R 1940 ""'~""""=\\1~'"'-'-~~W~"'-~"'-'''''-4'\ii~' . rill"Jili1l:ll ,-., ">;~:"'~r. :'!!,':\....... .' ~..'_~.\;.~t~~.-~--;f;'f:~!:~'::;~.I.~~~~.yt~t~;;"'!f..'.:t;:.';;,,. ~~\-f{Jd-~~..." '.... ". -&i;:.'"i~ ..",>, .' ,... .,,,<,. ":;'i'u;;~22~ , " RESOLUT ION NO, 1940 .- .. '1, ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 86-31 ~ I;JHEREAS" Sec.l0-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Af'f'oyO bf'ande pf'ovloes fof' th~ pf'eS~f'Vatlon and.pf'ot~ctjon of c~rtain tf'~~S in oreef'. to produc~ a mof'~ d~slf'able, pleaslnQ and b~autiful community and to maintain and enhance community historic; cultuf'al and pf'o~ef'ty val~es, as w~ll as to pf'omot~ the public health, saf~ty. comfof't and wel taf'e; and - , WHEREAS, this tf'ee at 345 S. Halcyon Rd" in the City of Arroyo Grande~.and as located and id~ntifi~d on the map attached to this resoLution. has been examined by the ParKs and Recreation Directof' of the City of Arroyo Grande and has been found to be a Coast Live OaK; and WHEREAS, this tree, due to its aQe, species, configuration, and historical value meets criteria for Landmark tree desiQnation as d~termined by the Parks and Recf'~ation Directof' and Planning Commission; and WHEREAS. th~ Paf'Ks and Recreation Commission of the City of Af'royo Grande recommends to th~ City Council that this tf'~~ should be pres~f'ved and prot~cted and designated as a Landmark tf'~e. ." NOW THEREFORE, th~ City Council of the City of Arroyo Grand~ hereby desiQnat~s this tree as a Landmark Tree and dif'ects that it shall be monumented as Landmark Tree Number 86-31; and FURTHERMORE, this tree shall be protected, pr~served and maintained bY the tree Ownef' and subsequent tree owners and such tree shall not be removed Of' destroyed by any party unless otherwise authorized by Sec.lO-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande. On motion of Counei I f1ember Gallagher , seconded by Counei 1 f-lembef' Johnson , and on the following r-oll call vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Smi th and Council Members Ga 11 agher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: None A8SEt'..jT: None Mb"'ru~?i~g(N ng PBr..~t i on IlJas passed and adopted the 25th day of 4LJ( 0 ~ /Q, Ot.<Jner (. '5) 0+ , reI.? ATTEST: , 'J1fctftj a. ~ Ll Y - - -_ I. NANCY A. DAt)]:;, Ci b'- Clerk !of the Ci ty of .Arro)'o Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Cal ifornia, do hereby certify that the . foreQo;nq ResoJution No. 1940 is a true, full and cOf're.:t c.Jpy of saId Resofution passed and adopted at a regulaf' meeting of said Coune;] on the 25th dB,y of February, 1';;86. 1,IIT~'J~pS m)' ha,n.j "nd the Seal of the Ci t)' of Arro)'o Grande aff i ;<ed this "6Ln day of February, 1';;86. Clty~ a, ~ '". - --._-- .-----..,..-..,-----..'-----,...---....-...------ "-~ -'--- 226 320 -- -- -- .------- 336 327 ----- ----- -.---. 354 ---- - _J -- ---- 362 -----~- - LANDMARK TREE 86-31 :)70 Z 345 834 _I 378 ~ 0 - __.__ _n__ , ...J . I <( I ~j J6 I 382 :r: I I FAIR OAKS AVE ! I : ~ r- I 1..1I1t! c. ...nu.. I I t I 86 j 403 403.5 885 I 879 : 875 . ! J:: , -t---- ~~ i I I -i j i I I J-- 844 l I 894 890 884 880 876 I 850 T DO LAf\JE I I 8711867/ I 895 889 883 877 r-, 894 888 882 876 8661856 iA4h