting 2�nd ���r�tin� ���ign�d �q�iprx��n#. Il�l��r���in ph�s���l ��ndxti�n ��pr�pr��#�t��h� per��rr�nan�� �����i�n�d d��i���n� r��p�n�ibiliti��. ��CP�F��EI��E A�VD TRAIlVIN� CI�[�ELIIVE� Arry corrrbin��r'or� o���cperrerr�e ar�d�ra�rr�r�� �ha�woul�Iikely pro�r�c�� �h� requ�r��krro�r�edge ar��a�il��{�s r'���r�l��yrrrg�. �4 ��r���a#v�r��r������rr� ��re�rr��nr��c��e �r��I��ilr'��e� w��lc���: E�cper�i�n��: �i��r��r� �f in�r���ing�y r��p�n�ibl�fi�� pr��r��ti�r� a�nd �r�r��r��r��� �p�r�ti�n ��cp��i�r���, ir��ludi�g thr�� ���rs�f rr�anag�r��nt�n� �dr�in�st�-ati�r� r����n�i�'rli��r. Tr�ini� : Eq�i�r�l��t t� � B��I����rs d���'�� fr�rr� �� ���r�dit�d ��II��� �r u�i�r�r�it�r r�r�tl� rr��j�r ��u��� v�r�r�C in �ir� ��i�n��, ��bli�a�min��t��t��r� �r� r�l���d �ield. �.i�e��e or�ert�f��ate: P��������n �fr �r ability�� �bt�ir�, �r� ���r�p�-iat�, v�li� �ri�r�r's I���nse. F�������i�n �f �ali���-n�a ���t� �hi�f �ffi��r ���tifi���i�n �n���r 1���i�r��f ��r� �►��d��-r�� E�c��u�iv� �ffi��r ��rti�i�a�ti�n. VI����C�NC C��VQITI�I��: �f111�f'��'ll"�1��7�� ��f1C�l�l�f'1S: �ffi�� �n�t fi�l� �n�ir�nr�n�nt; tr��r�l fr�� �i�e �� �it�x ��c��s�r� t� �r7r���g�r��� f�r��ig�ting �n�r�r�nr-n�nt; e�cp��u�� �� ��rr��uter s�r��n�r r����ri��d �r�hi�l�s �nd equiprn�r�t� r��i��, dust, gr�a��, fl�rr���, srn�#��, fur���, �a��e�x �h�r�r'►i�l�, �nd �xtr�rir�� I���t�r��I�; �lipp��y �r �n��rer� �r�ra�ll�t�g �u�f����r �r�r�C at h�igl�t� �r� I�d��r�r v�r�r��nrit�v�r�t�r. �h��i�al ��r�c�i�i�ns: Ess�ntia�l �r►� rr��rgin�l fun�ti�r�� r��}r r��uir� r�na�ir�t�inin� �I��si��l ��nd�ti�r► r�����s��y f�r v�ral�Ci��, ��anding �f ��tt��g f�r �r�l�n�ed ���i�ds �f �ir�r��x h���r�, rr����r�t� �r light lifting; �lir��i�� �ri�l� b��h I��� �n� a�r�-n�� �r�u��►ir��, �r����n�, �r �Cn��lir►� f�r�r�ri�us ��r��d����ir��; �s��#r�s��rat�rx �ri�i�n �uff����nt t� ���������rg�r��y�itua�ti�n� �r�� r���r�r-r�end �f���ti�r����rs�s �f��ti�n. ��"'��� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 38 ���I���ii��7 ���lf�F�4FtF��Y� CF�AI��� #iUI�AAI� ����l��C�� iV��4�VA��� �#��s s�eci����i�r�� are ir��er��f�� #� �r�e��rr# a �fe���r����r� 1��# �f ��r� r�rrg� �� altr���s perf�rm�� by �rrr���y�e� ir� �1�� �#���. �pe�r'�r��trarr��r�rto#ir��er��l��#t�ref#��#�!!cf��ie��per'fom�r�c�vw�#�rirr�he���. �����rT��� T� p�rf�rr� a �r�ri�t�r �f �uti�� �u���rti�� Hurx��n ����ur��� �p�ra�i�n� in��u�ir�g r��ru�trr����, �����ifi�2�t��n, ��r�p�r���ti�� �nd b�n�fi� �d�in'r�trati�n; �� �c#rx��ni�t�� �r�-�p����� I���Ith �n� �a�f�t� pr��r��m�: t� p�r�i�ip�t� i� �h� r����ti��i�n �f I�b�r a��r��rr��r�t�: t� pr��rid� �v�r�ig�t f�r di��iplin� �n� gri��r���� r���l�#i�n� �r�d t� perf�rr� ��r�ri����f t���CS r�l�tive t��h����ign�d �r���f r����n�ibility. �I�PEF�VI���N �E�EIVE�3 F����i�r�s �ir��ti�n fr�rr� t�� Dire�t�r�f A�r�ini�tr�tiv� ��rvi���. E��E�IT�AL F�1��TI�IV �T�TEIIA�IVT� - ����r��i�J�r�c����rer�rrr��r��rr�r��s��r�s��r'li�ie� �rra�c��r#i�� rr���r r'r�clude� bcr��re rro��r'm��e�f to# �h��ol�owir��: E�ser��i�l ��n��i�n�: �. ��rf�rrr� a �r�r���� �� du�i�� s�pp�rti�� th� Hur�an F����ur�e� �p�r�ti�n in�lu���� r��r�itr�n�nt, �I���ifi��ti�r�, �afary a�nd ben�fi� ��frr��nistr����n, ���Ith �rtd �af�t� pr�gr�rns, ����tr�ti�r��, di����lf�� �r�� �r���r2�r►�� r���luti�r�, tra�ni�gx a�nd ��b�r rela�t��n�. 2. Pl�n 2,nd }��r#i�ip2�t� in �I�� r��ruitr�r��r�t �r�d ��I��ti�n ����b appli�ants� p�e�ar� �nc� ���rdin�t� ���r�rti��r�� r��t�ri�l# ��h�d�l� �nd ���r� �r�r�����rrr��n� t��t�� ���rdin�te r���-uitrn�n���ti�riti�� v�rith dep�rt�ner�ts ir��rol�red#ar ass��n�d positions. �. �dr�nini���r �r�np����� b�r���it pr��r�rx�� ir����di�� g���p li��, r�n�di�l, d�n��l, vi�i�n, r�t���r��nt, d�f�rr�d ��rr�pen��ti�n, e�npl�����s�i�tar���, di�����ity �nsura�n�� pr�grar�s a�nd v�lur�ta�y ���efit pr�gr�r�-��� �ss��t in �iairr�� pr������n�r ���r���l �r��l��r��� r���r�#ir�g ��r��fit p���r�r��; ��ndu�� ���r� �nr�llr��nt�f�r�ra�ri�u� �la�r��. �. Adr-r�ini�t�r th� �ity'��I���ifi��ti�r�, ��r�p�n���i�r� �nd ��r-f�rr-�-��n����r�l���i�n �r�gr�r�r�. �. �I,Il�ir���ir� ��d upd��� �h� �i��r's �er��nr�el P��i�i�� �nd Pr�����r�� �r�� �I�� I�����nr��l ���ti�r� �� th�Ac�rr�in�strati�r� P�I��i�s and �����d�r�� 1111�rru�l. �, ��n�u�t�ri�r�t�ti�n f�r��I ��v�r�r��l�y��s. �. ����rid� in��rrr���i�n �nd gener�l �s�istan�� t� ma�na��rr��nt ��a�fft �r�r�pl��r���x �rr� �h� pu�li� r�g�r�ing p�r��nn�l p��i�i�� �r�d pr�����r�� ��� Illl�r�����d�ttr� �f lJ�d�rst2�ndi�� in��r�r�ta�i�nr ���r��r qu��t��n� �nd �r��rid� inf�rr��t��n r���rding p�r��nn�l a��i�n�, �r�p����� r���rd�x ����I iss��s, ��� ��h�r�-�i�t�d rr�afikers. �. ���rd$n��� r�t�rn-t�-v�r�rlc pr�gra��ns a�d a���arr�rx��d�ti�� �rn��tin��f�r��pl�����. �. ��ndu��s�l�ry, ��ne�i� �nd ���ssifi�at��n �ur����; ��r�nput� a�r�d ��r�pil� �urv�}r d��� �r�� r��uits; r����r��nd r���ifi�����n��� �r���a�rr��as a�ppr�pfiat�. 'f�, ���r�ir��t��r��l���� ir��r����g��i��� a��d f��din��. F�e�r�ev�r�r�p�s�d ��ti�n�f�r���f�rr-r���n��with ����t�li�h��i p�li���s. Revis�d 121�� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 39 ����������� ����� H��nan Re�o�rce� I�a�a��r{�ar���r�uea�} Pag� 2 E��ent��l ��r��ti�n�� ���n�ir��ed� 1�. ���rdin�t� �it�r-wid�tra�n�r�� �r��r�rr�s. 'I�. A��i�t �nri�� I�b�r ��g��i�t��r�� �r�� p��p�ra��i�n �f ��rr������t��r� �urv���. Prep�r� �in�l III1�rr��ra�nd�rr�� ���1n���-���ndrn�- ��. A�rr�in��ter th� �i��r'� s�f�ty pr��r�r�n �n�l�dirr� �111�rk�rs' ��rr�p�n��ti�n, �I�� ��f�ty ��rr�m�t���, ��d ����ty tra�inin�. '��. 1111��it�r �h�r�g�� in I��r�r� �r�d ���u��ti�n� t��t rr�a�r a�ffe�# �ity ���r�ti�r�� �r�d ir�npl��-n�nt p��i��r �h�n��� �� r�qt�����. ��, ��t-up a�d m�int�in ��nfid�nti�l ��r���n�l r���rd� f�r �ity �rn�l����� in����ing d���rr��nt�t��n �� ����II ILI'I��L�a L��411����.7� �Q1��� �Y�I�GI�1�1 I�� LE�I�f!1�� k.+�i���l�+�L��7� Lr��'l 1��Ll�L��l lw7t �l�L.x��l#��f and b�n���s. 'I�. Adr�ir�i�t�r�h� �IIIIII ��I� Pr��rar�r-� ���c�luding P�Ni��� ��d �h� D.�.T. ����ir�g �r��r�rr�. 17. ��blish t�e rr��n�hl���-npl���� n�r�rs���t�r. 1�. ����I�t� ����i�l pr��������� pr��2�r� �-���r�� r�l�t�d ����� F--lurna�n ��s�ur��s fu���i�n. 1�. A#te�d pr�f�s�i�n�l rn��t'r��� �n� ���f�r�n��� �� r�q�ir�d. ��. F���p�r�d �nd p�rf�rr� ���i���� �uti�� in ti����r�nt��� �ity�����r�� �r��r��n��. ��. P�rf�r�m r�l�t�� �uti���r�d r��p�n�i�iliti��a�r�q�ir�d. �UALIFI��TI�I�� Kn�v�rledq���: ���r�ti���l�h�r����ri��i��r �ervi�es ar�d a�t'r�riti���f a �ur�r�ar� r���ur��� r�r�ar����r�r��nt p���r�r�r�. �fl�l�l�]����#�'1� �3����1������'���'l.11��'l�fl�, �����1�1���1�f1, �Il��l,l��l�l'lt ��'1� ��1�1'1��1����1��1 ��'���"�I''1'1�. Prir��ip��s�nd pr���i��s��err�pl��ree ben�fi�pr�gra�r� �drnini�trat���. Prin��p����nd �e�hniq��� �f j�b�nal��i�. ��in�ip����r�d pr��ti����f�r�np���r�� �n� I�h�r r�l�ti�r�s. 111���#c�rs' ��r�p�n�a�ti�� pr��ra��ns a�nd pr���d�r��. Tra���in� a�r�d ������pr��nt �r��ti���. P�in��ples a�d pr���dur�� �f r����d �C��pin�. N1�d�r� �ffi�e �r���d�rres, rn�th�d� a�nd �q�ipr-r��r��, in�l��i�g ����u��rs. Prin�ip��s�f��sin��s I�tter v�rri�ing and ba��i���p��`t pr�����ti�n. P�rtin��t ����r�l, ������nd I���� ��de�, �av�rs and ���ui��i�r�� ����#�� t��s�ig��� dut��s. �4�i�i t�; P�rf�rr� a��a�r��ty�f��ti�� ir� �u�p�rt����t� hur�n�r� r����r����p�r�ti�r��. Adr�inist�r, r�n�n�t�r�nd ��ndu�t r��r�itr�r��nt� in �s�i�n�� �r������sp���ibil�t�. Condu�t �or�r�plex r���ar�h p�o�e�ts on � wid� v��iety o� h�rr��n resvur�es to�i��, �rra�lu�te �Iterr�a�ti�res �nd rr�a��Ce s�ur�d r���rx�r�r��r���ti�n�. �Illainta�in d�t�il�� ��� ��rx��l��� re��r��an�fil��. In��rpre#� e�cpl�in, �ncl �n�ur����-r-��li�r���w��h �it�r ��li�i�� �nd pr���d�r��, ��w�, �nd r�g��a�ti�ns. ��-�par��I�ar�nd ��n�i�� r���r��, ��rr�sp�r�d�n�� �nd �th�r�nr�itt�n rr��ter��l�. I��n�ify a��d r����nd t��r-r�pl��r�� ir��uiri��, ��rn�la��r�ts, ��n�er�� and n��d�. Revised 1�1�� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 40 �1��������� ������ ��mar� Re�our��� M�n�g�r��or��inu�d) Pa�e 3 �bi�� to: {�ont�rr�,ed} lJndersta�nd �nd f�ll�w��-a� and �ritten instru�t��ns. �Illaint�in ��nfid�ntia��it�r �f w�rk. An�ly���i����i�ns ��d t��C� �ppr��ri�t����r��s�f a��ti�n. �p�ra�t� �v�ri�ty �f r��d�rr� �ff����qui�r��nt ir��ru��r�� ��r�np�t�r�a�r�d ����i��i��d ��ftwa�r�. ��ta�bi��h a��d r��int�ir� �ff��ti�r��r�r�ir�g r�l�t��r�sl�i���ritl� th�����nta��t�� �n �I����ur�����r�r�c, F�����nd ta��tfull�r, ���a�rl�, ��n����l�r �r�d �ppr�p�i�t�l�r t� in�u�ir��� fr�rrr �r�pl�����, t�� publi�, �r ����r �g�n�i�s�n s�nsiti�r� i�su�� i� are���r�sp�r�sibilit�. Illl�in��in �ff��ti�r� ��di���ri�u�l �i��rir�ir�2�ti�r� �nd ��r���ti�r� �� �h� ���r�� n������ry f�r t�� �u�����ful p�rf�rm�n���f�s�ig�n�d d�ti�s. Il�l�ir��ain ph�r�x�a�l ��r�d�ti�r� �ppr'��ri�t����h� p�r`f�rrr��r����f���igr��d �u�i�� �n� r����n�i�i�i�i�s. E�CPEF�IE�I�E�IND TF�IA�IIlVC CUID�LII�E� �r�y cornb�rr��r'orr of educ��iarr ar�d exp�rr'�rr�� �ha� would likely prav�de �h� regcr�r�c� krrov�rledg� arrd a�r'Jr'�ies r's qualr'fyr'r�g. A �y�r'�a1�ray�a a�ta�r� ��re kr�owled�e ar�d abrlr�ies�o�ld be.. ��cp�r��n�e: _� F��r� �r�ars �f in�r�a�s�r��l�r r��p�n����� I��r�a�r� r���ur��� a��rr�ir�i�tra�ti�n ��cp�ri�n��x pr���ra��l�r in � I��a�l g��r�rn�n�n t��tti n g- Tr��ni��: ���,�.�. �quiv�l�n� t� �I�� �r�����i�n fr�r�r� a� f�ur-�e�r ��II��� �� �niv�r�it� v�rit� �naj�r ��ur�� v�r�r� in h��-n�r� r����r��s, ���li��dr-�-winistra�ti�n, b��in��s, ��-a r�la�t�� fi�ld, L,i��r�se �r�e�t�fi���e: P����ssi�n �fr �r abiltty t� �bta�in, �n �p�r�pri�t�, v�lid �ri�r��'� li��n��. VI��I��(IIV� ��IV�ITI�I�� Er��rir�nr�en��� ���nt�i�i�n�: ���iti�� r�quir�� pr�l��g�c� sittin�, sta�ndin�, w�ll�ir��, ��#i���nd f���� �n�r���r�rn�n�; tr��r�l fr�r7r� �i��t� �it�; exter��ive public conta�t. Ph��i�al �ondi�ions: ,,. ����n�i�l fun�ti�r�� r��� r�quir� r��rr�t�ir�ing �h��i��� ��n�iti�n n����s�ry f�r v�r�lkingr �t�n�i�g �r �itting ��r �r�l�r��ed p��i��� �f tir7r��; ����tit��r� ���r�r��r�t�n� fin� ���rdin�ti�n ��in� � ��rn�u��r�c��b�ard, li��t IiftN�� �n� �ar�yin� up t��w�nt� ���nd�r �pea�c�ng a�nd h���ing ����c��ar�g� ir����rr��ti��►, r���r�ri���i ���it�r t� �r���r���d re�ri�v�r��r�-esp�n��n�� �r�d �v�ri�t�r�f�th������,rr���t�. Re�risec� 12109 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 41 E�HI�IT"L" �ITY�F�I�I��Y� �R�AlV D E �NF�F�1�1�4�1�1� T��F#I��L��Y�IANA��� �la�s �pec����tior�� ar� �rr��r�a�ed �� �r�e�err� a a�e��r���fve #�s� �� #�e rar�gre of du�re� �erf�rm�r� b�r err�����rees �r� ��re ���s�. ��e�r��a#i�rr��r�e rr�#�rr�errd�d�o ref#���a!1 du�ies�erforrned wr#�irr#1����b. ���������� T� a��ur-r-�� ��sp�n�ik�ility ��� t�� �v�rall �p��a�i�n a�nd r�rraint�n�n�� �f ��r-r-�pu�e�-i��d i�f�rr�a�ti�n �n� r�la�t�� ��s��r��f�r th��it�r; t� �r��ri�� r����nrr��n�a�ti�n�f��th� ir�pl�rr��nta�ti�n �f n�w��r�t�r��; t���rv� as t�e �ityrs �yst�ms l��mini�trator� to troubleshoat sys�em pra�lems an� rr�ar#�e re���rs as needed: to pr�v�de training �n ��r�nput�r ��st�ms a��d ��ftwar� �p�li��t��n�; �nd t� a��i�t in bud��t pr�pa�r�ti�n f�� ��1� �����`�I'1��1�f1 ���f'1f1����]f ���3��r?'l�fl�. ����������� ����������� �����1��� ����i�r�� g�r��r�l �up�rvi�i�n fr�r�r� th� Dir����r�f L.��is��t��re a�r�d Inf�rrr��t��n ��rvi��s. ��c�r�����dir���s�p�rvisi�n ��r�r th� I�Te�h�i�i�n. E���IVTIA� FL�hl�TI�N �T�TEI�A�NT�--����r��ia! r����r����bil��r'�� �r��f ��r�i�� rr��y ir��Jcrc��, ��r� �r� r��� �irrr����f�o, ��re follow�r��: �. A��unn� r��p�n���i�it�r ��r th� �p���t��n �nd r-r��int���n�� �f ��rr�pt��eri��� in��rr�a�ti�n a�rrd r�l���d syst�m�fo�t�� C�ty. �. IUlon�t�r ��r�r�put�r �}����r� ���r��i�n� �nd �s�; ���f�rrr� �v�ra�ll r�aint�n�r��� a�nd rr�a��C� n������ry r�p�ir�� ��h�dui� ���rr�l�� rr���r�t�n�n�� �r r�p�irs v�rith ���sid� ve�d�r�; �n��r� �d������� �� ���tra��t�uid�l���s, �. Ill�aint�in n�tw�r� s�rv�r� in�lu�irr� u��r����unt rr��int�n�n���nd p�li��a�d�-r-�ini��rati�n. �. N1�r��t�r n�tw�rk s��u��it�r �nd p��f��-�-nan��; i��nti�� �na�utl��ri��d ����s� �nd p�t�nt��l s���rit� r��k�; p�r#i�ip��� ir� �r�j��ts t�en#�ar��� n�tw�r�c ���u�ity���r2�ti�n�. �. ��rve as �h� �it�r'� �����r�r� �drr�ini�tr���r; ��t up and ad�-r-�ini�trati�r� ��a�ll �ity ��rv�r� �r�d netw�r�C ��rn��n�nts; �s#ak�lis� a�nd m�ir�t�ir� ��r���rr� ���I�u� pr���d�r��. �. ���ig�r insta�l�a�nd sup��rt LAfV'�ar�d 1NAfVr�. �. 1nst�11 �nd ��nfigur� P�r��nd �u��r�n�ti�r� h�rdu�r�r�. 8. P�r�h�s� �a�-d�nra���n� ��fhrv�r�f�r�it�r �s�. �. C���r���p, ���rdin��� �nd ��nd��� in-I��u�� tr�inin� �n ��rx�puter s�st�r�r�� a�r�d �����i�t�d h�rc��nr�r� �nd sofkwa���orr�pon�nt�. ��. Pr��rid� us�r ��p��rt s�rvi���; �-esp�n� t� q���ti�r�� ��r �ss�st�n�e; r���lv� an�l�r tr�u�l�s���t ���������a�� pr�bl�rn�. �1, ����t� rr�in�r rr�u�ti-u��r dat� b����f��th� �i���� r�qu��t�d b�r r��r��g�r��r�t, 1�. Parti�ipat� in budg�� p���a�ra�i�n f�r ��� In��rr��t��n �e�h��l���r D�pa�rtnn�nt �n�! rx�a��C� _ r���rr�m�nd�ti�r��t� �it�r rr������r�ent. �e►rts�d '�2l�� � Agenda Item 8.f. Page 42 ���r o����o�r� ���r��� �nf�rma��i�r� Te��n�l��� IV�anager���r��r'r��r��I} ���� � Ess�n�i�l F�r���i�r��: {��n�r�ued} 1�. F�r�p2�r� �n� r�r��int�in ��ste�-r� d��urr��n��t��n. 1�. f�a�ir�t�ir� ��rr�pu�e�equ�p��r�t�r�d ��ftvv�r� inv�r���ry. ��. ���r�li�a�t� r�aintena��e is�ue��nrit� d���rtrr��nt�. . 1�. ���-�r� a� ar� �d�r�s�r t� �I�� �it�'� Inf�rrr��ti�n T��I���I��� ���nr�nitt��x pr��rid� r���rr�rn�nd2�t��r�� ��r ��v�r��st�r�s in�lu�in� �q�ipr��r�t�nd ���twa��� n��ds. ��. ����dir►���di�����ti�n �f��rplus�quip�-r��r�t pursu�n����it� ��li�i�s. ��, F���p�n� t��f��r-h�ur�rn�r��n��r r��u����. ��. ��r�muni�t��ffe�tiv���, b�th �r�ll��nd �� �nrriting- ��. F�����nr� �r�d ��rf�rr� ��s�gn�� d��i�� in �h���r�nt�f��i��r���la��� �rr��r�����, �1. P�rf�rr� �-e�at�d d�ti�s ��d �-e���r�sibiliti�� a�� r�a��ir�d. C��JALIFI�A���IV� �Cn��vl�c��e��: �p�r�ti�r��, ��rv����a�nd a��t��iti�����r� ir�f�r�na�ti�r� ��r���rr���upp��t pr��r�rr�, �p�r�ti�n�l ����a���ri�ti�s �� ►r�r��u� c�or�r-��ut�r ��r���rn�, ��pli��ti�n�t ����ri�y, ��d ��ri�h�r�� ��ui�r�r��nt. Prin�i�les and pra�tic�s of�o�put�r�ci��c�and �r��orrr�atior� syster��. - Illleth��s a�r�d te�hn��u�es ���d i� th� in�t�ll�ti�r�, tr�u�l�����tin�, up����ir�� �n� �r�bl�rr� r���lu�i�n �� in��rr���i�n �����r�� h�rd�rv�r�, s�ftware and p�rip���-a�l d�v����. ���t�r�d���r��nt��i�n. �roje�t bud�e�in�. LANIINAh� system�desi�n. � P�r��r��l��rr�pt�t�r��rdv�r�re�nd ��ftwar� ��rr�p�n��t�. Pr���ip�l��f h�r�w�r��n� ��ftw�����nfig�r��i�n �nd �r����ll��i�n. P��t�r��r�t F�d�ra�l, �ta��� �r�d I���I ��d�s, I��rs and r���,la��i�ns. �4b�li t�; Assurn� r��p�r�sibili�� ��r th� ���r��i�n �r�d rr��int���n�� �� ��t�-v�rid� ��rr�pu��r in��rrr��t��n a��� r�l�t�� �yst�m�. Pr��id� r���r�r�n�r�d�ti�r�s�nd �ur�ha�� n�v�r s�r���r�n� in��ud�r�� �►2�r�v�r���2�nd ��ftw�r�. ���r�������i��r'� �}����r�n A�rr���i��r�t�r. M�nit�r an� rx��ir�t�ir� r��tw�r�C���urit�r- Tr�u�l�sh��t pr��l��� �� s����ssft�l r�s�l��i�n; ��r-f�rr-n r�q�ir�d r-n�int�n�r��� �n� r���c� r►������ry r��airs t� ��r-Y�put�r s�rst�r-r���r�d r�l�t�d �qu�iprr��n�. ���r�l�p ��r�t�rr� d��ign pr���sals. Pr��ride t�aining �n ��r-r�put����r�t�r� �p�r�t��r�� �nd ��pi����i�n�. F��sp�r�� t� r��u���s f�r���ist�n���r�r� ���t�rr� u��r�. ��r�r�rn�ni��t��I��rl��r�� ����i��l�r, b�tf� �r�ll��nd in vwrr�ti�g. E�t��li�h �nd r�naintain e#fe�t��r�w�rl���� r�l�ti�n��ips�nrit� �h��� ���t����d i�t�� ���r�e��w�rl�. �#�y�bre��t of�merging �nd �han�in�t�ch�ola�i�s. Vllo� in a safe �n� effi���nt mar�n�r. ���ri�ed 1�1�9 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 43 �ITY�F AF���Y� �RAN�E Ir���rrr�at��r� T���n�l��� IVlan���r{��rr�ir��r�c�� Pa�e 3 E�CPEI�IEIV��AIV�TR�#IIV��V� C���E�IfVE� �4r�}r ��rr��r'r���i�r� �� �c�cr���i�rr �r�c� e��eri�rr�� ���# w��#� li�Ce#y �r�rrr'c�e ��e req�c��re� �rr��wle�g�� �rra� ��r�r'�r'e�r'���r�li�yir��. �4 ��r�r'�al�r��r�������rr �f�e�Cr��w#���e�r�c��t�il��r'�s v�r�crl�f�e.� �����ti�n: �r��u�ti�r� fr�r� an ���re�i��� f��r-�e�r��I���� �r �ni�r�rs�t��itl� � ��gr�� in d�ta p�-��e�si�g, ��r-�p���r ��i�r���, r�n�na��r�en� in���-rn�ti�n s�rs��rns �r � ���s�l�r r�l�t�d fi�l�� �r �qui�ral��� ��b-r�la��d �nr�rk ��c��ri�r►�� �u�pl��n�n��� �� ��Il�g� I��r�l ��u�s� �r�rk ir� ��r�p���r ��i�n��r i����rr���i�n ��r���r7rt� �r a� r�lated field. E�ci�erien�e: F������r� �f in�r��sin�l�r r��p�r���bi� t��hni�al inf�r�a�i�n s�st��-r�s �r��rr�����r�up��rt��cp�ri�n�� ir� � ��tw���C�d �n�r�r�nrr��r�t. �Cn��vled�� �f rr�un�����1 g��r�rnrr��nt��rs��rr�� is��s�r��l�. Li�en���l�et��f i���es: P����ssi�r� �f, �r�bility t� �bt�in, �n �ppr�pri�t� �r�lid �r��r�r'� li��n��. A Mi�r�s�ft ��rtif��� �����rr� �ng�n��r�A��ir�i�tr�t�r �I�II����IIII��A} ���ti�i���i�n ��- �bi�it� t� �bta�in cerkification w'rt�i�t�wel�re mo�ths o�err�ploymen�. V11�i���NC ��[V�ITI�h�S �n�ri��r��nent�l ��nd�ti���: ��fi�� �r�vir�r�r��nt; ��c���ur� t� ��rr�p�,t�r ��r��n�. �ut�i�� �ra��r�l b�tw��r� �ity d�p�rtr��r�t I��a�ti���. Ill���r���a��i�na�l��r �a�v�t�w���c�u��i���r un��r �uildFr���, P�����a� ���ndi�i�n�: E�s��ti�� �r�� ��r�in�l f�n�t��n� r��� r��u�r� ��in��irri�� ph�s���l ��ndi�i�r� n�������y ��r �ittir�� f�r �r�l��g�d p�ri�d� �f tir��� ��ct�n�i�r� us� �f ��rr�put�r I���r���rd; �ris��l a���it� t� r�a� ���-nput�r ��r��n�; �������n�l b�r�dingr �t��prn�, r���hing, �n� lifting �f�p t� �� ��u�d�. ��`����� '���� A enda Item 8.f. g Page 44 ._ ���I�I��i�l� �I���������� �.7����� ���IV������ ���ss s����fr���f�r�s ar� irr��rr��� #� �reserr� a ����rip�r've 1r�� �� ��ae r�rr�e �� �lu#r"e� ��r��rm�c# �by err�xgl��r�e� ir� �fr� ���ss. ��e�rf���#r"�rrs�rr�r���irr��rrd�c���ref���#�#!a���ies p�rf�rmec#�vit�rr'rr��r�j��. ��FII���I�N �� tl�� g�r��r�l r��r����� �n� �I���f a�frr�ini�tr�t��r� �ffi��� �f t�� ��li�e D���r#rn�r�t, p���, �r��ni��, dir���, rr��nag��nd ��r�rs�� ���iv�ti�� �n� ���r�ti�r�� in�ludir�g i��rv�nf�r��rr��n�, �rir�� pr��r�nt��r�, inve�t��a�t�n, p���-�I, ��mr��r�i����n�disp���h, r���rd� r�n�n�g�rr��nt �n� #r�ffi� r���l�ti�r� pr�gr�r�r�� t� �r��ur� th� r���� �ff��t��� ��� r��p�r�si�r� u�� �f fin�n�i�l, ��pit�l �r�d �ur�r��r� r���ur��s �n th� pr��ri���n �f p�li�� ��rvi��� t� the �ubli� �ither d�r����y �r �hr���h d���g�ti�n �f ���h�r�ty �r r��p�nsibili#�; ������n�t� �����n�� ��ti�ri�i�� v�r��h �th�r ��t� d�part�n�nt� �r�� �ut�id� a�����i��; ��d pr�vid� h�g�l�r r��p�nsibl� a�n� ��rnpl�x a���ninistra�t��re supp�rt t�the�i#�r Il�ll�n��er. �UPEI�VI����V RE�EIVED ANL� ��CE��I��D F����i�re�g�r��r�l �drt��ni�tr�ti�r� dire�ti�n frvr�n th� �it� �Jl�nag�r. E�c�r����� �ir��t, r����n�b�� �r�� �ppr�pri��� s�p�rvi�i�n ��r�r r��r����r��n�, �up�rvi��ry, �r�f���i�n��, �e��ni�al and �I�rical stafF. E��E�V�I�� FL�N�TI�N ���4TEIVIEIV��--����r��r�! r����r�sr'��li���� ar�c� a��r�i�s rrray ir��f�rc��� �b�� a�� r��� Iirr�i�ecf��$ �i�e ��1l��rr��= �s��nt�al F�n�ti�ns: . �. ���u�n� �ul� r�n�r►���r7r��r�t ���p��si�ilit� ��� �II P�I��� ��p�rFtr7r��r�t I��r�r �r�f�r��r��nt ��rvi��� �nd ��t�vities in�ludi�g la�w er�f�r��r�ner��, �rir�ne prever�tio�, in�rest��a�tior►, pa�tro�, �o�rr��r���2����n�fd�s��t�h: r���rd� ������rr���t �n� tr�ffi�.+ r��������n pr�gr��s, ����rx�r�n�n�, �s��blish �nd �dr�nir�i�t�r��li�i�s a�r�d �r��edur�� a�nd in�erp��t th���f�r s�aff�ncf th� ��bli�. �. f111�n���t#�� d��r�l�prr��nt�r�d ir�pl���r���#i�� �f P��a�� ��p�rtrr��n�g��l�, �bj��t���s} �#r�t��i��nd I���-r�r�g� p���r�ir�gx p��i�i�s 2�r�� pri�r�#i��f�r���ign�d �r���-�rr���nd p����d�dir��ti�nr ���d�r�hi�� a�nd �up���t f�r th�i�ir-Y-�pl�rr���t��i�r�. �. ��t�b����, witl��r� �i�y p��i��r, 2�p�r��ri��� ��nr��� �n� ���ff�� ���relst r�n�ni��r �n� ��ra�u�t� th� �if�ien��r �n�! �1`���ti�r�n��� �f ��rvi�� d�li�r�ry rr��tl���� �r�� �r���dur��; �11��2��� r�s��r��� a�c��rdingly. �. F�I�n, ��r��t �nd ���rd���t� �h� P�li�� ����rtrr�ent'� w�rk pian� a�s�gr� pr�j��t� a��d pr�gr�r�nr�n�t�� �r��s �f r��p�n�ibility: r��ri�w�nd e�r��u��� v�r�r�c r-r��#h�d� �r�d �r�����r��; r�n��#v�ritl� ��n�g�r���t st�fif t� ide�ti�y �nd res�t�r� pr�bl��n� t� �r���r� �ff��ti�r�n���, �ff��i�r���r, �n� �����r�ti�n �nd pr�rr��t�th� publi���f�ty. • �. I��u� �rd�r� �nd dire��i�r�� v�r�t�in th� ��Ir�� ��pa�rtr���t tl��� �r� n����s�ry �� ����r�r��li�� th� ��r�r�ll r�ni��i�n �r�� g���s �f�h� �r�a�ni�ati�n. �. Assess a�d r-r-��nit�� w�r� I���1, �drr�ir���tr�ti�r� �r�� �upp�rt ��r��err��; id�ntify ����r-tuni�i�s f�r �r��r��rer�-��n�; �ir��t ar�d r�-npl�rr��nt��t�rrg��. �. D�►����� a� ph�l�s��h�r �f �thi�� an� irrt�grit�r th�t �ui�i�� �h� ������ D���r-t�ent �nc� th� �a�nr �nf�r���n�n��bj���i�r�s f�r��� Pc��i�� D�p�r�ment a�nd t�� �it�r. ��,���� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 45 �.►���������� ����� ���I���fl f�f���rr�r��leL�� P��e 2 Ess�r���al Fun�ti�n�: ���r��inu�c�} �. ���ri�v�r and �n�l��� ��ir�� �ta�i��i�� �nd nevwr d�vel��r�ne�t� in a�w er���r�etr��nt �n� }��i�l�t��r� �� �nsur�th��p��i�� ��r���� i� �r��id�d in �n �ff���i�r��nd �ffi�i�r�t tr��nn�r. �. ���ri��r�n� �na�l���va��i�u� ���i�rit�r r�p�rt��f P�li�� D��a�rtrn�nt p�r��nn�l� �n� pr��r�r��, ��. i���p�r� �r d�����t� r�sp��s��ii�t�f�r pr���ring r�g��ar�n� s���i�� r�p�rts r���ir�d b� �h� �i�y �n� ��G���a �����C�I# C��� ����� �C�� ������r����� C�����i��� ���i������ ��� ��� ����L�� �� ���l���t ��G���rF�� and �r����� IJ�R and I���� �ta�i�����. �'I. �s a� �-�pr�s�r�ta�ti�r� �� #h� ��I��� �]�p�rtrx��nt �nd��r t#�� ��t� r'r''�a�r�a�g�r, p���ri�� ���ff ��tpp�r`t, I�ad�rs�i�, �nd dir��ti�n f�r � �r�ri��� �f ���r��n�ty �nd �iui� �r��ps �r��l�di�g but n�t I�rni���i t� �rirn� �re�ren�i�n �r�u�s, ��ti�en �d�r���ry �r��p�, �n� ��h��� in��r��n���n g����� �� �rx��l����t ��rnmunity b��ed �r�bl�r-r-� ����rin� t� �es�l�r� publi��afety r�lat�d i��ue�witl�in th���rr�m�n�ty. 'I�. V11�r1� with th� Arr��� ���nd� P��i�� �f�i��r'� A������ti�n �� i���tify �n[i r���l�r� I�b�r r�l����r�� i��u��, 1�. F��s�a�r�h a�nc� �ppl� ��� ►rari��� �r�nt�; ��r�r��� th� ��rr�ini�tr�ti�r� �f �rar�t� r�lat�d t� P�li�� ��p�rtr�n��t �r�g���n�. 1�. Pr�pa�r� �r ��lega�t� �-�sp�n���ilit�r ��r �r�p�ring �-r-���ia ��l��s�� ar�d can��rrin� �nr�th rr���ia ��pr���nta�ti�r�� r�ga�r�i�g p�li�� ��ti�i�i�� a�rr� ���r�t��r��. ��. ��rv� �s th� �it�'s A��i��2�n� Dir��t�r �� �rn�r��n�y �ervi�e� d�rir�g ��ner����� and��r d�sa�t�r �itu�ti�r��. �I�. f����rr�rr���d t� th� �it� Ad�nini�trat�� a� ���uir�� b�r �it� p�r��nn�l r�l�� �r�d ���ul�ti�r�� p�r��r���l ���i�r�� ir��l�ding bu� n�� lir�it�� �� th� s�l��t}�n, pl���rr���t, p�����i�n, d�r�n�ti�nt ter�n��ationx or discipline of Poli�� �ep�rtment persor�n��. �7. T��in, r�n�ti�ra�� �nd ��r��u�t� P�li�� ����rtnn�nt ��r��nn�l; pr��ri�� �r ����-d�n�t� st�ff �r�in�n�; v�r��l� vrr�tl� ���I����s �� ��rr��t d�fi�i�n�i��; ir-r-�����n�nt di���plin� and t�rr�r-�ina�i�n �r���du���� p�rti�i��te in �nd s�pp�rt the pr��e����na�l d�v�l�pr�r��nt�f P�li�� ����r�r��r�t���-���n�l. ��. �rr�rs�� ��d p�rti�€��t� �n tl�� ��v�l�pr7r���t �rrd ��rr�in��tr�ti�� �f ti�� ��li�� D�pa�rt�n�r�t b�d��tr �ppr��r� th� f�r����t �f fu��� r►��d�d f�r s��#�in�, �q�ipr�n�nt, �n���r��ls and sup��ies� ap�r�v� ��cp�ndit�r�s a�d ir-r�pl�r-r��nt �ud��t��y ���u��rr��n�� �� �p�r�p�i��� �n� n������ry t� �n�ur� �i��a1 r����nsi�i�it�- ��. �xpl�in: ju��ify �n� d�fend P�li�� Depa�r�r��n� �r��r�rr��, �������� a�r�d ���ivr�i��r ��g����t� �n� r��olve s�n�iti�r�ar�d �or�t�ov�rsia� rssu�s. ��. F���r�s���th� ��li�e �ep�rtr�n��t t� �th�r�it�r d�pa�t�-r��n��, �I��t�d �ffi�ia���r�d �u�sid� �g�n�i��; �nsur� �s appr�pri�t� th� ���rdin�ti�n �� �'�I��� ��p�rtrr���t ���i�r�ti�s v�ri�� �h��� �� �th�r ����rtr��nt��nd ��t�i��a�g�n�i���nd �r��r�i���i�n�. ��. �r��ri�� ���ff ���is����� �� �h� �i��r �IJl�n�g�r a�nd �it�r ��un�i� �n i����� p��`t��nir�� t� th� I��li�� D�p�rt�n�nt �r publi� ��f��y; inf�rt� t�� �fty Ma�r�a���� �f P����� C��pa�rtr7r��r�t �p�r�ti�r�� �nd ���r�l��rx�en�s t�at ar� n����sa�ry t� �ff��tf�r�l}r ���rdir���� t�� rx��na�g�rr��nt �f p�bri� ����ty ir� ��►� �i��r; p��ti�i���� �n � �r�ri��� �f b�ar�s, ��rr�r-�i��i�r�� ar�d ��r�r�r�itt��� �� �h� �ity �r�l�� ��rr�rr�un�ty; prepare a�r�d pr���nt���ff����rt���� ��h�r����ss�ry��rr�sp��d�n��. 22. Atk�nd ar�d �a�-ti�i�at� �n �r�f���i�n�l �r�up �n��tin�s; r�rnain r�a��nabl� �Cn��vl�d���bl� in ��r�t�r�p�r�ry t���d��nd inn��r�ti�ns i� th�fi�ld �f la�w��f�r���n�r��, ���„��� ���� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 46 ��r�r o����o�ro ���u�� ���;���r,��������,����r� ���� � �����,��ai ���������: ���������a� �3. F��spo�� to and r�solv� �iffi���t �nd ����iti�r� �i�i��n ir�quir��s �n�l �or�np���n#� ir����din� but r�ot lir�r�ited t� �s�ign��g, ���rd���t�r�� �� ��ndu�tin� �drr�in�str�ti►�� ir�t�r��l inv���i��ti�ns re��rdin� r�i���nc�u�t�r�i�l�ti��s�f 12�v�r�r P�li�� ��p�rtr��nt p�li�ie��nd �r���d�r��, ��. Ill�a�� �� r��s�n��l}� n�����a�ry p�r-f�rr-r� th� d�ti�s �� d���r�b�� in �h� j�b d���r��tio�� f�r s�rbordina��� �taff. � ��. ��rry �ut d�ties a�n� r����n�i�i�i�i�� in ��r�npli�r���with a��pr��riat� f�d�r�l� st�t�, ��unt�r} �ity I��nr� a��d �r�ir�a��es a��d �it�r��r��n��i rul��v�ri�l��ut bi��, �a�v�riti�r-�-w, �r pr�jud���. ��. �����nsi�l� f�r ��r�npli�r��� v�rit� ���ulat��n�, p�li�i�� and pr���d�r�� �f ����r�in���� a�� w�ll a� �irr���l��h�r�el�. ��. A�ep� r��p�nsibilit� �nd ��c�r�i�� r�����r��l� �ppr�pri�t� �up��ri��ry ar�d r�anag�rn�nt �i��r��i�r� ir� r��t��rs n�t s�e�ifi��ll� ��fr��d �r ��s�rib�d �� th� P�li�� �����tr�r��r�t r�gul��i�n�, p�li����, prac�dur�s, and job d�s�rFp�ion. 2�. I�s�� �I��r, ��r��is�, ��fir�it�� �n� I�g��l� pr���r����r� ��d d�r��t��r�� t� �u��rdina����� tF�a�t a�r� n�t ir� �i����i�n �f P�li�� D�pa�rtrr��n� �r�i��r ����r��ti�r��, ��li�i�s �nd �r��d�r��r �n��r� �I���th� �r��r ���ir��t��r� i��ppr�priat�l�r �ar�i�� �ut b�r t#��d��i�n�te� s�b�r�fin�t����. ��. ��n�i�t�nt��r d��n�n�tr�t� ��c��nplary ��urt���, ir�itiat��re, �ili�en�e, tr��hfuln��s, �tt�n�i�n �� ����, �r�d �b��rv���� ��p����r��r��n�l �i��ipl��� ir� ����r�ar���wtth P�li�� ���artr-r-��nt���nd�rd�. 3�. P�rf�rr�-� r�l���d ��ti�s ��d r��p�nsi�ilit��� �s r�qu�r�d b�r �I�� Ar��}r� �r�nd� A11�ni�ip�l ���� and��r th� �i��r �Jl�n���r�� rr�e�t the n�ed� �f t�� P����� D���r�rr��n��nd t����rr�r�ur�ity- C�IJALIFI��ITI�IV� �Crrowl�d��of: 1, �p�rat��r��, ��nri��� �r�d ��ti�riti���f� ��rr��r�h�n�i�r� �nuni�ip�� ��v�r�n��r��rr���t�r�gr�r�n. �. �rin��pi��a�nc� pra�ti������r�ani�a�ti�nal ar�d pr��r�rx� ���r�l��r-Y���t�nd a�r�-�ini�tr�t��n. 3. Prin��pl�s�nd pra�ti�e��f�nuni�ipal bud��t�r�parati�n an� adr��ni�tra�i�r�. �, �rir��ipl���f�up�rvi�i�r�, tra�ining, p�r���n�l d��r�l�p�n�nt, a�n� p�rf�rr��nce��r�lua�ti�r�. �. ��r�t�r�p�r�ry I�v�r �r�f�r��r��r�t tl���ry, prin���l�� �nd pr��ti��s in�l��ing b�t n�� fir����d �� ��rr�rn�n�ty ��'ient�d �nd pr��l�r� s�l�r�r�� p����in� a�d th�ir �pp����ti�r� t� � v�ri�� �r�ri�ty �� s�rv����and pr�gra�rn�. �. T��hni����n� ��rr�ir�i��r��iv� rr���h����f��-i�n� �r���nt��n �nd la��nr�nf�r��rn�n�. 7. Basi� v�r�al �r�d wr�tt�n Er�gli�l� I�n�u�g� �r�d �r2�rr�rr��r �� �� ��I� �� r����n�b��r ��rn�uni��t� ir�f�rrr��ti�n wi�h �h� p�bli� and��r ��r-r�pl�t� ��I��rant �nrri�t�n d��ur�n�r�t�ti�rr r�quir�� �y j�� ���i�i�i�s. �. �p�r�ti�r��l ������t�rist��� �n� us� �f rr����rn p��i�� �q�i�r���� �r��l�d�r�� �ffi�e eq�i�rr��nt �nd ��rn�ut�r�. �. Er�r��rg�r����n� �i���t�r r��r����nn�n����h�i�u��. ��. �111��h�d� �n� ���hr�iqu�����ff��ti�r� rr��di���r-r�rx��ni��ti�r�, ���� �r�rb�l��r �nd i�writ�n�. ��. Ft���nt��urt���i�i�r��a�r�d t�r�ir�fF��t�r� I��r�nf�r��rn�n�. 1�. F�el��rant�ed�ral, sta�t�and I���I I�v�r�, ����� �r�d ���ul�t��n�. 14bi�� t�: 'I. �111�n��� �nd dir��t����-r-��r�h�n�i�r� p�li�e �r��ra��n. �. D��r����and a�r�ini�t�r��li�� D�p�rtr��nt g�a�l�, �bj���i�r�s�nd pr���dur��. ���,;��� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 47 ����������� ����� ��I���i �i�l������L1����� Page 4 A#�ir� to: {C�nt�n�ed} �. �r��l��� �n� ������ �r�gr�rr�s, p�li�i�� �n� �p�r�ti�nal n���� ar�d r�n��c� �p�r�prNat� �d j u�trr��n�s. �. I��nt�fy �nd r�s��nd �pp��pria#��� t� ����itiv� ��rnr���i�� �r�d �rgar�i��ti�n�l �s�u��, ������n� a�d �ee�s. �. Pl�n, or���ize, d��e�t�nc� �oor�in�te�h�work af subor�fir�ate staff. �. D�le���� �utl��r�ty�nd re���nsib�lit�r��f���i�r�l}�. �. �����t, �u��rv�s�, tr�in: �r�������nall�r d��r�l�� �nd ��raluat�sta�ff. �. �n�l��� pr�b��r�n�, id�r��i�y �I��rn�tive ��I�ti�n�, �r�j��� ��n��q��n��� �f p����sec� a�����n� ��d i�nplement r�corrr�mendations �� su�por#ofgoa��. �. �����r�#�, �r�a�l�r���nc� �►�����t� ��v�r��rvi�� d��iv��y r��t�����r�d t��hr�iqu�s. �I�. �r�p�r�����r an� ����is� ��r�n��i�tr�tiv� and fin�n���l r�p�rt�. ��. �r�par�and �drr�inist�r I�r��an� ��rr�pl��c bu�g�ts. 1�. Int�r�r�t�rrd �ppl�r f�der�l, �t����n� I���f pal��i��, I�vwrs a�r�d r�gul��i�r��. ��. ��rr�rr�ur�i�at��I��rl�a�n� ����i��l�r, ���h �r�ll�r�nd in �nrriting. ��, E�t�bli�h ar�d �n�int�ir� ��f��t��r�v�r�rkir�� r�ia�i�n�hi�s�nr�tl� th��� ���ta�t�d in th����r���f w�r�C. ��. N��ir���ir� ��f��t��r� �u�i�-v��u�l di��rir�r�in�tf�n �nd ��r��p�i�n r���d�� f�r rr�a�cin� �bs�rv�ti�n�, ��rnrnuni��tir�g �nri�h �th�r�x r���ir��, v�r�i�ir�g �nd �p�r��ing �s���rr�� ��uiprn�n�. ��. �.1��� �ra�ri�ty �f�ir���-�ns ir� � ���� ��nn�r. ��. �p�r�t� � rr��t�r v��i�N� in s�f� rn�nn�r. 1�. Illraintain ph�r���a�l ��n�iti�� �ppr��r��t� t� th� perf�rrr�a��r�� �f �s�r�rr�d c�uti�� �n� ��sp�n�i�ili�i��. E�CPEF�IEIV�E ��V��`R�IIIV�NC C�1�DELiNE� Any �om�irra�ior� of experier��e ar�d �r��rrr`r�g �f��� would provrde �he requrrec� kr�ov►rlec�ge �r�� abrlf�re� rs q�►�Ii�yir��. �4 �ypica�v�r�y�o o��air� �l�e kr�ow��rlg�e ar�d�bili�res wo�r�d b�.� �ExperEen�e: � ^.,��... T�n �1�� ��ar� �f I���nf�r��rn�n� ��cp�r��n�� 2�s � �w�rn ���ul�r P�li�� ����r �r �n � sirr�ila�rl� qua�lifi�d ���i�i�n. T����� {��} ���r�s���l �r���u��tw� �2� �r��r� in a� p�rr�r�a���t�n�na���r p�sit���. �r�in�n�: � B��h���r �f�rt� �r � �a�h�l�r �� ��i�n�� d��r�� ���rr� �n ���r������ ��Il�g� �r ur�iv�rsit�r with rn�j�r ��u��� v�r�rlc in �rir�in�l ju�ti��, ��li�� ��i�n��, pu�li� �dr7r�ini�tr�ti�� �� � ��b-r�lated �i�ld. A Illl����r"� d��r�� fr�r7�r �n ���r�dit�d ��II��� o� �niv�r��t� vrr��h m��o�- ��ur��v�r�r�t in ��-irr�in�l j��ti��, p�l��� ��i�n��, �ut�li� ��r�ini�t��t��r� �r � j�b-r�l�t�� �i�ld a�nd �u�����ful ��rn�leti�n �� ��rr�rn�n��r��r����r��nt I��r�l tr�inir��, �.�. �ali��rni� �'���` ��rn�n�nd ��II���, the FBI 1���i�n�l A��d���, �I�� �V�rtl��nr����r� �ni����it���k������P�I��� �t�ff a�n� ��r�r�r��r�� �r t�� ��utl��rr� P��N�� Ir��t�t�t�, �r� hi�hl�r d��ir�bl�. ����nse�r��rtifi�ate: P�ss�s�i�r� �f, �r��i�it�r�� �����n, ��d r��'r���i� � �a�lid ��lif�rn�� dri�r�r'� la��n��. P����s�i�� �fr �r eli�ibl� �� p���e��, � va�lid �a�l�f�rni� P�a��� ��fi��r ��a�r�da�rds �nd Tra�in�n� �P��T� ��r�r�rr-�i��i�n Ill��nag�r�r���t ���ti�i�a�t� �r th� �quival�nt f��r-n th� tra��ing ��r-�-wr-r-�i��i�n it� a��th�r st�,t� r����ni�ec� b��a�l�f�rni� P��T. ��ss�s�i�n �f, �r�bil�ty�� �bt�in, v�li� �PF��n� 1 st Ai� ��rtif��t��. ��,���� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 48 ����������� ����� ���I�� ��I�����r��ir��e�� Pag� 5 1N�F�F�l�VC ��lVDI�I�N� �n�r�r�nr�er�tal ��ndi�i�r��: �rr��r��r��� p�a��� ��r�tr�l �nvir�nr��nt; ��p��u�� t� ��t��tia�l� h�stil� �r ��n��r��� ��vir��r7r��nt�r rr��vin���j��ts��rehi�l�s. �h��i��l ��r�ti�ti�n�: J�b duti�� �nd r����n�ibilitie� rr�a� requ��� rna�int�ining ph��r��l ��ndi�i�n r����ss�ry f�r b�n�in�t �t��pin�, kn�elingr �r�w�ingr r�nnir��r �#a�d�n�, �itti�g �r v�r��lcin� f�r pr�l�n��d ���i�c�� ���irn�; th� ��ili�y t��i��harg� a fir�arr�r� and ���ra�t��r��i�l�� in a r����na�bl�r sa��� ma�r�n�r. ��,�;��� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 49 ��c���i�#��,� ������►��o�ro ����� ���r�� ��nnn��►r�a�� Cl�ss s�r'�c��ions ar+�in��n���i�o pr�es�rr�a�}�scrip�rv�fis�of�he rar�ge of c�u#i�s per'forrx�ed�y�mployee�irr�l�e c�ass. Specr'f�c��for�s�rr�r�o��r��errded��r+e�e��aJJ dr��res performed v�ri�far'n�h�job. ������fi��� ��rf�rr-�-� � �r�ri�ty �f ��rr�ir���t��tiv� �nd pr�f�����r�a�i d�tr�s in��l�rir�� �u���r� �� ���din�, pla�nnin�, r�n�n����gr �rg�ni�ing, �nd p�rti�ip�tir�g ir� th� �v��a��l �p�rati�r� �f �h� P��i�� D���rt��ntt p�rf�rm a �r�ri��y �f r�u�in� and ��rnpl��c p�b�i� �a�f�t� �r�rk in�r�lv�n� t�� a�r�in�str�ti�r� �nd d�l��r�ry �f ��li�� ��rvi��� �r� I�w �n��r���-r�en�, �rir�� �r���nti�n, in�r���i��ti�n, p�tr�l, ��rr�r�nuni��ti�n�disp�t�l�, r���r�� r��r�2�g�rr��nt� traffi� r�gulati�r� �r�gra�-r�s �nd ��I�t�d I�vrr �nf�r��r�n�nt d�ti�� a� r���d�d �nd dir��t��; ��rt��ip�t� in pl�r��ir��, r��n��in�, �nd fa��il�ta�t�n� th� pr�f�s�i�n�l ����I�p�n�nt���uk��rdi�ate sta�#in �h� P�li�� ��p�rtr�r-��nt; a��sur�r�� the du�ie� �nd r�sp�n�ibi�iti�s �f t#�� P�li�� �hi�� �n hi��h�r a�b��n��; �nd ���rdinat� a����n�c� a�t��iti���nrit� �th���it� D�p��trr��nt��nd �u��i�1�a���n�i��. �IJP��III���[V I����Ill��J�h�� E�C�R�I�E� ����i�r�s a�rx�ini�tra�#i�r� dire�tx�n �nd g�n�r�l �up�rvi�i�r��r��n th� P�r��� ��i��. ��c�r�i��s dir��t, re�s�n��l���d ��pr�p�-i��� �up�rvi�i�� �v�r��rp�rv���r�r pr����si�n��, ���h�i��l ��d �I�ri�a�l ��a�ff. ���E�TIAL ���I�TI��V ���4T�IIII�NT� --����r��ia! �rrcf ���er��rr���rt�r��re���r���brl��re� �r�a� a���r"e� rr��y �r���r��l�, l����r'�rr��!r'►rrr���f��, �i�e f�1l��vrr��= ���en��a�l Fu��ti�n�: 1. C�����t� rr�a�r�a���, �up�rvi��: r-r��ni��r and ���r�linat� the �ff�r-ts �f s�b�r�in��� ���ff ir� pr��ri�ing d��l� I�w �nf�r��rr���t ��rvi��� �nc� ��t�►ri�i�� �f � Di�i���r� witl�in t�� P����� ��p�rtm�nt ���luding lav�r �i�����r.�i�.�i�L� �il�lll�i ���rY��L���t �111I�r.7����L�1.�11� �Gllr�l� L�V��II���Li�l1��.��Vl�����r�a ��r�r�l�.� ��II���r��.�L ��� ����1� ���4����I�J� ��������7 �� ��w7��� L�� �Ll�R �.r��.r�Ll��r ��� ��w7���Y�?��� ��.�r ���I����I��a ����L��a �r�d �Um�n r�S�UrC�S. �. fl��n�g� and part��ipa�� in th� d��r�i�prnent �nd i�np��r��nt��i�n �f ���Is, ��j��tiv��, ��r�t��i� ��d I�r��-r�n�� pl�nn���, ��li���� �r�� pr���dur�� f�r ��si�n�d �r��ra�rns; r���rnrr��nd �nd �drr�in��t�r p�li���s and pr���dure�a�n�1 �nt�rp�et th�s�, a��a��p�-�pr����, f�r���ff. �. �111�ni��r�n� �v�lu��� p��i�� ��rvi�� ��liv�ry ���h�d� ��d pr���d�r��, i��lud�n� id�nt�fy�ng pr�#�I�r-r-w� an� issues in t�� �or�munity, to �nsur� �ax�mum �ffectiven�ss �nd r���o�s�ve���s; r��omrr��nd} v�rit�i� D�p�r�rr��r���� ��li��, ���r��ri������rvi��a�n� ���i�n �I�ns�nc� ���ffing I�����. � �. Planr dire�t� ���r�inat� and r��ri��r th� v�r�rk �la� ��r a�s�gn�d ��aff ar�d ��b�rdi�at��; as�i�n ���k a��tiviti��, �r�j��ts �nd pr�gr�r��x r��ri�v�r �n� ��r�l�,�t� v�r�r�c pr�d�,�ts; rr���t a�nd ���r�ir��t� with ��aff t� i�en�ify �nd r���l�r� pr�bi�rx�s �� �nsur� ��f��tiv���s�, �ffi�i�n��r ar�d ���p�ra�ti�n anc� pr�rr��t� th� p�bli���f�ty. �. ���r'd���t� v�ri�l� ��h�r I��nr �r���r��r��nt �nd r�����d ���r►�i�� �n �r��i�u� ��ti������ in�ludir�� �u� r►�t lir-r�i��d t� rr�utual aid a�nc� ������ati�r� ����r��r-r��n���tiviti��. �. ���p�nd �� �ppr��ri�t� t� ��ri�u� �r ��r�n���x �i�u��i�n� th�t �����n�b�� r���ir� � P�li�� ��r�nrr�and�r'��#ir���i�nx �upp�rtt �xp��ti���r I��d�r�F�ip. Agenda Item 8.f. ������� ���� Pa e 50 g ����������������� P�li����r��n�n�ler���r��ir��ea�� Pa�e� ������i�l Fun��i�r��: ���n�inu�d� �. ���I���r ��r�-�����, 2�n� �r��l��� �rir�in�l 2��ti�rit�r ��� ir���vr���� r�ner�b�r pr�du�ti�rity as �nr�ll as �th�r r�l�t�d s��t��t��� t� ���i�t i� d�t�rr�r�inin� th� �ff��t��r�n��� and e�i���n��r ����t� P�li�� ����rtr��nt in pr�viding p�������rvi���ar�� �r��urin�tl�� p���i��af�ty. �. A� �ssign�d ��r t�� ��li�� �I���f, r��p�n� t� �r�d r���l�r� �iffi��lt �r�d ��r��iti�r� �it���n inquiri�s and ��rx��l�in� in�l�dir�g b�t n�� lirx�i�ed �� ���igningt ���rdf��ting, �r ��nc����ing ��nr�in��t���iv� ����rr►�I ��v��tig��i���� r�n��C� r���rr�r�r��nd�ti�r�� r�g�rdi�� th��� ��r�irri�tr�tiv� ir�t�rnal inv��tigati��� t� th� P�ri���hi��r ir7r��l�r�r��nt di��iplin�ry���i�n� �ppr��r��f t��th� P�li�� �hE�f. �. 1�1� ���I���� �]f ��1� ���I�� ��11��, ���I�� 1�1 ��1� If�l�l����fl, ��VI�Vw1, U����I��, �F�{� �f���f��l�fl �� ���l�� ����I'�r'1"���'1� I'U��a 2�f1C� �'��U�����fla ��1� �?��I�I�� �fl{� �J����C�IJ��� �� �'������ ��'1�f1��S ��1 ��1N� �f�{���f��� �hil���ph����I�� �'�#��� C�����tr�n�n�in p���ridir�� p�li�� ��rvi�����d �n�uring th� p�bli��afe��r. 1�. �� p2�r� �f��� P�li�� ��p�rtr��r�� rr�2�n�g�r��r�t t��r�r, i���tify �n� �rti�ul�t� i��u�� r���t�� �� p����� servic� �eliv�ry a�d iss��s that may present risk to the Polic� De�a�tr�ent or t�e �ity; perfor�n � �r�ri�ty �f r����r�h �r����t� t� ��sist tl�� P�li�� �hi�f �� pr�p�ri�g r���rr�rn�nd��i�ns f�� s�2�ffing �han���, p�li�� ar�d pr��e�ur� �ha�����, �quipr�r��nt r���ds, tra�i�in� ����s, �n� Il�lur�i�ipal ��d� �rdin�n�� ���ri�i�n�. 1'I. Prep�re �r d�lega�t� th� ��r�pilat��n a�r�d subr��s�i�n �� r-t-wa�nda�t�d sta��i�ti�� �� v�ri��� ���t� a�nd f�d�r�l �g�n�i�s in�l��ing b�� n�t lir�it�� t� r�n�ntl��}�r �u2�rt�r��r, �r�� ���rl�r lJ�� �nd I��I� �t��i�ti��, ��. As ��sign�� b�r th� ���i�� �hi�f, �r��rid� ���ff ���p�rt, I����r�l�ip, �n� �ir���i�n ��r � �r�ri�ty �f ��mrr��nity �n� ��►ri� �r�ups �n�l�ding b�t n�� limit�d t� ��'irn� pr��r��ti�� �r�u��: ���i��n �d�i��ry �r�up�, a�nd ��h��l int�rv�nt��n �r�up�; rr���c� �ff��t��r� �ra�� a�rr� v�ritt�n pr���r�t��i�n� �� th� �i�y ��u��i#, a�dr��� �r�r���� �i�ri� a�n� ��nr�rr��r�it�r ��-�up� �n �n�tt�r� �����rn�r�� �h� ��I��� Dep�r#rx�ent �r p�blic safe�y; ar�d artt�nd and partic��at� in r��uir�d �neet�ngs an� trair�in�. 1�. Tr�ink rn�ti�r���, a�d rr��r�t�r P�li�� ��p�rtr�n��t p�r��r�n�l v�rit� a���urat�, a�p�r�pri�t� a�d tirn�l�r �#���trnenta�ti�n a��d��r ��u�s�lingr pr��ri�� �r ����dinat� sta�ff�raini�g� par-t��ipa�� �n a�r�� supp�r� th� �r�������nal d�v�l��rr�����f P�li�� D�p�rtr��nt p�r��r�r��l �� r�n��cir�ni��t��ir ��t�r�tia�l and ���i��wi�� ��hi�vir�g �h�ir pr�����i�nal ���I�. 1�. E�ra�l�a�t� sub�r�ir�ate �t�f� v�r�t� a�pr�pria�� d�ta�il�d a�nd a���ra�t� �1���rr���tati�n t� ic���tify w�rk p�r-f�rrr�a�nce th�t e��r-r�plifies �nd��r �ind�r� s�p�ri�r �r�r�C p�rt�rrr�a���; v�r�rk �nr�t� �rr�pi���e� �� initiatir�g and �oflowin� throu�h with perfarma�ce ir�n�rove�n�n� planslst�ps �o �orre�t defi��encies or �u����r�d�rd ��rf�rr-��n��� w�r�c u�rith �ub�rdin�t� �taff t� a�hi��r� rr�a�ci�-n��n v�r�rlc eff��tivene�� �nd �r��u��i�rit�f�r th� ir�d��ridu�l �n� �I���rg�niz�ti�n. 1�. ��t � ����tiv� ��c�r�npl� f�r �h� �rg�ni��ti�n b�r ��ti�r��, ��nd��� �r�d ��pea�ra�n�e; �ppr��ri�t�l� re��gni�e e�c�rn�lary �r��k ���f��-m�r���; a�d�r��� �ub���r��i��� w���C p�rf�rr�n�rr�� vwri�l� ��r���r �n� � o�ject�vity. 1�. P��v�c�� �I�ar a�nd r����n��l� dir��ti�rr �� �u��r�ir��t��; �i����s i��u�s �nd r�����r� �r��l�r�n� wi�h s����din���s ir� �n �k�j���iv� a�nd �quitab�� r�na�nn�r� a�� d����i�r�l�r v�rh�l� ��c���i��n� jud�r�r��r�� �nd a�pr�pr��t� r���r�ir�t; d�rr�����r�t� 2�p�r�p�i��� ����rti�r�n��� �nr�th indi�r�du�l�, p�-�bl�rrr�, �nd dif�i�u�t situations "��. 1"1�S �S'S�IC�I'1�rC� ��I ���r ����C��'r C��1I�'.�t C�.SS`IS`� VII�L�1 ��l�r ��`��JG��C��I�fl C'�flC� C�C��YIIf�IS���C��I�rI �� ��1P� ��NI�.�r D����trnent b��get; rr��r�it�r ���i�r��� ��d��t�ry r������ibiliti�� ��d ir��l�r�n�nt �d�u�trr��n�� �� ��pr��r��t� �r�� r�������ry���n����f���l r�sp�n�ibil�ty. �8. �r�p�r� ����r, ��n�is�, �r�d ��rr���writ#en �-ep�rt� v�r�th r�r�in�r�r��l �rr�r� �� n��e���ry �r dir��t�d ir� � tir��l�r �-r-�ann�r and in ��r�r��li�r���r�ri�h �ir��t��r�� �r���ab�i�h�d �uid�lir���. ��„��������� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 51 ����������� ����� ���i�e ��rr�r�r�ander���r��ir���al� P�ge � ��������� ���������i ����������� '��. �r��id� �p�r�pri�t��n� r�s��r�sible sta�ff a�s�i�t�r���t�th� P�li�� �hi�f a�� dir��t�d. ��. Att��d anc� par#i��pat� in pr����s��n�l �r�up rr����in��; r�nr��in �����n�bl�r �Cn�r�rrl�d���ble fr� ���terr�p�rary tr�nc�s a�d �nn��rati�n� in t��fi����f I�w�r���r��rr��r�t. �1. P�r#i�ipa�t� in �r�ir�ir�� �x�r�i����n� �12������s�ir��t�d, 2�. �Ill�ir���ir� �r� �ff���i�r��nr��-I��r�g �-�I��i�n�hip�rith rr��dia� ��p����n��t��r��r ��in� tr�nsp�r�nt, i���rr�r�ti�r�, �n� ���p�r�ti�re���h�ext�nt a�ll�v�r�d b� P�li�� ��p�r`tr�n�nt p��i���n� �p�l���hl� �t�tu��. ��. �111�� �� r����n�bl� ne�es�ary p�rf�rr-r-w �h� dut��s d���rfi��� ir� th� j�� d���rip�i�n� �f �u��rdin�t� st�if. ��. ��r�ry ��� d�ti�� ��d r�s��nsi�ilitie� �n ��rr�pli���� v�it� a�p�r�p�iat� ��c��r�l, �t�t�x ���r�t}�, �ity I�v�r� �nd �rdir�2�n����r�d �it� ��r��nn�l �-����with�ut b���, ���r��i�i�rr�, �r p���u�i��. ��. F�esp�n�ibl� ��r ��rr�pli�n�� �vit� r�gulatf�r��, p�l��i�s �n� pr�����r�� �f ��b�rdi����� �� �nr�ll a�s �ir�ns�lf�h�rs��f. 2�. A����t re�p�n�ibilit�r and ��c�r�i�� r����r��f�l�r ��pr�pr��t� ����rvis�ry di��r�ti�� in r�r��tk�r� ��� �����fi��l��r ��fin�� �r ��s�rib�d in �he P�li�� D�partr-r��n� r��ulat��ns, p�li�i��x pr���d�r��, �r�d ��b des�ripti�n. � ��. Is��� �I��r, ��n�is�t d��in�t�, a�nd le�all� pr�p�r ��d�r� and d����ti�r�� t� �ub�r�ir��t���� th�� ��� n�t �n �ri�l�ti�n �f ��li�� ��partrr��nt ��- �ity r���l�ti�r��, p�li�i�� a�d pr���d�r��; ����r� tl��t �h� ��d�r �r dir���i�r� is a���r�pri�t�i�r �arri�d ��t b�t��d���gr��t�d ��b�rdin���{�}. 2�, ��n���t�ntl�r c��r-r��n�tr��� ��c�r�npl�ry in#�gri�y, r��p��t, ���rtes�, ir�i�i��i�r�t di�Ngen��, tr��hf�ln���, �tt�nti�n �� ����r, �on��ru�ti�r� #�eh��ri�� and ����rv�n�� �f p��p�r �������I d���iplir�� i� ����r��n�� v�i�l� P�li�� ��p�r#r�r��r�n��t�n�a��-d�. ��. P�rf�rr� �-�����d d��ies �n� r����nsibili�i�� a� r���ir�d b�r th��rr��r� �r2�n�� N1ur�i����� ��d� �n���r th� P�li���hi��t� r�n��t��� r����� �f t�� P�li�� D���rtrn�nt�n� �h� ��t�r�n��i��r. �C�ALI�i�ATI�N� Knowledc�e of� 1. �perati�n�, servi���a�d a�ti�r�ti���f���r�n�r��r�n�i�r� r�r�ur�i�i��l I�v�r�nf�r����nt p���r�r�-r. �. Prir��i�l���r�d �r��ti��� ������r����ti���i �nd pr��r��n de�r�l�pr��n��n� a�m�ni�t�ati�n. �. Prir��i�l���r�d �r��ti��� ��r�u�i�ip�l b�d��� pr�p�r��i�n and �d�-r���i�tr�t���. �. Pri��i�l�����u�p�rv��i�n, tr�ir►��g, p�rs�nn�F��v�l��rr�entt a�d ����rman�e�va�lu�t��r�. �. ��nt�rnp�r�ry iaw �nf�r��r-r��r�t t���ry, p����i�l�� �n� pr��ti��� i����din� but n�� I��-r�it�� t� ��r�r�r�unity �ri�r�#�d �r�� p��bl�rr� s�l���n� ��1i�in� �nd �heir a�p�li�ati�n t� a v�rid� �r��i�t� �� �er�ri�es an� pro�rams. �. T��hni�al �nd �dr�nir�i�����i�r� nr���h��s�f�rir�n� pr��r�n�i�n �nd law enf�r�ern�r�t. �. Ba�i� �r�rbal an� writt�r� Er�g�is� I�r►�u��� �nd �r�rr�rrr�r �� b� �bl� t� re�s��ab��r ��rnrr�ur�i�a�t� �r���rr�r���i�n r�rith �h� pu���� �nd��r ��r�pl�t� �-�1�van� v�rritt�n ���urr��ntati�n r�q�ir�d �� j�b ��tiviti��, �. �p�ra�i�n�l �har��t�ri��i�� ��d u�� �f r�n����r� ��li�� ��uip�n�nt in�ludin� �ffi�e �q�iprn�n#, ��rn�ut�r�and ���p�rt��� v�r��d �������in� �ppl����i�n�. 9. Erx��r��n����d �is��t�r r��n�ger,n�nt te�h�iq�r�s. 'I�. Il�l�th�d��nd ���hniq�,�� �f�ff��tiv� r7r��d�� ��nr�r��,nic�at��n, b�th ��rb�ll�a�nc� �n v�r�itir�g- �1. f����r�t���rt d���si�n� a�r�d th����ff��t�n I�w�r�f�r����n�. 1�. F��I���n�f�d�ra��r ��a�t�a�d ���a�l lav�rsx ���es�nd r�gul�ti�n�. ��„��� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 52 ���r o����o�r� ����� Pofice Comrr�a�der{�or���r�t�ec1} Pa��e 4 �#l�ili ��: 1. Mana��an� d�rect s�borinat�staff. 2. As�i�� in �h�d��r�l�pr�n�r►���P�li�� D�pa�tr��r�t g��l�, �b���ti�r�� �n� pr���dur��, 3. �4r��l�r�� and a����s� pr��r�rn�, p�li�i�� �nd �p�r�tN�r��f ���d� an� r���C� ���r��ri��� a�j�rstr��nt�. �. ���r����nd �ir��t�h� ��rv�����nd a�t��riti���f a Di�risi�n v�rithin �h� P�N��� ��p�rtrx��nt. �. 1�1�r�tify a��d r�sp�nd �p�r�pri��el� t� ��n��ti�r� ��rr�r�r�un�ty �nd �r�ani�ati�na� iss���, ��n��r�� an� ne�ds. �. Pl�r�, �r��ni��, dire�t an� ���rd�n���th�v��r�C �f s���r��r��t�st�ff. �. D�I�ga�t�a�ut��rity a��� ���p�n�ibi��t�r�ffe�ti�r�i�. �. �up��vis�, �ra��r�, pr���s�i�r�a�ll�r���r�l�� a�d ��ral�a�t�st�fF. J. An�l�z� p���l�rns, i��r���fy �I��rr��t��r� ��lut��n�, �r��e�t ��nseq��n��� �� p������d ��t��n� a�r�� ir�-�pl�rr�en# r���r�rn�n��ti�n� �r� ���p�rt�f���1�. ��. �����r��, �n�l����nc� �va���at� n�v�r s�rv���d��iv�ry rr��th����n� t��hr�i�u��. ��. �r���r��I��r�nd ����i�� ac�rnini�trat��r�a�d finan�'r�l r���rts. ��. ���i�t r� #h� pr�parat��� a�� ad�nin�stra�i�r� �f I�r�� �nd ��rr��l��c bu�����. 1�. In��rpr�t a�nc� app��r f�d�ral, stat��n� I��a�l p�li�i��, I��nr��nd ���ufi�ti�r��. ��. ���nr-Y-�u�i�at��I�arl�r and ��n�is�l�r, b�t� �ra�ll}��nd �r�v�rri�i�g- ��. ��tat����h a�nc� rr�air�tair� �ffe�tive�nr�rk��� r�l��i�n��i��r�rit� �h�����r�t��t�� �n �h���ur���f v�r�r�C. 1�. 1111aint�in effe��i�r� ��di�-��ri���l dis�rir�an�ti�n �r�� p�r��pt��r� n��d�d f�r rn�l�ir�� �bs�rv��i�ns, ��rnr�n�ni�tin��nri#h �th�r�, ���ding, v�rr��in� �nd �p����ing ���i�n�d �quiprx��nt. 1�. 1���a�rarie�� �f fir��rrr�� in �s��� rn�nrt�r. 1�. �p�rat�� rr����r vehi�l� �n ��f� rr��nn��-. 1�. IlJlair�ta�� �h}�si�al ��nd�ti�n a��r�p�-i�t� �� ��� ���-f���n�� �� ���i���� ��t��� �n� r��p�n�ibilit���. � �]�CPEFtIE�1�E 14�1�T�All�ll�� ��IDEL��IE� Ar�y �om��r���r'or� of ex�err"er��e ar�d �r�ir��r�g �h�� wa�Id provide �f�� r�q�ired krrowl�dge ar�d a�rlr�ies is qu�lr'fyrr�g A �ypr���w�y�o ob���rr �h�kr�owledg�� �rraf a��li�i�s v�ra�lc�be: E�cp�ri�r��e: ���h� {�} �r��rs �f I�v�r �n#�r�e��nt��p�ri�n�� �s � �v�r��r� r�g�l�rr ��li�� �ffi��r�� in � ���n��ar��r ��a����i�d p��iti�n. Th��i�ht��} �r��r�s���� �n�lude�w� �2� ���r� i� � ��rr�n�r���t s�p�nri��ry p��i�i�n. Tr�i�ni�c�: A ���hel�� �f A�ks �r a� �a�h�l�r �f ��ien�� d��r�� fr�r-r-� an a��r�dit�d ��Ilege or �ani�r�rsi��r v�rMt� �-r��j�r ��ur���nr�r�C �n �r�rn�r�����s�t��, p�������i�n�e �r a j���r���ted fi�ld. A Il�a��ter��d�gr�e fr�rr� �n ���r�dit�d ��Ileg� �r uni�r�rs�t� v�rith rr�aj�r ��urse v�r�r� in �r��inal j�str��r p����� s������ �� a� ��b-r��a���d fi�ld �r �u��e��f�rl ����I�ti�n �#���rr�and���na���rr�ent I���I tra�inin� a�r� hig�l�des��a��l�. Li�en���r��rtif����e: P������i�n ��, �r�b��it�r t� ��t��rr, ��d �n�ir�#�ir� a� �r�li� ��lif�rni� dri�r�r'� li��n��. P�ss���i�n ��, �r �li�ibl� �� p����ss, a �ra�id ��li��rn�a P���� �i`fi��r ��a�c�ard� anc� �ra��nin� �P��T� ��rr�rr�i��i�r� �up��ri��ry��r#i�i��t�. P������i�� �f, �r��ility�� �bt��r�, �r���� �F�� ��� �st Aid ��rt�fi�a��es. ��,,;��� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 53 ����������� ����� Pa��ce Corr�rx�an��r��arr�ir�ued� �a�� � W��K��1� �ON��Tt�N� �n�r����rtn�n��l ��ndi�i�n�: �r�r��r��r��� p���� ��ntrt�l �n�rir�nt-r��nt; ��cp��ur� t� p�t�nti�l�� h���i�� �r �����r��s �nvir�nr��nt�; rr���rin��bj��t����hi�l��. Ph�s���! ��nditi�n�: .��� duti�� �nd r��p�r��ik�ili�i�s �a�r r�q�ir� rr���r�ta��nin� p��r�i��l ���d�ti�n n������ry f�� b�nciin�, �t��ping, �cne�l�n�, �rawlir��, ru�r�ing, �tandir��, �i�t�r�g �r�nra�l�c�ng f�r pr���r�g�� ��r���s ��tirr��; �I�� ��ilit� ���i��h�r�� ��r�arr�r� �r�d ���r�te�ehi�l�� ir► � r����na�bl��af� rr��r���r, Agenda Item 8.f. ��"'��� ���°� Page 54 E�I�I�IT "�" �I�Y�F A�R�Y� G R�11��3 E ��LI�� �F�I��l� �1��������f����i�r�� ar� r'r���r�cf��f ���r�e��r��� a�e��r�����r� #������l�e rar�g�e ��a��r�ie��erf��rrrea���r e►rr���}re�� ir� �I�� �I���. ��e�if������r�s �re r��� rr���r�c�e� �� re�e�� �I! c��r�i����rf��'rr���f w���ir� ��r� jo�. �EFIIVITI�I� �`� d�li�r�r��d ��pp�r-k p�li�� s�rvi��� in �a�rwr �nf�r��r��n�r �ri�ne �r�v�nti��x ir►���ti���i�r�, p�tr�lr tr�ffi� r�gulat��r� pr�gr2�r�s �nd r��a#�d ��vrr �nf�r��rr���t a�t��rit��� b� p��f�rm�ng � �r�r���� �� duti�s as r���d�d �nd d��-��t�d. �IJP�F�II��I��f F����I11E� I�N� �]CEF��I�Ei� F����i�r�� ��n�r�l ��r��rvisi�n fr�rr� I�i�i��r I��r�l I�v�r�r�f�����n�r��st��f. E���IVTI�L F�Jh��TI�N �T�TEIVIEIVT�--�s��r����! �r�cf ���e� �rrr��r��r�� r����r��i�i���ie� �r�c� du�r'es may in��ude, �u�ar�e r�o��im��ed�o, �i��followir�g: ���ent�al ��r��#i�n�: 1. P�tr�� �h� �it� �� a� r7r����r �r�l�i�l�, �n � b����le, �� �n ���� t� r�sp�nd t� �II� f�r p�li�� ��rvi�� �nd t� pr�s�rv� la�r �r�d �rd�r; �nf�r�� f���ra��, �ta��� a�r�� I��a�l la��r� �nd �rdin�r�����r�d �r�f�i� r���l��i�n�. �. illl��C��rr����f�r�rirr��s��� �fifens��; p�rf�rr-r�� b���Cin� pr���d����f�r pri��r��r�. �. ��ndu�� �p�r��ri�te �nd ��r-r�pl��� pr�lirr�ina�ry ir��r��ti��ti�n� �� �ri����� ��t��ri��r in�l��ing ��nt��ting �n� i���rvi�v�ring vi�tirr�sr �itn��s��x a�n� �u�p��t� and id�r�ti�yin�� �������in� �nd b���cing e�rid����. �. ��nd���app��pr�a�t� �r�d ��r�n�l��� ir��r�sti���i�ns�f�r2�ffi����ic��r�ts. . �. ��nd���app���r�at� a�nd ��r��l���f�l��v�-u� ir��r�s�iga�t��ns ��d����t��. �. Pla�n, v�rrit��nd ��c����� �rres��nd ��a��h�va�r�n��. �. ���r�h ir���vi�u�l�x v�l�i�l��, s�r����r��, �n� I�nd �rea�� f�r ��r�den�� �nd ��ntr�bar�d �r� ��njun�ti�n�it� in�r��ti�at���� �r a�dir��t�d. �. ��nc���t���r�h��f�r I��t�r rr�����ng ��r��n�. �. P�r-��r�r� �r��rg�r���r f�rst a�i� a� r�a���n�bl� ar�d appr�pr����. ��. �r�p�r� �lear, ��n�ise an� car���t writ��r� r��ort� u�in� �h� �o�i�e �epar�rnent'� ��rr��u�t�ri��d r���rd� r��n�gern�nt ��r����n vvit� r��r�ir7r��l �rr�r� a�� n�����a�ry �� d�r��t�d in � tirr��l� rr���n�r an� in ��r�np��an���rit� I�g�� �n� ��li�� D�p�r`trr��r�t���n���-ds. ��. J�pp��r i�ju��nil�, �r�tr��r��l ��d �i�r�� ��urt� an� D�p��r��nt �f Il�l�t�r V�I�i�l� ���rin�� �� dire�ted b�a� su���i-►�i��r�n�l�r���bp��n� t� p����nt e�ric�en�� and ��st�fy. 'I�. �111ain�ain and �p�ra�t� �p��i�li��� ��li�� �quiprr��nt ne�e�sary f�r �h� ��r�du�� �f p�li�� ��rvi���, Agenda Item 8.f. +���r��� ����� Page 55 ����� ������ ����� �����.r� ����.r����+�/�����f�l� �a�g� 2 E��e��i�l �u��ti���: ���ntir�ued� '��. ��r���� ���sist��tl� �Cn�wl�d���bl� in ��rr�nt tr�n�� ir� ��'ir��n�i ���i�ri�y and ��nt�r�p�rary la�r e��or�er��nt t�c�n���es. ��. If�����i�r��d, p�rf�rm tl���p��ifi�duti�� and r��p�r��ibi�tti����� spe�i�li��� ���i�r�r��r��} �.�. ��t��t��r�, Fi�ld �r�inin� �ffi��r {FT��, �C-� �andl�r �r ��I���� �����r�� ��fi���, a�� ��lin����d �n #he as�i�r�r�n�r�t d���ri��i�n. 'I�. As���i�n��, pl�r� �n� d�li�r�r pr���r�t�ti�r��t� �i�i��n� ���-r�rr�u�ity gr��p� ��� in��►�idt��l� ��n��r�ing I��nr �nf�r��r�r��nt i����� in��udin� but r��� lirr�it�� �� �rirr�� �re�r�t�#i�n, ill���l nar��ti��, ��� dri�rir�g �nd�r th� i�flu�n��. 1�. P�rt��ip�t� �n tr�i�ir�g e����i����n� ������s�� dir��t��. 'I�. P�rf�rrr� r�l�t�d d�tie� �nd r��p�n�i�iliti�� �� req����d b� th� P�li�� �hi�f, P����� ��rr�rx��nder� P�li�� ��rg��nt �n�1�r ��r�i�r P�rr�� �ffi��r�� r�r���t�k�� n��ds �f the P�li�� D�p�rt��n��r�d th���rr��-r-�unit�r. ��. �a�rry �u� duties ar�d r��p�r��ibili�i�� �n ��rr��li���� v�rit� ap�r�pria�t� f�d�r�l: �t���, ��unty} �i��r ���nr��n� �rdin����s�nd �it�r p�r��nn�l ruE��v�rit�����i��, f��r�riti�rr�, �r pr�judi��. ��. ���p�n��b��f�r��I�-��r7r�pli�n���rith r�����ti�ns, ��li�i���r�d pr����ur�s. ��. �4����t r��p�r��ibil�ty �r�d ��c�r�i�� �����na��l� a�p�r�prta�t� d�s�r�ti�� in �-r-��tt��� r��t �p��ifi�ll� d��in�c� �r d���rib�d in th� P�li�� ��p2�r#rx��n� re��l�ti�n�r p�li�i��, pr���d�r��, �r�d j�b ����ri�ti�r�. L 1. �I���71�L����� ��Ill�la��l��� �11��II�I��L�LJ1..114���t �I I����L�1F�� LI��������� �14���1���1��•7r ����11�1�11 �� dut�, �r�� �b��rv���� �f pr�per p�r��n�l d���i��ir�� rr� ����r��n�� v�rith P�li�� �e�a�-kr��nt st�nd�rd�. �1��41��FI�ATI��I� �n�v��ed�le�f: ��� 1. �p�r�ti�ns, s�rvi��s �nd ���i�riti�� �f a� ���npr�l��r��i�� r��r�i�ip�l ���r ����r���-r-��n� pr��ra�r�, 2. ��nt�rnp�r�ry I�w�r���r��rx��nt t��t���, pr���d�r�� and pra��ti��� i��lu��r�� �u� n��lirr�i��� �� ��r�r�r7r�unity �r�����d a�r�d p��bl��-r-� ��Ivin� p�li�ir�g �r�� th�ir�ppli������ �� a v�d�v�riety �� ��rvi��� �r►� ��nn��ni�� �n� ���i�� �r�bl�r�n�; ��tr��, �ri�n� �r��r�nti�n, tr��fi� r���l�ti�n �r�� ir��r�s�������r�. �. 1��I�s �f��rNd�r��� ��rt�ining t�s��r�� a�nd s�i�ur�. �. ��I����i�r� �r�� pr���rv��i�n �f�h�r�i��l ��r�d�n��. �. L�v�r� ���r�rn�n� th� �ppr�l��n�i�nr �rr��� �nd ��st�d� �f �er���� a���u��d �� �rirr�in�l ��ti�ri��, �. ����� �r�rb�l �n� writt�n �ngli�h ��n�u�g� ��d �r�rnrr��r t� �� �bl� �� r�a��n�bl� �rnrr�u�ni�:at� inf�rrr���i�n �rith th� �u�li� �nd��r��rr�p��t� r����r�nt w�it��n d��ur�r���t��i�n r�quir�d b�r j�b ��tiv�t���. �. lJse�f fi���rr��. 8. �p�r��i�n�l �h�r���eri�ti�s a�d u�� �� rr����rr� p�li�� ����pr��n� �r��l�din� ���� �q�iprx��nt, ��r�r�put�rs 2�nd �up��rting v��rd pr����sin� �pp����#i�n�, 3. F����nt��urt���i�i���2�nd ��e�r eff��t�r� I�w����r��r�n��t. ��. F��I��r�n���d�ral, �t�t�a�nd ����f la�ws, ��d��a�nd r���la�ti�n�. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"���� ��'�� Page 56 �:ITY��AF�F��I�� �7��1�E I���i�e �ffi��r���r��rrr�r��� P�ge 3 �#!�i I�ty__��: �. P�r-f�rrr� �v�r��� ran���f I�v�r�n��r��r�n�rrt�u�i�s and r��p�r�sib�li�i��. �. Id�ntify ��d r��p�nd ��p���r��t�l� t� � w�d� �r�ri�t� �f in�id��t� ir��l�ding ��-n��-��r���r si�u�tions. �. lJs� �r�d ��r� f�r � vari��� �� fr��rr-r�� a�nd �t��r ��li�e �qu��nr��€�t �n a� r�a���n�b��r ���� r�n��n�r. �. �p�r���� r��#�r v��i�l� �� � ���s�na�l�r ���� rr�a�nn��. �. Pr�p2�r� �I���-�nd ��r����� r���r#�. �. �r���rpr�t, ��c�lain �nd ��pl�r f����a��r �tat� �nd ����I I�v�r� a�rd ��li�� D�p�r�k�ent ��li�i��, �r���c�u��� �nd r�g�l��i�n�. �. ��r�nr��ni�a�t� �I��rl� �r�� ����i��l�r, b��h�r�ll�r �nd in v�r�-i�ing. �. ��rr�pr�h�n� �r�d f�ll�vwr�ral �r�� �nrri#t�n in�t�u�ti�n�. �. 11V�rk��►d�p�ndent�� in �h��b������f dir��t�r�� ir�rr��diate�up�rv��i�n. 'I�. �p�ra�t� �ffi�� �quiprr��nt in���dir�� ��rr��ut�r� a�nd �upp�r�i�g w�r� pr�����ir�� applicat�ans. 1�. ��t2�bli�h ��d r�n�int�irr �ff��ti�� v�r�r�ing r����i���l�ip� �nrit� th�se ��nt��t�� in �h� ���rse �f v�r�rk. '�2. Illlaint�in ��f��t��� ��di���risua�l di��rirt�ir��t��n �r�d ��r���ti�n t� t�r� ��gr�� n���ssa�ry f�r th� ����e����l p�rf�rr��n���f�ssigr��d duti��, 1�. IIJl�int�i� pl�}r�i��l ��ndi�i�n a�ppr�pr�a��� �� �h� p�rf�rr�a�t��� �f a�s��n�d du�i�� ��� r�sp�nsibilitie�. . ��c������������fi�i�i�� ��i������� Ar�y �orr�bina�ior� of e�cp�ri�r�ce �nc� �rain�ng �f�a� wa�Id provid� �he r�qu�r�d knowled�e arrcf ��ili��e���c�c►�lr'fyr'rr�. ,4 �y�i��!w��r�������rr ��r��rr���rl�cf�e�r�c��b�li�i�� w���cf b�: E�t��rien��; � I���xp�ri�n�e is re�uir�d. Tra�ir�_�� E��i�ralent t� th� ���-n�l�t��r� �� �h� tw�lf�h ������ �r�d�, e.�. a h�g� s�h��i d�p��r�n� �� � ��C�. �u�pl�rr��nt�l �� ��r���t�r�r�� q���ter unit����rr7 �r� a��r���t�d ��Il�g� �r �ar�i��rsity�nrith rr��j�r ��ur����r�c in �rirr�ina�l�ust���, p�li�e ��������r�j�b-��la�t�� fi�ld �� �i��l�r d��ir�bl�. �i�en���r��rtif�����: P�ss�s�i�n �fk �r�bilit�t��bt�irr, 2��� rr��int�ir� a�va���d ��lif�rn�a dri�r�r'� �i��n��. P���es�i�n �f, �r ��i��t� �� ��t�in, � �r�lid �a�lif�rr��a P�a�� �ffi��r ���r�d�r�� �n� Tr�ining �P��T� Ba�����rt�fi��t�wi�h�n �n� {�} ����-�f�p��'rnt�'n��t. P������#�n �f, �r�bilit����bta�in, �rali� �P� a��d 1�t�i� ��rtifi����s. VI��l��CINC ��ND�T���V� �r��rir�nmen��l ��r�d�ti�ns: �rr��r��r►�}r p���� ��n�r�l �n�rir�nrr��nt; ��cp��ur� t� p�t�r��i�ll� i��st�l� �r da�n��r�u� �n�ir��r���#s; �n�vin� ��j��t��v�hi�l�s. Agenda Item 8.f. ��`����� ����� Page 57 �ITY��AF���Y� �RANDE P�l��� �f#i������rr�ir�c���� .Pa�� 4 �t� �i��l ��r�diti�n�� J�b d�tie� and �����n�i�iliti�s r�n2�� r���ir� rr�a��nt�inir�� �h��i�a�l ����iti�n ne�e���ry��r b��d�n�, �����ir�gr �Cn����r�g, �r��nrling, rur�r�i��, st�n�in�, �ittir�� �r v�r���Cin� f�� pr�l����d p�ri�d� �� tir��x ����b�lit�t�di��h�r�� �fir�arrr� ar�� ���r�����hi�l�� �n � r��s�na�bl�r ��f� rr��n��r. ������� ����� A g e n d a I te m 8.f. Page 58 E�CH��IT"P" �ITY�F�1RR�Y� CF�A��E ��L��� �EI��E�41VT �1ass spec��i�a��orrs ar� �rr�errder! �a �r�s�n# a descrip��ve lis� of�#ae range a�d��fe� perForrn�d by �rr�pJoye�s irr #J�e cl�ss. ��e�i€ic��ior�s ar+�no�in�ended�o r�t�e��all d��res p�rl`ormed w���r�n�he job. ���������� Adr�in�sterx sup�rvi��, �n� ���r�in�t� th� d�li�r�ry �� p�li�� ��rvr��� ir� I�w �nf�r��r�r��n�r �r��� �r��r�r��i�n, ir�►���t���ti�n, ��tr�l, ��rnr�uni��ti���di���t�h, r���rd� rr��n�g�rr�en�, tr��f� r�g�l�t��r� pr��r�r�r�s �r�� r�l�t�d I��nr ��f�r��r�nen� �uti�s as n��d�d �n� d������d; ���rs�� �nd ��r#i�i��t� in �II w�r� ��t��ri�i�st �n� ���rdi�at� P�li�� �]�p�r�r7r��r�t ��t��riti�s v�rith �th�r I�� �������rr��nt ag�n�i�� a�nd at�er�ublic a������s. �l.�P�R111���IV ���EI11���41VD ��C�F��I�E� f����i�r��g�n�r�N di�-��ti�n �r�r-r� �he P�li�� ��r�nrr��r�d�r. . E��r�is��c�ir���, r����n�bl�, �n� �,p�r�priat� sup�rv��i�r� ��r���r�f���i�n�f, ���h�i��l �nd �I�ri��l staf�. E���1��1AL F����I�N �TATEII�I��V�"�--���er��i�I re���r�sr'l�ilr'�r�s�r�a�c��r����rrr�y�rr�l�r��, ��r����r��� l�mr'�e��o, ��r��ollow�r�g: E���n�i�l Fun�t��r��: �. As dir��t�d, �I�n, �ri�rit��e: as��gr�, �u��rvis� and r�view ��re work of staff ir�vol��d in the ��rf��m�n���r�d d�li�r�ry�f��� �spe�t� �f���i�� D�pa�rtr��nt���i��s. �. �� r�2������l�r n����s��-y, �-r-���r ��r��n�11� ��rf�rrr� �nd c��li�r�r a�l asp��t� �� P��i�� ��p�r`trr���t s�r�r�ces ir�����ing but �ot limit�d ta law err�or�em�nt, p�tro�, t�-affic r�gul�tior�, �rimin�l in�r�sti���i�ns, r��p�r��� t� ��II� f�r p�li�� ��nri��, �n� t�� d�t��ti�r� �nd �rr�s��f��rs��� in�r�i�r�d in �rirr���. �. F����r�nrr��n� �n� �ssi�� in t�� ��v�l�prr��nt} irr�pi�r-r-��r���ti�n a�nd �v�l��t��� �� ��li�� ����r�r��nt g�a���, �bj��tiv��, p�li����, pr������-�s�nd pr��ra�r��. �. �d�ntify r�s�ur�� n��d�; r��ri��r n��d� �vith �t�ff; a�El��at� r����r��s ��pr�pri���l�r i��lu�ing ���lua�tin� th� �ff���iv�n��� a�d ��#i�i�r���r �f ��� d��l��rr�-���t �f ��r���r��l r�s�u��-���; r���rr�r��r�� a�p��pria�t����vi�� ��d ��ti�n pl����n� ����fir�� ���r�ls. �. �r��ride, ���rdina�t�r �r��p�rvi�� �t�ff tr�inin� in�ludi�g but n�t linnit�d �� d��r�l�p�ng, �r�paring a��d ��nd���ing bri�fir�gs a�nd tr�ir�ir�� ��c�r�i��s �nd ��rr�pl�tin� a��ur�t�, �ppr�pri���: �n� �ir���� ���t�r��r�t��i�n �r�d��r ���n���in�; parti���a�t� in ��d �u�p�rt �h� �r�fes�i�nal d�v�l�pr�n��� �� P�li�� Dep�rtr�r��n� p�r��nn�l t� r�r���c�rr����th�ir��t��ti�l ar�d a���i�t w��l� ���i��ing �h�ir pr�fe�s��nal ��al�, �. �valuat� �ub�rdin��� ���ff �nrit� a�pp���r�a�� d�ta�i��� �rrd ���ur�t� d���r�nentati�n t� id��tify �r�r�C perf�rrr��n�� tl��t ��c�rx��lif�s �nd��r hin���� �up�ri�r w��k p�rf�rrr��n��; �nr�rl� �rith ��b�rd�r�at� �t�f# �� 1f11����1�1� �f'1C� �����1N��1� ��1�'�LJ��'1 1N1��1 �}�f`����1'1�f1�� 1fY1�1'�11��1'1��1� ����15�����J� �� ���`�'��� C���I�I��I�I�� �r subs��nda�r� v�r�rl� p�rf�rr��n��� �nr�rk �rvrti� �ub�r�ina��� ���ff t� ���i��� rr���ctrr��r�-� v�r��c �1`���ti�r�r�����n� �r�d��ti�rit�f��th� individua�l a�nd th� �r��r�i���i�n. �. ��� � p��iti�re e�car�npl� ��r �h� �rg��i��ti�n b�r a�ti�n�, ��n�u�t �nd a�ppea�ran��k appr��ri����}� ����g�i�� �x�r-r�pl��y w���C ��r#�t`m�n��; �d�r��s� �ub�t�nd��d �rv�r�c ��rf�rr-r�a�n�� v�ri#h ��nc��r �nd �bj���i�ri��r. Agenda Item 8.f. ��,����� ����� Page 59 ����� ������ ����� ���I��������t'1�����?�1��J��� ���� � �F���1�1�1 �Irl�'I��I��S: ���1"��If'i1.��Cf� �, Pr�►�id� �I��r �nd rea�s�nab�� c�ir��ti�r� t� �u����i�����; di���ss i�s�t�s �n� r�s�l�r� pr�bl�r7r�� witl� �ub�rdir��t�� ir� �n �bj���i�r� �n� �quitabl� nn�nn��; ��� ���i�i�r�l� �I�il� ��c�r�i�ing ju�gr-��n� an� �p�r�pri�t� r�str2�int; ��r-r��nstr�t� ap�r�priat� ����rtiv�n��� ��th i�d��rid��ls, �r�bl��-r�s, and dif��ult �i������r��. 9. P�ri�d����l� �r�� �� r�2���r��bl� r����ss�ry insp��t st�ff, �q�ipr�n�nt, ��I�i����x �r�d f��ility t� �ns�r� �ppr�pri2�t� ����n�in��s, ��n�i�i�nr rnaint���r��� �nd ��r�pli�n�� v�r��h P�li�� D�p�rtrn�n� �t��d�r�s; rx�ainta�ir� �r ��I���t� rr�2�in��n�n�� �f �����r-ri�nt, �up�li�� �nd ���ili�i��; ��rr��t pr��l�r�� �nd d��urr�en� ne�d�d r�p���� �r� ���ili�i�� �r ���,�prr��nt; ���I�r�� a�nd �-���rr�r-t��nd irr�pr��r�E-n�nt� �� ��uf�r�er�t�nd fa�ili��r. 'I�. A�s�st in th� prepa�ra�ti�n, ��r�ir�i�tr�ti�n �n� rr��ni��ri�g ���he P����� Departrn�nt budg�t, 11. F�e�r���nr writt�� r����t� �u��it��d b�st�ff f�r�rr�rs an���r�rr�i��i���, ��r�t��t, �I�rity�r�d ��rr��li���� with le��l �r�d Por��e Dep�rtrr��nt st�nda�rds; make �d�ustr�ents t� writte� reports �s n���ss�ry �nd �p�r�pri����r r�turn writ��n r���r��t��taff f�r r�������ry��d �ppr�pri�t��djustr�-��n��. 12. Pr�p�r� �I��r, ��n�i�� �nd ��rre�# ur�itt�n r�p�rts v�rit� rnir�ir�r��l �rr�r� a� n�������y �r �ir��t�d ir� � �i��l� ��nr��r a�nd in ��r�plian��witl� I���I ��d P�li�� ��p��tr��nt�t�r�d�rds. 1�. F�����r�d #� �n� r���l�� �i�i��n ��r�np��ints in a� r����nab�� a�nc� a�ppr��r�at� r�na�nn�r in ����r��n�� �rit� ���i�� D�p��tr��r��p�li�i�� �n� p������,r��. 1�. ��r�d��� �dr�r�ini��r�ti�r� int�rn�1 r��i��nr� �� ir��r��ti�a�ti�r�� �� ��r��t�d �nc�1�r i� ��rr�p��a�n�e �nrit� ���i�i���nd �r���d�r��. '��. �Ill�k� re��rnr�r��r�d��i�r���n �#i�p���ti�n �f���i�i�tr��iv� �r�t��r��l r��ri�v�rs�r i�����i��ti�n�: irr�pl�rr���� �p�r��r�d di��i�li�a�y��ti���. '��. ��nd��� ir�v��t���ti�n� ����r�r�pl�ir�t� ��� �rinr�ir��l I�v�r�r��l2��i�n� in�l�ding ��t n�# lirni��� #� �b��ini�g ��id�r��� �nd ���npil�n� �nf�rr-Y-�ati�r�; i�t�v��w� �r�d ir�t�rr���ti�n�; ������#ir�g f�ll�v�r-�p i��r�s�ig��i���r �n�l��ir�g �nd ��ra�l�at�r�� ��riden��; �nd pr��arin� �a�����r�ilin� ���h�rg��. ��. As dire�t�d, ��ndu�t andl�r ����din��� b���C�r�und ir��r��tig����r�� �r �p��i�l in�r��ti���i�n� ��r th� Pol i�� ��part�-n�nt. ��. �pp�a�r in ��urt�� �r�s�n���rid�n����d t��t��y. ��. Pa�rti�ipate �n �raining �����i��� ar�� �I�������dir��t��. 2�. P�rti�ip�t� �s � rr��r�nb�r ��th� P�li�e D��a�rtr��nt'� rr��na��rr��nt t��r�n v�ri#I� d�ti�� tl��t Nr��lu�� �u� �r� n�� limit�d t� evalua�in� a�nd r�r��n�t�rir�g ��li�� ��rvi�� ��li�r�ry r��t���i� �n� pr����ur�� �n� i��r��i#yin� pr�t�l�r�r�� �r�d is�u�s �� th� ���rr�t�n�ty t� �n�ur� rr���irr�urx� �ffe��iver�e�� an� r����r►�iu�n���. ��I. ��hedul� ar�� ��ndu�t rr���t�n�� �nd rn�ir�t�ir► �i�i��� �r�d ���rd�n��i�� wi�h ��h�r P�li�� D���r�r�en� rr��rr�ber`�r re�r���r�tatives fr�rn �t�er �ity d�pa�-krn����, I��a�l, ��unty, ���t�, �r�d f��i���� ���r��i�s ��� nr��r�n��r� ���I�� ��r�r�r�r�ur�i��r. 2�. ���rd���t� ��c�1�r s�pervise �-r����r �rim� ���r��� �nd sp��i�l I�w �nf�r��r�n�nt unit� �� r�������ry; ���c� ir�r���i�t����nr�n�r�� ��t��ti��� �r u�u��,r�l �i�u�ti�n��� r����n2�b�� ���r�pri���. 2�. ���rd���t� �r��1�r ����rvi�� �r��rg�n��r �n�l�r �i���t�r ��s��r�s� �I�nn���, rr�itig��i�nr and r-n��ual a�sistan��a� d�r��t�d. ��. ���r�ir�����nd��r�t�f�sp��ia�� ��r�r�ts a�� r�q�ir�d. ������� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 60 ��TY�F A�F��1�� CF��VD� Pol��e�er��a�nt ��or���r����� P��e 3 �ss�ntia� �ur�ct�o�s: ��ar�tinued� ��. Illl�int�in �n �fF��ti�r�w�r�cing r�lat��ns�ip�rwrith rx��di� r�pres�r�ta�ti�r��, b�ir�g tr�an�p�r�r�t, �nf�rr�r��ti�r�# a�n� ���pera�ti�e t��h����r���Il�r�r�� �}� P�li�� D�p�rtr�n�r�t p�li��r and ��plic��l���a�tut�. ��. A� appr��riat� ar�d��r dire�t�c�, ��k�nd �nd ��r#i�i���� �� �r�f���i�r��l ���up r�r��t��g� a�nd ��r�r�r�r�itt���. ��. F��rn�in ��n�����nt��r I����rwrl�d���bl� �n ��rr�nt tr�nd� �n �rir�r��n�� ��ti�rit�r �nd ��nt�r�r�p�rary lav�r �nf�r�err��nt ar�d sup�nrisi�n te��r�iques. ��, As dir��t�d, mainta�in #raining re��rds f�r �I� s��fF; �n��r� th�� �r���ing i� ��r��i���r►t ��rr��h rir��nda#�ry I���I �n� ��lif�rr�i� F����� �ffi��r �t�nd�r�� �n� �f`r�ir��r�� �P��T} ��rr�r�ni��i�n re�uir�r�en��; rn�in��in �nd �rd�r��������y tr�inir�g �u�pli�� �r�d ��uipnn�nt. ��. III����� r��s���bi�r r�������ry p�rf�rr7r� ��� duti�s a�d���ribed i� the j�b des�rip�i�n� f�r��b�rd����� ����f. ��. P�r#��-�n r��at�� d�t��s�nd ��s����ibiliti�� �� �r���r�r�d b���� P�li�� ��i�f�nd��r ��li�:e ��r�-�r�nanc��r t� r�r������� n��ds �f th� P�li�� ��p�rtrr���t�r�d th� ���nrnunity- �'I. ��rry �ut d�ti�� �nd r��p��sibNliti�� �t� ��r�-��iian�� v�rit�t ap�r�pri�t� f�d�ral, �tat�, ��ur���, �it}� laws �nd �rdi������ �r�d �it� p�����n�l r�l��w��h�ut bi��, f�v�r�ti�rr�x �r pr�judi��. ��. �e�p�nsib�e ��r ��rnpli�n�� with r��u�ati�n�, p�li�i�� a�n�l pr���dur�s �f ��b�rdinat�� a� v�r�ll a�s hirr���lf�h�r��lf. � ��. ����p� r�sp�n�ibilit� �r�d ��c�r�i�� r����r��bl� �p�r���ri�#� �u��rvis�ry di��r�ti�n in rr��t#�r� n�� �p��ifi�ll� d�fr��� �r' d����i��� ir� �I�� P�li�� C]�p�rtr��nt ���ul�ti�n�, p�li�i�s, pr����ur��, �n� j�� de�cr�ption. ��. ���u� �I�ar, ��n����, ���ir�i#�, �nd I�g�ll� pr�p�r �r��rs ��d dir���i��s t� ��b�rdin����s} ���t �r� r��t in �ri�l�ti�n �� ��I��� ��p�rtr��n� ��- �ity r����a�ti�r��, ��li�i�� �n� pr���dur��� er��ur� t�at th� �rd�r �r dir��ti�r� �� ����-�pri�t�l��arrie� �u�b�r th�d��i�r��t�d �u��r�in�t���}. 3�. ��n�i���n�l�ct�rr��nstra�t���c��nplary��urt���r, initiatNV�, dili��n��, �ru�hfuln���, �tt�nt��n t�duty, �nd ��s�rv�n���f�r�p����r��n�l dis�i�lin� in �����d�n���nrith P�li�e D�p�rtr��n�sta�ndards. C��JALIFI��4T1��1� M�n��rled�e��: .�_�.,��,,,����.,� 1. �p�r�t����, ���vi��� a�nd ���i�ri�i�� ��� ��nr�p��l��n���r� r��r����pa�l I��r��f�r��rr��nt p�-��r�rr�. �. Prir��ipl��2�n�# p���ti������rg��i��tt�n�� 2�nd �r�g��rr� d��r�l�p�n�nt�r�d �drnt�i�tr��i�n. �, Prin�ipl��2�n�! p���t���s��r�u�n��i��� b��g�t�drr�ir�istr�ti�n �nd �-r��n�t�rin�. �. Prin��������������►risi�n, �r�inin�: �����nn�i d��r�i��m�n�, and p�r-��rm�nc� �va�l�a����n. �. ��n��r�n��r�ry I�v�r er���r���nen� th��ryr pr�r��ip��� ar�d pr��ti��� ir��lu�ir�� �ut r��� li�nit�� �� ��r�r�r�unit� �ri�r�t�� ��� pr�b��rr� ��I�rin� ��li��ng �nd ���ir ���li���i�n t� a v�ride va��i�t� �� s��vices�nd �or�m�nit�y and sa�ial problems. �. ���t�r�r�p�rary lav�r ��f�r��rn�nt t��hn��u�� �nd t���i�� �ppl����l� �� tl�� pr���r�ti��, �����ti��, �nd ir������g�ti�n ���rir�in�l ���i�rity �. T��hni�a�l and �upervis��y r�r���h�d��f�rrrr�� pr��r�r�ti�r� �nd I�r�v�nf�r��r��r�#. �, ���r�ti�n�i �I��r��t�ri�ti�� �nd u�� �f �rr�d��n p�li�� ��ui�rr��n� in����i�g ��fi�� ���iprn�n�, ��r�p�t�r� �r�d �u�p���tin� �r�rd pr����si�� �ppli���i�r��. �. �2�si� �r�rb�l ��d v�rritten Engl��h ��n����� a�nd �r�r�rr��r t� b� �bl� �� r����n�bl� ���rnuni���� in��rr��t��n wi�l� �I�e publi� �nci��r ��rr��l�t� r�l��r�n� �nrr�tt�n d���rn�nt�ti�r� r�quir�d b� j�k� ��ti�rit�es. 1�. Err��rg�n���nd di��st�r�up�rvi�i�� t��hniqu�s. ������� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 61 �ITY���#�F��V� ��ANDE �ol��e�er�ean���or��rr�ued� P��e 4 Kn�v�rledc�e��; ���n�ir�ued} 'I 1. 11II��h�c�s ar�d t��hniqu���f�ff��ti�r� rx-��dia���r�r�-�uni��ti�nx b�th v��bail�and in�rvritin�. 1�. F�e�nt��u�-k�e�i�i�n� an� th�ir��f��t�n I��nr�nf�r��r-r+�ent. ��. I��I��r�r�t������I, st�t��n� I��a�l I��r�, ������nd r���.,la�ti���. Abili t�: 1. Pla�n, �r�a��ni�e, �up�rvis� a�d ���rdin�t� �h� �nr�r�C �� ��b�rdinate stafif �n �r��r�di�g and p�rf�rmir�g p�#i����rv����. �. A��i�# in th����r���p�n�nt��P��i�� ����rtrr��nt��al�, �bje�ti�r���r�� p���e�u��s. �. �n�l��� ar�d a��e�� pr��rar�r��, p�li��e� a�nd �p�r�ti�n�l n�eds �nd rn�l�� �ppr�p�-i��� adj���rr�ents. �. ���r�t'rfy a�nd r����n� a�ppr�p�ia�t�l�r #� ��n�iti�r� ��r�r��n�ty a��� �r�a�ni�a�ti�na�� i��u��, ��n��rr�� ��d need�. �. ��I���t��u�h�ri���r�d �`��p�nsibi��t��ff���i�r�l�. �. ��p�rvi��, tr�ir�, pr�f�s�i�nall�r d��r�l�� a��d ��ralua�� �ta��. �. Ar�al�r�e pr�bl�m�, id�nt��y alt�rnat��r� ��lu���n�r pr����t ��n�equ�n�es �f pr�����d ���i�n� �nd irnpl�rn�r�t re�omrr���d�tior�� �n� �ffe�t�v� co�rs�s af ��tion i� supp�rt o� �ol��e De��rt�nent g��1s. �. F�������h, �r�������n� ��r�l���� ��v�r��rv��� d��i�r��y rn�th���ar�d t��hniqu��. 9. Pr�p�r��I��r a�r�d ��r��is� �dr�inistr�ti�r�a�n�fin�n���l r�p�rts. 1�. A��ist in th� ��rninistr�ti�n �n� rn�nit�ring �f I�r�� �nd ��rnpl�� bu�d����. 11. In��r�ret, ��cpl��n �nc� ��p�� ��d��'�I, �t�t� �nd I���I I��rs �nc� P�li�� ��p�rt�n�nt ��li�i��, procedur�s and regulations. 1�. ��rr�rnuni�a�te �le�rl�r and ��n�i�el�r, b�th �ra�l�y a�nd in v�rri��r��. �3. E����lis� �nd rn�ir�t�ir� �ff��ti��r�r�r�C��g r�l�ti�n�hip�with th�����r�t��t�d ir�t�� ��ur����v�r�rk. ��. Illl�i�t�ir� �ff���i�r� �u�i�-vi�u�l �1i��rir��r��ti�n �r�d p�r��pt��n n��d�d ��r rr�a�Cin� �k�s�rva�t��n�, � ��rnrr�uni�atir�� with ��h�r�, r��din�, writir�� a�nd �p��-ati�g ��sig��d �q�i�rr�er�t. 1�. Us�a variety �f fir�arrr�� in a� reas�nabl�sa�� ma�r�n�r. 'I�. �p�r�t� � r��t����hi�l� in � r��s�n�bl���f� r�r��n��r. 1�. Mainta�� ph��i��l ��nd�ti�n appr�pr��t� �� th� p�rf�rr�an�� �f �ss�gnec� d��i�s �nd r��p�n�ibilit���. ��c�����r��������.�a�r��r�� ��i���rr��� �lrry ��mb�r�a�r'�rr �f e�cperier��e ar�d �rair�r'r�g� �i�a� v�vauld �r�vr'a�� �he requi�ed knowl�d�e ar�d abil��i�s is q���ifyrr��- �4 �Y�r����v��r������irr #l�e�rr���rlecfg�e �r�al�b�li�ie���r�1cf��: Exp�ri�r��e: Fiv� ��� y�ars of I�w �nfor��m�n� exper��nce �s � �worn re��lar Poli�� �ffice�or irr a sir�ril�rly qua��fie�l p�siti��. Traininq: Equi�alent to the cor�plet�a� of�he tv�r�lfth ���th} �r�de sup�lement�d by 4� sern�ster�r�8 q��rter t�nits fr��m 2�n���r�d�ted ��Il�ge�r t�ni�r��-si��r v�ri�h �-r��j�r�a�r��v�r�r� in �riminal j���i��, p�li��s�i�r��� �r a��b- r�la�#�d fie�d. Ar� As�o��a�t� of Arts or a�r� Asso�ia�t� of��ier��e�a�ndlor a� Ba��h�lor of A�ts or a� ���helor of ���en��s d��ree fr�rr� an a��r�di��d ���I��� �r�ni�r�r��t�r with �n�j����ur��w�r�C i� �rinni���ju�����, p�li�� ��i�����r�j�k��r�l�t���i�ld �s k�i�hl� d�sirab��. Li�ens� �r�erti�i�at�: P��s�����n �ft �r�bility t��bt�in, �n� rn�in��in ��r�lid ���if�rni� dr��r�r'� li�en�e. P����ssi�n �f, �r �iigibl� �� �������t � v�lid �a�li��rn�� F'�a�e �ffi��r �tar�dards anc3 Trainir�� {���T} �orr��rnission �nter�rr�d�ate�ertif���te. ������� ����� A g e n d a I te m 8.f. Page 62 ���"Y�F��F��Y� CRANDE ��li����r��an����r��ir��eal� Pa�e � ����ns��r�ert�������: ���n��n�ed} �������i�r� �f: �r�bility���btain, �r�lid �PFt �n� 1 st Aid ��rt�f����s, 1N�1��(�IV� ��IV�ITI�I�� E�n�ir�nr�n�n�a1 ��nt�i�i�ns: E�n�rg�n�� �ea��e ��ntr�� �n�rir�nr�ent; trav�� �r�rr� �it� �� s�t�; e�cp�sur� �� p�t�nti�ll� h��t��� �r ��n���-���en�ri���rr���t�; r���ring �bje�ts�v�l���l��. PF� �i�al ��ndi�����: J�b du�i�� �nd r��p�nsibilit��� rr�2�� requir� rrrai�t�irr�ng ph�r�i�a�� ��r�diti�� n���s��ry ��r ���v�r �r �m�d���te ��ft�r��; w��lcing: �lirnbingr �it�ir�� �r ���ndin� ��r �r�l��g�� ��ri�ds �f tir-r��; th� ���li�� �� �i��l��r���fir��rr� an�! �p�r�t� ��hi�l�� in � �������bl���f� �n�nn�r. ����������� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 63 ��c�i������,� �����������r������ ��IVI�F� P�LI���FFI�EF� ����� ����l����f�1�3 �►+� r"rr��rrd�c� #� �res�rr# � c����rr��f�re li�� of t�re r-ar�g�� �� c���r'es performec� ��r �rr��{�y�e� �r� ��ie ��ass. �pe�r�ic�#ior�s ar�rro�ir��er�d�d�o ref�ec��1J du#�es�erforrr�ed wi�f�rrr�he job. DEFI�VITI�hI �� ��liv�r �nd �u����t p��i�e s�rvi��� ir� !�w �n��r��r�n�ntr �ri�n� pr��ren�i�nr in�r�sti�����n, p��r�lr tr�ffi� r�g�l�t��n �r��ra�r�� �nd r�l�t�d I�vv �nf�r��nn�n� a�tivi�i�� ��r ���f�rnn�r�g a� v�ri�t�r �f ���i�� �� n����� �n� dire��ed; �n� �� �erf�rrn �h� du�i�� �� th� 1lV�t�l� ��rr��m�n��r �s d���ri��� b� P�I��� ��p�rtrr��n� pol�ci�s a�nd pro��dures w�en �o �ssi�n�d. ��JPEF�VI���I� F�E�E�11�['�A�IVD ��CEFt�I�E� F����i�r��g�r►�r�l dir��t��� fr�r� th� P�li�� ��r�r��nd�rr P�li�� ��rg��r�t�r a��i�r��� IN�t�h ��r�r�r��n��r. E�c�r�i��s �ir��t, r����nak�l� �r�� ��pr�pr���� sup�rvi�i�� ��r�r �r���s���na�, t���r�i��l �nd ��e�i��l s��ff v�rl��rr s�rvir�g ��th�1N�t�l� ��r�nrr�ar�d�r�nd��r fi�l� ��p�rvi��r in th�a����n���f a� Pol��� ���g��nt. E��E�1�1�4L �l��I�TI��V ���#T�I�II�IVT�--��ser��i�I �r��f ��f�er �rr���r��r�� ��s��r��r'brlr�i�s �r�c� ���ie� rrr��r rr�cluc��, bu�are no�1�rnr'�ed�ar �f�e �ol��w�r�gi E�����i�l �����i�n�: �. P���r�n ��I�h��#����s a�nd r��p�n�ibiliti�s d���rib�d irr th�j�b ��s�ripti�n f�r P�li����i��r. 2, D��r�l��, ��n�u�t �n� p�rti�i��t� �n �t�ff tr�in�r�g ir��l�d�r�� but r��� lir�it�d �� d��r�l�p�r��, pr���r�r�� �n� ��nd��ting �ri�fin�� �nd �r�ir�ir�g ��c���i��� �nd re�p�n�ing �ppr�pri���l� �� �t�fF qu��ti��� �n� con�erns. �. ��rr��in ��nsis��ntl�r �Cr��w��dge��le in �urr�nt tr�nd� in ��-ir-�-win�l a��ti�rit�r �n� ���t�rr�p�r�ry I�v�r enforcer�er�t t�chni�ues. �. ��r�i������ in �r�in�ng ��c�r����s��� ���s��s�s dir��t�d. �. l� �� ��s�gn�d, p�rf�r�n t�►� s�e�ifi� dutie� a�nd r��p�nsib��iti�s �f a� �p����li��� ��sigr�rr��nt, �.�_ D�t��ti�r�, �}�I� �r�ining �fifi��r �FT��, �C-� h�r�dl��, �r �����I I�����r�e �f�i��r, a�� ��lin��t�d i� ��1� ���I�f��l'l�fl���5��"I��1��1. �. A� ��si�r��dr p�ar� �n� ��li��r �re��n�at��r�� �� ���ri� �n� ��rr��n�n�ty gr��ps and �nc�i�r��u�l� �����rnin� I�w�nf�r��r��nt issue� in�l�r�in� ��t n�t lir��t�� t��rirr�� p����nti�n, ill�gal r��r���i�� �nd dri�rir�g �nd�r tl�� ir��l��r���. �. In th� ����n�� �� � P�li�� ��r���r�t, 2�����t �-��p�nsibi��ty ��� e�c��'�i�� r�������l�r a�p�r��ria�t� �u��rvi�i�n �f P�li�� �fi���r� �nd �th�r�u����ir��t� st�#f. 8. I� �h� �bsen�� �� � F��li�e ��r��an�, ��rf�rrr� th� duti�� �r�d re�p�r��ibilit��� �� th� VIJ�t�h ��rr�r��nd�r �s r�as�r��bl� �n� �rr�rr��dia���� r��ui��� in�ludin� b�� r��� �irr�ited t� r�vi�win� �nr�itt�n r���rk� �u�r�i�t�d b�r staff f�r�rr�r� �nd��r�mi��i���, ���t�nt, ���rity, a�r�d ��rr�p������with I���I �r�� ��li�� ����rkr�n�nt �t�nd�rdsr rr�a�cin� ��ju�trr��nt� t� writt�� r����t� 2�� r�e�����ry �r�d ��p���r�a�� �r r��u�nin� v�rritt�n r�p�rt� �� �t�ff f�r n�����a�ry �n� �ppr�pr�at� ad�u�tr��n��; �nd r�sp�r�dir�g �� �nd r�s�l�ri�g �iti��n ��r�pl�ints ir� � r����n�bl� ��d ���r�p�i�t� ��r����' �n ����rd�n�� �nrith ��I��� �e�ar�rr���t��li�i���nd �r���dur��. ������� ����� A g e n d a I te m 8.f. Page 64 �i��������� ����� ��I�I�f'���I�� ��I��T����7#���1�[�� ���� � E��en�ia�l Fur�����n�: {��n�inu��l} �. In t�� abs�n�� �f a ��li�� ��r���r��, p�riadi��l�� �n� �s re�s�na�bl� n���ssary in�p��t �t�ff, �quip�n�nt� �r�hi�l��, �r�� �����i�� t� ���u�� ��pr�pr��t� �I��nlin���, ��ndit��n, r�-�a��r����ar��� �r�d ��nn�lian��v�rith P�li�� D�p�rtr���t�t����rd�. 'I�. P�rf�rr�n r�l�t�� ���i�� �r�� r����nsibi��t��s a�� r�quired b�r th� P�I��� �I���f, ������ ��rr�rr��r���r, a�+�d��r������ ��r���n�#� r-r����th� ���d���tl�� ��li�� D��a�rtrr��r��a�nd th����-r��-r��nity- 1�I. �arry �ut �u�i�� �r�� r��p�r��ibili�i�� �r� ��rr�����r��� v�rit� �p�r�pr�a�t� f�d�r�l� �t�t�, ��ur�t�r, ��t�r I��v� �nd �rd�n�n��s�nt� �it� p�r��r�n�l rt�l��w�th�ut bi��, f���r�tisrr�, �r�re�udi�e. ��. F�����nsibl� f�r ��rnplia�n�� v�ri�� r��ul�t��n�, p�l��i�s �nd pr�����r�� �f ��b�rdina�t�� �� �nr�l� �� I��rr���lf�h�r��lf. 1�, ����pt r�sp�n�ibility ��� ��c�r�i�� r�a��r�abl�r �ppr�pri�t� �up�rvi��ry �is�r��i�n in rx���t�r� n�t ����ifi��ll� d�fir��d �r d���rib�d ir� tl�� P�li�� D�p�rtrr��nt r�����ti��st ��li���s, p�����ur��k a�n���� des�r�p�i�n. 1�. l��u� �I��r, ��n�i��, d�f��it�, �n� I�g�ll� pr�p�r �r��rs �nd dir�����r�� �� �u���dina�t���} �h�t �r� n�t in �i�la�ti�� �f F'�li�� ��p�rtr-nen� �� �ity r�gul��i�n�, ��li�i�s a�nd pr���d�re�; ����r� th�t �h� �rd�r �r dir���i�r� i�appr�pri�t�l� ��r�i�� �ut��t��d��ign�t�d �ub�r�ina����}. ��. ��n�i���n�l�r d�r��ns�ra�te e�c�rr�pl�ry���rt���r, i�iti2�ti�r�, �il���n��, �r�thfuln�ss, �tt�nt��n t� d�#�r, �n� �����v�r��� �f p����r p�r����� �i��i�li�� ir� a����rda�n���rit� ��li�� ��p�rtr�r��nt�t�n��r��. C��AL�FI�A�I��� F�r��wled�e�f: _ 1. ���r��r�r��, ��rvi��� �nd ��t��rit��������rr�pr�h�r��i�r� rr�u�i�ip�� I��r�nf�r��r�r���� pr�g���n. �. ���t�r�np�rary I�w �nf�r��r�n�nt t��ti��, �r���d�r�� 2�nd pr��ti��� in�l�din� b�� n�� lir-r�i��� t� ��rr�r�unity �r���t�� �n� p��bl�r� s�l�ring p�li�in� �nd �h�ir appli�ati�n �� a �rid� �r�ri�ty �# s��vi��s a�r�d ���rnr�nuni��r �nd ���i�� pr�b��rr��; ��tr�l, �rirr�� �r��ren�i�nr �ra��fi� ��g�l�ti�r� ��� in�resti�ation. �. F�u�e���e�rid�n�� p�rt�inir��t� ���r�h ��d ��i��r�. �. ���I��t��� �r�� �r���rv�ti��r �f p��r�i�a�l ��rid�n��. �. L�����v�r�ing th�a�p�r�h�r����n, ��r��t�n� ��s��d� �f p�rs�ns������� �f�rirx�i��f ��ti�ri��- �. ���i� �r�rk�2�l �nc� v�rri�t�n Engli�h I�n�u�g� �n� �r�r�rr���- t� b� �bl� �� r�as�n�b��r ��r�nr-r�ur�ir�ate in��rnn�t��n v�rit� tl�� pu�li� ��d��r ��r-n�le�e rel��r�nt v�rrit��r� d��ur��nt�#��r� r�qu�ir�� b�j�b ���i�ri�i��. �. �p�r�ti��a�l �I��r����risti�s �n� u�� �� r����rr� p�li�� �����r��nt ir��ludin� �fi��� �qu��r��r�tr ��r�nput�r�a�nd s�rpp�rtir�� �r�rd pr�����in� �ppli��ti�n�. �. F����r�t���rt de�i�f����r�� tl��ir�ff����n I��nr�n��rr.er-r��r�t. �. F��I�va�r�t f�d�r��, �t��� �rrd ����� 1a�r�, �����, �nd r�g�l����ns. Abil� t�: 1. Perf�rm a�w�d� r�r��������r�r�nf��-���n�nt duti���nd r��p���i�i�iti�s. �. �n �h� �k���n�e �f � ��li�� ��rg��nt, ��rf�r�n �h� duti�s and r��p�r��i�il��i�� �f th� r�li�f 111��t�� ��r�nn�r���r �� r��s�n�bl� �n� i�nrr��d��t�l�r ���uir�d in�l�di�� b�� n�t lir'r'�i��� t� r��ri�wir�g vwrritt�n r�p�rt� subr-�n�t#�d b�r ���ff ��� �rr��� �n���r �r-r�i�si�n�, ��n��nt, �I�rit�r, �n� ��rr��li�r��� witl� ��g�l �n� ��li�� D�pa�rtr��rrt ������r��; rr���Cin� �dj���rr��r�t� t� v�r�itt�r� r�p�rt� �s rr���s���'y �nc� �p�r�pri�t� �r �eturnin� writt�n r���rt� �� �taff f�r n�����a�ry a��d ��pr�pri��� �d�u�tr-r�ents; an� r��p�n�ing t� ��d re����r�ng ��ti��r� ��r-Y-�pla�int� in � r����r��bl� and a�p��pri�t� rr��nn��in ����rda�n��with P�li�� D���r�r��n���li�i�s�nd �r���c�u���. ������������ Agenda Item 8.f. Page 65 ���������i� ����� ������������ ����������������� ���� � ��l�1 ��: ���t'1#11'�I.��C�� �. in th� a���n�� �f 2� P�li�� ��r��antr ����p� �-������ibil�t� ��d ��cer�i�� r����n�bt� a�pr�priat� s���rvi�i�n �f P��i�� �ffi��rs a�nd ��I��r�ub�rdtr��t��taf�. �. I���tify a�nd re�p�n� �pp��pr'r�t�r�r �� a� �nride �r�ri�t�r �f in�i��r�t� in�lu�in� �r��rg�n��r sit��ti�n�. �. I.��� �n� �are f�r � �r�ri���r �f �ir��rrx�� an� �th�r p�li�� ��uiprir��n� in � re���n�bl� s�f� rr�a�ner. �. �p�r�t�� r-��t��-��hi�l� �� a� �����n�bl�r ��f� rr�a�r�n��, �. P���a�r� �I�a�r a�n� ��r��i�� ��p�rts. �. F���ri��r r���r���u�r�itt�d ��r��b�rdin�t� �t�ff. �. Ir�t�rpr��r ��cplain �r�d a��pl� �����a�lx �t�t� an� ���al I�v�r� �n� P�li�� De�artr��n� p�li�i�s, �r����ur�s ar�d r��ula�t��r��, ��. ��r�r�nuni��t� �I��rl�r �r�d ��n�i��l�r, b��#� �r�ll�r��d in �rwrritin�. ��. ��rr�pr�h�r�d �n� f��l�v�r�r�l and �nrri��n in��ru�ti�r��. 1�. E�t�bli�� and rnaint��n �ff��ti�r� v�r�rl��n� r�fa�i�r��hips �nrith �I���� ������t�d �� th� ���r�� �f wo rk. 1�. IIII�Nnt�ir� �ff������ ��d��l�risu�C �i��rir�r�in�ti�n a�nd p�r��p�i�r� t� tl�� d�gr�� ne�����ry f�r�h� �u�������1 p�rf�rr�r�a�����f���ig��d �uti��. 1�. IIIf�'rnt�ir� pl���i��! ��nditi�r� ��pr��ri�t� t� �I�� p�rf�rrr�a�n�� �f ��sig��d du�i�� �r�d r�s��ns��i�iti��. E�P��E�I��E�4N�T�AIIVI�� C�IDELINE� Ar�y �or'r�brr�a��on o�experr�r��e ar�d �rain�►�g �f��� wa�Id pravide t�r� r�qur'red �Crrov�rledge �r�d ���}i�i�� rs q�alrfy�rrg_ A �y���a�w�y�o o���rrr �he knowl�d�re ar��f ab�Ji�ie�would�e: E�c �ri����: F�u� ��� �re�r� �f I�w �nf�r��rr���t ����ri�r��� �� � �r�v�rr� �����ar P�li�� �ffi��r �r in � �irr�il�r�}r q��lifi�� pos�t�on. T�ir����: Equi�ralen� �� �h� ���n�l�ti�n �f th� tw�[ftl� {1�#�� �r���, �.g. � I�i�F� ��h��l �ip���-r�� �r � �E�r �u�plerr��nt�� �� �� s�rr���t�r �r �� �u�rt�� uni�� fr�r� �r� ���r��it�� ��Il�g� �r ur�i�r�r��t�r ��th rr�a��r ��ur�� v�r�r�C in �rir�in�l�ust���r p�li�� ��i�n�� �����b-r�l�t�d fi�ld. An �s���i�#� �f�rt� �r�� A����iat� �f ��i�n�� d��r�� fr�r� �� ���r�dit�d ��I���� �r �ni�r�r�ity v�ri�h rr�a���r ��ur�� �rwr�rk �n �rir�in�l jt���i��, p�li�� ��i�n���r���b-r�lat�d fi�ld is highl�d�sfi�'�bl�. Li�en�e��r�ert�ff��t�: ��.S.S�iS'���I'� ��, �I�2#�}INI��f�����C��f�t C�f1C� �'1C'I��l��f�l t�IIC.���� C�C��f��I�fi�I�C�I�III�rI�r.S �IC'iP�I1.S�. P�ss���i�n ��, �r �ligibl� t� p������, � �r�li� ���i��r�i� �'���� �ffi��r �t�nd�rd� �r�d Tr�inin� �P��T� ��rnr�nis�i�n Int�rrr��d��t���rtif�����. P������i�r� ��, �r ab��it�r t��b�ain, �ral�d �Pf�a�nd 1���id ��r�i#i��t��. 1IV�f��IIVC ���VDITI�I�� En�r�r�nr�r��ntal ��r�t�i�i�r��: �nn�r��en�� p�a�� ��n�r�l �nv��-�nrx��n�; ��cp�sur� t� p�#�r�ti�ll�r �as�ile �� da�n��r�u� �n�r��-�nr�r�����; mo�rin� ob�ectsl�eh�cles. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"'��� ����� Page 66 ���������i� ����� ��r���� ��I�lr� ��������i��������� ����� �h,�,,,�i�al ��r�diti�r��: �l�b du�i�� �r�d ��sp�nsib�ii�i�� r��� r���ir� r�r��ir�ta�ir���� ph��i�a�l ��nc�iti�n r����s��ry f�r b�n�i��, �t��p�n�, kn��lingt �r�v�r�ingr r�nni�g� ���r���r��, �it�in� �r v�ra���cin� f�r p�-�I����� p�ri��� ��ti��; th� �bilit�r t�di��har�� ��ir���r� �r�d �p�rat��rehi�l�s in a� �-������bl�r s�#� r7r��r�rr��. Agenda Item 8.f. ���'��� ��'�� Page 67 ����������77 ��� �� ������ ����� �llPP��T�EI�111��� �UPEFtV���F� �#��s �p�erf�ca�r'�rrs �re i�#er�afed �� �res�ra� � des�r��#$►re li�� �f #�r� rsrr�g�� �� c��#ies performe�f b�r �rr7�lo}re�� ir� #h� �fass. �pecr'fc�#ror�s�ne r�o�in�ended�o r�f1�c�a!1 a�u�ies perfarmed wi#hfrr th��ob. DEFIIVI�I�N �� par#i�ip��� �nri�� �nd �up�rvx�� �t�fif r�sp�n�ibl� f�r �h� �p�r��i�n �� ��r�r�r��ni�at���s �c��ipr��n� t� ��������r p�li�� and �ire unit� i� r�s��ns� t� ����� f�r ��rvi��; t� pa�rt��ip�t� �ith ��� sup�rvi�� t�� filing a�r�d rr��ir���r����� �f p�li�� r���r�� a�d rep�r-ks; and t� ��rf�rrr� � v��i��� �f��n�ral �ust�rr��r��rvi�� ��� ���hni��l t���C� ��I��i�r� t����i�ned �re���r�sp�n��b�lit�r- DI�TI[VCIJI�HIIV� �F�A�#��EF�I�Tf�� Thi� i�th� �d�r�n��d���rr���r I��r�� �I��� �r� th� �upp�rt ��r�ri��� �e�hni�i�n ���i�s, ���iti�n� �t t�i� I�v�l �r� d��tir���i���d fr�r� �th�r �I���e� �r���in t�� s�r��� b�r tl�� I�►��� �f r����r��i�il�t� a��urr�ed and th� ��rnpl��city �f duti�� ���i�r��d. Empl����s ��r-��rt-r� t�� rr���t diffi��lt a�nd �����n�ibi� t�r��� �f du�i�� ���ign�d t� �I����� v�rit�i� �hi� ��r��s in��udin� ���r�i�ir�� ��p�r�i�i�n ��r�r I�v�r�r ���r�l �upp�rk s�rvi��s ���ff. �r�pl����� �t thi� I��r�� a�r� r�c�uir�d t� �� furl�r��-a�in�� ar� ��� pr���d���s r���t�d t� ���ign�d a�r�a� �f r��p�n�i�ili��- ��l�E�11��I��V I�����ll�f� J�IV� ��C������D ���::ei�r���ir��ti�n �r��r�n �h� F'�li�� �hi�f a�d��r��li�� ��r�rr�a�nd�r. ��c�r�i��� �����t, r����n�bl� a�nd a�ppr�priat� �up��vi�i�� ��rer �up���k ��rvi��� T��hni��a�n� �nd ��li�� ��d�ts. ���Eh1T1�4L F111V��1��1 �TATE�IAE�VT�--���er��r'�I �r�c� ���e� r'rr���r#�r�� �e���r��r'�i�r'�re� �r�� ���ie� rrr�y �r����rd�r b�r�are r�o�l�rr�r��c��o, ��r��al�owir��: E�s�n�ial Fun��i�ns: 1. ��rf�rr�n �II th� c�����s �nd r�s��n�ibil��i�� d���r�b�� i� t�� ��b d���rip�i�� f�r �����r� ��r-����� T��h�i�i�n. �. ���r�, �ri�riti��, a��sign, �up�rvi�� �n� r��ri��r t1�� �r���c �f�taff r��p�n���l���r p�rf�rr�in� � �r�ri����f dis��t��, �u���m�r ���vi��, r���rds r-r��n���r-r��r�t �nd ��n�r�l �I�ri��l �r�r� in su�pp�rt ��ti�� F��li�� De���kr�ent. �. R���r�nrn�nd �nd 2���ist ir� th� ir�p��r��nt�ti�n �f ��li�� ���2�r#r�n�r�t ���Is, �bj���i�r��, p�li����, pr��d�tr�s�nd pr�gr�r��. �. �����iiy r�s��r�� r���d�; r��ri�r�r n���� r�ritt� �t�ff; �II����� r���ur��s �ppr�priat�l� i��lu�ing ��ralua�ing th� effe��i�r�n�ss �n�1 �fffi���n�� �f �h� ������r��n� �f p�r��r�n�l r����r���t r���r�r�nr��r�� �p�r�pri�t���rv���a�n� a�ti�n pl�n�a�� sta���g I��r���. �. F���ti�i���� in �I����I��ti�r� ���upp�rt��rvi��� �t��. �. Pr��rid�, ���rd�n�t�, �r s�p�rvi�� �t�ff tr�ining in�ludir�g bu� r��t iirr�it�� t� ��v�l�pir��, �r���rin� ��� ��rrdu�trn� trainin� ��er�i���a�nd ��rr�pl���n� a���u�a�t�, ��pr�priat� a�d �irn�l�d��urn�r�t��i�n a�r�d��r ��un��tin�; ��rti�ip�t� in an� ��pp�rt �h� pr�f���i�na�l c�e��l�pm�nt �f ��p��rt ��r�ri��� ���h�i�i�n�t� r�n�xirr�i��th�ir ��t�nt��l �nd ���i�t �rit� a�hi���n�th�ir p�-���ssi�r�a�l ��a�ls. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"���� ����� Page 68 ���������������� �upport�erv��es ���errri�or��or��ir��ed� Pa�e � Es��n�i�� �un����ns: ���n�inuec�� �. Eva�luate sub�rdir��t� �t�ff v�ri�l� �ppr�p�i�t� d�t�il�d and ���ur�t� d���rr��nt�ti�r� t� id�nt�fy v�rork ��rf�rm2�rr�� �I��t ��c�rr�p��fi�s and��r �ind�r� s���ri��w�r�C ���f�rrr�a����; v�r�r�c v�ri�h ��k��rdin�t� ���ff b�r in�ti��ir�� �nd f�l���nring thr��gh v�ritl� p�rf�rrr����� ��npr�v��-nent p��n�����p� �� ���r��� ��fi�i�r��i�s �r ��b�t�nd�r� v�r�rk p�r-f�rrr�an��} �nr�rl� �ritl� �u��r�in�t� �tafif t� a��i��r� rr���c�rr�u�n �nr�r�C �ff��ti�r�r���� �n� pr�d��ti�r�ty��r the i�di�ridt��l �nd t#�� �r��ni��ti�r�. �. ��t � p��i�i�re ex�rr�pl� f�r t�� �r��r�i�a�ti�n by ��ti�n�, ��nd��� �nd �pp��ra�r���; a�pp��pri�t��� r����ni�� ��c�rx�pla�ry ��r�c p�rf�rrr��n��; a�d�r��� �u����nd�rd vwr�rl� ���f�rr��n�� w�tl� ��nd�� �nd ob���tivNty. �. Pr��rid� �I��r �r�d r����n���� �#ir���i�r� �� �ub�rdi�at�s; �i��us� i����� �n� r���l�r� pr�bl�m� wi#h ��tb�rdin���� �r� �r� �bj��ti�r� �nd �q�ita��l� rx�a�nn�r; ��t ���i�iv�l�r whil� ��c�r�i��ng ju��rn�nt �n� app��priate r�s�r�i��; d�rr����tr2�t� �pp��pri�t� �����ti�r�n��s wi�h indi�rid��l�, pr�bl�rr��} �n� diffi�ul� situa�tior�s. 1�. �I��, parti��p�t� i� �nd �u���rvi��tl�� p�rf�rr�r��n���f data�n�ry�u��ti�ns; r�n��nt��n �rr�i r�#�i�v� ���� fr�rr� �r�ri�u�fil��. ��. �r�����x I�� �nd �il� �II p�li�� r���rds, �it��i�n�, �rr�s� r����t� �r�d r�n�nt�l� ���t� �nd �ity r�p�rt�; ��p�r �nd cii��ribut� r�p��-k�t��ar���t����n�i��. ��. �up�rv���tl�� u��� ��r� �nd ���r�ti�n �f�ubl������t� ��1 ��rr�tr��ni���i�n����i�r��r�t. 1�. Ill��r�i��r th� �erf�rr�a�����f t�� ���ign�t�� ��r�C�n� �ri�l�t��r� �it��i�n ��rr�ini��r�tf�r� ��r►tr��t�r�r�d�r. '��. F���ri��r th� �r�rl� pr��u��t �u�r�i�t�� �� �t�ff f�r �rr�r� �r����� �nr�i��i�r��, ��nt�nt, �I�rit�r, and ��r��lia�n��wit� I�ga�l �nd P�li�� D��art�n����t�n�a�rd�. ��. I�r�p�r� �le�r, ��n���e �nd ��rre�t wr�tte� r���rt� with r�ninrm�l err��� �� n��e���r�r �� d�r��ted i� � time�y ma�r�ner and ir� compliar�ce v�rith I��al ar�� �al��e Departrr�e�t standards. 'I�. ���p�r�pri��� �r�d��r dir����d, �tt�nd ��d p��t��ip��� irr �r��p �n��tir�g��r�� ��r�nr�nitt���. 1�. ��rti�i��t� in �r�ining ����-�i��s �n� �I�s�������r����d. ��. #��r��in ��n�i�t�ntl� k��v�rl�dg��bl� �n �ur���t�r��d� �n p��i�� ���-r�rr�u�i�at��ns, r���rd rr�a��a��r�n�nt a�r�d ��nt�r�p�ra�ry�up�rvi�i�r� t��hn��u��. 'I�. Pert�rrr� r�l�ted d�ti�s �r�d resp�nsib��iti�s �s r�quir�� b��h� P�li�� �h��f�nd��r P��i�� ��rr��-r��nd�r t� r���t th� n��ds �f th� P�li�� ��p�rtr��nt���th���r�rr��nit�- ��. ��rry �t�t du�i�� �r�d r��p�n�i�i�iti�s ir� ��rr��li���� witl� �ppr�pri�t� f��i�r�f, �t�t�, ���r�t}�, �it� I��v� a�nd �rdin�n��s�nd ����r ��rs�nr��� r�l���nri�h�u� b���, f��r�riti�r�, �r�r�ju�i��. ��. F������si�l� ��� ��r�p�i�n�� v�ritl� r���l�tjons, p�li�i�� and pr���dur�� �� �ub�rdin�t�� a� v�r�ll a� h i r�n��If�h�rs�I�. �2. A��pt r����nsibilit� �nd ��c�r�is� r����n�bl�r �p�r�pri�t� sup�rv���ry �is�r��i�r� ir� r�r��tt�r� ��� ����ifi�a�ll�r a���in�d �r ����r����l fr� t#�� ��li�� ��p�r�r��nt r�gu�ati�n�r p�l��i�sr pr��ed�rr��, �n�j�b des��iptian. Agenda Item 8.f. ���'��� ����� Page 69 V��������������� �upp�rt�enri�e� ��pervi��r���r��ir���af� Page� E��er��i�l Fun����n�: ���r��ir�ue�} ��. I���� �I��r, ��r��i��: d�f�n�t�, �n� ��g���}� p��p�r ��d��� �nd �ir��ti�r�� t� s�b�r�in�#�{�} �h�t �r� n�t �n �i�l�ti�n �� P�I��� De��rtrY-��n� �r �it� r��ul�t��r��, �����i�� �n� pr�����r��; �n��r� th�t �h� ��d�r �r d�r��ti�� i�a�ppr��r����l�r��rri�d �u� b�r th� d����n�t�d �ub����r�a�t����. ��. ��n�ist�ntl�d�r��n�tra�����c�rnplary��urt���, ir�iti�tr�r�} ���ig�n��r �r���fulnessr att�nt��n t�d�t�r, �n� �bserva�n�e�f�r�p�r�����r��l ����i��in� in �����-da�n��v�r�th P�li�� D�pa�rtrr��n��ta�r�d�r��. 2�. Act a��ustodian a�R��o�d�for th� D�partment. �UALIFI�AT���V� l�n�v�ri�d����: �. �p�r�ti�n�� ���i����nd ��ti�ritie� �f���i�� r����d� r��in��n2�n���n� �i�p�t�h pr�gr�r�s. �. �rin�ipl�� �nd �ra�ti��� �f �up��vi�i�r�, tr�inir�g, ��r��nn�r ���r����rr��r�t �r�d p�rf�rr�an�� �v�l��ti�r�, �. ��nt�������y �n��h�d� and #��hniq��� �� r���i�rin�, �r��r�ti�ing ��� dis��t�hin� �r��rg�n��r �r�d r�utin��a�l����r p�li�� �nd �ir���rvi��s. �. �p�r�ti���l �I��r��t�ri��i�� �f��bl���rn�r��n����r-r-�rr��nicati�n��quip�-r-w�nt. 5. Met�ods and t�chniques af effe�ti�re�ustom�r serv��e o� tel�p�one� �nd in perso�. �. Illl�tl�����r�d t��hniq��� �f�1`���ti�r���r�fli�t r�s�lut��n. �. Prin��p��s an� p����du��� ��r���r� �C��pir�g �n� ��t� r��ri���l. �. F�����r�r�t I�w�, rul�� �r�� r�g���ti�n� ��v�r��ng �h� r�l�a�e �� i���rrna#i�� ��nt�ir��� ir� p�li�� r�p�rt�. �. Illl�d�rr� ��fi�� pr���d�r�s, rr��t��d� ��� �quiprrr�r►t ir��ludi�g ��rr�����r� ��d su�p�rti�g v�r��� pro�s�ir�g �ppli�a�ions. ��. B�si� �r��b�l �r�� v�rri�t�n �nglish I��g���� a�r�d grar�r�rna�r t� �� abl� t� r��������� ��rx��uni���� inf�rrr���i�n �nr��� t�� pu�li� �nd��r ��r�rrpl��� r�l��r��t �nrritt�n d���rr���ta�i�n r�q�ir�d b� j�b ���iv��i��. 1�. F��i���n�f�d�r�l, ����� ��d ���a�� �a���, �����ar�d r��ulati�r��. A�i�i ��: �. ������t���th�rit�r �nd r��p�n�ibilit��ff��ti��l�r. �. P��n, �rg�ni�er ��p�rv���: r�vi�v�r �n� ���r�i��t� th� v�r�r�c �f sub�rd�n�#� �t��f in pr�vi�iir�� �r�d p�rf�rrr�in� p�li����rvi��� 3. ��p�rvi��, tr�in, pr�f��si�r��ll�de�r�l�p and ��a�l��t����ff. �. Ar�al�r�� pr�bl�r��, id�nt��y a�lter��ti�r� ��luti�n�t pr����t ��n�e�u�n�e� �� p������� ��ti�n� ��d irr�pier�r���t ��cor�ramend�tions ��d �ffe��ive cours�s of ��tion in support of Pofi�� D�part�n�nt ��a�l�, �. F��sear��, ar�al�r�� an� ��r��u��� n�v�r��rvi�� d�li�r�ry rx���h�d��nd t��hr�i�u��. �. H�ndl� �nd r-�r�afn��in �ff��t�v���ntr�l �r�d ba�lan���f�rr��r��r���r�a�ll���r��rvi��. �. A��ur�t���r��������Ils f�r��rv��e r�����r�� ��d �ri�ri�i�� tr��lti��e��Ils f�r��rvi��. 8. ����I� ����rl� �n� ��Ir-r-�I�r ��r�r tl�� t���p�r�n� ��� ��li�� ��rr�r�uni��ti�n� ��r�t�� und�r n�rr��l a�r�d �tr�ssful ��nditi�n�. 9. ��r�a�in �a�lr� und�r str�ssful ��n�i�i�n�. 1�. �nt�r��� �ff��ti�r�l� v�r�t� � �nrid� v��i�t� �f p�r���� �r���� str��s��l, h�s#il�, ar�d �nt�g��i�ti� ��r�diti�n�. 11. �p�r�#� �u�l���rr�er��n��r ��r��nur�i�2�ti�n� ���iprr��t�t. ��, ��t�rrx�in� inf�rm�t��n t� �� r�l����� t� t�� �ubl�� �� ���r�pri�t� v�ri��ir� I�g�l �nd P�li�� ��pa�rtrr�ent st�nd�rc��. ��. �nt�r data �n ���rr���t�r�t a� r�a�s�nabl��p��d n���s�a�ry f�r su���ss��l j�b p�rf�rrr��n��. 1�. N1�inta�t� a��ur�t� ����rdsk I�g�a�nd fil��. ������ ���� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 70 ��T��F��F��Y��.7�A�I�� �upp����rvi�e� ��per�ri������r�t�r���al� Page 4 1�1�i�� ��; ���ntinued} 1�. �p�r�#� �f#i�� ��uip��nt in�lu�in� ��r�p�t��� �nd ��p��rt�n� v�r�rd pr�����ing �nd �pr��c��h��t ��pli�ti�n�. 1�. I���p�nd �� r��u����and inq�iri���r�rr���� �ub���vwri�h ��rr��t�nd ��pr�p�i�t� inf�rm�ti��, '17. Ill���k fl��ci�l� ��ur� ir��lu�ding ���nin��, v�r���c�nd��nd h�l�da���. 1�. �ff��ti�r�l� I��n�l� r�ulti�l��a���c��ir�n�l��n����l��n� r�e�t�riti��! ����li���. ��. 11V�rk ind���r�d�ntl� in �he absen�e�f dir����u���vi�i�n. ��. ��r�r�u�i��t��I��rl���d ��n�is�l�, b�th �r�l�� �n� in v�rriting. �1. ��#�bl�sh �n� r�r���n���n �ff��ti�r�v�r�r�Cir�� ��lati�n�hip�v�ri�h th�s���nta�t�d in the��ur����v�r�rk. ��. Ill��int�in �ff��ti�r� ��di�-�ri�u�� d���rir�nin�t��n �n� p�r��pti�n n����� f�r r7r���cin� �b��rv�ti�r��, ��rr�r�n�n��a�ting �r�tl� �tl��r�, r�a�din�, �r�i�in� �n� �p�ra�ting a���i�n�� �quiprn�r�t. ��. �la�ir��a�in pl��s��a�l ��n�iti�r� �p�r�pri��� t� th� p�rf�rrr�a�r►�� �f a���i���� �uti�� a��� �es�o�sibilities. ��CP�I�I���� �1�1�TI�AIIVII�� �1J1�3��..INE� �Iny corr�bina��an o��xp�rr'�n�� ar�d �r��nrrr� �ha� w�uld �ravr'de �he reqcrr'red �cr���r�ed�� �nd a���i�i�s rs q��l�fyirrg. A �y��c�l�vay�o ob���rr �he kr�ow�edg�e �r�d��r'li�r'�s wo�ld be: ��cl�erier���: ��ur{�} �r��r���in����si�gl� �����n��bl� p�li�� r���r�� r-r-��in#�nan�� �r di�p�t�h ��c���i�r���. �r�inin�: �qui�r�l�n���th���m�l����n �f the twe�fth ���th� �r�d�, �.�. � �i�h �����I �ipl����r� �ED. L��en�e����rti#i�2�te: P������i�n ��, �r �bilit� �� �bt�in, � �2�lid ���if�r�'r� P�a�� ��i��r �t�r�dard� �r�d Tr�ir��ng �P��T� ��rr�i��i�n Di�p�t�h�r��rtifi�at�. P������i�n �f, �r 2�b�li�� �� �btair�, a� v�lic� ��lif�r�i� ����� �#fi��r �t�nd�rd� �r�d Tra��r�ing �P��T� ��r�rr�'r�si�n ����rd� ��p�rvi��r���#i�i��t�, IIII�F��IN� ��NDIT��IV� En�ri�r�r�rr��ntal ��n�1it��r�s: ��fi�� �nd ��#i�� d�partr-�r��r�t �n�r�r��r��nt� ��c���ur� �� ��rr��u��r s�r��n�; ����n����l� h��ti�� �r da�ng�r�u���n�ir�nr��nts a�n� �tr�s��ul si#u�ti�n�. Ph��i��l ��ndi�����: J�b �ut��s a�nd r�s������i�iti�s rr�a� r�qt�ire r-�-�a�inta�ining �h�r���al ��nditi�n n���s�ary��r w�ll�in�, s��r�dir�� �r��ttin� ��r�r�l�n��� p�ri����f tir��; ligl�� I'rftir�� a�r�� ��r�ri��; r�p�a�t��l h�ndir��; �xt�r��i�r� u�� ��publi� saf�ty�11 ��rr�rn�n��ati�n�eq�i�rx��nt. Agenda Item 8.f. ���;��� ����� Page 71 E�CHf�IT"�" ��TY�F Al�R�1�� GRAI�D� ����������vi�������r�r�i�a� �#�ss s��f���#��rr� �re ir���r���� #� pr�s�rr� � c��s�ri��ive #��� ���h� rar�g�e �f �f�#ie� �erf�rmecl ��r errr�loy��s r"r� �#�� �I���. Sp�cifi��#ior�s are rro�irr��rr�ea��o r�f#ec�a1!a�u�ies performed v�i#hr'rr#he jo�. DEFIhIITI�hI T� �u���rk p�li�� �nd fir� ��rv���s �� ���r�ting ���rrrx��ni��t��n� �quiprr��nt t� dis�a�t�� p�li�e �nd �ir� uni�� in r����ns� t� ��II� f�r ���vi��; t� fil� �n� ��int�in p�li�� r���rd� �n� r�p�rt�; �n� t� p�rf�rr7r� a v�ri�ty������r�l �u�t�rr��r��rv���and t��hni�al t���C� r�l�ti�r�t�a��ign�d area�f r�sp�r��ibili#�. �UPERVI�i�[� R�C�IV�[] AN�] ��CEF��l�E[3 F����i�r�� ����ral s�p��visi�r� �r�r� th� P��i�� ��rr�rr��r���r, ��li�� ��r��a�r�t, ��r���r ���i�� �ffi��r {wh�n a��tir�� a��� r�li�f INa�t�h ��r�rr��n��r} a��d��r tl�� �upp�rt ��r�ri��� �up�rvi��r. E��EIVTIA� FUIV�TI�� �TATE�VIEh1T�--���err�r'�� �r�c� ��J�er�irr���r��r�� r����rr�r'bilr'�i�� �r�c1 c��r�ie� rrr�� {rrcl��e, bu��r�e rrv��im�����o, ��e follov�rr'r�g.� ���e�ti�l Fun�ti�n�: �. Perfarm a�varie�y of�eneral cle�ic�l work ir� support of th� �o�i�e �ep�rtr�n�nt. �. P�rf��n � v�ri�ty �f �u�t��-r��r ��rv��� ���iv�ti�� ir��ludir�� but n�# li�nit�d �� r���pt��r�i��, ��r��nin� �n� r�uti�� t�l�p��r�� ��II�, �r��tin� ir��i�ri�u�l� �� th� �r��►t ��unt�r, r����nd�n� #� in���ri�s �nc� r�qu��t� ��r inf�rr��t��n, �r�d pr��idir�g f�f��rr��t��n �vith'rn t�� �p��ifi� �r�� �� ���ignrn�nt a� a��pr�pria�t�witl�in I�ga�l a�r�d F��li�� D�pa��t���t�t�r�d�r��. �. �p�r�t� �ff��� ��u���r���t ir��l�dir�g ���np�t�r �r�� su�p�r�ing v�r��d p������in� �p�li��ti�n�, �I��t��pi�r, ���c r����in�, �r�rd pr��es��r�n� s�red��r. �. P�r-f�rr�r� ��mput��and ���d d�t� �r�t�y; r7r����t�i� �n� r�tri�►����t�f��rr��r�r�����I��. �. As�ist ��t�i�� ���n���� witl� r���r� �1����C� �� ���r��rt�t� v�ri�hin I�g�l �nd P�li�� D�pa��kr�n�r�� ���r�d�rd�. �. ��p� a�v�ri�ty�f P�li�� D�p�r�r��nt r�p�r�� �� r�q�,ir�d �r�1ir��t�d. �. P�r�i��pa�t� i�t�a�inin� ���r�i��s�nd �I�ss�s �� dir��t�d. �. ��rf�rrr� r�l���� duti�� �n� r��p�n��biliti�� �� r��u�ir�d b}� th� ������ �hi�fr P�li�� ��r�r�-��nd�rr P�li�e ���g��n�, ��ni�r ��li�� �ffi��r�r�d��r �u�p�rt ��rvi��� ��p�rv���r�� r���t th� n��d� �f�h� P�li�� D�p�rtr�r��n��nd th� ��r�r�r�uni#�r. �. �arry ��t �uti�s and r����nsibiliti�� in ��r�nplian�� v�rith �ppr�pri�t� f�d�ra�l, �tat�, ��unt�, �it� I�v�r� ��d �rdin�n����nd �it�r p�r��n��� r����wi�h�u� ����, f��r�riti�rr�, �r pr�judi��. ��. ����?���I����������-���1'1��1�����NI��1 ['��lJ���1��1�, ���I�I���fl� �J����{�lJ�'��. ��. �����J� �����fl�l���l�� ��1� �}C���I�� �����f����]I ���Jf��}�`l��� C�I���'��I�f� I� fl�l���f� �1�� ����I����]1 d�fin�d �r d�s�rib�c� ir� th� P�fi�� D�p�r#r�r��nt r�g�la�ti�ns, p�li�i��, pr���dur��, a�nd j�b d���ri�ti��. Agenda Item 8.f. ��„l��� ���� Page 72 ���������I� ����� ��p��rt��nri��� T��#�n��i�r� ���rr�ir��,�� Page 2 ���er�tia� Fun����n�: ���n#ir�u�d} 1�. ��nsi�t�n�l���r��n�tr����x�r�r�pl�ry��urt���r, �nitia�ti�r�, d�li��r���x truthfuln���r att�nti�n t�d�t�r, and ��s�rv�n���f�r�p�r��r��r�al di��iplir�� in ����rda�r���w�th P�li�� D�partrr���t�t�nc�ards. 1Nhen a���fq��d t�th� �i���t�h lJnf�: 1. �p�r�te p��li� s�f��� 311 ��r�-�rn�ni�at��ns �����rr��r�t; �r�s�nr�r �rr��rg�n�� �nd ���-�r��rg�r���r ��lep#��ne �ai�s and d�t�rrr�in� appr��ri��� r�sp�n��; pri�riti�� ��II� f�r p�li��, fi�'�� ��d ���r��n�� rr���i��� s�rvi��; d��p���h ��li��, fir��nd �r-r-�bul�n�� r��u��t�. 2. Aft�r n�rr-n�l busines� h�urs, perf�rr-n �h� ��n�r�l d�ti�� d��in�at�d ab��r�, r�u�� t�l�p��n� ��II� t� �ppr��r��t� p�rs�r�n�l �nd tal�� rr���s���� �� ����ir�d, �nd r���i�� t�l�p��n� ����s �nd di�p���h ������ti�n �n� N1�in��r��n�� D���rkr��nt�r�v�rs t��rn�rg�n�i��. 3. Pr�vic�� �-r��b�le ir�t��-a�ti�r� ra�di���r-�-wrr�ur�i�ati�n� t� ��I��� a�nd fir� p�r��nn�l. �Illh�n ���i�n�ci ��t�� F����rc�� �nit; �, Pr����� a�n� fil� a�l� p�li�� r������ a�r�d r���rt�; ��� irr���i�� r�p�rts; ph�t���p� �n� di�trib�t� ����rt�t��ra�ri�u�a�p�r�pria���a���n�i��. �. Pr����� �it��i�n�, �rr���r���rts�nd r��nth1��ta�t� and �it�r r�p��-ks a� requir�d �r d�r��t�d. �. F�����nd t� ��qur�i��fr�r� �r�pl�����, ��rtsid� �����i����d th���n�r�l p�bl�� r�g�rding inf�rrn�t��n ��n��in�d in ��li�� r���r#s�� �p�r�pri�te�rwri�hin I��al a�nd P�li�� D��artr-Y-f��t sta�n�a�rd�. �. R����v� ar�d ma�in���n �inancia� a��ou�tab�lity fo� money r��e�ved for a� �vide �ra�r�ety of Po���e ��p�rtr7r���t���vi���, �. A�t�s th�fr�nt��ur�t�r�I���C �r��ridi�g ���t�rx��r��rvi�� i� a���rd�r���v�rith �p�r�r7r��r�t�����i��2�r�� �roced ures. �IJ�ILI�I�J4TI�N� .�� �trr�v�rled���f: �. ��r���r���r�ry ��th�d� �nd t��hn���es �f r���i�ring, �r��rit���n� a��d di���t�hin� �rr��r��n��r �r�� r�utir���alls��r p�li�� �nd fir���rvi��. �. ��era�ti�nal�h�ra�t��i��i����pu�li��r�r��r��n��r��r�nr�nur�i��ti��s��uiprr��n�. �. Ill���l��d��r�d t���r�iq��s ���ff���i���u���rr��r��rvi�� �n t�l�ph�r��s�nd �n ��r���. �. Ill��th�c�s�n�t���niq��� �f�ff��ti►����nfli�t r���l�ti�n. �. Prin�ipl�s�r�d p�r���du�-�s �f r���rd �c��p��� a�r�d da�t� r��ri�v�l. �. F�����r2�n� I�v�rs, r�l�s �nd r��ul�ti�ns ��v�rnin� th� r�l���� �f in���-m�ti�n ��nt�in�d in ��li�� re po r�s. �. N1�d�rr� ��fi�� �r�����r��, ��t��ds 2��� ���i�rr��n� in�l��ing ��rr�p�t�r� �r�d sup��r�ir�g v�r�rd pr����ir�g �p�l��ati�n�. � �. ���i� �r�r��l �n� vrrritt�n �n�li�h ��n����� �n� gr�nnrr��r �� b� ��I� t� r����r��bl�r ��rr�rr���i��t� inform�t�an w�t� t�e public ar�dlo� �om�lete rele�r�nt writ�en do�umentatian r�quir�d by job ��ti�rit���. �. F�����rant f�d�ral, stat��nd I��al laws, ��d�� and r���la�i���. �#b�i�t�to: 1. H�nd���nd �m�in��in �ffe�#iv���ntr�l �nd b���n���f�rr��r��n��r��II�f�r��rvi��. 