Minutes 1984-11-27 . . ( ') 71 , -.1 CITY COUNG I L NOVEMBER 27, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI FORN I A 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in Regular Session with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Upon roll call Matt Gallagher. Karl Hogan, Mark Millis'and Lawrence Vandeveer were present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Council Member Vandeveer led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Counci I Member Hi 11 is del ivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ( On motion of Councilman Vandeveer. seconded by Councilman Gallagher. and unani- mously carried, the Minutes for the Meeting of November 13. 1984. were approved as submitted: APPROVAL OF CHECKS On motion .of Councilman Vandeveer. seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unanimously can-ied, Demand Checks No. 23889 through 23997, in the total amount of $214,592.61; and Payroll Checks No. 29187 through 29282. in the total amount of $84.251.43, were approved for payment as submitted. ORAL COMMUNICATlONS:c)<;i,' .'j- . .,c-i'. CLARK MOORE,1180 Ash 5treet~, su~ttted '_~ p~~t.ill':e. ~f .!J:I,", electricaIC:Qntr:ol~"I, which he said is for most of the'rnotors:,and pUmPs.that !,.pn 1;he sewer_plant.He:said~'.. it is soaked in water and highlYdangerou5,.l!n<ilf iH.f\oulilblow out it,WIH auto"; matic'3lJy shut down the sewer plant._ ',<.,....;:'" ,.-"~..,,._;.:.,.> ':,' ','. _~.;._..,.,.,._.:....-,.;;.,~;_;,::>-.>. ~ _," ...'c:...,.,"'.~"."""- ,~..::,."> .'. "0 "~".<:,~"",,--~"'~-'-" - -, .. -.. ,-' ... -., .~ ,.,:.,.....,....., .' _..... .. MAR!EiCAff(flR}195:0rcbJ(!,;-taXi~.-s~id.'j}~c~b~i;.f'3di .lst~efftst4~X of ..th~. ,'.. pearl nf/sot.' th~:PubTic.lI.t ilJ:tJe~'-toll)l1lissfolt'on;Dl~~10'TCal)yoot(uc.lea:r'.i>laritj 'and . the . second~hi$ring,'is schedufed.tor:l;~;JiJf!uarY2nd;;ShesaJd .anyone i oterestad ,in part i c i- pating may contact the PUC and be placed on the mailing list. MRS. CATTOIR asked if the City is required to advertise the position of Admin- istrator for the County Sanitation District. l' MRS. CATTOIR commented on having the proper balance on the 5antitation District's Citizen Committee, and said she believed Howard Mankins, Al MacGuire and Carrol Pruett would be invaluable in evaluating financial problems of the District. PAUL HADDOX, 587 Valley Road. said he had been faulted for what he had said five weeks ago in a Council meeting. and said he was res~onsible for whatever he says and no one puts words into his mouth. ELLA HONEYCUTT. 560 Oak Hill Roqd. asked about the road that runs behind the cemetery and said she tried to get Tract Maps for the area but could not. She asked that the maps be brought forward and show what has happened concerning the 90 ft. difference between two developments. MRS. HONEYCUTT,also read from a memo dated' October 18, 1984, regarding "Pro- posed Sanitation Plant Expansion Update.... addressed to Grover City Administrator Arnold Dowdy, from Tom Sullivan; and she cited the Bartle-Wells Report. She submitted a copy of the memo to Council. CONSENT f,G ENDA On motion of Councilman Vandeveer. seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unani- mously carried, to accept Consent Agenda Items #7 through #9, with all subtitles. as recommended. 7. INVITATIONS: ADVISE AS TO PARTICIPATION. a. Grover City Christmas Parade, Saturday, December 8, 1984. 10:00 A.M. f 8. MINUTES AND ANSWEREO AGENDAS: REVIEW AND FILE. iI. Planning Commission Answered Agenda of 11/20/84. b. Safety Committee of City of Arroyo Grande of 10/18/84. c. Blue Ribbon Committee Minutes of 11/12/84. d. So. SLO County Sanitation Distri~t Minutes of 11/7/84, Plus Treatment Plant M & 0 Report for October, 1984. e. Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Notes of 11/14/84. 9 AUTHORIZATIONS: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. a. Oee'1 Municipal Water Well & Blending System, Ph"se IV, Progress Payn-.ent. :), ~:., 1 rr~n-' Park and Ride Agreement. ""':'.1.>'.:':~.,-,_'~~.;...";".:,;,,,,;/,'.. .,,:..,. '. :,~j";~~;:i~):~,1"i~~1j~l~~~i& ,. ". .....~.-~;~:"';~.!IiGi'.... .";,,,,~~~~~~~~~G>~ -----..------ --~- ---..-. -'-------,._~-------....'~ --- --,~ ~..'72. r ~. . . , i c. -, CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 27, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO. Hayor Smith announced that Agenda Items #18-b and #18-c should be included in Agenda Item #12 under Public Hearings. She said there is also an added item to the Agenda as Item #IS-c: Sewer Water Ordinance Interpretation of Condominium Sewer Fees. CITY SPONSORSHIP OF DIABLO HEARING Mayor Smith said this item was brought forward at the Mayors' Meeting, and regards correspondence received from two organizations: Consumers Organized in Defense of Environmental Safety, and, Concerned Cal Poly Faculty and Staff. She ~ said these two organizations and the local Chapter of the American Civil Engineers .. , , would organize and operate the hearings. She said sponsorship would not involve any' , financial obligation to the City. Council did not state the City would sponsor the : proposed hearings. Mayor Smith said she would so inform Mayor Billig of San Luis Obispo. , PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 221 C.S. TO MODIFY STREET SYSTEM I AND AMEND DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN SECTION 2 OF SAID ORDINANCE: AND, . , _ CONSIDERATION QF.APPEALOFPLAN/!I1N!>., .0000ISSION!,.S"DENIAL FOR.MJNOR,SUIL ISION.:<_>,:.,;,,"-j }"ilfi~~~:~~:E.~~,,~ 'I~ :.' ". .t9r2~~t~i}i; ..: c'; ~;:~~;t;~~~~~l~V~:~~'H~~~:'~t;f-0';-tJ":~{0~t,-C~~~~&fti'f~~f~;e :. . Mayor' Smiffi'~aid the 'notice/of'pob!ic .h~ar~fI~ha:d:been' dulYPl.lbHshl!<iand &!t:{;':::'''j requl rements met, and declared the hearing open.... .: ,:,'-.'" ';'''''', , Council discussion followed, and Councilman Millis made a motion, seconded for ! , discussion by Councilman Gallagher, that the Public Hearing be continued to the r . : first Regular Session in December so that the people could speak to the issue. Councilman Millis said the motion was also made so the new Council Members could '-~.1 ' j discuss and decide the issue. Following further discussion, the second to the J , motion was withdrawn. i . : Council was addressed by: JIM HENDERSHOT, 333 Miller Way; JOE DANLEY, Applicant; I , JOHN O'SHAUNASSY, Parner in the project; SPENSER TAOMAS, 141 James Way; JOHN McGRATH ! 273 Miller Way; and KEN McDANIEL, 396 Miller Way. - On motion of Councilman Minis, seconded by Mayor Smith for discussion, to have i the Public Hearing continued until the next regular meeting of the Council. He said ! , several people had not been notified of the Public Hearing, and he felt the new i i , Council Members should have a chance for. input, and the hearing should not be closed I but should be continued. Mayor Smith asked for further discussion on the motion but there was none. On the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilman Millis and Mayor Smith NOES: Councilmen Gallagher, Hogan and Vandeveer ABSENT: None the motion failed. Mayor Smith declared the public portion of the hearing closed. Council discussed the plans for the Oak Tree Groves and the ten acre Park Site. L Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler explained on the posted map the proposals offered by the developer. Dorace Johnson, Chairperson of the Parks & Recreation Commission, addressed Council and endorsed the City obtaining the Park Site and not the Oak Trees. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by tiayor Smith for discussion, to approve the proposed Amendment to Ordinance 221 C.5., with the exception that the Oak Grove be designated as a City Park. Council discussed portions of the proposed Amendment and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilman Millis IWE<;, Councilmen G~ll~gher, Hogan, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith 1\8 ':-::- ,~iT: None- thoeo: j.l()ti~}1: '-.-jil~~d. ,c; '..~..'.... ..... .. ...' ~'i::#itf.:';:" .,..., . ... . ..<1;t;'':J)':~l '. ... '. .'i':J1{:;;~~':;',;,".:,;;f;,:~t " ..~,:~~l:~:.;~.. ,;',_';ii:;~'l-Ji?11'~,i~~{:.,'''-i'''~~J'!Id'''':''ifiif~4~,-.J.'{'., _.,'.......:::.:..;,;'~~......~iiW;~.;;.i.:"",."~:-.;"c,:.iI~:~~~~~,i'.:.~"" ....1 73 . . r .--'\ I '. -- CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 27, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE Mr. Eisner read the title of the proposed Amendment to Ordinance 221 C.S. On motion of, Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unanimousfy carried, to dispense with further reading of the Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. AN ORD (NANCE OF THE CITY COUNC I L OF THE C!TY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF ORDINANCE ( 221 C.S., A DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT I DENT! FI EO AS "OAK KNOLLS" (FORMERLY KNOLLWOOD). It was suggested by ELLA HONEYCUTT that the word "perpetuity" be included in the Ordinance before the second reading. Council agreed and directed Staff to include it. I Mayor Smtt,~,:~~i~t~at constitu~ed the first ~ea~in~ of the Ordinance. 1 ..;,s~,"CP~BI..IP..HEARING.*iW>pXfCATI ON)IY"~QtI. '0 R.;;,.OLSQij:f"QRME.Ii~"'ENT I9;MUN IC I PAL CODE ";~:~'-{~1ii;;~~,cCl.tY;'.:,,!~n .~, . .. .!'~ HaC, ~:sa.I:I.::~:)etter',from cthe.app1icant requests Counci 1 to 'i2;;:'~~6'i!~i:nue:_t~:heWEJ!L'Un.ti f:, tbec"(f.i!riia..r;Y;.'22,. J984,' meeting. .' '.' .." :~i~~-;;;tf~;/ -,~::.~~"~,~", :~!;;./?~.!~;,.~~ --1:~":1;~ ;.-,:.f:;~,,:~~:~' '/ . -<-';~~q::. - _,,;_.-:,,~._:,._.~,.:,.-:_,: ;~~;;i~';~f;;;:;;~::,',::Ma')'Or:.~i~~}tJld ".!the I1()tf~e'~f;:,Pu~Uc Hearin~_ ~ad been duly pUblis,heod and ;c.,,,,,~,,,i'r~f.rementsme:1j"-aod.,'decl ared1:he~hea 1'.' ng open ~"., .. ;it;1t"#M~hQ!J.t~{I?~q~JZ.f'!mfiJ~n:I,i..:~J.1igh~t..;$e~QrldecJ.~Y C()uj'1ci I man . Hqgan, . to'. cont i nue 't'4;,~~~)~itrii'lg-:~~n~q~s>t~,d',bythl!'.aPRli.c~nt.., MaYbrSmi~hcalled for publ ic input by '~$~!ff}i}tT'il1t.e:r~ste<J'Ji&'r~ith<!'~.co~I~..mt~,:.citt~rid!:heJ,iniia'rY22,' 1985headng.'.. No One .., -,:'~"C:an\e"forwardtoi'5peakan(f the,modon,was unanimOusly car-ri ed: ..-. ,'-"'-',---',-. ..' ", .~--,.".. .," .";'";;;i;,,j4t,.u:;;iCOUNC It RECEiSSED: FOR TEN HI Nl!TES. - ~~~~i,i:-,!i:_:::~;.,E'~"-_-" " ". ,', ' . .,:'i;~QBLI C HEA~ (NG!f"'RtQ.UEST'FORUSE'PERM'1 T AND 'C-ONS I nERATI ON OF TENTATI VE TRACT MAP '., ,,4""Mayor Siiii th"sa.io'l.tems #18b and#18c on the 'Agenda are to be included In thi s {.'. Pu'bHc Hearing 'wlllct! is a request for use permit and consideration of Tentative ! . Tract Map.byffonita Land Company for 30-Unit Office Condominium on Camino Mercado, within Professional Commercial District, Oak Park Acres. I Mr. Eisper explained the posted plans for the Office Condominium project including the grading, parking, landscaping and retaining wall proposed. He indicated the condition dealing with improvement to Camino Mercado and W. Branch Street be ~dified to exclude W. Branch Street since i.t .was already improved on the property frontage, and to include as improvement requirements on Camino Mercado only those appropriate to the frontage being developed. Mayor