O 339 C.S. ,',. ..~.">"~'~""'C'.:'!>~",:C;;~~~~t~~~~~~+~~~ " '~".. ~,I . '+A"(~ . " , . . ORDINA1'1CE NO.339 C. S. r . i . AN ORDINANCE OF TIrE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE i'rJODfI.1YDCG THE OlULTIPI..E FA"dlLY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ST.o\."IDARDS lJY REPEALING ..\."'111C1..E 8 "G}\RDEN APARTIilENT RESJDIDITf..AI. DISTIUCT OR R-G DISTRICT', Ai'JD REPEALING AND Al'iIENDDfG A.."tTICLE 9, ";"mL'IJPLE-FAi"l1LY RESlDEl'ITIAL DISTIUcr OR R-3 DJSTRJC7", At'lD M,JENDl1'iG TIIE APPROPRIATE TI'IIJ!S AND TIlE LECEND ON THE ZONWG MAP. 'Uill CITY WUNCJL 011 TIIE GI'IY OF ARROYO GRA.."1DE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS :FOL1,O \'Is: Sccticn 1: 111at f;rticl~ 8 (s...cctioro 9-4.801 through 9-4.816) be repealed in its ( entirety. l- Secticn 2: 'Ilmt l\.rticle 9 (Sections 9-4.901 through 9-4.916) be repealed in its entirety ,md !lmended to read as folloll6: ARTICLE 9. Mu1~ FarriIy REsidential Di5triet or R-3 Distrid: Sec. 9-4.901. fu'pcse (R-3) This district is intended to fulfill the need for medium high density resroential development. The property development standards flI'e intended to accomnodat~ e. veriety of housiPg types while maintaining a desirable residential character in the district. Sec. 9-4.902- Uses !'emitted (R-3) Buildings, structures or premises shall be used and buildings and s~ shall be erected, altered or enlarged only for the following uses: (a) Dwelling units; (b) Temporary buildin~ for uses incidental to construction viOrk which ( buildings shall be rerooved upon the completion or abandonment of the construction work. Sec. 9-4.9 03. Uses pem:itted subject to a ~ticnal t:se pemit (R-3) (ll) QU.rrches, schoo15, parks, playgrounds, and public utility and public buildings and uses, not including service yards, corporatio!!. yarm or storage yard5; {b} Planned developn-,ents - subject to review and approve! by the FlaMing CorrmL"5ion and aty Council under the provisioro of Optional Design find Jrrprovement Staooa.res of Section 9-3.503. (c) Niobile home parks - the provisions of Section 9-4.2002 shall lIpply. (d) Sales rr,odel d\~eJJjng unlt(s). ( Cbnmmity eMe facilities which serve sLx (5) or fewer persons. (c) ( (t) Sig~fS - the provis:ons of S€etion 9-4.2407 shrill apply. See.. ~-";.J03..1.. US€S Exp=sPJ F1~rjl:::ited (R-3) (l~ ) !iH,Jt),StrinI und eGITff.f:7rcial tzes. n II II ffi~ rot s;::; ci1iciilly referenced. u. &_'C". ~~.Lsn-~.. r.~J Lui:a.....;3 D.rxJ l...~ pemitted (It-3) - ----,---~---------.. -'"-----'~ w' . "",,,,,c;'~~j\;''l:''.'7'~;:;;7~~S:~~~,;g';'f~~ '. ~ ~ (ll) Accessory builc!ir<gs and stn:ch.lreS - s>Wrrrnir.g pool, gaze/:x>, ' ',': ,~,',: ,'..; .. ~ ',.., "', '-:"' ,',- . . . "0'" ' . -,~' -/- , custodial and grounds storage, private greenhouse, recreation and court flI'e8S, IU1d other accessory uses which serve the property and development exclu;,ively. The provisions of Section 9-4.2416 shall apply. (b) Accessory uses - only uses c1eflI'ly incidental to the use of the \ structure for dwelling purpcses. SecondflI'Y uses shall be subject to provisions of Section 9-4.3000 for hcrr.e occupations; and (c) Signs - the provisioro of Section 9-4.2407 shall apply. See. 9-4.9D5. MIDdnuD ~ t.eigl1t (R-3) (a) Main ~ 'J\'^3 (2) stories, not to exceed thirty {30} feet. (b) If the R-3 development abuts a Single Family Residential District, -.,- the building height may be lirrited to one (I) story as determined by the Architectural Review Bosrd approvaL (c) A1x [J3 ~ ~ Fourteen (14) feet. See. 9-4.905.L DweIIir1g \!!lit 9ze ~~"'Jb (R-3) (a) Dwelling units shall be subject to the following mininun groos floor 8reBS, exclusive of parking flI'eBS, open porches and patios: . Studio unit - four hundred and fifty (450) square feet. j One-bedroom unit - six hundred and fifty (650) square feet. ~ 'IWo-be<1room unit - Eight hundred (800) square feet. For each additioI1iil bedroom in excess of two (2) - One hundred fifty (150) squa.ooe feet. SEc. 9-4.900- MDJimm ~ site and Jot \WmI and de;;:th required (R-3) 'Jl1e minimum building site and lot width and depth required in the R-3 District, unless the Optional Design and In'proVe!T'€flt Standards are used as set forth in Section 9-4.911 of this /rtlcle, shall be as follol'o6: (o.) Minimum building site: 1) Seventy-t\'.o hundred (7200) square feet for corner or interior Jots for residential uses. 2) QlUrches /lnd other public and semi-public uses, twenty I thousand (20,OOO) S(jU8re feet. (0) Minirr:um lot ...huth: Comer and interior lots, seven~J (70) feet. 1) All Jots stwlJ have no less than a thirty-foot (3()') street fronto"o !