R 1926 '-- RE:'DIm1rn roo 1926 A RESOLUI'ICN OF TIlE CITY CDUNCIL OF 'lIfE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PMENDIN1 !lli...<:QWfIW N.J. 1866 nIDAHDIN1 M1ENDIN1 ESTABLISlIFD OIARGES FCR DRAINK1E STUDY MAP DESIGNA1F.D "AHROYO GRANDE rnAINPGE .AREA N.J. 1, I-IALC'<<:N roAD WEST '10 CI TY L 1M! 1'8" I\HEHEAS , there exists certain drainage problems within that area I cons idered in a drainage study and map to be known as "Arl'oyo Grande Drainage Arell No.1", adopted August 22, 1972, for that urea generally westerly of North nnd South Halcyon Road within the City limits as prepared by the City of Arroyo Grande Staff members; and nHEREAS, within the adopted drainage report, the map included divided the drainage study into 5 individual drainage zones which were subsequently redivided into additional zones with various number and letter designations sho~n on said map of the area as well as its amendments; and \\HEREAS, drainage zone 3 is one of the drainage zones wi thin the boundary of the adopted drainage plan; and \\HERF.AS, certain ownerships within zone 3 remain partially or wholly undeveloped; and \\HEREAS, private developments have occurred within zone 3, and interim drainage ponds and permanent drainage structures have been constructed; and \\HEREAS , there are still major drainage structUl"eS remaining to be constructed within zone 3 to complete the implementation of the adopted drainage plan; and \\HEREAS, these certain parcels of land wi thin zone 3 set aside for storing storm water can only be released by Cbuncil action \vhen drainage facilities are J available to receive the stored storm water; and 1'rHEHEAS, the drainage faci li ty benefi ts all properties lying wi thin Drainage zone 3, and to be fair and equitable, all properties within the zone should share the expense of the drainage facility; and \\HEREAS, the Ci ty Cbuncil of the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande established a drainage fee by Resolution Ntm1ber 1866 wi thin the Arroyo Grande Drainage No.1, and said fee being determined by the Ci ty Cbuncil to be an arrount sufficient to contribute toward that portion of the cost of acquiring and constructing the drainage facil i ties, shown in said drainage study, attributable to new development , to be collected within the area of the above referred to map and subsequent amendments exclusive of zone 3; and I\HEREAS, the fair share cost to be collected as a drainage fee in zone 3 on the vRcant or underdeveloped property for construction of the Farroll Road drainage facilities within zone 3 was also established by the City Cbuncil by Resolution 1866; and \\HERFA,) , the fee for those previously developed properties in zone 3 that have set aside land for existing ponding basins were also established by the City Cbuncil by Resolution Number 1866; and IlllERI'.AS, Resolution 1866 calls for an annual review of the fees and I indicates that the fces shall be modificd up or dOlm in conformance with the Engineer ing News Record Cbns truct ion ('-os t Index nnd the factor for the adjus tment of the fees above shall be calculated and established each January by City Cbuncil resolution as recormended by the Director of Public \'Iorks, anrl ---..-.---- -.- \\HEH.EAS, that calculation has been performed according to the latest avni Inble ENRCbst Index (December 26, 1985) all!! the escalator has becn clllculaterl by the Director of Public Works to be 1.00, NJW AND'JHERmam m, ITRESOLVEO that fecs out lined in resolutiou1866 shall be collccted according to the following schedule: Dro.inllge Fee for hea Nmber 1, exclusive of Zone 3: No chnnge frcm those stipulated in Resolution 1866 L Dr" i nage Fee for hell NIOT:ber 1, Zlme 3, exclusive of Trflct 283, Tract 398, and Grandmothers Club Mobile HOllie Park: No change from those stipulated in Resolution 1866 Drainage fee for Ci ty Cbunci I release of existing drainage ponds in Tract 283, 'Iract 398, and Granaoothers Club MoM Ie lIorre Park: No change fran those stipulated in Resolution 1866 On lOOt ion of Cbunc i 1 Member Johnson, seconded by Cbunc il Member Moots, and carried on the following vote, to \~t: AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher, and Cbunc I 1 Members Johnson and l\'bots, IDES: None, ABSENT: Mayor &nith and Cbuncil M the foregoing Resolution was passed and ado Al1EST: ~tJM.el..l. a. B~~ CI'IY CLERKt1 I, NANCY A. DAViS, City Clerk of the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do het'eby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1926 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a re<jular meeting of said Council on the 14th day of January, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 16th day of January, 19R6. \ ~. I' (:;L:__f)C?:.V:f~~____.__.__ vl1 C(fy ~ ~.- -- ----.-