Minutes 1983-10-18 SP I r .-. I , C try COUNC tL -- OCTOBER 18, 1983 ARROYO. GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 6:30 P.M. SPECIAL SESSION The City Council met in Special Session with Mayor Smith presiding. Council Members present were Matt Gallagher and Mark Millis. Council Members absent were Lawrence Vandeveer.and Karl A. Hogan. Mayor Smith opened the meeting with a statement of welcome and thanks to the citizens and representatives of Arroyo Grande, Grover City and Plsmo Beach for attending and for their interest. Councilman Hogan arrived and is now present at the Special Session, on the Oak Park Boulevard and Highway 101 intersection. \ City Manager Mack said there had been a meeting with representatives from Grover City, Pismo Beach and CalTrans. Many possibilities for solving the problem at the intersection have been discussed. A stop sign design from CalTrans is to be submitted to all of the cities by 11/1/83. Council heard, discussed, and suggested possible solutions such as: stop signs at appropriate places, traffic signals, blocking off portions of EI Camino Real, police patrols from the three cities to monitor and control traffic, establish no parking zones on Oak Park Boulevard, post speed limits to slow '-' traffic down. Mr. Mack asked Council to consider forming a committee of interested citizens from the area to work with the City on the problem. The committee would have a liaison arm to work with the people in Sacramento and elsewhere on legislative, technical and safety measures. Council discussed working with the developers (such as Rancho Grande and Sheraton Motel) to install off ramps now and get the intersection down to only three entrances; seek support of the County and of CalTrans; put pressure on legislature. Council agreed to have all interested citizens sign up now to form the needed committee. Mayor Smith said that this meeting was not a Public Hearing but_Council would hear input from anyone in attendance thai wished to offer opinions and Ideas. NEBB ELDWAYEN, PI smo Beach Counc i I Member, sa i d he favored form i ng an "Area Coordinating Committee". GREG SAMSON, Manager of K-Mart, stated his corporation would financially participate in making the intersection safer and would like to have cost estimates at the intersection once safety improvements were determined. CHARLES JOHNSON, Director of Public Works, Pismo Beach, said the County has responsibility in this matter also. DAVID BROWN, Police Chief of Grover City, said the report of accidents at the intersection should include the cause of the accidents on it. Mayor Smith directed City Manager Mack to distribute a sign up roster for the citizens to sign up for membership on the committee; and set November 3. 1983, as the date for the first meeting of the Committee. Mayor Smith'adjourned the Special Session at 7:15 P.M. MAYOR ATTEST: Deputy City Clerk .. .:~,:!iS!";;; '. p',;;" >:t.~'~j~:',::'.i'$:"?~,;, ~':;'::,~?, .... . :',;f'~',:"if.,2'J1~ti,t:: ,::""",i\.',{.: "o<......r,.....\.; "j':" ";;,.,::,,'--C"':,;,_: - - -, '< '1'lfiL ._- t:&.H