R 2140 122 , IWiOLU'l'ION ~O. alto A IWiOLU'nO~ OF TUB CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DJRECTlNG REMOVAL OF ALL ABOVEGROUND UTILlTlES AND REQUmING UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION OP SAID FACILl'l'WI WITHIN TRAJ.lPlC WAY UNDERGROUND U'l'1Lrl'Y DlSTRlcr NO.4 WIWREAS, all utilities are 8I1ticlpllted to be constructed Wldel'b'1'OUl1d within Traffic Way U~ Utility Dllitr!ct No. 4 on July I, 11181; and WHRR P..t.S. Pacific Telephone, Sonic Oilile TV and Pacific Gas and Electric shall be prepared to ~ IlUch W\dergrowId utilities, and to serve all cU5temers through said W1dergroW1d system, after .lily I, 198'1; and WllEItHAS, it iii J\eCe->a"Y that all said CU5tonlCl'S tennlnate all abcvegrowld utility services prier to IU1detwowld service provision. NOW ,11fEREllORE, BE rr IWiOLVED that the Qty Council does hereby order the removllI of all public utilities 011 all poles, overhead wires and associated structures during the nonth of Septeliber, 198'1, ..nd that, after Mitten notice and demand delivered. to property owners, said affected property owners IlUit be prepttred to receive WIderground service by September 1, 1987. BE I'f FURTllliR IWiOLVIID that the Qty Clerk iii hereby Instructed to notify all affected utilities, and all penIOIW owning reIII property witllin Ullderground Utility District Traffic Way No.4, of the adoption of this resolution within ten (10) days after the date of such adoption. Said City Clerk IIhaIl further notify IIII!d property owners of the necesllity that, if they, er any person occupying IlUch property, detiJre to continue to receive electric, COIIJI1JIIicatlon er other I>imilar or associated service, they, er IiUCh occupllllt,shall, by tile date fixed In tlllIi resolution, provide all necessary facility changes en tlMOIr prembIes 80 lIB to receive such liervice flUll tile UnIlS ot the supplying utility er utilities at a new location, subject to apj)1icable l'IJles, l'eb'UlatlOOl and wiffl! of tile respective utility or utilities on file with tile Public Utilities Coondailon of the State ot California. Such notification shall be I1lIlde by IIIlIiliJ~ a copy of thill resolution, ~eU1eI' with a copy of said Ordinance No. 71 c.s., to affected Pl'operty owners lIB IlUch are IItIOWll on the iaIIt equalized BSSeS1J11Cflt roll, and to Ute affected utilities. On notion by Council MeiOOer JoIulIIOn, IICCOIJded by CoWICil Member Perter, and on the lollowlJ~ roll call vote, to wit I AYESI Council Mwtltn JohRIon, Pcrto;r, Moots, MWis and Mayor Mankini NOES: None ABSENTI None the foregoing Rc:IIOlutlon was passed and adopted this 23rd day ot' June, 198'1. ~ i), \-vy~ MAYOR ATI'HST: CI~ a. ~~ I, NAN~Y A. ,DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande Count ~f San,Luls OblSPO, State of California, do hereby certify th~t the y oregol~g Resolution No. 2140 is a true, full and correct co of said ~~~0~3t~0~ pas~e~ and adopted at a regular meeting of said C~~ncil on r ay 0 une, 1987, thi~I;~i~Sd~~ ~:nju~~~ i~~7~eal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed ~ (]~ CI ~ . .-.-..-- ----- - - - - - - - ____u__ ___._ _,_ .__.._____----...,.. --'-