R 4259 RESOLUTION NO. 4259 A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION FROM THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE AND ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande desires to initiate proceeding pursuant to the Cortese - Knox - Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000, commencing with Section 56000 of the California Government Code, for amending the Sphere of Influence and Annexation of territory to the City of Arroyo Grande; WHEREAS, this resolution is submitted to comply with Government Code Section 56700; WHEREAS, the Notice of Intent to adopt this Resolution of Application has been given according to Government Code Section 56654(b); and WHEREAS, the nature of this proposal is to amend the SOI and annex the property into the City of Arroyo Grande; WHEREAS, the territory is uninhabited. A map and description of the boundaries of the territory are attached hereto as Exhibits A and B, and are incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the principal reasons for the proposed amendment to the Sphere of Influence and annexation are as follows: 1) annexation of City owned property removes the requirement that the City pay property taxes on said property, and 2) enables more orderly planning for development of the property pursuant to City policy and consistent with the Plan for Services attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and incorporated by this reference; and WHEREAS, the following agency or agencies would be affected by the proposed jurisdictional changes: Agency: City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the proposed annexation is subject to the following terms and conditions: Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act WHEREAS, the proposal requires that the adopted Sphere of Influence for the agency be amended to include this property; and WHEREAS, the City has assumed Lead Agency status, responsible for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City shall pay for any studies needed to comply with CEQA; and RESOLUTION NO. 4259 PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby adopt and approve this Resolution of Application and Plan for Services, and hereby requests that LAFCO proceed with the processing of this sphere of influence amendment and the annexation of territory, as authorized and in the manner provided by the Cortese - Knox - Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. On motion of Council Member Fellows, seconded by Council Member Arnold, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Fellows, Arnold, Guthrie, Costello, and Mayor Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23`' day of February 2010. RESOLUTION NO. 059 PAGE 3 TONY FER , MAYOR ATTEST: (t Cc� - - KELLY , TM E, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVE ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY MEL, CITY ATTORNEY 047 -12 fru cto . ' ,,.. "J F II VACNELL TRACT / f� FELTS B NOU TRACT Ts O `« I • '§ �� �� nM3 �. \79J cANrD It ,�A \J • ' q" A �✓3� ® 0 .. O �f ` " ,,. di 15 f Itir ` J . . �,. 36,rlaAG 124 ^I ���ldb U y �_ a«= �: 128 1 \J 1 4` - \J p.m e- eT ! 2. 35"‘ a - . .. i f 11 7 f te.1" % o 9 CD tot II B (2� S e ..9 x -� : i. ,0.18 AC : � - 4 ' _ I I � SMID CYN. CT. i 1 G r p - r,., s ), fr. diO/ ©� NUA a s I RD. . � �,xi rillIKIZTEM =was SUBS ` ` J. F. BRANCH HOMESTEAD TRACT ro r'RAN hG NIYY _ — (( .MM TTR15 MAP IS PREPARED RR 1 ASSESSOR'S MAP SAN 1.115 013/SP4 CA —B— [ /0-14 I ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY.. E.W. STEELE RESUB., RHO. CORRAL DE PIEDRA, R.M. Bk. A , Pg. BJ BOON 011 PAGE 12 IT x 7. c D EXHIBIT B LEGAL DESCRIPTION Real property in the unincorporated area of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL 1: ALL THAT PORTION OF LOT 8 OF THE RESUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE RANCHOS CORRAL DE PIEDRA, PISMO AND BOLSA DE CHEMISAL,. SURVEYED BY R.R. HARRIS, NOVEMBER 1885, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ACCORDING TO MAP RECORDED NOVEMBER 24, 1886 IN BOOK A PAGE 63 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PORTION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED MAY 19, 1977 IN BOOK 1980 PAGE 293 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, WHICH IS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 17 PAGE 54 OF LICENSED SURVEYS OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, WHICH LIES WESTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 8, WHICH IS NORTH 53 °30'00" WEST, 600.00 FEET FROM POST S.29 AT THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 8; THENCE NORTH 36 °30'00" EAST, 310.38 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED ABOVE MENTIONED. PARCEL 2: ALL THAT PORTION OF LOT 8 OF THE RESUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE RANCHOS CORRAL DE PIEDRA, PISMO AND BOLSA DE CHEMISAL, SURVEYED BY R.R. HARRIS, NOVEMBER 1885, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ACCORDING TO MAP RECORDED NOVEMBER 24, 1886 IN BOOK A PAGE 63 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PORTION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED MAY 19, 1977 IN BOOK 1980 PAGE 293 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 8, WHICH IS NORTH 53 °30'00" WEST, 600.00 FEET FROM POST S.29 AT THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 8; THENCE NORTH 36 °30'00" EAST, 45.