Smith said the Notice of Public Hearing had been duly published and all requirements met and declared the hearing open. MARIE CATTOIR, 195 Orchid Lane, said she had gone to the Planning Department and no maps of the area were available. Mayor Smith assured her the maps would be available tomorrow. TONY OREFICE, RMO Architects, further explained the details of the project planned, and the specifics concerning.the Cemetery location. Council was also addressed by: BARBARA CARLSON, 224 Longden Court; SPENSER THOMAS, 141 James Way; ELLA HONEYCUTT, 560 Oak Hill Road; JACK GHORMLEY, Bonita Homes; and JIM SCRIVANI, 201 Whiteley. ( Mayor Smith declared the public portion of the hearing closed. Follo>ling Council discussion, Mr.' Eisner read the title of the Resolution. On moti on of Counci Iman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Ga Ilagher, and unanimous Iy carri ed, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTI ON NO. 1808 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 84-380 APPlI ED FOP, 3Y BO~IITI\ LAN') COMPANY TO PER~.\T P"N OFFICE COriiJOMINIU.'1 IN THE "P-D" DISTRICT. OAK PARK ACRES (SnBZONED "P-C" PROFE SS I ONAL COMMERC I AL 0 I STR I cT) SUt3It:cr rt" r~~p,T;""IN C0~~JI f!:':iS. ,,'..,:, . ". . "j~<~~'i::,~~i~~:;.~~~.~'~;~;~4L';~~~:~h~t';~~,'. ',- If, .(.,,~~a.;;;',s,lJ.ij)~~:'.~:~,,~:._, ,<:.g',~~,.;~+di";';:'~"~""."~';4~1::~'A~J.:" - ----.--.-.--.... ';(.1, . ( ') -_., CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 27,' 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, to approve the Resolution with Special Conditions #4 and #5 amended. On the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Hogan, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: Councilman Millis Jl.BSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed,and adopted the 27th day of November 1984. L Mr. Eisner read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded ~y Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1809 f . ..ARESOlUT.101\I O[-"..THECIJYcOU~CII.,QF'(HE CITY .. <. .. .. ...... - . - ~ ARRay GRAN8E.A~'l rftQ:TEKrAI' '1W>I' . . ciit'" . , ,', -, - '.., '~..' .. . .~. . --., 0. . t E'C ,"'ItA . . -,. ' . - . , ',. - ~_.~,_,.... ~~ - ~~~_",;'-::-~_~"---.,_. .._: ~~_ ..,;'~: .'",,~ '.._,'._....,""~ "V ',..,,,,"'- ~_,._ ;:::.-,,::-:..-.-;-~-:: -::-.._~~-:;:$;.;;. ~~_.:: ,.C'_,~..., ',' ,~=--~..Tt4o-'ntlH):.lftifgt'fjrtANlfC:oHl!Al'+'l -' ,. - ,'. '.~ . . ,". ~ .. :~_.f~fi--~S ';' ,-~. ~ ~.~ ~:~~;~;'~;~~,;o:!,~~~~?~~~~~ ~~:::;~"'~~~~i ~:'~~5!;~:~~;:~'-<,:J:"~~7e :~--~;:f :,~~l-_~~ic::- "3.;.j!~;.} . On mOtiQI(:i:tt;;;E~c!Jiii.iIn_'V~.~~yii~;::,:~~'<;9~~4iA'fCoul1.c.lf~D-flQgani;~o a~':":':.-:-',::"'_: ;:j;j~t"he Resolution -kttti~.sP~lar. CondJ-l\i~ .rt~~#4~.Mid,15.~~; 'o'f~iM f~How'h'~r .---':-;" :~>-- .,,;I!':;~!~.'.<<".Wt,jt~~Jif!; the foregoing Re.solutlon was passed'a.l1d'adoptedthe 2ith}Ia,Y.,()rNpv_~rt984: ...-;J< -:;c~PUBL' CHEAR rNG:,'$'ONS![)~RArIOri'(Jf"PttfstS-'O,...,..tJ,NNE~TIOtt-TQ..CJ'fYOF.AI\I\()yOC'tlANDE.<.;/..... .'.- ...............Jol,. ..t\aGk.sard;C()Uilcll.haddll"~~t~d'1;ha:t,aP\lblic ..H~ar:il1g .. be...s~t 'artea:' electron. ..... day~':for consideraHoli.