R 1941 ~ -~:"Y':~" ~"'.it:;; -"'".,"--'=''',,~''---''"- ,', "'~~., -.'e~"'cm1l\i" ,/, ,~,_,~",<".',"_i''':'C'_'''''~' "-, ~':'''';-'''')-':,,",.-- ",:" ~", ","_' ",' ,,:, ,.~-;; _"_"~'';< "_:__,:,: :::..", .,/1:',.: ''''',~ -'c' , '"'_";'/,"_4,_." . "/::~~,"-',,'/' --.,,:,\ ':<-2271 RESOLUTI ON NO. 1941; - ','-. ',,"';'1 ':j A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL , OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE , DESIGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 86-32 :WHEREAS, S~c.10-3.06 of th& Municipal Cod& of th& City of A~~oyo Grande provides ior the p~&s&rvation and p~ot~ction of c&~tain t~~~s in order to produc& a more d~sirabl~, pl&asing and b~autiful community and to maintain and ~ni;anc~ community historic; cultu~al and p~op~~ty values, -?-s \.<)~ll as to p~omot~ th~ publ ic h~alth, saf~ty, comfo~t, and .'-!e 1 far e; and l~HEREAS, this t~e~ at 1310 Si~f'~a D~., in the City of A~royo Grand~. and as located and id~ntifi~d on th~ ma~ attached to this resolution. has b~~n ~xamin~d by th~ ParKs and ec~eation Director of the City of A~~DYO Grand~ and h-~s b~~n found to b& a Coast Li v& OaK; and WHEREAS, this t~~~, du& to its aQ&, sp~ci~s, confiQuration, and histo~ical value m~~ts c~it~ria fo~ LandmarK tr~& d&signation as d~t&rmin&d by th~ Pa~Ks and R&c~~ation Dir&cto~ and Planning Commission; and t...1HEREAS, the Parks and R~creation Commission of th~ City of A~royo Grande recommenlj-s;. to the Ci t>' Counc i I that this t~~~ -;;hou I d b& P~&s&~ved and protect~d and designat&d as a LandmarK t~~&. i'JOI,J THEREFORE, th& Ci ty Counci 1 of th& City of Arroyo Grande here--by desiQnates this tree as a LandmarK Tr~e and dir&cts that i t sha! ! b& monumented as LandmarK Tr&& Number 86-32; and FURTHERMORE, this tree shall be protected, p~es~rved and maintained by the tr~e owner and subsequ~nt tre~ own~rs and such tree shall not be removed or destroyed by any party unless otherwise authorized by Sec.l0-3.060f the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo G~ande. en mot i on of Counc i I t'lember Gallapher , seconded by Coune i 1 t'lembe~ Johnson , and on the foIl 0"'; ng ~01 call vott>, to wi t: AYES: Mayor Smith and Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None the fort>golng R~solution was pas~ed and adopted ;(, -"""I"')Y. '980. jJt ~ ~ -/ \ "I I, ... . 7~L1 '--/~-1/I~/1-c> =,f- --nt'!-" t)14-"'- I Gt.I.Jner \ s) c' freā‚¬' 0' d.yor ATTEST: ~a. ~ l,! t l, . ,~ s an .ec, t>a lor, )I~ec or !, t'IANCY A. DA\nS, Ci ty Cl er-V~f the Ci ty of Ar~o~'o Grandt>, County of S-HI Luis Obispo, State of Califo~nia, do hereby ce~tify that the fo~eQoinQ Resolution No. 1941 is a true, full and correct COPy of said Re~orution pa;;sed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 25th d-"y of February, 1986. l"Jj TNESS m)' h an d and th~ Sea.l of the City of Arroyo G~andt> affixed' this 26th day of February, 1986. Clty~ a. ~ l ;,,~#; --;.._.~,-,~-,._~- _'__ '__'__n" _ ",_.'____ - _..._~,- ',,228 - "- :)/~ . , [ / j , ~ ! I ' i j ; I' / <8 o ~ /d~ '90 ,/~ I Wi / : . i IIS/"\ c' V f. ' ~t...>: .,_,! .... . ." i i I f - I f i I I 1 j i ~ , .