2. A��ur���l�r�s���������f�r s�rvi�� r���i�r�d a�n� pri��-i�i�� r�n��ti�l� ���I�f�r s�rvi��. Agenda Item 8.f. ������� ����� Page 73 �1��������� ����� ������������� ��r���l���� ��.r�������� ��g� � �#����t�t�: ����tinu�t�� �. �p��k �I��rl�r a�nd �a�mf� ��r�r th� t�l�ph�n� �r�d p�li�� ��r�nrr�uni��ti��� s�r���m �nd�r n�r��i a�r�d �tr���ful ��n�i�i�n�. �. ��rn�ir� ��Ir� un��r�tr���ful ��ndit��ns. �. �nt�ra��t ��f��ti�r�l� v�ri�� � �nrid� �r��i���r �� p�r��n� �rnd�� �tr�����1, h���il�, �nd �n��g��i�ti� ��n�ii�i�n�. �. �p�rat� publi�err��rgen����rx�m�r�i���i�n� �quipnr��nt. �. Det�rrr�in� inf�rr�r���i�n �� �� r�l����d t� th� pu�li� �� app���r�at� witi�in l�g�l �nd ��li�� D��a��trr��r�t��a�r��a����. �. En��r��t� in �����u���r�t� �����n�bl� �p��d ����s�ary f�r s����ssf�l j�b ��rf�rrr��n��. �. �Ill�in�ain ����r�t� r���rds, fi�gs 2�r��fil��. 'I�. ���r�t� �ifi� e��i�rn�n� in�l��in� ��r��ut�r� �n� �u�p�rtin� w�rd �r���ssing and s�r����h��� �p�li�ati�n�. ��. F�����r�� t� r�qu��t� �r�d inq�iri��fr�rr� t�� pu�li�vvith ��rre�t�nd �p�r��ri�t� inf�rr�n��i�n. 1�. 1N�rk�I�xibl� h�u�� ir��lud�r�� e�r�t�ing�, �nr��k�r�d��nd h�iid���. 'I�. Ef#���«r�l� h�n�l� r�u�tipl�t���C� ��r7r�ult�n��u�l�r a�r�d �n��t�ri�i�al d�a�diin��. ��. IIV��k ir�d���nd�n�l}� in th�a�����e���ir��t��p�rvis��n. 1�. ��rnr�nuni�te�I��rl�r�nd ��r��i����r, b�th ���II���� in v�r�i�ir��. 1�. E����li�l� �r�d r�r��ir�t�in ��f��tiv�v�r�r�Cin� r�lati�n�hip�with �h��� ��n�a�ted tn �h����rs� �f�nr�r�C. 'f�. 1111��ntain �f#��ti�� �t��i�-�ri�u�l di��rir�ir��ti�r� �n� p�r��p�i�� ������ f�r �n�lcing �bs�nra��i�n�, ��r�rr�uni��tin� with �tl��r�k r���ir��, writ��g �nd �p�r�ting ���fgn�� equip�n�nt. ��. Ill��intain pl���i��� ��n�iti�n �p�r�priat� �� th� p�r#�r�-r-��n�� �� ���i�r��d d�ti�s �r�d r��p�n�����i�ie�. �]�CI��#�I�IV�� AND�RA�IVII�� �I�IDELIIV�� Ar�� ��r��bir�����r� �����err'�rr�e �r�� �r�ir�r'r�g� �i��� v�r�c��� ���vr`�e ��� �eq�r'���I �Cr��v�r1�c��e �rra� ���#i�i�� r� c��a�r'fying_ A �yp��al way�o�b��r'r� �f�e kr�o�+v�edge ar�a�a�i����es would��: E�c�eri�n�e: Tv�r� ��} ���rs�f in�r���ingl� r����n��b���I�ri��l ��cp�ri�n��. Trair��r��: Equi�r���nt t��h���r�r��l�ti�� �f�h�tw�lfkh �'i���� �rad�, �.�. � hi�h ��h��l dipl�rr���r� CED. Li��n�e�r��rtifi��te: P���essi�� �f, �r abili�� t� �bta�in, a� �raiid ��lif�rnia� P�a�e �ffi��r �ta�nda�rd� �n� �rai�ri�g {����} ��rr�r�is�i�� �isp2�t�h�r���tifi��t�. 1�V�F��[�[VC ��N��TIC�hI� Envir�nrr�ent�� ���di�i�ns: �ff��� �n� P�li�� D�p��trr���t �nvir�r�rr���t; ��p����� t� ��r7r�put�r ��r��r��; ��t�nti�ll�r h���il� �r d�ng�r�u� �n�rir�nrn�n��and �#r�s�f�� ���uati�n�. P h�i��I_��nd it��r��: J�b �������n� r�s��r�si�iliti�� rr��� r�q�ir� rr��int�ini�� ph�s���l ��r�di�i�r� n������ry f�r w�l�cing, �t�r�dir�g �r��ttir�� ��r pr�l�r���d p�r������tir�n�; li��t Irftin� and ��rry�n�; r�p��t�d b�r�ding� ��t�nsi�r� u�� �f�ubli� ��f�ty 911 ��r�rr�un���ti����qui�rr��n�. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"'��� ���� P a g e 74 ���i�����-�„ �rfi�r�������r��r�r��� ���nn�rur� ����a���nr� ����ru����r� {PAFtT-TI I�II�} �l��� ��e�r'fic�#r'�r�� �r�e rr���rr���f t� �r�e��r�# � c����ri��#�e #r'�� �� tJ�e rar��� af dr�#res �er��rm�c� by �rr�pJ�ye�� frr ��re �l���. Specr'f,�a�ions�rc�r�o�r"r��ended�o nef�e�#�11 du#ies�erf�rm�d wi��rrrr��r�job. DEF�NI���N T� p�rf��rn �vwrid� v�ri�t�r�f ta�ks in�i�ding but �r�t �irr�it�d t� d��rel�ping, ���r�ir��ting, ar�d irr��l�rr��ntin� �ri�n� pr��rent��r� �nd j�►��nil� ��f�ty pr��ra�nsr in�l�,ding bu# n�t lirr�it�� t� �e�ghb�r���d Illf�#�h a�nd Bu�in�s� IN���I�; ���n�ni�t�ring � �ra�i�ty �f I�v�r �n��r��rr��n� r�lat�d pr�gr�rr�� ���r���ring ��r-Y-��n�nit� a���i�ta�n��; ��� ��rf�rr�in� a�dr�r�inN�t�-a�ti�r� �ut��� r�lat�d t��h� �ssi�n�d �r�a��f r��p�n�i�ili��. ��JPEf�ll��l�[V RE�EIIIE��#IV� E�C�fi������ ����iv����r��r�l �up�rvi�i�n fr�rr���� �hi�f�f P�li��, �'�li����r�r-r��nder�r h�s�her d��igr���. E��E�T�AL F�J�I����IV �T�4TEIVIE�1`�--����r��i�� �rrc1 ���er �rr���r��r�� re���r��r'�rli�ie� �r�c� c��r���� rr��y ir��It��e bt����e r����irr�i�ec����l�� ��J#��nr�r��r: E���ntial F�,n��i�n�: 1. ���r�l��, ���rdinat�, and ir�pl�r�n�r�t s����l �r��ra�r���� �r���r�t�nd���r��p�nd t�d�li�qu�n��. �. D�����p pu�b�i� ����ati�n ��� inf�rrr��t��n�l pr�gr�r�rs, in����in� bu� r��t lirr�it�d t� IV�i��b������ IN���� �nd ��s�n�s�1JV�#��, v�ri�� �r� �nr�pl���i��r� ��irrr� pr�v��ti�n �nc� ��ha��ing publi���fet�- �. ��rf�rr�r� �xt�r���v� publi� r�la�ti��� duti�� r�sp�nding t� an� a��istin� ir� r�sp�nding �� ��r�r��n�ty p��bl�r�s �n � r�n�,nn�r��n�i�t�n�v�ri�h ���tr�r��nit�r��ri�nt�� �r�r�bl�rr� ��I�rin� p����ir�� �tr�t���, �. ��t�d��� � �r�ri�t� �f �d���ti�r��l �r�s�nt��i�ns f�r ��h����, s�rv��� ��u�� ��� ��I��r ��g�ni��ti�r�� wi�l�ir� tl����r�nr�nur�it�r, �. As�x�� �nrit�t��� �u��rvisi�n �nd ���rdir���i�n �f th� l��w En��r��r��r�t E�cpl�r�r P�st. �. l���i�t v�rit�tl���u��nri�i�r� �r�� �����inati�n ��tl���iti��r�����i�t�r�� P�I��� ��AP} pr��r�r�. �. P��f�rr� a �r��i�ty �f �I�ri�al w�r�C; p��p�r� �r�d nn�int�ir� � �rari�t� �f r����ds �r�d r���rt�; pr�par� ��rrritt�n r���r#��n� r���rd� �f���i�r�ti��. �. P��ti�ip��� in tr�ir���g ��c�r�i���a��� ��a��s���� dir��t�d, �, P�rf�rm re#a�#e� duti�� �nd �������ibili�i�� a�� �-���ir�� b� �h� P�li�� �hi�f, ��li�� ��r�r��nd��, �n���r P�li�� ��r���n��� ���t��� n��d��f�h� P�li�� ����r#rr���t�n�th� ��rr�r�r�unity- ��. ��r�y �u� d�ti�s �nd r�sp�nsibiliti�s �r� ��rr�p�i�n�� �rit� a�p�r�pria�t� f���ra�l, �ta�t�, ��u���, ��ty I��r� �nd �rdin�n����nd �i�� per��r�nel r�l�s�ith��t bi��, f���rfitisrr�r �r�r�j�di��. �'I. F��sp�n�ib��f�r s�l�-��r�pli�n��v�ritl� r���la����r��, p�lf�i��a�r�� pr����ur��. ��. A���p� r��p�r��i�ility �r�d ��c�r�i�� r����nabl�r �p�r�pria�� d�s�reti�n ir� rr�a�t#�r� n�� �p��ifi�ll� defined �r����r���d ir� th� P�li�� D���rtr�n�r�����ul�#i�r�s, ��li�i��, pr���d�r�s, �nd��b d�s�rip�i�r�. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"���� ���� � Page 75 ����������� ����� ♦i������� ��IGI���I�.�i ��r�i����.��� ���������r� ��r��������� ���� � ��7��r����� ��#��r����+7. ���/���II��r�� 'I�. ���si�t�ntl�r der�n�n��r�t� ��c�m�la�ry��urt���r, in�t��ti�r�, �ili��r���, �r�tl�fu�ln���, �tt�nti�r� t��ut�r, a��d �b��rvar����f pr�p�r p�r��r��l �i��iplin� in ����rd�n���vit� ��li�� ��part�n�nt��and�rc��. C�U�4LIFI�AT1��� , �.� �n��r�,�� ��f: 1. B��i� I��r�nf�r��r��nt�ri��ipl�� �n� pr��#i���. �. ��si� v�rb�l a�r�d writt�n En�l�s� �ang�a�� a�nd gr�r�rr��r �� b� �bl� �� r����na�bl� ��rx�rr�uni��t� �nf�rr�r�ati�n with �h� �ubli� a�r�d��r ��rr��l�t� r�l��r�n� wr�t��n d��ur��nt�ti�n r�quir�d b�r j�b ���i�i�i��. �. 11�I��I��d� �nd t��hniqu�����rirr�e p�e�r�r�ti�n a�� d�lir�q��n�� �r���n�i�n. �. Prir��i�l���nd �r��ti��s �f publi� r�l�ti�n�. �. 1111eth�ds �nd ���h�i�u��s�f���li�sp�2�lcir�� �r�d ir��tru�ti�r�. �. f��dern �ff��� rn�th�d�, pr���i��s a�nd �q�i�rr��rr�. �. ��si� r���rd �c��pir�g pra��t����. �. �a�si� pr���ipl�� a��d pr��ti�����r�p�rt pr���ra�t��r�. �. I`1��I��+G���������Glr *7L�i� ��� ILJtir�� 1���7� �4����p ��4+ ���4+IG�4���,7. A#���� t�: 'I. P�rf��m � �r�ri�t� �� f��nr ��f�r��rr��n� v�r�r�C �h�t is r��s�n���}� I�l��I� �� b� n��►-����r��u� in natu r�. 2. ��v�l�p� pr�p�r� a�nd pr���r��a� �r�ri�t�r��publi� ir���rr�n�ti�r� pr��ra�rrr�, �. Ir�t�ra��t�ff��ti����r �nd ��urt��usl��nr�t� th� publi�. �. F�����nd �ff���i�r�l�r in �rr��rg�n�}� a�nd��� �tr����ul �i��a�ti�n� i� a����rd�n�� �ritl� d�p�r�r���t�l p�l��ie��n� pr����ur��. �. N1�in��i� ���u���� ����rd��nd pr�pa�r� r�p�rt�. �. II����C fl��cfi#�I� h�ur� in�ludin� �venin� a�r-�� v�r��l��nd�. 7. ��rr�r�r��n���#��I���I�r�n� ��n�i��l�r, ��t� �r�ll�r�n� �� v�rri�ir��- �. �p�rat�� rn�t�r v�hi�l� in a� r����r��b������ rr��nr��r. �. �st�blish a�r�d ��int�ir� �ff��ttv� and �����rativ��nr�r�Car�� r�l�ti�r��hip�with th��� ��nt��t�d in �h� ��u r���f�nr�r�C. ��. Illl�int�in �#`���ti�r� ��c�i�-�ri�u�l �i��rir�r�ir������ �r�d ��r��p�i�r� r�����d f�r ���cing ����r���i�r��, ��rr�r�uni��ting �nrith �thersr rea�ing, �nrr�t�ng �nd �p�ratin� assi�n�� �quip�-r��nt. ��. Illl��nt�in ph��i��� ��n�i�i�n ���r��ri�t� �� �h� ���#�r��n�� �f ���ign�d d��i�� �nd r��p�n����li�i��, ��CPEI��E�I���41VD TRA�h�IIV� ��I[��I���1�� Ar�y �orrrb#r����or� of ex��rrer��� �nd �r�ir��rrg ��ra� woc�Id �rovide ��r� r'�quir�d krro�nrl�d�re arrd �bili���� �� c��r�l��y�rr�. � �r����l w��r�� ��b�a�rr �f���Cr��wl�a�gr�ar�c��b�li�i�� w��rlc��b�: E�c��ri����: T�� ��� �ear� �f�ener�l w�r�C e�cp�ri�n�� in�r�l�rir�� �u��tantia�l pub�i� ��nt��t�r v�r�r� in a�r�d��r v�rith � ��v�r enfor��m�nt a�g�n�y. Trair�ir��: �q�i�ra�l�n�t���rr�pl��i�n �f th� �nr�lfth {1�t�� gra�d�, �.�. � hig� ��h��l dipl�r�a �r� ���. ��pp��rr��r�t�l ��Il�g� I���! ��u����nr�rl� in �rir�ir��l j��t����r���b���l�t�d fi�ld i� hig�l�d��ir�b��. Agenda Item 8.f. ����������� P a g e 7 6 L+���������� �7�1�1�� ��r�r�r�r�unity F�e���i��� "���I�r���iar� ����t-tir��} ���rr��►���a�� Pag� � Li��r��e�r�ertifi���e: �'������i�r� o�, �r ability t� o�ta�n, a�d �na�in�a�in a��r�l�d ��lif�rn����iv�r'� li�����. 1�11�RK�NG ��NDI�I�N� En�rir�r��ne�t�l ���di�i�r��: �ffi�e�f��ld �r��rir�r�rr��r�t; tra�v�l �r�r�r� �it� �� ����; ��cp���r� �� ��r�np���r ��r��n�: n�is�, dus�, in�l�r��nt r�r���h�r��r�di�i��s; v�r�rl� in �r��r��r����i�u�ti�r►�; ��r��ul�r w�rk I��ur�. PhY�i��i �ond�t�on�: � �� E����ti�� fun�ti�ns r�quir� rr�ai�taining �h�s��al ��n�it��n n����s�ry f�r�nr���cing �r st�n�ir�� ��r pr�l�r���d ��ri��� �f��rr��; rr��d�r2,t� �r ���#�t liftin� �r���ryir�g; I�r���lir��; r�p��t�d b�ndin�; �n�1 �p�ratin� rr��t�ri��d v��i�l��. Agenda Item 8.f. ������� ����� P a g e 7 7 ���r�iT����, ���r a����o�ro ���n,�� ��o��ir�� �u��� �F�A F��-T 1 I�I E} C��ss s�ifr��rtiorrs are in�er�d� �o preser�# � des�r�p�iv� 1is� of #h� rar�ge of du#�es performed by �mployees irr �he class. �pe�r'fr���rarr�are rr��ir��err�e���r+ef1����l�c��r�i�s p�rforrr��af wr#hrrr#�re���b. DEFlhll�l�l� lJnd��tl�� �t��ut�ry �uth�rity�� ���ti�r����1�� �r�� 2�1���.� �f t#�� ��I���r�i� V�I�i�l� ��d�, t� p�rf�rrn a� �r�ri�ty��t��k� ir� �upp�rt�f p�li�e��nri���f�r s�h�����g��I�il�r�� ir��ludi�� #��t n�� lir�i��������i�tir�� i� ����I� �r��sing s�r��ts, r�2�int�inin� �rd�r �r7r��r�� �f�il�r�� �rait�n� t� �r��� str��t�, �n� ���i�tin� in d���l�pin� �r� �w�r�n��� in �#�ilc�r�n �f tk�� �ppr�pri�t� r���n�r t� ��f��� �r��� str��ts; p�rf�rrr�ing �dr�n��i��r�tN�r�c�utF�� rel�t�d t�th� �ssi�n�d �r���f���p�rr�ibr�i��. ���EF�III����V �E���11ED F�e��i�r�� g���r�l ��p�rv��i�r► �r�r�n tl�� �u�p�rt ��rvi��� ���r��i�r� ��li�� ��r�r��nd�r �r th� d��ig��t�� T�-af�i� �.Jnit��p�rvis��. E��EIVTIJ�IL FL�hI�Tl�I� �TATEAAE�IT�--����r����! ar�� ��#��r irrr��r��r�� re���r��#bil���e� ��� �t��ie� rr��� ir�cl�rd���r��r�r�o�Ir"rr�r�e��o�he fo�Iowin�: E���r��i�l F�n��i�r��: 'I. �ssi�� s�����-�g� �hil�r�n r�v��h �r���ir�� d��i�n���d �tr��t� �r� a� �af� r�nann�r b� ��ntr�l��r�� t�� rn��r�rx��nt���r�hi�l�s thr���h th� u�� �f�n����ni�al ��gns and��r�anc�-h�ld ��gr��. �, �Ill�i���r� �rd�r�r�r-���g ��h���-��� ��ildr�n a��tr��t�����in� p�int�. �. F��p�rt ►r�h��l� I���n�� �I�t�s �nd��r ►r��i�l� d�s��i�ti�n� �f �re�i�l�s �ri�l�t�ng �r�ffi� ��v�r� r�l���d t� pedestr�a� str�et�ross�ng ta�h� app�opriate Dep�rt���t�ember�onta�ct perso�. �. �A��i��wit� ir��tilli�� �r� ��v�r�r��s� ir� s�h��l-�g� �hi�d��n �f r��s�n���� ��f�t� r�����r�� n����s�ry f����fel�����sin� ��ree���nrit� �r v�rith�ut a �r������ �uar�. �. ���npl� v�rit� De�a��kr�n�nt p�li�ies, p�-a�ti��s and t�a�ning, �r��lud�n� �ut n�t lirr�i��d t� �h� �����f�� p�li�i��, pr���ice� �r�d tr�ir�in� ����t�� t� �r�ssin� ���rd d�tie� �� ��t�in�� in the �r�ssing ��a�rd m�n�ar. �. l.J�� th� p�li�� r�di� ir� �n �ppr��ri�t� �n� r�a���n�bl� r-r�a�n�r ��nsi�t�nt wi�h �r���ir�g ��r�rd p��i�i��, pra��ti��s a�nd tr�in��g- �. ��r�npl�r wi�h �r���in� �u��d dr���, unif�r�n �nd p�r��na�l a�pp��r�n�� �ta�nda�rds a�s sp��ifi�d �n th� �r���ing �u�rd r�r��r�u�l in�lud�r�� b�t r��t lirr�i��������rin� �p�r��r�at� s�f���r�r��t�. 8. A�t�nd #r�ir�ing �nd rr�a��nta�in �urr�nt tra�n�ng �tandard� a� r�q�ir�d b�tl�� �r���t�►� �u�r� rr��nu��. 9. Par-k��ipa�� �n trair�in� ��c�r�����a�r�d ��������� dir��t��. '��. P�rf�r� ������d d�t��s�nd r�s��n�ibili�ie� a�� r������� ��r t�e P�li�� ��i��and��r P�li�� ��rr�r�an��r t� r'r'���t t�� n��d� ��tl�� P�li�� �3�p�rtrr��r�t�nd ������rr��nity- ������� ����� A g e n d a I te m 8.f. Page 78 �:����J������ �7���� �������� ����� ����i����� ����������� f � ���� � E��e��ial Fun�ti�n�; ���n#ir�u�d� 1'I. ��rry �u� d�ti�� �nd ���p�r��ib�liti�� �� ��rir�plia�n�� v�r�tt� �ppr�pr�at� f�d�ra�lr �tat�, ��ur�t�r, �it�r I�v�rs �r►d �rdir��r�����►�d �it� p�����n�l r�l��w�th��t bi��, fav�riti�r-r�, �r pr��udi��. ��. F���p�n�ib����r��I�-��r�plia�r����ritl� r�gula��i�r��, ��I��i��a�r�� �r����ur��, �3, A���p� r��p�n�ibility �nd ��c�r�i�� r������bl�r �p�r�pri�t� d���r�ti�r� in r��tt��� r��t ������i��l�� ��fin�d �r��s�r�b�d ir� th� ��li�� ���a�rt�n�r�����ul�#i���, ��li�i��, pr���dur��, �nd�������ripti�r�. ��. ��r��i�t�ntl� d�r��r��tra�t� ���r��la��y��urt���, rnitra�ti�r�, dili��r���, tru�hf�l���s, a�tt�nti�� t���ty, ��d �bs�rv�r��� �f pr�p�r p�r��r�al �i��iplir�� ir� �����-�a�n��v�ritl� P�I��� ��p�rt�n�nt��a���a�r��. C��ALIFl�ATI�I'�l� F(n�v�le�c�e�f: �. �a�����a�f�ty �ri���pl�s a��d �r��ti��s. 2. 8���� verl�al �nd writt�n En�li�h lan�ua�g� an� �ra�nrir��r t� b� �bl� t� r����n�t�l� ��r�nr�r�ur�i���� in��rr�a�ti�r� r�itl� tl�� ���li� �nd��r ���pi�t� ��I���nt �rri�t�� ����,��nt��t�rt �-������d b�r j�b a��ti�iti��, �#bili t�: �. Int�r��t�#f�����r�l�r�n� ��t�r�k���sl�r v�rith th� ��bli�a�nd �th�r la�v�r�nf�r��r�n�nt a���n�i��. �. Vl��r�c�fif��t�v�l�w�tl� ��I���I-�g���►�I�r�n. �. ��rr�rn�n��at����a�rl��r�d ��r��i��l�r, ���� �r�ll�r�r�� i� �nrri�ing. �. Atten�i Departrn�n#sp�ns�r�d ��F�a�nd ��t Aid trainir��. �. ��t��li�h �r�� ��in��in �ff�����r� �nd �����ra�ti����rr�rk�r�g r�l�ti�r��hips v�rith th�s� ��nt��t�� in �h� ��u r���f v�r�rl�. �. Nf�int�in ��f��t��r� �u�i�-�r��u�l �i��rir�in��i�n ��� ��r��pti�� �����d f�r rn�l�ir�g �b��rv�ti�n�, ��r�r�rr�ur�i���i�� v�ritf� �th�r�, r���i��r v�rrit��� �n� �p�r�tin� ���ign�d �q�ipr��nt. �. Nfaint�in ph�r�i��l ��n�iti�n a��pr�pri�t� t� th� p�rf�rr��r��� �f �s�i�r��d d�ti�s �nd r��p�nsibili�ie�. ��PEF�I�IV�E A��TRAfhI�IVC CIJI�EL�I�E� Any �ombirr��rorr of e�perien�� arrd �r�rr�ir��r �f�a� would pro�rr'de �he rec�r�ired knowled�e �r�d �bi1r'��es i� C�[l��I�I{1?C�J. � ��I�Jl���W��I�� ��J��!!� ��7���]�INI�.'C�����1���Ilf�f�� UV��1IC��?�: Exp�r��r►�e: �v�r� �2� ���r� �� g�n�ra�l w�r�C ��cp�ri�r��� ir��r�l�ri�� ��r��t��ti�� p�,bli� ��nt��� �r v�r�r� �nri�h ��h��l-a�g� �hil�r��. Tr�i��r��: �qui�r�l�r�t����r�npl�ti�r� ���I��tw��ftl� �1��h}�r�d�, �.g. a� hi�h �����I dipl�r-r�� �r��ED. Li��n���r��r�ifi�ate: P��s���i��t ��, �r��ility�� �b���n, �n� r������ir� �ra�lid ��F��n� 'I st A�� ���tifi��tes. ������� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 79 �ITY���F�F��Y� �RAI�f�E �ro�s�ng ��ard {P�rt+t�me� �Cor��irr�red� Pa�e 3 �IV�F��tl�l� ��I'�I�ITI�IV� Env�r�r�rr�en�al ��n�l�ti�r�s: �ffi���fi�ld envir�nr�n�n#; tra�rel fr�r� s�t�t�sit�; ��c���ur�t� n�is�, ��stt in�l�rn�n��v���l��r��r��iti�n�. �h�s��a�� ��ndit��r��: ���enti�l �un�ti�ns r�quir� �-r��in��inin� ph��i��l ��nditi�n �������ry f�r w�l�Cin� �r st���in� f�r pr���n��d p�ri�d� �f �ir��; r��ir�t�ir�ir�� � �i�ld �f �risi�n t�a�t �na��l�� q�,i��c r����rr��r�t �rl��l� �����ir�g irr �r n��� �r�hi�ul�r����� �� ��r�id b��n� ��r���C ��r � v�hi�l�r r�r��d�ra�� �r li�h� ��ft��� �r ��r�y�n�; fr�q��n� �t�ndir�� o�w�lkin�. ��"'��� ���°� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 80 �������ii�7! �ITII�F AF�Ft�1�� �RAI��� ��4i�KIN� EI�F�F���I�II�[VT T��I-I�11�IJ�#IV {P�►F�T-T I IIA E} ���ss s�ecif�ca���rrs are irr��r�a�ec� �� �pr���rr� a cf�s��i�#��re li�t of �h� r-�rr�g�� �� �f�#�e� p�r�Formed by ert��l��rees rr� ��re �J���. �pe�ffic�r�f�r���r�rr��irr�err�e���r��"����#!�lt��i���erForm��I wf#1�fr�#�r�j�b. ���IIVITI�IV �� p�rf�rr� a� v�rid� �r�ri��y �� ����CS in�lud�n� �ut n�t i�rr�it�d t� p�rf�rrr�ing �nf�r��r-r-��nt d��i�� r�l�te� t� p�r�Cir�� ��r��r�� �nd par�Cin� r�g�l��i�ns ��r i��ui�� w�rni��s and��r ��r�Cir�g �i���ians; ��rf�rr7r�in� �ehi�l� ab�t�r�n��t in��udin� �ut ��t lir�nit�d �� 2�-���r �r�d ��-h��r parl��ng �i�M��i�ns �s de�in�d ��r tl�� Arr��� �r�nd� Il�lun��ip�l ����; �ndl��- p�rf�rr�r�in� �dr��ni�trati�r� �uti�� rel�t�� t� �I�� ��s�gn�� ar�a� �� r����n�ibilit�. �UPE�V��I�N RE�E�VED A�VD ���R�ISED I����i�r����neral �up�rvi�i�n fr�rr�t���I���f�f P�li��, P�I�����rr�rr���der�r his�l��r d��i�n��. E����VT1�4L� F�N�TI��V ��`�#T�I�EIVT�--�s�er��r�# �rr� ��i�er� rrr���r��r�� res��r��i,b�Ji�i�� �r�� r�r���e� rrr��r �r����a���bcr��re r���1irr���e�f�� ��� ��Il��ir��= ���en�i�l Fun��i�r�s: 1. Pa�tr�� �ity str��ts ar�� pa�rl�$r�� I�ts �n f��t, �r� a� b���r��e, �� ir� � �r�h��l�; ���erv�� �n���r rn�rks �r�l�i�l�� �n� det��r-r�in�� ��nf�rmit�r �nr�th �p�li��bl� p�r�cin� r�gul�ti�ns; i�su�s w�rr�ing� ��d��r �ita�i�n�a� ��p��pri�t�f�r vi�lati����f p�r�ir�� r�g�lati�r��, ����rr�} �r�rdinan���. �. ������ �b�n���n�d v�hi�l�� �n ���li� pr�p��t�r �nd pu��i� ri�ht-�f-v�r��� ir���t�ding ��t r��t lir�it�d �� � ��-h��r �n� ��-1��u�- p�rlcin� vi���ti�n� a� d��ir��d ��r th� Arr��� �ra�n�� Illlu�i�i��l ��d� b� r��ri��nring r�p�rts an�i �iti��� ��rn�lain�s a�nd thr�u�h �r�-��tiv� patr�l ��#iv��i��; ��nfirrr� �hr�u�� ir��p�cti�� �r inquiry v�rh�tl��r �r n�� ��� v�hi�l�� ��� ��2�n��ned; nr�ark� v�hi�l�� �r�� ����m��t �� ��rr�b�r�t� ��������d ��nditi�n �f ���►i����; I�a��r� �nrritt�n w�rr��r��� �n �r�h��les ��nfirr�n�d �� �� �b�nd�r�ed� n�tify ���t ��gis�ered ��nrn�� �f � ��nfirt��� �b�nc��n�d v�l�i��� �f irr�rnin�n� t�v�rin�; �rr�n�� ��r �r�hi�les ��n�rr��� �� �b�r�d�n�d t� b� t�w�d �s ���r��ria�t�; ����� �it��i�ns ��r �i�l�ti�n��f�p�li�bl� ��r�cin� r��ula�#i�n�, I�v�r�t �r�rdin�n�e� rela�t�d ��v��i�l�2�b�nd�nrr�e�t. 3. Pr��rid� ir�f��rn��i�n t� tl�� puk�li� �nd��r �tl��r pu�li� ��en�i�s ����rding I��nr�, r�g�la�t��n�, �� �rdin�n��� r�l�t�d t� �a�rkir�g, �r�����in� b�� n�� ��r-r�rt�d �� ��cpl�ini�g rea�s�r��s} f�r t�� i�su���� �f �r�rnings �r��t�ti�r►����ri�la�t�r�. �. �r�p�r� writt�n d��u��ntati�n �r����r �p���r in ���rt ��d��r �dr�inistrati�r� h��r�t��� �� �r��id� f��t��l inf�rrn�ti�n r���rdir�g ���t����d ��r�Cin� �ri�l��i�n �itati�n� �����r �b��ern�nt �f �r��►i�l�� �t��nd�n�d �n puk�li� p����rty ��nd �ubli� ri�hts-�f-v�r��r ���I�ding bt�t ��t lir�r�i��� t� ��-h��r ��d ��- h�ur�p�r�tin��ri���t��n� a�d��ir��d b�th�Arr��r��ra�nd� Illlur�i�ip2�l ��d�. �. N1�intair� I��s �n�1�r ��pr�pri�t� �vritt�n ���urn�rrt�ti�n� �nd r���rd� r�l�t�� t� p�rl�ing �ri�la��i�r� �.r�LC�L����a �lGl�����!�t C������ C��iL������i�. �, In�u����� rel��e� t�j�b��ti�riti�� in�����npu��r. �. �b�e�v� and r�p�rt t� � d�si�nat�d �u���vi��� th� ne�d f�r r�na�irr����n�� �r��rr��ti�r� �r�r�rk b� �h� �it� r�l�t�d t� ��r� p�ir�tin�, st���iling, �nd��r �re�et�ti�n trir-�r�nin� �� r��intain �r ��n�r��r� ��r�cing ��r����l. ������a�������� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 81 ����������� ����� P�r�Cir�� ��f�r��rr��n�T���ni�i�r� �P�rt-Tir�t�� ���rrt�r��r�c�� Pa�g� � E��e�nti�l F�n��i�n�: ���nti��e�l� �. En��r�� �it� �nc� Ar���r� ��-and� High �����I ��r�C�ng r��ulat��n� �n h��h ����ol pr�p�rty �� �ppr�pri�t�. �. I��u�a�d rn�nit�r p�r�Cing ��rr���� is�u�d �� �it� r��id�n��. ��. P�rf�rrn th� du�i�� �f th� �hild P����n��r����ty t���n��ia� ir��ludin� b�� r��t lir�i�e� t� r��p�n�ib��it� f�r��rif��ati�n �f�r�p�r�n�t�ll�ti�n �f��ild ��f�t�r ������� r��ue����; f���lit��i�r� and ���rdir��t��n �f ���ul�r �hild ��f�ty ��at e�r�r��� t� pr�r��t� th� pr���r ir��ta�lla��i�n a�n� �,s� �f �I�il� �a�f�ty �e���; publi� e����ti�r� �n t�� ir�p�rt�n�� �f tl�� pr�p�r inst�ll����n �nd u�� �f �hild s�f�ty ���t�� �n� rr������nan�� �f�ppr�pri����nd ��rr�r�t�er��fi��t��n �� � �ha�d �ass�ng�r����t�r t��hni�ian. �1. P�r#i������ ir�tr�ir�ir�g ���r�i��s an� �I����� �� �������d. '�2. P���� r�l�t�d �uti�s �nd r��p���i�iliti�� a�� r����rec� b�r �h� P�li�� �I�i��, P�li�� ��r�r��n���, P�li�� ��rgeant: ar�dl�r ��r�i�r P��i�� �f���r t� r-r���t t�� n��d� �f �h� P�li�� D���r#r-r��nt �r�d tl�� ���nr�u ni�y- 1�. ��rry �u# d�t#i�� �n� ���p�r�sib�lities i� ��rr��li�r��� v�rit� �ppr�pr���� f�d�r�l: st�t�, ��u�t�, ���� I�v�r� ��d �r�in�r���� �r�d �it�r ��r��nn�l �-�le�with����i�s, f��r��iti�r�, �r pr��udi��. 1�. ���p��si�l�f�r����-���nplia�n��v�rit� r�gulati�n�, p�l��i���r�d pr����ur��. 1�. A��p� r����r��ib��i��r �r�� ��c�r�i�� r����na��l}� a�ppr�pr��t� �is�r��i�n in r���t�r� n�t �p��ifi�ll�r d��in�d �r d���rib�d in t�� P��i�� D�partrr��nt r�g�la�t��n�, p�li�i��, p�����u���, �r�d j�b d���ripti�n. ��. ��nsi�te��l�d�r�n�ns�r�����c�r�npl�ry���rt���} ir�iti�t'r�r�� ���i��n��, truti�fu�n���x att�nti�n t� dut�r, �n� ����nr�n���f�r�p�r�����n�l d���ip��ne in ����r�������th P�li�� D�p�r�r���t st�n��r��. C��ALIFI�A���NS �Cn��r�ec#�e�f: �,_.,.�_ �. B��i� ��rb�l �r�d �nrritt�n �ngl��h ��n����� �n� �r�r�rr��r t� b� �bl� t� r����r��bl� ���mr�u�i��t� inf�rmat��n with �h� publi� and��� ��r-r��l�t� r�l��rant �rwrrit�en d��ur�n�nta�ti�n r�quir�d b�r j�b ���i�rit���. �. �Ill�d�rr� ��fi�� r��t��d�� pr��ti��s a�n� ��uipr��n�. �. Basi� ����rd k�����g �r���i�e�. �. ���i��rin�ipl�s�nd pr2��t$��s��r���rt pr�pa�r�ti�n. �. Appli�a�l�f�d�r�l, �ta�t�a�r�d t��a�l la��rs# r�l��, a�nd r��u��ti�ns. �Al��li t�: 1. P�r��r� � ��ri�t� �f par�Cin� �nf�r��rr��nt a�ti�riti�� �f��� �� r����r����}� fi�C�l� t� �� n�n�h���rd��� �� n�tur�. 2. Enf�r�� p�r�Cin� I�w�, rul��, �r�� r��ul����r�� ��� v�hi��� ���terr���ts in a �r�fes�i�n�l rnann�r �nr�th ta�t, frmn�ss as a�pr�priat�, a�nd �bj��ti�ri��r; ���lu��� r����n{�� f�r ��rl��r�g ������i�ns a�nd �r�hi�l��b�terr�en�s��d��err�nine i��nrarr�in�� �r�it�ti�n�ar� r���t r����r��b��r �ppr�pri�t�. �. List�n ���nd ��r�pr���n� ��r�npl�ir�ts ab�ut pa�r���� vi�la�t��n� �nd �r�hi�l� �b���r�n����. �. ��cp��i� in��rr���i�r� �k��ut p�r�Cin� �ri�l�t��ns �nd �r�hi�l� �b�t���nts t� �h� publi� ir� � rr�a��n�r th�t ��n b� r��s�n�bl� ��rr�pr�h�n��d in�l�ding �it���i�ns i� whi�h �n indi�r�d��! nn��r b� �p��t andlor ar�u��ntati��. �. �nter��t��f��t��r�l��nd ��urt���sl�v�rith th� ��bli�. �. ��rx�r�r�uni�����i��rly�n� ��r��i����, ��th �r�ll�ar�d �rr v�rritin�. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"��������� Page 82 ����������� ����� ������� ��������������������� ���������� ����������� ���� � ��111 ��: ���f1��flL�l��� �. F���d, ��r�npr�l��nt�, ir�t�r�r��, �nd �ppl� ��t�r �aw�, r�l��, r��ul�ti�ns, �n� D���rtm�n# p�-���d�r�� r�la�t�d t� p�r�Cin� �ri�l�ti�n �n€�r��rr��nt a�nd v��i��� aba�t�r�n�r�t. �. ��r��rehend and f�ll�v�r v�r�itt�n �r�� �r�r��l �nstr��ti�n� in�l��in� but r��t Nirnit�� t� tl��s� r�l���d t� �ity p�r�cin� I�v�r�� r�l��, �nd reg�l��i��s�nd �r��i�l� �b�t�r���rt�. �. IN�rk ir��i�p�r����tl��nri�� rx�inirr�al dir��t�up�rvi�i�n. ��. L�a��r� tl�� ����r�ph���t�� ��t�r. ��. L�a�rn p�li�� r�d���orn�n�ni��ti�r� pr����ur��. ��. �p�r�t�� rn����-�rehi�l�with r����n��l���f�t}r- ��. �Jl�int��� ���u��t� ����rd��nd pr�p�r� r�p�rt� in�l�di�� �I���r�ni���rn�u��r�ntri��. ��, T�stiiy in ��u�t �r�d��r �dr-r�ini�t��t��r� I���r�n�� �� pr��rid� f�����1 �nf�rr-Y-�ati�n r���r�ir�� ��r�t�st�d ��r�Cing �ri�lati�� �it�ti�r���r�r�hi�l� �b���r��nts. 1�, IIV�r�C�I��i�l� h��r� in�l�di�y e�re�in� a�r�d v�r���C����. 1�. Establi�� �nd r�r�int�i� �ff��ti����d ���p�ra��iv�v�r�r�Cir�� ����ti�r►�I�ip��ith���s� ���ta�t�� in th� ��ur���f v�r�rl�. 'I�. �111a�in#a�in �ff��#i�r� �u���-ui���l �i��rirr��na�ti�n �nd per���ti�n n��d�d f�r r�r���cin� ����rv��i�n�, ��rnr��rni�a�in� v�rit� �t��r�, r���in�, �riting �n� ���r�t�ng ���igned ec�uiprn�nt. 1�. Illl�in��ir� p�►�st��l ��nditi�r� ap�r�pria�� �� �h� p�rf�rrr����� �f ���igr��d duti�� and r��p�nsi�i�iti��. E�CP�RIENCE AND�RA�I�IN� �k�ID��.l�lE� �4rry corr�br'r��#�on o�e�cperr'�rrce ar�d �rair��►�g ��ra� wauld �rovid� �I�e required knowle�fg� �nc! ab�Ir'���s �s c�r�alify�r�gr. �4 �y{�i��f�rv���� �b��ir� �f�e�r��v�rl�a��r��r�c����lr'�r'e� w�t�l�1�e: E�cp�ri�n�e: �n� �1� ���r �f g�n�r�l �nr���C ��cp�r��n�� ar�v�l�rin� �ub�tant�a�l p�b�i� ��r�t��t ��v�r�r�C �� �nc���r v�rit� � I��nr �nf�r��r��n��g�r���. Tr�i�i�q: �qui�r�l�r�t t����n�l�ti�n ��th�tw��fti� {12����r�d�, �.�. a� hig� s����� dipl��� �r a� �ED. Li��n���r��rtif��ate* P�sse�si�n ��, �r abilit�r t��bt�ir�, �r�d r�n�in��in ��r�lid �a�li#�rr�ia dr��rer'� li��ns�. IN�F�KIN� ��NDlT��IV� �rrvir��r�►er�tal ��ntl��i�n�: �Tfi�e�fi�ld �nvir��rr���t; �r��r�l fr�r-r� sit� t� �it�; ��cp��ur� t� ��r�pu��� ��r��r��, �����, ���tr in�i�r��nt �re�tl��r����i�i���� irr�gula�r w�r�c h�u��. Ph��i�al ��r�c�i�i�r�s; Es��n�i�l f�n��i�r�� �-ec�u��e rr��inta��ni�g pt��r�i�a� ��ndit��n n������ry f�r�r�r�l�Cir�g ���t�nding f�r�r�l�ng�d p�ri�d� �� tir�r��� �rn�ir�t�inin� � fi�ld �f �i�i�r� �h�t �na�bl�s q�i�k rn��r�r�nent whil� stand�n� in �r r��ar �r�hi�ular traffi� t� a��r�id b�ir�g �tr���C b� � �r�l�i�l�; rr��d�r��� �r li�h� lifting �r ��rryi��; fr����r�� s��n�in� �r�alki�g; �Cn��l�n�, �t��p�n�, �r r����t�d b��din�; ��� �p����ir�� rr����ri��d v�hi�l��. Agenda Item 8.f. ��'�'��� ����� Page 83 E�Hf�IT"VII" �ITY�F�i���l�� CRA�V�� �'�Lf�E �A�ET �P�4F�T-�I�IE� �J��� spe���r�ati�rrs �re �rr��rr�ec� �� �r�eser�� � afes�r��#i�r� �is# �� �h� r�rry� of a�r��ie� p�rf�rme� #y err��l�yr�e� �n �#re �1a��. ��e�i�i�a�i�rr��r�r�o�ir��err�le�!��r�fT����!J�c��f����rf�rm�c��vr�hin��r�job. ��FII�ITI�h! fi� ��rf�rrn �v�rid�v�ri��� �f t��k� ir� �up���t��P�li�� D�pa�rtr-r��r�t�p�r�ti�ns�r�d p�r���n�l �r���u�ing b�t n�t lir-Y-�it�d �� h�ndlir�g fr�r�t��u�t�r r�p�rt��r�d d�ti�s, �r��rid�r�� �u��t�r�n�r���vi��t� tl�� publi�and �th�r ���n�i��, �nd a��sisting �vi�h r���rd� r�na�na��r��n�t ���ri�r �u�i��, tra�ffi� �or�tr�lx an� c�or�pl��i�g �p��ific�ll� d�lir���t�d typ�� �# r�p�rt� �►� th� ��l�; ��rv� as a� �a�rt-tir�� int�rn�hip p���ti�n a�� th� (�I��f��l��l ����1� ���I�� ��11�� I�1��f1C��� �� �}f�VIC�� ��l 1�1�1'�C�IJ��I��'1 �� � 11�1�����1 �� ��W �f1���'���'1'���]� ��T��f� ti�r�ugh pra�tN��l ��peri�r���; rr��� I��d t� sp�r���r��ip b�r th� P�li�� D����kr-r+��n� t� � p�li�� �����r�r��r; �nd ��rf�rr�r� ��r�r�ir�i�tr�tiv� d��i�s r�lat�d t��he ���i�n�� �r�� �f r��p���i�i�ity. �l.lPERVI�I�h� F�E���11�D F����i��s g�r��r�� �t�p��vi�i�r� fr��n �h� P��i�� ���-r-�rr���nd�r�nd��r�up���t��rvi��s �u��rvis��. E��E�VTIAL �l��l�Tl��! �TAT�IVIE�IT��-�s�er���a�� �r�c� ��J�e� irr���r��r�� �����r��ib�I����� ar�c� c���i�s rr��� inc�uc�e bu�are r�o�Ir'mr'�ed�o �h� �ollowir��.� E���n���� F��n�t���s: 1. �r��ri�e �����r��r ��si�t�n�� �� th� �r�r�t ��unt�r and �n th� tel�ph�n� v�rith d��i�� �n�l�din� b�t r►�� lirni�ed �� ��r�r�pl�ting ��p�r#� �� �ppr�pri�t�t ��Il��tin� fe��, an� r�s��n�ing t� ir��uiri�� a�nd r��ue�#�#�r inf�rrr���N�n v�rith ��pr��r��t� ����r�r►�ti�n. �, ��r�r�p��t�s�e��fi�all�r d�lin����� t�����f r���rt� �n tl���i�ld. �. Pr��id� g�r����l �dr�ini�t��ti�r� �r�d �I�ri��l a��� r��e�#i�ni�t ��sist�r��� �� ����s��ry �nd dir��t�d; �listribut� ��t�rn�� r�n��l �n� le��l d��urr��nt�� tran�p�rt r�p�r�s, d���rn�r�t�, ��d ��ri�i���� �� �ir��t�d b�tw��r� p�bli��g�n�i��; p�rf�rr�n �ni���ll����u��rr�nd� �� n���s��ry �nd dir����d. �. F��rf�rrr� �..i�r� ���� �l��tr�r�i�fir���rpr�r�ti�� �� ��I��dul�d �r�� d�r��t�d. �. F�����r�r��un� pr�p��t�r; b��l�f�ur�d pr�p�rt� int� P��i�� D�pa�kr-r-�ent��rid�n�� �nd ��rr��l��� �-�p�rt� as apprapriate. �. �����t wi�h th� t��r�s���t��i�r� �f p��i�� �r�l�i����r �r���r� p�li�� �r�hi�l�� ha��r� appr��riat� ar�d n���s��ry equ��rr��r���s d'rr��t�d. 7. A�����w��h tr�ffi��r�d p�d��tri�n ���tr�l ���p��i�l ��r��t�. �. �����t wi�l� �p��ia�l �n�����r��r�t ��r�nt�, �,�. �lJl �#����cp��r�t� a�r�d ��pl��rr���t �f ra���r �ra�il�r, a�� a��pr�pri����nd dir��t�d. 9. A��i�� ��� D�����i�r� lJni�v�ritF� �r�����r�g, �t�ring} �r��l�ir�g���t���gir�� ��d tr�n�p�rtir�g pr�p�rt� �nd ��id�n�� ��dir��t�d. ������� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 84 ��TY���#I�F��1f� C�A[V�E P�li���a�d�����r��ir��rea�� P�ge 2 E��enti�l Fun��i�n�: ���nti�ued� ��. F�r�nr�r� in��rr�r��ti�n r�g�r�ing u���id parking �i�l�ti�n ��t�ti�ns �� �I�� �ppr�pri�t� D�p�r�rn�nt ��nta�t t� �� �ubrr�itt�d �� ��� D���rtr��n� �f �11���r 11�I�i�l�� �nd��� a ��sign�t�d p�r�Cing �ri�l�ti�n �i��ti�n ��r-x�ini�tra�ti�n ��r�tra�t v�n��r. ��. ��r`ti�ip�t� i����ir�in� ��c�r�i��s�nd �la����� a�� dire�t�d. ��. ��rf�rr� relat�d �ut��� an� r��p�n�ibi��t��� �� r�qu�r�d b�r tl�� ��li�� �h��f, ���i�� ��rr�rr��r�d�r, �nd��r P�li�� ��r���r�t t� r�n��t tl�� r�������th� P�li�� D�p�rtrr�ent�r�d th���r�r�t�r�ity. '��. ��rry �ut d��i�� �r�d r��p�r��ibiliti�� �n ��rir�p�ian�� �nr��h �p�r�pri��� f���r�l, �����, ��unt�x �it� l�w� �r�d �rdir��n����n� �it� p�r��nnel r�l�s�nr��h�ut�i�s, f��r�r�tisrr�r �r�r�j�d���. ��. f���p�nsibl���r s�lf-��r�pli�n��v�ritl� r��u��ti�r��, p����i�� �n� pr���d�r��. 1�. �4���pt r��p�r�sibil�ty and e�c�r�i�e re�s�n�bl� �ppr�p�i��� �i��r�ti�r� i� rirta�tt�r� ��t �p������all�r d�fin�d �r ci�s�ribed �r� �h� P�li�e ��p�rt��r�� r��u���i�n�, p�li�i��, �r���d�r��, and��b d���r��ti�r�. 1�. ��r�si�t�ntl�r d�r��r�str�t� ���r�pl��y��u�#���, in�t�ati�r�, dili�en�e, truthful����, �tt�nti�� t�dut�, and �b��r�r���� �f pr�p�r p�r��r��l �i��iplin� in �������n��with ��li�� L��p�rtrn�nt�tand�r��. C�LlAL�FI�ATI�N� Kr�o�rled�e of: 1. ���i�filin� �n� r���r� It��pir�� p������r�� �r�� �ra�ti���. �. ���i� �r��ba�l a�nd v�rrit#�r� E�g�i�h I��gu��� �nd �r�rr�rr��r t� �� ��I� t� r����n�b�� ��r-r�munic�at� inf�rr��ti�n w��� �h� pu�li� �n���r ��r�npl��� r�i��rar�t ►��rr�tt�n d��urr���ta�#i�n r�q�rir�� b�r j�� ��tivit�e�. �. �p��-a��i�na�� �I��r����ri�t��� ��� u�� �f rr��d�rn ��i�� equNp�nen�, ���nput�rs �nd �upp�r�ing v�r�r� �r���ssing �ppli�ti�n�. �. B��i� prin�ipl��and pr��t�����f r�p�rt p����r�ti��. �#bili t�: 1. ��r��r�-n a� �r�ri�ty �f I�vwr �n��r��r��nt v�r�rl� �h�t i� r��s���bl� I��t��� t� h� rr�n-h���r���r� �r� r��tu�e. �. Illl�ir�ta�n a��ura�t� r���rd� and �repa�r� �I��r�nd ��n�ise r�p�r��. �. ��r�n��n���������rl}��nd ��n�i��l�r, ���I� �r�ll���d ��v�rritir�g- �. ��r�pr�h�nd �n�f�ll��r�ra�l �n� �nrritt�n ir��tru��i�r��. �, V�f�r�C ir�d�p�nd�nti�r ir� �h� �b��n�� �f �i���t ar�d ir�n�n�dia�t� �u��rv��i�r�, ha�ndli�� a vari�t� �f ta��CS sirr��lta�ne�u�l�r in��rp�r�ting �ff��tiv�tirr�� rr�a�nagern�n�sk�f��. �. �nt�r��t�f#��t���l��n� ���rt��usl�v�ri�h �h� ������. �. Il���k fl�xi�l� h�urs in�luding ��r�ning �nd w����n�s. 8. �p�r�t�� t��t�r�r�hi�l� in � r��s���b��s�f� r-r���n�r. 9. E�t�blish �r�d rr��int�in �����iv� �nd ���p�r��i�r�w��-kin� r�l��i�nshi��v�ri���h��� ��nt��t�d ir� tF�� co�rse of�vork. ��. Illla��nta�in �f���ti�r� a�di�-�risu�l d�s�rirr�in�ti�n and p�r��p�i�n r���d�d f�r rr���Cin� �b��rv�ti���, ��rr�rn�ni��ting �nri�h ��h�r�r re�din�, �nrritir�� �nd ���r�ting �ss�gned ec�uiprn�nt. ��. �111�ir�t�in ph�r�i��i ��n�iti�n ���r��ri�t� �� �h� ���#�rrr��n�� �# ���ign�� �uti�� �r�� r��p�n��b�fiti��. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"f�����'�� Page 85 �����J������ �'.7���� P�I1�� �2�d�t ���r��ir�c�eal� �a�e � ��PEFtI��V�E AIV�TRA�I�IIV� C�IL���L.11VE� Arry �omb�r���r'�r� of e��err`�rr�e ar�� �r�ir��rrg #ha� wvulr� ��ovide �I�e requir�d kr�owl�dge arr�f abr'Ir'�r'e� rs q���lr�yr'rr�. � ������!w��������rr� �l�e kr��wlealg�� arrcf�b�Ji�i�s xrtir�r����e: E�c���rien��: ., �ne ��� �r��� �� ��n�r�l w�r� ��p�r��n�e in�r���in� su��t�nt��l p��li� ��nta�t� r����-d-k���ing �r w�r�c in �n���r v�rit� a I��nr�nf�r�err�ent�g�n��r. Tr��r�in : ��ui�ral�nt t� ���-r��le�i�n �f th� tw��ft� {���h} �r���, �.�. � I�i�i� ��h��l dipl�r-r�a �r� �ED. �upp��r�r���t�l ������� I�v�l��ur�e w�r�c �n �rr�ninaf justi���r�j�b-r�l���d fi�ld i� I�i�hl�r ���ir�bl�. Li�en�� �r�ertif��a��: P������i�r� ��, �r�bilit����bt�in, �nd r�naint�in � �r�lid ��lif�rni� �ri►��r'� li��n��. P�s����i�n �f, �r�bility t��bt�in, �nd rx��in��in �r�lid �P� �r�d ��t Aid ��r`t�fi�����. IN���IIV� ��IV�I�I�IV� Er�v�r�rtrt���t�l ��ndi�����: �f�i���fi�ld �n�ir�n��nt} �r��r�� fr�r� ���� t� �it�; ��cp����� t� ��rr�p���r ��r��r��, n�i��, d��t, in�l�rr��n� w�ath�r��n�it��ns; v�r�rk in �rr���g�n��r�itu�ti�r��; i�r����ar v�r�r�C h��r�. PF��si��l ��ndi�i�n�: Ess�ntia�l fun�ti�n� r�quire �-r7aintainin� ph�r�i�al ��n�iti�n n�����a�ry f�r v�r�l�Cin� �r�ta��d�n� f�r p��l�n��� p�ri��� ���irn�t r����r��� �r li�h� �if�ing �r ��rrying; �Cn��l�r��; r�p��t�c� ber�din�; a��d �p�ra�tin� rr��t�ri��� v�h i�l��, Agenda Item 8.f. ��"f�� ��'�� Page 86 �������ii��7 ���i �������� ����� ����I�V ��4����I�� ����T-T�I�IE� Cl�ss spec�frca�r'or�s ar�e i�a�er�ded �o �nesera� � descri��r've 1is� of �he rar��e of du�ies p�erforr»ed by employees r'rr �f�e class. �pe�rfrca�r'orrs ar�e r�o�irr�er�a�ed#o r�efJec�a!!a��r#ies�aerforrrred wi#�rfrr�he�ah. �EFIh11T1�N T� perf�rrn a��ide �r�r�et��f ta��k� in��udin� �u� n�t lir-r�Nt�d t� de�r����ing, ����-din�ting, �n� ���I���n�in� � ��st�r �r�in�n� ��I����r; �����ulin� ���ir�in�; �r��nging ����r�►r�r��d��i�r�� f�r t���nin� v�n���; �e�uring�disper��n� funds f�r ��r di�r� ��c��n���; s��rr�ittin� ��pr�pri�t� r�irr���r��r���t ���-�rn� ��r tr�inir��; r�r��int�ining i�di�rid��� tr�ir�i�g r����d�; �n�u�ing ���npli���� v�rith �tat�t�ry tra�inin� r��uar��-r���t�; �n� p�rf�rt�ing �dtr��ni�tr��i�r� dt��i�s ��l�t�� t�th� ���ign�� �r�� �f r����n�ibili��- ��PEF�VI�f�IV F����111ED AND ��CEl�����D F����iv�s��n�ra� ��pervi�i�n fr�tx� �he �h�i�f�f P�I���, P�li�� ��rr�rn�nd�r�r hi��h�r d�s�g���. E��E�ITIA� FIJN�TI�h� �TATE�VIE�1T�--���er��r�f �r��f ��1�er irrr��r��r�� re���r�����I��r'e� �r�� �r��r'�� rr��y i���[��� b[����r���Ir`rr������� ��� ��Il�v�rfr��= ���en��a�l Fun����r�s: 1. D��r�l�p, ���rd�n�t�r �nt� ir�pl�r��r���� �nr►u�l r���t�r tr�inir�g ��I�nda�����t���r�t�r� D�partrr��nt. �. ��h�dul�tra�i�ir�g �p�� r�����t�f�r��r�ir�� r�qu�����pp��v�d b�r t�� �p�r�pri�t���p�rvi��r. �. ���rdin�t� �r�ir�in� s����ulir�g v�ritl� th� st�p�rvi��r �������ibl� f�r ���r�l�ping �n� r�r��int�ir�ing th� �atr�l �nd d�t��t��r� shift��h�du���t��r��u�r�#t��t 2�p�r�pri��� �nir�ir�ur� �t��fin� i� rr��ir�t�in�d. �. �Ill�nit�r ��rertime and ��rr���r�����ry tir�� �r����d ��r tr�inin� ��� ����ir�� b���C��� �r�d �d�r��� th� �p�r�pri���sup�rvi��r�� r�q�ir�� �nd�����qu����d t�ens�re fis�a� ��������b��i#y- �. �rr�n�� a����r�nr���a��i�r��f��r-�-��r-r���rs a�tt�n�l�r�g t����in� ����i����� �i�}r- 6. ���ur� tha� payments fo�a��ammod�tior���ndlor per d�er� ���ens�s ar� ��su�d in a t�r�nely �nann�r �� th� �r����r �� ��p�rtr�n�nt rr���rnb�r �nd �r� ��r�si�t�nt �nri�� �he r���ir�rr���t� �f th� ��t�r �nd �r�� ��pli���l� pr��i�i�r�� ��t�� Ill��rr��r���ur� �� IJnd�r�#�ndir�� w�th tF�� Arr��� �r�nd� F��li�� ��fi��r� A�s��i�����. �. �ubr�nit �nd tr���c ���r�pri��� r�ir�r��ur��r�►��t f��r�r�� �� t�� ��lif�rn'ra ����� ��fi��r �t�n�#�rds ��d Tr�inir�� ����T� ��rr�rni�si�n �� ��su�-� t�at r�rr-r�burs�r��nt f�r ��pr��r�d tr�ining i� ���r��t ��� r���i�r�d �n �ti�-nel�r t-r��nr��r. �. N��in#�in indi�ric�ua�l t�ainin� r���r�� f�r all D�p�rkr-r��nt rr��rr�berst �n�l�din� ���-�-�I���c� tr��n��g �nd ��st ����n�ary s�h��l �du�a�ti�nx thr�ugh th� ��� �f ��rr�pu��r-b���� r����txn� ��s��r����p�I i�ti�n�. �. Er���r� ��mplain�e v�rit#� ���tu��ry �nd ��lif�rr�i� P��T ��rrrrr�i��i�� r�quf����r��� ��g�r�i�g rnanda�o�y tra�n��rg and ��rt�fication. ��. Tr��k i�dr�rid��l ����r�ir�� �nd ��u��ti�n r���rd� �� d�t��`rx�in� �ligibility ��r ���if�r�n�� P��T ��r�rr�i��i�n ��rtifi����s, �.g. Ir�t�rr��di����nd Ad�r�n��d. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"���� ����� P a g e 8 7 �ITY��AF���V� �RAIV�E Tr��inin� ���hni�i�n �P2�r�-�irr��� ���r���r��rec�� Pa�e 2 �����ti�i Fur���i�rr�: ���n�inued� 'I'�, ��rti�ip�t� ir� tr�ir�ir�� ���r�is�s�nd �I����� a� dire�t�d. 12. P�r#�rrx� r�l�t�d duti�s a�nd r����n�ibil�ti��a� r�q��r�� ��r�I�� ��li�� �hi�f�t�dl�r ��IN�� ��rr�rna�d�r �� ���t th� �e�c���f��� P�li�� Depart�n�n��n�tl����r�nrr�ur�it�. 13. ��rry ��� d�ti�� �nd resp�r��ibiliti�� �r� ��r7r�pli�n�� �nrit� �p�r�pri�t� f�d�r�l, st���, ��ur���, �it� ���nr� and �rdir�a����� a�r�d �it�r ���-���r��l rul��w�th���bi��, f��r�r�ti�r�, �r pr��udi��. ��, ���p�n�'rbl�f�r��If-��rr��li�r���v�rith r�gul�t��n�r ��I�������d pr���dur�s. ��. ����pt r�s��nsib�lity �,nd ��c�r�i�� �����na�l}� appr��ri�t� �i����ti�n in rx�a�ters n�� �p��i��lly de�n�d �r d���rib�� ir� tl�� P��i�� ��p�rtrn�nt r�g�,l�t��ns, p�li�i��, pr��ec��r�s, �nd j�b ����r��ti�n. '��. ��n�ist��tl�d�r-�r��n�trate��c�r�np��ry��urt�s�r: initi�ti�r�x di�i��n��, tru�h���n��s: �tt�r►ti�n t� d�t�, a��d �b�erv�n���f�r�p�r p�r��r��l �i������r�� �n ����rdan��v�rith P�li�� ��p�r�r�r�r�t�tan��rds. �l��L�F1��4�1��� �Cr���vled e�a�: ,��.�, �. 8����I��r�r���r���n�nt tr�ining pri��ipl�s�r�d ����ti���. �. ��lif�rr�i� P��T��r�nni��i�n �r�in�n� an� ��rtifi�a�i�r� req�ir�rn�n�s. �. Illl�d�rn �ifi�e r���h�d�, �r��ti��� �nd �q�iprr��r�t in�ludin� th� �ff��ti�r� us� �� ��rr�p���r� f�r r���rd �c��ping, rr��int�i�ing �pr����t���t�, a�r�d r�a�intainin� basi� fr�a�n�ial r���r�s �f ����un�� pa��abl�a�n� re�eipt�. �. ���i� v�rb�� �n� v�rrit��� �r���isl� I�n�u2��� �nd �r�rr�r'�r'��r �� b� a�bl� t� r�a��n�bl� ��rr�rnun���t� inf�rrnati�r� v�rit� th� pub��� �nd��r ��rr�p��t� �����r�n� �r�-itt�n ����rr��n���i�n r��uir�d ��r ��b ���i��ti��. 5. Basi� pr��ciples a�d pra�tice�of report�r�p�rat�on. �. B��i�pr���i�l�s �f��F�e�ul����rdi��ti�n �r�d �r���i�a�i�n. �, Appli��b��f�d�ra�l, �t�t� �nd I���I I�w�, rul��, �nd r�g�lat��r��. A�i�� t�: 1. P�rt�rr-x-� a v�ri�ty �f I�w�nf�r��rnen�w�rl� ��I�ted t��r�iningr s���c���ingr �nd r���rd �C���in� �#��� is r����n�bl� lil��l�t� #�� n���h���r���s �n n��ur�. 2. Inter���efFe��i�re�y�r�d �ourteously w�t�r t�e p��li��r�d oth��I�w en�orcement a��en��es. �. �Ill�ir�t�in a�����t� r���rd� �nd prep�r� r�p�rt� tl�r�u�h ��� �s� �f ��pr�pri�t� ��rr�����r-b���� r���rt�n� ��r�t�r�n� i��ludin� but��t lir�it�d t�Tr�inin� 11��r��g�r�n�nt���t�r�n �TIIII��. �. ��rr�r�uni�at��I��rl� a�r�� ��n�i��l�r, ��th �r�ll�a�r�� ir��rvritir��. �. ��ta�bli�� a�r�� r�a�inta�ir� �ff��ti�r�a��� �������ti�r��v�r�cin� r���ti�r��hip��rvitl�tl���� ��nt��t�� ir� tl�� �������f v�r�rk. �. illl�i���in �fife�#i�r� audi�-�ri���l di��rir�nrn�ti�n a�r�� p�r��pt��n n����d f�r r�n��C�r�g �b���v�t��n�, ��rnrr�uni�atin�with �th�r�, r��dir�g, writir�� �r�d ������i�g ���i�n�� �qu��nr���t. �. Il�l�ir�t��n �I��r�i�l ��r�di���n ��pr��r��t� t� t�� per-F�rrr�an�� �f a���gn�� duti�� a�n� r����r��ibil�ti��. E�CPEF�IEIV�E AIVD TF�AI�IIVC CIJ���Ll�IE� �4rry �orrrbirr��ion o�e�perien�� ar�d �ra�r�ir�� �ha� v�rouJd pro�r�c�e �he re�ur'r�r� kr�owl�d�e and abil���es is qc��Iifyr'r��. A ���i��I�nr���� ����ir� ��e�Cr��wle�f���r�c���bil���e�v���Icf�e.� E�cp�r��n�e: Tv�r� {�} ���r� ����n�r�l r�rr�rl� ��cp�ri�n�� rr��r�lvin� �u��t�nt�al �ubl����nta��t�r�v�t-� in ar����r v�ritl� � I�v�r �n��r�err��n����n��. Agenda Item 8.f. ��"��� ���� Page 88 ����������� ����� �r�ir�in� T���n��1�r� ��a�rt-tirn�� ���r��ir��rea�� ���e � Tr��n_i n�: Equi��l�r�t t� ��r�pl�ti�n �f th� tw�lf#h �'12th� �rad�, �.�. � h��h �����I dipl��rn� �r� �ED_ �uppl�rr��nt�� ��Il�g�I�v����ur��vrr�r�C in ��-irr�in�l�u�ti�� �r a��b-r�l�t�d �i�ld i� hi�hl�r d��ir�bl�, ���en���r���ifi����: P�����si�n ��, �r��ility�� ��t��n, �t�d �m�inta�i� a� va�l�d �a�l�f�rnia �ri�r�r's li��n��. 1111�I��IIV� ��NDITI�N� E��►ir�nrr�er�ta� ��r�di�i�n�: ���e en�rir�nr�-��nt� ��c������t���r�nput�r��r��ns, r�����, �r�d du��t. Ph�si��l ��n�#��i�n�; E���n�i�l f�n�ti�n� r�c�uir� r�n�in������g p��r�i��l ��nditi�n n���s��ry ��r�r�r�l�Cin� �r���ndir�� f�r �r�l��g�� pe�-i�d� ��tirn�; rn�d�rat� �r li�ht I��k��� �r�arryirr�r ����lin�� r�p��t�d b�ndin�; a�r�d �p�r�t��g �n���r���d ��h��l��. ��„��� ����� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 89 �������R��r� ���1���I�fG ��������� �������� �����L��� P�4F��-TlNfE �N�I����f�E� P�r�aner���r T�rr� ��ra 31���4F�� �TAF�T '1 Y�AF� �Y��R� �+� P��I�� ����F�TI���1T PA� ��I�lll�� �E1�11��� ��I�111�� ��si�r�at�� I���r�� I ����rv� �ff���r ��.�� ��rr�r�u�ity F�efa�i��r� T��h���ia�� ��.�� ��r�i�r P�li�� F�e��rv� �f�i��r ��.�� Tr�i�ing Te�hn��ia�n ��.�� ���ice ��s�r�r� �ffi�er �5.�� P�li�e F����rv� ��Fi��r Tr�ir��� ��.�� P��i�� C�i�p�����r��l�rl� II ��.�� P�ii�� Di�p�t�h�r����rl� � 'I�.�� P��i�� ���p�t���r��l��r�c Tr�in�� ��.�� F��r�c�r�g ����r�er�n�r�t T��hni�ia�n ��.�� �r�s�i�n� �u�rd g.�� P��i�� �a�d�t �.��I 'I�.�1 �'�.�� F�F�E D��AF�T11���VT A�m�n�st��t��r� �f�i�er 17.�� F���F��ATM��V �#h1� I'llr��„I�T��I�N�� ��F�Vl�E� D���4,,,I�TII�I��T � ANl�P�Ilf �h�ld���� ���r��r����r 1�.'1� ��.�� 1�.1� ��.�� AII,I��P� ����h�r �1.�� �'I.�� 'I�.3� ��.�� A11�I1�M A�sistan�Te�c�rer '!�,�2 ��.�8 �'I.2� 1�1.?7 Al1��P�4 ���i�t�nt I �.�� �.�� �.�� 7�.�� �IVI��N1 As�istan� fr �.�� �.�� �.�� �.�� �N1��'lll! A���st�r�t Ilrt F--f��� ��h��l �,�1 �.�� �.�� 9.�� �r� ��h��l T�a�h�r 1�.1� '��.�� 1�.'�� ��,7� �II��EL��AIV��CJ� ����Assis��nt ��.�� Prin��r 1�.1� F���r�a�ti�r� �uil�tirrg ��p�rvi��� �I�.�� F���r�a��i�n �u�l�in� ���rdir����r �.�� �tudent �ntern �.32 ��r�n�n���r�t��� lr�#�r� 1'�.�� 'f�.�'� 1�.�2 ���t���a� ��.�� ��.�� ��.93 h��ir�t�r��n��11V���C�r ��.�� - 12,�� 'I�.�� Nf��h�ni��s�ssi����n# 1�.9� ��.�'� '��.�6 N������r���� ��rv���� �����fir����r ��.�� ��.�� ��.'�� Adr�'rr�i��r�ti�r� ����et�ry 1�.�� ��.�� �1.6� ��.�� A����t�r�# �r�gNr�e�r ��.�� ��,�� ��.�� ��.�� �����i��� �'I�r�r��r ��.�� ��.�� ��.'�� ��.�� �ffi����s'rst�r�# If 1�.�� 1�.'I� '�7".�� ��.�� �r. �ffi�������t�n� 17'.�� 1�.�2 'f�.3� ��.��` �u�ldi�g �'�rr�ni�����n��i�� 1�.�� 'I�.�� ��.�� �'�.9� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 90 � ������ � �� � ��+�oR�o��rE� �� � � � t� � * .�`� '°. #�" '* IVI E M�RAI���!III� ���� �,�� �o� T�; �1�1� ��IJIV�IL � �I��IIII: �`����A III���L��F�� ��lIIIIIIII.�I�ITIf �3�V�L���IIl�I'�1�" �]�F���T�� �Y: F�YAIV F���E�� �������TE �LA�I�V�F� �������r: ���f��������ru �� � �ru�-�r��� �in�� ������r�� ��� ����ITI�IVAL ll�� P�F�IVIIT ��-�D��; �3'� ��1�`r`H f�A��1��IV F���4� �A��: �E��II���E� �, ���� I����II�II II�I�I'�1�J�ITI��: It i� �r���r�r�n�nd�� �I�� �it�r ���.rr��il �d��t a� I����I�ti�r� ���r�vr�g � �r��-���a�r �irr�e ��ct�r��i�n ��r ��n��t��n�l lJ�� P�rrni� ��r-���. FII���V�IAI� 1�1II��#��: Tk��r� i� t�� fi��al irx�����t� th� �i�� r��ul�in� fr�rn ��� �r���rr���r��e� a��ti�r�. ��4�I�C�F��l.�iV�: �r� ������er ��, ����, t�� �i��r �����i� ����t�d F����luti�r� �V�. ���'I, ���r��ri�� ��r-��iti�r��� LJ�� ���rr�it ��-���. ��� �p�r��r�� �r����t ��nsis�s �� ��rr���is�in� tv�r� ��� �ir��l�-f�r�nil�r �-esi��r���� ��� canstru��i�r� �f � �f��� squ�r�-f��t r�n����-��e �uil�in�f �r�rith �r�u��-fl��r��i� ���c� �n� � ���or�d-fl��r a�a�rtr��nt, �h� �r��e�t�ra�� �ppr���� b��I�� P�a�r�r�ir�� ���nrr�i��i�r�, b�� �p�����d t� tl�� ��� ���n�i� b�r t�� ���lica�� ��� t� a� cor��iti�r� �� ��p�ov�� r��u�irir�g t�� �pp�rr�r�t t� ��r�rl�� tl�� �ntir� �r�ri�t� �� �����r� Vl�a� �I��� �I�� � pr�j�c�t �r�r�#���. Th� ���r��i� r�r���ifi�� �hi� ��ndi���n �� r�qu�ire ��e ���li�r�t �� �v�rl�� �����r� IIV��r �r�rr� lip �f �utt�r t� ��nt�r�ir�e �vh�n i� a���r��re� ��� �r����t. ��r�u�� �h� �it� ���n�i� �nr�� �h� ���r��rir�� b���, �r�� ��t���i��� ���ir�� r�u�� �� �r�r���� b�r �h� �ity ��un���, � ���-���r tirr�� ��ct�r��i�r� v�r�� �r�r�t�d b� ��� �ity ��un�i� �r� D�ce�ber �, ����. ����e r�����t�� t�r�� ���n�i�n i� �r�nt�d, th� �p��i��n� �r�ril� �� eli�ibl� ��r �n� {�� ����ti�r��l . �r��-���rt�r�-�� ��ct�r�s���, A�V�1�Y��� �� ���l�E�: lJrrle�� ��I���r�vi�� s���ifi��, �o��it��r��l u�e �er�nits s�ra�ll la���� �r�� b�cor�� �r�i� tv�v� {�� �r��r� �r�r�n �h� ���ro�r�� da�t�� ur����� �it��r � buil��r�g ��rr�r�i���r ��rti��a��� �������a�n��r i� i����d f�r�i�� �r����t. �'� d���, �h� ���I��ar�� k��� n�t b��� i����d �i�l�er � ��il�ir�� ��rr��� �r��rti�i�a�� �f�����an��r f�r ���n�iti�n�l 1.��� P�rrnit��-���, Agenda Item 8.g. Page 1 .�i��� .�i������ ��������� ���/����� �� ���� P��� � ��� E�ct�nsi�rr� �f #ir�� �n� b� r�r�t�� �r�l i� i� i� f��n� #��t �I��r� I���r� b��� n� �i�r-�i�i�a�r�t ]� � Y � �h�r�g�� in �h� ����r�l �'I�r�, iVlu�r������� ����, �r ����a���r �f�h� �r�� �nritl�ir� �nr�ri�l� th� �r�j��� i� ���a�t�� �F��t �v�ul� ��u�� th� �ppr��r�d �r����� #� be ir�j�r���� �� ��� �u�l�� h���#h, �a�f���r �r v�r�lf�r�, T�� �r�j��� sit� �� r��� r����r �r�� �r���s, �n� �t�ff h�� r��� i��nt�fi�d �r�� �i�r�i���a�nt �h����� t� th� �h�r��t�r �f t�r� �r�� �vi�h �r�r�i�� ��r��i�i��r�l ��e P�rrr�i� ��-��� i� I���t�� th�� v�r��l� ��u��� ��i� ���j��t �� b� ir�j�ri�u� �� ��� �u��li� h�����, ����t� ��-�nr�l��r�. TI�� �r����t r� n�� a��n�i�i��t�d t� irx�p��t th� �i#�'� �v���r �u��p��, �� �w� ��� �in�l�-��r�il� h�rr��s �r� b��r�� r��l���� �nri�l� a� �in��� �mi���-u�� �u�il�in� �i�l� �r��r��-�l��r �f�i�� ����e �r�� � ����r��-�I��r �pa�rt�m�r�t, ar�d ��i�� �r�d ����r�n�n� u��� ��� �u����ntia�l��r ���� �r�t�r�h�rr �Fr���������1� h�r���. �LTEF�I�ATIVE�: T�� ���I��nrir�� �It��-n�t��r�� �r� �r��ri��d #�r th� ��un�i!'� ��r�si�e���i��: - Ad��� �I�� �tt��h�d ����lu�ti�n, ���r��in� � �r��-���r �irx�� ��t�r��i�n ��r �andit�on�l C��e �'errr�it ��-���; - �� r��� ����t��� �t#a��h�� F����lu�i�r�, �h��r��� ��r��ring ��re re�u�s���r � �r��-�r��r tirx�� ��cter��i�r� f�r ���d��i�n�C lJ�� ��rrr��t ��-���� �� - �r��ri�l� �ir�����r� t� �t�i# ����������a �►��r��r�r�� th� r�q���t�� tir�n� ��t���i�n �vil� rr��i�t��r� tl�� �i���l��� �� �r� ���r��r�� �r����� d�rin� ��ri� ���r��rr�i��ll}r ��rb����t �eri��, �I�irx���e��r �Il��r�rrg � ��r�r�n�l� �li�l�t�� �r�p���r t� t�e i r�n�r���c�. �I��#DVA���I�E�: ���ff I�a�� r��� �����ifi�� �r�y ����d��r�t�g�� �����i�t�� �nrith a�p�r�v�l �f ��� r���e�#�d ti r�� ��ct�r��i�r�. EN111��I�IIIIEI�T'AL. I��111E1N: ��r��itio��� U�� P�r�it ���-��� �v�s four�� to be ��cempt �rom ��QA ��er �e��ior� ����� �f th� ��i�elir���}. �t�fF h�� r��� i�er�ti�i�� �rr}r �ir�urr����r���� ���t �nr���� r���ir� �d�i���n�l r�vi�v�r f�r t�� r���e��e� ���ct�rr���r� �f tir�n�. P�1���� �1�TM�I�ATI�IV �IV� ���IIIIVI��VT�: ��� ���r��� vrra�� p����� ir� �r�r�� �f �it�r H�1� �r� T�u�rs���, D���rnb�r �, ����, T�� �ger��a� �r�d re��rt�rv��-� ���t�d �r� t1�e �i��'� �v�b�it� �r� Fri���� �����nn��r�, ����, �!� pu�k�l�� ��r���n�� �r�r� r����v�c�. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 2 F����LI�TI��V IV�. 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PACE � T�I�1� F�F�RARA, IIA�11��F� �►TTE�T: �tEL��V'I�ET��I��� �I�Y ���F�I�C �A,PPF��11�� �4� �� ��NT��IT� � �T�'V��V ADAIII��, �IT1f MANA��R AP P F��11�� 1a1� T� F�R M: �lII����IY �. ��#F�IIA��, �ITI� �T��F�h1�Y Agenda Item 8.g. Page 4 �i��r ���ru��� �������-i��u r��. ���� � � ������� ���„ ��IV��TI�IV� �F APPI��IIAL TIIIIIE ����IV�I�I� ����� {��IV��Tl�IV�#L ��� �EF�II�IT ��-���} ��i� ���r���l �uth��-i��s � �rr� �1� �e�r�irn� ��ct�n�i�n ��r��n�iti�n�� lJ�� �'�rr��� ��a-���, v�r���� v�rill �r��nr ���i�� �� {]���r�nb�r ��, ��1�, ��lI�I IIII l.�h�I1�`1� �EIIEL���II'�E�1T D�PAl�Tlllr�I�T �EIVERAL ��IV�I�I�I�� 1. TI�� ����i��n� ���I� ����rt�ir� �nd ��r��r�l}r �vi�h ��I F���r�l, ���t�, ���r��}r �r�d ��ty �r��urirerr����� �� �r� ��pli���l� t� ��'r� �r�j��t, . �, �`I�� ���li��nt ���I� ��r�� �� d���r�� �# h�����r s��� ��c��r��� �r�}� ���i�rr br����t ���in�t t�� �ity, it� �r���r�t �r ��rrx��r ���r�t�, �f���r�, �r ��nnpl��r��� b������ �f t�� i��u�r��� �� ��i� ��pr��r�l, �r �r� �r�yw�� r�l��ir�� �� �h� ir��ler�n�r���ti�n t��r���# �r ir� �h� �It�rn�t��r�t �� r�lir���i�h ���� �ppr��r�l. T�� ���I���r�t �h�ll r�ir�b�r�� th� �ity, i�� ����t�, ��fi��r�, �r �r�����r���, ��r �n� ��urt ���t� �r�d �t��rrr�y�� ���'� �vl�i�� the �ity, i�� ����t�, ��fi�er� �r �rx��l����s �m�� b� r���ir�� �� a� court t� p��r 4i� � ��/���� �� i���� f.A��l��• ��� �I�� ��A�# 7.A� ��� ��I�./ 4�I�������1!' �LR���1���� �� I�� � 4 ! own e�c��n�� ir� tf�e d�f���� of ar�y su�h act�on but s��h p�r�ic�patior� sha�� r�at r��i��r� ���I���nt ���i��h�r���i��ti�rr� u�der thi� ��r�diti�r�, �, �h� ���I����t ���II ��rr��l� �nri�h �II �ri�ir��l ��r�dit��r�� �� �p�r��r�l f�r ��n�iti�n�l l.J�� F�err�n�� ��-��� �� ����ri�e� i� F������ti�n I��, ����. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.g. Page 6 o� pRROyOc FINCOflVOR�TEO Z U � m # auw m. �en * C9�/FORH�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL v FROM: TERESA MCCLISH DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 8.h. — DECEMBER 8, 2009 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Consideration to Approve Construction Plans and Speci�cations and Environmental Exemption for the West Branch Street Resurfacing Project, PW 2008-08 DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2009 Attached is a revised Notice of Exemption (Attachment 1) for the Agenda item listed above, which provides a more detailed description of the project. � ������ � �� � IN�ORP�RATE� �� � ��������� �..� ��'I � ,��t�r r o, ���t � ���� ��P ��� � T�: �ITY ��iJ���L �l FI��IIII: 1'����A II���LI�H, ��II��IIIL�IV�T�f �EV���PIIII�I�T �IF�����F� B11: �1LL II��P�E�� ��1�1�1� ��IV��1L�A�f� EIV�I�E�� �1J��1��T� ��IV�I�EF�A�I�IV T� AP���1�� ���i�TF�I.���l�� PLA�V� ��VI� ����I����#�I�IV�AI�� �N111R��11111EIV�'�#����I�IIPTI�N F�R TH�V'1���� � �F�AI���# �T���T ���IJ�����lV� P1���1���, P11V ����-�� �AT�: �E��IIII��F� �, ���� F�E��MME�V�3AT��N: ft i� r���rnrr��r���d �h� �it�r ���r��il; . 'l. �p�r��r� tl�� ��r��tr��t��n ���r�� �r�d s���i�i��ti�r�s ��� th� Vlle�t �r�n�h ��r��� f��surfa�ir�� Pr�j��t, Pll1l ����-��; �. ��t��r��� �t��f �� ���r�rti�� ��� ��n��r��ti�� b��� �p�r� r���i�# �f Auth�r���ti�n �� �'r����� �nri�l� ��r���ru�ti�n fr�r� ��Itr�r��; �, fin� th�# ��� Vll�st �r�r��� ��r�e� F��surf��ir�� �r����� �� �a�t���ri��ll�r ��c�nn�t fr�r� �EC�A �ur��a�r�� �� ���ti�r� ����� {�}f �r�� �. dir��t the �i�� �I�r�c t� �il� � IV�ti�� �f ����npti�r�, F���IV�IAL I IVI P�1��`: T�r� �r�r��nd�� ���it�l Irr��r��r�rr��n� Pr��r�rr� b�d��� ir��lud�� �1,��'I,�'I� ��r �I�� 1111e�t �ra���l� ��re�� ���ur-fa��ir�� ���it�l irnpr��r�r�er�� �r�j��t f�r Fl� ����-�� ��n� F1� ����-'��. ��� ���g�t �n��u���� ����,��� �f Arr�e����r� �����re�y �nd �ei�v���rr��n� ��t �f ���� �AI�F�A� �u���. I--I��r�r�v�r, th�r� i� �n� �tl��r ���j��� �� #�e r����n t��� I��� AF��A �ur��� �- �r��r�rr�r�r��� th�t rr��}� ��� b� ��I� t� �n��� th� r����r�� AF�RA ���dline�. If th�� p�����t ��nr-���r������� ����li�n��, t�� �it��f�rr����r�n�� r���r r���iv��r����iti���l ����,��� ir� AF�RA ��r��ir��, It �� �r�ti�ip���� �h�# ��t��r� by �h� �L���� ���r� r�g���ir�� �h� p���n#i�� �d��ti�r�al AF�R� �ur��i�� �nrill ���ur�r� J�r�u��ry ��'��, Tl�e Engir���r'� ���irx������r�h� b�s� ��� ��n��r�����n i���,�1 �}��� ���r��in�ti��r��r�r��� a�r�� �i�r��urf��ir����r�� ��1,���,��� �n�lu��r�� �id �It�rn���� ��r�tir�l�r��r�ri��r���i�r��, ��� ��I���nrir����j���r�n�rr����I�� ��d��t i� ��ir�� r���r�nr�n�nd�d. T�i� ��d��t v�ri�1 ��cornrr����t� � ��� ���� �i�, ��t��l���I��r�f�ra���u�� ��1� ��n�irr��r���. �h� �r�f�rr�� 'i��l� ��r��i�r�e��}� r�r-�a��r �� ��t��r��� ����I� f��r�r���� �id� �� re��iv�d �r���iti�rr�� ��RA fu��ir�� ���ur��. Agenda Item 8.h. �- Page 1 �l��� �����I�� ���V��D�F�A���IV �� �#��F��V� ��I��TF�IJ�T��I� ��AN� �AIV� �PE�IF���TI�IV� A�iD �I�11�I���IIAE�TAL ��C��II�'T��IV F�F� ��I� 111���T ��A��H ��F���� ����������� �������■ �� ����i�� f �������� �� ���� ���� � �urr�r�t Pr� �S�d �����1�L1C����1 � �t���J,��� � �,�'� "�,��� ��r���ru��i�r� ��r�tir���n�ie� �1,��� ��,��� �ar�tra�t �dm��n ��:�9� ��,��� �`���ir�� �,��� �,��� ���i�n �1,��� �1,7�� �tu��i�� '1 ��� �,���, _ 1����� � �1,��'I,�'�� � 'I,���1#�'I� ��4��C�R��J IV�: . 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T� rr��t�� �h� ��r�il��l� ������, th� ����� �nd ����ifi�����n� I���e ���rr d�v������ ��t��t t�e ���� ��d �rvjll in���,�� � �-in�h ��r�rl��v�r�r�re tF�� r����rv��r 1� �� �t� v�r�r�� ��r�diti�n {�a�k P�r�c ��u���var� t� ��r�rirr� N1�r��d�, �ri��� F���d t� t�� ����I� ��unt� F���i�r��l �er���r, �r�� llern�r� ��r��� t� ���t �r�nd A�r�nu�}, a�rr� �'yp� I� r7ni�r���r-F��ir�g ir� ��I �t��r �r��� v�rl��r��[�� r��dv�r���� ir� b�tt�r�����ti�n. 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A�11AIV T�#���: � ��p���i�� �t�f�'� r���rr�r��r���ti�ns, �k�� pr�j����r��ri��s ���f� r�����d r���r���n�n���� Y IIV��t �r��n�� ��r��� a�n� �nri�l ��ct�r�d the ��rv��� �if� �f t�� r��d�r��. �����11�#IV T�C��: � Full r������r��ti�� ��11V��t �r�r��h �tr�e� �nr�ul� �� � r�n���r ��c��r��� ���v�i�h f�,ndirr� i� n�t���i���l�. ��n��rrtr���n��n�he r��st����#�ff���i�re r�h��i�it�t���n ��r����i���rvil���ct�r�d tl�� ��r-�ri�� life �f th� �-�a��r�r��r, �IV111��I�IIII�h1T�L F�E111E1111: �t�ff has det�rm�r�e� t��t the pro�e�t is �ate�o���al�� e�cemp� fram ��C�A pur����t ta ���#��n '!�������, �lJ��l� �1��I�I�A`���IV AN� ���111�1IIEIVT�: �I��A��r���v�r�� ���t�d in fr�nt�f�i��r H�II�t� Tl���s���� ����rr���r�, ����. T�r�A���d� �rr� ���ff r�p�rt vrrer� ���t�d �n ��r� �it�r'��v���it��r� Fri���, ����r�b�r�, ����. IV��u��i� ��rn�ner�t� v�rere r��e��r�d. � �t���h��nt: 'I. IV��i�� �� ���rir��t��r�, Agenda Item 8.h. - Page 3 ��`T�4�H IVI E�V T 'I �V�TI�� �� ��EIIII�TI�IV T�: ❑ ���i�� �f Pl�r�r��r�g �r�� F���ear�h Fr��: �i�� �� Arr��r� �r�r�c�e 1��� �'�r��t� �t���t P.�. ���c ��� �a�rarn�r�to, �A �5�14 Arroya �rand�, �A �34�� or � ���rn�y �I�rk �f �I�� ���rci �f ��p�r�ri��r� ��ur�t� �# ��r� �uis �bi�p� 1 �44 Marrt��ey �treet, �ui�� � �ar� Luis �b�s�o, �A ����8 ���JE�T TITL� ��ID IV�111�BL�: f Vl�e�t �r�n�h �tr��� ���ur����n� Pr�je�t, PIIV ����-�� �F��,JE�T ��NTA�T PE���IV: T�L�PH��l� IV1J1111��F�: T�r�s� Il�l��li�� �o�nmur�it De�reloprner�t �irector {���� �7�-54�� P��.J��T L��A�`���1: V�lest Br�r�ch �t�eet, ��k Pa�i� B�u�l�vard to �as� �r�nd �ver�ue, Arroya Crande, ��I�fo��ia PF��J��� �E��F�IF�TI��I: TI�� pr����� ��r�si��� �� re�u�rf��i�n� �� �#�� ��cis�ir�� pa�renr��n� a�r�� ��e �r���all��i��n �� t�r���r r��n� �e�r�r�� �r�d ���rr�n dr�ir� i�npr�trer��n�� �v�th�rr tl�e e�cistin r�a��r�r�y ri I�� �# �r�ra�r, �T�T� �LE�F�1N�1--I�I.J�E [V�i11�B�F� ��� ��p�i��bl�}: �hi� is �� ���ri�� �h�t t�e �it� �f �rr��r� �r��d� ap�r��ret� �he �b��r��d���rik�e� pr�j��� �� �Ul��r �6, ���� �r�d rna��� �h� ���I��ving d���rr�nir���i�n�; . � IVIII�I��EF�I�L {���ti�r� 1����� ❑ EIIIIEF��E�I�Y {�e����n 1������}���} -� ��m�r�er��� r���ir� �� puk�l���� �r p�i�ra�tely �u�rr�ed ��rvi��t� f��il��i�� r����s��ry �� rr��ir�t��n ��r�ri�� �s��nti�� �� t�� ��bli� I���I�h, �a���t� �r �nr�l��r�. � �AT���F�I�AL ��CEIIII�'TI�1V �EF� �E�A �IJI�ELII��� � ���ti�n ����'I - E�cis�in� I�i��rv►r��rs ar��i s#re���, sid��r�r�i�s, gutt�r�, bi�y�l� a�nd pec�e�trian tr�ils, ��nd ��rnil�r ����I��i�� ���i� in���d�s r��t� gradi�n� ��r ��re p�rp��� �� �t��li� ��f�ty}. �I�IVAT�JFtE: ��TE ���E111E� F�F� �I�I��: TITLE: ��r-�r-�-���ni�y �e�r�l��r�r��nt ��r��t�r DATE: D���rr�k��r ::..:... .��?, ���� � � Agenda Item 8.h. Page 4 O� pRROY�c � INCOflPORATE Z U m # JuLV t0. IBIt * C9�/FORN�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL v FROM: TERESA MCCLISI-�DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM S.h. — DECEMBER 8, 2009 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Consideration to Approve Construction Plans and Speci�cations and Environmenta/ Exemption for the West Branch Street Resurfacing Project, PW 2008-08 DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2009 Attached is a revised Notice of Exemption (Attachment 1) for the Agenda item listed above, which provides a more detailed description of the project. Notice of Exemption To: Office of Planning and Research From: City of Arroyo Grande 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 PO Box 550 Sacramento,CA 95814 Arroyo Grande County Clerk County of San Luis Obispo 1055 Monterey Street, Suite D 120 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 Project Title: West Branch Sh'eet and Camino Mercado Resurfacing and Restriping including undergrounding of storm drains and wa[erline extension. Project Location: West Branch Street from the intersection of Oak Park Boulevard to East Grand Avenue, and Camino Mercado from West Branch Street to approximately 350 feet north. Description of Project: On West Branch Street,the project includes the overlay of approximately 1.45 miles of roadway from edge of curb to cucb. Of the 1.45 miles approximately 3,700 lineaz feet will be a 1" leveling � � course and 2"asphah concrete overlay. The remaining 4200 linear feet wil]be a 1.5"asphal[concre[e overlay. The overlays will include 6' of grinding on both sides of roadway and will taper to existing gutters. The road surface will be restriped and signage replaced[he en[ire shetch of roadway. The project includes the replacement of a portion of the existing above ground storm drain system at the intersection of Vernon Street and Wes[Branch Sheet. The replacemen[sys[em will include undergrounding a 18"Type "S°HDPE storm drain pipe for 190 linear feet and install tluee inlets and manhole. The extension of a 510 linear feet of 8" SDR 26 PVC sewer main to a site already identified in[he City's General Plan for public use. On Camino Mercado,the project includes the overlay of approximately 350 feet of roadway from edge of curb to edge of curb, from West Branch Street to approxunately 350 feet north. Name ot Public Agency Approving Projech City of Arroyo Grande Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Projech Arroyo Grande Community Development Department Exempt Status:(chuk oneJ Ministerial (Sea 21080(b)(1); 15268); Declazed Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); Emergency Project (Sea 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); � X Categorical Exemption. Sec 15301 (c&�Class 1, 15302 (c)Class 2 and 15302(d)Ctass 3 Reasons why project is exempt: The project requires minor al[eration of existing facilities and does not expand existiug uses. Contact Person,Telephone: Teresa McClish,Direc[or of Communitv Development,Citv of Arrovo Grande (8051473-5420 SI ` . DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: t/� TITLE: ,,,..,�.-��e�-�t�^�-�. DATE: � � ������ � �� � ��,GO��o����� �� � � � " "� IIIIEIIA�RAND�lM # .ru��r r o, rt e�, ,� C��� ��� �F O c� T�: �!� ��l�N��L � FF��IVI: TE��a� �VI��LI�F�� ��I�IIIVIIl�VI� ��II�L��1111ENT �IF���T�1� �1J��1E�T: ��h1�I��F�ATI�[� �F �����TAI��E �F �lJ��l� IIIIIPF��V�IIIIENT� �41V D �A��IIII E I�T� F�3 F# TF�A�� ��'�� — P HA�� I I AI�� TF�� C,�LlIT�L�411VI �F A ���F�II� I]RAIN EA�EIVIE�T . ��T�: ����IVI�EI� �, ���3 ��������������a It i� r���r�r�n�n�ed th� ��un�i�; �1� ���p� � F����t�t��r� A���p�ir�� E���rr���t� �r�� �r��r��r�r�n�r��� ��r Tr��t ��'�� --� ����� I I �r�� ��� �d��t � ����lu���n A����tir�g � ���nr�r 11��in �n� ���rr� �r�i� �n� �p�r��r�r�� �h� �u�it�l�ir�n �� � ���rrrr �r��r� ����r��r�� ir� Tr��� ���� —F����e II. - F�N��I��: T��r� i� n� �i���� ��p��t �� ��i� tirn�, �11��n��r����� �f t���� f��iliti�� �vil� �� �ur���� fro�n Publ�c V11o�ks mai�ntena��� �und� ir� f�t�,re �ears. �la�l.l��I�I�: � �n �pril ��, ����, t�� �i�}r ���r��il ���r��r�d ��r� fir��l rr��p ��r Tr��t ��'I�-II ����t�d n�rth �� F�rr�l� A��r�ue, ����� �� ��t� ����ts ��r�r��i��c, ���� �� �i���r� ��r��#f �r�d v�r��� �f ��Id�r� V11�st �lac�. 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Th�r�f�r�, tl�� �it� a��r��� t� �����t t�� r�l����e� ��r�it�r� ��v�r�r tr�n�c r�r��rr� ����rir� ��� �r�j��t �ir�it� �r��e th� r�1���t�� �tili���� �r�r� ��n�tr�,�t�� �r�� ���r��i�r�a��. ��i� ����v�r�� ��v�r�r 1�ter�l� #� ��nr���� dir���l�r t� ��� ��r����ry ���nrer tr�r��c �nn�i� a�rr� ����� �I�� ir���a�#�a����� �f �r� ��dt�i�r��l ��r�li�l ���nr�r �n�in #� ��rv� �In� ��r�n�s �r� tl�� ����err� �d�� �f��� pr�����, T�� r�f���ti�r� �� th��� ut��i�i�� r�qu�ir�� �f�a�� �k�� ��t� �r�� th� ��r�i��#i�r� ���tr��t r���ir� _. the ��ci��ir�� ����r�n�r�t� ur�til �I�� n�v�r u���fi���� �v�r� ����t�u���d ��� ���r�ti�n�i, Agenda Item 8.i. Page 1 ��IV�1��I�TI�IV �� A���PT�IV�� �� PIJB�I� �II��F��11�IIII�I�T� ��1� E�4��IVIE�T� ��F� TRA�T ��'1� — PH��� I� ��V� TH� C�I�IT��.AI�I �F �# �T��II� �F�AI�I �A��M�NT ���EMB�R 8� 2��� PA�� 2 �� ����rn�nt ��r��rrr�t�t ��t�v��n th� �it� �r�� �8�� H�rr��� v�r�� ����ut�� f�r �h� �#�rr� �ra�ir� r�l���#i�r� �r�� �r� E���rx��n� A�r��r��r�# b�t�rrr��r� th� �i��r, �h� ��r�it�ti�� Di�tr��#, �r�� �8�� F�l�r-r��� �nr�� �����t�� f�r th� ��nit�ry ���v�r r�l���#i�n, A� � ���di�i�� �� ��� t�nt�ti�r� tr��t r���# �h� ����i���t �nra�� r��uir�� �� in�ta�l� #�� f�ll��nri�� ir��r��r�r��r�t�: � ■ ��reet ���rir�g, ��r�# �utt�r a�n� �i��v�r��k, * �u��i� �,tifiti��# ■ 11V�#�r �r�� ��v�r�r, ■ L�r�ds����r�� �r�� ir�-i��ti�rr, � ���ff �r�� ir�����t�� ��� �r��r���r�n�nt�, de��rr�nin�� �h�t �I�ey �r� i�n ��ti�f����ry ����l�I��: ��� ���������A� ������� ���� ��J���1� ������ ���� �� ��./1 l�����./��.€�■ � ���ff ���� r����r�n�n�s t��t th� ����r�r��nts f�r ��r��� #r��s, st�rr�r� �r�ir� �r�� ���nr�r I���� �� �����te�. Fir�a�ll�, ����f ����r�nr�n�n�� �i��� �he ��u��il ���r��re tl�� �ui��l�ir�n D��d ��r t�� ���rr� �r�ir� ����r�e�t. �I�� ��nrrr�r �� �����r�� �� �r��ri�� ����riti�� ��r ��� f�i#h��l ���f�rr�n�r��� a�r�� ����r �r�� � r��t�rial� �� ��a�ra�nt�� the ir��r��r�r��n�� �r� ���n�#r���ed ir� a����rd�r��� �ri�� ��r� �p�r��r�� �I�r��. �ne �f th� ���u�ri��e� �vill �� r�du��d t� ��°�� t� �r��ri�� th� r��u�i�r�d �n� �r��r rr��ir�t�r��rr�e ����rit� ��r iVl�ni�i��i ���� �e�t��r� 'I�.��.'I��,�. �his ����ri�}r v�rill �e r����s�d a�t ��� ��n��u��i�n �� th� v�r��-r��r��r p�ri�� �r��r���� th�t �I�� �rr��r����ent� �r� in �r���r��rkin� �r��r. �4�T��I�ATIIIE�: . `�`�e ��l���nr�n� �I��rrr�ti�r�� �r� ����rid�� f�r�h� ��ur��il'� ��rr�������i�r�; • ���ro�r� �taff s r��om��nd�tiorr; � �� n�t �ppr��� ���ffr� r���r�r�r�r�d��i�r�; � �Il�����r �t�ff� r����-r�r�r��r���ti�r� �� ���r��ri�t� ��d �ppr���# �r � Pr��rid� ����r�ir�����n �� �t�ff. �4�11AN TAC E�: T�� �i�� �rill h��� I���I ������ #� ���ra�#� ��� r�-��ir�t�in �I�� pu�li� �nr�t�r a�r�� �ub�i� ���nr�r ir�n�r��rerr���t�. �1�� ��t�r �r�rill be �bl� �� �r���rr� ���� tl�� ir-r-rpr�v�r�n�r��� �r� ir� ���d �nr���c��� �r��r, ���A�11A�V T����: I�� di�a���r�r����e� �a��r� b�en id�n�ifi��, � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 2 �o���a���i�� �� �������ru�� �� ����.�� i����v������ �r�� �A�EII�EIVT� F�F� ��A��T ��'�� — PF�A�E II �#1��3 �`�I� C�IJIT�LA�IVI �� A �T��IVI �F�AI IV �A��ll�E IV�T � �����II�EF� �, ���3 PA�E � �IV 11�F���V IIII E I�T�#L F��111 E1N: 1V� �r��rir�r���r�#a�l r��ri�v�r i� r�quir�� ��r thi� it�r� ��r ����1 ��i���ir��� ����i�� ���1�b}��}. �IJB�f� IV�T`I�I�AT��N AN� ��IVIII��I�T�: � IV� ����i�� ��bli� r���i�i��ti�n �� ���u�fr�d f�r th�� �t�r�. �h� A��r��� �nra�s ���t�� i� fr�r�� �� �it}� I�-I�II �n �`h�r�da��r, ����r�n��r �, ����. T�� A��n�� �n� r���r� �v�r� p����� �rt �h� �i��'� �nr���i�� �r� Fr����r, ����r��er�, ����, �l� �u��i� ��r�nr��r-��� �rrre�� r���iv�d a�� ��tl�� �u�li��in� ��th�� r���r�. Atta�hrn�nts: � 'I. C�uit�l�i�n D��� �, Fin�l Tr��� �111�� ���� — Pf��s� I I Agenda Item 8.i. Page 3 F�E��LIJTI�N IV�. �► F������lTI�IV �� ��I� �ITY� ���l�V�IL �F �H� �ITI� �F 1�1F�1��1�� CRAI�DE �#��EPTIN� ���EIVI�NT� �IV� IIVIPF��11�N�EIVT� F�I� �F�A�T ��'�� - PH��E I I, ��N�TRIl�T�� BY ��� H�II��� � 1I11�I�F�E��� t�� �ity ��u��il �ppr��e� Fi�n�l Tr��t IVI�p ���� — P���� �I �n April ��, ����# arrd IIVF�EF�E�#�� th� �r����� �rv�s ����iti�r��d �� ��r�pl�t� ��rta�ir� �u�li� irr��r��rer��nt� ��r���r���� F����lut��r� I��. ��'I� ���p��� ��r�I�� �i��r ���n��l �rr ���il ��, ����; �n� 1�1�F�ER�A�, t�� �e�elo��r �a� ��r��tr��ted �h� �r�prov�mer�t� ��qu�r�d by ��� �����ti�ns �#���r��r�l f�r T���t ���� - F'h��� II; �nd 1NH�F�E�4�, �t��f F��� �r�������� th� ir��r��r�rr��n�� �r�� �ind� th�� �r� ��r���ru����� in ����rd�r��� v�ri�h ��r� ���r��r�� pl��� ��r�he �r����t, . IV�VI�, TH�F��F�F��, �� IT F�E���.11E� t��� tl�� �tt� ���r��i� �� �h� �it�r �f �rr��r� �r�n�� d��� ��r�� ����p� th� ��Il��nrir�� �f��r� �f ������ti�� �r�d irr��r���r�n�n#� f�r � �r��� ��1� — Ph�s� I�; �, Pu��li�V11�t�r �����n��t ��d �����i�t�d ir�pr���r��r�t�, �. ��bli� ��v�r�r �a��ern�r�t �n� �����ia�t�� ir�n�r��r�r�ner�t�, �. F'��I�� �t�rr� [�r�in E����nn�r�� a�r�� ������a���� i��r���r�����, �. Pu��l�� �tr����r�� E����ent �n� �tr����r���, � �. ��bli� �u�r�, ��at��r, �i���v�l�c �r�� �#r��t� �r� E3�k�rx��r� N�r�h���t,d ���Cer�r��� Northv�r��t �r�d �3i�c�or� �tr��t �, �u�li� �ur�, ����� �nd �i��v�r�l�C �r� ��rr�ll A�r�r��� ��n�����n� �f ��� I�r���� f��t �f ir��r�v�rx�����. �� rr�����n �f ��un�rl N1�rr��er , ����r���� b� ��u��il �II1�rr�b�r , a�r�d �� th� ���I��r�r�g r�l� ���� �r���� �� �nrit: � �YE�: N���: �#��EI�T: #fi�� f�r���in� F����lu��'r�rr �nr�� ��s��� a�nd a����t�� thi� �a��r�f ����, Agenda Item 8.i. Page 4 ���������� ��. ���� � T�IVY FEF���F��� IIAAY�F� A�����: �C�LLY �IV�TIVI���� �I� �LEF�� �F�P��11�� A� �� ��IVTE��T: ��`�11�N A�AIVI�, ��Tl� �VIANACEF� �PP1��11�1� A� T� F���: TIIIII��WY .�. �AF��111��, �IT� ATT�F�I��Y Agenda Item 8.i. Page 5 ���������� ��. �4 ����L��I�IV �F TF�� �lTY ��111��tL �� TF�� �IT'1f �� �� ARF��Y� �I�A�V�� A���P��I�� A �E1NE� MAiN �#�f� �T�F�II� ��AI IV A�� APP��V�I�� TH,E C��!IT�LAI IIA �F �► �T���UI �F��I�V EA��II�EIVT ��1 �F�A�T ��'1� - PH��� f I I�H�F����, �h� �i�� ���,n��l ��n��ti�n�l��r ������r�d �a����m�r�t a��r��r�n�r�t� ��r ���rrn �r�ir� a�r�� �a�r�i��ry ��v�r��- purp���� �rvi�l� t�� ���th ��n L�i� �bi��� ��urr�ty ��r��t�ti�n �i�tr��� a�r�� ��� �I���� f�r Tr��� ��1� — �ha��� I I; �r�d 1N�I�F��A�, ��� pr�j������ ��r�di���n�d �� r�l���t� �n ��cis�ir�� ��v�r�r r�r�in �v�rrr�� b�r ��� ���tl� ��r� �u�i� �bi��� ��unt�r ��ni��ti�n �i�#�i�� �r�� � p��li� �t�rrr� dr��n ��r�rr���l ��r �I�� �it�r; �r�d 1�VH�F�EA�, �h� �ity �gre�d �� ������ �v�rn�r�hip �f #�� r��������1 ���r� �r�ir� �r�d ��r��t�ry �ev�rer r���r� v�r��r� ��I �r�j��� ir�n�r�v�rr��nt� v�r��� ��II}r ��r��tru�t�� a�n�i in�p��te�i �r�� ��un� t� be in � ��od �nd sa�� cor��itior�� �nd 11V�IEF�E�#�, �I�� ���� ��r��d t� q�it����r� �II int�r��� ir-� th� ��c���in� �t�rr� d�'�ir� ����r-��r�t �nr��r� �It��-r�at� improvem�r��s�ver� ful�y c��nstr��t�d �nd a�cep��d; ar�d I�VF��F�EA�, t�� d��r�����r h�� ��n��r����� ��� ir�npr��rer��r��� r���,ir�� b� tl�� ��ndi�i��� �� �ppr��r�l ��r 1"r��t ��1� - Ph��� �It �r�� VIIHEF��A�� ���fF ��� �n����t��! tl�� i�m�r�v�rn�n�� ��d f�r��� tl���.�r� ��n��ru��d �r� ����rd�r��� wi�l� ��►� ���r�v�d pl�r�� ���#�� pr�j��t. � N�I�V, TH�F����F�E, B� 1T F����L11E� k�y th� �it� ��un��l �f tf�� �i�� �f Arr��� �r����, �� fa�l��nrs: �. Th� �i�y ac��pt� tl�� relo�t�d stor�n �rain �as�r��r�t ar�� re�a��d �r�prov��n�n�s a� �h��+�rrr �n ��� �in�l 1V1�� ��r"�`r��t ����— P���� I�. �. T�r� �j�y ����pt� th�� �-�I��t�d sa�r�i��ry ���nrer rr��in ���err��nt a��� r�l���d �r�pt���r�rr��nt� �r�rr� �I�� ���t� ��r� Lui� �bi�p� ��u�r�t� ��ni��ti�rr �i���i�� �� �1��v�n �r� �h� Fir��l �Il��p f�r�ra��t ��1�— Pha��� �I. �. Th� ��t�r ���r���� th� quit���fr� �f �II int�r��t ir� tl�� ��ci�t�r�� �t�rm dr�i� ����r��nt �n� �t��h�riz�� t�e Il����r t� ��c��ut� �I�� C�t�it���ir�r� D��d, �r� r�n����r� �f ��ur��i� M�r�b�r � ����nd�� b� ���r��il �11�r�nb�r , �r�� �� �1�e f�ll��rin� r�l� ��I� v���: t�v�ri�: AYE�: ����: AB�ENT� t�� ��r���ir�� F��s�l�t��n vrr�� ������ �r�� ����te� tk�i� ��y �f ����. � Agenda Item 8.i. Page 6 ���������� ��. ���� � ���� �������� ����� �����1 . �CE L�lf III�ETIIA�I�E� �I�`Y ���F�I�C ��PR�V�D A� T� ��lVT�N�: �T�11�IV A��II�I�, �I�Y IV�AIV A��� �#�PF��VE� �� T� F�F�IIA: �l�IA�THY �1. �AF�II�I�L� �I�Y ATT���l�lf Agenda Item 8.i. � Page 7 �#TT�4�H�II�I�T '1 F�E��I��1�1� I��[�l���TE� BY Af�� VIIF�EIV F����F�D�D �ETIJF�[� T�; �ITY�F A�R�1�� C RAf�D E �ITY�LEF��C �.�. ���C ��� A���Y� �RA�JDE} �A�3�21-��� F���x�rx�pt pe���3�cti�r�s�'I��ar�d����� �������� ���� F�� A 11ALlJA�LE ��I��I��F��TI�f�, th� r����p� �f�nrhi�l� i� I��r��� ��I�r��v�r������, ��Tl��F AF���1�� �F�AIV�Ef � IVl�r�i�i��l ��r��r�ti��n �r�a�ni��� �r���rth� I�v����tl�� �t��e �����i��rni�, d��� �e�eb}�r�r�n���, r�����e �r�� ��it�l�irr�t� ���1��i��llill��� L��.� �r���r�� �II int�r��t �� ��� �r� r��l �r���rt�rl���t�� in tl�� ����r �� Arr��r� �r��n��, ���nt� �f ��r� �ui� ��i���, �t��� �f ���i��rni�, d���ri�ed a� f�ll�v�r�; An����r�n��t f�r�I���urp������h�����t�-���i�r�, rr��i��er��r�c.;e�nd �p�r�ti�r��� � dra�ina�ge �I��r►��I f�r th� u�� ��r t�r� �r�ar�t��, ��id �a��er�r�er��t� b�� �tr�p ��la�r�d tw�r�t��i�re ���� f��t i�n v�r�c�t� lyir�� v�r����rl�r�f: ��r�l���� �r�� �d����r�t���h� �a��t�r��r lir�� ��L�t '1� �f P��r�� ��a��l� ��rden� ir� �h� ��ur�ty����r� Lu�i� ��i�p�, ��a�t� �� ���if�rr�i�t ����r�ing �� 11���� r���rded �����r���r�, 1���, ir� ����C �, P�g� �� �� �V1���} in th� �fFic� ���I�� ����nt�r F����rd�r�����d ���n��. E���u���� �r� , ����, ��Tl����F�F��1���RAfV[��, � �1u�r�i�ip�� a�� �r�r��r� ���r���, ��I���rr�ia �����r�ti�n �Y; T�IVI� ��F��ARA� IIAA1��� A�TE�T: �t�I�LY VI��TIUI�F�E, �ITY �L.�I��{ . P�ge 1 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 8 �TATE �F _ . ��IJNTY�� �n t before rr�e, a �rsonall � �ared urr��p����d��rr���r� th�b�si����a�t��f��t�ry��rid�n�e t� be th� p�rson�s}who�e r��me�s} kslare st�bscri��d to�#�� within in�trur�en# and a��Cn�wl�d��� t� r�ne tha�t h���l�e�#�e��x��u���tl�e��r-�-�� ir� hi���er��heir a��th�r��e� ��p���t��a��}, �n� th�t b�r h���h�rl�f�eir�ignatur�{s}�r� ��� in�trur�er�t�h����-��n���,�r th��r��ity up�n�el���f�f v�rhi�h #1�� p�r�����}��te�, ��c��u�ed tl�e �nstr�r��nt. I ��r#i�y und���EI��LTY�F P�F��1lJF�1��n��r�h�I��nrs�f ����tate�f��li��rnia��a�th�f�r����n�p�r��rapF����rue ar�d ��rre�t. 1N itr���s rx��r I�ar�d �nd ��i�i�l ����. 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Page 2 �.I��� ������� ��IV�I�ERATI�IV T� F��,JE�T AL� ���� ��F� TF�� ��F� ��F�F�AL. lJ���ADE ���.�E�T, PV1� 2���-�9 D��EMB�R 8, ���� PA�� � � ��r�r��t �� ���r��iz�� t� �tt v�rit�ri� tl�� �urr�r�� �r����t �Il��a��i�� �f �1��,���. ����� �r� ��e ��r���r��t��r� �i�� r���i�re�, ���ff ���irr�a���� t�e ��t�l ���t �� ��r��r� �1�� �r����� �d��i�r�, ��r���ru�����r�# ����tr��ti�n ��r�t�n��n��, ���v���r��, ����ir�� �r�� ��r�r���i�����i�r�� �� r����rl�r ����,���. D�I��ir�� th� �r�j��t r�n�}r rn��C� �d�i���r��l fun���n� ��r�iC��l� ��r th� �.� F��i�t ��r��� ��r�i�� ��c��r��i�n �r�j��� �r�d��r��� ���nt�r�r�ia�l �I�za �r����t, �I�A�V�41V�`A�E�: �����rin� th� pr�j��� �nrill ���t��r�� r�nu�h r���d�� r���rfa��ir�g �� �h� pr�j���. I� ��� � pr����t i� ��r��ell�� ir� th� f��ur�# �t v�r�u�d r��ul� �n ��r�g�in� �r� ir�r��rt�r�� �r���n����r�t t� ��� 1lilla���, v�rl�i�l� ���ign h�� a��r�a��r b��r� ��rr��i���� a�rrd �a�id f�r. F���i�dir�� �r�� ��r��l�tir�� #h� �r����� �� ��r� �u�ur� rr���r ���� �r��r��s� t�r� ���t ����� �r����t, �IV111 F���I�!�h1T�L F�E11��11V: �h� �r����t �� ������r����l� ��c�rx�p�f�-�rr� �EG�� p�r����t �� ����i�r� ��������. ������ ���I�I������ ��� ��������i � TI�� ���r�d� �r�� �����d �r� T�rur����r, ����rr���r �, ����. �h� ���r��� �r�d ���ff r���r�� �nr�r� ���t�� �r� �h� �it}r'� �v�b�it� �rr �r���}r, D���r�n��r �� ����. �V� ��bli� ��r�r�ent� �v��� r���iu�� �� ��th� tir�r�� �� �r���r��i�r� ���I��� r���rt. Agenda Item 8.j. 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TC�� �i�� i� �r���r�� �� ���ly t� LAF�� �� �nr���c �h� �r���rt�r ir�t� ��� �t��r v�rhi�� r���ir�� � ��,��� �p�li�����r� f��. �IIV�ILIf��� �F l��l.l��: TI�� ��t�r v�r��l ���nd �n a���i#i�r��l ��,��� ��r th� P��r�nr��d �r�j��t �n �r����i�a��i�n �� . f���rr� �-�i�-n�ur��r�n�r��v�r�r�r� t�� �it}r ��II� �he �r���rty. A�`��R�ATIVE�: T�� ��1f�vrrir�� a�l#��r�a�����s �r� �r��i�e� f�r��� ���n�il'� ���n�i�����i�r�: • A��rove ���fifs re�omrr�enda�ior�s; • Do �ot �pprove �taff s �re�orr�rnerrdatior�; . • �r��ri�� d��-�����r-� t� ���fF, Agenda Item 8.k. Page 1 �.l��� ������� ��I��I��F�AT��hI �F TF�AI��FEF� �� F��1�� F�F� L�►��� �AP�LI��TI�� DE��IIABER 8, �0�� PA�E � AD VAI��A�E�: Th� �i�}r �nri�i �� ��I� t� ��r��l�t� t�� �nrr��c�ti�r� pr����� �� �u�r�nitt�n� ��r� L�►F�� �p��i������ ���� �� ������t�� t� �� h��r� �� ��� L�F�� ���r� ir� �l��nu�ry ��- ���ru��-y. T�i� v�r�ul� �Il��r th� �it� �� s�ll ��� �����rty �r tr��� t�� pr���r�� f�r �t��r �r�p�rt� i� �h� ���� ��r ��rer�tu�! ��I� �r�d r���n�� �� ��� ��t�r. �I�A�1fANT�#C��: T�� �it�r�v��l ����rrd �u�r��� �ritl� r�� ��,�ra��nt�� ��r�� ��F�� �iCl ���r��r� tl�� �r�r���a����r�. �I�VI F��IV N�EIV1'�►L �E111�'1111: Th� �r����� i� ���e��r���ll� ��c�r���fr��n �EG�A p�r�ua�n# �� �e�ti�r� '�����{b}, �1.���1� IV��I�I�AT���V �IV� ��II��IIIE�V�`�: �h� ���r��� �nra�� ���t�d �rr Thur����r, ����r�n��r �, ����. TI�� ��er�d� �n� ���fif �-�p�rt� �r��e ���t�d �rr ��r� �i��rr� �rv���it� �n �ri�a��r, D���rr�ber �, ����. IV� �ub�i� comrr���t� v��r� rece��r�d �� of the ��rr�e of pr���r�tior� o�th�s report. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 2 � ������ � �� � �N��RP'DAAT'E � ,.� - � � � ��������� #� ,��r t o. t e t� � ��L ��� ����t ��i �I� ������� ����■ ������ �� ��������� ����� �� ������ ��■ ���� �■ ������ ������ ��������� ������A ������������ �� �������� �� �� ��������� ������ ��1�4�T�F� �*�� ���'�T��� "��A�F��� 1��A��IVI��T'� T� ��E Ioli���Y� ��I�l�1D� �Al#hi���PAL ��3L3� ��#TE: �������� �, ���� F�E��II���VI�I���1�I��: It i� r�cor�nr�n���� ���� ��ty �����i! ����t a�� ���ina�r�r� a����r�� �I�a�t�r �,�� ��t�t�e� "���f��i�����r�er��� ��th� A�r�yo �r�r��� il��r��c�p�� �od�. ��NAN����. �MI�A�T: ��rren��y, any ���o�r�r�y �#t�� �o�t� ar�d ��cp�r���� �s������e� v�rit� gr��t�, ir�c���i�g �u# ��� �i��� �� ��r�r���ra�l ��c� r���ir �r re�l��r���� ������c�� ������-ty, i� �r��ir��er�� ���r� t#�� ��urt ��s��rx� �����i�t� re���r��#�1� r���it�ti�r� fr�rx� �e���d�r�� ��nrf�� ha�v� �e�� ��r��r��t� �f a�r��"�t�-r��a��� ������r���� i.e. v�r��a��i�rx�. ��c�p�i�� �� ��i� �r�i��r��� ��rr���d, �� � �m���rr�u�rr�, �#fa�d ��� �o���e �epartr�er�t �r�� #�� �ity rr�or� co�tr�� ov�r t�� ��t r����r�ry �r�c.��s� e�r�n #����� ���rt-�rd�re� r���������� v�r���� ���1� �� ���gl��. �A���F��lJ��* �� ��� I���r��n��� ��, ���� r��eti��, #�� ���► �����i� i�trod��d �t�� �������� �rd�r��r��. Tk�� �11�u��i����l �od� �a�� r��� �u�r�r��l� ��r�t�ir� �r�� r�����i��� r��a�� �� �ra��'�ti �r a�n� �����r����r� ����e�� �� �r���r��, r�o��r�l �� r�rx���re gr��i��. T�rere��r�, tl�� �'rty c���� ��� ��rr����� ��ve �r�� ������ �� �I�� �� �re��r�r t�� ��� ������a�t�d v�r�� �r��fi�i, �n�����r�c�, ��t r��� ��rr��t�� �o a��te�n�n�, rer�o�r�� a�n� r��air �r �-�p��o��n��t of �a����e� �r���#y. ����t��� ����� �tt����d �r��r�a��� v�i�� �i�� ���t�r��d. �41�1�1L��1� �� I������ �r�f�iti �r� ������ �r�� ���u�#� �r�pe�y i� ��� �i�y �r���i����� a t�����t� t�� ��bl�� ��a�l�l�, ��f��y a�r�d v�►������ ���u��e �r���� �� �e�r�rx��r��l �� �r���r�y v�iu��, r����f�r��� ���a�#� #fi�� q��l�#y �� ��fe �n ��e �v�nn��i�ty, �� o�ker� �or�r���� to �a�n� a�ti�ity a�� �n�y t��r���r� ���d #� �� ���r���� �r� �r�r��. I� r��� ���rr���l� ��r�c��r�d, �r�#�'�� ir�v�t�� a�dd�t��r��� v�r���l�s�n �t������1������� ������ ���r� ��e �or�r��r���y. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 1 ��� ������� ��IV�I�ERATI�IV �� ���1����3�V �F �I� ��I��I��►�V�E �#��I�C �F���T�#� �.�� �I��'��`�,�� `���FF�TI �4��#�"��I�lVT�' T� T�� �i���1�� �RAIV�E IVI�I�I�I��IL� ��D� �E��AAB�R 8� ���� PA�� � ��rr�r���� tk�� �i�y ��r�n��re� �r�ifi�i a�� �ui��C�� a�� ������l� �r� ���ii� �r���rty. T��el� r�rr���r�l �� ����ti I��� ���n d�rr�����ra�� �� �� #�� rr���� ����ki�r� d��e�rer�t t� r��r� ��� ���r��`��. �'�� diffi�u��ty�I�� �� f��� e�cp�r�i���d i� �nri�� �r�fi�it� �r� pri�r��� pr���r�y. ����'� la �� �l���1��1�]/ �� �`�C�IJIF'� I� �� ��'. ���'1"1�II�C� [�"1 � �1�1'1���/ #1'���1�1��'. ����� �I� �� ���'C'�C� t� cor�r�pf��� tl�� r����ra�l, �I�er� �� n� a���ity t� ���a�n ���� r������y. �`�� �r�p���d �r�ir�a�� i� d����r�ed �� a���r��� �k�e�� n���s. �`�� i���i�1 f��c�� �� �I�� pr����� ���f�t� �ba���rx��n� ��o���r�n v�ril� b� �� er��ur� ���r���i��� re�p�r�sibi�ity ��r �r���i ��� it� r����r�l. T��s� �n�i�ri���l� �rrr�� ��� �de��i�� a�nd �on����d vf oorr��r►�ttir�� a� of v�nda�li��n, �a��� i� � rn��or, th��r �are�t�� �nri�� �� ���� ����r��a��� f�r �I�e r����r�l ar�� �r���r����r� �� g�r��`��, i����d�n� f��n�r��i�� ����ta��lity. i� ���� i��i�rf��al� c�nr��� be i��ntifi��, �I�� se�or�� I��r�l �f �I�e �r��fi�� �►�����m�n� ��o�r�� �vill r��� ���r� co�per��i�r� ���#i�ip�t��n �r�rr� �r���rty ��nrr��r� ir� �h� r�r���r�� ����� �ra���i, T�� �r�a�l ���� �� ��e �r����ed �r�f��r �l��t�r�n��n� �r��-�r� v�i1� t�� r�an�ato� �or�p�i��n� by p�op�r�y ow���s �r�d �o�t r��a�rery �� ��� ��#y f� �or�� �o r�r���re ��� �r�#�`�#�. �►�TEF�IV�ITM11��: �`h���I��v�ri�� al����#��r�� ar� ��-��rid�� f���h� ���n��l'� ��r����era���n� - ����'��r� �ta�r��o��n����tf�r�; - �� n��a�����v� ���r� r��orr����da����n# - �Ill��ify �t�fF r��or�n�n�rr�l��i�n �� a������r����, ���I�di�r� �u�� r��� li�m���� �� �I��n���� ��� �a�n��ag� �r� #h� p�op�� o��in�n�; - Pr����� �ir���i�� �� ���f, A�11�11�l��l���: �����i�� �hi� �������n� �nri�� ��I�v�r ��� ��I�� �e��r�m��� ��� ��� �it� �� ir��l�rx���t � r�n��� ef�e�ti�� I��al r�e����nisr� #� �r��ren� �n� o���r�� �r�#F'�ti �r�� �� ���c �o�t rer..o�r�ry �r�r� ��r�� r����r���f��e ��� g�f�`�t� ar����� �r���r�y ��nrr�er� ��r t�� rerr���ral �� ��a1�'rti �r ��� r�p�ir �r r�p���rr���t ����rna���� �����rty, D��AD111a1N�A���: P����r�y �v�r�n�r� v�rt�� ��� ���r���i ��r �ity r�rr���r�l �f �ra�f�i�� �r� ���ir �����rty rx��� p������t�� �I��r���. ��VVIR�N�A�N�AL F�EVIEVII: I�� �r��r�r��rx��r�t�� ���ri�v� i� req���-�� ��r t#��s i�er�n. �l���I� ��T�FI�ATI�IV� �l�l[J ��Il�llllf�l���: �#�� ����d� �ra� ������ �n �r�r�t �� ���y I-�la�l ��r �h��da�, ��c����r �, ����. T'�� ����n�� �r��i ����r�v�r��� ���t� �rr �I�� �ity's�nr�t��i�� �r� �'�-i���, ���er�nbe��, ����. �� ��,t��i��a�r��r��s v�r�r� r��ei�re�. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 2 ���ir��an��� rvo� �r� ����n��r��� �� �-�� �ir�r ��t�ru��� �F ��E �iT�r �F �IF�F��Y� �F�A�V�� A��IIVC �HAP�El� �.�� ENT��`L�� �`�F�AFF�T� ��ATEIVIENT'� T� THE AI�I��Y� �F��IIV�� �IIl�JI�I�IPAL ���� � VII�I���A�, th� �i�� ���,r��i� �� tl�� ����r �f Arr��r� �r�r�d� r����r�i��� ���� �r�ff�ti �n �r��r�t� �r�� ��r�li� �r���rt�r �r� �h� �i�� thr��t��� ��bli� h��lth, s�f�t� �r�d v�r�lf�r� �� �r���t� n������r��� fr�p��t� pr���rt�r�r�lu�� �n� #�� �u��it��f li�� in �h� ���n�u�nit�r; a��� I�I�HEF�EA�, th� ��t�r ��ur��il ��tl�� �i�� �f�rr��r� �r�r�d� �-����r�i��� t��� �r�f�ti i� �fk�n ��nn��t�� t� ��ng a���ivi�� �nd ��r��� �h� ����ibf�it�r �f �r� ir��r���� in �rir�i�a�l ��ti�ri�}�; ��d 11VH�F�EA�, t�� ��t� ��u��il �f��� ��t� ���rr��r� �r�n�� �e���r�i��� t��� i��r��iti i� r��t �r�r���l�r r�r��v��, �u��l� �r��frt� ��r� ��n�r��� a���i���n�l �r�r���l��rr� ��� pr���rt�r d�m�ge; and V'I�HEF�E��� #�� �i�y ���r��il �� �[�� ��t}� �f Arr�}r� �r�r��� ���i�-�� t��t th��� ir��i�ri��r��� v�r�r� ��rr�r�it ���� �f �r�n���i��n thr�u�h �r�ffi��, �r�� �� � r�n�n�r, ����r ��rent� �� ��I� �����rr�t��l� f�r�he r�r����� �r�d pr�ve�ti�n �f�r�ffi��; �r�� 11VH�F�EA�, t�� ��t}� ���r���l �� tl�� ��t� �f Arr��� �r�r�d� ����CS �� ir�n�l�r���� � �r�ffi#i �b�t�r��nt �r��r�r�r� thr���h �h� ����t��r� �� th� �r������ ��d�r��r��� �� �r��ri�� �d�i�i�r��! �r���r��r��r�� ���I�, �u�l�� �d���t���: �r� ��f���i�r� �n� f���- ���� �����r�ry m����r�i��nn �� ���e���ry, a�� a r��v�rd �y���m �� enco�r��e tl�� d���o�rery af i���rr�a����r� ����in� t� ��� ���r�ti�i���i�n �nd ��r��r�����r� �r ��j��i��t��r� �f �ff�r���r� r����r�sib�e for g��ffitf N�1111, �H�I��F�F�E, �3E IT �I��]AI�IE� ��r th� �i�� ��ur��il �f ��� �it�r �f �rr��� �r�n�i� �s f�ll�v�r�: �E��'I�N '�. �I���t�r �.��, �nti�l�� "�r�f��i �b�t�r�r��r�t," �� h�r�b�r ����� �� Ti�l� � �f th� Arr��� �r�nd� 11�ur�i�ip�E a�� ��t f��th irr E�c�i�i� "��" �tt��h�� h�r�t� �n� �n��r��r���� ��r��� ��r thi� r�f�r�n��, ���T��N �. If �r�y ����i�r�, s������i�n, ���d��r��i�r�, p�r��ra��l�, ���nt����, �r �I���� �f �hi� �r�in�r��� �r �n� ��rt tl��r��f i� f�r �n� r��s�n h�ld t� b� �n���rf�,l, �u��k� ���i�i�� ���II r��� �ff�ct ��e ��I���ty �f t�� r�rna�inir�� ��rti�r� �f th�� �rdin�r��� �r a�r��r �a�rt t�r�r��f. TI�� ����r ���r��El f��r�b�r d��l�r�� ���� i# ��uld C�a��r� p��s�d ���h ���ti�r�, �u����#io�, su��d�vi��o�, p�r�graph, sent�nce, or ���u�� th�r�a�, irres�ecti�e o� th� f��� #h�t �r��r �r�� �� r�r��r� s��ti�r�, su��e��i�n, ��b�i�ri����, ��r��r�p�, ��r���n��, �r �I�u�� b� ���I�r�� ur���r��t�t�#i�r���, Agenda Item 8.1. Page 3 ��������i� ��. ���� � ����I�� �. � ��r�rx��ry �f �h�� �r��r��r��� ���l� �e ���I�sl��� in � r���r���p�r �u�li���� �n� �ir��l�t�� in �F�� �it�r �f Arr��� �r�r��� �# ie��# �iv� ��� d��r� ��i�r t� th� �i��r ��un�i� r���t�n� �� �rv�i�� ��� �r������ �r��r�a�r��� i� t� b� a�����e�, A ��r�ifi�� ��p}� �� tl�� f�ll t��ct �f tl�e �r�p���� �r��r��r��� �f��ll �� p����� �r� �I�� ��f'r�� �# �I�� �it}r �I�rk. 1llJi�hir� fi�#��� ���� d��� �f#�r ���p#��n �f �h� �r�ir��n��, tl�� �ur-r�rr��ry vrr�t� ��� n�r�r��� �� ����� �i�� ���n��� 11��r�n��r� ��ti�� f�r �n� ����n�t th� �rdEn�r��e �k��ll b� pu�lf�h�� �g�in, �r�d ��� ��t�r �I�r�C ���II ���� � ��rti���� ���}r �f t�� �uil ��� �� �u�� ��o�t�d ��rd�nar���. �E��I��V �. ��ri� �rdin���� ���II t��c� ����t th��-�y {��� d��� ��t�r it� ���pt��n. �r� �n��i�r� �� ��ur��il hll��n��r , �����d�d ��r ���r��il M�rr�b�r , �r�d �� t�� ��I���vi�� r�ll call v��� t�v�rit: AYE�: IV���: A��EI`�1T: �I�� ��r���rn� �rdfn���� �nr�� ���pt�d t�������r�� , ��'��. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 4 ��������I� ��. ���� � ���� �������� ����� ������� �C�LLY V11��11II�F�E, �ITI� �L�F��C ���F��11�� �� �'� ��NTEI�T: �T�1���1 A����, �rTY' I�I�IVA�E� �►��F��11�D A� �`� ���II�I: TiIVI�THY J� �AF�IVI�L., �IT1� �TT�F�I�EY Agenda Item 8.1. Page 5 ��������i� ��. ���� � ���I�I� iL�!! �I������ �.�� C RAF F I�� �I�A�E IVI E�l T ���ti���� �.��.�'I� �u�r���� �r�d I��en� �.�8.��� ���initi�n� �.��.��� I��i��n�� ���I����! �.�8,��� �r�a�f'i�i Pr�h�b��e�! 3r�8.��� �ra�ff��i E�ac�i�����n F�r���ra�rn �.�8.��� Ic���nt�fi���i�r� �f��r#� F�e�p�r��1l�I� f�r �ra�f��i �.��,��� �����r�r� ���ra�i�i Er�d����i�n ��s�� ar�c# ��c�er���� �.��.��� lr��r�i�� f�r �r���� �r���li��ti�� ��sts ��c� E�c��n��� �.��.��� C r��-f��i F�e�n��r�l �.��.'��� �����rt� �v�rr��r's ��li�����n �� F���n�ve � �.��.��!� ���r�ci�r��l� ��r �ra��fi�i F�err���r�� �.��.'��� �r�ffi�i �1�a��e��r�t �r�� ���� ����v��y �r�����c�ir��s �.��.'��� A����srr�er�� �r��! ���nner�� �f����� �.��.'��� ���t �f�k����r�en� a� �e������ ��I��a�i�n �.��.'��� A��er�n��ive Il�e�r�s ���n��r�er�en� �.�8.'��� ����e�si�n �f�ra�fi#i [r�n�l���nts �.��.'��� ��v�r�rc� f�r I r�f��rr���i�n 3.��.�'�� P�r��s� �r�d �nter��. T�e ��r���� �� ��i� �I��pt�r i� t� pr��i�� � �r��r�r� t� �r��r�nt �r�� ��r��r�l tl�� �urt��� ��r��� �� �r��fi�i �nrith'rr� t�� ��t�r, �� ���a���i�h � �r����� f�r �h� r�rr����l �� �r��f�ti fr�r�n r�a�l �r�� ��r��r�a�l �r����#}r, �nd t� ��s�ss a�r�d r����r�r ���t� r���t�� �� ���h r�r�n���I. �.��.��� ��f�r�it��n�. F�r ��� ��r�p���� �f t��� �h�pt�r, ur�l��� th� ��r�#��ct �I�ar�y in�i��t�� �th�r�vis�, ��� ���l��nrir�� �v��-�� ��� �I�r���s �r� ��fir��� �� ��I���r�: "�ra��fi�i" ir������� �n� u�����h�r���d ir���ri�ti�r�, �r�r�ritir��, l�tt�rir��, �r���, �i�ur�# r��rkin�, dr��nrir�� �r���i�n th�� i� rr��r���, v�rritt�r�, �t�h�d, ��r�t�h�d, dr��nrn, �r p�ir�t�� �r �tl��r-�vr�� pl���� �r� �rr� ��r# �f � buil�i��, ��r��t���, f��il�t}r �r �urf���, r���r�l��� �� th� r��tur� ���I�� r�n�t�r��� ���h�� ��rt. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 6 ���iru�r��� r��. ���� � �'lJ��utl��ri��d�' rr���r�� �����r �rrit���t �h� pri�r ��rr���t �f �I�� pr���rt� ��nr��� �r ir� �ri���ti�r-� �f�r��r I��nr �r r��u���i�r�. ���r�ff�t� ���t�r��r�t ���t� ��� ��c��n���" r�e�r�� ��� in������, b�t ��� n�# I�r�i��� t�, �h� ��Il�v��r�� ���t� ��n� ��cp�r���� in��rr�� ��t�r� �it�; 'I, �I�� ���t� �r�� ����ns�s �f ���ir�� �r��#i�i r�r���r�� fr�r� ������� �����rt�r; �. �'�� ���t� �r�d ��cp�n��� �f I���ri�� d�����d �r�p�rt�r re��i�-�d �r r��l���� �r��n ��� �it� �����rr�in�� �h�t ��� r�r����� �f�h� �r�ffiti v�r���� r��t �� ���t effecti�re; �. T�� ����� �� �drr�i�i���rFr�� �r�� �n�ni��rir�� t�� p�rti�i�����r� �� � ��f�r���r�t �r�d hi���e�- ��r�r��� �r���r���n� in � �r�ffiti Ab���r��r�� F�r��r�r�; �. T�� r���t�� a�dr-r�ir�i�tra����r�, ��r�rl����, a��d ir��i��r�ta�l ����� ���u�rr�� fn ����rr�in� �r ����ir�� �I�� ��rf�rr-r��n�� �f ��� �r���r���n��t, ����er���t �r �������i�n �r���d�r�� d���rib�d in t�r�s �ha��#�r; ar�� �. F�e��t�d ���rt ��s�� �nd attorr��y�' f��s in a��ardance wi�h �ov�rr�m��t ���e ���t��r� �����,�, "���ffiti �r�d���ti�n ����� �n� ����n���" ir��l��� �ut �r� n�t I�r��t�� t� �h� f�ll��nrir�� ����� �r�� ��cp�n��s ir����r�d �y �C�� ��t�: �1, ��I ���t� �r�u�r��r�t�� ����r� ir� �f�� ��fir�i�i�rr �� "�r��fi�i ���t�r�n�r�� ����� ar�d e�cper�ses"; �r�d �, ��� I��r �r���r����r�t ����� �r�� ��c������ i�n��rr�� in ���r�#ify�r�g �r�� ���r�l��r�dir�� � ���p�����le ��r��. "�r��f��i irr��f�r�n�r�t�" ir��l���, �u�t �r� r��t lir�'rt�� ��, ��� f�ll�urrin� it��� ��������� �r�t� th� ir�ter�t to def��e �r�y �ro��rt�r: �1. ii��r���l ��int ��r�t�ir��r}} r�n��n� �r��r ��r���l ���rt�in�r, re�a�r�l��� �� th� r-����ri��� �r�r� �vhi�h it i� ��d�, �nrhi�h �� a��pted �r r���� f�r t�� p�rp��� �f ���-��in� ���r�� �r �th�r ��b�t�n�� ��p���� �� ���a��ir�� pr���rt�r, ����r���l ���r�t ��r���ir��r" d��� r��� in�lu��� � ���t�ir��r �� ���� #h�r� ���c �ur���� �����i��r �r�vi��� t� � r�i��r f�r t�� r�r�ir���'� ��� �r �������i�n �n��r th� ��p��visi�n �f ��� r�ir��r'� �ar�r��, ���rdi�r�, ���t�����r �r �rr��l���r. �. "���� �i� r��r�c�rrr r�r���n� ��� �r��d �i� rr��rl��� ��n v�r�t� � ��p ��c���dir�g t�r���-��i�htl�� �f ��� �r��� i� �idtl�, �r �r�� ��rx����r ir�n�l�r�r��r�t ���n��ir�ir�� �n ink tf��� i� n�t �v�t�r ��lu�l�. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 7 ��������i� ��■ ���� � �. "�a�ir�t �tE��c �r �r��fi�i �����" rr���r�� ��� ���ri�� ��r�t�inin� a� ��I�� f�rrr� �� ��'rn�, �k���k# �r�r��c, ����c�, �r �tl��r ��r�il�� ����t�n�� ��p��l� �f ��ir�� a����i�� �� � �r�r-f��� �� pr���ur�, ��� c���n ���li��#i�n� I��vir�� � rx��r�c �t ����� �r��-�i�ct��nth �� �r�� 'rr��h i� �r�ri�th# �v�i��r ��r�r��t �� r��n���� �nri�� �v�t�r �ft�r i� d r���. "�r�ffi�i fr����r��nt�" �� r��� ir��l��� �h� �b�v� iter�n� if th��r �r� furni�f��� f�r ��� irr ������-�r�l���d �����ri�i�� �h�t ��� p�rt �f �r� ��pr�v�� rr��tru��'r�r��� �r�gr�r�, �vh�� �u��� it�r�� �r� u��d �nd�r ��ntr�l��d �r�� �u��rvi��� s�t��ti��r� v�r�t�i� ��� �I���r��r-n �r �n t�� ���� �f� �up�rvi��� �r�j���. "�'��i�� �hi��" ���r�� #�� �1�i�� �� P�I��� �f t�� �it� �� Arr��r� �ra�r��� �r hi�� h�r ���ign��. "F���I �r ��rs�n�� �r�p�rt�r„ i��lc��es, b�t �� n�t �ir�it�� ��; ����di�n�� ��r �th�r �tru��ur��, �u�h �� �r�l��: f�����; ���n�; r���i�i�� �v�ll�; �riv��r�y�; u��l�C�nr�y�; �����r�ll��; �ur��� ��r��t I�r�������; �}r�r�r�t�; tr���; �l��tr��, ligh�, p��r��-# ��I�pl���� �r ��l������ �����; ���n�cir�� ��u�r��a�ir��� di��l��r �#�r�d�; util���r b��c��; ��n� ��r���� r����t��l��. "�► ��r��r� in ��n�r�l �f r��� pr���rt�r" ���n�: �1. � r�r�t�r �r I����� �� r�a�l �r���r�� �nrh�r� � ���-rn �f t�� r�nt�l ��r���nn�rr� �� I���� �r��r���� tl��t �h� r�r���� �r I����� i� r����r��i�l� f�r �1�� ��k��p �rr� ��in#�nar��� �f th� r��l �r�p�rt� ir��lu��r�� ��in�rng ��tl�� �r�p�rty. �. A r�na�r�a���r�vl�� �� ���i�na���d by t�� ���r��n 'rr� ��r�tr�l ��t�� r��l �r�p�rt�r, "�����n�ibl� ��r-t�" r���n�: '�. �ny ��r���, �r��lu��irr� a� r��rr��, v►rF�� h�� ���n ����rr��n�� �� h�v� pl���� �r�ffiti �r� r�a�� �r p�r����l p�r�p�rt�r ���r���h�r p�r��r�. �. �► r�in�r v��� #���: �o������� ��, ��r�i�t�� ��, �r �I�� ���it� �r r�� ���nt��� t�# � �r��l�ti�r� �� �'�na�l ��d� �e��i�r-� ���, ���.�, ���.�, ���.�# �r ���.�; �r �nr�r� ��� ���n ��n�ri���� �� fi�a�l ����r�n��t �� � �i�l�#i�r-r �� P�r��l ���� ���ti�n ���, ���.�, ���,�, ���.�� �r ���.�; �r v�rh� �a�� beer� de�l�r�� � �nr�r� �f t�� �u�r��ile ���rt ��,r�ua��t t� I�V�If�r� �r�� Ir���i��ti�r�� ��d� ���ti�n ��� �y r��a���r� �f ��� ��rr�r�nis�i�r� �� �n ��t p��hibi��� b� P�r��l ���� ���ti�n ���, ���.�, ���.�, ���.�, �r ���.�, �. TI�� �a�r��t� �r gua�r����n� h�vir�� �u��t�d� �r�� ��ntr�l �� a� r�in�r �vh� �� � r��p�r�si�l� ��rt}r �i�� �r� r��p�n�ibl� pa�rti�� f�r #�� ��r���� �� th�� �h�pt�r. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 8 ��������� ��■ �� .�.�� f �.��.��� IVu�san�� ���I�r��. �h� ���}r ���r��il �����re� t��� �r�fFi�� i� � ���li� �r�d �ri�r�t� �u������, �n� ��y b� ��a���� ��r��r�n�t� t�i� �I���t�r, �r �� �th�rwi�� �r��i��� �}� I��r. �.��r,��� �`7�"'��I�� ��'��'11�����+ �, I� �� un���vf�l ��r �r�}r ��r��� r���r�l��� �� ��� t� �I��� ��-�ffiti �� ��fir��� ir� ����i�n �,��.��� up�r� �n� r��l �r ��r��r��� �r���r�� vrr��r� �h� gr�ff�ti �� v��i�1� �r�r� �r�� ���li� ri�ht ���ra�y �r fr�r� ���r ����r ���li� �� �ri�r�#� �r�p��t�, �. I� �� ur�[a��fu� f�r �r�� ��rs�r� �nrl�� ��v�� �r is �r� ��r�tr�l �� �r��r �-��I �r ��r��r-��I �r�p�r-�� �nri��ir� ��� �i�y �� �cn��nr�n�l� �Il�v�r ����Fi�� �� r��-r��ir� �p��n, r�a�l �r ��r��r��l �r���rt�r, ��r � ��ri�� �f �irn� ��n���- ���� ��v�r�t�-tv�r� ���} h�ur� �f#�r I���rin� ���r� �i�er� r��ti�� �� pr��rid�� ��r in ���ti�n �.��.'I��f �r�rl��r� �I�� ��r��it� 'r� �ri�i�l� �r�r-r-� ��� �ubl'r� ri�h� �f��y �r�r�� �r�� �#h�r ����i� ��- p�-i�r��� �r���r#�. �. Ai�'rr�� �r ���t�i�� �r�ffit� �r�hf��t��. It �I��II �� ��I�v�r�ul f�r �n� p�r��r�# r�g�rdl��� �f ���, �� �i�, ���t �r �r����r�g� �r��t��r t� ���r�t, �t�h �r �� �n� ��h�r r�r��r�r��r a���l� �r��ti up�n publi� �r �ri�r���f re�� �r ��r��n�� �r���rt}� �f �r�� �cind ���I�irr ��� �i�� �f Arr�y� �r�r���. �.��.��� �r��f�i �r�c����t��r� Pr��ra��m. �h� P�li�� �hi�� i� ��#h�ri��� �� e���bl��� � ��r�np�-�h���i�r� �r�ff�ti Er��i��#i�n ����r�� �rvi#hi� th� ��t�r th�t rr�a��r, bu� i� n�� ����ir�� t�� ir������ ��� ��Il��nrir��: p�-�-��ti�r� �r���r��rr��nt �� i��r���#y, ����'�h�r�� �n� �r����ut� p�r��r�� �r�r�� ���r� �I���� �r�f�iti �r� �h� r��l �r ��rs�n�l pr�p�rt� �f ���t��r; �s��bli�hr��nt �� pr����ur�� �� pur��� r���i��tf�� �f gra��t� �r��i���i�r� ���t� �r�r� r��p�n���l� p�rti�s; �st�bli�l�r���n� �� � pr��r���iv� ��u��ti�r� pr��ra�n �i��ir� I���I ��h��l� �� �r���nt �r��fiti3 ��t�b�i�l�rrrer�t �f �n ����n��r ������'r�r� �r�gr�r� v�ri�l� th� int�r�t �� ���r��tFn� t��se ��pre��r��e� f�r g��ffi�� r�lat�� �ff�r���s; ������ishr��r�� �� � "�r�f��ti h�tl�r��" �� �� ���� b�r th� ��r�r�n�r�it� t� r�p�rt r��l �r ��r��rr�l �r���r-�� �rhi�h ha�� ���r� d�����d �nrith �r�ffiti: ���r�i���i��n �f �� "���pt �n �r�a� �r n�i�h������d" f�r r�p�rti�g a��� �I��n u� �f �r�ff�ti; �r�� �I�� ���r�ir��t��n �r�� r-r���ir�t�n�r��� �� � gr�ffiti �rip�-��t p�-��ra�rr� tl��t �t��i��s a��r��l��l� r����r��� ��� �r��i�t� �it����n �r���nt��r� �r�� t���� �rvh� �r� r�s��n�i�l� ��r ��r�n�u��i�� ��r-vi�� �� �� ir����r���r� �� ��r�t�n�� �r ���d�ti�n �� �r������r� �nri�� t�� ���I �� �I��r�in� �r�ffiti �r�r�n r��� �r p�r����l �r����t� �nr�th�n th� �it�r �r�th�r� ����r�t�-�r� {7�} ��ur� �� i�� �pp��r�r���, �.��.��� Ider��ifi�a��i�r� �� P�rr� F�e������ble ��r �ra�ff��i. �� ���i�t th� ��1��� ��ri�f ir� i��r�tifyi�� t�� r����n�ib�� �a�r-t�r ir� �n�i��n#� �� �r���ti, ��� P����� �h��� i� �ut��r���d �� r��u��� �r�� re��ive �r�� �r�p��t ��- rr��t�r�a�l� Agenda Item 8.1. Page 9 ���ir��r��� r��. ���� � ��n#�i�nin� �Y�� r��r��� a�nd ���r����� �f �-��p�n�i�l� p��ti�� t� �h� ��rll��t ��ct�r�� ��f��r�r�� ��r I�v�r. �, Tl�i� ��t��rit� ir��lu���: �v�t���� lir�ni�����n, th� ��t��r�t� t� r���i�r� � r���rt �r�r�-� th� ��ur�#� �r���t'r�n �ffi��r ��n��ir���� th� r��r�n�� ��n� ���r����� �f ��r�nt �r ���r�i�t�� ���rir�� �u��t�d� �r�� ��ntr�� �� rx�'rr��r� v�h� a�r� r����r��i�1� ���#��� pur��,�r�# t� ��li��rni� ���r�r�r��nt ���� ����i�n ��������. �. TI�� P��i�� �F�i�f r�n�}r a�p�ly t� tl�� �u��r��il� ����# f�r ��� r�l���� �� t�� r��r��� �r�� ���r����s �� r����n�i�l� ��r�����r�� �r� nnin�r�. �.�8.��� F����v�ry ���r�ffit� Er�adi��ti�r� ���t� a�nd ��c��r��es, A, Ar��r r��p���ibl� p��t�r �� ��fi��� ir� thi� ������� �h�ll b� �i�bl� t� tl�� �i�� ���r �!� �r�f�i�i �r�di��t��r� ���t� �r�� ���er����. �. �►�� r����n���l� ��rti�� f�r �r��ffti �n � p�rti�u�l�r �r���r�� �h��l b� ��ir�t�� a�r�� ��v�r�ll� li��l� f�r#1�� �r�f�iti �r�d������n ����� �r�� ��������. �.��*�8� Ir�v���e ��r �r��fiti �r��li�����r� ��st� an� E���r��e�. 1"1�� P�li�� �hi��, �r hi��l���r ���ig���, ����I ��u��� t� �� ���� �� ir���i�� f�r �r�ffi�i �r������i�r� ���ts ��� ��c��ns�s t� � r����r��i�l� p�rt�. !n ���it��r� �� inf�rrr��t��r� �n th� �t�n��r� ir-��r�i�� ��r �i��r ��r�i�� ����, �h� ir���i�� f�r �r�ifti �r�di��ti�r� ���t� �n� ��cp�r���� ���II ��nt�ir�; A. T�r� ���re�� �r I���ti�r� �f th� d�f���� r��i �r ��r��r��! pr�p��ty ��� t�� I����i�n �r�d � ����rip�i�n �f th� ���a���� ��r��r�a�l �r���r��r, �u�ffi�i�r�t t� ���nti� t�r� d�f�c�d property; �. � ��rr�nr��ry �f �h� �r�ffiti �r��i���i�n ��t��n� ��rf�rr���; �. � li�tir�� �f �I�� �ra��fi�i �ra�di��ti�n ���t� ��� ��c��r���� ir��c�rr�d; [�. T�� i���rtity ��tl�� r�s�����bl� ���y ��� tl�� ���i� �f t�a�� d�t�rr�nir�a��i�n; E. �► ����ri�ti�rr �f th� �a��rrx���nt �r�����, �����dir�� �I�� �irn� �nri�l�ir� �nrl�i�� a�r�d �I�� �I��� �� �rh��h tl�� �r�ffiti �r�di��ti�rr ���t� �nd ��cp��rs�� �f��l� �� ��i�; �, A ���t��n�r�� ���ri�in� t��� ��� �r�ff��i �r�a�di���i�n ���t� �nd ��cp�n��� �h��l �� � �er��n�� ��li��#i�� ��th� p�rty; �. � �t�t�r��r�t ���i�in� �h�� th� �i�� r��y ��r��� � spe���E ���I��ti�r� �r����� ���-�he �r��ti �r��di��t��r� ����� �n� e�cp�r���� ���i��t re�l �r�p�r��r �v�rr��� b� �h� r�s��n�i��� ��rty; �n� Agenda Item 8.1. Page 10 ��[�IIVAIV�E I��f PA�� � I�. A ����ri�t��n �� t�� �r����� ��r �rh��� � re���n�i�l� ��rt� ��y �r�t��t t�� d�#�rr�ir��ti�� �h�� �� �r ��� i� � r����rr�i�l� p�r��r �r �h� �r�n�urrt �� �h� gr�ffi�i �r�����ti�r� ���t� �n� ��c�er����. 3.��.��� �r�a��� F�er���r�l. �r��i�i t��t �� �i�ibl� �r�r�n ��� �t���i� rig�#-�f-�r�� �r ��bl�� �r �r����� �r���rt� �h�ll �� r�r���re� ir� ����rd�r��� v�r�th th� ���I�v�rir�� �r��i�i��n�: �, F��rx���ral b}� Pr�p�rt�r ��rr��r, T�� pr���rt�r ��nrr���- �r ���er ��r��r� in ��r�tr�C �� �u�F� �r���rty ���II �� �n���r���� �� ����rr� t�� r�r��v�l vrr�tCn hi����r ov�rr� r�sou�ces� B. ��r����� ��r th� �i�� �r�th ��n��r�� �� Pr���rt�r �v�rr��r, �`h� �it�r �r �t� ���n�� r�n�� r�rr���� �r�f#iti �p�r� ���i����ti�n �f��� ���l��r�r�� ��r��it��r��: �. TI�� ��n��r�# �f th� �v�rn�r�f�I�� �r�p�rt� is ��ta�ine�; �. 1`h� �r����t� ��nr�r�� I�a�� r���e��e� �h� �i�� �� r�rx���re �I�� �r�ffi�� �n� ��� �h�v�r� tk��t th�y �r� ��a�bl� t�, du�e t� �in�r��i�� �r ��y�i�a�l r��sons; �. �h� �r���rty �vrrn�r ��c���t�� � r������ �nd ri��t �� �r��ry f�r� � ��rrr�i�ir�� ���1� gr�#fiti r�r�n��r��; �, Th� �it}r �k���� n�t pa�int �� r��a�ir a� r��r� ��c#�nsi�r� a�r�� �h�r� �� ne�����ry �� r���v� �h� ��-��f�ti, �n���� t�� ��li�� �hi�� d���rr�ir��� ���� � r���-� e�ct�r��i�r� ��r�� n��d� �-���intin� �r r����rir�� ir� �r��r �� ����� �r� a���th�t�� �isfig�r�r��r�� t� ��r� r��i�l���rh��d �r ���r���it�, �r �nl��� ��� ��-���rt� �v�rn�r �gr�e� �� ��� f�r #�� ���t �f r���'rntin� �r r���frir�� tl�� r��r� ��cter��i�� �r���; �r�� �. Tk�� ��nrr��r pr�v���� ��ir�� �f � ����i�� ��I�� �� ����h if tl��y �� d�si�� or �re able t�. �. F���n��a�l �y �it�r �nrith��� ��r���r�� �� Pr�p�rt� ��vr��r. �� ��� ����r� �������n �a�il� �� r���l� ir� �h� �u������f�l r�r��v�l �f �ra�ffit�, t�r� ��li�� ��i�f r�r��� ��-d�r a�b���rx��r�t �� �ra�ff��i fr�rrr re�l �r p�r��n�� �r��ert� �rv��r� t1�� �v�rr��r ���� r��t r�rn��r� �h� �r��ff�ti �r�rit� I��� �r her ��rrrr� r���u�r���, �r ��ti��� tl�� ��r��i�t��n� �f �c�����t��r� B ��this ���ti�r�. �.��.�I�� �r���rt� �v�rner's �bliga�i�r� �� F��r��v�. All p�r��r�� v�rh� ��vn r��l �r ��r��n�l ������t� �p�r� vr�hi�k� �r�ffit� h�� b��r� ����e� ��a�11 ����e the r�r��v�� �f ���I� �ra�ffiti� ir� �I�� rrr�r���r ��# ��rtk� ir� ���ti�r� Agenda Item 8.1. Page 11 ���I����� ��■ ��4�E �� �.�8.�1�, �nrit��n �e�r�r��� t�v� ���} h��rr� �ft�� it i� �����d �r� t�� �r���rt�r, �� tt�� ��nrr��r f�il� �� �� ��, t�� ��I'r�� �I���f r-r��� ����� �n� rerr���r� g�affiti �r� �ur��i� �r pr�v��� �r���rt� �r� ����r���n�� �r�ri�h t�� pr����ur� ��� ��r#h �r� ���t��r-� �.��.��� �n� ������n �*��■���■ �.��.'I'I� ����a��rc�s ��r �ra��fi�i F��rr���r��. ����ti ���I1 �� r�r���r�� �r ��r��let���r ��u�r�� ir� � r��r�r��r th�� r��nd�r� �t ir���n������u�. IIIJI��n �r�f�ti �� p��r�t�d ��t, �h� ��I�r u�s�� t� ��ir�� �t �u� �I��II r�a���h �h� �r��i�r�l ��I�r �f ��� ��r����, �r th� �ur���� �h�ll b� ���mpl���l�r r�p�int�� �nrit� a� n�v�r ��I�r ���� i� ���t���i��ll� ��r�n�����1� �rit� ��c��tin� ��I�r� ��d ����it��tur�. Th� r�r���r�� �h�ll n�t I��v� ���d��v� �r�� �h��l ��t ���I��v tl�� p�tt�rr� �f t�� �r��t� �u�h th�� ��� I��t�r� �r �ir�ni��r s��p�� r�r�r��ir� ��p�re�t �r� th� ��,rf��� �ft�� �r�ffiti r��r�c�r��� ���r� ���r� r�rr���red. �f the �r�� �� [���vil�r ���r�r�d �ri�l� �r��fi�i, th� �r��ir� �u�f��� ���11 �� r���int��. �.