()f .cdsts.ofa'nii~~~don.'Hisald p'roposition36'f~iied'at the' polts so no consideration of the I"amifications is needed;. He said his memo relates C to various ways in wl>ic~ anne-xation can be evaluated and what annexation could cost . I the communi ty. He said computer models are extremely expensive to get into. '. I Mayor Smith said the Notice of Public Hearing had been duly published and all . I I"equirements met and declared the hearing open. No one came forwal"d to speak. . On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis, and unani- mously carried, to keep the Public Hearing open and to continue the Hearing for further discussion at the next Council meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: APPEAL BY C'TY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 1246, RE: RUTH PAULDING PROPERTY, 551 CROWN HILL. Mayor Smith said she had met with Planning Director and City Manager, per Councilman Millis's request, and reviewed the proposal and found some concerns that Council needs to be aware of and the appeal that has been made. Mr. Mack said since the appeal, he and the Engineering Representative for the applicants had come to agreement on the points of concern regarding the Tentative Tract Map. Mr. Mack explained details on a posted map of the property. He said Mr. Stephen Cool might want to make some modifications. Mayor Smith said the Notice of Public Hearing had been duly published and all requirements met and declared the hearing open. Mayor Smith said she would chair the Hearing but would not comment or vote on any issue. ( STEPHEN COOL, Attorney, 1577 EI Camino Real, Agent for Ruth Paulding asked who had ap.pealed. Mr. Mack explained he had appealed as City Manager under the authority of the Ordinance which states anyone can appeal - and paid for the appeal by a check from the City to the City in two different accounts. City Attorney Shaw said he thought the action was appropriate because it involves the History House, a Grant Deed and rea! property acceptance agreement, which can only be accepted by Council. Mr. Shaw said it was"legal and proper action. Councilman Vandeveer asked if the applicant had any opposition to the method used in filing the appeal. .")i.,:l~,. . .........c, .... .:.L:.,c,;,.""':.""";:".. .. ..' ._{:i\;:{:,..jJ~. ;.;.-~~t~:i:'';:;'''' ". ~~\"",\,: '.< _;~,;(,~.I)ii~llit.~t~'~~~>"-c;'~'1;.~" ",'..;...\,';".. ,~;",~f~~ci4~ .. .~_.- . ,:,'~:.".;'.'.'.'.r"". '.......,,-'.... -.... . . r '\ 75 -, CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 27, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE. STEPHEN COOL answered Councilman Vandeveer that he did have a problem with it and he was stating.for the record that they object to the procedure being followed in that Council did not follow the Ordinance and it is not a validly filed appeal and their conclusion was that they now have an approved subdivision. He said there is no condition in the subdivision that Lot 5 be conveyed to the City as per the terms of the Deed. He said the offer to convey Lot 5 to the City is and will remain open only as long as they wish it to remain open and they would be more than happy. to have it reviewed tonight as per Council Agenda but that is their position and they (have a subdivision. He said he had no objection to Council having a Hearing on it. City Attorney Shaw recommended to Council that the matter be referred to him for a report back to Council. I On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Mayor Smith, and unanimously I carried, to continue the hearing to the next meeting, when a legal opinion from the , Ci ty Attorney can be reported. I , i.1i.1..1;'tlif~I~J1~ . . .::~;1tC!sbeen wttha;~~,:.C!!;'a :"Trac;t"~P"~~tlt.r'!:If ch doe!,>:aeply, tctTract. No.12Q30I1West.. '. . .. .. .1 t1Ia!~~~_}~tlflf1."~i~~'f'. ...c....:;;~2:::~III9. o.fN9,,~~~..#W84.')~I::.J:~~;,,>-,-,~trAf1.IJ,~Y:)'t~~,~thqd~~o.f.. iilss(!ssmeott.on a.buslness. ..'" '0";':"; '.' '. Counci.l,wa~';"~aares sedbY:~"Jf-1of ~1-~L-IS;:J3.Pc.BT~~cl9e.- ,S t.r~J' i=and.(:OKE"'ELLSWORTH,'. ' ....c;,. , ,': 145 5. Ha I cy6n',':~fio .sai d they fel t'c-t~(as.sessmeiifPsbOlil~.,be:ba~d on . the;-~iz'e:6f" . ~':;he water me'ter::.: "!r. 