R 1991 , , ~ .... " RESO~UT!ON NO, 1991 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 01'1 HE C If Y OF AIHWYO G!"\NDE SUPPUI'1cN' 11,,, "ESOLUl ION NO. 1866 CONCERNING CUNSTRUCTION DF OFF~ltE DR/\UUIGE I~:PROVEr>1E;~TS ("'Glct 1395) ~lIllYLJ\S, Gn July 2(, 1Yi15, tile Ci'y Council of the City of IllToyo Gr2t'r'e ddupteJ \-:'l":,o1utiun ND. \(;66 C'~tCih1isr)i::i] drclinage dc/elopmr:'nt '-'Cl,".; for' /()r~t:' 3 of ilrTOYO Grdticlc-, Drdin(!9l~ I\('(:\ll No. ']: ond \.}I!!,I<[/\S, bdl' [:,-(f' L tcJ. ~ as the O'lm,?':' of a fOur acre undevc! ored par'ce 1 111 ZOJiC 3 vIas ~'i.i_!uil't.:'d as (i concli t'ion of development (Tract 139~) La COi;;tYUct ~;pccilied uff-site dca"i\'\,_',ge in\P)'OVH:1en'~s Lotdllin~l 5250,000 Or' II:urc, ancJ t:!h'I'!!df Ll'r VItI:} to Lk t'eiiJJbuj'scd f.!(O l~a~::1 by said (Ira i niJge Jeve 1 oplh:nt fees dS (h.~v\'\upmuii~ (;ccull'cd on othE:r' pr'opc)"tics util'izing ~;Clid di'air'!t'\gc irnpruvi.::JI![;nts; JII~! ~"!!IC!;El\S, Cd!" UJr Ltd. has sold said four ucre purcel to Stritl,Li.'rTY /\S(~OC i.JIJ~~;, vJi th ;1 hTitten Ci~Y'eeiilcnt bE::lv'Jet=:n buLh parties that L.dr Gdr~ Ltd. Vii 11 CO!\"ti"Uc_l_ (;I'fs itl" liruinageirnp,'ovemonts re~uirod by Resolut ion No. iduG. pr"iOi' to cU';IPlf,tion Jnd occupancy of TrdCL: 1395; and W![I! [l\S, eM ~ar' Ltd. and Stra,lberry Associates desire Uiut the City Juthl)!'iLC' G~H' :~iJl' Ltd. to C0nstl~uct said Zone 3 offsite d('9in?fJf~ i!lIprOVd!lenCS illdC'~.'L'nlk'rlt ly cJ ~ and separate from, St)'c\wberry J-\~~sOclates I deIJelopJllent or T",jct 1J9~). l,F;t~! [he under'standing that there wii I be no occupancy PCt'!lIiL::.cd fp( ;\11Y p(H'lilH\t\f' TrZlct 1395 unless, a1J until, SJ'id offsite drainage improvements !Idve !)(>('n cO[fip-I(;1.cd, dnd h,lVC' lh':L.:IJ lIcc(:pted by the City. r:II,I, -;"un: C'(c ,;1' IT RlcSOLVED by ,'1C City Counci 1 of the City of I\ITOYU Cr,llldc' i)'j fo 110\1/(;: '1. iJUr'SLL111t to ,1 \'n'ittcn agrecment bet't.'cen the partie~:, thi~. COUi1Ci 1 h2Y'C:;Y ,_I\J'I)\"(i\d-'S tll(: i\~\w,rncc of scptJrnte constt'uction authority to Gar Bar Ltd. fIJI' tlIC' CO[i:Jtrui_tion of 'tiwse ccrt(l-in lune 3 Offsite CJcainage IrHpr'ovemenLs, ()) ~ ,':, n'fCi'T~~C: L(i -in r~l:'~;,oJution No. '1260, spccificclly as ShOlt/l'"r on plans f'nr~-il.!