O 340 C.S. ...-;. '- 'It" . . ~ . . OR DIN ANCE NO. ~IlO r..S. AN ORDINANCE OF TIill CITi OF !L.'tROYO GRA."IDE Ai'lIENDlNG SECTIo.NS 9-4.1201 THRo.UGH 9-4.1213, "NEIGHBORHOOD COMMEnCIAL: {TITLE O<'fLY)"; REPEALING A..~TICLE 14 IN ITS ENTIRETY; AND ADDING ARTICLE 131\, "GENERAL COi'ilMERCIAL OR C-2 mSTIUCP' AND ARTICLE 14, "B:IGHWAY SERViCE OR C~3 IHS1Ii.IC'TH; i:l.ND AiV!ENDiNG THE ZONL'\G MAP Tt.ili CITY CDUNCIL OF 'nm CITY OF ARRo.yo. GRANDE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN Ai; FOLLOWS: SEC110N 1: That Sections 9-4.1201 through 9-4.1213, }\..rticle 12, O1apter 4, TItle 9, shall t;e arr.-ended by changing the title of each from "o-NI! to "C-1." SECTION 2: That A..rticle 13A, O1apter 4, TItle 9,is added to read in its entirety 83 follol'o6: Article 1M General Ccmnel'Cial Zone or 0- 2 Zone ~. 9-1\.131\.1. pllrpcse (G-,<n. 'TIle purpcse of the General Ccrrrrercial (o-Z) Zone is to provide a centrallccaticn, acce;sibJe .. from all areas of the cOlTl11tll1ity and surroundiP.g areas, for a broad range of retail stores, service enterprises, and businESS and office uses that will serve the daily needs of the people in theCOIIIl1.JPlty. The reguJations and developlr.ent standards set forth in the 0-2 Zone are inteOOed to provide an environment conducive to the maintenance of an efficient and economically sound shopping and businESS district. The following regulations $hall apply to all uses in the 0-2 General (h,,,,,,,.cial Zone: All uses shall be conducted within a ccmpletely enclosed building. Exemptions are as follo\\5: 1. Off-street parking and loadir.g areas. 2. The open storage of IrllteriaJs, products and equipment is perrritted provided tP.at such storage is enclosed by a fence, wall, ex other means adequate to conceal such storage from view from adjoining property andicr the public street. 3. The open-air display of products or equiprr:ent offered for sale or rental is pamtted subject to approval of a conditional use pennit. (See Section 9-4.13.'1..3.) Pee. 9-4.1~ lli.es ])emitted (C-2). Buildings, structu'es and land shall be used and buildings and structures shall be erected, str!!ct1..Irally altered cr f:i11al.1?;=d only for the follo'Ning purposes: 1. Stores, shops, bl!sin~~ and offices ;,hich slIpply c-crmxxlitiesor perform services for i'~;s.i(€~ni:3 fA t.he Ci~ ,).il<J the l'S"f)OO, such as, but not lirrited to, (~epttrtrr.€f1t stcr.es, specialty shofSr ;::rofessional and busir.ess offices, an<! service enterprises. 2. Food stores and restaurants which include delicatessens, ~;upermarkets, ice cream shops, and cocktcillounges and bars ;>,hich are a part of restaurants. Drive-thru and drive-in restaurants alii stores llI'e subject to approval of a conditional use pennit. (See Section 9-4.131\.3) 3. Public ~r:d semi-public buildings, secvices and facilities \\hich inch:de lib!"aries, churches, gO\iemr..ent egencies, parks, pUblic utility offices and exchanges. ~~(:.. !!