Minutes 1984-07-10 , . ( ') CITY COUNCIL JULY 10, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The ,City Council met in Regular Session with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Matt Gallagher, Mark Millis and Lawrence Vandeveer were present, and Councilman Karl Hogan was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Councilman Vandeveer led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Reverend Everett Taylor, United Methodist Church, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, the Minutes for the Meeting of June 26, 1984, were approved as submitted. APPROVAL OF CHECKS Finance Director David Bacon requested Council approval of dune business Oemal}d',Ct}ecks No. 22772 through 22852, and P696 through P703, in the total amount of $189,545.90. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, the June Demand Checks were approved for payment as submitted. Mr. Bacon read the title of a Resolution. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTI ON NO. 1779 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANOE, APPROVING THE DISBURSEMENT OF PAYROLL CHECKS DATED JULY 6, 1984. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Hogan the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 10th day of July 1984. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE OF RECOGNITION TO GREG DUTRA Mayor Smith presented a Plaque of Recognition to Greg Dutra for his 24 years of service as an employee of the Public Works Department of the City of Arroyo Grande,. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, Consent Agenda Items #8 through II, including all subtitles, were approved as recommended. 8. Minutes and/or Answered Agendas: REVIEW AND FILE. A. Planning Commission Answered Agenda of 7/2/84. B. Sanitation District Minutes of 6/20/84. 9. Reports: INFORMATIONAL ONLY. A. Departmental Monthly Report for June, 1984. B. SCAT - Performance Report for May, 1984. C. League of California Cities: Legislative Bulletins No. 24 and 25--1984. D. New Deep Well Pumping Costs. E. Compliance with 1982/83 City Audit Report. 10. Correspondence: ENTER RECEIPT INTO RECORD. A. Appreciation Letter from Grover City, June 27, 1984. B. Rezoning Case No. 84-175, Letter from Coke.r Ellsworth, June 27, 1984. C. Lopez 2000 Master Plan Letter from 5LO County, June 28, 1984. D. Rezoning Case No. 84-175, Letter from Janice Kline, July 2, 1984. 11. Authorizations: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. A. Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Joint Powers Agreement. B. Progress Payment, Phase IV, Construction of Oeep Municipal Well and Blending System, Project No. 60-80-3. - ---------.----- --- -_._----~- ---"- I c 0 CITY COUNCIL JULY 10, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO. RAILROAD PLACE IMPROVEMENTS Councilman Gallagher said he asked the item be placed on the Agenda because the circulation in the area of Cherry Avenue/Branch Mill Road is heavily impacted and he felt that Railroad Place should be improved with sidewalks on one side and sufficient paving on the other, to enhance the overall traffic pattern of the area that encompasses Cherry Avenue and the housing area adjacent to it, and to allow better traffic flow within the City. City Manager Robert Mack said no specific proposal was submitted and no cost analyses had been made. Following Council discussion, the item will be placed on the next Agenda. REQUEST FOR LOT SPLIT ON EL CAMINO REAL WESTERLY OF BRISCO LUMBER Mr. Mack said the request for lot split on El Camino Real westerly of Brisco Lumber had been received and explained the details on a posted map. He said in addition to the recommendations of the Planning Commission, the Staff recommends another condition be placed upon the Lot Split map, that the subdivider would itemize on the final map (after consultation with the Fire Chief), the minimum requirements for fire hydrants to be located on the property, which is P-M zoned. In answer to question, Mr. Mack said the landlocked parcel is owned by another party and has private road and utility easements. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to approve Lot Split Case No. 83-384, with recommendations from Staff. VILLAGE RESTROOM5 REPORT Mr. Mack said the Municipal Budget contains a proposal for $36,000.00 for funding of Village Restrooms. He said in order to meet State requirements for handicap equipped restrooms, the larger of the two plans presented would have to be used. He called Council's attention to the proposed building and said it would not comply with any Village architectural standards soon to be considered by the Planning Commission and the City Council. He said approximately five months are required to accomplish the bidding process, fabrication and delivery to Arroyo Grande, and the construction of the metal building. Mayor Smith asked the estimated cost of a permanent building. Pa rks and Recreation Director John Keisler said about $40,000.00. Councilman Millis made a motion to have Staff cut through the red tape and have a restroom facility completed by the end of September 1984. The mot i on died for lack of a second. Further discussion revealed that Council favored building a permanent building on the site. A motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, to have the restroom facility in "Gazebo Park" area as a priority item; with approximately $36,000.00 allocated for the permanent restroom facility. Councilman Gallagher asked when recommendations for the Civic Center could be expected. Mr. Mack said the information assembled and condensed by the Blue Ribbon Committee in draft form had been submitted to each member for their response by the next meeting of the Committee, which is scheduled for August 20, 1984. Mr. Mack said he did not have a copy of the draft report. Mayor Smith asked for a vote on the motion, and the vote was 3-1, with Councilman Gallagher voting "No". Mr. Mack said he will move toward a permanent building in the Village Green area; it will be a priority item; and all State requirements and laws will be conformed to by Staff. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: APPEAL BY VICK PACE OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL TO I CHANGE ZONING FROM RA-B3 to R-l-PD, REZONING CASE NO. 84-175 (WALNUT VIEW ESTATES) Mayor Smith said the public portion of the hearing had been closed and the I hearing continued until this meeting. She said a letter has been received from I Coker Ellsworth asking Council to reschedule and continue this particular item I until the next meeting. i I COKER ELLSWORTH, 145 S. Halcyon, said he requested extension for two weeks , I for several reasons, and explained the reasons to Council. ! l - _______ ..__~___._._.._.._..___~__ __.,'~.. ~__._.______-.J r " J CITY COUNCIL JULY 10, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE. Dn motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to continue the item until the meeting of July 24, 1984. r .1-10->' PUBLIC HEARING: APPLICATION BY ARROYO GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. FOR USE PERMIT TO ERECT FREE STANDING SIGN IN OAK PARK PLAZA CENTER Planning Director Stan Eisner said the matter was brought to Council because the proposal was in the P-D zone, which requires that all Use Permits come to both the Planning Commission and the City Council. He said the request is for a free- standing sign to identify the Oak Park Plaza Shopping Center, illustrated on a posted drawing. He said the sign is 30 ft. in height, and has a sign face area of 342 sq. ft. He said the matter had been heard by the Planning Commission and was recommended to the Council for approval with one modification. He said while there are no specific sign requirements in the P-D zone, the Commission felt the size , of the sign should be no larger than that permitted in other zones or 300 sq. ft. I He said in recommending approval to the Council, the Commission asked the developer to redesign the sign to be 300 sq. ft. total face area. The applicant, to date, I had not submitted a revised set of drawings. I Mayor Smith said the notice of public hearing had been duly published and all requirements met and declared the hearing open. JIM WOOD, 6&15 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach, said Oak Park Plaza Shopping Center consists basically of four parcels that are tied together under a CCR Agreement, which stipulates that only one sign is allowed to be used by all tenants. He said the purpose of the request is to create a central identification , , sign for major tenants; and to meet certain conditions contained in the CCRs. He said the sign originally requested was a total of 350 sq.ft. with spaces for 16 retail tenants; and the sign was pared down to 342 sq.ft.; and he was appealing to Council for approval of the sign as it is now designed. Mayor Smith called for others to speak, and then declared the hearing closed. Council discussion followed. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, to approve the applicant's request to erect only one free standing sign in Oak Park Plaza Shopping Center, not to exceed 342 sq. ft., noting that this is a multipurpose use sign. PUBLI C HEAR I NG: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS i Mr. Eisner said the item is an outgrowth of a Resolution of Intention of the Planning Commission to clarify certain groupings in Section 9-4.2601 dealing with off-street parking. He pointed out to Council several proposed changes and recommendations on a draft as submitted by the Planning Commission. Mayor Smi th said the notice of publ ic hearing had been duly publ ished and I all requirements met and declared the hearing open. No one came forward to speak and Mayor Smith declared the public portion of the hearing closed. Council discussion followed on the proposed changes, and Mr. Eisner assured Council he would make the changes before the second reading on July 24, 1984. He said a separate Resolution of Policy, regarding 9-4.2602 and 9-4.2603 will be brought back to Council also. Mr. Eisner read the title of the Ordinance. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Ordinance. Mayor Smith said that constituted the first reading of the Ordinance. PUBLI C HEAR I NG: APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP, TRACT NO. 1186, WITHIN R-l DISTRICT (THE WHITELEY PROPERTY) City Manager Mack cited his memo with attachments, dated July 5, 1984, which outlines the details regarding the Whiteley property. He said he had appealed a decision of the Planning Commission of 6/5/84, in which a proposed Tentative Tract Map was denied, for division of the Whiteley property. On a posted map, Mr. Mack explained the proposed six lot subdivision. He said the property was traded to the City in exchange for a storm drainage property the City owned on Elm Street in Oceano, approximately nine months ago. He said the reason for the appeal was that I -_.