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 53 °30'00" EAST, 100.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 36 °30'00" WEST, 30.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT WHICH I5 15.00 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN DEED ABOVE MENTIONED; THENCE PARALLEL TO SAID BOUNDARY, SOUTH 53 °30'00" EAST, 484.37 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID PROPERTY; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY, SOUTH 44 °00'00" WEST, 15.13 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID PROPERTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID PROPERTY, NORTH 53 °30'00" WEST, 580.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. APN: 047-125-002 First American Title EXHIBIT "C" Pearwood Hill and Ponding Basin SOI Amendment and Annexation PLAN FOR SERVICES Contents: Introduction Water Supply and Distribution Sanitary Sewer Collection and Treatment Storm Drainage Fire Protection Services (including paramedic and ambulance) Police Services (including law enforcement) Parks Facilities Recreation Services Community Development Services (Planning, Building and Engineering) Public Works Maintenance Services General Municipal Administration (management, personnel, finance and records) Other Services and Concerns Circulation Public Transit Solid Waste and Recycling Affordable Housing Hospital /Health Care Schools Summary of Conclusions Introduction: The City of Arroyo Grande owns 7.16 acres northeast of and adjoining City limits near Pearwood Avenue and Huasna Road, which includes the City maintained 2.5 acre +- Pearwood Ponding Basin and an undeveloped hillside zoned County "Residential Suburban ". In October 2009 the City adopted GPA/DCA 09 -001 B, which designated the property for community facility and low density residential land use upon annexation and included the property in the City's Sphere of Influence (SOI) and authorized City application to LAFCO for SOI amendment and annexation. LAFCO requires the applicant submit a Plan for Services as part of the 501 and annexation proposal. The City of Arroyo Grande provides municipal services, including water, sewer, storm drainage, fire, police, parks, recreation, community development (planning, building, engineering), public works maintenance and general administration (management, personnel, finance, records) to approximately 17,000 population within the 5.5 square mile City jurisdiction. The City's SOI provides approximately 385 acres (0.6 sq. mi.) composed of Arroyo Linda Crossroads and Williams properties southeast of the City on the north side of U.S. 101 freeway for potential urban expansion, subject to prerequisite Specific Plan, annexation and environmental impact report. GPA/DCA 09 -001 also amended the 2001 General Plan and LAFCO approved a separate SOI amendment to exclude three (3) existing mobile home parks located on the east side of South Halcyon Road near its intersection with The Pike from the City's SOI to enable their inclusion and annexation into the Oceano Community Services District (OCSD). This related SOI amendment relieved the City from temporary Outside Service Agreement to provide interim water supply to approximately 64 dwelling units, which utilized 9.0 acre feet per year based on average annual use from 2003 through 2008. This Plan for Services discusses the City of Arroyo Grande's ability to provide municipal services to the proposed Pearwood Hill and Ponding Basin SOI and Annexation, exclusive of potential expansion involving the ALC and Williams properties or other discretionary development proposals within the existing City limits. Water Supply and Distribution: The City is currently in a "severely restricted water supply condition ", utilizing more than 95% of its entitlement and allocations to both Lopez Lake and groundwater resources. Generally, the City's 2005 Urban Water Master Plan indicates approximately 95% utilization of 2290 af/y from the Lopez Reservoir Project (via San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 3), 1202 af/y from eight existing groundwater wells, pumping from the Arroyo Grande Plain: Tri Cities Mesa groundwater basin and one established well providing 100 af/y from the Pismo Formation. A temporary moratorium has been imposed by the City Council to enable urgent studies of possible salt water intrusion problems contributed to by continuing drought