���1�� Cr���t� �►���e��r�� �r�d ���� F�e��very �r��ee��n�s. Ab�t�r��n� �f ����ti �r�� ������r��r�t �� �r�ffit� ���t�r��n# �r�d��� �r������i�r� ���t� �I��II �� in a����r��r��� �v�th th� ��I���nri�ng pr�����re: �. F��I��nr�r�� � r���rt �f�r�f��� fr�rr� �r�� ��u�r��, tl�� P�li�� �hi�� �h�l� i��u� � n�ti�� �� in��n� �� �b��� ��e gr�ifiti �� � ���li� n��s�n��, �n� s��ll ��rv� �u�� n�ti�� b� ��n�r ���I�� f�����nrir�� r�������: 1, �� ��r��n�l ��rv��� �r� th� �v�rr��r, ������nt �r ��r��n ir� ������ �r ��r��r�l �f t�� �r���rty; �. ��r ���ti�� �t � ��n�pi�u���� ��a��� �r� ��� �r���r�y �r ��uttir�� �u�l�� �i�h#-��-v�r��; ��- �. �� ����ir�� � ����r �f ���h r��ti�� b� r������r�� �r ��r�ifi�d �n�il ���r����d �� �h� ��nrn�r �t ��� ���r��� ����nrn �r� �h� I��� �v�il��l� ������r�n�r�� ��Il� �� �� �th�r-vv��� #�n�v�rr�. �. ��� r��ti�� �� ir�t�nt ���II b� i� �u�����r��i�ll� ir-� th� ��I���nrir�� ���-r�: N�T��E �� IIVT�IV� T� A�ATE f��l��l���-��AFFITI {IV�rr�� �r�� a��dr��� ����r��n n�tifi��} ����e} Agenda Item 8.1. Page 12 ���iru�ru�� n�o� ���� �� �V�T1�E I� H�I�EB1� ��1l�f� t��t ��u �r� r��uir�� �� Arr��� �rar�d� N1uni�ip�l ��d� �ha�pt�r �.�� t�� a�t ���r ��I� ��c��r���, ��rr���� �r ��ir�t �v�r tl�� �r�ffit� in ��cj�t�n�� �r� ��� ���p�rt� ����t�d �� ����r���}t �nrh��l� i� �r��i�l� t� publi� �ri��nr, ��r ������. �� �r�� f�il t� �� ��� t�� �i��r �r it� ���r��� v�rill �n��r }r��r �r���rty �n� r�rr���r� �r ��ir�� �v�r�I�� gr�ffi�i. �h� ���� �� �u�� r�r��v�� a�nd��r ��ir�ting v►rill b� �������d ��a��r��t ��u a��� }r��r pr���rt�, �n� ���� ���t� �r�rill ����titut� � I��� up�r� �u�h �r���rty �n�il ����. 1��� r�a�� r������ � �e�rir�� #� ��r�t��t �I��� n�ti��. �� r������ � h��ring, ��� ���t �u�rr�i� � v�rritt�r� r��u��� t� �I�e f��l��� ��i�f b� �d����. If � r�����# i� ��� r���i�r�� ��r ��i� ���� ��r ��� P�ii�� �����, th� ��li�� �I���� �h��l h��r� ��� �u�h�rit� �� �r����� ���I� tl�� �b���r��r�t ��tF�� �r���i �r���ri��� �n �r��r �r���rt}� �r�th���f�rrt�er n�t��� �r h��r��r�# �r�� �� �r�u�r ����r���. l��ur �r���r��� i� n�t r��u�r�� �t tl�� h��rin�, Ir� I��u �f �tt�nd�n��, ��� r��� ��br�ni� � �rrvorr� �nrri#t�� s�ater�er�t ��c��ute� �rrder p�r����y o� �e�jury� �� �o v�rhy ya� �re �ot r��p�n�ibl� f�r��� r�r���r�� ��t�� gr���ti, �r����r ��s���r��r�� �f ���t� �� r�r��v�� �r�d��r p��nt�r�g, �� ��� �� r��t �����r �r� p�r��n �� ��� h��ri�n�, y�u�- ��r�r�rr� �r�rritt�n �t�t�r�n�nt �� ����ri��� �v�ll �� ��r�����r�d �� �r�u�r��I� t���i�n�n�r. �. L���� r���i�� �f � r������f�r ���ri��� th� P�li�e �C�i�f �I���I ��t � ��t� �r�� tir�n� f�r th� ���rin� �r�� r���if� th� ��r��n �-�q���tir�� �I�� ���rir�� �f th� ��t�, tir�r��, �r�� I���#i�r� �� t�r� h��rin�. All h��rir��� ����r #his �h����r �f���� �� �r�l� b�f�r� �fi�� P��i�e ����f �vh� ���I� ���r �!I fa���� �r�d t��tirr���� h����� d��r�n� ���tin�r��. ��id �a��ts ��� t��#irx���n� rr��� i��lu�� ��s��r��n� �r� t�� I���ti�r� �f �I�� �r�ff�t� �r�d t�� �i���r�t�ta�c�s �or���rnin� it� plac�rr��r�t or� t�e reaM or �erso��� �r�p�r-t�. T�� ��I��� �hi�f �ha��l r��� �� lir�i��� b�r �I�� ���hni��l ru��� �f ��ri��r���. �ft�r ��� ���r���, tl�� P�li�� ��i�� �I��I� ���v� r���i�� �f ����h�r�vrit#�r� ���i���n t� ��� p�r��n r��ue��ir�� t�� h��rirr�, �r �th�� �ff����� ��rt[��, �vitl�i� t�n {��} work��ng d�y�. D. Any ��r�r��r ��th� r��l �r ��rs�na�l pr���rt� �r� �r�i�l� �r�ffi�i i� t� �� ������ �r�� �� r��t ���i��i�� �v��l� th� d��i�i�� �f th� P��i�� �F�ief�� �ba�#� ��i� ��a�fFiti �na��r ��p��l t� ��� �i��r N1a�r����r �r hi��h�r d��i�r���. T�� �vritt�n �pp��f rr���t �� fi��d �rvitl� t�� �i�}� Nl�n���r �rith�ir� ��r� {��� �nr�r�C�r�g d��� �� ��rvi�� �� �he P�I��� ��ri�f'� de�i�i�n. TI�� ��t� M�n���r, �r �ri���er ���i�r���, rr���r ��h�l� t�e �r��r �f �fn� P�li�� �hi�f t� �b�t� th� �r�ffi#� ���n��� �n���- ���� ������r i� t�� �it�r h�l�r����r, �r �i��h�r d����n��# d���r�n�n�� t��t t�e �r�ff�t� i� ��tr�r�n�n��l �� t�� �u�I i� ����t� �r�nr��f�re. �.��.'I�� A�se��r�n�r�� �ncl P���n�nt �f����s. �. F�Il�v�rir�� �b�t�r�n�nt, t�� P�li�� ��i�f ���II ��r��l ��n �r��r�i�� t� t�� ��nrr��r �f ��� r��� �r ��r��r��� �r���r#}r up�n �rl����r ��a�ff'rti �a�� ���r� �b���d. Th� r���i�� �ha�ll ����ify a�11 �r��fiti �k��t�r��nt ar�� �r�c�i���i�r� ���t�. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 13 ��������I� ��. ���� �� �. Th� ��t�l ���t �� ��-��fiti ���t�rr��rrt ��d �r�di��t���r, �rr�l��ir�� ��I ���nir���t�-�ti�� ����s, �ha��f �� �a��� �� ��� ��run�� �r ��h�r per��n in ��ntr�l �f th� r��l �r���r�� �r �h� �v�rr���- �f ��rs�r��l �r��ert}� u��� v�r�i�� �r�ffit� h�� ���� �b����, v�ri#I�in ��i�t� ���} ��I�r���r�a��� ��t�r��rvi�� �f t�� i�v����, �, P�r��a��t t� ����r�r�er�� ��d� ���ti�r� �8���.�, th� ��t�l ���� �f ���t�nn�r�t �n� �r��i��ti�r�, ir��l��ir�� �II ��r�n�r-�i�tr�t��� ���t�# �h�ll ������tu��� � �p����l �ss�s�rr���t ����r��t �I�� �r���rt� ��bj��t t� th� �r�ffiti ���t�r��r��, i� n�� ��i� ir� �u�ll �v�t�in th�r#� {��� ���� a�ft�r ��rvi�� �f ��� in��i��. 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Page 2 �i�r ��u����. ����#������� �F A��PT���V �� �1�V �����Ai��� i����l�l�l�l� A�1� F��P����� �H�1�"��� �*�� �� �'�� Af���1�� �l�AIV�� �1.�������� ���� I� IT� �1�1�1F��T� ����#1��M1�� �I������ ����4��1�1-��III��1�� �E��N���� �, ���� ���� � �d���i�r� �� ���� �r��na�r�;e �i�l s��s�a�n�ia�l�� �r�r����� tt�� r������ �r�c�t�� ��r�i� a��p��c����r� �r��e�� ������ ���y. ����� s��xre ���e �t�r�ll ��������� �i��rifi�r����������i �i� �������i�r�� r����d�r�� ���r�r ��s�es in rr����a�e �ra��i�:e �r����r��n�, ��� r��� lirr��e� �� t�e��tt� ��� �a��y r���rerr���ts, �#��r� a�n� ����i�f ����e�e r����rerr��r��� ��r �na������ ��era��is�� �r�� i�����i�n� �l�a� �re ��r ��r� �tr�r����t ���r� ��is�ir�� r�q�a���r�er��� sir��:e ���� ���I r�ul�#��n �� ��c������� ���itt�� �y��� n���rr ��a��e l��v. ��n����� �r�� I��� �r�����l� �� ��e ��rd�r���� �� �I��r�rr �i�ne f�r pers��� �nrl�� k���e ���� rn���a�� �err��#� �r���r #�e o�d �i#y ����a�� r����at�a�� #� ���u�re ���A�`� � �e�#�c�t��r�. ��e ��nda��n���l ��in��f�����i�g �t��� �r���a��c� �� ��r��t�e ��ty �a�n n� �����r r���r� � rr������� �������#��en� ��rm�t, ����r �I�a�r� a �c��ir��s� I�o�r��e, �f al� ��� r��s�a��� ��er�p��t� a�� �rtif�d by �AMT�. ��� �i�y m���a�� e�#a�l���rr���t and ����a�e ��������� ���fic�t��r� �r�c�s� ��� be�� ��p�rs�e� �� ����� t�i��a�t���n r�g�r�ir�� ��11�I�`�� �er`t��:a���r�. �#L����VA��V��: ��re f�l��vv�r�� a�t��r���iv�� �re �r��ided ��r��� ���n��1'� �or����e���i��: - A��r�v� ��ff r���r�n�r����i�r�� - �� ��� �����v� �#t��f rer�a�nrr��n���i��; � lh��d��y �t�f� re��mrr��r������r� a�� ���r��ri���, �r���r��in� b�t r����i�ni�� �� ���r��i�g t�e ���n����e 1� t�e pro�o�e� �rdir��r��; � �r��rf�� �i��c:ti�n �� �#�ff, �1�111�#I�"1"'1�1���: . ������r�� �f��� �r��r��rr�e �ri�� ����v�r �I�� P�I�ce ��p�rtr�n�r�� ��� �I�� ��ty �� ��xr���rx��n� r�a�sag� pr��t�� �e�u�l�t�or�� �#��t �r� �onsi���n# �nr�tl� c�r�t�r�pora�y �ta��ard� r��a�rdir�� ��a��� �er#�����r� a�� ���r��d �� �er�a��� �i�� ��'1 �r�� ��r�r���re ��e t���c �f �r�r�s�ir�� rr���s��� t#��r��]� ��r�r��t ����ic��i��r� ���r� �I�� ��ty. �#������� �F�i� ���iir���� ��rri�l a�l�� er�����e ��#y �e�t������r�� �e���d�r�� ����r ������ ir� ������e ���r��]� �r���i� irrc�u���r��, b�t r�o� ��rr�i�� tc� �e��t� a�� s����y r�q��r�r���ts, a#t�r� a�� �I�y���� �ryg�e�� r�q���e�rr�r��� ��r r���sa�� �t��r������ a�r�� �r����c#���� ���� v�r�li �� �i��n���a�� ���t�r�s �� �r��ur�r�� ���or�a��e ar�� ���r��r���� �or��i����� �#rx������e �k�er������c#�� i� �I�� �i�y. ���J�I�VI�I����i��: �I�� �rrl�r������r�r�ta�� i���� ���� �����y ��v����. ��V�II��NII��I�TA#� f��V��11: I�� �r��r�r��rx���t�� re����nr i� rc��i�� ����i� it�rx�. Agenda Item 8.m. Page 3 ��� �����I�� ������E�ATI�IV �� �1�C3�T'��� �F �41� �I����IA�I�� F����J����� �1�1� I���LA�I�V� ����T�I� 5��� �� TI-�E �ll�f��Y� �RAIV�� �II�.l�1��1�1�1L ���E �N ��� �I���#�ETY I��CA���IV� I�A���#�� ����1�L��H�11�1��`� ����AABEF� �, ���� �A��4 �'lJ#31��� ��TIFI�ATI�N� I�N� ��IVII�I��NT�: �Th� ��e��� ��� ����e� �r� �r�r�t �f ��� F��ll �� ����s�a��, �3e�er���� �, ����. �#�� Ag���� ��nc� �e��r��ver� ����ed �r� �h� ���'� �r�b�i�� �r� Fri���# C����nb�r�, ����. �� �u�li�c�or�r�en��v�r�r� r�ce���c�. Agenda Item 8.m. Page 4 a�ai�u�r��� ru�. �IV ��DIIVAN�E �F ��I� �I�Y ��UN�IL �F THE �ITY �F �F�F��1�� C�AhI�E F�EPE�►L.�I�� ��� F��PLA�INC ��IAPTEF� �.�� �F TH� AF�F��Y� �RANDE I�IIJIV��II��►L ���� IN IT� EN�`�F�ETI� F�E�A����� MA��A�E ��T���.1��1�1�I��T� I�I��IE�E��, th� �ity ��ur��i� �f ��� �it�r �f ��r��r� �r�r��� �i��ir�� t� �r�vfd� f�r t�� �r�f�ri� r�gul�ti�r� �f p�r���n� �nd ��t�bli�l�r�r�nt� er��a���� irr th� �r��ti�� �f r����a��� tl��ra���r, �� d��in�d 'rn thi� �r�Ji��r��e� �r�� �������r L�� �l�� ������� �� 4��.r ��L� �!�1"������ �7�����i ������� L� ��1� ������r�� ��� ��C��.rl��.r�.► �f rr������e �I��r��� �� a� v�lid �r�����i���l fi�ld �r�� di����r��� t�� u��� ��rx����a��� �h�r��}� �� � �l.l�3��l�1��� ��1 �3����1�� II111��1 �I�I�II'1�I ���'lC���l�l�� �� ���lr]'lf� l.Jl��a'�1N��J� ���111i�; �r�� INH�F�E�#�, ��� �i��r ��ur��il �� th� ��ty �f �rr��r� �r�nd� r����r����� th�t �h� �r��ti�r� �� �1�� ��li��rnia� N1����g� Tl��r�p�r ��ur��i! ���N1T�} v�r�� int��d�� t� ��rv� �he inter���� �� #�� ���er�� �u���i� �nd th� r-�r�a������ th�r���r pr�f�����n �}r r-r���C'rn� ��� �r����� �f ��rt'r�i��i��n ��r��i�t�nt�I�r�u�l��u��t�� �t�t�; �nd V'11H�F�EI��# t�� �i��r ���n�il �f t�� ��ty �f �rr��r� ���nd� re���r�r�e� #hat ��a�e�nri�� ��N1T� ���[fl��f��'1 1N1�� ���'��I''1'1�11�� ��'1C� ����C���C�I�� �"1"������� �f'1�1"��]I�� I���I��!'��I��1 �]�'���C�LI���, ���f�� l���I ���r�rnr��rr�� �C���ing tr��k �� �vh����r � �ma���a��� th�ra��i�� i� lice�n��� �r ��rt�fi�� �I��v�r��r� in t�� �#�#�, �rr� in�r���� �r�n��a�r�n��r ��r th� ��bli� ����rdfr�� tl�� r�n��r��r�� �f "���ifi�c�" r�l�t��! t� r������� th�r��Y ��1�V, T�I�F�EF�F�E B� IT �F��Alhl�� b� �I�� �it�r ���n�il �f th� �i��r �f �rr�y� �r�r�d� �� f�l I�v�r�: �E�Ti�I� 'I. Arr�}r� �r�r��� 11��,r���i��l ���� ������r �.�� i� ��r��y r����l�d �n� r��l���� i� it� �n��r��}� a�� �����rtl� in ��c�ibit�, ��ta����� h�r�t� ��� ir���rp��-a�t�d h�r�ir� ��thi� r�fer�r���. ���Tl�l�l �. If a�r�}r ���ti�r�, �u�h��c���rr, �ubdi�ri�i�n, p�r��r��l�, �er���r�c:e, �r �I�u��� �� thi� �r�i�a�n�� �� �r�� ���t tf��r��f i� f�r a�n�r rea��r� I��I� �� �� �rn���ul, ���h d��i�i�n �h�l� n�t �ff�ct th� �r�lidit��f��� r�r��ir�in� ��r���r� ���hi� ��d�n�n�:e �r�n�r p�rt�h�r��f. TI�� �ity ���r���l h�r�b� d��l���� �h�� i� v�r�u�lc� ���r� p����d ���I� ���ti�r�, �ub���ti�r�, �u�divi�i�r�, ��r��r��h: ��nt�r���, �r �I�u�� th�r��f, ir����e�tiv� �f �h� f��t th�t �n�r �n� �r �n�r� ���ti�r�, �������i��n, �ubdi�r'r�i�n, ��r��r�ph, ��nt�r���, �r�1�u��� �e d��l�r�� un�an�ti#��'r�n�l. �E�T��I� �. � ��r�-�r�-�a�ry �� t�i� �r�ir��r��� ���I� b� ���li�h�� in � r��v�r���p�r puC��i�h��! �r�� �ir��l�t�d ir� th� �ity �f�rr�}�� �r�nd� �t I���t ���r� {�� d�y� �ri�r t� th� �i�y ��u�n�il r�r���tir�� �t ��i�� t�� �r�p���d �rdir��n�� i� t� �e a�d�p��d, � ��rtifi�d ���}r ��th� ��II t��ct ��th� �r������ �r�ina�nr�e �F��II b� p��t�d in ��� �ff��� ���C�� �i�� ���r�c. INith�r� �ift��n {��� ��}r� �ft�r �d���'r�n �f t�� �rdir��n��, �I�� �ur�rr���y �itk� t�� n�m�� �f �h��� �it�r ��un�il Illl�r�r�b��� �r�tir�� f�r �r��# �g�in�� tl�� �rd'rn�n�e �1��11 t�� �ubli�h�c� a���in, ��nd th� �i��r ���r�C �ha�ll ���t � ��rt�fi�c# ��p� �f th� full t�� �����I� �d�p��d �rd�r��r���. Agenda Item 8.m. Page 5 ��������� ��. ���� � �E�Tl�hf �. ��i��r�i��r�ce �i��ll �a��C� �ff����irty���� ���r� a�ft��i�� ����t'r�n. �n r��ti�r� b�r ��u�n��l N1�r-Y-�b�r , ���o�d�� b}r ��ur��il �11�r�b�r : a�nd b�r th� f�ll��nr'rn� r�ll c��l v������i�: �1���: ��E�: A��EN�': �#��f�r���in� �rd�n�r���v�r�� �d�pt�� tl�'r��d��r �� , ����. Agenda Item 8.m. Page 6 ��������� ��. ���� � ���� ������ ����� �����. �{��Llf�II�T��F��� �ITIf�L��F��C ��PF��VED A� T� ��I�T�NT: �TEV�I� ADA��, �fTY IIA�4h1�#CEF� �1PP1��11�� A� �� F�F�illl: �IIII����IY �. �AF��IEL, �ITY AT��I��VEI� Agenda Item 8.m. Page 7 �����,���i� ��. ���� � �������� ������� �.�L� �I"S��I"S�� ���������V�����L� ��/V�����■ �.��.�'�� �ll��s��� tl��r�p� li��r��e r���ir�� �,�J�.��� ���1�1���0�1�, �.��.��� E�c�rr�pt��rr� �r�rx� �h��t�r. �.��.��� �����tr�ti�r� �n� r��tifi��ti�r� r��uir�rn�nt�, �,��.��� H�urs �f���r�ti�r�, �.��.��� F�r�hihi��� ���r����i�� �r��ti���. �.��.��� Il�ir��r�. �.��,��� �f��rsi��� f��i�it�r �r�d ��ildi�g ��d� ���uir�r���t�. �.��,��� �--l��It� �r�d ��f�t�r r��ui�er�ner���. �,��,1�� Att�r� a�nd �h�r����l I��r�i�r�� r��uir�r�r��r��s. �.��.� �� I r��p��ti�r-� ��r ���r�rr�t�n�r�# �f���ia�l�. �.��.��� �vrrr��r�n� �p���t�r r��p�����Elit�r— ��r�i�l, r��r���ti�r�# r���ri��i�n �r sus�en�i�n �f bu��r���s �i��r�s�. �.��.�I�� f��rr���i�� ��r��l��i�r� — �a��fi� ��� � ����r�t� ��fi�r���. �.��.�1�� P�blf� r�u i��r���. �J.'�J�,"��� ��1�1111"�1�� ��rl���l��■ �.��,��� �IVI� I�1�LlI"1��1��1, �.��.�1� Illl�s���� ��e�r�p� li�ense re��ire�l — �ea�l��n� ��r� ��r�n��i�r��e. E�c���� �rl��r� � �p��ifi� ��c�rr��ti�n i� ��pli�a��l� �u�su��nt t� ���t��n �.��.���, i� i� � �ri�l��i�n �f�I�'rs �I�a�p��r���: A, �r��r ��r��n t� �n���� in t�� �r��ti�� �� rr��s���� ther���r, �nd ��� r�n������ �u��i�e�� �r �s��bli�hr�n�r�� �� ��n�l�� �r r�ta�in �u�� � ��r��r�, t�r�l��� ���h ��r��r� ��r�� �bt��n� a�r�� ���tir���� t� �n�ir���ir� in ��II ��r�� �nd �ffe�� � v�l�� �A�1I�T� ��r-tifi��t�. �. N�t�vi�k��t�r��ir�� �u����ti�n � �f tl�i� ���ti�n, �ra�l�� r������� �err�it� f�r t�� ���r ���� t��� �r���d ��h�r�v��e ���r� ���ir�� �n ���er���r �'I, ���� th�t�v�r� i�su�d b� �t�� ��t� ��r�u��� t� �I�� �ri�r �h�p��r��thi� ���� r��ul�ti�g IVI������ ��t��li�hr�n�nt�, �h��l b� ���r�n�d �r�l�� ��� �h�ll b� ��ct�n��� f�r � ���i�d �� �i�ct�r ���} ���� fr��n tk�� �����i�r� ��#� �f��i� �h��ter. I--��I��rs �f su�� �ity ���u��d �m������ p�rr�i�� �h��l b� ���-�mitt�� t� ��r�tir��� �� pr��ti�� �u�rsu�r�t �� t�� �it� i�su�� ��rr�ft# �r�� ���j��t t� t�� �r��ri�i�r�� �f t�rr� �h��t�r, �r��r�d�d ��r�t �� �r �1�� �il�� ��r �n� �ili��r�t��r �ur���s ����ir�irr� � �All��� ��rtifi����. TI�� ��li�� �I�i�f �r his��rer ���i�r��� �n��r ��ct�rrd �I�� peri�� �f tir�n� tFra�t � �it� r�r������� ��rrx�it i� ��lid i� �t i� ���r�e� r����na��l� n���s��ry t� �I��v�r � ��rr�i�t�� ���i�i�rr�l �ir�� t� ����r� � ��MT� ��rt�fi��t�. Agenda Item 8.m. Page 8 ��������►� ��. ���� � ' �,��.��� ��fil�lt��rl�. �►. ;`�All��� ��rtifi���e" ��a�l� rr���� th� ���kifi��#� i����� �� t�� ������� t#��r��� �r��r��z��i�r� �� rr������� th�r�pi��� �ur�u�r�t �� sub�i�r��i�� {�} �f ���t��r� ���� �f th� ���'rf�rr�i� ���ir���� ��� �'r�f�����n� ����, �n� �� ������� �r���i���r��r� pu�-�u�r�t �� �u���i�ri�i�r� ��� �f ������n ���� �� ��� ��lif��r�i� ���in��� �r�� Pr�f�����n� ���� �r � �ubdi��si�r� ��� �r ��� ������i�� ���� ����� ��I���r�i� ���'rr�e�� �nd Pr�f���i�r�� ����. �. "�it�,� �I��II r���� �h� �it�r ���rr��r� �r�r�d�. �. "��r��e����i�r�" �#���I r���� t�� ����nn�nt� I��r�, ��v�n��, d�r���i�r�, ��r�trr�u�ti��n, �����it, ���h�r���, �r gfft �f r��r���r �r �r�y##�ing ��v�lu�. C�, iiEr�pl��r�� �r F��t�ir��� B�rr, ���II ir��Eud�; �. �r�}r p�r��n �vh� i� a� �ir��tl}� ��`r� er�����r�� �f � r������� ���irr��� �r ��t�b�i�I�rr��r�t; - �. Ar��r ��r��n �r�r���� ��s�������n �v�t� � �ma��s��� ��r�rr���� �r ��t��lishr�n�r�� r� t��� �f �n fn��p�r�d�n� ��ntr����r �v�� r���i�r�� ���n�e����f�r� ��r ����a��� th�r�p� p�r��i��� �� ��tr�n� �f th� b�s�r���s �r ��t��lE��nn�r�t; �r�� �. �r�� �����r� �nr�� r���iu�� � r���rr�� �f ��tr�n� �r�rr� � r����a��� bu��rr��� �r �st���i�hrr��r�� �r�� �nrh� �t ���r tir�n� b�f��� �r �ft�r t�� r����ral ��r�n��� ir� �r�}� �r��r f�r ��r���n��tf�� t� fl��r �� th� rr��s���� ��sin��� �r ��t�bl��l�r��r�� �r �r��r �f it� ��rr��r� {r���rdl��� ���nrh�t��r�h� p�rti�� �n�r�r�r�� ���cn��vl���e #��t ��r�p�rrs�ti�r� is f���vir�g in ��c���r��� ��r �h� r���r�-�I, �r �u�h p��ti�� r���rd su��� ��nnp�r����i�r� ir� t��ir f��n�i�l r���r��}. E. "Li�����'r �r "P�rr�ni�" ���I� r���r� ��� a�u�h�ri���i�n ������ b� �h� �it}� a��l��ving t�� �r��ti�� �f r������� t�er���r, ���� �cr���vn �� � r�n������ ��rr�i�, F, "Li������rr �h��l r�n��r� � p�r���n �� �v��rr� � r�n����g� ��r��� h�� ����n ������. �. "l�la�ss���, 11������e T��r���, �r�� ��d�v�v�rl�" �r� ���d �� t�i� ���pt��r i�nt�r�f��rr��a��l�r a�r�� ���l� r�r���r� th� ���li��#i�n �� ��ri��s t���rti�u�� t� tt�� r�u��u��r �tru��t�r� �r�� ��f��i��u�� ��#h� �ru��n b���, ir����dirr�, ��� r��t lirr�it�� ��, �r�� ������ �f p����u�r� �r �rf�t��n �������, �r ��r��ir��, �Cr�e��i��� r���ir��, t���fn�, ��r��r���i�n# p��r��i�n�, v�br�tir��, r���Cir�� �r �tirr�ul���n� �f th� ���rr�a�l �urfa���� �� th� b�d� �nri��r ��r�d� �r �vitl� �r�� ������ �r ���li�r��e, The t��-rx�� "rr������e," "rr��s���� th�r��}r,x, �r�d "b��y�nr�rl�" ����if���ll�r ���I��� t�� ����r���i�, �����rip�'r�n� i�nt�r�ti���l r��ni����ti�� �r ������rx��nt� �f th� ��C�����I ��ru���r�, �r �r�� ����r ��rvi��, �r���d�r� �r tf��ra���r v�r�ri�� r��uir�� � �i����� �� ����ti�� ��.�., ��ir�p���ti�, ��t�����f��r� �rtf�����i��, ����i��l� tl��r���, ��di�try, �r r��di��r���, ��r����i�, ��t�r�p���i�, �����i� ��ri��#i�n, ��upun��ur�, �r���ur�r� ��p�'rng, n���i�i���l �r �ii�#�ry ���r���lin�, �et��if'r��ti�n pr��r�r��, }r���, ��c��-�i��, ��ir��u�l ���li��, �r �r�����rr�� �v�i�h ��r��tr�t� ��d� ��vi�i��� ��th�r r��n�,�ll�r �r v�ritt� �r�y ot��r m�ti�o� �f ir�tr��i�n. H, "11������� ���in��� �r E�t��lis��n��t" sh�ll rr�e�r� �r��r bu�ir���� �r �s����i�hr�n��nt �v1�i�h �if�r� r������� tl��r��y ir� ��c�[��r��� f�r ��r�p�ns�ti�n, �nrl���l��r �t � �i�c�d �I��� �f �u��in�s� �r �� � I������r� ��si�r����d ��r ��e ���r�r�. A�� ���ir���� �r ��t�bli�hrr��r�t v�rl�i�l� �ff�r� �r��r ��r���r���i�r� �� r������� t��r�p� ��� ��tl� f��il�ti��, i�n����ir�g, ��� n�t I�r�i��� t�, �h�v�r�r��, ��th�, v�r�� ��� �ry h��t r��rr��, p���� ��� h������, ����I h� d��r�r��� � r������� bu��ir���� �r ��t�t�ii��rn�n� ur�c��r th�� �I���t�r. Agenda Item 8.m. Page 9 ���i�v�r��� r��. ���� � I. `�N1���a��� ����t�ti�r��r" sh��l rr���r� a�r�}� ��r��rr �� �v��rr� � �AN1T� ��r�i�`r��t� h�� ���n i����� ��r���r�# t� �u�d��ri�i�r� �b� �� ����i�rr ���1 �f �h� �a�l���rni� �u��n��� ��d Pr�����i�n� ����, �r su�divi�i�r� {�� �r ��� �f ���ti�r� ���� �� th� ��lif�r�i� �u�'rr���� �n� �'r�f���i�r�� ����, an� �rvh� �� �n����d in th� �r��ti�� �f r�a������ th�r��� ��r ��rr�p����ti�n. As u��d �r� �hi� �h��#�r, ��� ��rr�� "���yv�r�r� �r��tit��rr�r" �r "rr������� �r�d ���yv�v�r�c �r��titi�n�r" �h��l h��r� #�e ��r�� r�n��nin� �� iir������� �r��ti���r��r.!} J, "N1������ Tl��r����t" ����� r�n��r� �n�r p�r��n �� �r��r� � �A�IJ1T� ��r�i�i���� h�� ���n ������ ��r����� �� ��bd�vi���n {�� �f ����i�r� ���'I �� t�e ��li��rn�� ���ir��s� �n� Pr�����i��n� ���� �n� �nr�� i� ������� in �h� pra��t��� �� rx�����g� t��r�p� ��r ��r-����r���t��r�. A� ���� 'rr� tf�is ��a�t�r, th� t�rr�� "���}rv��ric�r," "b���r�rv�r�C t�����i�##„ �r �s������� �r�� ���y�rv�r�c ��r�ra��i�t" �h�ll h�v� t�� ��r�� rr�����r�� �� "r�n���a��� ���r�����.:, I�. "�p�����r'r �ha�ll r��a�n ���r ��r��� v�r�� ��,��rvi���, rn�r���e�, �ir��t�, �r��n����, ��r�tr�l� �r in a�n�r ��h�� �nr�� �� r�sp�n�i�l� f�r �r in ������ �f �h� ��r�r�ll ���r�ti�r�, ��r�d��� �r���i�riti�s ��� r������� �u�in��� �r �s��bfi�hrr��r�t. �. ;;��rr��r'� �h�l� rr�e�� �r�� �f the f�ll�v�rin� ���r��r��: �, Th� ��I� �r�pri���r �f a r��s���� b���n��� �r ��t��l��hrr��n�. �►� ���� ir� th�� �h��#er, t�� ��rr�n "���� propri�tor" s��ll rr���r� a m����g� ��sir���� or e�t�b�i�hm��rt �rv���� th� �v�r��r i� �h� �r�l�r ��r��r� �rx��l�y�d b�r t��t �u�in��� �r ��t��li�����nt t� pr�vi�� rr�a������ �I��r���# �, �r�� ��r��r�l ��rt��r �� a pa�rtn�r�hip #h�t ��nrns �r�� ���r���� � r������� bu�ir���� �r ���a��li��rr��nt� �r �. Ar��r ��r��� �r�� I��� � �� per��n� �r �r��ter ��nrr��rsl�i� i���r��t ir� � �����r�#i�� �ha�t ��rr�� a�n� ���r�t�� a� rn������ ��sin��� �r ��t��li�hr��n#. N1, "I�����r�" �I��I� r�ne�r� ��n}� ir��i�ri�u�l, pr��r��t�r��ip, p�ryk��r�hi�, ��r����ti�r�, �ir�n, �����ia�#i�n, j�in� �����C ��rr�����# �r ��rr�b�r���i�� �f t1�� �b��r� in �I��t��r�r f�r� �r �k��r��t�r. iV. "P�li�� �hi��r �f���� r�n�a�� t�� ���i�� ��i�� �� tf�� �i�}r �f �rr��� �r�r��� �r I�i� �r ��r a��th�ri��� r��re��n#��i�����. �.��.��� ��cernpt�or�� frarn cha�ter. T��� ����t�r �h��� r��t ��pl�t�; A. P�r��r�� h�ld�n� � �r�lid ��rtif���t� �� pra������ th� ����ir�� �rt� �n��r ��� i��v� ���h� ���t� �f ������rr��� �r�� �f��ir �rr��l�����, in�l��rr��, b�� n�t IEr�ni��� #�, k��ld�r� �� r�n�di��� d�gr��� ���� �� pl��r�i�i�r��, �u�r�����, �hir�p������-�� ���e���th�� r��t�r���tk��� �����tri���, ��upu�r����ri�t�# �h�r�i��l ��rer��i�t�, r��i���r�� r�ur���s �r�� li��r���� vo�at�or�al r��rs�s� �, �t�t�-�i���n��� f��spit���, n�r�in� C��r���, ���it�ri�r��, �h�r�i���r�r�p�r ��t���i�hrr��r�t�, �r ��I��r ��a�t�-I���r���� �I��r�i��� �r rn�n��l ���I#f� f����iti�� �n� �F��ir e��Eoy���; �. F����gr�i�ed ��k����s �f r�n���a�ge �r�� tl���r ��u��r�t� jrr tra�ir�i��, �r��rid�� ���h �t���n�� �r��rid� ������� t�r�ra���r �r��� u�rr��r th� ��r��t ��r��r�a�� �u�p�rvi���r� �� a�� 1 r���r����r; Agenda Item 8.m. Page 10 o��i����� ru�. ���� � �, B�rb�r� �r�� ���r������gi�#� v�h� �r� �i��r���� �r���r �#�� ��v�r� �� t�� ���t� �� ��I�f�rni� �nr�il� �r��rfdir�� r�a����g� ���r���r �rr�thin ��� ���pe �f���ir fi��r����; �r��r����, �I��t �u�1� r7r������e t�er�p�r i� lirni��� ����I�r t� �I�� ����c# ����, ���I�, f��� �r�� I��v�r �ir��� u�� �� ��� �cn���, �r�� I�a�n�� �r�d �rr��, �f t#�ei�- p�tr�n�; E, P�r��r�� ��►rh� �r��rid� r�r������� th�ra��� t� �r��t��r, ��rnf-pr�f���i���l �r pr�����i�r��� ��hl���� �r �t����f� ���rr�s, f��ili���� �r ���nt�, �� ��n� �� �u�F� ��r��rr� �� r��t �ra��t'r�� r�n������ ������� �s t���r �ri�ma�r-� ����,���i�r� �nrit�i� �i�� lir�nit�; �. ��r��r�� �v�� ��Id � �ra��i� �AIV1T� ��rtifi���� �r�� �re pr��t���ng ����i�t�nt �nr�t� ��r� ���lifi��t��n� ��t�b�i���� b�r �u�f� ��r-���i���� �r�� �rv���� p�-���'r��, �� ����, rr��� n�t h� r�g�l�t�� �}� t�� �it}� �th�r �h�r� ��e r��u�ir�r�r��r�� f�r �������'r�r� �� � �u�ir���� I���r���; ��d �. 1VI������ bu�in����� �r �����li��r��r�t� �� d�fi��� �r���r ��r��r��F� ��� �� ����i�ri�i�n {�� ���e��'r�rr ��'I� �f th� ��li��rn�� �usir��s� ��� Pr�f�����r�� ��d�, ��c��pt �h�� �u�l� �u�ir������ �r ��t���i��rr��n�� �h�ll n�� b� ���r�r��t fr�� ��i� ���p��r #� t�� ��t�rr� ����i�n ���� ��pr����� ��rr�it� tl�� r��u��ti�n �� ���� ���in����� �r ����hl���r��r�t� by ����I ���i��n��, �.��.��� F���i�tr�rti�n ar�c� n��ifi�����n r��quirern�n��. A, ��r�r� r��n���r�r�p� r�r������� �u�i���� �r ��t�b�i�l�r��nt ��nd ��r�ry r������� �u�in��� �r �����li��r�ne�� �� ��#ir��� �r���r ��r��r��h ��� �f ������ri�i�r� ��� �f ��c�ti�r� ��'I� ��th� ��lif�rr�i� Bu�ir���� �r�� Pr�����i��� ����, ���II: �. Pr��i�� t�e P��i�� ����rt�n�r�� v�rith � ���� �r �th�r ��ri��r��� �� t�� r7r������� �I��r��}r li��r��� �r �AN1T� ��rtifi���� �� �v�ry ��rs��n v�r�� �� �rr�p����d �r ��ta�rrr�� b�r t�� bu�ir���� ��- ��t�bl'r��r��n� t� �r��i�� r�a����� t��r���r, �v�thir� �� ����r���r ���r� �f �I�� ��rr�r�n�n��r�er�t ����,�h p�r��nr� ��r��d �f�r�n�l��rr��n�# �. [I��i�t�ir� �r� i�� �r�r�ni��s � ��p�r �r ����r ��i��r��� �� �a��h ���� r�����g� th�r��}r li����� �r �A1111T� ��rtifi���� f�r r�vi��r ��t�� F��I��e �e��rtr��r�t� ��� �. ��tif�r �I�� P��i�� �h��� �� ��� ir����#��n t� r�r����, �l��r��� r��r���er�n�r�t, �r ��r���� �h� ��sir���� �r e�t�bli�l�r�n�n�t� �n�th�r ��rs�n. �. E�r�ry I������� �h��� r���ify ��� ��li�� ��ief �� � �I��r��� ir� th� I���n���'� I��rr�� ���r���, �r�� th� ������� �f��� ������� ����n�s� �r ��t�bli�hr��nt�r�r��r� t�� li������ i� r���l�rl� �r�n�l���� �r r�#��r��� t� ����ri�e r������� tf��r�p�, v�rit�i� �� d��r� �f ���h cl�an�e. �.��.��� I-I��r� �����ra��i�n. I�� I��er����, �nrl��tk��� �u�� li��r��� �� i��u�� �hr���h �f�e �AN1T� �ertifE�����n �r����� �r t�� �it� ���li��t��r� �r�����, �r�� r�� n�r����r��� r������� �u�ir���� �r ��t��li�hrr��n�, �r r������� b���n��� �r �����li��r�n�r�t ����ri��� in ��r��r��� {�} �f �ub�i�i���n {b� �f ���t��n ���� �� t�� ��lif�rr�i� ����r�e�� �r�� Pr�����i��� ��d�, �h��l pr��rid� r������� tk��r���r �� th� �u�li� f�r ���n��n���i�n ���vrr��r� tl�� ����r� ����n �.rr�. �n� ���r�rr �.r�. �� ��� f�ll��rir�� ���r. Agenda Item 8.m. Page 11 ��������l� ��. ���� � �.��.��� Pr�hibit�d �clv�rtisin� ����ti�e�. A. It i� � �ri�l��i�r� �f��i� �I���t�r f�r�ny p�r��n �nrl�� d��� r��t ������� � ���id �A�1T� ���if����e �r � ���i� �it� ������� ��rr�nit, �n� f�r ��y rr������� bu�ir���� �r �����li��r��n��#��� er�n����� �r r���ir�� �u�h � ��r��n# t�: 'I. ���t� �r ��v�rti�� ��- ��t ��,� �n�r �i�� �r ��r� �r �tl�er �e�ri��� �r #� r��r���r�� t� �f�� ��hl�� ��r�urg� �r��r �r'rnt �r �I��tr�r�i� r���i�, ���t ���h ��r��r� i� ��r��fi��, r��i���r�� �r li��r���� �� � ���r�r�nrr��r�ta�l a���n��r �� � r7r������� th�r��i�t �r rr������e pr��titi���r# �r �, F��« �����I� �u� �r us� ��� �i�l� �� ;`��r-tifi�� r�n������ tf��ra��'r�tf" "��rtifi�� �nass��� practitior�er�" �r �r�� �ther term, such a� "li�er��e�,,, �`r�g�st�r�d,�� or "�MTt„ tha� irr��li�� �r �u����t� t��t ���� ��r��� i� th� ��Id�r ��� ��III�T� ��rtifi��t�, �. �t i� � �i���tr�n �f tl�i� ������� f�r ��� r�n������ b��ir���� �r ��t��li��r�n�r�t, li��r����, �r �n�r �t��r �����n �r��ri��n� r������� t��r���r t� �h� ��bl�� f�r ��rx���n���i�r�, t� ���r�rtis� thr�u�� �r�� �ri�t �r �I��tr�ni� r�r��di� �f��� i� �I���i�i�� ��r ���It� �nl�r �� �imi��r ��a����fi��ti��n. �.��.��� Illl�r��r�. It �h��� �� ur�l��nr�fui f�r �r��r r�����c�r��� �n������ bu�in��� �r ���a�bli���nn�r�t, �r�d ��r �r�� r�r������� �u��r�e�� �r ��t�blisl�r��rrt d���rib�� �n ��r��r�ph ��� �f �u����vi�i�r� ��� �� ����i�r� ��'I� �f�h� ��li��rn�� B��in��� a�n� �r�f���i��n� ����� ��: A, Err����� �r r�t�in �r��r ��r��r� v�rF�� is un��r ��� �g� �f �8 ���r� t� pr��i�� �r��r r�r�a������ �her�p�t� th� ��bl����r ��r�p�n��ti�n; �r B. Pr�vi�#� r�n����g� tl���-��� �� ��y ��r��n �rh� i� ur���� t�� ��� �� 'I� }r��r�, ��c�ept �t th� ������I ir��t�n�� �r�d r������ �f � ��r�r�t �r ���r�r �er��r� in I�v�rful �u�����r �� t�� ■ r�n�n�r. �.��.��� Ph��i��l ����li�� �n�! bc�ilc�ir�� ��de req�irerr�er��s� Th� ��Il�v�rin� ����i�a�1 ����li�� �n� buil�ir�� ��d� r��uir�r�n�r�t� ���I� �� ����i���l� t� �II r��r����r��t �-r�a����g� b�s�r������ �r ����bli�hrr��r���, ��� #� �II r�n������ b��ir������ ��- ����k��i��rr��r�t� ����r���� ir� p�r�gr��k� ��1� �f �u��i�r��i�n ��} �f ����i�n ��1� �� th� ��I�f�rnia� �u�ir���s �nd �r�����i�n� ����: �, E�c���� �nrh�n th��� i� r�� �t��f ���il���� #� a���ur� ����rit� f�r ������� �h�r���r ���r�rr� �r�� ����f�nrl�� ��� ��l�in� ������ d��r�, rr� r������� �I��r�p�r rr��� b� ��rri�� �r� ���ri�� I���C�� ���s�� ���r�. �. A!� d��r� �� �re��ir�� r��rx�s, ��il�# r��rx�� �r�d �n��s��� �I��ra���r r��r�� �r ��r�����s �#��II ���r� ir��nr�r� �r�d �h�fl b� s�l�-�I��ir��. �r��nr �r����: �urt�in �r��l���r��, �r ����r�i�r�-�I�a���� �I��u�r�� �r� li�� �� ���r� �r� �����t�bl� �n �i! ir�r��r dr���ing r��r�� �n� r������� th�ra�p�r r��rr�� �r �����I��. � �. �111ir���nnur� li�l�tir�� ��ui�r�l�r�# �� �t 1���� �n� ��-v�ra�fi� �i��t �h�ll �� �r��ri��� irr ���h rr������� th�r�p�r r��r� �r ���i�l�, Agenda Item 8.m. Page 12 ��������i� ��. ���� � D. A rr������� ta��l� �f���� be �r��� ��r �il r7r������� �#��r���r, ��►r�t#� �h� ��c���t��n �f "Tl��i,,, ii��i�t���rr �rr� �inr�il�r f�rrr�� �f r�r�a������ ���r���r, v�rhi�l� r�n�� �� pr��ri��d �r� � p����d ��t �� ��� f���r, �r��rid�� ��� �����n �� �u���r �t#ir�d in I���� �����irr�, �������# ��rub� �r ��r�nil�r ��}�!� �f ��rrx��r�t. ��� #�hl�� ��r��ld ��v� � �nn�n�r�n�r�n I�e�gh� �� �8 ir��k���. ��d�f f���r rr��ttr��s�� �r�d �va�#�rbed� �re r��t ��rr�it��� �n th� pr��i��� �f th� b��ir���� �r �����I��I�r��nt. �. �II �����r#��i�i�i�� ���� �r� pr��rid�� f�r t#�� u�� �� p�tr�n� �I��II b� f���� ����r�� f��� tl�� �r�t��ti�r� ����� ��tr�r�}� �r����bl��, �r�� �h� ��tr�r� �k��fl �e �iv�n ��ntr�i ��th� �c��r �r �t��r r���r�� �f����s�. �. T1�� bu��r��s� �r �����li�l�r�n�nt �h�l� ���n�l� �r�rith �I� ���li���le ��at� ����� a�� ��t���i���d �r� t�� ��IEf�rnE� ���� �f F���ul�ti��� �r�d a�d�p��� �� tl�� �it� �n�lu�ir��, �u�t r��� lir�nit�� #�, � ��r�t�r� �f ���qu�t� v�r��il��'r�n, � �u�ppl� �� I��# a�n� ��I� r��nir�� �r�t�r, � ����I� �f p���bl� �r�nk�r�g v�r�t�r, ���d v�r��l�irrg f����i�i�� �n� �ubli�t�il�� r��r�r��. �.��.��� !-I�a�lth and ��fet� r�q�ir�rx��n�s. TF�� ��Il��nrir�� I����t� �n� ������r r���i��r��nt� ����I �� ���li���l� �� ��I r��r���c�r�r��t r�n������ ���E�n����� �r ����bl��hrn��t�, �nd t� �II r������� ���in����� �r �����ri�l�r����� ����ri��� ir� �����r��� {�� �f ��b�ivi�i�n {�} �f ���ti�r� ���� �f tf�� ��I���rni� �3��ir���� �r�� Pr�f�����n� ���e: �. �fh� bu�i���� �r �����li�hrr��r�� �h��� �� �il �ir��� �� �q�ipp�d �nrith �r� �������� �c���l� �f ��e�r� �a�r�it�ry t��r�r�, ����rin�� �nd lir��n�# �r�� �i� r�n�s���� t�bl�� ���II �� ��v�r�� �vitl� � ����r� �I���t �r ��I��r �I���r ���r�ri�g f�r ���� ��tr�r�. ��t�r � t��r�l, ���r�r'r�n� �r ��rr�r� I�a�� ���� b��n u��d i� �h�ll �� ��p��i��d ir� � �l���d r����ta��l� �r�� n�t ���� ur�til �r���r�� ��u�der�� ��� ��r�iti���. T�v�r�l�, ����ring� ��� �ir��r�� �h�ll �� I�un��r�� ������ �� r���l�r ��r�nnn��-�i�l I�un��r��� �r �� � n�r����r����i�l I�un��rin� �r����� �vl�i�h �n�lu��� ir�rr��r�i�r� i� �rv���r �� I���� ��� ���r��� F�h�-�nh�i� ��r n�t I��� tl��n '1� rr�in�t�� d��i�� �h� v�r��h�r�� �r r�n�in� ���r��i�r�. ����r� t��nr�l�, ���r�ring� �n� lir��r�� �h�ll b� ���r�d ir� �I����# �I��n ���ir���� �nr��� n�t �r� ���. �, ��1 rr�a���a��� �I��r���r r���n� �r ��bi�l�s, �v�� �n� dry I��a�t �-��r�n�, #�il�t r��r�-��, s�o�rver �omp��trr�ents, and hot tub� a�d pools sh�l! be tho�-ough�y c��a�ned an� �i��r�f����� �� r��eded, �nd �t I�a��� �r��� �a��l� bu�s�r���s ��� th� pr�r�nis�� �r� ���r� a�nd �u�� f��iliti�� a�r� ir� ���. All ���f����� ��a�ll b� �I��r��r��l� ����r��� �r�� �i��r����t�d �ft�r ���I� u��. �. �II �i��i��, �r����, �� ��h�r �r�p���ti�n� u�e� �r� �r �n��� ��r�il���� #� ���r�r�� �I��II �� �C��t in �I��n �r�� �I���d ��r�t�ir��r�. P��nr��r� r���r b� �C��t in ���a�n �h��C�r�. All ��ttl�� �n� ��n��ir��r� ���I� b� �����r��tl� �nd ��rr���l�r ����I�d t� �i��l��� t��ir ��r�t�r���. 1lVh�n �r�l}r � ��rti�r� �� � li�uid, �re�r�r� �r �th�r pr���ra�ti�n i� �� �� ���� �n �r r�a��� �v��l�bl� t� � ���r�r�, �� �h�l� �� ���n��e� fr�r� t�� ��r�ta�ir��r in �u�h � �v�y �� r��t t� ��nt�r�ir��t� t�� r���inin� ��rti�r�. �. �f� �r��r��ive �r�����r�� ���I� b� p�r��rrr��d �� �r��r ��tr�r�. Ir��ra����r� pr����ur�� in�lu��, ��t a�r� rr�t lir��t�d ��: {'I} ��pli��ti�r� �f �I������i�� �nr�ri�� ��rrtr���� t�� r�r-����l�; {�� �ppfi���i�� �f #�pi��l ��ti�n�, �re���, �r �t��r ��b�t�r���� �nr�i�h �f���� li�ir�� #is�u�, �u�k� �� �F��r�ni��� ���I �r���ra��i�r�� �r �I���f���; ��� ��r��t�-�#i�r� �f tl�� ��ci�n b�r ����I r�������; ��� �bra��i�r� �� ��� ��ir� be��v�r �h� ���I��rin�, ���d�rr�n�l �a��r�r�; {�} r�r�n��r�� �f ��cir� �� rn��r�� �� �r�� r���r-����d E��tr�rr��r�� �r �t��r ���r��� �r t���; a�r�d �G� �r�� Agenda Item 8.m. Page 13 ��������� ��. ���� �� �n�����-lik� in��ru�r�e�� v�r���h �� u��� ��r �I�� �u�r���� �f ��r���in� ��ci� �I�r�i���� a�r�� �tl��r ��r�ni��r p�-���dur��. �. ��� b�#hr����, ��tk�ir�� ��i�� �nd���� �tl��� ��rrn�n�� ���� �r� �r�vid�� f�r ��� ��� �f p�tr�r�� ���fl �� �ith�r f��l� ��������I� an� ���II n�t be ���� �� rr��re �h�r� �n� ���r��, �r �h�ll b� I�und�r�� a��t�r���I� u�� ��r���r��t� �u�������n A ���hi� ������r�. F. �II ��rr���# br�sh��, �����r �t�er ��r��nal i��r�r�� �f �r��rir�ir�g �r h�rgien� t��t �r� pr��r�d�� ��r th� u��� �� �a�tr�n� ���I� �� �'rt��r ful��r �i�����b�� �r�� �I��II ��� �� ���� ��r rr��r� ���n �n� p��r�n, �r ���ll �� ��lr� �i�i������� ���r���h ���. �. IV� ���r�n� �h�l� �� �I���v�� t� u��� �ny ���v�r�r� f���li�i�� �f ��� ����n��� �r ��t���i��r��nt �r�l��� �u�� ���r�r�� �r� �r�r��r�n� �li�-r��i�t�nt ��r����� �r fri�-f���� �nrh��� ir� t�� �h��nr�r ��rr�p�r�r��r��. �II f��t�v��r ���h �� ��r���l� �r flip-��p� th�� �r� �r��rid�� ��r�f�� ��� �� ��tr�r�� ����I b� �i����full}r di�p���bl� �n� �ha�ll r��� b� u��� �� �n�r� t�r�rr �r�� ��tr�r�, �� ���I� �� ful��r �i�ir�f��t�� ��t�r���I� u��, l--�. The ��tr�r�'� ��r�it���, �ubi� ����, a�nu�, �n� f�r�a�l� p�tr��'� br���t� b���v�r � ��in� i�nr�r��dia���l� �b�v� ��� ��� �f th� �r��1� rr���# �� f�ll�r �r���d �t �li tir��� v�rl�i�� �r�� ��n�l��r�� �f ��� ���ir���� �r ��t�blisl�rr��n� i� in �i�� r������e ������y r��r� �r ���i�l� �nri�h th� ��#r�r�, I�� r�n������ t��r����r ���I� b� �r�v���� �� � ��tr�r� ���� ������� �� Ent��t��r��l ��r�����, �� �������n�� �n� r�p�tit��r� ��nt��#, v�r�t� �h� ��r����l�, �nu�# �r �r��l� ��� �����n. �.��.1�� �t�ir� ar�c� ��r��i��l h��i��e r�qu�r�rr���n��. �TI�� f�ll�v�ir�� �ttir� �r�d ����f��� h�r�i��n� r���ir�rr��r��� ���II �e ���li��b�� �� �lf I���n����, �r�� t� a��i r������� ��er��i�#� �r�d r��ss��� �r���i�i�r�er� �rh� �r� ���I��r�� �r r����r�ed �� a� n�n���r�n�� r������� ���in��� �r ��t��li�[�r�n���� �r �� � rr����a�g� b��ir���� �r �����lisl�rr��r�t ����rib�� �n p��-�gr�p�r ��� �� �u��i�ri�i�r-� {�� �� ���#i�n ���I� ���F�� ���i��rni� �u�i���� �n� P�-�����i�ns ��d�: �. All p����r�� �I��I� �� �lear� ��� �nr��r �I��� �n� ��n�t�ry �u�er ��r��r�t� �t �rl tir���. All ��t�r �a�rrn�rrt� ���II �� �f � �u�f}� ����u�, r��r�tr�����r�r�t r����ri�l �r�� �r��ri�� ��rr�pl��� ����rir�� fr�� �t ����t ��e r�nf��t�i�F� t� t�nr� in�h�� b�l��rv t�� ��I��r��r��. ��� r���-ri�rifiF rr�a�� r��� �� �������, �. �II �����ns �I���I t�r������1� �nra��h tl��ir h�r��s �nr�th s��p �r�d �nr�t�r �r �r��r ��u��l�r �ff��ti�r� �I�ar���r�� �g�r�t i����i���l}r ����r� �r��ridin� �n������ th�r�p�r t� � ���r��n, N� r-r����a��� �I��r�p�r ��ra�ll �� �r�vi��� u���n � �urf��� �� t�� ��cir� �r ����� �f � ��tr�r� �vh�r� ����r ��cir� i� �r�fl�r�r��d, br��c�n ��.g., a��r����, �ut} �r �r�r��r� � ��ci�n in����i�n ��- �i'l���r�� [S �r���r��, �. IV� ��r��r� ��i���� �vi�� �r� �r����ti�r� �r ��r�s�ti� �n���t��i�� �����I� �� ��in� �r�r��r�itt�d #� � ��tr��n �h�l! �Cn�v�rir��E� �r��rid� �m��s��� �h�r��� �� � ���r�r�# �r r�r�n�in �r� tl�� ����ni��� �f � rr������� b��in��� �r ����bEi�l�r��r�� �rl�il� �� �r������� �r in������. I�����i�n� �� ��r��iti� �r�f��#�t��r�� ����bl� �� ��ir�g tr�r��r�itte� �� � ��#r�r� in���d�, but �r� r��t linni��� t�: {1} ��Id, inf�u�e��a� �r��I��r r���ir�t�ry ilr���� ����r-���ni�� b�r � f���r, ur��il �� l���r� �fit�r r���l�ti�� �� ��� ���r�r� {�� �tr��t������1 ph�r�rr��i��� {"s�r�� thr���"�, ur��il �� h��r� �ft�r �r����n�n� h�� ���n �r�itia���� �r�d �� ��ur� a��t�r r���lu���n �f f��r�r; ��� �uru���t ���njun��i�i�i� {"�ir�l� ���r'�, ur�til ���r�nin�� �� � ph�s����� ��d �p�r�v�� f�r r�tur� �� v�r�r�c� {�� ���tu��is �"v�rl���pin� ����k�"}# u�r�til �i�� �a�ys �� a�r�tibj�t�� ���r���r I��� ���r� ��r����t��; ��� �r��-i��ila �"�h��1��n p��c"}, �ntil tfi�e ��xt� ���r a�ft�r �r���� �� r��h �r ���r��r �f �11 �����rrs ���r� �ri�� a�nd �ru���d# {�} �n�r��s# u�n�i� �in� d��s �ft�r �n��� �f � Agenda Item 8.m. Page 14 ��������1� ��. ���� �� ��r�t�d �I�rr� ��nr�lli�n�# ��� tu��r�ul��i�, �nt�� � �h��i�i�r� �r I���I I���i�� ����rtr��r�� �ut��rit}� ������ ���t th� ��rs�n i� rr�r�ir�f��ti���; ��� ir������� {b��t�r��l ��C�n i�����i�r��, �r�#il �� f���r� a�ft�r tr���r�n�r�t h�� ����n; {�� p�����1��« {���� �i���� u�ti� th� ���r�ir�� �ft�r fir�t �r���rr��r�t; �nd {'��} ���b��� ��#�r�b�"�, until �ft�r �r��trr��r�t h�� ���r� ��rr�pl�t�d. �I���-��rn� ��������, �u�� �� H11l�AI�� �n� ��p�#�ti� � ��--I�11�, �F���� n�� �� ��n�i��r�� �r�������u� �r ��r�nr-r�ur�i��bl� di���s�s f�r��� ��r���e �f th�� ��b�������. �f��.'I'I� Ir�����ti�n k�� ���rernr�n�nt ��-�i������ A. All rr�r���c�r�n�t r��ss��� bu�ir������ �r �����li��r��n#�, �r�d �II r������� ��,�in�ss�� �r ��t���isl�rr��n�� �e��r���� �r� ��r��r��l� �'I� �f ������r��i�r� {�� �f ���#i�� ��'��, ��a��l ���rr�it r�pr�s�r����iv�� �f th� ��r� L�i� ��i�p� ���r�t}r �--l��Ith ����rtnn�r�t, th� �rr��r� �ra�n�� P�li�� ����r�r���t, �h� �����r� �r���� Fir� ��pa�rtr�r�er��, t�� Arr��� �r�n�� ��r�r�unit�r ���rel����nt D���rtr-r��r�t, �n���r �t���- �i#�r �r ��un�� ����rt�n�nt� �r ���r��i��, #� ��n���t � r�����na��l� in�p���i�r� �� th� p�bli� �r��� �f, �r�� �r��� ��h�n�ri�� �p�r� t� pl��n v���v �r� �r v�rithi�n t�� �r��ni���, t� th� ��te�t �I���v�� ��r la��rrr �n� ��,rir�� th� r����a�r �u�i���� h��r� �� t�e ���ir���s �r ���a�bl���r-r�er�## f�r tl�� ��r���� �f �n��rir�� ��r��l��n�� v�ri�h ����� a�r�� I���I fa�vrr# irr�l��ir��� ��t r-��� I�r�i��d t�, ��r�pt�r ��,� {��r�r�ner��ir�� �vi#h �e�t��� ����� �� tl�� ���if�rni� �u��in��s �r�� Pr�����i��� ����, th� r�quir��ner�t� �f t��� �h��t�r, �r ����r ����i����� �r� �r�� I���I�h �n� ��f�t�r r���i r�r��r-��r�t�. �. fV���ir�g in ��i� ����i�r� ���I� b� ���r��� �� �r�hibit t�� ����r������ri��d ����r��n�r�t �ff����l� �r��nn �ur��ir�� �r�� �r�� �II ��r�i����� ����I r�r���i�� t� �e�ur� �r�t�y �n�� a�rt� in�����i�n �f t�� �r�r�r�is�� �� �h� �u�i��s� �r e�t�bl��hr-r-��nt i� su��k� �r�try i� ��f����# �r��r �r�� �t�r�r r����r� �Il��nr�� b}r I��nr. �. I� i� � �r1�l��i�r� �� �hi� �t��p��r f�r t�e ���ir���� �r ��t�b�i�hrr��rtt t� pr�l�ib�t �r ir�t�rf�r� vrri�f� �u�� I�v�rful in����ti�n �f t�� pr�rx�i��� �t �r��r tir�r�� �t i� ���r� ��r b��ir����. �,��,'��� �v�rn�r �r�nc� ���r�t�r� r��������k�ili#� — ���i�l� re�r��a�i�n, r���ri��i�r� �r �����n�i��r �f l����ness li��r���. T�� ��Il��vi�� �r��i���n� ���I� ���I�r �� �I� r��r���c�r��t r������� b��in����� �r ���a�bli��rx�����, �n� ��I r�����g� bu��r������ �r ��ta���i�hr�n��t� d���r�b�� �� ����gr�p� �'I� �� ����i�i���n ��� ��������� ��i�� ��th� ��lif�rni� �usin��� �r�� Pr�����i�n� ����: A, ��r th� ��r���� �f ��f�r��r��r�t ��th� r�quir���nt� ��tl�i� ����t�r, �11 ��nr�n�r� �r�� ����-�#�r� �f t�r� �u��r��ss �r ����bl���rr��n� ���II �� r����n�i�l� ��r�I�� ��nd��� �� �II �� ��� er-r��������, �g�nts, in����n��nt ��n�r��t��� �r �th�r re�r����t�t��r�s, �rl�ile �r� th� �r�r�ni��� �f th� �us�rr��� �� �st���is���nt �r pr��ridir�� rr������� t��r���. �. IV�t�vitl����r���r�� ����i�r� �.��.�'��, th� �ity r���: '1, ���uir� �k�� �u�i���� �r ��t��l��f�r�r��nt ir� i�� �p�li��t��� f�r� b��ir���� �i��n��, �� ��r th� r�r���nr�� �� � bu��r���� �i�����, t� �r��ri�� inf�rr��ti�r� r��e��r�t t� t1�� �����it��� ����� b��in��� �r ��ta��li��r��r�t r��ul�t�� b�t�i� �h�pt�r�; �. M��C� re���r���l� �n�r��ti��ti�n� it��� �he �r���rr��t��r� s� pr��i���f �. ���rg� � �u�i���� ����r��in� ��� ���fi�ient �� ��v�� ��� ���t� �� th� ����rr��� li��r����ng ��tiv�t��� r�gu�l��e� b� t�i� ����t�r; �n� �, ����, r�v��C�, r��tri�# �r �u���r-��i � ���ine�� li��r��� f��- �i#l��r �f tl�� f�ll��rvir�� ������: ��� �r� �rr��l�y��, ���r��� ir��ep�r���r�t ��r�tr��t�r �r �th�r r�pr���r����i�r� �f th� b��in��� �r �����1i�1�rr��n� h�� ��r�nr�itt�d � vi���ti�� �f tf�i� �h��te�, �r �� ���pt��r '��.� Agenda Item 8.m. Page 15 ���I����� ��■ ���� �� {��r�r�r-r��n�ing �r��� ���ti�n ����� �f D'r�ri�i�n � �f�#�� ��Eif�rni� E3��in��� �r �r�����i��� ����; �r ��� t�� ��,�ir���� �r �s����i�hr�n�r-�� ��� �r�v�d�d nn���ri�ll� ��I�� ir���rr-r-��ti�n in ��� �ppl������� ��r � �us'rn��� li��r��e. �.��.�I�� F��rrr�c�i�s �urr�ula���v� � E��h da� � s��a�r�t� �f�er���f Ar��r �����n ���j��t �� ��i� �h�pter �r�r�� �����n�rl�, �r t�r���� �r� a���nt, �r�n����r��, ir�d�p�n��n� ��ntr��t�r �r �th�r r��r���r����i�e3 �rF�l�t�� �n� �r��i�i�� �� tF��� ���p#�r �h�l! be guflty af � �ep�ra�e o�Fe�se f�r e��h �nd ����-y d�y d�rir�� a�y �ort�an of vrrhi�k� �n�r ���h ���I��i�n i� ��r�r��tt��, ��r��'rr���� �r ��r�itt�� b}r �u�h p�rs�n. A�� r�r�n��i�� �r������ h�r��n �h�El b� ��r�ul����� �r�� r��t ��c�lu�'rv�. �.��.'I�� Publ�� nuis�r��e. An� u�� �r ��r��i�i�r� ��u��� �r p�rrr��tt�d �� ��c�s� i� vi����'r�n �f a�r�}� �f t�� �r�vi�i�n� �f t�E� �h����r �#���I b� �r�� �� ������r ���I���d � ��bli� r�uis�n�� �nd, �� �u��h, r�n��r �� � �b���d �r er�j�ir��� �r�� f�,r���r�p�r�t��r�. �.��.'��� �rir�ir��l ��r��lti��. Ar�� p�r��r� sub���t t� thi� �h��t�r� �r�r�� ��r��n��l�, �r �hr���#� �n �g�nt� ���I�}���, �n��p�nd�n� ��n������r �r ����r r��r����r���i�re, �i�f�t�� �r��r �r��ri���r� �� th�� �h�p��r ��r�rrri�� � r����er�n��n�r. Ar��r p�r��r� ��r��r��t�� �� � r�r�i������r��r �h�l� �� �u������ �� �uni�hr���� ��r �in� �r�d��r �r�n�ri��nr�n��� �� th� r�r���'rr�u�rx� ��ct�r�# p�rr�nitte� ��r �t�t� I�vrr. �.��.'I�� ��vi� �r��ur���i��. Tl�e �ri�l�ti�n �f ��� ��-��risi�n �f �hi� �I���t�r �h�ll b� �nd i� h�r��y �����r�� �� �� ���n�r�ry t� ��� ���I�� fnt�r��� �r�d �h�ll, �t �h� di��r��'r�n �f �h� �it�r, �r��t� � ���r�� f�r i�r�u�n��«� r�ki�f, Agenda Item 8.m. 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V1fh�r� ���r� ���r'� ��v�rir��, I��u��z T��nrir�� a�r�d ��I��g� T���rr�n�, �I� ���er��ia�� r�����n�� rc�#�t����� p�l�� t�w ���rvi�e �n��a��r�, w��� �or�t���d �� te��p�r�n� �r� IVI�y '1�� ���� a�r�� tl�� irr����rr���t����r� �� �k�� �F�� T�A �or��p� ���1�d ��rr�l� t�� ��r�tra��ua� ��r���n��� ��� co�c�p� vrra� e�c�l�irr�d �� ���rr�, ���� a��� �r�rba�l�� i��i���d �I��� v�r�ul� �� ��pp�rt��� �f th� �r��e��. T���� ���nr ��nric� �r��rid�rs ��� �Ire��� �'��il��� v�ri#I� �I�e ��--I� T��► ��rr�p� �u�� �� ����r ���a�i�r���rip� v�r��� ��he� �urr�ur�c��n���rf����ti�ns a��c� ��� �i--��. �`� �a���lat� ��� a��t�a�l �n� ��������ie ����s in����� ir� �on���t��r� v�ri�l� ��r� P�lio� ���a�rtrr���r�}� �dr��ni�tra�i�n c�f its ������ ���nr�n� ��rv��e pr��r��, � ���uir�r�n��� ur���r �a�fifi���� 1l��i�l� �od� ���t��r� ��'I'�����, �� ���ir�n�t� �� �� rx�i����� ��rra� ���err���n�d �� ��e ��r�ra�e �i�n� r�q�,ir�d �y �� ���� �� r�q���t � ����� ��rvi�� ��v�r ��� r�or�n���#� �I�e r�������y d���r�n�rt������, �vit1� �n ��dit��n�� ��tir�n��� �� r�n�n���s �e��rr�in�d as �he ���r��� ��r�� r���ir�d ��r adr�ini�tra�t��r� p��c�s�ir�g �� ��� p���oe ��rv�c� t���rr ����r�ner�t�ti�r� �y �r �u�a��r# ��r�ri�� T��t�ni�i��. ����rty rr�irt���� ����� a�bo�� ��r�r��� ��url� r��e ��� � P��ioe �'f�er i� ���. �hir-�y r�ir��t�s �� th� ���r�y ra��� ��r a� ������t ���vi�e� ����r���ia�r� �� ���.��, ����din� � ��rnk�rr���1 I��u�l� ��#� �� ���,�� ��� t�� ��r����� �����e ��rv�� ��vr►. 1� ��e ���� � b��� ��u�� �� $1��1���rl���n► ur��ier ��� �H� T�A �r���#, �h� ���.�� �i��r� �epr���r�ts �°lo ����r�� �m��i�nur� ��e. Irx�����#i�r� ��a� Agenda Item 8.n. Page 2 ��� �I����i�� ������������ �� � �������I�� ����������� ��� �I� ������� �� ��V��� ��f�� �t�TAT�C���1� ��L��� �'�V11��F�11��� A�F�E��I��1�� D��E�IA�E� �, ���� PI�C� � 'f��1� c�n���c�ttu�a�� ���eer�ne�� ��� #�r �����e ��v�r ��rv��e �r���-a�ct �r��n��� �� ���11 ���1� b�l��nr ��;t��l �r�� �e�����k��� ���ts i�n��trr�� �� tk�� ��ty ir� ���n���ti�� �n►��� i�� ��v�r�r�g . s�r�f�e �rag�arn. AL��R�VA��V��: ��� ���l��nrir�� ��#�rna�t�v�s �r�e p���i�led ���th� ���r��if'� ��r���c�������r�: - ���r��� ��a��#r�c�r�r�n�n���i��; � �� r���a��r��r� �taf�����rx�r��r�d�ti�n; - - Illl��i�y ����f ��co��n�r��a�ti�n �� ���r��ri���, in��u��r�g ��t n�# ����t�� �� a�d����r�� ��e p�r�nta�� ��r��ra��t��� �gre�rr���r# #�� �� ���li��r�� �r�� ���i� t�av ��nr��e co��r��t�r r����r ti�a�� r�#a����� ��I�c� t�v�r ���-�ri�e �r��ra���r�s; - �r��ri�#e ��r����r� t� �t�f�. �DVA�V TA���� �c�����r�� ��f� �e��l�ti��n �v�ll �I��v�r th� p�li�e ���r ��rvi� �or���r���r�s� #� ir��r�a��� t�r�ir ���� ��� ��I��e ��v�► �rvic.�s �r�� ������� �t�r��� �� �� ��� �i�a�� ��e r�a��r����� �r�d con�����nt v�r��� �u�r��r��i�� ��r���ic#i�n�; ����j�� #�r rn�lti��� a�l#�r���i�r� ��li�e ��rn� ��rv��e cor��ra��t�r�, r�#�er ���r� �r�� �r��r�d�� �� ��� ��nric�; ar�� pr��ride ��� ��ty v�r��� r�v��u� �o r�r.�v�r t�� ��tua�l a�� r�a�or���l� ���#� �r����re� �� �onr�e�t�o� vw�#� it� - #��ir�� �ervi� progr�rr�. Ap�r�rra�� �� �#�� �r�����d r��a���n�l ���nr �erv;�:e ���e�r�er�� �nril� ��I� �n��r� ��at ��� �rr��� ��a��� P�I��e ��p�rtrr��r�� ���i�� ar�d ����i�e �� c�n����r�� �nr��l� ��� ����r� ��v�r s�rv��e �g��rx��n�� �����r��r��i�� ���nr ���c������� �r��r��i��. �I�A�V��T�C E�* T�� i��re��ec� �o�� �rr���n� r�r��� r��u�l� ir� c�r��l�i��� �r�rr� �r�c���ric����� v����� �����l�s have beer� tav�red. �I�1111�����I���L ��ll��ll11: T��� it�r�n �� e�c��p����r� ��C�A p�r��� �ui��l��� '1����������. �ll�L�� ��TNFI�A�I��V� A�V� ���IIIIVI��VT�� T�� A��r��� v�ra�� �����d ir� �r�n� �� �ity I--lar�l �n Tl�ur����, ���err�b�r �, ����, �I�e ��er��� �r�� ����r�v�r�r� �����d �r� the ��ty'� v�r��si�� �� ���da��, I�e�r�nb���, ����. �� p�b���c�or�r�er�ts�ve�re r����►�d. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 3 ��i�������� ��r � ���������� �� ��� ��� ������� �� ��� ��� �� ������ ����� ��������� ��� ����������� ��� ���Y 1�I�IVI�C�F� T� �I�T�� IIVT� F��TAT���V�L� I���.��� T�IN��F�111�� J���������� 1�VH���A��� �or�v�n� ar�d ��ar�g� of v������� o� ��h��F o� t�e ��ty of Arrayo ��-a�de �"�i�y"� �e����� � ���I� level �f pr���i�r��� �� �����-��:t�� ��� r�u��� �r���� �r�s� �r�� �ar�fi��r�o� I��r �I�� p���i� ar�� �#�e ���ic.� ��p�r#r�n�r��, r��� ���� �n ��e ��rs�rrr�el ar�� e��i�r��r�t ��il���� ��� th� ����rr�r�� �f �r�l�i�l�� ��� �I�� ir� ��� ���i������ �sed ��� s��r���; �r�d V1�FI�Ft�A�, ��� ��I��� ����r�m�nt ��� ��� r��p�r��ib�l�ty �r� �#�� ���fi� �� e�n�u�r� t�a�� ���� �1���� ��v�r ���r���rs ��� I���e ��r� ap�r�pri�t� f��i�i�i��, r��or���e�e���� �r�� ����r�� ��rs��rn�, �r�� p�e��r�r�e1 �� �r���ct ��r� in��r���� �� t�� ��#y, ���i�ie �v�rr��r�, �n� �h� p�bl�c �r� �u�t�or�zed to �ovrr �n� �#�re v�h��l�� fo���e �����e ������nt; VI�F�I���A�� ��� �ifiy �����i� �r�� ����rrr�ir��d �� �r���r irr�� �o��r��tu��� ��reer�n�r�ts �nrith ���nr��g �r�r�dor� �o �r���r� #�� �afe �n� eff�i��t �o�nrin� �r�d ������ of �r�hicle� arrd to ����bli�� �e���r����� fee� f�r��v�r ���ra��c�r-� t� �ei� �e�r�ay��� �os���th�� �f���-t; a��n�i V�1HEF�EA�, #�� ��y �����i� �a�� �et�r�nin�� ���� tl�e ir�t�r���� �f tl�� �ity, v�l����� �wr��r� ��� �I�� �����e ����r�#r�rer�� a�r� ���� ��rrr�d b� u���i�i�� ��f#i��� ��v�r ���r�#�r s ���� r��� r�e���r�a���e e��i�rx��n�, �����irt�y ��� ���f�rr�r���� ��n��r��� a� ��#��rni��d �� ��� F��M��e D���rt��r�� �r�� tt��t ��� ��� ���uir�d f��� �� �r��ri�� ���v�r�� �n� ���ra�� ��rv�c� or� � �ot�t�or��l ���i�# ��VV, TH�F����R�� �� �� ���C�LV�� th�t th� �it�r ������1 0� the ��ty of �rroyo �r�n�� he�-e�� ap�r��r�� �r�� ���h��i�es tl�� ��ty IU�����er �� �r�t�� ir�#� �c�t����na�i ��I�� tow �er�ri�e a�+������r�t� �� tF�� ��n��-a� �orr�n a#ta�#��d h����o �� E�c#���i� "A" �� �o�du�t ��v�r�r�� and ������� ���re�i�l�s f�r��� P�I�� ��p�rb�r��r��. �r� r���i�� �����r���l Illl�r�r���r , �������d b� ���rn��l Illl�b�r , ��� �r� �h��������rr�n� ��ll �a�l �r���, ����rr��: Al���f _ ����: A����T# ��� ��r���ir�� ������ti�r� v�ra�� ���s�d �rr�d a�d���ed ��f� d�� �f ,����. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 4 ���������� ��■ ���� � ���� ������ ����� �����■ ������������� �������� �������� �� �� �������i ������ ������ �I� ������� �������� �� �� ����� ��������i ������� ���������� Agenda Item 8.n. � Page 5 ���������� ��. ���� � ������� ���1! ��� �� ������ ����� � ��������VAL �'�V11 �E�111�� A�F�E�IVi�IVT �h�� ��F���IIII�[�T i� r���� �r�� �r���r�d �r��� tfi�i� � ��y �f , ��'I� ��r �r�� b�tw��r� th� �I�FI� �F ��F��1�� �F�AI`V��, {h�r�in�ft�r r�f�rr�� �� �� "�ITI��} ��� , � ��lif�rr��� ��r��r�ti�rr v�r���� ��dr�s� i� {t��r�ir��ft�r r���rr�� �� �� "���r�t�r"�, a�n� �� r���� �nritl� r���r�n� t�tl�� #��I��nr�n�; I. F�E�I�`��� �. T�� ��ty ���rr��r� �r�nd� ��1i�� �����trn��t �iiA�P�"� ��s �����I�sh�d � F����t��n�l T�uving P���r�� �� �r��r t� pr��i�� f�r �I�� ���i�n�ti�r� �f s����fi� �����r�i�s �� ��li�� ��v►r ��rvi�� �r��i��rs, �I�� ���� ���ir�� t� �n�ur� �h� ��r��l��ilit� �f ���r�npt, �ffi���r�� �nd r�li��l� ���i�� ����n� ���vi��� �n ���r��r��}� �� ��r��� si���t���� ��� �r� th� r�r���r�l �� v�l�i�l�� t��� �r� ���n��n�d, ir���l�r�d in �n a��i��r��, �� ���stit�t� �r� ����r���i�r� t� �r��fi� ������� �f �n��l��r�i��l f��l�,r� �nritl�ir� ��r� ��Tl�. ��, I� ����rda�r�� �rr��h tl�� ��P� F��t�#i�n�l T��nri�� Pr�gr�r�n, i# i� t�� �ur��s� �f �I�is A�r��r��r�� t� pr��rid� � f��r ��� ir���rtia�! r�n��r�� �f �i�������in� r������� f�r t��v�ng ��rvi��� a�r��n� ���li�i�� ���r����-� �n� �� �n���� �f��t ���� ��rvi�� i� �r�r�n�� �r�d r�a���n��l� �r���d �n�! in th� b�s� intere�ts of th� publ�� �s v�re�l as tf�e i�#er�s� �f ef��t�r�t �o�i�ir�� o��rati��� ��r t�� r�nn��al ���r��i�l��fr�rx� p�bli� �r���r#�. �. ��� ��i�� �f P�I��� ��t�� Arr��� �r�r�d� ��I��� ����rtr�n�r�� ha�s �����t�d t� �p���t� �� �r�� �� tl�� ��I��'� r����i�r�a�1 t�v�r ��rvi�� ��rr���ni�� �� ����►id� r���t��r�a�l ��v�r ��rvi�� �t �I�� ������� �� �F�� ���i�� ��p��#rn�r�t ��r���h�u�t��r� �I�Y, F, . .Th� ��� �r�� ��� ���r���r d����� �� ��t�r int� this ��r���rr�r�t �vk�er�in , . . th�. ���r���r ��r��� �� p�rf�rrn r��r�--��c�l��i�r� r�t�ti��ral p��i�� ���nri�� ��rv��e� ��r�I�� A�P� �r���r t����rr�� ar�d ��nditi�r�� ���f�rt� I��r�rn. �V�V'V, T��F�����E} irr ����id�r�t��r� �f �I�� rr��t�a�� ����ni��� �r�d ���r�r�a�r��� ��nt��t��� in �h�s��r��r�n�ntt #I�� u�d�����n�� ���ti�� a��r�� �s #�ll�v��; I�• ���� �. Th� #�rrr� ���k�i� ��r��rn��t �I�a�l� f�� f�r �r�� {'�� ����, �nc� �I��II ��r�rr��r��� �n �h�„� �a� �f ��'l�, a�n� ����I ��rr�r�ir�a��� �r� th� � ��y �f ��'I'�, �nl��� t�r�n�r����� ��r�i�r �� ���f�rth h�r�i�. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 6 ���������� ��■ ���� � lII. �������L� �� �� ��1������� � 1 �L ��1�� �, ��� ���r�t�r �gr��� �� ���r�t� �� �n� �� tl�� ��P�'� r��r�-��c�lu�s��r� ��t��i�r��l ���► ���vi�� ��r���r�i�� p�r���n#�� ��� t�rrr�� �f t��� ���-��r��n�. �, �ll ���vi��� �� �h� ���r�t�r ���il �� p�rf�r��� in ����rd�r��� �rrr��� ��� - A��'� F��t�ti�n�l T�vr��r�� �r��r��n r�q�ir�r�����, � ���� �� v�r[�i�l� i� �tt��h�d ��r�t� �� ��cl�ibit "�," �r�� r��d� a ��rt �f th�s A�r��r��r�t �� if ��.,I I� ��t f�rt� ��t�i� p�i r��, Ill. �A��� AI�� ���� �, �I�� �p�r�t�r �l��ll ���rg� �k�� r�#e� �n� f��s ��r ���vi��� ir� ����r��r��� �nri�h tl��A�P� F���a��i�r�al T��nrin� Pr�g���n r�q�ir�r��r�t�. �, �n ����rda�r��� �vi�l� ���� A�r��rr��r��, �h� ���r���r �h�ll ��� t� �I�� �ITI� � #r�n�#�i�� f�� �� t�n ���� ��r��r�t �� t�� �r�s� r��ei��� g���ra�t�� b� #��� A�re�m�r�t, ir��l�d�r�g tho�� �ro�� r�c����s �er��r�t�d by �ien ��I�� of �r��r�����. ��� �a�rt��s ��r�� �h�t b���d u��r� �I�� a������i� ��n��i��� �r� th� �#�fF ��p�rt da��� h���r����r '��, ���� fr�rr� tl�� �h��f �� P��i�� t� �h� Arr��� �r���� �ity ���n��l, tl�i� �r����i�� ��� r��r���nt� ar� �r��u�t r�������ry ������ ��TY t� r����r�r i#� ��t��l �r�� r����na���� ����� �n�urr�d i� ��r�r��cti�r� �rrr�th i�� ���nrir�� ��rvi�� �r��r�rr�, ��r��i���n� �vi�h �h� r�q�ir�ments of lle��c�� ��d� �e���or� 1�'I����}. 'I, Fr�n��i�� ��� p��r�n�r��� ����I �� r�na�c�� �� a �u�rt�rl�r ���i� �� t�� �ir��t�r �� ��rr�ir���tr�t��r� ��rv���� ��r t�� �ITY, p������ n� I���r ��a�r� ��r� 1���' ��l�rrd�r da�� ����� ��n�l� f��l��n►i�g ��� �I��� �f ���� prec�dir�� �u�r��r. 2. �F�� ��r� �'��� ��r��r�� ���r���r��� ��e �ha�l� r��t r���lt ir� ��li�� ��r�r ���ri�� r�t�� �I��� �����d �h� r���� �����nr��l� �n��r th� A�r��r����, 11. I�V�E��I��E�1T ���1�`RA�T�� A. �l�� ��r�i�s �� th�� ��r����r�� i���r�� t��r� t�� ��I�ti�r��hip ��t�v��r� t��rr� ._ �r����� �� �I�i� Agr��rr��nt �� �I�a�� �� ���-ir���p�n��r�� ��r��ra���r. Th� �n�n��� ��n� r�r����� �f ��r�����ir�� �he v�r�r�c a�r� �nd�r �k�� ����r�l �� tl�� �p�r�t�r, �����t �� ��� ��c#�r�� I�rr����� ��r ���tut�, ru�l� �r r�����ti�r� a�n� �I�� ��cpr��� t��r�r�� �f th�� ��r��rr��r�t. �t� ���ril s�rvi�� ������ �� �tl��r ri��r� �# �nn�l��r��n� �rvill b� ���ufr�d b� �ri�u� ����� ���r�t�r'� ��rvic��. �1��� �� tl�� ��n��#s pr��i��� �}��h� �IT1� �r�I��A�P� �� �t� �rr����y���, �r���udi�g ��t r��� l��it�� t� ur��r�p1������ �nsur����, vrr�r�c�rs' ��r�n��r���ti�n ir���r�r���, ��#�r�r�n�r�t �nd ����rr�� ���p�n�a��i�r� �I�r��, �ra������r� �n� ���k ����r�, �r� a��r�il�bl� �r�r� ��� �I� t� tl�� ���r���r, it� �rr�����r��� �r ����ts. Agenda Item 8.n. . Page 7 ����L.�T1�iV �1�. �A�� � 111. �I�L� HA�IIIILE�� �, TI�� �p�r�#�r �1��11 in��r�n�fy, d�f�r�d ��� h�ld �r�rr�nl�s� �h� �ITY, it� �ity ��u�r���l, b�a���s �r�� ��rr�r����i�r��, �ffi��r�, ���n#�, ��rva�r��� �n� �r��l����� �r�r� ��� �g��n�t ar�� �r�� �Il I���, ��rr�����, I�a��ili�y, ��a�}rr��, ��i��, ���t� �n� ��c��r���� f�r ��r����s �� ��� r�����-� �r���s���r�r, i������n�, �ut ��t lir�ni��d t�, b����� �n��ry, ����h, p�r��r��l i��t�ry, ��-���rty �a�r�����, �r �r��r �th�� �I�ir�� �r��in� fr�r� �n� �n� ��� n��l���r�� ��t� �r �rr�i��i�n� �� t�� ���r�t�r, i#� �r�pl�����, �g�r��� �r �u�contr��t�r� v�r�i�� �ri�� �u�t �� �r r�s�lt �r��n, �r ����r ir-� ��n������r� v�r��� t�r� ���r�t�r'� ��r��rr�a�r�c.� �f s�rv���� �urs��nt t� tf�i� A�r��r����, lll�. II��IJRA�V�E �. 1�Vitl���t �ir�niti�g th� ��d�r�r�ifi��ti�n �r��ri��d ir� ���ti�n 11� ab�v�, t�� �p�r�t�r �h�ll �bt�i�n �r�� �-r��ir�t�in �I���uc���ut ��� t�r�rn �f th�� A��r��r��nt, �t th� ��era�or'� sol�. �o�t a�� ��cp����, tns�r�r��� a��ir�s� ��a��rr�� �or it���ri�� t� ��r��r�� �r ��r�na�g�� �� �r�p�rty v�rhi�h r��� �r��� fr�r�n �r ir� . �a��e�t�on �rvith t�� �ervic�s p�a�r�ded by tl�e ���r�t�� ur���� this �����rr���n�, �n �r b����� ��� ��rr�r��r���r��r�t �� t�r� ��rrr� �� �hi� A�r��r����, �h� ���r�t�r �I��II f�,rr���� #�r� ���T1� �nri�l� r��ifi�a���s sh�v�rir�� ��� �y��, arn�ur�t� ��a�� �� �p������r�� ����r�� �� ���F� i���r����, �r�� �k�� �ife�t�v� d��es �nd da�es of ���irat�on af �u�l� ir���r�r��e �o�ici�s. �uch ��rtifi��t�s ���II ��s� ��r�t�in ��b���r�ti�ll� �k�� ��Il��rir�� �ta�t�r�n��t: "TI�� �n��r�r��� ��v�r�� b� t��� ��r�ifi��t� v�ri�� ��� �� �ancel�d �r r����ri���� ��t�r�d, ��c��pt �ft�r t�ir�� ���} ���� �nrr�tt�r� r���i�� ha�� ���r� r����v�d b� t�� �ITI�." �. AI� ir����a�r��� p��i�i�� ���II �� ���u��d b�r �n i���r�n�� ���npa�r�� ��rr�r��ly �utl��ri��� b� t�� In���ra�r��� ���n�ni��i�n�r #� tr�n���� t�� ���i���� �� ir-����a�r��� in �I�� �t��� �� ��li��rr�i�, v�rit� �n ���i�r��� p��i��rt��ld�r�� F�at�n�. �� � {�r ����r�r� ��� �inan�i�! ���� ��t�g�ry �I��� llll {�r la�r��r� i� ���orda��� �vith the ��test ed�tior� o� Best� Key f�atin� �����, unl�s� ��I��rv�ris� ��pr��r�� �� �h� �I� Dir��t�r ���drnir�i��r���v� ��rvi���. Th� ���i��� �����r�� �r� �� f�l1��r�r�: '1. ���r�t���i�� Lia��ili��r` T�� ���r���� �I��fl ���a�in a��� r��int�i� �t a�l -- ���n�� ��rir�� t�� ��rr�t �f �hi� A�r��r��nt ��rn���h�r��i�� ��n�r�� ��rr�r��r�iaE li��ili�� trr��ra�n�� ���r�r��g �I�i��-p�r#� �i�b��ity ri��c� irr � r�ir��r�ur� a�r��ur�t �� �'� r��l�i�r� ��r��in�d��i���� �irnit p�r ����rr�r��� ��r ���il� �nj�ry, ��r��n�� ir���ry �r�d pr���rty c��rn���, �. �����n�bi�� Li�b��it ; ��r7nrr��r���l �����n��i�� li��ifity �n� �r���rt�r tr���r�r��� ���r�rir�� �n� �������� ��nrn��} ��a�s��, I�i�-�� �� b�rr��r�� by t�r� ���r�t�r i� � rr�i�ir�n�rr� �rr��ur�� �� �'� rr�i�li�r� ��r�bir��� �ir�gi� �i�i� p�r ���urr���� f�r b�d��� i�j�ry ��c� �ar����y d�r�n���, �r�c� �#���! ir��l�d� �����r� ��� ���i��nta� ��v�r�g�, Agenda Item 8.n. Page 8 ���������� ��• ���� � �, Vll�r����' ��r���r�������: �`I�� ���r�#�r �h�El r��ir�t�in ��I� Vll�rl��r'� ��r���n��ti�� Ir���,r�r��� ��r �I! p����ns ��� �nr�r�rr� �t �r��l��� i� ����rd�r��� �it� ��� r���rir�rr��n�� �f t�� r��st ��rr��� �r�d a�ppli�a�bl� �ta�t� II'V�rk�r�r ��r���n��ti�r� Ir��ur�r��� I�v�r� ir� ��f��t �. �����ti�n Vl��i��r: Th� ���r���r �gr��� tl�a�� ir� �h� ��r�n� �f ���� �u� t� �n� �f ��� ����I� ��r �nrh'r�t� it ��� a�r��d t� �r��ri�� in�r�ra�r���, t�� ���r���� ���II I��k ��I�I� �� i�� �r���r�r�c� ��r r����r�ry. T�� ���r�t�r ��r�b� ���nt� t� ��� �1�, �� ��h�l# �f �n�r ir���r�r pr��ri��rr� in�urar��� t� �itl��r th� �p�r�t�r �r ��� �I� v�ri�� resp�ct to ��� s�rvi��� of t�� ���r�tor f�er�in, a v�ra��rer of ar�� �-�ght of s�brog�tio� #��t ��� �u�� i��ur�r of ��id �#�� �p�rata� rnay a���u�r� �g�in����� �ITY b� vir-t�� ����� pa���n�nt �f a�n�r ��s� ur�d�r ���� ����r�n��, �. A�diti�r��� �n��r��: T�� �I�`1�, i�� �i�� ���r��il, k��ar�ds �r�d ��r�n����i�ns, ��fi����, a��nt�, ��rva�nt� �r-�� �r�pl����� �ha�rl �� na�r��� a�� an �dd�t��n�l in��r�� �rr aIJ p�l����� �# �r��u�rar��� r����r�c� b� �I�i� �gr��r��r�t. T�� n��ing �� �r� ��di���r�a�l ir�����d �ha�ll r��� ��f��t �n� r����r�ry �� v�rt�i�� s��l� add�ti�n�l i���r�d �r��l� �� �r�tit��d �rr��r �hi� p�l���r if r��� ��r�r��� �� ���h ���i�i���� ir���r�� �r�d �� ���iti�r��l �n��r�� r��r��� h�r�ir� �h��l r��� �� h�l� Ei�bl� ��r � ��� ��r�rni�r� �r ��cp���� �f �rr� ��tur� �� t�i� ��li�� �r ��ct�n���� - tl��r��f. �Ir�}r ����r ir���ra�r��� ��i� �y �n ��diti�r��l �n�ur�� sl�a�l� n�t b� r�quir�d �� ���tr�b��� ��y�hir�� t��v�r� �n� ���� �r ��cp�r��� ���r�r�� b� t�� irr�ur���� pr���d�� b� �I��� ���i��. Pr����d� �r�rr� � ��� su�� ��ii�� �r p�li���� ���il b� p������ t� ��� �ITI� ����na�ri�y, ��� �� �#�� �p�ra��r ����n��r�l�, if r�������ry. �. Tfi�� ���r�t�r ��r��� ���� i� �n� p�l��� �� in��,���� ���ui�-�� b� t�i� �1�r������ i� r��� r��in�a��r��d ir� f��� f�r�� �r�� �f���t, th� �hi�� �f ���i�� �r �i����r d��i���� ���} �n 1�i��h�r ��1� di��r�����, �u�p��d ��i� ��r��r��r��, irr��n��������, �nt�l ���I� t�rr�� a� ��� r����r�d ins�ra���� i� in �ff��t �r�� ��� r���ir�� ��rtif�����s a�n� �r�d�r��r��r��� �r� d�li�r�r�d t���� ��Tl�. �Cllll. P���-I���T���V A��If��� T�AI��FEF� �. �l�� ���ra���r ����! r��� ��si�r�, �u�l�a��r h�p�th��a�t� �r �ra��s��r t�i� ��r���n�r�t �r a��r ir�t�r��t �h�r�in ��r��tl�r �r i��ir���l�, b�r �p�r�ti�r� �� I��v . - �r ��F��r�vi��, �nr��h�u�t #�� ��i�r �vr�t#�r� ������� ����� ��Tl�. �r�� ��#�r�r��� t� �� �� v�ri��r��� �I�� ��r���r�� �� ��� �ITI� ���ll �� r��ll �n� �r�i�} ��d �r�� a���ig���� ���������, I�y���������� �r �r�����r�� �I��I� a����ir� �� ��g�rt �r ir�t��-��� ��► r����� ���u�l� a�t��r��#�� a�����r����t, ��r���h���t� �r tr�n�f�r, �. T�r� ����, a���i����r�t, �r������ �r �tk��r di������i�r� �� �r��r �� ��� i��u�� �r�� �u#���n�ir�� ���i��l �t���C �� �I�� ���rat�r, �r �� th� ��t�r��� �f �r��r ��r�e�a�l ���tr��r �r ���r�# v�r���r� �r ��rn�i���� rx��r���r �r ��t�r�a�r��, uv�f�h Agenda Item 8.n. Page 9 ���������� ��■ ���� � s�ra��l ����I� ir� ���r��� �n tl�� ��ntr�� ��tl�� ���ra���r, ���I� �� ��r-���r��d �s �n �ssi��r�r��n� �f thi� A�r��r-r��r��. ����r�l rx���r�� fifty ��r��nt ����1�� �r r�n�r� �f t�� �r��i�� ���v�r �f �h� ��r��r��i��, ��r�n�r��i�, j��r�� �r�n��r�, ��r��i����, �r ��-����r���, . �1l�I�. P�F�II�II�T� �►h�� LI��N��� A. TI�� �����t�r, �� ��� s�l� ��c��n��, ��r�l� �bt�1n �r�d �n�in�a��� ����r�� t�r� ��rr�n �� t�ri� A�r���n�r�t, ��� ���r��ri��� p�rrr-�its, li��r���s ar�d �ert�f'i��t�� t��t r��� b� r��uir�d i� ��nr����i�r� �v�t� t�� ���f�rr��nr� �� s�rvi��s � pr��r���d ��r��r���r ir���uding, b�t n�� lir�ni��� fi�� �ITY ��nir�� �nd �u���r���� I������ r����r�r��nt� ��� #1�� a������ri��� ��spl�� �� tl�� ���i���� li��n�� �r-� � t�v�r �r��i��� �r b��ir���s I��a�t���. ���■ ������� �. �II n�ti���, ���n�r���} r�����ts �r a��r��r�l� �� b� �i�r�r� �r�c��r t�r�s A�r��r��nt ��a�l� b� �i��rr ir� �nrritir�� �r�d ���II �� �����d ���v�� �vt��n d�l�v�r�� ��rs�r�a�l� ar or� �he s��or�d ��sin��s day a�t�r ��po�i� ir� th� t�ni��� �t�t�� rr��i1, ���ta�g� ����a�i�, r��i�t���d �� ��rtifi��, ��dr����d �� ��r��r�arft�r pr��ri���, . A11 �������, d�rr��r���, r�qu���� �r ���r��r�l� ��r�r� ��� ���r�t�� �� �h� �ITI� �I�a�l� b� �d�r�s��� t� �h� Arr��� �r�r��� P�I��� ��pa�rtrn�r�� ��; . Arroyo ���r��e Po�i�e C3�par�rr�er�t � ��� �Vorth Fia�cyo� Roa� �rr��� ���r�d�, �ali���r�i� ����� Att�n���r�: �I������ F'��i�� Ali r��ti���, d�rr�a�n��, r�q��s�� �� ���r��r��� fr��n t�� �I� t� t�� �p��a���r s��ll �� �dd r��s�d t� �p�r�t�r ��; �. TEF��IIIIIVATI�h� �� ��F�E��111�IVT A. Th� �r�u�r�d� ��r���r���a��i�rr �f#l�i��►����r��r�t in����� br�a��l� �f a�r����rr�ns � �� thi� A�r��r�r�r��. �n th� ��r��n� t�� ���r���� ��� �r�����d tl�� ��rr�� �f �i��s ��r��rr�er�t or ��her graur��� fo�- t�rrr��r�a�iar� ��c�st, t�� ���`1C sl�ail �r�vid� �vritt�� rr�ti�� �f t�� n�t�r� ����� �����I� �n� �C�� �#�p� n�����ry t� ��r� #h� d�f����. I� ���� ��f��l� �� r��� ��r�c� �ri#�in a� ��r��� �� t�� ��� ��ys a�f�er ������t by the �p�rator �� �rr��t�n �ot�� �� ����u�t� this. A�re�rr�ent rr�ay b� terrr�rirra��� �y th� �hie� o� ���i�e by �ivi�� �nrritte� �o#��e t� �h� �Jpe���or. No���� ���t tl�e A�ree�n��t �as b��n terr�in���� �ha�l� �t�t� tl�� r�a��rrs ��r t��r�inati�r�. h��tw�������di�� ��� ��h��t�rrn �� Agenda Item 8.n. Page 10 �������i�n� r��. ���� � �r��ri�i�n �f �hi� ��r����nt, ��t#��r ��rty rr��� ����nir���� thi� ��r��r��r�t ���r� �� ��ys writt�� n�ti��. �i. ���`� �F LI�I��TI�N A. If �n� ����I ���i�r� i� n���s�a�ry t� �n��r�� �r�� ����ri�i�n� �f �hi� A�r��r��nt �r ��r ��rr����� �� r����r� �� �n ��leg�� �r���h �f �r�� pr�vi����� �� �hi� Agr��rr����, ��� �r��r�ilir�� ��rt� sh�ll �� �r�t�tl�d t� ����i�� fr�rr� ��� I����� ��rty ��I r����r�abf� �tt�rn��s� fe�s ��rd ���t�. �CI�. ��II�PL�AN�E 1IV1�1� �1LL l�AV1l� �►. T�� ���r���r �ha�ll ��r��l� vui�t� �II I��nr�r ���t� �r #�d�r��� �r�d �I� �rdir��n���r r��l�� �r�d r���l�ti�rr� �r������ �r is�u�� b���� ���, �I I�. V'VA I1l�F� �. � v�r��v�r b�r #�r� �IT1� �� a��� br���h �f a�r��r t�rrr�, ���r�r�ar�t �r ��r����i�r� ��r��a�in�d ��r�ir� s���l ��t b� ������ t� �� a v�r�fv�r �� ��� �u������n� � k�r�ac� of t�e sarn� or �r�y other ��rrr�, �over��r�t or �n�it�o� ��nt�En�d h�r�in v�r���h�r ��tl�� s�r�� �r� �iff���nt �h�r����r, �C�C�II. INT��RATEi� ��NTRA�T � �1. This �gr��r���n� �r��r���r��� th� ���� �n� cor�pl��� �r���r���n�i�g �f ��r�ry �cir�� �r ����r� �rf�a������r�r b�tv�r��� ��� p�r���s I��r�t� a�r�� �I! �r�lirr�irra�r� rr����ia��i�r�� �rrd ��r��rr��r�t� �� �nr��������r �cind �r n����r� �r� r7r��r��� h�reit�. No �r�r��� agr�e�ent or ��p�i�d �avenat�t ����I �e heNd t� �r�ry the �r��risi��s ��r��f. Ar�� rr���ifi�a�i�r� �f �hi� A��r��r��r�t �nril! �� ��f��ti�r� �nl� �� v�rritt�r� ��c���ti�n �i�n�d �}r ���h th� �I`� �nd t�� �p�ra���r. �he ��Tl� ����by r��erves ���ry ri�h� a�d po�re�, in the e��r�ise th�re�f, v�rl�i�� �s r����v�� �r �utl��ri��� ��r �r�� �r��ri�i�n �# �r�� I�v�rf�l �r���a���� �r r���lu�i�� �f �I�� �ITI�r �r�r��tk��r ��a��t�d ��f�r� �r �ft�r th� �ff��ti�r� ��#� �� t�r�� Agr��r�n�r�t, IV�i�h�r ��� �����i�n #� ��I�c�t t�r� �p��r����r �� � r�ta������1 ��li�� ��� ��rvi�� pr��r���r n�r �r�� pr����i�n �f #hi� ��r��r���t st��ll ������#u�� � �nra�i��r �r � ��r t� ��� ��c�r�i�� �f any ���r�rr�r-r��n�al ri��� or pov�rer�f t�� ��Tl�. � �I11, ��ERAT�� II�EE����� � . �. �� r���e���ry, t�� ��i�f �f ���i�� �r �i��l��r �����r��� v�rill s�h���l� �n� �ha�ir � �����r�� �f ��I �p.�ra��r� �r��r�l�r�d i� �I�� ��t��i�r�a�l ��v�r�r�� Pr��r�r�. T�� ��r���� �� #�� nn��ti�� �nri�l �� t� �i����� �n�, i� ����i���, r�s���r� r������ pr��l�rx��. V11hil� ��t�nda�r��� �� r��t r��n��t�ry, i� i� �tr�n��� �r����r�a���, , Agenda Item 8.n. Page 11 �������rio� r��, ���� � B. �n� ur���r������ ��r��� t��t a�� � �����ti�n fo� ir�����;o� in tn� rot�tior��� ���nrin� I��� �f th� A�P�} h���h� �nri�l ��Il�r ��r��l� v�rit� �h� �����r��nt a�r�� a�ll r���ti���t ���vir�� ��rvi�� �r�����r�� �� ��t��l��l��� b� t�� ���D. �u�tf��rr�n�r�, �h� un��r�tgn�� ��r��� �h�t �n� ��i��r� t� �t�ll� ��rr��r� v�rit� � � t�� �r����i�n� �� t�i� A�r��rx��r��, �� h�r����r �r �n���� �n hi����r �r7r��l��r�r��r��, r���r �� ����� ��r ir�n���i�t� �u���r��i�n �� r�r���ral fr�r� �I�� rc���ti�n�� t�v�rin� I�st ar�d��r ��rrn�r�����r� �f th� A�r��rx��n�, ���n ��ti�i��ti�n b�th� ��i���� ��li��.� I�1 V1�ITIVE�� THE����, tf�� p����� I��r��� h��r� �����d �1�� A�r��rr��r�t �� b� ��c������ t�� da�y �n� y�ar fir�t �bove v�rr�tt�n. ��� �F A�F��1�� �RA�D� ��N�I�A�T�F� By: �y: ���ven A��rr��, ��ty I�I����er I��: �Ti���} �tt�s�: l��II�Vlf�trr����, �i�y �I�rk � A���au�d As�a �o rrr�: Tir��t�� �. ��rrn��, �it���#�rn�� Agenda Item 8.n. Page 12 ���������� ��■ ���� �� • ������� ii�!! AF���Y� �RA�1�E P�LI�E �E�AF��Nl�IVT . R�1`ATI�I�A� 1`�11V�1�� PR�C�AM I. �'IJF����� �11�� IIV���1T T��� F��t����n�r� T��vir�� ���gr�r�n �� ����blis��d t� ��e� ���t�r st�r���r�� t� �r��rid� ��r � r�n�th��l �� ��t��li�l�in� a� r�#��i�r��� ���ir�� �r�grarr� vr�l��r�b� t��vin� ��rvi�� ��r���r���� ��� �� ���i�r�at�� ��li�� t��v ��rvi�� �r��rid�r� ��r �#�� Arr��r� �ran�� ��I��� �����-trr���r� {A�P��. �h� �►��� d��ir�� �� �r���r� t�� a��a�i��bil�ty �� �r�r��t, �f�i�i�r�t �rr� r��i�bl� p�li�� t��vir�g ��nri��� i� �r��r���n�� �r a��-���� �i���ti�n� �nd ir� #�� r�r��val �� �����I�� ���t �r� ��a�n��r��d, i��r�l�r�d rn an ��������, �r ��n�ti��t� a��n ab��ru�ti�r� t� tr��fi� �����s� ���n����r����l ��il�r� �nri���r� tl�� ��t� ��Ar�r��� �r�r��� ��ity�.- It �� �h� �urp�se �n� ��t�nt �� ��r�� F�������r��l T�v�r�r�g Pr�g��rr� �� �r��rid� � #�r�r �r�d ����r��a�l rx��ar�� �� �rstribut��� r������� ��r #��vi�� s�rv���s �r�n�r�� ��a�li�i��i ���r���r� a�r�� �� ���ur� ���t ���1� ��rvi�� i� �r�rx�p� �r�d r����n��l� �ri�t� �_�n� i� tl�� ���t ir�t����t� �� tl�� pu��i� �� �nr�l� a�� t�� i���r��� �� ���i�nt ��li�in� �p��ar�i��� ��r �h� remov�l of �reh�c��s �rom publ�c property. A�re�rr�ents entered inta by �1�� ��ty ��rs�ant t� tl�i� F����r�i�r��� ���n►�n� �r���-�rr� �f��ll �� r��r��������i�r�. �I�� n�rr���r �f ���r�t�r� - �fi��l� ��� �� r��tri�#e� �� a�r�� �a�r#���I�r n��b�r. I�. ��E�A�`�� A�F�EEII���VT'� AND F��`�AT���tAL��V111�1� PF������J��. A. �I�� �ity r�a�� ����r ���� ������i�n�� v�ri�h ����rr ��rnpa�ni�� �h�r�ir�a��t�r ��Il�d "�p�r�tors"} �o �per�te a� �r�e of th� A�PC�'� non-e�c�lus��re �at�tion�� ���r �er���� �orr�par��e� ��r���nt �o t�e te�m� �f thi� ���a�tional ���i r-�� �����a�rr�. �. I� �n�r� tl�a�n �r�� ���r�t�r �� a�r�� �i��r� ���� I��� �r�t�r�� i�t� a�r� A�r��r���t�v�t� #��A�PC�, ��li�� t���r�� ��rvi�� �I���I b� r��at�d ar�on� tl�� v�ri�u� �p�r�tors �� � r�ta��i��n ��stem �s�a��i�hed �y �l�e ����f �� P�li��. .. �. ���ra���r� ����I �� a��a�il���� �r� a� ��-��ur, ��d�� � �nr���C ���i� �nd t�� �r�� �f ��r�i���ility �f ���� ��rv��� sha�l� b� �nrtt�ir� �h� �r���rp�r���� �i�y lir�r�i��. ���ra����� ����� �r��r�d� � ��-�n�r�u�t� r��p�n�� �ir�r��. I� th� ���r�t �r� ���ra�t�r i� �r���l� t� �����n� �r �j�l �� ��I����, ���� Dis��t�l� �ha�ll b� r����fi�� �r�r�r�n��i�t�l� �nd �r�����r r����i�r�a�l p�li�� ���v s�nri�� ��rr���n� r��y b� r�q�e���d by �he A�PD, �� �l�i�� ���e t�e �p�r�tor failing t� r�����d �n►i�l ���� �I��t�t�rn in t�� r��������1 ��vrr��� �i�t. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 13 ���������� ��■ ���� �� I�Ir �■ �� ��� ����■ �. TI�� ���r�t�r ���II �I��r�� r�t�� ��r ��rvi��� �ri��n�ti�� �r�r� th� A�P� b���� u��� ��� ��Il�v�rir�� �r���ria�: �. ����� ���n th� ��r�ra��� �f th� pr�p�s�d f��� ��br��tt��, th� ����f �� �'�li�� �r �i����r ���i�r��� �ha�ll ��t�r�nir�� ��� r�������l�r���� �� �II �u�m�t��d r�t�s. 'I ���� ���r��d ��r �������� #� � ��II �r���n��in� ���nn th� A�P� �k��lt �� r����r�a��l� �nd r��� in ��c���� �� ���°l� �f ��� ��r�r��� �f r���� �h����� ��r ��r�il�r ��rvi��� �� �I� ��rr�����tiv� bi�� �u�r�ni�t�d ��r th� ���ra�t�r�. � . �. An ���ra���r v�r�� ���rni�� � r��� �I��� i� d���rr��n�� �� ��� ����� �� P�Ir�� �r I�i��l���r d��i�r��� �� �� ��r����r���l� �h��l �� �I���nr�� t� r�-��b�it r���� ��I}� �r�� �ir�n�. � �. If t�� r��-�������� r�#� i� ����rr�i��� �� b� �n��a��r���l�, tl�� . ���ra���� ����� b� di���a�lifi�� �,��il th� r���ct ��r��lr�n�r�� ��ri�d. � �. T�� ���r���r �f���l �� �r��r���� �nrf�h �vrit��� r���'r���ti�n r�����ir�g di�q��lifi���i�n v�r���in th�r-ty ���� ����. �. F��t� r���ir��n�n�s r��r���rrt t�� �n��cir��rn �� ���rat�r rna�� ��ar��, �r� �p�rator i� no� �recl���� f�o� �I��r��n� less v�rh�r� d���n�d a�propria��� �y ��� �p�r�t�r. 'I. T���� ����i��rn�r�t� ���I� r��t�b� ��n��ru�d �� r����ri�� � ���r�� ff �r� ���r�t�r���I� r��� ���r-r-��Il�r �I����� ��r� �����fi� ��rvi��. �, In �r� ��f�rt �� r�rr��ir� ��r���ti�i�r� ir� �I�� ���� r��rk�t, t�� �p���t�r r��� l��nrer r�t�il r�te� a# any ���ne by r��t�fyi�g th� A��D. Ul�her� the �per�t�r ���nr�r� t�� r���il ra���, th�t r���i� r��� �����n�� th� �p�rart��'s n��nr �pp���e� r���, �����t�r� rn�� r�'r�� ra�t�� ��r r��r�-A��� ��I�� �� �r�yti�n�, � �, �r��r ���r�t�r v�r�� �1��r��� r�t�� a����r� ��� ��br��tt�� r���� ��r �� A�PD ���I ���1� �� i� �ri�l����n ��ti�� ��r��r��r�� �r�d ������t �� d���i�l�n�ry���j�� �� �� �r�� ���E��ing ��rr�i���i�r� �f th�Ag���t��r��. �. �� �p�r�t�� �� �rn�l���� �k��l� r���r #� �n� r��� a�� a� r��uir�d �� "A��� F��t�,,, �I, T�� �p�r��r�� �������� �� rat�� ���rg�� b� t�t� �p�rart�r ���ll b� ��r��la�l� ir� tf�� t��v �r�h���� �r�d �I�a�ll b� pr����t�d ���� d�r��r�d #� ��� �r��►i�1� �v�r��r�a��ent ��r �r�r���n �h� ���nr s�rvi�� v�ra�s pr��rict�c� �r t� a�n�r A�PQ rr�ernbe� ��tk�e s����. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 14 ���o�����r� �uo# ���� �� �. T��r� ����I �� n� a��diti�n�l ���r�� f�r r�n�vir��: �,�. ����r�n�, t�urr�n�t ��s�in� �r ��il��i�g a� f��r�Cli� a� st�r�d �r����l� �r��n �n�i�� �n �p�ra���r's . �t�ra�g� ��rd �� t�� fr�r�t �f��� ���ir���� �����li�l�r��rrt.� . �1. ���r���r� r��� �r��� �r�i�� r�t�� ��rir�� t�� �nr�ll��r�� p�ri�d �r �p�� a�p�r��r�f �fi��r� rr�id��rr�n ��r����n� r��i��nr. �. T�� r�t� ��r t�v�ir�g ��rvi�� ���II �� ��r�npu��d fr�r� ��rt�l t� p�rt�� �rv��n � �r�h���� i� t�v�r�� t� �h� �����t�r'� �t�ra�� ��rd, �. P��-t�l �� ��rta�l is ��fir��� a�� ��fl��nr�; Tir�r� ����I �ta�r-� �r��n �i�k��r t�r� ��i�� �� �i���t�h �r �p�r� d���rt�r� �r�r�ra ��� ����e �� b��ir����, �v�i��r���r i� �����r �� t�� I��a�ti�r-r �� �1�� �a��E, �n� �#��II �r�� �� tl�� ; ��ti��#�d �ir�� �f ���urr� t� t�� �I��� �f ���ir���� �r ��r��l�ti�r� �� tl�� ���I, if�r�� ����r� ��II i� p�nd�r��t �vhi�h��r�r i� ���rk�r. �. TI�� ��r�� ��cp�r���� ��r ����r�� � ���i�l� �a��C t� th� ���r�t�r's �t��a��� �a�r� ����I b� �F��r��� a�� � r�t� n�� t� �����d tl�� ���rl�r ra�t�. Tirr�� ����n��� in ��c���s �f ��r� �r�url� r�t� �C��II k�� ir� r�� rx��r� tl��r� �r���r�ni���� in�r��n�n��. �1��r� �ha��l b� r�� a���i�i��a�l ���r��� ��r rni���g�, I�b�r, ���. L. T�� ���r�t�r �n�� �f��r�� u� t� � ���-F���r r�nir�i�rn��m ��r ��fl �n A�P� re�por��e call�. 11�1. T�� ���r�t�� r��� ���r-r�i� t�nr� t��v r�t�� t� th� ��P[�; C3r�� r��� f�r ��FI� ����ir��#ir�g ��r�n� r�����1 b��ir���� ��ur� �nd �n���r�r r��� ��� �al�� o�i��r�ati�g a��r �orrr�at ����r���� �our�. h�. �I�� ���r���r s��ll �a��� ���nrir�� ���r��s �p�r� �h� ����s �� ������� ���r�� �o�r�d �r��ard��s� �f tl�e ����s o�to�v v��i�le ��e�, e���p�w��r� the v��ic�� �����r�ry ����a�t��rr r��u�ir�� � I�r�� ����� t���������. �. ���� f�r ����ia�l �p����i�r�� �h�ll �� r����r����� �r�� ����i���r�� �nri�l� in����ry �ta�r�d��d�f�r���mi��r �p�ra����n�, P. �t�r��� �e�� 'I. T�� ���ra���r ���1� ����i� �r������ ���r��� ���� ��r ir����� a�r�d ����id� �t��a�� �� ��� A�P[�. T�� �k�i�� �f P��i�� ��- �i����r -- d��tc�n�� s�a�ll ��t�rr�ir�� ��� r�a���r��bl�n��� �� t�� s������ ���� f�r i����� a�r�� ��t�id� �t�r�g� b���� ���r� �h� a���ra��� �� th� pro�o�ed ��orage fees ��bmi��d. �. F��� �h�r��d ��r ���r�g� �f � �r��i�f� �rt��na��i�� �r�r�n ��t� A�P� ���l1 �� r����r����� �rr� r��� i� ��c���� �f '����1� �f�I�� a��r��a��� �f ��#�� ���rg�� ��r sir�i�a��r s��r��� ��nr���� b� ��I ��r����i���r� b��� ��br�nitt�� ���I�� ���ra�t�r�. b. �I�� ���r�t�r �h�lf di��l�� i� p1�ir� �ri�v+r �� ��I ���I�i�r�� �tat��r�� � �i�r� �� c����ri��d ir� ���ti�r� �������{�}{E� �f �h� Agenda Item 8.n. Page 15 ���������� ��■ ���� �� �i�r�l ���� dis�����n� �I� ���r��� ���� a�nd �ha�r��s i� ��r�e, in��u���� ��r� r�n��cir�r���n ���ra�g� ra���. �. 11��r��l�� ���r�� �� I���r�� �r I��� ��r�l� �� ���r��� �� rx��r� th�r� �r��-���r ���r��� �ur���r�t t� ���ti��r� ����,1��� �f t�� �i�ri� ��d�. E��h ��� �h����f#�r r��r� �� �a�l�u��t�� �r� � fu�l ����r�d�r-��� �����, ��r���nt t� ���ti�� ����.1��� �� tl�� - �i�il ��d�, . �. In�id� �����g� f��� s#��I� ��l� b� �h�r��� v�r��n in�id� � �t�r��� i� ����r��t�� b� tl�� ��P�, r��i�����d ��rr��r, I���� �v�rr��r, in���r�r��� ��rr��ar��, �r �nr��r� �n��d� ���r��� ��n �� r�������1�ju���fi�d ��t�� ���r����. C�, AAA F��te� 'I. If �r� �►��� t��v �n���r���ra�g� �n�r�lv�� � v��i�l� �u�j�� t� ������� t�v�r �����r ���r��� r�t��, �.�. AAA ��r � �ir�i��r ���m��n�r ��� ��� �r����r ���r��� r�t� �t�a!! ��t ��c���� t�� ��t� �st���i�l��� ��AAA �� � �ir�i�a�r ��r���r-��. F�, ��I�usi�r� '�. �r� ���ra�t��r a�r�d��r �p�l���nt sh�ll ��t ��r��pir�, a�t��r�p# #� ��r����r�, �r ��r�nr�i� �r�� �tl��r �ct �� ���I��i�r� v�ri�l� ��� ��I��r �p�r���r �r����r �pp���arrt f�r t�� p�r���� �f �����tl�, �r ��h��nnr���, ������is��n� �n �r���r�t�n�in� ���a�r�i�� r�t�� �r ����i#��r�� �� tl�� F��t����n�1 T��vin� Pr����r�n ��r��r�n��� th�t v�r���� bri�� ����� �n� . �r��a�ir ��r��i���r� tk�a�t ��uid f�� �r�j�di�i�l �� t�� A�P�, tl�� �u�li� �r other ���r�to�s. � �. � �r���ng �� �l�� �►��C� ���� �r�� �p�r�#�� �r ���li�ar�� h�� ���r� in�r�l�r�� in ��I�u���rr ���II �� ����� f�r ��ni�� �� �� ����������n �r ��a1� r��ll�fy ��� F����t��n�� ��v�in� F'r��r�rr� ��r��rr��n� v�rti�� ���� �p��-a�t�r, �n� ���ra�t�r �� �p��i��r�t ����d t� b� ir��r�l��� ir� �r�� ��t, �r ���rr����� ���, �f ���lusi�n �I���i b� d���u�l�fi�� �r�r� parti�i��t��� in a�l� A�PD r���ti�r��l t�v�r li��� ��r �h� ��rr�r�t ��rr�r� �� th�A�r�ern�nt, plu� t1�r�e ��} year�. �. lr� ����r��n�� �i�h tl��� ��t�ti�n�l T�v�rir�� Pr��ra�r�n, ��r��r�t�r��� s��il �r��rid� t��� �� ���r�t�r ���II ��� #� ��� �i�}� a� fr�n��i�� ���. Thi� �r�r��h�s� ��� s�a�l� b� �al��f���� �� �� t� �� ��r������r�� v�r�th ��� r���ir�r��r�t� �� �a�li��rr�r� ll��i�l� ���� ����r�r� 'i�'������ �rvl���h ��rrr���� � t�� �i�� t� ��11��� � f�� t� r�����r ��� ����a�l a�r�� r����n��l� ���t� �n��rr�� ir� ��nn������ v�ri�� �t� ���v�n� ��rv��� pr��r�rx�. �. �r�r���i�� ��� p��rr��n#� �I��II �� r���� �� � c���rt�rl� ���i� t� �h� ��r��t�r �� A�rr�'rr�i�#r�ti�r� ��r�r�r�� ��r t�r� �i�y �f Ar�-��r� �r�n��, Agenda Item 8.n. Page 16 �������i�� ��. ���� �� ���a��l� n� I���r th�n th� '!��" ��I�n�1a�r ��� �� t�� rr��r�t� f�ll�vrrin� t�� �I��� �f���h �r���in� �u�rt�r, . �. T�� �r�r��k���� f�� ����I r��� r���l� in ��li�� t�v�r ��rvi� r���� �h�� ��c���� ��� �a���� a�ll��v�b�� �,nd�r t�� ��r������. 111. ���RA�� �F 1lEI�I�L�� A. Th� ���r�t�r �I�a�il ���r� �II ir���c�r�d����#�r�� v��i�l��} ������r�r v�ri�h �II a�������ri��, ���i�rr��n�, �r�� ��r��r��l �r�p�rt� I���t�� �� �r i� �ar�l� v�hi�l�, ir� a ������� �a��ility �ppr��r�d ��r tl�� ���'C� ��� v�r�t�ir� r����r��b�� �r��r��� �i�#�n�� �r�r� tl�� ��t�. ���I� ���r��� fa��ility sha�l� ��r�t�ir� � rx�ir�ir��r�n ���� �r�1���1� st��ra��� ������. B. �fh� �p�r�t�r �k��ll r�arr�t��r� r�ir�irr���n ���r�ti�� I��ur� ��� th� ���r��� #a���it� �� Illl�r���� �l�r���� Fr����, �:�� AN1 t� �:�� �II�I, ��c���t I���I ��l�d���. �r� ��tend�n� r����n�ibl� ��r �rr�n��nc� t�� r�l���� �f v�hi�f�� �� tk�� ��bli� �1�a�ll �� pr���nt ir� p�rs�r� �r ��r����l �uri�� �h��� d��s a�n� �ir��� t� r����r�d t� p��i�� r�qu���� ��� t� �s�i�� th� pul�li� ir� �b��ir�ir�g v��i�l�s �nr�tl��r� � r�������1� �irn�. �. F�r��ris��r�� v�r�l� �� rr���� f�r�I�� �d��u��� �ff-str��t �����r�t� �f v�hi�F�� �r�d � pr�p��t� �� th� p���� �f �t�r�g�. �� a� r�ir�ir��rn, a �-���� ���� ��r���� �r �nclo�e� �r�a shall �� pr�v�d�d. �. TI�� ���r���r ����I ��k� �n� �r�d �11 r����r��bl� r�n��sur�s n������ry t� pr��re�t t��ft or d�mag� to veh��l�s ��d #�� ���es�ori�s, eq��pmer�t, a� �tl��r ��r��na�l �r�p�rty �r� �r �� th�r�n v�r��l� i� tl�� st�r��� ����I���. E. �4� ��e af�s�r����rr �� ��� r�eir��le ��vrr�r�, �h� ���r���� �h�El r���ir ���na��� �� � �r��i�l� ��a� ���ur� v�r���� #�� �r�l�1�1� is �rr��r I�is�l��r ��r���r�l �r ����� r��rr�b�r�� ��h��l� ��vr��r� ��r ���� d����� �# ���� c������ i� �au��d�y ��e �c�ior���� ���l�e ��er��or. "�a����" irrclud��: bu� is �rot lir�i���: �� b���r ��r�n�g� ����r a�� ��nt�, �a���� darr����, ��� ��rr�r�� d�rr����; ���r��r�i��i�r� ��rr�a���; �n�����rri��� ��r��g� ������ ��r � ��r����r���i� t��r�rir�� pr���d�r��; �r�� ��t, br��c�n, r�rr����d �r d�r�n���d �������ri�� �nd v�rir�� �����d �� �nr����r��bl� ��v�ri�� �r����#�r��, F. ll�l�i�l�s t�a�t a�r� i�r���n��d �� ��i����� �h�l� �� ���r�� ir� � s���r� ���� �r�� �n��r ���n��ti��s a�p�r��r�d b}� ��� A�P[]. Th� �����g� ���� �I��II �� �rote�ted ag��r��� �c���s b� per�or�� r�ot a�tho�i��d by ��e A�PI�. The ���� �I�a�ll r���jn ��I� �����d� �f th� ����c r�n��t��r�i�r� ���d t� �r��r�r�t �,r���tF�a�i�ed a���s to veh�cles ir�npour�d�d a� e�rid����. '�. �t �I�� r�a�s�r��bl� �i��r��i�r� �f tl�� A�P�� ��� ���r���r a��r��� t� . t�v�r � �r��i�l� irn���r�d�d �� ��ri��n�� t� �� �lt�rn��i�r� s���r� ������� �a����it�r, �,�. �h� ��r� �u�� ��i��� ��ur�ty ����r��fi'� D���r��n��t. Th� �p�ra�or �h��l be �r���t��� to �I�arg� �I� r����r��b�� t�v�r�n� f��� �����i����l �itl� ��v�r��� � v�hi�l� ir-�����nd�d a�� ��r���r��� t� �r� �lt�rr��ti�r� ����r� ���r��� �a��lit�r. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 17 ���������� ��. ���� �� �. T�� �p�ra��r �h��l #��� ��I ������na�b�� pr�c�c����n� r���,'rr�� b� t�� ��PD t� ����d ���a��� t� �n� ��r�d�n�� in �r �r� � �r��i�l�, �.�, fin��rprin��: ����ns, �r f�r�r��i� ��������, 1--I. T1�� �p�r�t�r �gr��� t� r�d�� �r �nr���r� t�v�rin� �n���r st�r��� f��� �nrl��r� r��������� r����st�d �� �n� ���'� s���rvi��r �f. �f�� r�r�k �� P�li� ��r���nt �r ����r�. ���I� r�����t s���� ��n�r��l� b� lirnit�� �� ��� ��v�rir�g of �ity or A�P� v�l�icl�� �r�d the tov�rir�g ��� stora�e o# oth�r vef�ic�es a�� � r��ul� ��� �ni���k� �r �rr�r b� a� �ity �r A��� rr��r���r. �. ��r� ��er����� ��r��� �� i��laf �i�e r�e�i������f ��vr��r� �� � v�f�i�le ir�p�unde� a� eviderr�e �y �l�P� re�p�rrsi�le for �11 ���rir�g �rrd irr��ourrdls�ar�g� �e��, ir��l�dirr� ���irr� f�e� �re��ed �y �owir�� � ve�i�le �o arr �1��rr����ve���ur���ora�e f��i1i#y o�#�id� ��re �it�. �I. `TI�� ���nr ��rv��� �nri�l �r��r��� � r���i�� �rv�th � ��p� ��a��d ir� tl�� �t�r�� �r����l� �ruh�n��r�r ar�� ���r� i� r�rr���r�� ���r�n ���� ��hi�l� a�r�� ��k�n �� �r��t��r �I��� �f�#�ra���, �C. �rr1�r �r��rr ���r���r�l �r��rr� �f�� �1��� �rr� �nri�1� �4��� ��e��rr��h��l th� �� ���ra�t�r r������ ��r��n�1 �r���rty �r�r� a �r�h���� irr����r�c���! ��� e�rid�r��e ar �r�ves����#i�r�. T�� pe���r��! property ���r11 �rr1� be r��l���e��� �f���er-��r� ������r�af��r�f�e�4���. 'i. �I��r� �ha��� �� n� ���r�� ��r t�r� r������ ����r��r�a�l ���p�rt� d�r'rr�g r��rrr�a�l b��ir���� I���r� �� p��r �ar�i��rr�i� ll�hi�l� ���� ���ti�t� ����'�{b�, �'�r��a�r�� �� ������n ����'I�b} �� t�� �ali��rr�i� ll�i�i��� ��d�: �n �p�r�t�r rr��� �h�r�� � r�l���� ��� ��r �r���rty r����s�� �ft�r n�rr�a! bus������ ���r� �ha�� ����� r��t ��c���� �n�-���f �I�� ����1�r#��r r��� �I��rg��, �r E���, ��r ir�itia�l����v�r�r�� �h� �r�l�i�l�. �. P�r��n�l �r�p�r-�� i� ��r��i��r�� t� �� i#e�n� �h�� �r� rr�� a��fi�c�d �� #�� u�hi�l�. �,� P�rs�r�a�� �r����t� �r������s; �a�er�, tr�n���rta���� ���iul�r t���p��r���, ��rt�bl� �t�r�� �q��pr��r�#, �I�th��} lu���g�� t��l�, ���. b, �'�r��r��l �r�p��� fr�� � ���►���I v��i�l� �h�fl �� r�l����� - �p�n r�����t ��tl�� �r����l� ��nrn�r �r a���r��. �. ��r�� �h�11 b� r�l�a���� up�� ��rr��r�� �� �h� �a�rri�r �r p�rsua��� t� � ���r�t ����r. � N� �i�� �l��l� �� �tt��h�� �� a��� ��r��na�l �r���rty i� �r �n ��� v�1�i�l�r ��r���r�t �� ���tj�r� ����'I{b� �f ��� ��l�#�rni� 11�F�i�l� �o�e. �.. All �r����l�� ��vrr�� �nd �t���d b�#����P� �ha�l! �� r���� ��ra��l��l� �� �I�� �p�r�t�r �� ��� �v���� �f th� v��i��� �r I������r r��r���r��ativ�, �r�� �r���ran�� ���r��, i���ra�n�� �dju���r, �r ��� b�d� sh�� �r ��r ���I�r f�r Agenda Item 8.n. Page 18 ���������� ��r ���� �� t#�� ������� �f ��t��r���n� �r ��pr�i��n� d�r�n����, e�r���� vel�i�l�� impour�ded�s evide►��e. III1, All v�l������ ���rr�� ar�� �����d �� � r��u�� �� �� ��P� r�qu��� ��a�ll b� t��nr�� dir��tl� t� ��� ���r�#�r'� ����a��� ��t u�l��� th� ��P� �r �th�r p�r��� I�g�ll�r r������i�l� ��r �f�� v��i�l� r�qu��t� t��� �t b� �a�C�n t� �n�t�r�r ����ti�n. �1. T1�� ����a���r ���II n�� ������d �vi�k� �n�r ����i� ��r�C �r� � v��i�l� �r pl��� ��� �h�r��� a��inst � ��hi�l� �t��r th�� th��� r�q�Mr�� f�r ����r�g �n� st�r�g� �t t�� r�q���� �f �h� A�PD, �nl��� ���h�ri��� 1�}� t�� �r�hi�l� o�v��r or ���l��r��si�r�at�� ���r�t. � Th� ���rat�r �i�a��l �c��p a� �nrrit��r� r���r� �� ��r�ry �r�l���l� st�r�d f�� � ��r��� I����r t�r�r� 'I� I���r�, pursu��t�� ��c�i�r� '�������} ����� ��lif�rr�i� ll��i�l� ��d�. 'I. ���h r���r� ���I� ��r���i� tl�� ��r�n� �r�� a���r��� �f t�� ��r��r� �t���r�� �r r��u��ti�� th� ��rr�r, �h� na�rn�� �f�h� ��vr��r ��� dri�r�r �f �I�� ��f�i�l� ��f r����n��l� �����t�ir�a����� �r�d � �ri�� ����ri��i�n �f t�� v�hi��� �rr�a��C�, ��d��, ii����� ����� a��� �rr�r �r��i��� d��n���� ��,r����t t� ���ti�n 'I�����b� �f tl�� �a�l�#'�rr�i� 11�1���1� ����. 1l. ����R�� �, T�� ���r�t�� �vi11 rn�ir��a�in ����r�� �� t��r�ri�� �r�d st�ra��� s��v���� ��rn����� �t �I�� ���r�t��r}� �r�r���y ��,�ir���s �fFi��, ����r�� f�r ���� ���I ��r�l� ir������� �I�� ����ri����� �� ���l� �r������, t�� r����r� �� ��rv���, st�r# � ����, �r�d �ir�n�, ����t��r� �� ��II, i#��i��� ���t� �� ��v�ing ��� ���r��� a�n� t��r�r��i��� d���r�r'� n�rr�� a�r�� t��r�r �r�hi�l� �s��. If F�rrr� �I--IF'����►, �1����� �� ���r�� ll��i�l�} i� n�t r������� v�ritl�ir� ��� v�r��l� �r�r-r� ��r� ��t� �� ���ra���, tl�� �p�r�t�r rxr��t ��n�a��t tf�� A���, T�� ���ra����'� �r�r� ��r ��v�r�rrg �n� �#��a�g� i� ��r��i���rrt ���r� th� �e��ir�� r������ b�ir�g ��r�v�r��� �� �I�� I�g�� and r��is����� ��nrn�r� �f ���I� ��hi�l�. ��� ���rata� v�r�l� ���p�� �r�rit� ���ti�n 'I���� �f tf�� �aljf��r��� 1l�hi��� ��d� �n r�p�rtin� th� s�ora�� of�r�hi�res �v�r �� d�y�. �. 11Vh�n �i�p���n� �� �n�l�ir��� �r�hi�l��, tl�� �p�r�t�r �h�l� ��id� ��r �rl �ppl���bl� ��li���r�i� �f��l ��d� r��u�����n� �n� r�q��r�nn�r���. �. lJ��n �p��ifi� r�q���� fr�r�n ��� A�I�C�, �� �t ����� �� � ���r��r��r ba�i� �r� o� b�f��-e t�e '����' ����r�dar d�y of th� nnont� fallo�v�n� the �lase �# t�e �r����in� q��rt�r, �r� �����t�r s��ll ���rr��� � r�p�rt �� tl�� �hi�f �� ���i�� . �n���� ��� ����n�s�r�tiv� ��rvi��� �ir��t�r �v�i�h ���CI ir������ tk�� ��Il��nr�r��: �. T�t�� ��I�� f�r p�fi�� t��vs ��d �t�������rr����r���. �. �������r� �f�I�� ��lls. �. IVur�b��r���r�l�i�f�� t���� �r�d �t�r�d�ir�r����r����. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 19 F�����1�l�1�IV iV�. PA�� '1? �. Li��r��� r��r���r� r���c� a�n� rr����l �� ���h v����r� ���nr�d �r s��r�d������n���. . �. �a��� ��r�l���� �f�a��h �r��i�l�. � �. Pe�sor� �r�rr� #o v�rhorx� the vef��c�� wa� r�l�ased. �. ���r��s 'r�n��s�� a�r�d pr������ r��ei�r��, �. IV��n��r �� �r��i�l�� s�l� �r� li�n ��I� urrd�r ��th�ri�� �f ���i�n ����, ���i��rn�� �i�r�l ��d�, a��� r���r#in� �u�� ���� s�l�� �� ��r a�ut��r�t� �f���ti�n ����� ���h� ���i��rr�i� 1l�hi�l� ����. . �. IV��b�r �f �r�hi�l�s ��I� �n��r a�uth�r��� �� ���ti�r� ����, ��li��r�ni� ���r�f ���� �un��r ���� �r�l�r��. 1�. N��n�� a�r�� �d����s�� �� �c���r� a�n� ����ri����r�� �� �r��i���� r��rh�n ����. '11. T���I ��ri�� �n� n�t �ri�� t�� ����a���r r���i�r�d �r�rr� �a��l� �r�hi�l� disp�s�d ��b� ti�r� �al�, �. �p�r���r� ����I rr��ir�t��r� a�ll r���r�s r�la�t�d �� ���i�� ���+�r� ��� �t�r��������r�r��� �r���.r t�� ��r��rr��r�� ��r � ��ri�� �� �I�r�� {�} ��a�r�. ���I� r��or�� ���II ir��l�.,��, b�� �r� n�� lir����� ��: 1. Ir�f�rr��t��n d���rib�d in ����i�n� 1!� t�r���� �. �. 11����1� irx�p�un� r���rt� ��I--I�' 1��}. �. ������ ��r��is��r�� I��#�r� �� �r�hi�l� ��r�rrr�r�, �. _ �1����� s����� ���� �i�� p�l��� t��nr, I�b�� ��� ���r��� f��� �I�a�r��� ��a�ir��� ���� v�h��l� a�r�� a��rr��r�i��r��i�� f��� ��Il��t�d �n ���a�l� �� tl�� �i�y �r���A�P�. �ha�rg� ������ rr���� ����a�in �1�� �igr��tur� �� � th� �r����l� �uvn�r �� 1�g�1 r�pr���n���i�r� �r�� �� �v�il��l� ��r r�a�s�r���i� �������� ��#� ��Il���i�r�. �, �r���r���ry li�# �� ��r��r��l �r���rt� i� ���� �r��i��� ir�p��r�d�� �� ���r��. �. ����r�� �� �II �r��i�f�� ���d ur�d�r a��tl��ri��r �f ��I���rni� �i�ril ��d� ���ti�r� ����. . �. F����r� �� a�l� ��I�i�l�� ��ld ur���� au���rit�r �� ��I���rr�i� �ivil ��d� ������r� ����, �, ��I r�q�ir�� r���rt� �rrd r����d� �ha�l� b� f�rr�i�l��� a�t t�� ��I� ��c��rr�� �� �I�� ���r���r ��d �I��II �� ���rr�E#t�d �r� ��rr��ut�r �i��C, �r b� rn�c��rr�, ir� � ��rr�n�# ��r���t�b�� �n►��� t�� �i�� ��r���#�r ���t�rrr a�t r�� ���i�'r��a�� �l�a��g� �� ��� ��ty, �. �I� ���r���r r���rd� s1���� �� �ubj��� �� ��r��di� ir�����ti��n v�ri�l��u�� r��t1� ��ri�� n�rrx��! �������� h��r� by A��'� ��r���r��l. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 20 ����LLlT1��V IV�* PA�� '18 H. �I� r���rt� �r��ri��d b� th� ���r�t�r ��r�u�r�t �� tl�i� F�����i�n�f T��v�n� ���gr�r�n �ha�ll b� s��r��� �nd�r p�r�a��t� c�� ��rj�ry �� � r�s��ns�bl� �ff����l ���r����t�n� th� ���r�t�r th�t�I�� ��p��t �� ��rr������ �nd �r��. 111. �I�VA�V���L IIVTEF���T �, N� ���r�t�r �r ���li��n� �h�fl �� �ir����� in����r�� in ��r� t�vrrtn��r�l�t�d b��ir��ss �f a��� �t��r ���r���r �r ���li��nt in ��� ���� F��t��i�n�� T��rvi�� �r��r�rr�. �. T�� ��I� �r ���r�s��r �� tl�� ��ntr�l��n� int�r�st ir� � ���n���� ��all i�r���i�t�l� t�r�ni�at� t�� A�r��rr��r��. � r��� ��nrn�r rn�� a�ppl� ��� �I�� F��t��i�r��l T�v�rir�� F'r�gr�rr� �t �r��ti�n� ���-i�� ��� r�r�n�ir�d�� �f�#�� ��rr�r�� A�r����r�� t�rrr� r���r�l��� ��#h� �p�n �r�r�llr��n� ��ri��. 111�. �P��ATI�IV A. �p�r�tors an� to�v ve��ci� driv�r� �v�ri�l b� �u�Fi�iently �apal�le �o ��s�r� ��f� �r�� �r����������rg� �f tl��ir ��r�r��� r����r��i�ii'rti��. �. �p�r����� ��pl�i�� ��r th� F����#i��a�l T��nr�r�� Pr��ra�rx� �h��l h��r� � r�rai���nn�rx� �� �l�r�� ��� �r�rifi���� ���r� �f ��r-I�ir� ���nrir�� ��c��ri�n��, �� a�� ��vr��r �r �ri��i�al, �r��r t� �h� fir��l ��I�n� d��� �� a�rr �r�r�llrrr�n� ��ri�� irt �rd�r�� ��a�lify��r t�� r�t�ti�r��l t�v�ri�� ii��. �. Tk�� �I�r�� ��} �r�rifi��1� ����� �f ��r-I�Er� ����rri�� ��c���i�r��� ��a�ll �� ���id�d �� t��A�P�. . �. �p�r�t�rs �r�d ��nrn�r� �vh� �o ��t rr��et t�� thre� ��� v�rifia��e ���r� �� ��r-l�ir� ���ir�� ��c��ri�r��� rr��� �� ����id�r�d f�r �1�� r�t�ti���� ���rin� ���t if a� f�,l�-tir�r�� r�a�����r �� � ��nn�pl���d �rrr�� p�������� thr�� ��� �r�rifi�bl� ���r� �� ��r�-C�ir� ��vrri�g �����E�n�� �� �n ��rrr�r: �r�n�i��� ��r f�l�-tirx�� �a�rra���r. �. T�� thr�� {�} �r�rifi��l� ���r� �f #�r-�i�� ��v�rir�� �����i�n�� �� �r� ���r�r: �rir�����1 �r full-tir�n� �na�na���r �h�ll �� ���i��� ����� ��P�. b, �Il�r��g�r�n�r�# ��c��ri���� ��a�l b� d��id�� �nd �u�1��i�� �y ��� A�PD a�� �n �����ri��,�l v�ri��� ��n�ra�� p���r� �I��� r��s�na�l�r inf��� tl��t �1�� ir���vi�u�� s� ���i���t�d i� �r��t�d v�ri�� th� ��rr�r�l ��nd��t �r�� ��nt��l �� hi��h�r �rr��l���r'� ����n��� �r �n i��i�rid��l �nr�� ��� �h��g� and ��ntr�f �� a� ���irr��� �n� i� �r����d ��tl� � ���ta�it� ���s�r��bl� I��r�l �f ����r��i�� �r�� in�����d�r��j�d�r��r�t. . �. I� a� rr������r ������ �� .�� ���-�-r���}��d ��r �� ���r���r, �k�� Agr��r�r��r�� ���II b� t�r��r��#�d �n��l � r��v�r r�r������r �� ����ove� �y th� A�PD. �. �p��r���r� ��d ��v�r ��1����� �riv�r� r�v��l �� �r���rl� li��n��� in a�������r��� �r�##� ��� ����ir������ ���h� �alif�rr��a� ll�hi�l� ���i�. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 21 ������fii�� r��. ���� �� �. T�v�r �r��i�l�� v�ill b� rr�a��nt�ir��� in ��r��fi�n� �rvi�h �h� �p�li��bi� �a�����rnia� ll�hi�l� ���� ����i�r�s �nd ��� ��ri��r�i� I��v�nu� a�n� `r`��ca�i�r� ��d�. '1. Th� �p�ra���� �ha��l a�rr�r�g� �'r�� tl�� A�P� �r t�r� ��IP f�r insp��t��r� �f n��r�r a�nd��r �r��l�����r�t ���rv v�hi�l�� pri�� t� pla���r�� �h�rr� ir� s�rvi�. �, T�� ���r���r rr���� ��u�� ���� ��urr v��i�l� in ��r��IF�r�c� v�ritl� ������� �������} �� #h� ���if�r�i� ll����l� ����. Tl�i� ���ti�r� �� �h� ���i��rr�i� 11�hi�l� ��d� r��ui��� t�r� a�ri�r�r ���h� t�v�r �r������ t� ��r���r� a��l ����s �n� ���ris d�p��i���. ���r� ��� r�a�v�r�� �� .tl�� disa���d ���i�l�. �, Th� �p�ra�t�r r���� ��r���� urrit� ���ti�� ����� �� th� ��lif�rni� 11�I�i�l� ���� r��a�r�i�� �igr�� �rr ���v �r�h��l��.� D, �►r� ���r�t�r �r� �h� A�P� r�t�t��n�l t��ir�� li�� i� r���,ir�� t� ���r� �r� �r�pl� ������r �f hi�l��nr�� ����� ir� ���F� ��� �r�h����. �l�r�s ���c� b�r � ���r �r�hi��� pr��r t� t�� �rri�r�l �f�h��►��'D v�ril� �� r��l���d �� t������, E. A�� ���nr�r�l������ rx���t b� radi� ��uipp�d. . �', A r��u���t fr�r� ��� A��� f�� a��n� t��� �f t���rrir�� s�rvi�����F��II r��� b� ��ce�t�d �r���s�: 'f. � t�� �r�hi�l� �r�� ���np�t�r���ri�r�r�r� irnrr��d��t�l� ���fla��l�, �. `��� ����ifi� rig a�n���r ���i�r�n�r�� r�������� i���r� ��rr��dia���l� ��r��l����, �. In ��� �v�r�� �h��� is t� �� � d�r�}� �r� r����r�d��g t� ��r� ��Il, ���� f�� ���fl !�� r���� �r���vt� �� t�� ���'� �� th�� � ����rr�i���i�� r�r��� t�� r�r��d� if ��� ���I �I��utd b� dir����� t� ����h�r �p�ra�t�r. ��lib�ra�t�i� pr��r�dir�� r�i�l���ir�� �r�f�rr�n����r� ��r�1� r��u�t �� �i��i�lir��ry ��ti�r�. I� �h� �p�r���r v�rill �� �un�v��l��l� f�r a�r�� ��ct�n��� p�ri�d �� ��r��, ��� ��P� r��,�� �� ��t ifi�d. � F-�, ��P� ���I� �h�1� ��� b� r���rr�d t� r��r �����t�d ���rr� �n����� ���r�r�� . ���r��� un���� r�q��st�� t� d� �� �y th� A�P�. If �h� �p�����r ��nr��� r��p�n�, t�� A�P� r���t b� a��v���d: T�� ���D rrvill �k��n ���id� vrr1��� �E��rr��ti�r� t��v ��r�ri�� �v�l� �� ��11�d. I� ��r ����r tl�� �������r r���i�r�� � �-���rra�l �r�� �r�����r���ing �g����r f�r A�P� ��I��, �h� ���r���r sl��ll n�� r����r�d �nritl���� �a�l�ir�� t�� A�PD �rr� ��t�i��r�� a�pp���ral �� tl�a� tl�� ir�����rity ��t�� r����i�n�� ���nrir�� �}��t�rr� �an b� rr��ir��a��r���. 'I, If�r� ���r�t�r a���i�r��d �� �r� ir���i�� ��II r�q��r�� ���i���rr�� �r�rr� �r� �ddi�����1 �����t�r, tl�� ���i�r��d ���r���� r�r�a��, v�rith tfi�� �or���rre�n�e �� t�� A�P� p�rso�r�e� at tF�e sce�� o� ��re �r���d�r�t, r�����t a �p��i�i� ���r�t�r f�r ���iti�r��� �������r���. ���h r��u��t ����� �� r����� ���-�u�h th�����. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 22 ���������� ��■ ���� �� I, Vlll��r� � t��r ��rvi�� i� r�q������ �� th� ��F'�, ���� �a�n���l�� �ri��r�� �t�� �r�hi��� �c���11� ��in� t��nr��, �h� ���r�t�r �h�ll ��� ��a�-r�� ��� A��D. - �F�� �p�rat�r r��� ��Il��t f��� ���r ��rv���s �r�r�n th� �r��i�l� ��nr��r, i� a�p�r��ri���. TI�� �p�ra���r ����� b� �la�ed �r� t�� �f �1�� r�ta�ti�r��l t��r�r�� . li�t v�rh�� i�s ���vi��� ��v� ���n ��n�e�l�� b� tl�� A�P�. {Tl�i� ��r�gr��� d��� r��� ���I��� "��v��r'� r�q���t" f��s�rvi����. - . ,�. �4 ���1 �� �r� ��e►����r� ��r�11 ��rrs�i���e �r�e ��rr� �rr ���re ��t��i�r��l �o�vir�� 1i���r�d tl�� ��era#ar s�a1� �irerr �� rrrovec!�o �f�e ��f�am of�ire r�o���ior�a! �awir�� lis�# �a�fr �ime �n ��era��r fails �o �rrs�er ��re ��1ep�or�e� is urra�le �o �er�orrr� �ire re��ir��f �ervi�e �vi�l�ir� ��e require� ��-mir���� ��me ���me� r������ #o re���r�d �r �r�vic�e service� or is ��r�celea� �lue #o � resp�r�se �im�� ir� e�r�ess o� �� mir�cr�es, �f�e ��er��or �nri11 b� mov�d #o �ir� bo�arrrn o�' �f�e ro�a�i�r�a1 � �o�vir�c�1i��. � . 'I, T�� A�P� rr��� r�����t a� �����fi� �p�r�t�r�v��r�, �r� tl�� �p�rr��r� �f th� ��PD, th� n�c����ry �����r��� �� �l��r a� I�a���r� �r� r��� ��r�il�bl� fr�rr� t�r� ���r���r ���r�r�t�� a�t t�� t�� �f���� ��ta�#i�nal _ ���ri�� li�t. � .� . . �. �r� ���� �n i�n��a�r���� t�� �����t�� ���r���r �r�r�i��� �F���n �� t� t�� ��tt�r� �� tl�� r�#������� ���nrir�� I��� ��� th��� �p�r�t�r� t��t �r�r��� by-�����d �r�r��l� r�rn�fr� �rr ��� �arr�� r�tati�n�l t��r i n g I i�t �rd�r. � . I�. �lr�r�a�or���le e�r�e��i�re �ailures �o corr�ply wi�f� ��� r���or��e pr�v�sior�� a�a�ve r�ri��ro�� r�a��r�able e�rplar�a�iar�{s� -�I�a11 resul� ir� � rernoval frorrr ��re r����iorr�l �o�nrirr� li��, ��bje�� #� _��e #ermir���ior� pr�vi�i�r�s ir� #f�� Ro�a�ior��1 �"o�v���v��e A�r�emer�#� L. I� it i� d�t�rrnir��� �h�t �1�� ���r���r i� ��t r���d�� arra� i� ��r���l�d �� tF�� I��F'�, �p �� ��� �r��l�d�n� a�rri��l ���h� s��r��, t��r� ��a�l-b�. r�� rx��n���ry �F��r��� ar�d �1�� �p�r���r �n►�II b� �lar��� �a���C a� ��� t�����f �I�� r����i�n�l ���rv�r�g li�t. ���r� ���II b� rr� rr������ry �ha�r��� ��r ���r��b� ��rn� ��r�� doe� no� ���u�t ir� a tow. - '�, I� �I�� ��vrr ��rv��� i� �����I�� b� ��� �r����l�'� ��vr��r-�r ���nt ��i�� � t� tf�� �p�r���r t��ir�� p��������r� �f �h� �r��i�l�, ���r� s�a�ll �� �� ���r��� f�� ���rin�. �"�� ���r���� s�a��l irx�r��dia#��� ��r����� �h� A�P� ���1 ���ri�� �f �h� �����I���i�n. �`I�� ���r�t�r v�r�ll ���� b� - �I���� ba��� ���I�� ��� ��t�r� r���ti��n�� ���nri�� li��, [II'�. I�2�� �p�r�t�r�1�� �s r��t ���l�d �� a� ������f�r� ���n�� �p�r� �.��I�i�i�n ���r�� �r�r#��r� � v�h���� �r ��hi�l�� i��a�r� b1��1�i�� � r�a��v�r�� �r �rvh��� �rr�r�r�dia�� � ��v�r ���is����� i� r�����d ��r I������ri�� �p�r��i�n�, ��� A�P� �ff���r �rr ���r�� r�r��� �i���t ���� ���r�����t� r���� �r����l���}. .�'�� �p�r�t�r �I�a��l ���ui�� t�� �������n�� �� �i���#�d. T���� sl�a�ll �� r�� ��h�r�� ��r th�� ���i�t��ce �r�� tF�� �����t�r��� ����rf���i ���II ��� �I��r��� �I�� ���ra�t�r'� pl��� ir� t�� �������na� ��v�rir�g 1i�t. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 23 ���������� ��. ���� �� �1. Tk�� ���ra���r� r�����r�r�g � ��II �i��l� �� ��rt�in t��t i� i� �n��r����� ��ca�tl�r �v��r� tl�� ���i���t �r ������r�t �s I������ �r�� �h� t�rp� �� ���i�r��nt r��uir�� ������ ��a��ir�g ��. ��� ��li, If th�r� �� � q���#��r� �� t� �hi� in��rrr�a�ti�n, �I�� ��F'� �r���t��r �h��l� �� ��n#a����� �t �7'�-�'I��. �� tl�� ��v�r �ri�r�� is �r��bl� t� �r�d t�� �r��ri�l� �r ���i��nt ���n�, t�� dr�v�r sh��l� u�e th� n�ar��t����pho�� �nd ��qu��t f�rth�r �r�stru�t�or�. �. ����d �n� �ri�r�r�� �r���d�r� �r����t� t� � t�v�r r�����t rr���t �� v�ri�l��r� I�►�uf�l �ir�it�. 1.1r����� �n �rr��r�����r i� �����,�t�r�d, n� ����� �h�ul� �� r���e �r�r��,#� t� tl�� ���i��r�t �r ir��i��nt ���r��. !� a� �����r �n r����r��� is . �,���r�id��l�, � r�a���rr�bl� �ff�rt ��r��ld �� r�a�d� �� a�d���� tl�� A��� �i�pa�t��. 'I. N� fl���i�� �r r����in� �nra�rninc� �i�l��� �r�� �� b� u��� �r�r��t� �� �n� calls. � P. All t�v�r d�i�r�r� �h��rld r���i�r� �n� �i�n a ����r ����� ��P� ������� r����k . fr�rr� th� �ffi��r r�����#i�� hi����r ��rvi���� �� v�r�ll a� t� ir��i��#� �gr��rr��n# �rvith th� ir�v�r�t�ry ir� a�nd �n t�� �r�l�i�l� b�i�� ����d. T�� ��v�r ��ri�r�r, ���n �igning f�r t�� in�r��t�ry �� tk�� ��r�t�r��� ��th� rr�l����� ���r�� . ���I�� A�PD, �� r����r���bl� f�r t�i� �r�p�rt�. C�. T'�� A�P� ��fi��r a� t�r� ���r�� ir��r���i�a��ir�� �r� ����d�r�� �r ir��id�nt, i� ir� � ���r��. A���r�� ���[�� �� �f�� ���r�� �rill ��� und�r I�i��l��r ��r���i�r�. ��� pr�bl�r�r�� �h�t r�a�� a���� �� ��� ���r�� r�na�� �� a�d�r����� �� tf�� ��i�� �f P��i�� �r t�i����r d��i�r��� b� ��l��h�n�, i� �r�rrit�r�g, �r b� �p��in�r�n�n� ir� ��r��n. �►� �fFi�r ��th� s��r�� �nr�l� n�rrr�a�l�� r��t �r�v�lv� I�ir�r��l��1��rs�lf �r� � t��ving ���h�iq�e�, bu� only �r� �ai�#��nin� tl�� s��urit� of the 1r�c��er�� ��er��. � 'I. I� t�nr� �r rr��r� �p�r�t�rs ��� �a�ll�� �t� tl�� s�r�n� ir��i��r�t, ����r�b��i�r� ����r� �r�hi�l�� ���II b� �t th� �i��r�ti�r� �f�I��A�P�. F�. Th�. ���r���r i� �r�q�ir�d t� ���� ir� �t� �������i�r� Tr�r����r������r F'��rr�i�� �h�� �r� i����d b� th� �����t��t�� �� T������r`#��i�r� �utF������r�g t�� ���r�rr��nt �� ��r�-I��a�l ���� I��d� ��d��r ���i�r-r��n�. ���r���r� �� I��a�vy-�u�� ���v �r�h��C�� �h��l ��#�ir� ��r�n�t� ��r r���r�r��n�� i��r�l�r�r�� ���a�l�g�l �i�� a�rr���r�r����t. Ar� ���ra�t�r ���ir�r�g ���h a p�r�ni� �I���I� �- ��r�#a��� tl�� ����f�rr�i� ����rtrr��n� �� Tr�n�p�rt�ti�� P��rrr�i� ��p�rtr�n�r�� ir� ��r� L��� ��i���. �. AI� ���nrir�� ��rvi��� th�t v�rrll r���l� �n r��� �����a��� i�n ��c���� �f �� r�nin�t�� d�rir�g � ����r��� ���r��i�r� �r�� v�r��r� #��r� �v�ll b� r�� �►��'� ��fi��r ir� �#��n��r��� ���11 ���� �n a�ppr�����t� �r������h��r�� ��rrr��� ��t�in�� �� firs�t ����r�uni��, T'�r��� ��rr��t� ��n �� ����r�d fr�r� �1�� ��lif�r�i� D�pa�rtr��r�# �� �`ra�rr�p��t��i�n �� �1�� �ar� Lui� ��i�p� ���,r��y F���� C�����t�n�n�: v�l�i��r���r i� ���r����a�t�, �. � �4LL V�H1�L�� ��U1I�D AT T�-1� F�� �J��T �F T�fE A�PD 1�11�1�T�� l��'L��#��D ��V�� V11lT�-1 �4�1TJ��1�11��1��11 F���V1 TH� A�PD. A�1 veh��1� ov�rr�e�� ��q��s�ir�� ��e ��le��e of �heir vehicles s�r�1� �e Agenda Item 8.n. Page 24 ���������� ��. ���� �� dire��e�f #o �l�e A�PD �o ob�air� ��re r�eces��ry do�urx�er����iorr �� au�i�ori�e �f�� r��ea�ef 1!I I!. �T��1 DAF�D �F ���� . A. ���r���r� ���I� �va�rra��t �r�d �u����r�t�� ���t �II ��rvic�s ��r���r�n�� p�r���r�� �� �n A�r����nt �rrt� th� �ity �ha��! �� �r���d�� �n � �n�r�n�r - r����na���� ������t�r�t �r�r�tf� �I�� ���h��� �r�����i�na�� ��a�r���r�� ��d ���I� �� ��r-��rr�n�d �� ��a�ifi�d, li��r����, �nd ��c��r������ ��r��r�r��l, T�� ���ra�t�r �h�ll b� r������ibl� f�r th� a���� �r��l����� ��rr��l� �r� �uty. Th� ���ra���r ��a�l r��� ��r�it �r�� ��t�� ��I���nrfr�� ����iti��s t� ����r: '1. ��il�r� �� ��r�pl� �nri�l� �1�� r���ir�rn�nt� �r�� �r��ri�i�r�� �f #I�� ���r��d ��F'� ���a�ti���l T�vrr ��rv��� A�r��nn��t. �. F�������� �r�d��r f1a��r�r�� �ri��a�ti�r�s �f t�� pr������n� �f �I�� ��lif�rr�i� 1l��i�l� ���� ����� dri�r���s� �r �p�ra�t���s�. �. A p�tt�r� of r�ot be�r�� �va�la��e, fa��ure to an�we� �a�ls: �r �a�l�re �a r�s��r�� �� ��Il��r�ri�h�n ��� r���i��� ��-rx�in�#� �ir�n� �r�r��, � �. ���I�r� t� r�ir��ur�� �I�� ��nrn�r ��r �r���rty st�l�r� �r I��� �nrl�il� �n��r �o�tr�� o#th� ���ra�or. � �, F�����r� t� rx�ain���n r����na�bl� �I�a�r� �r�d �rd���� ���r��� �a��i�i�i�s. �. F�i���� t� ����rr� �!� ���r�ri�� ���r�ti�r�� �n t�� ����s� �r�d r���� � ��c��di�i�u�� r�ar�rr�r r����r��bl� ����ibl�. �. Fa�il�r� �� �n�ur� �I�a�� �I� ��� �ri�r�r� v�r�� r����n� �� A�P� ��uv� a�r� �t �e�s� 'I� ��a�r� �f ��� �n� i� �������i�r� �� ��rr��� �nd � �r���r �I��� �� �i����� and �r�d�r��r���ts ��r�k�� t��rv�� �r�� t�v�ir�� u�1�i���. 8. F��I�r� t� ��r���r� �h�� a�ll ���r dr��r�r� vr�h� r��p�r�� t� A�PD t��rr� �r� �nr�arin� ar� i��ntifi��l� �n���rr�, �.