R 1987 58~ RESOLU'l10N NO. 1987 A RESOLtrI10N OF 'IBE CI1Y OOUNCIL OF 'IBE CI1Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AWROVING USE PER.MlT CASR NO. 86-41l AND ARalI'IEC'IURAL REVIEW CASH NO. 86-369, APPLIED FOR BY: MANOR BEALmCARE OORPORA110N. WHEREAS, the PIBnnIng OJnrris!don of the Oty of Arroyo Grande !WI considered an application for a Use Pmrit for develo!;ment of a 180 bed s1dlled nursing facll1ty on Omino Mercado In Oak Park Acres, filed by Manor HealthCare OJrporation; and WHEREAS, the Qmrission fmcB that, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the );I'Opa!ed developnent Is consistent with the definition In OrdInance 140 C. So; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration Is found for this project being CORIIstent with the Environmental 1rr(Jact Report ~pared and certified for Oak Park Acres; and WHEREAS, the Oty Council finds after due study, deliberation and public hearing that the following clrcumrtances exlstl 1. The proposed development Is consistent with the deClnition In OrdInance 140 C. S. 2. That the proposed develo~tls consistent with the can~henslve General Plan, ZonIng OrdInance, and the goaJs, objectives and IM'J?05CS of general Cbuncll polley. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oty Cbuncll of the Oty of Arroyo Grande aP!1'oves said Use Pmrit and Architectural Review subject to standard CondItions of the Oty, and the folIow1ng special conditionsl 1. The deve1opl!' shall p-epare and subnit for 1lP!1'OvaI,. prior to Issuance of any building pemit, an Inp'ovement plan which shall Include, but not be limited tol a. Water line extetmon be Sewer line extension c. 0Irb, gutter and sidewalk d. Street widening e. Street lights and underground utlIities 2- The deveJoper shall ~pere a detaUed grading, drainage and erosion plan prior to Issuance of buDding pemit. The grading pemit issuance shall CllCU1\'f1SS all retaining and structural walls; Parks and Recreation Department aPP'Oval required prior to any tree reroova1s. a. The driveway and driveway ap(:t'08ch shall be engineered to meet sight distance requirements and access slope requirements of the Fire Department. / 3. The developer shall provide all necessary written mterfal and fees. required to ) catt>lete the abondonment of Omino de Hsza prior to Issuance of building pemits. 4- Inst8ll autamtic fire sprinkler ~ InstalJation to be supervised by an alarm ~. 5. Provide underground par~ height clearance of a rn!ninun of 9 feet. 6. Inst8ll a fire control roan or area with fire enunciation and coommIcations capability. 7. Provide turning radll.5 In underground and above ground of a 35 ft. IIinhrun. 8. Provide angles of departure for fire vehicles with 9 Ct. overhangs and an overall length of 37' 11-3/8". 9. Provide 1-1/2" wet standpipes with fire hose and cabinets In underground parking area. 10. Inst8ll fire h)'drants as per Fire Department RequIrements. 11. Reversion to Acreage Map shall be recorded prior to building permi t. -,--_.._----- ------ ..' ... 59 Resolution No. 1987 Page 2 - On rmtion of C'oW1cfl MenDer Johnson, seconded by Council Menber OaDagher, and on the following ron can vote, to wit: AYES: Council Maroers OaDagher, Moots, JohrIion, Rrter and Mayor Soith NO~: None AamNTI None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of AugtBt, 1986. , 10'~~ , MAYOR ATl_~ lk::::1 a. ~ an cr.RRK 1, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1987 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 26th day of August, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 4th day of September, 1986. ~a~ CI Y CLERK