and excessive groundwater pumping by all users, including the City. Additionally, the City has recently required all new subdivisions and discretionary development projects to demonstrate water supply off -sets prior to new permits for construction that would conserve more water than estimated new project utilization requires. As part of GPA/DCA 09 -001B, the City prepared initial environmental studies and determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was sufficient for consideration of SOI Amendment/Land Annexation, General Plan Amendment, Development Code Amendment "prezoning" and potential subdivision as proposed by Tentative Tract Map No. 3017, which would be subsequently considered following annexation. Specifically, the MND anticipates that TTM 3017 would require 2.0 acre feet/year or Tess to serve the four (4) Residential Hillside single family custom homes and the one (1) Public Facility open space lot containing Pearwood Ponding Basin. Subdivision improvements would include an 8" main extended from Gularte Road and /or Pearwood Avenue, approximately 600 linear feet to the end of Pearwood Hill Court, a new hillside standard cul -de -sac within the tract, including two or three new fire hydrants. Each lot would have a one inch or smaller water meter enabling domestic water service, landscape irrigation and required fire sprinkler system. The City also anticipates conditions of approval that would include best management practices and water conservation such a drought tolerant native plant landscape design within designated building and grading envelopes on each lot, low flow fixtures, and rain water harvesting and /or gray water storage features. Sanitary Sewer Collection and Treatment: The City has an existing 6 inch sewer main in Pearwood Avenue right of way, which has adequate collection capacity to service the proposed TTM 3017 Residential Hillside four home development. The subdivision developer would be required to extend an 8" sewer main approximately 600 linear feet from an existing manhole at the northwest end of Pearwood Avenue to four new manholes in the proposed right of way of the curved hillside cul -de -sac called Pearwood Hills Court, including laterals to each of the four uphill residential lots. The developer would also pay standard connection and sewer impact fees to both the City and South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) for offsite collection and transmission systems and treatment plant improvements required to serve the potential for new homes. The SSLOCSD treatment plant has approximately 40% of design capacity available for planned developments within Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach and Oceano. Annexation to SSLOCSD as well as to the City of Arroyo Grande is requested as part of this application. It should be noted that the Canyon Crest subdivision, Tract No. 1819, approved and developed in the County unincorporated area to the north and east of the proposed annexation is dependent on a Homeowners Association operated sewage collection and septic treatment and leach field system serving approximately 53 homes. There are approximately 17 acres of undeveloped, unincorporated property northeast of the proposed annexation, which are designated County Residential Suburban with a maximum potential of 17 additional units, which may be pursued 1) as a separate private or HOA community septic system; 2) by future expansion of the Canyon Crest HOA system, or 3) by future separate SOI and annexation application to the City. Considering the City's current water resource constraints and the separate circulation and infrastructure proposed by TTM 3017, the City does not propose inclusion of the Klempke properties as part of this SOI Amendment and Annexation application. Storm Drainage Facilities: As part of the GPA/DCA 09-001B and TTM 3017 initial environmental studies and Mitigated Negative Declaration, it was determined that the Pearwood Ponding Basin provides for 100 year storm drainage detention including the discharge from two Canyon Crest HOA maintained detention ponds and the existing and potential developments in the City, including the proposed annexation prior to the installation of a 36 inch outlet pipeline from the detention basin to Arroyo Grande Creek and related overflow ditch improvements made in the late 1990's as part of Canyon Crest, Tract 1819 development, the Pearwood Ponding Basin had inadequate 15" outlet pipe and overflow ditch developed with Tract No. 176 in the early 1960's. These deficiencies caused the detention basin to overflow and shallow flood several existing houses near the original outlet pipeline, which were lower than the original overflow ditch flow line during a large storm in mid 1980's. Subsequent to the new outlet pipeline and overflow ditch reconstruction in 1999, the area subject to inundation is entirely contained