~- r ') .../ CITY COUNC I L JULY 10, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR. the Planning Commission did not address the purpose of the hearing: Di d the proposed Tract Map meet legal requirements? He said in reviewing the tapes of Planning Commission's meeting he believed there was prejudicial disposition opposing this application prior to the opening of their Public Hearing and the gathering of all facts. He said the Commission did not adopt a resolution or findings, as required by law, for denial of the application. Mr. Mack said the property is zoned R-l; the single family development is consistent with, enhances the neighborhood, and removes the current blight that exists on the site; single family development would produce new housing units which are consistent with recent Commission's recommendations and Council's recently adopted "Housing Element to the General Plan"; and the proposal is consistent with City pol icy and maximizes the available number of houstng units at the least public expense; and home development will place the property back on the tax rolls. There is value to the City to divide this property. He said I the preliminary appraisal indicated that the property's value would increase I , from $50,000 to $60,000, depending on who did the subdivision of the property. I , He said there is no requirement for storm drainage improvements to be made on , I the property at this time. He said one of the values to the City to subdivide I is that if the City did dispose of other storm drainage property in exchange for the Whiteley property, the storm drainage funds which could be accrued by the City I from the subdivision and subsequent sale of the land would go to 5oto Sports I r Complex development. , f Mr. Mack said the reasons why the site should not be developed as a Park: I (1) the park is inconsistent with the General Plan; (2) Parks and Recreation recommended against the development of this site as a park because it is believed there is a much higher priority for the development of Soto Sports Complex; and (3) the isolated location acts as a natural magnet for undesirable activities and could result in unnecessary nuisances to the neighborhood, and responses to the Police during off-hours and to the Parks and Recreation Department during the on-hours. Mayor Smith said the notice of public hearing had been duly published and all requirements met and declared the hearing open. DOROTHY SOMERVILLE, 321 E. Cherry, said there is a lack of parks and this property would be for a playground for the children who are playing in very . dangerous places. She said she felt the City needed a safe playground for chIldren. JIM SCRIVANI, 201 Nelson, said any units developed on the site would congest the area more, creating more traffic, more children, and he would like to see a park developed. MRS. ARITA, 317 Nelson Street, said she favored more homes in the area, but saw no reason for more parks. GEORGE ARITA 317 Nelson Street, said the City cannot take care of the parks they now have and'he can see no reason for more parks, but he favored more housing. Hr. Hack said he had received a letter from Mr. Billy Howells, who resides in the neighborhood, and wou.ld .1 ikethe reco..rd_ tOLef_Iec}: receipt of the let~er . _. _ _ ._ __. _H_______.. ...~____..__ in favor of selling the property. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, accepting the letter from Mr. Billy Howells into the record. Mr. Mack said a letter from David H. Loomis had been received stating he is in favor of a park along the Arroyo Grande Creek. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, accepting Mr. Loomi s' letter into the record. Mayor Smith asked if anyone else wished to speak regarding the Whiteley property. NELL JOHNSON, 209 Whiteley Street, said she felt the property as it is, is no advantage to the neighborhood, but she would like to go on record that there are far too many parcels for that size property. Mayor Smith closed the public portion of the hearing. r -'"""\ J CITY COUNCIL JULY 10, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE. Councilman Vandeveer said he believed in vest-pocket parks, but felt it was a bad place to have a park according to police response regarding security in the area. He said he supported Council's decision that this property be sold as soon as possible, and allow a developer to come in and develop the property to his/her design. Councilman Gallagher said he had talked to residents in the area and that he agrees with Parks and Recreation Department regarding a park. He said the bank to the Creek is severe, covered with small trees, lot of undergrowth and poison oak, and he felt it would be a real danger for young people. He said the proposed lots would be large and consistent with the subdivision lot size within the City. He said it would be a police problem and a nuisance for the residents in the area to have a park there. He said if the City subdivided the property more money would be realized. He suggested perhaps senior housing or single family development. Councilman Millis said he recognizes this is surplus property and that there is no neighborhood park in the area although many new families are moving into the area. He suggested Council consider the possibility of the City selling Lots 1 and 2 for single family residential development, and leave Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 as a neighborhood park. Mayor Smith pointed out the proposed cui de sacs in a relatively dark area, with a Creek that has a severe drop. She said she had no recommendation from ,. the Parks and Recreation Department to consider. John Keisler, Director of Parks and Recreation, said the area poses problems with maintenance; because of being secluded and in an area adjacent to housing; additional traffic and parking generated; a sheer drop into the creek; and linking the greenbelt along the privately owned properties. Dorace Johnson, Parks and Recreation Commissioner, said the costs to maintain nei ghborhood pa rks is tr.emerldous and fe It it better to use the funds in places already established. "-.