Minutes 1999-02-23 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23,1999 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER The Honorable City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. 2. FLAG SALUTE Cub Scout Pack 327 of the Five Cities led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. INVOCA TION Jean Bowser, Baha'i Faith of Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. 4. ROLL CALL Council: -X-Lady -X-Ferrara ~Runels -X... Tolley -X...Dickens STAFF PRESENT II City Manager II City Attorney II City Clerk / Director of Administrative Services - Chief of Police _Director of Building and Fire II Director of Community Development II Director of Public Works II Director of Parks and Recreation II Director of Financial Services .x. Senior Consultant Engineer 5, SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Plaques of appreciation were presented by Mayor Lady to former Commission/Board Members Sandy Lubin, Kirk Scott, Fabbian Detweiler, Louis Delaney, and Vincent Delaney 6. AGENDA REVIEW None, - - ~-~._---'._-"_._-~~--'- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1999 6,A, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONL Y Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara moved, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7.A, PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO DENY, CUP 98-565, AND VARIANCE NO. 98-002, VILLAGE CREEK PROMENADE Staff comments and recommended action: Staff recommended the City Council adopt the mitigated negative declaration, adopt a resolution upholding the appeal of the Planning Commission denial of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 98-565 (thereby approving CUP No, 98-565 as conditioned), and adopt a resolution approving Variance No. 99-002. Staff said the applicant sought a conditional use permit to construct four commercial buildings in the Village Creek Promenade on Station Way. On January 26, 1999, the City Council heard the appeal and, following the staff presentation, public hearing, and discussion, tentatively upheld the appeal. Staff was directed to bring back to the February 23rd Council meeting supporting documentation for a final decision. Council Members asked questions of staff concerning drainage, an existing Offer of Dedication, and the sidewalk, After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Lady declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. The following members of the public spoke to the Council: Brad Anderson, representing the applicant. He thanked the Council and staff for their cooperation in solving the issues, Mike Mullahey of Mullahey Ford asked for a further explanation of where the sidewalk would be located adjacent to his business, When no one further came forward to speak, the Mayor closed the heari~g to the floor. Council discussion: Council Members said they liked the pedestrian orientation of the project and the fact that the seven Planning Commission issues had been resolved, Council Member Dickens said he was concerned that a future business owner in the project may request a variance for parking. Council Member Tolley moved and Council Member Runels seconded the motion to approve the staff recommendations including Resolution No. 3347 upholding the appeal. of Dr. Robert M. Anderson, approving Variance No. 99-002 and Conditional Use Permit 98-565 at 200 Station Way (Village Creek Promenade), and 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1999 instructing the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination. _ Voice Vote X Roll Call Vote ~Lady ~Ferrara ~Runels ~Tolley ~Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD The following members 'of the public spoke to the City Council: Adrianne Alexandro of 265 Stagecoach Road complained that a large development is being built in the County at the top of Stagecoach Road. She and Pam Hyde of 281 Stagecoach Road said they were concerned that Stagecoach would be the only road to the 38 homes being built. They said another access was needed, Stagecoach Road needed to be rebuilt, and asked the City 'to help solve the problem with the County. Mayor Lady directed staff to follow up on the matter. Chuck Fellows of 202 Canyon Way said he would like to see the old house at 134 South Mason preserved and asked the City to work with the South County Historical Society on the matter. 9. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Runels moved and Council Member Dickens seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.h., with the recommended courses of action, Council Member Runels said he was glad to see Don Roberts Field finally was completed. . a, Cash Disbursement Ratification b. Annual Review of City Investment Policy c. Minutes of City Council Meeting of February 9.1999 d. Award of Bid to Spectrum Painting for Painting of Government Buildings in the Civic Center Complex e. Authorization to Solicit Bids for Purchase of a Utility Service Body f, Request to Purchase Budget Items - Computers for the City Council and City Manager 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1999 g, Progress Payment No.1 - City Corporation Yard Fuel Facility Replacement Plan, City Project No. 80-98-1, Progress Payment No, 1 h. Don Roberts Field - Soto Sports Complex, Project No. 80-98-2. Final Progress Payment _ Voice Vote .x Roll Call Vote ~Lady ~Ferrara ...An-Runels ...An-To II ey ..A)1Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10, A, SELECTION OF WEEKLY GREEN WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE Staff comments and recommendation: Staff recommended the City Council 1, Select a firm to provide weekly green waste collection service, based on a review and comparison of the proposals submitted by RALCCO/Market Target Research and South County Sanitary Service (Tri-City Disposal Service); 2. Direct staff to prepare necessary contracts, or contract amendments, for Council review and approval; and 3, Conduct a public hearing on March 23, 1999 to consider a revised rate structure for green waste collection, Council Member Questions of Staff: Mayor Lady asked staff about a memorandum dated February 18, 1999 concerning material collected as recyclables and transferred to the landfill. Bill Worrell, Manager of the San Luis Obispo Integrated Waste Management Authority, said it had been learned that 600 tons of baled materials collected as recyclables, were transferred by RALCCO to the Cold Canyon Landfill. Mr. Worrell said materials from all of RALCCO's customers were contained in the bales and the County is working on a process to allocate the materials back to the entities, thus reducing their diversion rates. Tom Martin, representing South County Sanitary Service, gave the Council Members bags of com posted green waste he said is sold to a landscape retailer, who sells it to the public. Council Members asked Martin about construction waste and learned it is counted against the City at this time, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara said education of the public about recycling is critical. 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1999 Steve McGrath, representing RALCCO, said his company had. recently lost its lease and due to time constraints couldn't move to market all the material (600 tons) stored there, and transferred it to the landfill. He said RALCCO was never notified of less than satisfactory performance. He contended that the green waste contract was RALCCO's already. Council Members questioned Mr. McGrath about the 600 tons of recyclables. Council Member Runels said that amounted to 30 semi-truck loads. Greg Shipley, representing Market Target Research, discussed a process of mixing green waste and construction/demolition materials and using it as daily cover at landfills, He said it would count as diverted material for the City. He said it could be 20 percent of the City's flow. Mr. Worrell said he contacted the three references cited by Market Target Research and none were using the process. Mr. Martin refuted a statement that RALCCO was picking up styrofoam and plastic. City Attorney Carmel said the statement that RALCCO already had the green waste contract was not an issue and based on its performance record, staff was going to recommend non-renewal of the contract due to terminate on March 31, 1999. He said if RALCCO was not collecting styrofoam, the contract was breached. Council Member Tolley said South County Sanitary Service does an excellent job. Council Member Tolley moved and Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara seconded the motion to select South County Sanitary Service to provide weekly green waste collection service. _ Voice Vote .x. Roll Call Vote ~Lady ~Ferrara ~Runels ~Tolley ~Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Council Member Tolley moved and Council Member Runels seconded the motion to approve staff recommendations No.2 and No.3. 5 ----~--- ~ - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1999 _ Voice Vote .x.. Roll Call Vote Aye Lady ~Ferrara ~Runels ~Tolley ~Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, 10.B. PROPOSED JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCILS OF ARROYO GRANDE, GROVER BEACH. AND PISMO BEACH Staff comments and recommendation: Staff recommended Council approve a joint meeting of the South County City Councils for Thursday, April 15th. Council discussion: Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara suggested holding joint sessions of the three Traffic Commissions when boundaries are adjacent and traffic mitigation is necessary. There was Council consensus to hold the joint meeting on April 15th. 11, A, RANCHO GRANDE PARK SCHEMATIC PLAN Staff comments and recommendation: Staff said the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the Council adopt the schematic plan. Council Member Tolley said he had a potential conflict of interest and left the dais. Council Members asked questions about the grading proposed and the cost of tennis courts vs. volleyball courts, The following members of the public spoke to the Council on this matter: Holly Black, who lives across the street from the park, praised the Parks and Recreation Commission for its work on the park. Kirk Scott praised the Parks and Recreation Director's work and that of Jeff Ferber of RRM Design, Fabbian Detweiler said the schematic plan is a good one. C,Z, Brown questioned the figures he said the City gave him on how much the developers paid in park fees, Mayor Lady directed staff to meet with Mr. Brown and report on the meeting via the Council mailboxes, 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1999 Betsy DeJarnette, 661 Victoria Way, praised the plan; said the City should not sell part of the park land to pay for park construction; and said tennis courts should be built. Maureen Riley, 333 Miller Way, agreed with Ms, DeJarnette's points. Council Member Runels moved and Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara seconded the motion to adopt the schematic plan for Rancho Grande Park. _ Voice Vote .x. Roll Call Vote ~ Lady .An- Ferrara .An- Runels Abstain Tolley AyjL Dickens There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSTENTION, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, . ' Council Member Tolley returned to the dais. 11.B. STATUS OF HOUSE A T 134 SOUTH MASON STREET Staff comments and recommendations: Staff recommended Council give direction on the disposition of the house. The following members of the public spoke to the Council on this matter: Larry Turner of the South County Historical Society, Douglas LeSage of the South County Historical Society, and John Clark of the Village Improvement Association requested that the house be saved for use by the Historical Society and made a part of an Historical District. Council discussion: Council Member Tolley suggested the City spend $3,000 to bring the house up to Code and rent it for a period of time to pay those costs. Other Council Members favored studying the issue for several months with the Historical Society and developing a plan. Council Member Dickens said the deteriorated potting shed should be torn down. Mayor Lady moved and Council Member Runels seconded the motion to direct Staff to work with the Historical Society and come back with a plan in approximately 60 days, - Voice Vote X Roll Call Vote 7 - . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1999 Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley Aye Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11.C. TRAFFIC COMMISSION GUIDELINES, AD HOC COMMITTEE 1. Staff comments and recommendation: Staff recommended Council establish an ad hoc committee to review the Traffic Commission's guidelines and appoint a Council Member to serve on the subject committee. Council discussion: Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara volunteered to serve on the committee and Council Member Runels agreed to be the alternate. There was Council consensus to approve the appointments, 12, CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (a) Mayor Lady (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District -An ocean monitoring update and a recycling facility planning grant was discussed. (2) Agriculture Conservation Workshop - Mayor Lady thanked Council Member Dickens for putting together a successful workshop. (b) Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board - No report. (2) Economic Vitality Corporation - No report. (3) Air Pollution Control District Board - No report. (c) Council Member Runels (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board - A consultant will be hired to solve a water flow problem; Lake Lopez is 72 percent full; a special meeting will be held on the budget; future issues include water rights and testing of the stone columns in the seismic retrofit project; and the plant is producing six million gallons of water a day. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Board - No report, (d) Council Member Tolley (1) Long Range Planning Committee - Meeting set for March 8, 1999, and Cuesta College representatives are tabulating the results of the General Plan Update Citizens' Survey, (2) South County Youth Coalition - No report. (3) San Luis Obispo Council of G~vernmel'!ts I San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority - The unmet public transportation needs of residents of Nipomo were discussed and the Joint Powers Agreement approved. (4) League of California Cities Planning Conference - Council Member Tolley urged other Council Members to attend, 8 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1999 (e) Council Member Dickens (1) South County Area Transit - No report, (2) Economic Development Committee - Discussed conducting a commercial vacancy survey and holding six workshops in the next year. (3) Agriculture Conservation Workshop - Council Member Runels congratulated Council Member Dickens on a successful meeting but warned there may be pitfalls in signing land conservation contracts. 13. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Steve Tolley said he attended the Grover Beach City Council Meeting and heard the discussion concerning a Roller Skate Facility on Ramona Avenue in Grover Beach. He said there was a tie vote on the matter (one Council Member disqualified himself). Council Member Tolley distributed a letter regarding Arroyo Grande's position on the Skate Facility, Council Member Dickens said he would be attending the Grover Beach Council meeting on March 1st, when further discussion of the matter takes place. Mayor Lady distributed material from Chris Ivey, who would like to limit grocery space in large discount stores. There was Council consensus to direct staff to pursue the issue, Council Members Dickens and Runels discussed the recent Agriculture Conservation Workshop. Council Member Dickens said there is a possibility of applying for a Land Improvement Act Grant and establishing a local land trust in Arroyo Grande. Council Member Runels said farmers who were not interested in selling their land some years back are now being penalized. There was Council consensus to place the issue on a future City Council Agenda. 14, STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 15. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Tolley moved, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting. Time: 10:12 p.m, a, ~ NANCY A. DAVI DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI CITY CLERK 9 -'-