within the Pearwood Ponding Basin property generally below the 160 foot elevation contour. While the existing Pearwood Ponding Basin and outlet pipeline improvements provide for required 100 year storm design capacity to prevent future off - site flooding, assuming adequate maintenance by the City, the basin's detention capacity and /or the overflow ditch flow line could be further improved as a condition of approval for the proposed Tentative Tract Map No. 3017 or independently if approved by the City. Additionally, if Klempke property development is pursued in the future, either the City or County would consider requirements for retention or detention of any increase to drainage runoff and /or predevelopment discharge rate. Fire Protection Services (Including Paramedic and Ambulance) The City of Arroyo Grande cooperates with the City of Grover Beach and the Oceano Community Services District to provide emergency and non - emergency fire protection services within their jurisdictions pursuant to Joint Powers Agreements. The City of Arroyo Grande operates from its headquarters fire station located at the corner of Station Way and Traffic Way (addressed 140 Traffic Way) near Freeway 101 and Branch Street in the Village, approximately 1.5 miles west of the proposed annexation via East Branch Street and Huasna Road. Estimated emergency response time to Pearwood Avenue at the northeast City limit is three to five minutes, depending on traffic conditions. The City also provides mutual aid emergency responses outside City limits to incorporated Arroyo Grande fringe areas, such as Canyon Crest subdivision and other County Residential Suburban and Rural Residential developments, otherwise more than ten to fifteen (10 -15 minutes) response time from the nearest County Fire Department (CDF) stations located at the San Luis Obispo Airport on Highway 227 or the Nipomo CSD Fire Station. The Arroyo Grande Fire Department currently has nine (9) paid employees and twenty -two (22) paid on -call firefighters, one volunteer division chief, one part-time administrator, two (2) trainees, two (2) chaplains, and six (6) reserve volunteers. The City's fire fleet includes three type -1 engines, one type -3 engine, one type -4 ladder truck, one brush truck, one utility pickup, one lighting unit, one mass casualty trailer, four (4) command vehicles, one rescue squad /breathing support unit and one HazMat support trailer. The Insurance Service Office (ISO) classifies the City's fire protection rating at five on a scale of 1 to 10, compared to the unincorporated Arroyo Grande fringe, which ranks 9. Police Services (Including Law Enforcement) The City's Police Department operates from the existing station, an adjoining modular office and accessory storage unit at 200 North Halcyon Road. Services include patrol, traffic, investigations, communications and records and part-time parking enforcement. The department consists of 35 full -time employees, of which 26 are sworn offices, 5 of 8 reserve officer positions, one part-time parking enforcement officer, and more than 12 community volunteers. The department leases 9 patrol cars, 2 motorcycles, 2 trucks, 6 other cars, and owns 3 special units, which enable average response time less than four minutes for most of the City including the proposed annexation area. The proposed annexation and subdivision would facilitate the potential development of four (4) future custom Residential Hillside character homes construction, subject to conditions of approval for TTM 3017. Police patrols would add the 600 linear feet of Pearwood Hill Court from the end of Pearwood Avenue to their coverage and provide an emergency response time of less than four minutes to calls from the proposed annexation area when developed. Parks Facilities: The proposed SOI Amendment and Annexation of Lot 5 of TTM 3017 contain approximately 3.6 acres of passive open space, including the Pearwood Ponding Basin, prezoned Public Facility (PF). While preserving 50% of the annexation area as permanent open space and providing for flood control and storm drainage detention, the City does not intend or propose to utilize any portion of this acreage for park facilities or recreation purposes. These functions are adequately provided to the existing and proposed residential developments in the vicinity by the City's Strother Park, located between Arroyo Grande Creek and Huasna Road across from Pearwood Avenue at the City limits. Strother Park contains 8.14 acres less than one quarter mile walking distance to the four proposed homesites, including public restrooms, picnic and playground facilities as well as active and passive landscaped areas, parking lot and large multi - purpose turf. Recreation Services Other community parks and recreation facilities and programs at more distant locations, including Rancho Grande Park, Elm Street Park and Soto Sports