R 1916 "?>:~;JF< .. "'''-,,':: RESOLUTI ON NO. 1916 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 85-19 WHEREAS, Sec.l0-3.06 o~ the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande provides for the preservation and protection of certain trees in order to produce a more desirable, pleasing and beautiful community and to maintain and enhance community historic, cultural and property values, as well as to promot~ the publ ic health, safety, comfort, and welfare; and WHEREAS, this tree at 216 Pearwood Ave. in the City of Arroyo Grandet and as located and identified on the ma~ attached to this resolu ionf has been examined by the ParKs and ,ecreation Director. of r-~ the City 0 Arroyo Grande and has been found to be a Redwood; and r= WHEREAS, this tree, due to its age, species, configuration, and historical value meets criteria for LandmarK tree designation as determined by the ParKs and Recreation Director and Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the ParKs and Recreation Commission of the Ci ty of Arr.oyo Grande recommends to the City Council that th i s tree should be preserved and protected and designated as a LandmarK tree. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby desiQnates this tree as a LandmarK Tree and directs that it shall be monumented as LandmarK Tree Number 85-19; and FURTHERMORE, this tree shall be pr-otected, preserved and maIntained by the tree owner and subsequent tree owners and such tree shall not be removed or destroyed by any party unless otherwise authorized by Sec.l0-3.06.of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande. On mot i on of Council tolember Moots , seconded by Council t1ember Johnson, , and on the following roll call vote, to wi t: AY~~: Maxor Pro Tem Gallagher, and Council Members Johnson, Moots and Porter NO ~: 0 e (' ABSENT: Mayor Smi th opted (}e the forego i ng Re~o I u t.i.on was l (~/~~~/C$ 7CllUllA-/I S I ....'.,''''..... Owner s 0 I re'e I ATTEST: ~a.~ CI (.; K I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City ClerK the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the fore~oing Resolution No. jq/b rs.a tru~ full and corr~ct copy of said Reso ution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the cU"t!v day of /'l&v-., 1985. . >, WITNESS my hand and,the Seal of the City of Arroyo Gr-ande affixed th i s 'it/.- day of ~., 1985. " ~a.Q-~ (.;1 y K / '. j ,) '11.1 , 1.-- ..- -......:...---- . c. ."".------ (