R 1935 RESOLUTI ON NO. 1935 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 86-26 WHEREA$, Sec.l0-3.06 of the Municipal Gode of the City of A~~oyo G~ande p~ovldes fo~ the p~ese~v.tion and p~otection of ce~tain t~ees in orde~ to p~oduce a mo~e desi~able, pleasina and beautiful community and to maintain and enhance community histo~ic; cultu~al and p~ope~ty oJ-al!.!E's, as OJE'11 -"-s to p~omotE' the public health, safety, comfo~t and '^,e I +a~e; and /tJ'f'6,.<! ' _ WHEREAS, this t~ee at 1076 Ash St. Easement, in the Ci ty of A~~oyo brandei and as located and identifiE'd on the ma~ attachE'd to this rE'solu ion, has been examinE'd by the Pa~ks and ecrE'ation Di~ecto~ of tne city 0+ A~~oyo G~ande and has beE'n found to be a Coast Live Oak; and WHEREAS, this tree, ~ue to its age, species, configuration, and historical value meets criteria for Landmark tree designation as dete~mined by the Pa~Ks and Recreation Directo~ and Planning Commission; and t.IHEREAS, the Par-Ks and RE'c~eation Commission of the City of A~ r C)YO Grande recommends to the City Counc i I that th i s tree shoJJ I d be preserved ,'-Od pr'otec ted and designated as a Landmar~: tree, NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of A~~oyo G~ande hereby desianates this tree as a_ Landmark Tree and directs, that i t shalJ be monumented as Landmark Tree Number 86-26; and FURTHERMORE. this tree shall be protected, prese~ved and maintained by the tree owner'- and subsequent tree owners and such tree shall not be removed or destroyed bY any party unJess otherwise authorized by Sec.10-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande. On motion of C,;Junci1 t'lember Galla~her ,seconded by Council Mo?mbE"r Johnson , ",nd on the following ro I call vote, to t'Jit: AYES: Mayor Smith and Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoinQ Resolution WaS passed and the 25tg day of February, - 1986. r.ity nf Arrnyn r,renrlp uwner(s) ot reoe ATTEST: ~a, ~ Cl {L; -K ,,_r ,= ~and or I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City ClerK ~{~he City of Arroy? Grande, County of San Luis ObiSpO, State of California, do hereby certify that th~ , for'eQoing Res,olution No. 1935 IS a true, full,and correct cop>' 0+ said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 25th day of February, 1986. (-.fITNESS my hand and the Sea1 of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 26th day of February, 1986, ~ CI ty1k1r-; a. - --'---. -."'-=---..-..---...... ".---- ~'lt;.J~1-?:~~i:~iJII. ':1 :' . 2i6 -- co , (\J t (\J -..... 225 235 .245 i : , ! . . . ._----- 1.0 , 246 C\J ()) 0) ! V V L{) J.!) I N C\J 0 I . .! -- m t--.-. u._' V I If) 0 C\J i - I 0 LO LO I If) C\J C\J 1.0 I N ~ r If) <.0 rt: I <D 0 I t.O 1.0 - f -: ---- C\J - <0 I-=(\J f.t) 0 (f) l!) (\J I R f'- - (\J r- I C\J C\J I ! ----r ! I I 272 I 0 <D C\J l!) <..0 C\J <.0 V 0 (' j rr> C\J C\J ,...... co co ,.... <D <.0 ! i - - - (\J 0 0 0 0 0 -- - - 276 - - ~ I ! ->- '. - LANDMARK TREE 86-26 -, -/j I,. AS -f ST r(') 312 - r- r(') C\J - 00 - 1.0 at) - - 0> co ,.... <.0 I.{) - - 0 0 - 0 0 0 U) - - - 314 0 I - -.--. -. rt I- 317 1073 f..----.-- " c 316 :J - z I r071 r067 1053.5 -~- --..- -1 L__ 330 324 ~ 327 1071 A - - - I f'- 337 1069 I.() 340 338 341 0 - ---.. - ---- _.~ --, .-- ---- 350 347 345 354 363