-:L18 A .3._ Uses pPrni1ted st:b'ect to " c0!1(]itiona1 ':Sf! pernit (C-?t J. Entcrtainrr.ent and cO/1merclal mruserrent centers. 2. Cocktail lcuq;f:S, nlghtcluts, ie.ms. ~. Hote15, I<oteJs, IT{)tor inns \',1thout guest kitchen focilities. 'I. DMve-i.1 (jr cTive-ti'ru restaurHnts Md stores. 5. &,h(;o15, H:S'~I=, stL;wc;; m:d clues which include m:sic ar:d [ut ~.choo:S, bLsin'2SS and l ,~,~t'r';(':~l ;..:cr.cols, djy r;f!!'e nI.'rser!€S, health stc<liC'$, eluts and ledgES Clnd sudler crganizaUcrs. J "'<~Ii I, . ',~..",-< ... mm~__ ",",,:;~,_...:.:.i$-':;~-' ' --- .all. . . 6. HalpitaJs, group health facilities, convalescent centers, group hanes, hostels. 7. Bus tei'IJUIU; and siniIar trot facilities. 8. Mortuaries <r funeral hanes. 9. 'The open-air dispJay of (I'Oducts <r equi(Ulent offered f<r sale <r rental. 10. Mini-W81'ehouses f<r personal st<rage. 1L One (1) dweWng tmit as an ace m"Y use, located above <r to the rear of a pemitted CUlllletCial use. 12. The 8SIIeIItIly, P'OC.::&SIng, or treatment of (I'Oducts which 8l'e clearly Incidental to the retail bu;iness conducted on the ~, (1'Ovidedl a) ..' OpEratlom 8l'e canpetlbJe with surrounding e<mnerclal uses; b) OpErations 8l'e free fran nuisances of noise, odor, dust, smcke, vllntlons, air and water pollution, and other siJJi]ar ~ c) That not IIQ'e than twenty-five (25) percent of the total floor area is \Bed f<r such assembly, ~ <r treatment of (I'Oducts. d) That not IIQ'e than five (5) persons 8l'e ent>Joyed In such lISSenbly, (rOCessIng <r treatment of (I'Oducts. 13. All signs must meet the (1'Ovislans of Section 9-4.2407. 14- Any use Which the ~ canrissIon, by resolution, deterPInes to be siniIar in character to the uses set forth In this section. ~. 9-4.13A.4. I1Re.C1 i:'YrWa<<ly tJ'f\hibftAd (~2\_ All uses not Jisted 8l'e expressly (I'OOibited. Sec. 9-4.13A.5. Al!C--"'I'J' hrri1<iil1Q," and ,-- pAl'IIIItted (0-2). 1. Accessory ~ having a mudnun height of fourteen (14) feet IJII1y If COI15tructed sinIIltaneously with, <r sulxiequent to, the II1IIin ~ on the same Jot. 2. Accessory uses clearly Incidental to the uses permitted. 3- All sigm must meet the {:t'OvisIom of Section 9-4.2407. ~ 9-4.t3A.6. M,nrimJIII Ann....hI<> heient (0-2\. 1. The mudnun I1dkIing <r structural height of all buikIIns11 in the General GAlII8'Cial (002) Zone shall be thirty feet (30'). 2. All sign heights must meet the sign (1'Ovisions of Section 9-4.2401. ~.. 9-4.13A..7.. Mfliimm hllilrli11f site And Jot width ~riN*t'1 (("J""2l. 1. The IIiniIIun I1dkIing site and Jot width re<J.dred In the General OA,oloa'clal (002) Zone, un1ess the Optional DesIgn and In'p'ovement StaOOardi 8l'e ll!edassetfotthinSectld19-4.l411 of this Article, shall be as follov.!!: a) Mfnimm hrrildil'1i ~I 1) Public and (riwte recreation and cannerclal entertalnnent uses - one (1) acre 2) 0n.I'ches, clutJj, lodges, schoo1J, (XIbIic and seIJi-public ~ - 20,000 square feet 3) Hotels, DDteIs - 20,000 square feet 4) All other uses - 10,000 square feet b) Minimrn JI& JIoi.I11b.: One hundred feet (100') ~.. 