'Karp rea(f from-t~.Municipal Code; 8nd.,eJtplained his' inter;' . ... ::.pretation. . ". ". . ~.. Council discussion followed and it was noted that this is the first office . condominium considered so no precedent has yet been set. Mr. Karp suggested the Ordinance be rewritten to cover the office condominium concept and the various uses of them (restaurant, laundromat, office only). On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis, and unanimously carried, to approve as interim policy for the charging of fees set for each:waterl sewer hookup, until a final Ordinance is prepared and adopted. Staff may, by Council policy, consider the Homeowner's Association as the entity receiving service or services. Such a commercial condominium may use joint laterals for water and sewer in a manner similar to the situa,ion where several businesses occupy one unsubdivided office building_ . FOUR-WAY STOP AT MASON AND BRANCH STREETS Mr. Mack said Council asked him to contact CaITransto determine if they would be willing to reimburse the City if the City funded signalization at the intersec- tion of Mason and Branch Streets. He said he discussed the matter with Mr. Elliot of CalTrans and the basic response was negative. Mr. Mack asked Mr. Elliot for other means or technique that would enable. the City to solve the public safety concerns and allow the State and the City to come out on an equal financial basis. TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION GRANT APPLICATION Mr. Mack said the Resolution presented for Council to adopt would authorize [the City to make application for funds from the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account that would finance traffic signalization on Branch Street and Grand Avenue. Mr. . Karp read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resol uti on. RESOLUTION NO. 1811 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION OF THIS CITY'S APPLICATION FOR FUNDS DISBURSED FROM THE PETROLEUel V I OLAr ION E5CROII f,CCOUNT TO F WANG;:: CIRCULATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS. - I .-:~!.-~Q~~;;--;;... ... ";~~~<' . . '?A:~i~~t'. .. .i:l2,;;J5'id,L,.,!i~i.,>;'":,,/>,,~., I ~4t<:':.~:, ,", '. "_;~"~.]1~~4':~...:;,_:,~ "''<<-~t''''l1iiR1~~~;'1';'-'~'<' ,>~...~-..;t_. ';'ti',..;..',", h!..~_~~J.I:'"'u".,,,,,..,_'d,._"~~JJr:.M!..M,, ~T _____..__._______ .,.'.,.."".,'---' -- .., 76 . (' ;, -, CITY COUNCil NOVEMBER 27, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIX. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman H09an, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith I NOES: None I ABSENT: Councilman Gallagher \ the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 27th day of November 1984. i i L I TAllY HO ROAD RIGHT OF WAY ACCEPTANCE i Mr. Karp said one more right of way deed is yet to be obtained, but that Staff I would be coming to Council for authorization to bid the Tally Ho Road project. I i VillAGE RESTROOMS AWARD OF BID I , , Mr. Mack said Staff is recommending authorization to award the low bid of , I $52,000 for the construction of the Village Restrooms, and the necessary transfer I of funds. I ,~!fft;;if~.i.~~ii1W~it:i'~~~~i!{~ "':;;{~';>',.. . ',.Ik. .'Ka rp.s~t!i;Staf1"~adcCJ!l'Pr(~~p~~hecpl..Ii$":"ifd:,spe,frfJc,!li ~J1s'-forttle recon.;..; ...... - ,'struct i pn ofsoi11~ ~~at<!!r}na l~~~rf !.ri!lJlJc;Yayj:."'IT.IE!1..j~;,c:;9,njl\n~Jitll.~l~ill~i"9.'~lete<:l.'. :' ~'~wl th t~e u~d~r.g.r~~d!ng ,.o:utnr~Jji:~~~ Tra,,~i,C:_Y<b';!';_~~ ~~~~Ir-'l~, ~,a2~',r;?~yp"~i!lg~.;_'" - --author1zatlort''t:O :])'t'd.tne pro]eGt'. . . '... . -", .. t- ., .'~...c..._ --......~~ - ,- ~.- . ."~ .~'~:;-r- '1';,;-' ,"~" "'.- - -"'--::; ..~ ;'t.- ~ :L.,~.,;:"""",-,-~,-"_,-<,,,",c.,:'~'t .'=..:';~3c,. ~J1 motio'lt'f-:EoUflC.iTman HI ~ I!?;' secondect !rY;,~un9-tlman".