�. �hirt� ��d pa�nt� �r ���r�r�l�s: d�s����ir�� t�� ��r�p���r ��� �ri�r�r rr�r�� �rvh�l� �ngag�d � i r� A�F�� ��v�r�. . �. ��il��� t� ����r� �I�a�� �11 t�v�r �riv��� �r�� r����r�� �� A�PD ���v� �r���r�� � pr�������n�l p�r��n�� a����ar�n�, �r� ���������bl� _ - �����n�� �p��a�r�r��� �rv�ul� ir��i���t ��t �� r��� li�i��d t�, �r����h�� �r��c�e��i�r�l� �irty����r�n ��if�rrrr. 'I�. ��il�,r� �� �r��ur� t��� ��! ���v dr��r�r� �v�� r������ �� A�PD t��s �r� �r����r�� ���r�p�'r�t� v�r�r�it�� ��rrn�r�t�, �.g. v����, j���c�t�, � �fi��rt� �r r�tr�-r��l��tiv� �I���i��, f�r da��li��t �r�� I���rs �� d�r�c���� ir� ���o��a�r��� v�ri�� �a��if�rr�ia� ���� �� F���ul��i�r��, Titr� �t ���ti�r� '�5�8. '��. If �I�� ��v�r �r��r�� i� �nr�r�c�n� �r� � F�d�r�l-�i� h���v�r��, tl�� dr�v�� ���l� ���p�}r vrr��h th� ��i���i��� ��r�#��ned ir� th� ��d�ra�� ��d� �f F�����������, ��tl� ��, H��fi��nr���, �h�pt�� 'I, ����r�i F��g�rv�r�� Agenda Item 8.n. Page 25 ���������� ��. ���� �� A��nir�i�t�ati�r�t ����r�r�r��nt �f Tr�r�����t�ti�r�, Pa�rt ���, VI1�rk�r 11i�i�il�t� tl�a# r���ir�� �i��-�r��i��l�ty �����r��l pr�#��t��r� ��f�ty �I�thi�� t� �� v�r�rn �h�� rr����� ��� P��`f�rr��r��e ����� � �r � r�q�ir�rr��r��� �f ��� AN���I�EA 'I��-���� {��r�n��i�r�� d�t� �f I���r�rr�b�r��r �����. ��. Fa�i��r� t� ��r�r��l�r v�rf�h ��� ������ ���r��� r���i��r�r��n�� f�r �r�h����s ir�p��r�d�� �� ��ri��r�� b�r ���A�PD. � '��. ��il�r� �� r�a�i�t�in r��s�n���� bu�i��ss �����d� r������ �� A�P�] ���nr�. '��. �r����i�� ir� ur��tl�i��l b���r���� ����t����, 1�, F��lur� t� ��ir�t�ir� � ��rr�r�t �ity �� �rr��� �r���� b��ir���� li��n��. 'I�. �ail�r� t� �a��ti������ ir� �r����r ��rr�pl�r �v�t� �h� A��� ��-h��,r �r����l� a��at���n� �r��r��n. �i�, F�r ��� �r����rt��l� �u�t�f����� ��u�� a� d�t�rr��r��� b� ��� �hi�� �f P��i�� �r ��s�h�r���i�n��, I�. II��P��TI��V �F T�II11��F�111�E� �. TI�� ��F�� sh�l� �r��id� �r �rr�r��� ��r r��t C��� th�r� �n� a��ua�l �n�p��ti�r� �� �II ��vrr ���i�l�� �� r�� �1��r�� �� t�� ���r�t�r. T�� A�PD r�nay ��r�du�� ���iti�n�l ir�����ti�r�� �rv�tl���� r��ti�� c#�rin� ��rrr��� b�,��r���� h��r�. �`h� �p�ra����r ���II ��t di���t�h � ���r �r�h���� �� a�� A�P� ir�i�iat�d ��ll ��a�� h�� rr�� ���n i�n�p��t�� �rrd a��r�v��, 'I. Insp�cti�n ����v�r �r��i�l�� b}r ��� ���� �n�� �� �nr�i�r�d �r�r��r� tl��r� i� �����n�����i�� �f ��rr�r�� �F�� ir�����ti�r� �f��� �r��r��l� ���vi��d �� th� ��F'�. �. �t�r��� f��il�ti�� ��r �k�� ����r�#�r� �r� t�� r��a��t���� t��nr�r�� �i�� �rill �� � �n����t�d �t r�n���n t� �n��r� ��r�r��l��r��� �i�� �F�� ����i���l� �r��ri�i�n� ���k�� ��I���rr�i� 1������� ��d� ��� #I�����r���n��t. �C. �EIVI�AI��F� �IV� ��IV�lJ�T A. -V'Vl�i�� i��r���r�� in ��P� r�t�ti�r��F ���r�r�r�� ���ra��i�r�� �r r�l���� b��irr���, th� ���r���r �r�d��� ��rrpl����� �h�il r��r�ir� fr�r� �ny ���� �� r�r�i���r����� in��u����, but ��t I������ ��, a�n}� �f�I�� f����v�rir��: �. F��d� �r d�����r���u� b�h��i�r, �. L���� �f ��rvi��, ��1��#i�r� ��rv���,��� r�f�,��! t� �r��id� ��rvi�� �h�� t�� ���r���r i���1���1� b� �a�p��l� �� ��r��rrx�ir�g. �. �r�� ��� �����c�a�l ��r���r�n�r�� �r���cual ���r��ri�ty. �, lJ���f� �rt�r��� �r��ti���. �. ��c�i��#i�� an�r �b����i�r� ��rr��t�rx�� �� �I��t���i� �������� a�r�d��r ill���� r��r���i� ���. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 26 ��L�������� ��■ ���� �� �. A�p��rir�g �t ��� ���n� �� �n ��P� r�ta�i�r��l t�v�r�r�� ��II �v��� �I�� �d�r �� a�n ������fi� ���r�r�g� �r��na��ir�� fr�r� �h� �#ri�r�r'� �r �rr��l����'� �r��tk�. �. T�� t��v dri��r ���11 ����nit �� � �r�lirr��r��ry �I��I��� ��r��nir�g �PA�� ��ca�r�n�n�ti�r� u��n d��and ��tl�� A���. ��. T�V'V ��N1 P LAI IVT� � �. All A��'� r���t�� t�u� ��rvi�� ��rr�p���nts �r�����r�d �}�#I�� ��P�. a���Mr��t �� ���ra���r �r�h� �p�r�#�r'� �rnpl��r��� v�ri�l �� �������� �r�� ir�����i��t�� Nn � ���r��d �r�n��r���l r���t��r. 1, Th� ���r�t�r �r�� �i��l��r �r-r��l����� ���II �����r��� �nri�h ��� ��P� �n���� it� ���ign���� r�pr�s�nt�ti�r� ��r�n� t�� ���rs� �� �n 1�11���1���1��1, �, A� � r��ul# �f �F�� in�r���ig��i��, th� A�P� �na�� r�r�n�rr� �h� ���ra���r fr�r� �h� r��a�ti�rr�l t��vir�g I��t. �. `��� ���ra���r �rill b� ��ti�i�� �f ��� r���l�� �f a11 inv��t�gati��� �� �����I� ���rni�t�d �r�d��r if ��ti�������r� �il� r��� �����r�i�� � �ri�ni��l� �r��r�s��g����� ir� �rvr��i�� �vi�hir� �� �a��r��a�r da�� �� �#�� ��r��lu�si�n �� t�� in�r�sti��ti�r-�, �. ���u�� �h� f�lin� �f �r�r��n�l �F��rg�� �� a� p�s�ib�lity, th� ��P� �nr�fl ��n���� ��� �n���tig��i�n t� ��r��l�si�n �r a�s���t th� I��d ir�����i�a�#��� . ���r��� �nd, if v�r�rr�r����, r�q���t �rir�r�r��� �r��������r�. _ �CI I. ���111���A1V�� V'VI�'I--� LAV11 �, T�� �p�r���r a�n� �i��h��r �r��l����� �I��II a�� �fl ���n�� ��rn�l� v�ri�k� ����r�l, ��a�t� �nd I���1 I��nr� �n� �rd���n���. � �rr� ��r��i�ti�r� �� �h� �p�r�t�r �r �r� �rnp���r�� �r��r�l�rir�� � st�l�r� �r �r������d �r��i���, fr��d r��a�t�d �� ��� t��nrin� �u��n���, s��l�� �r � �r����z��� �r����}�, � �rinr�� �� ���I�r���, �� ill��a�� dru�-r�l�t�d ��f�r���, . f�l�r�y �ri�rir�g �r���� ��� �r�����n�� �f a�n �I�����i� b��r�ra��� �r dr��s�t �����nn��n�r dri�rir�g �,r�d�r tl�� �rr�l��rr�� �� �� �1����1i� b��r�r��� �r ��u��� �� rr��r�l t�r�i���� ������ b� �a��s� f�� s����ns��r� �� r�r���ra�l �� �r� ���ra�t�r�r�rn�1����, ��nia�� ���r� ���r����'� �p��i�a��i�r� �r��rr�nin�ti�r� �f ���Agre�rrrent. �. �p��a�t�r� ��� ���ir �rx��l����� ���I� r��� �����t ��ra���it��� ���r��a�r�� t� ���t��r� ��'�'I��a�� ��#�� ��lif�rr��a� 11�hi�l� ��d�, �. �p�r���r� �r�� t��i� ��n�l����� �I���I �n�� ������ � �r�tui�y �r�rx� � r�pair sl��p ��r �I�� ���i�r��y �� a� �r�l�i��� n�t �v�rn�� �� ��� �r���ir �h�p �r ���v � cam�any, fo� th� �u��ose �f stora�� or repair pur�u�n# �� �ecti�n '��'!'����} ���1�� ���i��rr�i� 1!�#�E�I� ��d�. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 27 ���o�u�iaru r��� ���� �� E. ���r���r� ��a�ll ��ti�fy � ���r� �r��r r�a��a�tir�g r�`rrr���r��rr��nt #� ��� �r��r��l� �r �r���rt� �v�rn�r f�r �a�rr��g� �r I��� ��a�� ���urr�� �v�i1� th� � �r��i�l� �r pr���rty �v�� �� �h� ���r�t�r'� �������. �. Any ��erator or err�ploy�� �rr��tedl�h�rg�d v�ri#I� ar�y of th� �bo�r� ������ �h���d �� ���p�n��d �n��� �I�� ���� �� a��j��i�����, �CI�I. ��1111�LIA�V�� IIVITI--I �F�I� �►�F��E�'lll�NT A. TI�� �p�r���r a����e�, �� � ��n���i�� �� ir�������n ir� tl�� F����ti�r��l T�v�ring Pr��r��n, �� ��r�n�l� �vit�r th�� ��rr�n� and ���di���n� �f �I�� �gr��r��r��. �ai��,r� t� ��r�pl� �nr��� tl�� r�q�ir�r�n���� �� t�� Progra�r�n r�rr�l� r��ul� �� r����ra�� fr�� �h� r������r��l ��li�� ��v�r I'r��, ������� �� ��� t�rr��na����� � �r��ri�i�n� ir� ��� ��t����r��l T�v�r ���v��� Agr��r��r�t, �. A vi�l����n �f t�� ���i�r�n�r�t r�q��r���nts� r�l�t�d t� s���ty, �t��!! �� ��u�� ��r �rr�rr��di��� �����n�i�� �F��� �h�ll r�rr���n ir� �f���� r�r��il �h� ���p���i�n p�ri�� i� ��r������� �r�� �I�� ���D I��� ir�������� ��� ���ipr��n� �r�d d�t�rr�in�d t��t th� ���r�t�r i� i� ��r�npl��n�. �. A �ri�la��i�r� �� ir���nti�r��l�� �v�r�h�rg�r�� �� � ��tt��r� �� ��r�r��r�r�ir�� ��ra��� i b� �a�u�� f�r i�rr�����t� ������rs��r� tl�a�� sha�ll r��air� �r� �ff��t �nt�� tl�� �����n�i�r� p�ri�� �� ��r�pl�#�d �r�� �r��� �f ��ir�bur��rr��r�� t� th� �r�g�r�e�re� cu�t��e�{s} I�as be�r� pro�r���d to t�e��P�. �. �p�r�t�r� �n���r #��ir �r�r�������� ����� n�t r���rd, �.�. �rid��ta�� �r �h�t�gr��h, a� s��r�� un���� i� i� ��r ���ia�l ��� b� �h� t��v ��rr���r�� ��r bus�r�����r���t�� r�a���r��. 1, Th� �►�Pf� ��r��r�r��� �n ����r� ��a�ll d�t�rrr��r�� v�r��r� a�r� �p��a�t�r - �r I�i����� �r�����r�� rr��� r���rd a ���r�� ��r ���nr-r���#�� b��in��� �������■ �. I� �r� ���r�t�r �r h���h�r �r��l��r�� i� d���rr�ir��d �� b� �r� �ri��a�ti�r� �f t��� ��r�d�ti�r�, t�� r�����irr� ����I �� ir�n��d����l� st�rr�n��r�� �� tk�e A�PD. ��ll. IVI I�-��I�I�I� F�EIII�V�1 �. A rrri�-t��r�n r��ri��v �� tl�� ��r�� �r�d ��r�di�'r�n�.�f t�� ��c���ir�� ��r���n�r�� �n�� �� �r��r�d�� k�� �h� A�P� �f t��r� �� � I��i�ir���� �r���- �����ar����1 ��r���� ir� ��r���ti�r�� �r I��nr� irx�����ir�� �h� r�r��j�ri�� �� ���ra����� ir� t�� Arr��� �r�r��� �r�� �r�����P�. � B. � r���-t�rr�n �r��i��r, if �r��t�d, �r�ri�1 r��� ��,t��n�ti��ll� �u�#��ri�� � �I��r��� �� t�� ��rr�� �r���dit���� �� �r� ��c��#�r�� �1�r��rn�r��. '�. �t i� ��� r����n�i�il�t� �� -��� A�P� t� r��r�i��rrr t�� ����it��r�s �k��� i�n�����ly ����ed the ����term r�vie�rv ar�� �ete��r�� �f �ny ch�r��� in �t�� t�rr�� �r ���n�i�i��r� �f�h� ��i�ti�� Agr��rx��n� ��j��tifi��. If tl�� r��d-��r� r�vi�vrr �� r�������� 1�� �n ����a���r �r �p�r���r�, it i� �f�� r����n�ibil�ty �� tl�� �����t�r �r ���r���r� �� �r��r��� ��� r�l��r�r�t ir���rr��ti�� n�c��sary ��r tF��A����� r��r���r�t�� re�u��t. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 28 ���������� ��. ���� �� � ��. ����1��I�I�� A. An ���r���r ���1! r��� displa�� �r�� si�r�� �r �r��a��� in a�r�� ���r�rti��r��r�� ir�di��tir�� �r� ����ia�l ��- �r-��ffi�i�l ��r����ti�r� v�rit� t�� ���'�. � �C111. ��-H�IJRIA�A�EIVIE�V�`��IIV� . A. T�� ���ra�t�r ��r��� t� ��rti�i���� �n ��� ��P� ��t�b�i�l��� �r�l���l� � ������n�r�t �r��r�r�, Vll��r� � ���i��� i� f��,n� t� �� ir� v��l�ti�� �f �n �p�lt���i� ����i�n �� t�� ��lif�rr�i� ll��i�l� ���� �r t�� �rr��� �r�r��� fVl�ni��p�l ���� r�g�r�ir�� ������n�d �r��i����, ��fl �ut �r�������� ��r �b�t�r�n�nt ���rvi�g �r� �i�� �a��rt� �� r��ul�r r��a�ti�na�� t��nri�� �ri�h ���� d����e� ������i�n�: � 'I. �i�����k� �r �r�� rr��r���r ����� ���� a���l��ri��� b� th� Tra�ff� lJ�it ��r�rr�a�r�d�r v�r�ll ��n���� �h� r���c# t�v�r ��r�i�� �r� �l�� r�tati��a� t�v�r�r�� li��. � �. � �HP '��� f�r� v�rill b� ��r�n�l���� �� A�P� ��r���n�l �r�d � ��li�r�t��d t� �i�p���h ���r tf�� rr�l�i��� h�� ���n r�r�n�v�d b�r t�� ���r�t�r. �. A����r�r��r�� ��v�ri�� �h��l� �r��� b� ��r�n���t�� ��rir�� r���rr��l � ��sirr��� f����s. � �, lJnd�r ������I lir�i#�d �ir��r��tan��� b���� up�r� � ��a���r��bl� ��c�l�n��i�r� ar�� v�ri�l� pri�r �ppr��r�l �� �r� ��P� �'�lic� ���rr�and�r, a ����i�i� ���ra���r r�na�� �� r���a��d �r�r� �r�hi�l� ��a���r��r��t��r�rs. �. ��i1��e �� ��r��a1y v�ri�1� �f�e r�e��ir��►rrerr�� �� ��re �4����i�rr�1 ���virr� P�o�rarr� r�gar��irr� vef�i�1� aba��►�r�er�� �o�nr�r�� ►��y �e c�rr�idered a�fe����� �rour�ds �or rernov�l from ��re ro��r�ior��1 �o�nr�r�� 1is�, �ubje�� �o ��re �errrrirr��i�r� �rav�siorrs ir� ��e I�o����or��l T��v �ervice �4�r�ee�rrer��. �. 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T�� �r��r��lr��r�t ��rf�� r�n�}� b� ��r�tir����� th�r������,� t�� ���r, v�rith r��v�r ���r���r� �r���gr�t�d ir��� ��� ��i��ir�� r������r��� p�li�� ��uv ��rvM�� �i��, b�# t�� �r�r���r��r�t p�rf�d rr���� be ���d �� I���t �n�� �r�n��l1�r. T1�� �r�r���r���# Agenda Item 8.n. � � Page 29 ���������� ��■ ���� �� p�ri�d �vi�l �� ���r� ��r �t I���� �� da��r� a�r�� #h� d��� i� d�t�rr�nit��d �� �h� ��i�f�f ��li�� �r #�i��l��r d����n��. �. ��p�i��r��� ����I �� �iv�r� � ��-d�}r v�rri#t�� rr����� ��#h� a�r�r�u�! �r�r���r���t d a�t�. Agenda Item 8.n. Page 30 E pRROy� � cP FINCONVOR�TED 9Z f.> T * ""' ,°. ,°„ * MEMORANDUM c9��FOR��P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CENTENNIAL PLAZA PROJECT AND A PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 300 EAST BRANCH STREET AND SALE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTY AT 200 AND 208 EAST BRANCH STREET AND THE ADJACENT PARKING AREA DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2009 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1) approve a Resolution adopting a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures 2) approve the Centennial Plaza preliminary design concept; 3) approve a contract with RRM Architects for final design of the Centennial Plaza project for a not to exceed amount of $44,000; 4) approve a Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement with NKT Commercial for acquisition of property at 300 East Branch Street, sale of City property at 200 East Branch Street, 208 East Branch Street and the parking area in between, development of a 5,700 square foot commercial building at Short Street and East Branch Street, and adaptive reuse of the 208 East Branch Street building; 5) select Alternative #3 as the preferred alternative for the NKT Commercial proposed project; 6) authorize the City Manager to execute documents to obtain debt financing of up to $1.2 million for costs associated with acquisition of the 300 East Branch Street property through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Community Facilities low-interest loan program; and 7) reject all bids for construction of a fire sprinkler system in the 300 East Branch Street building and direct staff to solicit new bids. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost of the proposed contract for design services for the Centennial Plaza project is $44,000. A total budget of $250,000 is currently included in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which consists of a combination of grant, donation and park development impact fee revenues. It is anticipated that actual costs could exceed this budget. Additional funds would need to be allocated from a combination of Redevelopment Agency and Park Development funds. cinr couNCi� CENTENNIAL PLAZA PROJECT AND A PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 2 The CIP includes a total budget of approximately $2.1 million for the City Hall Complex upgrade project. It will likely be proposed in the future to reduce this budget by approximately $750,000 in order to address the projected General Fund budget shortfall in FY 2010-11 and delay improvements to the existing City Hall building. The cost to acquire the former Farm Credit building at 300 East Branch Street is $2.4 million. This cost impact is reduced by $1,285,000 through the sale of Building and Life Safety Division building property, adjacent parking lot property, and the Public Works building property. These costs were determined by appraisals and are broken down as follows: • 200 E. Branch Street $400,000 . Parking Lot $375,000 • 208 E. Branch Street $510,000 Therefore, the total cost impact to the City for property acquisition is $1,115,000. It is proposed to fund up to $1.2 million through a USDA Rural Development Community Facilities low-interest loan. This amount will be su�cient to address purchase, fire sprinklers, furniture and limited upgrades necessary, as well as financing costs. Annual cost to the City is estimated to be approximately $80,000. This is an increase of $10,000 over prior estimates because staff has been notified by the USDA that the project is not eligible for a 40-loan and will have to apply for a 30-year term. However, the interest rate has recently dropped again so the ultimate annual cost could be less. Approximately $58,000 would be funded from Local Sales Tax revenues and $22,000 would be funded from the Water and Sewer Funds. The previous $70,000 estimate has been included in the budget and future Local Sales Tax projections. Under the proposed Agreement, the City will also receive approximately $70,000 in Parking In-Lieu funds and is expected to receive nearly $150,000 in other building and development fees. BACKGROUND: The existing City Hall Complex is composed of the City Hall, Public Works Engineering, Building & Life Safety Division and Council Chambers buildings. These facilities currently have a number of deficiencies in meeting Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations, space, structural and repair needs. A number of efforts and citizen committees have attempted to address the Civic Center needs dating back to 1975. In 2004, a needs assessment and feasibility study was prepared by Fred Sweeney of Phillips Metsch Sweeney Moore Architects on a volunteer basis to develop recommendations for future upgrade of these facilities to address the City's facility needs. At the conclusion of the process, the City Council approved a preferred site and proposed funding strategy that would have renovated City Hall and constructed a new two-story building at the current Public Works building and Building and Life Safety building sites. Since that time, CITY COUNCIL CENTENNIAL PLAZA PROJECT AND A PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 3 funding and historical significance issues have impacted the ability to implement that plan. When Farm Credit vacated and sold the building across the street from City Hall at 111 South Mason Street, new opportunities were created to more cost effectively address the City's facility needs. NKT Commercial, the new owner of the building, offered to sell the property to the City or structure a trade and joint development project on other City properties. To evaluate the feasibility of these options, the City contracted for appraisals of the existing City Hall Complex properties and structures, a feasibility study of the capability of the 111 South Mason Street building to meet City space needs, a historical assessment of the Ciry Hall, Public Works Engineering and Building & Life Safety Division buildings, and a structural assessment of the City Hall building. Results and recommendations were presented to the City Council at the February 10, 2009 meeting. At that time, the City Council approved a contract with Phillips Metsch Sweeney Moore to prepare a conceptual design and more detailed cost estimates on renovation of the City Hall, as well as the option of replacing City Hall with a new building. Options were presented and a preferred alternative was selected by the City Council at the June 23, 2009 meeting. At that meeting, the City Council also directed staff to work with the developer to present alternatives for development of 200 East Branch Street and the adjacent parking lot property. At the February 10, 2009 meeting, staff also presented recommendations to close Short Street and construct a pedestrian plaza to be coordinated with Centennial Celebration activities in 2011 and designated "Centennial Plaza." The concept involved coordination with Gina's Restaurant and development of the Building & Life Safety Division property to provide restaurant outdoor seating on both sides of the plaza. City Council supported the concept and directed staff to seek community feedback and develop a formal proposal. At the April 24, 2009 meeting, the City Hall and Public Works buildings were designated as historical resources by the City Council. Historical status of the Building and Life Safety Division building was considered by the City Council at the May 26, 2009 meeting. Based on the findings of the Historical Assessment Report, the Council voted not to designate it as historic. However, the Council did direct staff to include an option in any proposed project involving the project that maintained the building and fagade. Staff is now recommending the City Council approve a Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement, which is attached. The agreement sets forth terms for acquisition of the property at 300 East Branch Street, sale of the properties at 200 and 208 East Branch Street and parking lot in between the two, and a proposed cinr couNCi� CENTENNIAL PLAZA PROJECT AND A PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 4 development on the corner of Short Street and East Branch Street. Approval of the Centennial Plaza is required since it will be a condition of the agreement for the development. Additionally, staff is requesting approval on a preferred design alternative, which is necessary because it will impact the terms of the agreement. Final design will be approved through the normal Conditional Use Permit process. This item was continued from the October 27, 2009 meeting and again from the November 10, 2009 meeting. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Centennial Plaza Preliminary plans for the Centennial Plaza project are attached for City Council review (Attachment 2). Following direction to proceed with planning for the Centennial Plaza project, a public workshop was coordinated by RRM Architects in order to solicit community feedback regarding the project, particularly from Village businesses. Input was generally supportive. One business owner communicated a concern regarding the circulation impact of closing Short Street, particular the limited ability to turn left on East Branch Street from Olohan Alley. There were also questions regarding the financial arrangement with adjacent restaurants for use of the plaza for outdoor seating. A traffic study has been completed, which is attached (Attachment 3). No significant issues or recommended mitigations were identified in the report. While the report does not link any impacts of the project to increased deficiencies at the Bridge Street and East Branch intersection, additional study could be prepared on that intersection if directed by City Council independent from the project. The proposed agreement provides use of public right-of-way for outdoor restaurant seating through an encroachment permit or license agreement as determined by the City. No ongoing lease is proposed. Staff believes it is consistent with the City's current policy of allowing sidewalk areas for outdoor seating with no charge other than an encroachment permit fee. No arrangements have yet been made with owners of Gina's restaurant, but the plan anticipates providing outdoor restaurant seating on both sides of the plaza. The Centennial Plaza plan emphasizes landscaping and other softscape features, minimizes turf areas to reduce water usage, and is designed to save the majority of existing trees. The primary feature is a planter area, which could showcase Arroyo Grande in Bloom efforts. There is also a central area behind the planter area, which is currently depicted as a decorative pavement treatment, but future use has not yet been fully determined. It could be used for a display area, public art, performance location, fountain, etc. CITY COUNCIL CENTENNIAL PLAZA PROJECT AND A PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 5 Approval of an agreement with RRM Architects to prepare the final design is recommended since they have prepared the conceptual design work, which City staff has been very pleased with. A copy of their proposal is attached (Attachment 4), which represents the price negotiated with them by staff. The proposed agreement is also attached (Attachment 5). Acquisition of 300 East Branch Street Acquisition of the former Farm Credit building at 300 East Branch Street is important in order to address current ADA, structural, maintenance and space issues of the City Hall complex buildings. None of the three buildings are able to comply with ADA requirements because there is no available space to expand the bathroom facilities. Structural reports have been prepared on the City Hall and Public Works buildings, which have identified a number of deficiencies. A key goal of the proposed effort has also been to co-locate all development related services. This will increase efficiency and improve services. The recent reorganization of these operations into one department was largely based upon the assumption of the ability to locate staff in one building, which will be difficult to sustain if the project does not proceed. A number of functions were combined to consolidate and cross train staff, which results in savings that far exceeds the annual cost of the project. The goal of staff's recommendations at this time is to maintain short-term financial stability, while also making good long-range decisions. The availability of the former Farm Credit building provides a unique opportunity to address office needs at a cost substantially less than prior plans that involved construction of a new facility. Therefore, the key factor at this time is to acquire that property while it is available. Delays would likely result in it being leased to another party. Acquisition of the building will address overall City administrative space needs, as well as ADA and structural issues in two of the three buildings. The sale of existing properties has been structured to minimize the cost to acquire the building. In addition, the USDA low-interest loan will enable annual debt service to be funded primarily from local sales tax revenues without impacting funding for other high priority projects. To address short-term financial issues, it is recommended improvements to the City Hall facility be delayed in order to utilize budgeted funds to address current budget shortfalls. These expenses can be temporarily delayed without significantly increasing long-term costs to the City. However, it is important that the City move forward with these improvements as soon as possible to address what will be remaining ADA and structural issues. As a result, staff is recommending the City continue with the design contract with Phillips, Metsch, Sweeney and Moore Architects. CITY COUNCIL CENTENNIAL PLAZA PROJECT AND A PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 6 It is also recommended that the installation of an elevator in the former Farm Credit building be delayed. This will limit the potential use for the upstairs area. Minor furniture purchases, electrical upgrades and ADA improvements will be necessary. The primary expense required to occupy the building is the installation of fire sprinklers. This requirement is triggered due to the distance between entrances in the building. The installation of fire sprinklers was originally determined to be more cost effective than installing an additional entrance. It will also help protect important City records. The system has been designed and bids have been obtained. However, only two bids were received and the cost was well above the estimate - $41,500 compared to the $25,000 estimate. The project was redesigned and re-bid. There was a reduction in the cost, but problems with the bid documents and bid submittals, as well as a limited response. Therefore, staff recommends the City Council reject bids again and authorize staff to request new bids a third time. A copy of the bid summary is attached. The option of installing an additional door is also being reviewed. Additional costs of approximately $10,000 will be necessary for upgrades to the water system to accommodate the fire sprinklers. This work will be performed by in-house staff. Centennial Shoqs Proiect The sale of existing City properties and proposed project provides an important economic development opportunity that will generate activity in the core of the Village, expand commercial activities and sales tax, increase customers for other Village businesses and improve tourism. The primary issues associated with the project include the impact on parking and the existing Building and Life Safety Division building. The project will eliminate the 15 spaces in the existing parking area between the Building and Life Safety Division building and the Public Works building and increase parking demand by approximately 16 spaces. The project will construct 7 new spaces. In addition, the former Farm Credit building parking lot has a total of 24 spaces, which will now become public parking as a result of the acquisition by the City. Finally, $70,000 the developer will pay in parking in-lieu fees will be instrumental in funding the expansion of the Le Point street parking lot, which is proposed to add roughly 65 spaces. Therefore, when all the City efforts are viewed in their entirety, the result will be a substantial net increase in available public parking. A secondary impact of the development of the existing parking area will be on the Saturday Farmers' Market. This will reduce space for a number of weekly produce booths. The Farmers' Market does not currently utilize all the space adjacent to Mason Street. Staff believes that if this is combined with the area that will be closed off in front of the gazebo adjacent to Centennial Plaza, it will accommodate the CITY COUNCIL CENTENNIAL PLAZA PROJECT AND A PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 7 displaced booths. If this does not satisfy the Farmers' Market Association, it may become necessary to either relocate the market or impact additional existing parking in Olohan Alley. It is staffs intent to make every effort to maintain the Farmers' Market in its existing location. The Public Works building has been previously designated as a local historic resource. All scenarios include conditions that an adaptive reuse will be applied to this structure. The Building and Life Safety Division building has not been determined to be a local historical resource, but interest was expressed by the Council to save the structure or portions of the fa�ade. Therefore, three alternatives for the project are presented for City Council consideration in order to address concerns and direction regarding the impact on the Building and Life Safety Division building. The City Council is being asked to select a preferred project alternative at this time. Final design is not being approved. It would first require Architectural Review Committee, Historic Resources Committee and Planning Commission review through the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process. Escrow is not set up to close until the CUP and building permits are issued. There will be an additional cost if the City Council selects the alternative that maintains the existing building fa�ade at 200 East Branch Street. In order to address this cost, staff has negotiated and recommends the City reduce the purchase price by $70,000 if this alternative is selected. The Conditional Use Permit application has been accepted for processing and deemed complete. Therefore, the project would not be subject to the moratorium adopted November 10, 2009 meeting. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for consideration: . Project Alternative #1 - Alternative #1 would maintain the Building & Life Safety Division building at 200 East Branch Street in its current condition. To do this, the City would need to sell it separately. Staff has received potential interest from at least one office related business owner. The developer would then purchase 208 East Branch Street and the adjacent parking area and construct a one-story commercial structure on only the parking lot site. Based on negotiations with the developer and economics of the proposal, this option would result in an increase in parking in-lieu fees paid to the City. . Project Alternative #2 - The second option involves selling 200 East Branch Street, 208 East Branch Street and the parking lot and acquiring the property at 300 East Branch Street. The 200 East Branch Street and parking lot properties CITY COUNCIL CENTENNIAL PLAZA PROJECT AND A PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 8 would be developed with a 5,700 square foot one-story retail building with store fronts and outdoor seating on both East Branch and Short Street. The design would maintain at a minimum the front fa�ade of the Building & Life Safety Division building and a portion of the west fa�ade. The attached schematic drawing (Attachment 6) depicts the proposed design. This option would increase development costs. Therefore, in order to make it financially feasible, the City would need to reduce the purchase price of the property by $70,000 for the developer to agree to this alternative. • Alternative #3 - The third alternative (Attachment 7) is recommended by staff and would be the same as Alternative #2, but the 200 East Branch building would be demolished and replaced. Under this scenario, the City would waive all but $70,000 in parking fees. Staff believes this can be justified based upon the increased public parking that will be provided by the 300 East Branch Street property. . With regard to the fire sprinklers, the City Council could also direct staff to instead pursue installation of a door, which is something staff may later recommend if bids are still high when received again. • The City Council may decide not to approve the project and property acquisition. • The City Council may provide staff other direction. The developer has prepared conceptual plans for Alternative #2 and Alternative #3, which are attached and will be presented at the City Council meeting. ADVANTAGES: Alternative #3 is recommended because it provides the best economic development opportunity, the design option staff believes is most consistent with the character of the Village, and it takes greatest advantage of the proximity with the Centennial Plaza. The project will be a significant enhancement to the Village, will likely attract quality tenants, will increase customers and tourists to the Village area, will be completed in the most timely manner, and will have a lower cost impact than Alternative #2. The Preliminary Development Plan indicates the construction a multi-tenant, single- story commercial building within the Village Core. The project is designed to be compatible with existing turn of the 19th Century commercial storefront and residential architecture of the Village Core. Staff believes the proposal complies with the Village Design Guidelines more closely than Option #2. Particular reference is made to the following excerpts of the Guidelines: CITY COUNCIL CENTENNIAL PLAZA PROJECT AND A PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 9 . The existing pattem of facades shall be incorporated into new deve/opment projects. Dominant fagade designs incorporate either brick front e/ements or parapet features. • New construction should include elements such as cladding, roof structure and omamentation common to the district. All new projects shall use materia/s — including roof materials — that fit within the character of the Village Core Downtown district. By using similar materia/s or replication these materia/s on all projects and restorations, the existing character will be reinforced and extended. . For retail commercial buildings, display windows should complement the design of surrounding historic buildings and shall be oriented to pedestrian tra�c. . Transoms are common over display windows and were used for light and ventilation. When possib/e, transoms should be incorporated into new building design, and existing transoms should be used in building renovations. The primary advantage of Alternative #2 is that it presents an effective compromise. It would enable the project to proceed, but also address concerns of eliminating the Building and Life Safety building by maintaining the key visible portions of the building. The advantage of Alternative #1 would be saving the entire building on the corner, maintaining its quaint character consistent with prior Council direction. It also appears to initially be the most cost effective option. Overall advantages of staff recommendations include the ability to address urgent City Hall complex office needs in the most cost effective way available, while maintaining the Civic Center in the Village consistent with prior community input; creating a dynamic central focal point and activity center in the Village that will attract tourism and customers to the Village and greatly enhance Village beautification efforts; and creating an important economic development opportunity that will generate revenue and increase the vitality of the Village and overall City. DISADVANTAGES: The primary disadvantage of Alternative #3 for the commercial project is the loss of the existing Building and Life Safety Division building. It is also less cost effective than Alternative #1. However, staff believes the initial revenues would be outweighed by the long-term economic benefits of the Alternative #3 project design. CITY COUNCIL CENTENNIAL PLAZA PROJECT AND A PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 10 Alternative 2 first appeared to staff to be the best option because it provided an effective compromise. However, after viewing preliminary plans, staff now believes it would not effectively accomplish either major goal. The quaintness of the existing building would be lost, while it would also fail to take full advantage of the opportunities of the corner building to be integrated with the Centennial Plaza proposal. The features of the existing building fa�ade are difficult to incorporate into a larger project and at the same time make the project consistent with the Village character. The sales price on the corner would be reduced by $70,000 to reflect the increased cost of development. In addition, the developer would not agree to proceed with construction until tenants are identified, which would mean a significant delay in construction of the project and close of escrow. The disadvantage of Alternative 1 is that it would limit the economic development potential of the project. It would preclude a restaurant and outdoor seating on the corner and may preclude any restaurant in the project. It would increase the difficulty of designing a building in the parking lot that would be integrated architecturally with the buildings on each side of it. It would also increase the potential difficulties in executing the agreement since it will ultimately depend upon three different buyers. While staff has identified interested buyers, the transaction will depend upon successful financing in a difficult financial climate. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines and the City of Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA. An initial study was prepared and based on this analysis and a Draft Negative Declaration was prepared with mitigation measures and noticed for public review on October 6, 2009. No comments have been received to date on the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: A public hearing notice was published in the Tribune on Friday, October 16, 2009. The agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, December 3, 2009 and on the City's website on Friday, December 4, 2009. A public workshop was conducted on the Centennial Plaza project. Staff has also presented the alternatives to meetings of the Chamber of Commerce and Village Improvement Association, as well as notification to members of the Historic Preservation Committee. One correspondence was received, which is attached. Attachments: 1. Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement 2. Centennial Plaza Conceptual Plans 3. Centennial Plaza Traffic Study (on file at City Hall for public review) 4. RRM Architects Proposal for Centennial Plaza Design Services cinr couNCi� CENTENNIAL PLAZA PROJECT AND A PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DECEMBER 8, 2009 PAGE 71 5. Agreement for Design Services with RRM Design Group 6. Centennial Plaza Shops Project Alternative #2 Conceptual Plans 7. Centennial Plaza Shops Project Alternative #3 Conceptual Plans 8. Bid Summary for Fire Sprinkler Project 9. Initial Study and Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration 10. Correspondence RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, INSTRUCTING THE CITY CLERK TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, AND APPROVING CONCEPT DESIGNS FOR THE CENTENNIAL PLAZA AND DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT OF 200 AND 208 E. BRANCH STREET PROJECT APPLIED FOR NKT COMMERCIAL WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered preliminary design for the Centennial Plaza project and the concept designs for development of the 200 East Branch Street property; and WHEREAS, the City has been in negotiations with NKT Commercial and have prepared a Purchase of Sale and Improvement Agreement with NKT Commercial for acquisition o property at 300 East Branch Street, sale of City property at 200 East Branch Street, 208 East Branch Street and the parking area in between, development of a 5,700 square foot commercial building at Short Street and east Branch Street, and adaptive reuse of the 208 East Branch Street building; and WHEREAS, NKT Commercial as prepared alternatives design concepts and are proposing Altemative No. 3; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that this project is consistent with the City's General Plan, Development Code and the environmental documents associated therewith, and has reviewed the draft Negative Declaration with mitigation measures under the provisions of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: Required CEQA Findings: 1. The City of Arroyo Grande has prepared an initial study pursuant to Section 15063 of the Guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), for the design concept for Centennial Plaza and for design concepts for the development and re- development of 200 and 208 Short Street. 2. Based on the initial study, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for public review. A copy of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and related materials is located at City Hall in the Community Development Department. ���������� ��� ���� � �. �f#er h���ir�g � p��li� ��a�rin� �urr���n� #� �t�t� a�n� ��ty �����, �nd �or��id�rin� the r�c:or� a�� � v�rh�l�# t�� �i�� ���n�il �����s � �it��at�d I����t��� ����a�ra��i�r� �r�d fi��� that ���r� �� r�� sub�ta�r��i�l ��rid�rr�e �f �n�r ���n�#i�ar�t a�v�rs� �ff���, �i�h�r �r����r��u�t�y �� �ur�ul�tiv��� �r� �v�l�lif� re��ur��s �s ��f��� ��r ��ct��r� �'�1,� ��tfi�� F��� �r�� ��rr�� ��d� �r�r� �I�� ha�ita�t u���� vrrl�i�l� t�e �rril�!'rf� �e��r��� �� a� r���lt �f ���r�E��r���n� �� thi� pr�j���. ��r���rf ��� �ity ��un��l fin�� t�r�t ���d IVli�i��t�d I����ti�� ���I�r�ti�� r�fl��t� ��� �it�r'� �r�����r����t �u��r�r��r�t a�rrd �r��l��i�, I��V'V� T�IEF��F��E, �E 1�` F����Lll��t���t�� �i��r ��un�il ��tf�� �i�}r�f Arr��� �ra�r��� ��r��� �d��t� � IVliti��t�� I����ti�r� ���la�r�t���, ir��tru�ct� ��� �ity �I�� t� f�l� � r������ �� �����-mir��ti��f �nd ���r��e� ��r���p� de�i�r� ��r �I�� ��nt�nn��f F'I��� pr�����# ���r���p��r���r�d ����v����rr��r�t�f��� �n� ��� �. �ra�n�� ��r��t. ��n � rn�ti�r� �y ��ur��i� �Il�rr���r , ����rt��� b� ���n�i� Il�l�r��er , a�r�d b}r�h� f�I I��nr i n� r�I I ��f� ��t�t�v�r�t; A1�E�: �V���: A���I�T* �h�f�r���ir�� �e��l�ti�n �nr�s ����t�� �I����da���f ����rr����-����. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 13 �-- - - • -- }- , .� _. . . ' . .. . . _ , � - '� J � }i�`-i T. 4 .. ,5 �, . i, . . .� t, _ � f. v . r.�J . +J I�II_ � _ �, .�� o .._ ,� � I � . . .. .. ._ �., �. ... ... _ _ � III a 1' 9 . . �. . .-. �, .z �� _ . V _ � il .L¢' i J+� , . _ - J {�� . �i . c Agenda Item 9.a. Page 14 ATTACHMENT 1 PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into as of (the "Effective Date") between The City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation formed under the laws of the state of California (the "City") and NKT Commercial, LLC, a California limited liability company ("NKT"). The City and NKT are collectively referred to herein as the "Parties". RECITALS WHEREAS, The City is the owner of that certain real property located in Arroyo Grande, California (APN: 007-492-004) more particularly described in Exhibit A attached to and incorporated into this Agreement(collectively, "Parcel 1"). WHEREAS, NKT is the owner of that certain real property located in Arroyo Grande California (APN: 007-493-019) more particularly described in Exhibit B attached to and incorporated into this Agreement (collectively, "Parcel 2") (Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the "Property"); WHEREAS,NKT desires to purchase Parcel 1 from City and City desires to sell Parcel 1 to NKT subj ect to the purchase and sale and development terms and conditions contained herein; WHEREAS, the City desires to Purchase Parcel 2 from NKT and NKT desires to sell Parcel2 subj ect to the purchase and sale terms and conditions contained herein; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants of the Parties and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. Purchase and Sale. Subject to the terms and conditions in this Agreement, The City agrees to sell and NKT agrees to purchase Parcel 1; and NKT agrees to sell and the City agrees to purchase Parcel 2. SECTION 2. Purchase Price. Except as otherwise provided in Section 2(c) below,the purchase price to be paid by the City to NKT for Parcel 2 shall be TWO MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS ($2,400,000.00) (the "Parcel 2 Purchase Price") and the purchase price to be paid by NKT to the City for Parcel 1 shall be ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS (the "Parcel 1 Purchase Price"). Agenda Item 9.a. Page 15 (a) Parcel 1: (i) Within five (5) days following the execution of this Agreement by all parties, NKT shall deposit with First American Title Company ("Escrow Holder") the sum of ("Deposit"); and (ii) On or before the Close of Escrow, NKT shall deposit the balance of the Parcel 1 Purchase Price, if any, with Escrow Holder. (b)Parcel 2: (i) Within five (5) days following the execution of this Agreement by all parties, the City shall deposit with First American Title Company ("Escrow Holder") the sum of ("Deposit"); and (ii) On or before the Close of Escrow, the City shall deposit the balance of the Parcel 2 Purchase Price of with Escrow Holder. (c) If the City requires the final design of the Improvements (as defined in Section 11 below) to maintain all or a substantial portion of the front fa�ade of the existing structure at 200 East Branch Street, given increased construction costs, the loss of developable space and corresponding estimated loss in future revenue directly attributable to the retention of a portion of or all of said front fa�ade, the Parcel 1 Purchase Price shall be decreased by an amount not less than SIXTY SEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS ($67,498.00) nor more than SEVENTY TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND ONE DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS ($72,801.00), with the exact amount to be determined by the Parties. SECTION 3 Conditions Precedent. (a) Conditions Precedent to Closing. Each Party's obligation to purchase the Property from the other Party is subject to the following conditions precedent("Conditions Precedent"): (i) Title Policy. Title to the Property shall be conveyed by a good and sufficient Grant Deed subj ect to no exceptions other than (1) the lien of local real property taxes and assessments not yet due or payable, and (2) all exceptions to title set forth in a preliminary title report (the "Preliminary Title Report"), as issued by the First American Title Company (the "Title Company"), hereinafter, (1) and (2)_shall be collectively referred to as the "Conditions of Title". Title Company shall provide the Parties with the Preliminary Title Report within three (3) days of the Effective Date. If either buyer Party objects to any exceptions to title stated in the Preliminary Title Report by written notice specifically listing the exception(s) (the "Objection Notice") , and delivered to the other seller Party within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the Preliminary Title Report, the seller Party shall use reasonable efforts to clear title to the property of such exceptions. If the exceptions obj ected to cannot be removed and/or otherwise eliminated as title exceptions within ten (10) days after the seller Party's receipt of the Objection Notice, this Agreement shall be terminated and any money deposited by any party hereunder shall be returned. Delivery of title in accordance with the foregoing shall be evidenced by the issuance by the Title Agenda Item 9.� Page 16 Company, of its standard ALTA owner's policy of title insurance, together with such endorsements reasonably required, in the amount of the Purchase Price, showing title to the Real Property vested in the buyer party and subject only to the Conditions of Title; and, (ii) Obli ations. The performance by each Partyof every covenant, condition, agreement, and promise to be performed by that Party pursuant to this Agreement and the related documents executed or to be executed by the Parties. (iii) Representations. That all 1 representations and warranties in this Agreement and the related documents executed or to be executed are truthful and accurate. (iv) Parcel 1 Division: Prior to the conveyance of Parcel 1 to NKT,the City shall legally divide the same so that there are two legal and marketable parcels, consisting of: (1) a parcel of land improved solely by the existing Public Works building and related improvements, said lot being configured in a fashion acceptable to NKT, such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld; and, (2) a parcel of land improved by the exisiting Building Department, parking lot and related improvements said lot also be configured in a fashion acceptable to NKT, such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld, and further being first approved by the City, and all other necessary governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the same, for use and development as contemplated herein and .as further described in Section 11 below. (v) Entitlement Process: NKT shall provide full architectural, site, floor, and landscaping plans for the improvement of Parcel 1 by January 1, 2010. Once a Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") is issued by City, NKT shall submit comprehensive plans and specifications for the Improvements to the City within two (2) months. NKT shall pay to the City SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($70,000.00) in parking in-lieu fees with respect to the division and development of Parcel 1 as herein contemplated. NKT shall be responsible for all building and development fees in the normal course of business. However all such building and development fees, exclusive of parking in-lieu, school district, and South County Sanitary District fees, shall not exceed a total of ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY- EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS ($168,000). Payment of said fees shall be made prior to issuance of building permits. City shall issue approval of building permits prior to closing. (vi) Lease of Parcel 2: NKT shall lease Parcel 2 to City at no cost to City commencing on March 1,2010 and terminating upon closing as defined in Section 4 below. (b) Failure of Conditions Precedent. If any of the Conditions Precedent have not been fulfilled within the applicable time periods the Party for whom said condition protects or provides a benefit may: (i) Waive and Close. Waive the condition or disapproval and transfer the Property and close Escrow in accordance with this Agreement, without adjustment or abatement of the Purchase Price; or (ii) Cure and Close: Cure the failure of condition or representation and reduce the Purchase Price by an amount equal to the cost of cure; or (iii) Terminate. Terminate this Agreement by written notice to Escrow Agent. Agenda Item 9.a� Page 17 SECTION 4 Escrow& Closing. (a) Escrow: An escrow ("Escrow") for each transaction contemplated herein, (the sale of Parcel 1 and the sale of Parcel 2 are separate and distinct transactions for purposes of this section), shall be opened with First American Title Company ("Escrow Agent") within five (5) days from the Effective Date of this Agreement. The Parties shall deliver signed instructions to escrow within ten(10) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement. Except for a final determination regarding what amount of funds will ultimately be transferred between the Parties upon Closing, the instructions shall not modify or amend this Agreement; provided, however, that the Parties shall execute any additional instructions requested by Escrow in a manner consistent with the Agreement. All amounts deposited by with the Title Company are to be held in Escrow in an interest-bearing account with interest credited to the depositing Party. Unless the Parties otherwise mutually agree in writing to an extension, the Escrow shall close and the Property shall be transferred, and the Purchase Price paid within ( ) days of the date that all conditions precedent are fully satisfied or otherwise waived ("Closing"). (b) 1031 Exchan�e. NKT shall have the right to structure either and/or both transfers contemplated under this agreement as part of a forward or reverse exchange (including, if necessary, the use of an intermediary) with the result that such transfers or exchange shall conform to the requirements of Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "IRC"). City hereby agrees to reasonably cooperate with the NKT to complete such exchange(s) as requested (including the assignment of this Agreement to a Qualified Intermediary as that term is defined in the IRC), provided that: (a) any additional costs incurred by City solely as a result of structuring the transaction as an exchange shall be borne by the NKT; (b) such exchange shall not result in any substantial delay in closing the transaction; and (c) City shall be required to take title to any property other than the Parcel 2. This Agreement is not subject to or conditioned upon either party's ability to consummate an exchange. The responsibility of City for reviewing exchange documents proposed by the NKT shall be limited to determining whether the terms and conditions of such exchange documents are such that they are in compliance with the foregoing provisions. NKT shall be responsible for making all determinations as to the legal sufficiency or other consideration, including but not limited to tax considerations, relating to such exchange documents. In cooperating in any exchange transaction arranged by NKT, City shall not in any event be responsible for, or in any way warrant,the tax consequences of the exchange transaction. SECTION 5 Closing Deposits. (a)Before the Closing,the Parties shall deposit with Escrow Agent the following documents and funds: (i)Nonforeign Affidavit. The original Nonforeign Affidavits; (ii)Escrow Instructions. The Escrow Instructions for each escrow required hereunder; (iii) Additional Documents. Any other documents or funds required to close Escrow in accordance with this Agreement. (iv) The balance of the Purchase Price due and owing. Agenda Item 9.a� Page 18 SECTION 6. Closing Costs. Each Party shall pay an equal (50%) share of the Escrow Closing costs. Each Party shall otherwise be liable for complying with their respective obligations hereunder. SECTION 7 Pro-rations. Liability for real property taxes, assessments, insurance premiums shall be prorated between the parties as of the date of the Closing of each Escrow. SECTION 8 Warranties. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, for purposes of this Section 8, "Property" shall be utilized to refer to Parcel 1 when applying this Section to the City and Parcel 2 when applying this Section to NKT. The Parties warrant and represent that, to the best of their knowledge without legal inquiry, as of the Effective Date of this Agreement and as of the Closing: (a) There are no other physical, structural, or mechanical defects or violations of any laws or regulations applicable to the Property. To the extent that such defects or violations exist, the Property owner shall repair and/or cure the same prior to the Closing, at that respective owner's expense. (b) That the documents delivered pursuant to this Agreement will be all of the relevant documents that each Party is aware of pertaining to the condition and operation of the Property, will be true copies, and will be in full force, without default by any party and without any right of offset, except as disclosed in writing at the time of delivery. (c) That there are not pending any special assessments or condemnation actions with respect to the Property or any part of the Property, nor has either Party any knowledge of any special assessments or condemnation actions being contemplated. (d) That all water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone, and drainage facilities and all other utilities required by law and for the normal operation of the Property are installed across public property or valid easements to the property lines of the Property, are all connected with valid permits, and are adequate to service the property and to permit full compliance with all requirements of law. (e) The Parties are not a "foreign person" within the meaning of section 1445(�(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and that the Parties furnish, if necessary, prior to Closing, an affidavit confirming the same. (�That there are no Hazardous Substances known to exist on the Property, and that: (i) No Property owner has knowledge of buried or partially buried underground storage tanks on the Property. Agenda Item 9.a� Page 19 (ii) No Property owner is aware of and has not received any notice, warning, notice of violation, administrative complaint, judicial complaint, or any other formal or informal notice alleging that conditions on the Property are or have been in violation of any Environmental Law, or informing the Party that the Property is subject to investigation or inquiry regarding Hazardous Substances on the Property or the potential violation of any Environmental Law. (iii) There is no monitoring program required by the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") or any similar State agency concerning the Property. (iv) To the best of each Property owner's knowledge, no toxic or hazardous chemicals, waste, or substances of any kind have ever been spilled, disposed of, or stored on, under, or at the Property, whether by accident, burying, drainage, or storage in containers,tanks,holding areas, or by other means. (v)No Property owner isaware of the Property ever being used as a dump or a landfill. (vi) The Parties have disclosed all information, records, and studies in connection with the Property concerning Hazardous Substances. Hazardous Substance as used herein shall mean any toxic or hazardous materials or any other substance which constitutes, or is regulated as, a hazardous, extremely hazardous, toxic, extremely toxic or similarly dangerous material, substance or waste under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C.A. §§9601 et seq., the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 U.S.C.A. §§6901 et seq., or the California Health and Safety Code,Division 20. The continued accuracy in all respects of the Parties' representations and warranties shall be a condition precedent to any obligation to close Escrow. All representations and warranties contained in this Agreement shall be deemed remade as of the date of Closing and shall survive the Closing. If any of the representations and warranties are not correct at the time made or as of the Closing, this Agreement may be terminated by the non-breaching Party. SECTION 9 Indemnification. (a) NKT agrees to indemnify and hold the City free and harmless from any losses, damages, costs, or expenses (including attorney fees) resulting from any inaccuracy in or the breach of any representation or warranty of NKT and any breach or default by NKT under any of NKT's covenants or agreements under this Agreement. (b) The City agrees to indemnify and hold NKT free and harmless from any losses, damages, costs, or expenses (including attorney fees) resulting from any inaccuracy in or the breach of any representation or warranty of the City and any breach or default by the City under any of the City's covenants or agreements under this Agreement. Agenda Item 9.a� Page 20 SECTION 10 Covenants. The Parties agree as follows: (a) Pa_yment of All Obli ations. The owner of each Property shall have discharged all liens including, but not limited to, mechanics' and materialmen's liens arising from labor and materials furnished to their Property prior to the Close of Escrow. (b) Liti ag tion. A Party shall immediately notify the other Party of any lawsuits, condemnation proceedings, rezoning, or other governmental order or action, or any threat thereof, known which might affect their Property or any interest therein. SECTION 11 Parcel 1 Maintenance and Development Requirements As a condition precedent to the purchase of Parcel 2, the City requires that NKT agree to the following maintenance and development requirements (the "Requirements") for Parcel 1: (a) Following the Closing, the structure currently located at 208 East Branch Street (the "Public Works building"), having been designated as a Local Historic Resource, shall be maintained and upgraded consistent with City Village Design Guidelines and Municipal Code Provisions regarding Locally Designated Historic Resources. (b) Following the Closing, on that portion of Parcel 1 currently consisting of a parking lot, between 200 East Branch Street and 208 East Branch Street and the structure at 200 East Branch Street,NKT shall construct a one-story retail commercial structure up to a maximum of 5,800 square feet with store fronts on both East Branch and Short Street (the "Improvements"). Additionally, at the corner of East Branch and Short Street, NKT shall include the necessary specifications for restaurant use and shall provide for outdoor seating on the portion of City property to be provided under Section 11(c). The Requirements shall include the following: i. NKT shall provide full architectural, site, floor, and landscaping plans and apply for a CUP for the improvement of Parcel 1 by January 1, 2010. ii. City agrees that NKT's CUP has been accepted as complete for processing and will be expeditiously processed by City. iii. Once a CUP is issued by City, NKT shall submit comprehensive plans and specifications for the Improvements to the City within two (2)months. iv. Upon approval and issuance of necessary permits by the City and all other governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the same and within 60 days following the Closing,NKT shall begin construction of the Improvements. v. Upon commencement of construction, NKT shall submit any additional plans, specifications and other necessary documents, if any, allowing the City to process the Condominium Permit application. City agrees to use due diligence and to reasonably cooperate in expeditiously processing and assisting NKT with its Condominium Permit application. Final processing and approval of the Condominium Permit application is not a prerequisite to commencement of construction of the Improvements. Agenda Item 9.a7. Page 21 vi. Upon commencement of the construction, NKT shall use reasonable diligence so as to complete all Improvements no later than nine (9) months following the commencement of construction under Section 11 (a)(iv). vii. NKT shall pay to the City SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($70,000.00) in parking in-lieu fees with respect to the division and development of Parcel 1 as herein contemplated. Said payment shall be due within sixty (60) days following the Closing. viii. Any and all parking spaces constructed as part of the Improvements shall be designated as "Public Parking". ix. NKT shall be responsible for all building and development fees in the normal course of business following the Closing. However all such building and development fees, exclusive of parking in-lieu, school district, and South County Sanitary District fees, shall not exceed a total of ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY- EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS ($168,000). (c) City shall close Short Street between East Branch Street and Olohan Alley and construct a pedestrian plaza. As part of the valuable consideration herein exchanged between the parites, City shall also, upon Closing, grant to NKT an encroachment permit, license or lease agreement (collectively the "License"), as determined by City, appurtenant to the Parcel 1 Property in order to allow NKT, their successors and/or assigns to place the restaurant outdoor seating and related improvements within the public right-of-way adjacent to the restaurant contemplated under Section 11 (b) and pedestrian plaza as more particularly shown on Exhibit "as the "Outdoor Seating License Area" and by this reference hereby incorporated. Subject to reasonable conditions, the License shall be irrevocable so long as the restaurant use on the Parcel 1 Property continues. City shall complete construction of the plaza improvements within one (1)month of NKT's completion of construction of the commercial condominium building by NKT. (d) Hold Harmless. To the fullest extent provided by law, NKT will indemnify, defend and hold harmless (without limit as to amount) City and its elected officials, officers, employees and agents in their official capacity (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Indemnities"), and any of them, from and against all loss, all risk of loss and all damage (including expense) sustained or incurred because of or by reason of any and all claims, demands, suits, actions,judgments and executions for damages of any and every kind and by whomever and whenever made or obtained, allegedly caused by, arising out of or relating in any manner to NKT's construction of Improvements to Parcel 1 following the Closing. (e) Insurance. NKT shall obtain, at its expense, comprehensive general liability insurance for the Improvements of Parcel 1 naming Indemnities as additional named insureds with aggregate limits of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) for bodily injury and death and property damage, including coverage for contractual liability and products and completed operations purchased by NKT from an insurance company duly licensed to engage in the business of issuing such insurance in the State, with a current Best's Key Rating of not less than A-VII, such insurance to be evidenced by an endorsement which so provides and delivered to the City Clerk prior to the issuance of any building permit for the development of the Parcel 1. SECTION 12 Due Process. Nothing in this Agreement shall be in conflict with the responsibilities of the City to adhere to general due process requirements and other responsibilities as defined in Federal, State, or local law, statute, regulation, or participating parties' policies and procedures. Agenda Item 9.a� Page 22 SECTION 13 Assignment. Prior to the Closing, neither Party may assign its rights hereunder without the express written consent of the other Party. SECTION 14 Successors and Assigns. Without waiver of the provisions of Section 13, all of the rights, benefits, duties, liabilities, and obligations of the Parties shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon,their respective successors and assigns. SECTION 15 Notices. All notices to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and mailed postage prepaid by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or by personal delivery to the address indicated below or at other places designated by NKT and the City in a written notice given to the other. Notices shall be deemed served four(4) days after the date of mailing or upon personal delivery. If to NKT: NKT Commercial, LLC Attn: 684 Higuera Street, Suite B San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 If to the City: City of Arroyo Grande Attn: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk P. O. Box 5 5 0 Arroyo Grande, CA 93 421 With copy to: Timothy J. Carmel CARMEL&NACCASHA LLP PO Box 15729 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 SECTION 16 Construction. The title and headings of the Sections in this Agreement are intended solely for reference and do not modify, explain, or construe any provision of this Agreement. All references to sections, recitals, and the preamble shall, unless otherwise stated, refer to the Sections, Recitals, and Preamble of this Agreement. In construing this Agreement, the singular form shall include the plural and vice versa. This Agreement shall not be construed as if it had been prepared by one of the Parties, but rather as if both Parties have prepared the agreement. Agenda Item 9.� Page 23 SECTION 17 Integration. This Agreement, all attached exhibits, and all related documents referred to in this Agreement, constitute the entire agreement between the Parties. There are no oral or parol agreements which are not expressly set forth in this Agreement and the related documents being executed in connection with this Agreement. This Agreement may not be modified, amended, or otherwise changed except by a writing executed by the party to be charged. SECTION 18 Third-Party Rights. Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer upon any person, other than the Parties and their respective successors and assigns, any rights or remedies. SECTION 19 Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected. SECTION 20 Waivers. No waiver or breach of any provision shall be deemed a waiver of any other provision, and no waiver shall be valid unless it is in writing and executed by the waiving party. No extension of time for performance of any obligation or act shall be deemed an extension of time for any other obligation or act. SECTION 21 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. The execution of this Agreement shall be deemed to have occurred, and this Agreement shall be enforceable and effective, only upon the complete execution of this Agreement by both Parties. SECTION 22 Survival. All representations and warranties contained herein, and all indemnities, shall survive the Closing. Agenda Item 9� Page 24 SECTION 23 Incorporation of Exhibits. All attached exhibits are incorporated in this Agreement by reference. SECTION 24 Authority of Parties. All persons executing this Agreement on behalf of a party warrant that they have the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of that party. SECTION 25. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with California law. SECTION 26. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 27. Further Assurances. Each party agrees to do any other acts and to execute, acknowledge, and deliver any documents requested to carry out the intent and purpose of this Agreement. Whereas the Parties have executed this Agreement effective as of the date first written above. CITY: NKT Commercial: STEVEN ADAMS, City Manager NICK TOMPKINS ATTEST: Its: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Agenda Item 9�aa1. Page 25 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, City Attorney Agenda Item 9� Page 26 ATTACHMENT2 vezp-nwomkeri�q� �2 j „�„�«ti,.,n�„—_ -_ .--.-. .,� EastBranch5treet � �'1, '� ; R�n<�we,w,eeAsy ur strettrens _,,, , . ��. ` � Eulbou[pmEafibr M1"t.:'o�pc +�.,.."-�Ri+a`�� f V I f��� • A.o.i _m f. ."��'��5:�:.___. rwoandb«tlecwa�NewrovqM t .ra,���rv:s�imflmvert�ed !� "�;.'�*,. `�4+ � BiY.rouMi�!y PlSrtoueti� +�� y+� � Ai& '' „ r► vam��ai i 6r:tkbintlima'n1YOfRL--� �Y'.>;. �'}� RliutPM a'J9'Mn�tFl�einy � MC Ber�eMl�l'O.i`(�^bal) f` �� � '�' ne�bmp:oTn�:Mnau � 5�� a:aM�Nla! 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Page 29 ATTACHMENT 4 rrm� - ;_ ; group � ���� RRM Design Group CENTENNIAL PARK PLAZA DESIGN SERVICES 3765 S.Hguera St.,Ste.102 San I uis obispo,Cn 93ao1 City of Arroyo Grande v:(805)5a3179a Scope of Services F:(805)543�609 www.mndesign.mm October 12, 2009 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH The City of Arroyo Grande (the"City'� wishes to retafn the services of RRM Design Group (RRM) co prepare desi9n and construaion documents for a new village park plaza referred to in the concept plan prepared by RRM as 'Centennial Park Plaza' in the City of Arroyo Grande. The limit of work and project design will be based upon the Centennial Park Plaza Plan per Attachment-1 dated February 10, 2009. The design may change somewhat at the outset of this effort based on RRM's review of actual site conditions or from Council or Cfty staff direction. A two-step process is required for final deslgn and preparation of construction documents. The Desi9n Development submittal will incorporate feedback from the June 17, 2009 public workshop as well as additional site information gathered from supplemental tapographic surveyfng. The plan will cafl out materlal selections, design grades and descrlptive callouts in a black and white plan. This plan will serve as a tool to elaborate on the details of the plaza and communicate the overall design intent. The Ciry•approved Design Development Plan will serve as the basis for the start of the construction drawings. SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK A:SUPPLEMENTAL TOPOGRAHIC SURVEY RRM wfll enhance a topographic survey of the Short Street area to supplement information from the previously surveyed data. RRM will provide surveying and mapping enhancements for match points, edge interface condixions, surFace utility boxes, existing backflow preventer, grades at the base of existing trees to be protected, entry points around existing buildings and other planimetrfc features. Deliverables: One(1)Topographic survey and digital copy in AutoCAD format COMMUNfTY � CMC&PUBLIC SAFETY � RECRFATION � EDUCATION � URBAN AItCNrfEtis I FHOwEENe I uNO9uaeatCxrtECtB I vLAl1x¢x6 I aum�Erata �cflwm[opae.tm I vm w+aaw'.wdweci�oeo I-M�w.rES�s6.ia rt2M I JwF«ea.u1aeu rrm group ��� Centennial Plaza Design Services creating environmen�s people enjoy Scope of Services October 12, 2009 Page 2 of 7 TASK B: DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Subtask B.O1: Design Development Plan The Design Development Plan will be an abbreviated process to be utilized to confirm the plaza design in a more precise fashion and act as the basis for design as the project moves to the Construc[ion Document phase. Using the Preliminary Schema[ic Design (Attachment-1) as the basis for the preliminary design, along with City staff comments, RRM will prepare a single Design Development Plan. Where directed by the City, RRM will also respond to and incorporate June 1 7, 2009 public workshop comments into the Design Development Plan. This plan will further define the plaza design and address interfacing with adjacent buildings and project edges. RRM will utilize digitally prepared topographic information provided by our surveyors; RRM's civil engineering division will prepare a preliminary grading and drainage design for the purpose of finalizing project feasibility and to identify specific site-related development and ADA issues. The plan will also include descriptive callouts for various features including lighting and recommended materials and features. It is our understanding that a new building may be as planned (fa4ade maintained) for the corner of Short Street to replace the existing City euilding & Safety building. If the architectural plans for the replacement of the existing Building &Safety building are deemed substantially complete and are provided to RRM by the City, we will incorporate the appropriate interface between the new building and the plaza. If development plans are not complete or are considered undetermined, our construction plans will assume the existing building to remain, and our plaza plans will respond to and reflect the existing interfaces only. The Design Development Plan will be provided to the City staff for review and comment. Deliverables: One (i) black &white Design Development plan Subtask 6.02: Meetings and Presentations This task assumes two meetings with City staff during Design Development and one presentation each to the following: . Architectural Review Committee (ARC) • Parks &Recreation Commission • Planning Commission • City Council Deliverables: Two (2) meetings with City staff and one (1) presentation to each of the groups listed TASK C: CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Upon approval by the City Manager of the Design Development Plan, RRM will commence with Construction Dacuments as noted below. Subtask C.01: Demolition Plan Based upon the approved Design Development Plan, RRM will prepare a Demolition Plan identifying the various site elements to be removed or salvaged from the project site and those items to remain protected in place. Such items include paving, curbs, existing street lighting, trees, sidewalks and signs. This plan will also identify existing backflow preventer and surface utility vaults that must be either relocated or vertically modified as needed to be incorporated rrm group ��� Centennial Vlaza Design Services creating environmenu people enjoy Scope of Services October 12, 2009 Page 3 0(7 into the proposed plaza design. Tree protection notes will be provided for those trees that are identified to remain in place. Deliverables: 90%and Final Construction Drawing submittal Approximately one (1) Demolition Plan Subtask C.02: Horizontal Control Plan Utilizing the digital topographic mapping, RRM will prepare a base map that will serve as the basis for all construction drawings. Utilizing the base map, the Horizontal Control Plan will be generated to identify construction staking points sufficient to provide the surveyor information on horizontal locations of the various plaza improvements as deemed necessary by the project engineer. Construction items including hardscape, seatwalls, steps, ramps, paving, curbs, planter areas and other miscellaneous construction items will be included on this plan. Deliverables: 90%and Final Construction Drawing submittal Horizontal Control Plan Subtask C.03:Grading & Drainage Plan RRM will prepare a grading and drainage plan which will be limited to providing grades for new walkways, curb grades, planter grades, top and bottom of plaza steps and walls, and grades at the interface of the park plaza with that of the existing buildings. Retaining walls, if necessary, will be shown graphically and identified with top of wall and height callouts. This proposal assumes that existing drainage infrastructure and drainage patterns are adequate for the reconstruction of the park plaza area. If necessary, the plans will also indicate locations of new drain inlets and specify outlets to either the roadway at Olohan Alley or connections to the existing adjacent storm drain infrastructure. ADA access will be provided between the East Branch Street sidewalk and Olohan Alley on the east side of the plaza by way of the existing sidewalk or a new sidewalk which will not exceed 5% longitudinal gradient. Deliverables: 90%and Final Construction Drawing submittal Grading & Drainage Plans Subtask C.04:Construction Plan & Details RRM will provide construction plans with a key note legend identifying such elements as curbs, Flatwork, decorative hardscape areas, steps, seatwalls, decorative retai�ing walls, ramps, handrails and decorative steel fencing. Construction details will be included for noted elements and the plans will identify necessary relocation of existing backflow preventer and utility vaults within the project boundary. If retaining walls are identified as a part of the final design, it is assumed that the City standard detail for structural design will be used, however may be supplemented with detailing for decorative veneer and/or cap treatments. Permanent metal benches will be specified to be the Ciry standard. Bistro dining furnishing will not be included in the plans. Structural engineering calculations are not included. Deliverables: 90%and Final Construction Drewing submittal Construction Plans & Details rrm group ��� Centennial Plaza Design Services creating environments people enjoy Scope of Services October 12, 2009 Vage 4 of 7 Subtask C.OS: Irrigation Plan & Details RRM will provide irrigation plans and details depicting appropriate irrigation methods, circuit design, equipment, layout and details for the planter areas contained within the plaza area and will include a dedicated irrigation controller within the project area. Irrigation plans and details will incorporate efficient irrigation equipment to maximize water conservation practices and include irrigation to decorative pots. Deliverables: 90% and Final Construction Drawing submittal Irrigation plans and details Subtask C.06: Planting Plan & Details RRM will provide planting plans and details selecting an appropriate plant palette for the plaza and include plantings for decorative pots. Where agreed upon by the City, the planting design will also identify specific locations within the core of the plaza that are well suited to accommodate special seasonal plantings or act as staged areas for various annual events such as the Harvest Festival, Strawberry Festival and the Christmas season. These specific planter area(s) will be designed in such a way as to provide flexibility with use and will likely be planted with temporary annual or perennial plants, such that plant replacements will be easily accommodated and planned for. If the final design includes staged planter areas, the irrigation system for these areas will be designed as separate systems accordingly. Deliverables: 90% and Final Construction Drawing submittal Planting Plan and details Subtask C.07: Electrical Plans RRM will provide electrical plans to identify removal of existing cobra head light within the project boundary and electrical plans specifying decorative post lighting, electrical receptacles and provisions for power supply to irrigation controller if needed. Documents will include power single line diagram and distribution for each new circuit to plaza, electrical calculations, device layout, panel schedules, and branch circuiting to existing City owned power source and lighting controls. Deliverables: 90%and Final Construction Drawing submittal Electrical Plans and details Subtask C.OS:Specifications RRM will prepare technical specification (Divisions 2-16) in �SI format. This scope assumes that the City will prepare and provide all general provision sections related to this project. Deliverables: 90% and Final Specifications Subtask C.09: final Construction Cost Opinion A cost opinion statement will be prepared to illustrate the probably cost of project construction. _. Deliverables: One (1) Final Statement of Probable Construction Cost rrm group ��� Cen[enni[!l PIQZ[7 Design SeYVlces creating environments people enjoy' Scope of Services October 12, 2009 Page 5 of 7 TASK D: PROJECT MEETINGS & COORDINATION Appropriate RRM personnel will attend up to three (3) meetings with City staff during the course of the construction document preparation for the project. This task will also include miscellaneous phone conferences and coordination with City staff. Deliverables: Attendance at up to three (3) meetings TASK E: CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION/SUPPORT Following the award of the general constrUction contract, RRM's team will support the City during the construction phase of the project. The client understands that construction administration and observation by the design professional is an integral part of the construction process. However, due to budget constraints RRM shall provide limited construction administration services on an hourly basis for a maximum of twenry-four(24) hours: • Attendance at pre-construction meeting at the site • On-site reviews • Response to RFI's/Shop Drawings • Review of change orders/architect's supplemental instructions if necessary Deliverables: Construction observation/support as noted rrm group ��� Centennial Plaza Design Services creating environmenu people enjoy' Scope of Services October 12, 2009 Page 6 of 7 TASK AND FEE SUMMARY , • � . Task A Supplemental Topographic Survey S 1,300 S Task B Design Development B.O1 Desi n Deyelopment Plan 4 5,500 f B.OZ j Meetings and Presentations ( S 1,600 i S _____ _____ Task 8 Subtotal: S 7,100 S Task C Construction Documents C.O1 Demolition Plan S 1,250 S ___..,_____ C.02 Horizontal Control Plan S 2,81 S S C.03 Grading & Drainage Plan S 6,300 S C.04 Construction Plan & Details f 7,500 S C.OS Irrigation Plan & Details S 3,000 S . C.06 Planting Pian & Details S 2,000 S ------- C.07 Electrical Plans S 2,600 � S _ C.08 i Specifications ; S 2,000 ; S _ _ _ C.09 Final Construction Cost Opinion S 2,500 S ____ _ _ Task C Subtotal: S 29,965 S Task D Project Meetings & Coordination S 1,500 S Task E Construction Observation/Support S S 3,000 Reimbursable Expenses S S 750 SUMMARY OF FEES: S 39,865 S 3,750 Fee Footnotes ' A. Fixed fee tasks will be billed as the work progresses until the task is completed and the total amount stated in the contract for the task is invoiced. B. Estimated fees for tasks shown as "Time and Materials" (T&M) are provided for informational purposes. Amounts billed for these tasks, which will reflect actual hours worked, may be more or less than the estimate given. Reimbursable Expenses incidental expenses incurred by RRM Design Group, or any subconsultant it may hire to perform services for this project, are reimbursed by the client at actual cost plus 10%to cover its overhead and administrative expenses. Reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to reproduction costs, postage, shipping and handling of drawings and documents, the expense of any additional insurance requested by client in excess of that normally carried by RRM Design Group or its subconsultants, renderings, and models. Reimbursable automobile travel mileage will be billed at the current IRS business standard mileage rate. Adjustment to Hourly Billing Rates RRM reserves the right to adjust hourly rates on an annual basis. rrm group ��� Cen[ennial Plaza Design Servi[¢5 creating environments people enjoy' Scope of Services October 11, 2009 Page 7 of 7 LIMITATIONS OF SCOPE Please note that the tasks to be performed by the RRM team are limited purely to those outlined above. Substantive changes requested by the client or changes in the client's program or direction that are inconsistent with prior approvals or out of the scheduled sequence are subject to additional services fees. Any additional services that RRM Design Group is asked to perform will be billed on a negotiated and client approved fixed fee or hourly basis. The following services or tasks are specifically exduded from the scope: • Geotechnical reporting, testing or soils reports • Structural engineering • Architectural services for buildings • Permits and City fees • Phasing of construction documents • Utility plans • Tree survey or arborist report • Righhof-way and easement negotiations . Traffic engineering, studies or reporting • Materials board . Record Drawings plw\\Apollo�On-site\X-FILES\X-Files-2009\I4-Urban\X 1409532�fentennial-Vprk-Plaza-Con-DOCS\Proposal\Original� Docs\FINAL Proposal-IO-I2-09.do[ A�TaA�H�II�NT � �����n��r��r ��� ������.���u� ����rr��� �I`F��� ��F��E�I�IV�� �� �a��� �rr� �#������r� �� �f �l��r����r ��, ����, ��t�rv��� F��I� � ���i � ��-�� "����u���n�" , �r�� tl�� ��Tl� �� �F�F��Y� ��A���, � Illl�r���r�a�l � � � � �����ra�ti�� ��������. I� ��r��������i�r� �� t�� rn��u�l ���r�na�rr�� �r�d ��r��i���r�� ��t f�r�� ��r��r�r t�� �a�r�i�� a�g��� �� ��Il��nrs: �. T'�I�� �hi� Ag���rr��r�t �I��II ��r�r��rr�� �r� i����rnb�r 1'i, ���� �r�� ��ra�ll r�r�a�in �r�� �or�tin�� in �f#e�t urrtil A�r�u�� 1, ���9� ur���s� ���ner t�rr�nin�te� pu���u�nt to t1�e �r��i���r�� ����i���r��r�n�r��, � . �. ���VI�E� ��r���l�a�� �I��II p�rf�rr�n �I�� �a���C� ����ri��� a�n� ��r�ply �rri�l� a�ll ��rrr�� a�r�� �r��ri���r�s ��� ���tl� �� �����i� #t�„� a�tt��l��� f��r��� a�r�� �r����-p�r�t�� �r�r�in b�r ��i� r���r�n��. �■ ����������� ��n�����nt s�a��l a�t ��I tirr��� f�r�l���l��, ��r�n��t����� �r�� �� ��� ���t �� hisl�r�r �bi�i�y, ��c��ri�n�� �rr� tai�r��: ��r��rrr� �II �a�s�c� ��s�ri��� h�r�ir�, ��n�u�l��r�� ��r�ll �r�n�l��, �� � r�r��r�irr��tr�n ��r��ra�ll� a�������� ���r���r�� ��d p�-a��ti��s u����i��� �� ������� ���a���d in �r�vi�ir�� �i�ni��r ��rvi��� �s a�r� r�qu�r�d �� ��r��u���a��� ��r��r�d�r ir� r�n��tir�� it� ��lig�ti�ns �t�������s ��r��r�n�nt. �. �I�F�E�II�E�T A��VI�NI�TF��4Tl��l ��t�'� �i��r Il���r����r ��r�ll r��r���n� �i#y �n �II r��t#�rs ��r��in�r�� �� �I�� ��r�inis�r��i�� �f t�i� �����r��n�. ��ff ��r��r �I���II r��r�s�n� ��r���rl���� i� a��1 rr��t��r� ��r#a�ir��r�� t� t�� ��r�i�is�r�ti�r� ���h�s Agr��r��r�#. �. ��1����V� � ��e �it�y ag�ee� ta �ay �h� �or�s�ltar�t �� accordar��e v�rftl� t�e pa�r�ent �ate� a�d term� se�for#I� i� ��c�ib�t "�,,, atta�hed ��re�o �r�d in��r�arat�� her��n by�I��s r�f�ren�e. �. �l����[V����1 �� T��IV�IIVATI�IV �F �#�F�E�IVI��1�1N1����J� ��lJ�� ��� Th� ���y r�na�� a�t a��� �i��, ��r �r�� r��s�r�, �vi�� �r �i�l���� �a�u���, ���p�r�d �r �err�ir�a�t� t�i� ��r��r��r��, �r �r��r ��rti�� I��r���, b� ��rvirr� ���r� �h� �or���l�a�r�� a�t I�a�t t�� ���� da��� ����r�vrifit�r� r���i��. l�p�r� r���ipt ������ ���i��� tf�� ��r���l��r�t s��l! ir�rn�cf�at��y ��a�� �I� wor�c ur�der t�is A�r��r�er�#, unl�s� th� not��e pr�vi�es oth�rv�►ise. if �I�� �ity ��,���r�c�s ��r ��rr�n�r�a��s a� ��rti�r� �� �hi� ��r��r�n�r�� su�� �����r��i�n �r ��r�ntr���i�n ���II r��� r�na��C� �r�i� �r ir��rali���� ��r� r��na�in��r ��tl�i���r��r�n�r��. Page � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 37 ��} Ir� tl�� ��r�r���I�i� A�r��r�n�r�t �� ��rrx�ina�t�� ��r���r��t� �I�'r� ����i�r�t ��� �i�� ����� ��� �� ��r���+lt�r�t #�� a���u�a�l �r�l�� �f �[�� �nr�r�c ��r��r��d �� �� tl�� ti�m� �� ��rr�������r�, �r��ri��d #��� ��� �v�r�C p�rf�rrr��� �� �� �r���� �� ��� �i��r, IJ��� ��rrr����t��r� �f �h� A�r��r��r�t ��r���nt t� t�is ����i�r�t �I�� ��rr�ur��r�� �ri�l ���rn�� �r� �r��r���� t� th� ���� ��r���r-�t t� ���ti�r� �. �. T�F�II�II�ATI�N �IV ����1F�����E �F �T�ITE� EVEIVT� ��'r� A�r��r�r��nt �I�a�il t�rrr�ir�a�� ����r�a��i���l�r �r� t�� ���u��r�r��� �� ��n� �f �I�� ���I��r�rin� ��r�r���: {�� ��n�cr�p#�� �r i���l�r���� �f��n� �a�rt�; ��} ��I� �f��r�su����rrt's bu�in���; �r ��� �����rrrn�r-�� �f#l���A�r��rr���� b� ��r�����a�r�t�ri���u��h� ��r����t ���i��. ��} �n� ��tl�� A�r��r�n�r����rr� �p��i�i�� i� ����i�n 'I. �, ��F�L�LT �F ��1���3L�`��V� {�� T�� ��n��lt��t'� �a�ilu�r� �� ��r��l� �r�r��1� t�� �r��r����n� �f t��� ��r��r�n�n# �h�ll ��r-�s���u�t� a� d��a�u�l�, �r� ��r� ��r�r�t �ha�� ��r���l��r�� i� in d��a�ul� ��r �a��� �n��r ��� ��rr�� �f�hi� �����r�n�r��, �ity �I��rl ha��r� r�� �bli��#i�n �r d��y #� ��r�tir�u� ��r���n�a���r�g ��r���l��r�# ��r ��� v�r�r��c ��r#�rrn�� �fi#�r �#�� �a�t� �� �����I� �n� �a�n t�r�En��� �l�i� A�r��rr��n� irr�rx���i���l� �� �nrritt�n n�ti� �� �h� ��r�s�lta�n�. I� ���� f�il�r� ��r �I�� �or�s��ta�r�t�o m�k� pro�r��s �r� �he perforr�ar��e of work h�r���der arise� ou� of���se� b���r�� tl�� ��r�su���r��#� ��r�tr�l, �r�d �vitl��u�t �a�lt �r r��gl������ �� ��� ��r��ul���nt, it sl���l �n�� �� ��nsi��r�� a� �����I�. ��� I���� �ity ��r�a��r�� hi����r ��l��a�#� ����rr�nir��� ����t�� ������#�rrt �� ir� d��aul� irr th� perforrr�ar��� �� �r�y �f the ��rr�s or �on�itio�� o� tl��� A�r��mer�t, fi��ls�� �ha�l� ����� �� �� ��r-v�� u��n tl�� ��r�����ar�� a� v�rrifi��n n����� �� ��� d�f��lt. �I�� �onsultar�t shall f�a�� t�r� �1�} d�ys �ft�r �ervic� ��an it of ��id no#i�� �� v�rhi�h #o �ure t�e d������ b�1 r�n���-in� a� sa�tis�a����ry ���f�rrn����. �r� th� ��r�n� ��a�# t�� ��r�st���a�n� f�il� t� �ur� i�� d�fa��l# �vitl�in ���I� ��r��d �� t�rn�, ��� �it� sh�l� I�a��r� �I�� right, n�twi�����n�in� �r�� ��I��r �r�►risi�n �� tl�is �����r��n� �� ��rarnina�t� �hi� A�r��r��r�t �ith��� f��tl��r n���� �n� v�rith�u�t pr�j��i�� �� ar�� ��1��r r�r��d� �� v�r�i�� rt ��� b� �r�ti�i�� �t �a��nr: ir� ���i�y �r �rr��r t��� �����r�n�r��. 9, LA1N� T� �� �����11��, ��r�su�f�a�n� �h�il; ��� Pr���r� a�l� p�rrx�i�� ��� li��rr���, p�}� a�ll ��ar��� ��d ����# a�r�� �i�r� a��l r������� v�r���� r�n�� b� �r������ry �n� in�i��n�a�l t� tl�� d�� �r�d t�v�rfu� pr����u���r� �f��� servi�es �a be p�rf�rm�d by �or��ul��r�t �r���r#hi� Agr�e�r�r�t; �b� ���� i���l� ��N��r ��nf���� �� �II ��ci��i�� a�r�� �r������ ����ra�E, �ta�t� �r�� ����I �a�v�r�, ���ir��r����, r��ul�ti�n�: �r��r�, �r�� ���r��� v�rh�i�h r��� a�if��t tl���� ��n����� �r �rr��l���� �rr���� tl�is ��r��r��r�tt �r�� rr�a���ria��� ���� �� ��n�u��ta���'� Pa�e � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 38 ��rf�rr�n�r��� �,r���r �I��� A�r��r�r�n�, �r ��� ��n�u�� �� ��� ��rvi��� und�r �hi� A�re�m�r�t; ��} A� �Il t�r��� �����v� �r�� ���m��}� v►ri#�, �r�� �a�u�� a�ll �� ��� ���I����� �� ����rv� a�r�� ��r�n�ly �rith a�lf �� ���� I��nrst �rdina����, r��������n�t �r��r�, a�r�d d��r��� nn�r�ti�n�� �l���r�; ��� lrr�r�����t�l� r�p��t �� ��� �i�y'� ��r�tr��t Illl�n���� i�r �vritir�� a��� �f��r�p�n�� �r ir���r������r��� i� di����r�rs �r� ��i� ��v��, �r�ir��r���s} r���l��i��n�� �r��r�, a��rc� d��r��� r��nti���d ����r� ir� r�l�ti�r� t� a�r�� �����, �r�v�►ir���, �p�������i�r�s, �r prov��io�s ��this A�re�rr�ent. - ��� T�� �i#�t a�nd ��� ��i���s, a���r��� a��� �r�p������, �fi��ll rr�# �� li��r� �� la��r �r ir� ���it� �����i�r��� �� fa�ilur� ��t�� ��r���lt��t t� �������v�tl� t�i� ���ti�r�. '��, �VIIlV�F��H�� �� ���I.lI�IN��T� ��} ��n��lt�r�t sl�all r�a�i���'rr� ��r�n�l�t� �r�d ���c����� r���r�� �r�ri�� r�s���� �� sa����� ��sts, ��cp�r����, ����'r�t�, ��nd ����r ���� in��rrrra�ti�r� r����r�d �� �i�� t��� r�l�t� �� �h� ��rf�rrr��n�� �� s�rv���� �r�d�r �h�� ��r���n�nt. ��r���rl��n� �I�a��l �na�ir��a�ir� a����u�a��� r���rd� �f ��rv���� �r��ri��� ir� ��ifi�i�r�t ����il t� ��rr�rit an �������i�r� �� s�r��r����. ��� ���h r���rd� sl���l �� r�ai���ir��� ir� ����rd���� �i�fi� ��r��r�l�� ����p��� ����t�r�tir�g ��in������ an� ��r��l �� �I�arr}� �d�n�ifi�� �r�d r����l� ������jt���. ��n�u����n� �I�a�fl �r��ric�� �r�� ������ �� ��� r��r���r��a����re� �� �i�y �� ��� �����r���� �� r�a���r�a���� �irn�� �� ���h b���c� �r�� r���rd�; �I���! �i�r� �i�y t�� r��l�t �� ��carr�ir�� �r�� a��it �a�i� ����c� a�r�� r���rd�; ��all ��rr�ni� �ity t� �a��C� �r����r���� t��r�fr�r�n �s ������ary; ��� ��a��l a�ll��v in�p���r�r� ���II v�r���c, da�t�, d���r�����, pr�����ir���, �r�d �����ri�i�� r�l���� �� ��i� ��r��r-r��nt. ���f� r���r�s, t���th�r�v��� su����rt�r�g �����n����, ���I� �� r�n�ir���ir��d ��r ar p�ri�c� ��t�rr�� ��� �r��r� ��t�r r���i�� ���n�l �a��rrx��n�, �b} 1.1��r� ��rr��l����r� ��, �r ir� �I�� ��r�n� �f t�rrr�i��t��r� �r �����n�f�n �� thi� . �gr��rr��r�t, �II �rj�i��l d��u�rn�nt�, d�s��r�sr �ra��vin��, rn��s, ��d�Es, ���p�t�r fil��, . �u�r��s, r��t��t ��� �t��r ���u�r��r��s pr��ar�� i� �I�� ��ur�� �f �r��r��ir�� �h�� ��rv���� t� �� perforrr�ed �ursua�# ta t�is Agreem��t shall b��o�m� the so�e proper�y af the �ity �nd r��� �� ���d, r�u���d, �r �tf��r-uvi�� �i���s�� �f ��r tl�� ��ty �r�►����u���� p�rr�'r��i��n �f tl�� ��n��fta�nt. V�1�t� r�sp��t t� ��r��u��r �il��, ���rs�l��r�� ��a�l� r���C� ��r�il��l� t� t�� ��tyr at the ��nsult�nt's aif��e �nd ��or� re�sor����e v�ritter� r�qu�st �y ��� �ity� #I�� r��������y �������r ���tw�r� a��n� �a�rd�var� f�r ��r��s�� �� a������irr�, ���nnpi�ir��, �r�r����rrfr��� �r�d prir�tir�� ��r�np���r fi1��. 'I'"�■ �I��EIV�IVIF«�1����V ��� �F��F������f�#L L�AE����TY, �`� ��� fl��l��� ��ct�l�� ��rr�ni�t�� �� �a�v�r, ��r��u��#�r�� ��a��i �rr��r�r�ify, pr�t���, ����n�l �r�� ��I� ��rrnl��� �ity ar�d �ny ar�d all of f�s offi�i�ls, emplo�r�es and ��e�ts �`�Ind�rx�n���d Pa��tie�"� f�orr� ar�d a�g�in�t a��� �r�� a�ll I�s���, �Ea��iri�i�s, d��n��e�, ����� a�n� ��cp�r���s, ir��lu�din� �tt�rr���'� f��s ��� ��s�s v�rl�i�l� �r��� �u� ��� ��rta�fn t�, �r r����� �� ��� ���li��r���, r���cl�ssn���, �r�r�►�Il��r� rr�����r�d��t ��tl�� ��r���l��n�. � �ag� � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 39 ��i ��������� �on��,l�ant shall mair�tair� �rior to the ���inn�ng �f �r�d �or t�r� duratior� of ���s Agr��rr��r�t �r���r�n�� ���r�ra��� a�� �p��i���� �r� E�c���i� ���,� a��a��i��c� ��r��� �r�� irr��r��r���cf k��r�irr �� t���.r�l� ��t��rt� ir� �ull. 'I�, 1[����E���iV� ������T�#NT ��} ��r���,lt�nt i� a�r�� �I��fl a�� �I� �ir��s r�rr��ir� �� �� t�� ���� a� v�rl��ll�r inc��p�r���r�� ��r��u�l����, TI�� ��r��r�r��l ���-F�rr-r�in� �I�� ��rvi��� ����� tk�i� �gr��r��r�t �� ������ �f ��n��l��r�� �h��� a�t a�ll �irxr�� �� �n��r ��n��tta�r�t'� ��c�lu�i�r� dir��ti��r �r�� ��r��r�l. I��i���r�i#y n�r a�r��r �� ��� �fif�i��r�, �r��l�y���, �r a������ ����1 1�a��r� ����r�! ��r�r #�� ������� �f ��r���l�ar�� �r �n� �� ��ns��t�r��'� ���fi��r�, �r�n�l��r���, �r ����t�, ��c��p� �� ��t ��rt� i� tl�i� ��r��r��r�t. ���n��lt�r�� �1�2��1 r��t �� �n� ��r�� �r i� ��� r�n�nr��� r��r����� �I��t it �r ��� �� i�� �f�i�:ers, ���I�����, �� ���rr�� �r� i� a�r�� rr��r�r��r �ff���r�, �r��l�y��s, �r ���r��� �� �h� �ity. ��r��t�l��r�� �h��ll ��� �n��� �r ���� ��e ���nr�� t� �n��r �r��d�b�, �bli��ti�n, �r ���bility�rh�t�v�r a���ir�s� ����, �r �ir�� �i#� ir� �r�� r�na�nr��r. �b� [V� �r�n�l���� ���r���t� ���1� �� ����I��I� �� ��r���lt�n� ir� ���n���i�r� �r��� p��f�rr��r��� �# thi� ��r��r��r��. E�c��pt ��r tl�� f��� �a�i� t� ����ulta�r�t a�� �r��ri��� i� �i�e A����rrr��t, ��t� �hal� r��� �a�� ��la��i��, v�r����: �r �#��� ��r-r�����a�#i�r� �� ��r����#�r�t ��r ��rf���i�� ��rvi��s I��r���rd�r f�r �ity. ��ty �1��1� n�� �� I�a��l� ��� ��r���r��a�ti�r� �r ir�c��rr�r�����ti�rr t� ��r��ul#�r�t ��r irr��ry �r ���kn��� �r��in� ��� �� p�r��rrni�� ���-vi��� h�re�r��er. ��• ����� ��������� �or���lt�n� d���a��s ar�� war��r�t� t#��t r�o �r�due ir�fl����� or �r����re wa� or is u��� ���in�# �r ir� ��r����t v�i�l� �n� �f#i��r �r �r�n������ �� t�� �i�� �� Arr��� �ra�n�� i�n ��r�r����i�r� �nri�� #�� a�rv�r�, ��rrr-�� �r �r�npl�rn�r���#��r� �� t#��s A�r��r����, irr�l��ir�� a�rry rn���r�� �� ���r���n, ��r�f���n�i�l ��r�a�rr�ia�l arr�r�g�rr����, �r #i��n�i�l rr��u��r��r�t, IV� �ffi��r �r �r��l���� �f tt�� �ity �f �rr��� �r��d� vrril� r���iv� ��rr�����a����n, dir��t�� �r in�ir��tl�� fr�r� ��r���,l�a��#, �r fr�r� a�r��r �f����r, �r�r������� �r a����� �� ��r��ulta�r��, ir-� ��r�rr���i�n v�ri�� ��� a�rr�rd ���I��� ��r�����# �r a�y �r���c #� �� ��r���,�t�� a�s a� r���l� �� this A�r��r�n���. 11i��a�ti�r� �� ��i� ����i�� sl���� �� a rr�a��ria�l �r�a��� �� �l�i� ��r��rr��r�� �r�ti�lir�� th� �ity t� �r�� a�r�� a�ll r�rr���i�� at I��nr �r in ����ty. ��. r�� ��r���r� �� ����� �� ����a� ��n����r��� I�� rr��r�nb��, �fif���r, �r �rx��l��r�� �� �ity, �r �F��ir ���i����s �r ���r�ts, �r�� �� ���I�� �f����l �rvi�� ���r����� �utl��rity ��r�r �r r����r����ilit��s �vi�f� r������ �� t�r� �r�j��t ��r�r�� I�i����r#�r���� �r���-�r�� ��a�r���r��ft�r, �h�rl ha��r� a�r�� ir�t�r���, �ir��t �r�n������t in an� a�r���n�r�� �r sub-a��r��r��r�t, �r ��� pr������ ���r���t f�r v�r�rl� �� �� p�rf���� �� �or�n��tion v�rith t�e �ro���t perfar�n�d �r�der���s Agre�rr��nt. Pa�e 4 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 40 ��, ������� �� rr���������r����������� �F i�u������ �a�� A�i �nf�rnn�#i�� �a�in�d ��r ����ul���� in p�r��rrx���r�� �f ��i� Agr��rr��r�t ���I� �� ��r��i��r�d ��r��i��r�tia�l a�r�� �f��l� ��� �� r������d �}� ��rr��l�an� �rvi����� �ity'� p���r �rrrr�t��� �����ri�����r�. ��r������r��, 'rt� �f�i��r�� �r�pl��r���, ���n��, �r �u���r�tra����r�� �I�all not v�vitho�t v�r��tter� authori�a�t�on from ��� ��ty M�r����r or �r�r�s� req���ted by ��� �it� At��r���, �r���r�t�r��� ����ri�� d���a�r��i�n�: ��fit�r� �f su����rt, �����r��n}� �� ��p������r�s, r����n�� �� i���rr��at�ri��: �r ����r ����rr�a�ti�r� �����rr�in� ��� vrr�r�c ���f��rn�� �nd�� �l�i� ��r��rr��n� �r r�l��i�n� �� a�r�� pr�j��� �r �r����t�y I��a�t�d �vithir� th� ��ty. F���p�r��� t� a� ��hp��r�a� �r ����# �r��r �h�ll n�� b� ���r��d�r�d "�r�i�n��ry�, ����i��d ��n�u�lt�r�t���r�� �i��r r������ �f��,�h ��u��t �r��r �r���p��r�a�. �b� ��r���l�a�r�t �h�l� pr�r�nptl� r��t�fy ���� ����Id ��r��u�#�r��, ��� ��i��r�, �rr�p��y���, ���r���, �r �����r��ra���r� �� ���-v�� �r�rith �r�� ���r��r��, ����la��n#, ������r�a�, r��#i�� �� �������i�n, r�q���t ��� d��u�r�n�r���, �r���rr��a���ri��, r���,��t ��r a�drr�i����r��, �r ����r di����r�ry r�q����, ���rt �rd�r, ��- su��p��r�a� �r�r� �r��r p�r��n �r ���y r���r�in� ��is A�r��r��rr� a�r�� ��� v�r�r�c p���rr��d ���r��nd�r �r �nri�� r�����t �� a�r�� pr����t �r �r�p�r�y I������ �r�r�t�ir� t�� �ity, �i�y r�t�ir�� ��r� ri��t, bu�t #��� r�� ���i�a�ti�r�, �� r�pr����t ��n��l���n� �r����r �� �r���r-�t a�t a�n� ��p����i�r�, ���rin�, �r �ir��la�r �r����d�r��, ��r���l�a�r�� a��r��� t� �����r�t� ��il� �rv'rt� �i�� �r�� t� ����ri�� �I�� �pport�nity #a ���r��w �ny res�or�s� �o d�s�o�ery r�q�est� pro�rid�d �y �onsu���r�t. 1--l�v�r��►�r# �E��'� ri�ht �� r��r��v�r �n�r �r��h r��p���� d��� r��� �r�n�l� �r rr���r� �fi�� r���� �� �i��� ��r��r�l, d�r�c:t, �r r�v�rrit� �a�i� r����n��. ��. r���r��� Ar�y n�ti�� �v�i�f� ��t��r ��rt� r�na�� ���i�� �� �i�r� t� ��� ����r p�r#� ur���r �I�i� A�r��r��r�# r���� b� 'rr� �vrit�r�� a�r�� r��� �� ����n ��t1��r �� ��� ��r���a�� ���v���, {�i� ��I��r�ry b� � r��ut��i� ���u�r��nt ��I���ry ��rvi��, ���h a�s ��t r��� 1ir�n���d t�, ����r�l ��cpr���, �F�i�� �r��ri��� � r���ip� �I���ving d�t� �rr� �ir-r�� �� ���i��ry# �r �iii} r-r�a�il�r�g �n ��� �.lni��c� ���t�� Il�l�a��l, ��r#�fi�d rna�i�, p��ta�� �r�����, r�t�r� r���i�t r�����t�d, �ddr�sse�l �o th� a�d�r��s ����e p�rt� a� �et �a�t1� �elov�r or at �r�y other addr��s a� tha�t pa��y r�na��r I�t�r���i�na�� �� n��i��: T� �it�: ��t�r �f Arr��r� �r�r�d� �t�v��n Ad a m s ��4 �. �r�r��h �treet Arr��� �r�n��, �A ����� T� ��n��,l���t: l���II ���i�n �r��� J�� F`�rb�r �7�� �. �i�u�r� ��r��t, ����� '1�� ��r� L�i� �l�i�p�, �� ��4�1 ���e � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 41 ��■ ���I������ . �`�� ��r���l��n� �ha�ll n�� a�����n #�� ��r#�rm���� ���I�i� ��r��r�r�r��, r��r �r��r ��r# . ���r���, �v�t�����h� �ri�r�vr�t#�r� ��r���r�t ���i�� �i��r. ��■ ��������� ��� T�� �i�� �r�� ��n���ta�r�� �r���r�ta�r�� a�r�� a��r�� #�a�t ��r� 1��nr� �� t�� �#a�t� �f ��l���rnia ��a��! ���r�rrr ��� ri����r ��li�a�t��r��, ���i��, �r�� ��a�b�l����� �� tl�� ���ti�� �� t�i� ��r����r�� ��nd �1�� ��v�rn ��� irrt�rpr����i�n �� ���� Agr��r�n�r�t, �r�� I�ti���i�rr �����rr��ng t��s ��r��r�n��� �I�a�l� ���C� �I��� ir� �h� ��p��i�r �r ����r�l �i��ri�� ���rt �vi�� j�r���i�ti�n ���r t�� �ity �f�rr��� �r�nd�, ��. ��iT�RE A�RE�NIENT �'�i� A�r��r�n�r�t ��r���in� �h� �r�tir� u�r�d�r���ndin� ���v��� t�� �a�rti�� r�1a��ir�� t� �t�� �b�i�a�ti�r�� �f�I�� �a�r#i�� ����r'r��� �r� ���� A�r��r��rr�, ��I �ri�r �r ��r���rr�p�r�r►���� a����r�n�nt�, un��r�t�r�dir���, r��r���r���ti�ns, �r�� �t���r�n�r���, �r �r�rritt�r�, �r� rr��r��� i��� ���� ��r��rr��r�� a�n� �l�a��l �� �f r�� fu�r�l��r ��r�� �r ��f���. ���F� pa�rt� �s �r���rir�� ir�t� tl��s A�ree�er�t ba��� �ol�ly uporr tl�e repre��nt�t�or�s ��et f�rtl� l��r�in an� upon �a�� ��r�y'� �v�rn i�����r�d�r�� i��r��ti���i�r� ��a�r�� �r�� a�l� �a��t� ���h p�rt� d��r�� r��#�r��l. ��. TI�II�E ��ty a�r�� ��r��ul��r�� ����� t��� t'rrr�� �� �f�h� ����n�� ir� tl���A�r���n���. ��. ��I��EN�� �� ��G��J��T F�f� �R�P��AL AN� �R�P��Al� ���ns�l���n� is ���r�� b� t�� ��r�t���� �� t�� �ity'� I�����st f�r Pr�����lt ��cl�i�i� "�'�, �tt��hed hereto and ir��ar��r��ed I�er�in �y t�r�� r�fer�r��e, and ��e �or��ents of th� �r�����1 ��b�nitt�� �� #�� ��n��l��r�t, E�chi�it "E,', a��ta�1��d ��r��� �r�� ����r��r�t�� l��r�in b� t�i� r���r�r���. Irr �1�� ��r�n� �� ��r�fl��t: ��� r���a�r�r�n���� �� �ity'� F��q���t ���r Pr����a�r� �r�d tl��� ��r����r�� �I�a�ll �a��c� pr�����r��� ��r�r �h��� ��r�ta��r��� i�n �1�� ����ult�r�t'� propo���s. ��. ��IV��F�I.��Tl�1� TI�� ���ti�� ��r�� tl�a�t �a��� �a� �a�d �r� �����t�r�ity �� ��v� #I���r ���rn��l r��i�v�r t�i� ��ree�rrer�t ��d �h�t �r�y rure o� car��tru��io� to tl�� effe�t t��t �rr�bi��jt�es a�r� to b� r�����r�� ���i��t �h� �r�ft�r�� pa�rty sh�ll r��t ���I� in tl�� ����r�r�t�ti�n ��tl�i� ��r��r�n��t �r �r��r �r�n�ndr��r��� �r ��c�ib'r�s ��r�r���, ��� ��pt��n� �� �I�� ���ti�rrs �r� ��r ��r��r�r���r��� a�r�� r���r�r��� �nl�r, �r�� �r� r��� �r���r���d t� �� ��n��ru��d �� ��#ir�� �r li�i� tl�e pr��ri�for�s to v�rf��c� they re����. � � Pag� � •rt Agenda Item 9.a. Page 42 ��. ���������� �r�r�rr�r�n�r�t� t� �h�s ��r��rx��nt ����I b� ir� �nrr�t�n� a�n� �1�a��� �� ��d� �r�ly v�ri�� �h� r�n����l v�rritt�r� �����n� �f��I ��#�� p�rti�s �� �h�s��r���n�n�. ��. Al,]TH��ii� T� ��C��IJT� �HI� 1�C���IIIIEN� T�� p�r��� �r ��r���� ��c����ir�g tl�i� A�r��rn�r�t �r� b����f �� ����u�lta��t �nr�rra�r��� a�nd r������r�t� t�a�� h���l�� ha�s ��r� �u����i�� t� ��c���,t� tl�i� ��r���n�n� �r� t��h�l� �� �f�� ��r����ta�r�� �r�c� �a�� ��� ���I��rit� �� bi�d ��n��r���t �� �I�� p�rf�rm�r��� �f i�� �k�l���t���� ��r��n��r. �� VIIIT���� 1NH����F, �h� p��ti�� 1������ �a��� �a����d ��i� A�r����rrt �� �� ������ed t�e �ay ��d y�ar fi��t �bov� r�uri#t�rt. ���Y �� �I�F���� �F��#IV�E ��h��LfLT�#�T ��■ ��� T�r�� ��rra�ra�: M���f It�: Att��#: {Ti�l�} ��II�11V�tr��r�t �ity �l�r�c ���r��r�d A� �`� ��rr�: T��ot�ry ,�. ��rm��� �ity Atta�r��y Pa�e 7 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 43 E�F-�I�IT� ���PE �F VI���K I. ��PPLEIVIENTAL T����RAPHI� �lJI�11EY ��r���l���� �r��� �n��n�� � t�p��r�ph�� �urv�� �� ��r� ���rt �#r��t �r�� t� ����[�r�n��n# ir���rr�����r� �r�r�n t�� �r��ri�u��� ��rv�}��d d���, ��r��ult�r�� �vil� ��ov�de s�nreyir�� �n� ��ppi�� �n[�ar���mer�ts �or r�atch pa��t�, �d�� �n��r#��� ����i�i�r��, ��rf��� �,�i�i�� ���c�s, ��c��ti�� �a���c�l�v�r pr��r�r�t�r, �r���� a�t th� �a��� �f ��ci�ti�ng tr��� �� �� �r����t�d: �r��ry ��int� �r���d ��ist�r�� �u�if�ing� �n� �th�r p�a�Nr��tr�� f�a�ur��. D�li��r��l�s: �r�� {'I} 1`����raphi� �u�v��r �r�� �igita�� ���� ir� �����AD ��rrr�a�t . II. �E�I�IV ��11�L�PIII��IVT A. De�i�r� ��vero��er�t P�an � I..���r�� �h� Pr�l�r�ina��y ��I��r�n�#i� ���i�n a�� �I�� �a��i� ��r �h� �r�lirr�ir��ry ���i�r�� �I�r�g v�ritl� �i�y ���fF ��r�nr�r��r���r ��r�������t �r�r��l ������� � �i���� � �����r� ���r�1������ I�la�r�. Vlff��r� dir����� �� ��� �i��r, ����ult�r�� �vill ��sa re��ond to ar�d �nc�rporate June 17, ��0� publ�� w�rl��hap ��rr-�r�n�n�� in#� ��� ���i�r� ����I��r�n��� �r�n, T�►�� �la�n v�ril! ��rth�� ��f�r�� ��� �I��a� d��igr� ��� a�d�r�ss �r���rf��ir�� v�ri�1� a�d�a��r�� ��i�dir��� a�r�� �r�j��� �����. ��n���ta�r�t vrr�f� ��i�i�� �i��t����r �r�pa�r�d ��p������i� ir�f�rr���i�n ����ri��� b� ���i� ��rv���rs, �����I#�r�t'� ���rir ���ir���rir�� ���i�i�� v���l pr�p��� � ���lirr�ir�a��y �radir�� �r�� �r�in��� ���i�� f�� ��� pu�r���� �� f��������� �r�j��� ��a���������r �n� #� i�����fy ����if�� ����-r�1a��� ���r����rr��r�� a�r�� AD� i�����. Th� pl��r �ri�l �I�� ir����d� d���r�p���r� �a��l�u�� ��r �r�ri��� f�a���r��, ir��#��ir�� li��tir�� a�n� r���r�rr��n��d �na����ia�� �n� fe��u�res. ��r������n� s�a��� ir���r��r�#� ��� a�ppr�p�i�t� 'rr�#�rf��� b�t�nr��r� #I�� n�v�r bui�d�r�g �rr tl�� ��rn�r �� ���r# ��r��t �n� E��� Br��c� �#re�t a�d tf�e �la��. D��i�r�r�bl��: �n� ��� b���l� a�r�� �nrhit� ���i�n ���r�l��r�n�n# �'la�r� �, Illl��ti��� �n� Pr�������i�n� T�� �����r� ��v�l�prr��r�t �I���� �h��l �r��l��� �w� ��� �m���i��� vrri�h ���f� � � �r�d �r�� �r���r�ta��i�r� �� ���I� ��tl�� ��Il�v�rin�: 1. �r�l�'r���tu�ra�l ���r'r�v�r ��r��i��� {�F��� �. �a�rk� a�n� F���r�a��i�n ��r�rr�i��i�r� �. �I���i�� ��r�r�i��i�r� �, �ity ��un�i! �a�� � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 44 III. ��[���F�IJ�TI�I� ���lJl1��iVT� A. ����i����r� ���r� ����c� u���� �h� a���r��r�d �����r� ��u�[��r��r�t P�a�r�, ���r��1t��� �nril� pr�p�re � �er�o����or� Pl�n ��er���fyrn� t�� �r�rio�s �i�� eler��r�t� #� b� r�r�o�r�d ar sa�va��d �rorr� t�e p�o���t si�� ar�d th�se �tems to r�r��ir� pr����t�� �n p����. ���� it�rn� in�f�d� p���r��, �u�r��, ��i�ti�� ��r��� I��I�t�n�, �r���, �i����l�C� ��� �i�r��. Tl�is p�a�r� �nril� ���� id�r���fy ��i��i�g b���c�l��nr pr�v�r���r �r�� �u�fa��� u�ili�y �ra����� �F�a�� r�r���� �� ��th�r ������t�� �r �r��i��lr� rr��di���� a�� �n����d �� �� ir���r���r�t�� ir�t� �f�� �r�p���� �r��� ������n, Tr�� �r�t���i�r� n���� �vi�l b� �r��r�d�� ��r t���� tr��� �ha�t �r� id�nti�i�� �� r�r�n��� �r� �����. ��I���r����s: ����� �nd �in�l ��r��tr�,�ti�� �ra��nrir�� ���rx�it#�1 �r�� ��1} ��r�n�l��i�rr �'��n �. f--I�ri��r�ta�l ��r�tr�i �'la�� lJ#ili�ir�� ��� �i�it�r t�������hi� r�a�p�in�, ���n��l��r�t v�r�ll �r���r� a� b��� r�n�� �ha�� �vi�l ��rv� a�� �I�� ���i� ��� �!� ��r���r���i�r� �r��nr����. 1.1�i�i�ir�� ��� b��� r�a�p, ��� H�r���n��l ��r�tr�l P��r� �r�rilf �� ��r��ra���� t� ���ntify ��rr��r��ti�r� ��a�cir�� ��ir��� �u�i�i�n� �� �r��ri�� #I�� ��rv���r ir���rr�����r� �r� I��ri���ta�l ���a����n� �f t�� v�r��u�� �ra�a� ir�p�-��r��rn�r��� �� d��rr��� r��������y b�r tl�� �r�j��t �r�g�r���r. ��n��ru�ti�n i#�r�� i��lu��ir�� h�r�l�����, ���t�nral��t �����, r�rx���, ���rin�# ��rb�, �I�r�t�r a�r�a�� �r�� ����� rx�����ll�r����� ��nstr�����n i��r�n� �vill �� i��l�d�� �r� #I�i� �I�n. - ������ra�bfi��: ���1� �r�� F���! ���r��ru��i�r-� �ra��nri�� ��b�itt�! I�-I�r���r���l ��r�tr�� Pla�� �. �r�dir� �r�d Dra�i�a � �'�ar� � ��r��u��t�r�t �i�l �r��a�r� a� �r��ir�� �r�� dra�ir���� �la�r� �v���[� �rvil� �� �i�nn�t�� �� pr��ridir�� ��a���� ��r n��r�r v�ra�ll��rva��r�, ��rb �r���s, �l�r���� �r����t ��� a�r��i ��tt�rr� �� �ra��� st��� ��rd v�r�ll�� �r�� �ra��� �� t�� ir�t�rf��� �f �I�� p�rlc �f��� ��iri�h tl��� �� �I�� ��ci�t�r�� ��il�in��. ��t������ �v�rls, �f , n������ry, v�ifl �� �f���r�rn �r��h����f� a��� i��n�ifi�d �i�� ��� �� �nr�l� a��� I��i��� ��������. ��cistir�� �r��r���� ir�fra��������r� ��d �r�ina��� ��tt�rr�� i� . a�st�rr�ed ta �e �d��ua�t� for the r�cor�s�r���ion o� t�� ��rk pla�a �rea. If r����ssa� , #h� ��n� v�r��l �i�� �r�di�a��� I����i�n� �� r��v�r d���r� i�n���� a�r�d � � �p��ify �����t� t� �i���r ��� r���v�ra�� a�t �f�fi�a�r� Arl�� �r ��nr���t��r�� t� ��� �x��#ir�� a��ja���n� ����r�n� dr�ir� ir�fra��r�,�#�r�, ���► �r���s� v�i�� �� p���rid�d � ��t�v��r� t1�� �a��t �r���h �tr��� �'r��v�r�r�c a�n� �I�h�n All��r �r� �I�� ���� �i�� ��th� �I��� ��r v�r�� �f �I�� ��ci��fn� �i���rv��l� �r a� r��v�r �i���n►�I�c �rvl�i�h �rv�ll r��# ��c���d �°l� f�n�itu�d�r��� �rad��nt. P��e 9 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 45 �����r�r�b���: ��°�� �r�� Fir��l ��r��#������� �ra�v�rirr� ���rrri���i ��adir�� ar�� Dr�i�a�� P�a�� �. ��r���ru���'r�r� ���r� ��d D�#�i�s ��r-����t�nt �r�rill �r��rid� ���n��rr�����r� �I�rr� �nri�� a� ���r �r�t� I����nd id�n���yir�� �u��l� �I�r�r�n�� a�� �u�rb�, �latv�r�r�c: ����r��i�� �a��d��a�p� �r���, �����, ��a�t�r�va�ll�, ����ra��i�r� r����r�ir�� �va�l��, r�r�n��, h�n�r��l� �n� ����r��i�r� �t��l f����n�. ��r���r�,�ti�� ��#a��l� v�rill b� �n�r�d�� ��r r��t�d �I��n�n�s a��� �I�� ���r�� �rv�ll ���r���f� n�������y r����a�#��� �� ��c���in� �a���C���v�r ����r�r�#�r a��d ��i�ity �ra�u�l�s �nr�thir� �h� pr�j��� ��u�d�ry. I� r�t�ir��r�� �v�ll� ��� id�n�i�i�� �s � ���t�f t1�� ���I �����r�, i� i� a����rr��d tl��t � tl�� �ity ��a�rr��r� ���a�i� ��r ��r����r�i �����n �nr�ll �� �,���� ��� r���r b� su�pl�r�n�r���� �r�ri�� ���a�ilir�� ��� ����r�ti�r� �r�r���r �nd��r �a�� �r��trx��r���. ��rr��r���� r���a�l ��r����� �r�rl b� �p��ifi�d �� �� ��� ��t� �t�nd���. �i���� dir�ir�� ��rr�i�l�ir�g �nrill �� irr�l�,d�d �� tl�� p�ar��. ��ru�tu�ral �r��irr��ring ��I�c����i�r�s ��� rr�t ir���u��d, ��fiv�ra�����; ����� �r�d �ir��� ��r-��#ru��ti�rr �r��r�r�g ��br�nitta�l ��r���ru��i�r� P��r�s ��� ��ta�i�� E. �rri�a�ti�r� �la� an� ����ils ��r�su���ar�� v�rill �r�vi�� irr��a�#i�rr ��a�r�� �nd d�t��l� ������ir�� �ppr��ri�#� �rri���i�r� r��#��d�, �ir���� d��i�r�, �q�i���nt# la��r�u� a�r�d d��a��l� ��r t�� pl�r���r �r�a�� ��r��arr��d v�rit��n t�� pl��a� �r�a� a�r�� �v�11 i��i��� a� ���i�a���d irr����i�n ��r�tr�ll�r v�ri�l�ir� �h� �r�j��t �r��. Irr��a��i�n ����� �r�� ����il� �v�l� � �n��r��ra�t� �ff��i��t �rri�a��i�r� �quiprx��r�t �� r���c�rr�i�� �va�t�r ��r���rva�ti�r� �ra��t���� �r�� ir��l�r�� �rr��a�t��r� t� d���r��i�r� ��t�. ��I��r�r��l��; ��°�� �n� Fin�� ��r��tr��tf�r� �r��rrrir�� ���r�ni�a�l irrig���or� Pl�r�s and Det���� �. �'fa�r���rr� Pl��_�_r�d_ L����il� ��n����a�r�t �vi�l pr��ri�� pl���ir�� �I�t�� �r�� ����ils ��I����r�� �r� a��pr���i�t� �la�r�t p�l��t� ��r tl�� pla��� �r�� ���1�d� pl�ntirr�� f�r ����r�#i�r� ��t�. V�F��r� ��r��d ���r� �� ��� ���y, th� �la�r���n� d��i�n �rv�ll a���� i��r��ify s����f�� �����i�n� �vi�l�i� �I�� ��r� �� ��� �I��� ���t a��� �nr�11 �u����c� �� ����rx�rr���a�t� ����i�N ��a�s�n�l �I�r��in�� �r a��� a�� ������ ����� ��r �r�ri�t�� �r�n�a�l ��r�nt� su�� ar� ��� H��v��� ���t���l, �tr�v�rb�rry F��tirr�� �nd ��� �I�ri�t�n�� ��a����n, T�r��� ����ifi� p��r�t�r �r����� ��I� b� d�si�n�� ir� s��l� � v�►�� a� �� pr�vid� f���ci����ty ���� ��� ��� v�r�ll li�c�l� �� �la�n��c� v�r'rtl� t�r�p�ra��y anr���� �r ��r�r�ni�l �1�r�#�, �u�� tl��t �I��t r��l���rr��n�� v�ril� b� �a�i�� ����r�nr��d���� �nd �I�r�t��d ���. If the �ir��l P��� 1 D Agenda Item 9.a. Page 46 ������r ����u��� ��a���d �fa�r�t�r �r���x t�� �rri�����n ��r�t�rr� f�r����� �r�a�� v�rill �� �����n�� a�� ��p�ra��� �����r�� ����rdir����r. C��I��r�r��l��: ��°�� ��� �ir��l ��r���r���i�r� C�ra��rrir�� ���rn��#�� P�ar�tir�g P��n �r�d D�t��ls �, E����rM��l �r�n� ��r���E��n��r�rill pr��r�d� �E���r���� �l�r�� �� i���#�fy r�r�r��ra�l ����ci�t�n� ���r� �r��� I��I�t �v�tl�ir� �F�� �r����t ��u�n�a�r}� a��n� �i���ri��� pla�r�� ����i�y�n� d����-��i�r� ���� �����in�, �����ri�a�� r���������� a�rr� pr��ri�i�r�� ��r p��rv�r ������ t� irr�g�t��n ��n�r�ll�r i� r������. D�o��r-��n�� �rri�i ir������ ���v�r �in�l� lir�� �ia�yra�� a��d ����r��u�i�n f�r �a��t� r��rr�r �ir�u�� �� ��a���, �����ri�a�� ��������i���� ���i�� I��r���, pa�r��� ��h�d�,l��� �r�� �ra����r ��r�ui�ir�� t� ��ci���r�� ��t�r ��rr��d ��v��r ���,r�� �nd li�l�tir�� ����r�l�. ��li�r�r��l��; ��°l� ��� �i��l ��r��tru�ti�r� �ra��nrin� ����it�a�� E����ri�a�� �la�r�� �nd ����il� �I. ����i�i���i�n� ��n�c�rt�n� �rv�li �r�pa�r� t��l�ni��� �p��ifi���i��� ����r��i��� �-��� i� ��I ��rr�n��. TI�� �i�� v�ri�l �r�pa�r� a�n� �r��r�de ��I ��r��ra�l �r��ri�i�r� ����i�r�� r�����c� �� ��i� pr�j��t, ������r��l��: ��°�� �r�d �ir�a�l ����'rfi��ti�r�s I. Fin�l ����trt��t��r� ���t � in��r� A ���t ��'rrri�r� �������nt v�i�l h� �r�p�r�� �� fl�u�tr��� �I�� �����bl� ���� �f proje�t �or�s�r��tior�. ��li��ra�bl�; �r�� �'�� Fir��l �ta���rr��r�� �� �r��a�bl� ��n�tr��t��� ��st Ill. PF��,JE�T IIIIEE��IV� ��l� ���I��IfiV�TI�N A��r��ri�t� �����!#a�nt ��r��n��l �r�rill a��t�r�d �� #� t�r�� ��} �n��ting� �vit�r ���� s�a�f ��rin� the �ourse of �1�e con�tru�tion do��rn�nt prepa���ior� �or t�e �roj��t. Tl��s #���C �ill �I�� �n�lu�i� r�ni����l�n���� p�r��� ��nf������� a��l ����dir���i�r� v�ri�F� �i�����ff. ��li�r�r�b���: A�t�rr�a�r��� �� u� t� tl�r�� ��� r����ir��� ��ge 1� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 47 11. ��IV��F�IJ�TI��V ���E�11A�I�IV �IV� �IJPP��T F�Il��nrir�� t�� ��nr�r� �f ��� g�r��r�l ��r��tr��ti�� ��r�tra��tt ��r����t�r��'� ���r� �r�rilf �����rt ��� �i�y d�,r�r�� ��� ��n��ru�t��n �h��� �� th� �r�j��� f�r � rr���ci�nur�n �f tv�r��#y-fo�r {��� �rour�to ir���ude t�r� fo�ro�nrin�: A. At��r���r��� �� pr�-��r���r��ti�r� ���#ir�� a�##I�� �i�� B. �n�si�� revie�r� �. Re�por��� #o RFI'� ar�d ��ap dr�wir��s �. F���ri�v�r �f ���r��� �rd��� �r��# �r�l�i����'� �u��l�rx��n��� in�tr���i�n� i# �e��s��ry ��li�r�r��l�s: ��r���r�����r� �b���va��i�� a�r�� �����rt Pa�� 1� Agenda ttem 9.a. Page 48 E�HI�IT � F�A�M��fT ���1E�UL� F�r ��r�����i�r� ��tl�� v��r�c ��� f�rt� in E�chibrt A, ���p� ��11V�r�c, ���y �I�a�l� �a�� �� ����ul��r�� a� f��c�c� ��� �f ��ir#y-�ir�� #����a�d, �i��t ��,n�r�� �r�� �i�ct�-f��� ���I�r� ����#8��.��} plu� �os�� far tir�ne a�d materials �ar��sac�a��d ���m�ursab�� ��cp�r�se� a� ��tlin�� �r� �h� ��ns�lta�r�t's p��p��a�l. ��c��r���� �h�ll �� �r��r�i��d b� ��r��u�t�r�� t� �it�r �r� � rr��t�th�� ���i� a��v�r�r�C i� ���-f�rrr���. .. + P��� 1� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 49 ������� � �������� ������������ Prior �a ��re be�rir�r�ir�g� o� �r�d ��rrou�rhou� �he dura��or� o� ��� l�Vor�c, �orrsul��r�� v�rr'I! � rr��ir���ir� ir��ur�r��� ir� �or��o�rrrance v�i�� �l�e requir�rr�err�s s�� for�� ��1o�nr. �or�sr���ar�� v�ri11 use e�is�irrg �overage �o com�Iy v�ri��r �l�ese r�quirer��r���. ����r�� ��is�ir�g ���era�e � �o�s rro� rrr��� �h� re�uirerr�err�� se� �or�h h�r�� �orrsu!#�rr� ��rre�� #o �rr��rrd, �c�pplerr�er�� or errdorse �h� e�i��irr� �ov�rage �o �o so. �orr��r���rr� a�kr���ledge� �ha� ���i� irr�urar�c� �ov�r��� �r���oli��r�imi�s se� for��r ir� ��is ��c�rorr �or���r'�u#e �h� mirrirrrurr� arr�our�� o��o�rer��� r�qr�irecl. An�r ir�surarrc� pro���d� a�aila��e �o �i�y ir� ���ess �f�f�� Iimi�� arrd �over�ge r��uir�d ir� �f�is ��r�em��� a�d v�rf�r'�f� i� �p�li���1e �a a �►i�er� I�ss, �vi�!�e ���il���� �� �i��, �or��ul��rr�shall�rovid� �he fa�lowirrg �ype� �r�d�rr�oun�s of ins�r�rr�e: ��r�n��r�i�l ��n�r�l Li��il�t� ����r�r��� u�s��� �r���rran�� ��rvi��� �ffii�� "��r�r-��r�i�l ��r��r�l �ia��ilit�„ ��I��}� �r�r�r-� �� �� �1 �r �I�� ����t �����ra���r��, ����r��� ����s r�n��� �� � ��d �r� ���fi�i�r� �� lir�r�i��. Tl��r� s1���1 �� r�� �r��� �ia��Flity ��c�E��i�� ��r �#a�ir�� �r��i�� b�r �r�� �r�s�r�� a��a�inst �r��t��r. Li�n`rt� �r� ��bj��t t� r��ri�v�r ��t i� n� ��r�nt ��ss �i�a�n �1,���,��� p�r����rr�r���. ���ir���s �ut� ���r�r��� �r� I�� ���ir-���� �u�� ���r�r��� �r�� �� �� �'� ir��lu��ir�� ��r�k��l � ��r�� �ut�� �r t�� ��c��# ���i�r��en�. �ir�r��t� a�r� ��b���� t� r��r���nr, b�t ir� n� �v�r�� �� b� ���� ���r� �'I,���,��� p�r ���i��n�. If �����Ita�nt ��rv�n� r�� �r����l��: tl�i� ���u�ir�r�n�r�t rn�� �� s��is��d b� a� n�r��-�v�rn�� ���� �r���r��rr��r�� t� ��� ��r��ra�l li�bil��� ������ c����r�b�� �����. !� ��r����ta�n# �� ��r���f��ntr� ��npf����� v�rill ��� �������I a��t�� ir� �n�r �r�r�� �r� t�i� pr����t, ��n��1��r�t �h�l� �r��rid� ��id�r��� �f ������a�l ���� r�a�b�li�� �o�r�r�g� €ar ea��� ���h p�rso�n. IJV�r�C�r� ��r�n��n��ti�n �r� a� �����-���r��r�� p��i�� ��rr� pr��ri�in� �t�tu�t�ry ��n�f�t� �� �����r�� ��r �a�v�r v�r�t�r ��np�����'� ����il�ty �Nrr�its rr� I��� th�r� �'I,���,��� ��r ���i��n� �� �is����. E����� �r �Jrr�br�ll� Li��ili�y �r���r�n�� ���r�� �rirn�ry� if ���d �� r�r���� lirrri� r��u�ir�r�n�r�t�, s�r��l ����rid� �������� a�� r���t �s �r�ad a�s �p��ifi�d ��r t�� �rr��r��rir�� ���r�ra���, �►r��r �u�� ���r�r��� pr��rid�d �rn��r �n �rr��r�lla� lia��i�ity p��i�� ��a��l in�lud� � �r�� ���v� ���v'r���n �r��ri�ir�� p�i�a�r-y ���r�r��� �b��r� � r�n����n�� ���,��� s���- �r���r�� ����r��i�� ��r li�b�li�y n�� ���r�r�� �� �ri�ma��y ��t ���r�r�� �� t�� �r�hr��ra�. ���r�r��� �l��II b� �r��ri��� �r� � "pa��r �� b���l�� ba��i�, v�r�t�r d�f�r��� ���t� p��r��l� in ��c�i�i�r� �� ��ri�� �ir�nits, ��li��r �h�lf ������r� a� pr�vi���r� ��1i���i�� �r���r�r �� �h� t��� �r���r��'� I���i�ity �� ����rr�r�ir���, n�t r���fr��r� ���u�� ���r�n�r�� �� ��� in��r�� �'rr��. �'I��r� �h�l� �e n� �r��� I�ab��i#� ��c�l�,���r� �r��lu��i�g ��v�r��� f�r �la��rr�� �� ��it� �� �n� �r���r�� ���'rr��� ����I��r. �����r��� �I���I �� ��p����bl� �� �i�y f�r �r���ry �� �r-�r���f����� �� P�g� '�4 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 50 ��r����t�r��, �t����r��r��t�r� �r �#��r� ���r���r�� in ��� I�V���C, ��r� ����� �� ���r�r��� ��-��ri��� i� �u�j����� a�p�r��r�� �f �'rty ������i�� �r���i�t �� �r��f�f �r���r�r��� �� r�a�uir�� F��r�in, Lir��t� a�r�.�ubj��t t� r��ri�� b�� ir� n� �v�r�� I��� �h�r� �1 �rnilEi�� ��r����rr�r���. Pr�f���i���l �.ia���l��� �r �rr�r� a�r�d �rrri����r�� l���r���� �� �p�r��ri��� ����I �� �nrr�i��r� �n � p�li�� ��rrr� ���r�r��� ����if���l��r d��i�nar��d �� pr�#��� a���n�� ��t�, �rr�r� �r �rr�i��i�n� �� #�� ��n�����r�t �r�d "���r�r�� Pr�����i�r��l ��rvi����' �� ���ig��t�d ir� �I�� ��1t�� r�u�� ����ifi��lE� ir��l��� �r�r�r�c ��r��rr��� �.rn��� t��� a��r��r��r��. ��� ��li��r I�r�n�t ���Ir �� r�� I��� tl���r �'I,���,��� p�r �la�ir� ��d �n �h� �g�r���t�, Th� ���i��r r�n��t "pa��r �r� b�l�a�lf �f' �h� ir���r�� ��al r���� i�n�l��� a� pr��ri�i�r� ���a�bli�h�r�� t�r� ir��ur�r's ���� �� d���nd. �`�� ��ri��r r��r���ti�r� ��t� ��a�ll b� �n �r b����� t�� ��f���i�r� �a��� �f ��ri� agr��m�r�t. I�surar��� �ro�ur�d pursu�rr� �� �f�ese rec�uiremer��s �i�a!! be �nit��r� �y irr�c�r�r �i�a� ar� �drr�i�ed��rriers ir� �l�e s���� ��lifamr'� arrd�i�h ar�A.N1. Bes�s r��ir�� ��A- or bef��r ar�d � mirrirn�rrrr �in�rr�ia����� V1l. ��n�r�l ��r��`r�i�n� p�rta�'rr�ir�g t� �r��ri�i�r� �� ir���ra�rrc� ����ra�g� b� ��r����t�r�#. �����I��r�t a�r�� �it� a�r�� �� �h� ��Il��nring �ri�h r��p��t t� ir���ra�r��� �r��rid�� ��r ��r��ul�a�n�: �. ��r��c��#�r�t a��r��� �� �ra��r� it� �n��r�r �r���r�� tl�� �hir� �a�rt� ��r��ral I�a�bi�i�y ��v�r��� r����r�� h�r�in t� �r-��lu��� a�� a���i���na�l in��,r��� �i��, �t� ��fi�i��� �r�pl����� �r�d ���nt�� ���n� ���r��a��� I�� �r���r���n�r�t �V�. �� ���� v�rit� �r� ��i�'r�r� �r��r �� 1���. ��r���,�ta��rt a�l�� �gr��s t� r�q�i�� �N� ��n��,lta�r���t �n� s����n�ra��t��� t� d� lil�c��nri��, �. I�� Ira��il��y ir���rr�n�� ���r�ra��� pr��ri��� t� ��r�r-��ly �nr�t� thi� ��r��r��r�� �h�ll �r�f�i�i� �����f��r��, �r ��r���lt�r��r� ���������, �r a���r���, �r�rn vrraivina� tl�� ri��� �� ��k�r����ti�r� �ri�r t� � ����. ��r��ult�r-�� �gr��� �� �r�ra�i�r� ���r���ti�� ri���� a���r��t �it� ���ar����� �f �h� �������bi��t�r �� a�n� ir���r��r��� pr������, a�r�d �� r����r� �II ��n��1t�r��� ���! ��r����n�r��t�rs t� �� �i�C�v�ri��, �, ��� i�sur�n�� ��v�r��� �n� fir�i�s pr��r���� �� �����I#�nt �n� ��r�il��I� �r ����i����� to �his agreem�nt �r� ir�t�r���� to ap��� to th� f�El e�er�t �� t�� po���ie�. IV�thir�� ��r��a�i��� ir� ��i� ��r��r�n�nt �r a�n�r �t��r ��r��r���r� r����ir�g t� t�� �i�� �� ��� ���r����r�� rrr�r�� t�� a�p�i��ti�r� �f�u�l� ir�s�r�r��� ��v�r�g�. �. ���� �� ��� ���r�r���� ��qu�ir�� F��r�ir� �vi�l �� in ��rr���i���� v�ri�l� th��� r���'rr���r�t� if th�� �r��l�d� a�rr� r�r�f�i,r�� �r�d�r��rr��r�� �� �n}r l��r�� tl�a�t ��� r��t b��� f�r�� ��brnitt�� t� ��ty �r�� �ppr��r�� �f irr �r���r��. �. �V� lia��i�ity ��li��r �I�a�� ��n��ir� �r�� pr��is��r� �r d�fini�i�n �h�t v�r��,lct ��rv� �� ��ir��r�a��� s�-��Il�d "��ir� pa�rty a����� ��r�r" ���irn�, in����i�� a�n� ��c�lu��i�r� f�r ��dil�r �r�jury t� �n �r�pl��r�� �f t�� i���r�� �r �f�r�� ��n��lta�nt �r �ul���n�r��t�r, Pa�e 1� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 51 �. �II ��v����� �y��� �r�d lir�i�� r���i��d ��� ���j��� �� �ppr���l, rr��difi���i�r� � a�r�d ���1i#iona� r�qu��emer��s by the C��}�, as the need ari��s. �o�su�l#�r�t �I��i! no� rrra�C� �r�� r���.,��i�n� i� ���p� �� ���r�r��� ��.�. �lir�r��r���i�r� �� ��r�tra�����1 �ia��l�t� �r r�����i�n ���i���v�r� p�ri�d���h��� rx���r afif��� �ity�� �r�������r� �vi�l���,� �i��'� prF�r v�rritt�r� ��r���r��. �, Pr��� �f ���np�'r�n�� �rv��h �h��� in�ura�n�� r����r�r�r��r��s, ��r��i�tir�� �f ��r#ifi����� �� �n��rr�r��� ��ri��n�ir�� a�li �f �h� ���r��a�g�s r�q��r�d a�n� �n a�d�`r�i�n�i ir���r�d �r������rn�r�� �� ��rr�u�t�r�#r� ��n�ra�l I�a��ili#�r ��I���, ��ra��l �� ��I��r�r�� �� �i�y �� �r ����r�� ��� ����uti�rr �� �#�« �1�r��rr��nt. �� tl�� ���r�t ����r pr��f �� �r�� in�ur�r��� i� r�ot de�i�r�red as ��q�ired: �r �r� the �v��n� ���I� �r���,r�r��� �s c�nc���d at ��y t�r�e and r�o r�p�a�em�r�t ��v�rage is �rovi�ed, �i�� h�� tf�e r���t� but r�o� th� d�ty: t� ob#�ir� a�ny ir-�s�r�r��� i� ���rr�� r�������ry �� �r����t �t� ir���r��t� �r���r thi� �� �n}� ����r ��r��r�n�r�� ��d t� ��� t�� pr�rr���r�n. Ar�� �r�r�ni�rr� �� ��id b� ���� ���Ir �� �h�r��� t� �r�� �r�rr���ly ��iai �� ��n��,lt�r�� �r d������d �r�r� ��rrr�� d�� ��r���lta�r��t �t ���� �����r�. �. ��rt�fi�a����s} a�r� �� r�fl��t ti�a�t ti�� ����rr�r �r�r�l1 �r��ri�� �� �a��r� ���i�� �� �ity �� a��� ��r���ll��i�� �f ��►r�ra���. ��r������r�r� ��r��� t� r���ir� �t� ir���r��� �� rr��dify �u�� ��rt��i�a��� �� ��I�t� �n� ������a�t�ry v�r�r�i�g �t���r�� �F�a�� ��i�u�r� �� t�� ir��ur�r �� r��i� v�rritt�r� ���i�� �f ��r���l���i�n r�n����� n� �bli�a��i�n, �r t��� �n� pa�rt�r �nrill `#����av��" ��s �pp���d �� ��in� ��qu�ir��} �� ��r�p�� vrri�l� �h� r���ir�rn�r�ts �f �h� certifc�te. �. It i� a���Cr���rl����d �� t�r� pa��i�� �f ��i� �������r�� th�t �II �rr����rr�� ��v�ra��� �-�q�rir�d t� �� p���i��� �� ��n�ult��t �r a��� s����r��ra��t�r, i� �n��n��d �� �����r �i��t �r�� �r� � �rirn�ry, r��r���n�r���t�n� �a�i� ir� r�l����r� �� �r�� ��I��r irr��ran�� �r s�lf i�sur�r��e ava��a�l� to ���y. ��. ��r���ltar�t ��r�es t� ���ur� that sub�o�t���t�r�, arr� a�y oth�r pa�ty �r-��r�l�r�� vrr��h �h� �r����� v�rh� �� �r�c���t �r��� �r �r���l�r�� �n ��� pr�j��� �� �����1t�r�t, �rovi�� th� ��me r�ir�im�r� ins�rar��e cov�ra�� r��u�r�d �f �onsu�ta�nt. �or��uftar�# �gr��s �� �n�r�it�r ��� r��r��� �I� s���r ���r�r��� �r�� �s�u�r��s a�ll r����r��ib�lity ��r �r�st��i�� ��a�� su��� ���r�ra��� is �r��r���� �n ��nf�rr�ity �nri�l� ��r� r�q�ir�r�r��r�ts �� �hi� ������r�. ��r���l���nt ������ t��� ���r� �������, �II ��r��rr��nt� �v��� �����r�tr��t�r� �nd �t���� �r������ �r� �I�� ���j����r�ril� �� �u��i�t�d #� �it�r��r ���ri�v�r. �I'�, ��r�sul��rrt a��r��� n�� �� ��I�in��r� �r �� �r�� a�r�� ��I��������� r�t�r����n� �r ��d���ibl�� �n a�r�y ��r�i�r� ��#h� �n�ur�r��� r��uir�� I��r�ir� a�nd ��r���� ��r��� ���t it vrrill r��t �Il�v�r �r�y ��r�s�l��r��, ��b��r�tra��t��, �r�f�i����, �r�a�i���r �r �tl��r �r���ty �r p��s�r� i� arr�r �nr�� ir��r�l��� 'rr� �1�� ��rf�rr�na�r��� �# v�r�r�c �r� tl�� �r�j��� ���t�r��l�t�d by� t�i� ��r����n� �� ��If-�n��r� i#s ���i�a�#i�r�� �� �i�y. I� ��rr��l��nt'� ������r�� ���r�ra��� �r��l���� � ��d��ti��� �r ����-ir���r�� r���n�i�n, �F�� d��t���i�l� �r s���-ir���r�� r�t�r����r� r�nu�� �� ���la�r�� �� �h� ���y. �� th� ti�� ��� ��#y sl�a�ll r��i��v ��ti��� �ri�h ��� ��r�su�l#ar��, �nrl�i�l� rx�a��r ir��l�d� ��d���i�n �r ��ir�nir�a�#i�r� ����� ���u���i��� �r ��If-ir���r�d r���n�i�r�# ��,��#i�u�i�r� ����#��r ����r���, �r�t�r�r ��I��i�ns. �a�� �� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 52 'I�. Tl�� ��ty r���rv�� ��� ri��� �� �rr�r tirrr� ��r�r�� ��� t�rr�n �� t�� ��r��r��t �� ��a�n�� tl�� �r�n�u�n�� a�r�� �y��� �f ir��u�r�r��� r���ir�� �� �ivin� t�� �����I#a�r�t r�in��� �9�� �a��� ���ra�n�� �nrritt�� n�ti�� �� ���l� �I��r���. �f ���� �h�n�� r������ irr ����t��rti�� ���i�i�r��l ��s� �� ��� ��n�ult�nt� th� ��t� �ril� n�c��#i��� a����ti�n�� ���np����ti�� pr���rti�r��� ���h� in�r�a��� b�r���i��� ���y. ��. 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A ��rtifi��t� �� i��ur�n�� �r��l�r ���iti�na�� in��rr�c� �nci�r��r-r���t �� r��u�r�� i� �F���� ����if����i�n� ����i��b�� �� �I�� r�n�v�rir��� �r n��r�r ��v�r��� r�u�t b� pr��r�cf��l �� �ity �nr�#I�ir� fi�� d��� �f t�� ��c��rati�� ��#t�� ���r�r����. 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Ft�N1 v�►ill �tili�� digit�ll�r �r�p�r�� ��p��r�►ph�� ir�f�rr�n�ti�� pr��id�c� ��r�ur �urv��r�r�; RI�M'� �iv�l �n�in��rir�� div��i�n ��rril� �r���►�� �► pr�lir�r�irr�►ry �r�dir�g �nd �ra��na��� d��i�n ��r��� pur���� ��finali�in� pr�j���f��si��l�ty �►nd t� id�nti�y �p��'r��� ����-r�la���d d�v���pr�r��n��nd ��A i�����. T�� pla�r� �+rr�l� a�l�� �n�l�,d� ����rip�i�r� �a��l�u�� ��r v�r��u� ���►tur�� in�lu�ir�� �i�htin� ��n� r���rr�rr��r���d r�r��t��-ial� and f���ur��. I� i� �ur ur�cl�r�t�nc�in� ��at � ���rwr �uildi�� ��t� b� �� �I�r�n�d {fa���d� r�air�t��n��� f�r��� ��rn�r �f�h��t�tr��t t� r�p�a��� ��� ��c��tin� �ity �uildin� � �a����y ��ril�in�. I��h� �r������t�rr�l pla�n� ��r �#�� r��la���rn�r�t ��th� ��ci��ir�g �ui�d�n� � ����t�r �uil�in� �r� d��r�n�d su���a�n�ia��ry ��r�p��t� a��r� a�r� pr��ri�#�c� �� �l�M b��h� �ity, �v�v�ril� ir���rp�ra��� �h� a�ppr��ria�t� 'rr���rfa�� b��w��n t�� ne�rv t�u�l�i�g �r�d th� p�a�za�. �f d��r�l�pr-r��nt �1a�r�� a�r� n�t ��r�n����� �r a�r� ��r��id���� ur�cl���rrr�i���, �ur �����ru��i�n pfa�n� �r�riil ���ur�r�� th� ��ci���ng �u�[dir�� t� r�rr��in, ar�d ��r p�a��a� pl�n� v�rill r����nd �� a��n� r�fl���th� �x'rs�i�� �r�t�r-�a���� ����r. ��� ����gr� D�v�l��r�n�nt Pla�r� w��l �� pr��ri��c� ��tl�� �ity ���ff f�r r��r��r�v a�n�# ��r�rr��r�t. ����rr�������: �n� {1} t����lc�wF�it� ��si�r� D��r���pr��n� p�a�n ��b���l� �.��: I��I������� �nd Pr������ti�n� _ ���� �a��ic a����r��� tw� �m��tis��� �nr��� �ity �ta�f��urin� D���yr� ��v����r���� a�r�d �n� �r���n���i�r� ���h �� �h� ��rl�win�: � �r��it��t�rra�l F�����v�r���rrr�i���� {AR�� • P�rlt� �r ���r���i�n ��r�r�m���i�� • �I�r�r�i rrg ��r�n r�n i��i�n • �ity Co�nc�r ���i�r��c�hl�s�: T�� {�� �m���ing� v�r��l� �it� �ta��f��d �r�e �1� �r���nt�►ti�r� �� ���� ��t�� gr�urp� li���� TA�l� C: C�h�STRU�TI�N D��LlM�h�T� �Jp�r� a�ppr��ra�l �y tl�� �ity h�la�r����r��th� D��igr� ����r�prr��n� P�a�r�, �f�N1 v�r'rll ��r�r��n��wi�1� ��n��r���i�� ����rr��n�� a�� r��t�d ��I��n►. �����►�� �.��: ����������, �r�� �a���d u��n t�� �ppr�v�r� ��si�r� D��r�l��rr��r�� Pl�r�# ��11�1 ��rr'rll �r��a►r� a� ��rr���iti�r� Pra�n ic��n�ify�r�� th� �ra�ri�u� �i�� �I�rr��rr�� �� b� r�r����c� �r�a���r�g�d �r�r•r� th� pr�j��t �i�� �r�d th��� i��r�n� �� ��rrr��r� pr����t�� in �E���. �u�h it�r�r�� in��ud� p�vi��, ��rb�, �x��tin� �tr��� li��rt�n�, tr���, ������I�c� �tnd �'r�r��. T}�i� ��an �nrilf a�l�� �c��n���y ��i�tinc� ba�f����►rwr pr�v�n��r a�r�d �ur�a�� u�ti�ity�r�t���� ��►�t r�r��� �� �i�h�r r�l���r�� �r v�rti��►�I� rrn�c�����d �� n��d�d t� b� ir����'p�r�►��d Agenda Item 9.a. 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F�F�� v�ri�l �r���r� � �radin� �r�d cfr�ina�� pl�►n v�rhi�� will h� I�r�r�it�d t� �r��ridin� gr�►d�� ��r n�uv wa��Cw�ys, �urb grades, p�ant�r gr�d�s, top ar�d battorr� of pla�� st��� �nd w�►I�s, anc� c�r�d�s at ��� int�rf�►�� ����� pa►rk p����►�rvit� �ha�� �f�I�� �xi��ir�� bui��in��, F����tini�n� wa��l�, if r�������rY, �il� b� ���v�rn gr�►phi��►Ily �nd id�nt����d v�ri�l� ��p ���r�ra�ll ���1 ��ight ��Il�ut�. ��i� �r�p�s�� a���urr��� tF�a�t ��c���'rng �r�ir�a�g� infr�►�tru��u�r� a�r�d dra��r�a��� �a�t��rns a�r� a�d�q���� f�r�h� r���n��r��ti�n ��th� pa�r�C �ia��a� a.r��, If rr�����a�ry, �h� p��►r�� ��+ri�l a���� �ndi�a�t� I��a����r�� �� n�v�r �lra�'rr� ir�l�t� a�r�� �p��i�y �utl�t� �� ���h�r th� r�a����rra��r �� ���I�a�r� Al���r �r��nr����i�ns t� th� ��c���i�►� a�d�a����� ���r� dra�ir� ir�fra���ru�tur�. �D�4 ����s� r�vill �� pr�vtd�� ��tv�r��� t�� Ea��� ��-�r��h ��r��� �id�w�►I�t �r�d �f�har� Afl�� �r� th� ��st �id� ����� ���►�� f���nr��r�f��� ��ci��in� �id��v�l�C �r a r���+►►��d��va�1�C �nr�i�h �+�ri1� n�� �x���d �9� I�n�i�u�in�l gra►di�n�. ���i�r�r���1�.s: 9��a►n� �i r�a�I ��r��t r��t'r�r� �ra��nri r�g �u�b r�i t��I �r�►dinc� 8� �r�in�►�� Platn� �uk��a��� �.��: ��n��ru�ti�n ��a�n �r �3���i1� �F�M v�r��� �r��id� ��r���r�����r� �la�r�� wi�� � ��� t��t� I�g�nd id�r���fyir�� ���� �l���n�� a� �u�r��, fla�tw�rl�, cf���ra����r� ���ds��p� a�r��►�, ���p�, ��a�twa�lf�, ����ra�t�v� r�ta�inin� v�ra�ll�, r��n��: �a��ndra�i�� �►r�d d���r�ti�r� ����� ��r��ing. ��r���ru�ti�n ��t�►il� �v�l! �� in�lud�� f�r�n���d �I�r�n�n�� �r��i ��� pla��� vrrill ic��r�tify r������a�ry r����a�ti�r� �f��ci��iny ����fN�wr pr��r�r���r �►nd r��il��y v�►u��ts �rrrith�n t�� �r�j��� b�u�r�c�a�ry. �f r��air�in� v�ra�l�� �r� id�n�i�i��! �� � ��� ��t���in�l cf��i�n, i� �� a����rrr��d tha����� ��ty �t�►r�da�rc! ��ta��� ��r��ru��u�a�r d��i�r� v�ril� b� ���d, I��v�r�v�r rr�a��r �� ��pp��rr��n���l w�th d�ta�ili�ng f�r ����r�ti�r� �r�r���r a�nd��r�a�p �r�a►tr��nt�. P�rr�a�r��r�� �-r��ta�l b�r��h�� �rwr�l[ b� ����i�i�d t� b� �h� �ity �t�r�d2►rd. �i��r� �i��r�� �t�rr�i�hin� �nr�ll r��� b� ir��lud�d in ��� pla�r��. ��r����,ral �r��in��rir�� �a�1�uN����n� �r� r��� in�f���d. ���i�r���E�1��: ��96�tr�d F'rn�l ���r�tru��i�� Dr�rrwri�� �t�C�r�i���►I Cons�r�ction Plar�s � Details Agenda Item 9.a. Page 58 a ��� -{- - '•{ ' � -���� 4� .k+_ Ce���r�r�#�� PIuzG� D�sig� S�rv���s �reat���er�viror�ments peap��cnjoy S�ope o f,��r�ri�es ���o�er ]�, ���9 - Pa�e 4 ��7 ��1�����C �.��: ��riga��i�r� �la�r� �r ����i�� F��11�� v�r'rll �r��i�� �rr���ti�r� p��r�� a�nd c��t��l� �f�pi�tin� �ppr�pria,�� irr�g�►ti�n r�r���h���, �ir�u�it d��igr�, �c�uiprx��r�t, 1��r�c�t a�n� d�ta�i�s �or t�� p�a�n��r ar�a� ��n�a�ir��d �r�rithin t�� �la��a� a�r�� a�r�d �rr�ilr in�l�,d� �d�di�a���d irri���i�r� ��n�r��l�r�rwri�l��n th� pr�j��� a�r�a�. lrri�a��i�n pla�r�� �nd d��a��l� �nril� �r���rp�r�►�����i�i�n� irri��►�i�n ���i�r��n��� rx���cirrr��� vvat�r�����rv��i�r� �ra��t���� and ir��l��� irri�a��i�n �� d���r�t'r�r� p���. � ���i�r��c��1��: ���6 a�nd Fin2�1 ��r���ruc���n �r��rrri�� ���rr�i���►I Irri���i�n pl�r�s �►r�d ����ir� �ub�a���C �.��: �la►n�in� Pla�r� �r D��a��I� t #��N1 ►rrril� �r��rid� p�a��tin� �I�r�� �n� ���a���� s�l��t�r�� �n �►ppr�pri�►�� �I�nt ��I�t�� f�r th� p�2��� a�nd ir��r�d� pian�inr�� f�r d���r�ti�r� p���. 1�I�I��r� a��r��d up�r� b��h� �ity, th� pla�n�in� �����n �nril� �I�� id�r�t��y �p��i�i� ����►ti�r���r�ri��in �h� ��r� �f t�� ����a►t��t �r� v►r�l� �u�t�d t� a�c��rr�rx����t� ����ia�l ��a���na�l pr�n�ing� �r a�� a�� ��a���d a�r�a�� ��r�r�ri�u� a�r��u�a�l �v�nt� �u�h a�� t�� I�a�rv��� F���i�ra��, ��ra�w��rry F��ti�a�l a�n� �h� ��ri�tr�na�� ��a���r�. �h��� �p��if�� �ra�r���r ar�a���} �vi�l b� d��i�r��d �r� �u��h a�v�r��r �� �� �r���d� fl��cibil���r vwr�th c��� a�nd �rrr�l� #i�C��� �� p1a�n��d �vi�� ��rnp�r�ry�nr�u�� �r ��r�nni�l plan��, ���h �h�t pla,n� r��la��rx��n���nri�l b� ��t�ily a,���rxrr-r��da�t�d a�nd pla�rrr��� ��r. If th� fir��l d��igr� �n��ud�� sta���d pla►���r a�r�a►�, �1�� 'r�riga�ti�� ��r���rn f�r th��� a�r��� �r�ril! b� c��sigr��d �� ����ra��� ��r�t�r�� ����rdir��l�. ��Ji���c�#af��: ��9� a�n�1 ��r�a�l ��n�tru����n �r�wir�� ��bmi�ta� Pl�r�tin� Plar� ar�d d�ta�rs �ub�a��� �.��: El��tr���l Pla�r�� F�f�N1 v�r�ll �r��id� �I���r��a�l pla�r�� t� i��n�i��r r�r�n��ra�l ����c���in� ��br� I��a�d li���withir� th� pr�j��t b�un��ry �►rrd �����ri�a�� pla�n� �p��'rfyir�g d���ra��iv� p��� li�htir�g, �l���ri�a� r����ta��l�� �nc! pr�ui�i�n� ��r p��v�r �u�pply�� �rri���i�� ��r�tr�ll�r i�n��d��l. D��ur��n�� will in��ud� p�w�r �i��l� 1in� di���ar•r� a�n� �ii�tribu�i�n f�r ���h n��+rr �ir������ ���►�a�, �1��tri��l ����ula�ti�r��, ���i�� I�y�u�, p�n�l ����dul��, �►r�d 1�r�n�h �'rr�u�ting t� ��is�i�n� �ity �w��� ��v►��r ��ur�� �r�d li�h��n� ��r�tr�l�. ��I����c��l��: 3�9��r�c� �ir�a�l ��n��ru����n �rarrrrir�� ��brni���►� E���tri�ar Pla�n� a�r�d �f�ta�il� �ubta►�� �.��:�p��i�i�a��f�n� . F�F�N1 v�r�l� pr�pa�r� t��l�ni�a�l ����if��a��i�n {���ri�i�r�� �-1�� �r� ��I f�rrr��t. Th'r� ���p� a����rx��� �h�►� th� �it�r vrrifl �r�p�r� �nc� �r��r'rd� a��l g�n�ra►I pr��i�i�n ���ti��� r�ra�t�d �a �I�i� pr�j���. ���i�r��c��1�s�: ��� �►r�d Fina�l �p��if������n� �u�t��� �.��: F�n�� Constru�tion �as� �pir�ior� _ A ���� ��i�ni�r� ���►t�rn�nt�rvill �� �r��a�r�� t� �lrc���r�t� �h� pr�b�►bl�r ��s��� pr�j��� ��n��ru�ti�n. w. ��I��r�r�c��l��� �n� {�� Fir��� ��a���rr��n� �� Pr�ba�b�� ��n�tru��i�r� ���� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 59 ' � ���� }� � -± ,� � ���� ��_�� � ��r�����r'a1 P1��a Desigr�Serv��'�s �reatin��nvi�r►r�ents p�opl�er��oy" S�op� of Ser�rr�e� ���ober ��, ���9 Pa�e �of? ���� �• ������� ����I��� � ����\�I������ A��r�pria��� F��tN1 ��r��nr��� v�ri�l a�����d up t� t��-�� ��} m��t�r��� �rvi�h �i�y �ta�f�durin� th� ��ur�� �f��� ��n��ru��i�r� d��urr��r�� �r���r��i�n f�r th� p��j���. Thi� t��l�v�ril� a�l�� ��r���d� r�ni���11a��r��u� p��n� �����r�r���� a�nd ���rd�r�a�t��n v�rit� �i��r ��a�f�. � Deliver��les: Attendan�e a�t up to three �3} r�n�eti�gs TASI� E: ��I���R�1CTI�N �B��RVAT[�NJ5�IPP�F�T F�II��r�r�n� t�� ��a�rd �f�h� g�n��r�1 ��n���-�,��i�n ���r�ra��t, �tFtN1'� t�a�r� �il� �u����t tl�� �it�r d�ri�g �F�� ��r��tru��i��r p�a��� ��tl�� �r�j��t. T�� �li�n� u��f�r�ta�r��� �h�►���nstru��i�r� ad�nir�istratior� an� abs�r�ratior� �y �he des�gr� profes�ianal �� an ir�t��ra� ��r� o�th� ��n�tru������ �r�����. I--��w��r�r, du� t� bu�g�� ����tra�in�� ��N1 �h�ll �r��rid� �irrr�it�d ��r���r��ti�r� a��r-�i���tra��i�r� ��r-vi��� �r� an h���i� b��i� ��r a r�a��cirr��ar�r� ��tw�r�t�r-���r ���� h�ur�; � ��t�nd�n�� a►t pr�-��n��r�,��i�r� r�n��tin� a��th� ���� • �rt-��t� r��r���rv� • ����ons� ta �Flrs/5hap Drawings . • I���ri�v�r �f�l��r��� �rcf�r��a���hi����'� �uppl�r��r�t�l ir��tr���i�n� ��n������ry ��l���ru#�1��: ��r��t�-�r�t��r� �b��rva����n��u���rt a�� r����d Agenda Item 9.a. Page 60 ��� � �- .� ����� �er��e�r�r"�1 Pf��� Desr"gn Servi��s creati����viror,r�,�nts�eo���enj�y S�op� o�Services � �c���er T�� �0�9 Page 6 o f� �A�i� AND F�E���VIh+�ARY a � � � � E • � • .. •� • • # �� • � T���C�1 �u�apl�rr��r����T�p��r��hi� �urv��r � ],��� � �ask B D�sign ��v�lo��ent �.�� ���i�r� D��r�l��rr��n� Pl�r� � �,��� � � 8.�� � I����in � and Pr���n���i�n� _ � � 1,��� � ��,�,�.�'��_....�.,,,wF,-- � _ Tc�sk B S�h�o�a1: � ?�10� � �a��� � ��n�tru���i�rr ���u��r�t� �.�1 ��f'11��I�I��'I ��c�fl � � ����� � �.�� ��fl������ ��C1��'�� P�c�l'"� � ���1 � � �,�� �ifcl(�I�C� � �I`�I�'1�C�� ���rl � �t��� � �.�4 ��nstrurctio� Pla� � Details � �t��� � ____.� �.�� Irri��►ti�n P��r� � D��ail� � 3,��� � �.�� P�an�i�� 1��2�r� & D���i�� � �,��� � �.��.__��T,� _�._. �.�� �I��tr���►I PI�►r�� � �,��� � ...........__..�..._.... ._. ... . � . �.�� � ����i�i���i��n� � � �,��� T � ` �,��� �._.._...._.. ... _ ................. �.�9 Fir�a�l ��r���r���i�r� �����pini�r� � _�..m�,,�._�_�.....�.....�...... � Tc�sk �S�bt��a�: � �3,9�5 � T���C D ���j��� �������� � ����din�t�i�n � �,��� � T���C E ��n�tr��ti�n �b��r�r�►ti�n��u�p�r� � � �,��� It�frrrb�r���l� E�c��n��� � � �5� , �1JN11111�4F�1� �� FE��: � �3,��� � ����� F�� Foo�r�otes ' A. �'r�c�d f�� ta���C� �ill b� �ilf�ed �� ��� �v�r� �r��r����� urr�il th� �a��k i� ���rn�l���d a�r�� �h� total ar�o�n� stated �r� th� co��ract f�r the task is ir�voi�ed. B. ���ir�a���c� ���� ��r t��l�� �h�v�rn a� ;`�"irr�� �r�c� �la�t�ria��" �T8�11►!} a�r� �r�vid��i ��r �n�ormationa� purpa�e�. Amour�ts bil�ec� for t�ese tasks, w����r will reffe�t a�t�af �our� �rwr��rlt��it rx��� b� rr��r� �r I��� tl�a�r� th� �stir���� �i�r�n. Rei�nb�rs�b�� Expenses In��d�n�a�l ��c��n��� �n��rr�d �� f�f�ll�l �����n �r��p, �r a�n�r ��rb��n�ul���r� i� r�a�y hir� t� p�r��rrr� ��rv���� f�r tl�i� �r�j��t, a�r� r�irr�b�r��� b� �I�� �li�nt a�t a��tua�l ���t �lu� 1�96 t� ���r�r i�� ��rerh�a�� �nd a�dr�n'r�i��r�►�i�r� �x��rr���. R��r�bur�abl� �x������ i��lu��t b�t a�r� r��� �rr-r�it�� �� r�pr�d�,����r� ���t�, p���a���, �F�ipping a�n� ha►�dlir�� ��dr�►wir�g� a��r� d��u��r���, �h� ��c����� �f�r��r a�dc�iti�r��� i���r�n�� r�c����t�c� b�r��i�nt ir� ��c���� �f t�a� r��rr�r��ll� �a�rri��! by �F�Nf ���igr� �r�u� �r i�� �����ns�l�a�r���# r�n��rir���, a�t�d r�r��d���. ��ir���r�a�bl� �r�t����il� tra�r�l rr�i��a�� �r�►il� b� bi���� a►�th� ��rr�n� 1Ft� busi���� �ta�r�d�rd r�r�il�a��� ra���. �1�,�����n��� �� I-���rl� �illing Ft���� F�F�A�f r�s�rv�� th� righ� �� �►��u�t h�u�rl�r ra���� �n an a�r���a�l �a��i�. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 61 ��� , . . {{';.; ' ��� X�i � � Ce��e�7�i�1 P1a�a Desr'g� �ervr"�es creatin�e�rri�ments�o��e en�oy S�ope a f S�r�vr'�es ���ober T�, ��D9 Page �a f 7 LilU�1T�#TI��l� �� ���PE PI���� r���� th���h� ��►�I�� t� b� p�rf�rrr��d ��th� ftl��l ���� �r� 1i�nit�d p���l�r t� t���� �utlir��� above. Subs�ar�t's�re ��ar�ges requested by the ��i�r�t or chan��s �n th� clierrt's pr��rarr� or d�r���i�n t�a� a�r� i�����i���r�t�r�r'r�h pri�r a�ppr��r�►i� �r �ut ����� ��h�du1�� ��qu�r��� a�r� ��bj��t t� a��d����n�l ��rv���� fi���. An�r a��i�i�na�l ��r�ri���tha�t i��tl� ���i�r� �r�up �s a���C�d �� p�r��rr-r�� �r►rill b� bill�e� �n � n����i���� a�nd ��i�nt ��pr�v�d �ix�d,f�� �r ��url�r ba��is. T�e fol�ow�ng s�rvices or�asl�s are spe�if��ally��cr�ded from t�� sco�e: • ���t���r�i��l r�p�r�in�, t����r�c� �r��il� r�p�r�� • ��ru���ral �r��irr��rin� - • Ar��i���tura�f ��rvi��� ��r �ui�dir�g� • Perr��t� and City f��s . • Ph��ing �f��r��tru��i�r� d��ur-r��r�t� • l.�til�ty pf�r�� • �`r�� sur�r�y or a�rbor��t report • f��gh�-a�-way ar�d easemen� n��otiat�ons • Tra�ffi� �r���n��ring! ��u�i�� �r r�p��tir�� - • N�a�t�ria►I� b��rd • Recard Dr�w�r�gs alw��A�aoll���r�-�r����-F�L����-Fr"��.s-�������-�Jr�ar���(�������-��r���r�rria!-�arlc-�laaa-��rr-D�����r�����c�J��rfg�r��r#- �a���F1�1,4��r�a��sa!-1�-l�-��.c�o� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 62 � � � Cii m � � � m "� 91N3W �t/111� A � � -� � 0 Z � m � ,.;� CONCEPT RENDER[MC�.S AG YILLAGE ARROYQ GRANDE, CA. . � i � �•� � r � N �' � � m � � . � -� � -, � 0 z n r � -, COFICEPT EiENi?ER[NGS AG YILLAGE ARf20Y0 GFtANDE, CA. ;�' . 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Page 67 oE pRROy�c ATTACHMENT 9 � � ��coAPOa�TEO 9.Z CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE " �" INITIAL STUDY � MY 10, 10H * C4��FORN�P and DRAFT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Pro'ect Titie: Develo ment A reement 09-001 Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street • Arro o Grande, CA 93420 Contact Person and Phone Number: Teresa McClish, Director of Community Development 805 473-5420 Project Location: The Corner of East Branch Street and Short - Street (Portions of APN 007-492-004; � Includin 200 and 208 East Branch Street Project Sponsor's Name and Address: NTK Commercial C/O Nick Tompkins Ci of Arro o Grande General Plan Desi nation: Villa e Co're C Description of Project: Commercial development and public plaza on 0.38 acres Surrounding Land Uses and Settings: Commercial to the north and west, City Hall to the east, public parking, public gazebo, public space and pedestrian bridge, Arroyo Grande Creek to the south Other Public A enc Re uired A roval: None ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR3 POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: � Aesthetics ; ❑ Agricultural Resources ❑ Air Quality ❑ Biological Resources � Cultural Resources ❑ Geology and Soils ❑ Hazards and Hazardous ❑ Hydrology and Water ❑ Land Use and Planning - Materiais Quality ❑ Mineral Resources ❑ Noise ❑ Population and Housing ' ,. _ � Public Services ❑ Recreation ❑ Transportation/Tra�c ❑ Utilities,and Service ❑ Mandatory Findings of Systems Significance DETERMINATION: ❑ I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION wili be prepared. � I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION wili be prepared. ❑ I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and . an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ❑ I find that the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or"potentially signficant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has . been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal : standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is ; required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. i. ❑ I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the. :, environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed , adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are � imposed upon the proposed project, nothing furtheris required. ; : 1 _ �.r , - � ;(�, "(,� ; �/� 6 October 2009 ^ Sig an ture "' Date y Teresa McClish; AICP Printed Name � , . EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: 1. A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards (e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to poilutants, based on a project-specific screening analysis). 2. All answers must take account of the whole action involved, inciuding off-site as well as on-site, cumulative as well as project-level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational impacts. 3. Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the checklist answers must indicate whether the" impact is potentially significant, less than significant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is required. 4. "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less Than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level (mitigation measures from Section XVII, "Earlier Analyses", may be cross-referenced). 5. Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an' effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration.: Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case, a brief discussion should identiTy the following: a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. 7. Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. 8. Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. 9. This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats; however, lead agencies should normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a projecYs environmental effects in whatever format is selected. 10. The explanation of each issue should identify: a) the significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and b) the mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce the impact to less than significance Potentially Potentially Less Than No Significant Significant Impact Significant Impact Impact Unless Mitigation Impad Incor oration I. AESTHETICS —Would the ro'ect: Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic ❑ ❑ ❑ � vista? 1, 13, 14 Substantially damage scenic resources, ❑ ❑ � including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic hi hwa ? 13, 16 Substantially degrade the existing visual ❑ character or quality of the site and its surroundin s? 13, 14 Create a new source of substantial light or ❑ ❑ ❑ � glare which would adversely affect day or ni httime views in the area? 13, 14 II. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES — Would the ro'ect: Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, ❑ ❑ or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? 1, 2 Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural � use, or a Williamson Act contract? 4 Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-a ricultural use? 1, 2 III. AIR QUALITY—Would the ro'ect: Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the � a licable air uali lan? 10 Violate any air quality standard or contribute ❑ � substantially to an existing or projected air uali violation? 10, 13 Result in a cumulatively considerable net ❑ ❑ increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone recursors ? 10, 13 Expose sensitive receptors to substantial ollutant concentrations? 13 Potentially Potentially Less Than No � Significant Significant Impact Significant Impact Impact Unless Mitigation Impad Inco ration Create objectionable odors affecting a ❑ ❑ � substantial number of eo le? 13 IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES — Would the ro'ect: Have a substantial adverse effect, either ❑ ❑ ❑ � directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? 17 Have a substantial adverse effect on any ❑ ❑ � riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or US Fish and Wildlife Service? 13, 14 Have a substantial adverse effect on federally ❑ ❑ ❑ protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interru tion, or other means? 13, 14 InterFere substantially with the movement of ❑ ❑ any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nurse sites? 13, 14 Conflict with any local policies or ordinances ❑ ❑ protecting biological resources; such as a tree reservation olic or ordinance? 3, 13 Conflict with the provisions of an adopted ❑ ❑ Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved ; local, regional, or state habitat conservation' lan? 6 V. CULTURAL RESOURCES — Would the ro'ect: Cause a substantial adverse change in the � ❑ significance of a historical resource as defined in 15064.5? 6, 19 Cause a substantial adverse change in the ❑ ❑ � significance of an archaeological resource ursuant to 15064.5? 6, 19 Potentiatly Potentially Less Than No Significant Significant Impact Significant Impact Impact Unless Mitigation Impad Incor oration Directly or indirectly destroy a unique ❑ ❑ � paleontological resource or site or unique eolo ic feature? 6, 19 Disturb any human remains, including those ❑ ❑ ❑ � interred outside of formal cemeteries? 6, 19 VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS — Would the ro'ect: Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk - of loss, in'u , or death involvin : Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as ❑ ❑ delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fauft Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. 5, 6, 15 Stron seismic round shakin ? 5, 6, 15 ❑ Seismic-related ground failure, including ❑ li uefaction? 5, 6, 15 Landslides? 5, 6, 15 ❑ Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of � to soil? 5, 6, 15 Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is ❑ ❑ unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral_spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? [5, 6, 15 Be located on expansive soil, as defined in � Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or ro e ? 5, 6, 15 ' Have soils incapable of adequately supporting ❑ the use 'of septic tanks or alternative . wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater? 5, 6, 15 VII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS —Would the ro'ect: Create a significant hazard to the public or the ❑ ❑ � environment through the routine transport, use, or dis osal of hazardous materials? 13 Potentially Potentially less Than No Significant Significant Impact Significant impact Impact . Unless Mitigation Impad Inco oretion Create a significant hazard to the public or the ❑ � environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? 13 Emit hazardous emissions or handle ❑ ❑ ❑ � hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existin or ro osed school? 13 � Be located on a site which is included on a list ❑ ❑ ❑ � of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Govemment Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? 6, 13 For a project located within an airport land ❑ ❑ use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the ro'ect area? 13 For a project within the vicinity of a private ❑ � airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the ro'ect area? 13 Impair implementation of or physically ❑ ❑ � interFere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation lan? 1, 13 Expose people or structures to a significant ❑ � risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands7 6, 13 VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY — Would the ro'ect: Violate any water quality standards or waste ❑ ❑ � dischar e re uirements? 9, 13, 16 Polentially Potentially Less Than No Significant Significant Impacl Significanl Impad Impact Unless Mitigation Impact Incor ration Substantiaily deplete groundwater supplies or � ❑ ❑ interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre-existing nearby welis would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which _ ermits have been ranted ? 1, 7 - Substantially alter the existing drainage ❑ ❑ � pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site? 9, 13, 16 Substantially alter the existing drainage ❑ ❑ pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substaMially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off-site? [9, 13, 16 Create or contribute runoff water which would � exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? 9, 13, 16 Otherwise substantially degrade water ❑ ❑ uali ? 11 Place housing within a:100-year flood hazard ❑ area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation ma ? 12, 13 Place within a 100-year flood hazard area ❑ structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? 12, 13 Expose people or structures to a significant ❑ ❑ � risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? 12, 13 Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? ❑ � 12, 13 IX. LAND USE AND PLANNING — Would the ro'ect: Potentially Potentially Less Than No Significant Significant Impact Significant Impact Impact Unless Mitigation Impad Incor oration Physically divide an established community? ❑ ❑ � 1, 2 Conflict with any applicable land use plan, ❑ ❑ � ❑ policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general pian, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? [1, 2, 3, 4, - 13 Conflict with any applicabie habitat ❑ ❑ ❑ � conservation plan or natural community conservation lan? 6 X. MINERAL RESOURCES — Would the ro'ect: Result in the loss of availability of a known ❑ mineral resource that would be of value to the re ion and the residents of the state? 6 Result in the loss of availability of a locally- ❑ ❑ � important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific lan or other land use lan? 6 XI. NOISE—Would the ro'ect result in: Exposure of persons to or generation of noise ❑ ❑ � levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? [1, 13 Exposure of persons to or generation of ❑ ❑ � excessive groundborne vibration or roundborne noise levels? 1, 13 A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existin "without the ro'ect? 13 A substantial temporary or periodic increase ❑ ❑ � ❑ in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? [1, 13 For a project located within an airport land ❑ ❑ ❑ � use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? 1, 2 Potentially Potentiaily Less Than No Significant Significant Impact Significant Impact Impact Unless Mitigation Impad Incor oration For a project within the vicinity of a private ❑ ❑ � airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? 1, 2 XII. POPULATION AND HOUSING — Would the ro'ect: Induce substantial population growth in an ❑ ❑ � area, either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly .(for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure ? 1, 11 Displace substantial numbers of existing ❑ ❑ housing, necessitating the construction of re lacement housin elsewhere? 11, 12 Displace substantial numbers of people, ❑ necessitating the �onstruction of replacement housin elsewhere? 11, 12 XIII. PUBLIC SERVICES Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other perFormance objectives for any of the ublic services: Fire rotection? 1, 5, 13 ❑ ❑ Police rotection? 1, 5, 13 ❑ ❑ Schools? 1; 5; 13 Parks? 1, 5, 13 ' Other ublic facilities? 1, 5, 13 ❑ ❑ XIV. RECREATION;' Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood' and regional parks or other recreational , facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? 1, 5, 13 Does the project include recreational facilities � ❑ or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? 1, 5, 13 Potentially Potentially Less Than No Significant Significant Impact Significant Impact Impad Unless Mitigation Impad Incor ration XV. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC — Would the ro'ect: Cause an increase in traffic which is ❑ ❑ � ❑ substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capaciry ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections ? 1, 11, 13 Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a ❑ � ❑ level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for desi nated roads or hi hwa s? 1, 11, 13 Result in a change in air traffic pattems, ❑ ❑ � including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safe risks? 1 Substantially increase hazards due to a � ❑ design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses e. ., farm e ui ment ? 1, 13 Result in inade uate emer enc access? 13 ❑ Result in inade uate arkin ca aci ? 3, 13 ❑ � ❑ Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or � ❑ programs supporting alternative transportation e. ., bus turnouts, bic cle racks ? 1, 13 XVI. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS — Would the ro'ect: Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of ❑ � the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? 1, 8 ' Require or result in the construction of new ❑ ❑ � ❑ water-' or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, . the construc#ion of which could cause significant environmental effects? 1, 8 Require or result in the construction of new ❑ � storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which � could cause significant environmental effects? 1, 9 Potentially Potentially Less Than No Significant Significa�t Impact Significant Impact Impad Unless Mitigation Impad Inco ration Have sufficient water supplies available to ❑ ❑ � ❑ serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitiements needed? 1, 6 Result in a determination by the wastewater ❑ ❑ � ❑ treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the projecYs projected demand in addition to the provider's existing - commitments? 1, 8 Be served by a landfill with sufficient ❑ ❑ permitted capacity to accommodate the ro'ecYs solid waste dis osal needs? 1, 6 Comply with federal, state, and local statutes ❑ ❑ and regulations related to solid waste? [1, 6, 8 XVII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE Does the project have the potential to � degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish' or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a planf or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major eriods of California histo or rehisto ? Does the project have impacts that are ❑ ❑ individually limited,'' , but cumulatively considerable7 ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects' of other current projects, and the effects of robable future ro'ects ? Does the project have environmental effects ❑ � ❑ which will cause substantial adverse effects on human bein s, either directl or indirectl ? SOURCE LIST: 1. City of Arroyo Grande General Plan 2. City of Arroyo Grande Land Use Map 3. City of Arroyo Grande Development Code 4. City of Arroyo Grande Zoning Map 5. City of Arroyo Grande Existing Setting and Community Issues Report 6. City of Arroyo Grande General Plan EIR 7. City of Arroyo Grande Urban Water Management Plan 8. City of Arroyo Grande Sewer Master Plan 9. City of Arroyo Grande Drainage Plan 10. Air Pollution Control District Clean Air Plan 11. SANDAG Trip Generation Rates 12. FEMA— Flood Insurance Rate Map 13. Project Plans, October 6, 2009 14. Site Inspection ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: The project site is located in the Village of Arroyo Grande and totals approximately 0.38 acres in size. Existing at the site is the City of Arroyo Grande's Building Department office (825 square feet) and parking lot (15 spaces). PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Short Street Redevelopment and Centennial Plaza (Development Agreement 09-001) - The proposed project seeks to 1) construct a multi-tenant single story commercial buildin� within the Village Core which is designed to be compatible with existing turn of the 19 Century commercial storefront and residential architecture of the Village Core and 2) convert an approximately 113 foot section of Short Street into Centennial Plaza. Project details include: • The creation a lot with approximate dimensions of 92 feet wide by 79 feet deep; . Development of Centennial Plaza which will provide passive open space, floral displays and outdoor dining opportunities; • Adaptive reuse of the current Public Works Division building (Conrad House, 208 East Branch Street) which is designated as a local historic resource; . Demolition of the Building Division building (200 East Branch Street) which is not designated as a local historic resource; • Construction a single story commercial building with four tenant spaces totaling 5,700 square feet and with a maximum height of 26 feet. • The proposed commercial building will be placed on an existing 15 space parking lot but the project will provide six spaces equating to a net loss of 9 parking spaces; • Development of an Administrative or Planned Sign Program for signs associated with new commercial uses. I. AESTHETICS The proposed project would involve the construction of a commercial structure. The project site and adjacent sites are not considered scenic areas. The project would result in a graded, landscaped surface and the moderate-sized commercial structure would be visible from East Branch Street as well as nearby off-site viewpoints and commercial buildings, however the development would be similar in scale and architecture to existing commercial buildings in the Village. The project site is located within an area covered by the City's adopted D-2.4 Historic Character Guidelines governing site design, architecture, parking and driveways, landscaping, lighting, signs and utilities. A review of the Preliminary Development Plan evidences general compliance with applicable commerciai development standards. Final design of building architecture including elevation appearance, materials, scale and massing will be considered during future discretionary review hearings. III. AIR QUALITY Demolition activities can have potential negative air quality impacts, including issues surrounding proper handling, demolition, and disposal of asbestos containing material (ACM). Asbestos containing materials could be encountered during demolition or remodeling of existing buildings. Asbestos can aiso be found in utility pipes/pipelines (transit pipes or insulation on pipes). Implementation of the following mitigation measure will reduce these potential impacts to a less-than-significant level: MM III-1: If utility pipelines are scheduled for removal or relocation; or building(s) are removed or renovated this project may be subject to various regulatory jurisdictions, including the;, requirements stipulated in the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (40CFR61, Subpart M - asbestos NESHAP). Prior to removing/relocating any utility pipelines or removing/renovating any buildings, the applicant shall complete the following steps: 1) notify the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (APCD), 2) complete an asbestos survey conducted by a Certified Asbestos Inspector, and, 3) fulfill all applicable removal and disposal requirements of any identified ACM. Construction activities can generate fugitive dust, which could be a nuisance to local residents and businesses in close proximity to the proposed construction site. Dust complaints could result in a violation of the APCD's 402 "Nuisance" Rule. Any project with a grading area greater than 4.0 acres exceeds the APCD's Particulate Matter (PM10) quarterly threshold. The proposed project is near sensitive receptors and shall implement all applicable Air Pollution Control District regulations pertaining to the control of fugitive dust (PM10) as contained in section 6.5 of the Air Quality Handbook. ' Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce these potential impacts to a less-than-significant level: MM III-2: All site grading and demolition plans shall list the following regulations: a. Reduce the amount of the disturbed area where possible, b. Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Increased watering frequency would be required whenever wind speeds exceed 15 mph. Reclaimed (non-potable) water should be used whenever possible, c. All dirt stock pile areas should be sprayed daily as needed, d. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project revegetation and landscape plans should be implemented . as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities, e. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading should be sown with a fast germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established, f. Ail disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation shouid be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD, ` g. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved should be completed as soon as possible. In addition, building pads shouid be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used, h. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site, i. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114, j. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site, and k. Sweep streets. at the end of each day if visibie soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. MM III-3: All portable equipment, 50 horsepower (hp) or greater, used during construction activities wili require California statewide portable equipment registration (issued by the California Air Resources Board) or an APCD permit:` While this projecYs estimated construction impacts are not expected to exceed the significance thresholds for ozone precursors, PM from diesel exhaust will result from the diesel construction equipment operating during the construction phase of the ' project, and'tfie project site is less than 1,000 feet away from residences and is an elementary school. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce these potential impacts to a less-than-significant level: MM 111-4: 1. All on-road hauling trucks should be 2003 or newer to reduce diesel PM and NOx emissions; 2. All onsite off-road construction equipment should be 2003 or newer or be retrofitted with diesel particulate filters (CDPF) or diesel oxidation catalysts; 3. Staging and queuing areas shall not be located within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors; 4. Diesel idling within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors is not permitted; 5. Use of alternative fueled equipment is recommended whenever possible; and 6. Signs that specify the no idling requirements must be posted and enforced at the construction site. Operational impacts of this development implementation of the fo�lowing mitigation measures will reduce these potential impacts to a less-than-significant level: MM III-5: 1. Provide on-site bicycle parking or participate in the Racks with Plaques program within the Village Core. One bicycle parking space for every 10 car parking spaces is considered appropriate; 2. Provide preferential carpool and vanpool parking spaces; 3. Provide shower and locker facilities to encourage employees to bike and/or walk to work, typically one shower and three lockers for every 25 empioyees; and, ` 4. Increase the building energy efficiency rating by 10% above what is required by Title 24 requirements. This can be accomplished in a number of ways (increasing attic, wall, or floor insulation, installing double pane windows, using e�cient interior lighting, etcJ. 5. Use high efficiency gas or solar water heaters. 6. Use built-in energy efficient appliances. 7. Use double-paned windows. Operational phase impacts of the greenhouse gas known as carbon dioxide (CO2) implementation of the following mitigation measures to minimize project related GHG impacts MM III-6: Incorporate 'green building' techniques into the project, such as: . Building positioning and engineering that eliminate or minimize the developmenYs active heating and cooling needs; . - Implementing solar systems to reduce energy needs; ' •` ' ' Planting of native, drought resistant landscaping; . Use of locally or nearby produced building materials, and; • Use of renewable or reclaimed building materials. IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES The site is currently developed with structures and has been graded and paved for parking uses. Biological resources are limited to 10 mature ornamental trees including Bottle Brush, Chinese Twisted Juniper and an Acacia Tree. Conceptual designs include recessed front facades to allow the Acacia tree to remain. New ornamental landscaping will be required for the project. Implementation of the proposed project would not result in an increase in impervious surfaces generating additional urban runoff to Arroyo Grande Creek from the new development. The proposed project as described above will capture storm water in drain inlets with fossil filter inserts that are conveyed to the City's bioswale prior to release to Arroyo Grande Creek. V. CULTURAL RESOURCES The project area is in close proximity to a Iocai historic structure (Conrad House) and has the potential to impact that resource. Impiementation of the following mitigation measure will reduce potential impacts to cultural resources to a less-than-significant IeveL• MM V-I: Prior to project construction, the applicant shall develop a project that is reviewed by Historic Resources Committee and the Architectural Committee and determined through the Conditional Use Permit process to be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and the City's Design Guidelines and Standards for Historic Districts. VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS ' The project site is located within the long developed Village Core. The project site has been the subject of previous grading and paving activities. Other than standard construction grading and necessary design-specified soil compaction, the proposed project would not involve any substantial topographical changes. Issues related to liquefaction, groundwater seepage, expansive material and the potential for differential settlement is minimal and will be addressed with standard building permit requirements including the submittal of geotechnical studies that include appropriate structural design solutions. ' Based on the General Plan and review of the Alquist-Priolo Zone Fault maps, the proposed project is not located on a known earthquake fault subject to rupture. The proposed project will be subject fo the effects of periodic seismic events in the region, including ground shaking. However, exposure of people to these events can be mitigated to an acceptable level of risk by following Uniform Building Code development standards. VII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The project site is not known to contain any hazards or hazardous materials, nor would operation of the project involve the generation or emission of hazardous materials. VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY The City is currently in a "severely restricted water supply condition", as defined in Municipal Code Section 13.05.040. Any new development will place a further burden on the City's already limited water supply. The estimated baseline water demand for the proposed project is 1.824 acre-feet per year based on 0.38 acre-feeUyear per 1000 square feet gross floor area less the water use for the existing building. There are a number of strategies that the applicant can employ in the design and construction of the project (ultra low-flow fixtures, graywater systems, etc) that could potentially reduce the estimated annual water use. In any case, the project will increase demand on the City's restricted water supply, and the only way to completely mitigate this increased demand is to offset the increased demand off-site. Implementation of the fol�owing mitigation measure wiil reduce the impact to the City's water supply to a less than significant level: MM VIII-1: The applicant shall submit detailed calculations showing the total estimated water demand of the project based on implementation of specific on-site water-saving strategies (ultra low-flow fixtures, graywater systems, etc). MM VIII-2: The applicant shall offset the estimated water demand of the project by either: 1. Implementing an off-site water neutralization program for any facility or property served by the City that reduces water use by an equivalent (or greater) number of acre-feet per year as estimated project demand; or 2. Payment of a water neutralization fee (currently $5,995/acre-foot) to offset estimated. project demand through funding of various water conservation programs administered by the City (cash for grass, appliance rebates, etc). IX. LAND USE AND PLANNING, The City's Land Use Element identifies the property as Mixed-Use (MU), and the property is zoned Village Core Downtown (VCD) which allows a maximum density of fifteen (15) dwelling units per acre. The Mixed Use zone allows for a variety of uses including retail, office and residential. The proposed building design allows for flexibility and variety of retail and office uses. The project does have a potential to temporally decrease space available for City Hall facilities until suitable facilities can be purchased or leased and improved. X. MINERAL RESOURCES The property is not known to contain any mineral resources, nor are there any known mineral resources in the vicinity of the property. XI. ` NOISE The property is adjacent to existing residential uses, which will be exposed to short- term noise impacts, primarily from construction activities. Conformance with the City's Development Code and standard conditions of approval will reduce these impacts to a less than significant level. XII. POPULATION AND HOUSING The proposed project would not add housing. This density is consistent with the City's General Plan, and any impacts to population and housing are therefore considered to be less than significant. XIII. PUBLIC SERVICES Adequate services exist in the community to support the proposed project. All applicable development impact fees will be paid as required by State and local mandates; therefore any impacts to public services are considered to be less than significant. XIV. RECREATION Adequate parks and recreational facilities exist in the community to support the proposed project including three nearby parks (Hoosegow Park, Kiwanis Park and Village Green) that adequately provide recreational activities for the Village area. The project does not include recreationai facilities but will be subject to paying proportional recreational facilities fees. All applicable parks and recreation fees will be paid as ree}uired; therefore any impacts to recreation are considered to be less than significant. XV. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC Transportation, traffic and circulation impact from the project have been studied in a report by Omni Means dated October 7, 2009. The study includes analysis of Short- Term conditions with closure of Short Street and Long-Term cumulative conditions both with the ciosure of Short-Street and the addition of a 65 space public off-street parking lot located on the north side of E. Branch Street. The study quantifies existing and future multi-modal transportation circulation related conditions with these changes. Review of parking, safety, pedestrian access, and vehicular mobility has been included, based upon existing City General Plan policies. The study concludes that intersections and pedestrian and bicycle circulation would continue at acceptable level of service in all scenarios. See attached Omni Means report. XVI. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS The proposed project wiil tie into existing infrastructure for power, gas, communications systems, water treatment and solid waste disposal. The proposed project is within the expected demand for these services based on the City's General Plan; therefore any impacts to utilities and service systems is considered to be less than significant. �����.I����� �� ��I� ������� �C�f71; ��E'��2� ����l�� � ��f��: ���1C�2�]1t ��11��1�����,���� "�"�:����1I� ��: �Cel1y IIIIe�r���� ��b����; Fll�:��end��terr��.b �� r�r�t��V��r. 1�t'�9 �'eresa 11�cC1ish,��IC�' �ir������f��rnrr���r�.ity��v�l��rn�r�t City of�r�o��o Grar�de F.�.�ox�5� �1��.Br�ch Stree� � ��rroyo�ran�e,�.� ��4�� � �so5���r�-���o � fax�8��}473-5489 tmc��ish�arra��grar���.�� � �r�m: �ary��herq��st � _ _ 5en�: Mo�c��y� �Vo��m�r�9, 2009 �1:1� AN� T�:���y �rr�r�; Ec� Arn��d; �Jo�C����ll�; �f��r��S�L'rnd� �e�l��rv�; Jir� �ut�ri� ��: ����r� Adam�; �irx� ��r�r���; ��re�a N1�CI��� �u�hje�: ���n�a� i��r�n �.� ���rrt� ���r, 1��'�� �VI���ers ��`th� ��ty�au�n�i� �l��s� �x����th���rr���1. I��s i����-ta.r�t that I�tt�r��th�1���, 1�, ar�n�a1 rr����ir����`t����������nty Hi���r��a� �������, t�e��f�r, I���1���r���1��� �tt�r�c���� �i�y��►�r���l rr�����r��. � � am u�ri�ir��t� ac�c�r��s ���r�c�a It��9.�, ��r�����a����za. ����i��ca�11�r������������il�ir�g�c� ���'� ������ ��i��ir������ E. �rar��h�. Af��r r�viewir���1�� s��f�r���rt ar�� �s�����ll�r�1��i��1���c� i�I��tr�i�x��it��� �l�a���ia�� r��er����r� �f��i���� E. ���I"I��'l�1�1��1I�� 13����`1����711'l��� ��. T�i� �11��t�����r�s�r��ar�d t����Ar�l�it���� s���v l��v��asil�r�h��a��ld�r���an�� ir���r�����ec� i����h��r�,����. ������t���r���s�c��1a�� ir���r�����v�r�t� �t��r��i�i��l� ����r����� ������������r��������. � Ir��r��r���r�s����a�i�r��f���h��� a�1���rna��������s��1�� �taff, �l�a������ ir�r�ir��t���� �n�rr���r��f�h�I���� . � rr��rr���rs ��t�i���a�ir����rr����s��r�ar�c�� ��xr���rs��t�� �����il f����th�s 1��i1��r��v�r�r������ir�� , ���i�a���c� a 1���� ��s��r�� �r����r��. � Tha.nk ���#`�r}���.r��r�sic��������, �ar}��cherc�u�st . ���y L. ScF�erqufst•Ar��it��# , , 1 . Agenda Item 9.a. 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"�o U� ��r�e�t a�d ���t, we �����i n�t � �r�t�er�s�+ed ir�����ng i��o � ��s���ss � �� �p��e if i� i.s � ��ce�if� ta t�� ��a�� . �V� f�1 t�e �i�i���s �n t�e int�o� desi� ��� �e su�cess c�f t�e b�s�r��ss �� tl��t �p�c� ����i�n�b��. 'V���ot��ave p�ss�rxp�v�ra� �oc,atior��or e��ar��o�af a�,r��s�g���������.se o�co����ns�� �ir��l�r i�s��s, ������ ��st�o����r t1��t��s���mu���e�g������r�����c������r��r���t���us���s��r�d}� b�.n�� gaac��u�t�or��. �k y�u�o�y�u�r ti��i���ar��g o�-s���a�t���t��prapas�c�ev��op��x��4 �e�ope t�wo�c�og�tl�e�r�o r��k�t�e ���#��i.a1��a�a t���eart�#`�.r�o����ur�����r��r������.tu�y ���ase tv�al����is��.ss�`i,���r, " r�e� � �o� �� �u.t�t���'��ce C��m�a� A����r ��-o��� ������-���� �����������3� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 89 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 9.a. Page 90 o� pRROypc � MCOflPOR�TEO 2 h U � m # Julv t0. t9tt * c4�/FORN�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE AND INFORMATION , ` SERVICES/CITY CLERK �� SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTALINFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 9.a. - DECEMBER 8, 2009 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Consideration of Centennial Plaza Project and a Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement for Acquisition of Property at 300 East Branch Street and Sa/e and Development of City Property at 200 and 208 East Branch Street and the Adjacent Parking Area DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2009 Attached is correspondence received today regarding the Agenda item listed above. Kelly Wetmore From: Gordon Bennett[guacamole@mtpicacho.net] Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 4:48 PM To: Kelly Wetmore Subject: Re:Centennial Plaza Project Re: Centennial Plaza project, acquisition of property at 300 E. Branch St, sale &development of city property at 200 & 208 E. Branch St including adjacent parking area.There are numerous complications which need further consideration before being acted upon such as workable traffic flow to eliminate congestion. Loans, debt financing Parking concerns Design concept of Plaza Farmers Market&other groups ADA concerns What percentage of the buildings at 300 E. Branch are ADA approved? This is a large expensive project that needs more public input. Gordon and Manetta Bennett Kelly Please give copy to all City Councilmen thank you...GB i Kelly Wetmore From: Kristen Barneich [barneich@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 9:56 AM To: Chuck and Linda Fellows; Jim and Betty Guthrie; Tony Ferrara; Joe Costello; Ed and Kathy Arnold Cc: Kelly Wetmore; Steve Adams Subject: Agenda item re: Malt Shop, Centennial Piaza, etc Hi all- I am emailing you about your agenda item tonight regarding the "Malt Shop", proposed Centennial Plaza, etc. After the Planning Commission voted to deem the Malt Shop historic and the City Council did not, I have been asking citizens around town what they thought. Mostly moms and dads at my children's elementary school but these are the people I am around most. These are not just my close friends but also acquaintances who live and work in A.G. and LOVE the Village. All of people I have spoken to have said "don't change anything, the Village is just fine the way it is." But after explaining what the changes would be in detail they opened up a little and said that some changes may be okay. One woman said "whatever you do, be very careful, this proposed plaza and new buildings are right in the middle of the Village and will change the whole rural feel if you're not careful." She is correct. We must proceed very cautiously with any new changes or could be very, very sorry. As you all know and have heard over and over. . .the Village is A.G's "crown jewel". Please consider this tonight as you deliberate over what changes should and shouldn't be made to it. The "Malt Shop" aka Building and Life Safety, without a doubt, should be adaptively reused and sit the way it currently does facing the corner on Branch and Short Street. I think to make this a viable building to rent out or for someone to purchase, it should be added onto in the rear, but the facade and scale SHOULD NOT change on the street. Scale is very important in this area of the Village. I am all for more pedestrian oriented areas, so to close Short Street and make this an area where families could hang out is a great idea. In this economy I would encourage the City to only construct Centennial Plaza if all the money is donated and none comes from the City. The City has been very smart fiscally in the past and I trust this would continue in using only donations to build the Plaza. People have lost their jobs at the City and the public will really question why this is being proposed right now. If the parking lot between the Malt Shop and the Public Works building is developed please be very careful that the new structure be in scale with these two adjacent buildings as well as City Hall. To construct a street-front two story (30 foot tall) building where nothing currently sits would be a mistake and change the feel of that end of the Village. 7hank you for your careful consideration regarding these projects. My family and I treasure A.G's Village and are okay with progress but not at the expense of our small town downtown. Kristen Barneich 1 • � ������ � �� � tNC�RP��iATE� �� � � � #� � � .�ItLY 1�. 1�1 1 � ���� ��� ��� ���������� - ��: �rT� ����u��� � �F��II�: 1�EF���� ����.�� � ��IIIIIIIIIJ�VITY ��11�L���II�I�IVT �II�E���F� r ��■ ����� ��������� � * �5����L��� ������� - �1���1E�1`: ��NTINIJE� C�I��LI� HEAl�IN� � ��IVai[]�F�ATI�N �� �4PF���L �F �L.��VIVIIV� ��ll��ll������1'� AP�F��11AL �� 11E��INC �ENT��III� F�AI���� IIII�� ��4�� IV�. ���0�'� �N� IIII�I��� E����TI�I� ���E IV�. ��-��� T� ��J��1111�� � 1.�� A�I�� ��4F���L INT� THF��E ��� F�E�I�ENTIAL ���� A�1� ����T���� �r�r�r� ��� ������ru�E�; ����i��r�� -� ������v�r ��I�����■ I���� �����I�� i ��� ���� �����■ f D�TE� D��ElVlBE� �, ���� ����ll�II�I E N�A�I��: I� i� r����n�ne���� th� �ity �����il ����t � re����ti�r� ��r���ng the ����a�i �r�� u��r�l���� t�� Pl��n�nin� ��r�nr�ni��i�n'� d������r� t� ���r��r� T�r������r� P�r��l N1�� I��. ��- ��1 �n� Il�irr�r �����ti�n IV�, ��-���. ��������� I�����i �I���� v�r�uld �e ��diti�n�l �i�� ���t� ��s��i�t�d �vith I�n���a�p� rn�ir���r��r��e �r�d ���er�t��� li��ilit�r �vi��rir� ��e �r��k �������C �r�� if th� �f��r �����t� tl�� ���r �f ������ti�r� �f th� �r���c �i�a�r�r��f �r�� �r���c ��t���k �r��. �n �rr��r����l� �r�d p�r���u�l �ffer #� d�dicat� public �reek e�s�rr�e��v�r�s r��orded on Augu�t ��, ���� ���� Attack��m�r�t 1}. �A��C�R��J�� T�i� pr�j��� v�r�� �ri��n��ly ��h������ ��r �h� �u���t ��, ���� �E��r ��ur���l r�r���tir�g. �n �►��u�st ��, ���3, �t�ff r���i�r�� � ��rr�r��nt I�tt�r �r�r�r� Att�rne�r ��b�k �V�fi��r �rritt�n �rr b�l�a��f �� the ���ir��nr�n��#�� �ent�r �� �a�rr Lui� ��i�p� ������.�� ��c�r����r�� �or���r�� r�����i�g �r�j��t ��r��li�r��� v�r�tl� ��C�A ���� Att��hrx��r�t � ��r I��t�r�, ��r����u��rr��y, t�� �r�j��� �v�� ���t�r�c��� t� a� ���� ur���rk�in ���ndi�� r��ir��l��i�r� �f ��� In�t��l ���,�� �r�� N1i�i��t�� I��gat��r� ���I�r�ti�r� {���II�[V�}, �'v►r�lv� {��� �r����t r�f�rr�l� �nr�r� ���� �� �r�ri�u� I���I, �tat� �r�� F���r�l ag�r��i�� �r�� int�r����� ���ti��, 1�h� ���� re�ei�r�d tv�r� {�� r����n�� I�t��r�; �n� �r�r� �1�� ��r� Lui� ��r��� ��unty �i� P�I�u�i�r� ��r�#r�l �i��ri�� �,����} �n� �r�� fr�r�n th� 1..�.�, F��� ��� Vlli��i�f� ��rvi�� ���� �fi���hrr��rr�� � �n� � ����r� .. �r��ti�� ����� ��r r����n�� I�tt�r��. TI�� 1��N1�i� �a�� ��en ��da���� t� ir��l��� c:ornrr��nt� �rrd r����nr-�r��n��� r�ni�i��ti�� r�r�ea�s�r���r�r������ t�v� ���r��i�s, Agenda Item 9.b. 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Ir��lu��d in th� r��ri��d r�����ti�n� �v�� �r� �rr��n�r�n�rrt t� D�����prr�e�t ���� ����i�r� 1�.�1� r�g�rd�r�� rigk�t t� ��rr�n �r��ri�i�n� �I��t �r���r��r�te� r���l�t��rr� f�r n�v�r � ���r�l�prr��r�t �r�����d ���a����t �� Agri��ltur�l �i��r��t�. ����� �� th� ��rti�r� �� �r�ir��n�� ��� �h�� ���-t�irr� �� ��ri�u�l�ur�� ���f�r�. � . Agenda Item 9.b. Page 4 V��������� ���������� ���� AP�E�L �F PL�#�VNIN� ��II�I�I���I�N'�APPF��11���F VE�T�N�TEIVTAT�IIE ����EL lVIAP��� ��'l A�D IIIII�I�F� ���EF�T���1 ��-��� . PA�� � �f.1�.1��. �igh���f�r� �r�vi�i�n����f�rrnlan� pr�s�rv�t��n. �. Agricultura�bu�fer. 1. I17��11�JL�I1��1��1 W1��7�]r�I1�T���1�1�}��1�1�5 �1������C�1�1��1� A��L1��L1�`�, ��r���rva��i��an��p�r� ����� �����r�t, ar�� ����ifi�a�11������ti�����, t���it����d�t��-rn���c���ia�t��r������r����rty ��r��ri���tu��1���ra�i�n� i���i���ri�rity. T��i���i��������i�l ��r�fli�ts��t�v��r� a�r���xlt►.�-�� �r��i r��r�ag����ltura.l�ar�c�u���,���1��ir�����������ti�������li����1t�, t�i� r�d��tior�of�oise a�d�dor� ar�d the red��tion of r�s�to �arm operatior�s f�ro�do�est�� ar�i�a� �r��ati��, �r��t�i�ft ar��c��rn����r�c����n�ala�ir��� f��rn��ig����ir�g ur��r�c�v�r�1���-s, a1�r��w c����1����r��a�c�j���r�t�� a��c���i�a����a�ri��lt�ral c���tri���1�a11����c��r�����r��id� an ag�-x���t�r�l��ff�r. "����1��rx��r�t"a�s����ir���is s��ti��,rn�a��� s�x�c�i�isi����lar�c�, �s� ��rrr�i��a.r����ilc�ir����rrr�it����r���v r��id�r��ial ur�it�. � �. �'��bu�'f�r ar�a�l�all b�a rni�irnuxn�f�r����r�dr�����t,rr��a��xr�c� f�r�rr�t������ �f t�� cl��igr�at�c��gri.���tu�r�1 �i�tri��. ��ti�a�11�,�� a��ii�v�a rna�i�nurr�s��a�at��r�, a�l�u�f�r�ic��� th�n or��hu�dr�c� fee��s e�cau��ged ar�d�.a.�r be re�u�red i�it is deterr��ir�ed t�roug� ��v��r��rn��t�1 r�vi�v�un��r���A ar�c���r r����m�r�c��d��r t�i� �a� L��s���s����u�ty Agri�ultura� ���rni��i�r��r. �����`����C��l.l�����1���11���'t7�1�������VY��1�1���Il�� c��rn�r��t��t�c�t�a�a���r�������f��r�xi�t� ��.�. Arr����r�r�d� �re�1�� t��t���r���uat��r�d a��r�v����t�� �ar�I���s��i������t�r Agr�i��ltural ����nissi���r. �. 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R�stor�ti�r�o�a dar�a�ed resi�er�ce�ithir�t�e�uf��r are��ay b��urs�ed�r�a�cardan�e v��th ���ti�r� 1�.��.�1�. �. Th��r�����dr�����t�gri��ltur�l��ff�r��a11����t��1��h���y t�� ��vel���r��rs�ar�t��a�1ar� ���r��r����r t�� ��rnrr�ur��ty l��v�1���n�nt��r��t�r ar�c�t�i�Pa�ks,���r�a��i��anc����i�iti�� �ir����r. T���a1ar���a�11 in������r�v1���r��f��r t1��u���f x�t���r���d�v����r�c����t rn�r�a�����nt � t��h�i���� a.�� s�il �r��i�r���r�tx`�1. Ar���r���n�r�t i�th�f�rrn a���'��ed��r t�� �ity att�rn��r ��a11��r���r���, �����i���11 i��1ud���i���c�u�ir����ts�f't�i�s��ti��. ��.��.���. A�ri�ul��r�l c�is��i���. �. Agri��l�t�ral�x����rv��i�n�v�rla������.�� c�is�ri��.�`���rirnary�u.������t���C-2.2 �v�rlay cl��tr��t 1s t��r��i�� f�r�xr���l�ar��sxr�t�rr�ir�ir�i������r�ti�1��r��li�t�b�t�r��n �gri��lt�.ra1 �r��r��r�agr���ltura� ].a�r�����. �'�is c�i�t���is t��r��i�� f�r an��ri��ltura�l��f�� tra��i��r��� aY'�a a�r�c�r�q�ir��t�i�t��v�c����1��rn�r��a�����r�g�� �����r�c��x�r� c�is�r����n�ry a��r���1 ir�a���r�ar������� ���ti�r� 1�.1�.1��.�, Agenda Item 9.b. Page 5 ��TY����V��L DE��MBEi�8, 2�D� I��P�AL �F PL�#NI�I�V� ��IIAl�lll��r��f'� A�PF��11AL �F 1lE�TIIV�TE��AfiIVE P�#���L �IAP��- ��'� AND I�IIN�� E�C��pTI�N ���D�� . PA�E � Tl�er� v�r�� r�nu�h �i��u�����n �urin� t�r� pub�i� h��rirr� �r����� f�r �rdir��r��� ��� �r� �I�� ���I����il�t� �� th� �uf�er r��ul�ti�r�� ��r ��i�t�r�� p�r��l� �r�� r��v�rl� �r���s�� ��r��1�, A� ����r��� i�n th� ��-d����n��, `����r�l��rn�rrt" r���n� �u�divi���� �f �a��d, ��� ��rr�i�� �r�� ���I�i�� p�rr�i�� ��r rr��nr re�id�r��i�l ��i��. T�� pr����t �dequ����� ����ri��� ����r�ti�r� �� u��� t�r�� r�iti��t�� p�t�rrt��l ��r�fEi�t v�ith - tl�� r��i�l���r�r�g ��r���l�u��! �r���rt�r by r���r�� �� � hu�ndred ���� ��1��'� �ri�� b��f�r �r�i�ir�nur�} t��t ��r��l��� v�rit� �r��r��r��� ��. ��� {��� Att���r��r�t A �� ��r� �ni�i�l �t���r ��r � �tud� �r��a�r�d b�r Firrn� #h�� e��l��t�� #�� ��r���l�ur�l �r�if�r}, T�� ���r����r�n�r�� ��d� �Il�v�r� ��� � de�r����� buffer �i�t�rr�� if � ���r����l ���f�r �Ir�a��� ��ci���, ���h a�� �rr��� �r�r�c�� �r��k. T�� ������� �r�vi��� �I�� ��I� 'l��' v�r��� bufF�r di��ar���, v�ri��r in ��r�n� �r���, �r�d t�� �r���c �ff�r� �d��� b�ff�r pr����ti�n t� ��pa�ra�t� ����. fl�li����ti�r� I�II���ur� MI� �,1 � r�quir�� rre�v ��-�p�r-t}r ��rvn�r� t� �i�n � F���I ������ Tr�r����r ����I��ur� ir��i��tir�g t�ra� th�� ���Cr��v�rl��g� �n� ��r�� �� t�� �r��r������ ��r���in�� �r� t�� �it�'� F�����-T�-F�r�-r-� �rdir�a�n��. I� r�s��r��� t� �r��r��us ��r�r��ni�si�n�r ��rr�r�n�r���, 1�1� �.� re��ir�� th� �ppl���r�t t� �u��it a� fir��l I�nds��p� �I�n ���r t�� ��ri�u�lt�r�l �uff�r, �r���r�� b�r �r� �r��rir��r�r�����1 ��e�i�li�t �r �r�fe��i�r��� bi�l����t ��rx�il��� �rit� a�gri�u��ura�1 b�,f��r�, ��r re�r���nr �n� �p�r��r�l �� ��r� �i��r'� Ar��ri�� ar�� �I�� �r�hit���u��l F���r���v ��rr�rr�itt�� t� �r��ur� t��t tl�� �I�r�t ������i�r� �r�vi��� ��f��ti�r� �r�� ����r��r���� ��r��n�ng �r�rit�r �a��� �r�v�rin� ��r�r�r�er� tr��� �rrd �hr�b� ��rrr��ti�l� v�r�th e�c��tir�� r���ive �r���t����n, �I�i� � �11N1 ���� r���ir�� � r��nr �� tr��� �� �e �I�r���� ir� ��� �r�� �I��rg th� �ri�r��+r��r a�� �� �n#��n��r��n�t� th� ���i�����r�� �uff�r, �ir ���lit F�����r�n�n��� r�iti��ti�� rr�����r�� �r�� AP�� #� re���� �ir �u�lit� �rr����t� ���r� ���r� in�f���� �r� t#�� i��11�IV�. �i�1� ���I F����ur��� T�r� �r�j��t si#� i��l���� � ��rti�n �f Arr��r� �r�r��� �r���c �r�� rr��t�r� r�p�rE�r� ����t�#i�r� ��ci��� �I�r�� �f�� �r���c ��rri��r. P�r C���rel��r��r�t ���� ����i�n 'I�,��,���,F�, �I�� �r�j��� i� ��n�i#i�r��d �� irr��r����l}r d��i���� �� t�� ��t�r ��I th� �r�� tl��t in�l���� ��r� ��r��rr���� �r�d tw�r�t�-five ���t ���'� ���k ���r� ��� �� �t�r��rr� ��rrk f�r �r��k �r�#�����n �r�� ���� ����e ��r�����. �h� t�� �� ��r�k k��� ����n ��nr���d ���n�� th� ��ut��r� ��r���r� �f tl�� pr���rt�r ��c�eri�r���� �r��k b�rr�C ���I�r� irr ���� �r�d �� ���ur���l� d�l�r�e�t�d ��n t�� r��ri��d ���r��. f�u�r��r��� fruit �r��� a�l�� ��i�� �n ��� �it�, r�-r��t �� v�rF�i�� v�rill �� r�r�nc���d v�r�tl� #�� �r������ ���r�l��r��r��. A� �r������, �II �r����t �r��in� v�r��l ���ur �ut�i�� ��th� �r��k ���h���c a�rea�, �lt��u�k� ��n�tru��ti�r� �f th� �r����� is �n�� ��c������ �� r��u�l� �r� �ir��t ir�n���t� �� tl�� ripa�r��r� �r�b�ta�t �r��, ���r�r�l r�iti��ti�r� �n����r�� �a��r� b�e� ����� �� r�d��� ����r��i�� ir��ir��t ir����ts {�r��ir��t �t������ ���I� ����r �r�r�r� ��r��tr���i�r� a�r�� ����-��r���ru����� ���nrn�tr��rr� �r�si�r�, di����r�� �� ��d�r�r��rr#, �r�� di��F��r�� �� ��her ��Ilut�r���}, 11�iti�a����r� ir��l���� �u��r�itt�l �� � �re� pr�t��ti�r� pl��n f�r �i� n�tiv� �rr� n�r��rr�t��r� �r�e� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 6 �i��f���J�I��L D���III�B�R 8, 2��9 �#PPEAL�� PL�hf1VlIV� ��NIA�fI��I�N'� APPF��VAL�F 11E�TfIV�TEIVT�ITIIIE P�I��EL IV��1���- ��'I AIV� II��I��� ��C�EPTI��1 ��-��� � PA�� T t� ����ir�# ������n ��ntr�l rx����ur��� �r�� ���r��n�ti�r� �f��r� �in�� E�r-������� ���n f�r��� ��ri�u�l�u��l �uff�r vrr`rtl� pE�r�t� ��rr�p�ti�r� �nrithin #�� ri��ri�n ��rr���r ��e� �1�1 �.� -- 11�111� �.�1��. 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Page 7 ��Tl���I.�N�I� DECEM�ER�,���� ��P�AL �� PL��#IVIVI�fC ��I�I�I���I�N�� APPF��IIAL. �F 11E���N�TEI�TATIIIE P�F���� I�IAP��- ��'� �#IV� II��N�� E�C�EPTI�IV ��-��� � � F�A�E 8 A� � f�ll��rv��� �� tl�� Ph��� �I r�p�r-�, � Ph��� I!� Ar�����l��i��f �i�i��ti�r-� F���i��r �nra�� pr���r�� �� T��r ��n�nr�� ����� ,J�n�r�ry ��', ���� ����� �� ���r�r�t ��r��dirr� �r�� �r����g ���r�� �� ��r� �ir�r�� {��e �#t��l�r�ner�t E �f t�� �ni�i�� �tud��. 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I�Elll EV11: ����#f��� re���v�r�d t�i� �r�j��t ir� ��rr��l��n�� v�rith t�� ���if�rr�i� �r��rir�r�rr��r�t�J �u��ii��r A�;t ���C��}, ��� ��C�A �ui��lin�� �r�� ��r� �ity �� �rr��� �r�n�� F�u��� �r�d �r����urr�� f�r Ir����rr��r�t��i�r� �f �EC,�A. ����� �n t#�� r�vi��rv, �#�ff���� ��t �nt��i��t� �h�� ��i� �r���ct v��l� I���r� � �i�r�i�i��nt ��f����r� tl�� �r��rir�r�r���n�, Th�r�f�r�, ���ff I��� �r���red � r����ti�� �����r����� �vi�#� r�nit�g����n rx�����r�� f�r ���n�il'� ��r��id�ra�ti�r� {��� �n��i�f �tu��, Att��h r��n# 9�. ����r� ru����������� �ru� ����n��-r�w Th� ��en�� �v�� ���t�� ir� fr�n� �� ��t�r ���I �n ���r����r� .�������r �: ����� �r�� �l�� ���r��� �r�d ����r� �v�r� ���t�d �r� t�� �it�r'� �r�r��sit� �r� Fr���}r, C����rx���r �, ����. A ��bli� r���i�� v�r�� ��n�t� a�li ��-�p�r�y ��rr��rs v�r'r#��� ��� f��� �f t�� pro����� �roj���, ��� � p����� r��t��� �nr�� �l���d ir� t�� Tri�ur��. T�� �i��r r���i�r�d ��#��r� ���r� ��r��r�l ����� ��fr��r� Er������n�nt {���E} d�t�� �J�rl�r �, ���� ��tt��i�r�n�n� ���, the ��������� ����� A�g��t '�'I� ���� {At����rr�er�t ��}, La�ra Rin�o d�t�d A�gust ��, ���� {A�tachrr�ent 'f�}, _ ��� ���� ����d ����rr���r�, ���� �At���hrr��n� 'I��. At#��hr�n�r���; 'I, Irr��r����1� �r�d �'�rp��u�l �ff�r �� ���i���� Pu��li� ��-���c Ea���r��r�t {����� A����t 'i�, ����� �. ��tt�r d�t�� A�g��� ��, ���� �r�rr� �����C N�f��r �r� ��h��f�f E����� �. Pl�n�n�n� ���nrr�i��i�n Il���ting Il�lir�ut�� �����t��n��r �� ���� �. P��r�r�ir�g ��r�nr�ni��i�r� �J1��tin� �11ir��,t�� �� ���� ��: ���� - �, ����r�e�le� Pl�r�� ��r�r� ����} �. Pl�r��ir�� ��r�rr������r� IVlee�i�� IV1ir�ut�� �f�ul� �f ���� �, ������ L�t�er d��e� �l���r �?