Complex are also available to South County residents regardless of whether they live within the City limits. The City utilizes the Quimby Act and a general standard of 4.0 acres per 1,000 population for new residential developments, which in the case of proposed TTM 3017 would involve a condition of approval requiring the developer to pay park, recreation and community facilities in -lieu and impact fees for the four proposed Residential Hillside custom home lots. Some recreation programs also require user fees which cover a portion of the actual costs, and allow City residents a reduced rate compared to non -City residents. Community Development Services (Planning, Building and Engineering) The Community Development Department of the City of Arroyo Grande provides planning, building, and engineering services, including environmental impact, design and development review for public and private projects within the City's jurisdiction. As previously noted, GPA/DCA 09 -001 B and TTM 3017 were initiated by the City to resolve appropriate General Plan amendments, prezoning and potential subdivision proposals for the Pearwood Hill and Ponding Basin Annexation area. The preliminary tentative tract map would be subject to City Planning Commission and City Council public hearings after annexation to determine appropriate detailed mitigation measures, and conditions of approval for proposed development of TTM 3017. However, the City intends to pursue a sale or exchange agreement for the proposed TTM 3017 Residential Hillside lots rather than complete final map and engineering plans for potential subdivision construction. The City's objective is to obtain financial compensation for the four potential Residential Hillside custom homesites and /or to acquire a more suitable Mixed Use or Multiple Family zoned infill property within the City limits for potential assisted affordable housing development. Following annexation, and assuming successful Development Agreement for sale or exchange of TTM 3017, the Community Development Department would complete final map review and recordation process, provide subdivision improvement inspection services and subsequent building permit plan check and inspections for the four proposed residential lot developments. These may include architectural and landscape plan review and approval depending on tract map conditions of approval. It is anticipated that the City would remain the owner of the Public Facility prezoned portion (Lot 5 of TTM 3017) containing the Pearwood Ponding Basin. Public Works Maintenance Services As noted above, the annexation area would be developed pursuant to TTM 3017 with new public works constructed by the private developer subject to subsequent conditions of approval and subdivision agreement. Required water distribution, sewer collection, curbs, gutters, sidewalk and street improvements will be inspected during construction and accepted by the City for future public works maintenance. New infrastructure would not require substantial maintenance during the initial decade of development, but the existing Pearwood Ponding Basin storm drainage facilities are approximately ten years old and in need of maintenance and some modifications. Specifically, the perimeter chain link fence and the overflow ditch require improvements or modifications concurrent with the proposed subdivision. The City will contract for new security fence around the ponding basin on Lot 5 following subdivision grading. City maintenance staff will improve the overflow ditch spillway and channel and provide regular removal of debris near the pipe inlets and overflow channel to assure proper storm drainage discharge from the detention basin and prevent offsite flooding. General Municipal Administration (management, personnel, finance and records): the proposed annexation and potential development of four new Residential Hillside homesites does not significantly alter the City of Arroyo Grande's general municipal administrative service needs. No new personnel will be required to provide municipal services to the future new Residential Hillside development due to its limited size, location adjoining existing Single Family and Residential Suburban subdivisions, and proposed efficient private extension of present public infrastructure. In fact, one of the primary reasons for the City's proposal to annex the City owned acreage is to enhance its potential for low density residential development of underutilized property and to convert this apparent asset into an opportunity to help fund needed public facilities and /or affordable housing development off -site. Based on appraisal estimates the undeveloped hillside portions of the proposed annexation may enable sale or exchange contributing approximately one million dollars toward these purposes. Other Services and Concerns: (Non municipal services) Circulation — Two advantages