9-4..13A.8. Msnrlmm hlli1tfi~ Rite ~VWA~ ~ hri1tti'9-cp ~ CC-2\. The mudnuncoverage of a Jot by all structures pemitted in the General Qmnerclal (002) ~ 1. Zone shall not exceed fitty percent (50%) of the Jot area; (1'Ovided, however, a oinInun of five percent (5%) of the ]and 8l'ea shall be Jandscaped with suitable plants, trees, <r shrutB, as app'OVed by the Director of Parks and Recreation. 2 ,'.", 0'_"/0.\ 0 -'---;'_'>.:.:l~~~ , tUnjrnluG.J:jUe\"rit~j ({~{l1 'i ,~ 1. , 'Ihe mL"lUn.:ril Y&l'cs 1"2GLired in the Gehercl Ccmc<;rcie.l (C-2) Zone, unleSs ot;l€r'...i~e rC{jUil"O;:~ in /u'ticle 25 of this chapter astablishing bUilding linES or tll1lESS the Optional Dasign ar;d ~ '.... ;,">,1- I - I '1, t , 1 " ,. $-" . n ,.' "..l'J _'., 1 ""-,, I t'., '~-, '" arpI'Ol'E0"Or], v,J!;K'D.cCS 1l1W2'Ci:en (:sere oS Sf,r ~Grln ];1 02cccn "-Cr..:-,,.. O.t "'JS' .1>' lCie, Sn1.UU, Ps foll0ll}s::: ,J.;' ,. i; ,1) 1;';""nj~ V"r'd - '17:1("", 1r:i-. .-::',"-",fP })~l~o' n rr-r;td Y-'l'(;d i::.''<-';~{.Jr:l-;7l;O' i-'C",'r,s,-< '~::.....;:. ~', r'P, ~v;c1t;-, qf '~;-,p -."."..",..~".."., ..v"....,,,... ""'''v'' '."....,-.c,... """"_'~, ""." .... ~r,,.. q i'l~'f':'!A 10 T.'f~Ilr"(''<::\\''<.,l!s [lor} J>.or;;iT':':Jrl' St:':-.~?(!i!";<:r' 11'-2" >'::;',"L~,~~~. "'-'., ~'-'-'--",.. ............,,"-~"-~""" ~ .-,,<._u, subject Pl'Gf'2rty,of not J2SS t'!Jo t1wee feet (3')... b) ,~dc:. &"d.r0Al:Yll':!1s. - None !'e<juil'ed, l.;n:!€;;.-s contiguous to IJn II-Zone, then ten' teet (Io'). I , , ,. ">-'~-.. .~. <. 1.; Fencas or walls shaU be reqidrz."d 1'i.'1el'e u C- 2 deve:!opr.-ent abuts a rasidential zone. 2... Fe.." "" ,"'" "''''l ""' "'oeM '" f"" C5') '0>"1"" m" '''~e '1m f~" ~'" t~","O' """ed '''''~' "My ,~""~", ".'blie """" the fe~" ,,,' ""'''hID, t<' e~"" "~ "" m~ . h'lf '-'''(C2-1/2') lit hdght.._ F~ g",,,,, "u"",~ "co ,__" of So""'" H2113 eh..u ..pp'Y;" , .' .3''''''All pill'king'El!'e1!S,lT'kChaniee.l struct-ur~ and [!rpul'tep.anc~ shan be adequately screened"" .,\!, u, ftem _",i2~'i. f.r:::m nil pL:blic str~ets~ 4. .f."',"h "" g-"""",,,,,,, ~"'hmJ "_ed,,,,, ,_ th.reeC') ,W" by, fi~ foot (5')' screened solid wall and shall have adequate accESS for cOlle<:;'tion vehicles.' ~4,13A.l1 Ac"~Kc21 ",. co,.). ;,,~A~l,PQiIlW Q,L vepJ9tJlar ficcESS, tO~dJrcm off"str€et Pllrkir,g aress and driveways.cnto public rights-of-way sh2lI be /lppro'led by the Dir~tcr of PtJbIie Works. "0 _ --.c:",~ ~ c....~..;,_. ,,' _d,~ ,i,. ""'on 9-4."01,' ,_ , '~"""Y ,_ or _~, _,,~ """" ,.. ''''' [:['proved; by Jhe .fu-chikChrral_Review Boal'd and the Pla.l1Idng C.omri.'Sic'O, .o" "". ' . &~~ ~-Aip.,\.l ?~Q~!'<11. C~.iliLi.~'Tent st"Jnci,qli's Jc-2). 