R 2138 119 RESOLUTION NO. 2138 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHOR I ZING EXECUTl ON OF AN AGREEMENT, FOR STA8L! ZATI ON OF A SECTION OF BANK ALONG THE ARROYO GRANDE CREEK, BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND THE COASTAL SAN LUIS RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, an aQr~~m~nt ha~ be~n pr~$~ntvd by thv Co.st.1 Sa.o Luis Resourc:e Con~er\,lat i on DiI.tric:t, SiLn Luis Obispo County, CiLllforni., .nd the City of Arroyo Grande, and WHEREAS, it .pp~.rs to be for the b~st int~r~st of the City of Arroyo Grande that s.ld a~reem~nt b~ ex~c:ut~d; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that s.id iLgreo:ment is h~reby appro\,led and the Mayor of th~ City of Arroyo Gr.nde is her~by authorized .nd dlrec:ted to ex~c:ut~ said agreement for and on behalf of s.id City of Arroyo Gr.nd~. On mo t i on of Counc:11 Memb~r Johnson, s~c:onded by Counc: i I Member Porter, and on the fo]lowlng roll c:.11 \,Iote, to wi t: AYES: Counc:il Members Johnson, Porter, Millis .nd Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: counc:il Member Moots the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 16th daY of June, 1987. ~}.~._:" - -- MAYOR ATTEST I ~.a.~ ! CITY CLERK I, N.nc:y Oa\lls, City CI.rk of the CI t)' of Arro)'o Gr.nd;!, County of San Luis Obispo, Stat. of California, do herebY c.rtlf)' that the for.golng R.solutlon No.2138is .. true, full and c:orr.ct cop>, of said R.solutlon pas..d and adopted b)' the Clt)' Council of the City of Arroyo Grand. at a regular muting of ul dCounc II and h.1 d on th.16th day of June , 1967. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the Clt)' of Arroyo Grande aif j xed th I s 18thof June, 1987. ~f'a,~ City CI.rk ~ the City of Arroyo Grande .---.-'--- -_.._-,--~-_.__.._.-- -"._._---.--- --..,.-------.---"