Minutes 1983-04-12 r :) 307 , CITY COUNCIL APRIL 12, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher presiding. On roll call, Council Members Lawrence E. Vandeveer and Mark M. Millis reported present. Council Member Karl A. Hogan and Mayor S'Ann Smith were absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Council Member Vandeveer delivered. the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Council Member Vandeveer indicated that he had not made. the motion with regard to the City property at 803 Cornwall, but had seconded ~. it. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis, ahd unanimously'1voted;:.the'!IIinutes of. March 22.. .iIl983 were approved as amended. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS Council Member Vandeveer requested information regarding the expenditure of funds for roofing work at the city property located at 803 Cornwall Avenue. City Manager Mack stated that the work was minor repairs to prevent leaking. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis, Demand Warrants #l9583 and 'PSll through #PS22 in the amount of $301,217.64 and Payroll Warrants #24662 through #24791 in the amount of $66,379.87 were approved and ordered paid. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS _. None~. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to approve the Consent Agenda Items with the recommended courses of action, wi.th the exception of items 1M (deleted) and #H. H. Second Reading of Ordinance to Effect Change of Title from City Administrator to City Manager. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. Attorney Shipsey read the title 6f the ordinance. On mobion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer; it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. Council Member Hogan and Mayor Smith were absent. ORDINANCE NO. 292 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER' 2 OF TITLE 2 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE TO CHANGE THE TITLE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER TO CITY , MANAGER , I On motion of. Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member I Millis, and on the following .roll call vote, to wit: I , ~. AYES: Council Members Vandeveer, Millis, Gallagher NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Hogan, Mayor Smith the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 12th day of April, 1983. A. Receipt of Departmental.Monthly Report for Month of March, 1983. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. S: Receipt of Answered Agenda for Planning Commission Meeting of April S, 1983. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FWE. I -.-...- .-..--- -,-- 308 ( .~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 12, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO C. Receipt of Legislative Bulletin No. 13-1983 and 14-1983, from League of California Cities, Plus Others. RECOMMEND REVIEW; APPLICABLE ACTION, IF ANY, AND FILE. D. Notification of Termination of Air Monitoring Program within City by Environmental Monitoring Col, Inc. INFORMATIONAL ITEM ONLY. E. Receipt of Minutes of SCAT meeting for March 16, 1983. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. F. Invitation by League of Women Voters to Attend Public Information Meeting Re. Offshore Oil Development, Thursday, April 14, 1983. INFORMATION. G. Proclamation by Mayor Smith of "March of Dimes Day" on April 16, 1983 in Arroyo Grande. RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. I. Nbtification of Mayors and Counci~ Members Legislative Conference by League of California Cities at Sacramento, Mayo24-25, 1983. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND NOTIF(DCATION TO STAFF RE. YOUR INTEREST THEREIN. J. Receipt of 1983-84 Budget Information Re. Regional Handicapped System Operations within City/County. INFORMATION. K. Recommendation of Purchase of Dictating Equipment. RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SUCH EXPENDITURE. L. Recommendation for Council Authorization eo Advertise forBids, Re. P~oject of Deep Municipal Well and Blending System. RECOMMEND COUNCIL AFPROVAL. N. Recommendation for Joint Meeting Date Between City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission. RECOMMEND DATE OF MAY 11, 1983. O. Announcement of Dedication of 2-Million Gallon Water Reservoir No. 4. DEDICATION DATE OF MAY 14, 1983. P.. Recommendation for Authorizing .R.L.Polk Co. Solicitations. RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SUCH PERMIT. Q. Request for Progress Payment.No. 3, Improvements at Strother Park in Amount of $5,966.87, Payable to Contractor. RECOMMEND COUNCIL SO APPROVE. R. Recommendation co Purchase Block House Property Located in Village Area. RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL. S. Resolution Approving Cooperative Process for Determining Project Priorities for Federal Aid Urban Funding. RECOMMEND COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION. I STATUS REPORT OF EUCALYPTUS TREES ON THE PIKE l City Manager Mack stated that sincecthe last meeting, Mr. Fogostein, I representing the property owners in Halcyon, has stated there is no need for an additional meeting but requests that' the City obtain a tree expert to I determine what is the effect of the leaning trees on the other trees and I would the tree stumps pose a problem if growth were to occur from them. , Mr. Mack stated that Parks and Recreation Director Keisler contacted , , Mr. Alex Woolworth, a tree and landscape specialist from the California , I State Department of Transportation. Mr, Woolworth felt that the removal of I I the leaning trees would not have any affect on the roots of the remaining I trees. In most instances, he said it would strengthen the root structures. of the remaining trees. By cutting the trees, wateD sprouts' would be created ! which could easily be removed at ground level on the stumps. I I i , i , --- - r .:) 309 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 12, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE Mr. Keisler added that the eucalyptus pods and leaves produce an oil which is a natural insect and pest repellent. Mr. Mack stated that he has communicated with Mr. Stenquist and Mr. Fogostein that he would like to. advertise in newspapers to find someone who will remove the trees in exchange for the firewood and he requested authorization to place such advertisements. He stated that Mr. Fogostein wishes to discuss .the matter with people at the Temple and will respond by Thursday. Mr. Romaine, representing the property owners on The Pike, questioned the procedure if someone is not found to remove the:l.leaning trees. Council Member Millis I stated that the Council should wait and see the results of the advertisements. City Manager Mack reported that excess speed on The Pike WaS also a I concern of the property owners and the Police Department has monitored the i street with radar and determined that the average speed is 36 miles per hour. ,-. Barrie Key, 976 The pike, questioned ~he trimming of the. overhanging branches. Mr. Mack stated that he has proposed that after the leaning trees are removed, further trimming will occur. Council Member Millis commended Staff for their efforts in solving this situation. CONTINUED DISCUSSION RE: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO PROPOSITION 13 BEFOBE STATE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY (ACA 38 NAYLOR - SCA 26 SEYMOUR) -- City Manager Mack reported that further information concerning these amendments was requested at the last meeting but Staff has been unsuccessful in obtaining other information. The League has not published any further information, but copies of the proposed legislation were received. Council Member Vandeveer pointed out that the amendments propose to change the required vote from a majority vote to a two-thirds vote. PROPOSED RESOLUTION RE: OCS 73 - OIL DRILLING City Manager Mack stated that Council Member Hogan requested that his opinion be stated as he was uhable to be present. He stated that Mr. Hogan feels that the City Council should be neutral on this matter as .the State and Federal government have more knowledge and . information I there is a need for emploYment in this areal and the techniques for oil drilling are continually improving. Council Member Millis stated he is concerned that the Federal government is not listening to the local entities and if the sale goes forward there are concerns which should be addressed. He requested that Attorney Shipsey read the resolution in total. Attorney Shipsey read the resolution in its entirety. Council Member Vandeveer stated that the impact is one percent to the county overall but is far more to the three local cities, particularly as they rely on tourism. He objected that the.Draft Environmental Impact Statement review is being reduced from 60 days to 45 days. He stated he supports the resolution.. Council Member Gallagher pointed out that the.Council of Governments voted unanimously to oppose OCS 73 and stated that the amount of pollution generated offshore will exceed the standards allowed for this area. Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, stated that the DEIS fails to address the geological impacts to Diablo Canyon. Ella Honeycutt, , 560 Oakhill Road, stated that smog will affect the local crops. i I BESOLUTION NO. 1693 i '--' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE .COMMENTING UPON THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT, OCS SALE NO. 73, PREPARED BY THE MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE, PACIFIC OCS REGION On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and .on the following roll call vote, to wit: i i --"---~----'- 310 ( .:) CITY COUNCIL APRIL 12, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR AYES: Council Members Vandeveer, Millis, and Gallagher NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Hogan, Mayor Smith the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 12th day of April, 1983. Council Member Millis requested that copies of the resolution be sent to all local representatives and Washington, D.C. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF TRACT NO. 1050, FARROLL --- HEIGHTS, WILLIAM IACKEY public Works Director Karp reported that this matter JLs brought before Council because of a recent revision to the Planned Development ordinance which requires both City Council and Planning Commission review of all developments within that zone. The Planning Commission, at their regular meeting of April 5, 1983, approved the architectural review and recommend Council approval. The developer proposed four plans which are for two and three bedroom units ranging in size from 956 square feet to 1495 square feet. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted. to acceptthhe Planning Commission's reconunendation and approve Architectural Review Case Nol 83-270, Tract No. 1050, Farroll Heights. RECOMMENDATION FOR COUNCIL'S ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS EOR TRACT 950, MARLOE WEST, ROGER SENELLENBERGER, FARROLL AND CARMBLLA Public Works Director Karp requested continuance of this i~em as certain of the improvements are not completed. Council concurred. REQUEST BY AREA PLANNING COUNCIL FOR CITY INPUT RE: UNMET TRANSIT NEEDS!. TRANSIT SERVICE BETWEEN SOUTH COUNTY AND CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO City Manager Mack stated that a letter was received from the San Luis Obispo County and Cities Area Planning and Coordinating Council which informed the City of an "apparent unmet transit need" between the Five Cities area and the City of San Luis Obispo. The Area Council is now investigating the reasonableness and feasibility of meeting this apparent need and is requesting the City's input. He added that .the Area Planning and Coordinating Council should identify for the City where this need is being unmet and when. He has requested this additional information and since it has not been received, he requested continuance of this item. Council I concurred. I , WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS I I Attorney Shipsey advised that item #S of the Consent Agenda should I be removed and conside~ed separately. On motion of Council MemberHMillis, ! seconded. by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to exclude 1 item #S from the Consent Agenda. , I I S. Resolution Approving Cooperative Process for Determining Project Priorities l I for Feder.al Aid Urban Funding. RECOMMEND COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION. Attorney Shipsey read the title of the resolution. On motion of Council Hember Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to , dispense with further reading of the resolution. , I RESOLUTION NO. 1694 A RESOLUTION OF THE. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING COOPERATIVE PROCESS FOR DETERMINING PROJECT PRIORITIES FOR FEDERAL AID URBAN FUNDING On motion of. Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis, and on the following roll call vote) to wit: , , 311 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 12, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE AYES: Council Members Vandeveer, Millis, Gallagher NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Hogan, Mayor Smith the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 12th day of April, 1983. City Manager Mack stated that information has been received from the League of California Cities regarding AB 1599. This proposed bill would take from local authority the decision of what information is contained in the local General Plan. All council members agreed that this bill should be opposed vigorously and requested Mr. Mack to direct letters objecting and opposing i this bill. I \....-- ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Gallagher stated,.that mosquitos are becoming a nuisance in the area due to the large amounts of rainfall. Public Works I Director Karp stated that the County HeAlth Department has no abatement district for mosquitos but he will return with alternatives and a report at the next meeting. Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, requested that the City work closely with the City of Pismo Beach for better education and planning. Council Member Gallagher requested that Mr. Mack place this matter on the next agenda of the Mayor's meeting. Bill Lackey spoke with regards to Tract 1050 and stated that this tract is the first type of affordable housing in the City and urged Council to continue to approve developments of this type. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:50 P.M. (J'~~ ~~-dw MAYOR ATTEST: I i I I i I '-"