O 328 C.S. - , .' .' - ,. ORDINANCE NO. 328 C.s. AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE ClIT OOUNClL OF TIlE ClIT OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING SECTIONS 2-6.01 nIBOUGH2- 6.12 OF TIlE MUNICIPAL OODE PERTAINING TO TIlE FIRE DEPAR1MENT Be it ordained by the aty Cbuncil of the aty of Arroyo Granc:a III foJJollll: 1. SectiOfB 2-6.01 through 2-6.12 are hereby repealed in their entirety. 2. New SectioIB 2-6.01 through 2-6.12 are hereby adopted to I'e8d in their entirety lIS foJJow;: -. 2-6.01. MenDers. The Fire Department shall consist of a Fire OIief, an Assistant OIief, and lIS many other officers, fighters and support personnel lIS l!II.y be deemed nee essary fer the effeetiw operation of the Depertment. Sec. 2-6.02. Fire mer: AOOOintrMnt: 'Ierm of nf'fil!A: OIIAUfiQAtiarR. The Fire OIief shall be the chief executiw officer of the Fire D.t- b-d. IDIshIll be appointed by the my ManBger upon the am-tive oonfimation of the Oty Cbuneil, fer an indefinite period r1 time and with tenure of office depenc:Iiqr upon U. appointee'll good conduct and efficiency. The Fire OIief shall not be removed fran oftl8e except fOf.' CIUIe and in aceordance with Sec. 2-2.07 of the Municipal Cbde and State law. 'lbe Fire 01iet sIIIIl be technically cpilified through ~ and e~ and shall haw the abiJity to "'....-111. RI:tta. 2.8.03. Vnlt1nt~ ~ffiNl!I'A and .firef'lihtf!ftu A~_i~_ The Fire OIief shall appoint all volunteer officers andvoJunteer fire fighters with the concurrence of the aty Manager. Such appointnllnts shall be, iDIofar lIB ~, f~ a fair and inprtial OOIqJetitive eJC!IJIJination. All volunteer officers and fire fighters shill be aceountable to the Fire OIief Of.' his/her re(reSentative. !W.. 2-6.04. RnJ..o and ~1I..titvR. The Fire OIief shall callie to be adopted,lIIIintained, and ...lfIAw an up-to-date caqrellensiw set of RulEs and RegulatiOfBgo~ the ~pIine, tro:'L'~, IIICI operation of the Fire Department. Such RulEs and ReguJatiOfB and any de!etiaIII,,~ L~... er Idditionl thereto shall be effective \\tJen awoved by and f1led with the Oty f1Io:.. I'/". a.m RuII!s and Regulations sMIl not be deemed the exeh8ive authllrity er po1II!1' of the FiN 0Iief, but he/she . . . shall haw such further and additional authority reasonably lII!C!ssft'y and ~ to carry out the pI.I'pOSeS and intents of the r;rovisiOfB of this chapter and to fulfill the U. and ~ of the Fire Department. The Fire 01iet shall carry out strictly the enforcement of the Rw. IIICI R. .1...... of the Fire ~tl1.,.lt and is authorized to. SI.BpsId or remove fran 'IIrYiee .., alfteer or tire fighter, lIS r;rovided in the RulEs and RegulatiOfB. Page 1 of 3 ---_..__...._--~ --.--- ------..-- '- . . . ~ . Sec.. 2-6..05. Rr~t% AnnuAl ranortq. The Fire alief shall be responsible to the aty Manager IIIId shall subnit to hinv'her a tentative budget for the Fire Departmmt. The Fire alief shall make a caqiete annual report IIIId such other reports lIS IIBY be required concerning the Fire Depll1'tment in general, giving suggestiOl1l IIIId reconmendatiOl1l for IIBjor ~vermnts IIIId listing other data so lIS to maintain a caqiete record of the activities of the Departmmt. ~. 2-6.06, EquilP""'t. The Fire Departmmt shall be equipped with such apparatl.ri IIIId other fire f~ e<Pi;mmt lIS IIBY be required to maintain the efficiency of the Depertment. SUitable ~ IIIId equi(Jllellt shall be (I'Ovided for citizens to turn in an aIann of fire and for notifyirg all Iaealbc.'S of the Depertment so that they IIBY ~Y respond. ~. 2-6..07. AARiiT'""'nt of C<JrlmEtt. The duty officer in chorge of the Depll1'tment shall have the power to _ign elJl4ment for respomes to ca1S for assistance outside the aty in accordance with the (I'OvisiOl1l of Section 2-6.12 of this chapter IIIId in other cases only when the abIence of such equipnent will nininize (I'Otection in the aty. ~. 2-6.08. Drills IIIId imtruction. The Fire alief shall, at IeBst four (4) times each month, (I'Ovide for suitable drills co~ the operation IIIId ~ of all equipment essential for efficient Fire Dep6rtment operation. In addition, imtruction in first aid, WIIter supplies, IIIId other related subjects generally considered essential to good fire sup(1'esSion IIIId );I'evention shall be (I'Ovided. Rt>P. 2-6.09. T~tiOM of h"iltli~. In9pectioIll of buildings shall be lIS (I'Ovided by O18pter 2 of l1tle 4 of this Code or lIS otherwise (I'Ovided in this Code for the regulation of impectiOl1l of buildings for fire );I'evention ~. SItP.. 2-6..10.. ~aa after fires.. All (reIIises on \\i1ich firesOCClll' shall be left in a condition \\i1ich willlOOSt readily pernit l'e-OCCUpllIlCy. SUch (reITJises shall aJso be left in such condition that they will not rekindle or CIRIIe further dam!ge to life IIIId (I'Operty. Rt>P. 2-6.11. AARktAnPI> bv the Pnli.... DeDBrtment IIIId P<>A.... om_. It is hereby IIBde the special duty of the alief of Police and/or other Peace OMcers Yot1o IIBY be on duty IIIId available to respond to all fire aIamB IIIId assist the Fire Depertment in the (I'Otection of life IIIId (I'Operty, regulating traffic, main~ order, IIIId enf~ all applicable State IIIId local law;. ~. 2-6.12. MutuBI. aid. The aty Cbuncil is hereby authorized to enter into. agreements or contracts with neerby incorporated COIlIIIIIIities or go~ bodies of other organizatiOl1l to );I'Ovide the IIidIb:.'S of such COIlIIIIIIities or organizatiOl1l with fire (I'Otection or to establish a ITI1tual aid system. Ord i,nance No. 328 c. S. Page 2 of 3 ------.---.. ...,'----,.-- ---- ---- ~_.- -' ~ . . .. . . . 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) da~ after its passage and, within fifteen (15) da~ after its passage, said Ordinance shall be published once, together with the names of Council MenDers voting thereon, in a nev.spaper of general circu1ation within the aty. On rootion of Council MenDer Ga 1 I a g he r , seconded by Council Menber Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance W8S passed and adopted on the 28th day of May , 1985. /),chw~ MAYOR A TIEST: I, Virginia L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 328 c. S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 28th day of May, 1985. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 29th day of May 1985.