Minutes 1984-06-12 c ') I , 1 ....- , CITY COUNC I L JUNE 12, 1984 I , ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. I 1 I The City Council met in Regular Session with Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher pre- I siding. Upon roll call Councilmen Karl Hogan, Mark Millis and Lawrence Vandeveer were all present. Mayor B'Ann Smith was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Council Member Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Father Michael O'Sullivan, St. Patrick's Catholic Church, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unani- mously carried, the Minutes for the Meeting of May 22, 1984, were approved as submitted. APPROVAL OF CHECKS On motion by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unani- mously carried, Demand Checks No. P682 through P695 and No. 22572 through 22651, in the total amount Of $383,620.88; and Payroll Checks No. 27788 through 27985, In the total amount of $142,359.58, were approved for payment as presented by City Manager Mack. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS BOB CHAPMAN, Costa Mesa, CA, requested approval for a permit for a septic tank to serve his 2! acre parcel (Parcel #3 In Map No. AG 81-76) under the same conditions as Bill Lackey's was approved last Council Meeting. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unanimously carried, approving the request for a septic tank. CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unani- mously carried, Consent Agenda Items #7 through #11, including all subparagraphs, were approved as recommended. 7. Minutes andlor Answered Agendas: REVIEW AND FILE. A. Planning Commission Meeting - Answered Agenda of 6/5/84. B. South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Minutes of 5/16/84. C. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes of 5/14/84. D. Blue Ribbon Committee Minutes of 6/4184. E. Human Relations Commission of South SLO County Minutes of 4/4/84. 8. Reports: INFORMATIONAL ONLY. A. Departmental Monthly Report for May, 1984. B. Lopez Master Plan - Correspondence of 5/18/84. C. League of California Cities: (1) Legislative Bulletins No. 18 and 20. (2) Announcement - Executive Forum - 7/11 - 13/84. 9. Requests: A. Funding by SLO County Emergency Medical Services Agency, Inc. RECOMMEND DEFER ACTION. B. 1984/85 Animal Control Agreement. RECOMMEND DEFER ACTION. C. July 4th Street Use. RECOMMEND APPROVE REQUEST. 10. Payment Authorizations: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. A. Water System Maintenance Equipment - $3,173.66. B. Payment No.3, Phase IV - Construction of Deep Municipal Well and Blending System, Project No. 60-80-3 - $19,416.19. I" Acceptances and Awards: A. Dedication of Road and Utility Easement by Festival Enterprises for West Branch Street. RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE. B. Bids for Landscape Areas Maintenance. RECOMMEND LOW BID AWARD. Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher announced that Agenda Item #17 had been cancelled; and that Item #13, an appeal by Vlck Pace of the Planning Commission's denial to amend the Municipal Code to change zoning classification of certain areas from RAB-3, Residential Agricultural District, to R-l-PD, Single Family Residential with Planned Development Overlay (AKA Walnut View Estates), which was scheduled for Public Hearing will be continued until June 26, 1984, as requested by the appl icant. He said that the Public Hearing would be opened for comments by the interested parties who would not be available to be heard on June 26, 1984. ! L-- -~.. .._----~- -..-.-,---- ~-- ~ ) l ~ CITY COUNCIL JUNEn, j~84 A~~OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO. REQUEST FOR WATER WELL PERMIT BY WILLIAM E. LACKEY Public Works Director Paul Karp said three water well permits had been requested by William Lackey to drill three adaltional water wells on his parcel. Following Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Hogan, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, to approve the request subject to the conditions outlined in Public Works Director's memo dated June 5, 1984. PRESENTATION OF 1984/85 MUNICIPAL BUDGET AND BUDGET MESSAGE City Manager Mack formally presented to Council the proposed preliminary budget for 1984/85 fiscal year. He said with the significantly Improved economy in retail sales, coupled with the conservative expedditure pattern In the past two years, he proposed many more capital Improvement projects. He said signifi- cant capital outlay projects which can be addressed in the coming year include a new fire pumper, Soto Sports Complex, Sunset drainage, the Oak Park interchange, a new sinking fund for a Civic Center, handicap improvements, sewer line crossings I of Arroyo Grande Creek, Village Creek area improvements, Brisco Road improvement, I Tally Ho curve Improvements, commencement of design for Traffic Way and Le Point extension, as well as numerous road and street projects. , Mr. Mack said the budget also continues to replace obsolete and uneconomical equipment as part of the ten year replacement plan. The budget advocates contracting street sweeping services rather than purchasing a new replacement . street sweeper with a substantial reduction in cost. Mr. Mack said there is no proposed increase in tax rates or utility cust~er charges; and the budget advocates maintaining manpower tables at their current level in order to divert resources into the much needed capital