1. ' '''~",w"''"'.,, m the G~~" a",,,,,,,,, (C") ",," "" I...,,, "'''>e" by "" '~0 'md~ "" 0","",_"..." lmp,,,~,,,, ,,""_ of th. ,"""""", """""om; "'h 'PY'J,"';cN"""~''',,'Q",,'''e''''dY'''' ",,"' "ehp",,,... ". -"""m the """"""""or this chllp,tzr. (See Section 9-3.503 for Pl'Ovisiom) '..,r.' Alll""", ""H'""'g, ew";,, ,,,'" ,,""'''' ;"c~ from , '''b,,,,,, '''''', .. . .",'- ..,,-,_...... l~, _" '''..--.;.,.,.-.-.. '~""\"l:cr::",-,_., _ qJ".,." '1 ," ~> S::d,h~.],1. iU~.Qf[-;;r-1i."'...U,',"J'ki"~l'~9!lcw ((;-~l- , . .. k, 'ffi, "'.""".. "f lid i~, '" o[ (h" "'''p' '''eo li '.pp'y " de'"""",,,, 'he Wi""", ,f '"""g - ,,- .." -'" .. ""--:':_""~""~':' '. .. ,SpliCe to ~e progic'e<:jfol".E""'h li,Sein the Cenel"Bl CCffn~el"C;'ii (G-2) Zone. .. . . irrpf'Ovec] '25 set forth i'J Ar1:ic:!e 26 of tr'>js chapt~r. 2-s:, 8-'::l.13.&l:1 EJ.e~tlGC>;. sitt' r"~~"N:'("er;Mcr"'l'rW~l (C-:?l. J. ,Elevatior:s, site plans and l!lIldscaping plans in the General Con.rrerclal (C-2) Zone shall be Ii . s!lbmittE~l ita the F1!lIll1ing CCInIli..'Sion fer. review pricr to U;e issuance of ['~ly building f.E'I'mit. rl1,~.. r"r:;I'!.r;nc~ s"ar>~'K' (-.'1:'.:.11 ~o ....'-'r......;'\..1..l!b~.l:-' ......"-'-.J '<,.:. .......... - ~..'~.' S.EC:'Tl0N 3: 'filN Article 14, Olllpter 4, Title 9, is her'eby l"epealed in i:S I':ntirety [!J1d on:enced to read iIi,' its entirety i1.S foUo~: 36' 36 . appearance of the coommity. The foJlo~ regulations shall apply to all Illes in the 0-3 Highway Service ZOne. All Illes shall be conducted Mthin a cmp.etely enclcsec:l bIIiIdiqt. ~ are as foJlo\\lil: 1) Off-street par~ and JoadIng areas. 2) The open st<rsge of materiaJs, products and equipnent is permitted (X'OVided that such sta'age is enclaied by a fence, wall, 01' other means adequate to conceal such sUnge !ran view !ran adjoining (I'OpEI"ty em/OI' the IWilic street. 3) The open air display of products 01' equlpnent offered fOl' sale 01' rental is permitted (rOvieled the display is maintained in a neat and c:rderly manner. ~. 9-4-1402. USM gerrrittAd (C~3t -~ ~, structlfts and land shall be used and bulldiqpI and struct\&'es shall be erected, structurally altered 01' enlarged only fOl' the f~ purpcses: 1) Motor vehicle sales and service IuJiiEsses; (a) Gasoline stations - Only the sale and service of gasoline, on, air and \'IIBter are permitted outdoors. SII]e of non-euto (1'Oducts is subject to app'Oval of a conditional use permit (Section 9-4.1403) (b) A11to repair garages - All operations DIISt be conducted Mthin ~ enclaied ~ (c) New and used auto, nntacyc1e, nntor home, carnper, traDer, farm machinery, truck and boat sales and services (d) 'll'avel traIlet-recreation vehicle perks and storage (e) 'rowiqt services, auto rental agencies, taxi services, 81Q11ance services (f) Mechanical 01' self-service car washes 2) HoteIs,nnteh,nntor inns, bed and l1'eakfast inns, hostelspndsssaclated convention facilities. Kitchen facilities fOl' guests are subject to app'Oval of a conditional use permit (Section 9- 4.1403); 3) Restaur8llts, and cocktail lounges and b8rs which are a part of resta1rants; 4) Retail stores which primarily serve the tra~ IWilic. Sel!.. 9-4..1403.. Uses gerrritted !iZl1hjP-P-t to 8 oanditinna1 URe permit Co-a}.. 