(,(j: IICOII',t:j"(iCt.iofl 01 Storm DrJ-in I:(\iJ!~o\Jemcnts 0\'1 FJrT011 }wenue ~)c~t\-'Jeen (,UU!.!I i 1[11 ~;trr'(i. ,Hi,'! G'_':~L\in'J(! Lane fur' G~IY' Bar Ltd.!! ? ~~>!-id Uff(Jil.i.' Ur'oinJlje Improvements shiJll b(~ cUldpleted, opCrJti0t1al, :Hid ,jut'pLeu L)Y 1":lt:' City priol' to U!(\ "issuance of cE-:r't-i(icates of occupancy (!{~ ;\:~J)-i; Ut'j i ity Connectiun r\ppr~ovals ror any \Jortion uf l(tV::t 1::>9~). 3. I'u["<,uilnt to <;,-;;<1 r,grccrnent, the City will pay reimbur'sen.'"nt fees collecterl ftr):l! ':I;!J'-,r:ql)(!rtt 1!(^'Vt,jopl"rs, excepting St~'a't/bpt~ry /-\ssoci,Jtes, to Gar Gar' Lt(,~.. \1\ L1(CO(t.~\n:r:f' vriU) the 'lettcr' frh'~ Gill Gar' Ltd. refen'l_'d tu in I<e"ulution ~'~ () . I :'. ( ! r, . 4. h'-iur' tel lhe City'<) i\su,)rlce of a CG(!':.t~~uction pen1\it for ~~i1-id Zone J Off" i \'1' rh'(Ji~ldI)C ;ILprUVl-\nH,:nts, Gar f~at' LI.u. shul! fi Ie demand pcY'fOrnillncC' tJoncJ'. ill dl",UUn L .- ,Jr',d fon!l:lt iJppr0VL'c\ ()y tn0 C-i ty J-\t tor'ncy arH~ Flub iii' I,k~d~ S Uir('(~{)t'. ~). it! i'; \(!~':-JI iid_:CJn is an aLLclniJt by Lhe Ci ty of accof1i!TJod.'1.tc developc)'s in fi,i, l.iOfl LI,I ,~ !'I' iV:I!>1 ,fqrr)crrj(~nt LH..:h';i::-:I.JI thvnI, and s~1a1! ~'(:fIi>'1.in in effi.\ct on1y 'Ji ~()rIIJ :Ie, tJl)~_fl (h:,v(>'!ul)L'"(~: !~L'CO~jn:f(.' t!ncJ abice by ~,aid ,if]n'd!JC'nt. ~r j,iU:I-'r fJtirL",' ,!d initi;ltc' litiq:ttion +:'0 J.i:end or voit.! i:Jny !JeJ(t or '[(1 dljJ l 1',"11 1'('),Jti"" 1~.I Uj(' !ikt!.~~t'r") set fc'r~~h her'ein. Or' If CiUkl"' PJ.(LY n(Jtif,~\:) U':I \~I iI, '..,1\ jl\nq UL):, Ihl' City !11L!j be ~;uuj{~ct to lit.:'igTLion tlH'ough ~-,,1id {'i"';)!"I,', t~ii', :-:1' ,u!utii.'Ii. rn t.he \';,orl< ,t_:Ulut~izCl! h('(cbj. t/-)C City t'cl,! I!", 11 i: -),' LJ ~(':",':1 ~i';' !\l"_;cdutiun Jri~ I(.J r'c'!y upon t,h,;: pt'ovisil!II', or- :~I-'SC':ut 'on .J. ~ I.) I,,: th,-.. COW:.!.I ,.il_~10r, u:- /n:';(. '3 dt'J.ln,}IT,~ ii!1p(ov('\I,,\r,l~s. r t', I ;'1 I !t'i' f:';'( (Jl th:',: r'\-~')o;ut.i;Jn (,h,}il tn' q-;v':.'n to LdC\! vi t}lL~ p(ir'~. ,',(: " \.!i)C il;k>r~!,!I, il);) \jl~ :. '! inq U!aL "!:':'j [j,\\,C r'I'(1\1V;..;c! th..! ,i, i"i1 "'". "". ,: ~\inq tu dlJILk h,l U!f' :.I.'r'll1':' hen:cf. ...~ ...