\Ix! 011 lots shall be thirty feet (30') wide or wIder 0 from front to reur property lines. .-,-------- "-~ --- ,~~. . ..""~O~~?~~"<Y:~~~~f~1; . ;:>u .... '. .. (e) l\1inirr.um lot depth: One hundred (100) feet." .' . .>L:;:~;.;;& ; - . '-c-7.~;~'7~ See- 9-4.901. l'r"!amu1! ~ site coyc,,1!ge by l:uikJir.g:J cr ~ (R-3) .,,-,.-", . ~ The maximum coverLlge of a lot by all strt.'Ctures permitted in the R-3 District shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the total lot area, which will indude main and accessor-j !:uildir.gs, parkirg areas, driveways ar:d Covered patios. Tl1e rem~inirg fifty (50) percent of the total lot flI'ea shall be provided as open area subject to the r-rovisions of Section 9-4.913. Sec. 9--4,g 08. r.fuiliwn yaros ~ (R-3) l Minimum yar<'s required in the R -3 District, unless othel'lYise re<j1Jired in Article 25 of this chapter, establishing building lines or Ul'less Optional Design Star.dflI'ds have been vsed as set out in Section 9-4,gU, shall be as follo'h5: (a) Frmt ~ Each lot in the R-3 District shall have a front yard extending (except for a~ drives and walks) a~ the full width of the subject proper1:\} of a depth of not less than fifteen (15) feet; provided, ho~, that the Planning Ccrrn1i55ion trey allow staggering of setbaclcs, with a variatiQn of three (3) feet between structures. In no cs.se. shall a setback of less than twelve (12) feet be allowed. {b} Side yard!. There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot, extendirg from the front yard to the retJr yard, of not less than five (5) feet on an intericr lot line. l - (c) Rear ~ Each lot s1>.aJ1 have a reflI' yard extending across the full width of the lot of not Jess than ten (10) feet. (d) Except for access driveways and wa1ks, there shall be no structure located in the required front yards or in the required side yard3 abutting the street. (e) No storage, d:isrT'8I1tling or repair of boats, trailers or vehi<!les is permitted in front or side yards. Th'ovisions of Nuisance Abatefr.ent Ordinance No. 309 shall apply. (0 Wherever an R-3 development abuts an R-I, R-2 or other R-3 zoned property, a side and rear yard of not less than fIfteen (IS) feet shall be maintained. (g) Larger yarc's may be required by the Architectural Review Board I and Planning Comroission or Oty Council if the existing or future develor:rrent of the area flI'OlInd the site W8IT1!nts larger yar<:':5. (h) Disto~e between building:! - there shill! not be less than ten (10) feet bet"'~n an accfSSOry building and a rr.Rin building, or between t-,vo rI'Hin buildings. Sec. ~...!II)'J. F~ Wan-, 1'00 ~ ~ (R-3) .. - _..~ d' '. ~n__..."_~ "V, jjy ;;:~;f;-t~!~lfI'~~;i~~,. '. (a) Fences BJK! walls shall be permitted but shall. not be required' ... ,,~~::-. :;;''':;'0' ......~.~'. . ' , m-: .. ':-~.:;,~ .......~,'~ ';~...~~:,~~~_' the R -3 District. Such fences and .../aJJs shall not e.~ six (6) - -.,:.:::;~_:;;~ -- .. ."'.-.;,.. feet in height, and where located in the required front yard Ol' j side yard abutting the street, the fences and walls shall not exceed three (3) feet in height. For general p,uvi..sion, the re<jUirew.ents of Section 9-4.2413 shall apply. , (b) All parking areas, lI'.echanical struc tures and appurtenances shall , i a be adequately screened from view from all public streets and 1 adjacent properties. {c} '!rash and garbage coll~tion areas shall be surrounded on at least three (3) sides by a five-foot (5') screened W!I11 and shall have ooe<jUate access for collection vehicles. Sec. 9-4.910. A~ (R-3) (a) All lots shall have frontage on and have vehicuJar access from a dedicated street as provided in Section 9-4.2601, tu11es3a secondsry means of permanent vehicuJar access h8s been 8pJ;i'Oved by the Architectural Review Board and the Planning Comr~. , , (b) All points of vehicular acce;s to and from off-street parldng ! ~as and driveways onto public rights-of-way shall be approved by the DirectOl' of Public Works. Sec. 9-4.911. Optk.r.al Geign mx1 inp'oYerr.ent sta.