R 2160 152 lWiOLUTlON NO. 2160 A BJB>LtrI10N OF THE aTY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING REQ(IIB8IENTS FOR THE IS')UANCE OF BUIlJ)ING PHBMrrs RELATED TO 11IE INSTALLATION 01' TELEVISION AND SATELLITE DISH AN'l'HNNAS. 11IE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE IJHREBY lWiOLV~ AS FOIJ..OWS: WHEREAs. sane confusion and misundersbmding hils existed about the installation of TV Antennas since the et>18bJisIment of Ordinance 331 c.s. related to Satellite or other Dish Antennas; and WHEREAs. several Slitellite antennas hove been installed in violation of said Ordinw1Ce 331 c.s., and WHEREAs. Federal requirements ~ special requirements and limits the ability of local jurisdictions In the regulation of TV antennas; and WHRRR~ the Arroyo Grande Building Code, OI8pter 8, does classify certain antennas to be structures subject to the Is8uance of a building pennit; and WIIEREAs. clarification of the 1nstaIIation ot those antennas subject to the issuance of a building pennit needs to be and here Is clarified. NOW, 11IEREF'ORE, BE IT lWiOLVIID that television antennas constructed with a single standard designed to be anchored In concrete or with 3 or more standarQI intended to be secured to a foundation or structure whose structU1'lll capacity is capable of withrtanding IHteral and hoNontal loads shall be required to hove a building pennit fran the City of Arroyo GrW\de prior to 1nstaIIatlon. BE IT FUR11IER R.E:JOLVED thot said building pennits sha1l be uniConniy altninlstered and In canpliance with location requirements established by OI8pter 9 of the Mlflicipal Code. BE IT FURTHER lWiOLVED thot television antenna dealers and contractors be notified of this clarification. On motion by Council Member Mi 11 i s, seconded by Council Member .xmson, W\d by the following roll call vote, to wit! AYES: Counc i 1 Members Mi 11 is. Johnson. Porter and Mayor Mank i ns NOES: tlone ABSENT: Counci 1 Member Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 13thday of October, 1987. )L~&~ ~e-.' ~...~ -- . MAYOR ATl"1'.:>l1 U".z= a. Q~ I, tlAtlCY A, DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of purjury that_ the foregoing Resolution tlo. 2160 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 13th day of October, 1987. WITtlESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 21st day of October, 1987. .~ a .~t",~ CITY CLE K ----". -~_.- -.--- - ---- ..._-_.__....~- --...--