R 1908 RESOLUTION NO. 908 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 85-11 WHEREAS, Sec.l0-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande provides fo~ the p~eservation and protection of ce~tain trees in orde~ to p~oduce a mo~e desi~able, pleasing and beautiful community and to maintain and enhance community hISto~ic, cultural and property. values, as well as to promote the public health, safety, comfort, and welfare; and WHEREAS, this tree at 157 Clarence Ave. in the City of Arroyo Grande. and as located and identified on the ma~ attached to this resolution.f has been examined by the ParKs and 'ecreation Dir'ector of (' the City 0 Arroyo Grande and has been found to be a Coast Live OaK; and (, .,. ~. WHEREAS, this tree, due to its aQe, species, confiQuration, and h,storical value meets criteria for LandmarK tree designation as determined by the Pa~Ks and Recreation Director and Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Pa~Ks and Recreation Commission of the Ci ty of Arr.oyo Grande recommends to the Ci ty Counc i I that this tree shoul d be preserved and protected and designated as a LandmarK tree. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Ar'royo Grande hereb>' desiQnates this tree as a LandmarK Tree and directs that it shall be monumented as LandmarK Tree Number 85-11; and FURTHERMORE, this tree shall be protected, preserved and maintained by the tree owne~ and subsequent tree ownerS and such tree shall not be removed or dest~oyed by any party unless otherwise authorized by Sec.l0-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of A~royO Grande. On mot i on of Council Member Moots , seconded by Council t1embe~ Johnson and on the foIl owi ng roll call vote, to wi t: AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher, nd Council Members Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: None ( ABSENT: Mayor Smi th the foregoing Resolution was 85.. C. m /Jd.'t9a1_ erlj)/J. ~ \ - UI)Jn"~(S.) ot I~ee ATTEST: ~a...~ UJ L.; . I, NANCY~. DAVIS, City Cle~K ~ .the City of Arroyo G~ande, County of San LUIs ObiSpO, State of Cal If nla, do hereby certify that the fo~e~oing Resolution No. /1/011 \,iiS a t~ue. full and cor~ect COPy of said Reso ution passed and adopted at ~ reQular meetinQ of said Council on the ,;(btlv day of /lB-v:, 1985. .,,,' ' l~ITNESS my hand and the' Seal' of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 1~day of w., 1985.) "- , .i~a.~ i L;, ty er , , ,( I , , "'r..~>i': '- _. ..--~.,;-""".. L- _ 17 UJ . - to '"lS. 0 . -. ~) - 069 aLS .- --- 992 4 999 -:? tlL9 7~ . - ,~ ;tf) OL9 , , , 4 9~9 oge j - ::> '(7. \;- 9i7g i 0.1 :r: . (D '2,179 ~ -- g'i9 ~ .~..~ to V<;.S - CO ~ o~' . - ,; - ~ CO g (\l 0 (\l -. CO co CO r-- 0'- ,. ~ 0) if. j) (, 4. 0) -:- lO:- - 0.. ~ r- \.0 \0 (\.\ CO: - \0 - _ N ) ~ - - C\l (\l - ':I ~. , ~~~~~ 1 1 [ 'r- ' ; .~ ' .~ .:;;<:t .. t'''' ,..-:~ ~ /"I) \;jif ft (~ ...~ ..~ ~ ij ,. \'?- t~ c.J ,;- ff> c;.J , i+~ " \C:~ ,p~ . 1:""' ~.. . ! ~. l~ 0 f\.. r: ';". - \~ ~ }. \:: t- " ~, ,:,. t ~~ j ~"" ~I ~: }: v.. .. ~ -. . " ~. ~ , r. t' r \ ..., .' . t ('1 ~.- .t" . i (