R 2134 RESOLl1J10N NO. 2134 A RESOLl1J10N OF THE OTY <XXJNCIL OF TIlE OTY OF ARROYO GRANDE SfATING A POSITION REGARDING THE <DNTINUED INCLUSION OF TWENTY-EIGHf ACRliSOF GRACE BmLE OiUROiPROPER1Y WmuN THE SPHERE 01' INFLUBNCE AND THE SPHERE OF SERVICE OF THE OTY OF ARROYO GRANDE. WHEREAS, on October 13. 1980, the City of ArroyO Gtande aud the Central Coast C",istian Academy enteted into an agreement whereby the City of Arroyo Grand. agreed to provide water and sanitary sewer service for Central Coast Cuistian Academy developmen. of the subject property under certain conditions; and, WHEREAS, the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation Di:trict (SSLOCSD) and Central Coast Ouistian Academy entered into an agreement whereby the District agreed to provide sanitary sewer service for Central Coasr Ouistian Academy development on the subject site; and, WHEREAS, the agreement of the Central Coast Cuistian Ac~,'emy has been assumed by the Grace Bible Olutch; and, WHEREAS, Grace Bible a.utch development shall place no greater demands upon water and sanitary sewer services than agreed upon between the City and Centr~l Coast Ouistian Academy in 1980; and, WHEREAS, on June 19, 1986, the San Luis Obispo Cou. ty Local Agency Formation ConIlJission (LAFCo) approved to amend the City of Arroyo Grande's and the (SSLOCSD's sphere of influence and sphere of service to include the subject property; anJ WHEREAS, on August 21, 1986, the San Luis Obispo Co,.nty Local Agency Formation Comnission (LAFCo) reconfirmed its June 19, 1986 inclusion of the s-te within the City of Arroyo Grande and SSLOCSD spheres of influence and service through Be olution No. 86-27; and, WHEREAS, the City of Pismo Beach did not object to the indusion of the subject property within the City of Arroyo Grande sphere of service on either of the aforementioned occasions; and, WHEREAS, Grace Bible Clurch desites to retain the site with 11 the City of Arroyo Grande's spheres of influence and service; and, WHEREAS, Central Coast ow.stian Academy desires to devt~op educational facilities upon the site upon acquisition of the property from Grace Bible Cwrch; and, WHEREAS, Central Coast Cuistian Academy does not advoc~te inclusion of the site within the City of Pisfilo Beach or its spheres of influence or service; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pismo Beach adopted Resolution No. R-87-43, on April 27 , 1987, stating the City of Pismo Beach's intent to consider the ;u.nexation of the subject site to the City of pismo Beach; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of ArroyO Grande believes development of such property should occur in an orderly manner after urban service concerns are resolved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande: 1. Favors the continued inclusion of the subject property within the sphere of influence and sphere of service of the City of Arroyo Grande and the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District; and, 2, Petitions LAFCo to maintain the current status of the site as such; and, 3. Objects to the inclusion of the subject property within the spheres of influence or service or armexation to the City of Pisrro Beach; and, 4. Confinm the following policy and attitudes of the City of Arroyo Grande Resolution No. 1985, ..ruch addresses development of said property: A. ~~ Sanitary ~ The City shall provide water and sanitary sewer service to the site development on the subject parcel in quantities not to exceed those agreed to on October 13, 1980, in an agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and the Central Coast Ouistian Academy. 'This statement shall be construed to permit water and sewer services to be extended to any other facilities not directly related to those agreed upon on October 13, 1980. Page 2,Resolution No. 2134 B. Drainage. ! n drainage plans must confonn with State Fish and Game's Pismo Marsh project plans, the rity of Gr<.'ver aty's Meadow Creek drainage plan and with Cal Trans' Oak Park Interchange Project drainag( plans. C. Traffic. r.'o development shall be approved by the City until an E.I.R. addresses the proposed development on the subject property impact upon the Oak Park/U.S. 101 interchange and reconmeoos mitigating measures acceptable to the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande. All development shall preclude fljture connection of Oak Park Boulevard to lands west of the subject property. Oak. Park Boulevard sidewaJks and street lighting shall be extended north along the full length of the subject properti~s. SidewaJks shall meander where possible, thereby creating additional landscaping demands upon tl.e property owner. D. ~ E,..tensive grading which results in additional significant native tree removal will not be approved by the aty. 4. Adopts this Rer,>lution concurrendy with the adoption of Resolution No. 213 5, which concerns an adjoining 155 r o:re parcel. 5. It is the Council's desire that, insofar as feasible, LAFCo give separate and independent consideration. and decisions '.0 each of the adjoining two properties. On motion of Councilinember Jolmson, seconded by CoW1cihnember Porter, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Mcmbers Jolmson, Porter, Millis, Moots and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution W3'\ passed and adopted this 5th day of May, 1987. ~~.~~ MAYOR ATTEST, ~ d. fi)~ CIlY CLER I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2134 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 5th day of May, 1987. WITNESS my hand arJ the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 8th day of May, 1987. ~a.~~ CI Y CLER