1) 0ubrI, lodges, coommity centers, churches, and public utility I:xIIIdIqpI and Illes, not IncJudIqt service 01' corporation ysrcB; 2) Private and IWilic recreation centers and visi~ ccmnercla1 entertaJnnent centers; 3) Bus teminaJs and sini]ar trandt facilities; 4) Hotels, nnteh, nntOl' inns, bed and l1'eakfast inns, hostels Mth guest kitchen facilities; 5) Gasoline service stations ~ non-auto (X'Oducts; 6) ~ materia19 supply and sales yard, tool and equipnent rentals, plant mneries; 7) Mini-warehouges fOl' personal storage; 8) Kennels, (X'OVieled that no open kennels are maintained, that bulldiqpI and struct\&'es , are cmp.etely SOUIId(roofed, and the perimeter of nm areas Is ~tely IIIII'1'OIIDcIe by 811 eight-foot (8') solid wall; 9) All sJgm DIISt meet the (rOvisions of Section 9-4.2407; -. 10) Arrj use which the amDssIon. by resolution, detemines to be sIIriJar in chIIracter to the Illes set fa'th In this section and in Section 9-4.1402 of €his Article. ~_ 9-4..1403..L tJRACZ p-~1y ~i~tM l(,,~3)_ All Illes not listed are eJqI'ESSly (rOhitited. I I 4 ....-------- -- -- - -.I - .......-~ ___ ........nuLLII:::I(J' "" .,.'"'" . ..LfI.....~U ~"^"KT,......~?"1.' "",c,,:,,",.,,~,. ..,,;.,1if"~~;1~~_~ -'~ -', ;.. ..,... "',". ,.' ,,'\.. ,:#h.r",,~,,'o<;,'~',,:',.I')": .. '...t,-,W<,-' '1'; .'.,. ",,, ' , '- '<2'..;. .' ........."c";.ff5;...!.'i~!t~~1 :Ope. ')-4.1404- Ace=rv bllik!in~ nrd ,,,eo; ~r,,;tte<1 ((;-3). ,.,",-, '." 1) Accff':..""C!'Y b1JilGings havir.g a ma:illnum height of fourteen (14) feet only if COl15trtlCted sirrultaneously with, or SlJt<sequent to, the rrEin building cn the same lot; 2) Accf'R3ory \!S€S normally iI:eidental to the lli€S permitted; aruJ 3) AU sl;ins r;]jst rE>2'8t tbe provisions of Sectien '9-4..2.:107. ~t~.._ !)-~~ J!:ili. L'tl:r.:.li}:..'7I r>Po:t:~01~ h~1!"Jnt (C-3). 1. The IJJ<J.WQI,ll building or strtiCturDI height of pJl buildings inn the Highway Service (C-3) Zone shall be thTty feet (3D'). 2. All sign heights must meet the sign provisions of S€ction 9-4.2407. .8;W-<!.1406. 1'v'Tln;lT1.:m builqiD,! site ~Dd lot ~'.i1nth reC:~l~I"ed {C-:n. 1. The minimum building site and lot width required in the Highw'!!y SeeI"Vice (0-3) Zone, unless the Optional Design and Jm[XOvement Standards are used as set forth in Secticn 9-4.1411 of this Article, shall be as follow.:;: a) MinifTltlITI hni1rline- ~ 1) Motor vehicle sales and service businesses - 20,000 square feet - 2) Hotels I1I1d rroteJs - 2U,COO square feet 3} Qlurehes, clum, lodges, public and serr.i-public buildings - 20,000 square feet 4) Public and private recreation uses and comnercial entertainment uses - one (1) acre 5) Travel trailer or recreation vehicle parks - three (3) aC!'E5 6) All other uses - 10,000 square feet b) Minirrum.1oi l'&J!h:. One hundred feet (100') Sec. 9-.1.1407. MAxim"" b,iilmn'J" site cover"~ by h'ri'ciing;; or structures (0-3). 