R 1980 tt'J RESOLUTION NO. 1980 A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF ARRf)yO GRANDE RECOGNIZING OUTSTANOING CO/lrRIBUTION ANO PEJl.fORUANCE BY A CITY EMPLOYEE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, th-iA C-i.ty Couneil du-Vr.u to .I1eeogn-i.ze ouu.ta.nd-i.ng eon-tJr.-i.buUoM and peJr.60.l1maneu 06 cay Emp.toyeu; and IllHEREAS, Ruo.t.u.t-i.on No. 1788 pltov-i.du a. pltog.l1am .6t1tuetwte 60.11 .6ueh .I1eeogn-i.t-i.on and .I1ewaJr.d; and IIIHEREAS, the Ma.y0.l1 ha..6 nombra.ted F.to.l1a. Q.ueen, SeCJr.etaAy to the C-i.ty ManageJr., 60.11 .6pee-i.a1. .I1ec.ogn-i.Uon due to extended, exc.epUona-l peJr.60.11/1WlC.e M an adm-i.n-iAtlta.t-i.ve. .6eCJr.etaAy, and f.toJta. Q.ueen'.6 ded-i.c.a.t-i.on and peJr..60na-l a.ppltoa.c.h to .I1uo.tv-i.ng c.-i.t-i.zen pltob.te.m4; and IIIHEREAS, the Ma.yO.l1 .I1ec.ol/llle.nded a. peJr.manent wa.ge .inCJr.eMe. 06 two and one-ha1.6 peJr.c.ent peJr. month M .I1ec.ogn-i.t-i.on 06 F.to.l1a. Q.ueen'.6 peJr.60.l1manc.e.; NOOI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the. C.ity Counc.il 06 the cay 06 Nvloyo G.I1ande pub.t-i.c..ty .I1ec.ogn.izu F.t.O.I1a. Q.u.e.en'4 a.c.hieveme.nu, and awcvr.d.6 a. peJr.manent month.ty wa.ge .inCJr.eMe 06 two and one.-ha..l.6 peJr.eent peJr. month, e66ec.t-i.ve Augu.4t I, 1986. On motion 06 Counc.i.tmembeJr. JohMon, 4ec.onded by Counc.i.tmembeJr. Mooa, and on the 60Uow-i.ng vote, to wa: AYES: Ma.y0.l1 Snr-i.th and Cou.nc.i.t.me.mbeJr..6 Ga.U.a.gheJr., JohMon, Moou and PO.I1teJr. NOES: None ABSENT: None the 60.l1ego.ing Ruo.t.u.t-i.on ~ paMe.d and adopted th-iA 12th day 06 Augu.4t, ]986. 13'~~ B'ANN SUITH, UAYOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ATTEST: 7J~ a. ~ CI CLE I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1980 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 12th day of August, 1986, . WITNESS my band and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 14th day of August, 1986. ~. a. ~L~ C!TY LERK.. ---._" - - ------ --..-..-. ---_._-_.~- ..-.-