=~ . . ... . H[:')C'~UTl(Ji1 no. 1991 nil 'OIotion of Cocnc iln:ernber Gullagher, si::eonded by COline; lrnernber ~loots, ~!li I.! (J r I tho t0llo~jn9 roll cal1 vote, to wi t: i\ yes: Hayor Sin i th ilnd Coune; lmernbet's Gilll agher, Johnson, Moots and Portor t~OCS : NU:\l: )\,.: liT. [\~Oi\e " . Ule ,'U,(;J;"'J Re'!olulion VidS passed aild adopted this 9UI day of Septerc,ber, 1986. _~~{l~xh2Liz20 B' ANN SMITH, MAYOR CITY Or ARROYO GRI\NDE An:S': '-?lJ1)I.JlJiiqv-~ C!TY CLERK The following certify that they have re- ceived City of Arroyo Grande ResDlution No. 1991, and are willing to abide by the tern:s thereof: GAR BAR LTD. BY_'-~kG.lr~jg21lLtdi<:!",,-,~2!J~!r-,~~ - GAl e!\{ D. ii0~;;: . ~~/~ /- .'/,'" ("., .Ap~_ . ' . l ./~ ,..... l'kJ\WCrRkyf~oTi7IrEs---'- .j ;1/" f/:;:0 7: /1' __. _ 'j t /t.~(f ___ f!! y,"!I!.:'(1 .'c,__ Sn~j\~~I3LRRY Assn ~ J\TES 1 ~ ://{.,) 0 __CIJ:... jyU ~_t-\;::c. S'THJ\y-'IBEHRY ASSOCI^'rE~; I STh'';'\i': OF CI\LIFOn:,u\ ) ." / 'I ) 5S.. cou:;,'Y OF ..<"\~;.)! J-15JL:/J}${b_ \ , 3 ..-.----. On _._(:~~_><f,/~!~;:f}..!~1/ !-~.__./[/JZf(0_ be fore 11H~, the unueJ:~:;iljnc(1, Cl t~ot~i :,'Y , i'uLd i,c.: i~l (,!:'~ tOL ~;'::lid SL-:-tt.c, n(>r~)on;~11y ':I).>penred ../ 1/ ~ '. ~~------~.- ~/I,.~ji ~,>~~".,q-4rA personal.ly L: nwn to J.(!t_.~ or __ __~_______..._'~_'_ _.__._. " L..____._.___~ .~_ 1_)10'JI,'(.1 Lu I(lf' un ~: i ! i ' b. :;is of F,,'lti~,[dCLOJ:Y (?:v iclel1ce Lf~) b8 the \':)j() ,-~xecu Lt'd t.he \vilhi!l . - tll() r:xc~cLltiv, ;,('!' '--,n .'.I1st.r\..:!UC'flC. as '1'11,,1:; , ,~ c.f t ;i;~' nLl~; in'>:,',: Trust:. o _~~(-j'::l t1..L 'l.C:\ t in n t.~lat eX(".cuted the \-/i !.J,: n ; T)~:t'ct!!ne;IL ;lnd i1.c}:no'vI,t PI1 (]c~d to 1\:(~ that ~;UL7rl DU~:;lne:;:; ri'rust. () r ( ;. \ : \ .L ': ; \ !~_ i u! \ (~Y_"cut.c<.J th(2 '-Nit-hin instr':::\ler:J.t .. V; ::''1':,. (" ~', liGtllll ':lnd oHi_cial ~;cul .. 1-"'-"''''~ JI\'/ j (e';:c;';:;:' -:;;;::",:;.. '" '{ ) /~ 1 ,.; .,_",-".1,1;__'\ ICEr_,I:tC.r\ 1\ r)I~: ',--'>T < . ra'. ._.~....,_,,'..," '\"-.",.1, I: y r- /~__:'1~:~(< <' J'tJ .-!~C;:l~~.L-,.)kl- r ,:~'('''.,:~) ..".;'/~"'.';"~'--'! "[\',.Ir,, ',<,~',i,,'.r I T .,1 -,' , J \~{':i;};Y ,s'''~'~~~;'~''':')i~:\'C', f - . ~j ( .. , .......' My C",.-;-,n: r-':,'I l:". '" 1q'~ ~ '---~-...-. .., '" "\) ............~.i..~ ..',:c~ -