---- Further discussion followed. A motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded .by Counci I man Vandeveer. to se 11 the Whiteley property and uphold the decision of Council on November 8. 1983. to put the property on the market as soon as possible. On the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilman Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: Councilman Gal1agher ABSENT: Councilman Hogan the motion carried. COUNCIL RECESS EO FROM 10:00 P.M. TO 10:09 P.M. PUBLI C HEAR I NG: REV6NUESHARING FUNDS 1984/1985 City Manager Mack made a report on the planned uses of Revenue Sharing Funds for Fiscal Year 1984-1985. He said since an administrative public hearing was held earlier this year, which resulted in the recommendations presented, four other organizations were identified and requested funding. . Mayor Smith said the notice of public hearing had been duly published and all requirements met and declared the hearing open. Representatives from many organizations presented justification verbally for requesting a share of the Revenue Sharing Funds of Arroyo Grande. Those who spoke: Dennis Kish, 591 Sheridan Road, Nipomo (5LO County Arts Council); Rita Brandfield, 973 Richie Road, Grover City (Five Cities Meals on Wheels): AI Busby, 387 Espargo, Shell Beach (Vice President of Harvest Bag, Inc.): Adelaide B. Tietje, 1893 Coral itis Avenue, 5LO (President, Sexual Assault Response Team); Marie C. Noel (Director, Emergency Medical Services Agency); Jaclyn Vincent, (Exec. Director, Hospice of SLO County): Barbara Carlson, 2834 Longview Court (President, South County Historical Society): Ernest Castro, 2007 Broad, SLO (Vice Pres., South County Community Kettle). Mayor Smith declared the public portion of the hearing closed. ------- ---------- -------..- . --1 ---- r '\ I . , ~ CITY COUNCIL JULY 10, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIX. Following discussion, Cou~cil made changes to funding for certain organizatioDs as reflected in the proposed Resolution. Mr. Mack read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1780 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, ADOPTING THE PLANNED USES OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR THE 1984-1985 FISCAL YEAR. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Hogan the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of July 1984. REPORT ON PROPOSED BUDGET CURRENT STATUS City Manager Mack said the notice was duly published in the newspaper specifying the amounts proposed for each fund of the City budget for expenditures during the comi ng year. He said there are $5 million new revenues anticipated during the next Fiscal Year; City is proposing a $6.1 million expenditure budget, out of which $4 million are for operating funds; roughly $2 mil1ion is for capital improvements. REQUEST FOR FUNDING RE: WOODLAND DRIVE PARK BRICK WALL/FENCE CONSTRUCTION Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler presented a proposal Ii sti ng different types of fencing, with cost estimates ranging from $1500 to $7000 and he said Staff recommended that the City consider funding for a portion of a permanent type, maintenance-free wall. He said the residents were interested in helping and they were present in the audience. JIM ELLSWORTH, 815 Laurel Lane, and DAN SILVA, addressed the Council saying they would like to assist in solving the problems and making the park a safer place for children; and explained from pictures the various fences proposed,with cost information on each type fence. They agreed to remove the old fence and help assemble the new. Council asked Mr. Keisler for a recommendation and he said the panelized mason wall would be his choice for the "pride of ownership" neighborhood,park. He said approximately $3772.00 is needed to cover material and labor. A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis, to allot $3800 into the budget for construction of the fence at Woodland Drive Park. The motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR FIXED ASSETS REAPPRAISAL FUNDING Finance Director David Bacon said this is a request to reinstate some money tentatively removed during Council's study session process, for appraisal services from an outside appraisal firm. He said the issue came up initially from City's independent auditor when he noted that since 1972, the appraisal for entlEe City assets done for insurance purposes, the City has added items acquired but have not deleted items from the records. He said the evaluations used for insurance purposes may be inflated. He said the premises of having an independent appraisal again are (1) for the insurance purpose; (2) for assuring the evaluations for accounting on the books are correct; and (3) the ongoing control from year to year to assure changes are kept updated. Mr. Bacon then addressed another item on the agenda directly related with the above request for fixed assets reappraisal funding. _.