1. The w.aximurn coverage of a lot by all strtJCtures permitted in the. Highway Service (C-3) Zone shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot area; provided,however, amiPJrrumof five percent (5%) of the land area shall be landscaped with suitable plants, trees, or shruts, as approved by the Dif1ector of Parks and Recreation. ~. 9-U1D.8. MinimJrn v3rC!s re<J1'ired (C-3t 1. The minimum yards required in the Highway Service (0-3) Zone, unless otherwise required in Article 25 of this chapter establishir.g building lines or unless the Optional DBSign and Jmprovement Standards have been used as set forth in Section 9-4.1411 of tl>.is Article, shall be as folio,\/!: a) EJ:QiltYClM - EDCh lot shall have a front yard, extending acrcss the full widt!1 of the subject prope-ty, of not less tna.'l tl'.ree feet (3'). b) ~!.\llil~~ - None required, unless contiguous to an R-Zone, then ten feet (1O'). fooc. 9.4-1409. Fen~. w"n<< and reqlrired sereenin". (C-:n. 1. Fences or walls shall be required ,.,here a C-3 developnent abuts a residential zone. 2. Fences ap.d walls shall not exceed six feet (6') in height, and where the fences and \~alls are kCE'ted adjacent to fJIf'j access into a public street, the fep.ces and walls shall not exceed two and one- half feet (2-1/2') in height. For general provision, the requirerrents of Section 9-4.2413 shall apply. ? All pffrklng areas, rr.echarJcal structures and appurter.ances shall be adequately screened ". frem view frem all public streets. 4. Trash and garb&ge collection r.rep.5 shall be SUlTOlIp.ded on at least three (3) sides by a five- foot (5') screened solid w~ll and shDli have adeq1Jate eccess for collection vehicles. ~'('. 9-4.1.110. ~ I. !\ll !".id3 of vehiculBr accESS to and frem off-stre~t parking m'ees Hnd dri'le..,<!ys onto p:biic ri,;bts--0f-I',,'Y shaE be Hp~m'ied by the Director of Public Works. 5 "',,:.~~~ ..,;",,"'" --,-----"", " ....... ~ - - , ,>,-,~- ~,-,_._'..._..----~~'~-- -':'~;;~P"~ ~""'r.' ...',....... . '. 2. All lots shall have frontage on an<! have vehicular access frem a dedicated street as provicled in Section 9-4.2601, unle$S a secondary II:€$S of per::ranent vehicular access has been n"iA"oved by tbe J...rchltectural Review Board and the P'.annir.g Ccmr:ission. f~c" 0,...4,.1411.. QDtional d,~ p~c1 j4"(C'f~li.811t ~:.t&ld~'$ fr-:n. J.. When a cevelcpr.ent L1 the Highway Ser'nce ((,'-3) Zopc bC:iS been approved by the COiDl>:::::Sl.On uncet ti'iB Opticm-u Design and Iirproverr:ent St8nc1art~3 cf ti~e subdivision provIsior:s~ such vpproved building 3it~1 coveraE;"2, and yard under Sl:ch plan 5hall be cor;s;cered as the requir~ments of this chnpter. (See Section 9-3.503 fer provisiom) ~.. 