of the proposed annexation and preliminary Tentative Tract Map 3017 is that the short cul -de -sac extension from the end of Pearwood Avenue prevents new intersection with Huasna Road and precludes further extension of the City's street system into adjoining unincorporated County Residential Suburban area. It also enables improved access to the City's Pearwood Ponding Basin and conforms to the City's hillside development standards. The potential subdivision extension of approximately 600 lineal feet of local street to serve the four proposed Residential Hillside homesites is an efficient circulation system avoiding growth inducing impacts. Public Transit: Although low density Residential Hillside development is not conducive to public transportation services, the proximity of this annexation and potential subdivision is convenient to existing South County bus route and stop at Strother Park on Huasna Road near Pearwood Avenue. These transit services are provided by The Regional Transit Authority (RTA) of San Luis Obispo Council of Governments, SLOCOG. Solid Waste and Recycling: Garbage, greenwaste and recycling services are provided to both City of Arroyo Grande and unincorporated area residential customers by the South County Sanitary Service. Integrated Waste Management and municipal franchise agreements monitor and regulate service requirements and rates. The potential impacts of four Residential Hillside homes are less than significant to Cold Canyon landfill disposal and recycling capacities. Affordable Housing: The City's General Plan Housing Element and its Redevelopment Agency plans and programs provide for affordable housing developments, including inclusionary housing policies for new residential subdivisions within the City. Proposed Tentative Tract Map 3017, with only four Residential Hillside low density single family homesites, would contribute in -lieu fees for off -site development of very low and low income rental housing on an appropriate Multi Family or Mixed Use zoned infill property within the City to be determined after annexation and subdivision approvals. Hospital /Health Care: Catholic Healthcare West owns and operates the Arroyo Grande Community Hospital located at Halcyon Road and Fair Oaks Avenue in the City. Other private health care services are also available regardless of City or unincorporated County residence. The City Fire Department emergency response includes paramedic services and private ambulance company services are also available. The impacts of four proposed Residential Hillside homesites is less than significant whether within the City or unincorporated Arroyo Grande fringe area of the County. Schools: Lucia Mar Unified School District and Cuesta Community College District provide public education facilities and services to the South San Luis Obispo County area regardless of City or County residence. The nearest elementary school is Branch School, northeast of Huasna Road and Branch Mill Road, while Paulding Middle School on Crown Hill and Arroyo Grande High School on Fair Oaks Avenue and Valley Road within the City provide for public K -12 education. Cuesta College currently provides evening classes and other student services from Arroyo Grande High School as well as the San Luis Obispo main campus. The impacts of four proposed Residential Hillside homesites within the annexation are less than significant with standard mitigation of development impact fees associated with new subdivisions in both City and County jurisdictions. Summary of Conclusions: Despite water resource constraints currently affecting development applications within the City, the proposed annexation and potential subdivision of Tentative Tract 3017 are feasible with mitigation measures considered as part of GPA/DCA 09-001B. City water distribution and sanitary sewer collection mains would be extended to serve the four Residential Hillside homesites and the Pearwood Ponding Basin would remain owned and maintained by the City within the Public Facility portion of the prezoned annexation area. City fire and police services, parks and recreation facilities and services are also adequate to serve the proposed annexation and subdivision. Community Development, Public Works Maintenance and General Municipal Administration are also capable of serving the proposed annexation with less than significant impact to existing personnel and facilities. In summary, the proposed Sphere of Influence Amendment and Pearwood Hill and Pondinq Basin Annexation provide for more appropriate development than County Residential Suburban alternative. End Plan for Services OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached Resolution No. 4259 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 23 day of February 2010. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 25"' day of February 2010. / "� / J / • KELLY ET ORE, CITY CLERK