R 2010 RESOLUTION NO. 2010 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HONORING MATTHEW P. GALLAGHER, JR. FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, MATTHEW P. GALLAGHER, JR. rnu. .6eJtved the Nty On NtJr.oyo Glr.ande M a membeJt On the C-ity Coune.il nJr.om 1976 to 1980 and 1982 to 1986; and WHEREAS, he .6eJtved M /./tuj0Jr. PJr.o Tem nOJr. the Coune.il nOJr. .6-ix yeaJr..6 nJr.om 1978 to 1980, and nJr.om 1982 to 1986; and WHEREAS, he .6eJtved M PJr.uident 06 the Mea Counc..il 06 GoveJtnmen:U and wa..o a d.iJr.eetoJr. 60Jr. the San Luu. Obu.po County Eeonomie OppoJr.tunity CorrrniM-ion; and WHEREAS, he 6a..i.th6ull.y .6eJtved M the C-ity'.6 Jr.ep.lr.uentat-ive on the South San Luu. Obu.po County Sanitation Vu.tltiet; and WHEREAS, h-i.6 eivie dutiu a.L.60 inc..f.uded lIIembeJt.6hip on the San LuU Obu.po County WateJt RuoWteu AdVu.OJr.Y Corrrn-ittee, the South County WateJt h6.6oeiat-ion, the Sehool Fee study Committee, the South County Civ-ie CenteJt Corrrn-ittee and the PJr.ogJr.am Advi.6oJr.Y Corrrn-ittee On the TJr.i-Countiu Soe-io-Eeonom-ie MonitoJr.ing and Mitigation PJr.ogJr.am; and WHEREAS, MATT GALLAGHER, demon.6tltated gJle.a.t eonc.eJtn and leadeJt.6hip M a Counc.i.t MembeJt nO.l[ the .646ety 06 OUll Citizen.6 by .6t.11v...6ing .6ideuulk and .6t.11eet imp.lr.ove.men:U; and WHEREAS, MATT GALLAGHER .6eJtved hU Countlty 60Jr. 23 fjeaJr..6, and Jr.etVte.d. oJr.om the U.S. Navy in 1966 M Chien Petty 066ieeJt in the Subma.Jr.ine SeJtviee; and WHEREAS, he .6eJtved hi.6 State a.6 COJr.Jr.eetional SupeJtVu.oJr. 60Jr. CalinoJr.nia Men'.6 Cotony, Jr.et.iJr.ing in 1985; and WHEREAS, MATT GALLAGHER ha.6 been involved in vaJr.iou.6 otheJt a.c.t.i.vit.i.u .to nWttheJt .6tltengthen and imp.lr.ove the eO/lfllUflity; and 6WttheJt, hi.6 dediea.ted e660Jr.u and haJr.d woJr.k 60Jr. the p.lr.ogJr.U4 and we.f6a1te 06 the City 06 A/r.Jr.O!lO Glr.ande have been ouuta.nding; and WHEREAS, hi.6 devotion to h-i.6 wi6e, GeoJr.giana, and hu. ehildJr.en, Pete, Mike, Kathee, PatAiek, Denni.6 and Ma.4k, rnu. been exemplaJr.y. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEV THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, dou Jr.eeognize and acknowledge hi.6 eont.l1ibution.6 to the C-ity 06 A/r.Jr.oyo G1tande, iu Cit.i.zen.6, and the Jr.uiden:U 06 the County 06 San Lui.6 Obi.6po, and eommend.6 MATTHEW P. GALLAGHER, JR. on hi.6 many a.c.eompl.L6h- menu M a devoted eitizen, and wi.6hu him eontinued health and eontentment in hu. 6 utwte ende.a.v 0Jr..6 . On motion 06 Counc..il MembeJt 1./iUu., -6eeonded by Coune.il MembeJr. Moou, and on the 60Uowing Jr.oU eaU vote, to wit: AYES: Counc..il MembeJr..6 MiUi.6, Moou, John.6on and POJr.teJr., and MayoJr. Mankin.6 NOES: None ABSENT: None the 60Jr.egoing Ruo.lu.tion fAXU pa.Me.d and adopted thi./, 23Jr.d dCllJ 06 VeeembeJt, 1986. ~.L:::T ~ - 1). ~ MAYOR a.~ -.-."--"-- .,-- ~_._._-_._.__.._- ----.-..-" --,.-'--