R 2142 RESOLUTION NO. 2142 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A LANDMARK GROVE 87-37 WHEREAS, Sec.10-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande provides for the preservation and protection of certain trees in order to produce a more desirable, pleasing and beautiful community and to maintain and enhance community historic, cultural and property va lues, as we II as to promote the publ ic hea] th, safe ty, comfor t, and welfare; and WHEREAS this Brove of trees on lot C of the Royal Oaks Estate, in the City of Arroyo ran de , and as located and identified on the map attached to this resolution has been examined by the Parks and Recreation Director of the tity of Arroyo Grande and has been found to be a Coastal Live Oak Grove; and WHEREAS, these trees, due to their age, species, configuration, and historical value meets criteria for Landmark grove designation as determined by the Parks and Recreation Director and Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande recommends to the City Council that these trees should be preserved and protected and designated as a Landmark grove. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Arro~o Grande hereby designates these trees as a Landmark Grove and dir.cts t at it shall be monum.nted as Landmark Grove Number 87-371 and FURTHERMORE, this grove shall be protect.d, preserved and maintained by the grove owner and subs.quent grove owners and such grove shall not be removed or destro~ed by any farty unless otherwise authorized by Sec.l0-3.06 of t e Munlcipa Code of the City of Arroyo Grand. . On motion of Council Member Mill is, seconded br Council Member JOhnson, and on the following ro]1 call vote, to wi : AYES: Counc i I Members, Millis, Johnson, Moots, Porter, & Mayor Mankins NOES I None ABSENT: None the for.going Resolution the 23rd day of June, 1987. .~~ Owner(s} at urove ATTEST: ~'a. J:m,,_~) 1.;1 K I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do h.reby c.rtify that the fOre?Oing Resolution No. 2142 Is a truef full and correct coPy of said Reso ution passed and ado~ted at a regu ar meeting of said Council on the 23rd day of June, 198 . WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande e.ff i xed this 14th day of July 1987. ~a.~ [;1 y e ROrAL OAKS LJTATLS • '4, # .......„....„: j NI 1 1 .3 f L a • • e •Ors • LOT * . 1. Y" ♦ • 5 � � N • • 100 gg O t a / • • I . � ` • [ C . I fd '� If �� f !! Oa LANDMARK TREE t IR ' hJ 87 38 tlir, , /70 • © ' 1J . \ _ t1. i t, Q Cart • NI /I/ C , ii s r"t • I ts u7 7 ; lit In • . !! 1 7 ' » .. / N Na*. ' ii es- . • a tit 111 N/ la �' : /t! ✓ '� eft N i t �1 to /rs\% fl is i OZ •- 1` W r oe , /NO / � i ra / 11 / .. /r� _ r/e rn cor Ile /SD 1// t /1� . /1/ /JO L