R 1931 ,,''-'";;' '2Thc ';-':-::.'<>~:-~- "', -:' :'~1 ,.<. >i~':' RESOLUTION NO. 1931 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLt,RING ITH1S TO BE PLACED ON SURPLUS PROPERTY LIST I ImEREAS, the City of Arroyo Gr ande has certain property including I vehicles and equipment and miscellaneous items no longer in use; and ~IHEREAS , said property needs to be dec 1 ared as SUY'P 1 us in order to dispose of same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that the fo 11 owi ng 1 i sted items be decl ared "Surplus" property: 1. 1 Brown Office Chair 2, 3 Twin Sonic Lightbars /'f7S~ 3. 1 "Mug Shot Camera" ~~ 4. 1 Lexikon 80 Typewriter 5. 13 Used Nickel Cadmium Batteries ~ ~ 7.J...v 6. 2 Sony Cassette Recorders 7. 1 PR Binoculars ~ 8. 1 Olivetti Underwood Portable Typewriter FIJ F--II 9. 1 Embassy Stenorette Dictaphone 10. 1 Set of 4 Small Metal Lockers 11. 1 Painting of House and Small Boats 12. 1 Set Headphones 13. 1 Trinidad 23 CH CB Base Station i 14. 1 Soundscriber Audio Recorder 15. 1 82 PLYM 4 Door Sedan, VIM #2P3BB26MXCR163041 ) 16. 1 81 Ford Fair80nt 4DR, Vin #lFABP21D7BK176512 ;. 17. 1 80 Chev Impala 4DR, VIN #lL69HAJ231909 18. 1 PW-10 1975 Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Flat Bed 19. 1 PW-13 1975 Ford 1/2 Ton Utility Bed 20. 1 PW-25 1974 Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Flat Bed 21. 1 PW-27 1974 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pickup 22. 1 PW-33 1955 Ford 1 1/2 Ton Paint Truck 23. 1 PW-34 1980 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pickup Orr motion of Counei 1 r1ember r100ts, seconded by Councill4ember Gal1agher, and c~rried on the following vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Smith and Counci1 ~enbers Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter r':Uf: S: None U:';Ui r: !lone lhe f0('yoing resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of January, 1986. _I-J'~h~ - H;YOR A:- ff.;, f: .. JJ(1:L~~f/ a:J;~{H~__ CII'( CLERK c ; r:f\iiCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo CI-anoe, County of >, - i~ .,i-, Obispo, St"le of California, do her-cby certify thiJt the foregoing ,,,,, ,,;' i"n tio. 1911i" d true, fun and correct cnpy of Silld Resolutlorl "d', ,': ,:0(1 artopt[,rI c:t a rrgular ",,,elinC) of said Counci! on the 27th d~y of " - - '; J, 1~)36. ',,; r~;~r/J my ha~ld dnd th~; Seal of tile City of Arroyn Gt'dnde affixed this /'\:, "1Y f)f January, jS;)'). _lZt~2:~-r t2.:.~a>>t'~ . err I CLERK. _u~_____ ~.'-'