$ ���� �. L��ter�r�rr� A��Ei��r�t �a���� D���rr���r �, ���� �. Ir�it��� �tudy �I�,L�tter �r�r�-� ������r�i� 1�V���, ���E 1IVa�t�r��r�� ���j��t 1�1�r�����, ��t�� �J�l� �, ���9 'I'1.��tter��rom A��e��ar�t ����d A�,gu�t � �, ���9 ��.���t�r��-��nn C��ur� F��r��� d�t�� Au�u�t��, ���� . ��.��tt�r �r�r� �t�p��ni� III��I�, ���� l�ll���r��r�� Pr����t N1�rr����, d���� D�c�mber �, ���� �:1�orr�r�ur�ity Devefopm�n�1PF��JE�T��fP[v11�����1 ��}�Em�n�t1F��vis�d Proj��#11�-�8��3��F�pt Er�an�t TPN1 Appe�l.d�� Agenda Item 9.b. 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T'�e ���i�r� �� th� ll��t�r�� T�n���i�r� P�r��� II��� i� n�t li�C�l� t� ����� ����#��nt��l ��n�rir�r�rx��n��l ��r���e �r �u��t�r�t���l�r �rr� ��r��d���� i�njury t� �i�� �r �nri�d�if� �r th�ir ���it��. �. �I�� ���i�r� �f ��� �u�h�i�ri�i�r� �r �r�p��e� irr��r��r�rr���nt� �� r��t li�c�l� t� �a�us� � �ubli� �e�lth �r��l�r�n�, �, T�r� �i���r�r�� �� v�r���� fr�r�n t�� �r�j��t ir�t� �n ��ci�tir�� ��r�rn�r��t� �e�v�r ��r�#�rrr �nri�l n�� r��u�� �n �ri���t��r� �f e�ci��in� r�q�ire�m�r��s �� pr���rib�c� ir� ���risi�r� � {��r�nr�ner��ir�� v�ri�� ���t��r� '�����} ���h� �a��if�r��� 1IVa���r ����, Agenda Item 9.b. Page 10 F�E��L�TI�IV I��. PA�E 2 �. ������t� ��bf�� ��rv���� �r�� ���iliti�� ��i�� �r �nrill b� pr��rid�� �� � r�����t �� t�� pr���s�� ll�s�irr� Tent�ti�� F��r��l N1�� t� �up��rt ��r�j��t ���r�1��r�r��r��, �. T�e �`rte i� �I�}r�i�a���� s�it�bl� ��r ��� t��� �f ����I��r�n��nt �h�� ��i�t� �r� t�� ��r��l� F�rn�l�r��nir�� �i�tri�t. �, T�� ���i�n �� ��� ll��tir�� T�r�t�ti�r� ��r��l N1a�� �� th� t�r�� �� �rr��r��r�r���t� �v�i� ��t ��r�fl�c# �nri�� ����rx���nt� ���uir�� �}r �1�� �u�1i� �t ��r�� #�r ������ thr�u�h, �r ��� ��# �����rt�v�rithin th� �r������ ll��tir�� ��rrt�ti�re P�r��l 111��p. Illlin�r E�c����i�r� Fir���r���: 1, �h� �trict �r lit�ral �r�t�rpr����i�r� �n� �nd�r��r��r���f��� ����i�i�d r���la�ti�r� �nr�u�� r��ul� �n �r���i��! �i�i��lt�r �r ur�r�������ry ����i��l h�rd�l�i� ����u�� th� �i����� �r���rt� r������it�t�s � ta�ll�r ret��r�ing �nra��� f�r �d����t� ������, �r�� ���q���� �r���c�nra��r pr����t��r� r�������t���� � n�r��v�r�r I�t ��pth ��r ����. � �. 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Th� �r�r�t�r�� �f t�� �1in�r ��c��p#��n �ril� ��t ��rr�t�tut� � �r�r�� �f ����i�l �r��r�l��� l�l���l�l���l"1� 1�VI��1 ��1� �Ir'I''11���1�1�� ��1 ����� �I'��]�I"�I�� �����I�i�C� I� ��� a�rl"1� �I����� an� vr�ill r��� b� �e�ri��r�t�l �� ��� publi� h��l�l�, �a���t�, �r �nr��f�r�� �r r�r�a�t�r��ll� ir���ri��� �� �t`��er-ti�s ��r ir�r-��r��r�r��r��� �r� th� �ri�ir�ifiy. �, Th� ��-�nt�r�� �f � Il�ir��r E�c��pt��r� i� ��r��i���r�t �nr�t�r ��� �bj�����r�� �r�� ��li�i�� �f ��� ���n�r�l Pl�rr ��n� th� jnt��t ���h� ���r�l�p�-r��r�t ����, iV�l�ll� �`�I���F�F��� �� IT �E���.V��] t��t �h� �ity ���r��i� �� th� �it� �f Arr��r� �r�nd� ��r��� der���� �h� �����I �r�� ��h�l�� th� F�I�nr�ir�� ��r�nrr����i�n'� ���i�i�n �� ���r��r� 1le��in� T�r�t����� P�r��l �111�� I��. ��-��1 ��� 11I1�n�r E����ti�r� �1�. ��-��� v�ri�h th� a����� fi��ir��� �n� ������t t� �h� ��r����i�n� a� ��t f�r�� �r� E�chi��� "�,', a�tt��l��d ��r�t� _ �r�d i����r��r���� �er��� ����i� r���r�n��. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 11 �������*�� ��i ���� � �r� rr��ti�r� b}r ��ur��i� f�1�rr��er , ����n��� b�r ��ur��il lVl�r�r��r _ , �r�d �}r th� f�ll��rvin� r��1 ��II �r�t�, �� �v��; �#lf��: N���: AB��I�T: #i�� f�r���ir�� F�����ut��n �nr�� ����t�� th'r� ��" ���r�� C���er�r���r, ���3. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 12 ���������� ��. ����� T�NY FE��ARA, IVI�#1��1� � A�i`��T: �C�LLI�11VETII���E, ��TY' �I�EF�I�C A�P I��11�� �#� T� ��[�TEIV�': _ ���11��1 �4��l�ll�� �ITY IIIIAI`V���I� A��F��11�� A� T� F���I�I1: T�N!�T�IY J. �AF��II E L, ��TY ATT�F�IV EY � Agenda Item 9.b. Page 13 F����Ll��`I�N IV�. PAC E� ��C���IT `�q�� � ��IV�1T��1�� �F A�'PF��11AL V��TIIV� ��IV�AT111E P�F���L �IIIAP N�. ����'I �h�� �IIIIIV�I� ����PT��N I��. ��-��� ��� EIVI�#� ��IJ�T L3��1�uw�uila�er�, lr�c: ��1VIIVI�lIV�T1� ��V�L�PIVIE�VT ��PAF�TIVI��1T ��h[�f�AL� ��ND�T��N�# T�i� ���r��r�� �uth�ri��� � t�r�� ��} I�t r��i��r�ti�f �u�b�iv��i�r� �n � �.�� ��r� ��r��l �nd ���i��i�n �r�r� v�r�ll #��i��� �n� ��� ��pth r��ui��rr��nt�. . T�� �r����-t� i� ��rr�r��l�r ���r�l���d v�ri�� �n� �1� �ir��l�-��r�il�r r��id�n��. 'I. �I�� ���li��r�t �h��� a�s��r�t�ir� �r�� ��r��l� �vit� �II ��d�r�i, ���#�, ���r��� ��� �it� r��u�r�r�r��nt� �� �r� �p�li��bl��� thi� pr����t. - �. T�� ���lic�rr� �I���I ���np�� �nri�h �II ��r��iti�r�� �f ���r��r�l ��r 1l���ir�� T��t�ti�r� Pa�r��l Illl�p �V�, ��-��'I �r�� �11ir��r E�c��p#i�t� IV�, ��-���. �. ���������r�t �h�l� ���ur ir� �ub�t�n���l ��r�f�rr��r��� �vi#I� t�� ���n� �r���r���� �� ��� �it� ��ur���l ����r�ir ����ir�� �� ����r��er 8, ���� �nd r��r�c�� E�chi�i�� �'�� — B�" . �, Thi� t�����iv� r�r��� ���r��r�l ����� �u��rr���i���l�r ��c��re �r� �����mb�r �, ��'I'I �nl��� �he f�r��� rr��p i� r���r��d, a�r� ��ct�rr�i�r� �� �r�r���d �ur��u��nt �� ����i�n � ��,��,��� �� �h� l���r�l��r��nt ��d�, �r �t��� I������ti�r� �r��ride� f�r ��t��rr�ti� �����i�r�� ��t�r�� f�r��r���ti�� r�n���. �, D��r���prr��r�� ����I ��r�f�r�m t� t�� �ir��l� F�rr��l�r ���id�r��i2�� {�F} r��u�rerr��r�t� �����t �� �t��n�vi�� ���r��r�d. �, �h� a�pli��r�t �h�l�, �� � ����i���r� �f ���r��r�� �� t[��� t�rr#�ti�r� �r fin�� nr��� a�p�li��t���, �ef�nd, ind�r�nr���� �r�� h�l� h�rr�nl�ss tl�� �i�y �f Arr��� ��-��n��, �t� pre��r�t �r f�rrr��� ��er���# ��fi��r� �nd �nn�l����� �r�r�r� �n� �lair�, �����r�, �r pr����dir�� �g����t th� �it�r, i�� pa��t �r pr���r�t ���r�t�, �ffi��r�f �r �rr�p��}r��� t� �tt��k, ��# ��i��, v���, �r �n�ul ��t�r'� �p�r��r�l �f th�� �u�d��i�i�n, �v���h ��ti�n �� br�u��k�t �r�r�t�in ��e #ir�r�� ��ri�d pr�v�d�d f��- b� I��r�r. Tl�i� ��r����i�r� i� ��b���� t� ��� �r��i���r�� �� ��v�r�rr��nt ���� ���ti��n ���47'�.�, �r�rhi�h �r� �rr��r��r���d b}r r���r�r��� ��r�ir� �� th���h ��t ���th in �ull. ����1�4L ���1DITI�N�: - �, Pri�r �� i����r��� �� � Bu�lc�ir�� ��rrx�it, t�� ��i�#i�� ���� �n P�r��l 'I �h�l� �� r�r��v�d, �. Th� ���j��# �h�ll ��r�pl� v�r�t� th� �r�vi�i�r�� �f t�� A�ri��l��r�l Pr���r�ra�ti�� ��r�rla�}r �is��ri�� {A�-�.�}. fV� r��v�r r��i�enti�l ��ru��ur�� �I��E� �� a�lf��r�� v���h�n �h� ���i�u���r�l ��ff�r �r�a�. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 14 �E��LU�I�IV IV�. PAC� � �. T�� �in�i ��r��l r�n�� sha�fl sh�� �n irr�����bl� �ff�r t� ���i�a��� th� �r��ic �h�r�r��l arr� ��' �re��c ��tb��l� �r�a� t� th� �i�y ���� ���� N�II,II �,�}, � '��. ��� ��ci��ir�� ��Ir�r� tr�� I���t�� �t ��� drive�nra� ������ �h�l� r�r��ir�. �r�e �r�������� sh�ll �� �r�����1�� �ri�r�� �ny �r�dir�� ��ti�ri�i�� {��� �I�� �� �.��, '�'I. �II r��v►r �����rt� ��nrn�r� �r�r�t��r� th� �ub�i�ri�i�r� r�r�u�� �i�r� � F���I E����� Tr�n�f�� ����I��u��-� ir����a�ti�� t��t �#���r ���Cn��rrl���� a�n� ��r�� t� t�� ����r����n� ���t�in�� in th� �i��'� F�ig�����iF�rrx� �rdir��n��. A ���� r�s�ri��i�r� ��a�l� �� p�a���� ��n �II t�r�� ��r��l� ir������ir�� �hi� r�q�ir�r���� ���� a�l�� N11VI �.'��. � 1�. N��r�r �tru��tu�r�� �r� P�r��l� � �r�� � ��r��l �� �ir����-�st��ry. �Ll�L���VC A�V� FIF�E ���AF�TIVI�IVT C�IVERAI� ��IV�ITI�IV�: 'I�. "�`i�� �r����� ���II ��rrr�l� �nr��� �h� r���� r���r�t edi���r�� ���h� ���i��rni� ���t� �rr� �n� ��il��rr� ����� �nd #I�� lJn���rr� ��,i�din� �r�d �ir� ����� �� ����te� by #�� �i�}r �f Arr��� �ra�n��. � '��. �r����t �I�a�ll I��v� � �ir� �I��v �f �I t��� ��ll�rr� ��r r�n��ut� ��r�u���i�r� �f� ��ur��, 1�. F���i���n��a�� un�t� �r� ��r��l� � �n� � ����I �� fu�ll� fir� s�rir�kl�r�� ��r ��il���� �r�� F�r� ����rtrr��r�� �����lin�s. � ��, P�i�r �� i�su�r��� �� �r��ir�g Perr�i� �r �u�ildir�� Pe�r�i�, v�r�����u�r ����r� fir�t, tk�� ���li�a��� �h�l! �I��v�r pr��f �f pr����-ly ���r���r�ir�� �II n�r����r�f�rrx�in� �t�r�s �u�h a�� ���ti� �a�r��c�, �r��l�, u�rrd��r�r��n� p��in� �n� �t��r �n����r��l� - ��r��iiti�n�. ��. Pri�r #� i����r��� �� �ui�c��n� Per�i� f�r � rrev�r h���� �r� �a�r��l �, � ��rn�liti��n p�rr��t r�nr��t �� a��pli�d ��r, ���r����, �n� i��u��# ��� th� r�rr����1 �f t�e ��c��t�r�� ���k, FE�� T� �� PA�� PF�I�I� T� 1����4�1�� �F �# ��JI��IIV� ��F�IIIIIT: �8. V11��er mi#i�����r� �ee, to be b���d on cod�� �r�� rates irr e�f��t �t the ti�ne of �uil�ir�� ��rr��t ��su�r��e� i��r�l��rr� �nr�t�r ��nr���ti�r� �r �r�la�r��r��n� �f �r� ��c���ir�� ��r�n��ti��. 'I�, 11��t�r �i��r����i�r� f��, t� �� h���� �r� ��d�� �r�d r���� �n �f���t �� tl�� t��m� �� � b�.r���i�n� ��rr�nit ���u�a����, i� ����r��rr�� v►r�th N1�ni�i��l ���� �-�.��. ��. IIV�t�r ��rvi�e ���r�� t� b� ����d �r� ����� �nd r�te� ir� ��f��� �t t�� tirr�� �� hu��dir�� ��r�nit is���n�e, ir� ����r����� �nri�� IIJ��r�i����f ���� �-�,��. � �'I. 11V����r �u��l�r ��r�r��, �� b� b���� �n ����� �n� r���� ir� ����t �� th� �irr�� �f �u'rf���� ��rr�i� �����n��, �r� ����r��n�� �nrit� �Ilur���ip�l ���� �-7',��. ��. Tr�ffi� ir��act �ee, to be bas�d or� �od�s �nd r�t�s ir� eff��t �t �he tirr�e of build�n� ��rrx��t i����n��, ir� ����r��r��� v���h �r�in�r��� ��'I �.�,, F����I�rti�r� ����1. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 15 F�E���,I�TI��! I��. PA�E � ��, Tr��i� �i�n�li��#i�� ���, t� b� ����� �n ����s �r�� r�t�� ir� �ff��� �t #h� �irn� �� ��ild'rr�� p�r�nit i�����n��: �r� ����r��r��� vrrith �r�ina�r��� ��� �.�.� F����lu�i�r� �1���. ��, �e�rv�� ��rr-�r�i� ���, t� �� ����� �r� ��d�s �r�d r���� �n �f���t ��th� tir�n� �f buil�i�� ���rr��t i��u�n��, irr ����r��n�� �nri��r N1�r�i��p�� ��d� �-�.��5. ��, ��r�r�� iVl��i�r� I��tr�r�n�n���i�r� Pr�gra�� ��11111P} f��, t� �� ����� �n ����� �r�� r�t�� ir� �f���� �� ��� tirx�� �f��u�l��r��nt ir� ����rd�r��� v�ri�l� �t�t� r��r���t�. ��. Bu�il��r�� ��rr�ni� f��, �� �� ��s�� �n ����s �n� r�t�� ir� �ff��� �t tl�� �irne �� ���r����r��r�# ir� ����rd�n�� v�r�t� Titl� � ����e 11��r�i�i��l ��d�. ��, I"��� ��l���r �r��v�����rl��� �� C��� �� ���i ����r� ����r�il� ���� ����I� ���� ��L�� �.�.��L�i� a�r�� F���r�� f���d �a�na���rr�ent r����r�rr��r�t�. ���F��1�T��IV AN� IIIIAI�V���IAN�E ��I�VI�Ea �����T��NT ��, Pri�r �� i�s�arr�e �� �ra��lir�� P�rrr���, t�� ��pli��n� ���II �u�r�i� � Tr�� F�er���r�� �n� �r�����i�n �'I�rr ���� �I�� ll�Il,lf �.�}. PIJ�L.I� 1111�C��{� �l111�I��V All �ubri�Vll�rks Divi��or� �an��tior�� o��ppr�ov�� a� �i�t�d �e�o�v �re to b� �ompl��� �vith �ri�r t� r���r�ir�� th� rr�a��, u�r�l��� �p��ifi�a�ll�r r����� �t��r-�rri��. ���� ��. F��� v�r�l1 �e �h�r��� b���� �n �h� f�� a�rr��ur�#� ir� ����� �� tl�e tirr�� �nr��� �I��� � �r� ��� ���r ��ur in��rrx��ti�n, ��� `��r�����r�� ��r ��-�����ir�� ����� ��ali���i�rr�� F�e�erv��i�rr� �r-��c���i�r��" i� pr��rid�d ����vrr�, � ��. ���� #� �� ��i� �ri��t� pl�r� ��p���r�l: � �, IVI�� ����k f��. b, Pl�r� ����I���r�r�dirr� ���r�� ����d �r� �r� ���r��r�� ��rt��v�r�c ���irr��t�. �, �I�r� �I���k ��r irnp���r�r��r�t pl�r�s ����� �r� �n �p�r��r�� ��r��tr��ti�n ���� ��tir�n�t�. �, ��rrr��t F�� ��r �rad�n� �la�r�� �a���d �r� �r� ���r��r�d ��r�F�v�r�rl� �s��rr��t�. �. In�������r� f�� �f s����vi�i�� �r pu�li� v�r�r�C� ��r��tru��i�r� ���r�� ����� �r� �n ���r��r�d ��r��tr��ti�r� ���t ���i�m���. N� p�rr��� f���f ��r��ult����r� ���s, I���! f���, �r i�����ti�r� ���s �rv�l� �e �I��r��d ��r �F�� �i�� ��r ��r�s�ru�ti�r� �f th� �V����r�r� ��rir��� F���i��ra�l �3r�ir�a��� ��nn����r�����s. � Agenda Item 9.b. Page 16 F�E����lT��IV N�. PA�E � Pi���E��lF�� F�� �F��T��T��C �E��� �]E�I�ATI��V�, F�E�EF�IIA�I�hI� �I� E�A����N�: �A�Ar��r �a�rt�r r�r�� pr����� ��r� ir�p��i�i�n �f �r��r f���, ���i��ti�r��, r����v����n�, �r� � ��I��r ����ti�r�� ir�n����d �r� � ���rel��r�n�r�� �r����t, f�r �I�� pu�r���� �� ��f�-��rir�� a�ll �r � ��rt��r� �f ��� ���t �� pub�i� ���i�i���� rel�t�� �� tl�� ���r�l��r�n�r�t �r�je�� �� r�n���irr� ��t� ��th� f�ll��v��� r��u�ir���r�t�: {�} T�n���ing �r�� r��uir�� ���rr��nt ir� f�l� �r ����r��i�� ��ti�f��#��y e�ri��r��� �f �rra�n��r�n�r�ts t� p�y t�� ��� �vh�r� due or er���re �erForrr��r��� �f �h� ��r��iiti�r�� r�������ry�� r�r���t��� r���ir�r�n��t� ��t�e ir������i�r�, ��� ��rvir�� �vritt�r� r���i�� �r� ��� �ity ��u��il, �nrl�i�h rr�ti�e ���I� ��nta�ir� �I� �� th� f�ll��vir�� irr���rr���i�n: {�� �► �����rr��r�� th�t �h� r���ir�� p����r�� i� t�r���r�� �r �vill �� ��r���r�d v►rh�r� �u�, �r tl��t �n�r �����ti�r�� v�rl�i�� ���� b��n �r�����d �r� pr�vi��� f�r�r s�ti�fi��, u���r�r�t���, �b� � �����rn�n� in��rr�ir�g th� �it� ��ur��il �f th� f��t��l �I�r��r��� �� �I�� �i��u#� ��� �h� i�ga�l th��ry f�rr�nin� #h� b��i� f�r th� �r�����. ��� � �r�t��� fil�� pur��a�r�� �� ����i�ri���� {A� �I��lI �� ��I�d �� th� �ir�� �f �h� �����v�i �r ��n�i���r��� ��pr�v�l �f �h� ���r�l�p�nnen� �r v�ithir� �� ���r� �ft�r �h� ��#� ��t�� i����iti�r� ����� f�e�, ���i��ti�r��, r���rv��i���# �� �t��r �����i��� t� �e ��n����d �n � d���l���n�n� �r�j��t. : ��� Ar�� ��rt� �rvh� �il�� � pr�t��� ��r����# �� �u���i�ri�i�n {A� ��� ��I� �n ���i�� #� �t�a���C� r��ri��nr, ��� ��i�e, �r���, �r a�r�nul ��� ir�np��i�i�� �f �h� f���, ���i��t��r�� �-���rv��i�r��, �� �t��r �����i�r�� ������d �r� � ����I�p�er�t �r����� b}� � I���i ���r���r�nr�t�in 'I�� ��y� �ft�r�k�� ��li��ry �f th� r���i��, {�� Ap��-��r�l �r ��nditi�r��l �ppr��r�l �� a� ���r�l��r��nt ���ur�, ��� th� �ur����s �f tl�i� ���ti�r�, �vh�r� th� t�nt��iv� r�n��# t�rr��#��� �a�r��� rrr�p# �r ��r��� r�na�p i� �pp���r�d �r ��r�di�i�r��l��r ���r��r�� �� �nrh�r� ��� ��r��� rr�a�� i� ����rd�� if a� ��r�t��i�r� r�n�� �r��r����i�r� p�r��l �-r��� i� n�� r�qu�r��. {��T�r� irr����i�i�r� �� f���, ��di�������, r���rv��i�r��, �r ����r ��c��ti�r�� ����r�, ��r �h� ��r��s�� �� thi� ����i�r�# v�rf��r� ���}r �r� ir�r������ �r ���ri�� �r� � ����ifi� de�refopm��t. � �PE�I�#L ��IV�IT��IV�: ��I, T�� appli��r�� �I��II r�pl��� th� e�cis�in� �a�rr����y �ev��r r��irr �r�r-�r� �h� rr��r��r�i� �r� Er�ra�r� ���rt t� t�� r�r�nh�l� �n ��� ��uth �i�� �f ��� �r�j��t ��te �vi�� �n �" �ll� ��v�r�r r�na�ir� ir� ����r����� �r�ri�f� ��� �i�� �v��t��rv�t�r ���t�r �I�r�. Agenda Item 9.b. � Page 17 �������i�� ��. ���� s ��, TI�� ���I���n� ����I �r��r�d� � ��' �vid� ���r�� ������ �� �I� ��nit�ry s��r�r�r �m�nh�l��, ��. ���err��r�t� �I��II �� ���i��t�� t� th� pu��i� �n ti�� �ma��, �r �th�r ����r��� ���ur�n�rrt a�p���r�� by th� �i��, ��r�h� f��l��vi��: �. ���v�r ����r��rr�� v�rk��r� �h��r�rr� �� �h� ��nt��i�r� r�na�p, `�`I�� �����n�rr�� �I���� �� � r�n i r�irrru r�n �f�� ���t vrri��. � ��. �r�n���� f��� �h�ll b� ��id �ri�r �� i����rr�� �� h�ildir�� ��rrn'rt f�r t�� ��I���irr� ���i�a�� ir��r��r�rr��r�t �r����� ��t�in�d �� the �i#}� Illl�s���nr�t�r IVI��t�r P��r�; . �, 11V���I�r�� C�ri�r� ���v�r l..�p�r���. ��. ��� ����i���r� �h�l� ��r�rl�� t�r� ��I� �f�h� �u�l-������. ��, �`1�� ���li��r�t ��r�l� r��l��� th� ��c��tir�� dr�� ir�l�t irr �h� �r�j��� fr�r���g� v�ri�h � r��v�r �i�� �t�n��r� �r�� inl���rEth ����il �ilt�r �r���rt. ��, Th� ���li��r�t �I��II ��r��rrr� �rr� �f ��� f�ll�v�r�n� �� t�� 'I�" ��r��r�t� r��#�� �i�� , {�MP� �r�ina��� �ir�� fr�r� t�� �r�� inl�t �� Er��r� ���rt �� t�r� �n�r�h��� jun����� �vi�� th� ��" a����t�l� ��r����t� �f�� ���P�: • �lip �ine ��� �ip�; ��, • F��mo�e and r�pl��e v�rith ��" HDPE. ��. �I�� ��-��t� �t�rr�n �r��r���� �ir�� �nri�l ��r�r���t t� ��� ��ci�tin� I��n� v�r��� � �it� �t�r���rd r�r�r�����. ��. ��� �p�li��r�t �I��II i�����1 �r� �r�l�n� �t�rrr� ����r fi�tr�ti�n ��r�t�rr� �t th� ��r�r����i�r� �� �I�� �i#� s�r�t�rr�, � ��, Tl�e ����i���n� ��r��l ��I���t� ���p���� �rv�t�r s�rvi��� �ritl�ir� tl�� �r��e�� fr�r�����, �'I. T�r� ���li�arrt ����I rel���t� tl�� #ire h�r�r�rrt ���� ����h �f tl�� pr�j��t �ri�r�v�r��, not a� sho�nr�. ��. T��-r� ����i���n� ���II ���rr�it ����� f�r th� r��int�n�r��� �� ��� ��r��n�r� ���ili����, � �ubj��t �� r��ri�v�r �nd ���r��r�l �f t�� �it�r�tt�r���r ��n� ��rr�r�n�r�i#}� ���r�l��r�n�r�t �i r����r. ��. T�� ����i��nt ��r��� ��r�n��r� tl�� ��i��i�� r�r��nl��l� �� ��� ��n#�r �f �r��� ��u�r# �r�d r�l���t� t� tl�� �r��t �� �������ry t� pr��r��� � rr�inirr��r�n fi�r� {�� ���t �I���r�n�e bet�rv��n th� ��r�i�ary ���v�r �n� �h� ����rr� dr���n dr�p ir�l�t. ��, Th� ����i��nt ���II ���ri�� tl�� ��r����ry ����r a��i�nr-r���� �� k��� t�� �-r��in ir� �h� �����r�f�k�e �ri�r�v�r��. ��. Th� �p��i���� �h��l �t���c��r� th� ���t��n� ����r�it�ry ���r�r�r r�r��ir� b� �i#��r; � I��rr�����; �1� � Fill �nrit� 1 ���� �lur�y. . � Agenda Item 9.b. Page 18 �������i�� ��. ���� �� ��, T1�� �ppli��r�t �h�l� ir��t�ll #h� fi�r� ���r�r�t �t t�� �r�� ��th� v�r�t�r rrr�in. ��. �'h� ��pli��r�t ��a��l �lir�in�t� �h� �r�p���� �I�� �f�. ��. Tk�� ���li��n� ��all �r�n�t ��r� �b�r�d�rrr�n�nt �� th� ���rr� dr�ir���� �nd PIJE ����r�r�er�t. �EI�E1�4L ��I��I�I�IV�: ��. �����r �Il �t�����# ��rb�, ��tt�r� �r�� �����nr��k� �t th� ��� �f�I�� ���'� ���r�t��n� or �s ��r��t�� �y t�e �ot�r�r���ity C�ev��o�m�rrt D�r��t�r. ��. P��f�rrr� ��n��ru��ti�n �����rit��� durir�� r��rr��l ���in��� I���r� �N1�r���� thr���h Fri��y, � A.�I1. t� � P,�111.� f�r r��i�� a�n� in�p��t��n �urp����. TI�� de�r�l���r �r ��r��r����r ���II r�fr�in �r�rr� ��rf�rnr��n� �r��r �rr�rk �tl��r ���n �i#� rr��i���r��n�� ��,t��d� �f t���� ��u�rs, urr���� �n �r�n�rg�n�� �ri��� �r ���r��r�� b�r t�� ��rr�rr��ni�� D�vel��r�r��nt D'rr����r. Th� �i#}r r�a�y h�l� th� �e�r�l�p�r �r ��nt�-����r re���r��ibl� ��r ��y ����r���s i��urr�d b}� �h� �i�� due t� v��rl� �u��id� ���f���� C���r�. IIV����1lElll'�E�1T ��A��: ��I. All �r����t i��r���r��n�s �i�a�ll �� ���i�n�� �rr� ��r��tr����� ir� ����r��r��� v�rith ��� �it�r ��Arr��r� �r�r��� ���r��a�r� Dr��rin�� �r�� �p���fi��ti�r��. ��, ���r�ni� �hr�� ��� full-��i�� ��p�r ��pi�� a�n� �r�� {'�� full-si�� r�r��i�r ���� �� ���r��r�� i��r��r�r�r��n� �la�r�� f�r �n����ti�r� pu������ d�rrin� ��r��tru�ti�n. ��, ����i� ��-��il� ���n� �� th� ��rr��l����r� �f th� �r����t �r ir7r�pr���r���t� �� �ir��t�d ��r t�� ���nr�n�r��t�r D�v�l��r���t �ir����r. �r�e {'I� ��t �� r��rl�r �ri�nt� �n� �r� �I��tr�n�� �r�r�i�r� �n �� in �u����� f�rr�r-��� ����� �� r�q�ir��, ��. TI�� ���I��r�r��r� I�n�r��r�nn�n� �l�r�� �1��11 �� p����r�� �� � re�i���r�� �t�ril E���r���r ��� �p�r��r�� h�t�� F'�,bli� 1IV�r�� �i�ri�E�r�: �. �ra��ir��# �r�in��� a�r�d �r��i��n ���tr�l. �. �#r��t ��ui�n�, ��rb, �u�t�r�r�� �i����rra�l�c, �. Pu#�li� ���liti��. . �!. VII�#���r�� ���r�r�r. �, �r��r ����r �rr��r�verr��nt� a�� r���ired �y �I�� ��r�r�u�r���y ������pr�er�� �i r�ct�r. ��, �fh� �i�� ���n ���II ir-��lu�� th� f��l��nrin�: �. Th� I����i�r� �r�d �i�� �� �II ��c��tir�� �n� pr������ �r�t�r, ��v�r�r, �nd �t�r� �ir��r���� f��iliti�� �vi�F�i�n t�� ���j��t ���� ��c� ��uttir�� ��r�et� �r �II���. b. TI�� l���ti�nf qua���it� ��� �iz� �f ��I ��ci�tir�� �nd �r������ ���r�r ��t�ra�l�, �. Th� l���t��n, �i�� �nd �ri�nt��i�n �f a�11 #r��� �r�����c�r���. �. ��� ��i�tir�� �r�� �r�����d ��r��l line� a��� ����rn�nt� �r��sir�� �h� �r���rty, Agenda Item 9.b. Page 19 �����l�Tl�l� I��. PAC E '�1 �, TI�� I���ti�� �r�� dirr��n�i�n ���II ��i�tin� �rr� �r������ ���r�d �r���. f. T�� I������r� �f�II ��ci��ir�g �r�d �r����e� ��b�i� �r �r����� �#il��i��. ��. I rr��r��r�r�n��nt p��n� ����I �r���u�� �f�r-� �nd pr�fi�� �f ��ci��ir�� ��� pr�p���� ��r����, u��li�i�� �r�d r���ir�ir�g �r�r�l��, ��. L�rrd����� �r�d irri��t��r� �I�r�� �r� r�qu�ir�� f�r I�r�����pir�� v�ri�hir� �h� pu�li� ri�ht �f �v�y, �r�� �h�ll b� ���r��r�d b� t�� ��rx�r��rn�t}r �������r��r�t a��� P�r�c� a�r�d F���r��ti�n ����rtnr��n��. In a�����i�n� T��� ��rr�r�run�t}r ���r�l��r�r��t �ir��t�r - �h�ll �ppr��r� �r�}� I�r�������r�� �r irr���ti�r� �v�tl�ir� � ����i� r��l�� �� �v�}r �r ��i��r-vvi�� �� b� rr��ir�#�in�� �� �f�� �`rt�r. V1�AT�F�: �8. ��r��tr��#i�r� �nr�t�r �� ��r�il��l� a�� ��e ��r��r��� }r�r�. Th� �it�r �f�rr��� �r��nd� d��� ��t �Il��nr ��� ��� �� h��r�nt r��t�r�, ��. ���� p�r��l ��r��l h��r� ����r�t� �v�t�r r�n�t�r�, �u�f��c ��rvi�� lin�� �h�ll �� u���� if����ibl�. ��. L�#� ����g �ir� �prir��C�er� �h�ll i���r� indi�ri���l s�rvi�e ��r�r����i�rr�. � fir� ��rin�l�r �r��irr�er �h��l d���rr�i�� �h� �i�� ��th� �nr���r rr��t�r�. ��. Th� ����i���t �I��II ��r��l�t� rr��a��ur�� �� n�utr�li�e ��� ��tir����� �r��r���� �rr v�r�t�r d�rr���nd �r��t�� ��r#�� pr�j��� �� �ith�r; � �, Ir�p��r�n�r�� �r� in�i�ri�u�� �r�r�t�r ���gr�r� ��n�i��ir�� �� r��r��it�ir�� ��ci��in� I���h-fl�� �i�r��ir�� fi�ctur�� �nrith i��r fl�vrr d��ri���. Th� ��I�����i��� �h�ll b� � �u�r�i#t�� �� ��� ��r�nr�n�r�i��r ���r����r��r�� D�r��#�r ��r ���ri��v a�nd �p�r���l. �h� �r������ �nd��ri���� �r�ra�t�r �r��ra��-r� �h�ll h� �u��it#�� t� �I�� �it�r ��u�n�il f�r���r���l �ri�r�� ir�npl�r�r��nt����r�; �F�, �. ��r� ���li��r�t �a�}r ���r a�n in li�u f�� ����,��� f�r�a��#� r���v r��i��r�ti�l u�n�t. �EI�VER: ��, Ea��l� �a�r��� ���I� b� pr�v�d�� � ����r��� s��rer I���r�l. ��, AI I ���rv ��v�r�r r��i�� r���t �� a� �n i r�i rr��,r� ���r����r�� �". ��. All ��v►r�� I�t�r��� �v�thi� th� �u�li� r��l�t �f�nr�y r���� h��r� � r�rirr. �I��� ���°��. ��. �II ���v�r r��ir�� �r I���r�l� �r���in� �r p��rall�! t� �u�li� �va�t��r f��ili���� �h��l b� �����r����� in ����r��rr�� �nrit� ��I�f�rr�i� ���t� �I��Ith A��n��r ���nd�rd�, ��. E�ci�t��r� ��v��r I�t�ra�l� �� �e �b�r���rr�� ���I� �� �r�p�r�� �b�r���r��d �r�� ������ �� �h� r��in ��� ��� r�qu�ir�r��r��� �� th� ��r��nu�r�i�� ���r�l�prx��r�� �ir��t�r, . ��. ����ir� ����r��r�� �r�r� �h� ���th ����t� ���i��ti�n �i�tr��� ��r t�� ��v�����n�n�'� ir�r����� t� Di�tr��� f��iliti�� �ri��-t� �ir��l r���r�a�ti�r� �f��� rr��p. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 20 �������i�� ��. ���� �� ���LI� IJTI�.ITI��: � ��. lJr���r�r�u�r�d �Il n��nr p��li� utiliti�� ir� ����r��n�� �rvi#h ���ti�r� 1�.��.��� �f th� ����I��rr��n� ����. ��. l�r���r�r�u��� �I� ����#i�� �v�rh��d p�r�li� �til'rti�� ��n-�it� �rr� ir� th� ��r��t in a����rd�r��� �rvi�l� ����i�� 1�.��.��� �f t�� ����I��rr��n� ����. ��. lJr�d��-�r��n� ir�n�r��r�rr��n�� sh�l� �� in���ll�d �ri��t� �tr��� p��in�, � ��I. ���r�ni� �II ir��r��r�r�n��n� p��r�� �� th� �u�li� util��� ���nnp�ni�� ��r �p�r��r�l �n� ��r�nr��r�#. �J�f�i��r ��rr����t� �h��l b� f�r�v�r��� �� tl�� ��rr�rn�ni�� ��v�l��r���n� �ir����r f�r �ppr��r�l. ��, ���r�nit th� �ir��� fl�l�p ���I� �� th� p���i� util�t� ��rr���r�i�� ��r r��ri��nr �nd ��r�nr�n�r��, lJtili��r ��r�nrr���#s ����I b� ��r�nr�r�e� t� tl�� ����u��t� D��r�1��r�n�r�t �i r��t�r f�r a�p�r��ra�I, . ��. �r��r t� ���r��ring �r�� ��il�ir�� ��rr�nit v�rith�r� t�� �r�j��� ��r ������r���r, �I� �ubl�� u��iliti�� �1��11 b� ���r��i�na��. �TI�E���: ��, �b��ir� a���r���� fr�rr� t�� ��rr��nun��� ���el���n��t ��r����r �ri�r t� ��c���r���r�� in a�n�r �tr��� ����r�tl�r �v�r-I�i� �r �Ic�rry ���le�, Th� ��r�r�r�u�r�it� ��v����r�er�t ��r��t�r ��r��l ���r��r� ��� rr���k��� �� r���ir ���r�}r ���I� tr�n����, b�t �h�11 rr�t �� lir����� �� �r� ��r�rl��r, �lurry ���I, �r��g ���I, ��, All �r�r���ir�� ��r �Ety �tr��t� �I�a�ll utili�� �a��nr �uttir��. Ar�� ���r �u�t� �h�ll �� ����r��� �r��i �Il��i �vith ����c�. ��, �II ��r��� ����irs sl�a�ll be ��n�tru���� �� �it� ���n��r��. ��, ��r��t ��ru���r�l ���ti�ns sh�ll b� d���rr�r�in�� b� a�rr �-ll�lu� ��il t���, ��t �h�ll r-��# b� I��� �I��� �" �� ��ph�lt �r�� �" ���I�s� II 1��. �lJ��, C�TT�F�, �N� �I��11VAL�: ��. l..Jtil��� ���v ��.,t� ��r �II r��a�i�-s r��d� ir� ���r�, �ut�e�, �r�d �i��v�ra�l�c. ��. Ir���a�l� tr�� �nr�ll� ��r �E� t�-��� �I�r���d ��ja���r�t t� �urb, ��tte�- �r�� ��d��rv�l�c �� p�r��r�r�� ��r���� �iu�� �� r��t �r��rvth. �RA�3��C: ��. ��rf�rrr� �Il �r��ir�� ir� ��rrf�rr��r��� �rit� t�� ��t�r �r���r�g ���ir��r���. ��I. ��br�ni� � �r�li�nin��r ����� r�p�rt �r���r�� �� � ���i�t�r�� ���ril �������r ��� �u���rt�� �� �d�q�r�t� t�s� ��rin��. AI� ��r#��r�rk ��si�n �n� �r�dir�� ��a�l� �� ��r��r�r��d ir� ����rd�r��� �r�ri�l� t�� �ppr�v�d ��il� r���rt. ��. �u�rr�it �I� r�t�ir��r�� v�r�l� �a����l��i�rr� f�r r�vi�v�r �r�d ���r��ra�� �a}� ��� ���rrrurri�� Dev�l��r�n�r�� Dir��t�r��r�v2�ll� ��t �on��r����� �er �i�� �t�r��i�r��. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 21 i���������� ��. ���� i� ��I����. � ��: �II dr�ir���� ����liti�� �1��11 �e d��i�n�� t� ����r�nr����t� � '���-�r�a�r �#�rrr� �l��nr. ��. �1� �r��na��� ���il�ti�� �h�l� �� in ����r����� �v��� ��� Dr�rr���� N1����r ����. ��. �"�� �r����� i� ir� �r�i�n��� ��r�� ���t, a��rd r��y �i���r�r�� ���rrr� v��t�r rur��f�t� �i�� f��il�ti��. ���I��#TI�IV� AIV�] ��►�EIVI�I�T�: ��. A11 ����rx��r�t�, ���r���r�r��nt�, �r �ir�nil�r ����r�n��ts �� �� r���rde� �� � d����rn�r�� ���a�ra�t� �r�r�n � r�n�p, ���II b� �r�p�r�� �� th� ���I���r�t �r� � 'I�� �c '�'I ��t}� ��ar���r� ��rrr��, a��� �I��I� ir��lu��� �e��l ��s�ri�t��r��, �k������, �I���r� ��I�ul��i�r��, �r�� � ��rr��� �r�li�m�r��ry titl� r���rt. Th� ����i��r�t ���I� �� �����rr�i�l� ��r ��� r��uir�d f���, irr�lu��n� �r�}� ���i�i�r��l r���ir�� �it� pr�����ir��, ��. �►��r���r��n�n� �f ���li� �tr���� a�r�� ��b�i� ����r��r�t� �I��I� be li���� �n �I�e fir��� ���� �� ����r��r��� �nrith �e�ti�n �����.�� ���h� �ub�i�ri�i�r� M�� ���, 8�. �tr��# tree ���r���r�� �n� r�r��ir�t�r��r��� ���e�n��t� ��a�ll �� ded����e� ��ja���rr� t� ��I ��r��t r���t �f �rr���. �tr��t tr�� ��s�r��rrt� �h�11 b� � r�nir�ir�nu�nn �� '�� f��� ���r�r�� ��� ri�h� ���v�}�, e�c��p�th�t ��r�et tr�� ����r�e��� �I���� ��c�lu�� tl�� �r�� ���r�r�� �� ���li� u���i��r ��s��m�nt�. ��, A P�bli� l�ti�i�� E����n�r�� ��I.JE� �h�ll �� �����a���� � r�ir��rx�ur� � f��t �v��� ��j���r�� �� �I� �tr��t �i��� ���nr��r�, �'�� �'l.J� �h�ll b� �v���r �nrh�r� ne�����ry f�r �f�� ir����ll����n �r r�n�ir�t�r-����� �� ��� pu�li� ���lit� ��ul��, ����, �r �i�il�r f��il��i�s. ��, Pr��r�t� ���er�n�r��� �l��II �� r���rv�d ��r t�� �n�p ��r�r ��� �r������ ��nn�nn��n �l ri�rev�r�}r f�r tl�� ��Il�v�rir��: �. �r�in���. b. �ri�r�t� ���lit�r ��rvi���. �. ������. PEF�II���`�: ��1, �bt�ir� �n �r������hrr��nt p�rr�i� �ri�r t� p�r-��rr�ni�� �r��r �f��� f�ll��r�r��; �. P�rf�r��r�� v�r�rl� ir� �I�� �it�r ri��t�f�nr��. �. �t��ir�� v�r�rk in th� �i�}r ri�h��f�rv��r. �, �t��k�ilir�� r����ri�� ir� th� �it�r r�����f�nr��r, �, �t�rin� �qui�rx���t �� ��� �i�� ri�h# �f�►va��. { � ��. �b���r� a� �r��in� ��rr��t �ri�r �� ����er����m��n� �� �n� gr��irr� ��era��j�n� �� ����. �►C F�E EIIA EIV�`�: ��, Ir������i�n Ac�r��rrr�r��. Pri�r t� ���r��r�l �f a�n �r�npr��r�r��r�t �la�r�, �I�� ���li��n� �I��l� �nt�r in�� �r� ��r��r��r�t �nri�l� ��� �it� f�r ir������i�r� �� the r�q�ire� ��n�r��r�r�n�r���. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 22 F�E��LIJ�I�l� �V�. PAC� 14 3�. �u��d��r��i��n � ���rr���t, Th� �ub�ivi��r �h��� �r����r int� � ��r���vi���r� �gr��rr��r�t #�r #�� ��r�n���ti�r� �r�� �u��ra�n��� �� �r�npr��r�r��n�� r��r��r��. TI�� �ub���i���� � ��r��r�n�r�� �h�ll �� �r� a� f�rr� �����t�hl� t� th� ����r, IIV����V��1��VT �E���IT���: ��. All irr��r�v�r�n�n� ���uriti�s �h�l� b� �� � ��rr� �� ��� f�rt� �r� ���r����rr��rrt ���e ���ti��n '��,��.���, �rr��r��r�r�n��� ���uriti��. ��r. ��brx��t �n �n�ir���r'� ���ir��t� �� ���nti���� ��� ��k�li� ir�r��r�u����t� ��r re�ri�v�r ��r t#�� ��r��m�n�t�r ���r�l�pr-���r�t Dir����r. ��. Pr���d� fi��n���� ����ri�}r ��r tl�� ��Il�v�ir��, �� b� ����� �p�n � ����tru�ti�n ���t ��#irx��t� ���r��r�� ��r t�� ��r�rrr�r�i��r ���r����rrr��� �ir��t�r: a�, F������� �er��rr�na���e: 1���1� �� ��� ��p�-�v�� ��tir�n�t�� co�� �� �r� �u���vi�i�� ir�n�r��r���nt�. �. L���r �nc� �Ill���r��ls: ����� �� ��� ��pr��r�d ��tir��t�� ���� �f �II ��,��i�ri���n irx��r��r���nt�, � �, �ne Yea�r ���rar�t��: ���1� �f th� ��pr�v�� ����r�n���d ���� �� �II ��bc���r��i�r� irr��r��r�rr��nt�. Th�� ���� i� r���ir�d pri�r �� �����t�r��� �� t�� ���di�i�i�n ir�npr��r�rxr�n#�. �. Illl�n�rner����i��: �I����o �f�h� ��tirrr���d ���t ����ttir�� ��rv�y r�n�n�r�r��r�t�. TI��� �ir��r��i�l ���urit� r���r �� �v�i�r�� if�l�� ����I���r'� �u�rv���� ��br-���� �� #�� ��r�nrr��nit�r �e�r�l�pr�n��t �ir����r � ��tt�r ���ur�r�� �ha�� �II r�n�r��r�n��ta��i�n h�� ���r� ���, � ���IEF� ���L��VI�I�TAT��N: ��, T�� ��rti�i��t�: Th� ����i�a�r�t ���II f�rr����r � ���#ifi�a�#� �r�r�n tl�� t��c ��I�����r'� �f#i�� fr��i��ting t��t �k��r� �r� n� unp��� ���c�s �r ������I �s���sr���t� a���ir��t th� �r����#y, �I�� ��pl���nt r���r �� �-��uir�d t� ��r�d f�r �r��r u��n��i� t��c�� �r li�r�s �g�in�� �F�� �r�p�rt�. T'�i� �h�fl �� �u��r�i�t�� �ri�r t� ��a��ing �k�� r�a�� �n ��r� �i�}r ���n��� �►g�n�a f����pr��r�l, ��, P��lir�i��ry Titi� F�e��rt: A ��rr�rr� ����irr�i���y titl� r����t ���II b� �u��r�ni�#�� �� . th� ��r�nr�unit� ����I���rr�r�# �ir����r �ri�r t� �he��cir�� th� r�na��. 'I��. ���d����i��n ���r�nt��: A ��rr�rrt �ub�i�r��i�n g����r�t�� ���I� �� �u��r�itt�d �� t�� ��r�r�n�r�i�� ���r�l�p��r�# Dir����r v�rith t�� fin�� ��br�nit#�I �f th� N1�p, P�i���I'� ���LJIN� A �IJIL�I�� P�F�ell'IIT: 1�1. T�� �irra�l II��� �[��ll �� r���r��� �vith �I� ���n��ti��� �f ���r�va�� ��ti�����. _ Pf�l�l� T� I���.li�V� A ��F�TIFI��4TE �� ���1.l�AIV�Y: '���. �II ��iliti�� �I��II �� ���r�ti����, 1��. AM� �s���n�ia�l �r�j��t �rn�r��r��-r��n�� �h�ll �� ��r��tru����� pri�r t� ������n��r. �1��- ����nti�l �r�pr��r�r��n��, ���r��n#��� t�� �r� ��r�����t �r��i �ir����i�� �e�uri�i��, ���r b� �����r���ed �ft�r ���u���n�� �� d�r����d b}r th� ��r�nr�nu�r�it� ���r�l��r�n�r�t �ir����r, Agenda Item 9.b. Page 23 ���������ru ru o. ���� �� ���. �'r��r�� the �i��� 'l��l� �f ���u���r��i�� ��r��� �r�j��� �r� i��u���, �I� irr��r�v�r�n�r��� ., �I���� �� f�ll� ��r���ru���d �n� �����t�d �� th� �i��. IVI IT���TI�[� IVI��#�l�F�E� A r��g�t��� ���I�r��j�n �nr��� r�niti�a�ti�n r����u�re� ��� b�en ������� f�r th�� ���j��t. Tl�e ��Il��nr�r�� rr�itig�ti�r� �n���ur�� �h�ll �� ir�r�pl�rrr��n��� �� ��r�di�i�r�� �f �p�r���� �r�� ����1 �� r�n�r�it�r�� b}� ��r� �����pri�t� �it�r ����rtr��n� �r r����n�ible �g�n�y, T�� a��pli��n� ����� t�e r����r��i�1� f�r �r�ri#���ti�n in writir�� b� ��� rr��n�t�rir�� �le��rtrx�er�� �r a���n���h�� tF�� r���ig����n r�e��ures h��re been irn��err�er�tec�. Nl������i�r� Il�ll��s�r��; Nlll� �.1: Ai� ne�r�r �r�p�r��r �r�rr��r� rr���� �i�n � F���I E����� Tra�n���r Di������r� in�������ng t��t t�r�� ��kr���r�r����� a�r�� ��re� t� th� pr��r��i�r�� ��r����r��� ir� tl�� �i��'� F�ig�rt-T�-��rr�r� �r��n����. � d�ed r��tri�ti�n �h�ll �� �la���� �n �I! thre� �a�r��ls irr����tir�� �h�� requir�r��r�t, I�����r��ik��� ��r��: [���r�����r; ���I ����t� A��r�� �- Il��r�it�r�n� ���n��: ����r �f Arr��� �r�n�� — ��rr�rx�un��� ��v�l�pr���t ���#. ����3� �`i�mir��: Pr��r t� �I��� �����r��v �II�III! �.�: TI�� ���li��r�t �h�ll �c��r�it � fir��� I�n������ ���r� ��r��� ��ri�u�#ur�1 bu�if�r� �r��a�r�� �y �r� �n�rir�r�rr���t�l ����ia��i�t �r ���f��s��n�l bi�l�g��t ��rr�ili�r v�r�th ��r�c�it�ral ��ff���, to be re�rt��nr�d �nd �p�ro�red �� �he �i�y'� �rboris� �n� ��� �►����t��t��r�l F�e�i��v ��r�nr������ �AF��� �� �n�ur� th�t ��r� �I�r�t ��I��ti�� � ��r�vi��� ��f������ a�r�� ���r�pri�t� ��r�er��r�� �nrit� f��t �r��v�r�� ��r�r�r��n �r��� �r�� �hr��� ��r����i��� �nri�k� ��c��tin� r��t��� �r�����ti�r�. P�r ��� E�r�l��ti�r� �r�� F����r�nrr��r������r� ��r A�ri�ul�ur�l B�ff�r ��r t�� ���j��t �r���r�� �� Firr�� ��t�� F��r�,�ry ����, � r���►r �f tr��� �h�ll b� �la�r�t�� in t�� �r�� �I�r�� t�� �ri�r��nr��, r�u��l�r �vh�r� s��r�r�l �r��� �r� �r�p���� t� �� r�r�n��r�� t� ��i�d ��� �ri�r��va��# �s �n �n�����rx��r�� �� th� a��ri�ul�u�ra�� ��f��r. Th� tre�� �h��� �� �I���rr� a�� �r���-I��f��r��-�r���r �� ���if��r� �rr �h� f���1 I�r��s��pe �I��. F��s��n��ble P�rt�: L3���I���r Il�l�n����-in� ��er���: �it� �f A�r�y� �r�r�d� -•-- ���; ���r��ti�r� �r�d ��ir�t�r��n�e ���vi��� ����. �F��N1�� Tir�n�n�: �ri�r t� i�su��rr�� �f F3�il�it�� P�rr-r+�i�, ��r���ru�ti�r� P��s� Er�nis�i�n� �I�� �r�j��t �h�l� ��rn�l�r �rv��� �Il a�p��i�a��l� �ir P�I�uti�r� ��nt�r�l �i��r��� ������ r���l��i�r�� p�rt��nir�� �� ��� �or�tr�l �����i�iue �u�t {PN1��� �� ����a�ir��� ir� ���ti�r� �.� �� �k-r� �ir ����i��r !-��r������c, Ali �it� gr��in� �I�rr� �h�l� li�� �h� f��l�v�rir�g r�gu����i�n�: Agenda Item 9.b. Page 24 ����LL�TI��I IV�. 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A�� pr�j��� �rith � gr��in� �r�� �r�a���r �h�� �.� ����� ��c����� ��� A���'� �'IVI�� �u�rt�rl�r �hr��h�ld. 7`i�i� ������� i� rre�r- ����r��i����r ��►��i�i�r� r�����ors ar�d ���I� �e co�rdi�ior�eaf �o �or����r vwri�� �1! ���Iica�l� �P�D reg�r���io�s ��r��i►�ir�� �� ��� ��r��r��� ���r��i�i�r� c���� ���'lrf��� �� ��r���r'rr��f ir� ����i�►� 6.� ���i�e �4ir C�u�li�}��1ar�c��aok. �I� PN1�� ��ti���i�n r�����r�� r�quir�d ���II �� �h��rr� �r� ����irr� �r�� ��i��irr� �I�r��. T�� ��r�tr����r �r �ui���� �h�ll ���� d��i�n��� � ��r��r� �r ��r��n� t� rr��r�it�r��r� ���� ��ntr�l ����r�rr� �rr� t� �r��r ir��r�a�s�d ��t�r�n�, a�� ne�����ry, t� pr�v�r�� ���r�����t �� du�� ��f��t�. �'��ir �u��i�� �h��l �r���u��e h�Ei��y� ��r� �nr���c�r�� �eri��� �nrh�n �v�rk r�n�� r��t �� in �r��r���. �f�� rr�rrre �rr� ��le�f��r�� rr�►��er- �� �c��l� p�rsorr��� sh�!! �e pro�rialed �a ��� AP�D prior�� lar�d u�� cl�ar�rr�e far map ►����r�c���i�rr �r�af firrisl�e��r��c�ir�gr����� �r�e�. �1�!si�e �radir�� �r�af derrroli�iorr�1�r��s�ra111i����e fo�lowir�� r�gu�a�iorr�: 'I. F��du�� ��e �r���n��f��� di�t����� �r�� �v��r� ����r���. �. lJ�� �f v��t�r t�-u��c� �� ��rir��cl�r �y���r�� i� �u�f��i�n� �u�n�iti�� �� pr��r�r�t �ir��r�n� ���t fr�r�r� ����in� �h� ����, Ir��r����� �nr���r�r�� fr����n�� �� �r�qu�r�d �rh�n��r�r v�rir�d ����d� ��c��e� 1� r���. I�����ir�n�� {r��r�-�����I�} �nr�t�r �C��uld �� u���� �r�r��n��r�r ����ibl�. �, �►II dirt �����c pi�� �r��� ���II �� ������d ��il�r a� rr�����. �. P�rrx��r��r�t dc��t ��r�tr�l r-�-��a��u��s i��r�t�fi�d in ��� ���r�v�d �r����t r�v���t�t��� �r�� I��n���a��� �I�n� �I��ll �� ir������r���� �� ���r� �� ����ib�� f�����virr� ��rr��l�ti�r� ���r�}� ���I d��tur�in� a��t��ri�i�s, . Agenda Item 9.b. Page 25 F����LI�T��IV �V�. PAG� 1� �, ��p���� gr��r�� �r��s �h�� �r� �I�r�r��� �� �� r��nr�r�c�d �� d���� gr��t�r �h�n �ne r���tk� ���r initi�l �r�dir�� �I��I� �� ���nr� �vt��r � ���� g�rrr�in�ti�� r���i�� �r��� ���d �n� �rv�t�r�d �r�ti� �r�����#i�n i� � e�t�l�l��h�d. �. �II di�turb�� ��il �r�a�� r��� ������t t� r��r���t��i�r� ����I �� �t�bi�i��� u�i�� ���r��r�� �h�r����l ���� bin��r�, j�t� n�t�in�, �� �tl��r rr��t���� ��pr��red �r� �dv�r��� ��th� ����, �, All r��d��y�, dri�r��rv��r�} ��d��v��k�, �t�, t� b� p���� ����� b� ��rr��le�e� �� ���n �� ����i���. In ��diti�n, �u�ildir�� ���� �k��ll b� I�i� �� ����n �� ����i�r� �ft�r �r�ding ur�i��� ����ir�g �r ��il bir���r� �r� u���d, �. 11�hi�l� �p��d f�r �II ��r���ru���i�n �r��r��f�� �h�l� r��� ��c���d 1� r�r��h �� �n� u�n���r�� ���F��� �t t�� ��n��ru��i�n �it�. �. �i� tru��c� ����ir�� ��rt, ��r�d, ��i�, �r ���r�r I���� rr����ri��� �r� �� b� ����r�� �r �I��II r��ir�t�ir� �t I���t �v�r�,f��� �� fr�����rd �r�ir�ir��r�n �r�rt���l �i���rr�e h�t�v��n t�p ��I��� �n� ��� �f�r�il�r� ir� a��orda�n�� �rith �11� ���t��r� ��1��. �1�, ��n���ll �nrh��l �nr����r� v�rh�r� �r�l���l�s �nt�r ��� ��cit �r������ r���� ���� ��r����, �r�nr��� �fF t�u��CS �r�� ���i���n� I���rir�� th� �it�. '1'I,��e�� ���r��t� �t t�r� er�d �� ���h ���r if v��i�l� ���I r�n���r�al �� ��rri�� ���� ��j���r�t p��r�d r����. 1IV�t�r ��nr��p�r� �fi���l ��� re�l�ir�n�� �r�t�r�vh�r� f�������, I�IIII� �.'��: F���t��l� ��u��r�r�ent, �� h�r����v�r�r �h�} �r �r��ter# u��� dc�r��� ��n�t�c;ti�rr a��ti�ri�i�� r��u��r� ������rnia� �t���v�rid� ��r-t��l� �qu�i�r�nent r����tr�ti�� {���u�� h� �h� ���if�rr�i� Air F�����r��� B�a�rd� �r �rr A��D ��rrr�i�, �'� r�ninirr���� ��t�r��i�f ����}r�, ��� ��pli��ntlb��ld�r �I���I� ��rr���� �I�� AP�� �n�ir���rirr� �i�ri���r� �� ��'I-��1� ��r ����ifi� ir�f�rrr�a�ti�n r�����ir�� ��r�itkin� r��uir�r�n�nt�. IIIIII�I �.1'I; �c��ir�� r�e��ri��i�r�� r���r� �err�i�i�r� �������r�� #'�� b��f� �r� �r�c� �ff-r���af ���ri�rr����. �I. �#a�i�� �r�d qu�u��r�� �r��� ����i ��� b� I���t�d �vit�irr 'I,��� f��� �� �er��it��r� r���p#�r�, �, �i���� ��lin� �vi#�in �,��� f�����s��n���iv� r������r� �s n�t p�rr�n�tt��. �. l..J�� �f �It�rn��i�r� ���I�d ��ui�r�n�r�t i� r���r�r�n�n��� v�r��rr��r�r ����ib��, �. �i�r�� �I��� �����f� �h� rr� i�l�r�g r�qu�r�r�err�� ����I b� ������ �n� �n��r��� ���h� ��n��r��ti�r� �i��, �IIIIIA �.'I�: lc�lr'rr� re���i��i��r� ��� �rr-����f �r��i�le�. �e�ti�r� ���� �� T�tle ��f �h� �a�li��rr�i� ��d� �r ����I�ti�n� �ir�nit� ���in� �irr�� f�r di���l-���I�d corrrr�n�r�ia�l r����r v��i�l�� th�t ���ra�t� ir� ��� �t�t� �f ��li���-r�i� �nri��r �r��� v�k���u���r �v�i�l�t ��tir��s �f �r�a��r th�n '��,��� p�u�rrd� �r�d i��er���c! ��r �pera��i�r� �� hig��nr���. Tt�i� r�g�rl�ti�n a�p����� t� �a��i��rni� �r�� n�n����i��rr��� b�s�� �r�f�i�l��. f r� ����r�i, �l�� r��ul��i�r� ����i�i�� �h���ri�r�r� ����id �r�hi�l��; Agenda Item 9.b. Page 26 �������i�� ��. ���� �� 1. �I���I r��t ��I� �h� ��hi�l�'� prir�na�ry �`r���� �r��i�� f�r ���a���r #h�n � r�nin�t�� a�� ��}� I����i�rr, ������ a�� r����� i� �ub����i��n ��� �f th� re����t�o�; �nd �. ���II n�� ���r�t� � �i���l-fu�l�� a���li�ry ��v�r�r ���t�� ��P�� t� ��v���- � ���t�r, �ir ��nditi�r��r, �r �n�r �n�il��ry e�ui���r�� �n th�� �r��i�le ��r�r�� sl���i�n� �r r����r�� in � ������r ��rth ��r�r����r t�a�n � r�ir��,��� �� ��� ����ti�n v�r��n �nritF��t� 'I�� f��� �f � r��tr����� �r��� ��c���� �� ��te� in �ub����E�r� ��l� ��tl�� ���u��t��r�, �i�r�� �t��l� �e ���t�� in #�� ���i�n���d �u�c�ir�g �r��� ��� j�� �it�� �� r�r�in� . �ri���r� ����� � ��r�ut� i�lirr� lir�nit. `f�h� ����i��� r�qu'rr���r��� �n� ��c�e�ti�r�� �r� #�� r� �I�ti�rr ��r� �� ���ri��nr�d �� t�� ��ll��vir�� �r�b �i��: � v�rv�r�nr.�r�.��. ����n� r� �t�-u�l��idri� �����. �f II�I�III �.'I�: lc��irr� �e��ri��i�►�� ��r �ff-r���c� �c�c���rrr�r��. ��f r�a�� �i���l ���i�r��r�t ����I c:or�r��l� �ri�h t�� � r�ninut� i�lin� r���ri�ti��n ��en�ifi�� En ����i�n ����{�i}��� �f tk�� ��li��rr�i� Air F��s�u�r�e� ���r�'� In-lJ�� �if-f���� �i���� r��u�l�ti�n: vv�v�v,�r�,��. ���r� ���1������r�i��1��'�f����l. ��, �i�r�� �I��I� b� p����d irr t�� de�i�r��ted q�eu�rr� ar��� �r�d jo� s�t�s to r��nind o�#-road �q��prx�ent o�er��or� of #h� � �n�nu#� Fdlir�� lirr�it, IIA�IA �.�I�: TI�� �r�j��t �it� i� I������ �r� � ���nd����� ���� ��r N�tur�ll� ���urr'rrt� ��b��#�� �I����, �nr���f� I��� ���n i���t�fi�� �� � t��ci� �ir ��r��a�r�ir��n� b� �h� ���if�rni� �ir F�����r��� ���r� ��F���. l�r���r��� �F�� �ir T��i�� ��rr�r�l Ill�����r� {AT�I�II� f�r ��n�tr�.��ti�r�, �r��ing, ���rrir��, �r�� ��r�a��� N1�r�i�� �p�r�ti�n�, �ri�r �� ��� �r��En� ���i�rit��� �� th� �it�, ��� �r�j��t �r���n�r�� �h�ll �n��r� �I��t � l ���I���� ��r�lua����r� i� ��r��u�ted �� d���rr�nin� if N�A �� �r���r�t �vitl�i� tl�� �r�a� t�r�t �rill �e �i�tur��d, If �J�A i� n�t �r���n�, �n ��c�rr���i��n r�q���t r�n��t b� �ii�d �nri�h tl�� AP��. I� lV�A i� f�ur�� �� �I�� �it�, t�� ���li��r�t r���t ��r�p��r v�i�h �II r����r�rr����� �u�lirt�� ir� th� �������� AT��11. T�i� r��� �n�l��� d��re����nn�n# �f �� A����t�� C���t N1iti���i�r� Pl�r� �nd �r� A������� �--I��ItI� �n� ����ty Pr��r�� ��r a���r�v�l b� t�r� �P��. PI���� r�f�r t� �h� ���� �v�� p�g� �� htt ;���rv�r�w.�l����a�n�ir,�r ���,�ir����������t��.�� ��r rr��r� inf��r��ti�r� �r ��n���t ��� �P�� En��r��r�n�r�t �i�ri�i�r� a�t ������'��. � �ra�t��n�� Pf���� �r�i����r�� �IIA �.'I�: Pr��ri�� ��r�de �r�� pl�n�ir�� �I�ng ������rr� ��c���u�r�� �� ��il�in�� �� r��u��� ��r�rr��r���I�r�� n��d�. II�IIII� �.'I�: �ri�nt ��r�n�� #� �rr��cir���� r�a�t�r�� I���tir�� �r�� �����r��, II�IIII�'� �.1�: Pr��rici� ��t�i��r ����tri��l �utl�t� �� h�r�n�s t� �n��ur��� #I�� u�� �f ele�tri� ���li�r���s �r��i t��l�. Agenda Item 9.b. � � Page 27 �����u�i�� �u�. PI��E '1� lII�II�I �.18: lJr���r AP�� F�ul� ���, �rrl�r A��� a���r���� �v��� ��r�ir�� d�v'r��� ��n b� in�t�ll�� in r��r�v ��r�r�llir�� u�it�. T���� ���ri��� ir��l���; � ��I �P�-�er�i�i�� ����� II �v��� burr���g ���ri���. . � ����lyt���r��� burr�ing ���ri����h�t �r�it I��� �I��rr �� ��u�l t� �.1 �r�rr�� ��r ���r �� ��rt���l�t� r��t��r �v�ri�l� �r� n�� �PA-��r�ifi�� �u� ���� ���rr v�ri�i�d ��r a� ��ti�r��ll�-r����ni��� ���tin� l�b. � �'ell�t-�u���� v�r��� f���t�r�. • �ed���t�d �as-fir�d ffrep�ac��. F�e����si�le �'�rt�: ���r�l���r Illl�ni��rir�� A�ger���: �it�r ���►rr��� �r���� — �DD; �P�� ��rn�fra���: Pri�r #� is���r��� �� B�il�in� ��r�rn�t a�r�d d�rin� �����r��ti�r� Illlfll! �.'I; "�k�� f�ll��nring r����u�r�� �h�ll �e ir�np��r�r�r���� t� �-��u��� ��t�r�ti�l �rx������ t� ��li��rn�� r��-I�g��d �r��� ��F���} ar�d �th�r li���� ����i�s t�r�� r�r�i�h� ���ur�vitl�i� �h� �ri��ri�r� �r�� ��#�re �u�j��� �r�j��� �it�: �. �ri�r t� corr��ru�ti�� ��ti�r�ti��, ��rv��� ���II �� ��rf�r�n�� v�rit��r� th� �u����� �r���rt� t� ��t�rr�in� �r���n�������n�� �f Pi�r�� ���r�ci�. I����� ����i�� i� ��u�� �r�-�i��, t�r� lJ.�. Fi�h ��� 111�il�lif� ��rvi�� �F1111�� ���ll �� ��nt��t�� �r�d �v�i��r��� r����ure� ir�pl�rxr�nt��. �. Pr��r �� ��r���r��t��n ��ti�r��i��, �r���r��������r��� ���v��r� �h�ll b� ��rf�rrr��d f�r rx��r�� ��r���r�r�r#, ��r�r����r� �r���r�r���# �r�� ���I's �rir��. l� �I�i� ����i�� �� f�u��� �r�-��it�, FVI�� ��a��l b� ��r�t����� �r�� ��r�i��n�� r�n���u��� ���I�r�n�r�t�d, , �, �� ���I�����I �urv�y� ��r��v ��id�r��� �f ��ci�t�r�� �h������n�� �r �r���r���r�� sp����r� �n ��t�, ��� ��n�tru�t��� ��Li�iLi�� r��at�� �� th� �r������ �r����� � sh�ll �� rr��r������� �� � q�a�lified �i�l��i�� ��r #�� dur��i�r� �f �h� pr����t. TI�� bi����i��� rr��nit�r ��r�ll ��nd��� � bi�l�����1 r���ur��� ��u��t��� pr��rarr� far �ork�r� ��-iar t� the ��it��t�or� af any cle�rir�� or ��r��t���tio� ��t��riti��. �h� ��r��#r��ti�r� �r��r f�r�r��r� � �h��Ed b� r��p�r��i��� f�r �r-��u�ir�� t��� �r�vrr r��r�n��r� ��rr��l�r �uj�h th� �����lir��� ��� ���� �II r���r ��r��r�r��i r�����r� ��� �r�in��� ������ p�rt�ki�� ir� ��n���u�t��n �c�ti�riti��, � T�� v�r�rl� �r�� h�urr��r��� �nd �th�r�fF-lirr�it �r��� �h�ll b� ���r��ifi�� b���� �r����� �i�l�gi�t. �n� ������#i�r� �I��rin� ���iv��i�� �h�i1 b� r�n�r�i��r�� ���1�� �n�i�� k�i�l�gi�t. �, ���k�r-�i�ht {��� h�ur� �r��r t� ir�i�i��i�n �� ��n�t��ti�r� ���i�ritie� �r�d ���i����t ������# � q�a�l�fi�� b��l����� s��ll ��nd��t �urv��� ��r �F�LF a�t t�r� �r�j��t �i#� in a����r��r��� �ritl� ��� F11��'� rev���� �urv��r ��i��lin�� {��rvi�� �����}. �� ��r� lif� �t��� �� th� ��LF i� f��,r�� �u��in� �[���� ��,�v���, �IlV� ���1� �e ��r�t��t�� ir�nrx��di���l�r �r�� �I� ���n��ru��i�r� ���iviti�� - �ha�t ��uld r��u�� �r� ���C� ���I� b� p��tp�n�ci u�r��il #�� F1�11� r� ��rr�ul���t �n� ��pr�pri��� ��ti�r�� �� ���i� t�k�� �r� c���r������! �r��i �r-r-�p��r�n����� �r�����. Agenda Item 9.b. . Page 28 �������i�� r��. �����o �, �� bi�i��i�a�� �u�rvey� �f��vrr ��id�r��� �� �F�L� �r� t�� �r�j��� ����, tF��n � �i�l����a�l r�n�r�i��r ���ll ir�����t t�� �r�j��t �ite ����r� �nr�r�c b��ir�� ���I� ���, i��lu�ir�� ur���r ��r�c�� ���i�r�n���, f�� �F�LF. I� �F�L� i� f��r�� �n�it� �u�rin� t�� ��il�r ir��p���i�r�� �r du�rir�� ��r��tru�ti�rr ���i�ri#i��# ��I �r�j��� ��ti�r��i�� t��t ���Id r���lt ir� ��k� �h�l� ����� �n�il FVII� i� ��r��ul�e� ��� ���r��r��t� a��t������ ��r�i� #��c� �re ��v�����d ��n� �r�r�pl�r��r���� �r��it�, �. Th� ������ �f th� pr�je���r�rl� �r�� �� �I�� �r���C �r����ti�n ���b��� �r�a� ���II �e ��r�c�� �vi�h �i�l� �ri�ibilit� ���n�� f�r-��in� �� ��n���r� ��r�ir�ni���i�r� �� h���#�� d����r��n�� �ri�t�i� t�� ri��ri�n a�r��, �e�p�r��ik�l� Pa�rty: ����f�p�r ll���i#�rin� A��n�y: �it� ���rr��r� �r��d� — ��I�; �1111� . `�ir�efra�r�n�: �ri�r t� �r��ir�� P�rr�r�i� ��� �urir�� ���n��r�,�#i�n II��I�II �.�: �h� Fir��l P�r��l ��� �f��ll �h��r�r �r� i�r��r����l� �fF�r �� ���i�at� ��� �r���c �h�r�r��l ��d tl�� ��' �r��� ��tb��k ���� �� �I�� ���y. All ��r���ru�ti�n ����r�n��nt� �I��I� ir��i�a�t� �h�t n� ����I��m�nt �r ��rth r���r�ng ���i�ri#��� �k��l� ���ur �nrithirr ��' �r��k ���b���C a�r��. Tk�� �r���C ���h��l� �r�� �h�ll �� ���irr����� �ri#� ��r���ru�ti�n ��r��ing. . F�e�p�r��i�l� Pa�rt�: ���r�����r Il�l�n���ring A��n��: ��ty �fArr��� �r�r��� � ��� T�r�nef�rarr�e: Pri��t� �r�dtr�� P�rr�r�i� II��IIII �.�� A Tr�� Pr�t��ti�r� P��r� �h�ll �� pr�����d �� � ��rt'rfi�� �r��ri�� ��r �I� p���n�i�l��r i�n������ tr��� #� r�rr��ir� �r� th� pr�je�� �it�, ir��l��ing tFr� ��Ir� tr�� ������� �� �I�� �ri�r�v�r�� ���e��, �►r�� ��tiv� tr��� i����t��r��ll�r �r ur�ir���r��i�n�ll�r I�ill�� �r r�rrr��e� t��t �r� �r��t�r �h�n �r ����I t� f�u�r ��� ir��h�� �i�rr���er �t �r�a�s� i��i�l�# ����-I} �n� I��� ���� tv�r�l�r� {��� ir��h�� ��H ��ra�ll �� r�p����� �� � �;'I r����, Tr��� rer-r��v�� ���t �r� �r����r t��r� �r �qu��� t� t�v�l�r� �'1�� �r��h�� ��I� ����I �� r��l���d �t a� �:'I r�ti�. F��pl���r��r�� �re�� �ha�ll b� lir�i�e� �� ���r���i�t� r��ti�r� �r�� ��e�ie� �� ���r��r�� b� t�� �it�'� �r��ri�t. All �r��� �� �� r�rr���r�� �r r�ta����d ��a��l �e r��rk�� �rri#� di�f�r�n�i����� ��I���� ri�b�rr �r ���r��. F�����r��ible ��rty: ���r�l�p�r �Il�r�i��r��� A�����: �i��r ���rr��r� �r�n�� — ���, F�e�r���i�r� a�nd M��r�ter�an�e �erv�ce� D��t. �R&N1�} Ti�ef'r�r��; ��r�e Pr�t��ti�r� �I�r� ��br-r�itt�� �ri�r#� �r��i�g ��rr��t. ll��r�it�rir�� �� �� ��n�u�t�d ��rr�� �r�dir�� �r�� ��rr�tr���i�r� ��tiv�ti��. I#IIlUI �.�: 1"� r����� ����i�r� I���a�rd� ��� t� ��r��t�u����� �����r��i��, �ra��i�� ��a�l� �� r�ir�ir�r�����, ��� �r�j��� ���1i��r��� �I���I ��� r�r���f a�r�d ���ir�n�r�� ��r�tr�� . ��ru��u�r��, ��n���r ����bli�� a� p��r�n��r�rrt p��r�t ���r�r �r� �a�r� ��il ������nrin� ��n��ru��ti�r-r. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 29 { ���������� ��i ������ �e���n�il�l� ��rty: D��r�l���r �Ill�r�i��ri�� ���n�y: �it� ����rr��r� �r�n�� — ��� Ti��fr�rx�e: F'r���t� �ra�dir�� �'�rr�nit 1�1111 �.�: I�I�I�r�C �h�[I b� ��r�pl���� dur�r�� �I�� �ry �����r� {A�ri� '�� t� ����b�r �1�} �� r�du�� ��t��� ��n��r���i�r� �r�si�n t� th� ��ct�nt ����i���. If ��r���ru��i�r� r�n��� ����n� ��n�� �h� �r�� �r�r��t�er �����rr, a� ���lifi�� ��rdr����l��i�# �r ���ri� er��in��r, �n� re�t�r�ti�� bi�l��i�t �k��l� �r���r� � �r��r��g� �r�� �r�s��n ��r�tr�l �I�n t�a�� ���r����� ��r��#r���i�r� r����ur�� t� �r��r�r�t ��dir�n�n#�ti�r� �n� �r��i�� �� �rr�}r� �r�r��� �r���c. F�e���n��l�l� ��r�y: ���r�l���r Illl�n���rin� A�er���: ��t� �f Arr��� �r�rr�� — �D� �ir��fr�r�r�e: Pri�r t� �����r�� P�r��� �r�� d�rir�� ��n�tru�ti�n II�II�I �.�: I�� fr��lin� �r ���r�t�n�n�� �f �����r�er�� �h�ll ta�kc� �I��� �vi#h�r� ��' �� #h� ��� �f �r��k ��r�k. 11�1e�h��i��l �q�i�r7r��nt ����f �� ��rvi��� ir� ����gn�#�� �t���ng �r��� I�����d �ut�i�� �f ��r� �r���c rip�ri�r� �r��, Vll�t�r �r�r� �����rn��� �nr����n� �r ��n�r�te �v��1� ���rn ���I� b� pr��r�n��� fr�r� er�t�rir�g ��r� �r���c, Ft����r��i�le P�rt�: ���r�l���r � IIA�n�t�rin� �g�n��: �i�� ��Arr��� �r�n�� — ��D �irnefr�r�e: �uri�n� ��n�tru��ti�n II�III�I �.�: �II t�r�r���r�ry �i�l ������ d�rir�� pr����t ��nstru�ti�r� �h�ll b� r��n��r�� �t �r�j��t ��r�n�l��i�r� �r�� th� �r�� r��t�r�� �� �p�r��cir��t� �r��pr�je�t �������� �rrd t���gr��h�. �es��n�ible P��ty: ��v�l���r �Ill�ni��rir�� �#�e�n��: �i#�r ��Arr��r� �r�rrd� — �D� Tir�nef�ra�r�r��: P�-i��-t� i����r��� �� � ��rtif��t� ���������n��r IIAll�ll �.�: I�� ��r��tru����rr ��hr�� �r �a�t�ri��� �h�ll b� �Il��r�� t� �r�#�r ��� �r���c ���# ��th�r �ir��tl� �r in�i�-��t��r. �����cpil�s ��r��ld �� k��� f�r �r����h f��r� th� �ar��C� �f �k�� ���iv� ���nn�l �n� �r�t��t�� t� pr��r�rr� r��t�ri�1 �r�rr� e���rin� t�� �r���C ��d. �e���n�i�l� ��rty; ��v�l���� �Ilf��it�rir�� A�en��: ��t�r �f Arr��r� �r�r�d� — ��D T�r���r�r��� �urin� ��r���ru��ti�r� II�III�I �.�: Equ��rr��r�t st����� �r��� a�n� ��h��le ��r�cir�� �rrd ���r���r�� s�r��l �� r��tri�t�� t� �e���r��t�� �����ru��i�r� ��n�s. Fl���ir�� �h��� �i�� b� ���� t� �e�p ��u��r�n�rrt, �r�l�i�l��, �r�d p�r��nr��l ���r�n r��tri���� �r��� ��.�, �nr��hir� ��� ��' �nrid� � �r���t ���k���k �r���. ��ri�� r��rr�n�l �i�� ��il�it�g ir���������n�, tl�e in������r �h�l� �n�u�� t�a�t �I�� ��' �r�e�C ����a���C �r�� i� ���ir���#�� a�r�d �11 ��r��tru��i�rr a��ti�rit�r i� ��t��d� �f th� ����a��c ����. � Agenda Item 9.b. Page 30 . ����L�T���l N�. PAC E �� �e���r��ik��e ��r�y: D��r�����r Illl�ni��ri�� �#��r���� �it}r ��Arr�}r� �r�r��� — ��D Tir�ne�r�rr�e: ��rin� ��r���ru��i�r� IIIIN� �.'!�: �'� r����� th� p�t�rrt��! �ttr��#��n �f �F��.F �r���t�r�f �II ����-r�l���� ����I� r�n�t�ri�l� ��.�., I��t��r���# �r��p�r�, �r�� ��r�t�in�r�} �I���� �� r�r7r���r�� �r�r� ��� ��n�tr�����n �it� ���h ���r, �r�� th� �i�� ��n�#�r��l�r r��ir���in�� �� I�tt�r-fr��. Pr�j��t p��r���nr��l ���II �� ir���ru�t�d r��t t� ��i�g ��t� �r�-����, �vh��� ��� a�l�� pr��r ���r� �F�LF. �e�p�r��il�le P�rty: ���r�l���r �Ill�r�it�ri�n� A�en��: �it}r ��Arr��r� �r�r�d� — ��� . Tir�efr���: ��,rir�� ��r���ru��i�r� �111�111 �,1'I: �#ri�� ����r�r��� t� �r��i�� ��r��r�l rr����ur��, ��� ��r�tr�� �f �r����t �ru�-�f�, �� ��i�i��l �� r��in��ir��n� ���� h�br���. F�i���i�r� r�r�itig��i�n# ���I��� �n� ��il� �niti�����r-� �r-�� h�rd��l���r r�n�ti�a�ti�n ����I �� i�n�l�r��r���d. F�esp�r��ik�le ��rt�: C���r�����r � ��r�it�rir�� �g�n��: �tt�r ��Arr��r� �r���� — ��D Tirr�e#r�r�r��: �urir�g ��rrs�ru��i�r� IIAI�II �.�I�: N� �-�r�-���r�� �f ri��ri�� �r �,�la�r�d �r��� �I��t �r��ri�� ����e t� Arr��r� �r�r��� �r���c ���II ����r, �Ill�r�a���r-n�r�� �I��I1 irr��u��� pl�ntin� �� �n��r�r� ����ri�r� �p��i�� {i.�., �rill��v, �i�-I��f r�n��l�, ��tt���nr���, �t�.� �I�r�� �I�� �r���c �� pr�vi�� �I���� �r�d t��r���re �i� i� ���lir�� �f �k�� �r���C, ����� ����i�� ���II �� �h�vrrn �r� �h� fir��l I�r������� �I�n f�r th� �����u���r�l �u�f�r, T�� �n��i�� ri��ri�r� ���i��t �h�ll �� �nh�n��� t� re��l� in a� n�� �er��fi� #� Arr��� �r���� �r���. T�� fin�l ��r������� ��an �h��� �� �r�p�r�d b�r � pr�f���i�r��� bi�l��i�t a�r�� ��b�rni�t�� �ri�r �� i��u�r��� �� bu���in� ��rr��t. ��� fin�l ��t����a�� �la�n s��l� �� r�vi��nr�� b�r �th�r r����r��i�l� ���r��i�� �n� ����c���l��r�# in�lud��� ��li��rr�i� ��p�rtr�r�r�� �f F��� �r�� ���� {��FB��}, ��n�ra�l ����t ���r�r��rr �nh�r���rr��r��, �h� F����ur�� ��r���rv�ti�r� �i�tri�## �n� L�r�d ��n��rv���� �� ��� ���r���r. Pl�n� �e���ti�r� ��r tl�� ��ri��lt�r�� buff�r�r�d ri��ri�r� �nfi��n�er�n��t �h�ll �� ���r��r��t�d. ., F�����r���bl� ��r�y: ���r�l���r Illl�ni���-ing �#�er���: �i�� �f�rr��� �r�nd� � �D� Tir�efr�r�ne: Pri�r t� i����r��� �� ��ildir�� F'�rr�nit �t�d �urir�� ��r���r��ti�n IIIIIIII �,'I. � ����ifi�d a�r�l����i��i�t �1��11 ��r�p��t� t�� ��t� r����r�ry ��� �niti��ti�r� ��c���r��i�r�� i�n ����r��r��� v�ri�k� #fi�� �h��� III l�r�l�a��l��i��l N���i��ti�r� ���ri�v�r �r���r�� ��r�h� pr�j��t �it� �� Tfi��r� ���nv�r��r, ��t�� ,Ja�r���ry 'I�, ����. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 31 ���������� ��■ . ���� �� �����r��ible F��rt�: D���I�p�r illl�r�i��rir�� A��n��: �it�r �f�����r� �r�r��� — ��� Tir�r���r��ne: D�rir�� gr��in� �r�� ��n��r��ti�n a��t����i��. illllll� �.�: � qu��ifi�� �r�h������i�t �h��l b� �r���ir��d t� r��n���r ��� �����r�� �n� ��r���r��t��n ���`r�ri�i�� �I��t �f�e�� th� ��il. I n �h� ��r�n� tl��� ��el�i�t�rf� � ������-�I �m�t�ri�l�, �r hi�t�r�� �ul��r�! r��t�ri�l� �r� ��n��u���r�d, �v�rlc 'rn th� ir�nr���i�t� �i�init�r �f #�� �r��� ���I� �� �����n��� ��� t�� �r�l����f��i�� a�ll��nr�d t� �u���Cl�r r���r�, ��II��#, �r�� �n�l�r�� �r�� �i�nifi��r�� r���ur��� �����r�t�r��. F��l��nrin� th� �i�l� ��r�l��i� �v��-�c, th� qu�l��ie� �r�h���l��is� sh�ll pre��r� fir��l r�n�r����rir���rrrit����i�rr r���r� tf��t irr�lu��� � ����ripti�n �� th� r�neth��� u���d# r�r��t�ri�1� r���v�r�d, a�r�� �k�� r��ult� �f hi���ri� �r ��-��i���ri� ���I��i� �� ��r��� �n�t�r����, Th� fin�l �r�h���l�gi��l ��nit�rin���i�i���i�r� r���rt pr�p�r�� �� th� �u��li�ied a�r�����l��is� ��r�ll �� a�����t�� b�r ��e ��r�r�nuni�� ���r�E��rr���� �ir��t�r �ri�� �� ���rr�i�t�l �� #�� r����it�ry �nd �����r��e �� �ny �in�l ��������� ��r ��� pr����t. � hi��-��a��it}�, I���� �r ���iv�l�nt ����r, ���II �� ���vi�e� �� t�r� ��r���ni��r D��r�l��rr���t �i���t�r��r r�t��ti�n �r� t�� �r����t fi��. F�e���n�ibl� P��t�: D��r�l�p�r �Ill�r����ri�� A��n��: �it}r ���rr��r� �r�r�d� — ���] Tirr���r�r�ne: �urir�� �r�c�in� �r�d ��n��r��ti�r� ���ivi����� pr��r � to ��sua��� of a� ��rti�icate of ��c���n�y llll�Ill �.'I: A �r�j��t-sp������ ��il� r���rt ���II �� �r���r�� ��r � r��i�t��r�d �������r�i��l �r ��il� e��ir���r a�� r����r�� �� th� �i��'� �r��ir�� �r��rr�r��e, �r�� �I�� r���r�n�-r��n��ti�n� �� th�# r�p�rt ����I �� ir���r��r���� in �h� d����n �n� ��n�tr��#i�n �f ��� �����s�� pr�����. Fin�l ir-r��r��rer�r��r�t �I�n� �u�r�r�i#��� �� �h� �it�r ���II b� ����r���rr��d by � I�#��r �f ��rtifi��ti�n �r�r� ��� �i�il �r�gir���� th�� #h� pl�rr� �r� �n ��r���rr�a�n�� �r��h th� ���I� ����rt, �n� ��� ��r��fi���i�r� �I��II � ��r��i�rx� t��� tl�� pl�r�� �r��l�de th� f�����nrin�: � T�r� �r�j��t �k���l �� d��i�r��d t� v►ri���t�r�� �r�un� �h�lcirr� asso�i�t�d �rith a I�rg� ma��n�t�de earthqu�k� o� nea�by �ctive ��u����. � ��I �r�����d �tru��ure� ���I1 �� d��igr��� �� ��nf�rrx� �� �t�� r���t r���r�� �J�if�rrx� Buil�ir�� ���� {�.J��} ��r�� � �u�d�lir�e�. � Th� �r����� ���!! ��rr�p�� �rit� �I�� r��u�r��rr��r��� �� �I�� ����'� - �ra���� �r�in�r���. � �i��-����ifi� ����ifi��t��n� r���r�ir�� �l��rir��, sit� �r�din� �n� �r���r����r�, ����in��# f�ur������r��, �la���-�n-gra���, �i�� �r�ir����f �r�d �a��rer��nt� ��-��rf bl���c sh��� b� ��lir��a����. I���p�r��i�le ��r��: ���r�l���r Il�l�n���rin� ���r���: �it� �f�rr��� �r�r��� — �D� . Tir�n�fr��r�n�: Pri�r�� �r��ir-�� P��r�ni� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 32 ������1��� ��. ��1�7��� �II�lI�� �.�: T�� ��il� r���rt �I���I ir��l�,d� t�� ���I�v�ir�� ����id�r�ti�r��, �t � �ir�ir�ur�, t� er����� t��t �l�� ir����t� r���t�� t� ��il in�t���l�t}� a�n� I�r����id�� �r� re�u��� �� � I���-t��r�-�i�nifi��r�� ���r�l: � lJtil�ti�� �h��ld �e ���i�r��� �ith �� rx�u��� fl��ci�ili�� �� �r��ti��l t� t�l����� ����n�i�� ��fiF�r�n�i�l r�n��r�r�r���nt �nr'r���ut b���r�ir�� di���nn��#�� �r �r��C�r�. � �u��r��� �r ���� r��#�r��l �h�l� b� r��l���� �r ���r�r�� �ri�h ��it���� ���� rrra�#�ri�l. � F��t��r�ir�� �nr��l d��i�r� ��all �� pr���r�� �y � �u��l�fi�� �tr���ur�l �r��ir���r b���� �n ��� r���r�r�n����ti�r�� �� � q��l��i�d �i�il �r��ir���r �n� ��all ����I� v�ri�h th� r���ir�rr�er�#� �f t�� �i��r'� �r��ir�� �r�in�r���. F�esp�n��b�� P��t�# D��r�l�p�r �IIl�r�it�ri�� A���n��: �it�r �f Arr��r� �r�n�� � ���li� ��� Tirne��r�rr�ne# �ri�r�� �r��in� P�rrr�i� IIIIIIII �.�: �'�i�r t� i����r��� �� � �r�dir�� F����ni# ��r��� �r�j��t, �f�� ���li��r�� ����I �r����-� �r�d ���r�it � �ra��it�g a�n� er��i�r� ��nt�-�I pl�n ir� ��r�n�l����� �vit� th� ��t�r'� �r���r�� �r�ir��n�� ��r r��ri��rv �nd ���r��r�� �� ��re �u�l�� 11V�rk� �i�ri�i��. 5 �h� �l�r� ��all �e �r�p�r�d b}� � ���EI �r��in��r t� �ddr��� ���h #�rr���r��y ��� I�ng-t�rr� ��d�rr�er���ti�r� �rr� �r��i�� �r�r����#�. Th� �r��i�r� �o�tr�l ����n ���II �� �u�j��� �� r��i��v �nd ���r���l �n� r�n�ni��rir�� �uri�� ��r��tru��i�r� �}� �r� �r�-���� ��iC� �r ���t���rr���l �r���r���r �n� ���� ���ff �r�� �h�f! in�lu�� th� f��l��nr�r��, �� � , . m�r��mu�nn: � I�n���ll �n� rr���nt�in �i�� b�sirr� �r�� f�r���� �r ��r��nr ��I�� ����� �r��r���� ��th� �urir�� ��r����u����r� t� ��r�t�in �n-��te ��il� u�r��il - ��r� �I�p�� �re �r���#�t�d. �a�r���ll� ����k�il� �r�d�� ��il� ��nr�}r fr�r�n �r��n����; • ���tri�t grading a�� ��r�hv�rork d�rin� th� r�ir�y s�a�or� ���tobe�- �� thr�u�l� A�ril 'I�� �r�d �t�bil��� �r! �����e� ��il� �n� �r���� �r��� �ri��- �� �r���� �� th� r�in�r s����r� t�r���� r�nul���r�� �r�� r�����ir��, ��rr��� �����r�� �vit�ir� thi� ��ri�� �nl� �vitl� ir��t�ll�t��n �f ����u�t� �e�ir�n�r�t �n� �r��i�r� ��ntr�l rr����ur��; � ��line�t� �n� d���ri�� ��� �r���i��� t� r����r� ���ir�n�r�� �n t�� �it�, - in�l��in� �e�ir�n�nt b��ir�� �r�� �r���, �r�� � ����du��� ��r th�ir mair�t�rr�nc� �r�� �pkee�; � ��I�r���t� a�r�� d���ri�e th� �r�����t�v� pr��t���� �� b� ����, ���luding ����� �# �e�d� a�r�� ��rtil��er a�r�d th�ir ���li����c�r� r����, �he t�r��, I���ti�n ��d ��t�n� �f �r�-��c�stin� �n� �r��i�turb�� ���e��t��n t�p��, �r�d � ��1��d�1� f�r r��in#�r��r��� �rr� u��c���; � ��tir���� �f the ��s� �f �m�l�r��r�t�r�� a�rrc� r��rr�t�ir�in� ��! �r��i�r� �r�d ��dEr�n�r�� ��r�tr�l r�n���ur��; Agenda Item 9.b. Page 33 ���������� ��. ������ � F��v�����t� �r���d �I�p�� vrriti� ��pr�pria��� r��ti�r� pl�r�� ������� ��� ����if��� b�r � qu�rifi�� b���r���� �r r��r�����ti�r� �p��i�li�t� ir�r�������l�r u���� ��r�np��ti�n �f �r��in� �r pr��r t� ��ct�rrd�� ����t���t�r ir� ��� ����s�� �r��; � ��rr��l� �vi�� �ll ��p�i���l� �it�r �� Arr�}r� �r�n�� �r�ir��r-���� ir��lu�in� I�r����a��ir�� ���n�����ilit}�f�r er��i�r-� ��r�tr�l; � �nl� �I��r I�n� tl��t �nr��l �� ���iu�1�r ur���r ��r��tru�t��� v�ri�h�r� � �� �� r��r��#��; � �t��ili�� �i���r��d �r��� ����pt �nrl��r� ���i�r� ���n��ru���i�r� i� t��ci�� pla���, ��c�r�n�l�� �f �t����i��ti�r� t��l�r�iq��� i��lud� j��� r��tti��, �}r�r�-����ir�� ����r�� rr�ti�re �I�nt ��r-r����i�i�r� ir� ��n�u�����i�� �r#t� � q��lifi�d �i�l����t �r r�-�r�����ti�r� ������I����, ���, �r�� �r��r��� p�rrr��n��t ����ili��tE�r� �uri�� fin��h gr��� �r�� I�n������ �I�� �i��; � ���p��� �f �II ����tru��i�r� v�r���e in �����n���d �r���, �r�d �c��� �#�rr� v�r���r�r�r� ���vin� �r� �r�ff t���� �r���� a�r�� � PI��� ��r��m�t�r ��r�tr�l� �rrh�r� run�ff �r���r� �r �e��r�� th� ��te �r��r t� �I��rin�, �rub�ir��} ��d r�u��h �r���r��. ��rir7r����r ��rrtr�f� r�r���r i��lu��� �i�C��, ��►�r�l��, t�rrrp��a�ry ���rrr� �r����, ��r�� b��� �r F�a�� �����. �t�s��n�il�le P2�rty: ���r�l���� IIA�r�it�r�r�� Agen��: �i��r ��Arr��r� �r�n�� — ��D� ��n�u�tir�� �i�l��i�t a�n� h}�dr����l�gi�t ��rr���r��rn�� Pri�r�� ����i�� P�rrr�it �Nf �.�: All �r�p inl�t� �I��II ���r� ����il filt�r in��rts �� �I��n �t�rr�r� �rv�t�r r��n�ff �ri�r t� �n#�ring �h� �r��k. Th� fil��r ��r���rrr �I��II in�lu�� � rr��int�n�r��� �r��r�r�-r, F�����r��i�le ��rt�: ���r�l���r �Ill��nit�r��n� Ager���: �i�� ���rr��� �r�r��� — �D� Ti��#r��rn�: Pri�r�� i����r��� �f ���I�f�n� ��rrr�i� II��II�� �,�: �II r���r-r������ti�rrs ��t�in�� �n ��� ���I� �r�gir���rir�g �e��rt ��t�� ������r ��# ���� ���11 �� ��r��i�rx��� �r� t�� �r��ir�� �r�� ��i��in� �I�n� �r�� ��Il��r��. F��s��n�i�le P�rty: ���r�����r � llll�r�it�ri�� ��e���: �i��r �f�rr�y� �r�r�d� — �I�I� Tirnefr���: F����r�� �r�dirr� F��rr7r�it �n� ��rrir�� �r��i�g �r�� ��r��t�u�ti�� ��tivi�i�s Il�l� �*'I: ��r���ru��ti�r� ��ti�iti�� �h�ll b� r��tri���� t� t�� k��ur� �� �:��AN1 �� �;�� P�J1 N1�r�d�� - ���urda��r. Ther� �h��l �� n� ��n��ru�ti�n ���i�ri�i�� �r� �u�d�y�. ���i�r�en# r��in���a�r��� �r�d ���rvi��r�� �h�l� k�� ��nf�r��� t� �I�� ��r�� I��ur�. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 34 �E��LI�T��I� ��. PAC E 2� II��IA �.�* �II ��rr��r��ti�n �qui�r�n�nt u�til��ir�� �r�t�rr��l ��rr�b���i�n �rr��rr�� �l��l� b� re��ired t� �r��r� rn�ffl�r� t�a�� a�r� �� g��� ��r��it��rr, ������r��ry n���� ���r��� ����I �� I�����d �t I��st ��� f��� fr�r�n ���u��i�� ��v��lir-��� u�r�l��� ��i�� r��u��r�� �r��in� I����ir�� �r��l��ur�� �r rt���� ��r���s �r� �r��r�d�� �� t�� ���tr����r, �IIl�II� 8.�: E����r�n��t rr���ili��ti��n �r���, �v�#�� �a�n��� �rr� ��ui�r�r��r�� �t�r��� ��r��� �I���I �� pr���� ir� � ��ntr�� I��a���r� �� ��r fr�r�r� ��c��t�r�� r��i��r���� �� � f���it�l�. F�e���n��b�e P��t�: ���r���p�r lll��r�i��r�ir�� A�en��: �it�r �f��r��r� �r�n�� — ��� Tir�e�r��e: �urin� ��r���r��ti�r� IIII1111 �.�I: T��� ���I����t �h�ll p�� �n �ff�r���l� ��u��ir�� �r�-li�u ��� ��r �rr�r �r���i�n �f� ur�i�. F�f#��n �'��°��� �f n�v�r uni�� ��r��tr�,�t�� ��ua�l� �.� �f� ur���. F�������i�l� P�r#�: ��v�l���r IIA�r�i��rir�g A�er���� �i�� �f�rr��� �r�nd� — ��� �ir���r�r�n�: Pri�r t� i����n�� �f � ��i��ir�g P�rr�r�i� II�III�I 'l�.'I: T�r� a���i��r�t �I��I� p�� th� r��r���t�� Lu�i� Illl�r l.Jr�ifi�� ��I���I �i�tri�t ��IUIIJ��� ir����� f��. F������si�le P�r#y: D��r�����r Illl�rr���ri�g ��e���� �ity ��Arr��� �r�nde — ���; L11�1..��� Tirx���r�rne* �ri�r t� i����n�� �� B�i�din� F'�rr�r�it �11111A '�'I.'i: Th� ����I���r ���I� ���r a�l� a��pi����l� �i�}r ��r�c ���r�l�pr�n�r�� �r�� �#■����� ����+ F�e����n�1�31e Part�: ���r�f���r Il�l�ni��rir�g �►�en��: ���� �f�rr��r� �r�r��� — �DC�; �8�11�� �irx�e�r�r�n�: �'ri�r�� i���,�r��� �f �url���� �er�n�� II�INf 'I�.'I; T�e d��r�����r ��r�il ��y the ����r'� Tr�f�i� �i�r��li��ti�r� �r�d Tra�r�s��r#����r� ����litie� Innpa������s. F�e���ns���e ��rt�: ���r�l���r � Ill��r�i��r�n� Ag�n��: �i�y ��Arr��}�� �r�r��e — ��� Tirr���r�rne� Pri�r�� is�u��rr�� �� ��il�in� P��-r�ni� [III�1�1 'I�.'1: ��r�il�r �� ��n�i�i�rr �f ���r��r�� r��. ��, t�� ���li��r�� ���ll r������ th� ����ti r�� ��r�i�a��y ���nr�r r�n�i r� fr�rx� ��r� rr��r�I���� i n E�n�r� ���rt �� tl�� r��r�I���� �r� t�� ���th �id� �f ��� pr��e�t �v�th �n �" PII� �e�v�r r-r���� in ����r��r��� �nrith #h� �i��r'� V11�����va�t�r N1��t�r Pl�n. F�e���n��l��� P��t�: ���r�f���r � �Il��r�it�rir�� A��n��: �it�r ���rr�}r� �r�n�� -� ��D Agenda Item 9.b. Page 35 ���7������� ��. ���� �� �1�1�R�����Ri ��I�/���.+ ������I�i..� ��� �I�VS� ��� V � IVII�II 'I�.�: T�� r���nr r�����r���� �ha�ll h���c �� t� ��r� ��ty'� ��ni#�ry ���nr�r ���t�� a�r�� �I�a�ll �� p�-��rid�� �nri#h irrd��ri�ua�l ��v��r I�t�r�l�. F�e���n��l�1e ��rt�: L��v�l���r Ni�ni��rin� A��n�}�: �it� ���rr��� �r�n�� — ��� . 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F�efferr�or�: �'i�e �xi��ir�g drrve�va�v�ril!b� ���ende��o s�r�r��ar���s � �rra��. � II1JI��� did t�� ��� �f���u�� r��ardin� dra�i����, �h� ��, b�ff�r �r�� th�� �iparia�r�'� IUl�. �l�ff�rr�on: Tl��re ��� b��i� dis�ussio� �nri�h ��� app�i��r�� or� ��err�� �f�a� �� �I�ou�h� �ou�d�� ar� ��su�; afra��ag� r'� r��ferr�d �o Pu�li� Vl�orks. �r. Dev�r�� ��'ublr'� �V�rk�� e��1��r�ed �ha� �h�ir rr���r� ��r���rr� is ���� t�e �p�lican� rn�y ��r�� �� canr�ec� �o a ����c�g����c�rr����1�i�e rnrl�i�� i� ��-���r��r�� �1�f�r�c� w�ri�� rrr��r���e�er���r����c� • F�� ��C��: �ta�f �ra�s ��t�rr�in�� tf�a�� i� �� ��c��p�� b�� in ��� ��i����r��� ���r� �� a� �a����� ��ll�d "E�c����i�ns �� ��� ���r�pti���" v�r�r��h ��a���� �n ��c�rx��t��n �h�ll r��� �� us�d far a p�o�ect �rhich �nay c�u�� a ��bst��#i�f advers� ���r��� �n t�� �i��i�i�a�r��� �f �� �i�t�ri��� ������r��; h� v���l� �i�c� t�� �u���i�t� a�r��v�r�r�d �d�r�n� �h� ����ir�g� �s �� �r��t a �i���ri��� r����r�� i� �r�r�us �th�r r����r���, F�Il�v�r�: . � H� ���t�d �ub�i� Vll�r�C� �� ����ri�� �� �r�-�in� s��rrr� v�r���r fil�r�ti�r� �����r-�� and d��� �u��i� V11�rl�s rx���rrt�in th�s� s��t��n� �r� � p�ri��i� �����. 11�lr: �De�rer�� �e��r�i��c� ��v�r �r� irr-lirre �y��e� w�rk� �r�c� ������ ����er���y ��r��� �r�� rr�r���r����1�e�1 i� �l�e �i�y, bu�in ��r� r�e��fr'�r� �o ���rer� year� �i�e �i�� �rr'!�l���r� �o s�ar�ir���a��irr��ys#err�s of��rr's �rir�d; rrrairr�errar�ce of�hi� or�� will�be �f�� r��po�si�iJr'�y�f�f�� �rorr��ov�rr��r�. � A��c�d Pu�l�� 11V�r�c� t� d���rib� � f���i� �It�r �r���rt a��� a�l��� �rl�� v�r���� ��int�i� the��? �r. �evens �xp�airr�d �ow �he �i1�er� �rar��d �rrd ��a��d �i�a� �i��r rr��ir���r�arr�e c�e�� v�rou�d b� rrrar'rr�airrirrg �his p�r�i�r�lar arr�. P�r�C�r: • �n pa�r��l � �f�� �r��in� h�� a ��-���t ������x�r����� c��-��. H��nr �vi�l #I�� dr�in��� �� d�a�lt v�r�#� �nd v�r��� it �� d�r���ly in�� t�r� �r��l�'? I�l�: �eu�r��: ��� c�r��c�ir�� ir� �r��r�� �� par��! � is s1o��d dov�rr� �o�nrar� �he c�ri�re�ay �she��lo��# �he �fr��r��ge araur�c� �i�e �o�rse urril! be sur�a�� fl�w �oward �he �ro� ir�l�� �rr�f i� �nrrll �a ir��o �h� ��i��ir�� s�orrr� drair�a�� lir��� �he harr�eowr��rs will b� re��or�sr'bl� �or mairr�er�anc� of �hi�� �f�� r���irr�r�� �nr�!!�r��!�f�e dri�rewa�{���f�'��. • 1��� i� �� �-�f��t r���i���� �nr�l� r���ir�� �I��� ��� �t�i���r�r��'? 1V��. l���er-r���r� �����cf ������i� desr�rr would�a��e �he I����si�� dis�ur�ar��e. Agenda Item 9.b. 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J�1r. ���rer��: T�� �i�� ���r1c� r��e �ad� �r�#'orc�mer��or i�cau�d�e ref�rred�o ��� �i�y��orr��y. ����r�r��nrr� �p�n�� ��� ���rir�g f�r pu���� ���rrr����. C�u�n� D��I��v�r, ����i��t�t, ar���rrr�ri�g ���n� �f#�� ��r��n�����n'� ��r���rr�� �ta����l: � � CV�i�h��r'� ��r���rr�s: H� ��� ��C���k��d a� ty����� r��fl�n� f�r ��� ��n�l�-�t�ry I����� ��r�r a� pf��t��ra��h �� �k�� �it� ar��, �� ����r h��nr i# v�r��ld ��� ���i��t t�r� r���n#a�ir� �a�r��� �h� f�l� t��� ����nr�d #in� �ri��r b�tt�r ���n ���ry p���� uv�����; �h� t����ra�p�� �� th� n�i�h��rt� pr����� ��d th� �a��� ���� ��� ��u�� �r�ri�l b� �ingl� st�ry ����Id ���� ������� ���� ���I�� ��n��rr��, • �t�� �r��� �a�11�d �ut �r� �h� ��t� �la�n �r� �����C I��Il�lr�ut t����� r��� na����r� ����r��r� tree�. � � P����I �, t�v�r�r� t�� ����k, �nri�! ���r��I�� r����d f�und�����. •� H� I�a�d �Ca���d ���r�r�l �t�l��� al�n� ��� �r��#c ������n� �b���� �r� � �urv�� �� �h� pr�p�rt� in ���� b� ��r�n� ��a����r a�n� ��� b� ���ir��nrn �r��irr��r}, , Agenda Item 9.b. Page 52 ������� ���� � ��r�r��n�� ����r����� ��������� �, �o�� � �I�� f���t t���� �nr�r� r��� s��v���d �n b��a���� �h�r� �rv�r� �� r�a�n�; �f th�r� i� � �����rr� tF��� ��rr �� d���. � �r�� th��r ��c��ri�r��� fl��r ��s��rr�s v�r��� v�r�ll; rr���nt�r�a���� is ���i�a�ll� d�n� by t�� h�r�r����r��r {pr��r�#� �r�����. � �i� und�rst��d ���t ��r� F�i��t t� F�rr�r� �rdin�n�� �r�r��ld �� � d��� r��tri��i�r� ��r t�� �ew �omeowr���-s. Ir� r�pl� t� ar c����t���► fr�rr� ��rx�r��s�i���r T�it, �r. �������r �a��d �� ��� n�t ��r� ���F�� frui# �r��� �nr��ld b� ���d ���r��r�in��f��t�r�r�� ��f��r�, ��� �h����h� �h�� �r�ul� b� � ���c� s�r��r� f�orr�t��a�r��u It�r�. Ir� r���� t� a� ����t��r� �r�r� ��r�����i�r��� F�I��v�r�, �r, ����a�v�r ��id �� �hi� �ta�g� �� ��� pr����t t��� d� n�� ��v� � ��i�� �-����#, ��� i� �� ��I s�n�. �r� r��l� t� q����i�n� ����n ���n�i��i�r��r Par�c�r, Illlr. C����a��v ��c�l��r��d I��� ��� �ra��ir�g #�r �ar��� � f�unda��i�r� �nr�uld �� a��hi��r�� an� �t���d th�t ������g ��r pr����#��r� ���Id �� er��#��l �� ���� di�t�rb�r��� �r� #i�� ��-f��t s�t���lc �r��. ��r��ni����r��r P�r�c�r �t�t�d �I�� �nr��l� i�f�� t� ��� � r�r�d�#��� �f ��� �������d ��. ���f�r� s��v�rir�� � �ir�ir�nurr� �� 'I��-f��t ���I��ing ��-���t �f�r�����t��� ���n�l��a�����. ��r�r��i����r��r �r�v�rr� ���c�d if ��� b�i�din� �nv�l��� f�r ���-��� � ���Id �� r���r�� ��r�r �I-� f��t'� N�r. D�Bl�r�uv r�pli�c� ��ra� i� v�rou�d ��u�e �he �rouse �� �� I�s� ti�arr �,�0� sc�. �.# ��r� �hey�o�Id do a �vvo-��or�y. ��r�rn�i����n�r Br��rn �ta�t�� r�g�r��r�g �h� ��. buf#�r h� �n►��,I� �nrar�t t� ��� � d��� ��S�f1��1�11 ��1�� ���� ��]I�f1C� �C�� �1��7��� ���1'1 ��"C�I�1�1���. ��r�r�ni��i�r��r TaE� ����ed t�a�t t�� f��t �t��� ��� h�u��s v�rill �� �r� s�r�� �����rn� �r�rr� ��� �� ��i�r�i� ���i�rity. 11�1r: �����c��r ���#�c� �f��� ���r� �r� �1r���c�y f�c�rrclr��c�� �� ����r�� ir� �l�e Arroya �r�r�d� �r�a �I�a� are a�! ����d orr ��r�� — arraf a soi� repor� w�!! �ddress ����. ��rr�rrri��i�r��r���i�������f l�e w��1�f���1 rrr��� ��rr���r����e i��1�e�r��r���f�r f���f�1�� ��i!r���r�. �C� �'���]��� ���"C'1�'1"�i��1�11�� F�II�1111� �l�l�����1� �'� ��f��I �� �Ir. ���la�u�nr �tat�d t��t if�h�� �r�r�nt �� ��#/� ��V ��M��/ �V�i� ��f.4�� �.4�V�� ■■�V ��V� ���������� ��V �I��� �1�1�■ �� Ir� ����� t� a� ����ti�r� f�r�rn ���r�i������r ��rl��r�, �Ir, ��r�n� ��c�lain�� t�a�t tl�� ��-���� �r���c �a����nt �� ��r u�� �f r��i�r��na�n�� a������ ��it� �tarf� in ���r������ n�� pu�li� �����s. �T��r ��n�r��} Pr��id�nt �� ��rita��� C�i����r�ri�� ��r�f���i���l ���#ifi�d �r����l��i��� answered �ommi�sior� ��e���ons: � �� ��u� d���ri�t��n ��a� ��,rv�� I�� I��d d�r�� ��r�f�� pr��r��u� �wn�r- P���� �. • ���r ��� ��r���r�� applr�a�r�� �� did �'���� I�, �r�h�������a�l ��b-���f��� ���tir�� {��rt �� ��ty ��r�di�i�r�� �r �p�r��r��}; th�r� �r� �r�h��l��i��l r�r�a���ri�ls a��r��s ��� �hr�� I�#� �r�d thi� �i�� �����r� �� !�� ��� �d�� �f a�n �r�h��l��i�a�� ��t�, bu� r��� �� �l�r��� a� ��I��r��#�� �� #I�� �i��. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 53 III�!�1�.1TE� PA�E � �L�A��Vh�l�1� ��N111�II�����V ���T�N�B�� �� �0�� � Th� ����r�l �r�� i� �r�ll kr���r� �� �n �r�� �f��r�sitivi��; Er�r��r� ���rt i� �r� �I�� ���� �f #�e �r��; �h�r� �r� n� �uriaEs �r� ��� ����i��nt'� sit�� ��i� �r�� d�� �2��� a� ���rr��sh �rill��� �f���n� ��n��r#a�n��; it �� hi� ��r��r�f ����r�t�n�in� ��a�t t�� �v��a�ll �r�l���l�����1 �it� �r� �h� v�rh��� �r�� v�r��,ld �u�l�fy a� a "si�nif��ant #I��r��" un���r �EC�.�. � ��C�A ������r� ����,�, �� ��r��� �ha�� �I�i� ��fi���i�r� ����� r�la��� �� �hi� ���� �� �i���ri�a�ll� �i�nif���n� i� ��n�ral ��rrx��. � F-�� ��c�l�in�� ��v� ��� ���u�r��� �� � P�a�� II� a�r�l������i��l r�n��ig��i�r� ��c���r����r� �r�ulc� �al�� �I��� ��� �rvh�� �t �n►���d in��fi��; ��v�r i� v�r�uld �p��i�i��l��r a��r��� t�� ��a�l ��v�l�p���t �h�� �� pr�����d f�r ��� pr�p�rty a�d a�ddr��� ���nr ��� ir�r��a��:t� �nr�uld �� r�n�ti��t�d, �.�. �I�b �� grad� �nd rr��nirr��l ����d��i�r� ir��a���, �� ��r����r��� b� ��� d���l�p�r: i� �Ir���� � r�i�����i�r�, ��rnrnis�i�r��r �����v�� ��������d �l��t an �n��r�r��a��i�� ��t� �� I��a��d ��ar ��� �r���c �r� �I�� r��r�h �i�� �� ��ir ���c� Av�n�� ��d artifa��t� r����r�r�� fr�r-r� t�� �it� �� di�pl���� �r� a� ���a�[ {�►rr��� �ra�nd�} r�r�u���r�, �1�1r�. ��rr�rv��r s��#�c� �i��# �i��r�� I��� �� �� � ��r�e��� b���r��� �o �ha�ar�eas are rr��cli��ur�ed b�r���pu��ic. �o�nmissior�er Par�cer e�cp�ress�d �or��ern t��t �h�r� a�e rro� many o� th��e s�te� re���r���� ���� �r�r������r���c� ��. ��C�A �r�h��l��i��l r����r��� ������ �I�a� �nti� �r� ha��r� ��r�pl�#�� a�nd ���u�r��r�t�d ��� �f th� ��i��rtifi� ir���rr�n�ti�r� ��a�� � r���ur���� �#�� pr����t �a��n�# �� ���a�; wha v�vou�d mal�� t�at �e��sion'� �r. �or�v�ray �ard �e wo�ld ad�ri�e �o�krrr� �� ��her _. �re��# ���� �� ��rr�a ��r��b��� wf�� �r��r� �Ir��a�y g��r�� #1�r����� �l�i�, I� r��l� �� �r���h�r ���s�i�n fr�r�n ��r�r����i�� P�r��r, Illlr. ��r��r�►�� ��a��d ���� �h�� �nr�u�ld v�r�r�c �u���I�� ��ca�t d��a�i�� ��r�it��a�#'rr�� ���r�l��r�r���nt� ir�n�a��� �f t�� r����r�� �f��r���ir ���n i� a��r��r�d ��� ��ty, �n r��l�t� � ����t��� �r�r� ���r�ni����r��r ����rvr�, 11�r. ��n�ra� sa�id ���� �i� r��t �i�����r�r��r hur��n r�r��in� in �h�ir in����iv� t�st�r�� ���hi� si��. 11V�d� ���r�, ��� Er��� ���rt, �1�� ��rn�r �� pr���rt� �� ��� ���t� �i�in� ��r���, ha�� ������r� th�� �� rr�l��t I���� tf�� ���v�r; ���t�d ��a�t �]��I�u�'� ��C���h �f �h� ��il�ir�a� h�[��t I���c�d ����� �� �nr��rd n�� li�c� �� ��� t�� I����� ���rr��� tl�� ����r v�r��; I�� �nr��ld lik� �� ���r� . "�t�ry p�1�s" t� b� ��l� t� ���v�r th� pr�p���d h�igh�� v�rh�n t�� �ina�� �I�r� i� br�ug�� ��rw�r�; f�� h�s �i�r�d �rr Er��r� ����t f�r a�t ����� �� �r�a�r� �r�� du�rirrg � s��rr�r �h�r� �� a I�rg� �r�lu�r�n� ��1IV���f����1� �ll��' ��1� ���� �� ��.II'�3� C�l.�l"�11� � ����1'1 ��1C� �1�� ���1��1"�1 1N���1 ����f I��l�I�S 1N1��1 f���r� ��d r�r�ain#�n�n��, I� r��l��� ��rr�nn�����r� ��I��v�r�, 111tr, ����a�u�rr ��a�#�d th�t t�� �r�j��t r�a��i� ��� n� �r��a�t �r� th� �i�� �f ��� �rair� lin� a�s ��i� i� �r� ��cistin� st���t, 1�����v ��� ���-��-sa�� a�n� ��� �r��tin� �n� a�d�i�i�n�l �rr�����. �� r��l� �� � ���st��r� �r�r� ��rx��n���i���r ��r�c�r, �Ilr. ��E��a���r�r ������ t��t hi ���r�lir�� ��� ��u��� {�n I�� �� v�r���� ��t v�r�r� b������ �� v�r��l� ��� �� ����i�t�r��v�r�t� �h� ��r���. �I��i� Br��r�rr� �I�s�� th� publ�� h�a�r�r��, �;�I� �.m. � Th� ��rnr-r���s��r� t���c � 'I�-r�i��r#� �r�a��c. Agenda Item 9.b. 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I� ��� ar��� v��� r��� �r��r�l�r�d �r� �i�r�si�n �f � la�r��r ��r��! ir� �l�� �r��i��� tw� � ���r�. ��c��c����f���r�#�rrrr �f�i�� . �f �f�� arcel �l��� n�t ���r� a�� ��►�ra��� gra�d� �1��� �� r�n�r� ��an ���1�, ����c� d p ��a�f��r��'rrn �hi�? h�l�, F�l�ff�rn�r� �#a�t�� ��� ��d ��� ��l��l�#�d t�� ���r��� ����� f�r tl�� ��tir� �i�� ���� a �i��n� ��u�d i�� ��i� i���rr�r��#i���; tt�� rr�ir��r ��c���t��n� �r� 2��r-r�i�i�tr��i�r� �r� �a�t�r� ��nd �� � �r�uld r����n��l � �� �lan�ir� ��r�r�i����r� �n �#�� ��n��nt ���r��i�; r� ��� ������, t�� Y � � �r�r���nr� alr��� ��is�� �nd ���u�� b�ir�g ��ct�r�d�� �� pr��rid� a������ �� �h� ����r �ar��E�. � ]� Il�llr, �tr��r ��r���rr�d �nritln �111s, ��ff��r��rr'� ��rnrr��r�t� a�nd ��a���� �ha� �� t�� ��r��nni����r� � ���Is ��rat �h�r� a�.r� i����� �f��t �r� ��� � p�t���ial ir�npa�# t��� ��ul� b� d���t v�r�t� � r�i���a���� ���a�ti�r� ���lar�ti��. ��r�r��n���i�r��r ~1"�i� a����c� f�r ��rx�r�n��si�r� f��db��k �� t� �nr��t��r tl��� ���� ��i� �i�� �� �r� f�i���ri�al ����u�r� �r�� ��at�� ��at th� ar����1��i�� ir� ��s r���rt �rad ��a���� ti��� �r�� i� ��I��I.jl"���]I �i��. ��1 �C�C���l�il# ��1 ��CC���I�� ���1 �� � ��l�1����1�1� I�"1���� ��1C� ���I'� �1�11� ����1 � �,�t� � ���rv p��j��ts in �I�i� ��r����l �r�a� �nrh�r� �r����l������ ����� ���r� ���r� f�ur�� �� thi� ���I� ��a�pli�� ����, �I�a�r B��v�rr� s�a�t�� �h� a�r����l��i�t r����# �a�� th���f��� �i�� �� p�rt ����� ��i�� �'r�-�--I��t�rE� Ar��r���1��i��� �i#� �r�� ��r�� i� ����F b�li���� �h�� �r�j��� i� �a�t�������ll� ��c�rrr�t} t�� �o�nr���s�on doe� ha��r� the ab��i�y t� �r�-or� �f�� �id� of��fety ar�d r��t�g�te t�is a�s a hi��ori��� r���urc�t �or��i�i�� t��. 1�, ���� �, s#a��� "��i�r �� th� �����r��� �f � �ra�dir�� p�rr�nit ar� a������l�g����t�a�l� ���ri��t�� fina�� �ra�dir�� �rr� bui�dir�� ���r�� ���i�� �a� n�����n d���� a�n� �r����� � �I�as� � �niti�����n pla��, . i� v�r�u�d tl��r�f�r� b� �rr��p�n�ibl� �� �ppr��� � ��nditi�n �n �n �r�h���l�gi��l �miti���E�n pl�r� �r� build�r�� a�n� �r�d��� ���n� �h�� v�r� h��r� �ot ��en ye�. 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Agenda Item 9.b. Page 56 ������� ���� � �������� �i���I�L���� . ��������� �� ���� �r�v�r r�: • V11��,�� li�C� �� ��� a� r���r� r��a�r�ir�g t�� �r��lc ��#�a���C� ��r�rr� ��ri�� a�nd T�}�I�r�. � V11���� lil�� t� ��� � ��if� ��p��. � 1lV���� lil�� t� ��� � r������� �r�� ��� A�. ��r�r�i��i���r r� �h� �r��i�r�� d����n�� fr�r� th���, I�nd ar�� ��� r���ir�� b�f��r��r th�� �i��. • I�-I� av��l� al�� �i�c� �� ��� �t��y p����. � �Mi��V� ��r/���1� ���/ ��������� ��/* �irr �� ���./ �������I�� �I�rf�■ � ■ � � ���nn���r�n�r�t�d ���ff�n pr�p�s�� f��r�h� d��d ���tr������ ��r�h� ���-���� b�fif�r, � ��n��rn v�ri�h th� �r��k ����r�n�r��- �u����t�� � ��r� ��rri�r pri�r �� bui��i�g �r�� a���r�� th� �����c ����nn�r��t��nrh��� tF�� �������� bu�f�r ���ins. � V'V�u�d r���� t� ��� �r�d��ng ar�� �ui1�E�� pl�r�� �� �� abl� �� ����r�in� if ��� r�ig��i�r�� a�r� appr�pria�t�, Ta�i�; � H�� ��Il��r ��rr�rr���si�r���� h�� �Ir�a���r ���r����d rr���� �f#��� ������rr��. � ��r��� #I��� �u����n� �r��r�l��� IV�, � i� ��� �1��� �� �h� �����c ����r��r��; ��� �� ��n�c r�e�ds to �e rrr�rk�d �r�d adher�� t�. � . � F�� ����, �� t�� I��� �g�n�� �t �� ��r ��sp�r��ibilit� �� d���rr�ir�� if �h� �r�j��t ��� ���r� � ��gr�i�i��n� ����t �n t�� �ni��� �r�h�����i��! r���ur��� a�r�d f�� b�li��r�� �h���� �r�h��l��i��l ����ur��� �r� �ni���. �k�ar��r �r�v�rr� s��t�� th�� v�r���ld I�I�� �c� r�ra�k� a r���'r�r� �� ��n�ir��� �� a� ��t� ��rt�ir�. III��. H�ff�r��r� s�a���� i� gra���� �r�� b�i�d�r�� pl�n� a�r� b�in� r�����t�� ��d ����r ����i��, ���r� ���t� b� �� �p���f���ir�� �r�r�� a��d tt�� T�n�����r� �'ar��1 �II1�p �nr�ul� ��v� t� b� ��n�ir��,�d �� a dat� ur��er�a��. N1r. ��r�ng ��xd �n a��di�i�r� �� ��� �t��r r������rx��n�s ��qu�st�c� !�� t�� ���nr�ni����� t�r�r� �r►�� �Is� b� a� �x��r�d�d I�i�i�l �t�d� �n�r�l��d, pa��t���la�rl� �� �� r������ �� �r�h��l�g�; � I�������� �I�r� pr��r�d�� ��� �n� ��r���rn� �b���t�� c�ra�ir���� al�� r���lv��. ���mr�ni��i�t��r �r�v�rn r�na��1� � r��t��r�, �������d �� ��rn�mi����r��r �`�i�,� �� ����ir�u� �i�����i�r� �� � �a��� �r����a�ir� �� g�v� �h� a������nt �irr�� �� r���a�r�h a��� r�n��ify �h� ��r���t��n� �f a������ra�l b�r��� �r� ��r�r�r�i����� ��r�n�n�r�t�. T'I�� r�n��i�n v�ra� pa����� �r� �h�f�ll�v�rir�� r�ll �a�ll �r���: �Y��: �h�ir Br��nr�, T�it, F�II��v� a�n� P�r�C�r. �1���: None A���fil�`: Nor�e � B. ��N��T1��11�� ��� PE��l�T ���� �V�. ����'I�; ���LI�ANT �- ER��� �Cll�l; - L���#T��IV � '���� VII. �RA��� �T��ET ., �►��i��an� I�!�r�n�r, F����r �����n��d ��� �t�ff r���rt f�r ��r���d�r����r� �f �r pr�����1 �� . ������ �n �rr��r��n�� ���ni� f��a� ��� �F� �t� �h� �-Illl�r-t �h�ppi�� ��r�t�r. Th� ��rx��mi�s��r� �►��i r�� c����ti�n�,. . ���ir �r��vn ���n�� th� h�a�rin� ��r p��ri� ��r�rr�r�n�nt a�nc� ���rir�� ��r�� �I���d it. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 57 ���ar�r�ir�� ��nnnn������u ll��I��T�� �1���4��I�U[E IVT � .1�JNE 20, 2��� �. A l���r�r�rr� ��-e� �111����nra�r� r���r�i r�� ��� ����-ry �r��� Pr�j��t. �, � ��t��r fr�� �tis �'a��� r����-dir�� �r� a��t�r�pt t� #i�� �r� ��p��l �r� s#�f�s r���rr���nc��ti�r� t� ����ni�� ��r�nr�i��i�r� r���rd�n� ��� �h�rry �r���C �r�je��. �. Ft�FEF��I� lTEllll� ��� ��I�lIVII����� ��`r'I��V: IV�r��. , ��. P�JBLl� H�Ai���� i��IIA�� . �■ ��������� ������ ��� ���� ��■ ������ �I������ ������ ���� ��4 ������ � ����� ��������� ���� ������ ��������� �! ����� ���3Lr.AL�1N� ���AT���V � ��� EI�I�#�1 ���lF�T Ro� �tr�n�, �or�r��n��y �ev��o��nn��t D�r��t�r pr���n��d t�e sta�f r��ort �repared by As�o��at� P�ar�ner, ����y I��fFerr�on �or cor��id�r�t�or� �� � p�r��� map far � thr�� ��} �o# re�id�rr���l su�bc�i�risi�n �r� 'I.��-��r��; � �ri��v���� re�rie�v ��r � ��st��y r�����r���, �r�� � Il�lir��r ��c��p�E�r� f�r� v�r��i ��i��t �r�� I�t ���t� ��re�r��u��� r�vi��nr�d �� t�� �I�r�ni�� ��rr�r�n�����r� �r� ���t�r�n��r �, �����. In ��r��l��r��, il�r. �tr�r�� �#���� �I��t ��a�fF's re��r�r�ner������r� is th�� t�� Pl�r�r�i�� ���r�r�i��i�� �d��t a re��iut��r� ���r��ri�� ��� p�r��� rn��, vi�v�r���c� r��ri��nr, �nd r�n�r��r��c����i�r�. The ��r�r�r����i�r� ����� s���f q������ns r�g�r�ing th� r���ir�� �r�h����g��t r���rt, th� �r��ir�� r���r-t �r��n ��rin� 8� �����r �-�g�rdir�� #h� ��-��k ��tba��l�s, t�� ����� er���r�km�n#, �r�d th� ��osior� t�at �as �a��r� ��ace over the ��st �a�p�e of year� ��d I��v�r #hi� ��rr��l� �� ���C����ar� �� du�ri�� ��rr��r���i�rr; I���r ��r� ��n�ra�� �i�rr r�c��ir�r��r-��r�t for de�rg�a��or� o�a �r��k�rai� v�rou�d b� �ddr����d {a��o r�rit� r��p�c� t� th� �te�p ��ape �r�� �r��i�rr ����I�rn��. Th� ��r�nr�n���t�n ����e� �����r�� v�ri�fi� �I�� ��r���r �� �h� ��r�� tree �arrg�ng o�f th� edg� of#he �ree�C ba�� a�d �he I��a��an af �re�k ��r�k s���ce� so�th �f �I��� tr��; h��nr �r����n �r��lc� �f���� �h� �u��ur� �f �l�� �r�j���; �►�►r��t ����� l�� d��� t� ���re �ap t�� �����C l����; I��v� �h� r�n������i�� r����ur�� ��r tr�� r�r����i�� �n� pr�#��ti�rr �I�r� vrr��l� be rn�ni��re� ��d �t�rr� �r����- r���r�ti��. ��a�ir ��I��v�r� ���r��� �h� ������ h��r�ng ��r �uh�i� ��r�nr��r�t. Duane D����u�v, �p��i�ant, a�dr�ss�d t�e ��mr�n��sior�s �on���r��: . � F�� �r��i�r� ��n�r�� r�����r��, #1��}� ��� r��ti��� ��rn� �r��i�r� �r� ��� ��u��v�r��tl���th��st ��r��r �� t�� �r�p��t� ��nr���� th� ��r��e ���t �nra�� bu�i�� � ��u��e �� ���r� �g� i� ��r��ir�� ��� a���u�� i�rr� f���� �n� l���r� �ir��� ��II�� �h� �uil�ir�g f���pr�nt ����C�� r���C� sur� t�r��t tl���-� �� a� ��-f��� �������C ������I 3 r���v h�� �I�� r���i��� ������I��; th� ��il� r���r� �r��u�r���n� i� �� rr���C� ���� tha�� t�� f��r���ti�r� is c��v�rr� f�r �r����1� t� I���r� t�� ������i�d ��ri��nt�� �i�#���� fr�� t�� �I���; i� r�r�y r����r� ��nn� �u�r�t���- ��pt� �f f���ir�� t� �r���� r����red ����� ��a���Ci��; c��ri�� �r��irr� ���r�t��r�� �h�� �nr�IC ���r� t��i� ��il� �r���r���r p��s�r�t a�n� �� v�ri�� c��t��rrr�ir�� if rn�r� r����� �� b� ��n�; i� �����r� t��� i�'s � �����r �t�b�� �i���ti��. • F�e ��n� ��, #��� pr����t� �� n�� in �I�i� ���e, � �r��i�r� ��r�n� ��n�tru��ti�r� ��r��i�n ���#��� �la�r��: �t��� fe��1r�� ha�� t� �� �r��ri��� ���r�� �r�ytl�ir�g ti�a�t « ���r�rr������ �f�h� ��r���r��ti�rr �r ar��r ��r���r���i�� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 58 ���ru���� �on�������� ���� � �n������ .��h1 E ��, ���� c��bri�• t�� �r� �t��i�r� i� ���� � ���d b��F��- �� ���r� i� �n�t � r��1 ����� � � . . �r���r��cr�r��nt �I��r� �tr��t�r�s �r� �r������ v�rh��� �a��c�� �r����r� ��r�tr�l very ��I�i��a��l�v�r��h�u�� ��� d��tu�r��n�� �� ��� �u�f��r��r��. • Yh� P�I�n �r��� �rviN� �� r�t�in��� ���������r�� �I�n ��r t�� tr��� i� �i�� �r���rd ���I b� �h�v�rn �r� #�� p���. � F�� �h� �orr�r���nt� �n �rr��r� ����t f���d�r��, th��r ��v� n�t r���i�r�c� �r�� ir���rr�n����r� �r� ��ri�� ��� ��r��iti��� r�q�ir� � dr�� �r���t �� �� �r��t��l�d �r� t�� ��I� � ��-����� I��I�I rr���� �a�p���t�r. � F�� �t��r�n v�r�t��- r����n���r�, ��� n��v ���� ir�t� ��� p����rt� �nri�l ��II��� �I�� �r��� �a*arit of t�e �nr�t�r �r� t�� �urF��e ar�d it v�r�l� #�er� �� ��re�#ed �� a �ov�r �o��t 1 Y wf��r� the cat�� b��ir� a�r�d �i�t�r �s. ��r�nrr�i�si�r� �u�s���r�� �� �Il�r. �������nr ��� I��� a��n��ver�. B ro�rr�: . � F��r �r��l �, �v�a�� i� di�t�n�e �r�r� ��� s����u�r� t� �������c �r�� g�-��I� ���r�g� . p . . i . f��rr� #�r�i���� �l��r �ev�l t� ���l���� ���'? �����r��e ���rrr ��� ��r�����r�� r� � ro�cima�el�S'ar�d��� graafe �iff�rer���a�i� a�ar�� �' �s����l�v�l bui�dirr��. �J� . � V1����d ��� h� �villir� t� ���r� � ��r�diti�r� ��r � h�r� �tru���r� �t t�� s���a���c I��� � � dur�n t�� er�od of �on�tr�c��or�� �r'ar�ge f�r�cir�g �ri#h me��I s��k�� �I��s � � � � . � , . . . ret� ood o� of d��irre���r�� � I�r�e �ur�r�g� �or�s�ru��ior� �rrd �he� u�r#1� rr�or���or �i�� I� � 9� 1 �b��� �l�e�r��r�. • F�� ��� ��f��r �r�d I��I�� �r� #�n� �re����t��n, v�r��# �vi�l �� ��r�� a���u# fi����'� ?�f���r ��ul�f���re a �orrdi�ior� �o �c�c! v�ge���r"orr �o �I�ese �reas. � �� �� ha�r� �r� pr����r�n v�ri�l� �r��l��i�� la���u�a��� ir� ��� ��ed r��t�i��i�r� �� �� #�� � /� � •l #� }/�� �/�! * y/�� �/.�+ �/.�+/�.�+ � 7■��� � � �/� �����*�T ��� ���V �����/ �� ��� �� ����� 4��� ��V ��#./V� �������■ �� � • V1���ro�� ir��er��rir� �ri�h prop���r righ��, sorr����ir�� �or����e ���I��I �r��f� r���e�� �o � . "r�o s�ru���rres ��r�� req�ire � �errr�i� ��r� �� �c�a��c�'�� i��uv��r��-, �i���r �r��lal 1��� �� �� cor���rl�ed �irs�or� �hrs. �a��r: � 8������ �f t�� ���t t��� tt�� �����t ���t����c �� r���rv �-#��t due t� �r��i�r�, �nrl��� i� pr�����d �� �� d��� ��g�r�in� �I�� f��tpr�n� ��r� th� �r�di�n�'? T�� ���rr�af��i�r� f�a� �o �be ��lou�r e�i��irr�r gr�de �rrd �f�� face of�i�e �o�r�da�ior� l�a� to �e �r� leas� �l� �wa�r �r�orrr ��e ��ope s� �r�u �r� no� crea�ir�� �rry �ddi�iar�al f�!! or�r��r impac� �r� �l�e ��-���� �������C����, ����r����r���rir�irrgr � ����er���c�r�c���i�r� ����rrr v�r��l� �1��� �omes ou�o��he grourrd. F�ilov�r�: • Vl�h�t v�r��l �h� ���e �nc� s�����s of the �uffi�r tree� be �s�o�vr� on the plarr�? Ti�i� w�l��� �-e��rr��al�b����� �ir-rr�� ����r������ ��rrc�i�r'�rr �r� ��ri�. � F�� �'���� 11� a�r�l���I�����t st���, ���C�d ��r �I�ri�i��t��r� �� �t�t�rx��r�t� r���rdin� t�e �i�r�i���r��� �� ��� pr�f���t�r�� ��t� I���t�� �� �r�r��r� ���r�, ���r ��r�v�r��, �rcf��o�ogis�: Ph�s� ��! m��ig���orr c�l�ula�iorrs ar� �as�c� or� ��re ��� �ha� app��r� �o r�rr�air� �r�����. P�r�c�r: � ����t��r��� ��� ���t th�� a�� ��r���r r���rt �t�#e� i� �v�� ��tir�n���c� �ha�� ����� �� �h� �r�l������i��l �i����i�� r��-r��i��� �nt��� ��r� ��t�f�i�t �r�ri�� th� ����� ���v �ta����}, l��fr. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 59 ����i�� ���nn������� ���� � IIA��VIJT�� ���� ��, 2��� �or�v�ra�r: �his rrru�� l�av� ��er� � ����rrr"��! error �� �v�rer� �he ir���ia! c����rla�ior�s �nr�re c��r�� ��� �f���� 1�� i� wr�� ����c� �rr ��� ��� ir�����. �V1r�. ��r��v��r #�e�r de�cri��d �he �race�� �ha� ��ey wi1� �o ��rou�h for �he P�rase 1!1 arc�eolog�ca! ��ud y. F�Il�v�r�: � �s�c�� v�r��� tE�� ���r��ir�r���� ���� �v�u�l� b� if �h� �r�j��t ��e� ��r���h ��r th� �r�������i��l �����r�� ��r �h��� �, � �r�� �, �r�. ���rw��r: ��� ���� v�ril�b� ����� �r� �ir��1��ar� irr������ �r�c� ��r��al�� ��rrr���r �s �������. . F�a��. . � �� �I��r� i� �� �r��i�rr �r��l�rr� �r��� ���� ��i� r�r��a�r� ��r ��� �u��tr��? Tf�re req�rir�rr�err�ir� #�� �oi�� r�por� �ril����� car�� o��his. ����C�r: � II��� �nrill �a�C� ��r� �� �h� ���r��n ���r� ����� ��nd ���r��n ����li���s�? �4�! �f�� oper� space is or� ��rce� �� �o �f�� owr�er o��i�a� �nril! �be res�or����l�; �1�� ��rr�mor� ���. �a�iliti�s v�ri11�� �a�er� �are o���r a!! �f�� o�nrr�ers. . � ll�i��t �vil! r������ �h� �����n� f�n�� v�rf��n t�is pr����� �� ���n�l����'? �� �v��! �� 1�f� �� i�r� �� �hr'� �e�ve� i�#�e rr�os� �rr�dis��r��d. ��r�� ��i�������n ��� IV��rr�n�r� �r��r�, �i�re� rr��ct �� �h� pr�p���d h����: �����d hi� ��^� i i ii ui i i���u■�u�rr ��r���rr�� r�����ir�� �h� �ev�re� ��ser��r�t �n� ���C�� ���v th� ���r�r �r�r���d �� ���ta�l��� �rvitl��u� ��r��g�r�g I�i� �r �i� n�E����r'� pr���r�y; ���r� �� � ��j�r �r��i�r� pr��l�� ir� �I�i� _ �r�a� a��n� r���n��� th�r� vrr�� � r�r���l��� ���� t�� �re��C; t�e �r��i�n �r��le� I��� t���r� �r���ir�� ��r�� �r��r�. .�,�_rna„�,,,�_ l��n�s�a�n, ��� N��v�n�r� �ri�r�, r�e�t d��r r��i����r t� I�IIr, ��i�ri����rr, ���t�� ��r����-r�� �vit� ���si�r� �f��� sl�p�# ��c�l�ir��� I���nr r�n���r �r��r� ��� t�e�r I��� � I����l��� �� I��� ��u�� �r�d ��r�� �� ��r��r�t� v�r�� b��u���� i� �� fil� ��� ��I�� �ft�r �r�i�f� ��� �it� �h���c�d �� ��t a�� t�e�r �r�� du�n��� ��il ir�t� tl�� I���e; ��� �r���c ��r�l� r��e�� r����r ��t�����n �v�n �f �� �r�j��� ���u�r�� �� ��� � r���rt ��t�� ���� #r�r�n � ���I����t, iV1r. . 1I������, ���ri��n� �I��� th� gr��n� �� �i���r ��r��; F��I� � ��rr�� �r�ll n�t ��I��v ��n���t� ���blin� r��v�r �t�d ��is r����� fi�i�� ��f�r� ��� rr��ct v�rir���r r�in�; � �� f�. ��r��C h�� ��r���� �r����� a��v��r; ��� r�r���f ��r�r� ���r �ri�l ��r�����ll�r �is��d�� #h� la�r�� #r�� �n ��� �d�� �f t�� �I��� �n� �a��e it t� fa�ll ir��� th� �r���c ta��in� ��� �r���C �a�r��C �v�tl� �� �r�� ��usi�� ��t ever� rr��r� ����i�r�� in ���?" �� h�� r���i�r�� ��rr����r�c��r��e ���r� t�� �it�r �t�ti�g t�� �r��i�r� darn��� v►r�� ��r�� �� �t�rr�n �nra�t�r r�r��fF n�� th� �r���c; �� h�� I���! pr�����nt �r�� ��� �i�� �f �rr��� �r���� ��t�b������g ��� �it�'� r����r����il��� ��r �a�r���� d�e �� ir�������t� ���rr� �un�ff �r��r����; �f�h� -�l��r�l���r �u��� �r���rt� �n �h� ���� �� t�� ��nk �f ��� �r���c th�t �vi�� ��us� �r��i��: �nda�r���r �i� h�u�� �r�c� ��� r��i��rb�r�# it v�r�ll �� � lia�bili�� �� �l�� �it�r �r����t� r��nti�r��� �rill b� �����r�r�� t� �ta�i�f�r ��e r��rd�. 8:�� r� ��� ��r7r�r�r�i�����n t���c � 1�-rx��r���� br���. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 60 ���� � �������� ���������� ������� ���� ��� ���� � �� �h� u�li� ���rr��r�t r� �r��rr� ��� �r��i�r� ��d �t����# �� �i� r��t �1r. ���l�u� ���re�� � � ���tio�n v�rit� a� �r� �� 1�� f�et �o�ns�re�r� of t��ir �roj��� ��ernrrr��� ��e th� ��n � � ]� . . . ` ��r� fi�� �t��e�i ���# t�� ��r�r�i��i�� ��u�� ��n��t��n t�� �r����t t� �r��r��. I�n �o�n�l�� , ���r����I�� e���i�r����g�r���r�r�� ��r��err��, �orr�r� �ss��r��r ��av�rr� ��k�d �Ilr* ���a�l��nr �f �e h�� � s�r�s� of p��s�r�a� l��b��ity �� � ' '� �� �nr�� ��r�nf�rt���� ��n f�rwa���� Il�r. �������v r��ri�d �e �r�� �or������ b����er an� � � � i�n ��n f�r-�v�rd a��� �r�r�uld #��c� it ���� ��r���«t� ��t��fy�I�� �o�n��rrr� ��c������d, � � H��rir� �� �urtk�er ��rr�r���t� �I��ir F�ll�v�r� �����d �t�� ������ h��ri��. � ����r F�11�v�r� �l��r� �u� ��t�d �k��t �u� �� ��� t��v�r ir�f�rr�����n r����v�d �r�r�r� ����j� �� , , . . ��rrrrx��rr� t�r�i �rt ��� ���mr�►i��i�r� ���Id ���r� �1�� ������ �� ��r�t�r���r�g t�e �r����t �r � d���u����rr� ��r���� 'I �rr� � a�r�d l���r� p�r��� � ����r����r ���nr. ��rr��mts�i�r��r �r��vr� �ta��e� �I��t i�� ������r�� tl�� ���nrr����i�r� �i����ci ���r� #h� ��p����n# �� rr���l��e���a���C �� p���i��� #� h�lp �rir�g th� pr�j��t�� �r�i�i�n, � ���rr�i��i�r� ���mr��r���: �r��nr�n: � �� i��� ��r��err�� r���r�i�� �I�� �r�e�c ������k �� �h� ���r��r �f ��n� bu��l�ir�� �a�� �a�������� ��� �r��u��l� t� ����t�� pr������; I�� �� ���ni�� ���nr�rci ��pr��r�l. � I--�� v�r�� ��r���rta�bl��r�ri#h t�� �r��e����i�a�! re��r�, � Th�r� �r� �n���� i�r ��� A� ��i`f�r�I�a�� n��d t� �� �1t�����. • I�e �a�r�d I�ke �p����ic l���uag� ir��lud�d �rr t�� rr���i��tior�� �l1�IVl �.�I}, i� �or�ju�r��t��r� v�ri�#� in����r��n �it�r �t��f�n� �it��tt�rn��r� t��� �d��u�a���ly c��s�r�b�s t�� i���� b��e�n �r��l� �������c� �r�� tf�� �� ��f��r ��r �u�t�r� ��vr��r� �� th��� �ar����. � � ��r���rn �r�th 11�r. L�r��sr�n�r�'� ��r�r�rr��n�� #ha�t i� �I�� �it� �p�r��r�s t��� �r�j��� ���� ���I� �� I��b1� ��r�r��i�r� pr��l�r�r�� �r� th� �u�u�r�; ��� �r����� ���r���r �id I��r b��t t� �o�r�r �1�� ���i��; u�ti����l� i� tf�e �t�r� ���� i� �u�t in ��r �����rt t�is �f��ul� b� ��ff��i��� #�r ��f��}r; N1�-. ��B�a�uv�r v�r�u��� r��� �u� �rirr�����ir� � �����i�� �� tl�is b��r�g �r���eq�ate �nd havir�g a saf�ty is�ue. � � �[e �� r�ervo�s �b�u� �vh�� ma�y I�ap��r� to ��e �r�ek setk���k durin� cor��truct�ar� �r�� tl�i� issu� h�� r��t b��rr re������ t� �i� �a��i�f���i��, Pa��ce r: � �in�� ��i� �r����� �a�s �a��� pr���nt�d �� ��� ����n�����n i� i��lu��� a� ��t r���� r��lly�ood �nf��rrr��tior�. • �h� �ras ���err�s v+�ith ��r� ���foo��r�e�c s�tb��k. � Th� �E�� d�����nt v�r�� �r�r�ll ��rr� ��d �t��f ��� ��dr����� t�� ��r�r�i����r�'� ��r���r�� ��� Mr. ��r��nr�� did ���d ��� �n ��� �r�l���l������ ����rt, ��� ��� �� ������rrit� tl���. • T�� �g b��f��- ��� b�er� ����� ��r� ���nd ��� '���--���� ��t����C ��fn�, � �ri�ina��l�r �h� �ic� h��� ��r�n� ��n��rn �vitk� tl�� � it v�r��l �r� �l�� dri���nr��, ta�t ���� �� n�t � bi� i����� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 61 �������� ���������� ���� � �I����� ���� ��� ���� � ������ ��r��e�t �a�rr�� ��r�r�r� �rritf� � I�t �f ir����r�n�ti�n �r�� it v�r�ul� k�� ir�a���r���-i�#� ��d irr�s��nsi��� f�r u� r��t �� fi�� ��� r��r� �b��r� ��i�; i� n���� t� �� r��r��r��r�� f�rt h�r �n� r�n�r� �r�f�rr�n��i�r� ����i v�c� f��rr� ��a�f# r���r�i r�g ��i�; ��rh��� ����ta��li�� tl�� �������� th� r���n� �r�si�r� i� �I�� � ��r���rr�. � I���-��I� �I�� �i��r i� r�sp�n�i�l� �r� ��pr�vir�� ��rr���l�in� i� � �itu�����r� v���re v�� ���r� r��ei�r�� ��i�r in��rr�r��t��n ��r� #h� �r��i�n�, �� �r����-� ���� �r��i�n ���� ��t �� ���rn ir�t� tl�� �r�e�c, � IIV� r���� t� r���C� �ur� #l�a�� ��r���ru��i�� d��� n�� g� ir��� ��� bu�f�r �� ����-� i� ���I� a� bi� �r�� �f�. � ��������r�� ��r��f '� � � �r�r�n p��r��l � ���I� �u�� a� �r��l�rr� ��r�h� d��r�l���r, � � I�t �f �r����rx�s �a��r� ���� ���C�� ��r� �f� hu� rr��r� tirr�� �� �����r�� �� r��ri��nr ��� n��r�r ir���rr���i��. ���: � ��f��-� #���rin� ��� publi� ��rr�r�en� t�ni��t �h� v��� in�l�n�� t� gi�r� h�r ���r���r�l, ��� �e���e of t�� ero��or� pr�ablerr� �he �ou�d not {��thou�� �he did no# �nrish �o d�ny i�}. � T�� ��t� �n tl�� ��il� r���rt i� �������� �n� th� ���� �� t�� ��r��� i� ������� {����r� ��� �a��ny �����r�} �� �fi��� r����� t� �� �r���t��. Fel���nrs: � ��i� i� ��si��l�� � ���� pr�je��; i�r� �r��fll a�n� �r� � ���� �p�t �f �i�e pr�bl�rr�� ��n �� ��I���. � � �r. C�����r�� i� pa�y'rr�� �fi��r��i�n �� tl�� ��-���� �r���C ������k. � �--le ��r��� �r�ri�l� �I�� �r�1���1�����1 r���rt �l��t tl��r� i� litt�� �� p�#�r�ti�� �r��u� t� tl�� ���li���r v�r��t i� t�ft�r� ��� pr�p�rt�. � ����� �r� tl�� ��il� r�p�� h� h�� r�� �r����r� �v�th t�� 8 �t �v�l�� r�� pr�b��r� �nri�h ��� r��r��r ��c������n f�r r��� �r�rd ��t����c �� ��r��� � a�� �hi� i� a I�r�e I�� �r�� ��r�tri�u��� �� t�� ��ff�r �nd th� �r���c ��t����c. � H� �� gl�� t� ��� t��t ��� I��-�� �a�l�� �r� b�in� ��v�� - � �r��� ���e� t� th� �r�ti�-� n�ig���rh��d� �� v�r�uld ���C� �� s�� ��" ���c �r��� ����g �I�� d���r��r�r�� �e pr���r�� e��l�r#� ��f������1� r��l��� ��� tr��� b�ing r�rr���r�� ���t�� dri�r��nra��, � Ti�� ��p v�rh�r� t[�e �r����a�r�� i� ������ �� la�r�� tr���, � Th� ��-���� ���b��k ��u�r����y �I����� �� ��r��l � ���u��� �� ���I��d �� �nr� ��r� ��� v�rh�r� i� is; r�� ���i�ri�� sh��l� t��C� ����� ir� tl�� ���b��k ��rir�g ��r���ru�����r� �r�� r��� af#�r; �� �v���� �Is� li�c� t� ��� � f���� �E�n� t�� ��-���� ���r���ry ��t�e ���h���C �nritl� � n�ti�� �I��� �ta���� "��-��� I--I�b�t�t, r-�� dur��ir��, h�����i���, ����i�i��� — a�r�� �1� �n�ryR�# t� pr�t��t�h� ��e��C. � M11� �.�; �h� r��nn� "�a��if�rr��� F���-�����d Fr���� ����I� b� ����I�� �ut — r�� ��br��r�a������, �� ����I� �f a��rv�r� ���nr��# �h�� i�, � �� i� ���a���d �� ��� ��� ��r�� t� f��r ���v r�i�����i�n rx�e���r�� �� p�-�t��t tl�� �r��l�c, � I��f�i� �r���ct �� ���r��r�� �nrith � �I��-���t �� �uff�r� tk�� ��ti���l� ��r tl�i� ����r�d �� r�a�d� �I��� �#hi� �� r��t � �r�����nt� tl�a�t it'� � �i��r��� b�f��r; ���r��r�r� ���� i� a����p��bl� in ��i� ��s�, ��p���a�l��r �r�th tk�� �re�� in �h� dr��r�v�r�y ar�d i�n ��� F��I� �� t�� buff�r. 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Th� p��p�r�y i� �r��e��t�� �nr��� na�ti�r� �r�� n�n-r���iv� �r�����, �hr��� �r�� tr���, �rr� i� �������� b� �n ��ci�tir�� dr��r�v�r��r th�t �rvi�l b� ��t�nd�d t� ��rv� �h� tv�r� {�� �r�p���d �a�r��l�. �1`�e dr��r�v�r�y . ��t�r��i�n v�rill ���I�v�r th� �I����r c�o���ur� a�dj���r�� t� tl�� ��ci��ir�� r����er��� �� rr�ir�ir�ni�e ���d�r��, ��VI ���� ��.€�A�I�� ����������#./� #./� �� �����i�#.€�� ���� ���� �i/��I�I�� ����r ��� �/����� �4�����7 ■•�*1 � { ���� ��1 �� f..�� � ���l��� �4t����1 J�. ������M� �I�� �� �I■�V�y./#.� �V ��� ��I T�*���� ����� *■R�I ��#.I� �� � y„� � ��n����� t� th� ��t�r dr�i���� �y���rr�. ��B�F�� �r� r�quire�J ��r r��int�na�n�e �� �11 ��rnrr��� fa���li�i��, �u�1� �� th� driv��r�r�� �n� �riv�t� uti�i��r rr��int�na�n��. A��E���F� PAF���L IVIJII��EF���}: ���-����-���; ���-��1-��� �it�r�f A�-r��r��r�r�de, Ir�i���1���r��r�'�r��S�,�r��r� ���rt Agenda Item 9.b. 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Th� �r�����d bu�F�r ir��lud�� th� �r�ry�r�� �vi�ith �f Arr��� �r��nd� �r���C �nd �����i���� �'ip�ria�r� �r���t�ti�n, v�r�ri�l� �ff�r� furtt��r bu�f��r �r�t��ti�r� b�tw��r� u���, Th� �it�r �I�� h�� � �i�l�t-T�����rn �rd�r��n�� �nrit� �r��r��i�r�� ���r ��rr-r����r�� pre�erv��i�n �r�� pr�t��ti�n, �r�� ��r-v�� t� r���if�r r��id�r��� �� f�rr��r�' ri�h�� �r�d �I�r�f�r ��ri�ult�r��l ��tivit���. �� �r� �dd�d r�����r�, th� f�ll��nr�n� nni�i�a�#i�r� i� r�q��r�� t� re���� i�npa��t� �� � ���������i���i�l����� IV��1■ �.% �ity�f�4rr��� �r�r��Ie� �r���ia!�t�r�Iy f�r����rr��r� ��crrt Agenda Item 9.b. 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T�� p� �� � � r ro��ss�or�a� b�ol��ist f�rr��l�ar w�th a�r r� �r�� b a�n er��r�rar�r�ne�ta�l ������l�st o � � � F�e�r���r �orr�r�itte� �s p � � s�na�l be review�d b�r th� A�c��tectura � k�uf�ers. ��e fir��l ��r�dsc�p� �I�n ' ta� ta �r�su�� th�t t�� ���r�� ved � the �om�nunity D�v����rr�er�t ��re� � ��F��� a�r�d a����� � �re�r�ir� �nri�k� f��t �r��r�r�r�� ��r�r�r��� tr��� �r� �����t��� r��ri��� ��fe����re a��� ���r��r�a�t� � � + �e���-r�r�r��ndati�r� �■i � ��# ii + ��I�� �� �������■ ��� ��� ���������� ��� ���M�� ���������� �*��� ��1����� � � � ����M� ����# � ��f� �� ����� � ��#f�r f�r �h� pr����t �r�p�r�d �� F�rrr�� d�t� �'Y ��r A�r��u�tura�l u� I�l �r�er� ����r�l �r��� �r� �r�p���d �� �1�a�11 �� l�r�t�� ir� ��n� a�r�a� �ti�r�� ��� �r���v�ra��, r� � ]� . r, Tf�� �r��� � ' �� an er�k�a��er�ent �o t�ne ��ri�ultur�� b�f�e �� r�r-r��v�� t� bu��d t�e �r��r��r�ra��r, . � � ��r�d�ca � 1�n, �1�r�t �f�a�l� �� �I��v�rn �� broa�-lea� ever�r�er� or �o��#ers or� the f�r�� . � � � �n �ti��� v�i�� t���� ��ur�d �� �f�� �rr��r� �r�r��� . ���e�ti�r� ��r tl�� a��r��ult�r�l �u�f�r �I�a�l� �� �o p • ` uf#����r�#� * • ' �Rs �1n��1 �ar�t��n �ss�r��r���� t�a� tf�� sc����t+�� �s s Y �reek r�par��r� ����tat. �he �� + . . r rr�or�i#o�ir� l�n • • ' � �r� t�� ��S�F�� �I�a�ll ���1ud� �r�v����r�� f�r �f��r���r�� � � r��ir�t�i�n�d. �t � r�n�nit� , ��r�t�� ��ri�u�tt���� ��ff�r l�r-�����pir��. f�e���n����e Pa�rt�: D�������r ! • ; �i� ���rr� � �r�r���-��DD, �8��111� {F���r�����r� �r�� �Ill�ni��rir�� �ger��� � J� 11I��ir���r��r��� ��nri��� ����,� �Tirrn�n - I�ri�r t� i�����n�� �� B�i����� ��rr�r�it, �� ' � ����: P�te��i�ll� Ir��a�t��n �n�i�r�if��a�n� IV�� i �. I�l l� C��.11�1���lf� V11��1 �1�e � �,� , . . • �l I���b l e �igrr�fi�an� �v�r�ll k�e Inr����� �p m��i�ated �� Vio1��e �r��r s���e or fede�-�1�m��er�� � � � �r'r quality s#and�r�l� �r e��e��l��� q�r���#y em����or� �i�re���lds �� . �����1i��e�l�� ���r����4i���1l��i�rr �on�r�o!Dis��r'c��AP���� �� ��c���� �rry��r��i�i�re r�e�������� U l—..1 � ❑ �ub��an�ial air po1lu��r�� �or��err#ra�ian�� � �� �r�e��e ������e��ir��i�r��ltx�1� �� ❑ � � � ��je��ior���le odor�? � d} Be ir��or�sis#er��wi�� ��� Dr's��i���s � � � � �1ear��4ir Plar�? �� o����- C� ❑ � ❑ ��#tin�. �h� ��n Lui� �bi�p� ���n����r P�Il�,ti�n ��r�tr�l �i�tri�� {AP�D� t��� ���r�l���d ��� ��G�A Air C���lity F�i��db���t t� e��lu��t� �r�j��t ����ifi� �r�p��t� �nd h�ip d�t�rr�nin� �f �ir �u�li�y �it'r�a�ti�n r�e���r�� �r� r���d�d, �r �f �����ti�lly �igr�i�i��� ir�p���� ��ul� r����t. Th� �ity re�e�� t� th�� Han�bo�k�or�IJ ��s�retiar��� pro�e�t� sub���t to �EC�A. �i�y���rr��r� �r��r�cle, lr��t#�����c����r���Err��r� ���rt Agenda Item 9.b. 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TI�� r-n�j�r ��ur��� �f P�II,� ir��l�d� rnir����� q��rri��, �r�dir�g, d��n��i�i�n, �gri��l�ur�� tillin�: r���i du�� ��d �r��i�l� ��ha�u��. �r�c��ng �n� ���n�tru�ti�� �� �I�� �r�j��� �v��ld ����r ���r � ��ri��! �f r��r�}� r�n���#��. ���rt-t�rrr� ir�p��t� rel���� �� du��� ��r��r�t��r� �r�r7r� �i�e �r���r����r� �nd �r�dir�� �rv�ui�i re��l� ir� �u�� ��r��r�ti�r� ��'1�� ��1.1�C� ����� �C�Ja����� �31'���l�I��. �I�I�����I'� I'1'l�a��l..lf�� �����C� ��'1 ��1� ��'�J��� IN�1.l�C� I'�C�l��� ����- ��rm du��� ��r��r��i�n ��,rir�g ��n�tr��ti�r� �f t�� �r�j��� t� I���-t[��r�-��gnif��r�t I�v�i�, ���� ��r��r�#�� ��t�� ���r�l��rr���� ����ri�i�� �h�l� �� �C�pt t� � r�inirn�r� v�rith � ���I �f r���ini�� ���� �r� t�� ��t�. Th� du�t ��n�r�l r����u��� li���� b�l��nr �h�ll b� ��Il�v�r�d durin� ��n�tr��ti�rr �� tl�� ���j���, ��nd ���1� b� �I���rn �n �r�c�ir�� �r�d buil�i�n� pla�n�. IIA�t����i�n������usi�n. 