-- ------- ---------- ___u___ n______ ....... -'""') , . \- , V' CITY COUNCIL JULY 10, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SEVEN REAPPRAISAL OF CITY'S FIXED ASSETS LIST Mr. Bacon said this item involved what firm the City might engage, and talked about the various proposals received and the cost and service variances among them, as outlined in his memo of June 20, 1984, for asset reappraisal services. Following Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Counci lman Gallagher, to accept Staff's reconmendations of the proposal from American Appraisal Assoc. for the initial fee of $1&,500.00. Further discussion followed and the motion and second of the motion was withdrawn. On motion by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, to approve the lowest qualified bidder, Industrial Appraisal Co., in the amount of $5,805.00; and the motion carried unanimously. COUNCILMAN GALLAGHER EXITED THE MEETING AT 11:23 P.M. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL VOLUNTEERS TO FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Mack said three additional volunteers had been requested for the Fire Department that would increase the number from 36 to 39. Council discussed the issue and on motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Millis, the motion carried unanimously to add three volunteers for a total of 39, and an increase of $3960.00 to cover wages and equipment costs. Councilmen Gallagher and Hogan were absent from the meeting at this time. RESOLUTION ADOPTING 1984-1985 MUNICIPAL BUDGET -. City Manager Mack read the entire Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1781 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE ARROYO GRANDE CITY BUDGET FOR THE 1984-1985 FISCAL YEAR. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Millis and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Gallagher and Hogan the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of July 1984. RELEASE OF DRAINAGE POND AT FARROLL AVENUE AND GOLDEN WEST PLACE (JOHN GHORMLEY) JOHN GHORMLEY, Bonita Homes, 1203 Pike Lane, Oceano, said Bonita Homes is the owner of the property described in his letter of July 3, 1984, and described the reasons for his request to release the drainage basin. Council discussion followed. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Mayor Smith, to deny the request to release drainage for the time being. The motton carried on a 2-1 vote, with Counci lman Vandeveer voting "No". OAK PARK SAFETY REPORT Mayor Smith said a meeting _with Cal Trans would be held on July II, 1984, along with representatives from Grover City and Pismo Beach and, hopefully, the County. She said she would have more to report at the next Council meeting. REPORT ON BOND COVERAGE City Attorney Art Shaw requested the Council to schedule the Report on Bond Coverage on the next agenda. He said he had not reviewed all the State statutes yet. BRISCO ROAD REPORT City Manager Mack said the City had another Grand Deed from Edward L: Goodal I for right of way and requested a minute motion by Council to accept the Grant Deed. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and unani- mously carried, to accept the Grand Deed from Mr. Edward L. Goodall. -~- ~- ---~- --- ---------- --------- ,-- ~ ~ . . ~""",' / CITY COUNCil JULY 10, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE EIGHT. .- PERM I SSI'ON .TO 'REQUEST PROPOSALS FOR C I TYW I DE STREET STR I P I NG!STENC I LI NG!CURB PAINTING (PROJECT NO. 90-84-1) Mr. Mack said it is Staff's recommendation to go to bid for contracting the street striping contract, rather than &ity having to purchase new equipment. Councilman Vandeveer made a motion to approve going to bids from contractors for curb and street painting services, Mayor Smith seconded the motion for discussion. Mayor Smith said she was opposed to going to contractors, she felt City employees should do the work and she could not support going to bid. Mayor Smith called for a vote on the motion, which was 2-1, with Councilman Vandeveer voting for the motion and Councilman Millis and Mayor Smith voting "No','. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Mack said a letter received from Mr. Ted Waterhouse regarded the Vick Pace appeal for rezoning of the Marsalek property on Cherry Avenue, and was dated July 2, 19H4. On motion by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and unanimously carried to accept the letter from Mr. Waterhouse into the record. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Smith asked about the cut and grade behind the Bank of America, and recently noticed another cut down below and asked if a wall is bein~ installed. Mr. Mack said he would get some answers and inform the Mayor. . Councilman Millis said people are asking about the status of the stockpile of dirt behind the old cemetery. Mr. Mack told Council that Mr. Reuben Kvidt said he is negotiating a written agreement with Rancho Grande to take the fill over to the Rancho Grande site prior to the rainy season. Councilman Vandeveer asked if the Catholic Church had responded to the Fire Chief's letter regarding weed contro1. Mr. Mack said he would get an answer. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Smith adjourned the Regular Session to Closed Session at 12:05 A.M. RECONVENEMENT AND ADJOURNMENT The Regular Session reconvened at 12:25 P.M. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, to adjourn the Regular Session. Council adjourned at 12:27 P.M., July 11, 1984. v3'~~ ~ MAYOR . . ATTEST: . ~ -E -y CITY CLER~?