9-t-ill12,. MiDh"iitiITI nff~pt parl~1n[ rpqpi!"'~ (C-:1.1. 1. The pWlJisioro of Article 26 of this cnapter shall apply in deterrrirJng the amount of par',dng space to be provided for each use in tiJe Highway S€i'vice (C-3) Zone. The parkiP.g spaces shall be irnproved as set fertiJ in Article 26 of trus cnapter. Sf'c, 9-11.1.113. f:h'vatiot'S, site Dl~"" And 1<>nC~~"rin,; flpproval (C-3). 1. Elevatiol'.s, site plans and landscaping plans in the Highvie.y Service (0-3) Zone shall be submitted to the Planning Ccrrmission. fer review prior to the issuN.ee of any building permit. SECTION 4: That the Zoning Map of the Oty of Arroyo Gi'!!I1Ce is amended as illustrated in "Exhibit A," attached. SEC110N 5: A surrrrnry of tris ordinance shalll::e published in a nellSp8per published and circulated in said Oty at leBSt five (5)days prior to the Oty Council rr.eeting at which the proposed ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the propcsed ordinance snall be posted in the office oftiJa O~J Dark. Within fifteen (15) da~'S after adop~on of the~, the sumnary With the narr.es of these Oty Council Members votiP.g for or against the ordinance shall be published again, and the Oty Dark shall post a certified copy of the full text of sucnadopted ordiP.ance. On motion of Council Member Gallaghe!', seconded by Council :.:errbe!' Johmon, and on the follo,-"ing roll call vote, to \"it: A YES, Mayor Smith and Council Members Gallaghe!'"Jqbr;scn.:)>lQQts. and ''',.......~~..,.J _,.,:'_._....._'.~'_,.,~,""'-.,.....\, ' , Porter NOES: None ,."JJSENT: None the fCn-going Ordinar,ce was p8~ and adopted on the 11th CiJ.'j C:. Fecrwry, 1986. fj'(Lw,J k~ MAYOR AnFST: 77aiA,ftJ. a. ~ CITY CLEjJ'(( I. NANCY A. DAVIS, City CJerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of C;:ll ifornia, do hereby certify that the f()(.,cJoing Or"dinance No. 340 C.S. is a true, full dnd CcrTE'ct copy of ~~i'I.OrdindnCE' passed and ddopted at a regular meeting of said Council (Jr; t.IH: 11 Lh day of februuy, 1936. ',.:TTUrss r,:\f 11.-mrJ and tn'1 Sf~c11 of the Ci ty of ArToyr:' G1-Jnde affixed thl', 1~Jth' d'~iY (If h:~hnJr)(Y, [966. -'1 C. l,1,r.~'o.!-iJ~~.i,:/~4o.,:L i,' ~y CL[_r<~// 6 .. .;.;;,. -.., ,~~,,-:~ ., \ . ,., """",,..,-,. ,. .",,~.- -' - -~<,". 7~~~S/~G " '.,.... .", ~'" 4., '."'et. .....% ., >> .. , '. , I , , S ~ ......~.. r- A :>- .Q "t1 QJ ra G <!J B ~ 0 , , . {J <!J .' '-1 rn ,q; '- ," U) '(4 '-. r:. 0 N N ,q; :,1-; U "~ ':.' f4 "'~ .. <-l . .oC~ f(j 0 -.-1 .U {) s..; 0 I1J r-I H ? f(j . ''; H o {) I1J .;?, o s..; {) t:iJ '0 (IJ 'r; :?: s :> Q 0 E '-1 i ';?' 0 0 <I) \ "t:iJ .G 0 U} ~. , . '?i H . o <-l :;:.,. , . .Q f(j f(j i . .Q ...... .G H '> .'CiJ t; . (]J c: ! 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