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Illl�llr �,�: ��r��tru����r� �����ri���� �r� g�n�ra�t� �u�i���� du�t, �nrl�i�� ���I� b� � r�u�i��r�r..� t� ��car r�����r�t� �r�� ���in����� �r� ����� �r���r�nit�r �� th� pr�p���d ��r��tru�ti�r� �i��. ���t �nr�p�a�int� �:oul�i r���l� in � vi�l�ti�n �f th� AP���� ��� "IV�i�a�t����' F�u�e. �n�r �r����� v�r��� � ��Q���� GI�� ����������� ��� G���#.I�7 ����i��� �1 1�+ �1 �J��i7 ��F�.I������I� ����Y7����■ ����7 ���J��Ll� � i� r�e�r� �o��r�����ly �er�s�#ive r�ece��or's �r�d sf��1� be �or�d�tio��c� �o comply v�r��h a1� �ppli�a�ble ����r���4rr��r� �r�r�a��, Jr�iti�����ra��r��r����rr��r� ���r� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 83 . . a� �orr���r�ec� �r� ����ior� �.� o� ' ' �o �h� �ar��ra� of fu���rve dus� {P�,o} AP�D r��r�l���or�s per�arr��r�g �f�e�4r'����Ir��r�f�r��l����. v�rr� �� ra��ir�� a�r�� b�����r�� ���r��. Th� iti ��i�r� r����u�r�� r��u��r�d �k�a��1 b� ��n� � . t c.:or��r�� Atil PM�� rr� � • �rson or p�r�ar�s to rnor�tt�r the d�s car��r��t�r �r �ui���r �t��l� a���� �����r��t� � � �rt �� �u�� ��f�it�. ' ��� �nra��er�r� , �� ne�e���ry, �� pr��e�t tr�r��p � pr��r�rr� ��� �� �r��r �r��r�� � v�r�r4c r�� r��t �� ir� �r��r���. • � ir������ t��lida� � �r�d �nr��k�n� ��r���� v�r1��r� ]� . T�e�r dut�es sha�1� Y � rov�de� �o �f�e AP�D�r�or�o lar�� �ele hor�� r��r�ber of�ucf� p�r'�or��s� sf�all � p Th� r�arr�e ar�d � + � of�l�e �r��. learar��� far map r��or�f�tr�r� ar�d fir��sJ��d graal� � use � ' �r� �r�af derrr�lr'tr'�r����r�� �f��ll�r'���f�� ��ll�wr"r�g �'���rl������: A�I�rt� gra�f g� �. f��du��e ��� �r��ur�t��tk�� �ii�turb�d �r���nrt��r� p���ibti�. ; . �r��cl�r � sterr�� in ��f�i��ent qu�r�t�t�e� �o pr�vent �ir�orr�� d��t �. �.J�� �f� �v�ter �r�.���c� �r �pr � v�r �nr�n� � ���� � r�n I���in tfi�� ����. 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AI1 tru��t� h��l�� �irt, ��r�d, ���I: �r ����r I���� r��ter��.l� �r� t� be �ov��'�� �r ���II � rr��ir����n �� ����t tw� ���� �f �������►r� {rnir��nr�u�rr� v�rtic�l �i��ta���� b��nr��r� t�� �� I��� �nd ��p �f tr�iler} ir� ���or��r���rr�rit� �11� ���ti�r� ��1'I�. '��. �n�t�l� u+r��e# v�r��l��r� �r��re �r��i�l�� �r���r��d ��cit u�n�a��re� ����� �r��� �tr��t�, �r v�r��h ��f�r���c� �r�d ���i�r�r��nt l��vin� th� �it�. �1. ���� �tr��t� �t t�� �r�d �f ���� d�� i� vi���l� ��i� rr�a���ri�l i� ca�rri�� �n#� ��j�oen� p � ��re� r����. 11V�t�r�v�r��p�r� ���II ��� r����irr��� v�r���r�r�r��r�f���i�l�. III�� �.'I�; F����bl� ���i�rr���tt �� fi��r�����r�r �h�� �r gr�a���r, ���� duri�n� �ar��tr�.����r� � a������ti�� r� uire �a�lif�rn�� ��a�t�v�rid� ��rt�b�� ���ipr��n� r����tr�ati�n {i����d b�r t�� �a�l���r�i� Ai� � . f�����r�e� ���rd� �r �n AP�� ��rr�r�it, T� r�ni�ir�i�� ��t�r�ti�l c��l���, �I�� ����i�r��lbui�d�r ���ul� ��r����t �fn� A��� Err��n��rir�� Div��i�n �t �'�'1-��'�� ��r ����if�� �r���rm�#i�� r���r��n� ��rr�ittirr� r�quir�r��n��, 11�1111� 3.'1'I: l�f1i��re��►�i��i�r��r������r��i#��r� r��������'� ��r����i��r� �rr�f�ff-r-���I�qt���r�r��r��. '�. �t� ir� �nd �ue�in� a�r��� ���ll r��t �e I��at�� v�ri��in 'I t���#��t����������� r��e���r�. i � � * + 4 F , �. ������ �dl��n� �nritl��r� �:��� ��et�f��n��t��r� r�ce�t�r� i� r��� ��rmitte�, �, 1,.��e �f a���err�a��iv�f�el�c� e�u�ipr��n� i� r���nn��r�d�c� v�r��r�err�r ����it�l�. �4. �i n� �I��t ����ify ��e r-�� �d�in� r�c��ir�rr���t� �1��11 b� �����c� �r�� �r�f�r�e�# �t ��n� � c�r���r-�.��ti�n �it�. �i�����q��-��r� �r�r�a��, Ir�i�fa1���r��r��r B���rr��rr ���rt Agenda Item 9.b. , Page 84 �II� �.��; lafl�r� �����r��r�r�� f�r �r�-����f ���i�l��. ���ti�r� ���� �� �i�l� ��, th� ��lif�rn�� � . . . . . � ��d� �r F���u��a������ �irr��t� i�l�r�� ���nn� f�r d����l-fu��l�� �orr�rx��r�i�� r����r�r����l�� tl��t����-a��� �r� tl�� ��a��� �� ��1if�rni� v�ritl� ����� �r�hi��,l�r v�r���ht r��ir��� �f �r��t�r t��r� 'I�:��� p�ur��� �n� li��r���d ��� ���r����r� �r� I�i���v��r�. T�i� r���l�ti�r� ���I��� �� ��lif�rr�ia� �r�� r��r�-�a�l�#��r�ia� ba���� �r�hi�le�. In�en�r�l, tl�� r���l�ti�� ����ifi�� ���t�riu�r� �f��i� �r�hi�le�; . 1, �fi���l n�t idl� �h� �r�hi�l�'� �rir�n�ry di���l �n�ir�� ��r �r��t�r ���� � �n�r�ute� �t �r�}� ��c�ati�n, ��c���t a�� r��te� in �u����ti�n �d� �f t1�� r��u��ti�n; �n� �. ��a�l� ��� �����t� � �ie��l������d �u�cili�ry ���nr�r ����er� �AP�} t� ���nr�r � ��a����, ��r �o�diti�r��r, �r �n� �n�ili�ry ��uiprr��t�� �n ��a�� �r����l� ��ring �I���i�� �r r���ir�� in a� �1�ep��- ���� ��r gr�a�t�� tl�a�r� � r��r����� �� a�n}r I��ati�� v�rl��n �nr���ir� 1�� f��t �f � r�������� �r��, ��c��pt �� n���d in �u����ti�n {d� ����� ��g�l����n. �i�n� �I��II b� ���t�d in �t�� d��igr��t�d �u��ir�g �r��� a�r�d j�� �it�� t� r�r�ir�d �riv��� �f ��� � rr�in�t� ��I�ng lir�nit. TI�� �p��ifi� r���irern�n�� �n� ��c�e�ti�r�� i�n ��n� r���l�ti�n ca� �� r�u��v��� � �t th�f�l��v�r�r�� v�re� �it�: wv�r�v.�r�.�. ���nn� r� �����k-i��in �����. df �II�M �.'i�: ��fl�r�� r����r���r'�r��f�r �ff�r��a����i�prr�er��. �ff-r�a�d �i���l ��u�pr�n�r�t �I�a�ll ��rr����r �vi�� ��� � r�ir�u�� id�ir�g re��r��ti�n i��r���fi�� ir� ���ti�n �����d���� ���h� ��I�f�rr�i� �ir F�����rc:e� B��r�'� �n-l.J�� ��F���� Di���� r�gu��ti�n: wv�w.�r�.c�a. ���r� ��t1������r�i��'I��1�r����. ��. �igr�� �h�ll b� ���t�d in th� ���i�r��t�� ���uir�� �r��� ��n� j�b �it�� �� r�r�nir�d �ff�r��� �qu�pr��r�� �p��a�t�r� �f��r� � �ir�u�� idlin� lir�r�it. � IIAM �.'I�: Tf�� pr�j��� �it� i� I����d in � �ar��i�a�#e �r�� ��r IV�tur�ll� ��u�rir�� A����t�� �{V��}: ��►rhi�h I�a�� b��n i��r�t�fi�� �� � ���i� �ir �ont�m�r��r�t �� t�r� ��I�f�rr�i� �ir F�����r�e� ��a�rd �A��}. l.�r�d�r ��� ��� Air ���cics ��n�r�l Illl�a��ur� ��T�IVI� ��r ��n��r��ti�r�, �r��ir��, �u��rir��, a�nd ��r�a�ce �111i�n�n� �p�r����r��, �ri�r �� �n�r gr�dir�� ��ti���i�� �t tl�� �it�, t�� �r����# pr�p�n�r�� ���I� �r���r� ��a�� � ���I��i� �v�l�a��i�r� i� con�u����d t� d�t�rr�ir�� if fV�A i� pr���n� witl�in the a�r�� ��a���nri�� b� ���tur�e�. If�V�A i� n�t pr���nt, �n ��c�rr��tr�r� r�que�t r�r���� �� fi��� v�ritl� tl�� AP��. �f IV�� i� ��ur�� a�t the ����, ��� ���I���t rinu�t campl�r �nrith �I� r�qu�r�r���n�� �utl���� ir� tl�e A�b����� �T�1�1. �`�i� r��y in�lu�d� d��r�l��rr��r�t �� �n A������� ���� M�t���ti�� Pla�n �nd ��n �����t�� H�a�l�h a�n� ��f�t�r Pr�gr�rr���r�ppr���l b�r tl�� AP��. P����� r���r#�tl�� � �P�D v�r�b ���� �t ��t :��vuw�nr.����l�a�n��r.�r ��u�i�������b��t��,�� ��r r��re in��rr��ti�n �r ��r�t��# t�� AP�� E�f�r�err��nt �iv��i�n �t ��'I-��'I�. �p�ra��i�n�l P���� �rr�i��i�r�� II�I II�I 3.'1�: �r��i�� �f���� tr�� p��r�tir�� �I�n� ��u���rr� ��cp���r�� �� ���I�ir��� t� r�d�ce sumr�n�r 000l�n� ���ds. ' �� �a��■ �1���� �����7 �� ����1"I��i ������I ����F�� ��� ���1��■ �� �a��■ ������� ��4���� �I�L.+#���rGl� ��LI�L� �� 11�111��7 �� �����G�� 4�� �x7� 1�� �I������ app��ances ar�d toa��. IIII III� �.'!�: 1.1n��r AP�D I���� ���, �n�y �P�� ���r�v�d �r��d I�urr��r�� c�e�ri��� ��n b� ir��t�ll�d �� n�v�r��vellir�� u�nit�. ����� d�vi��� ir������: _ • ��I �PA-��rtif�d Ph��� If w�o�� burr�in� dev���. • ��t��yti� v�r��d b�rnin� ���ri�� tha�� �r�it le�� th�r� �r ����I t� �,'! �ra�r�� per I��ur �f p�rti�ul�t� r�n�tt�r� vr�l�i�� �r� n�t ��A���r��fi�� �ut I���r� ���n �r�rifi�� b� a� r�a�t����l��r_ r��o��i��d ����ir�� I�b. Agenda Item 9.b. �i�y���4rr�y� �rar�a��� 1r���i�1���r�l��������rx��r� ���r� Page 85 • P��I�t-fueled �nro�d h��t�rs. • D�d�c�te� �as-fir�d firep���e�. I�e����si�l� ��r�y: D��r�l���r �IIl�ni��r��ng A�����: �i��r�f Arr�y� ��a�r��� —���; A��� �ir��fr�r�n�: P�r�r t� �����r�� �f E��i��ir�� ��rrr�it�n� �c�rin� r.,on�tru����n �. ���l.��l��L Fi����J F���� - �����,t�����, i��������, i�����������t n��� . . �ignifi��r�� �v�rill b� Ir�pa�# �#�pli�2�bl� V�1��1 �����'�����: rx�i#ig��ed �� Re��r1�ir� a l��s of ur�ique or�p��ial � � � � ��a�u��pe�ie� or�l�eir l�abi�a��� �} Reduc� #�e ��r�er��� d�vers��y or � � �ua���y of r���ive or o#her impor��r�� � � ve�����ior�� �� lrr�����v�re�l�r�af�������r'�r� ���it��� ❑ � � � d� lr��rodu�e�barriers ��movem�n��� r�si�len�or rr��gr��ory�isl� or wild�if� speci�s� or fa���r� �i�a��o�Id I�ir�der ��e r�orrr�al a��ivi�ies of wild�ife? e) ��i�er � � ❑ ❑ �e�ting. �h� ���j��� �it� i� I��a��� ������nt t� �rr�y� �r�nd� �r��l� a�r�� ir��lu���� � ��r#i�r� �f �he ���e�c �ha�rrr���. Tf�� �r���c rip�r��n a�r�� �h�t b������ tl�� e��t�rn p�rti�n ��tk�� �r�j��� i� ��rr�p���d �� a�n ���r�t�ry �� v�rill��, ��t��r��nr��� �r�� ��r�a�m�r� �r��� �nritl� �r� und�r�t�ry �f �I���Cb�rry �r�� p�i��n ��k th��ke�. T�� ��r►�C� �f Arr��� �r��nd� �r���C �r� �#��p �r�d r�u���ly 3�-f��� �i�� a�b�v� ��� ����v� I�vrr �I��r �I���r��l �f t�� �r��k. ��v�r�l �rui� tr��� ��c��t ir� th� �i�� �r�d b��l� �r�r� a�r�a�� �nr�►�r� th� dri�r�v�ra�� ��ct�n�i�n �nd r�����n���� �tr��t�r�� �r� pr������. Arr��r� �r�r�d� �r��� I��� ����nrn ���urr�r���� �� th� f�d�r�ll� li�t�d t�r����r��d s��e�h��� ��u#I�- ��r����l ��lif�rni� ���I��i�a�ll�r ��gni����nt �.Jni� ��t��lh���� �r�d �a�li���r��a� r��-I�g��d fr�� ��F�L��. T�� ���th�v�r��t��r� ��r�� t�rtle ���� ��� b��� I�n�v�rn t� ���ur�r� �1rr��� �r�r��� �r���c. �irr�i����� th� �F�L�, ���� �� � I�i�� ��t���i� ����i�� t��� �r�ul� �� r�r��t�� r��tri�t�d t� t�� ��tiv� �r�e�C �k��r�r��l �n� �-i��ri�� l��bi��� ��I�v�r ��� �f �h� �r���C b�r��t�. �p����i� ��r-v��� t� d�t�rr�nir�e �����r��� ��- �k���r��� �f #C���� �p��i�� v�ri��ir� ��r� �r�j��� a�r�a� h�v� r��� �eer� ��rr�u�����, Th�� ��n�l}���� ���c�r��� �I���� �p��i�l��t��u�� ����r�� �;o�l� �� �re�ent �t ��rr�� �ir�n� in �rr��r� �ra�r�d� �r���C �I�r�� ��� �r����t r����, �[� �t[��r �p��ia�l-�ta��u�� �p��i�� �r� ��cp��t�d �� ���ur �r� tl�� �r�j��t�re�. D�t�i��� ����� qu�l���r ��r��lir�� �n� a�r��[�r��� �t�di�� �r�r� ��r�d��t�d f�r th� ����t� �f ���n L�i� ������ L�p�� ��m �r����t ��bi��� �����rv�ti�n P��rr �H��� �� i����i�y �r�� p���r��i�l ���rir���t�l 1111���1" �1.���1�� I��I.J�� ��� ��1� ���,� �I�� ������'1��C� ���� �1'1�� ���l.J�" �� �I�'1 �}C1��1f1C� ���1C�1�1��1 I�1 �����1� �r�nd� ��-��k. TI�� ���I��,nri�ng i� �x��r�t�d �r�r�r� ���ti�n �.�,� �f th� F��r��ry ���� Fir��� C}r�ft H�P �th� �ir��l �r�ft I--��P ��r� �� f�urrd �n ��� f�ll��nr�r�� �v�b�i�e: �rv�v�v,�i�c:o�n#y�rv�t�r.�r� ur�der "L.�p�� 1l11�t�r �]ISt�rr1�l� � �� �r�r����r �f �r�r�t�r q��l�ty ��n��i���nt� a����t I��bi��� ��r��iti�n� �nr�thir� �rr��� ��a�rr�� �r��k. ��rx�� �f�I�e�e ��r��tit��r�t� a�r� �����i���d �r�ri�l� n�tur��l� �����r�ng �nir��ra�l d����it�, �nd ��rr�� �r� �����i�te� ���h a��ri��lt�r�l ��r��ir�� ��� ��r��li��ti��, �t�rr�n�r�r�t�r r�r��ff fr�r� r��d�a��r�, Agenda Item 9.b. _ ����r�€�4rr��r� Crarra��, lr�i�i�����ral�r��r����rr�ar� ���rt Page 86 . . . �r la�nd���� r���i���. T� pr��rid� r���r�r��i������� � urb�r�i���i�r�, r��r�a�ti�na�� ��t���t���, �r�� �t� � . , �r���C ra�� r ���i� ��r��tit��r�t� �nr�th�� �rr��� C�a�r��� , � ����1 ba�����r�� �r�f�r��t��r� �r� �ra��� � � . � ' �h�rr���t la���r���ry f�r ��ner����4 �na�l��i� �� a� ��rt�f��� ��a��yt��al �Y s�mp��s w�re �����cted te�.��� �e� �r��� �o�le�ted from b �r��. . C��rri� t1n� fir�t ��rv�y �r� J�I� ��, ����, �nr� � . ��F�r�rrr�la� , � � ev�ra� �r�nr����a�t��}� ��v�rr��t���rr� �� � loc�t�or�s a�o� A�roy� �rar�de �r�ek: tf�e co��rete ra� y �o� � Br�d � ���-��, �rr��r� �ra�r�d� �A����}, �n� �rr��� �o e� D�m A�����, �����ett� Road � � . � to � � � �a�r� l�r� I�c�t��r�� �re�� ��I����� r�r�d� �re��c L� ��r� {A��-�; ���u�r� �-���. �1�� f�ur �; � � � � water �ati�t �on�t��uer�ts v�r��h�r� d���rer�t r�a���� of Ar�oyo pr�v�d� �n�or�n���or� an �k�ar���� �r� q Y � � r�r��� �r���c���t rr��}r be ��f����d b� I���I ��r�d-��e �r��t��e�. ��owin �PA roto�ols, for �pec�fic ca��u�tar��e, pH, ���� �r�b ��rr���� v�r�� �r��l���d, �� � � , '1 }/-� ��� t��a�l • # � Lr� �r� I���� �I�i��►�y .�J����r�� ����r� �����i�� 11�L�� ����11 � ��sen�c} r,�dm�um, ch�arr�NU , �� � , . . � * � t���l �4tr� er�, �r�r���i�, ��r��r��r�� f��' ���t������ �n� �����I��� ����d�, ��t�l �1������r���, � + • r�n��i�i�� ' � �il �r�� r����. Aft�r t�� �Jul� 'I�9� ��rv�}r, tl�� �a�rn���r�� �e���r� �nr�� I��rb�c�des, �n� � � rande A���� and tl�e for sub�equ�r�t �u�rv�y � v�rit� ��Il��ti�r�� �t tv�r� I�c�t��r��, �rr��� � � � oon A��-�4 : o� �cto��r ��, ���9, Apri1 ��: ����, a�n� Au��ust �, Arr��r� �ra�n�� �r���C 1�g � } u�a�lit �urv� � ��� ��rr�r�n�ri��d �r� App�r����c � {T����� A-� tl�r���l� �� ����. F�����t� �f vrr�#�r � Y ]� . ��. ��� �e� ir�������� r���� ��n�tit��nt� v�r�r� b���v�r a�r��l�rti��l ������i�r� �ir��t�. IV� 1Na�t�r �u�lit� � � r�������r� �t��rr� �nr�� �b��r-�r��# ir� �nr�t�r c�u�l�t�r ��r����tu�nt� b�t�v��r� �p- �r�� ���nrr���t'��r'r'� �� � ir��i���te ���� �nr�t�r ��li ��r�dit��r�� I��ti�r��, Th��� r���nr��i���r���-���r�l b����tir�� �u�v��l� �l �Y �nritf�ir� Arr� � �r�nd� �re�k pr�v#d� �uit�bl� �r�b�t����r �t�e�����, r��-I����� f����, ��� ��h�r Y �qu�ti� r��o���es." I� ���■ ��� ��i��� ����/ �������� � �V���� ����� �����#./ ������ ��#.I�!} ������� ��� �1 V�./� ���■l. ��� • � � � /� /� r�y �����V ���� ��/�� ����F�IR ��.��r���a�� L�V ��Y��V� �� ����������� �� I��V��/��A��� ������� �� ��� �I� � � �1E ��� �r�� th�� �n�lu��� tf�e �tr��r�b�d �r�d tw�r�t�-��i�� f��t ���'} h��k �r�r'r'� t�p �f �tr��rr� ��n�C f�r �r��k r����ti�r� a�n� ���r� �p��� �u�p����. Th� t�p �f b�rr�C h�� ���r� �urv��r�� �ir��e ��� ��uth�rr� � p�rti�n �f tl�� pr�p�rty ��cperi�n��� ����k ba�rrk f�ilur� �n ����. I�ur��r�u� fr�it tre�� a�l�� ��c��t �n #�� ��t�, r�����f�+v�i�h �vill k�� r�r�n���d �nri�l� th� p������� d�v����r�n��nt. �� �r�p���d, �II pr�j��� gr�ding �r�ril� ����r��t�id� ��th� �r���C ��tb��k �r��, �It����l� ��n��ru�ti�r� �f �I�� pr����� i� n�t ��p����d �� r��ult �r� ��r��t �rr�p��t� t� th� rip�r��n I���it�# �r��, ���er�l r�ni�'t�a�ti�n � r-�-����ur�� ��v� b��n �dde� t� r�du�� ��t�nti�l indir��t im���t� {�r�dir��t irr������ ��ul� ����r fr�rr� con�tru�t��r� �nd ����-�or��tru�ti�n ��v�r��tr��rr� �r��i�n, �i��h�r�e �f����rx��n��r�d �i��l��r�� �f����r p�l����r����. Mitig����n���n�lu�i��n. A�l �i�� di���rb�r��� �nrill ����r �ut�i�� �� th� tv�r�r���r-�i�r� ���t ���'� �r���C �e�����C a�r�� ��d r�� n��i�� tr��� �r� pr������ t� b� r�r���r��. ��n�tr�c�i�r� ����e p��j��t i� �I��r�f�r� r��t e�tp����� t� r����t ir� �r�� I��� ���r d�r�n��� t� ��ci��ir�� ��g���ti�n�b�t�r�i��l r����r��� �r�� �p��i�� I��bit�t. I--��r�v�v�r, r����ur�� t� r��iu�� ����nti�l indir��� ir�n���t� �nc� �r�te�� ��c��t��� r��ti�� �r��� ��ri�g ��rtl�r��vir�� ��ti�r�ti�� i� ne�����ry, P�t�nti��l}� ���nif���n� ir�n����� �� b�����i�l ����ur��� �n �� r�r�i��g�#�d t� � I���-t��n-��i�r�if���r�� lev�l �nri�� ir��l�r�n�r�t��i�r� ��th� b�l�� ��ti������n r�r����ur��. V s�• �1�� i+��� ��I#.�1��� ��f�I�� l■ ��� ��������� � �����f��i�/ ������ ���V� ����/��V� ��� ��\./� \ �������1 1 l��� �} �� �I#� �� ��� ���1������ ������,/����� �#.���������i ���������� 4 1 l������� ��� � �������� ��I�./�T• IIAl1A �.'I: Th� f�l����r�g �-r������e� �h�ll �� ir7np��m�nt�� tv ��du�� p�t�r�ti�l `rr�p��t� t� ��lif�r�nia� r�d-I����� fr��� {��1��} �nd �t�er li���� �p��ie� �h�t r-�-�i�ht ���ur �r�rithir� #�e r�i��ri�n a�r�� ��tl�� �ub���t �r�j��t sit�: �i��r���4r���r� �r�r�a��, �r�i�r�1���a�,y��r�����rr��rr ���rrt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 87 ' �7 o�ns�r��tion �ctivi��e�, sur�veys s���l b� perforrned with�r� the subj��t pra��r�y to �■ ��I�� �#J � rr�in� r��en���a�b�enr� �� �i�r�� �la�rl���. I� tl�i� �p��i�� i� ����� �r�-�it�, ��� �.J,�. d�ter p �o�d���� rnea��res F��I� ��n� I�Vi�d�if� ��rvice �FI�V�� �h�l� �� ��r��a��t�� �r�� � ir�pl���rr#��i. � . Pr��r �� ��r��tru���i�� ��ti�ri�i��t pr���r�����b��n�e ���v��� ���ll b� p�rf�rrr��d ��r �m�r�� ���n�v�r�rt �a�rn���'� �rva���r�r���, a�nd ��I�r� �r�re�. �f �I�i� ������� i� ��ur�d �n-�it�, FIJV� , �I��I� �� �or�����e� �r�� �v�i��n�� r�����r�� ir�p�er�����d. �. If b��l� �c�l �u�rv� � �h��r ��rid�r��� �f��ci��ir�g �I����t�r��� �r����n��r�� �p��i�� �r� �i��: � Y �II ��n���u�ti�r� a��t��ri�i�� r�la���d t� ��� pr������ pr�j�c� �h�ll b� r��nit�r�� ��r � ���lifi�� - �i��� ��t f�r�t�� d�r��i�n ����r� �r�j��t. Th� bi�l����l r��r�it�r ���I� ��r��u�� � bi�l��ic�� � r���ur�� �du������ pr�gr�rn f�r v��r�C�r� �ri�r t� ��� �niti�ti�n �f �r�� �I��rir�� �r �or���ru�ti�� ��ti�ri�i��. �h� ��r���ru�ti�� �r�v�r f�r�rr��r� ��n���d be r����n��bl� ��r �n��,�ir�g th�t �r�� �nn�rr�ber� ��r�npl�r �v��� tl�� ��i��l�r��� a�nd �ha�� ��� r��v�r ��rs�r�r�e� r��i�r� �h�� tr-��nir�� b�f�r� p�r��kir�� in �or����u�ti�n ��tiv�tie�, Th� �r�r�C a�r�� b�u�r���r�e� �r�� �th�r �f#��irr�i� �r��� �t�a�ll b� i��r���fi�d �� th� �n���� b��l��i�t. �n�r �r�����t��n ����rin� �c�iviti�� ��2�i1 b� r��n�t�r�� b�r tf�� �n�it� bi�l��i��. �T. ���'�r���� ���� �����7 ����� L� ���4�C����� ����,����Lr���� C��i����L��i� C��� �r��'���r�l C��i�i�r�7�7r C� . �����IL�+� ���i����� �7��II �+�11��1.rL ��1 Y���7 ��1 �J��� G�� ��� ������.r� ����i �� Gl������I�i�.r YY1�� ��� �=11V�'� r�vi��� �urv�� ��id�lin�� ���rvi� ����b�. If �n�r �i�� ����� �� �f�� �F�L� i� f�u�n� ��r�n� th��� �urv��r�, FVII� �l�a�ll �� �or�ta����d irnrr��di�t�l� �rrd �I� �:or��tr��ti�n ��ti�r��i�� ���t ��ul� r����t ir� ta��c� �h�ll b� p�����r��d �r��il tl�� �11V� i� �or��u���� a�r�d ���r��ri�t� ���i�n� ��a��r��� t�k� �r� d��r�1���d �n� irr�pl�rr��r���d �r��it�. �. I��i���gi�� �urv��r� �h��nr ��r�d�r��� �f�F�LF �r� th� �r����t �i��: th�r� � ���I��i�l r��r����r �h��l �r��p��t �F�e �r�j��t �it� b�f�r� v�r�r�C b��i�� ���� ��}r, in�lu��n� u�r�d�r ��r�C�� ��ui�r�r���nt, f�r ���,.�. I� �F�LF i� f��r�d �r��it� ��r�r�g �h� �a�il� in�������n� �r ��rir�� ���l��+k��� ��iL���L��r.�t �I� �����i�l ��il������i� l��L ��I� ��i���� �� L���i ����I ����r ��L�I �� � i� r�ar��ul��� a�nd ���r��ri�t� ��ti�r�� t� a�v�i� ta��C� �r� ���r�l�p�� �r�d ir��l�r�n�n��� �r��i��. �. �`f�� lirr�it� ����� pr������r�r1c �r�� a�� th� �r��l� pr��������n ���h���C �r�� �h��l �� r�r��r��� �v��h k�i�h �ri��bi�it� �ra�n�� ��n�in� t� �n�ur� r�nin�r�i���i��n �� I���it�� di�t�,rb���� �vi���n th� . r���r��r� �re�. F�������ible P�r��: ��v�����r IVl�ni��r�r�� A�en��r: �����f�rr��� �r�nd�— ���; FU11� � T�r���r�rrne: Pri��t� �r��in� ��rrn�t �nd ��r�rr� �or��tru����r� �� ��ii ��� �I��I ����l�Il ��� ���I7 ��V� �� I����V���� ���/� �� VIV����� ��� ����� ������I ��� ��#.I ��� V���� �#.I����� ���� �� ��� �I��• �II ��������4�� �����#.►��� ���I� ������� �ha�� n� ���r�l�prne�n� �r ��rth ���r�rr� ��tiviti�� �I�a�ll ���ur �vi��ir� ��' �r��k ��t����C �r�a�. Tfn� �r��k ��tb���t �r�� ���II b� d�lin��t�d �nrith ��r���ru��i�r� f�n�ir��. F�esp�n�ibl� Pa��t�: ���r�l���r . IIA�r����rin� ��en��: �i��r �f Arr��r� �r�nd� — �DD �i�n�f��r��: �ri�r t� �r��i�� P�rrnit �Illlllf �.�: � Tr�� �r����t��r� Pla�r� �h�li �� pr�p���� ��r � ��rt��i�d a�rb�r��� f�r �I� ��t���i�l��r ir�pa�����1 �r��� t� �-�r�n��r► �r� t�� p��j�� ��t�, in�ludi�� �h� p���n tr�� I��:a��d �t t�ne �riu�rnr��r ���e��. Ar��r r���i�r� tr��� int�r�t��r��ll�r �r unir�t�r�ti�r��ll�r I�i�led �r r�r���r�d tha�� a��� �r��t�r tha�n ��- �c�ua�i t� ���r {�� in�h�� �i�r�r��t��- a�t br���� I����l�t �DBI-�� �r�� I��� th�n tw���� ���� ir���e� ��H ���II be r��l���� a�t � �:'I r�ti�. Tr��� r�rr����� tha�t �re �r�a�t�r ��a�r� �r �q��� t� tw�l�r� �'I�� ir��h�� DB� ���II �� r�pl���� �t � �:� r�ti�. F��pl���r�e�� tr��� ���II �� �ir�n�t�d t� Agenda Item 9.b. ��ty���4rr��r� �rar�a�e, �r�i���l�t�a��r f�r G���rr��r� ���r# Page 88 ���r�pr��t� ��t�v� tr�� ����i�� �� �ppr��r�d �}� �I�� �i��'� ��'h�ri�t. All tr��� �� !�� r�rr��v�d �r r��a�ir��� �f��ll �� nn�r��� v�rith di�f�r�nti���r�� ��I�r�� rihb�n �r ��int. F�������tble P�rt�: ���r�l�p�r ��/�������� �����r�■ ��L� 1���1�1��� ����LI.�i ����� ���� Tim��r�rr��: Tr�� Pr�t��ti��n Pl�n �u�rn�tt�� pri�r t� �ra��ir�� ��rr��t. ��r�i��rin� �� b� ��n�u�t�� �urir�� �r�din� �nd ��r-��tru�ti�� ��ti�ri����. Irr�pact: �h� �r�j��t ��uld �u����nti�fl� d��r�d� the ri��ria�r� ��rrid�r �������t�d �+�r�th Arr��r� �r�r�d� �re�k �r���r��t�}� t�r�u�� intr����ti�� �f ��c�ti��in�r��i�r� r��n-r��tive p��r�� �p��i��, i�tr�du�t���n �f f�r�igr� rr��t�r���� ����r����r-r� pr�d��t�, �r����e� ���.}, �r��i�r�, �r�I��� �li�����. Il��i�i��t��r����n�l����n. ��t��n�i�ll}� �i�nifi�a�n� �r������ t� th� Ar�-��r� �r�r��� �r�e�C ri��r�i�r� ��rrid�r �f��� ��n �� r�ni����t�� t� � I���-t���-�ignifi��r�t I�ve! �vit� ir�pl�r�n�n�����r� �� th� ��Il�v�rir�� r�itiga�ti�r� r�����r����. �IIIIIII �.�: �� �-����� �r��i�rr I�����d� du� t� ��r���ru�ti�r� ��tiviti��, �r��ir�� �h�li �� r��r�ir�ni���, ��� �r�j��t �ppli��r�t� ���I� ��� r�n�ff �nd ��dir-Y-��nt ���tr�l �tr����r��, ��nd��r �����li�h � . p�rr��n�nt �I�r�� ��v��' �� ��r� ��i� ��11�v�rir�� ��n��ru�ti�n. f���pons���e �a�rty� D���I���r �Ill�r�i��ring �4gen��; �i��r ���rr��r� �r�r����- ��� Tirr��fra�r�r�: Pri�r t� �r��ing P�rrn�� lll�llll �.�: Illl�r�c �I��I� b� c:ornp����d durir�� th� �ry �����r� �A�ril �� �� ��t���r 1�� t� r����� a���i�r� ��r��tru�ti�r� �r��i�n t� �h� e�c��r�� f���i���. If ��r��tru�ti�r� r-r��,�t ��ct�rr� ir�t� tl�� v�r�� V1f����'1��' ������'1, � C�LJ��I�1�� ��IC��������C�I�� �!" ��111� �!"1�1�1��1', ��1C� ������'��1�1"1 �}�������� ��1��� ��"����'� � C�I��I�1��� ��C� ��"�al��l ���1�C�� ����1 ��1�� �C�C��`����� ���1���"I..J��I��1 �"1'1����..J1"�� �� ���V�fl� ���II�'���1�����C1 �#''lC� ��'��I�I� ���I'�'�]I� .�'.��"��1�� ��'���C. �����1'�al��� ���"'�]�: ��lf�����1" Monitor�n� A�ency; �ity o�A�royo �r�nde— �DD Tirr�efra�rr�e; F'ri�r t� �r�dir�� P�rr�n�� �n� �c�rirr� �����r���'r�n �II�IIII �.�: I��fu��lin� �r r��int�n�n�e �f��uip,�n�r�t�i��ll ���C� �1�����thir� ��} ��th� ��p �f����� � ���k. Ill�����r�ir�� �quiprr���t ����I �� ��rvi�ed in ���igr����d �ta���ng a�r��� I���t�d �ut�i�e �� tl�� �r��k r�p�ri�r� ����. 1JII�t�r �r�r�n �q�ipr-Y-��r�� �v��l�ir�� �r ��n�r�t� v�r��l� d�v�r� �I��II �� pr�v����d fr�rx� ��t�rir�� �h� �r���C. F�e�p�r��i�le ��r��: ���r�l�p�r I�I�ni��rir�� �#�en��: �i��r �f Arr�y� �r�r�d� — �C�� ��r�e�r��n�: l��r�r�� ��n�tr��ti�r� IIIIII� �.�: �II ��mp�r�ry f�ll pl���d d�r�r�� pr�j��t ��r���r�,�ti�n �I�a��l �� r�rr���re� �� �r�j��t � ���m������n ��d tl�� �r�� r��t���d �� ��pr��cir��t� pr�-pr�j��t ��r�t�u�r� �r�� ��p���-���y. �e�p�nsi��� P�rt�: D���I���r �Ill�nit�rrrr� ���n��: �it�r �f Arr�y� �r��d� --��D� Tirr��fra�rr�e: Pr��r t� i��ua�r��� �f� ���ti�i�a��� ������p���y ' ��4rr� � �r��r��� Ir���#�1����f ��r����rr��r� ��r�r-t Agenda Item 9.b. ����'� � � � Page 89 �� �.�: �� C��1��1"1.���1��1 C���31"I� �I" I�'1���'�I��� ��1��� �� ����1N�� �� �fl���" ��1� �����C �]��, �I��1�1� �ir��tl�r �r �r��ir���l�r. �t���C�il�� ���u1d �� k��t ��r �r���gh �r�r�n �I�� ��r��c� �f th� ��ti�� ����nr��l �r�d pr��e�t�d �� pr��r�nt r�r��teri�l f��r� �r���rin� �h� �r���c ��d. ���p�nsi��� P�rt�: D���I���r �Ill��it�r�n� A��n��: �i��r �f Arr��r� �r����-� ��D �'imefrarn�: [�urin� �o�s#�u�tior� ir�p��t: T�� �r�j��t rr�a�� r��ult in ir'r'�pa��t� t� ��ult�nd ��b����lt ��I�f�r�ia� ��d L����d Fr��� ��F�L�� in�����r�� f�a�r���rr��r��, in��ry, �r r�n�rta�lit�r �r�rr� ��r���ruc:ti�r� ��t�viti�� ir��lud�r�� pl�����n� �� d�br��, �rv�r�t�r f��t tr��i�, ��rr�p����`y I��� �f ��bit��, t�tx���r�ry di�p�r��l di�r������n, ��n�ur���i�r� �� pr�d����� �ttr��t�d t� the ��tiviti��: �n� �ilt�ti�rr�p��lu�i�� �f ��� � h��i���. ��i� i� � ����r�ti�l��r �i��ifi��r�t irn���t th�� ��n t�� rr�`rti�����i �� � I���-���n-�'r��ifi��r�t ��+��I *■I�� ����#./������I#./� #.€���V��I�V�*I�v� !1l��������� ��/L��������r � �./ �..� � II�I�1�1 �.�: ��ui�r��n� ��a�gir�g �r��� �n� ��hi�l� p�rkin� �n� r��v�r�n�n� �I�a�ll b� r��tr����d �� d����r��t�� ��r��tr�����r� ��r���. Fl�gging �h�ll a�l�� h� ���� t� �e�p �q�i�r�r»r�t, v�h�����, �nd p�r��r�r��l fr�rn r���ri�t�� �r��� �i,�, �+�rithi� th� ��' �rid� �����c ��t����C a�r���. �urin� n�rrx��F �it�r �uil��n� in����ti�r��, ��� �n������� ����I ���ur� th�t �he ��' �r��k ��tb���C �r�a� i� d�li�n��t�d �r�� �II ��n�tru�ti�r� ��tivity i� �u�t�i�� �f�h� ��tb��� �re�. ����1�F����I�F ����i ��!�JV��� 1 IIA�ni��rir�� A�er���: ��t�r�f�rr��r� �r�r���— ��C3 T�r���r�r�e: ���in� ��n�tr��ti��n Illrrll4 �.'I�: T� �-����� t�� p����n�i�l a�t�ra��ti�r� �f �F�LF �r���t�r�, �I� ���d-r�l���d tr��� rna����-i�l� {�.g., I�ft��r�r�, �nrr����r�, �r�d ��n�a�in�r�� �I���� be r�r���r�d fr�rr� ��� ��n��r��ti�r� ��t� �a��h d�y, �r�� �I�� �it� ��r��t�r�tl}� rr�a�in��ir��d �r� litt��-fr�e. �r�j��t ��r��r�r��l �h�ll b� in�tr�.,�t�d n�t�� brir�� p�t� �n-�it�, v�rhi�h rr���r a�l�� pr��r �,��r� �F��.F. ���p�n����e ���t�: D���I���r �Il��r�it�rir�� �g�n��: �i�y ��A�r��� �r�r���— ��� 1�irn�fr�r�r��: Durin� ��r���ru��ki�n �Illllll �.1'�� �trict a��l��r�n�� t� �r��i�n ��n�r�l r�n�������, a�n� ��ntr�l �� ���j��� r�rr-��f, �� ��iti�a�l �� r�n�ir�t��r�ir�g �F�LF h�bit�t, F�i��ri�n r�n��i�a�����n, ���r���r ��nd ��i�� r�iti��ti�n a�n� I��r�r����� �miti�a�ti�r� ���II �� �rr�pl�r�e�nt��. ���p�n�i��� ���t�: D��r�l���� Illl�ni��rin� A�er���: �it� �f A����r� �r�n��— ��D T�r�r�����r��: Durin� ��n��r��ti�r� Ir�n����: Th� pr�j��� ��u�ld re�ul� �r� ir�p��t� t� �t���l���d �nd t��ir h�bit�� d�� t� ir�dire�� �r������ �� �r�-��r� �1�n1i� �r�I�./�• lr�d�r��t �r�-��a��t� ���1� ����..�r #r�rn ��r��tr�����n �n� p��t � � con�tr�,�ti��n d��v��tr��rr� �r��i�r�, di����r�� �f ����rn��t, ��d �i��l�a�rg� �f �t��r p�llut�r��� tl��t r���r �f���� d��vr��tr��nn I��bi��t. Thi� i� � ���en�i�l��r �i�r�i#ir�nt �r����t th�� �� b� - rr�iti����d �� � I���-t��r�-�i�r���i��nt I��r�l v�ri�� ir�p��rr�e������n �f t�� f��l��rir�� r�itig��i�n m���u���s�. �IIl11�1 �.7�: f�l� r�r�r��v�l �� ri��ri�n �r u�l�r�d ����� th�t �r�vid� sh�d� �� Ar���r� �ra�nde �r���c �ha�ll ���ur. N1������-n�n� �h�ll ir��l�d� �I�nt�r-�� �f r��ti�re �rip�ria�r-� �p��i�� �i,�., v�rill��nr, big-1��� r-�n�pl�, ��tt��v�r��d, �t�.} �I�ng ��� �r���c �� pr�vi�� �h�d� �nd tl��s����r� �i�i ir► ���lin� �f �Fr� �r���c. Th��� �p��i�� �ha�ll b� �k���v� �r� �h� f�r��l I��d���p� �la�n f�� tl�� �gri��lt�r�� bu�fF�r. ��ty���4rr��� �r��r�c�e, �r�i���������r��r�B���rr��r� ���r�rt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 90 ! ; �� �����Y�� �V ����\� 1� � !•V� ������� �� ���Y�Y ���••�� �h� or�-s�te �ip�r�2�r� �nab�t�t �I���I �re�k. �� b� r� �r�� b a� �r�����i�r��� ���l��i�t �n� �u�br�it��d �r��r �� ��� fi�n�1 l�r���cap� pla�r� ��n� � � � • r ��� �r���bl� � ' � �rrni�, �I�� f�r�a�l I�r�d����� pl�r� �f�a�ll b� r��r��v��� by �tf�� � ����ra�n�� �f b��ld�r�� � �i�� a�r�d ��rr�� ����}, r� �n�l���r� ��1�f�rr�i� D���rtr�n�r�� �� � a��er����� �r�d ����c���l�� , � . • i t �r�d L�nd � �� �a�lrr��r� �nf��r������t, tl�� F�����r�� ��r���r�ra�t��r� �»�r� , �er�tr�� �o� �ur�� . Pl�n# ��I���i�r� f�� �h� ��r��u�ltu��l bu��f�r a�r�� r�pa���a�n �orr�erv�n�y of �I�� � y enh�r���rx��r�t���ll �e ���r�ir����d. I�e�����ibl� P�rt�: ��v���p�r 11�I�����rir�� A��r���r: �it�r ���rr��r� �r�nd� ! ��� � Tir�r��fr�rr�e: Pri�r t� i����n�e �f ��i�c��n� ��rrn�t �r��i du�in� ��r��tru�ti�� _ ��ter���a�l� Ir�pa��t�an �n�i�nifi��nt IV�� �■ �r�����.�1� �������E� ■ , , • �� A 11�2tb�� � , ��gn�f��ar�� �v�ri1� �� l�p� pP V'Vi1! �i������e��i r�i����►��d ' f�is�ar��re�our�e�� � � D���ur� � � � , r � ��������� � r-b re�����r�C� � � Drs�� � � � � ' r����o i���r��o�rr����� � D���ur�� �1e� � � � Q � � � � ����r � � � ��#t�n . ��� r�i��t i� l��a�t�d in �r� �r�� f�i�t�ri��ll� ����p��� by �I�� �bi���r�� ���r�a���. �f�� � � 1 �bi� �n� t�rri�� cov�r�� �r� ���� fr�r�n Arr��r� �r�nd� �r���C �� ��r� �irr���n �I�n� tl�� c:o��t v�ri�� p �'Y inl��� ����I�r�n��t� ��r��� �1�� �����a�l F��n�� a�r�d i��� t1�� �a�lin�� �i�r�r dr�ir�a��� r��rth �� �a��� Rob���. A ����� �I ���b-�urf���� ��r�r�y �r�d Pf���� Ill �r��n�e�l��i��� Il�it���ti�rr F���ri��v �v�� ��ndu�t�d b�r T��r ��nv�r��r �� ��rit��� �i����r�r���, I r��. �a�t�� I���rerr���r ��, ���� �r�� �a�n��ry 1�, ����, r�����tiv�l� {Att���r��r��� D a�n� E, �n �i�e �r� tf�� ��rr�r�unit� D�v�l�prr��n� C3�p�rtr�r�nt�. Th� ��b- �urf��� s�r�r�y p��d��ed ���iti�� �����t� f�r th� pr���n�� �� � �rehi���r�� �r�����l��ir�� �it� {tl�� �i�� i� ��rt �� ��� �r��� �r�l�i�t�ri� Ar�����f��i�l �it�, �d�r�tif��d �� ��-�L�-���}. II111�i1� p�rt� �f ��� � a�r�����l���c:al ��t� r�r��i� �r�ta��� �t the pr�j��t �it�, t�� pr���r�� t��� ��d rx�a���r pri�r di�t�rba�rr�� in�ludi�� r�rn��ra�l �� r�����r� �r����a�ti�n, ���av�ti�n �� � �e�nr�r tr�r��h a��� ��nr�� �r��i��. It �� ��t�rn�t�� ���t ��°lo �f tl�� �r�h���l��i�a�l ��p��i�� �r� t�� �r���rty r��m�ir� �r�����. Tl�� �urr�r�t �r�j��t �r�p���� r��p�n�� �� tl�� r�r�n�ini�g, ��°�� di�tur��� ���I�������i�a�l �it�t ��v�l��rr��r�t i� �r�p���� �n pr�vi���l�r d�sturbe� �r���. Th� �r�h�e�l��i�a� rna�t�ri��� pr���r�� �� t�� �it� �r� ��u�r�� i� r����r��� �� I��nr d�n���ie� �� ���tr����d v�ri�l� tt�� ��ntr�l ��rt���n �f tF�� �r�h���l�g���i �it� I������ �ur���r �i��nrr���r��r�n. C'ri�r ��c����ti�n� I���r� ����r� t��t tl�� ��r�t�r �f �k�� �r��b �it� ��nt�in� �r��t�r d�n���i�� �f ��I�u�r�� r-Y-��t�ri�l� ��� ��r�r���r � p���ntia�l ���' tl�� pr��e��� �f hu�r��n r�rr��ir��, Th� �ub���� pr��erty r�pr���r��� tF�� le�� �i�ni�i��nt �ut�r e��� �f�h� a�r�������gi�! ��t�, a�r�d i� r�pr���r��� � �it� �r�� �vi#I� r�ur�r��r�u� p�i�r irr��a��t�, Irr�p��t. Pr�je�� �I�n� �rvere r�vi��►�re�! �t ���r�r�l �t���� b� �r�ha���l��i�t T�nor ��r��nr�y. ���nn� ��tl�� �r��ri��� �r�j��� ir�p��t� h�v� l���n r�nit��a�t�� thr���h ���igr� �I������ ��rr�p��t��t �� ������ �����-u���i�� �f t�� a�r�h���l����l �it�. �p��i�i� ir�p��t�, ���h �� �r�ra�t�� �r�� ���v�r utiltty tr�r��l��� a�nd t�e f�unda�t���► ���i�n, v�rill rr���c� �r���r�ic����� irnp���� t��t r�q��r� ���m� a�r�h���l��i��l rr�iti��ti�r� �i� ���4rr�y� �r��r�a��� 1r���ia►���ral���r����rr��r� ���rr� Agenda Item 9.b. � Page 91 ���11��1�i1�, �"��IIV�V��, ��1��� Ir'1'1����� ���1 �� I"�'1��i����C� ��1(� ���l.�l� I�'1 �C'��� 1N��1`� ��1��� �1�11� ����'1 �ri�� ir'r�t����. Th� P���� III ���d}� �����mr-r��n�� t��� ��c��v�ti�r�� r�����r ���� fr�r�r� ���c {�} ���i� r�r�e��r� �f tl�� pr��e�� �r��. �r�h���l�g��al ��nit�r�r�� i� �I�� �'���r7r�r��r�d�� �i�rir�� �r�� ���t �� ���n���u��i�r� t��� ��f��t� �I�� �r�un�. �I�i���1��7���1'1��1,�I�1�1'1. ��V����3�"'I'1��1� �� ��� ��'�J��� ��U�{� ��11� � �����l�l���]I �I�I�i�l�fl� I�'1���� �� ��.J��LJ��� �I�C� �11����1� ����1����� ��1�� ���1 �� �"1"�I�I����C� �� � ����-��1��"1��1����1���1� ��11�� V'lll��l irn���r��nt��i�� �f t�� �i�i�����r� rr�����r���} li�t�� ��I��nr, IIII� �.'l. A ��a�lif��� ����������i�� �h�l� ��r�n�l��� tt�� ��t� r���v�ry �r�� rr�iti���'r�n ��c��r�ti�n� ir� ����rda�r��� �rith th� Ph��� Ilf �r�l�������ic�� Il�i�����i�r� l���ri��rv �r���r�� f�r th� �r�j��� �i�e b� Th��r ��n�nr��, d�t�� �1�r���ry '��, ����. � F���p�n�i��e �'�rt�: ���r�l���r - ��r�it�r�n� ���n��: �i��r �f�rr��r� �r�nd� — �C�� Ti���r�rr�e: During gr���r�� �r�d ��r��tru��i�n ���i�riti��, II�III�I �.�: � �u�lifi�� �r�k����l�gi�t �h�l� b� r���in�d t� r�n�nit�r ��I �r��ir�g �r�� �on�tr��ti�n ���i�ri���� tl��� �#f��t tl�� ���I. !r� the ���nt tf��t pr��i�t�r�� �ultur�l ����r��l�: �r I�i�t�r�� �ul��,ra�� �m�t�ria�l� �r� �n��unt�r�d, �nr�rk ir� t�� ir�r�n����te v��init� �f �I�� �ind� �h�l! �� ���p�r�d�d a�r�� t�� �r�l�a��������� �Il�v�r�d �� q����cl� r�c:ord, ��ll��tt �r�d a���l�r�� �n�r . ����I���./��� 1���M���� ����.€�������• 1 �I1�*!�1■� ��� I I�J� ������I� ����� ��� �A���I���./� ���h���l� i�t ���II r� �r� �in�l t��r�it�r�r� �r�iti �ti�r� �e �rt t��t ir��lu���� � d���ri����r� �� the � � � � � � �m�t���� u��d, r��t��i�l� r�c.;ov�r�d, �n� �h� r��ult� �f �i���ri� �� �r�l�i�t�ri� �r�a�l�r�i� �� ����� t-n�t�ri���. T�� fin�l �r�h���l��i��� r��nit�rir�g�r�ni�������n r���rt pr���r�d �� ��� qu�lif��� �r��������i�t �I�a�ll �� ������ed ��r �h� ��rr�rr��rri��r D�v�l�prn�r�� �ir��t�r pri�r t� �ubr�itta�l t� ��� r�p���t�ry �nd �����n�� �� �r��r fin�l ���u�����r f�r th� pr����t. A hi��-qu��ity, I���r �r ��������..�� �r���t ���1I� ��.. �������.+� L� ���. �����..���L� ��.��.r�����.+�� ����..�il����� �.�..1.�..�1��� �� L��.. ������� �I��. Re�pc�ns�k��e Par�y: Develop�r Illl�nit�r�r�� �ger���: �i�y �f�r��}�� �r�r���— �DD Tir�����rr�e: C�urin� gr��in� ��nd ��r��tru�ti�r� ���ivi����x �ri�r�� �s�uanc� o�a ��rtifi�at� o��cc�pan�y �. ����.��� ��� ��IL� - P���ntiali� Irr�pa��t��n ln�i�nif��a�n� IV�� * . . ��gnif���n� �wi�� b� Irr��a�� Ap��i�a��l� �IVi11 �l�e�r`o���#� mitigated �� Re�u1�ir� expos�rre �o or prod�rc�ior� � � � af ur���ab�e ear�l� �or�di�r'�r�s� s�cl� �s larr�f�lide�, ear�f�quake�� li�ruefa�#ior�, ground f��lure, �ar�d �u��i�ler��e or��l�er�imi�ar it��ard�� �� Be wi�i��r� � CA Dep�. o�I�fiir�e� � � � � � Ceolog�r��r�ti�q��k� F�ul��one� c� Res����n �oi1 ero��orr� �o�o�rap�i� � ❑ � � �h�r�ge�, loss of�o��oi1 or ur�s#���� �oi1�ort�#i�i�r�� f�orr��roje��=rel��ed im���vemer��s, su�f� �� ve�e�a�ior� remov��� �rradir��� e���va�ior�� o�fi11� � �i�����1rr�y� �r�r�ale� 1r���������r��r��r�����,r,�rr ���rr� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 92 � �1�� ���L� - F���en�iall� i�pa�#��n Ir�si�nifi��nt N�� �. ������ , . . �r�r� ��� A li�ak��e , , �ign�f��a�nt �w�ll be � P� 1111►�� �l�e�r��e��: r�iti��t�d d �l�a►� e rate� of�oi�ab�or��ior�� or � � � � � � �mot�r��ar�dir�c�i�� of s�rface r�rr�of�F� � lr�clu�fe s�ru��ure�1o�a��d o� � � ❑ e�pan�ive�oi1s� �f�arr e �he dr�ir�a e�a���rr�s wf�ere � � � � � � . s�rb��ar��ia!or�- ar of�-���� s�dirrrer����ior�!ero��or� or flood�rr� may o��r�r� 1r�volv� ���ivi�re� wi��ir� �he ��0- ear � Y � �� ❑ � #lood zor�e� h Be ir��ar�si���r���vi�l� ��e �a���r�d � � � pol��ies o��i�e �o�rr�#y'� �afe�y Elerner��rela#ir�� �o �eol�gi�ar�cf �eisrr�i�Ha�ards� � i Pre���rde ��e fu#u�e e�r�r���ior� of � � � � � va1�r��le mr"r�e�a1 r���ur�es� ' ��1��r ❑ � � ❑ � ❑ �et#ir�g. Th� t����r��h� �� �h� �r����t �i�e i� �r�ri�d: �����ndir�g �������r ��v�rn t�v�ra�r�� ��e �r���c fr�rn th� ��ci��ir�� re�i��r��e �r� ��� r���t� �j�� �r�d ��r�tl� �I��ir�� �� t�� �r���C �r� t�� ���tl� �Md� �nr��r� { tl�e tw� �2� t���nr r��i�er���� ��e �r�����d. Th� �it� �r�i�� t� �h� ��u�f����t t�v�r�r�� ��� �r��k a�r�d i� 1����e� �ut���e �� th� 1��-�r��r fl�������r�. �h� la�nd��id� ri�k ��t�nti�� ��� ���u�����ti�rr ��t�ntia�l durin� � gr�ur�d��l���Cin� �ver�� i� c���i��r�d I��. IV� ��ti�� f��ltir�� �� �Cn�v�n t� ��ci�t �rr �r �i��� t� th� ��hj��� pr����k�r. TF�� pr�j��t i� n�� �nrit��r� � �n�v�rn �r�� ��nt�inir�� ��r��r��ir�� �r ultr�r��fi� r���t �r��i�� {�.�. I��nr ri��t��r n��ur�ll}r ���urr�r�� �����t���. A ��i�� �n�in�erin� �'���r� �nr�� ��r��u�t�� ��r th� pr�j��t �it� da�t�� ��t�b�r ��} ���� �A#���hrr���t �, �rr �il� �r� th� ��r�r��r�ity ���re��prr��nt ��p�rtr��r�t�. �he r���r# ��n�lu���� #h�t t�e ��t� t� �uit�bl� ��r . th� pr������ d�v�l�pr��r�� �r�vid�� the r���rnrr��nd�ti�r�� �����rr��� in t�� r����t �r� �r����p�r�t�d in�� th� �r�j��� �I�n� a�r-�d �p��i�i�a�ti��n�, Ir�n���t. Th� rr����r���,r�� �������ti�l ��rtl�q��k� ��rr��ge ���rr��r� �ra�n�� i� �r�rx� �����rity ����� �I�� r��i�r��! ��n Ar��r��� F�ul� ����t�d le�� �I��n ��rty ��4�} rnil�� ���t a�l�n� th� ���t�rn b�r��� �� ��� Lu�i� ������ ���,�t�, T�� r�r���t v�rid��pr��d ir�t�r���t� �� gr��r�� ����C��� ��p�r�d� �r� ��v�r�� �����r� in�ludir�� t�� rr���r�i��d� �� �I�� ���tf�q��k�, ��� di�t�n� �r�rr�� �h� e��kl�q���C� �pi��r�t�r, �r�d �nd�rl�r�n� ���I ��ndi����n�. �th�r r��i�r��l ���It� �f �i�r�ifi��r��� ���t coul�l ��f��t tk�� �r�j��� �r�a� ir� t�rm� �f�r�ur�c� ����C�r�� �r� �I�� I�����nd�d� �r�d �Va���rr�ier►�� f��lts, ����t�� �p��'��c�r������ tw�r���r-f�v� ��ir�� �I��� ���� V� ���./ �I�*r ����� ���I�� ���.+ ����I���\.I� i�������l�l�� ��./����'!� ��� ����� ����� r����r�t� {Il���nitud� �.�+}���r#h��a�k�� ir� �I�� a�r�a�. Tf�� 1JV��t i--����r�� ����t i� I���e� r������r t���� �3} r�i��� ���� �f ��� ��t� �� Arr��� �r�r���. T�� �r�j��t �i�� v�r��l� �� �uk����� t� ��ver� �r�un� ���I�i�� irr � �t��r�� ��isr�ni� ��r�r�t, �nrhi�h ��u�� �a��� c�a�rn��� t� �tru��ur�� �r�d �nda�r���r pu�ii� s���t�y. �i�����4rr��r� ���rr�e, lrrr���!���rr1�r��r�����rrr�r� ���rt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 93 l�li�i ��i��l��t��tiu�i�n. ��i�r�ni� h���rd, ���I �t�bili�y, ���� �r�si�n �nd ���nrn�tr��r�n ����rr��r������r� �►r� � �:on�id�r�� �t�r����f! �� n�fi���t �rr�p���� tha�� �r� b� r��lt���� t� � ������f��n-�i��ifi�nt ler��l �vi�h � ]� � �r�-��1�rn�r���ti�n �f the r�r��tig�ti�n r����u�r�� li���� b���v�r. 11�111� �.'I: A �r�j���-����i��� ��il� ����rt ����I �� �r���r�� b� � r��i���r��i ����e�h�ni��l �r ��il� �r� ir���r�� r���ir�d ����� �it�r'� �r�di�ng �r�in�r���, a�n� th� r���r�r��-r��r�d�t��r�� �f tl��t re��rt � �h��� b� �n��r��r���d in �h� d���g� a�nd ��r���ru��ti�n �# �h� pr�p���� �r����t. �i�n�l � �r�n r�v�r�n�nt ����n� �ubr�itt�� t� �k�� ��t� �I��II b� a����rr�pa�r�i�� b�r a� l�tt�r �� ���ifi�ti�t� fr�r� P �h� �i�il �n �n��r th�t ��� p��r�� �r� ir� ��r���rr�n�r��e v��tl� th� ��il� r���rt, �r�� ��� �er���i��t��r� � ��na�l� ��n�irrx� t�a�t tl�� �I�r�� in��u�� th�f�l��v�rin�: • Tl�e �r�j��� �h�l� b� �����n�� t� �itk����nd ���ur�d �h��Cir�� �������#�d v�ritl� � I�r�� ���nitu�e ��rthqu��c� �r� n��r�}r ���i�r� ���i��. • AI� �r�pose� stru�tur�s sh��l be de���r�ed to �or�f�rr� to #he rno�t rec�er�t l.�ni��rr� Buil�ir�� ��de ��J��� ���� � �uid�li�n��. - • Th� �r�j��t�h�li ��r�r��1��r�ri�f� th� ���uir�r��r�t� ���h� �i��r'� �r���n� �r�ir-�a�r��e. • �i��-����ifi� �����fi��ti�n� r���rdin� �I�a�rir��t �i�� �r�d�n� a��� pr���r�ti�r�, #��tir�g�, f���nd������, �I�b�-�n-�r���, ���� �r��r�a���, ��d ��v���nt� �r tu�rf b����t �h�ll b� d�lin�����, F�����n�i�l� �a��t�: ��v�l�p�r 11�I��i��rin� Ager���: �i��r �f Arr��r� �r�r�d�—�DC� T�r�n��r�r��: �ri�r t� �r�di�� P�rrni� I�nnp��t: Tl�e p��j��t �nr�u�c� ����nti�l��r r���lt i� ���I irr�t��i�ity i�-r�p��t� �it���udin� I�r�d�li���� ���#��uld d�r�a�g� �tru�ture� �n� �nda�r�g�r �ubli� �a�����r. IIIIIII� �.�: TI�� ��il� r�p�rt �f��ll �rr���d� th� f�ll�v�ri�n� ��r��i��r��i���, a��� �nir�ir�r�u�rr�, �� ���ur� �I�a����� irx�pa��t� r�la�t�d t� ��il �r��ta�bilit� �nd I�r���lid�� �r� r������ �� � �����tha�r�-�i��i�i��r�t �ev�l: • 1..1��1i���� �h�ul� �� ����gn�d �nr�th �� r�nu�f� �l���hi��t� �� �r���i��N #� t�l�r��� ��t�r��i�l ���er�r���a�l rr��v�r�n�nt v�rit���� ����rr�in� di����r�n��t�d �r b�-���r�. � ����r�d� �r b��� r-Y-��t�ri�l �h��l b� r������c� �r ��v�r�d v�ritl� �u�t�bl� ���� r��teri�l. • ����ir�in� �r�r�ll des��� �h�ll �� �r�p�re� b� � �#��I�fi�d �tr���ur�l �ng�r����' b��ed �r� �1�� r���r�n�m�r�da�ti�n� �� � ���li�i��i �i�ri� ��g�r�e�r �n� �h���l ���n�ly �nr�t� ��� ��qu�ir�r��nt� ��t�� �i��r'� �r��i�ng �r�in����. F�esp�r��i�l� ��rt�: ��v�l���r Illl�r�i���in� ��en��; �ity ���rr��r� �r�r�d�— ��� . Tirr�efra�rr�e; Pri�r t� �r���n� ��rr�it Ir���c�: T�e �r�j��� �i�� �nri�l b� ��.rbj��t t� ���I �r��i�n a�r�� ��v�rr���r��r� ���ir�r��r���tr�r� d�r�rr� �:o��tru��i��n �r�d ��t�r�r�j��t ��r��leti��. Illl�lll �.�: Pr��r t� ���u��n�� ��� �r�d�r�� P�rr�r�it ��r ��� �r�j��t, ��� ��pli�rr� �h�l� pr���r� �n�! �lJ�rl'll� � ���C�I�� ��1C� ����I��1 ���1�l��� ����1 II� f:0E�1'l��l�fl� 11111�� ��� �1��1'� �f�C���'1� �I"C�I�1��1�� ��� r��r��v�r �r�d �ppr���i h�r ��� P�bli� 1lV�rk� �i�ri�i�r�. Tk�� �I�n �h��� b� pr���r�� ��r � ���il , en�ine�r t� �dc#r��� ��th t�r�p�r�ry �r�d I�n�-t�rr7r� ���1irr��n#�t��r� �n� �r��i�n �r�r����#�, �`h� �r��i��n ��ntr�l ����n �h��l �� �ubje���� r�vi��nr�r��i ���r�v�� a�nd r������ri�� ��rin� ��r��tr��ti�n �}� � ��il� �r ��o���l�r�i�� ��ngin��r an� �i�}r ���ff �r�d �h��� in�lu�� tl�� ���I��nri�n�, �t a� m�r�ir�um: ����r���Irr��r� �r�r���, ►r���i�►���r��r�������rr��r� ���rt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 94 • Ir������ �nd ����ta�irr ��It b�sir�� �nd f�r���� or ��r��r b���� ��or�� �r��rra��� p��F�s ��ring ���n���u���i�r� �� �����in �r���i�� ��il� unti� ba�r� �I���� ��e ���������. ��r�f�ll� st���Cpil� �rad�� ��il� ��nr��fr�r�r� dr�ir�����; • R��tr��# �ra�ir�� and ���#h�nrork ��r�n� tk�� r�ir�y s�ason ���to�e�- 1� tf�rou��h �pri� ��� �r�d �t�bil��� ��l ��c����� ��i�� �r�d �r���d �r��� pr��r �� �r���t �f �I�� r�in�r �����n tl�t'�u�l� rnul�hir�� ��d ������i�g. P��r�it �r��ir�g v�rith�r� tl�i� p�ri�� �f���l 11111��1 �I��������I��1 ���C���I.���� ��{��rl'l�fl���lC� �'.�'��1�f'1 ���l�f�� f'1'����tJl'��t � ��li�e��� �rr� d���rib� th� �r���i��� t� r�ta�ir� ��dir��r�� �n #h�� ��t�, �r��l�din� ��dirr�en� ba��in� �nd tr���, �r�� � ��h���l� ��r th�ir r�ra�ir�t�n�nc� ��d ���C���: • D�linea�t� a�r�� d���r�b� t�� �r���t��iv� pr��ti��� �� b� u��d, �r��lu�ing �yp�� �f ���d� �nd f�rtili�er a�nd t��ir �ppli��#��n ra����, �#�� ty��, I�c��i��n �r�d ��c�e�nt �� pr�-e�ci���r�� �n� un�i�tu���� �r���t�ti�n t����, �r�d a� ��h��u�� f�r r�n�i�t�n�n�� ar�d u�ke�p; • E��irr��t� �� tl�� ���t �f i�mpl�r��ntir�g �r�d r'r'��int�ir�ir�� �II �r��i�r� a�n� ���ir��r�t �on�ral mea�ur�s; � I��v�g�t��e �r�d�d �I�p�� v�ri�h �ppr��ri�t� r���i�r� �I��� ����i�� ��� �����fi�d by � qt��l�fi�d ��ta�r�i�t �r re�r�g�t�ti�n �������i��} i�nnr��di�t�l�r u��r� ��r�rpl�ti�n �f gra��ir�� �� �r��r t� ��ct�nd�d ir���tivi�y ir� a�r����cp���� �r�a�t • ���n�l�r �rit� ��I ���I��a�bl� ��t}r �f �rr��r� �r��d� �r��n�r���� i�����fn� _ I�nd��a��n� ��rn��ti�i�i��r f�r�r����r� c�or��r��; • �r�l�r ����r I�n� tl��t v�i�� be ��tiv��� �n��r ��r���r��t��� �rvithin � �� 1� rr��r��f��; � ����i�i�� di��ur��d �r�a�� ��c���t �nrher� ���i�r� ��n��ru����n i� ���Cin� pl���. ��c�rnpl�� �f �����li�����r� t���r�iq��� in�E��� j�t� n��ting, ��r�r�-���drr�� ���i�n� r���i�r� ��la�n� ��r'r'�p���ti�� �r� ��n��.rl#�ti�� v�ritl� � �u��li�i�� bi����i�t ��r r�- ����t�ti�n �p��i��i�t�� e��. �nd �r��ri�e p�rr��n�nt �t�hili��ti�n dur�r�� fi�n��h �r�d� a��d I�r�d���pe �I�� �i��; � �i�p��� �f �II ��r���r���i�n �v���� �r� ���ign�t�d ��e��, �nd �c��p ���rrr� v�r�t�r fr�rr� fl�v�rir�g �r� �r�ff�h��� a�r���; �r�d • Pla��� p�rirr��t�r ��r��r�l� �r�r��r� run�� �r��er� �r ��a�v�� tl�� �ite �ri�� t� �I�a�r�r�g, �r���i��, �nd r��gh �r�din�. P��irn�t�r ��r���-�I� �-r���r in�lc�de ��k��, ��r�r����, tern��r�ry �t��-rr� dra�in�: ��n� b��� �r f�a�� b�l��. �e�p�nsibl� Pa�rt�: D�v�l�p�r I�I��it�rir�� A��n��: �i��r �f Arr�y� �r�nd� — ���; ��n��ltir�� �i����i�� �nd I�ydr����l�gi�� �ir��#r��rn�: ��i�r t� �ra�dir�� P�rr�it �� �.�� �1II ���� �1 f��r4�7 ���1�I ���� �V�7��I f��L�� ���7�1 4�7 L� ����� �7���� YY�L�� ��1 i1.I� ��1�� �1..I ��4��1�� L�� �����. ��� I�IL�������i� ��Q�� ���I��� �1 ���I I�����Lr� �������. F������s�ble P�r��: D�v���p�r 1�1�ni��rir�� A�����: ��ty �f�rr�}�� �ra�r���-���]� Tir�r�e�r�r�e: Pri�r�� i�����n�� �f B�il�i�� P�rrr��t . 11�1111� �.�: All r���rr�rr��r��a��i�r�� �utlir��� �r� �I�� ��il� er��i�n��rir�� r�p�rt����� ��#�b�r ��, ���� �ha�ll �e conf�rrr���! �r� th� �ra�dir�� �n� b�ildir�� �E�r�� �r�ci ��Il��nr�c�. F�es��r���ble P�rty: D�v�1���r rVl�r�it�rir�� A�����: �ity ��Arr��r� �r����� ��� Ti�n�fra�rr�e: Pri�r to �r��i�� �'�rrr�it �r�d �u�rir�g �r�dirr� a�r�� ����tru�ti�� ���i�it��� , , . Agenda Item 9.b. �rty�f�r�r��r� �r��r��e� fr�r���1���rf�r�'�r G���'rr�ar� ���rrt Pa e 95 g �* �"�1��►��� �r �"'���1����� P�t�r��iall� Irr�p��t�a�n l�si�n�fi��r�� IV�t . : , ���r�i�i��n� S�v�ill k�� Ir�n���t Ap�li�ab�� �VI1�►T�F�IA�� - �1�1�1! �i���r'�,�e��i r�iti��te� �} I����rl�irr �risk o���rplo�ior� or � � � � re�ea�� of f�a�ardor�s sub��ar��es � �e.�. �il, pes#�ci�fe�� ���mical�� radr'��iorr� or e�r�osur� o�p�ople �o f�a��rdo�� �ubs�ar����� b lr���rfer� v�ri#� ar� �rr�er�err��r � � � � ❑ r�sponse or eva�u��ior���an� � �x o�e p�op�e �a����ty ri�k � � � � � � �ssociated wi�l� ��r�ort f�i��� p��err�� d Ir�crea�e �ir��azard risk or��pose � � � ❑ people �r s#�uc�ures �o l�i�� ��re ���arr!condi�iar�s� . e �rea�e ar�y o���r i�eal��r �a�araf or � � � � � po��r����l l�a��r�d? �#h�� � � _ - _.. - __ � � � ��tti��. Th� pr����� i� rr�� I�����d i�n �n �r�a� �� �C���� ���a�rd��� rr��t�r�a�� ��n�a��in��i��. TI�� �r�j��� �� r��t����ir� � I�i�h� ����r�ty ri�l� �r�� f�r fir�. TI�� pr�j��t �� ��t�rtl�ir� �r� Airp�rt i���r���r �r��. I� ���. �I�� r��e�� d��� r��� �r����� �I�� u�� �f ����rd�u�� rna�t�ri���, Th� �r�j��t ��e� r��t pre��r�t i� � 1 a� ���nifir�r�t fir� ��f�t�r r���C. Th� pr�j��t �� r��t��cp��#�� t� ��nfli�t�nrit� �n� r��i�n�l �v����ti�n �fa�n, �Illi�i��ti�r����n�l�si�r�. IV� irr�p��t� �� � r��ult �f �n���rd� �r t���a�rd��� rn���ri�l� �r� ��t���pa�t��, �r�� r�� r-r�i�i���i�� r�n�2��u�r�� �r� r�e�����ry. �. ����� - �l�l1 �i�� 1'�����: P�ter��i�ll� I�p��t�2�� In���rri�i�an� IV�t � � �� r�ifi��nt �v�r�ll b� Irr�p��� �#�pli��ble � r��t��a�ed � � �.� Ose e��l� �o r�oise �eV�1� ��r�� � � � � � � � e�c�eed �f�e �i�y��Noi�� �lemer�� ���e��o�ds? �� ��r��r��e ir��r�a��s ir� ��re�rr��ier�� � � � r�oise 1�v�1� for adjoir�ir��a�r�a�� c �x�aos�peopl� �o�evere r�o��e or � � � � � vi�ra�ior�� d ��i��r � � � � � �ett�ng, ��ci�ti�g �r�bF�r�t r��i�� �r� t�� �r���r�i��r �f �I�� pr�j��t �it� �� �rir��r��y ��n�r�t�� �� �r�l�i��l�r �ra�f#����� ���a���r�� ��ri����ur�l ���ra��i�n�. �ft��f�rr�y� �r�r�ale, 1r�i�����tcra�y�������rrr�r� ��crrt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 96 ������• ��#.€ ��#.€���./� ■� ����Y��� ��/ �7������� ���� ����� ���f�A.+� ��1 F����#./���..€� ���� �III I����� ������� � � * ► �"��i��l"1���. ��11� I� ��fl�lC���'�C� � ����t'1�1���]I �I��11�1��1�� �I'1''1���� ��'1�� ���1 �3� �I'll�l����� �� � ����-��1��1� �I��ll�f�l"1� ��V�� 11111��'1 II''1'1����'I'1��1���1��1 ���fl� ����1IV �'1'�I�I�a'1�1�1"1 I'1'1����,Ji���. All���g����n�����lusi��. �he p�-�je�t �nr�ll ��n�r�t� �I���t-t�rrr� r��i�� ir�p���� �nr��� ��n��r���i�r� ����7��7��• ����+1����� I�V�#.I��#J� �� ���■IIY ��� ����/� V�\/1��Ik/��1 ��I�� I��VI� L+�1� ���������/� l�������11 �R 1 ��V������� �1!l��V�� ��A.� �#.€ 1*I��IM���V� �����1�� �1� ��������. �.% � �.J � �� �a�■ �I��x7���1��1�� ��I�IYI�I��7 +����� �� 1������.+��VI �� �11� 1 I�J��w7 �� �.���� �� �.�� 1 � ��J�L��� �I�r���h ��tur�i�}r. �f��r� �ha�l� �� n� ��n�tr���i�r� ��ti�ri�ie� ��n �ur�c��}r�. Equipr�n��t r�-Ma�i�nt��n�rn�� �nd ��rvi�ir�� �h�l� b� ��n�i��d �� #f�� �a�r�r�� h�ur�. �IIIII �.�: A!I ��r���r���i�r� ��c.��prr��n� u�ili��r�� i���rn�l ���n�u��r�r� ��n�ir��� �ha�ll �� r�q�ir�d t� ���e rr��f�l�r� tl�a�� �r� ir� ���� ��n�iti�n. �t�ti�r�a�ry r����� ��u�r��� �I�a�ll �� f��a��d a�t ����� ��� f��t fr�rr� ���upi�� d�r�r��ling� �,r�l��� n�i�� r����in� �r��in� h�c��ir�� �n�l���r�� �r n�i�� ��r��n� a�r� pr�vid�� b�tl�� ���ntr����r. �IlAA 8.�: �q�,i�r��rr� r��bili���i�n a�r���, v����� t�r��C�, ��n� �quipr�et�� ���r��e a�r��� ����� �� �I��� �� � ������� �����i�� �� ��1 ��V� �������r.� ��������./�� �� ��������./• �.r �e�p�r��i��e �a�rt�� L��v�l���r ���������� �C�����■ CJ��� LJI �����I� �1���G C��� �`ir�rr�e#r�rr�e: Durin� ��r���ru�ti�r� �, F����L��I�IV�I����IIV� - �'�tenti�l�� f�np�����n I����r�i�i�an� �r�t �1�1��1�� ��'���: ���r�i�i�ant �v�rill b� Ir�n�a�t ��pl���bl� � � rn�t�gated a� lr�duce sub��an�i�!�row�f� ir� �rr �r�a � � � � e���er dir���1y or�r���re���y�e.�., ��rougi�proj���� ir� ar� �r��eveloped are� or�x�er��iorr o�rr��jor ir��r�����rc�ur��� �� Displ�ce exis�ing i�ausir�� or peo�le, r�quirir��r cor���ru��ior� of � � re�la�err�e��1�o��ir��elsewl�ere� �� ��e��e ��e r�eec������r����►��i�!r�e�v � � � ❑ I�ausirr�r ir� ����rea� �I� �l�e��r����r��i�1�r�r��rr�����cr�1�►� ❑ � � ❑ �n�r�y� �� o���►� ❑ C� I� � � �ett�n�, T�� pr����� �i�� i� ��u�r���� ��r r��id�nti�l d�v�l���nn��nt �� tf�� r��r�t�, ���,th �r�� ���t, a�n� Arr�}r� �r�n�� �r��k �r�� ��ri��lt�r�l I�nd t� �h� ����. �h� ������t pr�p�rt�r �a�� ���n ��r��d ��r r��id�r��i�� ����I�p�n��n� �ir��e �9��. ��� �r�j��� �� �nrithir� th� �I���v�bl� d�n����r �r�� ��r��i���n� �nri�h �t�� ���'1 ��r��r�l Pl�r� ��I��i��. �i#y���I rr��r� �r�r�al�, 1r�i���1���al�f�r����rr��r� ��crrt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 97 The �i��r ������� ��� H�u�i�� E�er��r�t �r� ����, v�rhi�f� ir��lud�� g��l�, ��fi���� �r�d ir�r����r7r��nt�r�� �r��r�r-r����r�h� pr���nra�ti�n, ir�pr�v�rn�n� a�r�d ���r�l��rn�r�� �f a�f��r��bl� h����r��, P�r��� F��u���r�� E��rr��r�t, r��id�r��i�l �ub�ivisi�r�� �nd rni��d-��� pr�j��t� ��'� r��uir�� t� ���t�'i�t 1�°�o �f #�� unit� �� . a�ff�r���l� �� rr���er�te-�n��r�e I��u��h�l��. Ar��r fr��ti�� �� � ur��t i� r��u�ir�d t� p�y �r� ���rd���� I��u��ir�� ��-�li�� ���. T�� pr�j��t �►�rill �dd t�v� {�� ���i���r��f ur�it�, �r�d t#��r���r� �.� �� � ur�it �� ��b���t t� ��� �ff�r�l�bl� h���in� pr�vi�i�n� ��t�� F--I�u�in� El�r���t. �r�n��ct. TI�� �r����� ��!! n�� r���l� �r� � rr��d f�r � �igr���i��rrt �rr���n� �f n��nr ����in�, �nd v�r�r� �n�t d����a�� e�c����r�� I��u�ir�g. ����v�r, �I�� �r����� �r�rill ����I��� r�r��d�r���-ir���r�r�� h������1�� �nr�th��t �r-����din� �n �f��rd��l� h���in� ��r�p�n�n�. IIIEi�ig����n���n��u�i�n. T� rx�itiga��� the d�fi�i���� �f �ff�r���l� t��u�i�n� in �h� �i�}r, tl�� ��Il��ir�� �I�I���I�� !■■�1M���� ���II �� ����������� ��R ����/q� ��� ����Y��� � I���i������lA����l��� IV���i �� 11IIrll� 3.'1: �`�e �������r�t �I���I pa�� a�r� �f��rd�bl� ��u�in� in�li�� f�� ��r �r�}r ��a��ti�n �� � �r�it. �if���n �1�°1�} ��r���+�r �ni�� ��n��ru�t�d ����I� �.� ��� uni#. ���p�nsi�l� Pa�r#�: D�v�l���r Illl��it�rin� ���n��: �i��r �f�rr��r� �r�nd� — ��� Tirr���r�rr��: �'ri�r�� ���u�n�� ��a� ��i���ng P�rrn�t ��. Pl���l� �EF�11������J��LIT1�� - ����n�ia���r �rr�p�����r� fr����n��i��r�� �I�� V�lil��1�e�r��e�����re �►� e�fe�����r�, �� �i��i���an� �wi�� be Irr�pa�t �ppli�a�l� ����l�ir� ���rreeal��r�r�ew�r��l�����f �r�1i� r��ti�a�t�d � ��r�ices irr ar�y of�l�e follo�rrr�g ar�a�; . �} Fir�pro�ec�ior�? � � � � �b� �'a1i�e pro�ec�ion� � � � � � �� ���001�? � � � � al� ������ ❑ l�l �.I � e� �o�i�f IIVa��e�� � ❑ ❑ � �� ��l�er � � � �ettin�. ����I�pr���t �� �I�e ��t� �nrith t�nr� ��� �ddi���r��l r��id����� �v�u�� ir��r���� d�rr��n� f�r fir� �nd p�li�� pr�����i�r� ��rvi�e�, but n�t ���r�n� I��r�l� �n�i�i����d b�r th� ���'� ��n�r�l �I�r� ��r �ity �uild���. T�� ��ci��ir�� driv�v�r��v�rill �� ��ct�r���d t� ��r�r� tl�� tw� ��} �d�i�i�r��l r��i��n���. �r�pa��:t. TI�� pr�j��� �ir��� a�r�� ��r�r�ul��'r�r� ir����#� �r� �nritl�ir� th� �en�r�l ���u�mp�i�n� �f�Il�v�r�� u�� ��r tl�� �ub���t ���p�rt� tl��t v�r�� c���d t� ��tit�a��� �h� f��� ir� �I���. TI�� pr�j��t i� ��cp����� t� a�dd �p�r��irna�t�ly �r�e ��� �I�i�� �� th� L��i� N1�r l.�r�i�i�d ��I���I �i�tri�� ����d �r� a� ���d�r�t �i�l� f��t�r �f �.�. A� �I��v��d b�r �ta�t� ���v, tf�� L��i� N1�� l�ni�i�� �����I. �i�tri�t h�� � d�v�����n�r�t f�� � ���a���i���� b� �I�� �����I d��t�-i�t ��r n��v r��id�r�ti�l ��� ��rnr�r�r�ia�l ��n�tr�,�t��n t� �ir��r��e a�r��r r���nr �I���r��rn�. T�� �����r��t�� ��� i� ��rr��n���r ��.�� ��r�qu�r� ���t������i��r�tia�l d��rel�pr�n�rrt. Illfitig�ti�n���n�lusi�n. �ubli� f��ili�� �r►� ��h��l ��� �r��ra�r-Y-�� �a��r� k���r� �d�pt�d �� �ddr��� t�e p��j��'� dir��# a�n� �urnul����r� �r�r�p����, �r�d vrrill ���u��� th� �r�npa��t� t� le��-tl��r�-�i��i�i�an� I�v�l�. � ���y�f�4rr��r� �r�r��e, Ir�i���1��r�rf�r f�r G���rr��r� ���rt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 98 �111�1 'i�.'i: ��� �ppli��nt �I��I! ��}�tl�e r�n�nd���d �u�'r� IIJ��r lJr�ifi�d ��F���� C�i�tr��� irr����:t f��. F�����nsib�e P�r�y: D���Io��r Illl�nit�rin� A��r���: �i��r ��Arr��r� �r�nd�— ��D; �u�i� N��� �.Jr�ifi�� ��I���I � Dis��i�� Timeframe; �rior to is�uan�e of Buil�ir�� P�rm�t ��ten�iall� Ir�r����t��r� fn�i�nifi�a�r�t IV�t �i����i��r�� �v�ill b� �nn�a�t �4p�li��ble . .� ��I. F���I�EAT��� � �IIli1� ����r������: �,��� �te �� �r��r�ar�e �1�� ��e ��-a�err��r�c���r����C� � � ❑ � or o��er recrea�ior� ap�or�urri�ies� � �b� �4�fe���l�e ���e�� �� ��-�il�, ����� �� ❑ � ❑ a�her ���r�a�ior� o�por��rr�i�i��? � �� ��f�er � ❑ ❑ �et�ir��. Th� pr����� i� r��t pr�p���d �n a� I���t��rr t��t �nrill �ff��t �r��r tr���, ��rk �r ��h��- r��r��t��n�l ���#./���• �rr�����. Th� ����� r��id�r��� v�r�ul� in�r���� d�rr��r�d f�r �ity �a�r�C �nd r��r���`r�r� ���il�ti��. �n tl�i� ��e, �I�� P�rk� �r�c� F�������i�r� ��r��t�r ha�� indi���� ���t th� ir�r�p�� v�r�ul� �� im�ti�a�t�d �� t�� ��ty'� �t�nd�rd �ondi����n r���ir�n� p��r�rner�t ��t�r� ��rk d���f�p�n�r�� �C�u�irr���} �nd irr����t���� ��r t�� i�npr��r�rn��nt �r d�v�l�pr7r��r�t �� r��i����rh��d �r��r�nrr����ty p�r�c�. Il��i�ig��i�����n�l����n. �h� �it�r'� ��rk ���r�l��rn�r�� ��d �rr����� ���� �vil� a������t�l}� rx��tiga�t� ��� ��iF������ ������ V� �YV�����7./��I �����I����# ���MV*��+1 ��w./ I�i�fi����V � l���l������I��������� I�T��• � �„/ 1 � IIIIAA 'f'I.'�: ��� ���r�l�p�r���I� ��� �I� �ppl����l� �i��r p�rk ���r�l�pr��r�� a�r�� �r�n���t f���. F�e����s�ble P�r�y: ���r���p�r �I�I�r�N��rin� A�en��: �it� �f Arr�y� �r�r�d�—���; ��M� �ir�re�r��me: P�i��t� i����r��� �f Buildir�� �'�rrx�i# �� �������T��I��� P�t��r�i��l� Irr��a�t�ar� I����r�ifi�ant IV�� � �i�r�i�i���t ��nr�ll b� �rr����� �#ppli�ab�e �I F��lJ��1fi!�� � I�i11�i������e��f rr�i t� ���� � a} lr�cr��se ve�i�le �r��s �o local or � �] � � �r��awi�le ci���l��ior� s�s�err�� b� �educe e�is#ing `�L�ve1� of�e�vi�e" � � � � or� �ubli�roarlway���� c� �r�e��e �r���fe �or��fi�ior�s or��ub1�c � � � � r��c�w��,r� {e.�., ��rr�i��al������, d�si�►� fea��rre�� �i�f��dis�ar�ce�� d� 1�rovide �or�c��q���e �m�r�en�y � � � � a�ce�s� e� �e�ul�ir� ir��dequ��e park�rr� � � � � capa�ity� . ��ty�f�4rr��r� �r�rrale, 1r�i�i�1���aly��r����rr��r� ���x�t � Agenda Item 9.b. Page 99 'I�. TF�AI����F�TATI�IV� �����,������, i��������, i�����,������t ��� �i�ni�i��r�� ��rvi�� b� Irr�pa�� Ap��i��hle �1F��l�LATI�IV - �vi�1 �f�e�r�j���: �,�t;��,��� #} 14e��l�irr ir������►��e �r���r-r��!#���r'� � ❑ � � ��r�ul��ior�� �� �or���i��w���r ad����d polici��, �lar��, � ❑ ❑ or pro�rarns suppor�ir���1�err�a�iv� #r�r����rt����r� �e.�., �eal���ri�r� a�ce��, ��rs ��rrr�ou��� �i��c1e r�ack�, ��c.�? i�} �?e����ir� � �i��r��e ir� �ir����f�i� ❑ � ���#err�� �h��ma y re�ul�ir� � � su���an�i�1 s�fe�y ri�ks� i� ��i�e� ❑ ❑ � � ��t�in�. Th� �r����t �� I���#�� �t th� �r�� �� a� I���I �tr��t tl��t �urr�r����r �p�r���� �t �rt a�����t���� I��el �f��rvi��. Irx�p��t. T�n� �r�j��t i� ��cpe���� t� g���r���; �� ��r�r��� t��i��r trip�, vrri�h 'I,� p�a�k I��t��t�-ip� ir� #he�N1 �n� � p��� I��ur trips ir� th� �N1. Th� tri� g�n�r�ti�� i� ��I��nr tf�� �i�}�'� �� PN1 ����t I���r tr���f�re�h��d � f�r r����r�n� a� �r��fi��t�c��r. � Illli�i���i�r����r�����i�n. �I�I����h r�� �i�r�ifi��nt tr�ffi�-r���t�� ��r��ern� �r� id�r��i�i�d, th� �r�j��t �r�ffi� v�r�u�� ���tribu�� t� �h� �ur�ul��iv� irr����t �r� the �a��#cb�r�� �ir�u�l�ti�n ��r���rr�. Th��� l�ng- r�n�� �r�ffi� ��n�a���� can �� �n�ti�a���d t� � ����-th�n-�F�r�if���n� I�v�l �y �I�� �it�r'� ���nda�r� ��r�di�i�n r��uirin� ���rrr��r���f th� �ity'� Tr�ffi� I�n����a�r�d �ign�li��ti�r� F��� �� �d�p��� �� �I�� �i��r �����i�. IIII� '1�.'I: Th� ���r�1���r �h�il ��y �f�� �it�'� Tr�fFi� �igr��li�ati�r� �r�� �r�����rt�ti�r� �a���liti�� �mpac��e�s. �e���n�i��� ��rt�: ��v�l���r I�I��it�r�n� ���n��: �it�r ���rr�y� �r��d� — ��D Tirr��fr�r�e: Pri�r t� `r��u�n�� �f�uil�i�� ��r�mit "��. ���������� - �1111�� ��� P�t�n�i�ll� ��n�2�����n ir��igr�ifi�an� N�t . �igrrifi��nt ��vill k�e �rxt���t �4���i�a�l� ��'��e��: r�it������ �� Vi�J��e �r�t��e di����r�e re��rir�err�er��� � � � � �or wa���w��er sy���m�� b� �f�ar�ge #1�e qr�ali�y of�ur��ce or � � � � ����f�� �T������f�a� �����1.���i�������� Cf��I���i��i►]��� �� �4cf�rer���l�r�ff��#��rr�rr��rr�i�y ❑ � � � was�ewa�er�ervice prov�d�r? d� ��l��� � � � � ����r���4rr�y� �r�rra��, �r�i�i�!���aly f�r����rrr�r� ���rrt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 100 ������r ��Ik7��i����� �1�7��w7�1 ��1 L�� ���a��L ���+�1 YY�II �� ��I�GI��i� ��1���� ll 1� �J�����7 �Gii7������� ������ti�r� ���t�r�r�. Tt�� ��u�� ��� Lui� �bi�p� ����ty �a�r��t�ti�r� �i�tri�:t {������D� �r��r���� v�r��t�v�r�t�r ��Il��tion �r�� t�r��tr�n��� ��r�ri��� f�r ��� �iti�� �� Arro�r� �r�nd�, �r��r�r ��a��� �r�� tl�� unin��r�or��e� c�r�nrr�ur��t}r ������n�, �n� ��nrr�� �n� r�a�in#�ir�� �1� ��th� rr���r� ��v�r�r t��nl� lin��. TI�� e�c����r�� ��r�it�ry ��v�r�r r7r��in �r��r�r�i�ng �h� �it� �nr��l b� r�l�����d �� tl��� it d��� r��t ru�n �����th ��� �f��}���� �"��I���i�� I�1 ��1� ��I.��f'11N�S� ����1��" ����1� �I��. ���I�� I� �Vl���i�� �� I���� I�t�I�lJ�I��'1 Ifl �f'll� S���1�C1 ���i�J�. ��"1"1����: ��� �I�]I'� �����llll����' �����I' ����1 IC���1�1�1�� ��1� ����I��1 �� ���I���']I ��IN��" t'1'1�l� ��"�I"1'1 �I'71�!"1 ��l.J� �� ��11111'"1'1�1'1 ��"I11� �� ��Il1� ��i �1��C� �f I"������I"'I���1�. ��1� ��CI����� ��II1���' �1'1�1�1 �������� �f�" ����1 ��p�, �►vh��h I��� � �rit��� ��rr����iti�n a�r�d in������� �ra��l f�i�ti�� �� ��rr�p�r�� t� ��lyv�n�r� ��I�rid� {Pll�} ��p�. � �I��i���i�r����r��lus��n. Thr�urgl� ��v��r ����C�� ��� ������� ����, ��� ��v�l���r v�ri�� ��� tl�e pr�j���'� �r����i�r��l �f��r� �f ir�p��t f��� t� r�itig��� ��� ��ldi�i�r��l �1�r��r��. TI�� r�ni���a�ti�n I`r�t�d b����nr i� n������ry t� r����� i������ �� � I���-tl��n-�i�r�ifi�r�t I��r�l. II�I1111 'I�.'�: ��r��la�r t� ��ndi�i�� �f �ppr���l n�, ��, th� �p�l���r�t �h��l r�pfa��� t�� �x��ting ��ni���ry �e�r�r �n�i�n �r�r�r� th� r�n�nh�l� in �rr��r� ��u�rt �� ��� r�n�nl��l� �� th� ��uth �id� �f �h� pr�j��t v��tl� �r� �" �1l� ��v�r�� r���r� in ����rd�r���v�rith th� �i��'� V'V��t�v�r�t�r 11���t�r ���r�. � F�es��r��it�l� ��rt�: ���r�l�p�r I�l�n����-ir�g �#�en��: �i��r �f�rr��r� �r�nd� � ��� Ti rr��f r�r�r�e: F'ri�r t� r���r�i r�g #I�� fi n�I �n�p 11IfiVl '1�.�; Th� n��nr r��i��n�e� �h�ll h���t �� �� t#�� ��t�r'� ��r�i��ry ��v�r�r �y���r-�r� �nd ���II b� �1��I��� ���� ����#����� ��Tl�� ��������r ������'I�i��� ��1"�]1: ��11�����1` I�I�r����rin� Ag�n��: �i��r �f�rr�y� �r�n�� — ��� � Tir�n��rar�n�: Pri�r t� 'r��ua�n�� �f�uil�ii�n� ��rr�i� �III IIII 'I�.�: Th� ��v�l���r�I��I I ���r �h� �i�y'� ���rv�r h�o�c�� �r�� ������� ir�n���t����. F�espa�s�ble Par�y: D��relop�r �IA�nit��i�� A��n��: �it}��f�rr��� ��r�r���—��� T�rr�e�r���: Pri�r t� i��ua�n�� �f Bu�ldir�� P�rr�ni� 'I�. H��]��L��1� AIV� I�V�TEF� �����t���i� i�,������� ��r����,������,� r��t * . . ��gn�f���r�t �v�r�ll �� Irr��a��t A�pl��able ������� i ���� ���������.'�i �7"�I�I ���C� � �� 11��1��e�r��r w��e�c�c���i�y���►�af�raf�� � ❑ � � �b� �i��i���-�e i►�����rr���� v�r��e�� �� ❑ � � � o�i�erwis� �l�er��rfac�wa�er�qu��r'�y � {e.�.� �ur��di�y� �err�p�ra��r�, dr"ssolved oxy�er�� e�c.�� ��ty���lrr�y� �rar��e, �rri���f��c�a�y��r����rr��r� ��c�rt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 101 "��. ��������� �l�� ���E� P��er�tial�� �rr�p��t�ar� I�nsi��i�i��r�t ��t . � �ignifi��r�� ��rill I�e Irr��a��� Ap�li�ak��e �L�AL�TIf - �lll�1� �f������e��: rr�it� ate� � c� �i�ar��e �i�e �u��i#y of grour�dwa�er � � � � ��.�., ��1iw���r�ir��r���i�r�� r�i�����r�- Io��lir��, et�.�� d� �h�r��e �f�e qu�r��it�r or�rr�ove�er��of � � � � avai���le�urface or���o�rr�d w��e�� e� �#�f�rer���1�r�ff���w����-����1�� ❑ � � ❑ �} ���e� ❑ � � � �et�ir��. T�� pr����t �it� i� �dj���nt �� tl�� �rr�y� �r�r��� �r���C rip�ri�n ��rrid��-. T�� �I��ring �nd �ra�din� n�����a�ry �� d�v�l�p tf�� ��t� �� �r�p���� f��� �h� p�t�r�#��� t� ����e er��i�n �nd ��dir�n�r�ta��i�� ir� f���l �ra�in���� �r�� i� tl�er�f�r� �u�j��� t� r�iti�a��i�rr, �r�r����t: F�tur� ��r���ru�ti�r� ���i�i���� �n� ���t-��r��tru�t��n ���� �t th� �it� ��uld r��u�t �r� d��r�d��i�n �f �r���r q�,�l�t�r �r� r���r��r �u�rf��� ��� gr�c��� �v�t�r ��di�� thr��,�h ��rf��� run�ff ��� in�il�r�#i�rr t� ����r�� �va���r, ��nd rn��r �r�dir��tl� �a��,�� i�n���t� �r� th��r���r��r� v�l�,�� �f tl�� ���vn��r��r-r-� �+�r���r ��d��� �nd ����i�iv� �p��i��. Il�l��ig����n������u�i�n. Inn���t� t� ��t�r qu�li��r ��n b� r�d���d t� a� l����t��r�-�i�ni�i��r�t ��v�l �it� �rr��l��n�r�t�ti�n ��tl�e f�ll��rir�� �i�i���i�r�. �� ��■�• �� ��L���+� ����7��� ������� ��� �� ��J��7���.i����� �k.+4�Y�i1��7� ������� ���II �� �ir�ir�i��d, �n� pr�j��t �ppli��nt� �h�l� u�� rur��f� ��d �edir�n�r�� ����r�l �tr��t�r��, �nd��r ��ta�bli�h � pe�m�r��r�� pl��� ��ver �r� �ic�� �I�p�� �r I�nd �I�a�r�d �� v��et��i�r� ��Ir�v�rir�� cor����uction. �������71�I� ����a ��Y�I���� Illl�nit�rin� �g�rr��: �it�r ���r���� �r�r���-Y- ��� T'irr�efrarr��; Pri�r t� �r��ing P�r�it ��ttir��: Th� ��ty ��,rr�ntl�r r���iv�� it� �nr���r �u��l�r fr�rn h��l� �urfa��� a�n� �r��r��v�r���r ���r���. �r�t��c� �nr�#�r ��tr��ti�n� �r� d�ri�r�d fr��m ���r�rr �7� v�r�ll� �r�d ��� ��� ����r�t� ����r� f�rr-r-��I�ti�r��. �urf��� �v���� i� �b��irr�d �r�r�n �I�� L���� F����rv��r F�r�j��t, �nrhi�h �v�� ��n��ru�t��i in tl�� ��t� 1���'�. F���I�irn�� �t�rm �nr�t�r ��Il��t�d k�y �t�� ��t� ���r`�� ��r�n�ie� ���r� 1JII���r F���I�r�n�ti�r� Pr����� i� �1�� u��d �� �r� i�ri��ti�r� �u��l}���u�r��. T'I�� ��ty �d����d � Vll�t�r ��r���m N1��t�r Pl�r� ir� 199�, �vl�i�h ���r�tifi�� v�r���r r���ur��� �� b�in� � �i�rr'rfican# i��u�, �r�d id�ntifr�� r�r���l���� �� ir��r���� �nd div�r�if�r v�r�t��- ���pl� t� in�r���� I����t�r� r�li��ili�� �f th� �it�r'� v�r�t�r ��r�ri�� t� i�� ���i���t�. Th� rep�rt �������� ��t�r�ti�l r�t������ �� �ddr��� t�� v�r���r ���pl� i���� a�nd pri�riti��d �It�rr�a�ti�e�. Th� �i��r �p��t�d i�� 1,1r��� I�V���r �I�I�r�����m��n� F���n ���� th�t in��u�e� ����ti���l �h�r� �nd ��n� t�r�-r-� rr����u�re� t� r�r���� ft�t�r� �r�t�r su�p�y needs. �o �na�a�e �t� w�ter su�p�y def���en�y, th� ��ty adopted � two�ph�sed ��r�te�y in Nov�r�nbe� ���� th�t in��u���i ����rr��ti�r�� t� �� p�r���d t� r�n��� t�� �it�r'� �v���r��rr��r��i �v�r th� �n��t ��4 y��r ��r��d ��I���e 'I�, �nd id�ntifi�d ��t�r�n�ti�r�� �I��t v�ri�� �r�vi�� ��rrr��n�nt �►�r�t�r �u�pl�r �r��r���e� t� r'r'���t ��� ��r�����r�n d�r��r�� ���� �r� t���� d��ira�bl�, f���i�l� a�nd ���t�ff���i�� ��I���� �}. �ity���4rr��r� �r�r��e, 1r���i�1���rc#��������rr��r� ���r� Agenda Item 9.b. 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H��r�v�r, t�� �r�j�� �h�ll ir�n�i���r�t #�� f�ll��r�n� r��t�-i�ti�n� �nd r�����r�� �� r�d��� v�r�t�� �upp��r ir7r�p��t� t� ar I���-th�r�- �igr���ican# I��r��, �li�i��ti�r� �� �I�� re�u'rr�� t� rr�ir�irni�� p�t�nti�l �►�ra�t�r q��lit�r ir�np����. �Illli 'I���: A�I f���r� d�v�l��r��n� �n� r�-�ev�l�pr�er�� �h��l b� ���i�r��d ��in� ���t nn�r�a���r�n�r�t pr���E��� a�nd I��nr �r�r�p��� ���r�l���n�r�� pr�r��i�l�� t� �r��u�� �t�rr7nv�r�t�r r�,�-�f�t� �h� r���cir�rtur�r� ��t�nt ����ti����� in ����rd�r��� �nrit� �I�� �i�y'� ����r�11V���� N1�����r���t Pl�n. . F�����n�ib�e �a�rt�: ��v�l���r Illl�r�i��ri�� �4�e���r: �it� �f Arr��� �ra�n�� - ���; ���� T�rx�in�: F�ri�r#� €�na�l r�a�p r���rda�ti�r� �IIII� '��.�: �h� pr����t �ha�ll ��rr��l�r v�ritf� ��� ��t}�'� r�c�uir�d �nr�t�r ��n���r�ti�r� r�e��u�re� in�lc��in� �n���pli��b�� rr����ur�� id�ntifi�d ir� th� ��ty}� IN�t�r ��n��rva�ti�r� PI���. ���p�nsi�te �a�rt�; ����I���r - �Il��nit�r�n� A��r���: �i��r ���I�r��r� �r�r���— ��� Tir�r��r��: Pri�r t� i����n�� �f ��,i�d�n� F��rr-Y-�it II�II�I ��.�: T�� pr�j��� �I��II �n�t��l ���t ��r�il�bl� t����n�l���r ��r ���nr-f���►�r t�il���, �h�v�r�rl���d� �nd h�t �v���r r���r�ul��i�r� ��r�t�m�. Pl�rr��ing ��r th� t�nr� r�ev�r r��id�r���� �h�ll b� d��i�r�ed #� �r���u�r��� �r�yw�t�r r��y�li�n�. �e�p�nsi�l� ��rt�: C}ev�l�p�r ��r�i��rin� ���n��: �it�r �f�rr��r� �r�nd� — �D� - Tinn�n�: Pri�r to ���u�r��e ��� ���tif���t� �����up�r��y 111�1111 '1�.�: T�r� ���I f�r������� p�a�rr �I�a�ll �h��v I��v-�r�r�t�r ��� �I��nt �p��i�� �r�� d�ip �rri���i�n ���t�r�n� ra�th�r�h�n �pr��r irri��ti�n ��r���r�n�. F���p�n�i��� Pa�rt�: ��v�l���r Ill��nit�r�n� A�er���; �it�r �f�rr��r� �r�r��e— ��D; F��N�� fiirnir��: Pr��r t� i��u�n�� �f�uil�ir�� ��rrr��t '��. ��1�� ��E - �IV�11 �i�� ��"�}���: Ir���nsi�#�r�� P�t�ntia��l� ��n�ist�nt N�t �r���n��st�r�� �1��1����1� �} ��po��r��i�!!y ir��or�sis�er���nri�� I�r�d � ���� po��cylr��ul��i�� {e��., �e�er�! � � � Plar�, Develo�rr�er�� �ode�� adop�eaf �o �void or mi�r"ga�� #a� er�vir�r��er��a�ef�Fe��s� �� �e ir���r��i���r��wi�� ������i����r ❑ � � � �orr�mur�i�y�o��erv��ior�plar�? � ����r�f�4rr�y� �r�r�ale� lr����a1���ral���r�����rr��rr ���r� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 103 ��■ ���� ��� � ���� ����������� ���.+��+��+3���4 �V L��L�Q��� ���+?�+7���� ��� Irr��r��i��e�� Appl��al�le �� ������r��1����I ir���r��i���r��wi�� � ❑ I�J �I ado��ed a�er�cy er�viror�rr�er���1 �1�r�� ar pali�ies v�ri�l�j�risdi��ior� over�h��roje��� � d} Be po��r��ra�1y r'r�compa�i�le �r'��r � � � � �urrour�dir��1ar�d u�es� �� ����� ❑ � � ❑ �����,�,���,,����. ���-����,���,� ���� ��� ���������� �� ���,� � ����,� ��,����� �����. ��,� �������� ���;��� ��� �������� ���-��r,�i����,�� �►v��r, ��r����r,d��r r���i�t�� a����,��,t� ��i����,� t� tr�� ���i���,�-r���� �r�a �p�r�pr��t� I�n� u�� ��,�., �it�r'� L�r�c� �.J�� El�rn�nt: ����E�prn�n� ��d�, ��r�ir�� N1��, ���,}. �I�� pr�j��t v��� f��nd t� b� ��n������� �v`r�h �1���� �����n�r�t� �r�� ��d�� �r�tl� �rn�l�r��r�t�ti�r� �f th� �b��r� { r�nit���ti��n rn����r��. 1`I�� ��r�j��t i� r��t �i�l�ir� �r ����c_:ent t� � ��r��erva�ti��n pl�n �r��,� �I�h�ug� i� ��b���# t� tF�� �ity�� r��u�ir���r�� �� � ��-f��t �rvid� �r��k ��t����c ���� �N1 �.��. TF�� pr�j��t �� ��r�n����ble ���I� ��rr�u�n�ir�g I�n� ���� �ubj��� t� i����r�n�r�t�ti�� �f th� ��ri�ultur�� b�ff�r, i�n�l���d in th� �r����t d����i����r�, �nd �11N1 �.'I, �►�r�i�l� r��uir�� ��I��r���� #� th� pr�vi�i�n� ��n�a�in�� ir� t�� ����r'� F�i�i��-`r`�- ��rrr� �r�ir��n��. �li�����i�����n�lusi�n. 1V� in���n�i�t�r��i�� �r�r� identif�ed ��nd ���r���r� n� �dd�ti�r�a�f rrr����r�� � ����r� v�rl��t �r� �Ir���� r�quir�d �r� n������ry. 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Th� �r���r��� �� Arro a �r�nd � . � i�cr�ases t�� �f���tir��r���s o� t�� . � � ����� �r���ly . � ... 1���-��or��a� s���a�k a� � b��fe� + - - . -ir�������c� ���1�� e�'r�t�n� tr��� �r� �f� _ �d v��l� .�e F � � � pr���rty ��d ���r����� �# �c���d �ree��r���� . - ; � f�, . . � _ _ � } - t. .� - rt{i . � ' " � � � �����`�'�'�'� �������'�����-o��� Agenda Item 9.b. � ����"'�`�����. � Pa' e 109 g4 ��� ��������� �������� �������� ���������� � t���l.��T�' C_�� ���f� L_�J1� ��E����'C� �ove�be�r ��, �0�� �V�V � � ���� �'�r���1Vi��1i�� � � �ar��r��t D�ve�o r�er�� �� �rro�o �rar� e Y � �o��r��oP�� �i��a�Arroyo �r�de x �.�, ������ �rra�o C�ra�de, �A 9�4�� ��JBJ��': AP�I� �ornmer��s ���ardir��th��e�l�uv�r�����r�g Ter�t Tr��t IVI�p �5-��1 Pro je�t ��ferra� ��ar IV��, IVI�������., �� ����r in�l��ir� ��� ��r�I���� ������ ��unt�A�� ��11��i�r� ��r�t�ro� �]i��ri�� ������ i� . � i� ��� �r��ir��rn�r�ta����v��v� r�����. ����v� ��xn�l��ed ���r�����v ���������o�e� ���j��t � lo�at� at ��� �x�r�ar� �ourt ir� Arro�� �rar�d�. Pra �ed ro'e�� �vi�� ��bc�ivid� a l.�8 ��r��ite into t�r����.rcels �o�s�s�i����8,77� s.�, 7,��� � � � d�� 9�C s.�: ��e�s v�it���vo ar�e1� se�i�� �s ��g lot�. fi��site �� �a�at�d �.� t�e end of s.f., ar� , � � . ��u��t �hic�.is a�r�d �� i�����l��ec� �it�or�e sin��� fa��1�r�s�der�c�vv�t� at�ac�ed � �r�an , � � a e atio and c�e��. T`he reside��ia� r��1�hborhood is�vel� �sta��is�ed�i�h�ittl� �fil� �� � �� ��1� ����� rt�xr�i����. 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' ' r c�� ar�c� �,� ��r�� �������i�r����x���t��, �'I����������v��h������ept�������i� ern�ss�ar�s pe y r�ts b�lov� th�A��� is no�� uirirYg o�her�or��tru�t�or�phase r�r�i�i�atior�rr�eas�res �o� ��q��r��n� , � , , . i ��*��/�s ��������� ���� ����J������.#�� ���■��� �������� +���������V�������� �� ��� t��.S p � � � �ra�ar�t� fo r a�ro j e�t o�t�is s�ale. � . �ies�l�d�� R��tric�ior�s for Cor�str�xctior��h�s�s A������o i������ �u�li����lt�.r�i�1�r������i�r�s��a� �a���r��1i�e�d��id�� ��r�i�a�i��s ��� � �# r # � # � t��r� ar�c��f�r��c� �� ��r��, '������1�v��n.� ��1�r��t�r��t�a�rr��a�v�r�� ar� rec���r�c� f��-t � f�r bo � � � �ar�����ti�r���s������j����: . . Id�� R�stri��ions��ar ��nsiti�e�e� tors for Both�r� ax�d �f�=�a�.d E �i rr��r�t � 1, �t� ir� ar�c� ���ir� �r�as ��al������ �������v�r���� 1,��� ��� ��s�r��it�i�� . � � � � . �ec��ors; �. �1es�1 �d��r�g�vith�ir� �,��� f�et o�s�r��it�v�r�c�pto�s is��t pe�~m�t�e�; �. L�s�o�a�t�rnati�� �e�e��qu��amer�t is recornr���c��d�v1�e�e�er�ossib1�; ar��, �4. �i �s t�at s ��if��h� r�o �c��i��r�qui���er�ts �n�st��po���d and ex��'or�€�d ��th� � � co���ructi�r� �i��, �. ��lir� �����i��i�r�s ��r �r�-���d�����1�� �e�tior��485 of�'�t�e �3, t�� �a���oxr�ia�od�o�������tions �imit� id��r��tirne for dies�l- fu���d comm�r�ia�l xr����r���i�1�s���t ���ra�t�ir�t��� ��a���f�al���r�i��ri��g���� v�h�c���r����ht �a��ngs of�r�ater tha� 1�#���p�unds ar�d li��r�s�d for o�eratiar�on �� ��ra �. �'�i�r�gx�la����r� a��li�s�� �a���f�rr�ia��c�r���-�a�i��rrYi���sed �r��.t�l��. Ir� � � i # �ene�-�1, t�e r��Iatior� spe�if�s th�.� driv��s ���a�d �v��a�cle�: 1. �hall r�ot �d�e th���h�c��'� �rim�r�di�s�l �r�gir�e for�r�at��t�a�a� �i�utes a� any lo�atior�, exc�pt as�o��d i� ���se�tior���i� of t��r�g�latio�; ��d, Agenda Item 9.b. � Page 112 �ro�j�����.f�rr�ac�f o�����a��v �e���r�g �e�� �r�ac��ap OS-��� �ov�r�tber ��, ���9 Pag� ,3 of� �. ���11��� � e�at�a c�i���I--���� a���ilia�r���v��r s����r���.�'�} �� �a��r������r, � ai��a�d�t�or�er, or ar��r�r��illar��ui�me�� or�t�a� ��l�i�le��rir���1�e���or . . ���tin �r� a s1e er be�t�. for e�t�r t�ar� S.���r��tes at ar��1o�ation�r�e�v�it�ir� � � � ��� f����f�r�s���t�ed �r��a, �x���� �� r����c� ir� ������ti�r���������r�gu�����r�, �i �� �n��t �� �s�ed ir�������i r��t��d c����ir�� a��a�s �ci j�� sit���� r�ir�c��ri��r� �f � � � - the 5 r�ir��t�idli�n 11�ni�. �'he spe�if��r�qui�exr�er��s ar�c� �����i�ns ir�t�e re�u��at�or��ar� � be revie�e� at�he fol�o�ir�g v�el� ��te: v�rw�.ar�.ea. o�rlrns ro �r�u��-�d�1r� ����. df. �. �dli� �estri�tion� fo�o��oad � ui rr���t �ff-�oad ���se1 �i m��t s�a�� c�xr��1�r v��tk��he 5 ����t� ic�l��g restrictior� i��r�tifec� ir� � � . . , , . ����������� c� � ������al���r��� ��-�es�����s ��ard s ��-�T���f�F�.��c� ���s�I � �� � r� �la���x�; �v�,a�r�.��,��v�r��a�tl�������d��������ir��al,�c�� � � �i r�s sha�1�� osted ir�the d��i�n���d c�u�ui�g are�s an�job si�es to���r�d of�f road � � ���pme�� op�rato�s of the� �ir�ute i�11�� 1�m�t. Gre��ous�C a� �H� ��atewi�ie��r�s�old� hav��o� ���een ��finec� f or�H� irn �c�� ��w�ver ��� �o�xn AP�I] r���r��������� ��n ��r��������� ����asi�al� m�ti ��i�n r���su►r�s�����i��m�e ��"��� r�i���c� ����� a���. - . ��ar�p�es o�pat�atial r�easu�re� for t��s d��e�o�me�t ix���ude: • L��i1i�� 1�v� �a���r� fu�l d�rir�� �or����x�t��n., • �ti�i�� �o���rr�aterials �or�or�t�u�t�o�to c�t c�o��on tr�sp�rtation�m�ssior�s, � ��d����ia�lir�� acti�i������t�� ������os�i�l���r��si.r�� rr�at�ria�Is c�r� ����, - • Ba�ar��� �u� ar�c� �i1�o��it� to re��c�the need��o �au�ir�g rr�ater�a�s of�s�te, • R �a�i� s� or� �� rx��r�t ar�d v���cle���at ha�e i���a��omb�����r� ��gines v�r�th t�i�ir � � �� � � �le�tr�� ec�u�va��r�ts, • Irn ���.�r�t�r����d�x����r�����-a�ms #`�r v��rl��r��� red���v��ii�1��rips t�er���r�d��i�� � g��er�ho�se �a��� and o��er��-iter�ia�ollutax�t�. �a�u�all ��c��rix� As�e�tos �`�e �ojec� s1te i� located i�a c�n��d�te �.rea for 1�atur�I1��c��rri�g Asbestos �T���, �hich � * � � y s • ha.����r��c��r�����c� a�� a����� a�r��r�ta�rr��r��r�t ���1�� �a��f��rnia�1r i��������� ��a�cl �ARB�, Ur�der t1��A�� Air To�i�s �or�txa�IVlea�ure �A�'��VI� for Cor�str�ctior�, C�rac�ir��, �ua�ir��, �c� �urf���i1�i�in� ���ra��i�r��, pr��r�� �r�� ����i��a��i�i�i���t�h� ��te, ����a�r������r�����r�� s�a�l�ns�r� th�� � ���� i� ����ua�i�n �s ��nc�����c� ������rmin� i���A► i� r���n��vi�l�i� �I�� a�-����a�wi�l�� cli�tur��c�. I���A i� ��� r�s�r� �x� �x�rr� �Y�� �� u��� �mu���a����c� with �h��i��r��� ��� A�t���rn�n� � . I���A i�f��n� ��t�� �i�� ��� � �i��r��x���� ��rn � v�i�� �I�r�q�ir���r��� �u�li��c� in ����������� AT�_I1!I= �"��s rr�a�ir���uc��c�������r�.�r����'�x� �u�st I1�Iiti at�or���an�c� an As�estos Hea�t�ar�d �afet�'Prog�am�'or ap�rova��y th� �s��stos g ����, P��as� r���r�� t��i�,A�'��v��� �aa��� �� ����:�1��v.������c�r�c��r�.�r�g�����r��s����c�s������.a�s� far mor��x�fo�r��tior�or�o�ta�t��e A�'�� �nforce�ent D�vision a� 781-5���. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 113 ��o,�e����,f'er��a�.for���B�au�v ���s�in� ��nt �`�a���a� �,5���1 �ove�����0, ���9 � Pa�e 4 a,f� �e���o m�r��al��rn�r� ����tiv����r�ar ��, ����, ����►.��� ���11�1��[� ������ rr��n��l�r�r��r� �f v� �����v� � rr�a��r���wi���� �ar� I�u�s ��is c� ��u� , �Jr��er���a�i� �ir��rx��tar���s �r���������hr�x����� f��si�l� a1t�-r�a����� ��� a��ila���� l�r����d ���r�1�p��n.t�1 b�.�n�r��x�r�������ri��i�r�� rr�.��r�� ������d, �'���� u���� �i��� li�����r�, ���rn.�r�t ���������ti �r�����i����t�����j��t, A��l� � � �� .a ro�ra �d issuar��e o�a�ur���it b�t�� A��D ar�d t�e 10�a1 f�re d�p�rtrner�� ���hor��y. �� � , . . . . - �'he a 1�ca�t is r ��r�d to �urr�is�th�AP����th th� st�c��oft������� �e�s�b����y���i��� �� � . in�1�c���ca��� ��1���� cor����air�t��� a������i�n���a���i�a�i��, If�����v� a�r��r����t��r�� re ard�� �hes�r�quixe���ts, �or�ta��th�.A�'�� �r�forc�m��t �i�i��on a� 781-591�. � � �]��olit�ar�A�ti�iti�� �'}�� ro'e�� �e�er�al c�i� r�o� i�di�at��v����er there ar� ��i��ix�� str��tur�s or�t�e pro�os�d si�e � � ; ` + i i f * s t�a��vit�����xn�l����d. ��I�l����1�11 ���1�1�1�� ���1�ic�V�����I1�1��I1����1�� c�l�C�l��1i�� 1I1'��7���5, i��l��ir� i����� ���r���dir��pr���r��r���ir��, ��rr��l�ti���., ar�� �i���������sb����� �����r�ir�� � • • • r��t�r�a1 A�II�}. �sbe��os �or�ta�r�ir����teria�� �o�ld b�er�cou�tered d�r�r�g demo��t�or�or � . . . . . • �erno��ling of�xi�tir��b�i�dix��s. A�b���os car� a��o�e fou.�d ��t�l�ty��p�s����e�.�aes �trar�s��e i ����i����a�i��a���i����, �f��i�it� �ip��r��s ar� ����cl�l�c� f�r r����r�� �r�r�i�������� �r � � �u�i�c�i� s ar� r��n���� �r r�n�����c� �hi� r�'��� �a �� ���'��t t�v�►ri�r���-� �1��� '�ri��i�t���� in�l��ir� ����� �ir������ s�� u�a��c� ���h����i������i��i�n ���►���rt� ��r Ha��►rci��� ��x����l��an�s ������1 ��� �rt 11� - ��b�����l�I���A� . "�1����re�u���rr��x��� in�luc����� ar�r���1irr��ted��; l��������t����req�ir�rr��r��s�� ����i�tri��, �� a��l����s �x��v��r �;or�c�����������t�fi�d��b��t�s ��as���t��, and, �� a���i�a���r����a� a�d dis����1 � ��rem�r�ts o�ider����ied A�1V�. �l�a�� c��ta�t the��'�� Er�for�er�er�t �3��i�ion at '�81-���� � . for�u.rtl��r ��`�rrr�atior�. � ��st �or�trollVi�as�r�s �onst��ion a�t�vi�i�s car���r�er��e�u�itive��s�, �v�x�e����d be a ���sa���t� ���a�re��d�n�s a.r����sir������ ir� �1��������rr�it��� �������o��d �����r�cti�r��i��, �ust ���n�1a1��� c�o�1c� r����t ir� a vio����or�of t�e�P�D's ��� "I���sax��e'� R��e. Ar��p�oje�t���h a g�ad�r�g �r�a�reater��.�. 4.� a�res�x�e�d s t��AP���s F 11�i�� c�uart e-rl�t�res��ld. . � T�x� r�'��� i� n��r �t���i�l� s�n���iv� r��� t�r�� anc� ��a�l�� ��x��i�ic������ ��rr� � �vi�� ai�� �������.�r��l���i�x� ����r���i��r��� �� �x�atzc�n� �rt�in�n ����� ��r��r�Z �f f� i���� �1�s� �1VI�� �� ���t�i��c�ix� ������n �.� �f��� A�� u��ii �Ianc�����. ���i�� r�t�i� an� c��m��i�i�r� ���ns r����t� �h�i��i�������l���in� r� l���c�.�s: �. �edu��t�ie ar�c�ur�t��`t��d�st�ri��d a�rea��er�possibl�, b. �Jse a��a��r tru��s or spr�r��l�syst��ns in �u�`��ier�t c�ua�n��ti�s�o prev��t ��b��ne du�t �r�rn 1ea�ir�g��i� �it�, �r��r��sed �v�t�ri.�� �r�c}��r���r����c����r�q�ir����r����r v��r��l speeds e�c�e� I S rr���. F�e��aix�n�� �r�or��pota�le� �vat�s�o��d b��s�d�vher�e�er � }�ossible, . �. ��l c���t st����i�� �r��s s���xlc� �� ��r����d da�i��a�x���d�d, �, ��r�r�x�ar��r�� c���t c�or�t�ro1 xn�a���r�� ���r��xf��� i���� a��r��� �r����� r���g����i�r� ar�� lar�c�s��p����r�� s���1c��� ir�pl���r���d �� ����������i�1� �'�11�v�r�r�� c�rr��1��i�� �f a�� ��i1 di��t�r���� ���i�r�����, e. �xposed �ro�c� areas tha�t �re �1ar�r��d ta�e�rev�or��d �t c�ates g�r�ater th�r�or�e rnvx��� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 114 .Proj����eferr�a�for�����au�v �e���r�g �'e�t� �'�ac��ap D,�-��� �av�rr��er �0, ���9 �ag� 5 of 6 r ir��t�al r�din s�oul��e so�r�v�rith a fas� �e�am�nat�r�g r��ti�e�rass se�c� ��d v�a���d af�� � � 1�11�1����������I] 1� ������1��7.�, � - f. �11 dist�r�� sai� a�eas n��subjec�to reve��t�.t1on s�ou���e s�abi�i��d us�r�g approved chemica�soi�binc�ers,j�t��e��i�g, or�t�er��thods ��pro�rec� �r� �d��r��e b�t�� A���, � . Al��o�dwa�s, �riv�v�a�r�, sid�r�rall�s, e�c. to b�pavec�s�a�lc��e corr��l�t�d as �oor� � � ���l�l�, Ir� a�d�i����, �1.11�(�1I1���C�� S�'1���C��� ��.XC� �S ����7�� �����?��21���I`��117� � u��ess se�dir�g o� soil�ir�ders ar�u.s�, �, �l��i�l� � ��d ��r a�� �.or�s�r�����n.���i�1�� ���11 r��� �����d l� ��1��r��}��r��av�� � sur�a�e at tl�e �a�str��tio� site, i. Al1 tru�l���a�1ir� c�irt, sa�d, ���1� �r������1����rn��erials ar�t� �� c���r�cl�r�����d � rn��r�tair� at 1�a�t��ro f���af�reeboard �m�r�irn��v�rt�c�l dist�r�ce l��t�v�e�top of�o�d ar�d top o�tra�le�� ir� a�carda�ce��th��� �ect�a����1�, '. �ns�al� v������asl�er�v�r�er��r�h.����� �r���r ar�c� ��it�r�����c�r��c1s �r��� ��r����, �r v�r��� J o#�`tru�k� and eq��pm�nt �eavir����e s�t�, and k. �we stre�t� a�t�e e�d o��a��i da� i��i�i��� soil r�at�ria� �s �arried �r�to ad���er�t pa��� � . . . � ��a��, �a��r�������� ����lc� ���������rr�������v�r���r� ��������. A1l�������ig�����r��a��r�s r�q�ir��l ����1��� ����vr��r�gr��ir�� ar����i�����plar�s. �r� �dd���or�,t�� �a�tra�tor c�r�u����r shou�d d�sx��ate a p�rsor�or persons ta rr�or�itor t�ie d�st cor������r��r2�m ar�d t� �r��e�i��r���ed v�a��ri�g, as r������ar�, �� �r�v�����an���rt�#'c���� - offs�te. T���r d�ti�s ��iall i��lude ho�idays ar���e�1��r�d��r��c�s �her�v�or1�ma��ot be �r� �r�g��ss, T�� r��►�� a�c� t�l� ��n� �ur�b�r���u�� �rs��� ����1�� ��vici���� ��� A��� r���r�� ��nc� u�� ����rar��� ��r rn� r����c���i�n ��c� �i��sh�c� rac��n �f���ar��. �o�str��tior� ��mit �e �ir��a�r�ts ��sed or�t�e ir�for�ma�ior�}�rovid�d, v���re u�s��-�o�`t��ty��s o�e��x�m�r�t��at r�a��be�res�n� . dur�r�g����roj��t's �o�str��tion��.ase. �o�t�b�e���pr�ner�t, ���ar�epo�er�Y��}o� �reater, u�� �urir�g cor�t�r���i��a��ivx�i���i1�r�c��xi�� ���i��rr��� s��t��ic����rta��� e��i�r��r�� ��g����a�i�� �iss��d b�t�� �alxfo�ia Aw.ir ���our�es �oar�� �r �AP���err���t. �'�e�o��o�vir�g li�t is prov�d�d a� a guid�t� �quipmer�t a�d o�era�tior�s �hat �a��av���rm��ti�xrg��qu�rer�.�r�ts, �ut ����1�r�ot�� vi�v�ed a.� ���1��i�r�. �'��a�r�r��r���t�i��� ���ti��� r��e�r t�� �a����-� in t�� ����r�i��#s ���A Ha�r�dbool�. . • Fo�ver s�r��n�, �or�v��ors, d�e�����gi���, �d�or�-us���s; . � ���t�t�����r�er�t�rs �r�.d.�q�i��n��� �vit�����i��� t�,�t �r� ���i���gr�at�r; • Ir���rr�al �om�u�tior� er�g��e�; • �r��o�f��ed abrasiv�blasting op�ratia�s; � �o�cr�te�atch�I�r�t�; . • �o�I� �d���e�er�t c�.shir��; • �"�� gri�nde�-s; ar�d � • Tromme� s�r��r�s. T�I�1�11I1�1�� ��t�n��a���1���, �ri�r t� ��� ���rt�f����r�i���, �l�a�� ��n����������� ���in��r�r���i���i��n �� ����� ��1-�9�� f�r����i�i� i�f�rrx���i�� r� ��-�li��p�rr�it�in� �-e�uir��ents. � - �.�.� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 115 �r�ojec��e�f`�r�a��f'o��e��a�v� �e����� Te�� �r�a���a� �5-D�� �ove�n�er��0, ���� ,�ug� �of 6 �PE�AT����� �HA�� �Vi�T����'I�� F����d�nti�1���c� C�orr�����i�r� � . �Jr�ci�r A��� F���� ���, �nl A��� �► �c���c�w��� ���-�ni� c���vi��� ��r� ��in�����c� in r��� . c��v�llin�u�i��. �'�������i��� i.r��1�c��: ' �w • �1.�1 �PA��ert�fi�d �has��� �voo�b��ir�g de�i�es; � �a�a� i�u���d�urnir� c��v����������rr�it 1��� ����� �c���l t� �,l �rarns ��r���r�f Y� - � . � art���lat�matt��v�hic� ar��at �PA-�er��fiec�b�� �av��ee��e�ri�i�d��r a r�atYOr�a�l�� �reao�niz�d tes��g �a�; • �o�-cat�l i�v�rood bur�air�g devi��s�v���I��rn.it �ess t�ar�or ec���l ta ?.� ��ms�er hour Y� . of a�ticu�at�ma�t�r v��i�h� ar�r�ot�PA-��r'ti�i�d�ut �a�e b��r��er�f�ed b� �r�atior�a��y_ � ���og�i�e�d test�r�� �ab; • Pe1�et-f�x�1�d v�roodheate��; ar�� • De�i�at�d ���-�i�e� �'i�`�pla�es. - I� ���a�v� an��������r�s ����� ���.r��ec����d��r�r�ir�� c���i���, �1�����or�t���t��AP�� . � �r�fo��err��nt �i�r�sior� a� 78���9��. . � air�,t��k yo� �o��he opport�r��ty to �o�nm��t or�t��s p�oposal. ��yo����e ar��q�est�or��or � co��r��s, ���1 �r��to co�ta��t rr��at ���-��1�. �ir���r�l�r, �ary A�-�e�nor�t �1�`�1���1�� ����1&���� � . ����� � ��; �`�rn �'��, �r�f�r��rn��� �i��si��, AP�� i�arer�Broo1��, �nforcerr�er�t �iv�sior�, �.��� ��ry�Ii11e�r, ���ir��e-rir�g D��ris�a�a, A��I� At���h�r��r��s; �, I�Ta���ra�1�����r�i�� A���st��—�or���r�ct��r� � �r�c�1r�� 1'r����� ���rr���i�r�1������ Forn�, ���struction �.�r�d�g P�roj��t Fo�n n:lp��n1,c.eqalproj�ct_revi ewl3�oo�3�oo13�sD-11��so-1.doc Agenda Item 9.b. Page 116 ��� ��������� , ������� �������� ���..11�1�1'�F�l�i�L1��5�$r�PO - 34���b�r#a��urt,�an Luis�hi�p�,�� ����� . ���i������������• ��Y�i������i ��t�ra���� ����r�ir�� �►������� ��r�������i�� a�r�r� �r�ciir�� �r��e�t ���r� A �iran�ln#�rrn�t�an��r�pe��wrrer � � , • . Pr�ject IVarn� � . i�� . - Ad� r�ss Pr���c�t Addr�ss and�or�#��es�ar�Parc�l �umb�r �it�,�t�te,��� � � ����, �ta��,�i� . . ����_�_.�,.�.�.__--�__ . -..�-�- Enr�ai� �.�� � � �rn�i� . . Phon���rr�b�r D�t�S���n�tted �gent P��n�N�mber . . .. . . . ._ . . � � - � � - - _ . � . _ . . f_ ..............�...._ .. ........., .. . . _ . .. . _ . .. ,;:�� t�..�;,��.. ,. = _-:. . ._._. : .. . .. .._.....__. ..:_ ... . .. ..... , �. �:.. - :�>� .,.... .�i,, ...Y.... . '�'�' }} -i".' ��= - . . .. . . � . i. �'r^.tic.�: ���t�.,a . 3: 's�«`� �>i�• ii.��' . . .. � �'i Y1- - . �=k� - . . _ K'.'. ' a4' . . �;i` r.!.. _ _.�t..:�r`. w�..:"'- ..,�.�.�: .�� :�, .. .. . . . : . . _ . .x=� . � . _'. .+.. '.. ..: .'�'� , . .k+. �f��'� .5 ,;..'"..' 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Pr���t���ub��������r���ire�n�r�t� ��o[�g�ca� ��ral�at��r� Ex�rnp#i�n F�equ�st��rm but I��'di�ur��ng �V��► � . �r�je�t i��ul�je#t�1��1�r�quir�rn�r�t�ar�d �eol��i�a�� ��r�lua�i�n ��st�o�tro� Il���a����P�an �r�ject�s di�turbin� [V��4—��r►�r��h�n�n���re � ' b'e�t��I�1�A r uir�rr�e�t�a�d , , 1111in� Du�t Can�r�l Pr���c�t���u � � less ��o1og��ai ��r�lu�a�t��n �1�9�asur�Plarr . pr����t i�d�s��rb�n� �V����n���r��r , . Pl�ase r�o�e����t�e�pp1���r��wr'11 b�ir�vo�ced for�r�y as�oc��r�ed fe�s F�E�L�I�tE[�APP��AI�T�IC�1AT�1��: � � � , l. �I C�er�ara�ianlAutl�oriz�d�wgr�ature D�t� � . .. ._.� �,_.... ._..� �.....�...t..... _r- ;�.,.:. �' �.:: ' � - t' f�1.= "4� �.�. .�.��:. :Y�. . - .. � . �. . '.i �'. � . . . .. . ... - .. .. .�... �r_1._,.} .__:....�k-_... ... .�{�� �!Y� .. y r }_ '.' �' _ �t�: ... .. . ... .. . .. . . . _ .. ...� . .. . ......... . ... .... . �'t.'' ''r-' .� - . . .. .. .. . . _._ . . . . . _.-. .-. �..,.... �.. � .. ���. �� c'a� n�a'� . . r .r _.i_ _ '.�.'-� -'i' �s�' . . . .. ...z .. - � � .t� ■, :.i� r.+^-5�-t .. . . 5�'� -jY'." ��. . .. . - ry =1�.. " _ . � . 'M1}`. �'. . . ... . . � +���'_. '}i.: . . �:!."."'. .{"''. �M1�� � - . �f.'. . :. . ��' �j"�� ■7 -� - ,.I' _. . �� 'x�.+ n'M1;"a "�i . . . �. - . .. _. � -l. .. ����. 'L. - r'4't' 'f�� .� . „. . . ,:r'�"' .s�.".`.'�; .��.�.���� � � .- ._�.: .,.... . .�...� _ _ � � -�� ;.... .. :. ... .-.��.'-��' . . . .. . .r.., .� _ -f .. . . . � . . _ .. . . � , . � �. ......:'� . . . . . . .. . . . . � } :: ""' .�.." � .. "4 T '.' '" "...�... ...� ��,.... .� .'' Y � II��i1�#�flll�, F�@�I��'1��[fi �ea��gical�valuat��rr � ��em�ti���t�q�est�orrn Dust�ont���I���ur�I�I�� ���y�I�n ��PP r��r� l��s � IV� � A�pr��red; �'�s � IV o �I Approve�: l�es C� IV� � �pPr��r�c!: `�es � �1� � �ommer�t�: Ca�nm�nts: . �orn�er�ts: �P�D�t�#f: �rrta�lc�Dat�: []�te F��viewed �3���ite# �l�Pt��j# Inv����N�_ Ba�i���� �dc�iti�n�l F�es Bii�ab�e 1--��s �otal F��s H:�E�1FO��EVPF�o��kAl�#(FD#����1l+��AIC��TI�roj�ct�Form��0�911er�ian).dac . .�u�}r�a.200� Agenda Item 9.b. . Page 117 � �� �� � �� ����r�t ����� ��t��r��r � ��� ���� � � �������v��,��������v��� AT�A�HN1�[VT � ��ntur��Fi���nd V�lil��i�`���f`i�� ��� �,� - 2�9� P�rt�l���a� ������ - ��� a ��nt�r�,��li��rnia 9���� «���..�r����r�: � 2�1�-�CPA-��1 � . ��V���1��` ��� ���� I����y T�I�ff����, Assoc�a��Plar��er . �o�r�ur�ity D��elo��mer�� � ��V � � ���� . ��t'y c��'Ar�r��� �r�d� - � �.�.��� S�� ���� A�� ��r�d� �a1if���� 93��1 � . �������� � � . �ub�e�t: �nit,ia� ��d� fo�t��Proposed �u�c�i��sio� at ��� �rn� �our�, A�royo Cxr�d�, �ar����� ���s�� ���r�t�, ��1if�r��� . l�ea�r�s.��f���o�, . �e�r�r�spo�d�r��to �ou�r req�est, c�at�d��t�be�r��, ���9, ar�d�r������d�r�ou�o��e o�t�� ���cia�,�`�r����r��� �r�t�i� i���ia� ����y ������ ���j��t��������. "��pr�j��� �����r�� pro��sed by D�Blauv�r�ui1d���, �r��or�orat�d ar�d is locate�r�ithir��he cit� o�Arro�o �r�c�� � � ��i��, �a�L��s �bis�o �our���, a�o���a� �ov��r��a��aes o�`��ro�o �r�de �ree�C at ��� �rn� ���rt. ���r�j���i��1�d�� ���������t� s��c�iv�d� � �.��-a���r� ��t�� i�a�� t��� �ar������������r�g �f�,�'77 ��u�r�����, '7���� �c��ar� ����, ar�c� ��,9�� �c��ax� ���t�, ���r������������� s��� �urr�r�tly�as a sing�e-far�����esi��r��� an�t. �'�� ��rrour�di��Ia�d�u�es ir����de resi�er�tia� �i�ve�o��e���d agr���lt�al la��to t�e �o��, Ar�a�o �ra�d� �ree1� a�d a�i���t�arall��to t�e �ast,ar���e�id��tia� deve�opm.��.�to t�� sou�����e��. T�e ma��r�t�r o��arce�ls ir�t�e r�e�g�bo��aod a��r��e aro��l '7,��� sq��e�eet�r� s���. T`�e �u�j��t�ro��rty is ap�ra��mat��� �5.� fe�t wic�e a�d 18� fee# c��e� ar�c���s a�out a �5 �����r�t g�ad� fro� �rr���n�o�rt to tk�� �o� of � ����r���l��.i�. �������t����a��t�iviti�s r�1a�t����t���pr�����c��r�j����r� ����c��1�c����� � . � . plac�d���t��c�ry ���so��o�A��il 1� to �ctober �� ��� r�f�r�r�c�d �� ��Vi 4.4 or��age �� �f i �1�11"�1�1�5�������l� ����Il�����1���. - � ��]���`�����C��]�'����� �1�� 1���������C��1��1�����1�1��1�I]���1��1V� �I'lC��1�I�-r�a�iv� �ra����, sl�bs��d��es �d is �ur�e�t�y�c�e�sed by �����st��g d�v�v�ay t�at�ou�d �e e�t��c��c�to se�e the t�vo �ev���o���e��arc��s. �'he �ri�e�v�� exter�sio�v���1d�o�lo��� ��.�t�r�or��o�s adja��r�t t�the ��i���r��r��i���a���� rx�i��rx�i�� grac�i��a�c��v���� r�c���r����r��t��ti�r��f ar� � ��c��ta1�r�tair���g v�a��, �r��r���� �r~�r��� �i�������1�� �����t����v�rar�1��� driv����, v�r���� ���I�th�r�t�� ��n�r���c���t�� ����'�c��rair�a��� s�st��a, �rac�in���t�� �i���v��l�������i��� c�bi�yar��a���t ar�d S�� y�rd� a��'i�I. �e�aroj e�� si�e ir�cl�c�es ��or�io�a o�`�.�cre����i�e1. . T�e barx.�s o�.Arroyo �r��c�e ��e�1� are ���e� ar�d a�p�o���at�l� 3���ee��i�h abo�v�th� acti�e 1�v�������ar�r��� ����� �r��1�, `����g��a�t�x�r� �i��i�th� a�j���nt �r��1� ��ar��1��r��i��s ��' v�ri�l��r��'a�ix s��.�, �atto�v�o�� {�o����s s��.�, ar�� �y�a�na�e ���a�ar��s �a��rr���a�trees, �it�a �ur���r�t�r� ���1a����r�r ������ ���.� a.�c����s���a1� ����c���c���rc�r��� c�i��r-�si��bcr�. �'�� proposec�project�vould b� �or�ditia�ed to ��r��vo��bl� de�i�a�e all the ar�a�ithi�t�e propert�r t�iat�r����d�s��e �t�ea�be���a�54foot��ff�r zar�e �o��t�e��� o�t�� creei� �ar�1�to�e ����. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 118 . , �� �e�ferr�or� � . �� � Ax� �i� �or t�� ro o��d proj����w��ld occur o�t�ide of the�5-fo�t�u��e��or�e, ��i�ch Y� � � � �v��lc���c��1i��at��c��v��h��r�st���i�r�����i��, a.r�c�r�� r��.�i��t���� �v�ulc�����r����c�. ��v���i �or�se�atio�rneas�.re� ���ted ur�d���he��ol�gical Reso�r�es �ect�or�, Pa�rt 4 ox��a�e H thro��� � 11 ����� �r�i�ial ��c����������r�pr��p���d�� r�����t�h�p���r�tia�� �rr������ ��th��r�p��ec� ��'��������I���1���� �1���C� ����1�� ���11I'��1�����]��.��1� �'��. fi��[�.�. �is�ar����1c�li�� ���ri�e'� ���rvi�����s��r��i���i�i�� �r���u►d� a�drn�r�����r��g��� �ndar� ered � eci�s�ct of 1�7�, �s���ded �Act}, �r�c1����g se�t�or�s 7, 9, a�d ��. ����io�9 of � , �, , . . , . . �h�����d 1�� �rr� ��l"�l�I��1���`��t1�3���I���I`��l1�1������1�1���c�.Il� ��(���21��������C���]C��l���`�{� � or th��at���c��}����es. �e�tior����$� o�t�i� A.�t de�r��s ta��to rr��ar�to�iarass, ��, �t�rs�e, h��t, s��o�,v�o�r�d� ��1, t�ap, �a��ure, o��o���ct, o��to att�rnp�to e�ga�e ir��� s�c�a�o�d���. �e�ice r����t�o�s �5� ��`� �7.�} c�e����arrr�to ��c��c�� si�r���ic�r��ha�i�a��odif�ca��on or de�radatio�v��i�� ��t�l�� �i��s or �r�j�.r�s �i1c�1�f� b� si�r��f��an��� �r���i�i�g��ser�t�al , be�.a�riora� �att��s, i�c��dir�g��reedi�g, fe�di�.g ar s���terir�g. I�ar�.ssrne�t�s de�i��d��t�� ���vi��as a� ir�����i�r��� �r r����i��r�t����i����a� �r��t������ li���i�.��c� ���r������ v���i��� �� �oyin.g it to s���a�e��e�t as�� ��gni��ar�tl�d��r��t n��a� 1��havioral �a�t�rr�s v�r����a � i��lude��ut a.�e ��t lir�ited to, br�ec��r�g� ��ed���, or s��Iterir��. �"h�� �et�r���de� fo�r c���I ar�c� . ��imi��l p�r���t��s for t�� �a�fu�ta�ir��o���st�� s���i�s. ��err�pt�or�s to t�e p�o���iti�r�s a���ir����a��rr�a�������i��d�hr��gln��� ��r���� ��tv���v���; t�r���h i�.t��r�g������r����tati�r� ��r�p������s v�i�h F�d�r�1 i���l�err������������� ���ti��� if't�����j��� i��� ��f�r�c���, � ��t�a�r���d,���ar�ri�d������F`�c��r�a� a��r��� ar�d rr���a����a�1i�t��d����i�s, �r t�ir���la t�� �ss���o�ar� incid��ta� talce p��it�r�d��r se�tio� ���a������� �f the Act if#�e �ra�o���proje�t do�s�o�ir��a�ve a��c��ra1 age�c�. ���t���� ������ anc� �7������ ����� A�� ������p�ly t� 1i�t���p1�t �p��i��, �������, 1i����� �r����ti���f �i�t��i����� �r�rr��ak� i��r�v�c��d t� ��.� ����nt��a��t�� A������i�i���� r��rn�v�l �d redu�#ior���poss�s�ior�of���era�ly��is�e�e�at�a�gered pla�ts or t�e �a����ou� c�arr��ge of ���h�1�ts�r�ar�a��d��F�����1 j�ri��i��i��, �r�1��c���t���i�r����r�c�ar���r��c�����s ����r�� ��c��r�l ar��� �r��i��������f�ta��l��v��r��u1��i�r� �r�r�t�i� ���rs� ��a�a��ri��a�i�r� ��`��ta�e ��ir�i�ai�r���as� 1a������i��rr�i���c��ng�r�c� �p��i�� ����. � 1�s it is r�ot our p��ar� r�s�or�sib��it�t� �orx�mer�� on do�urr�er�t� pr��ar�� �ursuar�t to the ��li�orr����r��iror�r�ental �ua�it� �.�t ������,��r c�r���r�ts or�t�e �nitia�study �or t�� � pro�o�ed project da r�ot cor��t�t�te��l� ��v��v�o��roj�c����acts. �� ar� p�ovidir�g o�r car�me�ts ar�d�eca�rx��r�c���io�s based t�po�a�revie�of�e�tio��add�re����g�io�o�i�al r�s�u�rc��,t�ose t�iat r�ay b� �soci�t�d���bio�o�i�a�r��ou�r���, �r�j�c� ac�i��tie�t��t�iave � �o�er�tia��o af�ect fed��a�1y ��stec�spe����, ar�� au��or������o���sted����i�s��t���o�r j�is��c��or�r�1�t��to at�m�dates ur�d�r the Act. ���.re co�a�err�ed abo�ut t�e�����t��l advearse irr��acts of t�ie�ro�o�ec� p�rc�j���or��a� fed�rall�r e�da�gered r�.�rsh s�d�v�x�t ��r�er��xr����a��dic��a�, �a�r�bel's�v�ter�re�s {�as��rta�r�z�arr�b��ii�, ��smo�1ar������ar�kia s��e��o�a s��. r'�rr�acu�a�a},tid�����r go�y �����c�o�o��u�ne��er�r,�i�, a�c�least����'� v�r�a �i�ireo �e��ii��s����s}, ar���hxeat�r��d �a1i�`orr��a�ed-leg�ed f�og��a�a cx�r��r��c��cx,y���r'��, T�� �r���i�1 ����i� �r�cl��a�������l��t�t�� ��c��r�l��1i���c� �����1���.c� ���th- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 119 � ����� ������� i��rx�ia���1�ti�r� �� r�ifi���u�r�t�����r���rrt�h�� rr�,ykr's��s� �ur�d �a�������a�r�c�- �er�tr�1��.1 �y � . ��o�ta o�c�.�r�it�i�the A�o�o �rar�de ��ree�, ��e�s �o�t�.�s� s�ec�es h�v� ����ed�rog ar r����c�����c� at���� �� ���c� r�'��t ����, ������� i�xit��1 ��uc��r��t�� ��a�t��t� �f th��� �at b�� � � � J ����s ar�����.m�d�� �a� ����r�� a��t1���������cl���j��t����, �t������c� �����r t�� �p � ' ' ` ���������l�a���r�a� 11���r�� Fx����i�s ��rvi�� �r�c�, as ����, �vill ������rt�����������d �ur�sd��t . �ere�. . ��re ar�h�s�ori� reco�ds �f r�a��h��dv�ort, �a�mb��'s��terc����, ���mo �l��ia,�1d��at�r ob �nd��1�fo��a red--�eg����r���vit�i�t�e�rici��t�o�t�e s��,�ec�pr��ec�; �o�v�ver, �ve are � �'� . • � ar��. �����i�� ���wa�e of�v��t�ier recer�t s��veys�ave �een �or�duct�d�or t���� s�e���s i�#�i , t���rro � ��`ar�de �r���C ���el �o��ai�� sui��ble b�eec�ir�g��bi��t for�h� ���st��1�'s v��eo � * ; * ; i a�d����#�ir�����i���r��a1 r�.n�� ��t�� sp��1��; ���r����r� �t �s r����r�a��a���� �x����t���t�1� s ������n� b� �������r�the v��i�it����t�a� s�������x���rt�, �'�e �al����ia�l�a�r�� ����r�i�y � Y i� l��t.�l�as� �������ri�1�l�iilll������1� ���1��I'Y]1�����IT���I�������1�C� ��.il"l���1����1����'1� � , , „ , ��o���t�o�vn o���rrer��e of P�s�n���ark���s a�p�o�1�a�t�l� �.� rn�1e to th� �o�t��east o�t�� ���'��t r� �rt� ar�c��alif�rr�ia��d-I����ci�r�g i����r���rx�a����� �.� �i�����t��r��rt1�-�v��t c�� � . � � th��������d�r�j��� ����, vv���i���� ����� �r�.r��� �������1���]B ���9�. �ali�arr�ia red-.leg�ed fra�s use ��a�i�ty of�abi�at�ypes� ��i�� �r��lu�e �a�r�or��aqu�ti� s���e�s, �i ari�,ar�c�� lanc����1#����. �r��c�in� ����s ����i� �����������c���e���d �r��ar� i����xat�� � � � � ha�it�ts;��rvae,��ve�i��� and ac��l��o���a��re beex��o��ectec�fro� st�e��, �����s, ���ds, rna�rs�es,sa��or�d�, deep poo�s a��back��ters�i��i� st���ns �d�re��C�, dur��por��s, �agoor�s ar�ci�s�uz�-i�� ���Y-vi�������. �� ���i�n� ��t����ar,j���r�i�� ar�ci �c��1���li��rni�r�c�-���g�� fr� �rr�a ���� ���r�����di�� �����. �`���r���� �r����t�r��li���������r�����rn� �.� �i��a.r���� � , � . . . • ��������� 1.� rr����� f�r��t1r�� �r��c��r����t� a�c���v����r� f��r�c� ���� 1�� f��t fr�rr� ����r �r� ��*a��r����r���r��a.�iax��r���t��i��f�r���-�� �� d��� �I��t�a�� ��c��. ����}, �i��er�i�� �r���ir� J , . , . � r��r��r���ta�� ��u.r�t�tr�����c�d��t���s fr�r� �.�� �n.�1��� rr��r��t�a.�� rr��l�� �v�t���� � a ���t�r��arc�������g�����,����t�����r�ty��, ��ri���ar� ��r��ci��� ��. ���g��, r'rr ���t. 139��. �� . . . �alif�rr�ia red-1� ed �ro��us� ���11 ��mrr�a�bu�r�v�s ar�d rr�o�s� l��f� 1�tt�r�s sh�lter,���p��� �� , . , , . h��ita�t�J������ ar�c�I�a��� 1����, �`1���� �s �u���a���� �a1������r���l�g�������d������al, uplar�d,�d br�e�lr���abitat o�-sit��it����he su�j��t proj��� are�ar�d i� �s reaso�able to ���ec� t�iat i��i��c��a1 �a�ifor�ia r�d�-leg�ed��ogs r�a�e ov��r�a�d e�cursior�s�etv��e�t1�� dra�r�a�es �� t�is re ior��d#��re�ore rr�ay b� ad��r�e1���npa�t�c���th� s�bject projec� a����iti�s, as�r��os�d � i�t�ae ir�iti� st�d�. I�tid�wat�r �obies o��ur v�it�ir�or dov�mstre�m�f th� �ro�os�d���j��t a�rea, t��� cou�d�e �d��rsel �rr�pa��ec���sto�m��.���r��o�f, �rosio�, o�r��tior�s d���ct1��e�ate��o #.�e cox�st�uc.�io� . . . � . . . . . . . . . a������t�������r�t1r���r�����c��r���������, F�r�� ��cl���r�������� ����ac����c���va��r�����a��tat �d�rn�th���ic���a��r ���� ���� ���r�r���������, �`�� �r�i#���� st�c��i����c��s ��r���r�a���r� �eas�r�� �IVi�.� ��r�t�gh�.� a��1V�11��.�� a�c��.l 1 ���a��� �i�anc� 11����t�v���1c������� � t���.m�u�t���r��i��an��.n�f�����r�r�g�� ����1�, Agenda Item 9.b. Page 120 + �e1� Hefferr�on � 3� . Ir��dc��t�o��o�he}�ro�osed �o�serva�io�rr�easu�es �o�ere�1 i�t�e ���ti�� ���d�, v����cornr�e�d �� l�rr��r�t�a��i������� f��1��r�g r����r��������c�r��� ��t��t��� �r��a����� ���i����a r�c�-�����c� � ; . , . ; , . . . fr��s an���1���1���������1�s�1�������r���t�xr��1��r��a��r��r�a���t�� ��1�,���� pr����� ��t�. . 1� �u�-ve�s s�oulc��e�er�'ormed�vitl�irt t�� sub������op�r�y to d�te��r�e ��ese���labs�r�c� ���i�r�a���a�r���. I�thi� ������s i��`�ur�c� ��-������1�� ��rvi�� �����e��� ��r�ta���d�c� a���c��n����as�r�s ��a���d�� i����rr��r���c�, �� I�r�v�g�t����r� �c� ��1��r�����tru�t��r�������c� ���i�i���� ar� �r���s��t� ���u��vi��i�r�t�i� r��ariar������� i��ii�a���c� �r�11��IrI�,�� �r��a�g� I�,�r�������������� s���� �������� �er�orm�d �`or�na�rs�i sar���vo�, �a�bel's �vatercr�ss, �d l�ast�3���'�vi�e�. ��`t�ese ��e���� are fa�c� on�site, the ���vic� ��.oulc� �e ca��a�ted a�d avoi��ce �easur�� s�ou�d b�irn���r�er�ted. 3� A�l ��r��tr���i��a�c��vi#������at�c����1��p�r�����d�r����t�����d l��rr���1��r�c���� c�u���ied bi�la�i�t for��� c��xat���af t�� �ro j ec�. Th� �iolag��� �no��tor��i�u�d ��x�duct . a biala���a� re�o�rces�c�����ior��ro�r�rr�. for�vo��e�� pr��r t� t�� 1���ia�ion of�� ����r��g o��ar��t����o� ac��v����s. T�.e ed���tio��l �ro��-�rrY ����1�i�����e a c��s�riptio� af t�e �alifor�,ia r���l�gged fro�, its�abitat, v��at�or�st�tutes��e, per�alti�� �o�t�e, ar�d t����c��11���th���11 �� ��1��v�������i ��r��t�u��i�r������r��i �� ���ic�t�� ��t�� . s���i��c��.��-ir�� ����#r���i����ti��ti��, '�������t�,��ti���r��v�r f���rr�� ����Ic��� � r���o����1� for����►ri�g i�h�t�r��r r�ern��rs �omply��th��� ��ide���es ar�d t1�at a1� ��v� ��r��r�t��� ����i������r��r�ir������r���rt�i��i� ��r��t�x����r� a��i�r�ti��, �'l��r����ar�a ��u��ari�� a�� �th�r�f�'—�1I�11��'��� ��l���C��� 1C��Il�1�l�C����� ��1�1�� ���������. A.�.� ����ta�i�r� ���a.rir�����i�it��s �1�����i�� rr��r������c��� t��� �r��i��i�i�l��is�. �� - �`��t�—���7��1�L�'� ����'�� �171�1��1�1'1����11����I�������1.�1�� ����1��.����1�������, a qu����'ied��olo�i�t s�ou�d �o�d��t s�rv��s for�a���o��a�e�-1e�g�d �rog a�t�.e �ro�os�d ��'������1�� l�l c'�����'C��II�����1��1� ���'V1��'��'��1��C�S�.L�`V�� �L11����I]�� ���I'�1�� �����3�. � I��1����� ����� ���l� ���1���`i11�T�C�-l��g���'�������ur�� ��-ir������� ��.r�v��s,��i� ������ ����id �� ��r������� �����iat��� �c� ��� ����tr�x����r�����vi�i�s th��������r����� � ir�t�ke s�iould ��postpor����til t�� ������e �s c�r�s�lted�d ap�ro�riate ac��o�s to a��ic�tai�� a�re c�e�e�o�ed a�r�c� �mple�e�ted o�sit�.� - �� �ef�r� v�r�r� ��t��ri�i�s���ir�����c�a�, ��� �r��i��l�i����i�al �n�r�i��r s��ul��������t�� �r�j����i��, ir��l���r�g�c����ar����c��iprn�r��, ������i����a r�c���e���c�fx����, ��`� Califo�ia�ed-l���ed fro�is #`our�d o�site c��ir�g��e d�i1y ir�sp�c��o�s o�du��r�g ��I�S�'U�����1 c�����1�1��, c�1� �1I'����� ���1V1���S ���� ����C� �'��1,��� 1I���� ���1��� ����� �.11]��� ��'l� ��rvic� is co�.�ult�d a�� a���ro�riat� a��i��s to ��a�d t�e a�re �e�r��op�d a�d ��mp����r�ted ���i��, � �� T�� 1�r��t�� ����� l���j���v���l�ar��v�it�x� 1�� �����f t�� �r���C s��v��� ��rr��rl�ec��it� �i���v��i�i1�t���ar������r��i���� ����r�rn����i��t�i�r������it�t c���tu����� �it��r�t�� ■ s r���rl�r� area. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 121 r ���� ���f�ri��r� � � �7 �1���r1�as�����t�d�vit������s�c����,���� a��i�i�i�� ���i���� �i�ariar�a��a, i������r�g � t�� 1��-�����r�ff��ar��, �����c�����r ir��h� d� ��as�r��1V���r 1 t�� ��t�l��r 1�. '��ar��i����r����n�d a1��u����� ��j���'�����r�ti�� �rn������� m.���a����ir��. T`�i� ��r�i���a� � * . . . cor�s�r��t���res�o�sil�il�ti�� a�c�rr�a�r�ager�ner�t�utho���y fa�r m��rator� b��rds ur�de�t�i� ��gr�to�-y �i�c��`r�� ��t��f 1�1�� �� ar���d�c� �1V���T�� ��� �T.�.�. �7�� �t�. ��q.�, �� �a�a� ���a�ir���r �Y . , , . . . ot���r su�ace d�s�rb�c� a��o��at��vv�t��ro�osed a�t�or�s s�ot��d�� t�r�ed�� a�o�d�oter����� c���tru���i�r����i������� �r��ur�����ir�������r��c� �r�t�� ar�a, a� s��� c���t�x�t��r�x��� b� i� �iol�ti�r�of the IV���'�, L�r�c�er�he 11��T�, r�es�s �it����s ar�ou�a� o��i�r�tory birds ma� r�ot b� darn�g�cl,r��r rr���rx���r�#���y��r���� I��1���. I�`t��� ��as�r��l r��t�i��i�� i� r�����������, �v� � ����rn��r�c�t�a��a���lli�'i�c��ai�1��i�t� ��r������ a�r�a f��r���t� �����c��r��� �����ti�n� ��.�., ����e� �a�rs� ter�i�ar��� def�r���, �a�ry���o�r�esti��rnate�r���,t�a�s��rt�r�� food� prio�to t�e �or��e�ce�er��a�1a�d�l�a�in�activ�����. �f��st� o�o�����vic�er��e af nest��� are o�s�r�e�l, a p�at��t�v��u��r s�a�lc��e d�l�r�e�ted ar�d�e�r�tire a�ea�l�o����� ��o�d�d to �r����t c�����ru��i�r��r c��stux������ �����un��I th�� ar�r�� ��r���r��ti��, . ����5��1.�����1����� �����1� 1I1�� ��'��1��1����1��]1�1�����I'1�I]���ll�'�� C�������]��-�L�.��I��II�����1� � � �aliforr�i�E�viron�e�ta� �ua��t�A�t, ar�y ta��of 1��ted ���ci��t�.�t�ou1�r�s��t#�ror�t�e ������d�r�j��������r��c���r� �����ti�r����s��n.��� ���ti�r�� �r��r����r����i�r�pursx����� �ec��on 1�o�th�A�t. ���� 1�st�d sp����s ��cei�� ��otectior��nd��r t�i� A�t. �--�ov�re���r, �er�sitive �p����� sh�u�d����r�����r�c� i�t���1a.r�����r���ss x���� ���������b����� 1i���d���������d f�����ti�g�ri�����r�j������p�����r�. ��r����nrr��r��l���t����r��ri�v� �r��`��ati�r� i��� �a��f�r�ia�epax��er�t of�i�� ar�d C�arr��'s�a�ural Di���rsit� I�ata��se. �ou �� cor�t�aet t�ae . �a.�i������e�artr�en�af F`is�ar�d ��rr�� a�{9�6� ��4-3 8]� for��#'o�ma�ior�o�o���r ���sit��re s���i��t�a�m��oc����n t�is a�e�. �e ap���ciat�t��op�or�ur�it�t� ��rovide �or�rr�ent� �n t��pro�o��d��o�e�t arYd loo�for�a,rc�to ���l�ir�g�it�����i�� �r�t�� f�t��.r�. -I�������r� �r�������i�r��r�����r�g����� ��rr�m����, ������ � �o�tact�I��t�er��b��of aur staff a# ����� �4�-�7��, e�te���ar��9�. �i�e����y, � ��s ��l�ith �en.io��iolo��s� c�: . ���� ���T����l, ���1��]�� ��'lll�.������`1�S Bab �taffor�, �a�ifo�ia D���.men�of�`x���d �a�e Agenda Item 9.b. Page 122 �������� �. �u� �r J,�. ����. ��� �����n�i�����a�1 a�a�i Ha�i���L�����J���r�i�� ��li��r��� . � � r, • ���]C��."1��1�������� ��1"�� �e�-�eg�ed�rogs ��a�a au�or�a c�r�a��o�r�� �rt �o�es�t ar�d�ar�� �r�.��Vi�vr.nt��r�s. �r����r��a������a1 ��b�n�tt�c��� U.�. �'i��ar�c� �i�����e ������. � pp. �1���� ������rn��l���ur�l �iv����t� �a������. ���9, �l�xn�r��.����r�r��������� ��r�c��c� � j ����r-c��r�u ����i an.d �'��xr���c��s�p�����c������. �r�arr�c�����r�cx. �ar��'ir�d: � �����a�� .�' . . . �, � l��a��i����r tk�� ���i��rx�������. ���i���c��a�rr��,I��tur�l He�tag� ���r������ata, �� � . �a���o���a�a� �3i�er���y���a Base, �a���er�to. . ����� �,IVI.�.,�.�. �I����. 199�, A�n��i�iar�ar�d���t��I� ��e�����f������1 �����r��r� ���. � , . , , . . �1�� �����t���}��r�c����t�� �a�li�. ����, ����s�a�� ���, I���c������n�� ��v�����, �� � �or�ova, ��1. �S S p�. � . �a���i�ur� �.�. 1VI.R.. ��r��r� s, T`.�r. �Vi ���� ���.�, ������. ����. �t���s ����������f � , � � S��1�1�1�1� �C�l����������3�'���� lIl���V�� �� �1�71���1 �.I1C� �1�� ��`����, �a���i�������� �����, ��lif����. L�.�. F`is�a�t��ildli�� ��r�i��,���i�n�I�������1�����.r.�� ��r���r, �a��i��or�, ��A. Pre��r�d�or t�e ��li�'���a D��t. o#� Pa�k�a�d�ec��a�i�r�:. 1�3 ��. ����i��] �I,�, ��s�i ar�.��Til��i�� ��rvi��. ���2. I������r� ��a� ������ �a��#'�rr��a�r�cl-1�g��� y r ■ ■ a■■ �rog���xr�a�cur�or�a d�-�x,��o�i��. U.�. �1�h and �1�d��f� ���v��e, Pa�t���, �regor�. v�i� � 17� p�, ����vi����,�, ���� �� �ildl�f� ��rv���. ����a. �t������r�lar� f�r t���i���v���r���� ����,�������i��r���v���r��i�. L�.�, ��s�a�d�i1c��i�� ���i��, P�r����, ����r�. �i -� �99 . ��� . ' .�. �i��i�c���1c��i�� �ervi��. �����. I��vis�d ����� �r�����a�c��������n���� �c� �,��I'V1���� � ��1c� �u������r��� ��1i��rr�����d-1����d�r��, ���rarx��r�t�, �a�i�`��i�. . . Agenda Item 9.b. Page 123 � • -�--- � . � �T�������urt � � . � �������.�.r���a���o x�� Y * � � ���-��t�-f�����t�n��������e � i { ���u�, � i � • . ��x`o�� ��-�r��� �����'or��� � . . � � + � . . � . � . . � � � - � . - � � , � - * - � i - � . � � � - � . � � � - . � �re��r�d B�: '�'��r�onv�a - � � � � � - ��r��ag��i���v�ri�s�n�. '�9����#��o�hi�I�lv�. � � � . � � ��r�������#1�� - . � � ���Iru����bis�����������G�� � �������5����� . . � � � � . - � r ��� �� i , p �d�Dr; l���t��w�uY��ers In�. � �I������ir���e�l - � Arr����r�tn����► ���#�� � � � � . . _ . � . . � � � . . � � ' • . � � � . . � - . ' . � � l � � . . _ � ' • . . � � . � �. � � � � . . . � , � � � � . � . ! � � . . N����r����r��,���� - � . � . � . . � � �� + Agenda Item 9.b. � � � �� . Page 124 � � , , � ' - � + ' .. �� � � � � ��s�ra�t , � �r�����alo���sub��ur#'��e�estari����r��id�r�tla���t 1o�a�.ed at���F���.��urt in A.r�` � , ����rat�de r�s�lt�d��e�3��c��rc�r �����i���►�t a�r��ao������al �epo�ifs a �a�t ��il�� C�-i�� ��-��i�tor�� �,r�����oY #ic.�� ' � � �1�� ��.�SI��-�93}.A�ort�o� of t��is �rc1���ol��ica�si��cove�rs t.��p�a�e�y at�0�E:n�n�urk , � � �rior i�pa���ve o�curx�d j�sarr�� arts of���s�t�� - . }� y�r�lr���d���con�t:r�cti����an e�����r���,ous�a�d ulali��tare�r�i�. � �x���u�r#`a� #�s��� ��tw� n�►l�#.s �1�at wil� b��re�l.ed is� t��� stud ar� � � a����c.�e�s �arY� corrid���vcal�d a�+c�a�I���c.�� � �n��ri��s i�n ut�di��ut-�e.d �rch�o��gi�l�it� s�ils. �u��u�a�l r����ns in��ude���,t� ` nst��-��wr�a�re�r��ix�s*s�one�aoI rnan��a��t�nir�g m�t��Is�d�s�����e��.���cl���ol��i�a��i#��p�ear�t�b����ce��tr�te�in � . � � ' , . �v�o�ar[s o#`th�s�ud a�a. � � . . . . . ��a� �a�rr.I�a��o��c�� rnEt�gat��n �c�a�va�#or�s are recor�rnend�d r�or � � P � �� r�sic�ent��l cor�stru�tiort��a�ed fo���his i ��`���y. T�Phas� �� ar��a�o�og��a[ �nit�gati�n �x,ca���i�n� r�v��l respo�d �o t���oida ' � . . � ��e �sx��ac�s �o t��s�gn�fi��n�c���l �e�s�x�ce_Ar��ogs��rnoni�n��a�sa r �ed dur�x� . �ax�Y�on.s�n�c�ior��c�iv�t��s����f�`e�t t��ojL , � � � I� is reca���d �hat� ar��eo��g����view �� �r�� � • . p�a�s fa� ti�s d"ev��op��� p��par� ��hase I�ar�haeo� '�l � m���at�o�p�a���n�t1�e�cor�n���#�t�ae�ata�e�ov . � �Y,�'11�1����1��XC2k���I��S. � � - � i . , # ' � � � � . � . _ � - � ' ' � . � • , - • , ' � � � � � . � � . � . ' � � - • � � F , - � - . . . . . � • � � . , -` ' + � � ' . . ' � � ' , . � � . . � # . � # � � . � . . . Agenda Item 9.b. � . 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H�rrtag� �)�c.���rr��� �r�c.�v�� r��r�cd �o . c�r�p�c� ��s��-s�rface�nves�a�a�o�anc�p�o�i��p�arYr�i�tg�or�n�x�end���o� �o ���tura�reso�m�,��e����s���o � ��ure r��d�v�l n���t • . �p �����prop��r,'������r�rea�s����ated ir�Arroy��rr�xd��n lh��ves ' � t�r,n�Yd�of A�r�ya Crande C��k� s��rt d�st�n��th����i���c��r�.�3uan���B�ar��v�r��rxd����� �cl inf • . , �`o onna��on and pro��c�p�ans. � - � �e���u�-aZ��ck � . gror��d '�e stu�y�,���s}� pr���story �as c�ivid�d in�o c�ro�olo '� • . � g� � �d �re�onal dxvis�ons � • . ��F�C�WO�, .����, �Ti�?S�I�, ���� �IL�C��1�1 � ��1� ��i�� 5��1�5 � } �uu�g �it.� c�ompre�ensive s�udz�s �ouey & �as a �hi�e �r��a�olog�ca��tu� � are � � ��1� Ja�cs�t a�, �����. �y con�nonly rnade �hro�ghout #� 3�or�e����as� • . � �o �i ` , �`�y, ������ �va��ns �ad be�n re r���e,d an��ex�er�ll��oc��cd�t�o�st�l���es. �l���s�a���c�en��i�d r� ` r� � �r�c ar�I�ittic P��o • . � gt� � tr�s�nd ad�ap���o�s s�as wark at�ico �r�c�Jo�es&��ug�, ��9,��,�s�nes of s�tes at IV�arro� �fon - - ��� a� ��ros,s�r� i �� �s c���., X����,a�l aonea�i-��►�1e.�r��t � � + ; (��t�g�a�d & Jones, �,9�9�. Over �,3�� �r���ag�ca� s��s �avc - . been r�a�r�� �San �is �braspo � -- �ou��,�I�l`��gh�an���th�e���i�ge�re.�ouro�s�a�e�een des - . i�ed or d������Io��en�. � � #' � � - ' .�rc���alo�i�a�•��►ck�r�t��nd . ���m�o�si�e s�veys ar�d�est�xcavations ha��tak�n �a�e nea�r � � � . , , . P tl�study�c�.�v�tvv�d��r ~ t f s�#�ex�s�w�t��he�o�nm��t�e�of Pisrx�v B�a��a�d �r�d�rc�OO�o�x�al � A.�`o�o�ra�c�e. 'I�e�rir,��ry a�l�e���g�ca�sites tha�r�t� � . •+ st�Y are � Ia�ge�u��-co��one�t��unaa����I�ag� ��r..�t��u d� • . the�ur�e�# � . , u �nto�P�o 8�����nd � se��o�i��er�iat�d�re�st�vric _ s��s pr��ent a�an�th�,�irroy�����r���A�r ��an�e. . � � = � � � � � � � . � * � , - • '�'h� ��sr�o��a�h��udl�i�s���� ��A►���O�-��� �� • • . . _ }�-�- �ens�ve greh�sto�r�c�umas�se°�#�ement�s �o� a�o� #�e vr�cs����e ����rice �a��y�n, �'h���r ��t ��t� ���s - acx�ss�l�� � � ��eac �re� � . �, or�ed a� ��-���rt�3�, �s �re�on�I�r�� ' �an� . �ex��age r��c�ha��o��rs �u������Judl�ris�uni���i �� � � � .- . ._ � vo��rope�r� and tI����� �r� �,i � . _ at���a�n�Hi��o������ir�t�n���t,�� � P � �d�1ae�en��d����al� � __ t �st�s�d�o�the�o��a�'P�-i��an�ror�. . . � - pr • • - - � . ��. t e�v���s��aat��ns ��s���.����L�����i� 1���r�v�a�ed� - p�se�xce��`ar+c��I�����na#�eri�����t to�e�i - � � � . H�����wy��, 1�'T�,�]'�dk�s S�hoal ' �Y �o�ao�a�t�is a�c�a�o�ogica�I sit��as b�e�����a���� • � �x�so�, 19�2;�i�co��n,��9� .��c�e�s��r� ���� �9��; . , � de�as�ts o�p�h�s�.ori��#�nra��ateri���w�re c� ` , �v�d as we�I�s so�e�u��s. � - - . �Vii��at����x�a��#��n��oa���a���t��S�Iar�I�i � � �h�s�'r��o�a�or� ` the�ort�s��e o��e110 Avene�e w1x�c ar+chae�lo '�� ��ere�d contiau�us ����1 x�dd� ���os� tl�e p�rope ran ' � � . � . . - � �� �� forr�'7� ��n. �o ���r • 1���. �'h� ���� ��d��r�wn, � �er��ontai�����r��to��d��ita� �,s�vera�� i � � p�c�c�f s��i�s�,�arrxma��►nd���an�n�ix�s f' �aked s�ots� � , �sh�em��ns,r�r�anos, � � �,pes��� �s��l�1���,sto����ds,�n�u�il�z�d fl��s bi�-3 . .. � - ��- . � + � � �������� ��� �,� ��� ��,� �� �������� � * . g�.a�.�ater��I� a��r�� ��t�� ��r�et 6�sid� t�C`�y I���� �a �r � I�76�an�ar��e�x ou�ds arox,u�c# ' � �Y # �5�. ��r����t��t�� ��tuch����s, ����� a.r���t�r�h�r�as�n�ax�eYl� � ��I�n�.ic�d��dcposi�s�er���ur�d ia�axY�x �treet��or�w��r, �9����. � po���r�a�,��`�I11S���`!��Cll��q�4����1]'1����T��[1��]���1�c'l�l��S � p�ehistor��s�t��a s�e�l m�dder�wi1���smo��a���a����'E� �er��s w��xo#�d. T1�e � ,�o��C�cs,and�,��,1���c C�a�xns and��r��a�s. � � . ... . _ _ + . .. � � . Agenda Item 9.b. � . � Page 127 . � � - � • � ' . � � � �'�x� Fav►►��r �it� ��A�-���-�#��},-�� ��r�� �r�l�i����r��; ���.[lc;���x�� a��d c�rrY etcxy �s �ocated a�or�g �11� �d�a��iY� A�ro�� �ran�e�r�e�C es�u�r��`�ir��er,���'l�.��v��aY�#`�����ri�1�����w�d s� n . � g ��F�a��'are or vi������calh�, � . . '�'��� ���rr���r� ��tc������-����--.�-�x���r�ti�ns �����p�e�d �t���I��ri-t* ����r�pr��x����tai����#`�r�rra�on rc�atin��� ��e co�plc�x��atr+ci���o�ag��a��it������rat���ar�h���i.�f� ��:�r - . . , � �ug��u������ ���c�. �e Hami��n s�t�i��s�e��r,�idde�w�it� � �� to �`our�`�t o#`cu�t��ral d • . e�����s ����c��n� �f�ut�c��nt sl�c��fi�� �ood rerr��in�, ��on� �aol�, ��l:�n d�br' - � 1����. � �s a�d 6ur«�S�R�dd�11� � . . . `�'���d�s Ar�lt�eo���i��l �x�� �'�1������ ' � � �-Camm�c�a�c�eve�a �n�nt un 1� �ov�r��p�r�of a Chuxnas�c�r�t�y on tl�c ����`��o����roy�Gr�rtd����.TI���f���s�i��cor����n�� . . � . e��ra�b���I�fo�nc�w�t�stone bow����i�x��r,��90�. � . � �thnog�r���r� ���nt�r���n L�i���i�p�are�in��u�ing a����t�� ��`��az� � F � a,��s l�om��c���I���ern��u�rra��,o�Ob�pe�o,f�r�rrer � . �,���y��. �'hc ��'� ' �o t��-r��o�r �over�d an ar�� frorr� �rr�yo �r�n� ��e�� �o S�x S` � s���e�nen�s a�o�s�e�oas�a�Ran and� �o� �io�g th��ast�t�i�a�d . � ��S���as�ve��r�ir�ag��v�o��aso�b�es G��sa � N°rt�e�n C����vor���ord�re� . . � � ���,I�g,�����.Tlt� � �pa�ti�e�o��s of t�e�� �ra����y��� �����e�n�d as �as��rn��n Luis ��i ��ty, w�� �eir ne��bors ta �he�o�v��r� �he ���in � � a�s. ����h of ��ris��n�n� � ` . �'�� �rrand� r�i�t�ed�uma,�� �ro�ps,suc�as thc . d��nd t�� �u�rax�a ��a�as�, wer� �ettled. �� ��iu�nr��s � - � � �a�e use o��ev� • . co�sta�resou�c oa�o ' �' . _ � ecolo�c.� s�g��u�i�g � � �n rn����a�eys,foat�ll�are.�s�n��te�s���g,ras��ar�d�. � �- � ���hu�aas�Iang����fam�y i��om �e.���'�i - P� �Yar���ges t�at�e��t�f th���r�er�I�1ca��.�i��sio����I ' , • ����� ���t, 1978�,'�laeir d���ix�ctiv��ar� a �ar�d at�v�A�ex�c�n � � � g�ogra �ic set� l� g�����f.�ne tl�t��b�sp����z�nas�v�os���was -- t.a�cen��r�rr���'rrs��pa�is��s���n�oca�e�i❑��ir t��to � �' - - . r �y IV�ss�o��a�L��s C�6i���d�To�o�a.�ux�cxo�s�c��� �►illa���1a►�v� b�i�ert�ec�fror��iss��n��o�r�s �c�in�`�rm ' ' ��� � _ �����rv�ews. �'�e�bi�pe�o ar�a s�owe� sett�e���at�e�n as�o�pa�ed�o th�ir��nsiv�se�tler�,e� � ����`��� �ar�c���r�er�������si�s#`��d a��r���e�ant.��ar�ar��han�n�� ' � I9�� . � I�n � � � � ' � . � � . . . 'I'hc eaF���st re���d��s�� �o ax��bi�p�n� �r�1�a���oo�C �a��' � �� p � �..�9� wh�� th� ��a.�ish sai��d i�to ��Luis�6i� �� ��d of�ermer�o. ��ar�c�ore��x�ront o�f�e r �° � . p��v���g�nan�ed�S'e�a�r�t�w�i�was�o���Cd�t�ie mo � ���u�s��ispo�r�el�o�� ' �th o�" . e��X�no�r o�c�p�ed by the Sa��,�s Ba�r�,�'h�� �sI�a � _ � c�ur�t�ot.�d t�a��esc�ndaians "...�r� ����n� �nd �� is f s� �nd sa�ne s�e�� �ish wit�� w�i c� ��y s�tsta� th�se�ves"a sta#�e�ne�t w�i�a �' � desc�nda��s o��s v���a�e who res�d�a���a��,���b� p��e�d �o �� . �� } , * s�o rrxi�sio�n tr���un�r�d ye�r�s�a��r���n�, �929:1�� .� . �e��a��s�expar�s�o�Yn�o�a�iforni�at t�e e,r�o#'the � ) Y�t�nn� _ � , i ?��'�,��i���t����r�1i� ec�a��ep�a�a ar�►d�eYd�h���s��a�ra�� -�����e�d�r��s�►�ra��il��ge�xr�th�g�ter S��uuis���� � � . p a��a�ror�A,v��a ta��srno Beac���I1�o�r a�ay. � ' �ae are�► t��t��� �c�� ��� Lui� �bispo ��un� �-�t�r • , - . � � �d ���s�arx� e�a o� S�pt�u�er ��� 1?�w��n t� �rst �n�ssi��va����nde�b�s�����n�ui��bis �r�cl�.�a��ir. ' ' - • � s�r�alss�o�v�nt�Y���umas��e��ary�r�d��y�. i���z�e an � �m�art��e. �xx �ts ��t �a� so� • �P� � , � e ��Y�pe�� ��rn�s� vv�r-� ���sa�i�fi� w�t]�Y t�� m�is���r� an� �t�� '� �I�o�r, 1�'���.'�'hc i�fl����ihe mis���n rn���sed i ��c�d t���� ���I�wn n�e �'7��°s w�en�'�dxo Fage,s repo���t i����a��the�an� " � ��ispo rr�i�����"...h�v�r��.i���r a���t�.���rn��lves t��v�aa�i�w�s . u�� s����t��ea�c�t���n"��n�Ieh��� �9��:���.�ud�rtr�g�'r�r� - � � . � � � �. Agenda Item 9.b. � � � . � � � Page 128 . . � _ � � � ������ssio�x��or� ���t��� ������r���n�i��s re�r�it�cd� t�i� �' ' ' � y x��s���n,�� �,��3 rnos�o����urn�rox�s�b�C��nash F ��r�r�p�����n���d aw���r���h��r�ac���o����i�l������t����i�ii�i����11��rr��ssic�� i� 19��; �� � . � � �. ��-�h���i�����!�ur�'a���t����► - r A� arch��oxag��a1 su��`��e su��v�y �uvas �o�pl�t�d fo� t�� stud a�� at ��S �r� � � �o�t (�o�v�r�y, ��4}. 'I� sur��y � ur�ca��ed�v�d�r�ce �f a ��urna�� p�ehi�#�ri� sit� I�r��r�n as �� C�r��� ��t� �����,�-��� � � �. S�e�t��� ��t ���� � �tan��1�y�r��i��uf�ce��1.1��r��p�.y.�has�II��x��u�#'�ce�est�n��ra���co�nmen��d�n� � . e s�rvey�epo�t, 1 � �'h���I��r��-�ur�a���'���t�n���a�� � '�ar�I�a� icaZ s � ��-swr��ae�st�n�fo��e Io�a��05�m��ourt v�►a�s desi to a�swe� ' � , � seve�a���aporta��S�io�s: � ��-�or�r�far do the�aund��ies of a�e�o�a��1 sit�CA����-�93 - ��������o the�r�,����rea� � �Ar��relvsto��cuitu�`�l c���os��s us��i.�ar�ml�r pr�s�n�acras�t�e��t� � �`�o�i��i����ep��i�s�I��v�r evic��no���pri�r�is�u�banc.��r a�re�ta�t ' - . s�o��s a.�o gres��o�ti�e Iat� �—�i� ��� � ar��a�o���i�a1 r�,�tig��ia� e�c�vat�ons ar�d • . . . � . . a�r���������a1 m����rs� �� �o ' � , r�st����, �� � ��q�i�'�to��s�ea or�voic�Ym�ae��ta�he t��d��tur��d a.r��aea�o ' ' � � ��al de�o�rts� ��t is�re��g��x��c.�������h�st�ri��it��o���e�a�����.a� ` � �OUZt��Arro��Grande� � - . � - � � � - � - ��as���Archa���agxc�l�esti�n�R,e.�u��s �����v�r�ri��c�as�n�pl������e�,�a�r����. A��hase I�t�st� �as c�son� ' . � - � w�t����.dianz��er�����t�,st p�ts���n 2� �r�. Iev��s �i� � ��� �cx�ene� ��r�ug� 1�8 in�� rne��. Pits we��e��x �o��� .� � pt��f��� met�r �r gr�ea� e�acp�w�ere��i� � � �on���ions �r•��r�ted r�a��x�n th�s � t�. T` ' - � e� est�n� to�� p�a�� ��oss �� �tu�y ar�a �o �r�v�d� �vera����r ' ti ���'e��. A�r soi�s wer� ror�ss�d ���P ��s � p d a�d �o�cs �ver��ac� � ' , a�� �it was �ef��ed. �o�Co�xway��p�e��e�ie�dwark � vr�ith��e�ss��s�ax�t��Ar���r����vay.�via�lc�ig��r.�r��i�e��h���t��� ` • • �r��an rnor�#,�r��, � � � 'T�st P��#1�7�s #.e�t��t w�s p�a�ed�t t�e sou�hw��orn�-�f�,�� � .o�.���c�. ����cm l�v�l ha�1 b�-t�stone � �a�e�and I 8 sh����ra ' gm��s.T�e���n.�o���rr�.Ieve����1#�a�e and�����1�ragn�en#s.�`�ie��a�. � � � �o�ar�.I�ve�h� �th s�on�a�d 5 s���f"�s�.��0�x�.�0 80��. ��ve�ha�8 s�e���ish` � T�e 8�c�.�o �4D c�.��re���d�s��s�.�1�� crn.to�������e���she��fx� � � �`�P�� ��-T�i� �est pi��vas��d��tl�� ���t.�west corner �f tix�Io� ����. to�� �rx�1�����#�ak�s and 1� s��lif�sh�r���.�����xn.t�o���n.X�v���ad � flak���'7�� �� � _ � ���� e�� • � .�����m.to���m.��e��vas st�e.�� ���n.to���.��r����������a�c�2���l�fi�h.������.�o�.�� � . �m.�e�vc1�ad��earth�t�n�s an��r� ��ell#�� - . � ; *� ; � - . . ,, � '�'�st���#3�-'�'�t�st p���as p��ced at�he soufi�x��st art o#`t�lo�.T'� � � ��r�.tv���.��vel�ad 1 f�a�c and�s�e�l#"�1� tragn�e�. T�� ���x. to 4� �r�. ��ve���d � ��, � h�art�st�r�es � ' . �� ��e�� fr��ments. '�'h��� c�n.: to �4 an. �ev��I�ac� � � ����1�slx'�`h����nn,t����r�n. . nn. �e�v�����d or��fi�e.`�'he 8�c�,.�o���r�.����w�s�a��cava�d d�e�� � . ��� � �'es��i��-�'h�s�est�!��as�I��d at�so�th����p���#`t�����T�� - c�n.ta��c�.��ve����� s�e�f'�h�ra�r�ts. � T���cm.to 40�rr�. ��v�l�i���c.�e�rt�a�rr��r��s as�d������f'r� nts.�h��� � ���o��cr�.lev��had 4 sh+e�I���6��to � ���r�.1�v��l�a�3�I��Y�ish. . � � � � � � � _ Agenda Item 9.b. Page 129 � , . - . � � . � - � � � '���t�'�t��'1����������it�a�p�a�d a�.i�x�s�u��w�s�p��f t��1��.�'�r����n. t�����n. ���ve1�� d 4 shdlfi�.h�'ra�n��is. T�����rt�. t����.��������1�I���and� ���1�f�agrr��n�s.T��4���x�.t�������.���r��I���2�����1 � ���ar�� �ch�t#�ake.T���6� cm.ta 8��.1�v��a��.�a�e and 2 shel��sh. � � '�'�s��;t#��"�i�tes� ��v�a�� �a�c� � � ��i�e sa�thw�st pa�o�i.���o�.T���D cm.to��cr��. �������a�l��s��r�e.`i�e�� � crr�.t����m.��vc��r�s s#�eri��.The���rr�.��C��.1�v�1�►�s��e�i��.'�x � - e���arn.�������,��v�X�w�r��te�i��. , � � '�est Pi��#"�T�is�es�p�t was�la�at�h�sou��we�t part o�t�e�o�.�`�����.to�� �. �ev��ha�7 s�e11�'�s��ra��ts. The��cr�n.t���crn.I��r�l►�r��ste�i��.T�����r�t.�o G��m.�ev��ha���1���1���i.TlY����tx�.. � ������t.�eve1�vas sta���, � ; � ` . '�*�s�����#���tes�p�t w�s p�a�d a�t�h�so����r�t pa�rt o�t�����.T���crr�.���� • � c�.1��r���s st+e.r��.11�c��cm���� c�n.���r�l wa�ste�i��.'Th����r�.to����I��t��s w���eri��. . � � '�`est 1'�t�- -'�is test�i�wa� �a�ed a�t�sa��v�re.�� P �a�t of th��v�.�D crr�.�0 20�rn�.leve��a,s s�eri��.Th��0�rn.�o�� � _ - c�rn.�e�►�I�as��i��'Fh�4��n.#o���r�.le���s wer-���enl�. . - . - -. � � � ' � . _ - � �'�,s��it��0�--'I�s t�t�it v�as pl��a�th�southw�st�ar�of���o�."��� � ��,to�0�.�eve��►a�I s�d1�i ��fra�neaa� ��2�c�x.�o��0�n.��ve�w��te��e. � � . � i + • � • • � • • ` � ' . . . • . . '�est���##1��T�s�t�tt wa��I��d��th�s�u�v�res��art�f`t�e���.'�'h���� . � to��c���vel�a�2�,e�th s�o�c�.Th��� cr�.to���m.�evc1 was�t���.�e���.to 6��n.ie�v��v�►as st�ilc.T,����crn.t�1��c�.�� � � _ . v�c s we�re ster�l�* � '�`e.st���##1�--���s��it v�a����c.�n�ar th����t��ve�� ar���#��� � o�.�e�c�.�o�4�.��ve�s w�s��c. � . � , , . � � . '�'�t��t#�1�--'�'������t wa�pla�ed near�e sau�hwes� � � � � � . . . . �a ���`t,�Y����,�'!�e��rn.t���cm,�e���s���s�c, � � ' ` � f + � ' , ' �'�s�����#��—'�`hi�t�����w�s���ced�e�t�����t�w��t pa,s���t1��I��.�'h���m.�o � � . 1��cr�.��ve�s v�►�e�e. � . `�`e� ' . . .. . . . ����#��--�i�xs t�t p�t wa.s��a�ced�ear t�e so��west pa.r�������.A,��e�e�s wer�e s�ri�e � . . # � '�'e���i�#�6�'�1�tc�t�i���p��c���t�.e vv��f�er�tral �rE�f F�e� � o�'�ie 0��n.�o��crn.I�veX had ���,'�2��. � t�8��rn.��v�Y�v�re s�e�ii�. .. � '�'�s��j��#1�'��t�es�p�t�w����a�ce�a��e�.e�ntr��pa�rt����Iot t��est�� . � . ew a�ess r���ar�a.��r�n to���r�.��v�� - I�� � ������is�f�a�tr��. �.`h����rn.to���r�.��ve��ad 1���1�fra �r� � �m ������.�a 6�r.r�a�.�e�re��,ad i ch�t�a�c. �,e�� . _. �m.���������h� ��r��ec�i��po�nt fi`��tner��e����.t�1���m..�e��t�ou���c�t b��ca�a�. . � � . � ' � � � �"�ss�1����#��-�.'�l'�i�test pi�v�ra�p�ar.�d�t����-��par���tl��ot t�t�s���e�r �cc�ss road a.re�.AI����r����ste���. � - � 'Test P��#��'�v��est����v���1ac.��at�h��er�tr��par�a�f��I�t tv�e���t n�w a�ces�r�����Cea .�����►�s w������. � � � - - � � � � A enda Item 9.b. g � . P�ge�130 . . � � . - � '�'�st P��#��0�-�I�is t�s��r��a�����c:������e w����ccntral p��rt of i�����L.`�'1�����.t����sx�.1��r�1�i�d l�]�c�1Cs��'�a��cn#. � The����.to 1��cr�.l�t��s��r�stc�i��. �'est�i����=�`�x�t�st pi�wa�placed����r�r����ccs�tral p�r��f 1�x����.���e��rr������r�.������t��1 1,�l�#ilak�.�`!��� - �rn.to 8��ra�.��v�1s were st�ri��. �'e�t��t�#����s t�s�pi�w�s p�ac��a�tl���.e��er o���te�at,T�e�c�.to��cm, ��ve1 ha� �, �a�C�.'�`�e��c�..�o�D cxn,. 1e��1, I he.�rit��tone�n� 1 flalce,'������.t����.. �ev���a��te,ri��.������.t�E���n. ��r���a� I s�t�����sh ar��saucer �ea�.�8�cn�10���ctx�.l�v��wa�s�eri��. '�`es��'it##��---1��s t.est�i�was g�a�d�t th�ea��-cer��r�1�art�f t�r,�1��T1����m.�o���m.�����was�t�ri�c.'1�e 2��r�.to � 4��rn.Xev�����h�ar��sto��e,l f1a��ar�d � shel��ag��r�t�Tl����crn.to��r�.�����va�ster���.�����o�0 c.�n.�evc1 � � �a���as�l�fla��,T����rn.to 1{}��rn.�e�r�1 cvul�n�t be����v�t�ed.. � .. � Te���x�#��—This t�s��i��as��ac�a�the so�t�cent�al p��t��'�h��ot.Th��crrx.t����n.1�r��1 had 1�earlh st.on�and� � ��e�l�'����r�er�'i'he��rr.�nn.to 8�ca�.��v��s w�si�e�i�e. . � ��st�t�#��-�is�est�i�wa����c��t�h�s��t�i��entra�part��#���t�Th���rt�, to��c�an..��v���ad��her�flalce�,� � . . he�r�stor��d 1 s�ell��sla�gm��a�.'�c 2��m, to�4��m..�eve�ha� 1 c�at#�ake and l shel�fr�g��t,Th�4�cm.t�v�cn�. � ��vel ha 1 I� � _ . c� s ��f��'i��6��.�o���n.�����a����er�#��ke a�nd one h�art�sto�e.The S�}c�.to I���m,��v�l�as steril�. � _ - � . '�'est��t#��b-�–����t�i��r�v�s����d�t t��s��t��as��rn��rt��t����#.Th���.to��c�x.��r�����1 �h�lf'i�h frag�#� � �����m.�o���n.lev�l�ra��ter���,'�'h����m.����.��v��1�ad 1 hear��s�r�n�.'�`h�G���r�.to��c�.l�v�ha��� - � �- ston�and����I�s�x,'1'!�����..to I��.cm.1�v��v�a����r���. . . � � ` ' � • s ` i J � + " • ' T � . � �T�st�'��#��-�'�s test��t v�as��a�ed at di��ou�h�aste�pa�t�f#.��I�.�'he��a�..�����r�.�ev��Iaa�2��fla�C�s��� � � . sh��if�sh�r�gm�.'1'�2�c�n.t�1��cm.��v��s wer�steril�. � � 'Tes���t#��'1'�i��est i��vas laced a�#����u�h�ast�r� art����lo�.'�"h���,to���n.1�ve��c� 1 fl �� � P _ � d�t ake � �h�Il�i���`r���s. ���I}crn.#��4��.��r�l h�d � c��rt f�ak�.'�'h����m..t�f�r.�a�..Iev���ra�ste.r;te.'���4 cr�,�o���a�. . - - � ]ev�l�a���i.i�.'�'�����t�t��00 cr�.���r��v�s��F�1�, � � '�'est���##�T�s�cst p�t�ras��l��d��t�i��a�t-c�rYtr�par���#�����'����t�����r�.le�ve��d� c���.'F���' � - i � . �rn.ta���r,� ��v���ad I chert f�a�and� �h�1X ft�g���nt.'�e 4�cm.�o�4�n.1�ve�w�.s sten��.T�e 60 cm.ta 8��m.�ev��was � - • � • � s#�er�l�.�he 8�c�.�o��Q�.�e�el r�vas st�r��e. � - � . � '�`e����t#�3�'I�x�#est �t rv�s 1�c�a�t�e sou��i�x�r�� �o�t�e I�t,��0��u.ta���x.�e�el h�c��r��lak�.T�ie 20 � � � � ��n. �0 4�cx�.��v�1 t��d� ��ar�s�or�es.�i�40�rr�. �a 6�c�t. ��r�l had � c��f�ak�. Th�fD c�. �o��crn.l�vel h�d � ���xE � �a��'T'h���crr���l���m.�e�v��cou�cl�ot be�xr���t��. - � _ T�� t�s� p��s p��c�d a� #1�e r��d�r�t�a� �o� at C�� �rnen �ourt�e�e���d � ��� ���ul�ur�l �e�i�fro�t�� Cr��� � • • • ♦� * �r���st�ic���o�o�xca�Sl���A�S��-�93�.'�Vh.����om�t�s�plt�s wcr��x��v�to��o����t�a�on��ete�,#i�a�c���o�o��ca� � � � . - � Agenda Item 9.b. . Page 131 � s . - � ��te�ar�tix�u�s 1��ya�� t���s ��pi��t i���h�g�����X�v��ti��� ���1�e �ot. ��1� c��p �u�tu�a� 1�}��r i� �in�i�a� t� t���c��u�ra€�ep��its f�un�at��e��r�e si��sou���i�f the���d�ar�a�S a►wy�r� �����. k � � ����t�t G�� �rn�n Cou�r��an��e�h�r��k�ri�d as�o��t�r���n�����n��ic.�nt p�r�i�x���t�i��r�r.b���histor�c Ar�llae�ol�gi�a� M ���e���.-�I�������. �x1�s�1n�p��� d�s��ar���o�1���r�l���o��g�ca�degosits����o�u�re�d�r�m����co�st�u�tiar�t�rese � �m�a�cts ar� 1�����a,tl�� ��use �'�ur���ts��, dr��er�ra� �r�d���g an� ��nd���pin�. ��w���r, n�n���t1��se ���ads c�an�es �� � in�por�anc���i��ar��aco���i�a��i��ha�is��ti��at�d��re�a�t�.a��cas���°�o��ta�t is����ul���������d pax�����stud��r�a. � . � � . � . 'Ta���1��is��-i�u�i��[���lr�if���s��Ti es��i������e���rt��ur�Pro��rt�r��1������� � � � . � - , . .... 'Tc�#��� ��ur�����m��s �Et�r�F1a�Ce� �Icarth�ton� � #1 � 5 � � #2 �S 5 3 � �3 � 3 3 . . - �� � � 38 � �3 � - ._ . . . �� lt � � - � - ' #6 � � 1 � � #7 LD � � Q � �� . � - �� (3 � �� �- � � � . �. • - �l(� � • � � - � .. �11 � - � � * . . . � # ��2� 0 ' � � #� - � i� �13 � � - � - . � " #�4 � � � 0 � � _ . . . _ - . , - � #�15 0 � � 0 � � � � �#�� _ D 1 �1 . � - � #�� � � � � _ � • � ��� � 0 � • . . . �1� � � 0 � - � . . . .. . - ��� � � � � . #�1 � � - � � ��2 . � 2 � � � �23 l 1 - l � #2� 1 �3 � , � ., . . ��� � � 2 � #�2� � � � � � - #�2� 7 � C� � . � #2� 3 � � • - #�� 1 � � .� - � F - �3� 4 3 � � ' '�ot�►ls 1� �� 2� . . � � . � . � . � Agenda Item 9..b. � + , Page 132 f . . � � . � '�irt�►tes�pi�w�re du�t�������ll���i��ifi�����o��.1������a��i��1��1����utc��n�he�����utur���t�se��k���t�t]�e a�cess r�ad.�'vi€�nt���.w�o����t�s���ts��r�p�ed��di�tu��-b��r����o��gical�e��si��,�������h�t�:st pits w���i�r��e. 1�� p����rl.�r�� ��� �r�n� �o�� cant�►ins �► s��;��if���t�� pa����si�� ����L���9�. ���swrf�� ���ng �l�o�nst��d�ha� � ���tur��r�at�ria���r��r�se�t;a���h�se ar��a�a���������rn���s occt�r in si�i��ant�on��tra�����s in tw�a�r�a�,Test�its�#�,##�, . � #�,#��and�#� sam���t��edg���11�e�ri�b��te_The���v�s a gr��t�r��n��ty��ar��a�o���i������ria�s in t�i�are�be,twee�th� � � ��a�d 1�C�`oot��v at��n���.�r�3�. � , � - � � . Ar��a�o��g�ca� rr�a�earxaLs occ�r�d at �v�r���x� �1����� in th�vi�tni� ��T��� �it���7, �#�� ar�d.#��� ���gurc 3�.�h����c� � . . . � -. . . � . � �1t��v�t�s#.p;�.s g��a�i�1r�a�s�a�l��v���tu��c��os��s�x�p����u������c�����s�r���u�in�,�'�st P�#s����#2�,##��,���and � #�� �o�at.ed r,ear t���al�ab��r��x �C�rand��r�e�c i �� . , x �Y C��' � � � - �rt���c�&��a�n��A��xy��� � '�'l�e��s��its at����nau�x�ou�.�:o�ai�ed��r��iety�f�ul�iara�tr�atex��l�i���udir��preh�s��i�food�r��ai�s,as w�11 as s���n� . # too���ia�c�t�g d�b�is le�f��rr�ston�tool�rod�ct��r���#.��C�i��s�t����-�L�-����. . , � � �� - � � . ��ari�Toal Maint���t��� y � . + ", . . " . . , ��s por�ion o�t��eb arc�a�a�og�ca�s��shov�s so��ev��er�ce of�ton��o�r�pa�r a�d�mar�u�ac�,ng. � � . � �a�ng De�rr� ����--��od�rate �a�nt of f�in��ch��)f�akes a arec� in t�,e te�t i�s abl� 1 . A�1�es�a�mc fr�rn � . . �1� P � � . - . � . . . � . : _ . . �� •- � . Mar���y c�ae�rt sa�rces.Sha�#�er fra���s,s�con��y f�a�C�s,�artex r�ov���es�nd����r�c�i�g flal.�s�re�c�ou� � � . � '�`�b�e��o�teTo����►r�u�a�turing F�ak�S�m��e fr�rt��A���-3�� � � _ . � � - " - �l'O�P11�+�I`l.P � ���ItL ��XJ���.� . r � ` Test ' ' � . ��t#����-���.� �artscat�o�x�1a�e �.��+t�.� . � �`e���t#?.�����.0 ar�) �ti�a�ion flalce �.5�c�.� . � � �'es��it����0-��az�.� �tt�at�a�,flake �.���.� � - . ,. � T�st Pit#��D��.�crr�.� . ��ticatian fla�k� ' �.���.� � � ' �T�st Pit�3����Q cr�.) �aOrtic�ttidn f�e l.3 x l.� . . � '1'�t��t����-2�aa.� . �hatte�r�1aI�� l.�x�.9 � T�st Pi�k#��2�}-�Q�.� �hatte�#l�k� 1.6�1.3 .. '� Tes��ii��2����-�4�c�.� 5h��t�er flalte �.��c�.l � �est�it�1��0����m.� �hat�er� �.��c�.8 . . ��st�it#����-���n.� fla�c� X.��1.� � '�est Ptt����-��an.� Secon�ary fla�� �.��c�.� � � Tes��it�i7����0�tn.� �econ �lal� �.��c 1.� . .. �Y '� Test�i������2�-�4�D cx�n.� Bi�ace thi�in��e � �.�x I.� ' Test Pit#3���2�cr�..} . �iface tlxi�nan��]�e l.�i�I.� � � .. .. � �`�st��t������0�rx.� �i�a�th�nning�la1c.� 1.�x�.1 � � . - � . . � � . � � � A enda Item 9.b. . J . � - � . Page 133. x � � �r�j���j1e��i�nt ��}�--A f��gn���x�����t��ed pr��oc�i����x����vas ��und in 1�� 6� �ro. ta��c�n, 1�rr��of T��t���#�1� ���g�r�S�.'�'h�s�i�ce�n��sur�s 3.I�cs�,.by�.7�-�Xn. � . �e��►r�l� �t�n�s��1�.A. �u�����oxidix�d��c��`ragrnen��d�to���ar��t�r��t����`tn�����X�t��it�����ri��tt�l��r�xs �v��e�re�o�r�ra�d�in���ase I�f.e.stxr�g. '��s� �re c��cked ro�ks �����t��e�r�s�r�c�o�h��r#��s o��h�p�rap�y.`��e�rths ����I��t�r�i�tw� �r�a������i��ni��r�f�`est�its##�,#�a�d#� �t th�so�t�wes��art�f#���r�ject are�an�a�Te��Pi#s � ���,#��,���,�#2�attd#�G a�t��e s��tl�-c��r�l p�r���ihe p�op�,y. � _ � �hej[���d�1��sa��r�r����rnad�fr��a��1���11���cll r�ras r�o��r�d�ir��'��s��'it���. w � � . .. . �o�t�R�rt��►�� � `T��o�d r�rnai�s��d�t t�e s�� are���c�uded�umer � aus s��I��sl��ra��nts. � � � , ����lf�h ��b8�'The ���1�#i�t� f�r�g�rrent� w�r� ���e� �o t�i� ��� ���n��►i���I i� �� �iniu�n�n�b�c of - � {� )� � �n��v�dua�� [M�T�a�d weighed. �u�pr'�sia�g�y,or��y a�ew var��ti��o�sl�el��sh w�r�pr�e�t�nc�udi� s�eU��is�►tr�o s ; , + • . . . . �. . P�► �Y• � b�a�c���nm�ts�,x�clud�d P�rto��arns �"r'u��a s���or�r��.Es�uary o�r�a�r sp�c�e�wer�e��a�ound sur.��s i���Za�ns . �Pro��rhaca s�a�rtea�. - � . . � + � � � . . � . . - . . - • . � � . � . . �'���al��s�u��io� � - . . ,'�e�ood ' . # . . ; . , - � . .��a�r�co�r�re��r��#�.i�.�ortx�����h��r����ite�not�a�ed a�d_�ncIu�de.spe�e�ma��Ily�op�san�y. � ` . . ,. . . . . . b�ac� en�i���c�s. �'h��ita���wn�tre.ar,� �r�rr�t� ��u�� ar����e�ad ��a��C� ��es�u� set�i.n ` � �'y � �ut#�pic�a� �stuary � , . spec��s su�h�ll+��rn�C��,���ifo�ia�yste�s an�ot�e��1�e��fish are�ot re���s��t�d��e r�r��s . , . . .� �y-_ . � - � . . - . . . .. - . . . . .- . . � � _ . . , .�it��r��c1� (�►�1i�r���oarsex m�d and�and ar�. '�ey a�s��a��e f���i�the vi�ini ���a�b� - _ �y , es�d ror.ks. ��u�y �ea��specie�,��i a���s�n��l��s,�v������i�a���a1o�g th��cea����a���rr�o�erat��sta����rorn t�x� • , � pre�s�or�se�em�� . � ' . � • i - F ' + ' + ' . �r��us.�car�c��t th��xr����r����oI�g�ca��ite��A-�������������#� #�t a�e�i�ar���ac�e ex��te�d near�he ma���� � �rax�de Cr�e� �a �r 1 � • . �`�Y° � �vY , 9 ?}. '�e rat��s of ope� san�r�eacl� sp��s, suc� �s ��srno �Ia�s, to t�c� �e� . , _ . , �Y � � . _ . - �n��t��u�� ,�.i##�e� ��arns, ���I�ng�or� �� �er� an� �acon�� . . . . . - .. . , . � �ys ��a�m� 1�arre c�ro�������;a� �mgl�cat�oms �� �s � .�rc�eolo�ical sific.�t 1'�0 �����►��tes, esix��ry s�e�ies shov�r a s�ro�g correlat�on�v�th#��ii1�� ' . . g�to�I�c�o��urnas� � �r��s��y�v���d�tes betw�8,5��an��,���year�be�o�re t�'ie�rres�er�t or c�a��,�5��.C.t�3 5��.C. . es�e � � ' - �xcavat�a�s o��I+ii���gs�on��ompo�nen�s s�ron��r su�es�t�at�e e���.�y!ba��b���ett�ng�ras a�a�la�l��t�e res�de�x�o� � . . . �A-���-�3� �t thc �nout�h�f�r�c��any����tla.is tim�pernio�. �uGe���tl�rne���or,��on�n.�s���r�v�o�u�c��� �s � i + � � . �a��t ��11�,s�p�db���y �u� �o �han��s � �o�a� ��v�r���n�. Mil�ings��n� co�pane�ts sh�vv e�t�� � b�ck b� s�ae1�� � * . + � * �Y Y �u�.�� �s r�eaa�y��°����t��h����s��t��i�tl.'�'hi�szt�at��r����un�es��t.��I��t x�e�r6�r�it�����L���,4��u�daPwni��m�isrn� � � �c.l� w�zch �ad E�r��r ��o� ar�d ss�b�e IV����1� Pe�i�d s��ern�nt .� • + • � �o�� �t a�., ���2�, ��1 M�d��� ��od.co�o��nt� � . ��s�wh�a��A-������sh�v��v��'l�°��Pt�nn��I��n u��v�it��r���r�°�������e�tu ����f sh. � � � �� - �r��i�t�r���sc ��`�A,�a�� �'nr�r�d� es��ar�r x� n�t�s ����k�awr�. �����b�d��, th� r��io�����ra���b��s�l�fish�p�c�t� � . �l���u��.ac� ��r�r��n� ��c� t�� ix�crea►se� �nc� ��creas�s s�iou�� �� appar��.� i�x t�ie �r��►�������1 �e�ar�. Sa '� 1�� � � � � �cavat��r�s r�rer�d a��r�r��t�r���������s�a���s�����`�rn���st�����r�������,�������,I��co����a�s anc��t��r�pecl�s. � - � . Agenda Item 9.b. - . . � Page.134 � . . . . J A sur�a��surv�r�ad��ust sout�.I�of il�e��ne1��a�s�udy ar�revealad����r�s���c.�o��1���r�eb s�t�on tlx�blui�s abav �Arra�ya �rr�n���re�c���awy�r,����},'��rep�t-t����d�i�prc���c��F�a��f�rnx���r�t��-�,P���no�Y���s�r��+iacor���ta�. 4 I Fut�re res�ar��x should ��c�ud� a��ode�s fo� �s�ir�g �i�� ��eb sit�e for �o�s�b�e c�ror�o�����a� ���n��s s'n fa�na� reso�r�s � . ��xni�aar t�#I�os��der�ti��d nea�b�at�'is�n��a�I�. . I � � � �� �.r�h��o����ca�Ilis�u�s���x � � �e t�s��n��arr��l�#.�e� a� ��� E��r� ��� pro��c.ed po�iti�r� �u�ts �or t�� ��e�e�c.e ��si i�i�n � t ���nr�1 r�sorzr�r�s. � �'r��v��us ar���alo�i�al ��r� �t t�� �r��� ����o���i�al Site {�A^�I��-���� ha� s��w�r� ��t ar�}���I� ' g��d�p�os�s of�e,� i�t�re,�se i� �t�ns�.y aynd d�pt�a�Ior�g the si��f�o�o�a�de��r�e�. T'�e pro��t�����as a c�c�n ' � tr�#�o�af�nanr�c�e�ifs� � remaias ar�d s�rr����one taol�anu���tur�g.TI�ese�a�e�iaYs�h��w�ood r�s����p�t�nti�l. � � �'he�eb si#� ��-�L��3�� �s ' ' - � � �M�ddi����r�od�Ixu�ash�ril�a��vc►�th�xten��v��r����ol���a�� �i�.A�Iea�t�ix� � �_ . bu�als�av�b��tr�poi#��rarr��is site. '�he�firs��i.sco��e�ir�#�e �9��'s a�c��a � , ��o����d�p��af t�hc�ieb s�t��eat � . . . . �h��g��a��rieb�ar�.��y��v�r�d s�vera�h�dr�d ar�i�ac��s�uvel��s a c�i�d's ave a�� �9� , . � � �, ��.Su��t��ud�es r - � �av���curn�i�t�i�s�xe�d ir,��ar�a��e��th�s rnaj�r�hr�na�s��ri��a����i���, ��g�-��a �9� � � �Y�, 7}.Axti�`acts�a�rna' to � � • � ���i�d����riod�t�mer�us�C�li�r����►b�ads��spe�ci����r��uc�r��a�s,v�rere�c�un� �� �r ���7• � � . , � � � � .��. � . . . .. . � - � . � � - .� . � . _ � . T�ie bas����cst1o��ose��or��ase�s�6-�ur�a�#�e�ting a�t G05 Eina��ou�carY�e ar�s�r�re�„ � ' . _ . � } - ���I�w f�►r d��h���tt�t��r����� - - _ � # � - . , . ��I�a�o��g�ca�stte�S��-393 e��er�d Y��o��e�ro�e�t��e�►� � . . �'he ar�h�eo�O���s��e�o���et��y�ov�rs t�e ro e. at 6����n Cc��' . . � � �Y �rt Ar�r�ya�ra�d�. . �. . . ., . _ . . � •.. - , . . - . . � ,� . •` 2-��A�'��re�st����n�tur�l��p��i�t��n��ortr���pt�s�n��►�rass t����ud��r�a:� � . � . �y _ . _ A�c�ae�I��i���os�ts ac�ur�ro�s t��Iot��r��h��u�`�ce to d�pt�s gr���er tha���ine.�ee�. � . # The�r�t�ual�al��oun� � . � �e�t p��s ��� ���t�e hig��r ��evat��r� at �� ���u�i�r��� ��t �� #h� ��� �li�p�a�e�-�rea�e� �e�.s` . Ax�a�� ; �Y area �z� • . c��c,re�trated cx�t�ra1��ar�s v�����u�d�����tr���ar��f t�e�tudy�r�ea. � � � • � . � . t , _ . . _ .- . - � _ � � 3�-����r������� ���� �si�s s�x� �� ' ' ' • � � ' � - ' . � p ��v����ce o��r��r drs�ur��nee ar ar��nt�c��ol�p�rese�t a�#���ot? � - . . ��i� �st.�at,� t�a� ��°�.����ar�c�aeo�� '�� cI �i�s at��� `. � . . . � � �m�Cot�-t rem�tiu ��act. '��amott����is�i�ut�or�of � ��ura��n�t�rial�pre�se��in#�st�its t�e.�r�ox�s�`�te�e r���ar����ten�xal�or t��ar�h�eo�� "�a����e ox� � �p�o�e�rt�. � � . �-���1��aas�I�I ar�����Iog����r�i�i���i�n�����►a���r�s��d ar��a��l� ����������rin � ' • • � * � � g �c��r��t�t��require� ���SSe��r a�►��d�a������t���unc��s��rb�d��-�h�eo�og��at d���its'� � . , � . �t�s�cornxncnd�d to avo��sor�e�mp���,s t�rou��essgn,i��OSS�b��,t.a iess�r���s�i��o�s . . � . of th�a�c�a���si�e.��a� . �r�,��ct���s s�ou�c�be r�v�e�v�d�a�ar��eo���i.��an�ax��r�h����g���1�n��ait�� �ax� � ' � , �� � ����se��x�t�p]�.�o�n� i�p��ts, su��►a��v�r�t�r a�� s�v�e�u�i��ty #x����e� �nd �o�as#�€u�t�on gradin�, w��� x�a1��r�n������ ' • • b���rnpa�#�v�v�w���re�u�r� � . ��as� �I �rch��o�i�a� �itig�t��� e�ca�a�tx�ns. .��r�h����� ���1 Yn�ni��rr�, i.s n i ' � � • . . � � ��d d�uru�� any��rt of�onstxu�xan a�fect��g � - �����t��d. , _ . � � � � � A enda Item 9.b. . . J � . , : Page135 � �� S-������i�t������ni�c�������������l��s�o�����4;����i.�d�t������ta�n�o�urt in�.�-�-��ro�r�r�c�e`�, �'1���xr���i AFrc1��o���i���i�e������.�-393��nd���.i�ns c���t�'�p�'�s�� �t 6�S �rnarY���rt in Arr��r��r�d��uaii,�� u�r�de����� �s ���g�r�ifcan�lherr���������'��'ni�pre�ti���sy,�otn���th� �r��3��.ol��i�a����posii�xn�h��tuc��►�rc�a hav��tr�«� re�e��rc�i pot�tr��;�r�d L�e s�te����t o�a re�xo���.khe�m�bas�d on pr�his�.ori�coas�a�arx�esl.u���a�t�-t�ions. � ��f��re�e�s�ted � Ba�e�,F.�M.�a�g��� � I9�� �4r��a���I����c���r����rr�s���r�g?'h�Sa����"�ast�.P�r'��.�i��rcr.r.B�ar��as,�at��r�i�����p����rty,�a����r���x. � �cha�o�ogi�a��'es���a�a�cr�or�s ��'S��es �i,S�+�b�� ��-���, S�D--��7� �'���8, 5�,�-����c���� � ����.��port�u�r�i�t�d t�t���al��oxni�I�e�art�me����Tra�spos#.ation,�ar��i����spo. . � . �or��v�y,Th�r � ���� �hc����'�.r��a�������cr��"�rv��a�����rr�a�r����r�,�.rr��y�v Cr�r�c��,�c��r;f�rr�i�x.Riepo�for�cB1a�w�r�ilc�ers ' I�c.Arro�yo���de. � � � . . . � � - . - . ����hardt,�� ' - � _ � 1��3 �r'�ssi�r�Sarr�i�Dbispa�rs���al����f�"'he Bear�.��a�cis���at�rs���ali�arr�i�.�����rbar�. � � . - �r��,zg�ra��1�.T.�T.L,.]anes � 199�9 1`h� I1rii�lit��.�ta�� ��ri�o� re�i�i�: n�w �ers�ecti�r�s fr�rn I�ort�ear�. ar� ��ntar�l �a1i��xnia..I��rn�r� �� . � �a���'orr��cr��rea��as�r��4n�1�ro�ola�rt�01.�1,1��. �:6?-�3. • � � . - �ibs�n,R�bert � � - �' • - - - ��7� �����rr��r�rxry�r�u�r���r,y c�r�c��ss�s�rrr�rr���'Ir�c�iar��'x��turc�����.r��r�s����,o����Yf��,C.�rr��r�q�r��rs � , � .��is���'o�rr��,�+a��;�`��r��a.l�.epart f�r�i���na��i����er�i����ro�ec�. . . � . �9�� �e��������ir����x����g���r��"r���s��,�`����'�stir��O����83��xt�J��.I�rc�kirrs��i�oo��'i��n���aaclt,����f�rr�ia, � ��r��r��ar���r th��u�xa�ar�JrY'�ed��hool I3i�t�ict�Arroyo�a���, . � .� � - I9$'7 � Res���o,f'�t�c�raeolo�icad��rfac�S'�r�vey�ar���.�or�er�ser�.�a�c�I�'�-c�����f�I,�4rroy�Crar�de,�'a��far�i a. �. . . . - . l�,cport�r�fi�e,���`al��a��Ar�i��eol���a���f�rnr��t�o�Ge�ter,�.#.�.�.�,��nt��ar'b�r�... � � �� - . . . . . „ .. _ , �- , - - • �99� }�e.�u�t����4rc�aeo���i�a��'est��g�or�e.��dl�ir�s�"c�rool�asem�n��`a�����r���r�oj�����s�o Bea��r, �� . � �a�r}'orrria.�a�o��le,��ntra��o���Axc�a�ological�o�nr���xo��er��er,�J.C.S.B.Saa�ta��r�ara. � � � - . . G�a�,�axx�pbel� . - . � . � - �97� . �h�nash:It�ro�du���t.F�Tar�db�o���'�rth�ri�c�r�.�'r���a�s, ���t�rr���: �a�i�'�rn��, R.�.�e��er�ec�ito��, � �a�ge����-���,S��sa�ia��nstitutiaa Pres�.�a�shi�x�os�,�.�, � � " • � - + ' . �r�enwood,�o�erta ' . � � �97� 9 0�0 Y�ar,�o ,Pre��st�r�c�t�iablo Ca� r� �a�t,�ui��bis �o�� �ali orrz�a.Sa��uis�bi� �ou�t � � 3'� # � �'� � � � � - �ha�ol�gic.al�o�i�t�,�c�as�oPt��l�ap�r#�'l.�an�,u�s���sp�. �- � � � ��r�es,�]ebora�,I�.��raig��ung;���11��r�i Iilde�ran�� , ��D2 �r��isto�ic�cc��pat�o�s�������t��a��yo��ay�s�t�ar�y.Sa�Lu�s�bisp��o�n�y A��logic���oc��ty: � �c�as�o�ai P��ar�Io.S.Sari�ui���isp�o. � - - � - ' � . �ar�es,T.�G.��u�h � . . �995 �'�r��ra�Ca��fo�-rr�a�'oas��r���s�ary:�Yiew�'r�om.�z���e���o�ree��e�sp�c�ives�r��al�ar��a A�c�a�a�og,,y . � _ �.�st��ut�o�'�arc�a���agy,U��A.. � - �o�,T'_��.�Jav��,�.��►rr�s,S.�x�r,�a�r�,'�.Fun�S��.�i�r�r� � 19�� �'oward�4 r�eh�stor}��f��rro.�ay:�1�c�se��'�rcha�a�agica��'rrv�s�ig��ior���'or�e�r`gl�way 4I �idc.�rrir�g � � . �'r-�j���,�`c�r�L������x�.�����a�x�ty,�cr�i,f`c�rr�i�.�����orni����.�f'�'r�n�sp�rtat�or��an�,�i��bis�o. � � � � Agenda Item 9.b. � * , � Page 136� . .�. - � � �� � ; . _ � F . I�i,��,C�xest�r � �� ��84 �thno�is�oric Ba��grour�d, A��nd�x � ir� �rchaeolo�;�cal �'r�ve�•[�ga�ior�s ��� �'he ,�an �r��or�io �'errace, � i��r�der�berg�ir �'o��� �c�s�, ����forn�a. �h�r�nbcrs Co�su�t�nt� 8� �'��n�rs. I�����s��6y�o�r�e P�r�ss. � • Salt�ta�. # � _ . 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Thi� in��rirr� ��Fi��r r��y r���,l� ir� �I�� ��r���n�r�t��r� �f �ffi�rd�hl� I��u�in� �r������ ir� r�ni�c�� u�� a�r�� r�n�rlti- ��r�r�il� r��i�hb�rl����� r�th�r t��r� �i���r��n� u�it� �vit�ir� sin�r� f�r��l�r n���#���r���d�. � �I�� �i��d�ra�r�t���� �f �����tir�� t�� I�rr�� �ur� f�r ��r� ���th �I��r�� IIV�t�r IVl�in pr�j��t i� ���t ��r� �ity r�n��t ��n��ru�� t�� r�e� �v�t�r rr��in ir� ��r� i�r�e�i�t� ���ur� �� ��rt �f�h� ����t�l Ir��r��r�r��r�� �I�r�. �I�111F��IV�III�NT�L �E1lIEV11; �n ���t�rr�ber ��0, ����, ��r� �it�r ��un�il ���p��� � Miti��t�� f�Je���iv� ���1�r��i�n pur���nt �� ��� ��i��lin�� �� �I�� ��li��rnr� Env�r�r�r��r�t�i ���lit�r A�� ���C��►� ��r 11e�t�n� ��r����i�r� �r��t �Ila� f�1�, ��-��� �r�d Pl��r��� �.Jr��t ���r����r���� ��-��� a�rrd ��ur��! �h�t tl��re i� �� �u�h���nti�� �vi�i�r��� �� �n� �i�nifi��r�t �d�r�r�e �ff��t, ��th�� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 4 �i��r �o�r���� ��r�������r�oru Y� ��n�ru� ��n����r�on�� o� �����rr�� �o� �r��►�� ���� �����n��� �, �oo� ���E a - �r�dr�rid��l��r �r ��r�u����v�l�r �n �rv��dlif� �����r��� �� de�ir�ed �������i�r� �'!'I.� �f t�� Fish ��d ��rr�� ���� �r �n ��� I��bi��� up�rr �nrl�i�� ��� �vil�li�� ����n�� �� � r�su��� �� ���r�E��r��nt �f���� pr�j���, �u�t��r, ��r� �it�r ��u�rr�il f�ur������� ��i� 11�itig�t�� I����ti�� ���I�r�t��n r��l���� th� ��t�#� ind�p��nd�rrt ��rd�r��n� �nd �r�����i�. TI�� �i�� h�s h�ld � ��,�li� I�ea�ri�g �� ��.,b��i#��� � rr�iti���i�rr r�n����r� tl��t i� ��n�i��r�� t� �e �r����ira��f� ir� �����-��r��� �vit� P��, ����ur�es ���e ���ti�r� �'I�����} a�r�� ����i�rr 1����,1 �� �h� �E�� �u�d��in��. �`�� r��ri���! �11it����i�r� I����u�r� f��. �,'� i� �m�r� �fF��ti�r� �h�� th� r��l���� r�r�����r� ir� r�ni����tin� I����in� ir��a����. Th� �����t�r��� �f lu�r�n� �ur�n f��� ��r th� ��u�� �I���re l�ll���r III1�ir� �r�j��� r�pr���r��s r�� i�np��� �F��n�� �ir��� �h� ��r���ti�r� �ri1� ����I �� ���i�fi��. TI�� r��ri��� r����ur�� �rvill ��� ����� �r�� p�t�n���l��r �i�n�fi���t �fF���� �r� �i�� �r�vFr�nr�n�r�#. P���I� I��T1�1��1TI�IV �4N� ���VIIVIEIVT�: �n ��t���r ��, ���� � ��bli� r������ ��� ��r�t t� �I� pr��e�y ��rr��r� �nr���rr� ��� ���� �f �h� �r���s�� �r�j��t, �nd � ���li� r��ti�� �va�� p�a��ed in T�� Tri�u�r�� f�r t�r� IV��r�r�r���r _ 1�, ���� ��t}r ���r���l rr���tin�. 1"h� it�� �v�� �h��n ��r�t�rru�� t� � �a�t� ��rt��r� �f Na�r�mber �4� ���� ��d ��bs�qu�nt�y t� �ec�mb�r 8, ����. �t�fF h�s r�ot r����v�d ��y �nrr�tt�n ��rr����r������ t� ����, �"�� ����d� ��r �I��� rr���tin� �r�r�� ���t�d �r� D���r�nb�r �, ����, �h� �g�n�� �r�d �t�ff r���rt �r�r�r� ������ �� ��� �i�y'� �r�b�it� �r� ����r�n�er �, ����. Agenda Item 9.c. Page 5 �������r�o� r�o, A F����L�lTl�hi �F �HE �ITY ���I��IL �� �H� �ITY �F �4F�F���f� �RAIV�E �lUI��V�IIV� ���V�IT��N� �� APPF��VAL F�F� 11E�1'IN� T��1�AT�11� TRA��` IIAAP �A�� N�. ����3 �#IVD PL��1�1�� I��IT �EV'�L�PI�IIEI�`� ��#�� IV�. ��-���� �1�PLI�C3 F�F� �Y �EIV`�RAI� ��A�T F�E�#L ����T� DE11�L��N��N� F�F� PF��P�I�TY L.���►�'E� �N FA�F� �A�� �11EI�lJE {E�►�� �F �►1�F��1f� � ��A��� ��IVIII��JIVITY �I��PITAL� V11HEF��A�� �n ��pt�rr�b�� ��, ����� t�� �i�� ������� �� t�� �it�r �f Arr��r� �r���� �ppr��r�� ll�s�ir�g ��rrt�#iv� �r��# Illl�p ��-��� ��� P��r���� l.�r��� ���r����r�n�r�t ��-���, fi��d b}� ��r�tra�f ��a��� l���I �s���� ���r�l��rr��r�t, ��r � �n���d-u��� ���r�l��r�n�r�� �r���s�� in t�nr� ��a���� �n � �.�-��r� �it�. 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TI�� pr������ t�r���t��r� �r��t rr��� �� ��r��i�t�r�t �rit� t�� �����, �b���ti��s# ��li�i��, �I�r��, �r��r�r��# irrt�n�, a�n� r���ir�r�r��r�t� �� �I�� �e�e��l Pl�r� �na�p a�r�� ���t ��� tl�� r��uir�r�r��r�t� �f�h� ��v���pr�n�n� ���e. �, �'�� �it�, �� �h�v�rr� �� tf�� ��n���i�r� tr��� rr�a��, �� �F��si��l�� �ui��h�� f�r �I�� �r�p��e� ��n�it�r ����u�� ��i r�������ry ��s�t�����, �arkin�, ���r� ��a���, �nd ������4�� can �� pr-�vi���. �. Th� c�����n �f ��� t�nt�ti�� t���t �m�� �r ��r� �r������i i��r��re���t� �r� ��� li�C�l� �� �a�u�� ����t�r�ti�� ��rr�a��� t� th� r��tu�r�l �r��ir�nrr��r��# i��lu�i�� fi�h, �nrildlif� �r tl���r k��k�i���, Agenda Item 9.c. Page 6 I����L�.1�l�IV ��. PA�� � �. �h� �����r� �f th� ��bd��ri�i�r� �r �r�����d i�mpr��r�r��nt� i� n�� 1i���� #� �u�� ��b�i� k�ea�th �rab�em�. �. Tl�e ���i�r� �f t�� ter�t�tiv� tr��t r��� �� #�r� �y�� �f ir��rov�r���t� v�r��l �r�� ���nfli�� �vi�f� ����r�r��n�� ����ir�� �� �1�� pu�li� �� ��r�� f�r ����� t�r���l�, ��- ��� �f� pr���rty �ri��ir� t�� pr��p���d t�r�t��i�r� �r��� r�n�p �� tha�t �I��r�r���� ����rr��r��s f�r ������ �r f�r u�� �rill �� �r��i��d, �r-�� t��t t���� �It�r�n�tiv� �a���r��rr�� �►rrjl� �� ����t�r��i�l�y ���iva���nt�� �r��� pr��ri�u��}� ��q�i��� b�th� �ubli�. �. TI�� di��l��r�� �� �nr���� fr�r�n t�� �r������ ����i�ri�i�n in�� �r� ��ci�tin� ��r�nrrr��ity ���r�r s�r���r� �vil� �n�t r���lt in �i�l�t��r� �f ��i�t�r�g r�qu�r�r��r��� �� �r���ri��d i�n �i�r��i�n ? ���rr��n�n��r�� �nr�t� ����i�r� ������ ��tl�� ��lif�rn�a� 11Va���r����. �. Ad��u��� �u�l�� ��rvi��� and �a��i�iti�� ��ci�� �r �nrill �� �r�vi��� �s tl�� re��lt �f th� �r������ t�r���#i�r� tr��t rr-r��t� �up��rt �roj��t d��r�l�pr�n�nt. P��r�n�d l.l��� ��vel��r�nen� �err��� ��r�c�ir���: '�, Th� �r�p���� ��v�l�prr��r�t �� ��n�i����t �rvitl� th� ���I�, ��j��t��r�s, �n� pr����rr�� �f tf�� �rr��r� �r�n�� ��n�r�l �I�r�. �. Th� �r�j��t �it� i� ���q�a��� ir� �i�� �r�d �h�p� t� ���or�r�n�da��� ��i� ��� �n� �II ��r��, �p�n �����s# �etb��k�, �nr�l�� ��d fen���, ��ricir�� �r��s, ��n����ir��� �n� ��h�r����u�r�s r���ir�d b�tt�� �3�����prr��r�t ����, �. ��r� �i#� f�r��� pr�����d ���r�l���m�rrt �a�� ���q��t� ������, �n���nir�� t��� �#�� ���� �����r� ��d ���r�l�pr��r�t �E�n ��r��i�i�n� c�r��ide� th� lir�nit�t��r�� �� ��c��ti�ng �tr��t� �r��! �i�l��v���. �, �►������� p�b��� ��rvi��� e�i�t, �r �nrill �� �r��r���� ir� ����r��r��� �nri�� ��� ��������n� �f tl�� ��v���prr��r�t �1�r� ���r���l, �� ��rv� t�� �r������ ���r�f��r�r�rr�; �nd tl��t �he a��pr��r�l �f th� �r�p���� d��r�l�pr��r�t �vill r��t r���lt �r� � r�d���i�r� �� ���i�� ��rvi��� t� pr����ti�� in #h� �r��ir�it�r �� a�� t� b� � d�#rir��n� t� �u�bli� ����th, sa�fet}r� ar�� v�relfar�. �, T�� �������d d��r�l�p�n�r��� �� ���diti��t��, �nri�l n�t h��r� � �u�����ntia�l ��v�r�� �ff��t �r� s�rr�un�in� pr���rty, �r�h� p�rr�itt�d u�� th�r��f, �nd �nril� �� �����i��� �nritf� tk�� ��ci�tir�� �irr���-��r�i�y r��i��r�t���, ����it�l �nd r��di�a�l �f��� u��� ir� �h� �urr�u����r�� �r��. �. �'h� ir�r�����r�r�n�r��s r���ire�, �r�� t�� r��r���r �f ���r���pr����, ���q��t��� ad�r��� �II r��t�r�t �n� r�a��-r���� h������ �����i�t�� �vi�� ��� �r�p���d ���r�l���n�r�� �f t�� �r�j��t �i��� i��l��in�, �ut r��t lir�it�d ��, f����, ��i�rrri�� fir� �r�d �f��� h���rd�. Agenda Item 9.c. Page 7 ���������� ��. ���� � �. Th� �r������ �e�r�l��rr��r�# ��rri�� ��� th� �r�#�nt ��th� P��r�r��d l..Jnit �������rx��n# Pr����i��n� �� �r��ri��r�� � rx��r� �ffi�i�n� ��� �f�I�� I�r�d �r�� ar� ��c��ll�r��e �f���i�� �r��t�r #h�r� t��t �nrl�i�� ���I� b� ������r�� tl�r�u�l� tF�� ��pli�at��n �� ��nv�r��i�n�l �e�r�f��r��nt �ta�n��r��. �, Th� �r������ ���r�l��rr��rrt �a��li�� �r�ri�h �I� ��pli���l� ��rf�rm�r��� �t�r���rd� li�t�� ir� D��r�l��r�n�nt ��d� ���tE�r� ��.��.���. �ec��ir�cl ��C�A ��r�c�in��: 1. TI�� �ity ���rr��r� �r���� k��� pr���r�d �n ini�i�� ���d}� �ursu�n� t� ����i�r� ����� �� #h� �uid�lin�� �� tf�� ��li��r�ni� �rrvir�nr��r���� C�u�rity ��� ���C��}, f�r 1l���in� T�nt��i�r� Tr��� �If�� 1��. ������ �n� Pl�nr��� l.�r�i# I��v�l��r��nt��-���. �. �a���� �r� ��� ir�i�i�l �t�d}�, � N1itF��t�d IV���ti�r� �]��I�r����r� �r�� �r���r�� f�r �u�li� r��i��v. � ��py �f �f�� �li�i��t�d ��g�ti�r� ���I�r�ti�n �r�� ��I�t�� rr��t�r��l� r� ����t�� �� �i�y �--I�l1 ir� t�� ��r�r��nit� D��r�l�prr��r�t ����rtr�n�r�t. �, Af��r ��Id�n� � ���li� ���rin� pu�r�u�a�r�� �� ����� �n� �ity �����, ��d �or��i���ir�� ��r� r���r� �� � �nrh���, tl�� �it� �����i� ����t� tl�� N1it���t�� �V������� ���la��r�ti�rr �r�� �r��� �#��� �h��� i� r�� ����t�r�t��l ���d�n�� �� �n� �i�r��f�can� a��r�r�� ��f��t, �i�#��r �r��i�idu�ll� �r �urr��l�t���l� �n �nr���lif� r���ur��� �s ��fin�� ��r ���t��rr 7''I 1.� o�the ��sh �r�d ��r�� �od� or o�n th� �abit�t u�on �v���� t�e v�r�ldl�fe depe�d� �� � r����� �� ���r�i��r��r�� �f tf�i� pr�j��#. �h� �i�� ���r���l �ir�d� �1��� �a��� Il�itig�#�� f����ti�r� ���la����i�� r�fl���� �h� ��t�r'� ir���p�r���r�� ����rn��t �r�� a�n�l}r�i�. Fu�r�l��r, ��� ��t}� ��u�r��il 1��� 1��1� � ��b�i� he�rfn� t� ����t�t�t� a� r�ni�i��t��n r����ur� t��t i� ��n�id�r�� t� �� �r�����r���� ir� ����r��n�� �nrit� P�b. F����ur��� ���� ���ti�n �'�����f� �n� ������n 1��7'�.� �f #�� ��C�A �ui��l�r���. Th� r��r���d Miti���i�n [111����r� IV�. �.� i� ��r� ����tiv� tha�n th� r�pl���d rx����ur� ir� r�ni�'rg�#�ng a�ff�����1� ����ir�� ir������. Th� ��������n�� �f I�r�� ��r� ���� ��r ��� ����h A�pir�� V'V�t�r N1�in �r����t r�pr���r��� r�� i�n���� ���n�� �ir��� th� ��r��i�i�r� �nrill ���I� �� s�tisfi�d, `�"�� r��ri��d r�e��u��� �rvil� r��t ���r�� �r�� p���nt«I�y �����fi��r�� �f����� �n t�� �n�ir�r�rr��r��. IV�I�V, TH�F�E��F�E, �E IT I�E��L1l�� tha�t��� ��t}r ��un��l �f�he �it�r�f�rr��� �r�n�� h�r��� �r��rrd� ��r��iti�n �f ���r��r�l �V�. �� �n� �ni#i��ti�r� r�n����r� �.�I f�r ll���ing T�nt�ti�� �fr�c�t fll��� I��, ��-��� �r�� P��r���� lJn�� D��r�l��rr���t IV�, ����� �� ��t f�rth �n E�chi�it �, �t#����� ��r��� �r�d i��orp�ra�t�d ��r�ir� �� thi� r���r��n�e, �nri�l� ��� ����r� �ir��ir��� �r�� ��bj��t t� �!� ��h�r��ri�in�l �onditi�n� �f��pr��r�l i������ #h�r���. �n � r���i�r� �� ��u�r��il N[����r , ����n��d �� ����n�il Il��rx�b�r , �r�� ���h���ll��vir�� r��ll ��I! ��t�t�v�ri�: AYE�� N���: �I��EIVT: t�� ��r����r�� F����I��i�r� �v�� ���pt�� t�ri� ��' d�� �f����r�b�r����, Agenda Item 9.c. Page 8 F����L�J�I�IV [V�. PA�E � T�NY �EF�i�AF�A, IIAAI��� ATT���: �CE LL�1NETII��F�E� ���Y �LE F�I�C A��I��11E� �4� �� ��IVT�I�T: �TE11�� ��1��1I��, �I�Y IIII1�lfVA��F� �1����11�� A� T� F�F�IVI: T�N��THY�1. �AF�I�I�L� �ITI�AT�'�F�I��Y Agenda Item 9.c. Page 9 �������I�� ��i ���� � ���I�I� ■��lJ A�IIIEIV�E� ��I��IT��IV� �F AkPPF��11�� 1lE�TIIVC TEN�AT�11� �RA�T II�AP ��-��� � P�V�V�� I�I�IT D�11EL���II��T ��-��� ���r�rai ��a��� �e�l ����te �Inn��r�trve �-I���in� ���u�i�n�� Fair�a�s Av�r��e �e��t ���#rr��� �ra�r��e ��r�r�r�ur�it� I-��������} . . . . . ■ ■ i � • ■ ■ r ■ ■ a �����t��n �f A r��r�l N�. �� — Th� � �E��n� ���II ��r�tri���� �I��ir �a�i�- ���r� �f th� ��utF� A� �r�� 1111a�#�r rr���r� � r�d� �� �u���n�d ir� ��� �r�r�t�r r���#�� ��n �� f�l����; ir��r��r��n�r�# ����� �r���r�d �� �� ���iqn �r��l�,.������ �u_�u�t ��� ���� �nd ���r���� ���n��r��, ����, ��nd � ���I� ���rr��r�t �f���,���. _ __— I—_1�1!-i ii!'il�i4 ���� � ■ ■ ■ # ■ + t ■ ■ ■ t ■ i ! ■ ■ t / ■ ! � ■ ■ Y ■ ■ t i • f t t i f #n r�r•n rr����n r� n��h� �r����r��+� rn�r� rv-�v . . . . . . . . . . , I�I�11 �.�: Ar� ir� I��� f�� �� �� ��� �r un�t f�r� ��t�� �f '��'I ��� f�r�.� ��'rt� �ift��n ��r��nt �'������ �� r���r �r�it� ��r��tru�t���. Th� i������ f�� rr��� �� ��lE��t�� in ��cord�n�� �nri�l� r�'��# h��i� . l��� �r��i�le F��rt : ���r�l� �r M�ni��rrn A ��� : �it �f�rr� � �r�n�� � �D� �it At#�r�� Agenda Item 9.c. Page 10 � ������ � �� � IIV��RP`�RATE� �� � � � � � .�� 'o, ��" � MEIVI�I�AN�L�M �'�[ ��� J��� T�: �ITY ��lJl��l� FF��II�I: �T�11��V 1�►���I�, �ITY II�I��A��F� ������T: E�T�IV�I�N �� II�T�F�IIV� IJ��Eh1�Y �F����1�1��� E��A�L��F�IIV� ��V ���I�I�h�1�L F�IJ� IIII�NT� A�V� F���E�[V DAIf IIA�F�A��F�I�lII�I �1� THE �#P�I��11A� �� �E11�L���1VI�IV� F�F�����T� C3ATE: �E��IIII��I� �, ���3 1�E��I�A�A�N��T���1; �t �s r���r���r�d�d ��� ���n�il 'f} ����� �� ���ir��r��� ��ct�n��r�� �I�� r����t���ur� �� ���r����rr��nt pr�j��#� f�r �r� �d�iti�na�l ��ur rn�n��� �nd fift��r� �a��� f�� � ����� �����d �f �i� r�r��nth�; �nd �� ���r�v� ��d i���� th� �111�rat�ri�r� �tat�� I�����#. ��N�#N���4L. �IIIIPA�T: T��r� i� r�� �r������ fin�n�i�l �r�pa�t fr�rr� ad�p�f�� �f �F�� ��r�����r��. T��r� �r� �i��if����t ����� �����ia��d �nri�� v�r���r s���l� rr����u�r�� #h�t�r�rifl b� ��ra���t�d. ��#��C�F���J�V�: A� �h� h���r����r ��, ���� r���tin�, �h� �i�y ��un��l ������� �n Ir�t�rir�r� l�r��n�� �r�ir��r��� �����li�f�in� � ��-��� rr��ra���ri�r�r� �r� �p���v�l �� n�v�r ��v�l��r��rrt ��p�i��t'r�n�. �I�� r��ra���ri�r�r ���� n�� ir7r����� �r�j��t� t��t ��v� ��r���� b��n �p�r��r�� �� �h��� �ritl� ���If�a�ti�r�� th�� f�a��r� b��r� s�b�it#�d f�r �r������r�� �r�d ���r�n�� ��r�np��t�. ��ring ���r�l��r��r�t �f ��r� �Et�r'� ���'� ��n�ra�f Pla�r� a�nd ���� [J�rba�r� 1JV���� Il�l����r �I�r�, ��� la���C �� �va�t�r r���ur��� v�r�� ���ntifi�� �� � si�r�i����r�� i����. A� �h� ��,�u�� ��, ���� r����ing, �#�� �i�� ���n�il r��ri��nr�� � Vll���r Al��rr���i�r�� ����y i��n�i�yir�� '�� �I��rn��i�r�� ��r ���r��il ����i��r��i��. �in�� ���� �irr��# � nur�nb�r �f �����r������r�� I���r� ���r� ��n�i��r�d b�th� �E��r ���,n�i� r�g�r��r�g v�r�t�r �It�r��ti�r� ��ud�r r���l��. �n ����� it �v�� ��t�r�ir��d �h� �ity �a�� �ti�i��� �3°l� �f it� �v���r �ntitl�r��r���. At th� A�g��# '��, ���� r�n����n�, ��� �i��r ���r���l �ppr��r�d � F�����utf�r� d��la�ri�� � "��v�r�l�r r��tri���d �v�t�r �up�ly ��n��ti�n." IVl�nd�t�ry ��n��nr�ti�r� �n�a�ur�� �v�r� �n��t��, Agenda Item 9.d. Page 1 �r�r ��ur���� ��I��f�E�1�l�1� �F �F��i�VAIV�E ��CTEN�IIV� II��RAT�F�I�lII� �I� THE A�PF��11AL �� ��11EL��II��NT P�����T� �E�EI�I�E� �� ���� PA�� � ��a��ibiEity �tu�di�� �n� ��f�rt� �a�r� b��r� pr���r�� �n �h� f��l�v�ring v��t�r �u��p�� �I��r���fv��: • N���nn�er�to Vllat�r pro}�ct � Pri�� ��n��n �il fi�f� r����l�� �nra�t�r � ����li�����r� • F�ecy�l�d �v�t�r • F��i�i�� of tl�e ���Ilw�y at the Lop�z L�k� ��rn � �u�rr��r �� ����, �n�rir�r�r�n�n��l �nd r�gulat�ry �h�lf�r���s ��s��ia�t�d �it� �h��� a�lt�rr��ti�r�� h��� b��r� id�r�t�fi��. A��i���n�l �tu���� �r� ��rr�ntl� ��i�� �r���r�d �n r����l�d �nra�t�r a�r�� raisir�� �I�� ��ill�rva�� ���h� L���� La�k� �a�r�r. Ill���nv�l�il�, ��� �i�y}� v�ra�t�r ��r���rvati�n pr��r��n �r�a1 ti�r�� r��� ��r��tur� �r�r�r� ��c�a�r����, v�rl�i�h ha�� b��n �����ss��l in r�du�'rr�� v�r�t�r u��ar�� b� 1���� �v�r tl�� pa��� ���r. �r� .�����r� ����, th� �ity �nt��r�� �r�t� a �-}��ar ��r�p�r�ry �v�t�r ��r�h��� ��r���n�r�t v�rit� ��� �����n� ��r�r�ur�ity ���vi�� D�stri�� ������. �ff��t� �r� �fs� �r���r v�r�� t� d�t�rr-r�ir�� t�� f���ibilit}� �f ����in�r�� �t�t� v�a�t�r #r�r� �h� ���ntyr� ��c���� �r�l����i�rr �������t t� �r�t�r ap�r���l� �r�� t� ��tiva�t� VII�II �#'I� ��� r�a���i�ra�ti�n �f VII�I� #'11. In �a�rl�r ����, � �r��rr�v�ra�t�r �����r �nr�� pr��a�r�d b�r T��� En�ir���r�r�g ir� ���r��r�a�t'r�n v�ri�l� �r���r ����h, Pis�n�� ��a��h �n� ���� ���rtk��rrr ������ ��r�rl�ir�g t1�� �a�nt� 1�1ari� �r��t��v�r�t�r ba�in� �� ����rr�ir�� �� ����n��va�t�r ��I���#i�r�s ��u�l� b� ir��r�����. TI�� ����+It� di� r��t �us#�fiy arr� in�r���� in #h� sa��� �i�fd: b�� �id ir�di�a�t� t�a�t##�� ba��i� v�r�� n�� in �n ��r�rdr�ft ��r��i�i�n �t th� tir��. �t v�r�� r���r�nr��r�d�� t��� � �v�ll r��r�it�rir�� �r��r�rr� �� initia�t�� irr r����n�� �� ��r��it���� �f t�� ��n�� IVl�ri� �r��r���nr���r ���ir� a�dj�di��ti�n j���r�n�nt a�r�d �� ��tt�r ������ ���� ����d in #I�� futur�. Ir� ��r�� ����, � �r��r�dv�r���r rr��r�i#�rin� pr��r�r� ������� b� T��� Er��in��rin� ��� irn�l�r�n�r�t�� ��nsi���r�t v�ri�� �i�� ��r�t� Il�la�ri� �r��nd�nra���� �a��n �d��di�a��i�r� jud�rr�e�t �r�d the ���8 Ar�r�ua1 N1or�i�orirr�r f�epor�, llfor#herr� �i�ie� 1�1�r�agr�rr��r�� �lre�, �� ��r# �f t�� ���r�ll r�n�rr�t�rirr� pla��, a pr��ra�n v�r�� �I�� ���r�l���� �� �a�rr��l� an� �r��l��� �v�t�r �u�a�li�y ir� ��ntry v�r�ll� I��a�t�d �I�n� tl�� ��a�st. Tl��r� a�r� f��,r ���ntry �nr�ll �I����r� r��a�r t�� I��rth�rr� �iti�s ��r�r�lir��, di�trib���d fr�� P��r�n� ����h ir� th� n�rt� �� ����h �� ����r�� �v�thir� tf�� ����r�� ��r��� ����� 1l�h��ula�r F���r�����n Ar�a�. �a��� �f t�� f��r ��r�try �v�l� �lu�t��� �n�lud�� rr�ul�i�l� ir��i�i���l r�n�r��#�rin� �v�lls ��rat ta�� �i�t�n� ��u�f�r ��r���. �r�u�r�d�nra���r I��r�l� in ��� �����y �nr��l� v�r�r� �n���u r�d �r�d �rrra�t�r ���I�ty �a�rr��l�� v�r�r� �a�c�n i� Il��a�� �r�d ���u�t ����. Agenda Item 9.d. Page 2 ��� ������� �.i����������� �� ���I����I� ������I�� ���������� �� ��� �IPPF��11�►L �F �EII�L�PI�IE�V� P��J��T� �E�EIVI��R �, ��D� PA�� � A�VA�Y��� �F I���J��: ��� Ar�rr�a�l 11�1�n'r���in� F�����# d���rn�r���d ��v�r �r��nd�v�#�� I��r�f�� ir��l��ir�g a b���� ran�� �f ���ur�dv�ra�t�r ���r�l� h�l��nr r�r�a�r� ��a I�v�l #h�t ��ct�r���� ir�l�n� fr�r�n ��� ��a��t #� ����r����s ��st �� t�� r��j�r I���I r�n�rri����l vrr��� �i�l��. Th� I��v �r�u�r���nra�t�r I��r�l� �I�n� tl�� ��a��t indi���� � ��t��ntia�l ��r ����nra��r ir�tru���r� ir�#� �k�� fr��l��ra�t�r a���i��r� �� ��� �r�u��v�ra���r ��b-���i�. ��a��v���r ir�tru����n i� � ��ri��s ������. ���v�r�t�r i� h����� ��I�n� {v�rith ty���a�l �I�I�rid� ��n��r�tr�t'r�r�� �� 1�,��� r�ng��� �r�� r���cir�� �� �v�r� � �r��ll ����r�t, a� iitt�� �� tv�r� ��r��r��, v�r��l� gr�����nr�#�r N� �r���gl� �� rr���c� ��� v�r���� �n��ir�ka�bl�. �r��� ����v�t�r h�� irrtr���� ��� rr�i�c�� i� � �r��r�dv�r���r ���in, �t �� v��y �iffi��l� �r�� ����ly t� r��n���. T�� vrr�t�r q�a�lf�� �ar�r��li�� �� th� ���r�ry �rv��l� in IIJI�� ���� ���v�r�� ��rl�r �h��i�al �i�n� �� s���nr���� �n�r�si�r� i� ��� �� �h� ��r��ry �nr�l� �I����r�, i���t�d n�a�r ���ar��. Ir��i�a����� �� t�is �r��l �r��l�,d� ir��r�a�s�d ��r��er�#fa�i�n� �f k�y ��r���i���r��� ����h �s ��I�r�d�� �r�� ����if�� ����I��r�i�a�l �i�na�u��� �ir�n���r �� ��a��v�t�r. Th� ���� a�r�d �nt�rr���ia��� �nr�ll� �� tl�is ��r�try �rr�ll �lu�t�r I�a�v� �h�vrrr� I��nr �r����v�►a���r I���I� f�r �h� pa�s�tv�r� �r��r�. T�� IUI�� ���� r��ni��rir�� ��r�r�� r��r�a���d ��rti�� fill�n� �� �I���Cir�� �# ���r�r�f �v�ll�t ��� ����r�lly ��r�rdu� r�rarir�t�r��r��� �t �II �f t�� �r�ll�. A���r��r��l�: ir� A�g��� ���� t#�� ��dir��r�� �v�� r�r�n�u�d, vrr���r I��r�l� �nr�r� r�n���ur�� a�r�� ��� ��r��ry �v��ls v��r� ���p��d a���i�. A �I����� �#��s�rva�ti�r� v�r�ll� ��vr��d �� ���� vrr�� ���� �a���l�d. Th� s���rr� r��n� ��v�r�t�r�u��ity ��r�r��lir�� �rr �u�u�t ���� ��n�irrr��� th� �r�lirr�ir�a�� fir���n�s �r�r�n �11��� ���� th�� s�r��nr�d �igr�� �f ��a��nrat�r intr��i�� ir� t�r� ��r�try v�r��l �I�s��r r���r ���a���. IV1�r��v�r, v�r�il� r���� �f�F�� r������ fr�r�n th� �tl��r ��r��ry v�r�ll� �h��r�� littl� ���n��, �1�� Au����� ���� fr�r� #h� ��r��ry v�r�ll �lu�st�r r���r ���a�n� ����rv�� �h�t ►nr���r ����ity i�n tk�� r�iddl� �r�� ���� �v�ll� d�t�ri�r���� �i�nifi�arr��i� fr��n Ill���r t� A���st ����. T�i� ir�di�a�t�s f�r���r i�tru�i�r� �rr���r� �f tl�� r�n��ir�� ��r�� �h�t �Y���a��i� ��pa�rat�� �n�l���r� fr��h �r��,r���va���r�r�rn �if�f��r� s�a��nr�t�r, It i� dfffi�ul� �� ��t�rrr�i�� �h� p���r�#i�l ��ct�r�� �r �a�u�s���} �� ��� �r�b��r�n ����� ���r� ��r�i�a���� da�a: �� ��rr��l a�� t�r� irr����t �� th� ��ndit��r� �n th� ���� �N�Id �� �h� ����r�. �-I�v�r�v�r, i� i� ����r t�at ��� ���# r����t� ���th�r u��������r� ��nc�rr�� r���r��r�� ��� �ity'� �urr�nt v�r�#�� ��p�l�r �r-�� �r�r�n��i��� ���'r�n i� n���s��ry. � r��r���r �� ������� ���r� b���n ��rr�pl�t�� �r �r� �r���r�r�r�� �� ���r�l�p ���pl�r��r�t�� ���r#-��rr�n and I�r�g-��rr�n �n►�#�r r���c�r���. F�I��rv�v�r, �II ����rr�a��iv�� i���l�r� ���tN� �r�j���� v�rith � nur���r �f��a�sibility ��r��tr�i�ts �s���i���d �v�tl� th�r�r. �i�r�r� th��� �ssu���# a��r��ra�� �� a��di���r��l ���r�l��rr��nt �r�j���s �# tl�is �i�n� rr��� ��r��fi�t �nritl� ���i�� LlJ'i'I-�.'� ���I�� �i#�'� �rir��� ��c� l�rl��� �r�� L�nc� 1��� ���r��r�t, �#1 1��� ���1��7 L��r �i�����rl �� ������11� ��I�r7 ������ L�� �l�� �� ��Gl� ��IV� �� ���������� ���i 1 L�� ��������� �Y��I������� �1 ��+�����.r�r� �����r� ��J +��+I��VI L ���� ����I����� ��� Agenda Item 9.d. Page 3 �i�r ��ur��i� ��IV���E�ATI�IV �F ���r����� �����V���V� I��RAT���IJI� ��V T�IE A�PR�VA� �� DEV�L�PII�IEN� PR�JE��� [����IVI��� 8, 2��3 I�A�E � t�ra�� v�r�i�� ���fi� ��rvi��s and f��ilf�i�� ��n �d���,�t�l� ��pp�rt.}} Thi�� in �u��n, irr��a���� ��� �ity's �bilit� t� �n��t i��u�i�� �r�d ���rr�rn�� d�v����rr��r�# r���d� a�f�� s�t f�rth ir� ��� �ity'� ����r�l P��n. ����in� �ff�rda�bl� �����r��, ���r��r�i� ���r�l���nn��t, ����r� ��rri��r a�r�� �tf��r pr�j���� r�ay b� �r�p���d �nrithi� ��� ���ct f��r rn�n�h�. It �� ir���rt�r-�� �� ���r���� � ��r�n�r�h��nsi�� �tr�t���r �� a��dr�s� �v�t��r �u���l� a�r�� ��#�n#i�l ����nr���r i��r��i�n i�s��� �r��r�� ��r�s���ra�ti�� ��s���r pr����t�. T�� �i�y 1� �I�� �r� tl�� ������� �f ��d��ir�g �h� �I��sir�� a�n� ��ns�rv�ti�r� E���n�r�t�. lllla�t�r r�s�ur��� v�r�ll b� a� �ri����� f��t�r ir� t���� tw� �I�n�. Th�����r�, i� i� ir�p�rt��n� �� d�t��rr�ir�� h��nr �v�t�r r�s�ur��s urrill �� �ddr����d �r� tl�� fir��N ����t�� �ri�r �� ��n�id�ra�ti�� �����i�����1 pr�j�� a��pr���l�. A� � r����t, �t�ff recor�r��r��e�l th� ��ty �oun��l ad�pt ar� Ir�terirrr �J���n�y �rdinar��� a����tir�� a� rx��r���ri�r� �r� #�� ���r��r�l �f d��r�l�prn�r�t �r�j��t�, ��n��s#�nt �nrith ����� I�v�r# ��� i��#i�l r-r��r�t�ri�rn i� �if��tiv� f�r � ���-d��r p�ri��, ��� ��a�f#�nti��p���s a t�t�l p�ri�d �� �i�c rr��r�tl�� i� n������ry �� ��rr�p���� �h� �v�rk �����sa�ry. Tl��r�f�r�, a�r� a�d���i�n�l p�ri�d �f ���r nn��th� ��� fif#��n ���� i� �r���rr�r�n�r�d��, ��n�� �h� D����n��r ��, ���� r���tir�g ��� b��n ��r���ll�dr i� is r���s�a�ry ��r tl�� ��u��i� t� ��r�s�d�r tl�� ��ct���i�r� �t ��i� �ir�n� ��-i�r �� ���ira�ti�r� �� th� r��r����ri�r�, �r� �ddi���r�a� ��ct�r��i�r� �f �� t� 'I� r��n�h� is �Il��nr�d �r���r �tat� la��nr, b�� i� i� n�t pr������� #� �� r����s�a�ry at �hi� �irr��. �� t�� ���r���l ��t�rr�n�r��� ������ �I�a�� tir�� �I��� v�r�t�r ��r��r�� Es�u��s ���Id r��t b� a��dr����d, �I�� �ity �r�uld �a��r� �r� �p�i�n �� d����r� � llll���r E��rg�r��� ���Ia�ra��N�rr tha# v�r��l� ��ct�r�d r���ri����r�� �n ���v ���r�l�pr��nt a�p�li�a��i�r��. Th� �ur���� �� �I�� r�n�r���ri�r� �� �� �r��rid� �t�f# �i�n� t� ���r�l�� �I�� f�ll���rring �t��i�� �n� r���r�r��nd�ti�r�� ir� �r��r �� ���r�ss �nr�t�r r�s�ur��� ��r �ut�r� d��r�l��rr��r�t �r�j���� ��r��ist�r�� �nri�� t�r� �ityr� ��n�r�l Pl�n ��I�����: • Addi�i�nar� t�st� �r�r� t�� ��r��ry �nr�lls �ft�r �h� r��r�� �����r� t� ����rr�nin� �nrh�t f���� ��th� �r��r���� r���l�� ��� b� �ttr������ t� t�r� ��rr�r�t dr��gt�� ��n�i�i���; � Il�ll�r� ��ta�i��� �r��l��i� �r-�� r���rr�r�n��d�d �tra�t��i�� t� �d����� ��� ����r�tia�f thr��t ����a��ra���� ir�tru�si�r� �� a �h�rt���rrr� �r�d f�r��-t�rr7n b��is; � lJ��a�t� �f d��a� �r� �ity �nrat�r u�� �n� ���r�r i# �rvil! �� ir�pa��t�� �� �r�j����d u�� �r�r�n �r������ ��pr��r�� �rrd t�r�s� �nrith ��r��l�t�� a���fi���r�n� ir� ��r���s� t� a���,r�t��y ��t�rm�r�e the I��rel of f�,�ur� de�r��aprr��nt �h�t ��r� �� ����rn����t�d v�rith ��ci�tin� v�r�t�r r����r���; � ��rr�pl��i�r� �f ��u���� �� r����l�� v�rat��, r�i�ing �h� ����Iv�ra�� a�t L���� L�i�� ar�d t�� f���ibifity �� ��ta�irr�r�� �t��� v�r���r t� ���rlit��� �����i�r�� �� f�t�r� �nr���r su��lY �roje�t�; � ������n����t��r�� a��� �nrat�r �r��u�t��r� ���j��ti��s a�s���i�t�� v�ri�h a��i�r��i�r� �f VII�II #�'I� �r�� r������a�ti�n �f IJlf��l #1�; a�rrd � F����r�r��r�������� r���rdin� a�p�r��ri�t� r�iti���i�r� r�n����r�� f��r fut�r� proj��t�. Agenda Item 9.d. Page 4 ��� �i������ ������������ �� ��������� ������I�� ������I�� �� ��� �#����1�AL �F �E1�EL�P�VIE�1T �I���E�T� ���EI���F� �, ���3 �AC E � �'I�� ����r�r��n��t��r�� �r� ���i�rr�d �� �r��bl� ���r�l��rr��r�t t� pr����d �n �r��� t� ���r��s ��rr�r�u�ity ���d� ��� f�rth in �h� ��n�ral �la�n, but t� d� �� v�rhil� �r���ring ��� �ity}� v�rat�r r���ur��� a��r� r�na�r����� irr a r����r��ibl� rr��r�r��r. �ta#� ���r �I�� ����ir�� � v�rri�t�r� r�p�rt ����ribin� ���su�r�� t��c�n �� a�ll�u�at� t�� pr�b��r�, �n ��d��� ���lir�in� tl�� �r�g���s r�n��� �� ��#� �r� �II ��ti�ri�i�� a�����ia��� �vit� ��� p�r���� ���h� rr��r�t�ri�r� �s a�tt����d f�r ���r��il r��ri�v�r a�nd ��n�id�r��i��. �rr� ���rr�� ir��lu��� i�n �h� r���r���n��� r�n�r���ri�r�n ��ct���i�� i� t��# ���j���� �rrrit� a� �i�nif��a�r�t ��r���n��t �f r�ul��-fa�r�il�r I��u�ir�g a�r� n��nr ��c�r�pt. ��a�t� ��v�r ir��l�d�� ����I����� ������������ �� ��� I�������� �� ��I�I i������ ������� �������� �� � ���r����r�n��� r���ra����i�r�n�. Aft�r r�v��v�r �f#I���� r���ir�r��nt�, �taff d��� n�t ��li��r� tl�� �i�y �an r��k� tl�� r���ir�d findin�� at �I�i� ��rr��. �11u�h �� th� fin�ir��� v�r�uld �� b���� �r� ��t�, v�rl�i�� i� b��n� ��Il��t�� �� �a�rt �f th� ��r��a��� �ff�r� at ��i� tir��. �#LTEI�I�ATIVE�: Tk�� f�ll�v�rir�� a��t�rn�#��r�� �r� pr��rid�� ��r t�� ��ur��i�'� ��n��d�r�ti�n: � ������� s#�i-f'� r���rr�rr��r�d��i���; � D� n�t ���r�v� t�� ��ct�r��i�n �r�d a�ll��tl�� rx������ri�,rr� �� ��c�i��; � Dir��t st�ff �� ��v�l�p findir��s ��r ��n�i��r����r� t� ��ct�r�� th� rr��ra�t�r��,rr� t� in�lu��� r�u�lti-fa�rr��l}� I���,�ir�g; �r � Pr��ri�� �t����ir��ti�n t� �t�ff. ��V�h1T��E�: ��ct�r��i�r� �f tl�� rn�r�t�riur� �nrill pr��rid� �t�f� �ir�n� t� �ff��tiv�l� as���� �I�� �b�lit� �� the �ity'� ��rr��� w�t�r res��rces to ���orr�r�r�oda�t� f�t�r� dev�loprn�r�t �r� th� �or�#e�t �� �h� ����rt� �f p�r#i�n� �f t�� ��r��r�l P��r�, d��r�l�� r�����n�r����i�r�� f�r �u��r� v�r�ter ������ �r������, �r�d ��#err�irr� l���r ���t t� a��dr�s� �I�� thr�a�� �f ����rra�t�r in�r��i�n ir-�t� �I�� �r���� g���r��v�r���r su�pl�, ���r���r�, � �I���t ��rrn r��r�t�ri�r�n i� an importar�t s��� fn er�sur�r�g v�r�t�r r��ou���s �r� b�in� man�g�d re��or��ib�y, b�t ����I� rr�� si�r�if���n�ly ��la�� �r �rr��a��t �r����t� irr���rt��t t� r���� ��� n��d� �� �f�� ��r�r��r�f�y. �I�����������■ 11Vh�1� r���r�nr�n��n�a�ti�r�s a�r� d��ign�d �� I��n�t �����t� �n d��r�l��r��r�t, i� r�� ��a�sib�� rr��arsur�� �r� ���r�l���� �� �ddr��� v�r���r s��pl�r ��s���: �t ���I� �It��n�#�I� ���u�t ir� ��la��r� �� ���j��t� ir���r#a��� t� ���� h��s�n�, ���r��r�i� d��r����r�n�n�, ���I�� ��rv���� ar�� ����r ��r�r��r�ity n��d�. EN111F��I�I�II��V�J�L I��VIE1111: �����i�r� �� tl�� �rdir�a�r��� i� ����pt ���rx� ��� ��I�#�r�ia� Er��rir�r�r��r�tal C�u�lity A�t �"�E�A"� ��r���r�t t� ������r�s ����1�b}{��� 'I���� ��� ����� �� ��� �ta�� �EC�� ��id�lin��. Agenda Item 9.d. Page 5 �.i�� �.i������ ��I���DEF�ATI�� �F �F��INAIV�E E��`EIV�]�IVC I��F�AT�F��IJI�f �I� �`H� APP1��11�L �� ��VEL�PII��N� �F���J���� �E��II��ER �, 2��� P�A�E � ���LI� I���IF��ATI�IV ��V� ��IVIII��NT�: �V�ti�� �� ��b�i� I--���ri�� v�►�� p�bli��ed ir-� ��� �ri��n� �n �rid��r �V�v�r�nk��� ��, ����. Th� A��r��� v�ra� p��t�d Fr� �r�r�t �� �i�� Hall �r� Tt��r����, ����r�b�r �, ���� �n� �� tl�� �i�y'� �v���it� �r� Fri�la��, C����rn��r �, ����. IV� ��rr�rr��nt� v�r�r� r���i���. �tt��l�r�n�r���: �. Il�or��o�i�m �t�t�,� Re�o�t Agenda Item 9.d. Page 6 ir���r��n� �������r ������r��� r��. �41� IIVTEF�III� �JF����1�Y ����NA[V�� �F THE �ITY ��lJh1�iL �F TME ���Y �� �41�f��1�� �F�AIVDE ����IV��I�� �l �III�F��4T�1�11.�1� �I� THE AF�P��11�AL �F ��11EL���IVI�IV� �F���l��T�, AI�� �E��AF��IV� TI-�� UR��N��f TH�F���� �HE �ITY ��IJ�V�IL �� �`�!E ��TY �� �I�F��Y� �F�AIV�E ��E� �F���IIV �� F��L�1111�: ����I�iV 'I. �I�VDI�V��. T�� ��� ���n�i� fi��s a� f��f��rs: �. A� ���a�i��� in tl�� ��p��rn��r �, ���� �ta��f r���rt �� �I�� �ity ���n�i�, a� ���� �� v�r�i�h i� �n f�l� i� th� ��ty �I�rk'� �ffi�� �r�d ir���r������� ir�t� t��s Ir�t�rir�n �r�in�nr� a�� �f �ul�y ��t ���#I� ��r��r�, t�� �i�y �f Ar�r��� �r�r-�d� �;`�Nty„� i� ��a��ir�� v�ri�� � �ri�i��� �nr�#�� �I��rt��� �v�il� �irr��lta�r�����1� �ur���n� � �#a�t���r'rl� r���ir�d ������ �f th� �I�u�ing El�rr���� �nd ��r�s�rv��i�rr �l�r��nt �# �h� �it�r'� ��n�r�l �I�r�. �u�ri�� pr���r��i�r� �f ��� ��ty'� ���'I ��r��r�l �12��n �n� ���� �Jrb�n 1JV���r Ma�st�r �I�n, th� I���C �f �nr���r �����r�� �nr�� id�n�i�i�� a� � ���r�if���r�� i����. �in�e �h�� tirr�� tl�� ��ty �a�� ��r������d st�di�� a��d r�n�d� ��ct�r��iv� �ff�rt� �� d�v���� � ��ra�t���r t� a������� th� la�k �� v�r�t��r r���ur��s, ir��l�din� ���d�rir�� �r�d pr��ri���in� a�l��rn�ti�r�� a��d ��ti�ns f�r ���r�-t�rrr� ��� ��r��-��rr� ��ti�r�� an� s�ppl���r�ta�l �va�t�r �uppl��s. �. �ft�r it �ra� ����rr�ni��d in ���� �f��# �h� �ity �r�� ��ili��� ���1� �� it� �v�t�r �nti�l�rr��nt�, tl�� �it� ��ur-��il a�p�r��r�� ����iuti�n N�. �'�'I� �r� A��u�� '��� ���� d��f�ri�� t�� ��ci�t���� �f � "����r�l}� r��#�i���� �v���r ���p�}� ��r��i�i�r�" a�r�d �mple�er�te� �n��d���ry�rat�r �or��erv�tion m��sure�. - �. Ar��r�� tl�� sf��rt-t�rrr� r��a�ur�� th�t �r��r� ���n id�r��if��� t� i��r��s� �r2���r ��ppli�� �r� �nr�t�r ��r���rv�ti�r� �u�li� ����ati�n �ff�r#� �n� ir����r������i�r� a�rrd �r���r��r�n�r�� ���nr���r ��r�s�rv�t��r� r���la��i�r��, a� ti�r�d �nr�t�r r�t� �tr������, rr��#�Il��i�� �f 1111��1 N�. �1�, an� t�� �ity �a� ��r�t�ar���� �v��� t�� ����n� ��rr�rr��nity ��rvi��s ����rict #�r ���i���y �f �nr�t�r. L�ng-t�rr�n r�n����r�� tha�t I�a��r� ���n i��r�#if��d in�lud� a� ��r����l����iv� �r��nd�r�ra��r �����, �h� IV��ir�r���n�� L��c� �nra���r pr�j��t, � d���lfr�a�ti�n �r����t s��d�, ���t� �v���r, �r�d �t�d� �� t�nr� ��} r������� �nra�#�r �r�j���s, tf�� fir�� ir� �����ra�ti�r� �rvith �I�� ��ut� ��n L��� ��i��� ���r�ty ���i���i�n ���t�i�t �r�� tl�� s���r�� � j���� �r�j��t v�r��l� ��� �ity �f Pi�r�n� �����. In ���iti�n, �h� ��ty ha� b��r� ��rti�ipa�#ir�� in � ��u��1�r �� rari�ir�� �I�� h�i��rt ���I�� s�il�v�ra� �f�h� L�p�� ��� �� in�r���� th� ������ty �f L���� l�a�C�. �. ����� �p�r� �r�li�ir��ry ��t� r���ltir�� ��r�r�r� a� �r�����va�t�r �n�r��t�rin� �r��r�� �r����rr��r�#�� �n ��rl� ���� b� � ���up �� �i�i�� t��t ir��lu�� t�� �iti�� �f Arr�y� �r�r���# �r�v�� ����I�, �'�sr�n� ����h a�r�� t�� ���r�� ��r�r��r�ity ��rvi��� �i�tri��, �r��n��r�t�r I�v��� �n� �nra�#�r ���li�� ��r���ir�g h��r� �I��v�r� ��rl� �igns �f ���v�r���r in�ru���r� ir� #h� ��rt �� th� ���ir� fr�rr� v�rl�i�� #�� ��ty �k�t�in� tk�� �narj�rity �f ��� �r��r���v�t�r s�p�l�. Agenda Item 9.d. Page 7 ������� ������� ��������i� ��. ���� � ���v�ra�t�r ir��r�,���rr �a�n b� a� s�r��u� t�r��t. ���v�r���r i� i�i�hl� ��lir�� {�vit� typ��a�� ����r�d� ������trati�r�s �f 'I�,��� r���L� ar�� r�ni��r�� ��r�r� a� sr�na��l �rr��ur�t, a�� ��#tl� �� tw� p�r��r�t: �nri�� fr�sh �r�ur��v�r�t�r �� �r��u��� t� rr��k� v�rat�r �r��rir�k����. ���e ��a�rr���r I��� �r�tr���� a�nd r�ni�c�� ir� � gr�un��nrat�r ba�sin, it i� �r�ry �iffi���t �r�� ���tl� t� r�rx���r�. Vll�il� thi� i� �r�l�r�nir�a�ry d�t�� �n� a��diti��al ��r�l���i�n �r�d r���r�r��r���ti�r�� �r�r�n ��r��u��ar�t� a�r� ��c���t�d, ��ris n��r�r i���rr���i�� ��rrrb�r��� �nri�� ��� ��v�r��� r��tri���� �nr�t�r sup��y �ondition� �r�d re��te� �or�cerr�s di��u���d above, �r��t� �� ir�r��dia�e n��� t� �t��� a�n� �r���r���r�� itr� ir�pli��ti�r�� in r�r�ti�n t� t�� �ity'� ��r��r�� P�a�r� �p��t� �n� �th�r���r�l��r���t pr�����1�, ��I��i�� �n� pr��r��n�. - �. T�� ��rr�r��r�ity ���r�l�p�n�r�� D���rtrr��r�� �f th� �ity �f �rr��� �r��d� r���r�t�� Nniti�t�� �h� ������� �� ����ti�� th� �ity'� ����r�l �la�n, v�ri�F� ir�r������� �r�p�ra�s�� �r� th� H���i�� �I��n�r�� �n� t�� ��r�s�rv�ti��n El�rr���t; �� t�� ��r���rv�#i�� El��n��� pr��r�d�s ��r tF�� ��ns�rv�ti�n, ��v�l��r��n� a�n� ir�t��r�ti�r� �f �a���r�l �r�s��r���� �h�� �r���� vrrill �n�bl� �h� �it� t� �nnr��di�t��� �ddr��� th� �rr��a��ts �f #h� �va�t�r �f���#��� a�r��1 ir�npli���i�n� �f �h� ����nr�t�r ir�t���i�r� ���bl�r� �n ��v�l���n�r�� ir� ��� ��ty, ir��iu�in� th� is��� �f ir���f���i�r�� ��rr���r ��,���� rr� r�la�'r�r� t� th� ��ty�� F-��u�i�� ����n���, r��i�na�l f����in� n���� �ll��a�i�r� �n� i�� �f��r����� ����ir�� r���ds a�r�� r���ir�r��r���. F. Du� #o tl�e forego�n�, the �ity int�nds to rrr�m��i�t�l� �e��r� a s�udy of i��u�s r�la���� t� futur� ��v�l��r��r-�# a�n� ir���ffi�i��t v�r�t�r �u��l�r. I� �h� �n�a�r�t�r��, ��� ��r�p���ry �n�r���ri�r� �n D��r�l��r�n�nt �������� i� n�� �rn��di2�t�l� irn����d p�r���nt �� th� �r�vi�i�n� �����r�rnr��r�t ��d� ������t ���� ur�p�a�nr���1 ���r�l�pr��r�t v�r���� �I���a�t t�� ir���r�t �r�d �ur���� �f t�� �ity'� ����r�l P��n ��I��� �� �r��r���n� f�r �r��r��r ���r���p�n��� �v'r�h �uffi���n� v�r�t�r r����r��s �r�� �����rr�ir�� th� upda�t� �� tl�� ��ty'� F���r�in� �I�r��r�t ��� ��n��rv����n �I�r��n�. �. �n h���r�r���r 'I�, ����, �h� �ity ���n�il a�d�pt�d �rd�r��r��� �'��, ���i���� "�rr Ir�t�rirr� l�r���r�� �r�ir��r��� �� �I�� �it� ������I �f ��� ��t� �� �rr�y� �r��d� ���ptir�� � N1�r�t�r��,r� �n ��� A�pr��a�l �� D�v�l��r��n� Pr�j��t�, a��d [�����rir�g ��� lJr��r��� T��r���" ��I�� "T��n��ra�ry M�r�t�riurn"}, v�r�i�� �r�i�ar��� ���ir�� f�rty-fi�r� {��} ���� fr�r�r� th� �a�t� ����s a���p���rr, �u��ua��t t� th� ���r�rnrr��n� ��d� ����i�r� ����� ���. I--I. �n D���rr���r �, ����, tl�� �ity ���n�il f��l� a� �u�� r��ti��� ��bli� h���in� to �o�nsi��r ��ct�r�di�� t�� T��n��r�ry M���t�ri�m for � �e�i�d of f�u� �4} mor�ths and �ft��� �'I�} �a���, �u���a�rrt t� ���r�rrr��n� ���� ����i�� ����� �a�}. ����I�N �, ��T��LI�I�NIEIVT �� IUI�RAT�F�IIJIVI �I�� �i�� ���n�il h�re�� d��l�r�� t�a�t� ��r�r���ra�ry ��ra�t�ri�r� �r� ��� a���r��ral �f �ev��o�rr�er�t �raj�cts, as def�r��d be�ov+r {"Dev��opr�n�r�� Proje����'� �� n������ry i�n order �� ���f'1"11� �f'1� �I�]I �f'1� �I�'�'1� �� ���"1C�1.��� ��������1 ��C� ���1�1���' ���J�'���'�21�� 1���41���1�1��, Agenda Item 9.d. Page 8 ir�����n� ������� ����r����� ��. ���� � a�r�n�r��rr����� �r����r �I�ri�i��ti�r�s t� �r����� th� �u�li� h��Eth: ��f�ty, vr�����rr� and �I�� . �����r�i� �r�sp��ity �f �h� ��rrrr�r��nity. �� ���� ��r�int "���r�l��r���t Pr�����" �n�a�n� ar�� pr�j��t ir��r���r'rn� ��� i����r��� �� � ��rrr�'r� f�r ��n�t�u�����n �r r���r��#r�����r� �r�� ��q�irin� � n�v�r urr�t�r ��nr���ti�r�. �E�TI��1 �. ��c���t �� ��l��rwi�� �p��i���� h�r�i�, �r�il� �hi� Int�rirr� �r�in�r��e r�r�a�i�� �r� ��f��t, r�� ��rr�nit# �r �th�r �p�li���l� �r��i���r�n�nt, �v���h �n��ils in �v��l� �� ir� ��rt �i�� �ppr��r�� �f a�r�� n�v�r ��v�l�pr�n�r�t �r�j��t �nrit�in th� �ity sha��l b� ���r���� �r iss��d. ���TI�I� �. Pu�r�u�r�� �� th� �r��ri�i��� �f �a��Ef�rni� ���r�rr�r���� ��d� ������, thi� � In��rir� �rdinan�� i� a���p��d �� �r� Ir�t�rirr� �rg�r��� ��r�ir�� �rdir�a�n�� �r�� �I��II t��c� �f#�� ir�nr�r�����t�l�. T�� ���ts d�rr��r��tr��ing th� �r��n��r �h�t ��rrn t�� b�si� #�r �h�� Ir�t���rr� �r��n�r��� �r� ��� f�rt1� �r� ���#��r� 'I, a�b��r� a�r�d �r� ���iti�n �r� �� f�ll���: A. T#�� �ity I�a�� �nd ��r��ir���s #� r��ei�r� �p�li�arti�n� f�r ����I�pr��n# Pr�j��t� ar�d ��p���s t� ��r�tir��� #� r���iv� �u�h ��pii��ti�n. �. T�� a���r��r�l �� ���v ���r�l�p�n�r�t P�r����t� �vi�h�r� tl�� �it� �f �rr��� �r�nd� �r�rit���� �n ��p�rtunity �� ��ud�r th� irr�������i�n� �� t�� ��rr�n� vrr�t�r �I��r�a��� �r�� ���v�r���r 'rr�t�r��i�r� ir� t�� A�r��� �r�rr�� �r��r�d�nr�t�r ���ir� ir� r�l�t��r� t� tf�� �ity'� �er�dir�� up�a�� of �ertair� ���ments �f the �en�ra� Plan, �egion�� ho�s�n� n�ed� �Il���t���, �ff��-����� h���ir�� r����s, ��nd�rr� r����a��i�r� ��d �t��r ���I�� f��ility �r������# ��d �����r�ni� d�v����r��n� �ff�rts �r�r��E� r���l� in a� t�r��t �� �rd�rl� d�v�l��r�r��n� ir� a� fu�d���n��l r�n�r�n�r. ���r��r�� �� su�� �r������ r7r��� ��nfli�t �vit� P��i�� LIJ'I'I�-�.1 ��tl�� �ity'� Frin�� a�nd lJ�ban �r�� L�r�� lJs� �I�r��r�t, �rrl���� �irnits t�� "��r���r �f �vrr�ll�r�� u�nits �rit�ir� th� �ity t� ��a� �rhi�h is ����i���r�t ��rr��l� �h� I���-��rrn a��r��l�bi�ity �� r����rc�� n����� �� ������t a�r�� ��p��at��r� �n� t�a�t �rf���h ���I�� ��rv���� ��� fa���liti�s �a�r� �d���a���ly �����rt." A�nd P�Ij�y ���� �� �h� �it�'� ��r���rva�ti�r� El�r��n� �nr�i�h stat�� ���� "Th� �ity �f �rr��� �r�r��� sharll rr�arra��� I�nd ��� �r�� I�r�i� i�� u�r�a�n d��r�l�p���nt ��t�rr�iai �� �h�� �v�i�� ��r� �� �����ir��� b� tl�� a��raila��� �nr�t�r r�s��r���..." I� is thu�� r�������ry �� ��t�blisi� a t��n��r�ry rr��r�t�ri�rrr t� al���rv f�r: �1� r���a�r�� ar�� �#�d� t� ��t�rr�i�� h�v�r �� ������� t���� i��u�s, th� ty�� �f r���l��i�n tha�� rr��� b� ir�n����d �vitl� r���rd �� n�v�r ��r�r���ti�n� t� th� ��t�'� �a��r �����r� a�r�� I���n► �F��� rel�t�� t� ��r��r�l F���r� ��li�i��, r�g��r��l ��u�sir�� ���d� �Il���t��r� a�r�� aff�r���l� ��u�sir�� r����� �r�d r�la���d r�n�tt�r�x ��� th� �r��arati�r� �r�� �r���r�ta�ti�r� ����� �r�p���d �r�ir-��r���, ����dr��nt� �r r���la��i�n� �� �d�r��� �1�i� i���,�. �. It �� r������ary t��t thi� In���rir� �rdi��n�� �� ir�t� �ff��� ir�r�n�di�t��� �r� ����r t� r�n��n#a�in th� �i�y'� �r�vir�r�r�n�r�� ��r�di�� tl�� �����r�n� �f tF�� �b��r�-r���r����d r����r��, �t�d� �r�� �n�l��i�, v�rh��f� �r��l ����a�t� th� r���� #� �����lis1� r���v p�li����, �r�����r�� a�nd �t��rv�ri�� r���1�t� ���r�l���n�n� Pr�j��t� �r� ��r� �it� ir� r��a�ti�n �� tk�� urra��er su���Y �ro��er�n. Agenda Item 9.d. Page 9 ������� ������� ��������� ��i ���� � �. I� i� r���s��ry th�t t�i� Ir-���r�� �r�i�a�n�� �� �r��� �ffi��t �r�r��dia���l� s� �ha�t th� ���y rna�� �t��� �h� r�n�r�n�r i� �nrh��h #� ��rr��r�h�n�i�r�l� �ri�ri���� r���d� a�n� b�l�r�c� r����r��s irr�l��i�� th��� ��r#�ir�in� �� �I�� �r��ri�i�� �f aff�r��bl� h�u�in� a�r�� ����� rn��d�te� r��i�r►�� I���sir�� �t��k �nd sh��t �r�d I��n� ��rrx� v����r �v�i���ilit�. �. I� i� r����s�a�ry th�t t��� �n��rirr� �r�dina�r��e r�r�n�in ir� �ff��t ���i! �i�� r�q��r�� �����r�hr �#u��# a��d arn�l���� ���r� b��r� ��r�pl�t�� a�r�� �I�� r���r�r��n��ti��� �f ��rr��n�ni�y ���r�l��r�n��t ����rtr���� ���ff ��d tf�� �I�r�r�i�� ��rnrr������n ��n b� ����i�r�� �r�� ��r��i����d b� t�� �ity ���n�i� a�nd th� �i��r ���rr��l, �r� t��r�, �r� ��n�i��r a�r�n�r��r�n�r�� ���h� �i�y'� ��r��r�l P�a�r� a�t�d ������pr��n# ��d�. ���TI��V �. ��r� �i�y ���n��l th�r�f�r� fin�s tl�a�tt b���d u��r� t�� f�r���i��# th�r� �s � ��rr�r�t �n� ir�nr�n�dia�t� tl�r�a�t #� ��� ��bl�� h��l�h, ����t� �n� �v�l��r�, �r�� #ha�t �h� ���r��ra�l �� a�d�iti�r�a�� ���r����rr���� Pr�j��ts ��r�u�l� �h� i���ar��� �f ���r��r�l� �r ��rr��t� v�►��I� r����t �r� � tl�r�����, �F�� ��bli� h�a�l�f�, s�f�ty �r�d v�r��f�r�. �E��I��V �. Ar�� ���r�l��r��n� ���j��t ��rr�r�tl� b�ir�� �r������d �� t�� ��ty a��� ��r �vt�i�� t�� �i�y 1��� �������� �r ���r�n�� a�� ��p�i�at��n a� ��rr��l��� ����r t� �I�� �ff���irr� d��� I��r���, a�n�r ���r�f��r��r�� �'r����t vrrith a� �i�r�i���a�rrt ��rn��n�r�t �� rr��,l��f�r�r�i�� I���,�in�, �r�� a�r�� �ity �r�i�i�t�� �u�li� �a���#� pr�j���, ���II �� ��c�r�r��t fr�rx� tl�� pr���risi�n� ����is �r�#�rir� �r��n�n��. �������V �. Pur���r�t �� ���r�rr�r��r�t ���� �������b}, t�i� In���ir�n �rdi��n�� ����� ��k� �ff��t irr�r�n�d�a�t�l� ���r� it� pa��ag� a�d ����ti�r�. ���`�'���V �. Thi� Irr��r�r� �r�in�r��� �h��l ��c�ir� ��u�r ��� r��r�t�� a�r�� fift��n �'��� �a�� ��I���v�r�� t�� d�t� �f i�� �d���i��, �nl�s� its t�rr� i� ��ct�r�d�� b� a�ti�rr �f �I�� ��ty ���r��il �rr ����r��r��� v�ri�h �F�� pr�����r�� s�t f�rt� in ������, �r �� ���� ��rl��r�irr�� �� �h� ��ty ��ur��il a���� �� r�p��l t�i� In��rir� �rdin�r���. ���TI�N �. I�n ���or�a��� �nri#h t�� requ�r�rr���t o� �a�rerr�r��r�t �od�����8�8: �t �e�s# t�r� da��� �ri�r �� ��r� ��c�ir����r� p�ri�� pr��r�d�d f�r �r� ����i�� �, tF�� �ity ���n�il �h�ll i���� � v�rr'rt��� r���rt ����rib�r�� a�r�� r�n����r�� �a��C�� �� a��l��riat� t���� ��r�d�ti�n� I��r�in r���r���e� �rl�i�� ��� �� t�� a���pti�� ��t�r�� Int���� �rdirr�r���. ���TI��V 'I�. 1Jllit�ir� f�ft��r� {'I�} ���� �ft�r i�� �������, �I�i� �rdir����� �ha��l b� ���Ij�l��� �r���� #�g�t��r �rv�tl� �h� n�r��� �� �I�� ���r��il rr��r�n��r� �r�tir�� ���r���, �n � n��nr��a�p�r �f��r��r�l �i�r��l�ti�r� �nrith�r� th� �ity. �E�TI��V 'I'�. T�� ����ti�r� �f tl�is Ir�t�rir�r �t��in�r��e i� ���rn�t fr�r� �I�� �alif�rr��� E��rir��r��r��a�l �u�l�ty A�� ��{�E�A"� ��r���n� �� ��'I�����b����a�r�� 'I���� �f t�� �ta��� ��C�� �uid�li��� b�c���� i� ��r� �� ���n �rrrith ��r�a�ir�ty tl�a�� tk��r� i� n� p���ih�fity �h�t ���h a���pti�r� rr��� I�a��r� a� �r�nif���r�t �ff��t �r� tl�� �r��rir�n�n�r�t. Ir� add�ti�n, th� a�d�p���n �f t�i� Int�rirr� �r�lir��r��� i� ���r�n�t �r�r� ���� �ur���nt �� �'I���� �� �h� Agenda Item 9.d. Page 10 IhIT�F�MAII �lFt��IV�Y �F�[31�VAI��E N�. PA�� � ��C�A ��id���r��� i� t��� thi� I�t�rir� �r�in���� �nv�lv�s �n�y ����ibrlity �r �I�r�r��r�g studi�� f�r ���si�l� ��t�r� �����r�� ��r t�� ��ty. ���TI�I� 'I�. T��� �nt�rinn �r�in�r��� �I�a��� b� li��r�l�y ��r�str��d t� ����r��li�l� �t� int�r�d�� ��r�����. �l�t�ir�� ��r�t��n�d ir� �hi� I�����rr� �r�i��n�� i� �rrt�n�1�� t� ii�i� t�� ��r��ir��a�ti�r� �� I�v�rf�� n�r���r�f�rr�in� ���s �r�tr��t�r��. � �E�TI��V 'I�. T�� ��ty ��un�il h�r�b� d��lar�� t�art sh�u�� �r�� s��ti�r�, ��r�gr���, �����r���, ��r����t t�rrr�� �r �nr�r� �� t��� Ir���rir� �rdina�n�e h�r��� a��pt�� b� �������d f�r a�r��r r�a���r� �� b� i�u��id, it i� th� ir�t��t ���t�� �ity ���r���� �ha�� �t�nr��l� ���r� a�d�pt�� �II �tl��r p�r�i�n� �# ��'r� Ir���rir�n �r��r��r��� irr��p���i�r� �� �r�� ���� p�r#��� d��l�r�� �r�v�lid. �� r�r��ti�r� �� ��u�n�il �Il��r�r��r � ����r�d�� by ���r���l �Ill�r�nb�r : �r�d b��I�����l��nrir�� r�ll �all �r���, t� v�rft: A�E�: I����: AB��N�: �h�f�r���ir�� In��rirr� I.lr��r���r �r��nar��e �a� a���pt�� t�i� �t" ��� �����err���r����. Agenda Item 9.d. Page 11 �����i� ����r���r ����ru��u�� ��. ���� � . ���u�r ���r���►, ��►��� �����i �C�L�1�I�V�T�I�F�E, �ITY���F��C ��F���IIE� J�1� �� ���VTENT': ���11� A�Allll�� �ITY III�AIV�IC�F� 1�P���11E� A� �`� ��I�II�I: T111��1"I�1� �1. �A�II�EL, �ITI� �TT�F�N�Y . Agenda Item 9.d. Page 12 ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MORATORIUM STATUS REPORT Backqround At the November 10, 2009 meeting, the City Council adopted a temporary moratorium on approval of new development applications in response to water supply constraints. The moratorium does not impact projects that have already been approved or those with submitted applications that were already deemed complete. It also does not affect new project applications that do not require a new water meter. The initial length of the moratorium is 45 days, but an extension up to six months is expected to be necessary to complete the work required. In 2008, the City utilized 99% of its water supply. Since then, the Council declared a "Severely Restricted Water Supply Condition" and enacted mandatory conservation measures, as well as a long list of voluntary financial incentives for water conservation alternatives. The program has been successful, reducing water usage by 10% over the last year. However, current projections still indicate concerns regarding the City's ability to meet future water demand. The City's water supply constraints have been further complicated by recent groundwater test results and monitoring that has shown evidence of potential seawater intrusion. The results are preliminary and concerns exist regarding the accuracy of the test well data. However, the issue must be taken seriously since if confirmed and left unchecked, seawater intrusion could threaten the entire groundwater table that accounts for over a third of the City's water supply. The City is also in the process of updating the Conservation Element of its General Plan. Addressing these issues is a critical factor in completing the update. A number of studies have been completed or are under way on future additional water supply alternatives. However, all options have cost and technical challenges associated with them. Therefore, the Moratorium is designed to provide the City time to develop strategies to address the potential seawater intrusion, update demand and supply projections, recommendations on future water supply projects, appropriate mitigation measures for future development projects, and to incorporate these comprehensive strategies into the Conservation Element. It has been identified as an important step in continuing to manage City resources in a responsible manner. Seawater Intrusion Mitigation Measures Staff has established regular meetings with representatives from the City of Pismo Beach, City of Grover Beach and the Oceano Community Services District (OCSD) to develop immediate measures to address the potential of seawater intrusion in the Santa Maria groundwater basin. The jurisdictions have also jointly contracted with a private Agenda Item 9.d. Page 13 Moratorium Status Report Page 2 consultant to represent the agencies' interests and assist with analysis, administration, review, advocacy and coordination of water supply efforts. The following measures have been identified and action taken: • The private consultant was directed to prepare a peer review of the sentry well test findings, which has been completed. Recommendations were provided regarding future testing and monitoring. • Cou nty staff has been req uested to cond uct or authorize u pg rade of the sentry wel I in order to validate the test results. • A newspaper article, press release and fact sheet have been prepared regarding the moratorium that promotes participation in the City's water conservation efforts. • A letter has been sent to the Cou nty by each of the j u risd ictions req uesti ng an emergency temporary allocation of State water from the County's excess allocation. A series of ineetings have been held with the two County Supervisors representing the South County area. A group of staff representing each of the jurisdictions has been formed to meet with representatives of the Central Coast Water Authority (CCWA) to discuss the request, which will require their approval. The purpose of the allocation will be to temporarily replace use of groundwater in order to rest and replenish the groundwater basin. The City of Arroyo Grande would not be able to utilize State water without a public vote, but is coordinating with the other jurisdictions to utilize their Lopez water if they can utilize the increased State water. • A request has been made to representatives from the Avila Beach Community Services District to determine whether they would consider a temporary sale of excess wate r. • The City has contracted with a private consultant to assess costs, timing and feasibility of improvements to the South County Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plan necessary to produce recycled water and develop a seawater barrier through use of injection wells. The City of Pismo Beach is pursuing similar analysis on their treatment plant, which is being partially funded by Arroyo Grande. • A designated staff representative has met with representatives from the Nipomo Community Services District to request coordination of efforts. • A representative of agricultural landowners has been contacted to request future discussions and coordination of efforts related to groundwater use. Agenda Item 9.d. Page 14 Moratorium Status Report Page 3 • OCSD has been requested to assess costs of purchase of drought insurance, which would increase their delivery of State water and reduce groundwater pumping adjacent to the area where seawater intrusion is expected. The agencies have discussed strategies for sharing in the increased costs. • Staff worked with San Luis Obispo County and OCSD staff to replace a control valve at the turnout located at Brisco Road. The new valve allows Oceano to fully utilize their Lopez/State water allocation instead of pumping groundwater. The new valve was tested and allows 670 gpm which provides sufficient water supply to Oceano even during times of peak demand. This will reduce the pumping of an estimated 300 acre feet of groundwater by the OCSD. • Water staff has met to develop a plan to increase Pismo Beach Lopez water use and decrease groundwater pumping/ decrease Arroyo Grande Lopez water use and increase groundwater pumping through a temporary trade in these water resources. A request has been made to San Luis Obispo County staff for an update to the hydraulic model for the Lopez line. This will provide information about the capacity of the line in order to deliver additional surface water including interim state allocations. The model will also provide information for the potential reduction of pumping groundwater from wells closest to the sentry wells and correspondingly increase water pumping from wells furthest away from the sentry wells to further reduce the potential impact of saltwater intrusion. Water Supply and Demand Proiections Staff has initiated work on identifying projected water use from projects that have been approved and those with applications submitted and deemed completed. This information will be utilized along with current water conservation results to amend prior water use projections. Concurrently, water supply projections are being modified to include current well projects being proposed. When these items are completed, it will be used to develop new long term projections and enable staff to better predict when additional water supply will be necessary in order to maintain adequate resources to meet demand. Future Water Supply Alternatives Efforts aimed at increasing future supply to address projected demand have been accelerated with the objective of providing the information necessary to make a decision on a future supply project or projects within the moratorium period. The following efforts are under way: • In addition to reviewing the feasibility of creating a seawater barrier with recycled water, the City has contracted with an engineering consultant to expand the analysis on recycled water alternatives to review the potential for upgrading an existing abandoned oil pipeline for transport of the water. Staff has also been assessing potential users of the water to determine the amount of savings it could generate on an ongoing basis. Agenda Item 9.d. Page 15 Moratorium Status Report Page 4 • In addition to the request for temporary emergency State water, staff has met with County and neighboring jurisdiction representatives to initiate a process with the CCWA to determine whether permanent allocation of State water is possible. If it is confirmed as feasible and the most cost effective option, the City would need to place a measure on the ballot to request voter approval of purchase of State water. • Ag reement has been reached on the cost share allocation and scope of work for additional study on raising the spillway of the Lopez Lake reservoir. Proposals are being requested from qualified firms for the study. • Analysis has been completed on the desalination plant and Lake Nacimiento options. No additional work is necessary at this time to assess the feasibility of those alternatives. Conservation Element The City's Conservation and Open Space Element was last updated in 2001. A number of issues have occurred that warrant revisions to the Element such as water resources and conservation, and creek protection. Staff is working on the Conservation and Open Space Element in-house and identification of issues and organization of the structure of the element update have been completed, as well as a partial draft of the Energy section. On September 22, 2009, the City Council approved a contract with the California Polytechnic State University for a second year graduate class to prepare an update to the City's Environmental Setting Report and Policy and Programs for consideration to update the City's General Plan focusing on the Conservation and Open Space Element The utilization of a second year City and Regional Planning Department graduate class can provide needed human resources and expertise to complete the budget identified goal. Two public workshops have been held and the class has conducted a comprehensive inventory of existing conditions and data gathering. A draft of the Existing Settings report should be available for staff review in January 2010. Development of Mitigation Measures Staff has developed draft language options for use in environmental review of new projects to mitigate water demands. However, update of the supply and demand projections is necessary to determine how it should be applied for new development. Agenda Item 9.d. Page 16 � ������ � �� � MN�Oi�P`�RAT�D �� � - � #.� � � ,�.,�� �o, ���, ,� �II��III��A�II�]lJ IIII ��� ��� ��o� ��: �1�Y ���JI���L FF��II�I: �T�VE I� ��All�l�� �NTY 11�1�1hf A��� �LlB�1��T: ���V���EF��#`�I�iV �F �EL��TI�N �F ��IJIV�I� �EII��EF� ��1�h�F��� A� MAY�R PF�� T�M ����i �������� �� �Ii�F�� F�E��IIII�E�!�ATI��: It i� r���rr�r��r���� t�r� �it�r ��ur��il ����ir�t ���n�i! IVl�r�n��� ��thri� �� t�� N1a��r�r Pr� ��rr� ��r�I�� r��� �r��-}���r ��ri�d. F��AIV�IAL III�P�#�T: T��r� i� r�� ���t ��p��# f��� t�i� ��ti�n, �A��C���I�N�: �� t�� D���rrrber �1�, ���� �m��tin�, th� �ity ���r���l ��t�bli��r�d � ��li��r r���r�i�� ��I��ti�n �f ��� ����r Pr� `��rr�, �t th�t ��r��, th� ��t�r ��u��i� a��r��d t� �pp�int �h� N����r �r� T�r-Y-� �r� � �n�-�r�a�r r�t����r�a�l b��i� b�r s�ni��it�. In ����, th� p��i�� �nra�� rr����f��� t� in�l��� a���it��r��l I�r��u��� t� �d�r��� �ir�ur��t�r���� in �nrhi�� t�nr� rrr�r�rb�r� h��r� #h� ��rr�� #�n�r� �r� th� �i�� ��u�n�il. If th�� ��tu�ti�r� ��i���, tf�� �r��r �f r����i�r� i� t��r� ����d u��r� t�r�� ��r�r�� �n � ��t� ��un�il �����r�t�d ��r�r�rr�;��i�r� �r�����r ��rr�r�i#��� prr�r t� k��i�� �I��t�� t� t�� ��ty ��ur��il. ��� ��Il��nrin� �r��ri�i�n� �r� ��t f��th �r� th� �ft�r ���r��il ���r����r�� ll��r���l und�r ���i���. �i�}r ���r��i1����irr�r�er���: A. �Th� �it�r ���n�il ����ir�t� � ��ur��il ���n��r �� IVI���r Pr� T�� t� ��rv� �k�� ��ti�� �� Il�l��r�� jr� hi����r ����r���. B. �h� Illl���r F�r� T�r�n �k��ll ��rv� � t�rr� �f��� ���r, �, Th� ��p�ir�tr��r�� �� tl�� N1�}��r Pr� T�r�r� t��c�� pl��� �� t�� fir�t r�n���i�� in ����r���������h ���r. �. I� i� t�� ��t�r ��u�n�il'� p�li�� t� r�ta�#� ����i��r��nt �� t�� N1�}r�r Pr� T�rr� ����� u���n tf�� ���i�r�t�r �f �i�� ���r��il 11J���nk��r� �t��� ���� n�t �et ��rv�d ir� �I�� ����t��n �f �Il��r�r Pr� ���n. If t�v� Il�l��r�b�r �� t�� ��t}r ���n�i1 I�a��� tl�e ��r�-�� ��ni�r�t�r, th� �rd�r �� r�t�t'r�� v�ril� b� l����ci u���r �ir�r�� ����d �n a� �i�� ��un�il ����ir�t�d ����ni��i�� �n�i��r ��r�r�r�it��� �ri�r t� t��ing �I��t�d t� ��� �it� ���n�il. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 1 �i�r ��ur��i� ��L��TI�[V �F ��ll�V�I� I�lEII���� ���T�LL� �#� 11�1�1��� ��� ��IIA DE�EM��I� 8, ���� PA�� � ANAL.Y�1� �F ����J��: �II ���r��il IVI��n��r� h��re n��v ���-ve� �� N1�y�� F'r� T��, T��r���r�, ba���d �n t�� r��a�t��r� b�r ��r�i�r�t}r, ���rr�i� Il��r�nb�r ����ri� �v���� b� �h� r���ct ir� lin� f�r th� ���it��r�. ��11ANTA���: TI�� �u�rr�r�t �r����� �r�vi��� �n �r��rl� ��d ���r p�����ur� f�r ����r�na�tirr� t�� �������n �f N����r Pr� ��rr�. T�� �r������ r���r�nr�r���d�t��n� �r� ��n�ist�rrt �ith #h� �urr�nt ���i��. ����4C�1lANTA���: IV� �i��d�r�r�t���� h��r� b��� i��n��fi�d r�g�r�ir�� t�i� it�r�n. �#LTE�IV�T�11E�: . Th� ��Il��nr�r�g ��terr��t��r�� �re �r��i��d f�r th� ��un�il'� ��r��i���-��i�r�: - App��n� ���r��il �ll�r���r �u�[�ri� �� t�� M��r�r �r� T�r�r� f��- �I�� ���ct �r��- ���r per�od� - l�� r��t �����r�t ��ur��il IVl�rr���r �u�hr�� a�nd rr����f� tl�� ��#�bli�h�� ��li�}r; - �r��ic�� �����ir��ti�r�, E[�111 F��N II�I E N T�►L ��11!��: I�� �nvir�r�r��r�t�� r��ri�v�r i� r�quir�d f�r#f�i� it�r�. PIJ�L�I� �1��'I�I���I�IV �#I�� ��IIAIIII�IVT�� �h� A��r��a� �ra�� �����d in �r��t �f �i�� H��I �� Thur����, ����r���� �, ���� �r�� �r� ��� �i��'� v►r�b�i#� ��n Frid��r, ����rr�h�r�, ����. �1� ��bli� ��r�r��r�t� �nr�r� r���i�r��. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 2 o� pRROyOc FINCOflVOR�TEO Z U � m # auw m. �en * C9�/FORH�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL v FROM: TERESA MCCLISH DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 8.h. — DECEMBER 8, 2009 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Consideration to Approve Construction Plans and Speci�cations and Environmental Exemption for the West Branch Street Resurfacing Project, PW 2008-08 DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2009 Attached is a revised Notice of Exemption (Attachment 1) for the Agenda item listed above, which provides a more detailed description of the project. Notice of Exemption To: Office of Planning and Research From: City of Aaoyo Grande 1400 Tenth Street,Room 121 PO Box 550 Sacramento,CA 95814 Arroyo Grande County Clerk County of San Luis Obispo ]O55 Monterey Street,Suite D120 San Luis Obispo,CA 93408 Project TiUe: West Branch Street and Camino Mercado Resurfacing and Restriping including undergrounding of storm drains and watedine extension. Project Location: West Branch Sheet from the intersection of Oak Park Boulevard to East Grand Avenue,and Camino Mercado from West Branch Street ro approximately 350 feet north. Description of Project: On West Branch Sheet, [he project includes the oveday of approximately 1.45 miles of roadway from edge of curb[o curb. Of the 1.45 miles approximately 3,700 linear feet will be a l"leveling � course and 2"asphalt concrete overlay. The remaining 4200 linear feet will be a 1.5"asphalt concre[e oveday. The ovedays will include 6'of grinding on bo[h sides of roadway and will taper[o existing gutters.The road surface will be reshiped and signage replaced[he en[ire stretch of roadway. The project includes the replacemen[ of a portion of the existing above ground storm drain system at the in[ersection of Vemon Street and West Branch Sheet. The replacement system will include undergrounding a l8°Type"S"HDPE storm drain pipe for 190 linear feet and install three inlets and manhole. The extension oFa 510 lineaz fee[of 8" SDR 26 PVC sewer main to a site already iden[ified in the City's General Plan for public use. On Camino Mercado,[he project includes[he oveday of approxima[ely 350 fee[of roadway from edge of curb to edge of curb, from West Branch Shee[to approximately 350 feet north. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: City of Arroyo Grande Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Arroyo Grande Community Development Department Exempt Stahs:(dieck oneJ Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(1); 15268); Declared Emergency (Sea 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); X Categorical Exemptioa Sec 15301 (c&�Class 1, 15302(c )Class 2 and 15302(d)Ciass 3 Reasons why project is exempt: The project requires minor alteration of existing facilities and does not expand existing uses. Contact Person,Telephone: Teresa McClish Director of Communitv Development Citv of Aaovo Grande (805)473-5420 gI _ . DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: t/�N TITLE: ('�\.�� -1 �� M.iM�—�GV^'�T+I�'yNY�. DATE: \ e