outlay area. He said Council also had a Budget Study Session calendar starting Wednesday, June 13, 1984, at 6:30 P.M. and continuing on through Thursday, June 21, 1984, and asked for Council comment on the calendar and Council Member availability. BRISCO ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Mr. Karp said If Council grants permission, he has received four signed right of way deeds, and he has about thirteen more to present to Council as they are obtained, and requested Council's acceptance by Minute Motion. A Minute Motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, to accept the right of way grants per Staff's recommendations. EMPLOYEE MEDICAL INSURANCE BENEFIT MODIFICATIONS City Manager Mack said City employees elected to reduce their current medical plan benefits, which will result In a reduction of premiums for both the employee and the City; and if Council agrees to the reduction in benefits, the City and employees would save approximately $35,000.00 over the coming year. A motion was made by Councilman Hogan, seconded by Councilman Millis, and unanimously carried, to concur with the desires of the City employees for reduced medical insurance benefits, and with the recommendation of the City Manager. RESOLUTION ADOPTION FOR "NO PARKiNG" ZONE ON A PORTION OF BRISCO ROAD Mr. Karp said he had a recommendation from the Parking and Traffic Commission to establish a "No Parking" zone at 201 Brisco Road,and read the title of the Resolution. A motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTI ON NO. 1769 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A "NO PARKING" ZONE ON A PORTiON OF BRISCO ROAD (AKA 201 BRISCO ROAD). On motion by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Millis, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Hogan, Millis and Vandeveer NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Smith the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 12th day of June 1984. ----_....- --- ..----- I ( ') I I ~ i C!TY COUNC I L JUNE 12, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING REGULATIONS FOR OEDICATION OF LAND, PAYMENT OF FEES, ORBOTH,FOR PARK AND RECREATION LAND IN SUBDIVISIONS City Manager Mack said the Ordinance increases the park dedication fees and land amounts for subdivisions, and he read the title of the Ordinance. A motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE PROVISIONS REGULATING THE DEDICATION OF LAND, PAYMENT OF FEES, OR BOTH, FOR PARK AND RECREATION LAND IN SUBDIVISIONS. (AMENDI~G CHAPTER 3, TITLE 9, SECTION 9-3.507; REPEALING RESOLUTION 1739 AND SECTION 9-3.507 (1) (I) (i i) (I Ii) (Iv) .) On motion by Councilman Mi1lis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: CouncIlmen Gallagher and Millis NOES: Councilmen Hogan and Vandeveer ABSENT: Mayor Smith the motIon was defeated, and Councilman Millis requested the next Second Reading of the Ordinance be placed on the next Council Agenda. , I CONTINUED DISCUSSION OF AN APPEAL BY JOE ZOGATA OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL FOR APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 118 AS PROPOSED WITH DUAL ACCESS THROUGH THIS TRACT FROM STAGECOACH RD; AND FROM PEARWOOD CONTINUED.FROM 5 22 Planning Director Stan Eisner said the request is for a 3 lot subdivision fronting on Stagecoach Road, and the hearing was opened at the last Council meeting and testimony taken. He said Staff was directed to prepare a memorandum estimating the costs of a retaining wall and fence along Oak Hill Road. The memo is dated June 4, 1984, and included in Council packet, and responds to the question as presented, along with a draft Resolution. Following discussion, Council approved the Zogata Tract subject to the same conditions as proposed by Staff, adding the fol1owing conditions: (1) street connection between the tract and Pearwood to be e.1 iminated; (2) Lot #18 to gain access from Pearwood; (3) turn around be established with the subdivision in the vicinity of Lot #14; (4) revise Tentative Map reflecting the above conditions, along with appropriate Resolution of Approval to be placed on the next Consent Agenda. A motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Hogan, to approve the Tract subject to certain conditions, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Hogan, Millis and Vandeveer NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Smi th the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING:: APPEAL BY VICK PACE OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL TO AMEND MUNICIPAL CODE TO CHANGE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN AREAS {AKA WALNUT VIEW) Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher opened the Public Hearing so that interested parties, who could not attend the hearing on June 26, 1984, could be heard at this time. There was no one wishing to speak. On motion by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unanimously carried, to continue the Public Hearing to June 26, 1984. PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENT TO HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN Mr. Eisner said Council had directed Staff to prepare the modifications of the Housing Element to meet the guidelines of the State of California, and Title 7 of the Government Code. He said the draft of the General Plan and a memo from the Planning Commission were in the Council packet; and that the Commission ----~-- -----. ----. . ( ~ \ C!TY COUNC IL JUNE J2, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR. recommends the document to Council with some minor modifications. He said a draft Resolution was also included in the packet for adoptIng a modified Housing Element. Ms. Linda Stonier was present to answer any questIons. Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher declared the public hearing open. No public comments were made and the hearing was closed. Extensive discussIon by Council followed, and certaIn changes dIscussed specifically. Mr. Elsner said the statute on the books of the State of California requires that all cities submit their adopted draft element prior to ~u!y 1, 1984, and after that date the LegIslature could adopt new guIdelines for General Plans which could put the City in a more difficult positIon of having to rewrite the Housing Element. Additional discussion followed, and then Mr. Mack read the tItle of the Resolution. On motIon of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by CouncIlman Hogan, and unanImously carried, to dispense with further reading of the ResolutIon. RESOLUTI ON NO. 1768 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE REVISED HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 10.6, SECTION 65580 ET SEQ OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Hogan, Millis and Vandeveer NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Sml th the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 12th day of June 1984. PUBLIC HEARING: FIRST READING OF AMENDMENT TO ZDNING ORDINANCE (FLOOD HAZARD) Mr. Karp said the Ordinance deals wIth constructIon wIthin the flood plain and conforms wIth the Federal requirements, and makes available larger amounts of flood Insurance; and the posted maps that are adopted by reference are under revIsion; and the publication referred to In Staff memo of June 5, 1984, refers to actual printIng of the Map and not to pUblIcatIon In the newspaper. Mr. Karp ana MR. CLARK MOORE said the maps could be changed at any time desired. Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher declared the publIc hearing open. No publIc comments were made and the hearing was closed. Discussion by CouncIl followed, and Mr. Karp read the title of the Ordinance. On motIon by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Millis, and Unanimously carried, to dIspense with further reading of the OrdInance. Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher declared the First Reading of the Ordinance. Mr. Karp asked that the records show that on the first page of the Ordinance the findings are made by the City Council. COUNCIL RECESSED FROM 9:30 P.M. TO 9:42 P.M. APPOINTMENT TO CITIZENS' TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE City Manager Mack presented Mayor Smith's letter appoIntIng DONALD BOGGESS, 1590 Sierra Drtve, to the CItizens' Transportation AdvIsory Committee effective June 12, 1984. Council unanimously approved the appointment. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, TERMS OF OFFICE EXPIRING JUNE 30, 1984 CouncIl Member Vandeveer moved that all appoIntments expiring on 6/30/84, be moved forward to December to coincide wIth the electIons. Council discussion followed, and the motIon dIed for lack of a second. OAK PARK TRAFFIC SAFETY REPORT CIty Manager Mack jald the Califronla Transportation's Staff has recommended to the Commission a $2.5 mIllIon project for the Oak Park/HIghway 101 interchange. There will be a $300,000.00 local share. He said at this time the recommendation - ---.., . . . ! -i --..- C (TY COUNC I L JUNE ) 2, ) 984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE. recognizes the problems at the intersection and is hopeful the Commission will approve it at their meeting of June 27-28 in Sacramento. Mr. Mack said prior to the Commission hearing, City will contact the local district office of Cal Trans and request they give expedited and favorable consideration to discussion of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). In developing the M.O.U. an attempt will be made to determine what the project should look like physically; when design should start; who wit 1 do the engineering design. Mr. Mack gave credit to Mayor BlAnn Smith, Senator Ken Maddy, Assemblyman Eric Seastrand and Vic Khami of the Area Council Staff, a transportation planner who has been heavily involved on the City's behalf. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Hogan said a complaint from a resident on Elm Street, regarding vandalism to trees and bushes, should be looked into. Councilman Hogan said people should be cautious to secure their homes, because a residence was broken into while residents were attending a funeral. Mayor Pro Tern Gallagher asked if the Old Catholic Cemetery will be walled in or how.the front of it will look at completion. Mr. Karp said the Cemetery will not be changed at all, but plans call for a couple roads in the front (West Branch Street) and on the westerly side (Camino Mercado). ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher adjourned the Regular Session to Closed Session at )0:00 P.M. RECONVENEMENT AND ADJOURNMENT The Regular Session reconvened at 11:56 P.M. Council Member Millis moved for closing of Regular Session and continuation of meeting to Budget Study Session on June 13, 1984, at 6:30 P,M. in Arroyo Grande City Ha 11. Council Member Vandeveer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Council adjourned at 11:59 P.M. yj.~~ MAYOR ATTEST: