R 2159 151 RESOLUTION NO. 2159 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OOUNCll. OF THE cITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING ACTION OOUNCJL MINU'l'FS AND ESTABLISHINGPROCIIDUREFOR DUPLICATION OF TAPED OOUNCll. MEETINGS AND REPEALJNG RESOLUTION NO. 204'1 - WHEREAS, the establJsllnent of action minutes of Cbuncil proceedings will provide a more cost-effective fonn of ~ official Council proceecfuw;; and WHEREAS, the retention of tapes will provide exact wording of all actions and statements made by Council MenDers, staff and Public; and WHRRRAS, all Council meetings will be taped and the tape incorporated as part of the official minutes. NOW, THER.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the follo~ procedures are hereby established for the retention of Council minutes for the official record. SECfION 1. The City Oerk is authorized to provide action minutes of any City Council mee~; at the Oerk's discretion, or upon request of any member of the Council, a more detailed ~ will be made when sensitive issues, continued itelrs or ite1I13 of special historical value appear on the BgeOOa. SECfION 2. When requested by the City Attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to hire a Court Reporter for ~ and pre~ a transcript of a Council mee~ which considers any litigated or potentially litigated Issue. SECI'ION 3. All Council meetings, other than closed sessions, will be taped and the tape incorporated as part of the official minutes. All tapes will be preserved in a permanent manner or as set forth in an approved Record Retention Schedule as approved by the City Council and in accordance willi State Law. i SECI'ION 4. All Council action minutes, tapes or transcripts shall be made available to the (XIblic upon request. Copies of action minutes, tape duplicates or transcripts shall be furnished upon request to any menber of the (XIblic in accordance with the fee schedule hereby adopted: I , Action Minutes: $ .25 per page Tape Duplicates: $10.00 per tape Transcripts: Actual transcript cost pllll $20.00 for making transcript ar~ements. SECfION 5. Resolution No. 2047, which provided for a different fee schedule, is hereby repealed. On motion of Council Menber Moots, seconded by Cbuncil Member Porter, and on the following ! roll call vote, to wit: I ! AYFB: Council MenDers Moots, Porter, Millis and Mayor Mankins I NOFB None I ABSENT: Council Menber Johnson I the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of Septenber, 1987. I JJ....~1A J :-Is .~~~ MAYOR ATI'E8r: ~ a. ~ CITY CLER I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of pur jury that the foregoing Resolution No, 2159 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 22nd day of September, 1987. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 24th day of September, 1987, ~a. ~~".z.) CITY LE K .._-, -~~_._-_._---- .__..._-~. ",,,--~----,-~--'----'-'----'-- ------~ .-..-._---' -- -..,--....--.--'