~ (R-3) When a development in the R-3 District has been app-oved by the PJanning Coomission under the Optional Design and Improvemeot Standa."(]s, the app-oved building site!!, coverage, and yards under stIch plan shaJJ be considered as the requirements of this chspter. (See Section 9-3.503 for provisions). Sec. 9--1-:>12- Min:mm off-$reet parXiDg required (R-3) The provisions of Section 9-4.2600-9-4.2605 shall apply in detemining the M'DU!!t of parkir:g Sp;1ce to be provided end the improvemeots required. Sec. !}-j.913. Open 8reft and Cefisity pa" fmrily unit (R-3) (!J) Densi ty - the minL11U1TJ lot area per dwelling shall be thirty-one hundred (3100) squsre feet (H.O d\\ellif1g units/acre). This I lot area shall not inclcde dedicated rights-of-way or "stem" on I fJeg lots. (tJ) Open /lrea rL,<]uired - A rr.inirm.:m of fifty (50) percent of the total lot f1rea of C! r1evelcprnnt shall be pmvided llS open flI'ea, exclusive of rr.ain and DCC=r:t b'Ji!dings, dr1'1el''9.Y;, pru-kirg nreAS and covered patios. The follov,mg ri'ovisicr.s shaH IJpply: 1) Forty (t,(j) F€1"cent of the total lot f1_~a shall be provided in ccmron open ~ ----,,- ~.,,,<<..:2 ------' -~...'- ~-_.- ;);'\': ORDlN,'NCE NO. 33'J?"'!V''''7'''6C'~;~~ This may inckde the required yard areas (Section 9-4.908}.:':""'.j;~:~'-;:~j 2) A private outdoor Jiving space adjoinip.g each dwelling 1lI1it shall be provided. The area shall be a minimum of three hlU1Gred and ten (310) square feet or not less than tcn (10) percent of t.'1e total lot area per GWelliilg uni t. 'Ihis area shall be accessible to and usable by residents and may include adjoioing tx'1lcopjes, (YJrches and open patios. k 3) "~l r{Xjuired open flI'e8S shall be landscap€d and ro.amtained in accordance with a detailed landscaping plan approved by the Director of i Parks Md Recreation. Sec. 9-4.914- Dev~t p1ans (R-3) (a) Applicatioro for the develor'.ff.ent of property shall be sulxnitted to the Subdivision Review Board for recomr.endation and to th~ PlanningCcrrrnission .. ., for approval. See Article 6 of the Subdivision Ordinance for the procedures and for the requirem.el1ts of development plans. (b) The Planning O:Jmmissjon shall approve the aforementioned Develqxnent Plans, if all the provisions of the R-3 District are canplied with and the development is \vithin the spirit and intent of this Oistrict. All deveJopnent shall be in accordance with the approved pJans prior to issuance of an occtlp8IlCy permit by the BuildLTJg Department. \ Sec. !H!.915. /!rehitecrural ApproYal (R-3) (D.) Architectural drawiD.gs or sketches must be apfroved subject to the pI'(''isions of Section 9-4.2701 and 2702 before the issuance of a building permit. Section 3: That all map references to "R-G" on the official ZoniP.g Map shall be chwged to read IR-3", ar.d the Lege(ld of said ro.ap shall be a.rr.ended accordingly. Section 4: This OrciL'1l!r.ce shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its pa;>;e.re, e.nd '"iLf]in fifteen (IS) days after its passage, it shall be published once, together 'with the P.~lo5 of the Council f,lerr.bers voting t.lJereon, in a newspaper of general circulation \'lithin the aty.. On r::otion of OJuncil i'IIember Callagher, seconded by OJuncil Member Moots, and on the folio'vinZ roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Smith and Council ri!errbers GalJagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter 1/01".5: None l I',!{-;ZNT: None th'~ ['n!',',;"!:::'; Orilinaoce \'it:S p;ssed and adopted on th," 27th day of JElnuary, 1%6. I -15 'uJYJ:lk-0Cfv MAYOR '-'/J - n . AT1~T:_.__i '1!; /'r (C._Ji[r"UH~ ,. CTiY (..'LERK, 'J ____'''__._~