~ogan;,~fuira"!mo.usly':' " .........'".~. ,".carned, .to au~!JOrt:ie.Staff to. GG''1:0 bid for tl1.e re<;:onstn.lct,'90 ,9fwat~r,lIIItlns.on '. .Iraffic\lay...~;'..;.:;".:'., ..'~\;~~~;....:>: .....:y.;.c,';;;,..~';,.,;.:..,".....;'.F:~.. ,. ,. ... .ADOPT ION .. OF CON$TR!1CTloNSTANDMD. NO';': WIO , .. tHRuSrll1.0cKIIEQU r-REHENtS, . AN\fR"EV I S I.ONS . TO EXI STING. CONSTRUCT I OW STANDARDS:,: . .~ . - ! .. Mr. Karp read 'the title of the Resolution. On motion of Councilman Millis, \-- secon~ed-by Councilman Van~eveer, an~ unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. ! RESOlUTI ON NO. 1810 i . , i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY , , OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS ! FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. , I On motion of Councilman Mill,is, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and on the 1 I following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gallagher the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 27th day of November 1984. FOUR-WAY STOP, INTERSECTION OF El CAMINO REAL AND BRISCO ROAO Mr. Karp read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1812 l ' .. A RESOLUTION DF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARIIOYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A BOULEVARD STOP SIGN' AT THE INTERsECTION OF BRISCO ROAD AND El CAMINO REAL. On motion of Councilman Millis, . seconded by Councilman Hogan, and on the following roll cal I .vote, to wi t: AYES: Councilmen Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gallagher ~~)e fo!- .-:'I;rhJ '='c'';f)lution ~.h)5 pclssed .-Jr:d ajoptcd the 27th day of tIov~mber 1934. ;:..~~i-~~;i:it.:~t".>L:_ . ...,~': ...... . .'~illt "_.' ,,-~~,I~"-:'~"'"'.:,,!,~,,-> . ,",~~,~~~;,: ,;':"',:i.i~ ~":*;:ih!"'~~Y"-:,'_'-.';" .,. " .'.-." -"'-~-- . . (" ') 77 CITY COUNC I L NOVEMBER 27, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SEVEN. FOUR-WAY STOP, FAIR OAKS AVENUE AND ALDER STREET Mr. Karp read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1813 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY (OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A BOULEVARD STOP SIGN AT THE INTERSECTION OF ALDER STREET AND FAIR OAKS AVENUE. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Hogan, Millis. Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: .Counci.lman Gallagher,,>. .. ... ._. ... ..."'. .' ....,..~._... """"";-""'" ."'""~"~Of~RRO)'OGAA~f>E.($TABlfSHlN6I1NO'P.ARKlk6'1'-ZONE '. c' ... . ..... 'i~:'~-~':: '.' '~.~;1~;;iW!l<A:~roRTlO:If,~;~~r;!lRAt:lCitS1"f\EET(303.E. .!lRANCH'" . . ......... :, . '.\~";';;:';"'N!FR(jNT'. OF',,:'J.:;IS;r=OODCOHPANYh'ENCOMPASS I NG A .. -.. '~.i1~. ...... . ,~:~S~';~~~t~,::HUHOF:~~~;~2)~~4~KiNG1S~ACE~I.'.... . .;';":~' .:' r. .......".On. moti~n'olc6~ridilmah Hill fs.~ecohded' by Mayor Smith' for discuss ion. to . . approve the Resolution. Following discussion by Council, a roll call vote was taken, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Millis and Mayor Smith NOES: Councilmen Hogan and Vandeveer ABSENT: Councilman Gallagher the motion failed. Council directed that the Resolution be put on the next Council meeting Agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS J 111 McG I LL 15 persona II y thanks Counc i I Members Hogan, Mill is and Vandeveer for the many hours and support that has been given by them. ADJOU:<~I,~ENT On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unanimously carried, to adjourn the meeting at 11:43 P.M. to the Regular Session at 6:30 P.M. on December 4, 1984. . A'~~A:b L / MAYOR Ci ty I I i ....1_1".... ...........S:.~';;(... ., ;;litt.t't2it~.. ..' ~~~_ ~ .:.,X~~~,,'~~I